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The document provides information about the works of Torkom Saraydarian and the services offered by TSG Publishing Foundation.

TSG Publishing Foundation was founded in 1987 by Gita Saraydarian to publish, teach, distribute, and archive the creative works of Torkom Saraydarian reflecting the Ageless Wisdom Teachings.

TSG offers publishing and distribution of books, lectures, and music compositions by Torkom Saraydarian. They also provide information on events and courses through their website and bulletins.

Full Catalog of

Torkom Saraydarian’s Work

Dear Friend,

We present this catalog of Torkom Saraydarian’s creative works with

the greatest joy. His special approach to the Teachings of the Ageless Wisdom
has received national and international acclaim. The depth and breadth of
his works are truly a gift to humanity.
TSG Publishing Foundation, Inc. was founded in 1987 by Gita
Saraydarian, daughter of Torkom Saraydarian. TSG is devoted to the
publishing, teaching, distributing, and archiving of Torkom’s creative legacy.
His books and booklets are works reflecting the simplicity and depth
of the Wisdom Teachings. They guide the reader to strive for a life of health,
joy, prosperity, and success; a life of purpose and direction.
Torkom’s music compositions are soothing, calming, and deeply
Torkom’s lectures are gems. They are presented to you exactly as he
gave them: lucid, candid, and natural. You can order his lectures on CD,
DVD, or MP3 download.
We are in the process of converting many of Torkom’s books and
booklets into e-pub format. Many titles are now available on Kindle. See for a complete list.
Torkom Saraydarian University, a dream Torkom had for many years,
is now flourishing with many students taking courses both online and on
site. These courses teach self-improvement through practical application of
The Ageless Wisdom Teachings. Courses are available on a wide variety of
subjects and for students of every experience level. (Available in English only).
You may place your orders by mail, e-mail, phone, fax, or through our
website. If you need help in making your selections, contact us and we will
be happy to serve you.
We look forward to hearing from you and serving your spiritual needs.

TSG Publishing Foundation, Inc.
Gateway to the works of
Torkom Saraydarian & The Ageless Wisdom
TSG Website
Our website,, is your complete, up-
to-date source for all of Torkom Saraydarian’s creative works,
information on all aspects of the Ageless Wisdom, TSG University
Courses, and all current events at TSG.

TSG Bulletin
Sign-up online to be added to our mailing list and you will
receive regular updates about TSG news, events, and our most recent
book releases. You can also visit the Calendar of Events section of our
website for fresh information on topics that are important to you.

TSG University
Vision: To provide spiritual study courses that
C atalog

enable individuals to think holistically, clearly, and

critically, and make decisions in their life that result in
happiness, health, creativity, and success.

The online division of The TSG University has been operating

successfully since the year 2000.
We offer courses on a variety of subjects for all levels of
students, including introductory lessons on meditation and
advanced courses for those wishing to become spiritual teachers.
Contact us for details.

Keeping Torkom’s Legacy Alive!

We welcome your help and contributions. Please keep TSG in
your heart and mind as you plan your annual donations and also
for your Estate Planning.
Table of Contents
By Topic
For full list of specific books or booklet by title in alphabetical
order see the Table of Contents on pages 6-7.

• New Releases. .................................................................. 8-9

• Ageless Wisdom........................................................... 10-19
• Creativity and Culture............................................... 20-29
• Critical Thinking........................................................ 30-37

C atalog - C ategories
• Humanity and Higher Worlds................................... 38-44
• Leadership.................................................................... 45-47
• Social Responsibility. .................................................. 48-49
• Spiritual Education..................................................... 50-54
• Vision Series. ............................................................... 55-59
• Reference Books............................................................... 60
• Booklets...................................................................... 61-66
• Family Values Series (Booklets).................................. 67-69
• Sacred Music (CD/Mp3)............................................. 70-75

Torkom Saraydarian
T orkom S araydarian

Torkom Saraydarian (1917-1997) was born in Asia Minor.

Since childhood he was trained in the Teachings of the Ageless
Wisdom under the guidance of his loving father. He continued his
search and training and found how the Ancient Wisdom Teachings
shed light on humanity’s quest to understand life. He dedicated
his entire life to search for the Light of Wisdom and expressed
his findings and understanding in speech, writing, music, and
leadership. His legacy is the expression of his inner growth.
The Ageless Wisdom Teachings, also known as the Ancient
Wisdom Teachings, or the Teaching, are comprised of the spiritual,
religious, and philosophical teachings of leading men and women
in all cultures and nations throughout time. The Teaching lays a
foundation for living a life of integrity and purpose. The Teaching’s
principles are universal guides for humanity and form the basis of
all religious and philosophical thought.
Read more about Torkom in his Autobiography. For more
information on the Autobiography book, see page 18.
Gita Saraydarian
Gita Saraydarian is the daughter of
Torkom Saraydarian and the Founder and
President of TSG Publishing Foundation,
Inc. (1987) and The TSG University
(2000). She is also the appointed Trustee
of The Creative Trust Copyrights.
Her educational background
includes a Master of Arts degree in Law
and Diplomacy; a Master of Arts Degree
in History; a Bachelor of Arts degree in
Cultural Anthropology and Linguistics.
Gita’s work is focused on maintaining
and continuing Torkom’s legacy of service to the Teachings of

G ita S araydarian
the Ageless Wisdom. This includes publishing his remaining
manuscripts, archiving his creative works, and establising a
permanent home for TSG Foundation. She also teaches classes,
trains teachers, monitors the meditation courses, gives seminars
and workshops in the US and overseas, and manages the translation
of books.
Gita Saraydarian is available for lectures, seminars, and
workshops on the Ageless Wisdom Teachings. For further
information on Gita and her work, please see visit us online or
contact us for more information.

Torkom Saraydarian Book Publishing Fund

We depend on contributions for the publishing of Torkom’s
books. These books are published from donations to the Torkom
Saraydarian Book Publishing Fund.
A special fund has been established for the completion of this
legacy. Contact us for details about the Book Fund.

Thank you for your loving and continuous support.

Gita Saraydarian
TSG Publishing Foundation, Inc.
Table of Contents
Ageless Wisdom, The............................... 10 From My Heart - Collection of Poetry
Ashrams.................................................. 38 Vol. III.................................................. 24
Aura - Shield of Protection and Glory..... 38 Glossary, a Concordance of Torkom
Autobiography of Saraydarian’s Works .............................. 60
Torkom Saraydarian............................. 20 Happiness, Joy & Bliss............................. 31
Avatars - Revelations of God................... 39 Hiawatha and the Great Peace ................. 25
Art of Teaching........................................... 8 Hidden Glory of the Inner Man ............. 42
Battling Dark Forces .............................. 39 Initiation - The Path of Living Service..... 48
Bhagavad Gita......................................... 21 I Was ...................................................... 25
Breakthrough to Higher Psychism........... 56 Joy and Healing (3rd Ed.) ........................ 31
Buddha Sutra - A Dialogue with Karma and Reincarnation ....................... 43
The Glorious One ............................... 21 Leadership Vol. 1 .................................... 45
Challenge for Discipleship ...................... 10 Leadership Vol. 2 .................................... 46
Christ - Avatar of Sacrificial Love............ 40 Leadership Vol. 3 .................................... 46
A Commentary on Psychic Energy ......... 28 Leadership Vol. 4 .................................... 47
Consciousness, Vol. 1 Leadership Vol. 5 .................................... 47
Evolution of Consciousness.................. 28 Legend of Shamballa .............................. 26
Consciousness, Vol. 2 Mysteries of Willpower ........................... 59
Adventures in Consciousness............... 29 Mystery of Self-Image ............................. 58
Consciousness, Vol. 3
New Dimensions in Healing .................. 32
Group Consciousness .......................... 29
Obsession and Possession ....................... 43
Cosmic Shocks ....................................... 30
Olympus World Report -
Cosmic Questions Vol. 1
The Year 3000 ..................................... 26
Astrochemistry........................................ 9
One Hundred Names of God ................. 44
Cosmic Questions Vol. 2
Other Worlds ......................................... 44
Cosmic Magnet...................................... 9
Cosmic Questions Vol. 3 Passage to Higher Worlds.......................... 8
Crises & Tests......................................... 9 Psyche and Psychism (2 Volume Set)....... 33
Cosmos in Man ...................................... 40 Psychology of Cooperation and
Creative Fire ........................................... 22 Group Consciousness .......................... 48
Creative Sound - Purpose of Life ....................................... 57
Sacred Music, Dance & Song .............. 22 Science of Becoming Oneself ................ 34
Dialogue with Christ (2nd Ed.)................ 41 Science of Meditation ............................. 35
Dynamics of Success .............................. 41 Sense of Responsibility in Society............ 49
Dynamics of the Soul.............................. 58 Sex, Family & the Woman in Society
Education as Transformation, Vol. I........ 50 (2nd Ed.) .............................................. 51
Education as Transformation, Vol. II....... 50 Solar Angel Vol. 1 ................................... 10
Esoteric Science of Healing..................... 30 Solar Angel Vol. 2 ................................... 10
Eyes of Hierarchy.................................... 42 Spiritual Regeneration ............................ 51
Flame of Beauty, Culture, Love & Joy.... 23 Spring of Prosperity ................................ 49
Flame of the Heart................................... 57 Stories as Told by Torkom Saraydarian.... 27
From My Heart - Collection of Poetry Subconscious Mind & the Chalice.......... 36
Vol. I .................................................... 23 Symphony of the Zodiac ........................ 12
From My Heart - Collection of Poetry Talks on Agni, Vol. 1 .............................. 12
Vol. II................................................... 24 Talks on Agni, Vol. 2............................... 13
Books Booklets
Talks on Agni, Vol. 3............................... 13 Prayers, Mantrams, Invocations ............. 66
Teaching the Ageless Wisdom ................ 60 Questioning Traveler and Karma ........... 66
Teachings of Christ, Vol. 1...................... 14 Responsibilities of Fathers ..................... 69
Teachings of Christ, Vol. 2...................... 15 Responsibilities of Mothers ................... 69
Teachings of Christ, Vol. 3...................... 15 Responsibility ........................................ 68
Teachings of Christ, Vol. 4...................... 16 Success .................................................. 69
Thought & the Glory of Thinking.......... 36 Synthesis ............................................... 66
Transformation....................................... 37 Women as Torchbearers ......................... 69
Triangles of Fire...................................... 16
Unusual Court....................................... 27 Music
Virtues & Values, Vol. 1......................... 53 Dance of the Zodiac ............................... 71
Virtues & Values, Vol. 2......................... 53 Far Horizons .......................................... 71
Virtues & Values, Vol. 3......................... 53 Fire Blossom ........................................... 71
Vision Series (7 books) .......................... 54 Infinity ................................................... 71
The Wisdom of the Zodiac, Vol. 1..... 17-18 Lao Tse ................................................... 72
The Wisdom of the Zodiac, Vol. 2.......... 18 Let My Dreams Come True .................... 72
The Wisdom of the Zodiac, Vol. 3.......... 19 Light Years Ahead ................................... 72
The Wisdom of the Zodiac, Vol. 4.......... 19 Lily in Tibet............................................ 72
Woman - Torch of the Future (2nd Ed.).. 54 Misty Mountains .................................... 73
Year 2000 and After .............................. 56 Piano Compositions ............................... 73
Rainbow ................................................. 73
Booklets Sacred Songs........................................... 73
Angels and Devas .................................. 60 Spirit of My Heart .................................. 74
Art of Visualization ............................... 60 Sun Rhythms ......................................... 74
Chalice in Agni Yoga ............................. 60 Tears of My Joy ...................................... 74
Cooperation .......................................... 69 Touch of Heart ....................................... 74
Daily Discipline of Worship .................. 62 Toward Freedom .................................... 75
Daily Spiritual Striving .......................... 62
Discipleship in Action ........................... 62 Discounts
Duties of Grandparents ......................... 68
Earthquakes and Disasters ..................... 63 Order the complete set of a specific title
Entering the New Millennium .............. 63 that contains multiple volumes and receive a
Family Relations .................................... 69 20% discount on the set. For example Lead-
Fiery Carriage and Drugs ...................... 63 ership Volumes 1-5, Virtues Volumes 1-3,
First Steps Toward Freedom ................... 64
For Men ................................................ 68 Visit us online for
For Women ........................................... 68 • Torkom’s Lectures on DVD, CD and MP3
Heart of Your Partner ............................ 69 • Gita’s Training Courses and Classes
Hierarchy and The Plan ........................ 64 • New Releases
How to Find Your Level of Meditation... 64 • How you can help support our work
Ideal Marriage ....................................... 68
Irritation, The Destructive Fire .............. 65
Mental Exercises .................................... 65 email: info@tsgfoundation.or
Nachiketas ............................................. 65 phone: 480.502.1909
Practical Spirituality .............................. 65 fax: 480502.0713

The Art of Teaching
Training for Teachers of the
Ageless Wisdom
This book is perfect for anyone who wants to
teach and lecture on the Ageless Wisdom, anyone
who helps mentor others to improve their lives, and
anyone who wants to gain a better understanding
of how to approach the Teaching. The core of this
current book is based on a series of seminars and
lectures Torkom gave specifically about training
The core of this current book is based on a series
Softcover: $35.00
of seminars and lectures Torkom gave specifically
about training teachers. It also contains unpub-
437 pages, Index lished essays and briefs about critical issues in
Pub. date 2015 studying and presenting the Teaching. To complete
the theme of the book, we added several chapters
from the previously published materials, choosing
specific content that complemented and completed
N ew R eleases

the materials in this current book.

Passage to Higher Worlds

Through Life, Death,
Sleep and Dreams
is a sequel to Other Worlds. In this book,
Torkom Saraydarian gives us the vision to strive
toward a future of higher consciousness and con-
tinuity of consciousness into the various planes of
existence. He states: “The whole existence and its
activities are the result of astrochemistry.” What we
do, feel, and think creates chemistry. All of space is
acting, feeling, thinking and chemistry is created.
Life moves and changes due to chemical elements
Softcover: $40.00 that we and all of Nature produce.
ISBN: In this book, you will find extensive materials
978-193702450-5 on the function of the Higher Worlds in relation
567 pages, Index to the material world. You will also find expanded
Pub. date 2015 guidance on how to live a healthy and vibrant life,
how to prepare for the next life, and how to die
with hope and faith. You will find guid­ance on
what is sleep, how to sleep, and what dreams tell
us about our life.


Cosmic Questions - Volume 1
In Volume 1, Torkom discusses the chemistry of space
and the chemistry of creation. He maps and explains
how the interrelationship of the parts to the whole
create chemistry and cause change in life. He states:
“The whole existence and its activities are the result of
astrochemistry.” What we do, feel, and think creates
chemistry. All of space is acting, feeling, thinking and
chemistry is created. Life moves and changes due to Volume 1
chemical elements that we and all of Nature produce. Softcover: $20.00
ISBN: 978-193702446-8
152 pages, Index
Pub. date 2014
Cosmic Questions - Volume 2
Cosmic Magnets
In Volume 2, Torkom discusses the existence of the
Cosmic Magnet, the Core of our Galaxy, which “per-

N ew R eleases
meates all creation through Its field of energy; through
Its energy threads It leads each atom, form, planet, and
galaxy toward the Purpose of Life.” The Cosmic Magnet
pulls us toward our true essence, wholeness. Torkom
builds a basis for the deep sense of responsibility that
we must cultivate for all of life. Torkom discusses the Volume 1
chemistry of space and the chemistry of creation. He Softcover: $30.00
maps and explains how the interrelationship of the parts ISBN: 978-193702447-5
to the whole create chemistry and cause change in life. 296 pages, Index
Pub. date 2014
Cosmic Questions - Volume 3
Crises & Tests
In Volume 3, Torkom brings us to the inevitable
conditions that result from the push and pull of the
Cosmic Magnet and the interaction of humanity with
these Cosmic forces. What then? Shocks, shifts, crises,
tests, challenges are created in our life. Far from being
sources of unending misery, these shocks, shifts, and
resultant crises show us the clear path that life takes. How
we handle these crises and tests determines the personal Volume 1
and global culture and civilization that we all share Softcover: $35.00
ISBN: 978-193702448-2
425 pages, Index
Pub. date 2014
Discount on sets: order Volume 1-3 as a set and receive a discount.


The Ageless Wisdom
An introduction to the principles and values of
the Ancient Wisdom Teachings.
The Ageless Wisdom clearly explains what is
meant by The Teaching. It shows exactly how the
Teaching must be applied so that practical benefit
can be obtained. It does not limit this benefit to
religious practices but opens it to every form of
human expression in all the various fields.
The Ageless Wisdom provides a common basis to
understand all religious and philosophical view-
points, as well as people from diverse backgrounds.
This is an important book that forms the
Softcover: $16.00
ISBN: 0929874137
keynote for understanding the foundations of the
338 pages, Gloss., Ancient Teachings.
Index. Pub. date 1990
*Meditation course on The Fundamentals of the
Ageless Wisdom is available through TSU.
A geless W isdom

Challenge for Discipleship

Discipleship means to attain all the character-
istics of a successful, well rounded person through
the discipline of our physical, emotional, and
mental bodies in the light of our soul.
If we want to be more than what we are, be more
productive, more joyful, have better relations, then
we have to increase our labor in the ordinary and
daily aspects of life.
This book challenges all to strive to a higher
level and to set new levels of achievements in
every aspect of life. It is a self-guiding manual for
Hardcover: $30.00 transformation. Each chapter is full of ideas and en-
Softcover: $25.00 couragements, showing the readers unlimited ways
ISBN:0911794506 (H)
by which they can transform themselves. From the
ISBN:0911794514 (S)
532 pages, Index
most basic transformations to the most challenging
1st pub. ‘86, 2nd ‘94 and sublime, this book is one of the best tools for a
striving individual and a true manual for disciples.

*Meditation course on Challenge for Discipleship

is available through TSU.

The Solar Angel - Volume 1
The Angel, the Guardian Angel, the Inner
Guide are names given to our most intimate guide
who travels with us on our many life journeys.
A collection of published and unpublished writ-
ings and lectures about the Solar Angel.
“The story of the Solar Angel comes from far
antiquity. In almost all nations and religions, we
read about angels: Guardian Angels and angels that
shine like the Sun; angels that protect, lead, and
inspire people in all fields.”

Volume 1
Hardcover: $30.00
Softcover: $25.00
ISBN:0911794611 (H)
ISBN:091179462X (S)
455 pages, Index
Pub. date 1990

A geless W isdom
The Solar Angel - Volume 2
The Second Volume of Solar Angel contains the
collection of writings about the Soul not published
in the First Volume.
When the first volume of The Solar Angel was
released in 1990, it was received with deep ap-
preciation from the spiritual community. Torkom
Saraydarian's explanations about the Solar Angel
have helped clarify and expand our understanding
of this most intimate Guide.
Torkom continued to write about the Solar
Angel and publish various insights in many books
after 1990. He also wrote articles about the Solar
Angel that had not yet been published. This pres- Volume 2
Softcover: $20.00
ent collection, The Solar Angel, Volume 2, repre-
sents these published and unpublished writings of 455 pages, Index
Torkom Saraydarian's legacy since 1990. Pub. date 2004

Symphony of the Zodiac
The influence of the zodiacal signs on human
nature is truly great. Regardless of your birth sign,
you will be influenced each month in a way that is
particular to that month’s zodiacal configuration.
Instead of fighting the energies coming to you, you
can learn to benefit from them.
Each month, the Sun enters one of the twelve
signs of the Zodiac. During each period, special
energies are available that can be used to better
yourself, accomplish tasks, and eliminate negative
characteristics in your nature.
Hardcover: $30.00 The author explains the signs of the Zodiac,
Softcover: $25.00 discusses the characteristics and keynotes of each
ISBN:0911794042 (H) one and offers specific meditations for each month.
ISBN:0911794050 (S)
By using the best characteristics available to you
375 pages, Index
1st Pub. ‘80, 2nd ‘88
each month as well as the best available under your
particular birth sign, you will be guided to enrich
A geless W isdom

and improve your life.

Talks On Agni - Volume 1

Agni means fire. Yoga represents unity. Agni
Yoga means to unify our physical, emotional,
mental natures, and our soul with the Fire of God
within us and within the universe. The Agni Yoga
Teaching is a guidance given to humanity, first
published in 1920 in a series of twelve books by
Helena Roerich.
The first volume of Talks on Agni is a collec-
tion of discourses given by Torkom Saraydarian
through 1986. Each chapter deals with a specific
topic, explained and expanded and deeper mean-
Softcover: $25.00 ings revealed.
ISBN: 0911794565 Chapters include
360 pages, Index • The Seven Yogas
Pub. date 1987 • Agni Yoga and the Regeneration of the World
• Expansion of Consciousness
• Maitreya and the Age of Woman
• How to Communicate the Teaching

*101 Stories from Agni Yoga meditation course

is available through TSU.

Talks on Agni - Volume 2
Volume 2 is a collection of discourses from
1987 to 1991.
“The seventh and newest yoga was publicized
starting in 1920. This yoga was called Agni Yoga, or
the yoga of synthesis. Agni Yoga means unification
of your physical, emotional, and mental nature and
your soul with the Fire of God that is within you
and in the universe.”
“Yoga is becomingness, the process of beingness.
You become a yogi when you experience unity with
your body, emotions, and mind. Higher yogis are
those who achieve unity with their Inner Guardian. Softcover: $35.00
The highest yogis are those who become one with ISBN: 0929874005
the fire - the Flame.” (Talks on Agni, Vol. 1, pp. 6-7) 504 pages, Index
Pub. date 2000
*101 Stories from Agni Yoga meditation course
is available through TSU.

A geless W isdom
Discount on sets: order Volume 1-3 as a set and receive a discount.

Talks on Agni - Volume 3

Volume 3 represents Torkom’s discourses from
1992 to 1996.
Topics include:
• Approaching the Teaching
• Establishing Rhythm
• Psycho-Dynamics
• Responding Vibration
• Supermundane
• Divisibility of the Spirit
• The Subtle Worlds
Torkom Saraydarian had the deepest respect and
love for the Agni Yoga books and the Teachings Softcover: $35.00
contained in these precious gems. They are high ISBN: 0929874854
level Teachings and each paragraph needs extensive 533 pages, Index
study, meditation, and intuitional awareness. Pub. date 2001

*101 Stories from Agni Yoga meditation course

is available through TSU.

The four volumes of The Teachings of Christ by Torkom Saraydarian
represent an in-depth explanation about the deeper meanings of the Life
and Message of Christ.
Volume 1: The Birth of Christ
Volume 2: The Esoteric Principles of Christ
Volume 3: The Transformative Power of Christ
Volume 4: The Resurrection of Christ
A geless W isdom

The beautiful covers of each of these four volumes feature original

paintings by John Dumigan. For more information on his art works, please
contact us.
Discount on sets: order Volume 1-4 as a set and receive a discount.

Teachings of Christ - Volume 1

The Birth of Christ
In Volume 1, The Birth of Christ, Torkom
discusses the deeper meanings of Christmas,
Holy Communion, inner and outer preparation
for Christmas, challenges facing the inner birth,
Holiday Rituals and Holy Communion, and more.
To destroy the glamors accumulated in the
sphere of the earth and allow more light to pen-
etrate to this planet.
To transmit to earth the Ray of Compassion
so that humanity could grow, unite, cooperate,
Softcover: $45.00
and create conditions in which unfoldment of the
potentials of the soul and its blooming would be
576 pages, Index
Pub. date
To give an example of achievement and show
man what his destiny and highest task is - which
is to be perfect.

Teachings of Christ - Volume 2
The Esoteric Principles of Christ
Volume 2, The Esoteric Principles of Christ
discusses the underlying principles that connect the
Christ Teachings to the Ancient Wisdom Teach-
ings. Christ pronounced principles that run deep
in all spiritual disciplines of the ages.
Why did Christ come to Earth in physical
manifestation and what did He do? Here is what
Torkom says:
"When Christ came to this earth, He had some-
thing very, very great to do. … Christ came here to
build something that was very unusual. He came Softcover: $45.00
here to build in the soul of humanity a prototypal
510 pages, Index
man, an ideal man, an ideal woman, a temple that Pub. date
was unique, a temple that will be exactly what was
in the mind of God.

A geless W isdom
Teachings of Christ - Volume 3
The Transformative
Power of Christ
In Volume 3 , Torkom presents two major
topics: a study of the Parables of Christ and a
seminar on experiencing and realizing Christ
Part 1 includes the psychological keys to the
Parables of Christ and in-depth discussions of some
of the most beloved parables such as, the sower of
seeds, hidden treasure, and the talents.
Part 2 is a transcription of a seminar presented Softcover: $45.00
in Holland on how to experience Christ and the ISBN:
transformative power of Christ. Included in this 485 pages, Index
section are lecture presentations, visualization, Pub. date
meditation, and group discussions.

Teachings of Christ - Volume 4
The Resurrection of Christ
“… Resurrection is the answer to a great call. And
what is that great call? The Great Soul of this planet,
Who was called the Father by Jesus and by many, many
Masters, is calling back His sons. He is calling us back
like a man standing on the mountain top and call-
ing his lost son to come back. His Voice is tracing the
path. Now this is the path which leads to resurrection.
Hearing, listening to the Voice, being able to listen to
that Voice and answering that Voice is the technique,
Softcover: $45.00
is the process of resurrection. As you listen, as you hear
ISBN: that Voice, step by step you orient yourself. You find
369 pages, Index the right path to climb this mountain, this gap, these
Pub. date precipices. You discover how to penetrate these forests.
You learn where to go so that you reach the summit
and find your Father.” (p. 11)
A geless W isdom

Triangles of Fire
A comprehensive study of The Great Invocation,
a world prayer of dynamic proportions.
The author gives clear directions and reasons for
reciting The Great Invocation and for the creation of
Triangles. A Triangle consists of three people (not
necessarily at the same physical location) who, at
an appointed time, say The Great Invocation. This
powerful prayer is one of the most beautiful and
important prayers given to man in the twentieth
century. The author explains what the prayer
means, verse by verse, and explains why it is said,
Softcover: $18.00 and why not to change the words.
ISBN: 0911794352 Chapters include
165 pages, Index • The Esoteric Idea Behind Triangles
1st Pub. ‘77, • Psychological Effects of the Great
2nd Revised ‘88 Invocation
• Understanding the Great Invocation
• Cooperation Between Groups

Discount on sets: order Volume 1-4 as a set and receive a discount.

Absolutely brilliant - food for the Soul. I am having trouble

putting them down. Thank you so much for sharing Torkom’s wisdom.

A geless W isdom
In deep love and gratitude… —Fiona

Magnificent, outstanding insights and Teachings on the esoteric meaning

of full moons.
Torkom lectured and wrote about every full moon throughout his lifetime.
The full moons were the cornerstone of his work and tuning into their rhythm
was the process by which he worked and served.
These writings and lectures have never before been published and rep-
resent his work on the full moons in its entirety. Many of his earlier works
were first published in the Symphony of the Zodiac. This series of volumes
consists of all the work that he did from 1980 onward as well as any earlier
materials that were not originally published in the Symphony of the Zodiac.
The series is offered as a complete set at a 20% discount. Each volume
may also be purchased separately.
Volume 1: Aries • Taurus • Gemini
Volume 2: Cancer • Leo • Virgo
Volume 3: Libra • Scorpio • Sagittarius
Volume 4: Capricorn • Aquarius • Pisces
TSG Foundation offers live monthly Full Moon celebrations at the TSG
Center (AZ). Visit our website for the link to the most recent YouTube video
for a summary of the current full moon topic presented by Gita Saraydarian.

The Wisdom of the Zodiac
Volume 1:
Aries • Taurus • Gemini
Volume 1 covers the full moons of Aries, Taurus,
and Gemini, plus insightful chapters on the mean-
ing of the three major full moons and how to cel-
ebrate them and prepare for the spiritual new year.
The following are the titles of the first four
introductory chapters in this volume:
Softcover: $45.00, 1. Three Major Full Moons..........................15
2. Guidelines for Full Moon
763 pages, Index,
Pub. date 2011, 3. Major Festivals;
2nd ed. 2013 Love, Will, Light......................................33
A geless W isdom

4. Preparation for
Three Full Moon Festivals........................47

The Wisdom of the Zodiac

Volume 2:
Cancer • Leo • Virgo
Volume 2 covers the full moons of Cancer, Leo,
and Virgo, plus important information about full
moon celebrations and building our structure of
The following are the titles of the first two
introductory chapters in Volume 2.

Softcover: $45.00, 1. Zodiacal Keynotes....................................15
971-092987444-9 2. Virtues & the Zodiac...............................21
588 pages, Index,
Pub. date 2011,
2nd ed. 2013

The Wisdom of the Zodiac
Volume 3:
Libra • Scorpio • Sagittarius
Volume 3 covers the full moons of Libra, Scor-
pio, and Sagittarius plus insightful chapters on the
importance and effects of full moons. Torkom lec-
tured and wrote about every full moon throughout
his lifetime. The full moons were the cornerstone
of his work and tuning into their rhythm was the
process by which he worked and served.
The following are the titles of the first two
introductory chapters in Volume 3. Softcover: $45.00,
Introduction ISBN:
1. The Importance of 971-092987445-6
Full Moons..............................................15 580 pages, Index, Pub.
date 2011, 2nd ed. 2013
2. Full Moon & Effects................................31

A geless W isdom
The Wisdom of the Zodiac
Volume 4:
Capricorn • Aquarius • Pisces
Volume 4 covers the full moons of Capricorn,
Aquarius, and Pisces plus insightful information
on the symphony of the full moons.
The following are the titles of the first two
introductory chapters in Volume 4.

1. The Importance of Full Moons................15
Softcover: $45.00,
2. Full Moon & Effects................................31 ISBN:
637 pages, Index,
Pub. date 2011,
2nd ed. 2013

Autobiography of Torkom Saraydarian
A moving and inspiring story!
This is the autobiography of a true Spiri-
tual Renaissance man. You will be captivated
by this rare glimpse into the inner thoughts of
a man trained in the Teachings of the Ageless
Wisdom. You will share his delightful experi-
ences with his Father and Mother; his early adult
experiences in teaching school, working for the
railroad, the air force; and slowly moving toward
his passion to understand the mysteries of life
and the esoteric Teachings as he is ordained a
minister, starts an esoteric group, writes books,
travels the world, and his last insights and guid-
ance to all of us as we face our own life and
C reativity & C ulture

our future.
He starts the reader on an adventure of a
young child and ends on a high note of inspi-
ration and faith in the huge potentials of the
human life.
The story begins with his earliest recollec-
tions of life with his Father and Mother and
three sisters in Sivas, Turkey. We see life through
the eyes of a profoundly awakened child and
move slowly and deliberately with him through
his life in Istanbul, Jerusalem, Amman-Jordan,
and the United States. We learn of his observa-
tions of daily life, his meetings with remark-
able teachers, training in the esoteric laws of
life, monastic experiences, life as a mechanic,
priesthood, and more until we find him writing
books, traveling to many countries, and follow-
ing his passion of discovering the mysteries of
the Ancient Wisdom Teachings.
As the story unfolds, the observations of a
young child give way to the young adult, then
the mature man, and then the selfless server. We
learn what each stage of life opens for us and
what it teaches us.
Special Collector’s Edition: Hardcover: $100.00,
ISBN: 978-1-937024-22-2, 780 pages
Softcover: $55.00,
ISBN: 978-1-937024-23-9, 780 pages, Pub. date 2013

Also available in E-book

The Bhagavad Gita
A timeless classic of India translated from the
original Sanskrit by Torkom Saraydarian.
The Bhagavad Gita is an epic poem contained
in the larger allegorical drama, the Mahabbarata.
The story depicts the personal struggle of a war-
rior faced with the most difficult choices in his life.
We identify with him because his crisis is our crisis.
As a response to the warrior’s despair, the Teacher
explains the basic tenets of the Ageless Wisdom,
such as detachment, responsibility, life and death,
struggle and choices.
It is written in a beautiful verse form, easy to Hardcover: $15.00
understand, and is particularly suited for medita- Softcover: $12.00
ISBN: 0911794360 (H)
tive study.
ISBN: 0911794379 (S)

C reativity & C ulture

95 pages
*Meditation course on the Bhagavad Gita, Pub. date 1974
originally designed by Torkom Saraydarian, is
available at TSU.

Buddha Sutra
A Dialogue with The Glorious One
An intimate dialogue that reads like sacred mu-
sic. Each poem is a reflection, a question and an
answer to life’s most pressing challenges.
Torkom Saraydarian writes, “This book will help
you keep your spiritual equilibrium in the midst of
the turmoil of life and help you be a point of light,
service, and loving understanding.”
“During my writing of this book, I was able to
penetrate into my soul a little more and into the
meaning of the Law of Compassion. I felt that the
Lord Buddha was teaching this Law of Compas- Hardcover: $25.00
sion. I felt that the Lord Buddha was teaching this ISBN: 0929874366
Law to humanity through His every word and 448 pages, Index
through every action in His life.” Pub. date 1994

Gorgeous red cloth cover with ornate gold leaf

design. Suitable for a special gift.

The Creative Fire
“Creativity is the labor to manifest beauty.”
“As long as you try to bring light into dark places,
into minds, into people’s souls, into homes, into
organizations, you are a creative person....” You can
create in the artistic, scientific, religious, education,
political and economic fields. It is this creativity
that pulls humanity upward to new heights, to
enlightenment, unity, joy, prosperity, and a greater
contact with the Universe. An inspiring book about
the creative fire latent in every human soul.
Softcover: $35.00 You will learn
ISBN: 0929874226 • What true creativity is
600 pages
Gloss., Index • How to labor as an artist
Pub. date 1996 • Muses who inspire us
C reativity & C ulture

• The power of Archetypes

• Dangers faced by artists
• Specific exercises to draw out the creative fire

The Creative Sound

Sacred Music, Dance, and Song
Sacred music and dance is designed for breaking
patterns and crystallizations. This is necessary for
us to evolve.
“A man who has reached perfection in three lev-
els and is fused with his Soul is a unique manifesta-
tion of music. This is a factual statement and not a
mystical dream. All the organs, glands, centers, and
systems eventually develop their proper frequencies
and integrate and align. They first produce various
melodies. Then the symphony emerges. Thus a
Softcover: $25.00 man becomes a living music in Nature.”
ISBN: 0929874684 “If once our ear opens in higher states of con-
360 pages, Index sciousness, we will see that the whole Creation is
Pub. date 1999 music that is based on three concepts — harmony,
unity, and synthesis….”
“Manifestation is densified music.”

The Flame of Beauty,
Culture, Love, Joy
A most joyful and inspiring book. This book is
for those who have wished to have a real under-
standing of the meaning of culture, beauty, love,
and joy. The author does a superb job explaining
these concepts. Here is a sample:
On Beauty: “Man is created to manifest beauty.”
On Culture: “Culture is the translation and
interpretation of beauty.”
On Love: “Love is not a sentiment. It is not an
emotional attitude. It is the most powerful energy,
the core of which is within the human being.” Softcover: $15.00
On Joy: “Joy is not conditioned by outer cir- ISBN: 0911794026
cumstances; it is like a beacon, the foundation of 210 pages
which rests on the ageless rocks.” Pub. date 1980

C reativity & C ulture

This is an in-depth study of these four essential
conditions of life.

*An introductory meditation course based on

this book is available. Call TSG for details.

From My Heart - Volume 1

(Hardcover Only)
A collection of poetry in three volumes depicting
the inner journey of Torkom Saraydarian, one of
the most prolific and creative artists of our time.
It is with great joy that we present to you the
complete poetry collection of Torkom Saraydarian.
Reading deep and sacred poems and contem-
plating them helps us build our higher powers.
We are immediately raised into a new level of
consciousness as we try to understand the poems’
underlying meanings.

Poetry is making love with your visions and $35.00

with the deep feelings of your heart. Volume 1: Hardcover
ISBN: 0929874196
—Torkom Saraydarian 504 pages,
Pub. date 1996

From My Heart - Volume 2
(Softcover Only)
Volume 1 was published in 1995 and we are
thrilled have releases Volumes 2 and 3 in 2012.
We have organized the poems in date order as they
were first typed or digitized.
You will be moved to joy, tears, and wonderment
as you read these poems about his philosophy, his
parents, his sisters, his childhood, his deep inner

Readers of poems are not average people.

$35.00 They have abstract and practical minds, plus the
Volume 2: Softcover light of Intuition. It is very important to have
ISBN: 9781937024185 creative imagination and visualization to catch
522 pages echoes of the poems that no average ear can hear.
C reativity & C ulture

Pub. date 2012 —Torkom Saraydarian

From My Heart - Volume 3

(Softcover Only)
Torkom’s poetry speaks directly from his heart
to the heart and soul of the reader. Among these
pages, you will find the inner meaning of his life,
his search, and his inner yearnings. You can see the
inner journeys that he traveled as he pondered on
the purpose and direction of life.
We hope you enjoy these volumes and the depth
and inner journeys of a great man, as told through
his poems.

$35.00 In the bottom of our heart there are many

Volume 3: Softcover subtle feelings, but they never come to the surface
ISBN: 9781937024192 because of the noise of civilized life. Poets are
509 pages the ones who discover them, dress them in subtle
Pub. date 2012 form, and present them to the world as bridges
of transformation.
—Torkom Saraydarian

Discount on sets: order Volume 1-3 as a set and receive a discount.

Hiawatha and the Great Peace
Hiawatha was a heroic leader of legendary
proportions in the Native American traditions,
who formed the confederacy of the Great Peace
to unite the Indian tribes. Traditions tell us that
he was overshadowed by a great Spirit who guided
him in his daily labor.
We see in this epic poem how the art of real
diplomacy and psychology was used. We see the
true value placed on women as leaders in the family
and in tribal relations. We also see how the Great
Peace inspired the American Constitution.
Torkom Saraydarian’s deep research inspired
him to write this beautiful account of the life, phi- Hardcover: $20.00
losophy, and work that brought unity and integrity Softcover: $15.00
to many tribal nations. Tribal elders of many Indian ISBN: 0911794255 (H)

C reativity & C ulture

nations use this book to uplift their people, but it ISBN: 091179428X (S)
is also a model for right relations for all humanity. 212 pages, Pub. date

I Was
An immensely intense dramatic work about
the process of becoming a wise and soul-infused
What happens when a mature woman finds she
is no longer a sex object and suddenly discovers that
she needs to be honest and true to her inner self?
This is a moment of shock and intense internal
I Was is an intimate look inside the life of a film
star about to undergo the most stunning revelation
of her life. She has lived and loved, and now she
finds herself in the dark night of her soul. She looks
Softcover: $5.00
at her life with the wisdom of a mature woman,
ISBN: 0911794433
and places her actions and choices into a perspec- 150 pages, Pub. date
tive that will afford her the opportunity to live the 1981
remaining part of her life as a mature, wise, and
soul-transformed person.
Through this woman’s eyes, we look at our own
life, its meaning and direction, and set our sights
on the true purpose of our life.

The Legend of Shamballa
Shamballa, the “White Island” referred to in
many religious traditions, is said to be located in
the Gobi Desert. Shamballa functions as the head
center of this planet, where the Will of God is
Written in verse form, this book describes the
legend of creation, the function and make-up of
Shamballa, how Hierarchy was created, and how
humanity is helped in all the fields of endeavor
by Great Ones. It gives a great vision and hope
for those working for the betterment of mankind.
A profound, extremely beautiful and poetic
Hardcover: $25.00
ISBN: 0911794689
work. A book of hope and glory for the future.
165 pages
1st pub. ‘76
C reativity & C ulture

2nd ‘88

Olympus World Report...

The Year 3000
Daily we hear how bad life is. Future predic-
tions, based on past events, show the destruction
of life as we know it. In Olympus World Report…
The Year 3000 the author turns this negative out-
look upside down. He gives us a look at the future
that takes into account the full potential of every
human being.
The first section begins with forecasts for the
years 2025 to the year 3000. A specific forecast is
given for the field of politics, education, commu-
Hardcover: $18.00 nication, the arts, science, religion, finance, health
ISBN: 0929874463 and healing.
216 pages The next section, in verse form, shows a great
Gloss., Index drama unfolding. Great Ones who are said to guide
Pub. date 1993 and inspire each field of life ceremoniously report to
the Ancient of Days about Their key achievements
in each field. A truly joyous call to the service of
the Plan!

As Told by Torkom Saraydarian
A delightfully illustrated book by art-
ist John Dumigan who lives and works in
A collection of the best stories Torkom told
in his many lectures and writings to illustrate
special lessons to be learned. In the long-
standing tradition of storytelling, Torkom
would tell and re-tell stories, often creating
them on the spot, embellishing and changing
them to fit the occasion or borrowing from Softcover: $55.00
other storytellers and fables and classic tales…
602 pages
He understood that stories have a powerful Pub. date 2014
and lasting impact ...
Torkom’s stories always have a message

C reativity & C ulture

behind them–something he wants us to un-
derstand and remember....

Unusual Court
A beautifully illustrated book by the late
artist Frances Paelian, the daughter of the late
author Dr. Garabed Paelian, and a great lover
of animals.
If only animals could talk, what would
they say to God? Torkom gives voice to our
cherished friends in the animal kingdom and
Softcover: $10.00
you will be moved to tears as you read through
ISBN: 9780911794441
these lovely pages.
32 pages
A profoundly moving book for all animal Pub. date 1979
lovers and especially vegetarians!
We are moving into an era where our ani-
mals are getting closer to the human kingdom.
The Teaching tells us that by the year 3000,
many of our animals will incarnate into the
human kingdom...

This was my dream, on a night, very

close to the full moon. There was a court,
and a very ancient Being, was serving as
the Judge....
—Torkom Saraydarian

A Commentary on Psychic Energy
In the Ageless Wisdom teachings, we are told
about heart energy and the fire of the heart. This is
the essence of psychic energy. Psychic energy puts
our heart in contact with the distant Heart of the
Cosmos, and our heart is filled with the treasures
of the Cosmic Heart. This is how a human being
finds right direction, develops the virtues of the
heart, and is able to heal his bodies. Unless your
heart is in contact with the electromagnetic field
of the Cosmic Heart, you will be like a wanderer
in the desert and live in a way that is against your
Softcover: $14.00 own supreme interest.
ISBN: 0929874129 Learn how to contact the Cosmic Heart, be
240 pages, Gloss., Index in tune with It, and use its psychic energy for
Pub. date 1989 healing, upliftment, and energy to carry out your
C reativity & C ulture

daily labor.

Discount on sets: order Volume 1-4 as a set and receive a discount.

Consciousness - Volume 1
Evolution of Consciousness
Journey to the far reaches of the Universe with
Torkom Saraydarian in the first of a three volume
collection on the meaning of consciousness.
The Evolution of Consciousness, Volume 1 dis-
cusses consciousness as the light of the human
soul and then explains how to develop it, how it is
expanded or contracted, how it evolves, how it is
hindered, what is sanity and insanity, what are our
duties and responsibilities, and more. Torkom is an
Softcover: $40.00 intense guide, relentlessly pushing and expanding
ISBN: 9781937024413 our ability to perceive what it means to be a con-
437 pages, Index scious human being.
Pub. date 2014 “...Conscious evolution leads you toward the
mastery of your mind, emotions, and physical

Consciousness - Volume 2
Adventures in Consciousness
Adventures in Consciousness, Volume 2
of the 3 volume set: In this volume, Torkom
states “Every human being has an innate drive
to be conscious and then to be more conscious
because he feels that it is through his increas-
ing consciousness that he can enjoy life, be a
benevolent force in Nature, and penetrate into
greater treasuries of the Universe.”
The second volume explains the process
of expansion, communication, the role of Softcover: $40.00
thinking in consciousness, the negative and ISBN: 9781937024420
positive factors that come into play, how to 443 pages, Index
deal with troubled states of consciousness, the Pub. date 2014
chemistry of the bodies, and infinite levels of

C reativity & C ulture


Consciousness - Volume 3
Group Consciousness &
The Destiny of Humanity
The Group Consciousness & The Destiny
of Humanity, Volume 3 is the pivotal conclu-
sion to the study of consciousness. As human
beings expand their process of thinking and
understanding greater aspects of life and in-
terrelationships with all life forms, a sense of
responsibility and group consciousness begins
to form.
Torkom states, “The greatest demand and Softcover: $40.00
need for the coming hundred years are group ISBN: 9781937024437
consciousness, group work,and group coopera- 335 pages, Index
tion. Those who cultivate group consciousness Pub. date 2014
will survive and advance toward a glorious
future. Those who try to base their life on the
foundation of past interests, personal glory,and
partisanship will slowly fade away.”
Group is defined as our family, community,
nation, the international community of nations,
and even the whole existence....

Cosmic Shocks
In Cosmic Shocks we learn that the causes of crises
can stem from conditions within the Cosmos as
well as within the individual.
You will learn how to identify the sources of
crises and then resolve them through a creative
response. It is possible to deal with crises effectively
and use them for growth and change, if we learn
to develop the technique of response.
Whether crises are due to karma, zodiacal con-
figurations, human negligence, or a part of growth
and development, everyone, at one time or another,
Softcover: $18.00 must confront them and learn to be victorious.
ISBN: 0929874099 Learn how to respond to life’s challenges so that
182 pages, you can create real improvement in every level and
Gloss., Index in every field of human involvement.
Pub. date 1989
C ritical T hinking

Esoteric Science of Healing

Torkom Saraydarian often gave lectures, classes,
seminars and instructions on the esoteric science
of healing. They were collected and first published
in New Dimensions in Healing, a much loved and
revered book for years. Now we are proud to pres-
ent the remaining of his teachings on the science
of healing.
This book is intended to transform your life
through the Esoteric Science of Healing. You
will not find a similar book anywhere! Sane and
balanced, with internally consistent chapters and
Softcover: $60.00 exercises for healing, uplifting, and integrating
ISBN: 9781937024352 your whole life. Chapters are both practical and
884 pages, Index simple, as well as deeply philosophical. Read a
Pub. date 2014 sample chapter here.
Move away from the theatre of sadness and
despair and move into healing, wholeness, and

Happiness, Joy & Bliss
The best book ever to build the bridges to hap-
piness, joy and bliss!
Never before published Teachings from Torkom’s
writings, seminars, and personal experiences on the
process of being happy, sustaining happiness and
building it into joy and then moving the inner
joy to bliss.
This 514 page book will give you the foundation
of why you want to be happy and how to pursue
happiness in such a way that it is sustainable and
growing and satisfying in your whole being.
Softcover: $35.00
One of the sources of joy is the feeling of
ISBN: 9781937024178
gratitude. The feeling of gratitude releases the 514 pages, Index
joy in your heart and brings peace to your body, Pub. date 2012
emotions, and mind....
—Torkom Saraydarian

C ritical T hinking
Included are over 50 exercises to increase your
happiness and joy, to heal and forgive, to overcome
adversities and past injuries and much more.

Joy and Healing (3rd ed.)

“Joy is a state of beingness in which all evil cur-
rents in you are arrested, all attacks of dark forces
are repulsed, a shield is built around you, and the
watchman in you is alert.”
We have all had experiences of joy in our life
which have been locked away and encapsulated.
We can be uplifted and healed when we bring out
this joy. Joy and Healing is a must for anyone who
works in stress related jobs, who is bothered by the
lack of true happiness and wishes to make a real
effort to overturn these patterns.
Joy is not the absence of problems and tensions.
A state of joy is one in which our true being shines Softcover: $22.00
out and overcomes all obstacles with grace and dig- ISBN:9780929874883
nity. Joy helps us pay our karmic debts and links us 200 pages, Index
ever more closely with the Divine Energy of Love. Pub. date 2006

*Meditation courses on Joy & Healing in English

and Spanish are available through TSU.

New Dimensions in Healing
C ritical T hinking

Hardcover: $50.00
Softcover: $40.00
ISBN:092987420X (H)
ISBN:0929874218 (S)
916 pages, Gloss., Index
Pub. date 1992

This work gives an in-depth explanation of the subtle constitution of

man. Includes a detailed study of the etheric body, the astral body, and
the mental body, and the centers or chakras in each body is detailed and
discussed. It also provides a comprehensive approach to the process of
healing the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies.
Explains the subtle constitution of the human being with clarity and
simplicity. Contains exercises, meditations, and visualizations for every
part of your life. This is a key book for the healing profession and for
anyone who is striving to understand the mind-body-soul connection.
“We are of the opinion that taking a few pills and a few injections will
solve our problems. In reality this is not true.”
“Healing is not an outer phenomenon only, but essentially it has to
do with our emotions, thoughts, motives, expectations, aspirations, and
attitudes. All these factors must be oriented toward the ideal, through the
purification process and through the payment of our karma.”
Study this book in a systematic way through the TSG University
Online. A five year course is offered for training in esoteric wisdom. For
more details, click TSG University

The Psyche and Psychism
2 Volume Set

C ritical T hinking
Hardcover 2 Vol. Set $80.00
ISBN: 0911794069
1214 pages, Index
Pub. date 1981

A monumental work on the origin, development, power, and care

of the human soul.
This masterpiece, of enormous and long-term value, offers the
reader a true explanation of the real definition of psychism. In ad-
dition, a clear explanation is given about the creation of the solar
system, the constitution of man, the Ageless Wisdom, the centers and
senses of man, and a large section on the various types of meditation.
Another large section is devoted to the specific virtues that are needed
at every level of our development. The Psyche and Psychism gives a
basic and clear overview of the Ageless Wisdom Teachings. Every basic
topic needed to understand the Teaching is contained in this book.
A supreme work and a priceless resource for any serious student of
the Teaching. This book is also a great help as a teacher’s guidebook.

The Science of Becoming Oneself
The Science of Becoming Oneself is a serious book
on the path of becoming your True Self. Contains
very useful and practical information, exercises,
and meditations for the beginner and the advanced
student. Many students turn to this book after years
of study and inner work. Its practical application of
the Teaching makes it a classic book of the Wisdom
Going to a remote retreat for spiritual uplift-
ment? Take this book along and you will find the
inner path of becoming who you always wanted
Softcover: $20.00 to be!
ISBN:0911794271 (S) Explains how to remove the heavy blankets of
335 pages, Index physical, emotional, and mental recordings that
1st pub. 1969 cover the true person that we are. Contains clear
2nd 1976 explanations and exercises to help every person on
3rd 1982 the path of spiritual striving.
C ritical T hinking

4th 1996 We live under heavy blankets created from our

physical, emotional, and mental recordings. These
recordings are often reactions to our life. In defense,
we build ego, vanity, illusions, and glamors, and
these become heavy bars that prevent our freedom.
The process of removing these blankets is called
the Science of Becoming the True Self. It is a science
because it takes conscious striving. It is a joyful
journey of self-discovery.
Already in its 3rd printing, this book has helped
thousands of people all over the world to find the
true identity of their souls.
Chapters include
• Toward Freedom
• Toward Purity
• Harmlessness and Detachment
• The Sea of Emotions
• The Principle of Conflict
Hardcover: $25.00 • The Conscience
ISBN:0911794263 (H) • The Meaning of Silence
335 pages, Index • The Self
1st pub. 1969
2nd 1976
*Meditation course on The Science of Becoming
3rd 1982
4th 1996
Oneself is available through TSU.

The Science of Meditation
A timeless guide on the path of safe, real, and
protective meditation.
Based on the teachings of Yoga Sutras of Patan-
jali, the Science of Meditation explains the science
and process of the advanced form of seed thought
meditation. This form of meditation provides:
The ability to think clearly
The ability to focus on one thought, training
the mind to stay clear and calm
The ability to lead the body, the emotions, and
the mind into constructive expression of the soul
Softcover: $20.00
The ability to see any aspect of life from multiple ISBN: 0911794301 (S)
viewpoints 384 pages, Index
The ability to raise the consciousness 1st pub. 1971
The ability to link the lower mind with the high- 2nd 1976
er through the construction of the Antahkarana 3rd 1981
The process of scientific meditation gives the

C ritical T hinking
4th 1993
student the ability link to the Thinker within.
The process of scientific meditation increases
our joy and links us into the universal creative
The Science of Meditation offers simple, step-
by-step methods of meditation. It teaches how to
meditate and the rules for meditation, the use of the
Sacred Word, dangers and pitfalls to avoid, how to
find the right form of meditation, and much more.
A primer on meditation, an important book for
any serious person who is seeking a clear guideline
for a constructive approach to spiritual and mental
Courses: all of the meditation courses, full
moon observations, and training classes at TSG
University are created in conformity with the in-
structions contained in this classic book. For more Hardcover: $25.00
information on meditation and training courses, ISBN:0911794298 (H)
please check TSG University Online or contact us 379 pages, Index
to speak to a meditation counselor. 1st pub. ‘71
2nd ‘76

The Subconscious Mind &
The Chalice
If you can understand how your subconscious
mind operates, you will be able to unlock the
mystery of yourself.
We each have a limitless capacity to grow and
express talents never before dreamed of. What
keeps us from actualizing those talents? Our sub-
conscious mind!
What awaits us if we overcome negative ele-
ments in the subconscious mind? The beauty and
glory of the Chalice, the real essence and future
Softcover: $18.00 of man!
ISBN: 0929874188 The Subconscious Mind and the Chalice defines
446 pages these two conditioning parts of our nature. It ex-
Gloss., Index plains how to be free from the traps, fears, pain, and
Pub. date 1993 uncontrollable urges of the subconscious mind and
C ritical T hinking

how we can learn to unlock the treasury of talents

and beauty stored in the Chalice.

Thought & The Glory

of Thinking
An enormously helpful and insightful work on
the mystery of the mind and thinking.
“Our future is built by our own thoughts. Not
only our physical body but also our future activi-
ties, our future positions, our future talents, our
future victories and achievements all are built in
the little, little thoughts that have been accumu-
lated throughout the ages. They become huge
and influential, and eventually they show us that
Hardcover: $48.00 whatever we thought, that is what we are going to
Softcover: $38.00 see with our eyes.”
ISBN: 0929874285 (H) “The Science of Thinking gives man the keys to
ISBN: 0929874277 (S) open all the mysteries of Creation. As man creates
656 pages, Gloss., Index integrity within himself, enabling his nature to
Pub. date 1996 think harmoniously, in the same way the nucleus
of a nation or of humanity must create integrity
until all men and women in the nation think in
harmony with each other for a supreme goal, for
each and for all.”

Methods for the
Transformation of Life
This book is a transcription of an intensive
seminar on the topic of Transformation given by
Torkom Saraydarian in Agoura, California, in
November of 1986.
“The seminar was planned and presented so that
the participants would have certain inner experi-
ences that would help them establish contact with
the Higher Self and with the Divine Presence in
the Universe. It was intended to be a period of deep
experience. Book knowledge and information are Softcover: $25.00
collected in the lower mind. Sometimes we cannot ISBN:0929874846
use this knowledge until we have “supernatural” 430 pages, Index
experience, something that hits our soul and makes
us realize that we are not human animals but an-

C ritical T hinking
gels - that we are very advanced souls and citizens
of the Universe.”

Meditation Reading &Courses

Books & Booklets
Audio/video lectures on meditation
Courses on meditation
Full moon observations

For more information:

Tel: (480) 502-1909

Torkom Saraydarian has written about the
Hierarchy and the Seven Ashrams in several previ-
ously published books. In this book, we bring to
you original writings, transcriptions of lectures and
seminars specifically about the topic of Ashrams
and how they operate.
“The esoteric interpretation defines “Ashram” as
a sphere of consciousness or a field of consciousness.
…An Ashram can be in many places at the same
time, without being in any specific location, and
it can be totally without inhabitants. It is a sphere
of consciousness in which people are tuned with
Softcover: $25.00
H umanity & H igher W orlds

one another.”
240 pages, Index Contents include:
Pub. date 2006 • Building an Ashram
• Contacting Ashrams
• Higher Ashrams
• Masters
• Inner Requirements

Shield of Protection & Glory
Contains detailed information about the aura
and its role as the protector and nourisher of the
entire human body. Describes what the aura is,
what it looks like, what colors it has, how various
zodiacal signs, colors, and sounds affect it, and how
we can strengthen our aura so that it can protect
and nourish us.
“The glorification of the aura begins with pu-
rification of the aura, in which the colors achieve
their maximum translucency and stability… This
Softcover: $15.00 is called ‘the shield’ in some esoteric literature. It
ISBN: 0929874064 protects the person from any kind of psychic at-
224 pages, Index tack… When it reaches its pure tonality, it releases
Pub. date 1999 the fires of the etheric, astral, and mental centers
and the Chalice, which radiates as twelve ray col-
ors from the heart, around the entire aura. This is
what glory is.”

Avatars, Revelations of God
Avatars, Revelations of God is a collection of
Torkom’s seminars, lectures, and written materi-
als on the subject of Avatars. The Chapters are
arranged in date order so that you can appreciate
the unveiling of this mysterious topic.
“The great mystery which we call God, or the
One we do not know, expresses and unveils Himself
age after age through great Revelations—and these
Revelations are called Avatars.
An Avatar is an advanced spirit, an advanced
soul who has one purpose: to serve humanity or to
promote the Divine Plan and Purpose wherever the Softcover: $35.00

H umanity & H igher W orlds

need arises…. An Avatar is a man, or great being, ISBN:0929874900
or great entity that comes from Higher Realms to 474 pgs, Index
bring light, love, and beauty to humanity.” Pub. date 2004

Battling Dark Forces

A Guide to Psychic Self-Defense
This book describes who the dark forces are,
where they come from, and what purpose they
serve. Most importantly, it shows us how we can
gain victory over these forces and become true
servers of light.
You will learn:
• How the dark forces use alcohol and drugs
to work their evil
• How to shield and protect yourself from
dark attacks
Softcover: $20.00
• How to discriminate between good and evil ISBN: 0965620328
• How to distinguish between inner and 430 pages, Index
outer attacks Pub. date 1997
• What are the subtle forms of attack
• When we are susceptible to attack

The Avatar of Sacrificial Love
A deeply moving account of the life and mes-
sage of Christ from the tradition of the esoteric
Christ was an Avatar who presented to human-
ity the power of unconditional love. His message
embodied a life full of deep compassion, beauty,
a sacrificial life of service, simplicity, humility and
total fearlessness.
Torkom Saraydarian shows how the life of Christ
forms an integral part of the Purpose and Plan of
Hardcover: $20.00 our planetary life and how Christ is part of cyclic
H umanity & H igher W orlds

Softcover: $15.00 appearances of great Saviors. We get deep insight

ISBN:0911794700 (H) into the identity of Mother Mary, the three Kings,
ISBN:0911794697 (S) and how the co-workers were gathered to help the
302 pages, Index new-born savior. Then we journey through the days
1st pub. ‘74, 2nd ‘94 and years, seeing the training, the initiations, and
the sacred messages given to humanity.

Cosmos in Man
“Man is Infinity. When we know man, we will
know the Cosmos. Man is not only a replica of
Cosmos, but a living indicator of all that transpires
in Cosmos. In the future, man will be able to use
a living human form to forecast coming events
on the planet and in Cosmos. Man is the most
sensitive instrument ever created in the Universe
though his mind records only a small part of all
impressions that come from Cosmic events and
reflect themselves in the mirror of his etheric, astral
and mental form.”
Hardcover: $25.00
Torkom Saraydarian describes his search for the
ISBN: 091179431X
Ageless Wisdom, monadic evolution, defines the
278 pages, Index
1st pub. ‘73
constitution of man. Included are meditations on
2nd ‘83 the Seven Rays, how to contact the Masters, and
many more exceptional chapters for serious and
heavy thinking men and women.

Dialogue with Christ
(2nd revised edition)
This book represents a personal yet universal
yearning to contact Christ and understand His
true message. Torkom Saraydarian’s questions are
our own; his doubts, ours; his anger, ours; his rec-
ognition, ours. This dialogue presents a measure,
an inspiration, a striving, an expanded sense of
spiritual responsibility.
A dialogue lets the reader enter the very intimate
moment where a person of deep philosophical
insight “wonders” about what it all means. The
reader and the speaker become one — and in a rare Softcover: $25.00

H umanity & H igher W orlds

moment, the reader has the opportunity to ride ISBN:0929874307
the thought-waves of the deep thinker, becoming 288 pagse, Index
one with the questions, answers, and realizations. 1st pub.’79, 2nd rev ‘99
You will deeply appreciate the Mystery of Christ
and His true vision like never before.

Dynamics of the Soul

Each of us is a Spark related to our Source
through a thread of light. It is part of the Spark
which eventually will be the path through which
the Spark will travel back to Its Source. That is why
we are told that man is the path itself.
The Spark has different names on Its path of de-
velopment. For example, when It is really captured
in the physical body and totally identified with it,
we call It the “sleeping spark,” or the reflection.
When It awakens and wants to be aware of Its
powers and destination, we call It the “pilgrim.”
When It arrives on the mental plane and has
highly organized the three bodies we call it a Softcover: $25.00
“personality.” ISBN: 0929874013
344 pages, Index
When it further advances and harmonizes all Its
Pub. date 2001
activities in the light of the Inner Guide, we call It
the unfolding human soul.
When It releases the Solar Angel and stands on
Its own, we call It a Soul or an Arhat.
When It advances to higher realms, we call it
the Spiritual Triad, then the Self or the Monad or
the Divine Spark.

The Eyes of Hierarchy
How the Masters
Watch and Help Us
There is a magnificent group of superior beings
watching over us. There are experienced Mas-
ters and Teachers Who register our every word,
thought, emotion, and action. The Hierarchy
is composed of Those people who succeeded in
mastering Their physical, emotional, and mental
natures. Their goal is to enlighten humanity so
that each of us fulfills our unique and ultimate
destiny. Contact with Hierarchy carries with it a
H umanity & H igher W orlds

Softcover: $15.00 tremendous magnetism and power to transform.

ISBN: 0965620336 This book will put you on the path of conscious
200 pages, Index cooperation with the Masters.
Pub. date 1998 Chapters include:
• How disciples are tested
• Ways to serve Hierarchy
• How Masters guide and protect us
• How to contact your Master
Once you make a contact with Hierarchy, your
life will never be the same.

The Hidden Glory

of the Inner Man
For those who have experienced something of
the soul within them, which the Tibetan Sage calls
“a beauty and a power, an active liberating force,
a wisdom and a love…,” this book will speak to
their hearts and will enlighten their understanding.
The basics of the Ageless Wisdom are presented
in this gem Torkom Saraydarian’s first book on
the human soul and its relationship with the Solar
Angel. The difference between these two has been
made clear for the first time.
Hardcover: $15.00 Understand the phases of development that the
Softcover: $12.00 human soul undergoes until it reaches the Spiritual
ISBN:0911794158 (H)
Triad and becomes fully aware of its Divine Will.
ISBN:0911794166 (S)
We recommend this joyous survey of the spiritual
150 pages, Index
1st pub. ‘68,
path we all must travel to discover our hidden
1st rev. ‘75 glory, the Self.
2nd rev. ‘85. (First printed as The Magnet of Life.)

Karma & Reincarnation
“Karma” means cause and effect.
“Reincarnation” is the belief that the human
soul is eternal and lives many lives on its journey
to return to its Divine Source.
Karma is not punishment for ill-deeds but a
supreme way for nature to heal wounds created
by our actions.
“Sometimes karma works in the following
way: suppose you went close to a porcupine and
he projected ten needles into your body. Karma
is like taking them out of your body, one by one,
and releasing you from the pain that afflicts you.”
Softcover: $25.00

H umanity & H igher W orlds

The concept of reincarnation shows us that ISBN: 0929874234
nothing is ever lost in the Universe. We have con- 440 pages, Index
tinuous opportunities to put our life on the right Pub. date 1999
path. Eventually, through trial and error, we learn
our lessons and move on to higher levels of service.
Reincarnation shows that our soul in universal.
There is no religious, ethnic, nor time separateness.

Obsession and Possession

“Some people may ask why we should write
about such dark, painful subjects as obsession and
possession. We bring these subjects to light because
in knowing who our enemies are and how they can
attack us, we can try to create more health, happi-
ness, joy, success, and prosperity in our lives. When
people have clarity and simplicity in their minds,
hearts, and bodies, they become successful, victori-
ous, prosperous, creative, beautiful, and joyful.
“The main obstacles on our path to success are
intruders from and inside and outside of us who
create short-circuits in our systems.” Softcover: $25.00
A very important and penetrative look at a very ISBN: 0929874293
serious epidemic that ails so many people all over 360 pages, Index
the world. You will learn how to identify the causes Pub. date 2000
of obsession and possession and how to protect
yourself from them.

One Hundred Names of God
The names of God are words of power. Say the
names, repeat them, meditate on them and you
will feel the power in the word. God is calling us
to know Him, to understand Him, to see our own
divine origin, to see Him in each of us.
Each religious discipline talks about the names
of the Creator. Torkom found over 5000 names
of God in his researches and studies. Each name
brings one facet of the majesty of the Creation
into our little containers. Names of God expand
us and uplift us.
“His names are words of power. They are chal-
H umanity & H igher W orlds

Softcover: $14.00
lenges for us. They are an invitation for us to de-
ISBN: 0929874498
264 pages, Index
velop the attributes of God, to cultivate the essence
Pub. date 1995 of the names in our life.”
“Yet each name of God opens a new window
within our consciousness to look at Infinity, hear
the call of Infinity, and respond to Infinity through
striving toward perfection.”
Whenever you feel you are disconnected from
the meaning of life, open a page in this book, read
it, and close your eyes and think about the words.

Other Worlds
What exists beyond our physical world? What
happens after we die?
What can we learn from near death experiences?
Where do we go when we sleep?
Other Worlds describes, in detail, every level of
existence beyond the physical plane. It answers
questions about life that we ask, such as: How
do we die? How should we perform last rites and
memorial services? How do we reincarnate?
Other Worlds teaches us how our world operates
and who inhabits its many levels. It teaches how
Hardcover: $40.00 we can have conscious contact with higher worlds,
Softcover: $30.00 and what sort of contacts to avoid.
ISBN:0929874048 (H) Other Worlds teaches us to recognize that every
ISBN:0929874056 (S) single action taken, word spoken, emotion felt on
648 pages individual, group, and national levels in our physi-
Gloss., Index cal world has direct and immediate consequences
Pub. date 1990 on every level of existence.

These five volumes of the Leadership Series give the needed wisdom for
the soul powered leadership. They provide the internal foundation that is
needed for a leader in any field of human endeavor. This information can
easily be translated into your own field and style of leadership and used in
your home or office. These provide the keys to establishing right human
relations powered by wise leader. (Discount on 5-Volume Set.)

L eadership
Leadership - Volume I
“Leadership is vision. Leadership paves the way
for freedom. Leadership is not dictatorship. Leader-
ship is the ability to go ahead with your own evo-
lution and share your achievements with others.”
“Leadership belongs to all human endeavors.
The real leaders are those who, in their particular
field, cultivate the principle of sensitivity and di-
rection toward the Common Good and who, in
cooperation with all other fields, respond to the
principle of synthesis.”
In Volume 1 topics include among others:
• Vision of the Future Hardcover: $30.00
• Leadership and Inspiration Softcover: $25.00
ISBN:0929874242 (H)
• Co-Workers ISBN:0929874250 (S)
• How to be a discriminating leader 488 pages, Index
• Group consciousness and group work Pub. date 1995
• Psychic energy and willpower

Leadership - Volume 2
Volume 2 continues to give detailed advice on
true leadership. It addresses issues such as how does
one become a leader in today’s world and still use
the higher principles in daily life. Whether you are
the leader of a large corporation or the leader of a
small group of people, the principles and guidelines
given in this book will be a tremendous help in your
daily professional and personal activities.
In Volume 2 topics include among others:
• Leadership and God
Hardcover: $25.00 • Leadership tests
Softcover: $20.00 • Self-confidence
ISBN:0929874501 (H) • Leadership and miracles
ISBN:092987451X (S)
334 pages, Index • World Leadership
Pub. date 1996 • Leadership and treason
L eadership

Leadership - Volume 3
Volume 3 contains instructions given to ad-
vanced students of leadership. “Leaders are guard-
ians of a nation. If we had five thousand groups
studying esoteric leadership, the world would
slowly change.”
“Leadership is progressive. Acceptance and un-
derstanding of our responsibilities and the urge to
help others help themselves are elements that make
leaders more effective and progressive.”
In Volume 3 topics include among others:
• Leaders and righteousness
Hardcover: $25.00 • The foundations of leadership
Softcover: $20.00
ISBN:0929874552 (H) • Self-judgment
ISBN:0929874560 (S) • Leaders as servants
399 pages, Index • Organism vs. organization
Pub. date 1997

Leadership - Volume 4
“In all departments of human labor, there is a
need for leaders who have vision, initiative, deter-
mination, vitality, and enthusiasm. There is a need
for leaders who are able to stand against limitation
of movement, ignorance, disorderliness, and ugli-
ness. There is a need for leaders who are equipped
with knowledge in their field of labor and who are
equipped with the wisdom to protect their field of
labor and their co-workers. There is a need for lead-
ers who understand core values and principles and
stand for them regardless of the common practices
to the contrary.” Hardcover: $30.00
In Volume 4 topics include among others: Softcover: $25.00
• Mental circuits ISBN:0929874633 (H)
• The importance of self-image ISBN:0929874641 (S)
424 pages, Index
• Dangers facing the leader Pub. date 1997
• Good and evil
• The glamor of power

L eadership
Leadership - Volume 5
“Leadership gives meaning to life. If you are a
leader of yourself, you give meaning to your life.
Your life does not pass meaninglessly. What does
it mean to have meaning? It means that you are
somebody who can offer progress and unfoldment
in the process of life. You are not lost in the life.”
“Other leaders, besides you, give meaning to
life. This means that they hook you to a plan, a
purpose, and your life takes on meaning. Without
gearing yourself to the Plan of the Hierarchy, to
the Purpose of the planet, you have no meaning.”
In Volume 5 topics include among others: Hardcover: $35.00
• Illusions of power Softcover: $30.00
ISBN:092987465X (H)
• How to give orders
ISBN:0929874668 (S)
• Leadership and higher guidance 503 pages, Index
• Leadership and sex Pub. date 1998
• Humility and leadership

The Path of Living Service
Every initiation is a breaking down of barriers
that exist on the way of our total freedom. These
barriers can be our own creation, or they can also
be our accu­mulated karma on many levels of the
sever vehicles which we use. Initiation is going
beyond barriers.
To take initiation means to enter a higher level of
consciousness or a deeper relationship, communica-
tion, or awareness. Some people think that when
a Master initiates you, you suddenly expand your
Softcover: $30.00 consciousness and you are purified and perfected.
ISBN:0929874919 On the contrary, real initiation is a process of great
370 pages, Index labor, through which you gradually build your ve-
Pub. date 2004 hicles of communication and through them achieve
S ocial R esponsibility

greater relationship with the centers of light, love,

and power within the planet and the solar system.

The Psychology of Cooperation

and Group Consciousness
In this farsighted book, Torkom Saraydarian
gives the elements that are needed for cooperation
and global unity.
The Ageless Wisdom Teachings give the funda-
mental qualities needed for a truly global outlook.
In the future, it is cooperation and responsibility
and not competition that will drive our interactions
with each other.
“Every time we fail to establish cooperation, we
prove our own intellectual, spiritual, and moral
Softcover: $12.00 failure.” Torkom Saraydarian reveals, through the
ISBN: 0929874110 eight principles of group consciousness, how to
168 pages, Gloss., stop seeing ourselves as separate from others and
Index begin seeing our link to all humanity.
Pub. date 1989 If you are seeking better relations and commu-
nication with everyone—friends, a spouse, family,
and larger groups—you will love this book.
*See also Booklet section for a chapter reprint.
Introductory course available at TSU

The Sense of
Responsibility in Society
The sense of responsibility must be the guiding
principle in our life because it is the key to human
and planetary survival.
The author presents a blueprint for specific ac-
tions that need to be taken by everyone in order
to become socially responsible and creative adults.
Using simple and direct explanations, this book
shows you how to be a responsible person, how to
shine your light and let others do the same. It tells
us what it means to recognize others and why this
is one of the crucial methods of healing people, Softcover: $12.00
how to create better relations, and even how to ISBN: 0929874072
prevent crime. 176 pages, Gloss.,
An especially important book for educators, Index

S ocial R esponsibility
parents, business leaders, as well as young people. Pub. date 1989
*See also Booklet section for a chapter reprint.
The Sense of Responsibility in Society Introductory
Course available at TSU.

Spring of Prosperity
“Everybody in the world wants abundance,
prosperity. Some want it in the form of money,
property and belongings. Other want to be rich
and prosperous with their creativity, ideas, and
beauty. Still others want to be prosperous in love,
in compassion. Others want to be rich in their heart
qualities, vitality, and enthusiasm.”
This book describes how a person can be pros-
perous and keep the prosperity flowing in terms of
both material and spiritual wealth.
All that exists belongs to man. If a man frees
himself from the limitations of the physical, emo-
tional, and mental bodies, he has the Universe. Softcover: $12.00
He can enjoy all that he wants. In that state of ISBN:0911794311
consciousness, the sense of “mine and yours” 144 pages, Index
disappears. In the domain of Infinity, all that is 1st pub. ‘82
mine is yours, and what is yours is mine. Poverty 2nd rev 95
is separatism. Abundance is in unity.
*Meditation course on The Spring of Prosperity
is available through TSU.

Education as Transformation
Volume I - Individual
and Cosmos
The first volume defines the relationship that
needs to be built between an individual and the
Cosmos in order for transformation to take place,
then details the value and process of questioning
that leads to inner discovery. “I have been a head-
master, teacher, and principal of various private
schools. Through my experience, I envision the
following goals for education:
Softcover: $25.00 • To eliminate war
ISBN: 0929874390 • To make everyone free from want
512 pages, Index • To eliminate crime through education
Pub. date 1999 • To wipe out the sources of disease
• To prove the immortality of man
S piritual E ducation

• To contact the Higher Worlds”

Education as Transformation
Volume II - Basics of Education
This book defines what should be the purpose
and direction of education in the new millen-
nium. “When critical times come, people, groups,
nations, and humanity search for new education
because they face life and find that the education
they received previously cannot solve their present
problems. This is a very important thought. When
you suddenly feel that you are inadequate or power-
less to solve the problems of your family and your
life in general, in order to make a breakthrough
Softcover: $25.00 you desire to have a new education or a new tool
ISBN: 0929874404
in your hand to solve your problems.”
440 pages, Gloss.,
“Education without a universal goal burns its
Pub. date 1999
container. That is what is happening now, every-
where while millions are anxious to learn more,
to fill their stomach with knowledge, they have
no ability to use that knowledge to free humanity
from hunger, pollution, taxes, exploitation, disease,
and crimes.”

Sex, Family and the Woman in
Society (2nd ed.)
It is now time to face the real values of man,
woman, and family.
What are these values? How do we recognize
Torkom Saraydarian has paid the most honor-
able tribute to the family unit. This entire work is
based on the fact that women, men, and children
are sacred. An entire spectrum of human associa-
tions is examined. Chapters include discussions on
the Philosophy of Sex, How Men Affect Women,
How Women Can Attract Good Men, Harmonious Softcover: $35.00
Sex, The Enemies of a Family, Responsibilities of ISBN: 092987434X
Parenting. Additional subjects are the responsibili- 600 pages, Index
ties of women, women as leaders and standard bear- Pub. date 1999

S piritual E ducation
ers of mankind, the essential differences between
men and women, and much more.
This is a daring and shocking book. It can
serve as the basis upon which strong and healthy
individuals and families are built.

Spiritual Regeneration
“Spiritual” means practical, factual, tangible,
provable progress toward future accomplishments.
When you are progressively striving for achieve-
ment, then you are spiritual.
“Regeneration” means that your physical, emo-
tional, and mental natures are slowly inflamed with
the purpose and the vision of the future. It means
that you say: “In the future, I am going to do these
things; I am going to be something; I am going to
create various activities and projects in the world;
I am going to master myself ”
Spiritual Regeneration shows how this striving Softcover: $15.00
creates a tremendous fire in us and how this fire ISBN: 0962443913
energizes our physical, emotional, and mental 224 pages, Index
natures and regenerates us. Pub. date 1990
The author includes wonderful, practical daily
exercises that are a great help in attaining spiritual

S piritual E ducation

Virtues & Values - In Three Volumes A to Z

Volume 1 (Virtues A-G)
Welcome to the first volume of this three volume set—together these three
volumes contain a total of 164 chapters on virtues!
Torkom spoke and wrote about virtues and values in every lecture and
writing he gave in his entire life of service. Virtues and values formed the
foundation of his perspective on life. He linked virtues and values to our
health and healing and expansion of consciousness.
In these volumes, Torkom explains how the practice of virtues con-
nects to everything in our life. Our health, happiness, creativity, success
and joy are all directly related to our knowledge and practice of virtues.
Virtues open our hearts and link us to the Higher Worlds. With virtues,
we become servers for the common good of all humanity. With virtues,
the very chemistry of our subtle bodies changes and we bloom in ways we
never thought possible...

Softcover: $35.00
ISBN: 978-1-937024-39-0, 553 pages, Index, Pub. date 2014.

(Discount on 3-Volume Set)

Virtues & Values
Volume 2 (Virtues G-P)
In Volume 2 chapters include:
• Gratitude: And Expectation
• Gratitude: Healing Powers
• Greatness: And Hindrances
• Harmony: And Feelings
• Harmony: And Right Motive
• Heroism: And Sacrificial Service
• Honesty: Search the Heart
• Honesty: Spiritual Achievement
• Humility: How to Develop
• Humility: Dissipation of Ego
• Inclusiveness: A Useful Attitude

S piritual E ducation
• Inclusiveness: The Law of Spirit
• Independence: Light the Way
Softcover: $35.00
ISBN: 978-1-937024-44-4, 571 pages, Index, Pub. date 2014

Virtues & Values

Volume 3 (Virtues P-Z)
In Volume 3 chapters include:
• Progressiveness: Traps on our Path
• Reality: Conscious Living
• Reality: And Illusion
• Recognition: Awakening the Self
• Renunciation: Expanding Consciousness
• Renunciation: And the Ego
• Repentance: Process of Clearing
• Responsibility: Path of Health and Happiness
• Responsibility: Importance of Motive
• Righteousness: Fire and the Sword
• Sacrifice: Affirm the True Self
• Selflessness: The Shift
Softcover: $35.00
ISBN: 978-1-937024-45-1, 564 pages, Index, Pub. date 2014

Woman, Torch of the Future
(2nd ed.)
This book is based on the concept that couples
who want the most beautiful and bright children
and want to have a strong family will have to
prepare themselves, even in their selection of a
mate. Women can no longer afford to ignore their
innermost concerns.
The author discusses preparation for mar-
riage, the beautiful marriage ceremony, how to
prepare for pregnancy, and the needed care while
pregnant. Included are guides for the mother, the
Softcover: $18.00
father, and the education of the child, and the
ISBN: 0929874331 woman as the torchbearer for humanity.
288 pages, Index A challenging book. Much has been done
Pub. date 1999 to denigrate women and their relationship to
S piritual E ducation

their men and children. The author presents a

supreme vision that women can attain only when
their contribution to humanity is understood
and embraced.

The two books on family life, Sex, Family and the Woman in Society (see
page 47) and Woman, Torch of the Future, are based on years of comprehensive
research by the author into the essential guidelines given to men and women
in all the Ageless Wisdom Teachings. They represent a synthesis of the esoteric
science given to humanity as well as their modern interpretations. The author
spent years meditating and contemplating on the role of the family in the
spiritual life of the individual. See also the Family Values booklets.

V ision S eries
The Vision Series
A dynamic series of books by Torkom Saraydarian designed to provide
for you in-depth explanations on single topics. These books are written in a
style that is practical for both the beginner and advanced student. The begin-
ner student will understand the basic components of the subjects, whereas
the more advanced student will understand how to approach and teach and
explain these subjects.
The series is called the Vision Series because Torkom felt that these little
books will help you expand your vision and then slowly blend your vision
with the greater visions of the Spiritual Hierarchy. In reading and studying
these books, you will become familiar with the powers of psychism, the
dynamic laws of nature and how they help us, the purpose and direction of
your life, the map of the human heart, the path of success, the importance
of the right self image, and the importance of cultivating the power and
direction of the inner will.
The series consists of seven books, and they may be purchased individually
or as a group. You will enjoy a 20% discount if you purchase the entire set
of Vision Series books. For more detailed information about the contents of
each of the books see the following pages.

Breakthrough to Higher
Psychism (Vision Series #1)
An essential introduction to understanding the
development of the human soul, its psychic abilities
and its challenges.
Breakthrough clearly differentiates what is true
higher psychism as compared to lower psychism.
Lower psychism consists of mediumship, chan-
neling, and other such practices. Lower psychics
are in danger of being controlled by entities, astral
corpses, impure bodies, and vices.
Higher psychism is the ability to use your own
Softcover: $15.00 powers, developed to such a degree that you are
ISBN: 0929874153 able to exist in various planes other than the physi-
136 pages, Gloss. cal, and you are able to contact higher sources of
Index. Pub. date 1991 knowledge directly instead of being led by corpses
and entities.
Only in higher psychism is your soul able to
contact the depth of the Ageless Wisdom mysteries.
V ision S eries

The Year 2000 & After

(Vision Series #2)
A great Sage stated that in May of the Year 2000
a fiery stream of energy will be released toward
humanity from the highest Center on this planet.
Torkom Saraydarian reveals what this means to all
of us. He states that we can do ONE of three things:
First, totally disregard this energy and continue
our pollution, hatred, greed, and destructive be-
Second, increase our own individual or national
will to such a degree that we cause great destruction
Softcover: $15.00 on Earth through wars.
ISBN: 0929874145 Third, respond to the energies by using them to
220 pages, Gloss. build a better life and using our creative energies
Index Pub. date 1991 to resolve all the problems facing us.
Most importantly, the author shows how we
can go about preparing and improving ourselves in
order to meet the demands of the coming decades,
well beyond the year 2000.

The Purpose of Life
(Vision Series #3)
If we do not know the purpose of our life, we live
a life that is confused, full of crises, nonproductive,
and frustrating. It is never too late to ask and find
out what is the real purpose of life.
Torkom takes a simple and logical approach
to this dilemma and gives concrete directions on
how to resolve it. He shows how all of us have one
supreme purpose: to become truly one with our
Divine Source. We also have a purpose in each
lifetime, and it is very important to find it so we
can live a goal-fulfilling life. Softcover: $15.00
In this book, Torkom Saraydarian show you how ISBN: 092987403X
to define purpose, how to find it, how to organize 224 pages, Gloss.,
your life so that you can meet your obligations, how Index
to make sure you have the right purpose, and how Pub. date 1991
to accomplish what you set out to do. By actual-
izing the guidance given in this book, we can find

V ision S eries
purpose and direction in our life.

The Flame of the Heart

(Vision Series #4)
This book is about the Heart, about the Core
of our being in which there is the Life, there is
our Essence.
The political conditions and economic problems
of the world, as well as the problems in our families
and societies are due to the fact that our heart has
been left behind. Its whispers are not considered
safe advice, and they are easily neglected.
In the coming ages, the importance of the heart
will be discovered all over the world. As we build
universities to develop the mind, we will also build Softcover: $15.00
universities where the heart will be developed to ISBN: 0929874021
balance the mind. 264 pages, Gloss.,
tells how to listen to, heal, develop, and use the Index
heart in our family, business, national, and global Pub. date 1991
relations. It shows us how to unite our heart with
our mind.

Dynamics of Success
(Vision Series #5)
“…You must be physically successful—have
money, health , a home, clothing, and all that you
need to be happy. But all things will work against
your ultimate success if you do not have spiritual
“What is spiritual success? You are going to
deepen your sensitivity, increase your knowledge of
the natural laws, purify your heart, organize your
mind, and build those bridges that put you in con-
tact with higher sources of energy and knowledge.”
Softcover: $15.00 Dynamics of Success is an integrated approach
ISBN: 0929874269 on how to achieve success in whatever you want
136 pages, Index to do in life. Torkom Saraydarian reveals the three
Pub. date 1992 avenues of success: the physical and material re-
quirements, the spiritual qualities needed, and the
specific hindrances that must be eliminated to have
true and everlasting success in your life.
V ision S eries

*See also Booklet section for chapter reprint.

The Mystery of Self-Image

(Vision Series #6)
A book that shakes you to your roots and helps
you build yourself in your true image.
“People think that changing their voice, chang-
ing their manners and way of dressing, and using
their vocabulary in certain ways will make them
charismatic, successful, and attractive to good
fortune. Nothing is more erroneous than such
“An artificially built voice, mannerism, cha-
risma, or self−image­—when hit by the hard events
Softcover: $15.00 of life—leaves the subject like an unfaithful guard
ISBN: 0929874382 to the devastating forces of life.”
192 pages, Gloss., Chapters include:
Index. Pub. date 1993 • The causes of a good and bad self-image
• To identify limiting self-images
• How to destroy ancient self-images
• How to build good images

The Mysteries of Willpower
(Vision Series #7)
We have intelligence, we have love, but we lack
spiritual will.
“Willpower is the energy of the Creative Prin-
ciple in the Universe. It is the power that creates,
sustains, and destroys. Because everything is ema-
nated from this principle, the Core of every atom,
cell, form, entity, and soul has its own willpower.
It is this inner Core or inner Divine Spark that is
a portion of that energy of the Creative Principle
of the Universe. It is this willpower that gradually
paves the way for you to direct your steps toward Softcover: $15.00
Home, toward the source of the Creative Prin- ISBN: 0929874412
ciple.” 288 pages, Gloss.,
Learn how to develop and maintain your Index
spiritual willpower and use it effectively. Specific Pub. date 1995
examples are given throughout the book.
This book puts you in charge of your life. It

V ision S eries
helps you see your link to the greater will and use
this link in the betterment of life.

A reminder to visit our website for:

• Current releases

• Full list of Audio & Video Lectures by

Torkom Saraydarian

• Sign-up for TSG Bulletin online and receive periodic

updates on classes, seminars, annual events, and the
latest book releases.

Teaching the Ageless Wisdom
This workbook represents a collection of Torkom
Saraydarian’s letters to lecturers as well as specific
lectures on communication skills, given over a period
of several years.
Torkom Saraydarian was a master communica-
tor. These pages show the depth of his love for the
Teaching and his passion to communicate it in the
most fitting way possible.
These pages will show you how much respon-
sibility we must have when we communicate, and
especially when we speak of profound Truths.
Spiral bound: $45.00 You will be amazed at the directness, depth, beau-
ISBN: 0929874676 ty, and love contained in these letters and lectures.
330 pages, Index You will love the honesty and profound challenges
Pub. date 1998 presented.
Hidden in these pages you will find the key to the
R eference B ooks

treasury of communicating as a soul.

*Soul-to-soul communication course is
available at TSU.

A Concordance of Torkom
Saraydarian’s Works
This manual represents several year of labor by
dedicated co-workers. Organized in alphabetical
order, it contains thousands of words and phrases
that have been used by Torkom in his writings and
speeches. The explanation of each entry is taken
directly from his books so you will be reading his
words and see the context in which they were used.
This will give you a brief introduction to a word
or a phrase and, if you wish to read more, you can
easily go to the sources for more information. These
entries can be used as a learning tool, as a quick
Spiral bound: $75.00 reference, as seed thoughts for meditation, and as
ISBN: 092987482X a teaching tool.
474 pages, Index
Pub. date 2000 Available also in CD Format. ($75)

Angels & Devas
“Psychic energy is… transmitted by angels.
They are powerful transmitters or even sources
of psychic energy. When a person is charged with
psychic energy, he turns into a source of creative,
healing, and enlightening energy.”
Compilation on Angels and Devas collected
from Torkom Saraydarian’s writings.
$6.00 - 44 pages
ISBN: 0929874-86-2

The Art of Visualization

A fundamental approach to the art of visual-
ization. A transcription of a series of classes that
Torkom Saraydarian gave in August 1996. Each

B ooklets
chapter takes you step by step into the art of vi-
sualization. A practical and essential tool for every
striving student.
You will learn how to visualize, what to visual-
ize, and what sequence of symbols to use. This
booklet gives you the power with which you can
master your bodies. $6.00 - 78 pages
ISBN: 0929874-61-7
*For meditation courses see pages 74-77.

The Chalice in Agni Yoga

Torkom Saraydarian’s learned and impassioned
commentary on a series of excerpts on the Chalice
taken from the Agni Yoga literature. Uplifts and
inspires the reader to make a conscious contact
with the Treasury within, the seat of our Soul —
the Chalice.

$5.00 - 48 pages
ISBN: 0929874-59-5

A Daily Discipline of Worship
Provides you with five daily periods of prayer
based on the five basic principles of the Teach-
ing: Beauty, Goodness, Righteousness, Joy, and
Freedom. A short explanation follows each prayer.
An easy and inspiring way to start your daily
$3.00 - 28 pages contact with your Higher Self!
ISBN: Experience the power of pure, evocative prayer.
Also available in E-book.

Daily Spiritual Striving

There are simple daily practices that help us
focus our consciousness on the Creation and the
Creator. Prayers and mantrams are tools by which
we can communicate and have a dialogue with our
Soul, or with Higher Worlds.
B ooklets

The Gayatri, The Lord’s Prayer, and The Great

Invocation are discussed in detail. Further prayers
and mantrams are given that can be used through-
out the day. This little booklet brings the sacred
$6.00 - 80 pages
into our daily life.
ISBN: 0929874-57-9

Discipleship in Action
Explains what the Teaching is in the life of a
disciple. It describes the events we face when we
enter the Path, what signs are visible when we fall
away from the Path, and what is a New Era disciple.
Included are detailed descriptions, question
and answer sections dealing with a wide range of
practical issues facing people on the Path. In our
changing times, this booklet is an inspiring and
solid guide on the path of discipleship.
$6.00 - 82 pages
ISBN: 0929874-58-7

Earthquakes and Disasters
What the Ageless Wisdom Tells Us
This booklet explains what causes earthquakes
and disasters. Provides the esoteric reason behind
many of today’s disasters. Gives encouragement and
hope by showing how these crises can be handled
and even avoided.
A wonderful booklet to prepare all of us for the
changing and challenging times ahead.
$5.00 - 74 pages
ISBN: 0911794-63-8

Entering the New Millennium

A transcription of two lectures given by Torkom
Saraydarian in 1991 and 1994. He presents a vi-
sion for a better future for all humanity. His words
touch the depth of our souls because we know they
are true.
There is no NEW unless a new consciousness
and beingness take the place of the old. This book-

B ooklets
let is a call to action for the spiritual warrior. The
time to labor is now. Let us labor selflessly until we
achieve the consciousness of the soul. $5.00 - 62 pages
ISBN: 0929874-81-1

Fiery Carriage and Drugs

Gives a clear understanding of the effects of drug
use in this life and in future lives, and explains how
to eliminate this corrosive pest.
Explains how drugs do NOT expand our con-
sciousness and shows the significance of our “Fiery
It contains a great question and answer section
which debunks reasons for drug use.
Along with this booklet we recommend the
video “Why Drugs are Dangerous.” See the video $5.00 - 78 pages
section for details. ISBN: 0911794-33-6
Suggested supplemental DVD:
Why Drugs are Dangerous
Lecture on DVD ($20.00)
Lecture on CD and Mp3 ($10 each)

First Steps Toward Freedom
An excellent introductory materials on the Teaching.
Excerpted from the larger book Challenge for Disciple-
ship, this is a handy booklet containing important in-
formation about the ego, vanity, glamors, and illusions.

$6.00 - 67 page

Hierarchy and The Plan

“Hierarchy is composed of those human beings who
succeeded in mastering their physical, emotional, and
mental natures and expanding their consciousness.”
This booklet describes the members of Hierarchy
B ooklets

and how They operate. Also included are signs that

characterize those who are Hierarchial workers.
Presented are many practical steps of the Plan. The
Plan is a formulation of goals and directions by the
Hierarchy in respect to the Purpose given to our planet.
$5.00 - 110 pages
ISBN: 0911794-67-0

How to Find Your Level

of Meditation
If you are stuck and unable to meditate because you
feel it is too difficult, this booklet is for you. There are
many forms of meditation. Anybody can meditate.
Choose the method and style that works best for you and
start on the path of contacting the real joy and beauty
of a life of spiritual meditation.
For meditation courses, see page 82.
$6.00 - 94 pages
ISBN: 0929874-62-5

Irritation, The Destructive Fire
One of the greatest causes for disease is irritation.
A reprint of the chapter from the larger work, The
Psyche and Psychism, with additional information on
A practical self-help manual. In our stressful envi-
ronment, it is crucial to understand just what irrita-
tion does and, most importantly, how to combat it.

$5.00- 64 pages
ISBN: 0911794-17-4

Mental Exercises
Full of visualizations, exercises, purification meth-
ods that can help each student to release the inner
pressure and ready himself for deep, inner growth.
Topics include:

B ooklets
• Three Powers of the Soul
• Purification of the three bodies in a Waterfall
• Use of AUM and sound and color
• Recreating Yourself
$6.00 - 93 pages
ISBN: 0929874-53-6

What are we willing to renounce to achieve
Inspired by a story in the Upanishads, this is a mov-
ing tale about a man who wanted to have conscious
immortality and was willing to give up everything
in order to attain it, even his only son, Nachiketas. $5.00 - 80 pages
A small booklet with a powerful message on be- ISBN: 0929874-43-9
coming soul conscious and being able to detach fully
from all material life.

Practical Spirituality
An introductory booklet that gives practical advise
on four very important parts of our life: meditation,
sex and health, self-image, and visualization.
Practical Spirituality is an honest and open discus-
sion of these issues that every striving student thinks
and wonders about. A great introduction to the
principles of the Ageless Wisdom.

$6.00 - 75 pages
ISBN: 0929874-54-4

Prayers, Mantrams, and

Invocations (Compilation)
This booklet contains over 100 Prayers,
Mantrams, and Invocation collected from many
sacred writings.
B ooklets

These selections are words of power that can be

used in meditation and contemplation to calm your
emotions and your mind and help you understand
the deeper meanings in life.
$15.00 - 111 pages
ISBN: 0929874-87-0

Questioning Traveler & Karma

Fourteen questions and answers about life and
karma are presented to you in this booklet. If you
try honestly to face them and answer them, a new
life will begin to unfold within you and your inner
journey will have begun.
We are travelers — on the planet, on the sea, in
the air, in space. But most importantly, we are travel-
ers of the inner space within our self. All those who
are traveling that inner space journey know it begins
$6.50 - 50 pages
with questions. The more precise and deep are the
9781937024253 questions, the better will be the answers.

“Every age has its keynote...the keynote of the
Aquarian age is synthesis.”
Explains clearly what synthesis is and how it relates
to every aspect of life, man and his relationship with
his entire surroundings, and the essence of life. There
are 28 practical steps to develop synthesis and be in
tune with all of creation.

$3.00 - 32 pages
ISBN: 0911794-18-2

Family Values Series

B ooklets
These 12 handy booklets are excerpted from the writings of Torkom
Saraydarian on family relations. They have been formatted for use as intro-
ductory materials on the use of values and higher principles in relating with
others. These booklets provide a wonderful guide for building a sound basis
for family living.
Each booklet is *$4.50 or order all 12 (set) and
receive a 20% discount.
1. Duties of Grandparents (ISBN: 0929874-60-9) $4.00
2. For Men (ISBN: 0929874-75-7)
3. For Women (ISBN: 0929874-76-5)
4. Ideal Marriage (ISBN: 0929874-73-0)
5. Responsibility (ISBN: 0929874-78-1)
6. Responsibilities of Fathers (ISBN: 0929874-71-4)
7. Responsibilities of Mothers (ISBN: 0929874-72-2)
8. Success (ISBN: 0929874-79-X)
9. Cooperation (ISBN: 0929874-77-3)
10. Women as Torchbearers (ISBN: 0929874-80-3)
11. The Heart of Your Partner (ISBN: 0929874-74-9)
12. Family Relations (ISBN: 0929874-70-6)

Booklet 1: Booklet 2:
Duties of For Men
Grandparents ($4.50)
($4.50) How men affect
If you are a grand- women and how men
parent, pay attention can build rapport with
to your duties to your women. Fantastic
grandchildren. They guide for any man
will learn valuable lessons from you who wants to improve his relations
and your life experiences. Your role with that special woman in his life.
changes as soon as you become a (ISBN: 0929874-75-7)
(ISBN: 0929874-60-9)
B ooklets - F amily S eries

Booklet 3: Booklet 4:
For Women Ideal Marriage
($4.50) ($4.50)
D e s c r i b e s h ow Gives guidelines to
women can attract form and nourish the
good men and how to most beautiful mar-
use a marriage investi- riage. It speaks of the
gation questionnaire ideal to which you can
to find out if your man is a wise aspire. It is suitable for the married
choice for marriage. as well as unmarried couples who
(ISBN: 0929874-76-5) want to build lasting and nurturing
marriage relations.
(ISBN: 0929874-73-0)

Booklet 5: Booklet 6:
Responsibility Responsibilities of
($4.50) Fathers
The sense of re- ($4.50)
sponsibility is the An important and
foundation of hu- timely information
man relationships... to teach and guide
Without a sense of fathers in their role as
responsibility, a person does not have husbands, educators, and protectors
direction and usefulness. We have a of the family. When the father is
responsibility for ourselves as well absent from the life of his children,
as for others. there is a great vacuum in the souls
(ISBN: 0929874-78-1) of these children.
(ISBN: 0929874-71-4)

Booklet 7: Booklet 8:
Responsibilities of Success
Mothers ($4.50)
($4.50) Success is mani-
This booklet gives fested in our physical,
each woman the emotional, mental,
guidelines to become and spiritual life. In-
the mother she wants cluded are 12 ways
to be. It is a great privilege to be a to develop a successful life and key
mother and to give birth to souls methods to implement successful
waiting for incarnation. life qualities.
(ISBN: 0929874-72-2) (ISBN: 0929874-79-X)

B ooklets - F amily S eries

Booklet 9: Booklet 10:
Cooperation Women as
($4.50) Torchbearers
Cooperation with- ($4.50)
in a family guaran- The differences
tees harmonious de- between men and
velopment of all the women are part of
members. Instead of the design of nature.
competition and aggressive behav- These differences empower women
ior, family members learn the art of rather than detract from them.
cooperating with each other. Women are the torchbearers of so-
(ISBN: 0929874-77-3) ciety. Find out how.
(ISBN: 0929874-80-3)

Booklet 11: Booklet 12:

The Heart of Your Family Relations
Partner ($4.50)
($4.50) How to build bet-
How many times ter family relations
have you asked your- and build family uni-
self: I wish I knew ty. How to watch for
then what I know the enemies of the
now, I would have chosen more family and learn to protect your
carefully. Find out what to look for family from harm.
before you make that great leap! (ISBN: 0929874-70-6)
(ISBN: 0929874-74-9)

Torkom's Music
Torkom composed and recorded hun-
dreds of musical pieces for violin, piano,
oud, cello, and guitar. He also wrote deeply
moving sacred songs.
Each musical piece is an exquisite
creation that takes the listener to a higher
level of integration. His music challenges
the listener to think creatively with the
help of its intricate melodies and rhythms
that sharpen the mental senses. The
following are excerpts taken from The
Creative Sound by Torkom Saraydarian:

If the music is of a high quality, it affects people as a fragrance does. It also

purifies the space and established harmony. It may also heal on all levels. I re-
member the words my Father once said to a group of musicians, ...Good music
S acred M usic

heals all your ills and makes you able to discover treasures within yourself.
...Without attachment I recommend that you listen to my music. It is the
only sounds purposefully created to destroy your crystallizations. If you have any
crystallization physically, emotionally, and mentally, listen to this music one-hour
daily, and one week later you will not have those crystallizations. This music
might initially 'bug' you. Many people do not like it because their crystalliza-
tions fight against it. But give it one week and see what is happening to your
consciousness. Sit quietly and listen to it. This way it penetrates into your aura,
into your etheric, astral, and mental bodies. Do not listen to it while going to
sleep. This would be hypnotic. Just read the commentaries on the songs. Then
listen to the music. If you are sincerely listening, one week later you will want to
listen to it more. This music will purify your whole system if you do hard labor
to change yourself in the meantime.
Torkom Saraydarian

We invite you to experience the beauty of these masterfully composed and

performed music and songs by Torkom Saraydarian. Suitable for meditation,
relaxation, interpretive dancing, and general listening, these rhythms and
harmonies of higher worlds will shift your consciousness toward a higher
reality. Newly re-mastered and released on CD and Mp3 download. $14 each.

Dance of the Zodiac
Piano Selection
• Wild Horses • Hiawatha and the
• Metamorphosis Tree of Peace
• Joy Joy • Colorado Rapids
• Flowering Trees • “I Will Attain”
• Migrating Birds • Dance of the Zodiac
• Contemplation on CD $14.00

Far Horizons
Piano Selection
• Unveiling of Isis • My Mother, In Tears,
• Aspiration I Miss You
• Gathering Flowers • I Walk Toward the
• Forgive me, my Lord Summit
• The Great Pyramid

S acred M usic
• Dance of Ecstasy CD $14.00

Fire Blossom
Piano Selection
• Melody of Dawn • Pilgrimage to a
• Shooting Stars Mountain
• Toward Far-Off • Nebulae
Worlds • Mystery of Sirius
• Fiery Eagle • Farewell
• On the Threshold CD $14.00

Piano Selection
• Infinity • The Grand Canyon
• Dance of Stars II • At the Gates of the
• Sedona Tower
• Message from Sirius • Spring of Colors

CD $14.00

Lao Tse
Piano Selection
• Lao Tse • Mary Magdalene Meets
• Beyond the Lord in the Garden
• Dance of Corn Stalks • Dance of Mountaineers
• Comet • Joyful River
• Dance of the Princess
CD $14.00

Let My Dreams Come True

• You Left Me Alone with • Hymn to the Mystery of
My Dream Ursa Major
• My Heart Opens in the • Song of the Creek
Sanctuary • Let the Flowers Bloom
• Blue & Pink • The Army of Light is
CD $14.00 Mountains at Sunset Coming
S acred M usic

• Dance of Fairies • Let My Dreams

• Dance of Princes Come True

Light Years Ahead

Piano Selection
• Labor • Efforts
• The Lonely Path • Wandering
• Steep Path • Free Bird
• Dance of Innocents • I See Light in Darkness
• Songs • My Faults
CD $14.00 • Flight to Higher

Lily in Tibet
Piano Selection
• Gesar Khan the • Girl in Love
Commander • Little Lamb
• Lily in Tibet • The Welcome of
• Golden Fish Gesar Khan
• Quail • Everest of Striving
CD $14.00 • Lotus Pond

Misty Mountains
Piano Selection
• Rapids in the Gorge • Gypsy Dance
• Dust Devils • Star in My Soul
• Tornado on the Ocean • Mountains in China
• You Came to My • My Heart in the Stars
Dream • Deer on the Horizon
• Misty Mountains • Armenian Shepard CD $14.00
• Gesar Khan Dance

Piano Compositions
Piano Selection
• Eagles in the Sky • Bygone Days

S acred M usic
• Gesar Khan • Dance of Joy
(Part I, II, and III) • Horseman Riding
• White Eagle Toward the Future

CD $14.00

Piano Selection
• My Dream Beyond • The Threefold
the Ocean of Life Rainbow of My Joy
• Dance of Gratitude • Sunset Shadows
• Search in the Caves of Mountains
of My Soul • Dance of Two Brothers
• Climbing to the • In the Ray of Pleiades CD $14.00
Summit • He is Coming
• Waterfall • Deodar Tree

Sacred Songs
Recording of 20 Sacred Songs, sung by
Torkom and others.
• Love Each Other • Lead Us O Lord /
• O Living Flame Asatoma
• The Great Invocation • More Radiant than
• Om Mani Padme the Sun
CD $14.00 Hum • Beloved Lord
• Love to All Beings • Avira Virma Yedhi
• Affirmation of the • I Longed for You
Disciple • The Temple of
• No Greater Joy the Heart
• Your Presence • New Group of World
• Goodwill • Servers
• Navajo Invocation • Joy
• The Stars • Gatay
S acred M usic

Spirit of My Heart
Vocal & Instrumental Created & Performed
by Torkom Saraydarian

• Prayer to Shamballa • Dance of Devas

• Jemberim • The Self
• Kalagiya • Three on the Mountain
CD $14.00 • My Dream • Great Invocation
• Dance of Stars

Sun Rhythms
Piano, Oud and Drum Selection
• Hari Lo • Carefree Dance
• Admiration • My Mother’s Song
• My Vision • Far Off Mountains
• Dance of Love • Moments of Fear
• Sorrow • I Build a Palace
CD $14.00 • Devotees • On the Knees of My
• Meadow Dance Father

Tears of My Joy
Piano Selection
• I Miss The Hand • Future
Holding My Hand • Freedom
• Blue Flame • Gypsy
• Winds on Meadows • Waterfall
• Rapids
CD $14.00

A Touch of Heart
Piano Selection
• Symphony of the Sunset • Bees in Cherry
• Dance of Knights Blossoms
• I Miss You • Unfolding Tulips
• Deer in the Forest • Longing of the Soul
• Candlelight of Joy for the Highest
• My Dreams are • Birth of a Star CD $14.00

S acred M usic
Ahead of Me • My Heart in Deep Joy

Toward Freedom
Piano Selection
• Riding the Ridges with • King Arthur
My Teacher • Om Mani Padme
• In Front of a Statue Hum
of Buddha • Dance of Deer
• Spring is Here • Bride Dance
• Love Dance • Good Bye Torkom CD $14.00

I recently purchased an iPod. I have Torkom's "Lily in Tibet", \"Lao Tse",
"A Touch of Heart" and "Far Horizons" on it. I work manual labor, installing
insulation in attics. I've been listening to this music while at work and find my
mind arriving at unusual states of clarity. I've been a fan of Chopin, Liszt, and
other great pianists, but Torkom's music does something; it purifies my emotions.
Thank you for making his music available. —Shane M. Swoverland
I have spent many long hours driving and listening to Sun Rhythms. I love
its upbeat,persistent sound which makes me feel so optimistic. —Lou Schwartz


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