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General Physics 1 Long Quiz

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General Physics 1

Long Quiz
1. Workmen are trying to free an SUV
stuck in the mud. To extricate the
vehicle, they use three horizontal
ropes, producing the force vectors
shown in Fig. E2. (a) Find the x- and y-
components of each of the three pulls.
(b) Use the components to find the
magnitude and direction of the General Physics 1
resultant of the three pulls. Long Quiz
1. Workmen are trying to free an SUV
stuck in the mud. To extricate the
vehicle, they use three horizontal
ropes, producing the force vectors
shown in Fig. E2. (a) Find the x- and y-
components of each of the three pulls.
(b) Use the components to find the
magnitude and direction of the
resultant of the three pulls.

2. Two boxes, A and B, are connected to

each end of a light vertical rope, as
shown in Fig. P57. A constant upward
force is applied to box A. Starting from
rest, box B descends 12.0 m in 4.00 s.
The tension in the rope connecting the
two boxes is 36.0 N. (a) What is the
mass of box B? (b) What is the mass of
box A?

2. Two boxes, A and B, are connected to

each end of a light vertical rope, as
shown in Fig. P57. A constant upward
force is applied to box A. Starting from
rest, box B descends 12.0 m in 4.00 s.
The tension in the rope connecting the
two boxes is 36.0 N. (a) What is the
mass of box B? (b) What is the mass of
box A?

3. A 0.500-kg block, attached to a spring

with length 0.60 m and force constant
40N/m, is at rest with the back of the
block at point A on a frictionless,
horizontal air table (Fig. P7.75). The
mass of the spring is negligible. You
move the block to the right along the
surface by pulling with a constant 20.0-
N horizontal force. (a) What is the
block’s speed when the back of the
block reaches point B, which is 0.25 m 3. A 0.500-kg block, attached to a spring
to the right of point A? (b) When the with length 0.60 m and force constant
back of the block reaches point B, you 40N/m, is at rest with the back of the
let go of the block. In the subsequent block at point A on a frictionless,
motion, how close does the block get horizontal air table (Fig. P7.75). The
to the wall where the left end of the mass of the spring is negligible. You
spring is attached? move the block to the right along the
surface by pulling with a constant 20.0-
N horizontal force. (a) What is the
block’s speed when the back of the
block reaches point B, which is 0.25 m
to the right of point A? (b) When the
back of the block reaches point B, you
let go of the block. In the subsequent
motion, how close does the block get
to the wall where the left end of the
spring is attached?

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