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Wicon Waste Case Notes

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Wicon Waste

Required: Significant audit and accounting issues

Multiple changes in auditors
Plans to sell – increases incentive to maximize value of company by increasing assets and net income
and decreasing liabilities
 Current owners – maximize assets and NI
 Possible purchasers – accuracy of FV
 Debt holders – repayment
Materiality set at $6.5 M – does this need to be adjusted given the accounting misstatements? And
identified users?
Risk assessment
 Questionable integrity – foreign exchange error, changing in useful lives, dispute with tax
auditor, patent infringement, rumour – together these increase risk of the engagement
 Additional users due to plans to sell – increase risk
 May be unable to rely on BB’s work – conflict of interest, missing working papers is suspicious
 High risk engagement suggested need for increased evidence; repeat or extend BB’s work
 May reduce materiality

Accounting Issues/Audit Implications (consider materiality)

Accounting Audit implication
Incorrect wire transfer amount – approx. $9.2 M Management integrity is questionable
recorded in income in error? Deliberately? Increases NI by material amount
Speak with management – should inform bank
and return excess funds
Purchased shares of WSIL $18 M as required in Properly accounted for? Adequate disclosure?
legal judgment related to patent infringement Examine correspondence and purchase
What are shares currently worth?
May require an independent valuation
Revenue recognition $16 M in 1996 for contract Revenue recognition criteria are not met (show
covering 1997 - 2001 work – Measurable, Collectible, Performance)
therefore needs to be reversed
Accounts payable includes $2.99 M to Cajanza Contradictory responses to inquiries need to be
Consulting for work in 1994 – but other assessed
information states Cajanza used only beginning in Increase professional skepticism
1996 Is Cajanza independent?

 Several material errors
 Aggressive revenue recognition
 Questionable ethics/integrity – wire transfer
 All Asset and NI misstatements are increasing
 Hoa needs to plan independently and obtain an independent understanding of internal control
 Independent assessment of materiality

Audit Issues
Issue How to Address
Engagement acceptance was subject to receipt of Contact predecessor to follow up
all working papers; 11 pages missing – what is May need to resign if pages not forthcoming
missing? Why?
Two changes in auditors in two years – a red flag Increase professional skepticism
Tax audit could have material implications Examine correspondence; speak with tax
$451 x 20% x 9% - contingency? auditors; inquiry of management
Consult our own in-house tax department
Hazardous waste lawsuits Consider impact of lawsuit on financial
Are the disclosure requirements met?
Accounts receivable confirmation procedures Did not maintain independent control over the
confirmation process
Should use a stratified sample, not just the high
dollar value items
Should include procedures to address municipal
Use of WWF’s fax machine means there was a
lack of control over the confirmations; may need
to reaudit these confirmations
Credit rating downgrade due to changing Does Hoa have the environmental expertise
environmental regulations needed to assess the impact? Are experts
Useful lives of sites increased; has effect of Does Hoa have the environmental expertise
decreasing amortization charges; increasing NI needed to assess the impact? Are experts
Is use of three amortization methods
Predecessor auditor using a combined approach Hoa needs to perform its own planning; obtain its
– relying on internal controls own understanding of internal control and the
client’s business before determining audit
All misstatements are NI increasing Consider deliberate nature of misstatements
Increase skepticism and evidence
Consider possible fraudulent activity
BB’s work seems not to meet necessary quality Consider reporting BB to provincial accounting
standards association?
Professional Standards
 Request missing 11 pages from predecessor
 Much more evidence is required
 Consider the need for other experts
Will not be able to address every issue in 72 minutes

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