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Donor Beware: The New Simon Nixon

The EU’s Latest
Realities of Philanthropy Crisis Response
DJIA 17213.31 À 1.28% S&P 500 2022.19 À 1.64% NIKKEI 16938.87 À 0.51% STOXX 600 342.23 À 2.62% OIL 38.50 À 1.74% GOLD 1258.70 g 1.05% EURO 1.1173 g 0.08% DLR ¥113.67 À 0.41%

Business & Finance
Merkel on
S ome economists say the
2% inflation rate, long
pursued by central banks,
should be adjusted, but they
differ on the direction. A1
BERLIN—German voters
 The ECB decision to offer dealt a stinging rebuke to
no-cost loans was welcomed Chancellor Angela Merkel and
by struggling banks in her open-door refugee policy in
southern Europe but criti- three state elections Sunday,
cized in Germany. B5 delivering historic gains for an
upstart anti-immigrant party
 Italy’s Eni began pump-
and showing how the migra-
ing oil in the Arctic after
tion crisis is scrambling poli-
getting final approval from
tics in Europe’s largest econ-
Norway following long de-
lays and cost overruns. B1
 A recent rise in oil prices,
boosted by talk of output Slipping Support
caps, has some questioning

 Germans turn cool to

if the rally could spark an- asylum seekers....................A6
other downward spiral. B5
 Blackstone is selling a
The populist Alternative for
portfolio of U.S. luxury ho-
Germany, which focused its
tels to China’s Anbang In-
campaign on opposition to Ms.
surance, just months after
Merkel’s migrant policy, won
buying it for $4 billion. B5
nearly a quarter of the vote in
 Sequoia said it parted DISASTER SCENE: Above, the wreckage of a bus after an explosion in central Ankara, the Turkish capital, on Sunday. the eastern state of Saxony-An-

Car Bomb Kills 27 in Ankara

ways with a partner in the halt, according to projections
wake of sex-abuse allega- based on exit polls and early
tions and a failure to com- results. The result, if confirmed
plete a settlement. B2 in the final vote count, would
represent the party’s best total
 Chipotle’s executive pay
in a regional election since its
will be tied to the share price
as the chain tries to recover Blast is the latest in gulfed cars, buses and people which was driving very fast, One U.S. official said Sunday founding three years ago, and
gathered in a popular spot ran into us.” that the alert was issued af- was several percentage points
from illness outbreaks. B4 a string of attacks not far from the nation’s par- Soon after the attack, Tur- ter the embassy saw a warn- higher than recent polling had
 Valeant’s board consid- that have left nearly liament. key Prime Minister Ahmet ing from the Turkish govern- suggested.
ered replacing the CEO amid Dogan Asik, 28 years old, Davutoglu called an emer- ment on social media about a The party, known as the AfD,
concerns over his health and 200 dead in Turkey said the attacker was driving gency security meeting at his potential attack and con- also won parliamentary seats
management style. B4 a car that sped office, not far firmed with Turkish officials in two former West German
ANKARA, Turkey—A pow- up and ran into By Ayla Albayrak, from the blast that it was a serious con- states voting. Supporters gath-
 A Go grandmaster
erful car bomb hit a bustling the municipal Dion Nissenbaum site. cern. ered at the AfD’s election-night
claimed his first victory in
business district in central bus he was rid- and Emre Peker The attack While there were no im- celebration in Berlin chanted
matches against a Google ar-
Ankara Sunday night, killing ing in at the came two days mediate claims of responsi- “Merkel must go!” after the re-
tificial-intelligence project. B1
at least 27 people and time. after the U.S. Embassy in bility, two Turkish officials sults started to come in.
wounding 75 others in the “I was on a bus,” said a Turkey put out an alert said soon after the attack “We have a very clear posi-
World-Wide nation’s capital, according to bloodied Mr. Asik, who ap- warning of a “potential ter- that they suspected it was tion on the refugee policy: we
the governor’s office. peared to be in shock as he rorist plot” aimed at central the work of Kurdish separat- don’t want to take in any refu-
The blast, the second such was treated for injuries from Ankara and warned Ameri- ists who are embroiled in a gees,” AfD deputy chairman Al-
 Exit polls in Germany attack in less than a month the attack. “There were at cans to avoid an area near deepening conflict with the exander Gauland said on Ger-
showed big gains for an anti- to hit the Turkish capital, en- least 40 or 50 people. A car, where the attack took place. Please see ATTACK page A3 Please see VOTE page A6
immigrant party in state
elections, in a rebuke to
Gunmen Hit Ivory Coast Resort
Merkel’s refuge policy. A1
 A car bomb hit the center
of Turkey’s capital, killing at
least 27 people, in what
Inflation Target Faces
officials said was the work
of Kurdish separatists. A1
 Al Qaeda’s affiliate in
Scrutiny From All Sides
Syria attacked a Western- BY TOM FAIRLESS like globalization and aging because you cannot reach it,”
backed rebel faction, a sign populations that are reducing said Peter Tillmann, professor

of rising tensions among Frankfurt prices everywhere and that of monetary economics at the
regime opponents. A4 Central bankers over the central banks fight at their University of Giessen in Ger-
past two decades pursued 2% peril. many.
 Terrorists stormed a inflation as a Goldilocks stan- Another takes the opposite European Central Bank
beach town in Ivory Coast, dard—neither too hot nor too view, arguing the inflation tar- President Mario Draghi sig-
killing at least 12, in an at- cold. After years of under- get should be raised to help naled which side he’s on last
tack that bore the hallmark shooting in ad- central bankers avoid their week, launching a second ma-
of an al Qaeda affiliate. A3 ANALYSIS vanced econo- current fix: With interest rates jor stimulus boost in three
 Western powers threat- mies, some at or near zero and inflation months after inflation in the
ened sanctions against Liby- economists now rates low, they can’t cut the euro area slid back below zero
ans who block the formation say that target should be ad- real interest rate—after sub- in February. Mr. Draghi has
of a unified government. A4 justed. tracting inflation—as far be- vowed not to “give up” in his
Trouble is, they can’t agree low zero as they would like to pursuit of near-2% inflation.
 GOP rivals wavered on whether it should be higher or stimulate the economy. At the heart of the tussle is
whether they could back ON EDGE: Gunmen stormed a beach town in Ivory Coast on Sunday, lower. A third group warns that Please see TARGET page A2
Trump if he is the nomi- killing at least 12 in what authorities said appeared to be a terrorist One faction says ultralow the entire debate is toxic.
nee after fights broke out attack. Above, security forces evacuating people afterward. A3 inflation rates are the result of “Credibility means keeping the  ECB’s cheap loans expose
before a planned rally. A1 long-term economic trends target fixed, not lowering it banks’ divide............................... B5
 Doctors who treated the
German co-pilot who inten-
Body Politic Rebuffs French Island’s Nudist Past
tionally crashed a jet refused
to speak with investigators,
citing privacy laws. A3
Candidates Waver i i i
 Some big U.S. cities, in-
cluding Chicago and Los An-
geles, have seen an increase
in murders this year. A7
On Backing Trump ‘Textiles’ and other newcomers want locals to be better dressed
BY NOEMIE BISSERBE year, in the buff. French doctors and brothers,
Mr. Gacon, 67, wearing a André and Gaston Durville, relo-
 Brazilians called for the Ohio Gov. John Kasich planned and then canceled a ILE DU LEVANT, France—On black shirt, white trousers and cated to the sun-splashed island
ouster of Rousseff, who many blamed Republican presidential Friday-night rally. a blustery morning on this Med- sunglasses inside his office, re- with the dream of fostering a
blame for corruption and front-runner Donald Trump for The situation also comes just iterranean island, dozens of na- fuses to back down. “Asking a back-to-nature community.
an economic meltdown. A4 creating a “toxic” environment ahead of pivotal primaries Tues- ked men and women marched person to throw on a Clothing was op-
and suggested he may not be day in the home states of arm-in-arm in defense of their beach wrap is hardly pressive, the settlers
CONTENTS Opinion.............. A12-13 able to back him if he is the Messrs. Kasich and Rubio, right to bare bottoms. the apocalypse,” he believed, because it
Business & Tech. B1-4 Review................. A8-10
Crossword.............. A14 Sports....................... A14
whose fortunes appear to be The target of their protest says. obscured and disfig-
Europe File............... A2 Technology............... B3 By Reid J. Epstein in heading in opposite directions, was Jean-Yves Gacon, who is The clash, which ured the body, break-
Heard on Street.... B8 U.S. News.................. A7 Sharonville, Ohio, according to a new poll. wielding his authority as head raged last summer ing the human form
Markets Digest..... B6 Weather................... A14 Mr. Kasich narrowly leads of the island’s homeowners as- and is set to resume into pant-legs, skirts
Money & Inv...... B5-8 World News....... A2-4
Patrick O’Connor in
Largo, Fla., and the GOP field in Ohio heading sociation to force people to this year as the and shirt sleeves.
€3.20; CHF5.50; £2.00; Colleen McCain Nelson into its winner-take-all primary, wear clothing. The coverup has weather warms, has With no running
U.S. Military (Eur.) $2.20
in St. Louis a new Wall Street Journal/NBC the backing of the mayor’s of- exposed rifts between water or electricity,
News/Marist poll shows. The fice as well as local police who nudists and “textiles,” Elizabeth Varet the island’s first in-
party’s nominee. Florida Sen. governor is the preferred pick are stopping anyone who dares caused a jurisdictional habitants lived a sim-
Marco Rubio also expressed of 39% of likely primary voters, stroll through the village square battle with the mainland and ple and secluded life. The
doubts about whether he stands followed by Mr. Trump at 33% without clothes. prompted Mr. Gacon to reinter- brothers sold parcels of land to
by his pledge to support the and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz at 19%. “The traditions of this place pret the colony’s history as part newcomers who later formed a
eventual GOP choice. The prospects aren’t quite so need to be preserved,” says of his campaign. homeowners’ assembly to lay
s Copyright 2016 Dow Jones & The candidates’ remarks rosy for Mr. Rubio in Florida, a Elizabeth Varet, a 70-year-old The nudist colony, one of Eu- down rules for the island.
Company. All Rights Reserved
came after fights broke out at a state he needs to win to stay in retired English teacher who at- rope’s most storied, was In the 1960s, the island be-
Chicago arena where Mr. Trump Please see RACE page A7 tended the protest, held last founded in the 1930s when two Please see NUDE page A2
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
A2 | Monday, March 14, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


EU-Turkey Deal Goes After Migrant Smugglers governments are wary that
the European Commission
may try to water down its
assessment of these condi-
tions to facilitate a deal.
A third challenge is what
to do about the asylum seek-
EUROPE FILE ers already stranded in
SIMON NIXON Greece. In theory, their ap-
plications should be assessed
in Greece and those qualify-
There is now a well-es- ing for protection resettled
tablished pattern to the Eu- across the EU according to


ropean Union’s response to quotas controversially
crises. First, there is denial agreed last year. But with
of the problem. Then there is four countries in Eastern Eu-
squabbling over who should rope refusing to participate
take responsibility, and then in the resettlement program,
a series of half-baked at- this may be impossible to
tempts at a solution. Finally, enforce.
the member states agree on

a plan of action that may not eanwhile the biggest
remove the underlying issues obstacle, say EU offi-
but at least holds the union cials, may lie in Tur-
together. key’s demand that the EU ac-
This was celerate its application to
how the EU join the bloc. That would re-
handled the quire Cyprus to drop its veto
euro crisis, A man collected firewood Sunday at a makeshift camp for migrants stranded in northern Greece. on five of its so-called “ac-
and the same cession chapters,” or areas
playbook has multibillion-dollar people- allow one Syrian refugee to an 11th-hour meeting be- migrant trail that left thou- of policy discussions that are
been followed in the migra- smuggling industry with an come to the EU—but cru- tween Turkish Prime Minis- sands stranded in Greece. part of the road map to be-
tion crisis—a crisis the bloc apparently inexhaustible cially, not those who made ter Ahmet Davutoglu and Even so, there are four coming an EU member. The
initially chose to treat as a supply of potential custom- the illegal crossing. They will German Chancellor Angela major obstacles to a success- government in Nicosia is un-
local Italian and Greek diffi- ers from the fast-growing go to the back of the asylum Merkel, Turkey offered to ful deal. The first is legal: likely to do that while Tur-
culty. It now hopes to re- populations of Africa and line. The goal: anyone who take back all migrants in re- United Nations High Com- key is, in the eyes of interna-
solve it via a comprehensive Asia. These smugglers are pays a smuggler won’t only turn for an extra €3 billion missioner for Refugees has tional law, illegally
deal with Turkey that EU taking advantage of the EU’s lose their money but also ($3.34 billion) of aid and a warned that mass expulsions occupying the north of the
leaders hope to seal at a deep commitment to human worsen their prospects of re- deepening of Turkey’s rela- are illegal under interna- island.
summit this week. rights to make a mockery of settlement. tionship with the EU. tional law and could only be Does this mean the EU re-
its efforts to control its bor- Of course, the deal is con- To some Europeans, this allowed if Turkey met the in- sponse will fall short again?

his migration crisis is ders. troversial, not least because deal smacked of a desperate ternational standards on the Not necessarily. The stakes
the biggest threat to The proposed deal with of the manner in which it capitulation by Ms. Merkel treatment of refugees to are so high that compro-
the survival of the EU Turkey is a potential water- emerged. When European ahead of Sunday’s regional qualify as a safe country. mises may yet be found to
because, in contrast to the shed because it marks the leaders gathered in Brussels elections in Germany. But A second obstacle is Tur- ensure the right message is
euro crisis, there is no Euro- first serious attempt by the for a summit with Turkey Turkey also had good rea- key’s demand that the EU sent to the smugglers. The
pean Central Bank to make EU to destroy the people- last week, they were expect- sons to strike a deal. Is own waive visa restrictions for its challenge then will be to en-
the problem go away or, at smugglers’ business model. ing to sign up to a less ambi- negotiating leverage had 80 million citizens by June, sure that what is agreed
least, hide it from voters. In- tious deal negotiated by Eu- been weakened by Austria’s four months earlier than upon is actually delivered.

stead, voters see a problem nder the deal, every- ropean Council President decision—ironically, opposed previously envisaged. This But the lesson of past EU
that already appears unman- body who illegally ar- Donald Tusk. This would by Ms. Merkel—to close its would still depend on Ankara crises is that even a success-
ageable and unending. What rives in Greece will be have seen only those ineligi- borders to new asylum seek- complying with 72 condi- ful deal will likely only buy
the EU is confronting isn’t sent back to Turkey; and for ble for asylum returned to ers, thereby causing a dom- tions laid down by the EU, of time—in this case, until the
just the tragic displacement every bona fide asylum Turkey. Syrians would have ino effect of border closures which it has so far fulfilled smugglers figure out a new
of refugees from Syria but a seeker sent back, the EU will been allowed to stay. But at along the Western Balkan only 10. But many European way into Europe.

NUDE new wave of immigrants—peo-

ple from the mainland who
were skittish toward nudism.
The island’s longtime residents
dents stared back at the nude
retiree. Then many followed
suit, disrobing one-by-one in
front of Mr. Gacon in a show of
Continued from Page One dubbed the newcomers “the solidarity with Ms. Mertiny.
gan attracting a more free-spir- textiles.” “The president glowered at
ited crowd. Thousands of tour- Among the textiles was Mr. me,” Ms. Mertiny recalls.
ists flocked to the island every Gacon, a retired civil servant at The island’s business lobby

summer, many of them sleeping the French Treasury in Paris, also lined up against Mr. Ga-
under the stars. who was elected president of con’s regulatory zeal. Gilles Go-
As the colony grew, Ile du the homeowners’ assembly in iset, a hotel owner who heads
Levant became divided into 2013 after buying a house on the island’s small-business as-
zones with varying codes of un- the island. sociation, says the island
dress. The beach and hiking The newly installed presi- needed to show off its nudist
trails were strictly clothes-free. dent was cut from different traditions to attract new visi-
Nudity was banned inside the cloth than his nudist neighbors. tors, not conceal them.
barbed wire confines of a mili- Mr. Gacon enjoyed skinny dip- Asking tourists to cover up
tary base set up in the 1950s ping in Ile du Levant’s pristine as they cross the village square
and used for missile testing. waters. But whenever he left on their way to the beach, Mr.
Going nude in the village square the beach, the clothes came on. Goiset says, sows confusion.
was also against the rules, but “I’m not even sure he’s na- Dozens protest on the village square in Ile du Levant, France, in defense of nudism. Under pressure, the mayor
nudists say enforcement of the ked at home!” says Jean-Albert has offered a compromise: Peo-
clothing requirement in town Vaillant, a 69-year-old who gen- the colony and its founders. The A majority of the island’s grab that tread on Hyères sov- ple will be allowed to cross the
was lax. erally wears reading glasses— Durville brothers, he says, 240 property owners voted in ereignty. village square naked as long as
The 1980s drew a curtain on and nothing else—when run- didn’t go entirely nude but in- favor of it. Local authorities re- Ile du Levant “is a private is- they don’t stop and stand still.
the island’s hippie culture. Va- ning the village grocery store. stead wore a stringy garment to fused to implement it. land. It’s not the Vatican. I am Many of the island’s resi-
cationers deserted the island in These days, Mr. Gacon make sure they weren’t inde- Ile du Levant’s police fall un- in charge of public order,” he dents see the compromise offer
favor of more buttoned-up holi- stands at the center of a cul- cently exposed. “The Durville der the jurisdiction of Hyères, a added. as a mere fig leaf.
day destinations, fueling a spike tural revolution. He has advo- brothers respected the law,” Mr. town on the coast of the main- The island’s die-hard nudists “It’s better than nothing, but
in real-estate prices in nearby cated for a zero-tolerance ap- Gacon says. land where nudism isn’t gener- chafed over the mayor’s intran- that’s not going to solve any-
Riviera towns such as St. Tro- proach to enforcing the island’s Mr. Gacon’s opponents orga- ally practiced. “I respect nud- sigence. In an act of civil dis- thing in the long run,” says Mr.
pez. The average age of Ile du skimpy dress code. Anyone nized a referendum to roll back ism, but it shouldn’t be obedience, 76-year-old Doris Vaillant, in his grocery store. He
Levant’s residents also rose. caught naked in public spaces the island’s piecemeal clothing decadent,” says Jean-Pierre Gi- Mertiny showed up naked at a thinks some people will always
The tourist flight left Ile du in the village got fined. requirement, allowing nudism ran, the mayor of Hyères. Ile du meeting of the homeowners’ as- be uncomfortable with nudity.
Levant’s vacation homes rela- The retired civil servant be- to be practiced in the village Levant’s referendum, he sembly last summer. “We’re all bathing in hypoc-
tively cheap. That attracted a gan re-examining the history of square and surrounding shops. warned, amounted to a power A room full of clothed resi- risy.”

TARGET ther jolt to the economy dur-

ing a recession.
But some economists warn
that a fixation on 2% could be
plenty of risks. “A 1% target
means giving up,” said Stefan
Gerlach, deputy governor of
Ireland’s central bank until
target, we wouldn’t fall back
into a situation when interest
rates can’t be cut,” said Paul
De Grauwe, professor of Euro-
some distance from the danger
zone of deflation, a risky spi-
ral of ever-lower prices that
increases the value of debt
phanides, a member of the
ECB’s governing council be-
tween 2008 and 2012, and
now an economics professor at
Continued from Page One harmful. November and now chief econ- pean political economy at the and can cause businesses and the Massachusetts Institute of
the credibility of central “If you are trying to hit an omist at BSI Bank in Zurich. London School of Economics. consumers to delay purchases. Technology. “A lot of contracts
banks, which have taken a inflation target irrespective of “The first thing you’d expect is Nonsense, says Mr. Gerlach, “I find it very inappropriate were made based on the as-
leading role in beating back the state of the economy, you an appreciation of the euro.” who claims it would be “en- to speak of changing the tar- sumption that the ECB would
the global financial crisis but may be introducing other dis- To avoid a situation where tirely implausible” for central get,” said Athanasios Or- deliver what it promised.”
are now, investors and econo- tortions into the financial sys- inflation-adjusted interest banks to aim for 4% when they
mists fear, running out of am- tem that will be ultimately rates can’t fall deeply enough, can’t even hit 2%. Inflation THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
munition. more damaging,” Hyun Song some economists—notably at also becomes increasingly vol- CORRECTIONS  Europe Edition ISSN 0921-99

While inflation rates in the Shin, head of research at the the International Monetary atile as it rises, he said, so The News Building, 1 London Bridge Street,
London, SE1 9GF
U.S. are rising back toward the Bank for International Settle- Fund—have called for a 4% in- that annual price growth
Federal Reserve’s 2% target— ments, said in December. flation target, to give central might occasionally reach Thorold Barker, Editor, Europe
Bruce Orwall, Senior Editor, Europe
hitting 1.3% in January accord- That said, reducing the tar- banks more room to maneuver 7%—a level many would find Cicely K. Dyson, News Editor, Europe
ing to its preferred measure— get, or accepting it won’t be in a crisis. objectionable. The National League for Margaret de Streel, International Editions Editor
Darren Everson, Deputy International Editor
they have languished below 1% reached anytime soon, carries “Once we reached the new There are other reasons to Democracy party nominated
in the euro area for more than aim for 2%. The way inflation Htin Kyaw as its candidate to Joseph C. Sternberg, Editorial Page Editor
two years, and show no signs is measured tends to overstate be Myanmar’s president. A Anna Foot, Advertising Sales
of recovering. Low Expectations it, by about 1.3 percentage World News article Wednes- Jacky Lo, Circulation Sales
Stuart Wood, Operations
Many Germans see nothing Advanced economies have worked mightily in recent years to prop up points in the U.S. prior to day ahead of the nomination Jonathan Wright, Commercial Partnerships
wrong with that. Otmar Issing, inflation, but the share experiencing chronically low prices has swelled. 1996, according to a study incorrectly said the parlia-
a former chief economist at commissioned by the U.S. Sen- ment would name a nominee. Katie Vanneck-Smith,
Global Managing Director & Publisher
the ECB who helped shape its Distribution of inflation rates for advanced economies* ate. “So, if the target would be Also, Mr. Htin Kyaw was edu-
near-2% inflation target, has zero, very likely we would be cated at Rangoon University, Advertising through Dow Jones Advertising
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, March 14, 2016 | A3

Gunmen Strike Ivory Coast Beach ATTACK Continued from Page One
Deadly assault follows Turkish government. But
other Turkish officials said it
similar strikes by al was too soon to tell who
Qaeda affiliate in might be responsible.
The explosion comes less
neighboring countries than a month after a car
bomber killed more than two
BY DREW HINSHAW dozen members of the Turk-
ish military heading home
Gunmen stormed a beach from work in a convoy of
town in Ivory Coast, killing at buses. A small Kurdish sepa-
least 12 people in what had ratist group took responsibil-
been a quiet West African ity for last month’s attack,
country and confirming fears which Turkey said was the
that terrorists in the region are work of a Syrian affiliate of

widening the scope of opera- the outlawed Kurdistan

tions. Workers’ Party, or PKK. Syr-
The attack began on Sunday ian Kurdish militants denied
afternoon along the palm-tree- any involvement.
lined shore of Grand Bassam, a
weekend getaway where
wealthier Ivorians escape the
Authorities issued a
nearby city of Abidjan. The old ban on broadcasting
colonial town, a Unesco World
Heritage site, is also popular
information about
with smaller crowds of expatri- the blast.
ates, particularly from France,
the country that ruled Ivory
Coast until 1960. On Sunday, two Turkish
Beachgoers were sunbathing A victim’s body was loaded onto a van in Grand Bassam, Ivory Coast, on Sunday after a deadly attack an al Qaeda affiliate claimed. officials looking into the
and ordering grilled fish from cause of the explosion said
food carts when the gunfire the tourist resort,” AQIM said dent François Hollande said his failed states to successful ones. “It’s a weekend casual spot they believed it was a second
began, said Bram Posthumus, a in a post on a messaging app country denounced the attack, Hotels in Ghana, Senegal, and that’s for everyone, whether it attack by Kurdish separatists
freelance journalist who wit- on Sunday. which killed “at least one Ivory Coast—all thriving de- is expats or Ivoirians. This was aimed at the capital.
nessed the attack. “There was The attack bore the group’s Frenchman.” France would mocracies—have ramped up calculated to strike fear,” said Within an hour of the ex-
a general panic. It was just hallmarks, said Imad Mesdoua, provide logistical and intelli- security. Ivory Coast’s Presi- Ayso van Eysinga, West Africa plosion, Turkish authorities
people running…to get away. a London-based analyst at Af- gence support to find those re- dent Alassane Ouattara has re- researcher at New York’s Eur- issued a ban on broadcasting
They even left their bags on rica Matters, a research con- sponsible, it added. peatedly given speeches calling asia Group. information about the blast.
the beach, and they were run- sultancy. For months, the In striking Ivory Coast, for closer counterterrorism The government said three Including Sunday’s attack,
ning in their bathing suits and French have warned Ivory West African terrorists are tak- collaboration between his hotels had been attacked, Turkey has been hit by six
their shorts and their slippers.” Coast and neighbors that their ing on a new kind of target: a country and others in the re- though it wasn’t clear if terror- major bombings that have
At least five foreigners and resorts could be next. thriving, prosperous nation. gion. ists entered the buildings or killed nearly 200 people over
a child were among the dead, Now, that threat appears to For the past decade, AQIM, as Sunday’s attack seemed to simply rampaged through the the past nine months. Most
the government said. It added have materialized, Mr. Mesd- the al Qaeda affiliate is called, confirm many of those fears. beachfront. Images from the of the attacks, including dual
that it killed six attackers, a oua and other analysts said: and its allies have staged at- When the attackers arrived, scene authenticated by news- suicide bombings in Ankara
claim disputed by al Qaeda in “Unfortunately, it is something tacks across the desperately- most of the people on the verification service Storyful last fall that killed more than
the Islamic Maghreb, the ter- we’re going to have to antici- poor stretches of the Sahara, beach were ordinary Ivorians, showed three bloodied corpses 100 people, have been
rorist outfit that struck hotels pate more and more,” said J. beyond where local armies can passing a Sunday lunch hour clad in bathing suits and blamed on Islamic State.
in Mali and Burkina Faso over Peter Pham, Africa director at control. For the past three by the shore. By attacking the splayed on the beach. One Sunday’s blast created
the past four months and the Washington-based Atlantic years, AQIM has battled French resort town, the gunmen video showed dozens of vaca- new concerns that the fight
claimed Sunday’s assault. Council. “Attacking a beach troops and United Nations struck at the joie de vivre of tioners and hotel staff running with Kurdish militants, which
“By the grace of Allah and front…these are not challeng- peacekeepers in the mountains Ivory Coast, a nation renowned into the hotel complex while has largely been contained to
His granting of success, three ing operations. They can be and desert of northern Mali. within French-speaking Africa chatter through walkie-talkies Kurdish majority communi-
heroes from the knights of pulled off by a terrorist group Lately, African officials have for its music, food, club culture could be heard. ties in southeastern Turkey,
Qaedat al-Jihad in the Islamic with fairly limited investment.” worried that local terrorists and beaches, several analysts —Jason Chow in Paris is spreading to the nation’s
Maghreb were able to storm The office of French Presi- would shift their sights from said. contributed to this article. biggest cities.

Crash Co-Pilot Case Prompts Privacy Challenge

Germanwings investigators find confidentiality rules prevented doctors from reporting concerns over aviator’s stability
Half a dozen doctors not to report their poten- termined. daunting financial hit he
who treated Germanwings tial concerns to authori- However, all of the pri- would have suffered from
co-pilot Andreas Lubitz ties.” vate doctors he visited re- losing his commercial-pilot
over the four months be- Canada, Israel and Nor- fused to speak with the license. As a result, the
fore he intentionally way are among countries French-led investigation BEA called on European
crashed a passenger jet that have provided guid- following the event. “We regulators and the largest
into the French Alps re- ance to strike a balance be- don’t have the power to global airline trade associa-
buffed requests to be inter- tween privacy and public force them to talk to us. tion to find ways to miti-
viewed by investigators, safety, according to the re- We are not the police,” said gate such economic risks
citing Germany’s strict port by France’s Bureau Arnaud Desjardin, who linked to medical reasons.
d’Enquetes et d’Analyses. headed up the German- In addition, the report
By Andy Pasztor The report into the wings investigation. recommends expanding and
in Los Angeles and March 2015 crash, which The report says German ramping up peer-support
Jason Chow in Paris killed all 150 people on government doctors who networks—dubbed “safe
board, seeks a compromise conducted a psychological zones”—where pilots can
medical-privacy laws. between enhanced scrutiny evaluation of Mr. Lubitz confidentially seek profes-
Their refusal to cooper- to identify and assist pilots years before the tragedy sional advice and other
ate, disclosed by French ex- suffering from psychologi- also declined to cooperate types of help. Widely used
perts leading the probe, cal problems, and the risk and “referred to confidenti- in the U.S. and encouraged
has infuriated family mem- of prompting such aviators ality. by major airlines for many

bers of some of the victims to go underground and hide Doctors in Germany are years, such voluntary pro-
and highlights why the fi- their affliction. concerned that failing to grams encourage aviators
nal investigative report re- In the four months lead- comply with the country’s to self-report problems in a
leased Sunday calls for ing up to the crash, at least nearly ironclad privacy setting “minimizing career
more-precise laws and six doctors—including Mr. laws—considered among jeopardy,” the report said.
guidelines that would allow Lubitz’s main psychiatrist— the strictest in the world— Europe’s air-safety regu-
physicians world-wide to saw the German pilot for could result in the loss of lator welcomed the recom-
breach patient confidential- his mental-health problems. their medical license if they mendations, saying they
ity to protect the flying Some gave him notes for fail to strictly comply, ac- confirm that progress is
public. sick leave, including one cording to medical experts. being made and vowed to
From the World Health who recommended just “Doctors are very reti- propose relevant regulatory
Organization to the Euro- seven days before the crash cent to take any initiative” changes by the end of 2016.
pean Union to German au- that Mr. Lubitz take five to declare that a patient Germany’s primary pi-
thorities, the report says, days off, the report said. poses an immediate threat lots union welcomed what
“the absence of a formal Concerned that Mr. Lub- to public, said Rémi Jouty, Andreas Lubitz running in a half-marathon in September 2009. it called a “balanced” set of
definition of ‘imminent itz was psychotic, another director of the BEA., add- recommendations, and
danger’ and ‘threat to pub- physician gave him a refer- ing that the rules for such tors, the co-pilot never in- The report concludes urged implementation of
lic safety’ drives doctors to ral for psychiatric hospital- disclosure in Germany are formed the airline or that Mr. Lubitz’s efforts to them all.
adopt a conservative ap- ization two weeks before “very general.” sought help from aviation hide his illness stemmed, at —Robert Wall in London
proach and may lead them the crash, investigators de- According to investiga- medicine specialists. least in part, from the contributed to this article.

Peer Support Groups Urged to Aid Pilot Mental Health

BY ANDY PASZTOR The French-led investiga- logical risks, he said in an in- Germany is moving to im- airline accidents or incidents The European Aviation
AND ROBERT WALL tors recommended, among terview. plement random drug and al- since the early 1980s that are Safety Agency has suggested
other things, enhanced pilot- Most airlines, national avia- cohol testing, even though the considered to have been inten- other potential moves, includ-
Nearly one year after a to-pilot support programs, tion authorities and pilot final report didn’t call for that tionally caused by pilots, or ing setting up a repository of
mentally unbalanced co-pilot stepped-up medical evaluation groups agree that wholesale step. Instead, the recommen- when one crew member was pilot medical files to enable
intentionally brought down a of pilots with previously diag- expansion of psychological dations are expected to em- “significantly affected by a information sharing between
Germanwings jetliner, regula- nosed psychological problems, testing for cockpit crews phasize the importance of mental disorder.” Some in- European Union states while
tors and pilot union leaders and permitting European avia- would be overly costly and peer support groups. clude pilots locking them- still preserving doctor-patient
are continuing to spar over tors to continue flying even as likely ineffective. Such mea- The report noted, however, selves alone inside cockpits, as confidentiality.
potential measures to prevent they start using certain anti- sures capture a pilot’s condi- that peer-to-peer groups are Mr. Lubitz did when the cap- EASA also wants manda-
another such tragedy. depressants under a doctor’s tion only as a snapshot in most effective only if aviators tain of Flight 9525 left for a tory, in-depth psychological
Despite a flurry of advisory care. They also recommended time, they argue, while many and their family members are bathroom break. vetting of commercial pilots
committees, studies and high- rolling back medical privacy serious psychological prob- “reassured that mental health Carsten Spohr, the chief ex- before they begin their ca-
level reports on both sides of laws throughout Europe to lems can worsen dramatically issues will not be stigmatized, ecutive of Germanwings owner reers, followed by more exten-
the Atlantic, practically noth- make it easier for physicians and quickly. concerns raised will be han- Deutsche Lufthansa AG, said sive mental-health checks dur-
ing has changed in the way to alert authorities about pi- Widespread screening ef- dled confidentially” and that lessons to be learned from the ing annual physicals.
commercial aviators are rou- lots posing potential threats to forts “are blunt and expensive pilots will be assisted “with event are limited because of In the U.S., where the Fed-
tinely screened for possible public safety. instruments that would pro- the aim of allowing them to the unusual circumstances. eral Aviation Administration
mental-health problems world- “We don’t want the system vide few benefits,” according return to flying duties.” “This very specific behavior of convened a special industry-
wide. to remain as it is,” said Dirk to Martin Chalk, president of Andreas Lubitz, the 27- this individual could just not government committee to as-
But after an international Polloczek, president of the Eu- the International Federation of year-old Germanwings co-pi- be foreseen,” he said. sess fallout from German-
team of investigators released ropean Cockpit Association, Air Line Pilots’ Associations. lot, hid his worsening depres- In the wake of the crash, wings, the response remains
its final report Sunday about which represents 38,000 pilots The emphasis ought to be on sion from airline officials and German authorities required muted. The FAA likely will is-
Germanwings Flight 9525 and from 37 countries. “But we providing “some level of sup- regulators because he feared it all carriers to establish a vol- sue guidance aimed at helping
its 150 victims, the spotlight is need to make smart changes port before a problem mani- would end his career, accord- untary program for pilots to smaller carriers set up more
shifting to various proposals and provide the right tools” to fests itself on the flight deck,” ing to investigators. report psychological problems successful peer-support net-
favored by these experts. identify and deal with psycho- Mr. Chalk said in an interview, The report cites 11 other without fear of retribution. works.
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SyriaRebelsSufferSetback U.S. and Europe

Assault by al Qaeda
affiliate shows
Threaten Libya
tensions rising among
regime opponents With New Curbs
BY SAM DAGHER The U.S. and European pow- Nations-recognized unity gov-
ers on Sunday threatened ernment has been named, but
ANTAKYA, Turkey — Al sanctions against Libyans who the parliaments have so far re-
Qaeda’s affiliate in Syria at- block the formation of a uni- fused to endorse it.
tacked a Western-backed rebel fied national government, European and U.S. officials
faction, taking over bases and seeking to end political grid- hope the threat of sanctions
seizing U.S.-supplied weapons lock in the oil-rich nation amid against some of the hardliners
in a sign of rising tension mounting fears it is becoming in the two parliaments would
among regime opponents, a haven for Islamic State. soften their opposition.
members of the rebel faction European Union foreign
and residents said Sunday. By Matthew Dalton ministers will discuss the
The attack by Nusra Front in Paris and sanctions at a meeting on
began Saturday and ended Jenny Gross in London Monday. The U.S. signaled it is

Sunday, a day before United ready to mirror those possible

Nations-brokered peace talks U.S. Secretary of State John measures.
between the regime and an Kerry met in Paris with the “It is unacceptable that a
opposition delegation were to foreign ministers of France, few individuals hold the entire
get under way in Geneva. the U.K., Italy and Germany to Libyan people hostage as the
Nearly 100 rebel groups discuss Libya and other crises security situation deterio-
have signed on to a two-week- Protesters wave Nusra Front flags recently; the al Qaeda affiliate attacked Western-backed rebels. in Europe’s neighborhood, in- rates,” said French Foreign
old truce in Syria, including cluding the civil war in Syria Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault.
13th Division, the rebel faction groups from a major rebel who along with its commander Since Russia’s direct mili- and the conflict in Ukraine. The concern about Islamic
that suffered the losses. Nusra stronghold such as Maaret al- were in neighboring Turkey at tary intervention on the side Western powers have been State in Libya has been partic-
Front and Islamic State are ex- Numan could weaken the op- the time of the assault. of President Bashar al-Assad’s waiting for months for Libya’s ularly acute in Paris: French
cluded from the truce. position’s negotiating position Mr. Alwan, the cleric, said regime at the end of Septem- myriad warring political fac- officials say French-born ex-
The fighting was centered with regard to the Syrian gov- Nusra had made the decision ber, many Western-backed tions and militias to agree on tremists are increasingly
in and around the city of ernment regime and its back- to take out 13th Division more armed groups that oppose the a national government, which drawn to Libya, as Islamic
Maaret al-Numan in the north- ers Iran and Russia, who al- than a year ago, calling the Syrian government have been could then officially request State is being pushed back by
western province of Idlib. ready assert that only group “part of an American targets of a campaign of help from Europe and the U.S. airstrikes in Syria and Iraq.
Nusra accused 13th Division extremists hold sway in rebel- project.” strikes from Moscow’s Syria- in the fight against Islamic While the U.S. has acknowl-
members of initiating the ag- held areas. Members of 13th Division based warplanes, heavy artil- State. edged conducting airstrikes in
gression by attacking its mem- “This is Raqqa 2,” said an said they have received weap- lery and rocket launchers, U.S. “Daesh is growing its pres- Libya against Islamic State,
bers in the city. opposition activist based in ons from the U.S., including officials said. ence in Libya,” said Mr. Kerry, Europe’s main military pow-
Members of 13th Division Maaret al-Numan, likening antitank missiles, and that Rebel groups, particularly using an Arabic name for the ers—France and the U.K.—
and residents denied the Nusra’s move to Islamic State’s some of their fighters were those operating in northern group, “and we have made it have kept a low profile on
claim. maneuver when it dislodged trained in Qatar recently by areas in Aleppo and Latakia clear, the determination, that their operations in the coun-
“Nusra feels the groups that other rebels from the north- U.S. military advisers. provinces adjacent to Idlib, that will not be allowed to go try. Five years after champion-
have agreed to the cease-fire eastern city of Raqqa in Au- The group has about 2,000 have as a result of the cam- unaddressed.” ing the overthrow of Moam-
betrayed it and sided with the gust 2013. fighters concentrated in paign ceded territory to the The West has watched with mar Gadhafi, Paris and London
infidels against it,” said Ah- As of Sunday, at least a Maaret al-Numan. regime and allied Iran-backed concern as Islamic State has are wary of intervening again
med Alwan, a senior cleric in dozen 13th Division members The Nusra Front, which is Shiite militiamen from Iraq, used the power vacuum in without a formal request from
Maaret al-Numan. had been killed in the assault the dominant group in Idlib Lebanon and elsewhere. Libya to build up a force of a national government.
“It’s going to be one faction and more than 30 taken cap- and includes Syrian and for- Nusra Front, which is in the several thousand fighters The result has been covert
after another because Nusra tive, according to leaders of eign fighters, has previously western half of Syria, and Is- there. Libya is now divided be- programs to train Libyan
wants to be the paramount the group. targeted rebel groups in the lamic State, which is concen- tween two parliaments: one in forces fighting against Islamic
force here,” he added, suggest- The fate of hundreds of province receiving training trated in the east, are labelled the former capital of Tripoli, State, officials say. Those ef-
ing the weekend attack could other fighters remains un- and weapons from the U.S., terrorist organizations by the representing a coalition of Is- forts, combined with a series
be followed by similar assaults known. most recently last year. U.N. and the peace talk spon- lamist groups that controls of airstrikes by the U.S., Egypt
on other rebel groups in the “Until now, we do not know The latest assault comes at sors and are excluded from the Western half of the coun- and others have checked the
area. who fled or is captured and a critical moment for what re- both the cease-fire and any try; and a second in the east- group’s spread, but allowed it
Opposition activists said who is dead or alive,” said a mains of Syria’s moderate op- prospective political settle- ern city of Tobruk that con- to maintain a stronghold in
the ouster of moderate rebel senior member of the group, position. ment. trols the east. A United the coastal city of Sirte.

Angry Brazilians Take to the Streets U.K. Treasury Chief

Warns of Budget Cuts
BY JASON DOUGLAS ened his goal of eliminating
SÃO PAULO—Hundreds of Britain’s budget deficit before
thousands of Brazilians poured LONDON—U.K. Treasury the end of the current five-
into the streets of cities across chief George Osborne said year parliament.
the country Sunday calling for Sunday that he would need to The Office for Budget Re-
the ouster of President Dilma make fresh cuts to public sponsibility, the U.K.’s fiscal
Rousseff, whose leftist govern- spending to meet his goal of watchdog, in November fore-
ment many blame for a balancing Britain’s books by cast that Mr. Osborne would
sprawling corruption scandal 2020. borrow £72.5 billion ($103.5
and an economic meltdown Speaking to the British billion) in the 12 months to
that has humbled Latin Amer- Broadcasting Corp. ahead of March to make up the short-
ica’s largest country. his annual budget statement fall between taxes and spend-
Opponents of Ms. Rousseff Wednesday, Mr. Osborne said ing. Borrowing was then pre-
hope that a massive turnout that the outlook for the global dicted to fall in future years

will push federal lawmakers to economy had deteriorated and the deficit to disappear
impeach the unpopular leader since he set out his tax and entirely by early 2020.
on charges that she manipu- spending plans in November But recent public-borrowing
lated public accounts to mask and that further action was figures show the chancellor is
a growing budget deficit—alle- needed to close the U.K.’s bud- set to overshoot borrowing
gations she denies. get deficit. forecasts this fiscal year.
In the northeast city of Sal- “The world is a much more Economists warned that Mr.
vador, traditionally a strong- Hundreds of thousands took part in protests against Brazil’s leaders and the ruling PT party. difficult and dangerous place,” Osborne was at risk of missing
hold for Ms. Rousseff’s Work- he said on the BBC’s Andrew his self-imposed targets with-
ers’ Party, known as the PT, an 100,000 people braved a blis- by late morning for a protest portunity, with many holding Marr show. “We need to act out extra spending cuts or
estimated 20,000 people tering sun to throng parks and not scheduled to start until 3 the PT accountable. now so we don’t pay later.” higher taxes.
turned out, according to police plazas, according to military- p.m. Imitrios Fyskatoris, the Matthew Taylor, an associ- The Chancellor of the Ex- Wednesday’s budget comes
figures. Organizers put the police estimates. A large ban- head of the military police, ate professor at American Uni- chequer said he would detail as the U.K. prepares to vote in
number at 50,000. ner read “Enough!” not far said march organizers were versity in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday new savings a June referendum on whether
Among the demonstrators from a giant balloon showing expecting one million or more said that Sunday’s demonstra- that would shave an extra to remain a member of the Eu-
was Oscar Cezar Magalhães, a former President Luiz Inácio people to show up along tions need to evince more of 0.5% off projected public ropean Union. Economists say
geologist with Petróleo Brasil- Lula da Silva dressed in a Avenida Paulista, the city’s the bipartisan authenticity spending annually over the uncertainty surrounding the
eiro S.A., the state-run oil striped prison uniform. landmark thoroughfare. that marked the 2013 street next four years to allow him to outcome risks sapping growth
company that is at the center In Rio de Janeiro, lines of The demonstrators directed protests that rocked Brazil meet his goal of pushing Brit- in the run-up to the vote.
of a graft probe that threatens protesters, many dressed in their ire not only at Ms. Rouss- ahead of the World Cup tour- ain’s public finances into sur-
to upend Ms. Rousseff’s gov- the nation’s distinctive yellow- eff but at her political mentor nament. plus by 2020.
ernment. and-green soccer jerseys, and predecessor, Mr. da Silva, “I think that if they are “We’ve got to live within
A former member of the PT, stretched for more than a mile and the PT, which has led Bra- close to what we saw in 2013, our means to stay secure,” Mr.
Mr. Magalhães, 60 years old, along the famous Copacabana zil for the past 13 years. that will be an important Osborne said. Delivering news and insight
said he doesn’t recognize his beachfront. Protesters expressed frus- sign,” Mr. Taylor said. The chancellor’s move to on finance and markets
former party, which prosecu- In São Paulo, Brazil’s largest tration that their country—a —Paulo Trevisani, William further squeeze public spend- from London
tors say pocketed millions city and a hotbed of antigov- rising economic star on the Connors, Rogerio Jelmayer ing follows lower-than-fore-
looted from the company. ernment sentiment, thousands world stage just a few years and Luis Garcia cast growth and tax receipts Download on the App Store
In the capital of Brasília, of demonstrators had arrived ago—has wasted a historic op- contributed to this article. that economists say threat-

The strikes came after mili- campaigned ahead of a coming ruptcies in reorganizing state
World tants in Gaza fired several rock-
ets at Israel on Friday night,
state election in the Borneo
state of Sarawak.
companies, a senior official said,
suggesting a go-slow approach
Watch causing no injuries. No militant
group took responsibility for the
On assignment for the
weekly current-affairs program
in an effort seen as key to revi-
talizing the slowing economy.
barrage. Four Corners, reporter Linton Xiao Yaqing, director of the
Israel holds Hamas, the Is- Besser and cameraman Louie powerful government commis-
lamic militant group that rules Eroglu were detained in Kuching, sion that oversees state assets,
Gaza, responsible for all attacks the capital of Sarawak, late Sat- said his agency will protect
GAZA STRIP from its territory. urday and released Sunday workers’ rights as it balances
Israel is struggling to contain morning, the ABC reported. Their competing interests in overhaul-
Israeli Airstrike near-daily Palestinian attacks. A passports were seized and they ing the state sector.
Kills 10-Year-Old Boy

Palestinian shooting and stab- have been told not to leave Ma- China “won’t experience a
A 10-year-old boy was killed bing Friday wounded two sol- laysia, according to the report. wave of layoffs” as seen in the
in an Israeli airstrike that tar- diers and a civilian. Malaysian police confirmed late 1990s, Mr. Xiao said at a
geted a Hamas military base, —Associated Press the arrest, saying the crew were news conference Saturday, refer-
the Gaza health ministry said detained after they allegedly ring to an earlier period of re-
Saturday, after militants had MALAYSIA crossed a security cordon while structuring when tens of mil-
fired rockets at Israel. trying to interview Mr. Najib. lions of state workers lost their
The ministry said shrapnel
Australian Reporter, —Yantoultra Ngui jobs.
from an airstrike on a Hamas Cameraman Held He praised progress made to
base hit a nearby house, killing A television reporter and CHINA date in reorganizing the state
the boy, Yassin Abu Khoussa, cameraman with the Australian firms that tower over the econ-
and wounding two of his sib- Broadcasting Corp. were briefly
Government to Add omy in diverse strategic sectors
lings, one seriously. detained in Malaysia after at- To Consolidations such as oil, banking and tele-
It said Israel carried out five tempting to interview Prime China’s government is priori- communications. STRIKING DISPLAY: Streaks of lightning lit up the sky during
air raids on Hamas facilities. Minister Najib Razak while he tizing consolidation over bank- —Lingling Wei heavy thunderstorms and rain in Bhopal, India, on Saturday.
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Turn Cool
To Migrants
BY ZEKE TURNER a vast inflow of people different
in culture, attitudes, skills and
BERLIN—When migrants be- economic status.
gan pouring into Germany last Ms. Merkel faces no immi-
fall, Andreas Tölke decided to nent threat to her rule. Even
host some of the newcomers in with her popularity sharply di-
his spacious Berlin apartment. minished, it exceeds that of
With authorities struggling many ruling politicians around
to accommodate the flow, the Europe, and she faces no obvi-
former social worker took in ous rival.
asylum seekers from Syria, Iraq
and elsewhere, sometimes a
dozen at a time, letting them Threat of instability
sleep on his Armani/Casa Yet analysts warn that
leather sofa and use the $30-an- mounting political fragmenta-
ounce Etro Patchouly cologne in tion could make Europe’s largest
his bathroom. democracy less stable, more in- Helmut Dudenhöffer, above tionaries and voters. In all
At the start of this year, he troverted and less inclined to with other refugee help-center cases, she had support from the
asked his last guests to leave. play the regional leadership role workers, bemoans a scarcity of broader electorate. The migrant
“I just can’t anymore,” Mr. it has assumed since the end of housing; Andreas Tölke, right, policy might change all that.
Tölke said. “I need a place the last decade. If AfD enters let migrants live in his home Now, amid widespread mis-


where I can close my door and I the federal parliament next year, but stopped. Germans’ ardor givings about her refugee policy,
don’t have people sitting in my it could become difficult for any for the open door has ebbed. many analysts say she may not
apartment.” two German parties, including be able to continue capturing
Six months ago, Germans ral- the two biggest now ruling to- Württemberg, the CDU lost a 13- votes on her left much longer.
lied behind Chancellor Angela gether, to form a government. point September lead, heading Carsten Nickel, an analyst
Merkel’s decision to throw the “If the center-right and -left into the vote. According to the with Teneo Intelligence, a po-
doors open to hundreds of thou- mainstay parties—the classic initial tally, the party finished litical-strategy consultancy,
sands of migrants stranded in anchors of middle-of-the-road, second, trailing the Green Party noted how local governments
Eastern Europe. Today, the hos- middle-class politics in Ger- by more than 3%. In the third are primarily responsible for
pitality is wearing thin. As hun- many—become so weak that not state that held elections, Sax- looking after migrants.
dreds more arrive each day, even a grand coalition builds a ony-Anhalt, the CDU maintained “The pressure is hardest felt
Germans worry the influx will center that is stable any longer, control, but the AfD appeared to on the lower level of politics,
permanently change their towns then we have an earthquake in gain serious ground Sunday and that’s where the dissatisfac-
and seed crime or terror. Ms. the party system,” said Jan night, outstripping expectations tion with her politics is really
Merkel’s power base, the cen- Techau, director of the Euro- and winning as much as 24% of brewing,” he said.
trist middle class sometimes pean arm of the Carnegie En- the vote. The corrosive effect on the
called the Mittelschicht, is grow- dowment for International The center-left newspaper image of the town is definitely proud in September when he political center is evident in
ing estranged from her and her Peace. Die Zeit riffed on the slippage going to change.” watched his countrymen cheer Hamburg, a well-to-do northern
generous policy. At a recent campaign event in Ms. Merkel’s popularity in the In December, unknown ar- refugees arriving at Munich’s city-state where Social Demo-
How badly became clearer for Ms. Merkel’s center-right weeks leading up to the vote sonists filled canisters at a gas main train station. He also began crats—the center-left party in
Sunday as three states held Christian Democratic Union in with a montage of the chancel- station and tried to set fire to to dread what could come after. Ms. Merkel’s governing coali-
elections. The vote propelled Al- Rhineland-Palatinate, one of the lor balancing on a crumbling the metal structure slated for “Germany has the lowest unem- tion—have long dominated elec-
ternative for Germany, a three- states that voted Sunday, the party logo. The headline: “A the new processing center. ployment rate in Europe—people tions.
year-old anti-immigration group crowd was waiting for the chan- people’s party fears the people.” In early January, Mr. Duden- make money, there are lots of There, citizens of all persua-
known as AfD, into all three cellor’s motorcade. Christel From 75% last spring, her höffer was at home watching jobs,” Mr. Aghili said. “Wait until sions have joined to try to block
state legislatures and positioned Hunsicker, 75 years old, and popularity tumbled nearly 30 television reports of New Year’s that changes. The Germans will construction of new shelters.
it as Germany’s third-most-pop- leaning on a cane, said she sup- points before recovering some- Eve festivities in Cologne, where blame other people.” Work on two buildings meant to
ular party, calculations coming ported Ms. Merkel until a year what at the end of February. a throng of mainly North Afri- Today in Bavaria, the mi- house 2,000 migrants ground to
out hours after the polls closed ago, then changed her mind. The survey found 59% of Ger- can men robbed and sexually grants are still coming, but the a halt after citizens sued the
showed. “The problems started, and mans dissatisfied with her refu- assaulted women, according to cheering has gone. Hamburg government.
About a million foreigners she just failed to deal with gee policy. police and victims’ accounts. A stopgap refugee shelter In the traditionally working-
entered Germany last year from them,” Ms. Hunsicker said. Ms. Merkel hasn’t admitted The images pushed him to tears. sits across the street from Mr. class Altona district, residents
places such as the Middle East In the crowd, a young pro- to any mistakes at home. In- The incident, he said, using Aghili’s home. Another is oppo- are complaining about gray
and Africa, a mix of war refu- tester held a sign that read stead, she continues to hunt for shorthand for the outpouring of site the Bavarian International shipping containers stacked
gees and economic migrants “Merkel Farewell Tour solutions outside Europe’s bor- hospitality Germans showed in School in nearby Haimhausen, three high to house refugees,
seeking opportunity. Deft organ- 2016/2017.” ders. On March 6 in Brussels September, was “a catastrophe where his two children study. which block their view of a
ization and an army of volun- Six months ago, Christian she hatched a tentative deal for the Willkommenskultur.” Hobby handball and volleyball green space. They cite the fire
teers helped Germany stay on Democratic Union candidate Ju- with Turkish Prime Minister players in Dachau twice tempo- code.
top of the flow, avoiding so far a lia Klöckner, a 43-year-old who Ahmet Davutoglu to improve ef- rarily lost a local trade school’s Klaus Schomacker, who
scenario many economists pre- has drawn comparisons to a forts to catch migrants who try Concerns spread gym, commandeered first as an heads a movement comprising
dict: higher spending, unem- young Ms. Merkel, looked as if to reach the EU’s border in Nearly four in five Germans emergency refugee shelter and 12 citizen-action groups from
ployment and taxes. she would easily topple the Greece illegally and send them expect crime to increase in Ger- later as a processing center. across the city, is pressuring the
Yet this is migration on a state’s center-left premier. On back across the Aegean Sea. many because of the immigra- The international school, Hamburg government to limit
grand scale, the largest Europe Sunday night, according to ini- Ms. Merkel’s problem, say tion, a survey by Allensbach which charges up to €15,000 in the concentration of refugees to
has seen in decades. It amounts tial calculations from broad- pollsters and analysts, is her opinion poll for daily FAZ tuition and teaches the children forestall a rise of ethnic ghettos.
to a real-time experiment in caster ZDF, Ms. Klöckner fin- close association with a migrant showed. A third expect the of prominent local corporate ex- “Merkel didn’t think about
how one of the world’s greatest ished 4% behind the incumbent. crisis that she can’t control and surge to be dramatic. ecutives, is considering adding the political consequences.
democracies will be affected by In another state, Baden- that a majority of Germans As such concerns spread, facial-recognition technology to That’s what she’s being blamed
think makes their country a some candidates from Ms. its security, said board member for now,” Mr. Schomacker said,
worse place to live. In a recent Merkel’s CDU have come close Louise Holland, whose husband after filing paperwork for a ref-
Losing the Center survey, those holding that view to disavowing the chancellor. works in private equity. erendum at city hall. “Her first
A majority of Germans reject Angela Merkel's refugee policy, with outnumbered Germans who see Ms. Klöckner in Rhineland-Pa- reaction was a good one—let
the opposition cutting through party lines. benefits from the influx by latinate and the CDU candidate everybody into Germany—but
three to one. for premier of Baden-Württem-
Nearly four in five she should have immediately
Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with Ms. Merkel's refugee policy? In the Rhineland-Palatinate berg, Guido Wolf, have issued Germans expect the said, ‘This isn’t a solution.’ ”
town of Herxheim, where work- their own plans for handling mi- At recent party rallies in
Satisfied Dissatisfied Don’t know
ers in the town’s renowned grants, which call for them to be
migrant influx will Rhineland-Palatinate, Ms.
Overall 39% 59% chocolate marshmallow factory kept at Germany’s border for lead to more crime. Merkel challenged the notion
Among supporters of: now include an imam from Af- several weeks and processed she was losing touch with ordi-
ghanistan, many residents see there, with a daily limit on ar- nary voters. She cited a poll for
Greens 67 31 migration changing a town they rivals. In the town of Karlsfeld, a public broadcaster ARD show-
claim is older than the pyramids. Green Party campaigners in gymnastics and sports club ing that 94% of Germans
die Linke 53 Refugees in Herxheim num- Baden-Württemberg argued, only changed its rules to let refugee- thought their country should
47 bered 46 a year ago. The tally half-jokingly, that Merkel sup- shelter residents take part in its still act as a refuge for people
(far left)
stood at 170 last month and is porters ought to back the Green athletic offerings. One con- fleeing war.
Social Democratic* expected to be 300 by the end candidate, who lavished praise cerned club member asked “if it “Controversial discussions,”
44 53
(center-left) of March. on her during the campaign. was really a good idea to teach she told a crowd in the town of
The state, which distributes Some of Ms. Merkel’s stron- the refugees Tae Kwon-Do,” said Landau, “make us think again
Christian Democratic newcomers among the towns, gest criticism has come from the club’s president, Rüdiger about our fundamental values—
55 45
Union/Christian Social picked an abandoned industrial economic powerhouse Bavaria, Meyer. the lifeblood of our country and
Union in Bavaria* structure in Herxheim as a pro- particularly from Horst See- The migrant crisis isn’t the the fiber of our being.”
(center-right) cessing center for 800 refugees. hofer, state premier and chair- first time Ms. Merkel has taken In a TV interview a few days
Free Democrat Herxheim’s population is 10,000. man of the CDU’s Bavarian sis- her conservative base to where later, she made a small conces-
29 71 “The town doesn’t have any ter party. Skepticism about her it didn’t want to go. In her de- sion.
more housing capacity—it’s at policy is widespread in the af- cade as chancellor, she abol- “Not everyone shares my
Alternative for Germany zero,” said Helmut Dudenhöffer, fluent Bavarian county of Da- ished mandatory conscription, opinion, I have to live with
(anti-immigrant) 100 a retired schoolteacher who co- chau, still known as the site of accelerated a phaseout of nu- that,” Ms. Merkel said. “We’ve
*In current ruling coalition founded a refugee help group the Nazis’ first concentration clear energy and raised pension already seen many political is-
Source: Deutschlandtrend survey by Infratest Dimap for ARD,
called HerxheimBUNT. camp. payments for certain types of sues where at the start not ev-
most recent of 1,005 respondents conducted Feb. 26-27; Said Karin Roth, one of the Marc Aghili, a telecom execu- workers, against sometimes-bit- eryone was on my side. But nev-
margin of error 1.4-3.1 percentage points THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. group’s 100-plus members: “The tive in Dachau, recalls feeling ter opposition from CDU func- ertheless, I was right.”

VOTE of a welcoming refugee policy

also recorded wins Sunday,
even as Ms. Merkel’s conserva-
tives suffered. Ms. Merkel’s
In Rhineland-Palatinate, in-
cumbent state Premier Malu
Dreyer of the Social Democrats
beat a rising star in the CDU,
would clear the 5% hurdle for
seats in the state parliament.
“The fact is: the democrats
of the middle must now stand
at a rally Saturday in Baden-
Württemberg. “Those who
want fast decisions must vote
for the Christian Democratic
from last year’s total of roughly
a million. While she has re-
fused to close the country’s
borders to migrants—warning
Continued from Page One Christian Democratic Union Julia Klöckner. In the cam- together,” said Saxony-Anhalt Union.” of devastating consequences
man television. “All who voted was on pace to lose two close paign, Ms. Klöckner took a State Premier Reiner Haseloff, Despite Sunday’s setbacks, for Europe’s system of pass-
for us stand behind this pol- races, trailing the center-left tougher line on migrants than of the CDU, in a television in- Ms. Merkel remains in a rela- port-free travel—she has
icy.” Greens in Baden-Württemberg Ms. Dreyer did. terview. “We will build a stable tively strong position at home. toughened asylum laws and
The votes are unlikely to and the center-left Social Dem- In Saxony-Anhalt, a state government of the middle.” Her approval rating stands at pushed Turkey to prevent peo-
have an immediate impact on ocrats in Rhineland-Palatinate. suffering from one of Ger- Ms. Merkel didn’t comment 54%, according to pollster In- ple from getting into boats
Ms. Merkel’s migration policy In the traditionally conser- many’s highest unemployment on the results. Campaigning on fratest Dimap—a decline from bound for Greece.
even as they put more pressure vative state of Baden-Württem- rates, the AfD’s capture of the home stretch this weekend, 67% last summer but still high But Ms. Merkel’s allies are
on her to change course. The berg, one of Germany’s eco- roughly 24% of the vote was she acknowledged problems in compared with many other nervous about the AfD’s rising
chancellor has made it clear nomic powerhouses, the poised to scramble typical po- the handling of the migration leaders in Europe. Nationwide, popularity. In a newspaper in-
she intends to stick to her refugee-friendly Greens surged litical alliances. While Ms. crisis but urged voters to pick the CDU is the most popular terview published Saturday, In-
strategy of reducing the num- to first place behind their pop- Merkel’s CDU came in first, her conservative party never- party, polling at 36%, compared terior Minister Thomas de
ber of arrivals by working with ular incumbent premier, Win- early results suggested that the theless. with 23% for the left-of-center Maizière, also of the CDU, said
Turkey rather than closing the fried Kretschmann. Ms. party would need to ally with “We have lost time in the Social Democrats, the junior the AfD and its message were
German border. Key decisions Merkel’s CDU failed to win first the center-left Social Demo- question of asylum, of the Ge- partner in Ms. Merkel’s govern- damaging to Germany.
on migration are made on the place in the state for the first crats, as well as the Greens or neva Convention, in the ques- ing coalition. “The AfD doesn’t have a po-
federal level, not by the states. time since World War II. The the business-friendly Free tion of giving protection to Ms. Merkel has responded litical plan or the right an-
But the results laid bare the AfD, meanwhile, was on pace to Democrats, to form a govern- those who need protection but to German voters’ concerns by swers,” Mr. de Maizière told
extent to which the migration win about 15%—the best post- ment. But it wasn’t immedi- telling those who don’t need promising to substantially re- newspaper Die Welt.
crisis has polarized German so- war result for a populist or far- ately clear as results trickled in protection, ‘You can’t come to duce the number of asylum- —Christian Grimm
ciety. Left-of-center proponents right party in the state. whether the latter two parties our country,’” Ms. Merkel said seekers arriving in Germany contributed to this article.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, March 14, 2016 | A7

Murders on the Rise Again


Renewed gang feuds, gang feuds and surging vio- to a survey conducted by the that rises in crime can be attri-
lence linked to the drug trade, association. buted to the reluctance of po-
drug violence cited as law-enforcement officials said. “Like all Angelenos, I am lice to engage in confrontation
likely cause of a surge In other cities, the upward disturbed by recent increases in the face of continued pro-
trend has reversed. New York in crime that have affected tests after the 2014 killing of an
in several large cities City homicides dropped to 48 large cities across America,” unarmed black teenager in Fer-
this year through March 9 from said Los Angeles Mayor Eric guson, Mo.
BY ZUSHA ELINSON 64 in 2015. Garcetti. “In Los Angeles, we Mr. Stephens said most of
AND PERVAIZ SHALLWANI While the murder rates in have had historically low crime the chiefs he has talked to say
most cities are nowhere near rates over the last decade, and “their activity levels, the stops,
A continuing rise in homi- the levels of the 1990s, police experts will tell you there is no encounters and arrests, are not
cides in some U.S. cities during chiefs are watching the num- easy explanation for changes in significantly changed.”
the first two months of 2016 is bers closely to see if the 2015 this trend.” The Los Angeles murder rise
rattling officials hoping last increases continue, said Darrel Mr. Garcetti said the city has has been driven by “a couple of Chicago has seen its homicide rate nearly double this year.
year’s surge was an aberration Stephens, executive director of tackled the problem by increas- gangs that have reignited long-
in the decadeslong decline in the Major Cities Chiefs Associa- ing the number of police offi- dormant rivalries,” said George up murders in Chicago, hit record lows in 2013 and
the country’s murder rate. tion. “They hope it was a one- cers deployed to violent crime Tita, a criminology professor at said Anthony Guglielmi, a po- again in 2014, but then saw a
This year, Chicago has seen year blip,” said Mr. Stephens, a hot spots, funding gang reduc- University of California, Irvine. lice spokesman, noting that big increase in the first five
109 murders through March 11, former police chief. “They are tion efforts, and expanding Mr. Tita said the city isn’t in gang activity “has consistently months of 2015. The depart-
almost double last year’s total paying close attention.” mental-health and domestic- danger of returning to 1990s been the primary cause of ment responded by focusing on
during the period. Los Angeles Last year, 44 of the 65 larg- abuse response teams. levels of violence, when there crime in Chicago.” He said the pockets of persistent violence.
has tallied 51 murders through est police agencies, including Some observers have attri- were more than 1,000 killings a police chief has ordered more Since the efforts were
March 9, a 21% increase. New York City, Los Angeles and buted increases around the year. There were 283 homicides officers into areas with high launched in June, homicides in
The growing body count ap- Chicago, reported increases in country to the “Ferguson ef- in L.A. last year. levels of gang violence. the city have dropped nearly
pears to be driven by renewed murders from 2014, according fect,” a widely debated theory Gang violence is also driving Homicides in New York City every month, officials said.

RACE times seek confrontation to

come together in violence,” he
said. Asked if he could back Mr.
Trump should he win the nomi-
Continued from Page One nation, Mr. Kasich said: “It
the presidential race. Mr. Trump makes it extremely difficult.”
has 43% support there, well Mr. Rubio said “I don’t know”
ahead of Mr. Rubio, who draws when asked in Florida if he
22%. Mr. Cruz, with 21%, is es- would back whoever is picked
sentially tied with Mr. Rubio. as the GOP nominee. “It’s get-
Mr. Trump said Saturday ting harder every day,” he said.
that a “planned attack” by pro- Democratic front-runner Hil-
testers, some of whom he said lary Clinton placed blame for in-
were supporters of Democratic tensifying confrontations at Mr.
presidential candidate Bernie Trump’s events on him, saying
Sanders, necessitated the can- his divisive rhetoric encourages
cellation of the Chicago event. violence. “If you play with
On Saturday, Mr. Trump was
briefly surrounded by Secret
matches, you’re going to start a
fire you can’t control,” she told North America will export more
Service agents at an airport campaign volunteers in St.
rally near Dayton, Ohio, as he
was delivering a campaign
speech. Authorities said Thomas
Louis. “That’s not leadership.
That’s political arson.”
Mr. Sanders called Mr.
oil than it imports by 2020.
Dimassimo of Fairborn, Ohio, Trump a “pathological liar” in a
leapt over a barricade and statement Saturday. “Obviously,
charged toward the celebrity while I appreciate that we had
businessman, the Associated supporters at Trump’s rally in
The global energy landscape is changing dramatically. For
Press reported. Mr. Dimassimo Chicago, our campaign did not example, North American oil and natural gas production
was later charged with disor- organize the protests,” he said. is sending the region’s demand for imports plummeting
derly conduct and inducing “What caused the protests…is a
panic, the AP said. candidate that has promoted ha- to historic lows. This creates opportunities as well as
At a later event in Cleveland, tred and division against Lati- risks. CME Group gives producers and suppliers the
Mr. Trump attacked Mr. Kasich nos, Muslims, women and peo- tools they need to capture these opportunities while
for supporting free-trade poli- ple with disabilities, and his
cies that the New York business- birther attacks against the legit- managing risks in volatile oil and natural gas markets.
man said have hurt the job mar- imacy of President Obama.” This is how the energy industry can deliver in the face of
ket and economy in Ohio, and Mr. Rubio warned that Re- ever-changing consumer demand. This is how the world
accused the governor of aban- publicans are in danger of dis-
doning his state while running mantling their own party if they advances. Learn more at
for president. nominate Mr. Trump. “If Donald
Mr. Kasich took on Mr. Trump is our nominee, it will
Trump at a brief news confer- fracture the Republican Party,”
ence in Sharonville, Ohio. “Don- Mr. Rubio said. “If you shatter
ald Trump has created a toxic the Republican Party, that
environment, a toxic environ- movement will have no home.”
ment that has allowed his sup- —Heather Haddon
porters and those who some- contributed to this article.

A Second Super Tuesday

Republican Gov. John Kasich's struggling campaign could gain new
life after voting in his home state of Ohio, one of five states that hold
primaries on Tuesday. He holds a narrow lead there, while Donald
Trump leads in Florida and Illinois. Hillary Clinton leads her
Democratic rival in all three states.


Trump 43% Trump 34% Kasich 39%

Rubio 22 Cruz 25 Trump 33

Cruz 21 Kasich 21 Cruz 19
Kasich 9 Rubio 16 Rubio 6

Clinton 61% Clinton 51% Clinton 58%

Sanders 34 Sanders 45 Sanders 38

Source: WSJ/NBC News/Marist telephone polls conducted March 4–10 of 511 likely Republican
and 500 likely Democratic primary voters in Florida, 421 likely Republican and 529 likely
Democratic primary voters in Illinois and 564 likely Republican and 453 likely Democratic
primary voters in Ohio; margins of error: +/– 4.1 to 4.8 pct. pts.

State supporter last week, but

U.S. has yet to convict anyone alleged
to actually have participated in
Watch planning an attack.
—Christopher M. Matthews

Clinton Hits Auto
ARIZONA Rules in Trade Pact
Hillary Clinton called for
Jury to Decide Fate of tougher rules for auto imports in
Alleged ISIS Plotter a weekend speech in Ohio. She
An Arizona jury is expected said she would oppose stan-
to begin deliberating this week dards that would allow auto
on the fate of the first alleged makers to build cars with mostly
plotter of an Islamic State at- cheaper parts from China or
tack to go to trial in the U.S. other countries and then reap
Prosecutors allege that Abdul the benefits of trade agree-
Malik Abdul Kareem helped plan ments such as the Trans-Pacific
an attack in which two gunmen Partnership.
opened fire on a controversial Mrs. Clinton said the weak-
event in Garland, Texas, last year ness of rules that would allow
billed as a contest for the best cars made with cheap materials
cartoon of the Prophet Muham- from China or elsewhere to re-
mad. Islamic State claimed re- main eligible for preferences un- CME Group is a trademark of CME Group Inc. The Globe logo is a trademark of Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
sponsibility for that attack. der trade agreements was one Copyright © 2016 CME Group. All rights reserved.
The case is a test for the Jus- of the reasons she came out
tice Department, which won its against the Pacific pact.
first trial conviction of an Islamic —Colleen McCain Nelson
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Another side of Smarter job

Syria’s refugee listings, no more
crisis: new self-evaluations:
businesses in How to combat
nearby nations workplace bias
A10 A10

A8 | Monday, March 14, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. © 2016 Dow Jones & Company. All Rights Reserved.


PHIL KNIGHT, the founder and chairman

of the athletic-gear company Nike,
is the 15th-richest person in the
world and a philanthropist who
specializes in “transformational
gifts,” as they are called in charita-
ble circles. Mr. Knight has given
more than a half-billion dollars to
Oregon Health Sciences University,
which in recent decades has been
spun off from the University of Ore-
gon, his alma mater. OHSU now in-
cludes the Knight Cancer Institute
and the Knight Cardiovascular In-
stitute. He also donated more than $100
million to the Stanford Graduate School
of Business, where he got his M.B.A. a
half-century ago and where the Knight
Management Center now sits at 655
Knight Way.
In February, Mr. Knight made perhaps

his splashiest gift yet. He put up $400
million of a $750 million endowment,
meant to pay for young leaders from
around the world to attend graduate
school at Stanford. The so-called Knight-
Hennessy scholarships—Mr. Knight
shares billing with outgoing Stanford

president John L. Hennessy—will be a
21st-century equivalent of the ones set up
at the turn of the 20th by the African
mining magnate Cecil Rhodes to bring
student-athletes to Oxford.
And there’s the rub. Anyone who has
watched the fortunes of Rhodes’s legacy
in the past year can be forgiven for won-
dering whether these scholarships will
Today’s big-name provide Mr. Knight with a legacy as per-
manent as he intends.
philanthropists Last year, students at the University of
Cape Town in South Africa waged a suc-
should worry about cessful campaign to remove a statue of
how history will Rhodes. They also rampaged through uni-
versity buildings gathering “symbols of
judge their gifts the colonizer”—mostly portraits from the
period of white
(and their fortunes). rule—and threw
There is no them on a bon-
The rest of us may way to figure fire. In recent
months, stu-
wonder why we out which of dents led by a
subsidize their giving. today’s South African
Rhodes scholar
failings will have called for
elicit the Oriel College,
Oxford, to re-
wrath of move a statue
tomorrow’s of Rhodes, who
revisionists. studied there.
They called
him the “Hitler
of southern Af-
rica.” In turn,
Oriel alumni threatened to withdraw fi-
nancial support for the college unless it
rebuffed the protesters.
Universities and donors today must be
alert to the possibility that the acts of
philanthropy on which they collaborate
might someday be denounced by the
grandchildren of those they aimed to
help. There is no reason to assume that
today’s philanthropic largess will neces-
sarily escape the fate of last century’s.
When it comes to philanthropy, nam-
ing rights are often essential. They moti-
vate donors, and they get fought over. In
1924, James Buchanan “Buck” Duke, the
tobacco baron, left $40 million to Trinity
College in Durham, N.C., which used the
occasion to change its name to his. A
$100 million gift from Hollywood pro-
ducer David Geffen toward the rebuilding
of Lincoln Center in New York was suffi-
cient to bring about the renaming of Av-
ery Fisher Hall.
Sandy Weill, former Citigroup CEO,
and his wife Joan have a foundation that
Please turn to the next page

Mr. Caldwell is a senior editor at the

Weekly Standard.


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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, March 14, 2016 | A9


What’s in a Philanthropic Name?

Continued from the prior page If the youth of the year 2066 want to fly into a rage against
has given more than $600 million to Cornell Medical College, today’s philanthropists, they will not lack for reasons. Every
which is now named after them. But when a judge ruled last year great fortune rests under the suspicion that it is ill-gotten. There
that Paul Smith’s College in the Adirondacks could not be re- is no permanent set of rules that governs “normal” business
named to include the name of Mrs. Weill, the couple withheld a practice. To the extent that there are such rules, the founders of
$20 million gift. (Apparently those who drew up the deeds for today’s fortunes tend to boast about breaking them.
Paul Smith had better lawyers than either Avery Fisher or the Monopoly was one of the great evils of the industrial age.
Holy Trinity.) It is not a failing that Mr. Knight and the other Stanford donors
There are exceptions to this preoccupation with naming can be accused of, but it might be raised someday against the
rights. The hedge-fund manager John Paulson made a magnifi- charitable enterprises of Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg,
cent $100 million donation to the Central Park Conservancy for, whose fortunes are based on network efficiencies and whose
among other things, restoring the woods at the Harlem end of businesses can thus be considered (after a point) natural mo-
the park, but nothing done with the money will bear Mr. Paul- nopolies. As the Yale law professor David Grewal showed in his
son’s name. Chuck Feeney of Atlantic Philanthropies gave away masterly book “Network Power,” as long as everyone is using
the $6 billion that he made on his duty-free shops, much of it Microsoft Word, you would have to be an idiot to use an incom-
MIND & MATTER: in total anonymity. patible product, even if another came out that worked much
SUSAN PINKER But most donors want to see their name perpetuated in an
institution. At Stanford, much of the Knight-Hennessy funds
better and sold for much less.
Nike was long accused of using free trade to cut labor costs.
not donated by Mr. Knight will come from Robert King and his The Asian factories with which it contracted became the sym-
The Fear Factor wife Dorothy ($100 million for scholarships and the King Global
Leadership Program) and management expert Steven Denning
bol of a “race to the bottom,” in both wages and working con-
ditions. Harper’s magazine ran a graphic exposé in 1992 show-

Sells Vaccines and his wife Roberta ($50 million for Denning House, which
will be home to the scholars themselves).
ing the paycheck of one of Nike’s Indonesian workers, who, it
alleged, was making $37.46 a month. Golfer Tiger Woods, the

Against Measles
The muckraker Gustavus Myers, whose “History of the Great company’s best-known celebrity endorser, found himself ques-
American Fortunes” was a reference work for angry egalitarians tioned about Nike’s labor conditions by reporters at the 1997
for decades after it was first published in 1907, was fascinated by British Open. The company has since adjusted workers’ salaries
IN 2000, the U.S. considered how common it was for “plutocratic nabobs,” after years of roll- and started community development and micro-credit pro-
measles eradicated, but the ing in the dough, to start paying out. Their need, Myers believed, grams in an effort to improve its practices and recover its rep-
picture has changed alarm- was to “give themselves a new character.” utation.
ingly since then. In 2014, 667 Consider Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite. In 1888, Still, this election season indicates that we might be enter-
unvaccinated people con- when his brother died, French newspapers confused the two, ing a more protectionist and egalitarian age. If we are, Nike’s
tracted measles. Last year, an and Nobel received the dubious privilege of reading the head- early years will not go unremembered.
outbreak that began in California’s Disney- line on his own obituary: “The merchant of death is dead.” The Big philanthropy tends not to be egalitarian. It is often, in
land infected more than 100. episode may have spurred him to endow the prizes that today fact, explicitly elitist. Andrew Carnegie, whose gifts form the
Many Americans have been refusing to bear his name. bedrock of the nation’s public-library system, believed that
protect themselves and their children with Myers insisted that the libraries endowed by Andrew Carne- “wealth, passing through the hands of the few, can be made a
the measles vaccine. According to a recent gie should not lead us to forget that his wealth had its source much more potent force for the elevation of our race than if it
study in the American Journal of Public in “underpaid and overworked employees.” Never, though, did had been distributed in small sums to the people themselves.”
Health, as much as 5.5% of children are un- Myers suggest that one of these institutions un-name itself on For Carnegie, the best gifts were not only from elites but for
vaccinated in some U.S. communities, and the the grounds that its origins were tainted. elites. “The 37,000 frequenters of the Pratt Library,” he wrote,
parents most likely to refuse vaccines tend to Today’s student radicals are different. They are sensitive to “are of more value to Baltimore, to the State, and to the coun-
be affluent, well-educated and white. Their try than all the inert, lazy, and hopelessly-poor in
resistance can largely be traced to a 1998 ar- the whole nation.”
ticle in a British medical journal that falsely This philosophy now goes under the name of
linked childhood vaccines to autism. That “leadership,” and it is a philosophy to which Stan-
study was debunked, but the damage had ford’s donors subscribe heartily. Mr. Knight told
been done. the Stanford Report that “John [Hennessy] and I
Now doctors must figure out how to per- dream of a future 20, 30 or 50 years from now,
suade these parents to change their minds. when thousands of graduates—who can think out-
Late last year, they got some help from a team side the box as skilled problem-solvers—will be
of psychologists from the University of Illinois working together for a more peaceful, habitable
at Urbana-Champaign and the University of world.” But does building a leadership class help
California, Los Angeles, who were interested in the world or does it help the leadership class?
what might sway anti-vaxxers’ opinions. That depends on what those leaders do. At the
Measles can be devastating. A highly con- height of President Lyndon Johnson’s Great Soci-
tagious and virulent disease, it can lead to ety, the political scientist and future senator Dan-
convulsions, hearing loss, brain damage and iel Patrick Moynihan called foundations “a new
even death. Vaccination efforts have been so level of American government.” They underwrite
successful up to now, however, that almost experiments in “governance” that, over time, turn
half of the nation’s pediatricians have never into government-with-a-capital-G. Philanthropy is
seen a real case. The question is how to make thus a means by which elites can control the rules
people understand that the threat is real. that govern the replication of elites.
Would correcting misconceptions about In an age of widening inequality, this can lead
the childhood vaccine-autism myth do the to distrust. The double favoring of philanthropists
trick? Or would testimonials and graphic pho- in the federal tax code—tax preference for gifts
tos of sick children be more effective? and tax-free growth for endowments—means that
The study, led by Zachary Horne of the the philanthropists set policy priorities that other
University of Illinois and published last Au- taxpayers subsidize.
gust in the Proceedings of the National Acad- The $400 million in assets that Mr. Knight has
emy of Science, or PNAS, asked 315 partici- dedicated to Stanford’s new scholarships will pass
pants to complete questionnaires about their into a project wholly of his own choosing. Had he
attitudes to vaccines and their plans to vacci- left the money to a family member in his will, the
nate their children. The subjects were chosen federal government would tap about 40% of it, or
at random and not prescreened, although $160 million, and a state government might also
some dropped out or were later disqualified take its share—which these public authorities would
for not paying attention to the testing. then invest, following priorities established in a
The researchers randomly divided subjects more democratic fashion. Had Mr. Knight sold his
into three groups. They showed the “disease stock, the government would get 20% of the appre-
risk” group photos of young, infected children ciation in the form of capital-gains taxes.
with florid rashes and a paragraph written by People differ on what the proper tax rates are for
a mother of a child with measles, as well as all of these things. But it is clear that, when the rich
three short warnings about the disease. The divert their assets to
“autism correction” group read research sum-
maries showing that childhood vaccines do
Big tax-free purposes,
however laudable
not cause autism. And a control group read philanthropy those purposes may
unrelated scientific vignettes.
Once again, all the participants completed
is often be, it is other, non-
rich taxpayers who
the questionnaire about attitudes to vaccines. explicitly must pick up the
Which intervention was most likely to alter elitist. budgetary slack.
their views? When there is a
Surprisingly, the “autism correction” ap- trend toward in-
proach was no more influential in changing
anti-vaxxers’ minds than the control condi-
tion. Telling people that their beliefs aren’t the slightest evidence of TOP, a defaced statue of
true just didn’t work. But showing people im- human failing or frailty Cecil Rhodes before its
ages of sick children with ugly rashes did, as in matters of race, just removal at the University
did reading a parent’s account of how it feels as 65 years ago people of Cape Town, South
to have a baby with measles who is spiking a were sensitive to the Africa, April 9, 2015.
fever of 106 de- slightest evidence of RIGHT, Nike founder
grees. “We sympathy for commu- Phil Knight, Sept. 2015.
Up to 5.5% of spent three days nism. Princeton has
children are in the hospital
fearing we
been riven by demands that the university rename
buildings and graduate schools that honor Woodrow
unvaccinated might lose our Wilson, on the argument that, while president, he ad-

in some U.S. baby boy,” the vanced segregation in Washington, D.C.

mother wrote. Harvard Law School is poised to change its shield,
communities. “He couldn’t pending final approval, to expunge the memory of
drink or eat, so Isaac Royall, the school’s 18th-century founder, who
he was on an IV, owned slaves. A sign that the agitation had turned
and for a while into hysteria came over the winter when Harvard an-
he seemed to be wasting away.” nounced—in a move reminiscent of the Cincinnati
Why would frightening people change Reds changing their name to “Redlegs” at the height
their minds more than giving them the of the McCarthy era—that the faculty member pre-
facts? The human brain evolved to give pri- siding over each of its residential houses would no longer be equality, you cannot expect the middle class to like that.
ority to appalling, negative events over posi- called a “master” but rather an anodyne “faculty dean.” The Knight-Hennessy scholarships are especially open to such
tive ones, according to a seminal paper pub- No one would suggest that Mr. Knight and the other Stan- criticism because students of all nations are eligible for them.
lished in the Review of General Psychology ford donors have violated any of the tenets of today’s public During the Vietnam War, the left-wing populist Rep. Wright Pat-
in 2001. Lead author Roy Baumeister, a psy- morality regarding race. And perhaps names that thank a bene- man of Texas urged Congress to abolish deductibility in the IRS
chology professor at Florida State Univer- factor should be considered in a different light than names that code for gifts made abroad. Asking the public to underwrite the
sity, documented hundreds of ways that honor a political actor. domestic whims of civic-minded elites is one thing, Patman rea-
“bad is stronger than good,” as he and his The point, though, is that political agitation can be fickle and soned. Asking them to underwrite the transfer of resources
colleagues titled the paper. It’s a position faddish. Isaac Royall, Cecil Rhodes and Woodrow Wilson were abroad is another thing altogether.
that has been confirmed by the PNAS study not considered beyond the pale in their own day. Decades from Such views may return in today’s ideological climate, with
on vaccines and by a 2015 analysis in Psy- now, some other ideological enthusiasm will descend, and some growing populist movements on the left and the right. We may
chological Bulletin of the impact of fear- of our own most heroic citizens, who will then be figures from be nearing the end of the era when megadonations like Phil

based appeals on changing people’s behavior. history books, will face reappraisal and possible repudiation. Knight’s are fairly commonplace. Time will tell whether we are
So, public officials, go ahead—scare par- From our vantage point, there is no way to figure out which of looking at the dawn of a new egalitarian age, or just looking a
ents silly. today’s failings will elicit the wrath of tomorrow’s revisionists. gift horse in the mouth.
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A10 | Monday, March 14, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


personnel decisions. We should apply the same

rigor to the management of people, and technol-
ogy can help.
Tools such as EDGE—software for workforce
analytics developed by a Swiss foundation—al-
low companies to detect potential gender gaps
in outcome variables such as pay, recruitment
and promotion and in input variables such as
training, mentoring and company policies and
practices. (I serve on the scientific advisory
board of EDGE.) Tracking progress over time,
companies that have used EDGE, such as L’Oréal
USA, Deloitte Switzerland and Banco Comparta-
mos Mexico, have been able to focus resources
on fixing what is broken rather than blindly
throwing money at the problem.
A few years ago, female employees at Google
were twice as likely to quit as the average
Googler. Simple data analysis revealed that the
gender gap was primarily due to young mothers
leaving. Laszlo Bock, the head of Google’s HR
department, immediately increased maternity
and paternity leave substantially. New mothers
at Google are now no more likely to leave than
the average employee.
Data analytics also can help to find where the
well-documented gender gaps in promotion oc-
cur. We now know, for example, that bias is
more likely to creep into performance appraisals
when managers try to evaluate the potential of
employees rather than their past performance.
This “performance-reward bias” means that the
same performance doesn’t necessarily translate
into the same rewards. Stereotypes that see men
as possessing more long-term career ambition
and leadership qualities gave them an advantage
over female colleagues whose actual perfor-
mance was just as strong.
Companies also should reconsider the com-
mon practice of having managers receive self-
evaluations from their employees. I know of no
evidence that this does any good, but in my own

work with companies, I have come across an un-

surprising pattern: Managers’ ratings are af-
fected by the self-evaluations of employees. Be-
cause women (as research shows) tend to be
less self-confident than men and fear backlash

Real Fixes for

from “bragging,” they assign themselves lower
to ordinary work environments? A good starting ratings. Managers then use employee self-ap-
point is to ensure that the language in job ad- praisals as the starting point for their own ap-
vertisements is gender-neutral. Research by praisals, putting women at a disadvantage.

Workplace Bias
Danielle Gaucher and Justin Friesen of the Uni- Smart design allows a way out of this thicket
versity of Waterloo and Aaron C. Kay of Duke of biases. In recruitment: Be vigilant about the
University, published in the Journal of Personal- language you use. If you want to benefit from
ity and Social Psychology (2011), found a clear the whole available talent pool, use gender-neu-
pattern in how men and women responded to tral wording. When hiring, learn from the blind
to our everyday decision making, not least in certain words on job search websites. Men were auditions of symphony orchestras and stop ask-
To ensure that women get how we see and evaluate others. And decades of drawn to jobs looking for candidates who were ing for demographic information. Take advan-
a fair shot, focus on how research on cognitive biases have revealed that competitive, assertive, individualistic and ambi- tage of new tools that easily allow firms to ano-
companies hire and promote our minds are amazingly difficult to change.
But what if we took a different approach?
tious; women, to jobs seeking
applicants who were commit-
nymize applicant information.
And level the playing field in
What if we stopped focusing on trying to change
the biases of individuals and instead turned our
ted, supportive, compassion-
ate and understanding.
At auditions, performance management.
Rely on data to understand
efforts to fixing the design of institutions them- New, more sophisticated putting what is broken, and measure
CORPORATIONS, not-for-profit groups and
governments spend billions of dollars every
selves? The record here is much more promis-
ing, especially when it comes to ensuring that
tools also can help. The use
of big data in human-re-
musicians whether there are biases in
how employees are supported
year on diversity training—without knowing women get a fair shot in the workplace. sources management, often behind a in performing their jobs and
whether the programs work. A review of al- Consider a small design innovation that has referred to as “people ana- curtain went a evaluated for results.
most 1,000 studies on interventions aimed at transformed symphony orchestras in the U.S.: lytics,” enables companies Smart antibias design can
reducing prejudice found that most programs a curtain to shield auditioning musicians from to track biases much more long way. change the way that we run
weren’t tested. For the few that were, includ- the evaluation committee. This has helped precisely. Based on such any organization, not just
ing media campaigns and corporate-diversity judges to focus on the music played instead of data, Janice Fanning Mad- businesses. It may not free
training, the effects, wrote Elizabeth Levy Pa- what the musician looks like, as Claudia Goldin den of the Wharton School our minds from prejudice,
luck of Princeton and Donald P. Green of Yale of Harvard and Cecilia Rouse of Princeton discovered, in a study published in Gender but it can make our biases less influential
in the Annual Review of Psychology (2009), showed in a paper for the American Economic and Society (2012), that the female stockbro- and help us to make our major institutions
“remain unknown.” Review (2000). Curtains increased by 50% the kers in two of the largest U.S. brokerage firms more inclusive and productive.
It is hard to ignore the possibility that all the likelihood that women advanced to future made less money than their male counter-
time and money devoted in recent decades to rounds of tryouts. Today, almost 40% of musi- parts because they were given worse-per-
promoting diversity at our major institutions cians at major American orchestras are female, forming accounts to start with. Dr. Bohnet is the author of “What Works: Gen-
has largely been wasted. a contrast to the 1970s, when curtains were Using data to learn about the possible dispa- der Equality by Design,” recently published by
This shouldn’t come as a surprise. As my own seldom used and women made up only about rate treatment of employees shouldn’t be con- Harvard University Press. She is a professor of
field of study, behavioral economics, has docu- 5% to 10% of musicians. troversial. No company runs its finances based public policy at Harvard’s Kennedy School of
mented so well, all of us bring a bundle of biases What would it mean to transfer such insights just on intuition, and the same should hold for Government.


portant actor” in the economy, the country’s Di-
saster and Emergency Management Authority
said in a January report. Syrians have invested
$71 million in joint ventures with Turkish busi-
WHEN ONE of Syria’s largest food companies nesspeople—about 20% of the foreign cash in-
left the suburbs of Damascus for the dusty Jor- jected into local partnerships in Turkey in 2015.
danian border city of Irbid in 2012, it was In Cairo, Syrian restaurants serving sha-
among the first Syrian businesses to register warma wraps and cheese-stuffed desserts have

there. Today, Al Durra General Trading and In- proliferated. Since 2011, when Syria’s uprising
vestment Co. shares a “free zone” (as free-trade began, the total capital of businesses set up by
zones tend to be called in the region) with more Syrians and their Egyptian partners in Egypt is
than 20 other enterprises that have also left $792 million, according to the country’s General
Syria. Hundreds more have relocated to else- Authority for Investments and Free Zones.
where in Jordan as the bloody conflict in their Syria’s neighbors, overwhelmed by the exo-
home country enters its sixth year. dus, have pared back support for bulging refu-
With the implosion of the Syrian economy, gee populations and partially sealed once-open
businesses such as Al Durra have relocated to borders. Turkish, Lebanese and Jordanian offi- SYRIAN REFUGEE Abdul Halim al-Attar, left, watches an employee at his Beirut restaurant,
many of the same Middle Eastern countries to cials say that the investment and skills that Syr- Nov. 26, 2015—one of three small businesses the entrepreneur runs in Lebanon’s capital.
which their customers have fled in vast num- ian businesses bring don’t compensate for the
bers. The success of these companies has chal- burden of caring for so many refugees—and that Romman, chairman of the Jordan Free Zones In- 1.2 million Syrians.
lenged the idea that Syrian refugees are a drain massive amounts of foreign aid are still needed. vestors Commission. Al Durra had 1,500 employees and three fac-
on host economies and steal jobs from locals. “Lebanon is unable [to] finance the enormous For displaced Syrians, re-establishing them- tories back in Damascus. Now, 450 Syrians and
Capital flight and a brain drain from Syria burden alone,” said Prime Minister Tamam selves in new countries means having to deal Jordanians work shoulder-to-shoulder in its Ir-
have especially benefited Jordan, Lebanon and Salam at a high-level U.N. donor conference on with local competition and legal hurdles. Obtain- bid complex, packing stuffed vine leaves and
Turkey, which have seen jobs and new busi- Syria’s crisis in London last month. ing work permits can be tough. Syrian refugees stirring caldrons of sesame halwa. The company
nesses spring up as a result. Among the refu- King Abdullah of Jordan, which hosts some cannot work legally in Lebanon; Turkey recently has also opened a smaller factory in Egypt,
gees are Syrian business owners who saw their 600,000 Syrians registered with the U.N. refugee moved to make it easier for them to obtain the which it says operates legally.
factories and offices destroyed. Others decided agency, said at the same conference that the ref- required permits. Al Durra’s executives hope to change the im-
to leave as their customers disappeared and ugees consume more than 25% of Jordan’s an- A Syrian who owns a fragrance shop in Trip- age of Syrians from helpless refugees to ready
their distribution networks collapsed. nual budget. “It is as if the U.K. had to absorb oli, Lebanon, said that most Syrian business- investors and able workers. Some 70% of Al Du-
“Investments need stability and security,” the entire population of Belgium,” he said. people operate without registration, often em- rra’s workforce in Irbid is Jordanian; the rest
said Khaled Khamees, Al Durra’s director of ex- Despite the financial strains, Jordan is reap- ploying fellow Syrians without work permits. are Syrian, all on work permits, the firm said.
ports. “The conditions in Syria forced us to ing the dividends of Syrian business investment. More than half of Syrian businesses in neigh- “There’s a difference between investors and
move our business.” Jordan’s free zones have annual exports of $5 boring Lebanon were established after the refu- refugees,” said Mr. Khamees.
In Turkey, Syrians set up 1,429 registered billion, and of that, a half-billion dollars comes gee influx began in 2011, the World Bank said —Dana Ballout, Emre Peker, Felicia Schwartz
companies last year and have become an “im- from Syrian companies, according to Nabeel last year. Lebanon has since taken in more than and Dahlia Kholaif contributed to this article.
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A12 | Monday, March 14, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Hillary’s Other
The Donald and The Barack Server Scandal
resident Obama is said to be a reflec- economic revolution. Bernie Sanders is Mr.
tive man, and often he is the one say- Trump’s leftward duplicate. The difference is Bernie Sanders keeps Clinton at State (unpaid), while on
refusing to hit Hillary the foundation payroll.
ing so, but you wouldn’t know it from that the Democratic establishment is doing a
Clinton over her email. While in government, Ms. Mills was
his Thursday press confer- better job keeping their out- Or so it seems. But paid by an outside entity to negotiate
ence with Canadian Prime Obama is Trump’s more sider away from a delegate maybe the Vermont with a foreign country (the United
Minister Justin Trudeau. sophisticated, articulate majority. senator’s relentless as- Arab Emirates) that had donated to the
Asked about political polar- The source of this public
ization and the Donald liberal antecedent. frustration is no great mys- POTOMAC sault on Mrs. Clinton’s Clinton Foundation. She was also
corporate ties is about among those who reviewed Bill Clin-
Trump phenomenon, Mr. tery. For the 10th straight By Kimberley
her email after all. ton’s speaking events.
Obama denied all responsi- year, the U.S. economy is Maybe Mr. Sanders is Ms. Abedin held her own clintone-
A. Strassel
bility. He doesn’t seem to appreciate the kind growing by less than 3%. Such a long stretch of betting that Hillary has account. We recently found
of country he will leave behind. underperformance hasn’t happened since the a bigger problem than out that the State Department’s in-
“What I’m not going to do is to validate some 1930s. Slow growth for a decade means middle- classified information. spector general issued a subpoena to
The question hanging over the Clin- the foundation last fall, demanding
notion that the Republican crack-up that’s been class incomes are stagnant, which in turn in-
ton campaign is whether she will be documents about projects it engaged
taking place is a consequence of actions that creases economic anxiety, which in turn creates indicted for mishandling state secrets. in while Mrs. Clinton was the na-
I’ve taken,” Mr. Obama said. He explained Mr. political unrest. Grilled by Jorge Ramos at the Demo- tion’s top diplomat. That subpoena
Trump’s ascent as the result of “the nasty tone As for tone, the 1980s and 1990s featured bit- cratic debate Wednesday, Mrs. Clinton specifically asked for records related
of our politics, which I certainly have not con- ter partisan conflicts—and for that matter so was again forced to roll out a trail of to Ms. Abedin.
tributed to.” He blamed Republicans for this did the 1880s and 1790s. But the late 20th cen- misdirection, to insist (with astonish- Mrs. Clinton would have us believe
tone, as ever. tury had popular two-term Presidencies almost ing brazenness) that an indictment is that the 31,830 emails she deleted
“Objectively,” Mr. Obama said, “it’s fair to back to back, and the era didn’t produce back- “not going to happen.” from her server pertained to yoga
say that the Republican political elites and lash candidates promising to burn Washington Classified information matters, and and weddings. Yet look at what the
many of the information outlets—social media, to the ground and salt the earth. The reason is Mrs. Clinton stands accused of sloppy press has gleaned even from the few
handling. Yet the former secretary of emails and foundation details that
news outlets, talk radio, television stations— that the economy was booming.
state didn’t set up a home-brew server were released.
have been feeding the Republican base for the Mr. Obama’s apologists claim 2%-2.5% to expose national secrets—that was in-
last seven years a notion that everything I do growth is the best we can do, but the truth is cidental. Mrs. Clinton went to elaborate
is to be opposed; that cooperation or compro- that the natural dynamism of the U.S. economy lengths to build a secret, private system The focus is on state secrets
mise somehow is a betrayal.” He listed a few has been swamped by waves of Mr. Obama’s bad for some other reason. She says it was
more GOP shortcomings, but you’ve got to hand policy. Instead of a second term that is bereft for “convenience.” Others speculate she
in her email—but what
it to him for that “objectively.” of domestic achievements, in an alternate uni- did it out of the Clintons’ longtime personal favors lay within?
As Mr. Obama tells it, all of this reflexive verse he might have worked with the duly paranoia over paper trails.
Obama bashing created “an environment where elected Republican majority and started to re- Mr. Sanders is likely hitting closer
somebody like a Donald Trump can thrive. He’s pair the economy from the center out. to the truth. Lost in the kerfuffle is the Foundation cash after Russian min-
just doing more of what has been done for the Instead, Mr. Obama has shown contempt for other, lately ignored but still potent, ing approvals. More than a dozen
scandal: the Clinton Foundation, and speeches by Bill to corporations and
last seven and a half years.” In other words, Re- institutions that he doesn’t run, and, notably,
the unethical mixing of Mrs. Clinton’s governments with business pending
publicans didn’t clean up the standing water in most of his growth-subtracting policies have public work and her personal fundrais- before Hillary’s State Department. Doz-
their own backyard and now they’re complain- been imposed through unilateral executive ac- ing/speech-giving/favor-doing. The ens more donations to the foundation
ing about mosquitoes. tion. He doesn’t do persuasion and compromise. more evidence that comes out, the from companies that were lobbying the
One irony is that even as Mr. Obama denied Some policies were intended to sow division, like more it looks as if that server was set State Department. Checks to the foun-
any liability for Mr. Trump, he lapsed into the his lawless immigration order that inflamed the up to provide an off-the-grid means for dation from a Swiss bank after Secre-
same rhetorical habit that helped fuel the busi- restrictionist right, divided Republican elites those two worlds to interact. tary of State Clinton solved its IRS
nessman’s ascent. For Mr. Obama, principled and was only stopped by the courts. Take Bryan Pagliano, now reported problem. An email to Ms. Abedin,
opposition to his policies is always illegitimate The nature of Mr. Trump’s appeal can be ex- to have received U.S. Justice Depart- while she was at State, asking for help
or motivated by bad faith. plained by Mr. Obama’s own rule-by-regulation ment immunity in return for talking winning a presidential appointment for
Like the President’s nonstop moral lectures governing methods and polarizing political about his email services rendered. Mr. a Clinton Foundation donor.
Pagliano ran Mrs. Clinton’s IT shop What else? Plenty, surely. The Clin-
about “our values” and “who we are as Ameri- style. You might even call him The Barack, the
during her 2008 presidential cam- ton Foundation existed in recent
cans,” by which he means liberal values and more articulate and sophisticated liberal ante- paign, then worked for her political-ac- years to serve as an unofficial PAC for
who we are as Democrats, he reads his critics cedent to The Donald. tion committee. She custom-built a job Mrs. Clinton’s expected presidential
out of politics. No wonder so many Americans The stability of the American political sys- for him at the State Department. He run. Mrs. Clinton’s job at State was
feel disenfranchised and powerless. tem depends on deeply rooted norms. What this arrived only a few months after her in designed to serve the same end. Of
And if we’re being objective, maybe Mr. primary season has revealed is that when a 2009, and he left when she left. course the business of the two was
Obama could account for the populist uprising President violates these unwritten rules, the Mr. Pagliano maintained Mrs. Clin- intertwined. Here’s to betting the
among disaffected Democratic primary voters damage to self-government leads into un- ton’s server in her New York home. server was maintained to facilitate
for a 74-year-old Vermont socialist vowing an charted territory. The State Department paid him, but a that intertwinement.
Clinton official confirmed to the Wash- Mr. Sanders started ramping up his
ington Post that the Clintons paid him attacks on Mrs. Clinton for her ties to
Accountability for Preet Bharara in addition. Mr. Pagliano didn’t report
that outside money on disclosure
“billionaires” and “Wall Street” in mid-
January. That’s almost precisely the

forms—as he was required to. And time that news organizations reported
all Street holy warrior Preet Bhar- the Level Global search contained false and State claims to have been unaware that (without garnering much public atten-
ara may finally answer for abuses perhaps deliberately fabricated claims about Mr. Pagliano was getting personally tion) that the FBI had expanded its
of his prosecutorial power. On his personal involvement. He says in his suit paid by the secretary of state. email probe to examine the “intersec-
Thursday a federal district court ruled that a against Mr. Bharara that FBI agents deprived So Mr. Pagliano gets added to the list tion” between Mrs. Clinton’s State De-
lawsuit alleging that the U.S. Attorney for the him of due process. of insiders compensated to work partment and the foundation. What is
Southern District of New York violated the This is a major development in the case simultaneously for the government and Mr. Pagliano now telling as part of his
civil and constitutional rights of former hedge- that we first wrote about last year (“Preet the Clintons. Huma Abedin at one point immunity deal?
fund manager David Ganek can proceed to dis- Bharara’s Methods”). Prosecutors and law en- worked for the State Department, the Mr. Sanders knows that his corpo-
Clinton Foundation, Mrs. Clinton and a rate-special-interest line already plays
covery and trial. Hear, hear. forcement enjoy qualified immunity that
private company tied to the Clintons— well with crowds; it reminds people of
This fiasco began in 2010 when the Federal shields government officials from being sued all at the same time. the stench of the Clintons’ ethics. But
Bureau of Investigation publicly raided Mr. for all but the most egregious violations of Cheryl Mills worked for Mrs. Clin- he may also be betting that the FBI
Ganek’s Level Global for insider trading, and legal rights. ton at State while holding a position finds more to peg on Mrs. Clinton
Mr. Ganek was forced to liquidate the fund Yet New York Judge William Pauley rejected at the Clinton Foundation. Sidney than simply classified emails. And he
amid the damage to his reputation. The Second the government’s motion to dismiss. “Discov- Blumenthal secretly assisted Mrs. may be right.
Circuit Court of Appeals has since overturned ery is now appropriate to ascertain whether
the conviction of the Level Global portfolio this is a case about a simple misunderstanding
manager who had been found guilty, noting
there was “no evidence” he committed securi-
ties fraud, and the Securities and Exchange
or whether something more troubling was
afoot,” he writes, referring to the question of
how and why the false allegations that de-
Zimbabwe May Starve,
Commission is disgorging penalties.
Mr. Ganek was never charged, even under
stroyed Level Global entered the warrant.
Mr. Bharara’s media image is the Elliot Ness
But at Least It’s GMO-Free
the theory of insider trading that the Second of Wall Street. Now we may learn if he has his

Chikombedzi, Zimbabwe that has studied them knows.
Circuit tossed, and the FBI affidavit to support own house in order. y country’s government would They are also positively good for the
rather see people starve than environment, allowing farmers to fight
let them eat genetically modi- soil erosion by planting high-yield crops
A Trade Tutorial for Trump fied food.
That’s the only conclusion to draw
that need less water, reduce greenhouse
gases—and, most important, grow more

ith the presidential frontrunners of Nonetheless, Mr. Trump on Tuesday rapped from the announcement in February food on less land.
both parties flogging made-in- Japan for “playing around with the yen,” which that Zimbabwe will reject any food aid For too long African countries have
America populism, it’s no surprise he claimed has undercut U.S. companies. “Cat- that includes a genetically-modified-or- looked to Europe for economic and in-
ganism ingredient—such as grains, corn tellectual leadership—and now we’ve
that voters are turning against erpillar is being hurt very and other crops made more vigorous or accepted Europe’s sweeping opposi-
free trade. So allow us to add A few facts beyond that badly by Komatsu” of Japan, fruitful through GMO breeding. The ban tion to GMOs. The difference is that
some facts to this so far data- misleading Komatsu- he The said. comes just as Zimbabweans are suffer- Europe is a wealthy continent that can
free debate, and we’re avail- yen has fallen by about ing from our worst drought in two de- afford this ideological luxury. In Af-
able to give Donald Trump a Caterpillar anecdote. 25% to the dollar since 2012, cades and up to three million people rica, we can’t. Grinding poverty is nor-
tutorial upon request. when it was widely thought to need emergency relief. mal here. We need an agricultural sec-
The real-estate developer be overvalued, and this has “The position of the government is tor that keeps up with population
recently added Japan to his most-wanted list benefited Japanese exporters. But the Bank of very clear,” said Joseph Made, the min- growth, rather than one that keeps on
of job killers, which includes China and Mexico. Japan’s monetary interventions have been ister of agriculture. “We do not accept falling behind.
“We have a trade deficit with Japan of over aimed at stimulating domestic demand and in- GMO as we are protecting the environ- A handful of African countries appre-
ment from the grain point of view.” ciate the value of GMOs. Across the
$100 billion a year,” he said during his postpri- flation, not boosting exports. In any case, Cat-
In other words, my country—which southern border of Zimbabwe lies
mary press conference in Florida on Tuesday. erpillar’s recent struggles are mainly due to can’t feed itself—will refuse what mil- South Africa, where farmers are grow-
“They’re killing us. You know what we sell to plunging commodity prices that have hurt lions around the world eat safely every ing more than five million acres of GMO
Japan? Practically nothing.” global sales for its mining equipment amid day in their breakfasts, lunches and din- corn each year.
Is $116 billion worth of annual goods and slowing demand from China. ners as a conventional source of calo- In Burkina Faso farmers plant GMO
services exports to Japan practically nothing? By the way, Komatsu employs thousands of ries. It doesn’t matter whether the aid cotton. Last month Kenya approved the
Japan is the fourth-largest U.S. export market workers at nine U.S. locations. Notwithstanding arrives as food for people or feed for an- first field trial for corn genetically mod-
in goods after Canada, Mexico and China. In the weakening yen, Japanese auto makers have imals. Our customs inspectors will make ified to fight pests. The commercializa-
2013 the top U.S. exports to Japan were agricul- also increased production in the U.S., in part sure that no food with GMOs reaches a tion of this GMO corn could come next.
tural products ($12.1 billion), machinery ($10.7 to avoid import duties, hedge foreign-exchange single hungry mouth. But these bright spots are the rare ex-
billion), medical devices ($8 billion) and air- risks and reduce shipping costs. More than The drought has devastated my fam- ceptions, proving the sad rule that in Af-
ily’s farm, which will produce almost no rica farmers lack access to the basic
craft ($7.1 billion). three-quarters of Nissans sold in the U.S. are
sorghum or corn this year. We’re short seed technologies that peers in the U.S.,
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the produced domestically. on money and the drought has caused Brazil and India take for granted as they
overall U.S. trade deficit in goods with Japan The best way to boost American exports is prices to soar, even for the simplest produce record-setting harvests.
was $68 billion last year. Vehicles accounted to remove trade barriers with new trade agree- goods. In the markets, cabbages the There are no easy solutions to a
for much of the deficit, but that’s primarily ments. U.S. farm producers would particularly size of tennis balls sell for $1. drought, and even crops with GMOs
because Japanese car makers can produce su- benefit from the Trans-Pacific Partnership with People are desperate for work. Last can’t bring us the rain we need. Yet the
perior small cars at a lower cost than U.S. Japan and 10 other countries. Japanese tariffs week I watched a man my grandfather’s drought may serve the purpose of high-
manufacturers. Federal fuel-economy stan- on beef would fall to 9% in the 16th year of the age carry a hoe from house to house, try- lighting the madness of Africa’s anti-
dards harm American automakers more than deal from 38.5% while the 20% tariff on ground ing to trade whatever labor he could of- GMO extremism. After all, we need
trade does. pork would be eliminated in six years. Japan’s fer for a meal. He wound up performing these GMOs in the form of emergency
Notably, the U.S. enjoys large comparative 21.3% levy on poultry and eggs would be abol- backyard chores for a cup of tea. food aid. But we should be able to enjoy
The rejection of GMO food aid is a them soon as an ordinary part of farm-
advantages in high-value manufacturing and ished in six to 13 years. humanitarian outrage—a man-made di- ing and food production.
agriculture. In 2012, according to the White Mr. Trump claims that as President he saster built on top of a natural disaster.
House trade rep, the U.S. ran a $20 billion trade would make smarter and “fairer” trade deals. Yet something even worse lies behind Ms. Mudukuti is a biotechnology stu-
surplus with Japan in private commercial ser- He could help persuade voters by showing it: a denial of science. GMOs pose no dent at Chinhoyi University of Technol-
vices such as consulting, legal services and in- that he knows more than nothing about for- threat to human health, as virtually ev- ogy in Zimbabwe, and a member of the
formation technology. eign trade. ery scientific and regulatory agency Global Farmer Network.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, March 14, 2016 | A13


Donald Trump, Meet Your Customers

By Joseph Rago to believe these are the same pieces Amid this conversation, one emo-
that Mr. Trump eats.” tive word appears again and again,

New York Disenchantment with Trump food and that is “splurge.” These reviewers
o you have the water, is a running motif. “After all, how bad are not regular patrons of establish-
you have the steaks, can a restaurant be that has Donald ments where the faucets are gold-
you have the airline. I Trump’s name on it?” a TripAdvisor plated, and they typically discuss one-
mean, what’s wrong user wonders about DJT, a restaurant or two-day getaways to celebrate a
with selling?” Donald J. at Trump Hotel Las Vegas. “Well, special occasion.
Trump asked Tuesday in his remark- pretty bad,” he concludes. “Donald, “This is a place everyone should
able election-night defense of his they don’t deserve your initials,” splurge on at least once in their life-
business empire. “Every once in a somebody else says. time,” says a TripAdvisor user about

while you can sell something. You Drinkers can also no longer enjoy the Trump Chicago. Another notes,
have the wines and all of that, and “Donald J. Trump: The World’s Finest “For the average person like me, one
Trump University, we’re going to Super Premium Vodka, Success Dis- would think it would be unaffordable
start it up as soon as I win the law- tilled,” which was discontinued in and out of reach . . . I think once in a
suit.” He went on to invoke other “as- 2011, though it is unclear if anyone lifetime everyone should surround
sets” including his hotels, Trump ever enjoyed it. A connoisseur at the themselves with this kind of luxury. I
Vodka, the New York towers, the golf website Vodkaphiles compares the The candidate and his merchandise at a March 8 news conference in Jupiter, Fla. was quite happy with the TV in the
links and the Mar-a-Lago club—but flavor to “gas station burritos, bathroom, so I could take a shower
missed the opportunity to plug his slightly expired 2% milk, hard boiled Trump Restaurant than Gucci is a the best hotels I’ve ever stayed at.” and continue watching my show I
Trump-branded neckties, restaurants, eggs, and canned pears.” Trump Store. A few did seem to dislike Trump was watching in the bedroom.”
jewelry and mattresses. Perhaps Mr. Trump’s people simply A spokeswoman wrote back that hotels because they disliked the The nature of luxury economics is
Mr. Trump says he’s the candidate have different preferences when it the condo building where Daniel is man. Brett M. says the Trump Ocean that the more so-called Veblen goods
of the common man, and, well, the comes to the human senses. On a fra- housed is now managed by a differ- Club in Panama “is a bit like Donald cost, the more they are desired.
common man now regularly shares grances bulletin board, a reviewer ent real-estate company and Trump himself: showy and full of Nearly all of the splurgers were satis-
online his opinions of the stuff he says the notes of Success by Trump emphasized that the Trump Organi- flashy style and big rhetoric, but al- fied, by their own testimony. But
buys. By coincidence, a few weeks be- eau de toilette spray evoke adjectives zation “had no direct relationship most wholly lacking in substance when you read person after person
fore Mr. Trump’s speech, I wondered like “cloying, synthetic, annoyance, with the restaurant other than as and attention to detail.” describing once-in-a-lifetime Trump
what the amateur critics who contrib- headache inducing and maybe even manager of the building . . . Daniel is In general, a consensus jells about purchases, it’s hard to shake the woe-
ute to websites like TripAdvisor, Yelp household cleanser.” Another chimes not appropriately listed on the the merits of Trump properties, begone impression they’re being sold
and Amazon were saying about his in, “Maybe it could make the dump- Trump website, which we are which fall into the upper half of the an overpriced caricature of what
consumer-facing products, and I ster outside my house smell better, addressing with them now.” ratings distribution on both TripAdvi- someone who is not rich imagines be-
started to comb through their reviews but I doubt it.” The Daniel trophy has disappeared sor and Yelp. It’s weird the bathrooms ing rich would be like.
whenever I had a spare half-hour. “We were almost violently ill from from the Trump website, but I saved in the guest rooms of the Trump Soho i i i
the smell,” TripAdvisor’s Rady re- the screenshots. don’t have doors. Trump Las Vegas is Deep into Amazon reviews of
ports about the Trump Taj Mahal ca- i i i too far from the strip. Guests like the Trump apparel—“This shirt makes no
Trump say he’s the tribune sino in Atlantic City. “The ‘roof deck Mr. Trump seems to do better as a welcome letters from Mr. Trump that pretense of being top quality. But it’s
of the common man. I read pool’ was nothing but a used hypo- hotelier than steak merchant, albeit are left on the beds. Trump Interna- not cheap garbage either”—I became
dermic needle collection area,” notes with his usual overcooking. “I mean, tional Hotel & Tower Waikiki Beach fatigued and decided I needed to give
26,000 online reviews to Lauren W. Chicago, I have one of the greatest Walk sounds lovely. something back after taking so much.
find out what the common Alas, the Taj is just another bank- buildings, rated the No. 1 hotel in There is less unanimity about I went with a friend to get lunch at
rupt Atlantic City casino, not another North America, and I’m very proud of value for money. Reviewers conduct the notorious tourist trap that is the
man thinks of his products. Atlantic City casino whose bank- it. It’s great, great,” he said Tuesday. debates about whether Trump accom- Trump Grill, in the gilded atrium of
ruptcy Mr. Trump caused. He took a Yet Trump International Hotel & modations, however opulent, are Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue. My
buyout in 2009, and his trademark re- Tower isn’t even the greatest hotel in worth the high prices. review: This place couldn’t make a
According to my spreadsheet, I’ve mains because the hedge funds that Chicago, according to TripAdvisor. “Pricey as hell—but what do you Gentleman’s C at Trump University.
now read about 26,000 individual re- run the joint told a chapter 11 judge Users rank the place No. 12, behind expect? It’s the Trump!” notes Steph- A lobster ravioli appetizer ($14)
views. It has been slow, bleary-eyed that they lacked the funds to change the Langham (the winner) and the anie L. “If you don’t have the money appeared to be frozen food, which of-
scutwork, trust me, and remember, the “ubiquitous” Trump signage. Talbot (the runner-up), as well as the to spend, go to a cheaper option.” Ev- fered reassurance: “unlikely to be poi-
kids, this is what happens if you go This brings us to Mr. Trump’s un- mass-market chain Radisson Blu elyn A. adds, “I’m not going to pre- sonous.” Meat was riskier. To the
into journalism. conventional conceptions of ownership Aqua (No. 11). tend the price tag isn’t etched in gold, cows that gave their lives in vain for
The digital portrait of Mr. Trump and property. Buildings he no longer Then again, Mr. Trump’s celebrity but screw it. You’re worth it!” the Gold Label cheeseburger ($20)
that emerges, review by review, is in- controls live on in the Trump pantheon, and mythology profoundly shape per- Keri N. provides the opposing and the Trump Tower steak sandwich
structive, however subjective and im- sometimes because of insolvency but ceptions of his properties. “You really argument in a post on the Trump Las ($23), we apologize.
pressionistic. You might call it an un- more often because he claims anything do feel as rich as Donald Trump is Vegas. “While the hotel is nice, it’s Our glasses of “red wine blend”
scientific poll—Mr. Trump’s favorite with his name on it is “his.” Even com- when you come here,” explains Valer- comparable to your average business from Trump Winery—a Meritage, the
kind—of his achievements, failures panies he has nothing to do with can ian L. “Trump knows how to entertain hotel that you would find in any 2013 vintage ($11), and a 2012 New
and the relationship between his become Trump companies. his rich guests,” Petras B. says. “I’m not other city.” World Reserve ($16)—also disap-
grandiosity and reality. Mr. Trump likes to boast that “I one of them, but it’s nice to pretend.” “I travel a lot,” remarks Mercedes pointed. The esophageal burns speak
i i i have a store worth more than Mitt Amelia568 even says the Trump M., “and frankly, what you get at a for themselves.
Mr. Trump was flanked on Tuesday Romney”—as if the Gucci flagship Hotel Collection delivered “the most Courtyard Marriott far exceeds what Afterward we repaired to Trump
by a pile of what he called Trump that leases commercial real estate in amazing experience of my life!!!” She I’ve experienced the last couple of Bar and did catch sight of Don Jr. The
Steaks, but his mail-order beef busi- Trump Tower agreed as a tenant to adds that “One special feature among days.” thrill was no compensation for my
ness is defunct. The label on the become the landlord’s possession. If too many to mention was Trump Bill Z. puts it more bluntly in a friend’s signature cocktail, the Doral
steaks indicated that they were sold that’s how it worked, at least it Tower Sparkling Water! I am quite an post about Trump International Hotel ($16), which he said tasted like the
by Bush Brothers Provision Co., a would explain this Yelper’s outlook: expert in this field and this was the & Tower Toronto: “At the risk of golf course it is named after. The Bil-
West Palm Beach grocery. “99 Cent Store quality and even best in the world!” The point goes to sounding condescending, I can’t help lionaire Martini ($20) was unworthy
The reviews for Trump Steaks are worse service.” Mr. Trump. but wonder how many of these five- of a mere millionaire, much less the
still posted on the QVC website, how- True to form, this week I noticed One takeaway is that reviewers are star reviews were written by people average-looking Americans who were
ever. One reports that the Classic Col- that the “Trump Restaurants” section as willing to overlook Mr. Trump’s who frequent five-star hotels on a opening their wallets for products
lection, which cost $199 for two filets, of the Trump Organization website politics as GOP voters are. “Trump, regular basis and know what their ex- that had been expertly hyped but
two bone-in rib-eyes and a dozen claimed Daniel, the Upper East Side himself, is horrible, but man, are his pectations of such hotels should be. I couldn’t deliver. Sad!
burgers, had “no redeeming quali- dining room that is among the hotels nice,” Ghia G. writes. do . . . As a hotel, the Trump is above
ties.” “Dreadful pieces of meat for a world’s finest. It has great reviews— Alma L. adds, “As much as I despise average. As a five-star, elite luxury Mr. Rago is a member of the Jour-
high price,” reads another. “It’s hard though I figured Daniel is no more a Donald Trump, this has to be one of hotel, the Trump falls short.” nal’s editorial board.

A New Tool for Avoiding Big-Bank Failures: ‘Chapter 14’

By Emily C. Kapur tional costs to society.” estate, not the new company. the judge would have minimal discre- lending to corporations, hedge funds
And John B. Taylor The solution is not to break up The new firm would take over the tion. By contrast, Lehman’s actual would not flee so readily from prime

the banks or turn them into public bank’s business and be led by the bank- bankruptcy involved dozens of com- brokers, and investment banks would
or months Democratic presi- utilities. Instead, we should do what ruptcy estate’s chosen private-sector plex proceedings in the U.S. and be less likely to turn to the govern-
dential hopeful Bernie Sanders Dodd-Frank failed to do: Make big- managers. With regulations requiring abroad, creating huge uncertainty and ment for financing.
has been telling Americans that bank failures feasible without tank- minimum long-term debt levels, the making it impossible for even part of Eventually, the new company
the government must “break up the ing the economy by writing a pro- new firm would be solvent. The bank- the firm to remain in business. would make a public stock offering to
banks” because they are “too big to cess to do so into the bankruptcy ruptcy would be entirely contained, When Lehman went under it had value the bankruptcy estate’s owner-
fail.” This is the wrong role for gov- code through a new amendment—a $20 billion of book equity and $96 bil- ship interest, and the estate would
ernment, but Sen. Sanders and others “chapter 14.” lion of long-term debt, while its per- distribute its assets according to stat-
on both sides of the aisle have a Chapter 14 would impose losses on Bernie Sanders is right, ceived losses were around $54 billion. utory priority rules. If the valuation
point. The 2010 Dodd-Frank financial shareholders and creditors while pre- If the costs of a chapter 14 proceeding came in at $52 billion, Lehman share-
law, which was supposed to end too venting the collapse of one firm from Dodd-Frank doesn’t work, amounted to an additional (and con- holders would be wiped out, as they
big to fail, has not. spreading to others. It could be initi- but his solution is wrong. servative) $10 billion, then the new were in 2008. Long-term debtholders,
Dodd-Frank gave the Federal De- ated by the lead regulatory agency company would be well capitalized with $96 billion in claims, would re-
posit Insurance Corp. authority to and would begin with an over-the- Here’s what would work. with around $52 billion of equity. cover 54 cents on the dollar, more
take over and oversee the reorganiza- weekend bankruptcy hearing before a The new parent company would than the 37 cents they did receive. All
tion of so-called systemically impor- preselected U.S. district judge. After take over Lehman’s subsidiaries, all of other creditors—the large majority—
tant financial institutions whose fail- the hearing, the court would convert both because the new bank would keep which would continue in business, would be paid in full at maturity.
ure could pose a risk to the economy. the bank’s eligible long-term debt into operating and paying its debts, and be- outside of bankruptcy. And the new Other reforms, such as higher capi-
But no one can be sure the FDIC will equity, reorganizing the bankrupt cause losses would be allocated en- company would honor all obligations tal requirements, may yet be needed
follow its resolution strategy, which bank’s balance sheet without restruc- tirely to the old bank’s shareholders to short-term creditors, such as re- to reduce risk and lessen the chance of
leads many to believe Dodd-Frank will turing its operations. and long-term bondholders. purchase agreement and commercial financial failure. But that is no reason
be bypassed in a crisis. A new nonbankrupt company, An examination by one of us (Em- paper lenders. to wait on bankruptcy reform. A bill
Reflecting on his own experience owned by the bankruptcy estate (the ily Kapur) of previously unexplored The result: Short-term creditors along the lines of the chapter 14 that
as overseer of the U.S. Treasury’s temporary legal owner of a failed discovery and court documents from would have no reason to run on the we advocate passed the House Judi-
bailout program in 2008-09, Neel company’s assets and property), Lehman Brothers’ September 2008 bank before the bankruptcy proceed- ciary Committee on Feb. 11. Two ver-
Kashkari, now president of the Fed- would assume the recapitalized bal- bankruptcy shows that chapter 14 ing, knowing they would be protected. sions await action in the Senate. Let’s
eral Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, ance sheet of the failed bank, includ- would have worked especially well for And they would have no reason to run end too big to fail, once and for all.
says U.S. government officials are ing all obligations to its short-term that firm, without adverse effects on afterward, because the new firm
once again likely to bail out big creditors. But the failed bank’s share- the financial system. would be solvent. Ms. Kapur is an attorney and eco-
banks and their creditors rather holders and long-term bondholders Here is how Lehman under chapter Without a run, Lehman would have nomics Ph.D. candidate at Stanford
than “trigger many trillions of addi- would have claims only against the 14 would have played out. The pro- $30 billion more liquidity after reso- University. Mr. Taylor, a professor of
cess would start with a single, brief lution than it had in 2008, easing sub- economics at Stanford, co-edited “Mak-
hearing for the parent company to fa- sequent operational challenges. In the ing Failure Feasible” (Hoover, 2015)
cilitate the creation of a new recapi- broader marketplace, money-market with Kenneth Scott and Thomas Jack-
PUBLISHED SINCE 1889 BY DOW JONES & COMPANY talized company—a hearing in which funds would have no reason to curtail son, which includes Ms. Kapur’s study.
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Notable & Quotable: On ‘Darkness at Noon’
Deputy Editors in Chief Ashley Huston, Chief Communications Officer; From the April 7, 2016 issue of the War II, the book’s topicality faded, tion, and the fatal consequences of
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Scammell writing about a recently of the cold war. Moreover, when the cism.
Thorold Barker, Europe; Paul Beckett, Asia;
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A14 | Monday, March 14, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


In Tennis, No Tears
Shed for Sharapova
Facing a lengthy ban side an email. “I think most fact that Sharapova tested
people would call it too hard positive at a Grand Slam
and receiving little to find,” she said. She tested event made her defense even
sympathy, the ex-No. 1 positive for meldonium after more difficult.
losing in the quarterfinals of “She played a Grand Slam
has a long road ahead the Australian Open and was with a performance-enhanc-
notified by the International ing drug—there’s not too
BY TOM PERROTTA Tennis Federation. many ways you can talk your
“I want to believe that for way out of that,” Davenport
Indian Wells, Calif. sure it’s a mistake for Maria, said. “It’s pretty tough to ask
When Maria Sharapova ad- she didn’t want to do it, but the players to be sympa-
mitted last week that she had it’s obvious that it’s negli- thetic.”
failed a drug test at the Aus- gence,” Rafael Nadal said last Sharapova, the winner of
tralian Open, she hoped her week ahead of the BNP five Grand Slam singles ti-
explanation—that she didn’t Paribas Open in Indian Wells. tles, could be suspended for
know a drug she had used for “The rules are like this. It’s four years, which would
a decade was recently fair and now she must pay for likely end her career. Provi-
banned—would garner a le- it.” sions in tennis’s anti-doping
nient sentence and support Novak Djokovic, the top- program allow for reduced
from the tennis community. ranked man in world and a sanctions, and several sus-
As more details have friend of Sharapova’s, said pensions have been reduced
emerged, though, it’s clear that he felt sorry for her, but to 6 months or less because
that the 28-year-old that she still must be ready of tainted supplements or
Sharapova is facing the most for punishment. “The player other factors.
difficult challenge of her ca- that has made this mistake John Haggerty, Sharapova’s
reer, against both anti-doping has to suffer certain kind of lawyer, said her defense
authorities and the so-far un- consequences,” he said. would rely in part on her will-
sympathetic opinions of her ingness to admit this error.
colleagues on the tennis tour. Haggerty said he hopes to
Sharapova said she had
Sharapova could be have a hearing before a panel
taken Mildronate, the brand suspended for four by May.
name of a Latvian-made car- “In our view, there is no
diac drug called meldonium,
years, which would possibility for a four-year
likely end her career.


since 2006. She said her fam- sanction because this is com-
ily doctor recommended it pletely not intentional,” he
because of recurring illnesses, said. “We’re now in the world
low magnesium, irregular Dozens of athletes, includ- of zero-to-two” years of sus-
electrocardiogram results and ing many from Russia, are pension.
a family history of diabetes. facing positive tests for the Several sponsors, including
“I made a huge mistake,” drug. The large number of Nike, have suspended con-
Sharapova said in a news con- athletes could strengthen tracts with Sharapova until
ference in Los Angeles last Sharapova’s claim that this her sanction is determined.
week. “I have to take full re- was a mistake. But Andy Mur- One sponsor, the racket Maria Sharapova, above during January’s Australian Open, said she takes ‘full responsibility.’
sponsibility for it because it’s ray, ranked No. 2 in the maker Head, has backed her,
my body.” world, said the volume of saying it intends to extend to the ITF’s guide to sample not to litigate the matter in agencies on Sept. 16, 2015, ex-
Meldonium was on the positive tests also raises her contract. collection. The reason: “This the press, I must refrain from plained that “meldonium
World Anti-Doping Agency’s questions. Key details in Sharapova’s section is provided for your proving answers to these (Mildronate) was added be-
watch list last year and “You just don’t expect case remain unclear. When protection, in order that you questions to the media,” he cause of evidence of its use
banned as of Jan. 1 of this high-level athletes at the top tennis players submit to dop- can show that you are not said via email. by athletes with the intention
year after studies suggested of many different sports to ing tests, they are given a concealing the use of any In an interview earlier last of enhancing performance.”
it could enhance performance. have heart conditions,” Mur- form that asks them to “de- such supplement, substance week, Haggerty said the name The memo can be found on
The ban was first announced ray said. “If you’re taking a clare any medications, sub- or medication.” of the drug could play a role the ITF’s website. An ITF
last September. In a Facebook prescription drug that you stances or supplements that Haggerty wouldn’t say in Sharapova’s defense. She spokesman said that it was
letter posted Friday to her don’t actually need for what you are taking or have taken whether Sharapova listed Mil- knew the drug as Mildronate, posted there on Dec. 7, and
fans, Sharapova said that the it’s giving you, then that’s in the last seven days, irre- dronate on her form in Aus- but it is only listed as meldo- that players received notifica-
Dec. 18 notification she re- wrong.” spective of their source and tralia or any time in the past. nium on WADA’s list of pro- tion that this document, as
ceived about changes to the Lindsay Davenport, the re- your perceived risk of taking “Out of respect for the ITF hibited substances. However, well as others about the
doping code was buried in- tired American star, said the those substances,” according process and a strong desire a WADA memo sent to sports changes, were available.

Weather The WSJ Daily Crossword | Edited by Mike Shenk

Shown are today’s noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day.
-15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Down
13 28 Gas in a
-10 stratospheric
14 15 16
1 In the style of
-5 layer
Riga 0 2 Poet’s metrical
sgo Copenhagen
C p h g
osco 17 18 19 foot 29 Cable company
10 20 21 22 3 Blockhead
D bli 15 30 Ignored the limit
li 23 24 4 Approve
A t d
20 31 Young ram
25 5 McCain or
25 26 27 28 29 30 35 “You really think
30 McConnell
Brussels Frankfurt
kf Prague
Pragu Kiev
e so?”
35 31 32 33 6 Like some
i h patches 36 Composer Erik
Paris 34 35 36 37
V Warm 7 Salsa 37 Meager payment
d 38 39 40
Geneva Cold specification 39 Top film of 1975
Milan Bucharest
h Stationary 41 42 43 44 8 Blockhead 40 Gang fights
45 46 9 “Lord Jim” 42 Burning
Showers author
Rome Istanbul
b 47 48 49 50 51
43 Home of the
d id Rain 10 Govt. water- Mavericks and
52 53 54 55 testing facility the Cowboys
56 57 58 11 Campbell of 44 Discoveries in
Al i
Algiers T i
Tunis Athens
Ah Snow “Scream” many whodunits
59 60 61
12 Waiter’s burden 47 Moves up and
Flurries down on the
b 13 “My gal” of song
Ice B&BS | By Dan Fisher 21 Trio of
48 River through
Global Forecasts City
Hi Lo W
Hi Lo W City
Hi Lo W
Hi Lo W
Across 24 Org. that fights 45 Young buck mythology
s...sunny; pc... partly cloudy; c...cloudy; sh...showers; 1 Verdi work set music piracy 46 Leave out 22 “You ___ Seen
Geneva 10 0 s 12 2 pc Ottawa 3 0 i 6 2 r 49 “Uh-uh!”
t...t’storms; r...rain; sf...snow flurries; sn...snow; Hanoi 22 17 c 24 20 pc Paris 10 0 pc 11 4 pc in Egypt 25 Song from 1948’s 47 Fox News Nothing Yet”
Havana 30 18 s 31 19 s Philadelphia 10 8 r 16 9 pc “The Paleface” 50 Tease playfully
Today Tomorrow Hong Kong 20 16 c 20 18 c Phoenix 26 14 pc 29 14 s
5 Foolish fellow Channel business 25 Justice
City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W that earned an show Ginsburg’s 51 Pole on a ship
Honolulu 27 21 sh 28 20 pc Pittsburgh 16 10 r 18 10 sh 9 Dollar divisions Oscar
Amsterdam 9 2 pc 11 2 c Houston 30 18 s 29 19 s Port-au-Prince 34 21 sh 33 21 pc maiden name 52 Pronoun from
Anchorage 2 -2 pc 4 -1 pc Istanbul 9 5 r 9 5 sh Portland, Ore. 10 4 sh 10 2 c 14 Nation between 52 Lesson to take
31 Second of two from a fable 26 Advantageous Miss Piggy
Athens 12 7 r 13 8 pc Jakarta 30 24 t 30 24 t Rio de Janeiro 28 23 t 29 23 pc Thailand and
Atlanta 23 13 c 27 17 s Johannesburg 24 14 t 24 16 pc Riyadh 31 20 pc 33 21 pc Vietnam 32 Humor 53 More than 27 57-Across, for 55 Memorable
Baghdad 30 14 pc 24 13 s Kansas City 23 10 pc 18 5 c Rome 17 7 c 14 6 sh
33 Nada simmer one period
Baltimore 11 6 sh 17 8 pc Las Vegas 24 11 pc 23 11 s Salt Lake City 11 2 sh 8 0 sh 15 Shallowest of
Bangkok 35 26 s 36 27 s Lima 29 22 pc 28 22 pc San Diego 19 13 pc 20 13 s the Great Lakes 34 Fernando’s 54 Back of the neck
Beijing 16 -1 pc 16 1 pc London 10 3 pc 11 4 c San Francisco 15 9 c 16 9 pc
Previous Puzzle’s Solution
Berlin 7 2 c 8 0 pc Los Angeles 20 10 c 23 11 s San Juan 28 23 pc 29 23 pc 16 1-Across, for one farewell 56 His presidential S T A U B O G L E S P I T
Bogota 20 9 sh 22 9 r Madrid 13 0 s 15 1 pc Santiago 31 13 pc 32 13 s 35 Took the title library is O U T O F R A N G E L I C O N
Boise 8 1 c 8 -2 c Manila 34 26 s 32 26 pc Santo Domingo 29 21 sh 29 21 pc 17 Concert WR Y F O R K B A S A L T
Boston 5 3 r 9 6 r Melbourne 20 15 c 24 15 pc Sao Paulo 24 18 t 25 19 c blasters 36 Future fungus planned for MA D E I R A G S
Brussels 9 0 pc 10 2 c Mexico City 27 10 s 27 10 s Seattle 9 4 sh 10 2 r Chicago G A O L S S A L E P M S
18 City with a 38 Country music C I S C O T C H I L D S E A T
Buenos Aires 27 17 s 28 18 c Miami 29 20 pc 30 19 s Seoul 9 -2 s 10 0 pc 57 Fencing weapon U R S A F O A M S A R I A
Cairo 24 15 s 23 13 s Milan 14 4 s 15 5 pc Shanghai 13 4 pc 13 9 pc French Quarter, legend Tillis P O T P O U R R I E S L I N G
Calgary 6 -3 i 6 -4 c Minneapolis 14 10 c 14 3 r Singapore 32 25 pc 32 25 pc familiarly 58 Policy honcho S S S R E E K A H O L E
Caracas 31 24 pc 31 24 pc Monterrey 34 13 s 36 14 pc Stockholm 9 4 pc 9 1 c 39 Salsa purchase U C L A R E T O N
19 Like sea battles F O R MA L S T EW T I S
Charlotte 25 12 t 26 16 s Montreal 5 1 r 7 2 sh Sydney 28 22 t 25 20 pc 40 Came down in 59 Cruise stops A H A B S I N T H E B L A C K
Chicago 12 7 c 18 7 t Moscow -1 -7 c -2 -7 c Taipei 16 14 r 19 14 c T I M E N E I N I E R E I
Dallas 29 15 s 26 9 s Mumbai 33 23 pc 32 23 s Tehran 19 11 s 18 8 r
20 Popular soup buckets, say 60 Hardy’s S O A R E U R O Z E S T S
Denver 17 -2 pc 9 -4 s Nashville 21 12 c 27 11 s Tel Aviv 21 15 sh 19 15 sh choice 41 Fundamental “___ of the
The contest answer is LITERS. The bracketed
Detroit 18 10 sh 15 8 pc New Delhi 31 16 pc 29 15 c Tokyo 9 5 r 12 5 s 23 Group with HQ source of d’Urbervilles” numeric ranges indicate the squares in the row
Dubai 28 22 pc 29 23 s New Orleans 28 18 pc 28 19 s Toronto 9 6 r 11 7 c
Dublin 10 4 s 10 5 s New York City 7 5 r 14 9 sh Vancouver 10 4 sh 9 3 c in Brussels livelihood 61 Poet Pound that hold the name of a bottled spirit, with one
Edinburgh 12 2 s 10 3 s Omaha 23 9 pc 17 4 t Washington, D.C. 11 7 sh 18 10 pc letter in a black square. The letters “in the black,”
Solve this puzzle online and discuss it at

Frankfurt 9 -1 pc 9 1 c Orlando 30 18 pc 30 17 s Zurich 8 -2 s 8 0 c in order, spell the answer.

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ECB Cheap Loans
Valeant Weighed CEO Ouster Show Banks’ Rift
Replacement sought during Pearson’s medical leave BUSINESS | B4 MARKETS | B5
© 2016 Dow Jones & Company. All Rights Reserved. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, March 14, 2016 | B1

Reality to
Eni Starts Pumping Oil in Arctic
BY GIADA ZAMPANO well over budget when they be just below $50 a barrel. technology aimed at minimiz-

Dominate ROME—After long delays

and cost overruns, Italian oil
hit another snag last Decem-
ber, as Norwegian regulators
requested more information
Eni said in a written state-
ment Sunday that Goliat, the
first oil field to start produc-
ing the impact on the environ-
ment. It receives power from
the shore by means of subsea

Game Event


company Eni SpA has started about safety and other issues tion in the Barents Sea, is esti- power cables that reduce car-
to pump oil from the world’s before giving the green light. mated to contain reserves to- bon-dioxide emissions by 50%
most northern offshore plat- The Italian oil and natural- taling 180 million barrels of compared with alternative
form, Goliat, which is located gas company has invested oil. Its daily output is expected methods, while water and gas
BY SARAH E. NEEDLEMAN in the Arctic 80 kilometers about $6 billion in Goliat so to reach 100,000 barrels. The products are re-injected into
from Norway’s northern coast. far. With the fall in oil prices Italian oil company holds a the reservoir, Eni said.
The brains behind virtual A spokesman for Eni said denting its margins, Eni is 65% stake in Goliat. Norway’s “Goliat’s startup is an im-
reality get another chance Sunday that the company likely to struggle to make Go- national oil company, Statoil portant milestone for Eni’s
this week to woo videogame started pumping oil on Satur- liat economically viable. Sev- ASA, controls the rest. growth strategy,” the Italian
developers before a wave of day night, after receiving the eral analysts have put the Goliat’s production will take company said.
long-hyped hardware finally final go-ahead from the Nor- break-even point for the plat- place through a subsea system At the end of February, Eni
lands in people’s hands. wegian government. form at more than $100 a bar- consisting of 22 wells, of promised more cost cuts after
At the annual Game De- Eni’s plans to begin pump- rel. A spokesman for Eni said which 17 are completed. Eni the recent plunge in global
velopers Conference, open- ing from Goliat were already Sunday that the company ex- stressed on Sunday that the crude prices that tripled its
ing Monday in San Fran- two years behind schedule and pects the break-even point to field uses the most advanced fourth-quarter net loss. The Goliat oil platform in 2015.
cisco, more
THE WEEK than 26,000
AHEAD people from
around the

globe will be
hoping for a peek at new VR
gear from the likes of Sony

New Strategy:
Corp. The five-day gathering,
which is geared toward in-
dustry professionals, also
gives game creators a chance

Being Nice
to explore emerging strate-
gies and technologies in the
nearly $100 billion industry.
GDC covers myriad indus-
try angles, but this year it
will be dominated by ses-
sions dedicated to VR as well
as augmented reality, which
blends digital images with a
person’s view of the real
world. The burgeoning tech-
nologies are poised to hit it
big in the coming years, with
applications for gaming,
travel, health care and more.
Investors already have
pumped $1.1 billion into aug-
mented- and virtual-reality
companies this year, more
than the total for any prior

year, according to Digi-Cap-

ital, a mergers-and-acquisi-
tions advisory firm. Re-
The no-frills model, once
searchers at Gartner Inc.
novel but now widely
estimate nearly 40 million
mimicked, has turned the 32-
headsets will be sold world-
year-old Ryanair into one of
wide by 2020.
Europe’s biggest airlines.
The developer conference
comes weeks before consum-
ers get their hands on the
first high-end systems: the Budget carrier, as a man for years, with his no- blasted through cabins each
$599 Oculus Rift from Face- apologies marketing. Taking Off time a flight arrived on time.
book Inc. and the $799 Vive way to win customers, He once defended Ryanair’s Ryanair has grown into Europe's biggest single airline by passengers The practice, amusing at first,
from HTC Corp. Representa- asks its staff to be €70 (about $75) penalty fee flown, surpassing the continent's once-mighty legacy carriers had started to annoy passen-
tives from both companies for passengers who show up gers.
will be running demonstra- less confrontational at the airport without a 120 million passengers “Standing room only and
tions of the products at the boarding pass, saying they charging for toilets was a
event. BY ROBERT WALL were “being so stupid.” The 100 great PR wheeze when we
A third piece in the com- fee is now €45 for airport were young, dumb and grow-
petitive landscape could be DUBLIN—Ryanair Hold- check-in. He has in the past ing rapidly,” Mr. O’Leary said
placed by Sony, which is ings PLC, Europe’s biggest, proposed a standing room 80 in an interview. But after ri-
holding a news conference no-frills budget carrier, has only cabin and a charge of vals started painting the
on the sidelines of GDC. The pulled out of what was start- one British pound (about 60 moves as cheap and nasty,
company has yet to say how ing to look like a tailspin. $1.41) for using the in-flight “the laddish noise was dis-
much its PlayStation VR will Chief Executive Michael toilet. placing the great fares, bril-
cost or when the system will O’Leary’s unorthodox strategy The no-frills model, once 40 liant punctuality and new air-
be available to buyers. It for the recovery? Being nice novel but now widely mim- craft,” he said. Passengers
previously said the hardware to passengers. icked, has turned the 32-year- 20 responded. In 2013, passenger
would ship in the first half Mr. O’Leary and Ryanair old Ryanair into Europe’s sec- Lufthansa Air France- growth was stuck at 1% to 3%
of 2016. helped pioneer the rock-bot- ond-biggest airline by some months, with as much
Ryanair Group* IAG† KLM
The coming wave of hard- tom budget airline, taking a passengers flown, behind as 20% of seats unsold. This
ware will roll out with only a page from Southwest Airlines Deutsche Lufthansa AG. 2010 ’12 ’14 ’10 ’15 ’10 ’15 ’10 ’15 year, monthly growth is
handful of games and other in the U.S., but going much Ryanair’s long-haul com- *Includes Lufthansa, Swiss International Air Lines, Austrian Air climbing by 10% or more.
entertainment content. Much further. It offers some of the petitors still outdistance it in †Includes British Airways, Iberia, Vueling, Aer Lingus Full-year results are due in
more is needed for VR to lowest airfares in Europe— terms of passenger miles, a Source: the companies THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. May, and Ryanair expects pas-
thrive, analysts and industry sometimes as low as $15 one- closely followed metric that sengers hit 106 million, about
professionals say. way across Europe. also takes into consideration struggle to keep costs low To win back customers, Mr. 6% more than forecast.
“If there’s not enough It does that by keeping op- journey distances. In 2013, a amid all the new competition. O’Leary relaxed onerous hand- Ryanair’s load factor, a
content, people won’t see as erating costs low—spending price war with full-service The headwinds were similar luggage restrictions and rede- measure of seats sold, should
much value in the plat- minimally on cabin décor, for carriers and upstart budget to those now hitting U.S.-based signed Ryanair’s cumbersome average at least 92% this year,
forms,” said Nick Donaldson, example—and charging for al- airlines alike threatened that carrier Spirit Airlines Inc. website. It cut fees and told up from 83% in March 2014.
lead designer for VR at Epic most everything on top of the success. Spirit’s new CEO has said the staff to be less confronta- Ryanair has “regained its
Games Inc., known for the price of a ticket. A pair of rapid-fire profit carrier is working to address tional. The airline also made crown as Europe’s best-per-
widely used game-software Mr. O’Leary has been the warnings spooked investors, customer complaints and make headlines by dropping its forming airline on virtually
Please see VIRTUAL page B3 airline’s best-known spokes- who worried Ryanair might its operations more reliable. trademark bugle call, which it Please see CARRIER page B2

Monsanto’s Biotech Plans Falter in India In Machine Matchup,

BY JACOB BUNGE proval for biotech food crops, Go Champ Gets a Win

AND BIMAN MUKHERJI seeds for plants like Mr. Char’s

remain in limbo, stymied by BY ALASTAIR GALE He had been well beaten in
In a research laboratory environmentalist opposition, AND IN-SOO NAM the opening three games after
surrounded by acres of arid farmer skepticism and bureau- predicting he would win the
land in western India, Bharat cratic inertia. Despite dozens SEOUL—A simple computer series easily.
Char showed off tiny sprouts of biotech-food-crop trials in pop-up message gave humans “I couldn’t be happier to-
of rice, wheat and okra in India, the country has ap- some relief in a high-profile day…this victory is priceless. I
glass bottles. proved none for commercial man-versus-machine board- wouldn’t trade it for the
These plants could solve a cultivation. “To see a country game battle: “AlphaGo re- world,” Mr. Lee said after the
lot of India’s food problems, that has the potential and in- signs.” game at a news conference,
he said. Because they are ge- tellectual ability to be a leader With those words, South where journalists greeted him
netically modified to resist in these biotech advances, to Korean Go grandmaster Lee with cheers and applause.
bugs and weed-killing sprays, be stymied politically, I think Se-dol on Sunday claimed his The matchup has been
said the scientist for Maha- A cotton farmer from Jalna in Western India uses genetically it’s a tragedy,” said Robert first victory in a best-of-five billed as an important moment
rashtra Hybrid Seeds Co., or modified seeds that resist bugs and weed-killing sprays. Fraley, Monsanto’s chief tech- series against AlphaGo, an ar- in gauging the progress of ar-
Mahyco, an Indian firm that nology officer. tificial-intelligence project de- tificial intelligence because Go
joined Monsanto Co. to de- There is precedent: Geneti- measures become the fiber’s India’s Agriculture Minister, veloped by Alphabet Inc.’s had been widely thought of as
velop biotech crops, the plants cally modified organisms, or top global producer. Radha Mohan Singh, said the Google. The win in the ancient still out of reach for computers
could boost impoverished In- GMOs, grow in an estimated But after a decade of Mon- government was waiting for chess-like game restored some to challenge top professionals.
dian farmers’ profits and re- 97% of India’s cotton fields santo’s efforts with Mahyco to India’s Supreme Court to rule pride to Mr. Lee, as well as big The game, which has its ori-
duce food imports. and have helped India by some win Indian-government ap- Please see GMO page B2 smile across his face. Please see GAME page B3
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
B2 | Monday, March 14, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


These indexes cite notable references to most parent companies and businesspeople
in today’s edition. Articles on regional page inserts aren’t cited in these indexes.

Anbang Insurance
Air India......................B4
Alphabet ................ B1,B3

Ford Motor.............B3,B7
General Motors ..... B3,B7
Glaser Weil Fink
Howard Avchen &
Rabobank Group ......... B7
Ryanair Holdings ........ B1
Sequoia Capital...........B2
Munoz Faces Big Hurdles
On Oct. 15, union leaders at making him the point man on
Shapiro......................B2 Sidecar Technologies..B3
Goldman Sachs Group B8
United Continental Holdings some of the many visits to
Skopos Financial.........B5
B Inc. waited in Chicago for a shareholders. “They have to
H Sony.............................B1
Banco Popular Spirit Airlines ............. B1
“labor summit” with Oscar schlep all over the country,”
Espanol......................B5 Hewlett Packard
Enterprise.................B3 Statoil....................B1,B4 Munoz, the airline’s new chief said one of the advisers.
Bank of America.........B8 executive. He never showed. A spokeswoman said United
Blackstone Group ....... B5 Huawei Technologies..B3 T
I is eager for Mr. Munoz to re-
C Teneo Intelligence......A6
Intel.............................B8 Terna............................B8 By Susan Carey, sume his duties.
Chevron ....................... B7
China Oilfield International Business U Rachel Feintzeig Mr. Munoz’s doctors signed
Services.....................B4 Machines...................B3 UniCredit.....................B5 and Joann S. Lublin off March 4 on his full-time
Commerzbank ............. B7 K United Continental return to work. He began tak-
Cruise Automation.....B3 Holdings....................B2 A heart attack that day had ing part in some key meetings
Kroll Bond Rating
D Agency ...................... B7 V landed Mr. Munoz in the hos- earlier and participated on the
Deutsche Bank ...... B5,B8 L pital and a heart transplant in airline’s fourth-quarter earn-
Valeant Pharmaceuticals
Die Zeit.......................A6 early January has mostly kept ings call in late January. In
Lyft..............................B3 International ....... B4,B5
E Volkswagen.................B4 him on the sidelines. But on the past two weeks, he visited
Electricite de France...B4 X Monday Mr. Munoz is return- employees at several airports.
ENI...............................B1 Pfizer...........................B4
Etro..............................A1 Philidor Rx Xiaomi Corp ................ B3 ing to full-time work with the But for medical reasons, he
Exeter Finance............B5 Services.....................B5 Z long-delayed labor meeting on is for now traveling by private
F Q Zoomlion Heavy his agenda and even bigger plane, most likely a precau-
Flagship Credit Quinn Emanuel Urquhart Industry Science & challenges ahead. tion because he is on immu-
Acceptance................B7 & Sullivan ................. B2 Technology................B5 Mr. Munoz faces a lengthy nosuppressive drugs intended


to-do list as he attempts to to prevent a rejection of his

INDEX TO PEOPLE speed up United’s rehabilita-

tion. He has to improve cus-
tomer service, spend time with
donor heart. Medical experts
said a weakened immune sys-
tem could make him more
A H Pearson, Michael........B4 corporate clients, select a per- vulnerable to infection.
Ammann, Dan.............B3 Hassabis, Demis.........B3 Porter, Daniel..............B7 manent chief financial officer, Other executives who have
B Hassan, Fred...............B4 Q rebuild morale among 85,000 been through similar circum-
Baptiste, Amber.........B2 I Quinlan, Joseph..........B7 workers, and fend off two stances said Mr. Munoz must
Brzeski, Carsten ......... B7 Ingram, Robert............B4 S hedge funds looking to shake not to overtax himself.
C L Schiller, Howard ......... B4 up the country’s third largest United CEO Oscar Munoz is to return to work full-time on When Catherine Bessant,
Cryan, John.................B8 Lee Se-dol...................B1 Spohr, Carsten............B2 airline—all while managing his Monday, about two months after undergoing a heart transplant. the chief operations and tech-
Currie, Jeffrey.............B5 Leissner, Tim .............. B8 Srivastava, Pankaj......B4 own health. nology officer for Bank of
Lin, Bin........................B3 V
D It would be a grueling test “were thrilled” about his early LP—which hold 7.2% of the America Corp., returned to
M van Zwol, Evert .......... B2 for any CEO, not least a 57- vision for the airline’s success, company’s shares, try to win work after surgery for breast
Donaldson, Nick..........B1
Doolittle, Diane...........B2 Munoz, Oscar..............B2 Vogt, Kyle ................... B3 year-old man who recently re- according to Sara Nelson, in- six seats on the recently aug- cancer in 2010, she sensed
Draghi, Mario.........B5,B8 N W ceived a new heart. ternational president of the As- mented 15-member board at some colleagues were con-
Duignan, Kevin............B7 Neglia, Eric..................B7 Watson, John..............B7 Mr. Munoz took over as sociation of Flight Attendants. the annual meeting this spring. cerned that she would get sick
F O Weinger, Ben .............. B7 CEO on Sept. 8 after five-year But other executives who Chief executives and advis- again. “You want to say, ‘No,
Flanzraich, Neil...........B4 O'Leary, Michael.........B1 Wolgast, Michael........B7 CEO Jeff Smisek was ousted as have returned to work soon af- ers who have endured proxy no, I’m back, I’m fine, it’s all
G P Z the result of an internal com- ter suffering serious illnesses contests describe them as all- cool,” she said.
Goguen, Michael.........B2 Paolini, Luca................B7 Zivic, George...............B5 pany investigation related to have said there are limits to consuming, involving constant Ms. Bessant, who is now 55
an ongoing federal probe of resuming business as usual. talks with bankers and lawyers, years old, quickly resumed
United’s dealing with the gov- Those strictures are directly rapid responses to activist let- travels, but she feels that

Sequoia Partner
ernmental operator of one of at odds with the demands of ters and extensive travel to ramping up too quickly may
its hubs in Newark, N.J. waging a successful proxy meet important shareholders. have contributed to a ruptured
Three big unions represent- fight like the one United faces, Advisers in other proxy appendix that kept her out of
ing pilots, airport ground as two hedge funds—PAR Capi- fights said United will want to the office for several more

Is Out Amid Suit workers and flight attendants,

support Mr. Munoz. Employees
tal Management Inc. and Al-
timeter Capital Management
show investors that Mr. Munoz
is healthy. That could mean
weeks in October 2010. “I went
too hard too fast,” she added.

BY SCOTT MARTIN tor in at least 27 private start- pendent scientists and compile
ups valued at over $1 billion, Millions data to challenge the govern-
of acres
Venture-capital firm Se- more than any other venture ment over its handling of bio-
quoia Capital said it parted firm, according to Dow Jones tech crops.
ways with longtime partner VentureSource. 10 In 2005, she filed a petition
Michael Goguen in the wake of Sequoia’s rival next door in with India’s Supreme Court
allegations he sexually abused Menlo Park, Calif., Kleiner Per- seeking a moratorium on GMO
a woman and failed to follow kins Caufield & Byers, last field trials, arguing that such
through on a $40 million set- year was embroiled in a gen- crops would damage the nutri-
tlement. der-discrimination suit that it tional qualities of the food.
A breach-of-contract suit, later won after a five-week Biotech Bloom The court accepted her pe-
filed last week on behalf of trial. That case galvanized Sili- tition, which is still winding
Amber Baptiste in San Mateo con Valley into conversations Commercial cultivation its way through India’s notori-
County Superior Court in Cali- across corporations and ven- of government- ously slow judicial system.
fornia, claims that Mr. Goguen ture firms about concerns over approved biotech crops As public pushback in-
abused her “sexually, physi- alleged misogyny, gender in- by type, as estimated creased, India in 2010 placed a
cally and emotionally” for equality and pay. at the end of 2014 surprise moratorium on an in-
over 13 years. It further al- Sequoia has no U.S.-based sect-resistant brinjal, or egg-
leges that Mr. Goguen agreed female investing partners, but plant, which had been set for
to settle claims with Ms. Bap- it does have five female in- Allowed GM crops Corn Cotton Soybeans Canola Other* approval. India’s potential
tiste, paying her $10 million in vesting partners in other areas nevertheless persuaded Mon-
compensation but balking at of the world. U.S. Colombia Portugal santo to continue research
the remaining $30 million. Ms. Baptiste stated in the China Uruguay Spain here and it continued to get
Mr. Goguen denied the alle- complaint, filed Tuesday, that approvals for trials, including
Canada Australia Sudan
gations in a statement on Sat- she had been the victim of hu- biotech corn. Other companies
urday, saying they came at the man trafficking since she was Brazil Cuba Burkina Faso pursued rice, mustard, pea-
end of a lengthy romantic re- 15 years old and that after she Paraguay Honduras Pakistan nuts, potatoes and sorghum.
lationship with Ms. Baptiste was brought to the U.S., she “We never lost hope that
that ended badly. A partner at was introduced to Mr. Goguen Chile Bolivia Bangladesh things were moving,” said
Sequoia for nearly 20 years, in 2001. Argentina Czech Republic India Monsanto Treasurer D. Narain,
Mr. Goguen said he would file Ms. Baptiste’s complaint al- who led its India business
South Africa Slovakia Myanmar
on Monday a cross-complaint leges that she “submitted to from 2010 to 2013.
alleging extortion. Mr. Goguen’ s constant sexual Mexico Romania Philippines India’s Supreme Court is ex-
abuse, relying on his promise Costa Rica *sugar beet (U.S., Canada), alfalfa (U.S.), papaya (U.S., China), squash (U.S.), pected to rule soon on the pe-
that he would help her break poplar (China), eggplant (Bangladesh), tomato (China) or sweet pepper (China) tition to bar GMO-crop culti-
Michael Goguen free of the human traffickers Source: International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-Biotech Applications THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. vation. But Monsanto faces
denies allegations who held her in perpetual more immediate challenges in
that he sexually
abused a woman.
Ms. Baptiste is only suing
for breach of contract and to
claim the remaining amount
GMO ant, the company had intro-
duced the world’s first
genetically modified cotton in
the U.S. in 1996.
Monsanto’s success seemed
to augur well for GMOs in In-
dia, which boasts the most ar-
able land of any country and is
cotton, after India’s agricul-
ture ministry this month im-
posed a 70% cut in the royalty
fees that Monsanto and
she is allegedly owed. The suit Continued from the prior page India cultivated the world’s projected to surpass China as Mahyco had charged for their
“This matter is purely per- claims she and Mr. Goguen had in a case opposing genetically largest cotton-growing area, the world’s-most-populous by crop genes.
sonal and has no connection to previously agreed to a settle- modified food crops before de- yet produced among the few- 2023. By late 2006, Mon- The companies also face an
Sequoia,” Mr. Goguen said. ment in May 2014, in which Mr. ciding on their commercial est bales per acre. Four mil- santo’s Bt genes blanketed inquiry from India’s antitrust
“My departure from there al- Goguen would pay $40 million cultivation. lion Indian cotton farmers bat- about 40% of India’s cotton enforcer over pricing of their
lows me to focus with full in four separate $10 million in- Meanwhile, Monsanto’s es- tled many of the same pests fields, according to the Inter- pest-resistant cotton genes,
force on clearing my name and stallments. He made the first tablished cotton business in that U.S. farmers did—pests national Service for the Acqui- and some Indian seed compa-
vigorously pursuing justice.” $10 million payment in May India faces new threats, in- that could resist a gene Mon- sition of Agri-Biotech Applica- nies have withheld tens of mil-
Sequoia said it learned of 2014, according to the suit. cluding new government price santo created with a bacte- tions, or Isaaa, a nonprofit lions of dollars in royalty pay-
the allegations on Thursday. In December 2014, Mr. controls around seed genetics rium called Bacillus thuringi- that tracks and promotes agri- ments, according to Monsanto.
“We understand that these alle- Goguen allegedly sent a letter and an antitrust probe into ensis, or Bt, that lets plants cultural biotechnology. The price controls on crop
gations of serious improprieties to Ms. Baptiste refusing to pricing practices, prompting secrete a bug-killing protein. “I had gravitated to Bt cot- biotechnology—which Mon-
are unproven and unrelated to make the second payment and Monsanto on March 4 to warn Monsanto in 1997 formed a ton because my yields used to santo and Mahyco license to
Sequoia,” said a Sequoia was said to have rescinded the that it could withdraw its bio- joint venture to pair its bio- be poor,” said Dheeraj about 50 Indian seed compa-
spokesman in a statement. contract, claiming their settle- tech crop genes from the technology with Mahyco seeds Chhaganbhai Wadodariya, a nies—may force the companies
“Nevertheless, we decided that ment agreement was null and country. The backlash has suited to India’s soil. When farmer in India’s Gujarat state. to reassess all aspects of their
Mike’s departure was the ap- void as procured under extor- slowed global-sales growth of Mahyco won permission to sell Genetically modified seeds in- joint venture in India, they
propriate course of action.” tion, according to the com- genetically modified seeds. India’s first biotech cottonseed creased his earnings so much, say.
Sequoia declined to com- plaint. Sales grew 4.7% to $21 billion in 2002, scientists and staff he said, he can now buy cattle, “We need innovation in ag-
ment further on the lawsuit. Mr. Goguen is being repre- in 2014, compared with 8.7% threw a party at its research do up his home and occasion- riculture in the country,” said
Sequoia is a fixture of sented by attorney Diane growth in 2013 and average center in Dawalwadi, said Mr. ally travel. Shilpa Divekar Nirula, chief ex-
famed Sand Hill Road and an Doolittle of Quinn Emanuel annual growth of 21% from Char, who joined Mahyco in Fears that India’s govern- ecutive of Monsanto’s India
early investor in some of the Urquhart & Sullivan LLP. 2007 through 2012, according 1999. ment relied too heavily on bio- unit. “The government seems
most valuable companies in The plaintiff is being repre- to research firm PhillipsMc- “It was like India winning tech companies to research intent on promoting innova-
the world, including Apple sented by Glaser Weil Fink Dougall Ltd. the cricket world cup,” said safety and that GMO plants tion…but something like this is
Inc., Google Inc. (now Alpha- Howard Avchen & Shapiro India appeared fertile Monsanto Treasurer D. Narain, would mix with wild versions at cross-purposes with what
bet Inc.) and Oracle Inc. The LLP, which didn’t respond to a ground for Monsanto two de- its India unit’s chief financial prompted nutritionist Aruna the government is seeking to
firm is also currently an inves- request for comment. cades ago. Once a pesticide gi- officer in the late 1990s. Rodrigues to seek out inde- do.”

CARRIER “If I had only known that

being nicer to our customers
was good for business, I
would have done it years
practices—which rely heavily
on using pilots and crew as
contract workers.
The mayor of Copenhagen
which says it speaks for pilots
working for the airline.
Ryanair closed a Danish
base in response to the Copen-
Emboldened by its recent
turnaround, Ryanair is now
pushing out of its traditional
network of mostly second-tier
many, in particular. It has
started flights between Co-
logne and Berlin and added
50% more seats in the Ger-
Continued from the prior page ago,” Mr. O’Leary says. last year accused the carrier hagen mayor’s accusations, European airports, like Beau- man market this winter. Rya-
every measure of margin, re- Ryanair has also avoided of using pilots with foreign though it still operates flights vais-Tille, a tiny airport about nair wants to reach 15% to
turn on capital and cash gen- the sort of labor trouble that contracts to circumvent local to the country. It says the use 50 miles outside Paris.Major 20% market share in Europe’s
eration,” Barclays analyst Oli- has hung over other European labor laws, calling it “social of contract workers is compli- hubs in Brussels, Amsterdam largest economy in around
ver Sleath said. carriers. Employees last year dumping.” ant with European Union labor and Milan have courted bud- five years, up from 5% today.
Investors worried costs ripped the shirt off a senior “The contracts pilots are rules and typical for other in- get airlines as legacy carriers Lufthansa, meanwhile, is
would rise as Ryanair tried to Air France manager amid required to sign to work for dustries like health care. retrench. seeking to build its own low-
win back disgruntled passen- talks over job cuts.But Rya- Ryanair could be described as Mr. O’Leary said his pilots With those new destina- cost business and “won’t be
gers. Low global oil prices nair has drawn fire from legally unconscionable,” said don’t want to be unionized, tions, Ryanair is hoping to squeezed out of its home mar-
helped, but the airline also unions and some govern- Evert van Zwol, chairman of and those flying under con- lure more business travelers. ket,” CEO Carsten Spohr said
kept nonfuel costs in check. ments about its own labor the Ryanair Pilot Group, tract have work guarantees. Ryanair is targeting Ger- in an interview last year.
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, March 14, 2016 | B3


GM Spurs Self-Driving Plan

Cruise Automation dards that could be outpaced
by technological develop-
has tech that can add ments.
autonomous driving GM has made a series of
moves to prepare for the tran-
software to cars

sition. Its portfolio of vehicles

with semiautonomous features
BY GAUTHAM NAGESH has grown, and it is expected
AND MIKE RAMSEY to launch in 2017 a more-ad-
vanced version of Super
General Motors Co. Cruise, a system that allows
punched the accelerator on its for hands-free driving on high-
quest to sell cars that pilot ways.
Xiaomi sells most of its phones online. Above, Xiaomi’s Mi 4i phone. themselves, unveiling plans In January, GM announced
Friday to acquire a San Fran- a $500 million investment in

Xiaomi Seeks Boost

cisco firm that developed a ride-hailing service Lyft Inc.,
system for retrofitting existing saying the partnership will
vehicles with autonomous- help establish a network of
driving software. self-driving cars.

From Sales in India GM’s plan to purchase the

upstart Cruise Automation
Inc. adds to industry efforts to
extend more control of driving
That move is coupled with
other so-called mobility ven-
tures, including the creation of
an in-house car-sharing ser-
BY SEAN MCLAIN atively small and smartphone functions to computers. vice called Maven and the ac-
sales in the U.S. and European A growing portion of cars quisition of assets belonging

NEW DELHI—Chinese market are still dominated by are sold with semiautonomous to Sidecar Technologies Inc.
smartphone maker Xiaomi carrier-subsidized handsets, features, such as automatic In an interview, GM Presi-
Corp. is betting on an e-com- which makes it hard for Xi- braking or lane-keeping assis- dent Dan Ammann said the
merce boom in India to help aomi’s model to work, Mr. Lin tance, but the introduction of Cruise acquisition provides
offset slowing sales at home. said. vehicles capable of operating foundation for faster develop-
The Indian market is still Mr. Lin’s prognosis for In- without human intervention ment and the company will re-
tiny compared with China’s, dian e-commerce is sunnier still faces regulatory and tech- GM’s Dan Ammann says the company will boost recruitment. cruit to expand the team. ”We
but Xiaomi’s sales here are than that of some startup in- nological hurdles. think this capability is critical
climbing. And Xiaomi’s presi- vestors, who have dialed back Terms of GM’s pact with ready begun touting the rela- PLC, Inrix Inc. and Continental to where we want to be in the
dent, Bin Lin, said that means their bets amid fierce competi- Cruise weren’t disclosed. Ac- tionship on its website, AG are among companies re- future,” Mr. Ammann said.
its growth prospects are tion and blistering discount cording to people familiar inviting potential job candi- cently disclosing investments Cruise founder Kyle Vogt
brighter than in China. wars. Some mutual-fund inves- with the matter, the deal is dates to “join the driverless in smaller startups to keep said tying up with the manu-
The reason, Mr. Lin said, is tors in Flipkart Ltd. recently valued north of $1 billion in revolution.” Fortune earlier re- pace with autonomous-vehicle facturing experience and re-
India’s budding love affair with wrote down the value of their cash and stock. ported on the deal’s value. research or other technology sources of GM should allow
online shopping. “E-commerce stakes, as concerns mount that By snapping up Cruise’s Detroit is racing to keep up developments poised to re- Cruise’s engineers to achieve
has proven to be a very power- the flow of easy money to small operation, GM adds a with Silicon Valley, which has shape the car industry. goals sooner. About 40 Cruise
ful tool in China, and now in cash-hungry startups could be team of engineers who have made big strides in penetrat- Myriad tie-ups, however, employees will join GM, but he
India,” he said. drying up. Flipkart previously been developing sophisticated ing the auto industry follow- can’t solve regulatory puzzles wouldn’t say whether he has
In China, Xiaomi holds a slim declined to comment on the autonomous-vehicle software ing the initial success of Tesla complicating the effort to in- made a commitment to stay
lead over rivals Huawei Tech- markdowns by its investors. on a relative shoestring in an Motors Inc., Uber Technolo- troduce driverless cars. Indus- on board for a specific time
nologies Co. and Apple Inc. It is also unclear how environment much nimbler gies Inc. and other startups try experts and rule makers period.
Each sold nearly as many large Xiaomi can grow in India and more casual than Detroit’s that are credited with shaking believe these cars will be far Mr. Vogt tinkered with cars
phones last year, but Huawei without selling more phones in sprawling engineering centers. up the car business. Alphabet safer than vehicles operated when young and participated
and Apple are growing faster. the mom-and-pop stores where Cruise employees are accus- Inc.’s Google X project and Ap- by people, but big engineering in autonomous-vehicle pro-
Xiaomi sells almost all its most Indians still shop. Sam- tomed to catered lunches and ple Inc. are both working on hurdles present uncertainty. grams while attending the
phones online to hold costs sung Electronics Co. extended snacks, for instance, a practice cars in a potential threat to A report U.S. regulators re- Massachusetts Institute of
down. Its flagship Mi 5 costs its lead in the Indian smart- virtually unheard of in the Mo- established auto makers. leased Friday highlights po- Technology. He was inspired
$250, compared with $650 that phone market last year by fo- tor City. The auto maker Ford Motor Co. on Friday tential conflicts between exist- to start Cruise with a team of
Apple charges for an iPhone cusing on brick-and-mortar spends billions of dollars on said it created a new subsid- ing federal rules and co-founders after working on
6s. Xiaomi recently launched a sales, analysts say. research and development an- iary focused on autonomous- automated vehicles like those another Silicon Valley startup,
made-in-India smartphone, the Just over 100 million smart- nually and has been working car development and other being developed by Google Twitch.TV.
Redmi Note 3, here for $150. phones were sold in India last on autonomous driving for de- projects, mirroring a move GM that lack controls for human Cruise’s RP-1 is a system
In China, one-in-three of all year, compared with 434 mil- cades. made in January. Toyota Mo- drivers, such as steering that puts vehicles into high-
phones are sold online, Mr. Lin lion in China, according to In- Cruise, founded in 2013 by tor Corp. on Wednesday dis- wheels or pedals. way autopilot mode. The com-
says. In India, he hopes that ternational Data Corp. a 20-something entrepreneur closed hiring the entire staff In hopes of cutting red pany designed it to be com-
number will be 50% in a few While analysts and investors with venture backing, has of Cambridge, Mass.-based tape, U.S. officials said their patible with certain Audi
years. It is now 30%. worry about losses at Indian e- raised $20 million and was re- Jaybridge Robotics Inc., a immediate focus will be on ad- vehicles. It is not designed for
“Look at the growth of Flip- commerce firms, online sales cently valued at less than $100 company providing technology vising individual states on new cars.
kart, Amazon, Snapdeal, are expected to grow rapidly million. The deal is expected for autonomous tractors and driverless cars instead of un- —Christina Rogers and
Paytm, all these guys. We ha- over the next few years. Last to close by the end of the sec- mining equipment. dertaking a lengthy rule-mak- Mike Spector
ven’t even remotely seen the year, 50 million Indians were ond quarter, but Cruise has al- Audi AG, Delphi Automotive ing process for federal stan- contributed to this article.
limit of that,” Mr. Lin said. E- regular users of online shop-
commerce startups have re- ping websites and apps. Mor-

ported booming sales in India gan Stanley analysts expect
as millions of Indians access that number to hit 320 million
the Internet for the first time. by 2020.
Xiaomi is counting on sales Xiaomi ranks seventh in
in India to rise after missing its terms of market share in India, Continued from page B1
global sales target of 80 mil- close behind Apple. But Mr. Lin gins about 3,000 years ago in
lion phones last year. said it ranks third in terms of China, has a near-infinite num-
Other Asian markets are rel- online sales. ber of moves and is played
with intuition as much as cal-
culation. That has made it

HP Enterprise Bets
hard to crack for computers
that rely on brute-force num-
ber crunching.

On ‘Machine Learning’
AlphaGo uses programming
modeled on biological pro-
cesses to replicate human in-
stincts, as well as self-learning
BY DON CLARK But the company in October an- through millions of games
nounced that it would discon- against itself.
Hewlett Packard Enterprise tinue that service, though it Demis Hassabis, the head of
Co., having backed away from a still helps customers develop the U.K.-based team that de-
key portion of the cloud com- cloud-like services run on their veloped AlphaGo, has de-
puting-on-demand market, is own premises. HP Enterprise scribed it as a “Mount Ever-
expanding into cloud services the following month announced est” challenge for computers.
to help companies analyze data plans to collaborate with Mi- All other board games have

such as photos, audio clips and crosoft Azure in several areas. been mastered by computers
comments on social media. The company can use new to the level of grandmasters.
Haven OnDemand, which businesses. HP Enterprise, re- Mr. Hassabis congratulated
runs on computers operated by porting its first separate fi- Mr. Lee on his win, which he
Microsoft Corp.’s Azure cloud- nancial results since its said would help his team learn
computing division, gives users breakup with Hewlett-Packard about AlphaGo’s weaknesses to
access to sophisticated tech- Inc., said earlier this month make it stronger. “This is why
niques such as machine learn- that total first-quarter reve- we came here: to test AlphaGo
ing without the need to main- nue declined 2.5%. to its limits,” he said. Go grandmaster Lee Se-dol claimed his first victory against artificial-intelligence program AlphaGo.
tain a data center or develop Machine learning refers to The matchup has enthralled
the underlying technology. programming that enables com- South Korea, where Mr. Lee is streamed live online, have bol- orthodox moves. “It might be a sists of a 19-by-19 grid of lines,
puters to make inferences. In- by far the most successful stered the story line of rising bug. I don’t know if I can call it on which players place coun-
stead of defining attributes of a player of a game that has two machine intelligence by refer- that,” he said. ters on each intersection and
Haven service helps face, for example, a programmer dedicated television channels ring to AlphaGo as “he” and He also said AlphaGo try to claim the most territory.
companies analyze may show the computer numer- and a dedicated fan base. describing moves with adjec- seemed to be weaker when Toward the end of the
ous photographs of faces and al- Mr. Lee has deflected sug- tives such as “beautiful.” playing with black counters, game, AlphaGo played desper-
data such as photos low the machine to come up gestions that he has the “[Mr. Lee] finally won. This which make the first move of ate moves similar to those of
and audio clips. with its own criteria to detect weight of mankind on his is touching. I don’t want to see the game against an opponent humans facing defeat, com-
the presence or absence of one. shoulders, but newspaper, TV humans succumb to machines playing with white counters. mentators said. AlphaGo re-
One initial Haven customer and social-media commentary someday,” Lee Oi-soo, a Korean After winning on Sunday signs by displaying a pop-up
HP Enterprise and others, is Blink, a startup developing a has been full of humor about novelist with more than two while using white counters, message when it calculates
including Microsoft and Inter- kind of mobile speed-dating computers gaining conscious- million followers on Twitter Mr. Lee said he wanted to play that its probability of winning
national Business Machines app that sets up two-minute ness and challenging humans. wrote on the microblogging with black in the final game to falls below a preset threshold,
Corp., are setting up such ser- video chats between users. The Some observers have made service soon after the latest test his theory. Mr. Hassabis Mr. Hassabis said.
vices in part to court software company every three seconds references to movies such as game. He is unrelated to Lee agreed to the proposal. “Congratulations! [Mr. Lee]
developers—an audience that sends to Haven a still image the “Terminator” series, in Se-dol. Commentators on the latest was too good for us today and
increasingly defines capabilities from each participant’s camera which machines try to wipe Mr. Lee, the Go champion, game said Mr. Lee’s victory pressured AlphaGo into a mis-
of all kinds of products used by to verify the presence of out humans. said after the game that Al- largely stemmed from a deci- take that it couldn’t recover
companies and consumers. faces—rather than potentially Commentators at the Go phaGo appeared to have a sive attack on the middle of from,” Mr. Hassabis tweeted
“Developers are everything,” obscene imagery, said Evan tournament, which has been weakness in responding to un- the board. The Go board con- immediately after the game.
said Colin Mahony, an HP En- Gow, chief executive of the Aus-
terprise senior vice president tin, Texas, company.

who oversees its efforts in the If the computer determines six-minute VR game demo the the conference for the first competitive gaming, or so-
field known as big data. that a face isn’t present, it inter- 29-year-old helped create for time. He is eager to get insight called e-sports, and to the
The company, one of two re- rupts the video conversation. Facebook’s Rift. It is impor- into whether his VR ideas will free-to-play strategy that has
sulting from the breakup of HP Enterprise says Haven tant that developers share work. “I want to know where become the gold standard for
Hewlett-Packard Co. in Novem- offers more than 60 such com- Continued from page B1 knowledge with each other so to put my time and money, mobile-gaming apps in recent
ber, announced Haven in late mands that invoke particular toolbox Unreal. “We need to that poor early-adopter expe- and what kind of things I years. There will also be ses-
2014 and began offering it for computing functions. They in- give consumers as many rea- riences don’t turn off future should be creating,” he said. sions on artificial intelligence,
sale last week. clude the ability to recognize sons as possible to buy the buyers, he said. “We definitely “Getting some feedback would community management and
Haven initially was expected barcodes, transcribe speech to hardware.” don’t want to poison the well.” be useful.” storytelling in games.
to run on Helion Public Cloud, a text from audio or video files, Mr. Donaldson is scheduled Michael Angel, a 27-year- The virtual world won’t be
computing-on-demand service and analyze text for positive or to give a talk Tuesday on the old mobile-app developer in the only hot topic at hand. The Week Ahead looks at
developed by the combined H-P. negative sentiments. making of “Bullet Train,” a Plano, Texas, will be attending GDC has panels dedicated to coming corporate events.
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
B4 | Monday, March 14, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Valeant Considered Firing CEO
Drugmaker’s board can generate enough sales to

PayTiedto hunted for successors

amid concerns about
pay off its heavy debt and
boost a stock that now trades
near $70, down from over

SharePrice Pearson’s health, style

$262 in August.
It is under pressure to replace
prescriptions lost after it cut ties
BY JULIE JARGON Michael Pearson, chief exec- with mail-order pharmacy Phili-
utive of Valeant Pharmaceuti- dor Rx Services LLC that had
Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc. cals International Inc., sent helped it get its often higher-
executives now have an even word last month that he was priced drugs to patients. Philidor
more direct personal stake in ready to return from a lengthy has said it behaved appropri-
the burrito maker’s recovery: medical leave. But not all of the ately. To replace Philidor,
their pay. drugmaker’s directors were Valeant has entered a new distri-
Part of their future com- sure they wanted him back. bution partnership with Wal-


pensation will be directly tied greens Boots Alliance Inc., the
to the company’s share-price By Jacquie McNish, largest U.S. pharmacy chain.
performance, according to a Liz Hoffman and Valeant’s core challenge is the
securities filing late Friday. Jonathan D. Rockoff biggest U.S. drug payers. They
Chipotle, which has suf- weren’t pleased with how
fered from illness outbreaks Shortly after Mr. Pearson Valeant, in their view, sought to
tied to its restaurants starting was hospitalized with pneumo- bypass them with Philidor and
last year, has seen its shares nia in late December, the board now Walgreens. In addition to
fall roughly 23% in the past launched a search for a possible Express Scripts, CVS Health
year, triggering a number of successor, according to people Corp. plans to limit its reim-
shareholder lawsuits. familiar with the decision. The Valeant CEO Michael Pearson in Toronto last year. His management style worried some directors. bursement of Valeant’s toe-fun-
The company’s safety woes hunt was partly prompted by gus drug Jublia, which sells for
had appeared to be mostly concerns about his health. sentiment was tilting toward re- managers, insurers and doctors, have ties to Robert Ingram, the $1,000 per 8-milliliter bottle.
passed, but last week the com- But as regulatory and politi- placing Mr. Pearson. But when and few shared his grasp of what new chairman. The board also Valeant has said it adjusted cer-
pany temporarily closed a Bos- cal challenges piled up and Valeant’s directors assembled on drug discounts Valeant could af- has launched a succession pro- tain underpriced drugs to reflect
ton restaurant after four em- Valeant’s stock continued to the last Friday in February to re- ford, these people said. cess to ensure a back-up CEO is market value.
ployees reported being sick sink, the people said, some di- view a list of possible CEO ap- Also working in his favor: If in place, some people said. An Express Scripts spokes-
with norovirus. rectors also worried Mr. Pear- pointments, including Mr. Pear- he were fired, he would be An internal review has re- man said: “We will take action
On Wednesday, the com- son’s intense focus on profits son and interim CEO Howard owed some $200 million in de- vealed problems with Valeant’s when manufacturers attempt to
pany is scheduled to address and fast-paced decision-making Schiller, another concern was ferred stock compensation, an accounting, and the firm has yet get around the cost-saving solu-
investors at a Bank of America style were ill-suited for the gaining steam. Some pharmacy- unusually rich exit package that to file fourth-quarter financial tions our clients put in place to
investor conference and is ex- mounting set of problems. Some benefit managers, which are could spark investor outrage, statements. The U.S. Securities make medicine more affordable
pected to provide an update executives at the Canadian firms that pay for drugs on be- some of the people said. and Exchange Commission has and accessible.”
on its first-quarter sales be- drugmaker expressed similar half of clients, were threatening opened an investigation into the In his first week back at
fore that. The board’s compen- reservations, one person said. to abandon Valeant’s more-ex- company’s close ties with a mail- Valeant, Mr. Pearson held drug-
sation committee said in Fri- Valeant became a poster pensive products, after details
Valeant became order pharmacy. On Thursday, a pricing talks with representa-
day’s filing that share prices child for criticism of high drug emerged last year about the a poster child for congressional committee inves- tives from Express Scripts and is
would have to return to above prices, and a target of congres- company’s strategies to get pa- tigating drug prices chided Mr. expected to meet with other key
$700 for 30 consecutive days sional inquiries, after The Wall tients to use its offerings rather
criticism of high Pearson in a letter for Valeant’s customers soon, people familiar
to trigger the new stock Street Journal reported the than cheaper alternatives. drug prices. response to document requests. with the matter said.
awards, which currently repre- company was buying the rights Among those incensed, said A lawyer for the company has Kenneth Beer, a dermatolo-
sents a considerable climb. to certain treatments and sub- people familiar with the matter, defended that response. gist in Palm Beach, Fla., said he
Chipotle shares on Friday stantially raising their prices. was Express Scripts Holding Co. After a marathon session, the Since its peak last August, used to write dozens of prescrip-
slipped 0.2% to $506.80 in af- Among those approached as The largest U.S. pharmacy bene- board agreed Mr. Pearson would Valeant’s stock has fallen more tions for Valeant drugs such as
ter-hours trading. the board explored replacing Mr. fit manager had griped to report back to duty on the fol- than 70%, wiping out almost $50 Jublia and Luzu, an athlete’s foot
“We had concerns that us- Pearson and bringing in new di- Valeant about pricing in Mr. lowing Monday, and the com- billion of shareholder value. Mr. medication. But after Valeant
ing 2015 year-end financials or rectors, people familiar with the Pearson’s absence, and in early pany would suspend its earnings Pearson is set to discuss unau- cut ties with Philidor, which han-
stock price at the beginning of matter said, were Chris Vieh- February stopped covering the guidance as its revenue outlook dited fourth-quarter results and dled much of the onerous paper-
2016 as the basis for relative bacher, former chief executive of Valeant diabetes drug Glumetza was becoming less clear in light earnings guidance on an investor work associated with drug reim-
performance evaluation for a French drug company Sanofi SA, after a cheaper generic became of pushback from payers and conference call Tuesday. bursement, he said he stopped
2016 performance share pro- and Fred Hassan, a veteran available, citing an 800% price drug prescribers. Mr. Ingram said Mr. Pearson because the process became too
gram could create a misalign- pharmaceutical executive who increase for Glumetza in 2015. Thus began Mr. Pearson’s sec- has the board’s full support. Mr. time-consuming. Now that
ment of shareholder returns once ran Schering-Plough and Mr. Pearson, who is 56 years ond act as Valeant’s CEO. It will Pearson wasn’t made available Valeant has tied up with Wal-
and executive officer compen- was chairman of Bausch & old, insisted at that Friday meet- be quite different from his first by the company for an interview. greens, Dr. Beer said, he will try
sation,” lead director and com- Lomb, now a Valeant property. ing that he was the company’s eight years. Valeant has indicated it will prescribing Valeant drugs again.
pensation committee chair Some of Valeant’s directors best bet for its future, people fa- The board has stripped him temper its gusto for takeovers “If we get pushback,” he said,
Neil Flanzraich said in a letter talked with potential CEO candi- miliar with the matter said. No of his title as chairman and on designed to capitalize on drug- “we will stop.”
to shareholders that was in- dates in February, one of the one, he told the board, could Wednesday added three inde- pricing opportunities. But that —Joann S. Lublin
cluded in the securities filing. people said. For a while, board match his close ties to benefit pendent directors, two of whom raises the question whether it contributed to this article.

panded to treat the roughly 1% Oilfield Services Ltd. said Fri-

Business of patients with advanced, or
metastatic, non-small cell lung
day that it would cut 230 jobs
in Norway because of Statoil
Take Your
cancer whose tumors have an ASA’s termination of a drilling-
ROS-1 gene alteration, thought rig contract.
to lead to abnormal cells. Xalkori, COSL Drilling Europe said

or crizotinib, is the first and only earlier last week that it was
FDA-approved treatment for pa- disappointed and disagreed
tients with the ROS-1 gene al- with Statoil’s contract termina-

Wherever Life
VOLKSWAGEN teration. tion, which was announced on
Crizotinib was designed and Sunday. “It’s incredibly sad that
Global Sales Drop approved in 2011 to treat the so many competent and loyal

Takes You On Low Demand

Volkswagen AG’s global vehi-
cle sales declined in February,
roughly 5% of non-small cell
lung-cancer patients who test
positive for alterations in a gene
workers lose their jobs,” said
Jørgen Arnesen, chief executive
of COSL Drilling Europe.
with gains in Europe eclipsed by known as ALK. A spokesman for Statoil said
slumping sales in troubled —Anne Steele the contract had been ended
emerging markets and a further because the COSL Innovator
decline in demand for the Ger- EDF didn’t satisfy conditions stipu-
man automotive group’s name- lated in the contract. The
sake VW brand, notably in the
CGN Partnership spokesman declined to specify
U.S. Is Cleared by EU which conditions, saying it was
February’s sales report shows The European Commission confidential.
Volkswagen global sales dropped approved the partnership be- —Kjetil Malkenes Hovland
1.2% from the same month last tween state-controlled power
year to 693,300 units, with utility Électricité de France and AIR INDIA
gains at its Audi, Skoda, Seat state-owned China General Nu-
and Porsche brands failing to clear Power Group to build and
Airline Heads Toward
offset a 4.7% drop in VW brand operate nuclear reactors in the An Operating Profit
deliveries. The Volkswagen U.K. Air India Ltd. might post an
group’s other brands include The companies are expected operating profit this financial
Bentley, truck units MAN and to make a final investment deci- year aided by low fuel prices,
Scania, and motorcycle maker sion on a project that would rep- the first for the carrier since the
Ducati. resent an investment estimated merger of the country’s domes-
Volkswagen sales in the U.S. at £18 billion, or nearly $26 bil- tic and international flag carriers
dropped 7.2% to 37,700 units. lion. in 2011.
The group’s weak sales risk The European Commission “All indications are we might
piling more pressure on manage- didn’t find any antitrust issue in post an operating profit [for the
ment given the company could the partnership given the small financial year ending March 31],”
faces tens of billions of dollars market shares held by both the airline’s commercial director,
of penalties for cheating on die- companies in the U.K. and the Pankaj Srivastava, said in an in-
sel-engine emissions tests in the presence of other competitors. terview. The airline would cer-
U.S., with legal action under way The project to build nuclear tainly meet the target of operat-
in other countries. “Europe in reactors in Hinkley Point is the ing back in the black next year,
particular saw positive develop- centerpiece of a series of busi- he added.
ment in February. ness deals between the U.K. and The recent slump in oil prices
Sales in core European mar- China announced last year. has been a $150 million benefit
kets rose sharply, with deliveries —Inti Landauro to the airline, Mr. Srivastava
in Western Europe and Germany said. The airline has now begun
itself up 6.5% and 7.7% respec- CHINA OILFIELD SERVICES to lock in costs for about 25% of
tively. planned consumption to help as-
Sales in emerging markets
Firm to Shed Jobs sure it continues to benefit from
were grim, however, with a 36% As Statoil Drops Pact low spot rates, he said.
fall in sales in Brazil and a 17% The European arm of China —Robert Wall
drop in deliveries to Russia,
Clarity. So you can jump straight to it. which Volkswagen blamed on
economic woes in both the
With a streamlined dashboard, quick-read countries. Sales also fell 1.8% on
the year in China.
market indexes and a seamless device-to-device —William Wilkes
experience, the new MarketWatch gives you easy
access to critical data wherever you are. PFIZER
Cancer Drug Gets

Explore now at

Expanded Approval
The U.S. Food and Drug Ad-
ministration on Friday approved
Pfizer Inc.’s Xalkori for treat-
ment of a rare form of advanced
©2016 Dow Jones & Co. Inc. non-small-cell lung cancer, mak-
All rights reserved.3DJ3356 ing it the first therapy for the
The drug’s use has been ex- VW’s Europe sales rose sharply. Above, a MAN factory in Germany.
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Silicon Valley Is on Qualcomm Worry: Intel



BofA’s Shopping List Taps Into iPhone Market

© 2016 Dow Jones & Company. All Rights Reserved. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, March 14, 2016 | B5
As of 4 p.m. ET Friday EUR/GBP 0.7755 g 0.95% YEN/DLR ¥113.67 À 0.41% GOLD 1258.70 g 1.05% OIL 38.50 À 1.74% 3-MONTH LIBOR 0.63385% 10-YR TREAS g 14/32 yield 1.977%

ECB Loans Expose Banks’ Divide Accelerator

Loans have helped fuel auto sales
$600 billion
No-cost borrowing is The loans allow eurozone and retirement plans. pute highlights afresh the lin- pushing its core deposit rate
New auto loans
banks to borrow at no cost for ECB President Mario Draghi gering gap between lenders in further into negative territory. Subprime
welcomed in Southern up to four years. Many banks in addressed such concerns by the continent’s generally The move means commercial auto loans
Europe but criticized Italy, Spain and elsewhere in saying Thursday that it was un- healthy north and a south that banks with excess funds— 400
the region have struggled to likely interest rates would fall struggles with debt and high which are mainly those in the
in Germany clean up bad loans and main- further. unemployment. This represents north—must pay even more to 300
tain investor confidence. Investors, foreseeing imme- one of many difficulties in cre- park cash at the central bank.
BY TODD BUELL But in Germany, where diate help for all eurozone ating a one-size-fits-all mone- The ECB also announced a 200
banks sit on more cash than banks, bid up lenders’ shares tary policy for the 19-country fresh program of targeted, lon-
FRANKFURT—The European they can productively deploy, Friday. Spain’s Banco Popular eurozone. ger-term loans to banks, which 100
Central Bank’s decision to offer the industry lashed out at the Español SA surged almost 13%, The ECB on Thursday rolled can now even be paid to lend to
eurozone financial institutions loan program and other aspects Italy’s UniCredit SpA leapt out a six-pronged plan to boost Please see BANKS page B7
cheap four-year loans offers of the ECB’s monetary-policy 9.5% and Germany’s Deutsche weak inflation to its target of
fresh hope to struggling banks decision. German financiers Bank AG, which faces internal just below 2% and increase  Heard on the Street: ECB 2008 ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15
in Southern Europe—and has said the moves were unneces- restructuring problems, bank lending in the eurozone. recognizes banks’ pain......... B8 Note: Annually; 2015 data are through November
drawn immediate ire from their sary and could undermine Ger- jumped 7.4%. The ECB also said it would cut  Heard: Corporate-credit costs Source: Equifax
Northern European rivals. man investments, insurance For bankers, though, the dis- all of its key interest rates, are the area to watch.......... B8 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Auto Debt
Oil Price Rise Could Be Its Own Undoing Hints That

The relentless slide in oil

prices has paused after crude
Faces Pain

fell more than 70% from its

2014 peak. Now the question
is whether the recent rise it- BY SERENA NG
self could spark another down-
ward spiral. To understand how far the
U.S. oil prices are up more U.S. auto business has been
than 45% from a 13-year low in reaching for new customers,
February, boosted by talks consider the early performance
among Saudi Arabia, Russia of a bond issue called Skopos
and other major Auto Receivables Trust 2015-2.
ABREAST producers about The bonds were built out of
OF THE capping their subprime auto loans and sold
MARKET output. in November. Through Febru-
A temporary ary, about 12% of the underly-
reduction in ing loans were at least 30 days
global crude supply following past due, a third of which were
outages in Nigeria and Iraq Shale-fracking oil wells can be drilled within a matter of months, much faster than other types of wells. more than 60 days delinquent.
also helped buoy the market. In another 2.6% of loans, bor-
On Friday, the International rowers had filed for bankruptcy
Energy Agency said that oil Commodities Nymex crude oil Brent crude oil Copper or the vehicles had been repos-
prices may have bottomed out, $45 a barrel $45 a barrel $2.40 a pound sessed.
and it forecast U.S. output to
Come Back $40.39 $2.24 Those borrowers are at the
Friday $38.50
decline by nearly 530,000 bar- Commodities have enjoyed a 40 40 2.20 outer fringe of the auto market.
rels a day this year. The report broad-based rally in recent Still, the high level of missed
seemed to support the mar- weeks, but some worry that 35 35 2.00 payments for loans made so re-
ket’s increasingly bullish these higher prices will bring cently is a warning sign for an
mood, pushing U.S. oil prices more supply and slow down 30 30 1.80 industry that needs every cus-
up 1.7% to $38.50 a barrel. future gains. tomer it can get to keep sales
25 25 1.60
But this rally could lead to increasing at a record pace.
its own demise, many analysts Jan. Feb. March Jan. Feb. March Jan. Feb. March The early delinquency rates
warn. Higher prices will likely seen in the debt issue from
encourage shale producers to Gold Iron ore Cocoa Lean hogs Skopos Financial LLC, a Dallas-
ramp up output again, muddy- $1,300 a troy ounce $1,258.70 $70 a metric ton $3,400 a metric ton 75 cents a pound based lender that specializes in
72 cents
ing any forecasts for shrinking $55.32 loans to people with weak or
U.S. supply. Shale wells can be 1,200 60 3,200 70 no credit histories, are in line
drilled and fracked within a with those for several similar
matter of months, much more 1,100 50 3,000 65 bond deals from other lenders
quickly than other types of oil around the same time. About
1,000 40 2,800 60
wells that can take years to 12% of the loans backing bonds
complete. 900 30 2,600 55
sold in November by Exeter Fi-
“My concern is if the mar- nance Corp., another Dallas-
ket surges right back to $50 a Jan. Feb. March Jan. Feb. March Jan. Feb. March Jan. Feb. March based subprime lender, were
barrel…we just end up with Note: Continuous front-month contract Source: Thomson Reuters THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. more than 30 days delinquent
another problem six months through February, according to
from now,” said Jeffrey Currie, fall from current elevated lev- But as with oil, many inves- Zivic, portfolio manager of the surge in prices lead producers the company. A spokeswoman
head of commodities research els before any sustained rally tors say they are still looking $250 million Oppenheimer to crank up output and over- said delinquency rates came
at Goldman Sachs Group Inc. can take place, Goldman said for more evidence of a funda- Commodity Strategy Total Re- supply the market? Last down from the previous month.
“You’d be taking a lot of risk in a note on Friday. mental rise in demand for turn Fund, who said he closed spring’s rebound in crude Loan payments have been
entering this market early,” he Oil’s sharp rise has been commodities or a significant out positions in copper, alumi- prices shows how this can slipping as well for the broader
said, because a rally could be part of a broader commodities drop in production to justify num and zinc last week. happen. group of subprime borrowers
self-defeating. rally that has lifted everything further price increases. Commodity rallies, from Crude prices rose 40% be- who make up a big slice of the
Stored supplies of crude oil from gold and copper to cocoa “We have moved too much copper to cotton, often face tween mid-March and early auto market. The 60-plus-day
and refined products need to and lean hogs. on too little data,” said George this dilemma: Will a sudden Please see OIL page B7 Please see AUTOS page B7

Valeant: Does It Make Sense? Blackstone Nears Quick Deal

BY MICHAEL RAPOPORT nue. Yet Valeant now sug- BY KANE WU setting them up to top the re- ury properties such as the Es-
What's The gests possibly half that $111 cord $108 billion of Chinese sex House overlooking
Valeant Pharmaceuticals Prognosis? million shouldn’t have been HONG KONG—Blackstone outbound acquisitions reached Manhattan’s Central Park and
International Inc.’s fi- booked in 2014. Group LP is selling a portfolio last year. the Hotel del Coronado near
nances are like an old jigsaw Valeant's annual revenue Move it and Philidor’s of U.S. luxury hotels to the China National Chemical San Diego. It owns a number of
puzzle: Some pieces don’t Through Sept. 30 2014 revenue would fall to Chinese owner of New York’s Corp.—known as ChemChina— Four Seasons properties, in-
$8 billion
seem to fit together, and $53 million; first-half 2015 Waldorf Astoria, just months announced China’s biggest cluding hotels in Washington
some are missing. revenue would soar to $323 after buying it for $4 billion. overseas purchase earlier this and Austin, Texas, and a resort
Investors hope to find a million. That would be a China’s Anbang Insurance year with a $43 billion deal to in Jackson Hole, Wyo.
few Tuesday when the com- spectacular increase. It Group Co. is near a deal to buy buy Swiss pesticide and seed Once a provincial car in-
pany plans to, finally, an- 4 needs explanation. Strategic Hotels & Resorts Inc. company Syngenta AG. Other surer, Beijing-headquartered
nounce fourth- That isn’t all: About $15 from a Blackstone-managed Anbang Insurance has leapt
AHEAD OF quarter results
THE TAPE and update
2 million of the $58 million in
misplaced revenue was from
real-estate fund, according to
people familiar with the situa-
The firm is selling a onto the global stage with sev-
eral high-profile deals, includ-
earnings guid- 0 sales of acne drug Solodyn, a tion. The price Anbang is pay- portfolio of U.S. ing its purchase of the Waldorf
ance. If it
doesn’t provide enough an-
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
spokeswoman says. But
Valeant’s disclosed quar-
ing couldn’t be determined,
but Blackstone is expected to
hotels months after Astoria New York hotel for
$1.95 billion in February 2015
swers, its shares could again Source: the company terly Solodyn sales have turn a profit after taking the taking it private. from Hilton Worldwide Hold-
get hammered. been in a tight range. company private in December. ings Inc., which counts Black-
Valeant must address un- revenue from products it The misplaced sales were Blackstone has built itself stone as its largest share-
resolved questions about sold through mail-order concentrated in 2014’s fourth into the world’s largest real- big deals include Haier Group’s holder. The property will
its accounting and business pharmacy Philidor Rx Ser- quarter, say people familiar estate private-equity fund $5.4 billion agreement to buy continue to be managed by
practices. But it also must vices LLC. with the matter. manager by assets, and typi- General Electric’s appliance Hilton under a 100-year man-
address concerns That doesn’t seem huge. Move $15 million cally holds such assets for unit and a $3.3 billion bid by agement agreement.
about its growth prospects But move that revenue and from that quarter to the years. Chinese equipment maker The Waldorf Astoria New
now that it has foregone some strange things happen. next, and sales of one of Anbang is among China’s Zoomlion Heavy Industry Sci- York sale carried the steepest
its model of buying other According to Valeant, Valeant’s biggest drugs sud- most ambitious overseas ac- ence & Technology Co. for price tag ever for a U.S. hotel
companies and boosting the Philidor had $111 million in denly plunge and then spike. quirers, snatching up insur- U.S. crane maker Terex Corp. at the time, brokers said, al-
prices of their drugs. revenue for most of 2014, To make sense of the ance companies and property Anbang’s agreement to ac- though it wasn’t the highest
But mysteries abound. before Valeant’s December stock, investors need to be assets across the U.S. and Eu- quire Chicago-based Strategic on a per-room basis.
Consider what is implied 2014 purchase of an option able to make sense of moves rope. Chinese companies have Hotels will give it a substantial Chinese investors have
by Valeant’s statements last to buy it. In 2015’s first half, like that. done more than $84 billion in presence in luxury hotels sought to buy U.S. properties
month that it was too quick Philidor appears to have had deals since the start of the across the U.S. Strategic Ho- that cary prestige, like the
to recognize $58 million of about $265 million in reve- Email: year, according to Dealogic, tels’ prime assets include lux- Please see HOTELS page B8
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
B6 | Monday, March 14, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

MARKETS DIGEST Data as of Friday, March 11, 2016

Nikkei 225 Index STOXX 600 Index S&P 500 Index Data as of 4 p.m. New York time
Last Year ago
16938.87 s 86.52, or 0.51% Year-to-date t 11.01% 342.23 s 8.73, or 2.62% Year-to-date t 6.45% 2022.19 s 32.62, or 1.64% Trailing P/E ratio * 23.02 20.19
High, low, open and close for each 52-wk high/low20868.03 14952.61 High, low, open and close for each 52-wk high/low 414.06 303.58 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 16.72 17.55
trading day of the past three months. All-time high 38915.87 12/29/89 trading day of the past three months. All-time high 414.06 4/15/15 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield 2.27 1.98
All-time high: 2130.82, 05/21/15

20000 400 2100

65-day moving average

19000 380 65-day moving average 2050

65-day moving average

18000 360 2000

Session high 17000 340 1950


Session open Close

16000 320 1900
Close Open

Session low 15000 300 1850

Bars measure the point change from session's open

14000 280 1800
Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar.

International Stock Indexes Data as of 4 p.m. New York time Global government bonds
Latest 52-Week Range YTD Latest, month-ago and year-ago yields and spreads over or under U.S. Treasurys on benchmark two-year
Region/Country Index Close NetChg % chg Low Close High % chg and 10-year government bonds around the world. Data as of 3 p.m. ET
World The Global Dow 2287.66 42.43 1.89 2047.44 • 2639.52 –2.1 Country/ Spread Over Treasurys, in basis points Yield
MSCI EAFE 1644.94 32.79 2.03 1491.52 • 1950.85 –4.2 Coupon Maturity, in years Yield Latest Previous Month Ago Year ago Previous Month ago Year ago
MSCI EM USD 800.91 10.17 1.29 688.52 • 1066.71 0.8 5.500 Australia 2 2.034 107.4 104.1 110.8 119.1 1.975 1.765 1.875
4.250 10 2.688 71.1 66.7 72.3 49.0 2.601 2.384 2.600
Americas DJ Americas 484.55 8.15 1.71 433.35 • 524.44 –0.5
3.500 Belgium 2 -133.1 -123.0 -110.8 -84.8 -0.295 -0.450 -0.164
Brazil Sao Paulo Bovespa 49638.68 67.57 0.14 37497.48 • 58051.61 14.5
0.800 10 0.529 -144.8 -136.4 -107.7 -178.0 0.570 0.584 0.331
Canada S&P/TSX Comp 13522.00 142.86 1.07 11843.11 • 15450.87 3.9
4.250 France 2 -0.397 -135.6 -131.6 -110.3 -84.6 -0.381 -0.445 -0.161
Mexico IPC All-Share 44735.50 398.46 0.90 40265.37 • 45773.31 4.1
1.000 10 0.541 -143.6 -134.5 -107.2 -163.9 0.590 0.589 0.471
Chile Santiago IPSA 3058.09 4.45 0.15 2759.77 • 3359.04 3.9
0.500 Germany 2 -0.461 -142.0 -138.3 -118.6 -91.8 -0.448 -0.528 -0.234
U.S. DJIA 17213.31 218.18 1.28 15660.18 • 18312.39 –1.2
0.500 10 0.270 -170.7 -162.1 -147.0 -193.7 0.314 0.190 0.173
Nasdaq Composite 4748.47 86.31 1.85 4266.84 • 5218.86 –5.2
4.500 Italy 2 -0.037 -99.7 -97.6 -53.9 -52.9 -0.042 0.119 0.155
S&P 500 2022.19 32.62 1.64 1829.08 • 2130.82 –1.1
2.000 10 1.333 -64.4 -49.1 5.7 -98.2 1.443 1.717 1.128
CBOE Volatility 16.50 –1.55 –8.59 11.95 • 40.74 –9.4
0.100 Japan 2 -0.162 -112.1 -110.3 -86.9 -64.6 -0.169 -0.211 0.038
EMEA Stoxx Europe 600 342.23 8.73 2.62 303.58 • 414.06 –6.4 0.100 10 -0.011 -198.8 -195.2 -164.7 -168.8 -0.018 0.014 0.422
Stoxx Europe 50 2864.88 71.72 2.57 2566.26 • 3591.47 –7.6 0.500 Netherlands 2 -0.449 -140.9 -134.9 -116.5 -86.9 -0.415 -0.507 -0.184
Austria ATX 2284.02 55.09 2.47 1957.05 • 2681.44 –4.7 0.250 10 0.379 -159.8 -154.0 -132.0 -185.6 0.394 0.341 0.255
Belgium Bel-20 3425.80 70.76 2.11 3130.76 • 3905.71 –7.4 4.350 Portugal 2 0.261 -69.9 -66.3 12.0 -61.7 0.271 0.778 0.067
France CAC 40 4492.79 142.44 3.27 3896.71 • 5268.91 –3.1 2.875 10 2.754 77.7 97.7 224.1 -49.9 2.911 3.902 1.612
Germany DAX 9831.13 332.98 3.51 8752.87 • 12374.73 –8.5 4.500 Spain 2 -0.019 -97.9 -87.7 -58.2 -55.6 0.058 0.076 0.128
Greece ATG 566.20 2.08 0.37 440.88 • 851.81 –10.3 2.150 10 1.482 -49.5 -32.4 11.1 -93.8 1.610 1.771 1.172
Hungary BUX 25608.69 354.04 1.40 18522.42 • 25608.69 7.1 3.750 Sweden 2 -0.599 -155.8 -154.0 -128.5 -84.8 -0.605 -0.627 -0.164
Israel Tel Aviv 1478.61 … Closed 1383.34 • 1723.56 –3.3 2.500 10 0.615 -136.2 -138.1 -125.9 -138.5 0.553 0.402 0.725
Italy FTSE MIB 18987.75 869.52 4.80 15773.00 • 24031.19 –11.3 1.250 U.K. 2 0.564 -39.6 -39.8 -35.2 -31.0 0.537 0.306 0.374
Netherlands AEX 441.75 11.57 2.69 382.61 • 509.24 –0.02 2.000 10 1.577 -40.0 -39.4 -35.6 -26.5 1.541 1.305 1.846
Poland WIG 47182.13 495.39 1.06 42152.70 • 57379.45 1.5 0.750 U.S. 2 0.960 ... ... ... ... 0.935 0.658 0.684
Russia RTS Index 845.59 11.35 1.36 628.41 • 1082.21 11.7 1.625 10 1.977 ... ... ... ... 1.934 1.661 2.110
Spain IBEX 35 9090.60 323.70 3.69 7746.30 • 11866.40 –4.8
Sweden SX All Share 490.21 9.98 2.08 435.21 • 564.90 –3.0 Commodities Prices of futures contracts with the most open interest 3:30 p.m. New York time
Switzerland Swiss Market 7998.43 104.77 1.33 7496.62 • 9526.79 –9.3 EXCHANGE LEGEND: CBOT: Chicago Board of Trade; CME: Chicago Mercantile Exchange; ICE-US: ICE Futures U.S.; MDEX: Bursa Malaysia
South Africa Johannesburg All Share 51739.83 206.05 0.40 46282.02 • 55188.34 2.1 Derivatives Berhad; TCE: Tokyo Commodity Exchange; COMEX: Commodity Exchange; LME: London Metal Exchange;
NYMEX: New York Mercantile Exchange; ICE-EU: ICE Futures Europe. *Data as of 3/10/2016
Turkey BIST 100 79380.18 355.49 0.45 68567.89 • 88651.88 10.7
One-Day Change Year Year
U.K. FTSE 100 6139.79 103.09 1.71 5536.97 • 7103.98 –1.6 Commodity Exchange Last price Net Percentage high low
364.25 1.50 0.41% 378.25 354.25
Asia-Pacific DJ Asia-Pacific TSM 1333.27 12.17 0.92 1190.45 • 1619.39 –4.1 Corn (cents/bu.) CBOT
Soybeans (cents/bu.) 894.25 5.00 0.56 896.75 856.00
Australia S&P/ASX 200 5166.40 16.30 0.32 4765.30 • 5982.70 –2.4
Wheat (cents/bu.)
CBOT 476.25 -0.75 -0.16% 493.50 442.25
China Shanghai Composite 2810.31 5.58 0.20 2655.66 • 5166.35 –20.6
Live cattle (cents/lb.) CME 128.550 0.925 0.72 129.775 118.775
Hong Kong Hang Seng 20199.60 215.18 1.08 18319.58 • 28442.75 –7.8
Cocoa ($/ton) ICE-US 3,051 -11 -0.36 3,215 2,738
India S&P BSE Sensex 24717.99 94.65 0.38 22951.83 • 29044.44 –5.4
Coffee (cents/lb.) ICE-US 126.10 3.95 3.23 128.25 113.35
Japan Nikkei Stock Avg 16938.87 86.52 0.51 14952.61 • 20868.03 –11.0
Sugar (cents/lb.) ICE-US 15.21 0.39 2.63 15.34 12.61
Singapore Straits Times 2828.86 19.74 0.70 2532.70 • 3539.95 –1.9
Cotton (cents/lb.) ICE-US 57.14 0.31 0.55 64.30 54.53
South Korea Kospi 1971.41 2.08 0.11 1829.81 • 2173.41 0.5 Robusta coffee ($/ton) ICE-EU 1428.00 26.00 1.85 1,568.00 1,342.00
Taiwan Weighted 8706.14 45.44 0.52 7410.34 • 9973.12 4.4
Copper ($/lb.) COMEX 2.2415 0.0215 0.97 2.3040 1.9440
Source: SIX Financial Information;WSJ Market Data Group Gold ($/troy oz.) COMEX 1253.00 -19.80 -1.56 1,287.80 1,061.90
Silver ($/troy oz.) COMEX 15.530 -0.019 -0.12 16.005 13.760
Currencies London close on March 11 Aluminum ($/mt)* LME 1,574.00 10.00 0.64 1,588.50 1,451.50
Tin ($/mt)* LME 16,800.00 170.00 1.02 17,225.00 13,225.00
Yen, euro vs. dollar; dollar vs. major U.S. trading partners US$vs,
Fri YTDchg Copper ($/mt)* LME 4,911.00 -10.00 -0.20 4,989.50 4,320.50
10% Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Lead ($/mt)* LME 1,842.00 -9.00 -0.49 1,888.00 1,598.00
8 s Europe Zinc ($/mt)* LME 1,797.00 -4.00 -0.22 1,843.00 1,467.00
6 Euro
Bulgaria lev 0.5715 1.7498 –2.8 Nickel ($/mt)* LME 8,780.00 -45.00 -0.51 9,400.00 7,750.00
s Croatia kuna 0.1476 6.774 –3.4 Rubber (Y.01/ton) TCE 171.40 2.50 1.48 180.00 154.10
Euro zone euro 1.1173 0.8951 –2.8
0 Palm oil (MYR/mt) MDEX 2607.00 61.00 2.40 2,653.00 2,425.00
Czech Rep. koruna-b 0.0413 24.216 –2.7
–2 Denmark krone 0.1498 6.6769 –2.8 Crude oil ($/bbl.) NYMEX 40.09 0.69 1.75 41.35 29.85
–4 s WSJ Dollar index
Hungary forint 0.003592 278.40 –4.1 NY Harbor ULSD ($/gal.) NYMEX 1.2287 0.0035 0.29 1.2563 0.8950
–6 Iceland krona 0.007896 126.65 –2.7
–8 RBOB gasoline ($/gal.) NYMEX 1.4786 0.0086 0.59 1.5782 1.1488
Norway krone 0.1188 8.4173 –4.8
0.2602 3.8426 –2.1
Natural gas ($/mmBtu) NYMEX 1.917 0.034 1.81 2.5490 1.7310
2015 2016 Poland zloty
Russia ruble-d 0.01432 69.844 –2.9 Brent crude ($/bbl.) ICE-EU 40.42 0.37 0.92 41.48 28.58
US$vs, US$vs,
YTDchg YTDchg Sweden krona 0.1199 8.3398 –1.3 Gas oil ($/ton) ICE-EU 365.00 3.50 0.97 374.00 260.25
Fri Fri
Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Switzerland franc 1.0190 0.9814 –2.1
Turkey lira 0.3484 2.8702 –1.6 Sources: SIX Financial Information; WSJ Market Data Group
Americas Hong Kong dollar 0.1289 7.7583 0.1
Ukraine hryvnia 0.0399 25.0585 4.4
Argentina peso-a 0.0667 14.9960 15.9
India rupee
Indonesia rupiah
U.K. pound 1.4410 0.6940 2.3 Cross rates London close on Mar 11
Brazil real 0.2762 3.6210 –8.6 Middle East/Africa
Japan yen 0.008798 113.67 –5.5
Canada dollar 0.7566 1.3218 –4.5 USD GBP CHF JPY HKD EUR CDN AUD
Kazakhstan tenge 0.002907 343.96 1.5 Bahrain dinar 2.6525 0.3770 –0.03
Chile peso 0.001465 682.70 –3.7 Australia 1.3224 1.9059 1.3475 0.0116 0.1705 1.4776 1.0008 ...
Macau pataca 0.1252 7.9881 –0.2 Egypt pound-a 0.1277 7.8335 0.05
Colombia peso 0.0003163 3161.15 –0.4 Canada 1.3218 1.9045 1.3470 0.0116 0.1704 1.4766 ... 0.9992
Malaysia ringgit-c 0.2458 4.0686 –5.4 Israel shekel 0.2579 3.8780 –0.37
Ecuador US dollar-f 1 1 unch
New Zealand dollar 0.6749 1.4817 1.2 Kuwait dinar 3.3242 0.3008 –0.9 Euro 0.8951 1.2898 0.9120 0.0079 0.1154 ... 0.6771 0.6768
Mexico peso-a 0.0564 17.7242 3.0
Pakistan rupee 0.0096 104.590 –0.3 Oman sul rial 2.5976 0.3850 0.003 Hong Kong 7.7583 11.1812 7.9053 0.0683 ... 8.6690 5.8697 5.8668
Peru sol 0.2905 3.4429 0.8
Philippines peso 0.0215 46.445 –0.9 Qatar rial 0.2746 3.641 –0.04 Japan 113.6660 163.8000 115.8100 ... 14.6520 127.0000 86.0020 85.9400
Uruguay peso-e 0.0313 32.000 7.0
Singapore dollar 0.7288 1.3721 –3.3 Saudi Arabia riyal 0.2666 3.7504 –0.1 0.9814 1.4143 ... 0.0086 0.1265 1.0966 0.7424 0.7421
Venezuela bolivar 0.158595 6.31 0.005 Switzerland
South Korea won 0.0008435 1185.50 0.8 South Africa rand 0.0656 15.2440 –1.5
U.K. 0.6940 ... 0.7071 0.0061 0.0894 0.7755 0.5251 0.5247
Asia-Pacific Sri Lanka rupee 0.0068937 145.06 0.6 Close Net Chg % Chg YTD % Chg
0.7562 1.3224 –3.6 Taiwan dollar 0.03064 32.641 U.S. ... 1.4410 1.0190 0.0088 0.1289 1.1173 0.7566 0.7562
Australia dollar –0.8 WSJ Dollar Index 87.88 –0.32 –0.36 –2.54
China yuan 0.1539 6.4978 0.1 Thailand baht 0.02851 35.070 –2.7 Sources: Tullett Prebon, WSJ Market Data Group Source: Tullett Prebon

Key Rates Top Stock Listings 4 p.m. New York time

Latest 52 wks ago % YTD% % YTD% % YTD%
Libor Cur Stock Sym Close Chg Chg Cur Stock Sym Close Chg Chg Cur Stock Sym Close Chg Chg Asia Titans 50
One month 0.43620% 0.17650% ¥ TakedaPharm 4502 5444.00 -0.29 -10.24 £ RioTinto RIO 2000.00 2.20 1.04 Last: 128.30 s 1.43, or 1.13% YTD t 5.8%
Three month 0.63385 0.27065 Asia Titans HK$ TencentHoldings 0700 148.10 2.14 -3.01 CHF RocheHldgctf ROG 246.00 0.57 -11.00
Six month 0.90550 0.40290 43.00 2.26 -7.73 1669.00
HK$ AIAGroup 1299 ¥ TokioMarineHldg 8766 3959.00 0.05 -15.98 £ RoyDtchShell A RDSA 1.86 9.37
One year 1.22450 0.71335 ¥ AstellasPharma 4503 1529.50 -0.87 -11.67 ¥ ToyotaMtr 7203 6140.00 -0.23 -18.00 € SAP SAP 69.97 1.97 -4.65 50–day 140
moving average
Euro Libor AU$ AustNZBk ANZ 25.42 -0.27 -8.99 AU$ Wesfarmers WES 41.79 1.19 0.43 € Sanofi SAN 73.96 1.93 -5.90
One month -0.30100% -0.01071% 17.61 -0.51 -1.40 55.42 2.71 5.44
AU$ BHP BHP AU$ WestpacBanking WBC 32.74 0.68 -2.44 € SchneiderElectric SU
Three month -0.23571 0.01857 HK$ BankofChina 3988 3.11 0.97 -10.12 AU$ Woolworths WOW 23.34 0.86 -4.73 € Siemens SIE 89.13 2.61 -0.83 High 120
Six month -0.12371 0.07429 HK$ CKHutchison 0001 99.15 0.86 -5.03 € Telefonica TEF 10.18 4.73 -0.59 Close 110
One year -0.00543 0.20357 HK$ CNOOC 0883 9.18 0.77 13.75 Stoxx 50 € Total FP 42.35 3.79 2.63 Low
Euribor ¥ Canon 7751 3363.00 1.91 -8.49 CHF ABB ABBN 18.34 2.17 2.12 CHF UBSGroup UBSG 16.58 3.30 -15.06
One month -0.30100% -0.01000% ¥ CentralJapanRwy 9022 19465 0.62 -9.88 € AXA CS 21.63 6.19 -14.27 € Unilever UNA 39.63 1.39 -1.20 18 25 31 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 4 11
Three month -0.22500 0.02500 HK$ ChinaConstructnBk 0939 4.80 0.21 -9.60 € Allianz ALV 144.65 4.37 -11.56 £ Unilever ULVR 3096.00 0.47 5.79 Jan. Feb. Mar.
Six month -0.13100 0.09600 HK$ ChinaLifeInsurance 2628 17.90 1.94 -28.69 € Anheuser Busch ABI 105.40 1.49 -7.87 £ VodafoneGroup VOD 217.35 2.21 -1.65
One year -0.00900 0.21400 HK$ ChinaMobile 0941 85.50 0.53 -2.29 £ AstraZeneca AZN 4043.50 0.62 -12.41 CHF ZurichInsurance ZURN 228.10 3.12 -11.73
Yen Libor AU$ CmwlthBkAust CBA 76.37 0.30 -10.71 € BASF BAS 64.41 3.62 -8.92
DJIA Stoxx 50
One month 0.23304% 0.23714% ¥ EastJapanRailway 9020 9861.00 0.51 -13.88 € BNP Paribas BNP 48.70 5.53 -6.76
Last: 2864.88 s 71.72, or 2.57% YTD t 7.6%
Three month 0.56786 0.38500 ¥ Fanuc 6954 18095 -1.28 -14.16 £ BT Group BT.A 459.05 1.65 -2.68 $ AmericanExpress AXP 59.46 1.21 -14.51
Six month 0.89214 0.53929 ¥ Hitachi 6501 519.50 0.52 -24.87 € BancoBilVizAr BBVA 6.51 6.19 -3.32 $ Apple AAPL 102.26 1.08 -2.85 3400
One year 1.26946 0.84071 TW$ Hon Hai Precisn 2317 83.20 0.24 2.97 € BancoSantander SAN 4.45 7.15 -2.33 $ Boeing BA 124.63 1.37 -13.80
72.80 2.02 7.12 3200
Offer ¥ HondaMotor 7267 3150.00 -0.32 -19.44 £ Barclays BARC 166.00 3.81 -24.17 $ Caterpillar CAT
KRW HyundaiMtr 005380 149000 0.68 ... € Bayer BAYN 97.96 2.52 -15.41 $ Chevron CVX 94.58 0.68 5.14 3000
HK$ Ind&Comml 1398 4.15 0.73 -11.32 £ BP BP. 348.40 1.52 -1.58 $ CiscoSystems CSCO 27.86 1.75 2.60
One month 0.4500% 0.3500%
$ CocaCola KO 45.20 0.71 5.21
Three month 0.6500 0.5500 ¥ JapanTobacco 2914 4646.00 -1.88 3.91 £ BritishAmTob BATS 4076.50 2.31 8.10
¥ KDDI 9433 3017.00 2.50 -4.34 CHF FinRichemont CFR 66.45 0.15 -7.84
$ Disney DIS 97.94 0.93 -6.79 2600
Six month 0.9000 0.8000
¥ Mitsubishi 8058 2074.00 1.57 2.27 CHF CreditSuisse CSGN 15.50 5.44 -28.54
$ DuPont DD 63.83 2.69 -4.16 2400
One year 1.2500 1.1500
$ ExxonMobil XOM 82.19 0.01 5.44
Latest 52 wks ago ¥ MitsuUFJFin 8306 3.49 -26.79 € Daimler DAI 65.09 4.04 -16.10 18 24 31 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 4 11
$ GenElec GE 30.34 1.34 -2.60
¥ Mitsui 8031 1437.00 0.21 -0.59 € Deutsche Bank DBK 18.34 7.44 -18.58 Jan. Feb. Mar.
Prime rates $ GoldmanSachs GS 153.94 1.93 -14.59
¥ Mizuho Fin 8411 182.70 2.47 -24.97 € DeutscheTelekom DTE 15.83 3.50 -5.15
U.S. 3.50% 3.25% $ HomeDepot HD 128.46 2.04 -2.87
¥ NTTDoCoMo 9437 2579.50 0.76 3.84 £ Diageo DGE 1873.00 1.22 0.89
Canada 2.70 2.85 $ Intel INTC 31.76 1.63 -7.81
AU$ NatAustBnk NAB 27.92 0.90 -7.55 13.32 2.94 -3.48
Hong Kong
5.00 ¥ NipponStl&SmtmoMtl 5401 2248.50 2.91 -6.93

GSK 1398.00 0.87
1.82 $
Dow Jones Industrial Average P/E: 18
¥ NipponTeleg 9432 4851.00 -0.25 0.31 £ HSBC Hldgs HSBA 451.35 1.31 -15.82 $ JohnsJohns JNJ 107.71 0.53 4.86 Last: 17213.31 s 218.18, or 1.28% YTD t 1.2%
Policy rates
ECB 0.05% 0.05%
¥ NissanMotor 7201 1096.50 -0.32 -14.30 € INGGroep INGA 11.81 5.73 -5.14 $ McDonalds MCD 121.55 1.31 2.89
Britain 0.50 0.50
¥ NomuraHldgs 8604 528.00 1.54 -22.25 £ ImperialBrands IMB 3752.50 1.34 4.63 $ Merck MRK 53.20 1.18 0.72 18000
Switzerland 0.50 0.50
¥ Panasonic 6752 982.40 0.16 -20.81 € IntesaSanpaolo ISP 2.73 7.47 -11.46 $ Microsoft MSFT 53.07 1.96 -4.34 17400
Australia 2.00 2.25
HK$ PetroChina 0857 5.42 2.46 6.48 € L'AirLiquide AI 99.32 2.12 -4.18 $ NikeClB NKE 60.08 2.04 -3.87
HK$ PingAnInsofChina 2318 34.75 0.14 -19.00 € LVMHMoetHennessy MC 157.45 2.01 8.66 $ 16800
U.S. discount 1.00 0.75 Pfizer PFE 30.50 3.08 -5.51
Fed-funds target 0.25 0.00
$ RelianceIndsGDR RIGD 30.10 -0.50 -1.63 £ LloydsBankingGroup LLOY 70.15 1.74 -4.00 $ Procter&Gamble PG 81.75 -0.64 2.95 16200
Call money 2.25 2.00
AU$ RioTinto RIO 44.57 -0.36 -0.31 € LOreal OR 156.25 1.79 0.61 $ 3M MMM 161.88 1.24 7.46 15600
KRW SamsungElectronics 005930 1249000 1.96 -0.87 £ NationalGrid NG. 965.50 0.68 2.99 $ TravelersCos TRV 113.64 1.89 0.69
Overnight repurchase rates 15000
U.S. 0.46% 0.16%
¥ Seven&I Hldgs 3382 4680.00 0.80 -15.68 CHF Nestle NESN 71.55 0.77 -4.02 $ UnitedTech UTX 96.75 0.59 0.71
Euro zone n.a. n.a.
¥ SoftBankGroup 9984 5795.00 1.10 -5.60 CHF Novartis NOVN 72.90 1.04 -16.01 $ UnitedHealthGroup UNH 125.10 2.47 6.34 18 24 31 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 4 11
¥ Sumitomo Mitsui 8316 3635.00 3.56 -21.08 DKK NovoNordiskB NOVO-B 379.00 1.09 -5.23 $ VISAClA V 71.63 2.01 -7.63 Jan. Feb. Mar.
Sources: WSJ Market Data Group, SIX HK$ SunHngKaiPrp 0016 93.45 1.08 -0.32 £ Prudential PRU 1358.50 2.96 -11.27 $ Verizon VZ 52.53 0.40 13.65 Note: Price-to-earnings ratios are for trailing 12 months
Financial Information, Tullett TW$ TaiwanSemiMfg 2330 155.00 0.32 8.39 £ ReckittBenckiser RB. 6529.00 1.04 3.95 $ WalMart WMT 67.17 -0.36 9.58 Sources: WSJ Market Data Group; Birinyi Associates
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, March 14, 2016 | B7


Beijing Tries New Bad-Loan Remedies

Efforts include letting in exchange for more than six
Collateral Damage billion yuan of loans owed by
banks exchange dud Chinese banks have expanded rapidly, but their profitability is declining and risks such as bad loans, which had improved steadily for the past the struggling shipbuilder.
debt for equity in too- decade, are again on the rise. Current banking rules gen-
erally forbid commercial banks
big-to-fail companies Total assets held Return on equity Non-performing loan ratios Provision-coverage ratios* from taking stakes in nonfi-
nancial entities. But regula-
250 trillion yuan 25% 15% 300%
BY LINGLING WEI tors, led by the powerful gov-
ernment commission
BEIJING—Chinese regula- 200 20 12 240 overseeing state assets—
tors are speeding up efforts to known as the State-owned As-
help banks shed bad loans, but 150 15 9 180 sets Supervision and Adminis-
some of the measures risk tration Commission, or SASAC
keeping “zombie” companies —are pushing for changes in
afloat while making lenders 100 10 6 120 the rules to help heavily in-
more strapped for capital. debted state companies cut
The deepening economic 50 5 3 60 debts. Corporate debt now
slowdown has heightened the amounts to 160% of China’s
need for banks to have more gross domestic product, ac-
0 0 0 0
funds to lend out. A main fea- cording to Standard & Poor’s
ture in a plan outlined by cen- 2004 ’05 ’10 ’15 2011 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 2004 ’05 ’10 ’15 2004 ’05 ’10 ’15 Ratings Services. That is up
tral-bank and regulatory offi- *A measure of how well banks are protected against future loan losses from 98% in 2008 and com-
cials over the weekend would Source: China Banking Regulatory Commission via Macquarie Securities THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. pares with a current U.S. level
be to let banks sell dud loans of 70%.
to investors either by repack- nonperforming loans and a ber, the highest level since is the roadmap out of a credit who specialize in buying trou- Blessed by the leadership’s
aging them as securities or sharp decline in profitability, mid-2006. Even as the official cycle or crisis?” asked the J.P. bled assets, but he stressed goal of helping companies de-
transferring them to special as they absorb the effects of a bad-loan ratio remains rela- Morgan analysts. the need to draw lessons from leverage, SASAC is compiling
asset-management companies yearslong lending binge. To tively low, at 1.67% as of the Officials at the country’s the global financial crisis in a list of big companies that
that handle distressed debt. make their books look health- end of 2015, it has been central bank, in particular, are developing the market. could be slated for debt-for-
Senior executives at China’s ier, many banks have extended steadily climbing in the past wary of risks associated with Regulators are also refining equity swaps, according to of-
Big Four state-owned banks new credit to corporate bor- three years. That is largely securitization of loans, point- a practice pioneered by former ficials close to the agency.
say regulators are also explor- rowers to repay existing debt. because Chinese steelmakers, ing to how risky securities tied Premier Zhu Rongji, who in But many bankers think
ing ways for banks to ex- Shang Fulin, chairman of coal miners and other manu- to home mortgages helped the late 1990s set up four such swaps should only be al-
change bad loans for equity in the China Banking Regulatory facturers find it increasingly trigger the 2008 global finan- state-owned asset-manage- lowed on a limited scale. By
certain too-big-to-fail compa- Commission, indicated at a difficult to pay off debts be- cial crisis. For now, the central ment companies to take over exchanging loans for equity
nies—a potentially controver- news conference on Saturday cause of weak demand and ex- bank has picked six large Chi- large amounts of bad loans that would be worth little if
sial step that they say could that policy makers see such cessive industrial capacity. nese banks for a trial run of from Chinese banks and resell the companies already are
saddle banks with near-worth- rollover practices as a problem Nonperforming loans could securitizing tens of billions of them to other investors. Under struggling to pay off debts,
less stock and squeeze their li- because the funds aren’t used peak at around 7% of all loans dollars of loans, according to the new plan, the list of buy- banks would be required to
quidity. to invest in new projects and in China in the current credit people familiar with the mat- ers would be expanded from sharply bump up the amount
Bank of China Ltd., one of create fresh demand. cycle, according to a recent ter. The banks include the Big the four to include other insti- of capital they set aside
the top four lenders, recently “Through securitization and analysis by J.P. Morgan Chase Four—Industrial & Commer- tutional investors. against such equity holdings,
agreed to become the largest transfers of nonperforming as- & Co., meaning the entire cial Bank of China Ltd., China Meanwhile, as illustrated by which are considered more
shareholder in a publicly sets, the hope is to increase banking sector would need Construction Bank Corp., Agri- the Bank of China example, risky than loans. That would
traded shipbuilder under the the turnover rate of bank about $600 billion to replenish cultural Bank of China Ltd. regulators are starting to open strain their liquidity.
yet-to-be-disclosed plan, peo- lending, thereby improving its capital. In a crisis scenario, and Bank of China—along with the door to more debt-for-eq- “It doesn’t sound like a
ple close to the bank say. Offi- [banks’] ability to support the China’s bad-loan ratio would Bank of Communications Co. uity restructurings. Under the great idea to save zombie
cials at the central bank and real economy,” Mr. Shang said. hit 20% and the banking sys- and China Merchants Bank. deal, the bank will hold about companies with zombie
banking regulatory agency de- Total soured loans in tem would require five trillion Zhou Xiaochuan, China’s 14% of equity in China Hua- banks,” said Larry Hu, China
clined to comment. China’s banking system yuan ($770 billion) of capital, central-bank governor, rong Energy Co., listed in economist at Macquarie Secu-
The steps come as Chinese reached 1.27 trillion yuan according to the report. said Saturday that such secu- Hong Kong and based in east- rities, a Sydney-based invest-
banks are seeing a surge in ($195.5 billion) as of Decem- “The key question is, what rities could attract investors ern China’s Jiangsu province, ment bank.

BANKS refinancing,” said Michael Wol-

gast, the chief economist at the
savings bank association, DSGV.
The longer-term loans “aren’t
Lending a Hand
The average cost of borrowing has declined across the
eurozone since the European Central Bank pushed interest
OIL told analysts last week.
Chevron has 16 rigs in the
region drilling wells that will
come online in six to 12
Continued from page B5 necessary for monetary policy rates into negative territory almost two years ago. Continued from page B5 months. “We think that those
the eurozone’s private sector. and they will not have an effect May last year to as high as wells that are being drilled
The ECB added corporate on the real economy,” he said. Cost of borrowing for companies Percentage $60.75 a barrel after falling to will be economic at the kinds
bonds to the mix of assets it Bankers aren’t the only Ger- January 2016 June 2014 change* as low as $43.46. Investors of low prices that we’re seeing
can buy as part of its large- mans upset. The front page of Slovenia –41% piled in on expectations that today,” he said.
scale asset-purchase program, business daily Handelsblatt’s Italy –32 the plunge in prices would The oil surplus may be eas-
a policy known as quantitative edition on Friday depicted Mr. Estonia spur a quick decline in U.S. oil ing compared with a year ago.
easing. The ECB also increased Draghi lighting a cigar with a output. Retail investors tried U.S. production fell on a yearly
Ireland –29
its monthly bond purchases by burning €100 bill. “Mario to benefit from oil’s antici- basis in December for the first
Spain –29
€20 billion ($22.30 billion), to Draghi’s dangerous game with pated rebound through ex- time since 2011, according to
€80 billion. the money of German savers,” Netherlands –28 change-traded funds designed the Energy Information Ad-
A German trade group rep- read the caption. “Whatever it Luxembourg –28 to track oil futures, as analysts ministration. Global produc-
resenting commercial banks in- takes” was beneath, a sarcastic Cyprus –26 called for prices to return to tion dropped 0.7% in the first
cluding Deutsche Bank and allusion to Mr. Draghi’s state- Eurozone –26 $70 a barrel by 2016. two months of this year, the
Commerzbank AG criticized ment in London nearly four Finland –23 But higher prices also al- International Energy Agency
the ECB’s moves to pump more years ago promising to do 0% 1 2 3 4 5 6 lowed producers to lock in said on Friday.
money into the economy. The whatever was necessary to save *Percentages are rounded prices for future years and in- But Iranian production is
association, BdB, accused the the euro. Source: ECB THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. vest in new output. The num- expected to rise this year by
central bank of overstating “de- Elsewhere, the ECB’s mea- ber of rigs drilling for oil several hundred thousand bar-
flationary risks.” sures were seen as a victory for lender Rabobank Group show aly in January stood at 2.47%, started rising again over the rels a day, analysts say, as in-
banks in the eurozone’s embat- that, as of January, the top bor- down 32% from June 2014 summer as companies rushed ternational sanctions are
The longer-term tled south, which can get cheap
funding for loans. “Italian
rowers drawing on regular
ECB lending were banks from
The ECB’s decision Thursday
is “going to hurt banks that
to turn on the tap and gener-
ate new cash flow.
U.S. crude inventories are
loans ‘will not have banks are much more old-fash- Italy and Spain. German banks have a lot of excess liquidity” Some producers told inves- at their highest level in more
an effect on the real ioned commercial banks that
make money from loans,” said
had the highest level of central-
bank deposits.
said ING economist Carsten
Brzeski, citing German savings
tors that because of cost sav-
ings, they could afford to bring
than 80 years. Cushing, Okla.,
a key storage hub in the Mid-
economy.’ Luca Paolini, chief strategist at The ECB itself doesn’t dis- banks. “These are the ones be- new wells online with prices west and the delivery point for
Pictet Asset Management. “The close this information. Ample ing hurt by the negative de- above $60 a barrel. By August, Nymex crude futures, is hold-
ECB decision…is a positive be- deposits mean that German posit rate.” He said these banks oil had fallen to new lows. ing 66.9 million barrels of oil,
Germany’s association of cause [the targeted loans] are banks are well-insulated from need to park excess funds Cost reductions now allow 92% of its estimated working
savings banks also opened fire, on very generous terms and any capital flight. somewhere, “so they park it at companies to increase produc- capacity as of September, ac-
saying the measures hurt not will go a long way to offset any Data provided by the ECB the ECB.” tion at even lower prices. cording to EIA data.
only savers and banks but en- negative impact of falling de- show that the cost of borrow- These lenders also aren’t Chevron Corp. could drill Traders “want to see the in-
dowments, pensions, social-se- posit rates.” ing for German firms stood at helped by the ECB’s targeted 4,000 wells in the Permian ba- ventory worked down,” said
curity programs and insurers. Southern European banks 1.98% in January, down 22% four-year loans, he said. “Why sin in Texas that would make Joseph Quinlan, head of mar-
“These measures are above depend more on central-bank from their level in June 2014, would you now pick up more money at prices below $50 a ket and thematic research at
all aimed at financial institu- funding and are less rich in de- when the ECB first pushed bor- excess liquidity if you already barrel, and some of those Bank of America Global Wealth
tions in crisis in Southern Eu- posits than are their German rowing rates into negative ter- are having trouble getting rid would make money below $30, and Investment Management,
rope, which could use favorable peers. Data compiled by Dutch ritory. Comparable rates in It- of your excess liquidity?” Chief Executive John Watson which manages $380 billion.

AUTOS loan delinquencies.

Most analysts have shrugged
off talk of a subprime auto-loan
bubble. They said the economy
prime loans in April. The com-
pany’s second deal was the No-
vember transaction, which
raised $154 million. The bonds
made cash down payments. For
those with no credit score, it
looks at alternative metrics,
like how they pay phone bills.
spent during the year-end holi-
day season and should become
current on the loans after re-
ceiving tax refunds. Delin-
losses. The high interest rates
on the loans are expected to
cover any losses from people
Continued from page B5 isn’t in recession, unemploy- are backed by more than 10,000 “We interview every customer quency rates fell from January “We don’t see anything at
delinquency rate among sub- ment rates are fairly stable and loans, with terms averaging 5.6 before we fund the loan,” Sko- to February as that trend is this point that causes us con-
prime car loans that have been that low gasoline prices are years and interest rates of pos CEO Daniel Porter said, starting to play out, according cern,” said Eric Neglia, a senior
packaged into bonds over the putting more money in people’s about 20%. adding that individuals with no to the company. director.
past five years climbed to 5.16% pockets. Some 87% of the loans were credit histories are often young Representatives of Kroll The auto market might. Af-
in February, according to Fitch The U.S. auto industry has to borrowers with credit scores working adults who are more Bond Rating Agency Inc., ter last year wrapped up with
Ratings, the highest level in been on a tear. Sales of new below 600, on a scale of 300 to motivated to keep making pay- which gave most of the bonds record sales, some analysts be-
nearly two decades. The rate of cars and light trucks came in at 850. A third of those had scores ments. in the November deal invest- gan worrying that a top could
missed payments is higher for a record 17.5 million in 2015, below 500 or no credit scores The lender and the credit- ment-grade ratings, said the se- be near.
loans made in more recent and the strong pace has carried at all. rating firms involved in the No- curities are structured so that Shares in Ford Motor Co.
years, a reflection of more lib- into the new year. Sales of used Before making loans, Skopos vember transaction said the half the loans in the pool could and General Motors Co. have
eral credit standards and the cars, which a majority of sub- said, it verifies information, in- deal’s performance so far is default and all the bonds still fallen this year. Sales surged in
larger number of deals from prime borrowers purchase, also cluding borrowers’ employment within expectations. They said would be repaid, while the February, but analysts still
lenders serving less creditwor- are increasing, according to the and whether they actually some borrowers likely over- lending company absorbs the worry the industry is starting
thy customers, according to National Automobile Dealers to rely more on incentives.
Standard & Poor’s Ratings Ser- Association. Loans have been crucial, too.
vices. The total volume of U.S. auto Nearly nine out of every 10 new
Investors are becoming con- loans is now at an all-time high cars and more than half of all
cerned. Flagship Credit Accep- of close to $1 trillion, with a used cars are financed, accord-
tance LLC, another small fifth made to subprime borrow- ing to credit-reporting com-
lender, recently had to offer ers, according to Equifax. pany Experian.
higher yields than expected to Many of those loans are re- Most auto lenders, unlike
sell bonds backed by subprime packaged into bonds to free up subprime mortgage lenders of
auto loans. Flagship declined to capital so that new loans can years past, hold some risk from
comment. be made. the loans they make, so they
“What’s driving record auto Issuance of bonds backed by have little incentive to make
sales is not the economy, but U.S. subprime auto loans bad loans.
record auto lending,” said Ben topped $27 billion last year, the Delinquencies could snow-
Weinger, who runs hedge fund highest in a decade and up 25% ball, however, if lenders get

3-Sigma Value LP in New York from 2014, according to Asset- stretched for cash and in turn
and who has bearish bets on Backed Alert, an industry news- struggle to keep up after bor-
some auto lenders. He said de- letter that has flagged concerns rowers get them to pay. “That
mand for auto debt has led around Skopos and other “deep could quickly change perfor-
lenders to systematically loosen subprime” lenders. mance across the spectrum,”
underwriting standards, which Skopos sold its first bond said Kevin Duignan, a managing
he predicts will result in higher deal backed by pools of sub- Cars await shipment from Lansing, Mich., to dealers in the U.S., where auto sales have been on a tear. director at Fitch.
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.
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B8 | Monday, March 14, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


New iPhone
ECB Wakes Up to Bank-Profit Nightmare
Mario Draghi is worried negative rates to retail de- Mr. Draghi closed his

Chip Angst about eurozone bank profits

after all.
The European Central
positors either because they
fear the money will leave, or
in some countries because
Due Dates
Eurozone banks' senior unsecured
bonds due for repayment
news conference Thurs-
day with a very deliberate
reference to a private Euro-
Intel’s mobile efforts have Bank president said in Janu- they aren’t allowed to by Germany France Italy pean Commission paper on
been long stymied by the ary that it wasn’t his job to law. Spain Others ways to ease costs on an im-
fact that it has remained protect banks and on Thurs- Bank stocks and portant element of bank cap-
300 billion euros
shut out of the most profit- day insisted that loose policy bonds have been heavily sold ital. The commission isn’t re-
able smartphone on the mar- had so far helped not hin- by investors this year be- leasing the paper, but one of


ket: the iPhone. dered their profits. But cause of worries about the its aims is to suggest more
That may be changing. the ECB’s big policy sector’s profitability and the leeway for banks to avoid
Rumors have circulated that moves contained special effects on dividends and cou- skipping coupon payments
Intel may grab market share tricks designed to protect pon payments for some ju- 100
on junior debt known as ad-
from Qualcomm for the mo- banks against the debilitat- nior bonds. ditional tier-one capital.
dem chip, or baseband pro- ing effects of negative inter- Mr. Draghi acknowl- Fears about missed cou-
cessor, handling the iPhone’s est rates. edged Thursday that the 0 pons were behind the selloff
connections to wireless net- Investors were initially pain caused to banks over in these junior bonds this
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
works. Morgan Stanley, Co- confused: Bank shares rallied the longer term would put a year, which infected share
wen and Credit Suisse last then fell back on Thursday. limit on how far negative he Source: Standard & Poor's Euro notes prices and senior bonds, too.
week all noted signs that But bank stocks then rose could push interest rates. To These moves are having
production of a new Intel sharply Friday, especially protect banks and stop them At most this will cost option to replace banks’ ma- the desired effect in the
chip is gearing up ahead of those of Southern European from cutting back lending, banks nothing. But if they turing bonds with more than markets. Two indexes that
the expected iPhone 7 launch banks, as the implications the ECB launched more tar- have grown lending by 2.5% €500 billion due for repay- measure the riskiness of se-
in the fall. became clear. geted lending operations, by the end of January 2018, ment in the next two years, nior and subordinated Euro-
Less clear is whether the Negative rates are a night- known as TLTRO II. These the interest rate they pay according to Standard & pean bank bonds dropped
smaller iPhone that Ap- mare for banks. They have to offer banks more than €700 could drop to the ECB’s de- Poor’s, as well to refinance sharply. The ECB won’t solve
ple reportedly plans to un- pay to leave money on de- billion ($780 billion) of fresh posit rate at the time the existing ECB money. The the bank profitability prob-
veil at a March 21 event also posit at the central bank and four-year funding, according funding was taken. That was lower costs would add a net lem like this, but at least it
would make use of these can end up paying to own to Barclays, to back their cut to minus 0.4% on Thurs- €3 billion, or up to 2.5%, to is trying to stop making it
chips. And it is worth noting government bonds. At the loans to companies and con- day. annual earnings, according worse.
that rumors of an Intel chip same time, banks can’t pass sumers, but not mortgages. This funding is a cheap to Deutsche Bank. —Paul J. Davies
in the iPhone have circulated
in regard to prior genera-
tions of the smartphone.
Qualcomm controls about
60% of the baseband market,
according to Strategy Ana-
The New Test of Success for the European Central Bank
lytics. So it makes sense for Time to switch focus. Un- reached £1.6 billion ($2.3 bil- strategists peg it at roughly ciété Générale notes. Some
a major buyer like Apple to til now, the euro’s exchange Room to Rally lion) and the focus swiftly €500 billion. of the ECB’s efforts may just
seek out a second source on rate has been closely tracked Yield spread between European shifted to buying gilts in But there is already some contribute to more debt
a key component. But ana- as an indicator of the effec- corporate and government bonds huge quantities. The ECB is evidence of the power of building up on U.S. invest-
lysts say Qualcomm is highly tiveness of the European also buying at a different ECB buying. Some Italian ment-grade balance sheets.
unlikely to lose the entire Central Bank’s stimulus pro- 1.6 percentage points stage in the cycle: The BOE utilities, such as Enel and The spread on BAML’s Eu-
iPhone business, because its grams. Now eurozone corpo- 1.4 moved when financial mar- Terna, got onto the ECB’s ropean corporate-bond index
baseband chips still are su- rate bonds are the crucial 1.2 kets were truly in disarray shopping list last year, and has already narrowed to 1.43
perior to the competition. barometer investors need to 1.0 and corporate-bond yields their bonds have sharply percentage points from a
Stacy Rasgon of Bernstein watch. were very high. Now the outperformed the wider February peak of 1.63 points.
estimates that losing 30% of Thursday’s decision to add credit cycle is already fairly market since then, Bank of The cost of insuring Euro-
Apple’s business would cut corporate bonds to the ECB’s 2014 ’15 ’16 advanced, although less so in America Merrill Lynch notes. pean company debt against
about 7% off of consensus purchase programs marks a Source: Bank of America Merrill Lynch Europe than in the U.S. There are pitfalls too. The default has fallen very
profit projections for Qual- shift in President Mario THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Many questions remain success of the program will sharply since the ECB deci-
comm this fiscal year. But Draghi’s strategy. Previously, about how the ECB will go ultimately depend on compa- sion was announced; cash
Wall Street already projects much of the focus was on rate-bond spreads—the gap about its corporate-bond nies’ appetite for invest- bonds are slower to move,
a 14% decline in Qual- lowering the government- between yields on company purchases. It is unclear how ment. And the ECB’s largess but there is substantial room
comm’s chipset revenue for bond yield curve, which had debt and underlying govern- much of the extra €20 billion in lowering the overall cost for a rally from here.
the current fiscal year. the side effect of delivering ment bonds—are of vital im- ($22.3 billion) a month of of borrowing in Europe has How far it goes, and how
With the stock already a weaker euro both to help portance. central-bank cash an- led to a rush of euro-denom- much it stirs the animal spir-
down 28% over the past 12 growth via exports but also This is new territory for nounced Thursday will go inated bond issuance by U.S. its of company executives,
months, Qualcomm inves- boost inflation via higher the ECB. The Bank of England into credit markets. The po- companies. Last year, they will determine how effective
tors may be pricing in even import prices. Now credit briefly engaged in corporate- tential universe of eligible accounted for nearly one- the ECB’s latest gambit
bleaker prospects. markets have joined the bond purchases in early company debt remains to be quarter of issuance and so proves to be.
—Dan Gallagher party, which means corpo- 2009, but total holdings only determined too, although far this year for a third, So- —Richard Barley


Bank of America Hunts

has said the bank’s disappointing fi- was placed on leave in January
Finance nancial performance and high litiga-
tion costs should be reflected in
after the firm discovered the let-
ter during an internal investiga-
Watch overall employee pay. tion into the banker’s role in

For Silicon Valley Deals

Despite the bonus-pool cuts, handling deals for a controversial
Deutsche Bank’s total compensa- Malaysian government invest-
tion rose 5% last year. The bank ment fund at the center of a
cited an increase of roughly 3,000 corruption scandal, The Wall
BY PETER RUDEGEAIR full-time employees. Street Journal has reported.
DEUTSCHE BANK —Jenny Strasburg Mr. Leissner’s file on a Finan-
Bank of America Corp. is cial Industry Regulatory Author-
abandoning its no-deals policy
Bonus Pool Is Cut GOLDMAN SACHS ity database was updated re-
and going shopping in Silicon By 17% for 2015 Finra Filing Confirms cently to reflect the discovery.
Valley. Deutsche Bank AG cut its over- The file noted that the June
In a push to upgrade its all bonus pool by 17% last year, as Suspension for Letter 2015 reference letter was “pro-
technology offerings, the calculated on a constant-currency A former Goldman Sachs vided to a non-U.S. financial [in-
Charlotte, N.C.,-based lender is basis, the company said Friday in Group Inc. banker’s file with the stitution] he wrote on behalf of
dispatching a top executive its annual report. U.S. securities industry’s self-reg- a foreign affiliate of the firm,

out West to look at possibly Bonuses paid for 2015 will total ulating group confirmed Friday without the affiliate’s or the
scooping up promising startup €2.4 billion ($2.7 billion), the German that the Wall Street firm sus- firm’s knowledge or approval.”
companies. lender said, citing Deutsche Bank’s pended him for making “inaccu- Goldman placed Mr. Leissner
Thong Nguyen, Bank of “negative result” last year, when it rate and unauthorized state- on leave after executives inter-
America’s president of retail reported a net loss of €6.8 billion, its ments” in a reference letter he viewed him on Jan. 19. A day
banking, said the bank wants first full-year loss since 2008. wrote without its consent. later, he told the firm he planned
to be a bigger player in the Co-Chief Executive John Cryan, Tim Leissner, Goldman’s for- to retire, according to the Finra
business of handling consumer Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan in December. who succeeded Anshu Jain in July, mer Southeast Asia chairman, filing. —Justin Baer
payments, even though that
field is increasingly crowded. Francisco is designed to make ers’ embrace of online spend-
“All options are on the ta-
ble. That includes partnerships
or an acquisition,” he said in
an interview.
it easier for the bank to meet
more frequently with potential
technology partners and Bay
Area recruits that can help the
ing. Also, regulations and low
interest rates have pummeled
other core banking businesses
like trading and lending.
The pursuit of potential bank develop its mobile apps Overall, global payments- Continued from page B5
deals marks a major shift for and cut costs associated with related income accounted for Waldorf Astoria, and will ben-
Bank of America, which was so paper checks and cash pay- 40% of total bank revenue in efit from a growing number of
scarred by ill-fated purchases ments. The bank declined to 2014, or $1.7 trillion, up from Chinese travelers abroad.
during the financial crisis that discuss specific potential part- 38% in 2013, according to Many Chinese companies are
Chief Executive Brian Moyni- ners. McKinsey & Co. The consulting also seeking to acquire U.S.
han declared “No Acquisi- Mr. Nguyen’s move shows firm estimates that bank pay- businesses that can help China
tions” in one of his first inves- increasing focus on the fast- ments revenues will exceed $2 upgrade its domestic indus-
tor slideshows. growing digital payments trillion by 2020. tries with better technology.

That policy hasn’t changed business, which promises Still, only about 13% of U.S. Anbang has also cut a num-
with respect to buying banks faster service and more secure adult smartphone owners have ber of deals in the insurance
or other large operating com- transactions than traditional downloaded a digital wallet world. It agreed to buy U.S. in-
panies. But with digital pay- credit and debit cards. app, where customers pay for surer Fidelity & Guaranty Life
ments and financial technol- items and services without a for $1.57 billion last year. It
ogy, or “fintech,” being one of plastic credit card. Of those, paid around $1 billion for a
the few clear-cut growth op-
An acquisition of a only one in four use it regu- majority stake in a South Ko-
portunities in the industry, Mr. company would be larly, according to a survey in rean insurer and has pur-
Moynihan and Mr. Nguyen July by research firm Gallup. chased insurance companies in
agreed that Bank of America
the big lender’s first Consumers who do use dig- Belgium and the Netherlands.
has to look at outsiders that since 2009. ital wallets have gravitated to Bloomberg News first re-
have succeeded in making nonbank offerings. Only 2% of ported that Anbang had agreed
transactions simpler and more consumers list their bank as to purchase Strategic Hotels Anbang is buying Strategic Hotels, whose prime assets include
user-friendly. Banks, credit-card networks the digital wallet they use from Blackstone Group. luxury properties such as the Hotel del Coronado near San Diego.
“Payments is going to be and other financial intermedi- most often, compared with
the thing we’re going to focus aries overall command $590 35% for Alphabet Inc.’s Google
on,” Mr. Nguyen says. “We
have a lot to learn from the
billion in fees globally by en-
abling business-to-consumer
Wallet, according to Gallup.
Rather than develop its own
new emerging players.” payments, according to Gold- proprietary payment app like
The acquisition of a com- man Sachs research. Estab- J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., Bank [ Search by company, category or country at ]
pany would be the bank’s first lished technology companies of America has hitched its
since 2009. Bank of America’s such as PayPal Holdings Inc. wagons to other large card NAV —%RETURN—
purchases of Countrywide Fi- and Apple Inc., and upstarts players like Visa Inc. and Mas-
n Chartered Asset Management Pte Ltd - Tel No: 65-6835-8866
nancial Corp. and Merrill such as Square Inc. and Stripe terCard Inc. The bank is plan- Fax No: 65-6835 8865, Website:, Email:
Lynch & Co. in the throes of Inc., are also looking to eat ning to announce new en- CAM-GTF Limited OT OT MUS 03/04 USD 287158.88 2.5 -14.4 -7.7
the crisis led to the bank re- into that fee pool. hancements as early as this
porting billions of dollars in Handling payments has be- week with Visa Checkout, the Data as shown is for information purposes only. No offer is being made by
Morningstar, Ltd. or this publication. Funds shown aren’t registered with the
For information about listing your funds,
losses, penalties and fines. come a crucial business for online payment service Visa U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and aren’t available for sale to United
States citizens and/or residents except as noted. Prices are in local currencies.
please contact: Freda Fung tel: +852 2831
Mr. Nguyen’s move to San banks in part due to consum- launched in 2014. All performance figures are calculated using the most recent prices available. 2504; email:

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