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Designation: D 5030 – 89 (Reapproved 1994)e1

Standard Test Method for

Density of Soil and Rock in Place by the Water Replacement
Method in a Test Pit1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 5030; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

e1 NOTE—Section 16 was added editorially in March 1994.

1. Scope D 698 and D 1557 only, the unit weight determined in the
1.1 This test method covers the determination of the in- laboratory compaction test may be corrected for larger particle
place density and unit weight of soil and rock using water to fill sizes in accordance with, and subject to the limitations of,
a lined test pit to determine the volume of the test pit. The use Practice D 4718.
of the word “rock” in this test method is used to imply that the 1.4.2 Procedure B is used when percent compaction or
material being tested will typically contain particles larger than percent relative density is to be determined and the in-place
3 in. (75 mm). material contains particles larger than the maximum particle
1.2 This test method is best suited for test pits with a volume size allowed in the laboratory compaction test or when Practice
between approximately 3 and 100 ft3 (0.08 and 2.83 m3). In D 4718 is not applicable for the laboratory compaction test.
general, the materials tested would have maximum particle Then the material is considered to consist of two fractions, or
sizes over 5 in. (125 mm). This test method may be used for portions. The material from the in-place unit weight test is
larger sized excavations if desirable. physically divided into a control fraction and an oversize
1.2.1 This procedure is usually performed using circular fraction based on a designated sieve size. The unit weight of
metal templates with inside diameters of 3 ft (0.9 m) or more. the control fraction is calculated and compared with the unit
Other shapes or materials may be used providing they meet the weight(s) established by the laboratory compaction test(s).
requirements of this test method and the guidelines given in Because of possible lower densities created when
Annex A1 for the minimum volume of the test pit. there is particle interference (see Practice D 4718), the percent
1.2.2 Test Method D 4914 may be used as an alternative compaction of the control fraction should not be assumed to
method. Its use, however, is usually only practical for volume represent the percent compaction of the total material in the
determination of test pits between approximately 1 and 6 ft3 field.
(0.03 and 0.17 m3). 1.4.3 Normally, the control fraction is the minus No. 4 sieve
1.2.3 Test Method D 1556 or Test Method D 2167 is usually size material for cohesive or nonfree-draining materials and the
used to determine the volume of test holes smaller than 1 ft3 minus 3-in. sieve size material for cohesionless, free-draining
(0.03 m3). materials. While other sizes are used for the control fraction
1.3 The two procedures are described as follows: (3⁄8, 3⁄4-in.), this test method has been prepared using only the
1.3.1 Procedure A—In-Place Density and Unit Weight of No. 4 and the 3-in. sieve sizes for clarity.
Total Material (Section 10). 1.5 Any material can be tested, provided the material being
1.3.2 Procedure B—In-Place Density and Unit Weight of tested has sufficient cohesion or particle attraction to maintain
Control Fraction (Section 11). stable sides during excavation of the test pit and through
1.4 Selection of Procedure: completion of this test. It should also be firm enough not to
1.4.1 Procedure A is used when the in-place unit weight of deform or slough due to the minor pressures exerted in digging
total material is to be determined. Procedure A can also be used the hole and filling with water.
to determine percent compaction or percent relative density 1.5.1 A very careful assessment must be made as to whether
when the maximum particle size present in the in-place or not the volume determined is representative of the in-place
material being tested does not exceed the maximum particle condition when this test method is used for clean, relatively
size allowed in the laboratory compaction test (Test Methods uniform-sized particles 3 in. (75 mm) and larger. The distur-
D 698, D 1557, D 4253, D 4254, D 4564). For Test Methods bance during excavation, due to lack of cohesion, and the void
spaces between particles spanned by the liner may affect the
measurement of the volume of the test pit.
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D-18 on Soil
and Rock and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D18.08 on Special and
1.6 This test method is generally limited to material in an
Construction Control Tests. unsaturated condition and is not recommended for materials
Current edition approved Dec. 29, 1989. Published February 1990.

Copyright © ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

D 5030
that are soft or friable (crumble easily) or in a moisture D 4718 Practice for Correction of Unit Weight and Water
condition such that water seeps into the excavated hole. The Content for Soils Containing Oversize Particles3
accuracy of the test may be affected for materials that deform D 4753 Specification for Evaluating, Selecting, and Speci-
easily or that may undergo volume change in the excavated fying Balances and Scales for Use in Soil and Rock
hole from standing or walking near the hole during the test. Testing3
1.7 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded D 4914 Test Method for Density of Soils in Place by Sand
as the standard. The values given in parentheses are for Replacement Method in a Test Pit3
information only. E 1 Specification for ASTM Thermometers4
1.7.1 In the engineering profession, it is customary practice E 11 Specification for Wire-Cloth Sieves for Testing Pur-
to use, interchangeably, units representing both mass and force, poses2
unless dynamic calculations (F = Ma) are involved. This im-
plicitly combines two separate systems of units, that is, the 3. Terminology
absolute system and the gravimetric system. It is scientifically 3.1 Definitions—Except as follows in 3.2, all definitions are
undesirable to combine the use of two separate systems within in accordance with Terminology D 653.
a single standard. This test method has been written using 3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
inch-pound units (gravimetric system) where the pound (lbf) 3.2.1 control fraction—the portion of a soil sample consist-
represents a unit of force (weight); however, conversions are ing of particles smaller than a designated sieve size.
given in the SI system. The use of balances or scales recording Discussion—This fraction is used to compare in-
pounds of mass (lbm), or the recording of density in lbm/ft3 place unit weights with unit weights obtained from standard
should not be regarded as nonconformance with this standard. laboratory tests. The control sieve size depends on the labora-
1.8 This standard does not purport to address all of the tory test used.
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the 3.2.2 oversize particles—the portion of a soil sample con-
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- sisting of the particles larger than a designated sieve size.
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. For a specific 4. Summary of Test Method
hazard statement, see Section 7. 4.1 The ground surface at the test location is prepared and a
2. Referenced Documents template (metal ring) is placed and fixed into position. A liner
is laid in the template and the volume of the space between a
2.1 ASTM Standards:
selected level within the template and the ground surface is
C 127 Test Method for Specific Gravity and Absorption of
determined by filling the space with water. The mass or the
Coarse Aggregate2
volume of the water required to fill the template to the selected
C 138 Test Method for Unit Weight, Yield, and Air Content
level is determined and the water and liner removed. Material
(Gravimetric) of Concrete2
from within the boundaries of the template is excavated,
C 566 Test Method for Total Moisture Content of Aggregate
forming a pit. A liner is placed in the test pit and template,
by Drying2
water is poured into the pit and template up to the selected
D 653 Terminology Relating to Soil, Rock, and Contained
level; the mass or volume of the water within the pit and
template and, subsequently, the volume of the hole are deter-
D 698 Test Methods for Moisture-Density Relations of
mined. The wet density of the in-place material is calculated
Soils and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures Using 5.5-lb (2.49-kg)
from the mass of material removed and the measured volume
Rammer and 12-in. (305-mm) Drop3
of the test pit. The moisture content is determined and the dry
D 1556 Test Method for Density of Soil in Place by the
unit weight of the in-place material is calculated.
Sand-Cone Method3
4.2 The unit weight of a fraction of the material can be
D 1557 Test Methods for Moisture-Density Relations of
determined by subtracting the mass and volume of any oversize
Soils and Soil Aggregate Mixtures Using 10-lb (4.54-kg)
particles from the initial values and recalculating the unit
Rammer and 18-in. (457-mm) Drop3
D 2167 Test Method for Density and Unit Weight of Soil
In-Place by the Rubber Balloon Method3
5. Significance and Use
D 2216 Method for Laboratory Determination of Water
(Moisture) Content of Soil, Rock, and Soil-Aggregate 5.1 This test method is used to determine the in-place unit
Mixtures3 weight of compacted materials in construction of earth em-
D 4253 Test Methods for Maximum Index Density of Soils bankments, road fills, and structure backfill. For construction
Using a Vibratory Table3 control, it can be used as the basis for acceptance of material
D 4254 Test Methods for Minimum Index Density of Soils compacted to a specified unit weight or to a percentage of a
and Calculation of Relative Density3 maximum unit weight determined by a standard laboratory test
D 4564 Test Method for Density of Soil in Place by the method such as determined from Test Methods D 698 or
Sleeve Method3 D 1557, subject to the limitations discussed in 1.4.

Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.02.
3 4
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.08. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.03.

D 5030
5.2 This test method can be used to determine in-place unit beyond the outside of the template. Any type of material,
weight of natural soil deposits, aggregates, soil mixtures, or plastic sheeting, etc. can be used as long as it is flexible enough
other similar material. to conform to the ground surface.
6.8 Water-Measuring Device, including a storage container,
6. Apparatus
delivery hoses or piping, and a water meter, scale, or other
6.1 Balance or Scale, having a capacity and readability suitable measurement device. Water may be measured by mass
appropriate to the mass and procedural techniques for the or by volume. The equipment must be capable of controlling
specific test pit dimensions within the range of 3 to 100 ft3 the delivery of the water so that any inaccuracies in filling and
(0.08 to 2.83 m3) volume and meeting the requirements of measuring do not exceed 6 1 % of the total mass or volume
Specification D 4753. delivered.
6.2 Balance or Scale—a balance (or scale) to determine 6.9 Water-Level Reference Indicator—A water-level refer-
moisture content of minus No. 4 material having a minimum ence must be established so that the water level in the template
capacity of about 1000 g and meeting the requirements of is the same for the two determinations. A hook gage may be the
Specification D 4753 for a balance of 0.1 g readability. simplest and most practical, although any device such as a rod
6.3 Drying Oven, thermostatically controlled, preferably of with a pointed end that can be fastened to the template, a
the forced-draft type, and capable of maintaining a uniform carpenter’s level and scale, a carpenter’s scale on a beam
temperature of 110 6 5°C throughout the drying chamber. across the template, or other similar arrangement or device
6.4 Sieves, No. 4 sieve (4.75-mm) and 3-in. (75-mm), may be used. Whichever method is employed, the device must
conforming to the requirements of Specification E 11. be able to be removed and replaced so that the reference water
6.5 Thermometer, 0 to 50°C range, 0.5° graduations, con- level is measured at the exact same location. Some type of
forming to the requirements of Specification E 1. protection around the device may be necessary if the water
6.6 Metal Template—a circular template to serve as a surface inside the template is not smooth.
pattern for the excavation. Template dimensions, shapes, and 6.10 Siphon Hose, Pump, Buckets, Hoses, or other suitable
material may vary according to the size of the test pit to be equipment to move water to and from the template or pit, or
excavated. The template must be rigid enough not to deflect or both, and any storage container or reservoir.
bend. 6.11 Miscellaneous Equipment, sandbags used to prevent
NOTE 1—The template shown in Fig. 1 represents a design that has movement of the template during the test; shovels, picks,
been found suitable for this purpose. chisels, bars, knives, and spoons for digging test pit; buckets or
6.6.1 Since it may be difficult to place the template exactly seamless cans with lids, drums, barrels, or other suitable
level, particularly with 6-ft (1.8-m) and larger diameter rings, containers for retaining the test specimen without moisture
the height of the template should accommodate a slope of change; cloth for collecting excess soil; assorted pans and
approximately 5 %. Since the water level has to be below the porcelain dishes suitable for drying moisture content speci-
top of the template, it is not necessary that the template be mens; boards, planks, etc., to serve as a work platform when
level. The larger rings should be high enough to prevent any testing soils that may flow or deform; hoists, slings, chains, and
loss of water due to wave action caused by wind. other suitable equipment that may be required to handle heavy
6.7 Liners, approximately 4 to 6 mil thick. Two pieces, each loads; surveyor’s level and rod or other suitable equipment for
large enough to line the test pit, with about 3 ft (1 m) extending checking the slope on the template in place; duct tape or
mortar, or both, used to prevent tearing of the plastic sheeting
by sharp rock fragments.
7. Safety Hazards
7.1 This test method involves handling heavy loads.
8. Technical Hazards
8.1 Materials that may flow or deform during the test must
be identified and appropriate precautions taken.
8.2 Errors may arise in the computed unit weight of material
due to the influence of excessive moisture in the material.
These errors may be significant in materials with high perme-
ability such as sands and gravels where the bottom of the test
hole is close to or below the water table. The buoyant forces of
free water beneath or behind the liner may adversely affect the
volume determination.
8.3 The test area and equipment must be suitably protected
during periods of inclement weather such as rain, snowfall, or
high wind. If the in-place moisture content value is required, it
may be necessary to protect the area from direct sunlight.
FIG. 1 A 6-ft (1.8-m) Diameter Metal Ring for Determining In-Place 8.4 Numerous containers may be required during perfor-
Unit Weight mance of this test method. All containers must be properly

D 5030
labeled to avoid a possible mixup. calculated in Increase this amount by about 25 % to
8.5 The total mass of the water, or soil sample, or both, may ensure that a sufficient supply of water is available at the site.
exceed the capacity of the scale used, requiring cumulative Determine the number of containers required, number them,
determinations of mass. Care must be taken to ensure that the and mark as to use, for example, “test pit.” Fill the containers
total mass is properly determined. with water, and determine and record the mass of the contain-
ers and water. Proceed to 10.5.
9. Calibration and Standardization 10.4.2 If the volume of water used is measured, use a
9.1 If the volume of water used is determined with a water-measuring device to measure the gallons (litres) of water
water-measuring device, the device must be calibrated to meet used from a water truck, a large water reservoir, or large
the requirements of 6.8. containers of water such as 55-gal drums. The water-measuring
device must meet the requirements of 6.8.
10. Procedure A—In-Place Density and Unit Weight of Two separate determinations of volume are neces-
Total Material
sary to: (a) measure the volume of water to fill the space
10.1 Procedure A is used to determine a total unit weight between the soil surface (before the test pit is excavated) and
(see 1.4). a water-level reference in the template; and (b) measure the
10.2 Determine the recommended sample volume and select volume of water used to fill the test pit up to the same
the appropriate template for the anticipated soil gradation in water-level reference in the template. The difference between
accordance with information in Annex A1. Assemble the the two volumes gives the volume of water in the test pit.
remainder of the required equipment. The approximate volume of water required equals
10.3 Determine the mass of each combination of empty the anticipated volume of the test pit plus twice the calculated
container, lid, and container liner (if used) that will contain the volume of the template. If appropriate, multiply the required
excavated material. Number the containers and mark as to use. volume in cubic feet by 7.48 to determine the volume in
Write the mass on the container or prepare a separate list. gallons. Increase this amount by about 25 % to ensure that a
10.4 Prepare the quantity of water to be used. The volume of sufficient supply of water is available at the site. If containers
the excavated test pit is determined by filling the test pit with are used, determine the number required and fill the containers
water and either the mass or volume of the water measured. with water; otherwise, fill the water truck or water reservoir
Measuring the mass of water used is usually only practical for with sufficient water.
3 to 4-ft (1 to 1.3-m) diameter rings. If the mass of water is 10.5 Select a representative area for the test, avoiding
measured, follow 10.4.1. If the volume of water is measured, locations where removal of large particles would undermine
follow 10.4.2. the template.
10.4.1 If the mass of water used is measured, containers of
10.6 Preparation of the Surface Area to be Tested:
water must be prepared with the mass of water determined
10.6.1 Remove all loose material from an area large enough
before and after the test. For test pits with volumes of 3 to 6 ft3,
on which to place the template. Prepare the exposed surface so
(0.08 to 0.17 m3), use containers such as 5-gal buckets so the
that it is a firm, reasonably level plane.
mass can be determined on a balance or scale of the type
normally found in a laboratory. Larger test pit volumes can be 10.6.2 Personnel should not step on or around the area
measured using water contained in tanks or 55-gal drums if selected for testing. Provide a working platform when testing
equipment, such as a hoist and a suitable scale, is available to materials which may flow or deform.
determine the mass. 10.7 Placing and Seating the Template on the Prepared Two sets of water and containers are necessary. Surface:
Determining the volume of the test pit requires two separate 10.7.1 Firmly seat the template to avoid movement of the
determinations of the mass of water to: (a) measure the mass of template while the test is performed. The use of nails, weights,
water used to fill the space between the soil surface (before the or other means may be necessary to maintain the position.
test pit is excavated) and a water-level reference in the Check the elevation at several locations on the template. Since
template; and (b) measure the mass of water used to fill the test the water-level reference is kept below the top of the template,
pit up to the same water-level reference. The difference it is not necessary that the template be exactly level, but the
between the two masses gives the mass of water in the test pit. slope of the template should not exceed 5 %. Estimate the mass of water (and the number of 10.7.2 Remove any material loosened while placing and
containers) required to fill the template. The estimated mass seating the template, taking care to avoid leaving any void
may be calculated by multiplying the template volume by the space under the template. If necessary, voids under the tem-
density of water. Number the containers to be used and mark as plate may be filled using plastic soil, molding clay, mortar, or
to use, for example “template correction.” Fill the containers other suitable material, provided that this material is not
with water, and determine and record the mass of the contain- subsequently excavated as part of the material removed from
ers and water. the test pit. From the anticipated volume of the test pit, esti- 10.7.3 Inspect the surface within the template. If necessary,
mate the mass of water required to fill the test pit. The cover any sharp edges with duct tape or other suitable material
estimated mass of water to be used for the test pit may be to prevent tearing or puncturing of the plastic lining.
calculated by multiplying the anticipated volume of the test pit 10.8 Determine the volume of the space between the soil
by the density of water and then adding to it the mass of water surface and the water-level reference.

D 5030
10.8.1 Irregularities of the soil surface within the template
must be taken into account. To do this, determine the volume
of water required to fill the space between the soil surface and
the water-level reference.
10.8.2 Place a liner 4 to 6 mil thick over the template, and
shape it by hand to conform to the irregular soil surface and the
template. The liner should extend approximately 3 ft (1 m)
outside the template. The liner should not be stretched too taut
or contain excessive folds or wrinkles (see Fig. 2).
10.8.3 Assemble the equipment for the water-level refer-
ence indicator. Normally, the water-level reference is set after
the water in the template reaches a practical level.
10.8.4 If the volume of water is being measured, set the
water-measuring device indicator to zero or record the initial
reading of the indicator. Pour the water from the containers or
discharge the water from the water reservoir into the template
until the water level reaches a practical level. The slope of the
template and any possible wave action must be considered to
prevent losing any water. Set the water-level reference indica-
FIG. 3 Measuring the Water-Level Reference with a Carpenter’s
tor (see Fig. 3). If the volume of water is being measured, Square
record the final reading of the water-measuring device. If the
mass of water is being measured, save the remaining water for in the area of the test if deformation of the material within the
a subsequent determination of mass. test pit may occur. Inspect for water leakage by looking for bubbles, 10.9.2 Place all material removed from the test pit in the
observing the water level over an appropriate time, etc. container(s). Take care to avoid losing any material.
10.8.5 Make appropriate markings so that the water-level NOTE 2—For the smaller size templates where the containers for the
indicator can be placed in the identical position and at the same material may be outside the template, a cloth or plastic sheet may be
elevation following excavation of the test pit. Disassemble the placed under the containers to facilitate locating and collecting any loose
water-level reference indicator. material.
10.8.6 Remove the water in the template, and remove the 10.9.3 Keep container(s) covered when not in use to avoid
liner. loss of moisture. A sealable plastic bag may be used inside the
10.9 Excavating the Test Pit: container to hold the material.
10.9.1 Using handtools (shovel, chisel, knife, bar, etc.), 10.9.4 Carefully trim the sides of the excavation so the
excavate the center portion of the test pit. Use of heavy dimensions of the test pit at the soil-template contact are as
equipment, such as a backhoe or a mechanical or hydraulic close as possible to the dimensions of the template hole. Avoid
hoist, may be required to remove large particles. disturbing the template or the material beneath or outside the Do not permit the movement of heavy equipment template.
10.9.5 Continue the excavation to the required depth, care-
fully removing any material that has been compacted or
loosened in the process. If during excavation of material from within the
test pit, a particle (or particles) is found that is about 11⁄2 times,
or more, larger than the maximum particle size used to
establish the dimensions and minimum volume of the test pit
(see Annex A1), set the particle(s) aside and mark appropri-
ately. The mass and volume of the particle(s) must be deter-
mined and subtracted from the mass and volume of the material
removed from the test pit. Consider the larger particle(s) as
“oversize,” and follow the procedure outlined in Section 11
except that the “total” unit weight, which would include the
larger particle(s), need not be calculated. The “control fraction”
values determined then become the values for the total material
from the test pit. If enough of these particles are found so that their
mass is determined to be about 5 % or more of the mass of the
excavated soil, repeat the test with a larger test pit in accor-
dance with the guidelines in Annex A1.
FIG. 2 Plastic Liner Placed in Preparation for the Initial Volume 10.9.6 The sides of the pit should be as close to vertical as
Determination possible but will, out of necessity, slope inward (see Fig. 4).

D 5030
10.10.3 If the mass of the water is being measured, deter-
mine and record the temperature of the water in the test pit.
10.10.4 Remove the water from the test pit, and remove the
liner. Inspect the liner for any holes that may have allowed
water to escape during the test. Loss of water will require
another determination of the volume.
10.11 Calculating the Volume of the Test Pit:
10.11.1 If the mass of water is being measured, determine
the mass as follows: Determine and record the mass of the container(s)
and remaining water after filling the template (the space
between the soil surface and the water-level reference). Calculate and record the total mass of water used
to fill the template to the water-level reference. Determine and record the mass of the container(s)
and remaining water after filling the test pit and template to the
water-level reference. Calculate and record the total mass of water used
FIG. 4 Test Pit During Excavation to fill the test pit and template to the water-level reference. Calculate and record the mass of water used to fill
Materials that do not exhibit much cohesion will result in a the test pit.
more conically shaped test pit. Using a density of water of 62.3 lbm/ft3 (this
10.9.7 The profile of the finished pit must be such that the
assumes a temperature between 18 and 24°C), calculate and
water will completely fill the excavation. The sides of the test
record the volume of water used to fill the test pit. If mortar or
pit should be as smooth as possible and free of pockets or
other material was not used, this value is the volume of the test
pit. If mortar was used, add the calculated volume of mortar to
10.9.8 The bottom of the test pit must be cleaned of all
the volume of water used to determine the volume of the test
loosened material.
10.9.9 Inspect the surface of the material within the tem-
10.11.2 If the volume of the water is being measured,
plate. Cover any sharp edges with duct tape or other suitable
determine the volume as follows:
material to prevent tearing or puncture of the plastic lining. Calculate and record the volume of water used to
Mortar, or other suitable material, may be used to fill recesses
fill the template (the space between the soil surface and the
to eliminate sharp edges, overhangs, or pockets that cannot be
water-level reference).
smoothed or eliminated. The volume of the material used must
be able to be determined and provisions to do this made Calculate and record the volume of water used to
accordingly. fill the test pit and template. If mortar is used, measure the mass of mortar and Calculate and record the volume of water used to
calculate the volume in cubic feet in accordance with Test fill the test pit.
Method C 138. Calculate and record the cubic feet of water used
10.10 Determine the Volume of the Test Pit: to fill the test pit. If mortar was not used, this value is the
10.10.1 Place the liner into the test pit. The liner, approxi- volume of the test pit. If mortar was used, add the calculated
mately 4 to 6 mil thick, should be large enough to extend volume of mortar (see to the volume of water used to
approximately 3 ft (1 m) outside the template boundaries after determine the volume of the test pit.
having been carefully placed and shaped within the pit. Make 10.12 Determine the Dry Unit Weight:
allowances for slack. The liner should not be stretched too taut 10.12.1 Determine the total mass of the excavated material
nor contain excessive folds or wrinkles. Inspect the liner for and containers.
punctures before use. 10.12.2 Calculate and record the total mass of the containers
10.10.2 If the volume of water is being measured, set the used to hold the excavated material. Record the container
water-measuring device indicator to zero or record the initial numbers.
reading of the indicator. Pour the water from the containers or 10.12.3 Calculate and record the mass of excavated mate-
discharge the water from the water reservoir into the test pit rial.
until the water reaches the water-level reference indicator. 10.12.4 Calculate the wet density of the excavated material.
When the filling is complete, record the final reading of the 10.12.5 If percent compaction or percent relative density of
water-measuring device indicator. If the mass of water is being the control fraction is required, separate the material using the
measured, set aside the remaining water for a subsequent appropriate size sieve and follow the procedures in Procedure
determination of mass. If necessary, calculate the gallons B.
(litres) of water used. 10.12.6 If Procedure B is not used, obtain a moisture Inspect for water leakage by looking for bubbles, content specimen representative of the excavated material;
observing the water level over an appropriate time, etc. determine the moisture content in accordance with Method

D 5030
D 2216 or Test Method C 566 and record. 11.5-11.7. If an oven dry or saturated surface dry (SSD) bulk
specific gravity is used, then determine the mass of the oversize
NOTE 3—For rapid moisture content determination of soils containing
less than 15 % fines (minus No. 200 sieve), a suitable source of heat such particles for this procedure on oven dry or SSD material,
as an electric or gas hotplate may be used. If a source of heat other than respectively.
the controlled temperature oven is used, stir the test specimen to accelerate 11.10 Calculate the volume of the control fraction and
drying and avoid localized overheating. The material may be considered record.
dry when further heating causes, or would cause, less than 0.1 % 11.11 Calculate the wet density of the control fraction.
additional loss of mass.
11.12 Determine the moisture content of the control fraction
10.12.7 Calculate and record the dry density and dry unit in accordance with Test Method C 566 or Method D 2216 (see
weight of the material. Note 2) and record.
11. Procedure B—In-Place Density and Unit Weight of 11.13 Calculate the dry density and dry unit weight of the
Control Fraction control fraction and record.
11.14 If desired, determine and record the moisture content
11.1 This procedure is used when percent compaction or of the oversize particles in accordance with Test Method C 566
percent relative density of the control fraction is required (see or Method D 2216 (see Note 2). If previous tests for moisture
1.4). content of the oversize particles from a particular source have
11.2 Obtain the in-place wet density of the total material by been performed and the value is relatively constant, a moisture
following the procedure for Procedure A, as stated in 10.2- content may be assumed.
11.15 If desired, determine the percentage of oversize par-
11.3 To obtain the wet density of the control fraction,
determine the mass and volume of the oversize particles and
11.15.1 Calculate the dry mass of the control fraction and
subtract from the total mass and total volume to get the mass
and volume of the control fraction. Calculate the density of the
control fraction from the mass and volume of the control 11.15.2 Calculate the dry mass of the oversize particles and
fraction. record.
11.3.1 Normally, the wet density of the control fraction is 11.15.3 Calculate the dry mass of the total sample and
determined and the dry density is calculated using the moisture record.
content of the control fraction. 11.15.4 Calculate the percentage of oversize particles and
11.3.2 In addition, the moisture content of the oversize record.
particles, the moisture content of the total material, and the 11.16 If desired, calculate the moisture content of the total
percentage of oversize particles may be determined. material and record.
11.4 After obtaining the wet mass of total material removed 11.17 If desired, calculate the dry density and dry unit
from the test pit, separate the material into the control fraction weight of the total material and record.
and the oversize particles using the designated sieve. Do this
rapidly to minimize loss of moisture. If the test is for 12. Calculation—Procedure A
construction control, place the control fraction in an airtight 12.1 Calculate the mass of the water used to fill the test pit
container for further tests. and template as follows:
11.5 Wash the oversize particles and reduce the free water m5 5 m1 2 m3 (1)
on the surface of the particles by blotting, draining, or using a
similar method. where:
11.6 Determine the wet mass of the oversize particles plus m5 = mass of water used for template and test pit volume,
the container of predetermined mass and record. lbm (kg),
11.7 Calculate the wet mass of the oversize particles and m1 = mass of water and containers for template and test pit
record. (before test), lbm (kg), and
11.8 Calculate the wet mass of the control fraction and m3 = mass of water and containers for template and test pit
record. volume (after test), lbm (kg).
11.9 Calculate and record the volume of the oversize 12.2 Calculate the mass of the water used to fill the template
particles by using a bulk specific gravity value of the oversize as follows:
particles. If previous tests for bulk specific gravity of the m6 5 m2 2 m4 (2)
oversize particles from a particular source have been per-
formed and the value is relatively constant, a specific gravity where:
may be assumed. Otherwise, obtain a representative sample m6 = mass of water for template volume, lbm (kg),
and determine the bulk specific gravity in accordance with Test m2 = mass of water and containers for template volume
Method C 127 except that oven drying and the 24-h soaking (before test), lbm (kg), and
period are not used. The bulk specific gravity used must m4 = mass of water and containers for template volume
correspond to the moisture condition of the oversize particles (after test), lbm (kg).
when their mass is determined. As used in this test method, the 12.3 Calculate the mass of the water used to fill the test pit
bulk specific gravity must have been determined on the as follows:
oversize particles in the moisture condition as stated in m7 5 m5 2 m6 (3)

D 5030

where: the test pit as follows:

m7 = mass of water in test pit, lbm (kg), rwet 5 m10/V6 ~inch2pound! (12)
m5 = mass of water used for template and test pit volume,
lbm (kg), and rwet 5 ~m10/V6! ~SI! (13)
m6 = mass of water for template volume, lbm (kg). 103
12.4 Calculate the volume of water used to fill the test pit as where:
follows: rwet = wet density of material excavated from test pit, lbm/
Measured mass of water: ft3 (Mg/m3),
V4 5 m7/rw ~inch2pound! (4) m10 = mass of wet material removed from test pit, lbm
(kg), and
V4 5 ~m7/rw! 3 ~SI! (5) V6 = volume of test pit, ft3 (m3).
12.9 Calculate the dry density of material excavated from
where: the test pit as follows:
V4 = volume of water in test pit, ft3 (m3), rwet
m7 = mass of water in test pit, lbm (kg), and rd 5 (14)
1 1 ~w/100!
rw = density of water, lbm/ft3 (g/cm3).
or: where:
Measured volume of water: rd = dry density
of material excavated from test pit,
V4 5 V3 3 0.13368 ~inch2pound! (6) lbm/ft (Mg/m3),
rwet = wet density of material excavated from test pit,
1 3
V4 5 V3 3 ~SI! (7) lbm/ft (Mg/m3), and
103 w = moisture content of material excavated from test pit,
where: %.
V4 = volume of water in test pit, ft3 (m3), 12.10 Calculate the dry unit weight of the material exca-
V3 = volume of water in the test pit, gal vated from the test pit as follows:
(L) = V1 − V2, 1 lbf
V1 = volume of water used to fill test pit and tem- gd 5 rd 3 1 lbm ~inch2pound! (15)
plate, gal (L),
V2 = volume of water used to fill template, gal (L), where:
0.13368 = constant to convert gallons to ft3, and gd = dry unit3
weight of material excavated from test pit,
103 = constant to convert litres to m3. lbf/ft (kN/m3), and
12.5 Calculate the volume of mortar as follows: rd = dry density of material excavated from test pit, lbm/ft3
V5 5 r (8) Assume that in the inch-pound system 1 lbm = 1 lbf.
gd 5 rd 3 9.807 ~SI! (16)
V5 = volume of mortar in test pit, ft3 (m3), where:
m11 = mass of mortar in test pit, lbm (kg), and 9.807 = the constant to convert Mg to kN.
rm = density of mortar, lbm/ft3 (Mg/m3).
12.11 If desired, convert the dry unit weight in inch-pound
12.6 Calculate the volume of the test pit as follows: units to SI units as follows:
V6 5 V 4 1 V 5 (9)
unit weight in kN/m3 5 unit weight in lbf/ft3 3 0.1571 (17)
or if no mortar has been used:
V6 5 V 4 (10) where:
0.1571 = the constant to convert lbf/ft3 to kN/m3.
V6 = volume of test pit, ft3 (m3), 13. Calculation—Procedure B
V4 = volume of water in test pit, ft3 (m3), and
V5 = volume of mortar in test pit, ft3 (m3). 13.1 Calculate the wet mass of oversize particles, as fol-
12.7 Calculate the mass of wet material removed from the lows:
test pit, as follows: m14 5 m12 2 m13 (18)
m10 5 m8 2 m9 (11) where:
m14 = wet mass of oversize particles, lbm (kg),
m12 = wet mass of oversize particles and container, lbm
m10 = mass of wet material removed from test pit, lbm
(kg), and
m13 = mass of container, lbm (kg).
m8 = mass of wet material removed from test pit plus
mass of the containers, lbm (kg), and 13.2 Calculate the wet mass of the control fraction as
m9 = mass of containers for m8, lbm (kg). follows:
12.8 Calculate the wet density of material excavated from m18 5 m10 2 m14 (19)

D 5030

where: rd(c) = dry density of control fraction, lbm/ft3 (Mg/m3).

m18 = wet mass of control fraction, lbm (kg), 13.8 If desired, convert dry unit weight in inch-pound units
m10 = mass of wet material removed from test pit, lbm to SI units, using Eq 17.
(kg), and 13.9 Calculate the dry mass of the control fraction as
m14 = wet mass of oversize particles lbm (kg). follows:
13.3 Calculate the volume of the oversize particles based on
a known bulk specific gravity as follows: m19 5 1 1 w /100 (28)
Vos 5 ~inch2pound! (20) where:
Gm ~62.4 lbm/ft3!
m19 = dry mass of control fraction, lbm (kg),
m14 1
Vos 5 3 ~SI! (21) m18 = wet mass of control fraction, lbm (kg), and
Gm ~1 g/cm3! 103 wf = moisture content of control fraction, %.
where: 13.10 Calculate the dry mass of the oversize particles using
Vos = volume of oversize particles, ft3 (m3), one of the following expressions as appropriate:
m14 = wet mass of oversize particles, lbm (kg), m17 5 m15 2 m10 (29)
Gm = bulk specific gravity of oversize particles,
62.4 lbm/ft3 = density of water,
1 g/cm3 = density of water, and m17 5
1⁄103 = constant to convert g/cm3 to kg/m3. 1 1 ~wos/100!
13.4 Calculate the volume of the control fraction as follows: where:
Vc 5 V6 2 Vos (22) m17 = dry mass of oversize particles, lbm (kg),
m10 = mass of wet material removed from test pit, lbm
where: (kg),
Vc = volume of control fraction, ft3 (m3), m14 = wet mass of oversize particles, lbm (kg),
V6 = volume of test pit, ft3 (m3), and m15 = dry mass of oversize particles and container, lbm
Vos = volume of oversize particles, ft3 (m3).
(kg), and
13.5 Calculate the wet density of the control fraction as wos = moisture content of oversize particles, %.
follows: 13.11 Calculate the dry mass of the total sample as follows:
m18 m20 5 m19 1 m17 (31)
rwet ~c! 5 V ~inch2pound! (23)

1 where:
rwet ~c! 5 ~m18/Vc! 3 ~SI! (24) m20 = dry mass of total sample (control fraction plus
oversize), lbm (kg),
where: m19 = dry mass of control fraction, lbm (kg), and
rwet(c) = wet density of control fraction, lbm/ft3 (Mg/m3), m17 = dry mass of oversize particles, lbm (kg).
m18 = wet mass of control fraction, lbm (kg), and 13.12 Calculate the percent oversize particles as follows:
Vc = volume of control fraction, ft3 (m3).
m17 3 100
13.6 Calculate the dry density of the control fraction as Percent oversize 5 m20 (32)
rwet ~c!
rd ~ c ! 5 (25) m17 = dry mass of oversize particles, lbm (kg), and
1 1 ~wf/100!
m20 = dry mass of total sample (control fraction plus
where: oversize particles), lbm (kg).
rd(c) = dry density of control fraction, lbm/ft3 (Mg/m3), 13.13 Calculate the moisture content of the total material as
rwet(c) = wet density of control fraction, lbm/ft3 (Mg/m3), follows:
and m10 2 m20
wf = moisture content of control fraction, %. w5 m20 (33)
13.7 Calculate the dry unit weight of the control fraction as
follows: where:
w = moisture content of material excavated from test pit,
1 lbf
gd ~c! 5 rd ~c! 3 1 lbm ~inch2pound! (26) %,
m10 = mass of wet material removed from test pit, lbm
Assume that in the inch-pound system 1 lbm = 1 lbf. (kg), and
gd ~c! 5 rd ~c! 3 9.807 ~SI! (27) m20 = dry mass of total sample (control fraction plus
oversize particles), lbm (kg).
where: 13.14 Calculate the dry density and the dry unit weight of
9.807 = the constant to convert mg to kN, the total material by using Eq 12-16.
gd(c) = dry unit weight of control fraction, lbf/ft3 (kN/m3), 13.15 If required, convert dry unit weight in inch-pound
and units to SI units, using Eq 17.

D 5030
14. Report 14.1.11 Bulk specific gravity and test method used, and
14.1 Report the following information: 14.1.12 If required, percentage of oversize particles.
14.1.1 Test location,
14.1.2 Test location elevation, 15. Precision and Bias
14.1.3 Test hole volume, 15.1 The precision and bias of this test method have not yet
14.1.4 In-place wet density, total, or control fraction, or been determined. No available methods provide absolute
both, values for the density or unit weight of material in place against
14.1.5 In-place dry density, total, or control fraction, or which these test methods can be compared. The variability of
both, the material and the destructive nature of these test methods do
14.1.6 In-place dry unit weight, total, or control fraction, or not allow for the repetitive duplication of test results required
both, to obtain a meaningful statistical evaluation of bias.
14.1.7 In-place moisture content(s), and total, or control
fraction, or both, and test method(s) used, 16. Keywords
14.1.8 Test apparatus description, 16.1 acceptance test; degree of compaction; density tests;
14.1.9 Comments on test, as applicable, field test; In-place density; pit test; quality control; test pit
14.1.10 Visual description of the material, density; unit weight; water pit; water replacement method


(Mandatory Information)


A1.1 This annex covers guidelines for selecting the exca- TABLE A1.3 Metric Equivalents for Table A1.1 and Table A1.2
vation dimensions and the type of equipment to use based on Inches Millimetres
the maximum particle size present in the material (or control 3 75
fraction) being tested. These guidelines apply to both these test 5 125
8 200
methods and to Test Method D 4914. The guidelines are given 10 250
in Tables A1.1-A1.3. 12 300
18 450
24 600
TABLE A1.1 Test Pit Types A and B (see Fig. A1.1)—Test 30 750
Apparatus and Minimum Excavation Volume 33 825
Maximum Minimum Suggested Apparatus Required 35 875
Particle Required and Template Minimum 36 900
Size, in.A Volume, ft3 Opening Depth, in.B 40 1000
54 1350
3 1.0 24-in. square frame 18 62 1550
5 2 30-in. square frame 12 Feet Metres
8 8 4-ft diameter ring 24 4 1.2
12 27 6-ft diameter ring 24 6 1.8
18 90 9-ft diameter ring 36 9 2.7
More than 18 in. maximum particle size should be determined on a Cubic Feet Cubic Metres
case-by-case basis. 1.0 0.03
Maximum particle size present in total material or the maximum particle size of 2 0.06
control fraction if the total in-place unit weight is not of concern. 8 0.23
This depth is necessary to obtain the minimum required volume of material 27 0.76
when using the suggested apparatus and template opening. 90 2.55

TABLE A1.2 Test Pit Type C (see Fig. A1.1)—Test Apparatus and
Minimum Excavation Volume A1.2 These guidelines are based on providing a represen-
tative sample of the material being tested and on practical
Maximum Minimum Suggested Apparatus Required working conditions. For a discussion of the shape and dimen-
Diameter of
Particle Required and Template Minimum
Size, in.A Volume, ft3 Opening Depth, in.B
Excavated sions of the test pits and for the minimum volumes for the
Hole, in.
excavation, see Appendix X1.
3 1.0 33-in. square frame 10 30
5 2 40-in. square frame 12 35 A1.3 The guidelines shown in Table A1.1 apply to test pit
8 8 62-in. diameter ring 18 54
More than 8 in. maximum particle size should be determined on a
Types A and B (Fig. A1.1). These test pits generally are for non
case-by-case basis. free-draining materials and for cohesionless materials whose
Maximum particle size present in total material or the maximum particle size of gradation and particle angularity will allow near-vertical side
control fraction if the total in-place unit weight is not of concern. walls to be excavated.
This depth is necessary to obtain the minimum required volume of material
when using the suggested apparatus and template opening. A1.4 The guidelines shown in Table A1.2 apply to test pit

D 5030

FIG. A1.1 Test Pit Configurations

Type C (Fig. A1.1). This type of test pit can be excavated when
Type A or B cannot. For this case, the slope of the side walls
will be much flatter, approximately the angle of repose of the
A1.5 These guidelines are only applicable when the limi-
tations stated in 1.5 and 1.6 for unstable or soft materials are


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 Required Excavation Volume mass is based on a sample 40 times the mass of the maximum
particle size. This results in gradation percentages with an
X1.1.1 The minimum excavation volumes shown in Table
accuracy of 62.5 %. The volumes recommended are also
A1.1 and Table A1.2 are required to provide a representative
typical of volumes used in practice.
sample of the material being tested. For this test method, a
representative sample is based on the mass required to provide X1.2 Type and Size of Equipment
a gradation analysis of the soil within certain limits of X1.2.1 The basic types of apparatus used to determine
accuracy. For soils with a maximum particle size of 3 in. (75 in-place unit weight are the sand-cone device, the rubber
mm), the required mass (and volume) is based on a sample 100 balloon, the square metal frame, and the metal ring. Each type
times the mass of the maximum particle size. This results in is practical only for specific excavation sizes. The sand-cone
gradation percentages with an accuracy of 61.0 %. For soils device is practical only up to about a 20-in. (500-mm) test hole
with a maximum particle size larger than 3 in., the required diameter because of the physical difficulty in handling anything

D 5030
larger. The square frame is practical from about 18 in. (450 excavation equal to about one-third the hole diameter. For
mm) square to about 36 in. (900 mm) square. Square frames cohesionless materials, with relatively uniform gradation, the
are easier to fabricate than circular templates. Rings are “worst case” is assumed where the slope of the side walls could
preferred as templates for excavating test pits about 3 ft (0.9 m) not exceed the angle of repose of the material.
in diameter and larger because square frames need to be X1.3.3 Based on these assumptions, the minimum volume
stiffened and can be heavier and more awkward to handle than of excavations shown in Table A1.1 and Table A1.2 is thus
circular templates. In addition, it is difficult to trim the conservative. Steeper side walls or larger test hole diameters
excavation with corners because of the larger particle sizes will result in larger volumes. In some cases, a smaller appara-
present in the material when a square frame larger than 33 in. tus than that indicated in Table A1.1 and Table A1.2 may be
(825 mm) is required. The liner for the sand replacement used if a trial test pit is excavated and it can be shown that the
method should be about 1⁄2 mil thick while the liner for the smaller apparatus can provide the minimum required volume.
water replacement method should be about 4 to 6 mils thick. However, the depth of excavation should never be less than
Bunching of a liner 4 to 6 mils thick in the corners of a square one-third the hole diameter, the volume of the excavation must
frame may result in errors in the volume measurement. be 50 times larger than the volume of the maximum particle
X1.2.2 The apparatus and template sizes shown in Table size, and the hole diameter must be at least 4 times larger than
A1.1 and Table A1.2 were selected to provide a volume about the maximum particle diameter.
equal to the required volume. Other sizes may be used (for
example, 27-in. square frame) as long as the minimum volume X1.4 Replacement Medium
of excavated material can be obtained. X1.4.1 For the templates shown in Table A1.1 and Table
A1.2, sand replacement using a sand-pouring device is felt to
X1.3 Minimum Volume of Test be practical for square frames up to 33-in. (875-mm) and water
X1.3.1 In Table A1.2, the minimum volume obtained from replacement for 40-in. (1000-mm) and larger diameter rings.
excavating a test pit using the template shown and the required X1.4.2 If other sizes are used, the sand replacement method
minimum depth is based on the following assumptions: is probably practical up through 36-in. (900-mm) square
X1.3.1.1 The material being excavated contains a signifi- frames, while water replacement is more practical for 36-in.
cant amount of the maximum particle size, not just a random, (900-mm) diameter rings and larger. A36-in. (900-mm) open-
isolated particle of that size. ing is about the size limit where sand can be poured into the
X1.3.1.2 No matter whether the template is square or round, excavation uniformly and consistently while standing outside
the excavation will be basically circular in plan view because the template.
the presence of the maximum particle size will probably
prevent excavating corners. X1.5 Depth of Excavation
X1.3.1.3 The side walls will be sloped. Encountering the X1.5.1 For materials with a maximum particle size of 5 in.
maximum particle in the side wall while excavating will (125 mm) or less, the depth of excavation in Table A1.1 is
necessitate reducing the excavation diameter. For a maximum shown in 6-in. (150-mm) increments since cohesive soils are
particle size of 3 in., most materials can be excavated at a slope normally compacted in layers of 6 in. (150 mm) maximum
of 1 horizontal to 3 vertical or steeper; while for the 5 and 8-in. thickness. The minimum depth is 12 in. (300 mm) so that at
(125 and 200-mm) maximum particle sizes, the side walls can least two lifts are included in the determination. If the in-place
be excavated at a slope of 1 horizontal to 2 vertical or steeper. unit weight determination is for in situ materials, the minimum
X1.3.1.4 The diameter of the excavation will be smaller depth shown is that required to obtain the minimum volume.
than the template opening because a large particle may be just Greater depths, not necessarily in 6-in. (150-mm) increments,
beneath the template. To prevent an overhang in the excava- may be used.
tion, these particles should not be removed unless they are X1.5.2 Shallower depths may be used for in situ materials
protruding into the excavation more than about two-thirds their but only if the diameter of the excavation is larger so that the
diameter. minimum volume of material is obtained. This may be neces-
X1.3.1.5 For excavation of materials with maximum par- sary to test deposits of material of limited thickness.
ticle size up to 8 in. (200 mm), the volume of the excavation is X1.5.3 For the materials in Table A1.1 with maximum
assumed to be a frustrum of a cone as shown in Fig. A1.1. The particles sizes of 8 and 12 in. (200 and 300 mm) the desired
diameter of the excavation is assumed to be the template minimum excavation depth is shown as 24 in. (600 mm) since
diameter minus the maximum particle size. these soils would normally be placed in 12-in. (900-mm) lifts.
X1.3.1.6 For excavation of materials with maximum par- For materials with an 18-in. (450-mm) maximum particle size,
ticle sizes of 12 in. and larger, the volume of the excavation is a 36-in. (900-mm) minimum depth is necessary to obtain the
assumed to be a spherical segment. The diameter of the required volume.
excavation is assumed to be the template diameter minus two X1.5.4 In Table A1.2, the minimum depths of excavation
thirds of the maximum particle size. are equal to about one-third the hole diameter as discussed
X1.3.2 In Table A1.2, the minimum volume is assumed to previously. The elevation of the top of the excavation should be
be conical, as shown on Fig. A1.1, with the depth of the such that the test will be representative of the lift being tested.

D 5030
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with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
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This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
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