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Design of Coal Mine Drainage System

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E3S Web of Conferences 76, 04006 (2019)

ICST 2018

Design of coal mine drainage system

Waterman Sulistyana Bargawa1,*, Agus Panca Adi Sucahyo1, and Hesti Farra Andiani2
1Master of Mining Engineering, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta, JL. SWK 104 Yogyakarta, 55281, Indonesia
2Mining Engineering Department, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta, JL. SWK 104 Yogyakarta, 55281, Indonesia

Abstract. Research from coal fields show that increased production from coal mines resulted in a
wider pit. Changes in the water catchment area resulted in changes in the calculation of mine water
volume. Excessive mine water volume affects mining activities. Large amounts of water in the pit
causes disruption in excavation and loading and hauling activities. Therefore, the design of mine
drainage systems is required. The purpose of the study is to analyse statistically the parameters of
the mine drainage system, and to design the mine drainage system; including open drain, sump, and
settling pond. The research tools used include the calculation of runoff water discharge that requires
statistical analysis for rainfall data processing and the determination of catchment area (CA). The
open channel dimension and settling pond design is based on the sump volume calculation. The
research area has high rainfall classification, solid percent 2.66 % with settling rate 0.0027 m/s; the
time required for the particle to settle is 30.38 minutes. The percentage of theoretically suctioned
particle is 83 %, and the settling pond maintenance time that has 4 compartments is 15, 16, 19, and
23 days.

1 Introduction and acidic sediments is required before the water flows

into the river [10–12].
The mine water problem is a major challenge for the In terms of design and implement of effective mine
development of the coal mining industry in terms of drainage systems, research is needed to determine the
increasing the coal production. Not only is water a stages of mine drainage design to ensure the coal mining
necessary resource, but also is has the potential to disrupt environment is protected from pollution problems, and
coal mining activities. Several studies have been long-term sedimentation. This study aims to; (a) perform
developed on mine water related to the potential problem statistical analyses of parameters in the mine drainage
of disruption to coal mining activities [1–3]. system to be used in the mining area; (b) design a mine
Implementation of surface mining system and open pit drainage system covering open channels, mine water
method in coal mine cause the interaction of sulphide pumping on wells and treatment of settling ponds.
mineral, water and air. Mine water in large quantities is a
major cause of environmental pollution [4,5]. Mine
water excess requires appropriate handling. The coal 2 Methods and material
mining business requires good and proper management
in order to mitigate this problem. 2.1 Parameter of mine drainage system
The phenomenon of heavy rainfall cannot be
prevented therefore causing water to accumulate and Weather uncertainty related to rainfall frequency
inundate the mine pit bottom requiring large-capacity analysis is evaluated by applying it to the Gumbel
pumps to remove the water [6]. The excess mine water distribution model. This model shows the variability [13]
creates an accumulation of mud from being saturated of parameter uncertainty. Gumbel distribution is
with additional rainwater. Water accumulation, mud considered most appropriate because it is equipped with
layers, mud sediments and wet mining areas are a maximum daily rainfall for time period variations, and
problem that complicates activity in coal mining leading repeated rainy periods [14,15]. The analysis indicates
to the following: (a) large amounts of mine water that the rainfall of various time periods and rainfall
inhibits production targets especially in wet months periods represents a certain percentage of the average
(during the rainy season) when all aquifers are filled annual rainfall.
with water [7], (b) the drainage systems, designed to
keep the mine pit bottom in dry conditions is (1)
overburdened [8], therefore production targets cannot be
achieved, (c) wet areas and mud sediments are hazardous
where: Xr = rainfall plan with certain repetitive period
conditions related to safety and health aspects of coal
(mm/day), = daily average rainfall (mm), δx = standard
mines [9], (d) handling mine water containing sludge
deviation of rainfall value from data, δn = standard

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E3S Web of Conferences 76, 04006 (2019)
ICST 2018

deviation from variate reduction depending on the

amount of data), Yr = the variate reduction value of the (4)
expected variable, Yn = the mean value of the varied
reduction, depending on the number of data. where n = coefficient of Manning roughness; S = slope
Knowledge of maximum daily rainfall and rainfall of hydraulic gradient; R = hydraulic radius, m; A = area,
periods is an important topic in engineering, especially m2; V = velocity, m3/s.
mining. Flood hazard can be associated with one or a Rainwater flowing into the mines is then collected in
combination of rainfall, geology, topography [16]. a sump, and reused for spraying onto haul roads,
Extreme rainfall or heavy rain in a short time can lead to conveyors and loading and unloading [23]. Excess water
flash floods. Mononobe formula is used to estimate of discharge is flowed to the surface using a drainage
various durations [17] such as rainfall of 1 hour, 2 hours, system. The pumping system [24] is one of the most
3 hours, 5 hours, 8 hours, of the maximum annual value. important parts of mine water handling in coal mining
This formula is used to estimate short duration rainfall research areas. Settling pond [25] is designed with
from daily rainfall data. This formula provides the best certain dimensions to be able to precipitate sediment.
estimates of short duration rainfall. From the sediment pond it is expected that water can
flow into the river with a predetermined quality standard.
The research area is located in South Kalimantan
Province, Indonesia. Based on data for 10 (ten) years,
rainfall in the study area is 249.61 mm/year. While the
where I = rainfall intensity (mm/h), t = rainfall time or number of rainy days at each year ranges from 160–257
constant time (hr), R24 = maximum rainfall (mm). days, with an average of 186 days/year.
The entire catchment area is divided into sub unit of
catchment area. Each sub unit of the catchment area is 3 Results
assumed to be uniform. Each sub-watershed consists of a
mixture of flowing water flows to the same destination In order to design a mine drainage system, supporting
point, which corresponds to the inlet of the open duct data is needed; including a map of the mine’s
system (i.e. the trench or hole). Each sub-watershed is development plan, information on water catchment
characterized by a number of parameters, including area, areas, rainfall data, information on rain
length, slope and proportion of land use respectively intensity/frequency, and data on runoff discharge.
[18]. The area of research is calculated by using software
so that the area of rain catchment in m2 is obtained.
Simulation and estimation of runoff water is essential 3.1 Results of data processing
for disaster management, planning, design and operation The results of this study utilized rainfall data for the past
of water resources projects [19]. The rational method for 10 years, estimated rainfall amounts of 18.71 mm/day
runoff water estimates peak flow, volume, and rainfall (rainfall plan), maximum daily rainfall 175 mm/day, and
run time distribution [20]. In the hydrological analysis of information regarding a 3-year rain repeat period and
a study site, there are a number of variable factors that hydrological risk of 86.83 %. Based on the calculation of
influence the nature of runoff. The rational method for rainfall intensity, 41.16 mm/hour was found. Based on
estimating the highest runoff is expressed [21] as observations in the field and also from studying the long-
follows: term mine plan the likelihood of flow direction of runoff
(3) was calculated.
Based on these data, the study sites were divided into
where Q = maximum runoff discharge (m3/sec), C = 6 (six) catchment areas (see Table 1 and Figure 1). The
runoff coefficient representing the runoff ratio to rainfall, determination of the runoff water coefficient in the
I = mean rainfall intensity for duration which is equal to mining area is influenced by several factors, including
Tc (mm/h), A = catchment area on location of the design soil surface conditions. Each soil surface has a different
(ha). runoff coefficient and is calculated by the rational
formula stated in Table 2.
2.2 Parameters of mine drainage system Table 3 shows the calculated result of open channel
dimension. The sump discharge is adjusted with the flow
The design estimate of the flow depends on the of water into the pit bottom that is 65,606.37 m3/hour.
assumption, therefore there is varying accuracy. The sump design is a trapezium-shape with a volume of
Nevertheless, precision is required to choose an accurate 128,838 m3 (see Figure 2).
friction flow formula to avoid errors. The design of mine
water drainage using Manning formula [22].

E3S Web of Conferences 76, 04006 (2019)
ICST 2018

Fig. 1. Map of rainfall catchment in mine area, the colour indicates a particular catchment area and the arrow indicates the direction
of the water flow.

Table 1. Catchment area within research area.

No. Catchment area Area, A (Ha)

1 A (outside mine) 63.76
2 B (pit) 151.22
3 C (in-pit dump) 181.49
4 D (disposal area) 149.08
5 E (transfer sump) 2.29
6 F (sediment pond) 24.29

Based on recommendations from geotechnical

engineers, the locations of transfer sump are outside the Fig. 2. Graph showing determination of the main sump
pit area. The transfer sump distance from slope crest is volume, the optimum sump volume is the largest difference of
100 m. Water volume flow rates into transfer sump is runoff volume and water volume at 26 hours of pumping.
51,823.85 m3.

E3S Web of Conferences 76, 04006 (2019)
ICST 2018

Table 2. Rainfall debit calculation. 3.3 Settling pond

Catchment I Q The location of the settling pond is to the north of the
No. A (Ha) C
area (mm/hour) (m3/s) mine pit as the mine digging site faces the direction to
A (outside the south of the pit mine. The sediment pond at a coal
1 63.76 41.16 0.40 2.92
mine) mine is trapezoidal and has 4 compartments (Table 4).
2 B (pit) 151.22 41.16 1 17.30 Based on the settling test data of the water flow from the
C (in-pit mine site, the percentage of solids was 2.66 % and the
3 181.49 41.16 0.65 13.50 water percentage was 97.34 % with the solid particle
precipitation velocity of 0.0027 m/sec. Sediment clean
4 D (disposal) 149.08 41.16 0.65 11.09
up duration for maintenance on settling pond was
E (sump 2,041.19 days (safety pond); compartment 1 was 15
5 2.29 41.16 0.40 0.10
transfer) days; compartment 2 was 16 days; compartment 3 was
F (sediment 19 days; and compartment 4 was 23 days.
6 24.29 41.16 0.40 1.11

Table 3. Open channel dimension. 4 Discussions

Parameter of open Based on the research analysis of this coal mine, the
Design result Unit
channel design largest source of water disruption in the long-term
Angle of channel 60 mining plan was from runoff water. Estimated rainfall
Channel slope (m) 0.58
was 118.71 mm/day with a 3-year rain repeat period and
rainfall intensity of 41.16 mm/hour. This amount of rain
B/d 1.15 d² can be classified as very heavy rain. The following are
A 1.73 respectively the discharge of runoff water in each
catchment area (CA): CA-A: 2.98 m3/sec, CA-B: 17.3
Manning coarseness m3/sec, CA-C: 13.5 m3/sec, CA-D: 11.09 m3/sec, CA-E:
coefficient (n)
0.1 m3/sec, and CA-F: 1.11 m3/sec (see Fig. 1 and 3).
Channel bottom slope 0.02 This study designed 2 (two) open channels to reduce
Depth of flow (h) 0.98 m runoff water flowing to the mine area from the rain
catchment areas to the forest and disposal areas. The
High cage (f) 0.15 m channel design is a 600-trapezium shape. The geometry
Depth of channel (d) 1.13 m of each channel is the depth of water (h): 0.98 m, the
depth of the channel (d): 1.13 m, width of channel basis
Bottom width (b) 1.30 m
(b): 1.3 m, surface width (B): 2.78 m, the outer length of
Top width (B) 2.78 m the channel (a): 1.3 m. The design of the sump is
trapezoidal with volume 128,838.62 m3. Sump transfer
Channel side length (a) 1.30 m
design is trapezoidal with volume 51,823.85 m3.
Wet section area 2.21 m² This study suggests the use of 4 pairs of pumps in the
main sump and 4 pumps in the transfer sump. The total
Hydraulic radius 0.62 m head and discharge of each pump are as follows: (1)
main sump using Multiflo MF-420 E (4 units): ht = 118
m; Q = 630 m3/hour, and 146m HDPE pipes with the
3.2 Pipeline system Warman 8/6 AH booster pumps (4 units): ht = 50 m, Q =
630 m3/hour; and HDPE pipe along 381.77 m; (2)
The piping used in this study was HDPE (high density transfer sump using Multiflo MF-420 E (4 units): ht =
polyethylene) pipe with 10 in diameter and 146 m length 110 m; Q = 635 m3/hour, and HDPE pipe along 1,937 m.
from primary pump to booster pump, and 10 in diameter Based on calculations in this study, the settling pond
pipe with 382 m length from booster pump to outlet consists of 4 compartments. Percent solids in the water
transfer sump. The piping from the sump transfer to the flow from the mine was 2.66 % with settling rate of
sediment pond is 1,927.82 m. The pipeline is direct and 0.0027 m/s, the particle time to settle was 30.38 minutes.
does not follow the bench. The number of pumps in the The results of this study show that the percentage of
main sump is 4 pairs, while the number of sump theoretically suctioned particles is 83 %, and the
transfers is 4 units. The pumps are slurry pump Multiflo maintenance time of each compartment is 15, 16, 19, and
MF-420 E models with the booster pump being a 23 days respectively.
Warman 8/6 AH. The maximum capacity of the pump is
630 m3/hour, while the use of a transfer sump pump has
the capacity of 635 m3/hour.

E3S Web of Conferences 76, 04006 (2019)
ICST 2018

Table 4. Settling pond dimension

Top length Bottom length Top width Bottom width Depth Slope Area Volume
Pond compartment
(m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (°) (m2) (m3)

Safety Pond 550 540 225 215 6 45 23,950 719,550

Pond 1 57.75 47.75 54.75 44.75 5 45 5,000 12,500
Pond 2 55.17 45.17 52.17 42.17 5 45 4,500 11,250
Pond 3 52.44 42.44 49.44 39.44 5 45 4,000 10,000
Pond 4 51.01 41.01 48.01 38.01 5 45 3,750 9,375

Fig. 3. Design map of coal mine drainage system based on water catchment areas, rainfall data, runoff discharge, and information on
rain intensity/frequency.

sump. The settling pond design consisted of four (4)

5 Conclusion and suggestion compartments with percentage of solids in the water
flow from the mine at 2.66 % with a settling rate of
The study area had heavy rainfall classifications based 0.0027 m/s; the time required for the particles to settle
on rainfall data for 10 years with rainfall plan of 118,71 was 30.38 minutes. The results of this study indicate that
mm/day, maximum daily rainfall: 175 mm/day with 3- the percentage of theoretically suctioned particle is 83
years rainfall period, rainfall intensity: 41,16 mm/hour, %, and the maintenance time of each compartment is 15,
and hydrological risk: 86,83 %. The study designed two 16, 19, and 23 days respectively.
open channels to reduce runoff water flowing to the open
pit coal mine from the catchment area. The design of the
main and sump-transfer is trapezoidal.
This study suggests the use of four (4) pairs of pumps
in the main sump and four (4) pumps in the transfer

E3S Web of Conferences 76, 04006 (2019)
ICST 2018

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