Is 8887-2018
Is 8887-2018
Is 8887-2018
Indian Standard
© BIS 2018
This Indian Standard (Third Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by
the Bitumen, Tar and Their Products Sectional Committee had been approved by the Petroleum, Coal and Related
Products Division Council.
This standard was first published in 1978 and was subsequently revised in 1995. The first revision incorporated
certain new tests and the deletion of obsolete ones. The standard was revised in 2004 to include new types of
emulsion grade. Both the rapid setting (RS) and slow setting (SS) grade were sub divided into two grades based
on the differences in the requirements of viscosity, storage stability & residues. Methods of tests for determination
of residue on sieving and coating ability and water resistance were updated. Considerable assistance was derived
from ASTM D2397 in preparation of second revision
Cationic bitumen emulsion usage in India increased substantially since the introduction of the revised specifications
in 1995. The usage of emulsion as a percentage of total bitumen usage also went up. Ministry of Road Transport
& Highways (MoRTH) specification for road works had substantially widened the scope for emulsion usage in
various road applications.
This revision (third) of standard is undertaken due to various problems associated with technical requirement of
SS 1 grade bitumen emulsion as this emulsion is inverted emulsion and various properties/requirement of SS 1
were not relevant to requirement of prime coat applications. Based on the comments received on the standard the
present revision of this standard is taken up mainly to incorporate revised requirement for Slow Setting-1 grade of
bitumen emulsion given in Table 1. The revised standard is in order and take care of application issues associated
with SS1 emulsion. Properties specified in revised standard will benefit highway profession.
The recommended uses of five grades of emulsified bitumen of the cationic type prescribed in this standard are
given in Annex A.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2 : 1960
‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)’. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off
value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
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IS 8887 : 2018
Indian Standard
( Third Revision )
1 SCOPE IS No Title
This standard covers the physical and chemical trichloroethylene (first revision)
requirements of bitumen emulsion (cationic type) for 3117 : 2004 Specification f Bitumen emulsion
road works. for roads (anionic type) (first
The following standards contain provisions, which
For the purpose of this standard, the definition given
through reference in the text constitute provisions of
in IS 334 and the following shall apply.
this standard. At the time of publication the editions
indicated were valid. All standards are subjected to 3.1 Cationic Emulsion — An emulsion in which the
revision and parties to agreements based on this cation of the emulsifier is at the interface of the bitumen
standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility particles; an emulsion in which the particles are
of applying the most recent editions of the standards positively charged and the aqueous phase is acidic.
listed below. Breaking of the emulsion occurs by neutralization of
IS No. Title
73 : 2013 Paving bitumen (fourth revision) 4 MATERIALS
269 : 2013 Ordinary Portland cement 33 grade
(fifth revision) 4.1 Any suitable grade of bitumen as given in IS 73
334 : 2002 Glossary of terms relating to with or without addition of suitable flux, may be used.
bitumen and tar (second revision) 4.2 Any emulsifying agent or any other ingredient,
460 (Part 2) : 1985 Test sieves: Part 2 Perforated plate which either quality-wise, is likely to affect or harden
test sieves (third revision) the residue bitumen beyond the limits specified in Sl
1201 : 2004 Methods of testing tar and No. (ix) of Table 1 shall not be used.
bituminous materials — Sampling
(second revision) 5 GRADES
1203 : 1978 Methods of testing tar and
bituminous material — Deter- Emulsified bitumen shall be of the following five
mination of penetration (first grades:
revision) Grade
1208 : 1978 Methods of testing tar and a) Rapid Setting-1 RS-1
bituminous material —
b) Rapid Setting-2 RS-2
Determination of ductility (first
revision) c) Medium Setting MS
1211 : 1978 Methods for testing tar and d) Slow Setting-1 SS-1
bituminous materials — e) Slow Setting-2 SS-2
Determination of Water Content
(Dean and Stark Method) (first 6 REQUIREMENT
revision) 6.1 Bitumen emulsion shall be homogeneous. Within
1213 : 1978 Methods for testing tar and
one year after manufacture date, it shall show no un-
bituminous materials —
dispersed bitumen after thorough mixing.
Distillation test (first revision)
1216 : 1978 Methods of testing tar and 6.2 The physical and chemical requirements of the five
bituminous material — grades of emulsion shall comply with the requirements
Determination of solubility in specified in Table 1.
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IS 8887 : 2018
(Clauses 4.2 and 6.2)
IS 8887 : 2018
7 SAMPLING 7.2 If the single sample from a single run fails to fulfills
the test requirements specified in 6, sample should be
7.1 For the purpose of testing, the size of the sample
drawn on the basis of 7.1 for testing in the same manner.
and the sampling procedure from drums, barrels or bulk
If these samples conform to requirement of 6 the lot
supply shall be as described in IS 1201 subject to the
shall be accepted otherwise the lot shall be rejected.
a) From Drums or Barrels — The content of 8 MARKING
drum or barrel from which the sample is to be 8.1 Each container shall be legibly and indelibly marked
taken shall be thoroughly mixed by rolling the with the following:
container to and fro for a period of 2 to 3 min,
successively in opposite direction, allowing a) Indication of the source of manufacture,
at least five revolutions of the container in each b) Month and year of manufacture,
direction and then up-ending the container c) Type/Grade,
through two revolutions first in one direction d) Batch No., and
and then in the opposite direction
e) Date of expiry.
b) From Bulk — Where practicable, bulk
delivery of bitumen emulsion shall be agitated 8.1.1 BIS Certification Marking
by forced circulation or air agitation, before The container may also be marked with the Standard
sampling. Mark.
c) The sample of bitumen emulsion shall be The use of the Standard Mark is governed by
drawn within 24 h after delivery and tested
the provisions of the Bureau of Indian Standard Act,
within 7 days from the date of drawing, unless
1986 and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder.
otherwise specified.
The details of conditions under which the license for
7.1.1 Preparation of Samples the use of the Standard Mark may be granted to
manufacturers or producers may be obtained from the
Before carrying out any of tests, the sample shall be
Bureau of Indian Standards.
mixed by gentle shaking to ensure uniformity.
A-1 The recommended uses of five types of emulsified Type Recommended Uses
bitumen of the cationic type are given below:
IS Sieve, and also for surface dressing and
Type Recommended Uses penetration macadam
RS-1 specially recommended for tack coat SS-1 used for other application such as fog seal,
applications crack sealing, prime coat applications
RS-2 specially recommended for surface dressing SS-2 used for plant or road mixes with graded and
work fine aggregates, a substantial quantity of
which passes a 2.36 mm IS Sieve, and a
MS used for plant or road mixes with coarse
portion of which may pass a 75-micron IS
aggregate minimum 80 percent, all of which
Sieve. Examples of its uses are cold mixed
is retained on 2.36 mm IS Sieve and
MSS (Mixed Seal Surfacing), SDBC (Semi
practically none of which passes 180 micron
Dense Bituminous Concrete) and slurry seal.
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IS 8887 : 2018
[Table 1, Sl No. (i)]
B-1 APPARATUS the sieve and weigh the container to the nearest 1 g
(W2). Wash the sieve repeatedly with distilled water
B-1.1 600 Micron IS Sieve — A circular sieve
until the washings run clear. Place the sieve in the small
approximately 100 mm diameter and 40 mm height.
dish to dry for 2h in the oven at 105 ± 5°C. Cool and
B-1.2 Metal or Glass Dish — A small metal or glass reweigh together to the nearest 0.01 g (W3).
dish about 110 mm in diameter (such as a clock glass)
B-1.3 Oven — A well ventilated oven thermostatically
controlled to 100 to 110°C W3 − W1
Percentage retained = ×100
B-1.4 Balances — 250 g accurate to 0.01 g and 10 kg W2 − W4
capacity accurate to 1 g.
B-1.5 Container — A clean, weighed, 1.5-litre
container. W1 = mass, in g, of sieve and small dish;
W2 = mass, in g, of container and emulsion;
W3 = mass, in g, of sieve, small dish and residue;
B-2.1 Distilled Water and
B-2.2 Solvents — Xylene and acetone. W4 = mass, in g, of container.
The percentage of mass retained as calculated under
Wash the sieve with xylene and then with acetone. Place
B-4 shall be reported.
it in the dish, dry in the oven at 100 to 110°C for 1h
cool and weigh, together with the dish, to the nearest B-6 PRECISION
0.01 g (W1).Remove the sieve from the dish and moisten
with the distilled water. Remove uniformly the 4-litre The duplicate test results should not differ by more than
sample by gentle agitation and strain immediately the following:
through the sieve into the clean, dry, weighed container Sieve Test, Repeatability, Reproducibility,
(W4). Sieve the low and high viscosity emulsion at 27 Percent Percent Percent
± 2°C and 50°C respectively. When whole of the Retained
emulsion has been passed through the sieve, remove 0 to 0.05 0.02 0.04
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IS 8887 : 2018
[Table 1, Sl No. (iii)]
C-1 APPARATUS tube from warm water and plunge into the beaker
containing iced water at the bottom of which crushed
C-1.1 Glass Boiling Tube — 150 mm long and 25
ice is retained by piece of wire gauge. During the
mm in internal diameter, provided with a cork and
cooling process stir slowly. Lower the temperature of
central hole 13mm in diameter.
water by adding common salt, to –1 to 1.5°C so that
C-1.2 Sieve — 600-micron IS Sieve. the temperature of the emulsion is reduced to 0°C.
Discontinue stirring at 0°C and transfer the tube to
C-1.3 Beaker — Two, 600-ml capacity.
another beaker with a freezing mixture at sub zero
C-1.4 Water-Bath — Thermostatically controlled. temperature of –3 to –4°C and allow the emulsion to
remain quiescent for 30 min. Remove the tube from
C-2 REAGENTS the freezing mixture without disturbance and allow the
C-2.1 Solution temperature of the content to rise spontaneously to room
temperature. Moisten the sieve with cetrimide solution
One percent solution of cetrimide (a mixture of and pass the emulsion through the sieve. Wash the tube
alkyltrimethyl ammonium bromide) in N/10 free from emulsion and other residue with cetrimide
hydrochloric acid. solution and pass the washings through the sieve. The
coagulated bitumen, if any, will be retained on the sieve.
C-2.2 Solvents
Xylene and acetone. C-4 REPORT
Report the emulsion as passed, if no coagulation takes
Wash 600-micron IS Sieve with xylene, acetone and NOTE — If the emulsion is exposed to temperature below 4°C
distilled water. Moisten the clean sieve with cetrimide during storage transportation the following additional criteria
solution. Pass some of the emulsion through the sieve shall apply:
and introduce 20 ml of sieved emulsion into the boiling a) Subzero temperature –15°C;
tube. Bring the emulsion by plunging the tube into the b) Freezing and thawing cycle, shall be repeated three
water at 30°C and stir gently with the thermometer until times; and
temperature of the emulsion is constant. Remove the c) After the third cycle, the emulsion shall be examined
for homogeneity.
[Table 1, Sl No. (iv)]
IS 8887 : 2018
(20 to 30°C). Place a 500 ml representative sample in D-2.3 After removal of the sample, siphon off the next
each of the two glass cylinders. Stopper the cylinders 390 ml (approximate) from each of the cylinders.
and allow them to stand undisturbed, at laboratory air Thoroughly mix the emulsion remaining in the cylinders
temperature (20 to 30°C), for 24 h. After keeping for and weigh 50 ± 0.1 g into separate weighed 600 or 1000
this period, remove approximately 55 ml from the top ml glass beakers. Determine the bituminous residue of
of the emulsion by means of the pipette or siphon these samples in accordance with D-2.2.
without disturbing the rest. Thoroughly mix each
portion. D-3 CALCULATION
D-2.2 Weigh 50 ± 0.1 g of each sample into separately Calculate the storage stability as the numerical
weighed 600 or 1 000 ml glass beaker, each beaker difference between the average percentage of
having previously been weighed with the glass rod bituminous residue found in the two top samples and
(see D-1.5). Adjust the temperature of the oven to 163 that found in the two bottom samples.
± 2.8°C. Then place the breaker containing the rod and
sample in the oven for 2 h. At the end of this period
remove each breaker and thought stir the residue. D-4.1 Duplicate determinations by the same operator
Replace in the oven for 1 h, then remove the breakers shall not be considered suspect if the determined values
from the oven, allow to cool to room temperature, and do not differ by more than 0.5 percent.
weigh, with the rods (see Note).
D-4.2 Reproducibility
NOTE — Care shall be taken to prevent loss of bitumen from
the breaker through foaming or spattering or both. For this The value reported by each of the two laboratories
reason, 1 000ml breakers are recommended. Also the placing representing the arithmetic average of duplicate
of beakers and emulsion samples in a cold or warm oven and
bringing the oven and sample up to a temperature of 163°C determinations shall not considered suspect values, if
together is permissible. If preferred preliminary evaporation of the reported values do not differ by more than 0.6
water may be accomplished by careful heating on a hot plate percent.
followed by oven treatment at 163°C for 1h.
[Table 1, Sl No. (v)]
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IS 8887 : 2018
[Table 1, Sl No. (vi)]
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IS 8887 : 2018
the mixture has been surface air-dried in the laboratory coating of the total aggregate surface area by the
at room temperature. A fan may be used for drying if bitumen emulsion as good, fair or poor. Where a rating
desired. of ‘good’ means fully coated by the bitumen emulsion
is exclusive of pinholes and sharp edges of the
F-5 PROCEDURE FOR TEST WITH DRY aggregates; a rating of ‘fair’ coating applies to the
AGGREGATE condition of an excess of coated area over uncoated
F-5.1 Procedure for test with dry aggregate in area; and a rating of ‘poor’ applies to the condition of
accordance with F-4.1 to F-4.9 except F-4.4 step. an excess of uncoated area over coated area.
F-6.3 After spraying with water records the coating of
the total aggregate surface area by the bitumen as good,
F-6.1 Evaluate and report the following information fair or poor in the valuation.
for tests with both dry and wet aggregates.
F-6.4 Comments about the result of the test may be
F-6.2 At the end of the mixing period records the included in the valuation.
[Table 1, Sl No. (vii)]
G-1 APPRATUS 60 rev/min. At the end of 1 min mixing period add 150
ml freshly boiled distilled water at room temperature
G-1.1 Sieve — A 1.40 mm IS Sieve approximately 100
and continue stirring for 3 min. Maintain the ingredients
mm in diameter and 40 mm in height and 150 micron
at a temperature of approximately 25°C during mixing.
IS Sieve approximately 200 mm in diameter.
Pour the mixture through the weighed 1.40 mm IS Sieve
G-1.2 Metal Dish — A round-bottomed metal utensil and rinse with distilled water. Place the sieve in weighed
of approximately 500-ml capacity. pan, heat in the oven at 110°C until dry and weigh to
nearest 0.1 g (W2).
G-1.3 Steel Rod — A steel rod with rounded ends 13
mm in diameter. G-4 CALCULATION
G-1.4 Balance — 250 g capacity accurate to 0.1 g.
W2 − W1
Coagulation value = ×100
G-1.5 Graduated Cylinder of 100 ml capacity. W3
G-1.6 Shallow Pan of 100-mm diameter and of about where,
50-ml capacity.
W1 = mass, in g, of weighed sieve and pan;
G-1.7 Oven — A well-ventilated oven controlled at W2 = mass, in g, of sieve and pan and the material
110°C. retained on them; and
G-2 MATERIAL W3 = mass, in g, of binder in 100 ml of diluted
emulsion determined according to Annex J.
Ordinary Portland cement conforming to IS 269. It shall
be kept in sealed container and not exposed to G-5 REPORT
atmosphere before use. Report the coagulation value as percentage the nearest
whole number.
Make up the water content of the emulsion to 50 percent G-6 PRECISION
by adding extra water, if necessary. Pass the cement The duplicate test result shall not differ by more than
through 150 micron IS Sieve and weigh 50 g into the the following:
metal dish. Weigh the 1.40 mm IS Sieve and shallow
pan to nearest 0.1 (W1). Add 100-ml of emulsion to the Cement Repeatability Reproducibility
cement in the dish and stir the mixture at once with the Mixing Mass, Mass, Mass,
steel rod with a circular motion making about Percent Percent Percent
0 to 2 0.2 0.4
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IS 8887 : 2018
[Table 1, Sl No. (viii)]
[Table 1, Sl No. (ix) (1)]
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BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to connected matters in the country.
BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.
Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
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This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc No.: PCD 06 (2621).