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Human Brain Apparent Boon of Omnipotent

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Human Brain - Apparent Boon of the



Publisher: Shantikunj, Haridwar

(U.P), India, 249411

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The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

Human-body is the most evolved and marvelous creation of nature. Every component-
from organs to nerves, muscles, tissues, cells, molecules and subtler functional units of
this living system reflects the limitless excellence and absolute perfection of the
Omnipotent eternal creator. The crown organ – brain is the sole regulator of this arcane
automatic system. Because of its wonderful memory unit, nonstop multiple activities of
information processing, learning, computing and decision making, etc almost instantly,
the human brain is often referred as the supreme computer which is the most remarkable
‘product’ of nature’s eternally advanced technology. The intellectual and sentimental
domains of consciousness pertain to its subtle counterpart – the mind.

The present book is complied from the first chapter of volume eighteen of Pt.Shriram
Sharma Acharya Vangmaya series. It introduces neuro scientific, psychological and
spiritual aspects of human brain and mind. Bioelectrical activities of the neuro-synaptic
connections between million billions of neurons, information processing through the
nervous system and the neuronal network and the mechanism of storage and retrieval of
memory are discussed here along with the anatomy of the human brain and psychological
depths of human mind. Major sections of this book deal with detailed analysis of the
endocrine system and interrelationship of hormonal secretions and physiological,
biochemical, mental and emotional variations.

Trends and achievements of research in neurosciences are also high lighted here with
relevant reference to the experimental findings. The subtle connections between the
endocrine glands and the extrasensory power centers – described as sat chakras and
granthis in the Indian scriptures – are elucidated and guidelines are offered to – wards
spiritual endeavors (sadhanas) of activating these centers.

Few people seem to know that the left and right components of the human brain largely
work independently and complementarily. The principal role of the left side brain
consists of motor control and regulations of other bodily activities. The right side brain –
also called the “philosophical or religious brain “ , conducts the sensory functions and the
sensitive mental processes pertaining to – thinking, imaginations, artistic creativity and
the soft sentiments like compassion and devotion, intrinsic faith and emotional inclination
etc. The author adeptly guides hot the balanced activities and harmonious linkage
between the two halves of the brain leads to multifaceted development of personality.

The book also offers scientifically argued, lucid answers to some of our natural
inquisitiveness concerning – What are the functional centers in the brain, which might be
responsible for exceptional memory? Hope it would inspire us to move deeper in the
depths of the ‘esoteric treasure’ bestowed by the Supreme Consciousness on our brain.

-Dr Pranav Pandya, MD

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent


The Omnipotent Role of Human Brain...........................................................................5

Extraordinary Potentials of Our Brains…………………………………………………….11
The Pandora’s Box…………………………………………………………………………..18
Let The Right Side Brain Think Too!.............................................................................21
Energy of Brain in the Hollow of Body……………………………………………………..24
Majesty and Dignity of Human Brain……………………………………………………….26
Human Brain – Source of Miraculous Power……………………………………………...33
Arousing the Latent Potentials of Brain…………………………………………………….38
Scientific Experiments of Mental Sublimation……………………………………………..41
Brainwashing – Usurpation of the Freedom of Life……………………………………….48
The Amazing Chemistry of Human Brain………………………………………………….53
The Arcane World of the Inner Mind………………………………………………………..56
The Wonders of the Neuro-chemicals……………………………………………………...60
Supernatural Potentials of the Endocrine Glands………………………………………....65
Control and Refinement of Hormones……………………………………………………...74
Esoteric Role of the Pineal Gland…………………………………………………………..80
Subtle Effects of the Pituitary Gland………………………………………………………..84
Growth Hormones and Change of Sex……………………………………………………..89
Sex commutation in order creatures………………………………………………………..95
Demarcation of the Two Sexes Is Not Perpetual………………………………………….97
Intrinsic Source of Hormonal Secretions…………………………………………………...99

About the Author……………………………………………………………………………..103

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

The Omnipotent Role of Human Brain

The living state of a human body consists of the five basic elements called pancha
tatvas and the five basic streams of vital force called pancha prana. The pancha
tatvas constitute the physical body and pancha prana create the mental (subtle)
body. The flow of electricity in a circuit is generated by the connection of the two
complementary – positive and negative types of currents. The lifecycle of a human
being also continues to revolve with the help of the two ‘wheels’ of physical and
mental bodies. The collective contribution of these components is unparalleled in

The known, as well as the undeciphered, structural and functional features of the
human body are enormous. Deeper analysis of these brings out more and more
amazing results and shows newer layers of mysteries in this splendid action of the
Almighty. The structural complexity, functional adaptability and potentials of
different sense organs give a glimpse of the magnificent systems that could be
constructed in the jada (material) part of nature. The structure and function of the
cells, tissues, neurons, biochemical transports through cell membranes, genetic
regulations. Secretion of hormones etc, all appear like the unlimited activities of
mysterious wonderland. The marvelous functioning of the internal organs – like
heart, liver, kidneys etc, gives an impression as if the essence of all the knowledge
and power existing in Nature has been perfectly used by an absolutely efficient ‘
engineer’ in the construction of the human body.

In normal course, the human body performs only the routine tasks, which are
essential for its survival. However, if given a chance with appropriate training and
control, this natural instrument could be used to conduct supernatural activities. The
hilarious performances of great personalities in different fields of history prove that
this small body of flesh and bones contains tremendous power. This power generally
remains dormant and is therefore not manifested in most people. If awaken, this
latent power grows and expands like a huge tree from a tiny seed. Its focused
development cultivates supernatural capabilities in the targeted components of the

The automatic regulation and use of the instrument made up of the parka tatvas
becomes possible by the consciousness generated from the prana. The chetana
(consciousness) of human being is the ‘driver’ of the vehicle of his body. The
splendid structure of the body is of no use if there is no prana in maintenance of
healthy survival of the body and efficient use of its potentials depends on the level of
one’s chetana. Even a slight imbalance in the cetan or disharmony between the cetan
(mind) and the jada (physical) body might cause irreparable loss in terms of physical
mental health. Although the body of lethargic, foolish or insane person is normal

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

and healthy, his waned chetana may disturb his life drastically – leading to
untoward consequences.

The tendencies and manifestations of the jada (material) and certain (conscious)
components of nature are entirely different. The commingling of the two however,
gives rise to a third stream of power which is very specific and even super seeds the
potentials of its individual constituents. As the combinations of two chemicals
transmutes both and produces a third – a new chemical, the combination of jada and
cetan similarly manifests itself into a unique creation – such as a human being.

The power of chetana is present in every organ, every cell of the body. However, the
center of its functional manifestation resides in the core of the brain. Although the
chemical constituents and the biochemistry of the molecular interactions in the brain
are comparable with those in the neuronal network inside it makes it superior to all
other components of the body. The spontaneous activities inside this regulator of
human body are so complex and large in number that it can be called a Pandora’s
box – full of mysteries. The human brain is a magical creation of the Omniscient. The
varieties of tasks simultaneously performed by this system in short time intervals of
millisecond-to millisecond, indicate the presence of the Supernatural Power of the
Almighty in a worldly creation.

The routine functions of human brain include auto regulation of mentor and sensory
activities and central control over the functioning of the other organs. It also serves
as the central processor of bioelectrical activities and information processing across
different parts of the body via the nervous system. In other living beings the entire
amount of consciousness is used for the purpose of bodily activities however, in
humans the level of consciousness used for the above functions of auto regulations
and information processing is very small. It is only a tiny fraction of the huge
reservoir of chetana eternally stored in the human brain. The expansion and level of
consciousness brain is virtually infinite as compared to that used in the routine
physiological and neurological functions. If unutilized, this potential of brain gets
waned and remains dormant.

There lies a gigantic treasure of the visible and latent powers in the core of nature.
The essence of this also projected in the capabilities of human being. The jiva (soul
manifested in individual consciousness) is endowed with the subliminal streams
prana emerging from the cosmic ocean of the omnipresent consciousness of the Para
Braham – The Omniscient, Eternal, Supreme Creator. The seed of all the powers of
the cetan component nature are present in the jiva in a subtle form. The brain is
regarded to be the core of the existence and manifestation of this enormous potential
of the jiva in a human being. The structure and functions of the human brain
represent a splendid combination of the jada and cetan which gives rise to the flow
of specific bio-electrical currents – emanated from the streams of prana.

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

Although we do not notice it, even the normal functions of the brain in regulating
the routine activities inside the human body are so complex that the brain could be
considered as the supreme computer its natural functioning in maintaining the day-
to-day activities of the body and mind might appear as ordinary to some people.
But, the scientists and thinkers know that it is indeed an extraordinary organ, there
could be no sophisticated processor or device developed by advanced technologies
which would ever reach the efficiency of this system.

The non-routine functions of the human brain are more amazing. Those who have
made use of the specific intelligent processing of this ‘instrument’ of cetan have
acquired glorious positions in the history of mankind because of their extraordinary
talents and activities aimed at the welfare of many others. Eminent literary persons,
poets, artists, philosophers, scientists, yogis, rishis – the spiritual masters, super
natural personalities all attain the superior qualities, talents and expertise because of
rousing the specific faculties of their brains.

The hidden mental potentials of this natural computer are so many that awakening
and using of even a fraction of its capabilities would project it as divine machine.

The controlled arousal of the physical capabilities of the body enables one to become
a wrestler, stout and healthy, fit for hard physical labor etc. Such people may enjoy a
long healthy life. However, the accomplishments of using the special faculties of
brain are more astonishing. They may awaken supernatural talents in ordinary
humans. Experts of neurology and mental sciences believe that even the
exceptionally intelligent scholars and significantly talented people, in general, use
only about 7% of the real potential of their brain. The rest 96% largely remains
dormant and unnoticed. The larger the awakening and creative use of this latent
stock, the greater would be extent and expertise of talents and superhuman faculties.

The jada component of nature is unsystematic and noncreative because it does not
have intelligence. Although every atom of matter contains enormous energy and
active flow of energy waves a vibration, matter on its own cannot create beauty,
organize a system or produce and acquire anything beyond the constraints of
nature. The terrible solitude and rigidity of thick forests and deserts illustrates the
crude ‘inertness’ in the absence of human inhabitation. The ever-active motion of
planets is an event less routine and the environment on these cosmic bodies remains
dreary and devoid of any creativity or novelty in the absence of an intelligent being.
Our earth, despite being tiny in size as compared to many stars and planets, enjoys a
special status in the solar system because of the existence of life on it. Inhabitation of
the intelligent beings has given it the honor of civilized planet.

Human intelligence has made tremendous use of the natural resources available on
the earth. Be those the minerals and pearls in the deep interior of the Geo sphere or
the transmission of cosmic radiation, generation of prosperity from them has been

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

possible only because of the quest, zeal and scientific endeavor of human mind. The
technological developments have drastically changed the shape of modern world in
astronomically short span of few centuries. These astonishing achievements are is
inspired and materialized by the intelligence and talents of the human race.

It is indeed the human brain which has given birth to the creation of the treatises of
religion, ethics, philosophy, science of spirituality and the social, political and
economical systems and laws along with materialistic developments, etc and has led
to origin and evolution of civilization and culture. Without the use of its brain, the
human race would have been no better than the other members of the animal
kingdom. The accent of human society from the Stone Age to the modern civilization
of the faculties of human brain. The facilities of – agriculture, horticulture,
husbandry, handicraft, business, medicine, transportation, communication,
electricity, water supply, housing, entertainment, art, literature and multifaceted
scientific and technological developments, are obvious boons of the kalpa vruksha
existing in the form of the human brain .

The success of the flight operations of aircraft, in spite of the sophisticated

technology of the latter, depends mainly on the talents and decision-making
capabilities of the pilots or the remote controlling experts. Natural resources of the
earth, air, ocean, sun etc. are wonderful. But, the credit of their creative use goes to
the human skill only. Even the existence of God and life after death are, for many
people, the creations of the imaginations and convictions of the human brain. An
argument in support of the later statement is – whatever exists in the cosmos is
uniformly available to all living beings. Other creatures do not have any experience
of God, nor do they have any system of morality and religion etc. In that case, it
appears that only humans do so because of their intelligence. Thus, it is difficult to
decide whether the faith humans in God and related feelings and experiences are
creations of their intelligent mind or the results of the blessings of the Almighty
bestowed on human mind.

We do not want to indulge in such debates at this juncture. However, we cannot

neglect the fact that the intelligence and mental faculties of the human brain are in
many respects superior to the other kinds of powers existing in the living world.

The personal and social life of human being is glorified by the mental faculties of his
brain that are reflected in modesty, respect for fellow beings, ambitions of rise and
progress, sentiments of love and compassion etc. The artistic touch in the decoration
of the body – hairstyle, makeup, dressing and mannerism demonstrate his sense of
beauty inspired by mind. Without this sense, the men and women of today would
also have been living half-naked in bleak conditions like their ancestors of the Stone
Age. The untidy growth of hair would have given them wild like appearance if they
had not used their brains to maintain and arrange their hair in comfortable and
artistic manner. It is the inspiration of human mind that heavy lot of hair on the

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

head has been converted into s source of beauty, style and glamour. The facilities of
living in a house, having a family and society are not the gifts of nature, rather, they
are the creations of human intelligence which has allowed the humankind to live
happy and prosperous life.

Every field of civilization, every aspect of human life, demonstrates the

predominant role of mental faculties. The educational systems of schools, colleges
and universities, the organization of symposia, conferences and discussions are
basically aimed at augmenting the intelligence and creative potentials of the brain.
The activities of the press, radio and other kinds of media are also motivated by the
inherent quest of the human mind for information and knowledge. Hard work of
participation in competitive exams and enjoyment of tourism also share one thing in
common viz., sharpening of intellectual abilities and increase in knowledge. Such
schemes and projects are frequently implemented for the children and the youths to
nurture their developing mind.

Intelligence weighs and values more than wealth. An intelligent, thoughtful or

learned man or woman has the potential to solve the problems of personal and social
life. His/her talents could be used for the benefit of large number of people.
Resolution of the problems of the present and constructive planning for the bright
future becomes possible by the foresighted discerning intelligence. Further
refinement of the latter links it with spirituality. The supreme level of acumen, pure
intelligence, afflatus and absolute discreetness of mind is described in the spiritual
scriptures as ratambara pragya. The Gayatri Mantra is considered to be symbolic
representation of the eternal deity of pragya. Incarnation of this level of intelligence
guarantees absolute peace, eternal bliss, virtuous prosperity and divine culmination
in life.

The civilization and cultural developments acquired in the modern age, as described
above, are the outcomes of the efficient use of only about 7% of the powers of the
intellectual and scholarly brains since the present and past few centuries. This is a
worldly use of the awakened power of human brain. About 93% of its capabilities
still remain unused. This hidden potential is about 13 times more than the creative
power of brain ever used by the most intelligent person of the present era. If
awakened and used for the higher purposes of spiritual elevation, this potential
would prove to be 1300 times more beneficial in giving rise to the collective
evolution of human consciousness.

As the level of the cetan sublimates, the human mind gets attracted towards greater
ideals of humanity and realizes the need for rousing the inner strength. In the subtle
states of consciousness the brain begins to unravel the domains of spirituality.
However, only a handful of people reach up to this awakened state. In a vast
majority the activities of the brain revolve around the ever-increasing desires for
materialistic gains and sensual pleasures and egoistic ambitions. The aspirations of

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

such people reflect the infancy of their intellect. Creative motivation and determined
efforts towards a goal, even if it is triggered by ambitions, certainly makes more use
of the brain energy as compared to that in regulating the normal motor and sensory
functions of the body. Still it is negligible in view of the real potential of the human
brain. Higher level quests and aspirations of elevation stimulate further activities of
the brain. But, this also pertains to the superficial level acquisition and use of
knowledge and can be accomplished by the improvement of behavioral aspects and
refinement of talents by intensive training and sincere perseverance. This cannot
reach the deeper layers of consciousness and mental faculties, which are unraveled
by the spiritually elevated scholars and yogis.

The intellect of a spiritually enlightened person gradually reaches the level

equivalent to that of the siddha purusas, rishis – the perfect beings. If these aspects
of human brain are considered, the coliseum of developments and advancement of
civilization of the modern era would appear like a child’s play. The human brain has
immense potential to create what could be regarded as astonishing in comparison
with highest kinds of creative achievements of the present times.

The spiritual practices (sadhana) described in the ancient Indian scripture were
devised as experimental methods for systematic training towards the realization and
rousing of the otherwise dormant capabilities of the brain. An ordinary person can
reach the exceptional levels of great personalities, saints and rishis with the help of
disciplined and dedicated endeavors of sadhana.

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

Extraordinary Potential of Our Brains

The tiny ‘bag’ of the human brain contains an eternal treasure, which if used
cautiously, can offer the accomplishments and bliss of divine life. However, no
valuables would be of any use, unless one recognizes their worth and mode of
application. For example, if a tribal who has never seen or heard of any jewel finds a
precious diamond on a street, he will not be able to make any fortune from it.
Similarly, for a child a pearl would be no better than a shining stone and he would
throw the pearl away after playing with it for a short while.

That conscious mind in the brain can think – is well known. The tasks of reading,
writing, learning and teaching are also performed by it, this way its potentials are
normally used for sustenance of livelihood and worldly success. If one seeks deeper
insight and thoroughly links one’s thought process with the eminence of truth and
purity of knowledge, one might acquire some day, the honored status of saintly
scholar or revered erudite. This could be accomplished even if he or she does not
possess any material wealth or higher social status.

The root of inspiration is also contained in the core of the brain. The direction of
thinking is guided by this inner power which in turn governs one’s behavior and
deeds. Looking at one’s lifestyle, mannerism and activities, we can easily infer the
level and directions of his thinking. In short, one’s character and life is largely
shaped by his thoughts, by the inspirations of his mind.

Unraveling still deeper layers in the core of brain would show a greater reservoir of
the ‘gems and pearls’ of astonishing powers. Realization of this source of immense
potential and cautious attempts to canalize and make use of the associated streams
of mental and spiritual currents can elevate one’s life from an ordinary to an
extraordinary, glorious leave.

In terms of structure, physiology and biochemistry, the human brain appears to be a

living reservoir of electrical power instead of an organ made up of flesh and bones.
Its millisecond-to millisecond activities compare with that of a huge (electrical)
power station. It seems as if God has kept a magical box in the compact basket of the
skull. The sensitivity, creativity and level of consciousness of the brain is so high as
compared to the other organs of human body that one could consider it as the core
of the very existence of a human being.

At functional level, a human brain has two parts. One that encompasses the
activities of the mind and the intellect. The faculties of thinking, logic analysis and
decision making etc are governed by this part. The other part stores the memories,
habits and inherent tendencies, this part also controls the motor and sensory
functions of the body. Blood flow through the veins and arteries, consistent
pumping of heart, maintenance of the respiratory cycle, compression and expansion

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

of the muscles, automatic twinkling of eyelids, regularization of metabolism, sleep,

hunger, urination, motions etc, -- are all activated and controlled continuously by
the unconscious mind existing in the latter half of the brain. This could be termed as
the latent mind.

Each organ of the body is like an instrument, which is well equipped with
sophisticated components. But none of these can function automatically without the
supply of energy and regulatory instructions from the unconscious mind. Despite
extensive research on human brain, much of it, especially the unconscious mind still
remains undeciphered.

The conscious mind sleeps during the night. It faints due to intoxication or
anesthesia. In an instance of local anesthesia – when particular portion of the body is
temporarily made unconscious, the nerves connecting this organ with conscious
portion of the brain are inactivated. Thus, the signals of pain induced by a surgical
operation of that particular organ do not reach the conscious mind and so the
operation is performed painlessly. It is the conscious mind that gets agitated or
excited and suffers from mental disorders.

Treatments in the mental hospitals are focused at the patient’s conscious mind only.
Medications of psychiatric diseases comprise of targeting and controlling this
conscious faculty of the brain with respect to specific damage or abnormality.
Though substantial progress has been made in understanding, regulating and
refining the conscious mind, the researchers of psychology and neurosciences have
so far analyzed only negligible fraction of the unconscious (including the
subconscious and super conscious) mind. The auto regulation, physiological other
bodily functions are found to be normal in an insane person who is otherwise
healthy. Such observations show that insanity or disorders of the conscious mind
have negligible of effects on the auto regulatory activities of the unconscious mind.

The brain processes its functions with the help of a complex network of nerves cells
– neurons. There are about 10 (power of 10 -thousand billion) which is almost double
the total human population on the earth! - Neurons in this network. The connecting
nerve fibers and insulating materials are also filled within the skull. The neurons are
scattered in the brain like a galaxy of billion – trillion start (sources of energy), which
instead of gravitational attraction, are connected by synaptic filers. The diameter of a
neuron is lesser than one thousandth part of an inch and its weight is of the order of
six thousand billionth part (6 x 10 to the power of 10) of an ounce. The bio-electrical
currents flowing between the neurons via the nerve fibers carry the information in
the form of signals (impulses) from the sense organs to the brain and stimulate
appropriate activity in the nervous system. An axon of a neuron is tiny fiber like
structure, which is connected with the other neurons. The functional brain is a
complex network of the synaptic connections between the neurons.

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

The gigantic collection and networking of the thousand billion neurons posses
astonishing powers of a divine giant. The tiny neurons, despite their negligible size
and weight, contain the potentials of a complete human being. Humans could be
dull, careless or inactive but, the neurons are not – they are never waned or
weakened in their normal lifetime, nor do they leave their efficient processing. Some
portions of the neuronal network store – like microfilm, the memories of ages. Even,
what might appear to be forgotten matter at the superficial level of our active
memory is actually not lost from the registers of the brain. Its inscriptions remain
stored in the hidden layers in some corner of our brain and when an opportunity
arrives by the stimulation of the associated of the associated portion of the neuronal
network. Dr. Penfield a neurologist of Canada had activated some memory cells of a
patient by transmitting electrical I pulses. To his surprise, the patient narrated the
story and songs of a film as if he has just seen it, though, in fact, he had watched that
movie about twenty years ago.

Examples of extraordinary memory of some people often illustrate the immense

power of the human brain. The sharp intellect and spontaneous decision making in
some people is so remarkable that they appear like ‘super humans’. People having
extraordinary talents are not some exceptional beings who are endowed with such
divine gifts. In fact, the seed of such faculties lies in the brain of every human being.
In some people it is inherently sprouted and grown significantly to manifest
supernatural talents. However, it might blossom inn the others too if cultivated by
dedicated efforts.

Dr. Penfield’s research of human brain has shown that it has the normal capacity of
storing (memorizing) as many bytes of knowledge as could be contained in over
20,000 printed pages of a journal. On an average, a person views about hundred
thousands scenes of visual objects. Along with visual perceptions, his brain also
helps in the recording and recognition of the shape, color pattern, sound, smell and
tangible features of the corresponding objects and transpires associated feelings in
the mind. Whatever we observer or read in a day, most of it appears to have been
forgotten by us the next day
Although, all of it remains stored in back of the brain. This is because of the lack of
our concentration and the dirt of our abrupt or malign thinking that we insulate out
conscious mind from the deeper layers of the brain.

We often do not pay much attention to cleanup and fine-tune this divine machinery
by purifying and controlling our thoughts and emotions and protecting our brains
from excitations at the level of sensory and motor activities. Sincere and disciplined
practices of swadhyaya – aiming at the uplifting of the self and society as an integral
part of progress, offers adopt guidance and support for proper conditioning of the
mind. Practices of yoga and meditation are also used in training the brain and
refining its intellectual faculties. Our careless attitude towards swadhyaya and
meditation, irregularities in our life, ignorance about our internal world is largely

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

responsible for waning the awaken potentials of our brain and dumping its inherent
talents in a dormant state forever.

Dr. George Delgado has conducted several experiments on controlling some

activities of the brain. His results indicate that by thorough analysis of the dynamics
of neuronal network and control of its stimulation due to specific sensory activities,
one can restrain hunger, thrust, concupiscence, etc. By intensive practices of control
over the deeper functional regions of brain—pertaining to the subconscious and
unconscious mind, one might attain the power of reading other’s mind or sending
messages through thought waves (telepathy) with out any external mode of

If we model the ‘on’ (excited) and ‘off’ (inactive) states of neuron as the 0 and 1 bits
of computer memory, the basic storage in the memory of the human brain would be
analogous to so many bytes that even a magnetic tape of area equal to that of the
earth’s surface would be insufficient to record this huge amount of information.
Specific pieces of this grand stock of information are processed by the functional
coding sequences of DNA and RNA. Dr. Holgar Hyden of Sweden has shown that
the structural state of human brain is not rigid. Its capacity and potentials can be
varied with help of specific (bio) chemicals.

Dr. Bernard Agranoff of the Michigan University had conducted some experiments
on golden fish which showed that these fishes forget that they have eaten if they are
fed with a dose of pyuronycine after food. The experiments on dogs resulted in loss
of memory due to certain drugs, the pet dogs so treated had forgotten their houses
and were unable to recognize their masters. Experiments with some medicines have
shown partial effects of memory loss for a short time in the humans too.
Investigations are going on to search for the techniques of switching ‘off’ specific
portion of the memory permanently. This might be useful in relieving the patients
from the indelible memories, such as those of – shocking incidences, demise of the
dear and near ones, tragedies, sever loss, events of disgrace or insult, animosity etc,
which quite often become the cause of psychiatric or psychosomatic disorders.
The opposite kinds of experiments deal with increasing the memory and thereby
helping many duffers and the amnesiacs. Just imagine, a dull student would read his
textbook just once and go for the exams with full confidence because the specific
medicine gulped by him would help him recall everything read by him on the
required topics!

Lord Macoley had an exceptionally sharp memory. He had written the history of
Britain – in eighty volumes without opening any other book for this purpose. He
used to remember all the references, dates and venues of the events and the names
of the people associated with those events since the day he met with first saw, heard
or read about them. Map of any place ever visited by him, names and addresses of
the people whom he had met at a least once, information or knowledge of any kind

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

ever required by him, were so easily recalled by him as if he had crammed them by
heart a short while ago. People used to call him a ‘moving library’

Parson was peerless scholar of Greek. He knew by heart all the books written in this
language till his times and all the plays of Shakespeare. Mr. Richard Garnet, a one
time assistant superintendent of the British museum had become the chairman of the
publication section of another museum for about twelve years. The catalogue and
locations of the books were so perfectly stored in his memory that without lifting
himself from the chair, he used to tell the exact location of the book asked for if the
book was available in the stock. Moreover, he has even able to give an oral report on
the contexts and level of the text inside the books.

The above mentioned historical examples give evidence in support of the immense
power of the brain. It is rather unfortunate that we spent more time and efforts in
searching and collecting the external world and the material substances instead of
knowledge our own inner self. All our activities are directly or indirectly associated
with the use of matter and energy for worldly comforts. We hardly know anything
about the treasure of invaluable pearls locked inside our skull. Whatever be the best
of knowledge, potentials and joys awe gain from the external world, much more
than that could be attained by much lesser efforts by using the internal resources of
our brains. Some Asian universities have experimented on ‘brain washing’ with the
help of ESB electrical stimulation of brain. So far, this technique has been partially
successful when applied on the monkeys, dogs cats, rabbits, rats etc. It was found in
such experiments that these creatures forget about the food of their liking, their
senses of – fear, friendship, hostility etc and their natural tendencies change upside
down due to the ‘brain washing’ treatments. For instance, when a rat was dropped
in front of such a cat, she, instead of attacking it, got scared and bid herself in one
corner. Peculiar behaviors like – attacking a fellow-being violently for a few seconds
and then suddenly hugging each other with love, can be triggered in the animals by
stimulating different portions of their brain by electrical signals.

The human brain has much more complex and developed structure as compared to
that of any other creature. Its resistance against external treatments also is high.
However, the experiments of above kind have made a section of scientific
community believe in principle that the tendencies and behavior of humans could
also be controlled with the help of electrical and chemical treatments. If this becomes
possible then one day a dictator or whimsical ruler would virtually convert the
people of his kingdom as his slaves by forcing them to a drink chemical which
would change their mind as per his will! What will be the use of intellectual
activities of reading, writing, thinking etc, if a handful of scientists would be able to
uplift the mental faculties of people by certain electrical or chemical treatment?
Then the generations of warriors, scholars, farmers, artists etc. will be ‘produced’ by
appropriate treatment of the brains of the offspring’s in the laboratory!

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

Whether we are awaken or asleep, the brain continues to regulate various functions
of our body with the help of neurons and the nerves connected with other
components of the body through the spinal column. This bulk of the brain, weighing
only about three pounds, needs about 20 watts of electrical power of performing the
routine nonstop tasks, this energy is obtained form the stock of glucose and oxygen
available in the body. According to modern scientific understanding, each thought,
desire, emotion, every kind of experience or perception corresponds to specific
electrical I pulses and biochemical processing inside the brain. The techniques like
EEG (Electroencephalgrams) help visualize the electrical activities inside the brain.

Most of the investigations in neuroscience are at present aimed at medical treatment

of the physical and mental abnormalities due to the imbalance or damage in the
harmonious functioning of the brain. Deeper understanding of the brain – especially
the unconscious and subtler mind might help the researchers to find the methods of
improving one’s mental faculties and elevating the researchers to find the methods
of improving one’s mental faculties and elevating the level of thoughts and

Not only exceptional memory, the strong willpower of some people also set live
examples of the internal strength of the human brain. Dr. Ralf Alexander had
demonstrated this power publicly in Mexico City several years ago. The viewers of
this show included the representatives of leading newspapers and magazines,
groups of scientists, intellectuals and elite of the society along with the general
public. Dr. Ralf had planned to demonstrate how the clusters of clouds could be
formed in a desired shape and moved in the sky at one’s will.

The show began as per schedule. The sky was clear at that time. After a short while,
the demonstrator – Dr. Ralf ‘brought’ clouds there on public demand. With the help
of his strong willpower, he could change the shapes, scattering patterns and
movements of the clouds as per the demand of the viewers. The news of this exciting
exhibition of the remote influence of willpower had then appeared under bold
headlines in almost all newspapers of America.

Renowned scientist Allen Expurgate had written a detailed article in the magazine
‘Psychology’ with reference to Dr. Ralf’s demonstration. He had commented that –
the willpower of human is a special kind of (electrical) energy current by which one
can influence the activities of nature in the targeted space. This is a scientific method
of triggering high energy aura, such demonstrations should not be regarded as
magical shows.

The above discussed are few illustrations of the extraordinary capabilities of the
human brain. In the deeper depths of this ocean of consciousness there lie more
amazing potentials which are still beyond the reach of modern (material based)
sciences. The science of spirituality is much advanced in this regard. It offers the

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

methods of internal evaluation, realization and control of the brain without using
any external means. It also contains the key sublime transformation of the physical,
mental and spiritual levels of all human beings.

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

The Pandora’s Box

The placement of the brain at the top of the human body matches with the
superiority of its role as compared to the other organs. It sits at the head of the body
as if Lord Shiva divine glory is present on the sacred Kailash peak of the Himalayas.
The strong fort of the skull protects it from pollution, harmful radiation, effects of
weather fluctuations and also prevents it from being hurt due to external stroke or
hit. Further, the outer walls of this fort are also in contact with the external
environment so as to allow important cosmic signals to reach the brain, this
organization is most suitable for the healthy functioning of the brain as well as the

An infant’s brain weighs only about 12 ounces. In a grownup youth it becomes

about 3 pounds. Its functional capabilities increase at exponential rates as compared
to the growth of its size and weight during this period. With the help of microfilms,
we can store huge volumes of books in a tiny pocket. A healthy and normally
developed human brain can store the amount of knowledge, which if parented,
would require billions of huge volumes of books. Moreover, nature has endowed it
with potential to even double this capacity as and when required.

If one half of the brain is damaged or hurt due to some accident or similar causes,
the remaining half fulfills the tasks of both. We normally have two hands, two legs,
two eyes, two ears, two lungs, two kidneys etc. if one of these is lost, the normal
functions of the body continue without much trouble because, the other member of
the pair can compensate to a large extent for the lost or failed one. The brain does so
despite being a single organ. It continues to perform its essential duties efficiently
even if half portion becomes useless.

During the Second World War, about sixty-two solders had to undergo major
surgical operations in which half portion of the brain was removed because of
concussion. It was at that time that even if they survived, the memorizing capacity
and efficiency of their brains would also be halved after such an operation.

However, such apprehensions were found so be baseless as the half-brains of these

soldiers worked normally like the complete ones.

Size, weight or physique of the body might be good measure of its physical strength
to some extent. However, that is certainly not the case with respect to the potentials
of the brain. The brain of an elephant weighs about 10 pounds and that of human 3
pounds. But, we all know that an elephant is not intelligent at all as compared to
normal human.
The human brain controls every activity of life. The domain of its regulatory tasks
ranges from the body-functions to mental faculties and from the wonderful creations
of imaginations to the depths of sentiments and subtler fields of emotions and

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

acumen. Every kind of experience is stored in its memory. Only the intelligent
machinery of the brain performs the functions of reasoning, planning and decision
making. Whatever be the external structure, appearance and activities of the body,
the basic source of control of each and every component and function of the body
lies in the brain (mind). All the macro and micro level physiological, biochemical,
cellular and molecular activities inside the body are conducted under its regulatory
mechanism. It is the core of the origin, cultivation and culmination of the endeavors
and tendencies of inclination towards philosophy, science, business, technical skills,
art, music, adventure etc. What is the present level of one’s personality and what it
would become in near future this can be deciphered by the elucidation of his/her
mentality and emotional propriety.

The amount of material substances in brain is very less but its structural complexity,
flexibility, storage capacity and functional adaptability are marvelous. Its efficiency
in retrieving any piece of information from the hidden stock of its memory almost
instantaneously and its parallel processing at ultra fast speed make it a supreme
computer. These together with the unbound intelligence of the human brain
challenge that none of the advanced information systems, super computers or other
man made artificially intelligent machines could ever match the functioning of
human brain.

Man made devices perform only the particular tasks for which they are fabricated.
Their power and efficiency depends upon their design. Such is not the case with
natural ‘instruments’ like the human body and brain. The brain automatically
controls its own development and can expand its capacities, potentials, activities and
efficiency beyond any limit. It begins to grow on its own since the time of birth of the
fetus and continues to perfect its development till the time of death along with
performing its duties towards the other organs without any pause. In this respect, it
may be likened to a teacher, who besides teaching regularly in the school, also
continues his own studies and gradually passes higher grades of examination to
expand his own scholarly talents.

Recent developments in neurosciences have revealed many features of the structure

and function of the human brain. The facts known till date are so startling that this
organ appears to be superior than the collective accomplishments of the most
advanced technologies. What remains to be known about it could be more
astonishing. Many layers of this majestic Pandora’s box still remain closed. As stated
earlier, in normal case a large number of neuronal connections remain inactivated
throughout the life of human being unless some extra efforts are made – for instance,
by yoga practices and other experiments of spirituality to stimulate them. Rousing of
these latent centers of consciousness can bestow supernatural faculties. Then, an
ordinary human can enhance his physical power to compete with that of a giant and
develop divine talents and potentials at the mental, intellectual and spiritual levels

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

Regular physical exercises and massaging etc. are practiced in order to energize the
functional centers, which maintain physical health. The metabolic, activities are
maintained by eating, pure, nutritious and digestive food in balanced qualities. Such
practices ensure happy and healthy survival of the body in normal cases. However,
extra care is essential for the refinement of mental capabilities and talents. The food
intake of a person engaged in such an endeavor should be pure and austere and
should also be ‘charged’ by subtle energy. The latter helps stir and arouse the
reservoir of consciousness existing in the brain.

The food of one’s own refined thoughts, sentiments and inner strength catalyses the
actions of the subtle energy. The ext4rnal means useful in this regard consist of –
dedicated endeavors (sadhana) of practicing truth, austerity and penance in every
aspect of life, ascetic contemplation and swadhyaya coupled with the sadhana of
spiritual elevation. Meditation (dhayan) is the simplest kind of sadhana which
sublimates the flow subtle energy in the brain.

Focusing of sunrays on a convex lens results in generation of thermal energy and

ignition, channelizing of steam in a single direction triggers motion of steam engine,
targeted attack of cannon gives rise to an explosion. These examples demonstrate the
power of concentration. A large number of bio-electrical I pulses and energetic
currents continuously flow in the human brain, focusing these to refine and
strengthen specific quality of mind – is accomplished by a dhyan sadhana. This also
results in rousing the willpower and mental strength along with sharpening of the

The inner strength of the mind is more important that the might physical power of
the body, the power of wealth and external resources or the impact of education and
talents etc… One can rise up to those heights of development which are
unimaginable in today’s world and gradually culminate the personality with the
help of the awakened inner strength of the mind.

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

Let The Right Side Brain Think Too!

In terms of anatomy and physiology, the structure and basic functions of the brain is
same in all human beings. Then what is the reason that some people become
scientists, some artists, writers or other wise talented and some do nothing, some are
intelligent to the level of genius while some are dullards or booby? The intellectuals
and thinkers of all ages have addressed this issue.

Ms Betty Edwards writes in her book entitled “Drawing on the Right Side of Brain”
that – the right side hemisphere of the brain is found to be more active in the people
who are endowed with creative talents. As such the left and right parts together
constitute the complete brain. However, the right side of the brain is found to be
relatively more developed and active in the people having investigative mind with
sound reasoning and insight.

It is really beyond the capacity of human skill to comprehend the amazing features
of the brain or decipher why the eternal creator had given special roles to the two
halves of single organ. The brain material, which looks like a jelly, brown substance
– made up of thousand billions neurons, is the main power generator in the ‘factory’
of body. It is million times better than the super computers of the most advanced
generation. Its central processing unit (CPU) receives, recognizes and processes
several bio-electrical signals simultaneously in a matter of just few micro seconds.
Bio-electrical signals are processed continuously in an active brain at a high speed of
over thousands per second. They constitute the basis for the recognition and
processing as per the informational impulses received from the sense organs. The
brain automatically produces the energy required for its own processing and
continues to work efficiently without any rest throughout the normal life of human

The right hemisphere of the brain has been of special interest to the neuroscientists
and psychologists of the modern age. Dr.Stanley Angelebert has written a thought-
provoking article on this topic in the July 1988 issues of Reader’s Digest. In this
article entitled ‘Are You Thinking Right? He has described significant aspects of the
unique role of the right side of the human brain. He states”Most of us do not realize
the immense potential inherent in our own self, we are not able to drive our intellect
righteously. This is the reason why we are deprived of those qualities which most of
the talented great personalities possess as natural endowments. Although it is not
necessary for people in general to know the detailed structure of the brain or analyze
the positions and processing of special functional centers in it. It would however, be
beneficial for all the people to be aware of – how to make the best use of this
precious organ to refine and rouse the mental and intellectual talents.

The learned writer further describes that – it is well known that the right hemisphere
of the brain controls the motor and sensory activities of the left half of the body and

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

the left hemisphere does that for the right portion of the body. The right side part of
the brain is considered to be the functional center for artistic talents, soft emotions
and creativity and its left counterpart is thought to govern talents, skillful activities
and extraordinary memory. However, it is not found to be in our daily activities.

When we try to recollect where a particular object was kept, recall a person whom
we had met earlier, or perform similar tasks of retrieving the memory, we make
more use of the right brain as compared to the left. In the awaken state of the body –
that is, for about 16 hours of a day on an average, when the conscious mind is active,
the ‘shift to right’ process is carried out by thy corpus calosom. This process required
about 50 watts per hour in a normal person’s thinking.

Noble laureate, Dr. Roger Sperry and his associates at the California Institute of
Technology had analyzed the activities of epileptic patients before and after the
brain – surgery. It was found that the coordination or separation of the dual
activities (of the two halves) of the brain change pattern of the electrical sparks
(Impulses) in it. A split brain syndrome was developed in the patients when the
center connecting the left and right halves of the brain was cut during the surgical
operations. Characteristics of dual personality were then observed in the
subjects/patients. Moreover, because of lack of mutual cooperation and systematic
organization and fine-tuning of the intellectual functions of the two hemispheres of
the brain, such people were unable to make use of the specific talents they
possessed. Similar kinds of observations made in several neurological research
laboratories have led to drastic change in the classical views, about the role of the
two halves of the human brain. Better under-standing of the brain-functions has
raised hopes for creative use of neurosurgical operations

People in the Indian society, by and large, force their lefty children to use the right
hand instead of the left for most of the essentials tasks including eating, writings etc.
this conviction also exists in the western society. The conventional views about
‘righteousness of the right hand is rather misleading’. In fact, right side brain of a
person who naturally uses the left hand for every activity – be that holding a pen
while writing or griping a cricket bat or tennis racket while playing, etc, is more
active than that in those who normally use the right hand.

Forcing a ‘lefty’ child to use the right hand triggers the harmful processing of ‘shift
to the left’ in his brain. This disturbs the harmony between the two parts of his brain
and suppresses proper mental development of the child. As a result, such children
often suffer from indecisiveness, mental complexes and psychological abnormalities,
development of dual personality is a common phenomenon in such cases. According
to Dr. Judie Helms of Connecticut, the right brain’s major role is converted into a
minor one because of a forced transformation of the lefty persons into ‘normal’ by
social convention ones. This should be avoided by generating social awareness
about the importance of using the right brain.

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

Professor Albert Einstein, renowned genius of the 20th century scientist, used to say
that – it is very much in our hand to train and elevate the creative potentials of our
brain. In his views, we should try to create, by mental concentration, a three-
dimensional image and/or detailed planning of what we intent to do. This ability is
naturally gifted to every human being and the right brain performs the task of the
planning and decision making. If before starting an important task, we plan and
thoroughly study the ‘pros and cons’, ‘ifs and buts’ associated with it and register
the ‘image’ of the related thoughts in the right side brain then the task would
certainly be completed as per our expectations”. He used to mention that he had
developed, refined and made best use of his brain by such experiments on creative
use of the two halves of the brain.

In this book ‘The Act of Creation’ Arthur Koestler states that – the thoughts, which
are torturing or disturbing the mind or which are mutually conflicting and
perplexing and destabilizing internal peace should be expelled from the mind for a
few seconds After a while thinking should be focused at the right of the brain. The
tumultuous thoughts would be systematically ‘processed’ there and appear in the
mind in a clearer and harmonious form. Calm thinking and thorough analysis of the
related topic or problem would be easily possible in this state of mind. Such a
condition of the mind could be practiced any time –while relaxing, scrolling, or,

Many psychologists and psychiatrists also opine that people can be trained to use
their right brain and thus develop the faculties of the balanced th8inking and sound
reasoning. The oriental philosophy and ancient science of human mind also
emphasize that a human being is a controller of his development. He can rouse the
dormant talents and make best use of his mental faculties by realizing the potentials
of the right side brain. Negligence of the half of the brain or improper use of its
creativity is one of the major causes of the insignificant development of one’s
personality. We must therefore learn to activate this core of creative talents and
intelligence and harmonize it the left side brain with the help of simple spiritual
practice lie dhyan (meditation).

When one mentally concentrates on the specific objects and links it with
contemplation of the divine during ideals during deep meditation, his consciousness
gets linked with the subtle world. Gradually, his ‘inner eyes’ –the centers of the
latent intellect—are awakened. If one sincerely performs such experiments at a
regular pace in daily life, there is no reason why one would not be able to refine his
intellect and activate some potion of the unused 93% of the real potential of his
brain! It should always be beard in mind that righteous thinking and integrity of the
character are the key factors in supporting the elevation of intellect by any practice
of conditioning and harmonizing the activities of brain

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

The Energy of Brain in the Hollow of the Body

Words would always be less in expressing the importance of health in human life.
‘Healthy mind lies in a healthy body’ – is an enthusing statement reflecting the
Importance of health of physical body. However, this does not represent the
ultimate truth. Mind cannot manifest its faculties so easily without the tool of the
body. But it can very well maintain its unique potentials even in a weak, injured or
handicapped body. That the mental powers could be awaken and made more sharp
and creative even in an unhealthy body – has been demonstrated by plenty of live
examples in human history.

The Lives of the rishis like Chyavan and Valmiki are examples of the above kind
available in the ancient history of India. The bodies of these rishis had become
almost like skeletons because of practicing strict penance. Their souls however
existed in spiritually sublimated states with full expression of life even in those
‘hollow’ bodies. The yogis in the state of deep trance also remain lively despite
stopping the physical activities of the heart, brain and other organs for desired
period of time. After completion of the trance they bring back the body to a normal

The above examples pertain to spiritual experiments only. However, similar

amazing phenomena are seen in the ordinary worldly lives too. Mr. Hanava
Hokaishi of Japan was renowned in the 18” centaury as an incarnation of the deity of
knowledge. He was born in 1712 and had lost his eyesight at the early age of seven
years. Despite being blind, he continued to acquire knowledge by listening. This
way he had ‘read’ over 40 thousands books in his 101 years long life. So amazing
was the grasping power of his brain that many of the books were thoroughly stored
in his memory by way of listening to their texts just once. The depth and grandeur of
his knowledge was a matter of surprise for the scholars of that time. Many a times,
he used to quote such references of knowledge that were beyond the level of
imagination of the savants who were discussing with him. On the request of his
friends, he had also written a treatise which was compiled in 2820 volumes and
which still exists as a monument of the unlimited potentials of the human intellect.

Dr. Stephen Hawking’s life is a shining example of his kind in the present times.
This great mathematician physicist cum astrophysicist, despite being totally
handicapped physically, has made remarkable contributions in unraveling the
secrets of the cosmos. This distinguished professor at the Cambridge University, UK
has derived contain scientific principles, which have given rise to striking changes
and rethinking on the exiting theories of the origin and expansion of the universe
and the existence of black holes.

This eminent scientist, now in his fifties, was diagnosed as suffering from ALS-a
motor neuron disease about three decades ago, when he was doctoral student.

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

However, charmed by his intellect and moved by the aim of supporting him with
love and care, a young British girl married him at that time. The couple was also
blessed of three children. Dr. Hawking’s body had gradually paralyzed due to the
deadly disease in the later years. His health continued to worsen gradually and he
eventually lost his voice, his hands also paralyzed like his legs and further disabled
his body. In spite of this tragedy, his mind remains engaged in rigorous research.
Advanced technological instruments – including auto controlled wheel chair,
computer aided voice synthesizer and brain signal decoder, had made it possible for
others to comprehend his ‘lectures’ and discuss and collaborate with him.

Dr. Hawking’s book. “A Brief History of Time” has been a best seller and is
recognized as the most lucid writing on the most difficult scientific topic.. He is
regarded as second Einstein of this century. The contributions of the supernatural
mental functioning of his physically diseased brain in a disabled body make us
rethink of the universality of statement of ‘healthy mind in a healthy body’. His life
is the most convincing evidence of the fact that the potentials of human brain
blossom beyond the barriers of physical fitness. They can be elevated and used in
full capacity by human being so long as his soul exists in the body, howsoever weak
or hollow the latter may be.

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

Majesty and Dignity of Human Brain

Dr Wilder Penfield, a celebrity neurosurgeon of America has recorded amazing
results during the study of the nerves and neuronal processing. Once, when be
electrically charged a portion of the brain of an eight year old girl undergoing a
neurological treatment, she began to describe an incident without a pause. It
appeared, as if a gramophone record player is switched-on inside her mouth. She
narrated. “I was playing with my brother. They were hiding in a farm to frighten
and irritate me. I lost track of the. Then I saw a man whose clothes were clumsy. He
took out a snake from his bag and showed it to me. I ran away with fear and reached
home in a gasping state “

Dr. Penfield was surprised at this flow of her thoughts imagination and to note that
such a young child was describing an incident in so much detail. The girl’s mother
revealed that the above incident had occurred, when this girl was only two and half
years old. As the doctor was sure that no child at that small age could ever
remember a past incident. The conjectured that there must be a system in human
brain which is ‘matured’ ‘skilled’ and ‘thoughtful’ since the time of birth. Although
be could not find an answer in support of this consideration, the involved idea
motivated him towards dedicated experimental research of human brain.

As the research in the faculties of neuroscience has advanced, the human brain is
being found to be more and more mysterious. Deeper elucidation are coming closer
to proving the existence of the sahastra kamal or sahastra in the core of the human
brain as described in the ancient Indian ph8ilosphy and science of spirituality.
According to the scriptures, the subtle flow of supreme consciousness in this chakra
connects the human consciousness with cosmic currents of divine power. This latent
center in the human brain is also considered to contain the divine potentials and
complete knowledge of the pas, present and future of one’s life.

The Indian rishis had realized the existence of the sahastra kamal along with the sat
cakras’ and the brahnrandhra in the human brain. The sahastra is described to be
superior to all the other extrasensory centers (cakras) of the subtle energy of prana. It
is described to exist in the reticular activity system in the brain. The physical activity
center (transducer) of this cakra is described to be subtly located in the hollow
portion about two inches away from the temples and about two to three inch deep
behind the bhrumadhya (mid point between the eyebrows). Upon successful
completion of the association sadhanas, it is realized as a unique glow of light.
According to the spiritual masters of yoga, the shape of this fulgent spot appears like
that of an inverted umbrella or a bowl and it consists of this ark of light is silver
bright like a flash of mercury light.

The Chanogya Upanishadh describes the state of realization of the sahastrara---

‘tasya sarvesu lakesu kasmcarom Bhavati’. Meaning: the yoga who has seen the

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

sahastrara can attain the knowledge of all the sciences. The sahastrara is also the
center of the regulatory power of the brain from where the latter controls the
activities of the body. It is the source that inspires and governs human intellect,
which is at the root of the enormous creation and accomplishments of the humans in
this world.
If we sharpen the knowledge-acquiring unit of the brain up to the brightest level
then we can recall, at will whatever we had ever heard, seen and read, thought or
experienced. Moreover, we can also see or know everything that is read heard,
thought or experienced by others around us, so clearly as if a reel of a film is being
projected in front of our eyes. The memory registers of the brain store the visual
perceptions like on a reel at a speed of about one seen per second. More surprisingly,
this majestic box inside the skull also contains ‘preprint’ of the scenes, which a
person is going to see in future. This astonishing capability of the human brain, if
used completely, can enable one to become omniscient. Each one of us can attempt
to realize and rouse the power of the brain to benefit accordingly.

Many of the supernatural potential of the human brain described in the yoga-
scriptures are now found to be matching with the accidentally recorded or
experimentally elucidated results in the modern scientific laboratories. The above-
described experiment of Dr. Penfield is an elementary illustration of such findings.
In case of this particular example, one might argue that, the peculiar incident must
have created such an impact on the child’s mind that it got assimilated in her
memory with a high intensity and thus became ‘ ever memorable’ to her. However,
there are many other examples—including those of awaken memories of the
previous births, which demonstrate the existence of the layers of the latent memory
with immense storage capacity in human brain which contain the memories of the
previous lives and the inherent tendencies of one’s mind. Some authentic incidents
of this kind are cited below.

A somewhat similar effect--- as the one described earlier, was observed in case of an
American boy. When external electrical current was flown through a nerve the boy
began humming a song in a language which was foreign to him. The tune of the
song and the perfection of the boys singing made it quite soothing. The song was
instantaneously recorded in the lab. Later on, linguists recognized the language of
this as a dialect, which was spoken in some parts of West Germany long time ago.
Surprisingly, nobody in the boy’s family---neither material nor paternal relatives had
ever had any connection with that region of Germany. None among his
acquaintance or friend had ever heard that language. After a detailed study of the
event, it was concluded that the boy must have heard or learnt that song in a
previous life whose memories were assimilated in his brain’s otherwise dormant
portion which got activated due to the electrical charge.

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

In a neurosurgical operation, Dr, Penfield had observed that a particular nerve of a

patient used to be stimulated during the epileptic attack. The doctor had carefully
cut and separated the nerve.
The patient got rid of epilepsy and enjoyed a normal healthy life after this operation.
Commenting in this case, the doctor stated that---“There are many thousands
millions of protein molecules present in the brain matter, about two thousands
millions of these have an average age of 70 years approximately. During the lifetime
(active state) of the proteins, whatever a person perceives or experiences in the
conscious state of the mind gets stored in neurons of the brain is infinite because of
the dynamic connectivity between them”.

If there were sensitive instruments to measure and project the millisecond to

millisecond activities of this majestic network then it would have become possible
for the scientists to unravel the complete history of one’s present and previous lives.
It would then have been possible to see in what were its sinful (papa) actions and
what were its morally ecstatic, serene altruist deeds (punya) in the past or the
present life. The sahastratra is like a ‘crystal’ through which one can get a glimpse of
the journey of the soul and retrieve detailed knowledge about the past and the
present life. This is the reason why the scriptures of Hindu religion call the shastrara
as sutratma ---the eternal linkage of the soul.

History has witnessed rare incidents of supernatural memory, depth of the

knowledge and exceptional talents of humans since the time of yore. Many of these
live examples also highlight the eternal connection of the soul with the conscious,
unconscious and super-conscious faculties of the mind. Observance of extraordinary
potentials of farsightedness, clairvoyance, telepathy and other kinds of supernatural
perceptions also gives evidential support to this aspect. Many such cases observed in
the past few centuries have been recorded and compiled with authentic reports in
some western countries. In his book ‘New Frontiers of Mind’, J.B. Rine has cited
many examples of clairvoyance which were analyzed and tested by the
neuroscientist and psychologists. Over fifty percent of the partly reported cases were
proved to be true. Hundred percent of the cases pertaining to supernatural ‘vision’
during dreams or in a trance-like state of the mind were found to be true. One such
case reported by Mr. Rine is described below:

Mr. Rine’s neighbor’s wife had once dreamt that her brother, who lived in distant
village, is going to his granary in a horse cart. There he opened his cart and all of a
sudden climbed up the scaffold and committed suicide by shooting himself by a
revolver. He had then fallen on a heap of chaff nearby. The lady was so frightened
by this dream that she got up and asked her husband to immediately start for her
brother’s village. Her husband went to Mr. Rine’s father to borrow his horse cart.
The couple reached the village next day early morning. The lady was shocked to
find her brother’s body lying in his granary in exactly the same position as she had
seen in the dream.

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

Another incident of similar kind was published in the book. This was reported to
Mr. Rine by one of his friend, who was a Professor. This had happened when the
Professor’s wife was playing a game of bridge in a friend’s house. She suddenly felt
as if her daughter, whom she had left at home, is in some serious trouble. She
wanted to inquire about her little daughter over telephone but had to continue
playing cards on her friend’s request but, after a while, she felt so uneasy and
mentally disturbed that she left the game and rushed to the phone. A maidservant
received the phone. When the lady asked about her daughter’s well being the
servant paused for a while and replied ‘she is all right’. As her friend insisted to
complete the game, she then played for some more time and reached home in the
evening. There she learned that her daughter had had narrow escape from serious
injuries in a car accident.

When the girl (daughter) was going in a car her father Professor, she was on the seat
peeping through open window, she lost her balance and was kicked out due to a
sudden jerk. Some how she got hold of the window glass and was almost hanging
outside the speedy car. She was so scared that she could not even scream! Before her
father could realize the mis-happening the traffic police noticed her and stopped the
car within a few minutes. Had there been slight delay, the girl would have slipped
down and got crushed in the running traffic. The tragic movements of this accident
were exactly those, her mother felt uneasy and panicked about her. The daughter
had reached home safely by the time her mother had phoned there. As the child was
all right, the maidservant did not tell anything over the phone about the incident.

The above mentioned Professor has also reported in Rine’s book about his receiving
subtle signals from the cosmos when he was a graduate student living a top the hills
of Pennsylvania. Such experiences cited in the book reflect the potentials of the
subconscious and the unconscious mind.

In the state of dream all the activities of our body are internalized under the control
of the ever-active unconscious mind. The truth of the events seen in a dream or
experienced subconsciously signify the linkage of brain (mind) with the external
consciousness of the soul which is inspired by the Omnipresent supreme
consciousness and is beyond the reach of any sentience. The supernatural
experiences associated with different faculties of mind indicate the existence of a
supreme source which is absolute and which can never be bound within the limits of
time and space. Einstein had accepted the existence of the absolute power of
consciousness. He had even attempted proving its extremity through his theory of

Modern science has not yet been able to educate and analyze the activities of the
unconscious mind in human brain. As the research in this direction advances in
collaboration with that in the fields of subtle sciences, the role of sahastrara would
become clear and recognized as the source of the external expression of the soul.

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

Scientific experiments on rats and monkeys have helped understanding the

neurophysiology of their motor control. In human beings, the complexities are so
high even at the level of simple physiological activities that much of these auto
regulatory mechanisms of the brain still remain the topics of research. Its automatic
control of the sensory perception is more complicated. The brain experiences (as
pain) the injuries of a leg or any other organ. The eyes weep but the sorrow is felt by
the brain (mind). The body moves but it is the brain which worries about the
hindrances along the path. The hands use tools but it is the brain which enables
them to do so. Whatever one thinks, does, believe and feels is because of the brain
(mind). In essence, the existence of an individual is there because of his brain.

The approach of the Indian rishis – the perfect scientists of ancient times, had been
comprehensive in understanding, and using the majestic potentials of human brain.
They had focused their research on its subtle faculties – the mana (mind), buddhi
(intellect), chitta (the inherent memory and source of mental tendencies) and
ahankar (the sense of being – the manifestation of the existence of the soul). They
were able to study all the spiritual and mental aspects of the brain by realizing the
existence, functions and external linkage of its subtle entities with the soul.
Acquisition of the knowledge of its activities at the physical, physiological,
neurological, and biochemical levels was an offshoot of their realizations of its subtle
activities. They were able to attain supernatural talents and make use of the body
beyond the barriers of time and space. These accomplishments remain unparalleled
in human history.

By conducting dedicated experiments of the subtle science of spirituality, the rishis

had unraveled the existence and principal role of the sahastrara in the human brain
along with that of the sat cakras and the brahrandhras as its associates. The different
sadhanas of spiritual experiments and yoga were so devised by them that every
human could relize and be bestowed by the immense power of his/her brain by
practicing these sadhanas. It is unfortunate to note that the people of later ages could
not pursue the disciplined and ascetic life essential for the sadhanas, and instead
preferred materialistic gains and luxuries. Even the simple practices of japa
(renunciation) of mantras and dhyan (meditation) could not find place in the daily
lives of majority of such people. This had led to severe discontinuity that gave rise to
the near total disappearance, in the present era, of the most advanced branch of
complete knowledge established by our glorious ancestors.

The important of the pituitary gland is now well known to the neuroscientists.
Anatomically, this gland exists inside the brain at the junction where the optical
nerves meet to form the optical chasm. Secretion of variety of hormones be those
required for controlling the body functions or those giving rise to the expressions of
the feelings of anger, fear, anxiety, depression or cheerfulness, enthusiasm etc,
pertaining to one’s mental and emotional state originates from this center. The
perceptions of smell, taste or any other experience of the sense organs is also

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

regulated from here. Because of this predominant role the pituitary is also called the
master gland. This corresponds to the agya chakra described in the Indian scriptures
on yoga.

Scientist have found two valve like structures (called functional valve) near the
pituitary location, one facing the right and the other towards the left side of the
brain. Thought they have not been able to elucidate the subtle structure of this
‘masterpiece’ (pituitary gland) of the brain, the neuroscientist are optimistic that its
detailed knowledge would enable deciphering the mysteries of the internal world of
the human brain and rest of the body. Modern scientific investigations have
analyzed about 17% of the structural expansion of the brain. More amazing
functions and mysteries are hidden inside the remaining 83%. The optical functional
area and the sensory areas are located in between superior and inferior cerebral
pedicles (plexuses).

All kinds of nuclei present in the brain receive stimulation from the above center. A
subtle ‘wonder land’ is present here, which is beyond the grasp of physical
instruments. However, one can experience it and unravel its mysteries by controlling
the mental agility, retraining the extrovert tendencies of the mind, practicing mental
concentration and meditation and adopting the principles of spirituality in all
aspects of life.

One can enjoy a blissful life by maintaining the health, happiness and peace of his
mind. Measures based on psychological, physiological and other scientific aspects
could be useful in this regard provided they are focused at the subtle powers of the
brain. The mind, being a subtle power of the brain, is an expression of the soul, it is
the source of existence of the individuals, whatever be the potential of a person, and
its seed resides in his brain. The development of the personality of an individual
depends upon the level of his conscious mind and the quality of other subtle
(subconscious and unconscious) functions of his brain. We cannot know our selves,
nor even our body, without knowing our brain (mind) up to the deepest depth.

It is said that the soul resides in the hidden layers of consciousness in the brain.
Knowledge of the journey of the soul, knowledge of the cosmos and that omniscient
supreme divine power is also described to exist in the inner core of the brain. The
Indian philosophy is mainly centered on the in-depth knowledge and realization of
the mana,buddhi,citta and ahankar -- the subtle layers of the human brain. The
rishis, the visionaries of this eternal knowledge had discovered the principles and
methods of acquiring absolute knowledge and attainment of ultimate bliss by the
realization of the subtle streams of prana rishis states in the Dhyanbindu Upnishad
(sloka No 103-106) that

Kapala Kushare Madhye Caturdwarasya Madhyame |

Tadatma Rajate Tantra Yathavyomni Divakar ||

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

Kodanandawaya Madhyatu Brahmrandhresu Sakti Ca |

Swatmanam Purusam Pasyenmanastratra Layam Gatam ||
Ratnani Jyotisnanadam Tu Bindumahesvaram Padam |
Ya Evam Veda urusah Sakaivalyam Samasnute ||

Meaning: In the inner core of the forehead lies the center of the four doors of the
sensors of eyes, ears, nose and mouth. There one hears the ext4ernal music –
resembling the sound of a divine peacock – entering in the brahmarandhra from the
cosmos. Like the sun in the sky, the soul is gloriously placed at the top of the inner
brain. Below the brahmarandhra, deep in the bhrumadhya, there exists the reflection
of its power. One should realize the existence of the Self in this inner core of the
brain. The eternal glow and sound of the Omniscient, Omnipotent, Supreme God
exists there in a subtle form. One who knows this can attain the divine state of
ultimate peace and knowledge.

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

Human Brain – Source of Miraculous Power

If one measures the height of his body by his own hand, it would approximate only
about 86 ‘fingers breadth’ in general. The organization and function of this ordinary
specimen is so splendid that no sophisticated machine could match the ordered
assembly and efficiency of its components. Its automatic activities in normal case are
so perfect that they appear to have been derived by mathematical principles. Its
regulatory knowledge acquisition and biological physiological information
processing, activation and control of body functions, harmonious organization of the
activity in the body as per the state of the mind.

If we consider the subtle potentials of the brain, we will find that its above
mentioned ‘routine’ functions could be expanded to unexpected extent. So much of
that – one would be able to get absolute knowledge about every thing existing in
nature, placed anywhere in the cosmos; one would be able to communicate with any
desired person at any place, howsoever far, without the help of any external device.
If the hidden potentials of brain are aroused completely, one would be able to lift
with ease anything, of whatever weight, from anywhere in the world, one would be
able to control the minds of others – induce them to be an unconscious state, or even
kill some one at a remote place, may even regulate the functioning of every thing
existing in the world.

The supernatural potentials and talents – termed as asta siddhi and nava nidhi in the
Indian scriptures – are the expressions of the miraculous powers of brain which
were attained by our ancient yogis through mental concentration and meditation
with sublime spirituality.

Divine incarnations have the supernatural faculties awaken since birth. Religious
scriptures cite many examples of this sort. Several incidents of this kind are
associated with the life of Jesus Christ. Once he was traveling bare foot with a
handful of his disciples when they felt exhausted after a day’s sojourn, Jesus told one
of the disciples to go up to a particular distance in a particular direction and bring
back the ass that was grazing there. Surprisingly, the fellow did find an ass at the
same spot as guided by Jesus, he brought the animal for riding. That place which
was far beyond the sight of others was so clearly visible to the Christ. This was
nothing but a minor glimpse of his supernatural vision.

Extraordinary faculties of perception exist in subtle form in the brain of every

human being, which need to be awakened by dedicated efforts. The advancement of
scientific understanding of some functions of the brain and simultaneous study of
the effects of some yoga and dhyana sadhana on thee functions had paved the way
for newer research. It has also shown that – the spiritual methods developed by the
ancient savants are systematic and scientifically justified techniques which could
activate the latest potentials of the brain.

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

Dr. George Delgado had conducted several experiments to demonstrate that the
sensual feelings like hunger, thrust, concupiscence, etc could be controlled by
controlling the governing centers of the brain. Controlling his neuronal activities
could also help control the mental tendencies of a living being. In an evidential
demonstration, he gave a banana to monkey named Ali. When Ali was eating this
fruit of its liking, Dr. Delgado recorded its EEG and accordingly sent specific
electrical signals to this subject’s brain. These signals were tuned to ‘order’ the
monkey to throw off the thing in hand. The viewers were surprised to watch that
suddenly Ali stopped eating and threw away the banana despite his hunger and

In another demonstration – a bit adventurous and risky to perform, two bulls were
brought in a ground surrounded by thousands of viewers which included some
experts who had come to examine Dr.Delgado’s experiment. The bulls had
electrodes fit in their heads, the public triggered them to have head-on collision. The
fighting animals appeared so dreadful as if they would crush each other. Just then
Dr.Delgado sent a signal ‘conveying ‘the ‘message’ that peace is better than fight to
both the animals. These signals had electrified the nerves of the bulls so as to
stimulate the secretion of certain hormone and suppress that of the other. Within no
time the bulls were seen standing calmly near each other like domestic goats,
although their hissing continued but there was no excitation in them. Dr.Delgado
had also successfully used the method of controlling the specific nerve-functions
through electrical charge for the treatment of many patients.

At least 20 Watts of electricity flows continuously in the brain of a normal human

being throughout his life. This generation and conduction of (bio) electricity is a part
of the normal automatic functioning of the brain. If a neuron could be excited by
some processing then because of its electrical energy, it would work like a dynamo,
the million billions neuron would collectively be equivalent to million billions of
dynam! Just imagine then, what a gigantic around of power – heat, light, electricity
etc that could be generated from the brain?

Understanding of the electrical activities of the neural network and related findings
of modern sciences appear superficial when compared with descriptions of the
internal power of the brain as cited in the ancient scriptures. The divine powers of
Lord Indira and Savita are said to be present in the inner core of the sahastrara in
human brain, the Gods Rudra and Pusan are said to exist subtly on its back side.
These divine powers were identified by the rishis as the sources of the conscious and
unconscious faculties of mind.

Scientific findings have so far discovered that the cerebrum is the principal portion
of the brain where all the nerves and veins meet collectively. This portion keeps
control over the sensory and motor functions of the body. The backside of the brain
is so far been analyzed as the center of memory, the electrical impulses for the

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

subconscious and unconscious activities of the brain are considered as emanated

from this portion.

The activities of the conscious mind and the cerebrum reflect the existence of life in a
human body. The development of body in the fetus beings from the growth of the
cerebrum, the latter controls the development and organization of other organs. In
spite of clinical death, a person remains alive till there is presence of consciousness
in this part of his brain. Many examples of this ‘miraculous’ phenomenon have been
recorded in the history of modern medicine. Some of these are described below for
ready reference.

A Britisher named Frank Lasslie had ‘died’ of heart failure in Calcutta sometime in
1896. Many members of his family had also died of similar attacks so his death was
confirmed without further investigation. His coffin was buried in a nearby
graveyard. His relative wanted to bury him in the grounds of Saint John Chapel.
But, they could get the permission only after six months. Then, as per the rituals, his
coffin was opened, people were stunned to see his dead body! His body was
originally kept straight with his hands folded to form a cross on the chest but now
the body was lying overturned having its back upwards, his clothes were torn and
there were spots of blood in and around his mouth!

The coffin was checked properly before his first burial and was closed firmly so that
no insects could enter it. What happened then? The forensic experts and doctors
inferred that Frank might have been buried when there was still some life in his
brain – that was unconscious for some time after his heart-fail. By the time his brain
would have regained consciousness be would have found himself buried inside the
grave. He would not have been able even to breathe inside that airtight caffeine, in a
shocked state of fear and irritation, he might have tried to come out of that box, in
this attempt his clothes would have got torn and in the end he would have died of
suffocation after vomiting blood.

Another incident of similar kind had occurred in a Ladies hostel in Edinberra. A

resident orphan girl had fallen sick there. Despite medical treatments, one day her
condition became critical and all observable symptoms of life disappeared, her
pulsation and breathing also stopped. After a preliminary checkup the doctor-on-
duty declared that she is dead. However, the warden of the hostel was not
convinced. She said, I can not believe that she has died, I will allow here cremation if
her body begins to stink. Surprisingly, the girl was lying in that state for about ten
days; still there was no sign of degradation of her body. Even the doctors were
amazed to see this peculiar body. More startling was the fact that the girl gained
consciousness after thirteen days and became healthy few day later.

The revered saintly expert of Indian classical music Swami Haridas had once gone
into trance to demonstrate on the request o f the Sikh King Ranjita Singh, the power

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

of Indian Yoga to a British General named Sir Ventura. In two such experiments, the
Swami was buried in a muddy pit—once for ten days and another time for forty
days. In both the experiments, he was found perfectly healthy when he came out.
However the central top portion where the Hindus grow the hair knot – sikha of his
head had become hot like fire. The portion of brain beneath this spot of head is very
important in yoga sadhana. This is called rodasi of the saptadhora soma.

Literally speaking, rodasi means – having two parts. The two parts of central brain –
the reservoir of subtle energy of consciousness are described in the yoga scriptures
as the centers of existence of divine powers of Indra and Savita. The middle portion
of the brain below this center is called antrariksa and the lower on preathvi. Seven
principal streams (saptadhara) of the power of soma – the eternal nectar of life and
energy are described as agni, swargdwara, atri, dronakalasa, asvini, etc. these are
supposed to exist latently in the middle portion of the brain.

Paracelsus has also mentioned about the above described seven powers and
classified them into two groups – Apollo and David. He has considered these ‘seven
current’s to be associated with the spiritual functions and the subtle emotional
reflections of the human brain (mind). In anatomical terms, the associated seven
activity centers of the brain correspond to the seven ventricles. The first two of these
are in the right and fourth is located in the left side of brain, the third one below the
top center is connected with the pituitary and pineal glands. The fifth ventricle,
below the third is attached to the cerebellum. The sixth one begins from the lower
and of the brain and expands within the spinal column till the Sacrocoxial Ganglian
– the lower end of the spinal cord. The seventh ventricle is spread like a cloud in the
right portion of the skull.

Varuna (water God) is described in the scriptures as Omnipresent in each of three

Yasya Srveta Vicaksna Vistro Bhumiradhiksitah
Thiruttarani Papratuh Varunasya Dhruvam Sadah ||
Sa Saptanabhirajyati ||

Meaning: The mysterious streams of power, endowed with the subliminal presence
of God Varuna, are spread in the three lokas. All these are bound with the brain
particles (neurons) in the upward direction. This portion is the main center of
existence of Lord Varuna. The seven groups of linkages nerves emanated from this
center regulate the entire body and mental functions.

Interestingly, the findings of modern research have a simile in the above description.
The neuroscientists have found the cerebra-spinal fluid to be spread every where in
the nervous system. 99% of this fluid consists of water only.

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

The comparison of the available scientific results with spiritual deliberations

although in preliminary state and far from being complete, certainly opens up newer
ways for collaboration between the two approaches to the search of knowledge. This
would inspire the modern scientists to look into the philosophy and science of
spirituality to attempt interpretation, analysis and implementation of the theories
and methods cited in the ancient scriptures. There is wide scope for modern science
to research in this area.

Different kinds of the subtle power of the omnipresent consciousness are described
as the manifestations of devtas (powers of God) in the Indian philosophy. For
instance, the seven ventricles are described as seven Gods (sapta devata soma) in the
scriptures of yoga spirituality. These scriptures contain treasures of knowledge of
the majestic structure and function of the human brain. The methods and guidance
presented there are useful for all human beings. One who learns and gains expertise
in practicing the associated yoga and spiritual sadhanas, can attain the supernatural
powers some of the kind described in the beginning of this section.

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

Arousing the Hidden Potentials of Brain

In terms of physico-chemical sciences, the brain is an organ made up of some
proteins and other chemicals. Neurological research has shown that the gray matter
in the outer brain contains about thousand billion cells – called neurons. The
cerebellum consists of bout twelve thousand billions nerves and the spinal column
contains about twelve thousand billions nerves and the spinal column contains
about 1.5 billion of extra nerves which collectively constitute the nervous system.
There are about a hundred billion small cells called Gila that are connected with the
neuralgia. A large variety of hormones and other proteins and neurotransmitters are
produced or released in the brain. However, these bio chemicals cannot give rise to
biological consciousness by themselves. In fact, it is the presence of consciousness
which makes possible the generation and reaction of these materials and which
performs the majestic functions in the brain with the help of these substances.

If brain is only a body of flash and bones made up of some specific chemicals then
the animals, which have brains bigger in size than the human brain, would have had
larger varieties and quantities of neuron-chemicals in their brains. Moreover, in that
case the functions and potentials of the brain would also have been varying in
proportion of its size and weight. As an organ, the brain of an elephant or whale is
much bigger in size, weight and physical strength then the human brain. However,
it is well known that the mental faculties and potentials of these animals exist
nowhere when compared with those of the humans. Scientific investigations reveal
that the organization and subtle structure of the brains of these animals is in
primitive state as compared to the fine development of the human brain.

Dr. Wilderpen, a specialist in neurosurgery has found that the temporal cortex –
dark strips surrounding the internal portion of human brain contain age-old
memories in a dormant state. The strip is about 25 square inches. Right behind the
temple lays the temporal cortex, which generates and regulates the memory
functions. Enormous varieties of events and visual movements take place in front of
our eyes every day. We notice only some these. Out of those noticed attentively, only
a few are remembered or retained in the memory. In general, even what we
remembered about an event on the day it occurred, that becomes hazy in our active
memory after several days. We remember the associated matters only vaguely.
However according to the experts like Dr. Wilderpen, whether we were attentive or
not, whether we remember something clearly or partly with a waned memory,
whether we recall it for a long time or forget it in few seconds .., every thing,
whatever happened in front of our eyes or whatever has been perceived by other
sense organs gets registered in our temporal cortex. Dr. Wildernpen had successfully
awaken the memory—concerning unimportant, and unthinkable events – of many
people by inducing electrical impulses into these sensitive compartments of the

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

The temporal cortex plays major roles in the brains of the people who possess
exceptionally sharp memory. The functions of the stripes like structures in this
region are remarkable in this regard. The memory of some people is so
extraordinary that it makes records in history. For instance, Revi Eliza of Lithuyania
had crammed over 2000 books by heart. His astonishing memory was tested many
times by different means and it was always found to be perfect. A French leader,
Lion Gambetta was fond of Victor Hugo’s poesy. He remembered the context of
thousands of pages of Hugo’s writings and used to cite them with detailed reference
as and when required, could even cite the page umbers correctly.

It is said about the ancient Indian scriptures that their texts were orally recited and
were not written in any script for thousands of years. The four Vedas, Brahmans,
Aranyaks, Nirukta, Nighantu and Upnishads etc, were all taught and learnt verbally
under the Gurusisya system of the ancient schools. The sisya (disciple) used to learn
and remember whatever was recited and verbally taught by his Guru (master).
Because of being learnt by hearing, the contents of the Vedas. Upanishads and other
Sastras were named as srutis (meaning- ‘heard’). That sounds amazing because, the
contents of these scriptures constitute a colossal amount of text. Even the now
available hymns (mantras) of the Vedas would be spread in about five thousands
pages of printed journals. Imagine, how those many mantras, their linguistic
disciplines, patterns of recitations, meanings and analysis and successive
deliberations in the form of Upanishads, Purans, Brahmans etc, were preserved for
ages by the scholars of yore ‘ just by the power of memory !.

Harry Nwelson Pilsvary, the American grand master – who was known as magician
of chess used to remember over twenty types of moves associated with different
stages of the game simultaneously and used to guide the players accordingly. He
used to guide so many moves at a time quite swiftly and efficiently. This was also a
live example of multiple processing of exceptionally sharp memory.

Accordingly to Dr. Hyden, the development of the faculties of brain does not
depend only on school education or what one learns from the relatives and friends,
surrounding environments and circumstances, because this kind of development by
and large, amounts only to an increase in knowledge and information. He believes
that – the company of people having strong will power, inner strength and sublime
consciousness offers inducing inspiration for proper ‘nourishment’ of the brain. The
elevated level of the prana of such people gives strength to the weak minds.

People having low IQ can improve their wisdom and intellectual potentials above
the average level if they live in closed contact of brilliant and talented people for
substantial amount of time with a consistent aspiration to uplift their own mental
level Dr. Hyden’s theory explains it as follows. As the electrical currents flow
through the wires of good conductors connected to the source of electricity,
similarly, the aura of the bio-electrical energy of the talented, eminent and awaken

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

brains induces certain kind of charge in the receptive brains of others who are in
their contact.

Dr. George Delgado had also investigated the possibilities transmitting the electrical
charge. Hypnotism is a process in which the bio-electrical energy of the stronger
brain is used to attract and control the weaker brains within a limited domain of
influence. The notorious brainwash techniques – known in the history as being used
by some of the communist regimes to convert the thinking of anti-Communists into
pro ones – also involve similar effects of the brain waves.

In the present times, sophisticated electronic devices are also tried to induce or alter
the electrical flows inside one’s brain and hence to control his/her mental and
physiological activities. Experiments of these kinds have so far been successful only
to the extent that – the subject’s motor and sensory activities and thinking can be
controlled externally as long as the device transducer is connected to the letter’s
brain without causing any pain or abnormal excitement. As the experiment is put off
or the external electrical I pulses are weakened, the subject’s original tendencies
begin to take over and the effects of experiment vanish pretty fast.

While analyzing the effects of electrical currents on human brain, Dr.Delgado had
remarked that __ controlling certain functions of the brain by external electrical
charge is like forcefully governing the weaker ones with the help of might and
weapons. Such treatments can create the effects of hypnotism and mesmerism and
may be used for medical applications but they cannot be successful in rousing the
latent potentials of the brain. According to Dr. Delgado, one can realize and awaken
the subtle powers of his brain by his own determination, mental concentration and
inner strength. This conclusion also signifies the role of spiritual yoga-sadhana in
extraordinary accomplishments.

The stable water of a pond can embanked with case. However, the running water of
rivers is difficult to be restrained. It requires construction of about clams and
substantial efforts for this purpose. The impulses of awaken brain (mind) are more
powerful than the high-speed currents of a river. The only way to control and make
use of their potential is to direct them towards some creative mental activity.

The tube-wells may supply only limited amount of water for several years. But the
naturally blown streams of fountains can continue to do so forever. Continuous
flow, by the laws of nature, maintains the purity and motion of these streams. The
same is true of the currents of mental energy. If all the awakened faculties of the
brain are subjected to continuous creative use, they get more refined and help
elevate the immense eternal powers of the brain. If the faculties of brain (mind) are
aroused from the dormant state into the active one, and are subjected to controlled
creative use then the brain can be fully awaken along with its astonishing potentials
and talents.

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

Scientific Experiments of Mental Sublimation

Often people consider the intellectual potentials to be God gifted as per one’s fate
and largely remain neutral towards refining the creativity of brain. Many times
people are found complaining about not being able to control their mind or improve
their intellectual activities. They should note that practice makes one perfect.
Physical fitness and might is gained by regular physical exercises, knowledge is
attained by education and thorough studies, and prosperity by industrious business.
Similarly, the magical Pandora’s box of the brain can be ‘opened’ and ‘cleaned’, the
inner powers of the mind may also be culminated by dedicated practices of sadhana
performed with sincerity and faith.

Based on their understanding of the neuronal activities in the brain, and analysis of
different hormonal secretions etc. the psycho-chemists like Dr. Skiner hope for
tailoring the mental functions in laboratories. They opine that – one’s mental
makeup and personality could be sublimated up to the high levels of divinity or, on
the contrary, could be declined to fall down to that of a demon by corresponding
transformation and control of the bioelectrical and neuro chemical activities inside
his brain. Several Neurochemists including Dr. Allen Jack and Mark Rozenberg of
Germany are experimenting on the possibilities of regulating the functions and
potentials of the brain in a desired direction.

Dr. Nachen Kline of the Rockland hospital New York had prepared an extract from a
Himalayan herb called Sarpgandha. This chemical was found to suppress mental
excitations. Purification and further processing of this chemical gave rise to
production of the series of medicines like pipradol, chlorpromazine, meprobaset etc.
These are about western pharmaceutical developments. The Indian science of
medicine – Ayurveda recommends the use of natural products for such treatments,
varieties of herbs are effectively used as samaka (tranquilizers), and these are called
nidrajanaka which induce sound sleep and akesepahar which absorb mental worries
and irritations. Modern pharmacologists and neurologists are also attracted towards
the use of these herbs because they create positive effects in a manner harmonious to
the natural functioning of the brain. The discoveries of rishis like Charka and
Subshruta – the founders of Ayurvedic treatment are therefore being reinvestigated
by many researchers today.

As in other branches of bio medical sciences, the research experiments of

neurochemicals and the effects of chemicals on the neuronal activities are first
conducted on animals before making any test on the human subjects. Dr. Robert
Thompson and James Maconeil of Texas University had experienced on species of
planarian and shown that the activities of brain could be suppressed or stimulated
by electrical I pulses. Dr. Alin Jackobson of the University of California had injected
the RNA of trained rats into the brains of untrained rats. He then observed that the
latter’s also began to behave like the trained ones.

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

In the context of the success of the above kind experiments Dr. Ottoschimal of the
State university of Michigan had declared that – “it appears now as if we have got
the power to control the human brain. However, we have to be careful that such
scientific achievements are used only for the betterment of people. We also have to
be aware of the risk that some ‘power hungry’ nations might use such technological
means to forcefully orient people’s mentality towards their own ideology.

Professors Hazkin, Huxley and Esklis had received the noble prize in medicine for
their significant research work in neurology. They had discovered a specific
electrical charge in neurons and had investigated how this electric current flows
through the neuronal circuits and transmits the information signals so efficiently as
if the neurons were constantly communicating via telephones. The nerve fibers are
like electrical wires, which carry the information signals through electrical impulses.
Each fiber has length of over hundred thousand miles (approx. 161000 kilometers)
and its thickness is about a hundredth fraction of an inc. these findings were of
fundamental importance in understanding the magnificent structure and unlimited
potentials of the brain. The research work initiated by Sr. William Perfield in the 18th
century to investigate the functions of brain is still going on and the above stated
results are parts of the series of milestones in this long journey.

Neuroscientists consider that the brain has two compartments. First one the
primitive or the animal brain, which assimilates the inherited habits, inner
tendencies and animal instincts and the other newer and more evolved brain, which
is acquired only by the humans. The first part contains the functional centers of the
feelings of pain, hunger, fear, fatigue, concupiscence and other desires along with
the instincts of struggle and fight etc. which are essential for the survival and
expansion of any species. The more developed part or the matured brain consists of
highly evolved structures like the prefrontal lobes that are associated with
intellectual activities. Logical analysis, reasoning, civic sense, social etiquette,
capabilities of thinking, planning and decision making etc. are regulated from this
part. Rise and control of emotional excitements is also triggered from this functional
unit of the human brain.

Scientific experiments on controlling or hypnotizing the ‘animal brain’ by electrical

and chemical treatments has been very successful. As stated earlier, in some
experiments, electrodes connected to the brains of guinea pigs were used to transmit
electrical impulses. Significant changes in the natural tendencies of the subjects were
recorded. For instance, the cats were found as getting scared of the rats, in a fight of
tiger and a rabbit the mightier was made sit quietly in a cornet while the tiny rabbit
was triggered to attack the former with full confidence of victory. Animals in
general, indulge in sexual relations with homogenous species. However, in the
above types of experiments, they were found to be excited to have six with partners
from other species too.

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

Similar abnormal effects were observed in the eating habits, sleeping cycles etc. of
the animals who were given specific, treatment by electrical or chemical means,
leaving the food of their liking, they were make eat what they normally would not
even touch. Several such treatments have worked well on the humans ‘primitive
brains too…one can work at a stretch without sleeping for a long time or can sleep as
and when desired with the help of such treatments.

Experiments on the developed component of the brain encompass

psychotherapeutic applications along with electrical and chemical ones. Some
communist countries have even tried using these techniques for brainwashing so as
to change the minds of the opponents of their ideology. Considering the intellectual
brain to be the Saul regulator of the development of one’s personality, several
scientists have focused their research on finding the methods of psychological
treatments for rousing its potentials. They accept the importance of familial and
social atmosphere in molding the nature and way of thinking of a person. Some
sociologist and psychologists are therefore engaged in investigation the traditional
methods whose make the future generations more courageous, intelligent and
virtuous than the present one.

Renowned Russian scientist Anorbin had demonstrated by many experiments that

two different types of hormones secreted by the glands in the brain into the blood
stream account for the feelings of cheerfulness or gloom. Neither of the hormones is
secreted automatically. The secretion of a hormone, which give rise to specific
feelings/psychosomatic manifestations is triggered by the corresponding thoughts
and emotions. For instance, the sentiments and thoughts of malice activate the
secretion of hormones, which generate the feelings of mental restlessness, irritation
or excitement. According to Dr. Anorbin, there are specific activity centers in the
brain which are linked with reticular formations. A wide variety of hormones are
secreted from these centers of brain-functions. Secretion of certain types of hormones
is manifested in cheerfulness, smile, laughter, gentleness, modesty etc. the other
types hormones, on the contrary, give rise to depression, sorrow, anxiety and
perplexity etc. above kinds of research findings have further brought into light the
enormous capabilities of our brains. The human brain is like a God which is
gloriously enthroned in the kingdom of one’s life and which can bestow everything
one desires for. The outcome of worshiping external deities might be suspicious at
times. However, the sadhana of elevating the mental system and awakening the
power of this internal God of inner-self if performed with faith, zeal and sincerity
will certainly bestow divine beatitudes and lead to culmination of one’s life in all
respects. The science of spirituality is more advanced than the modern neuroscience
in terms of awakening and refining the potentials of human brain (mind).

Current research in brain sciences includes investigation of methods and

development of appropriate devices by which to awaken and control specific

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

faculties of human brain. However, each step of progress in this direction adds to
the complex issues of what could be the associated side effects or how to prevent
consequent misuse of the resulting techniques and products? Fro example, if any
such inventions is used sometime to create special fields of energy-waves which can
change the mentality and structural or functional features of the brains of the people
present within specific domains of influence then this forced transformation will be
carried over, by heredity, into the off springs of these people continuously from
generation to generation, without the possibility of any reversal.

A natural structure or process could be broken, disturbed or transmuted by a single

shock or treatment. However, further changes in it may not be feasible. Wet wood
might be folded into a specific shape some times. But applying the same operation
on it would not be possible repeatedly, it would simply break the wood. Natural
system of human brain is like the wet wood in this example, the attempts of
transforming its natural state by external (physical) means could be harmful and
irreversible. If one would mold the wet wood into a particular shape by processing it
in shape would ever be possible. Rapid transmutation of the brain (mental) functions
by electrochemical conditioning may similarly lead to disastrous effects which
would be beyond control.

The methods of spiritual sadhana were developed in accordance with the natural
tendencies of human mind and were based on absolute realization of the inner
strength and faculties of brain. The pioneers of this science – the rishis, had given
due importance to careful handling and proper nourishment of brain. They had first
experimented on their own brains and bodies and invented the methods of spiritual
training for the awakening of the unlimited power of subtle consciousness. A
hierarchical system for practicing of the sadhana of gradually higher level was
devised by them so that everybody could benefit from such a sadhana as per one’s
spiritual fitness and gradually attain ultimate success.

Practicing the yagna sadhana in pure, austere and altruist life accompanied by
focused thinking and swadhyaya can elevate the faculties of one’s brain (mind). This
may transmute intellectual trenchancy and mental power of a devoted yogi
(sadhaka) so much that he would be able to change the surrounding environment by
the currents of his sublime prana and inspire others towards moral conduct and
divine ideals. The Indian sages of yore had attained such astonishing potentials and
were using them for the welfare of all living beings. The influence of their super
conscious mind used to inspire such thoughts and emotions in ordinary people
which could activate specific latent centers of the subliminal currents of prana in the
inner minds of the latter’s without disturbing their natural system at the structural
and functional level of their brains.

The attempts of modern brain scientists are, as described earlier, based on external
means. The diseases like amnesia (loss of memory) of old age are now being treated

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

with the help of medicines like slyest consisting of magnesium palomino. While
investigations are on to find more effective medicines for sharpening the memory, at
the same time, search is also being made for possible modes of treatment to wipe out
specific pieces of memory such as those associated with tragic moments or evil
thoughts etc. if memory of a person is so sharp that no thought or image of past
events gets waned from its active region then he might grow mad because this
would block the natural flow of his thoughts and emotions.

The intensity of shocks or sorrows generated by the events of – severe insult, demise
of a near and dear one or tragedy etc, reduces gradually as their remembrance gets
faded in one’s memory. This natural process is essential for mental health,
otherwise, the overactive memory would become problematic, like an over stressed
and ever excited state of mind. Thus both types of medicines would be useful
provided they are given to the patients who need associated treatment in order to
bring their brains up to normal level.

Whatever we eat that is not only used in making the blood and flesh of our body,
rather, it effects the orientation of our brain-functions and our mental consciousness.
Each material substance, like the living beings, has its own natural tendency. The
eatables are classified in Ayurveda according to the levels of Satoguna, Rajoguna
and Tamoguna – the three fundamental tendencies. Sat represents absolute truth,
asceticity and equilibrium; Raj corresponds to average worldly activities and Tam
symbolizes darkness, inertness, sinful tendencies of nature of its jada and cetan
forms. The extent of presence of the different gunas (qualities) in a substance
corresponds to the types of effects it (if eaten or used) would have on the physical
health, thoughts and emotions. This is how different substances were categorized as
‘worth eating’ or ‘prohibited’ etc, in the traditional Indian system.

Ancient scriptures also mention of certain preparations like yajnacara, panchamrata,

samaras, brahmkalpa etc – as divine foods. The religious rituals associated with
these preparations of natural products like cow’s fresh milk and Himalayan herbs
were aimed at a awakening, up to the maximum level, the satogunas in the
corresponding substances. This was achieved by the sublime combination of the
subtle energies of the mantras and the sacrificial fire of yagya and the internal power
– the elevated cetana of the spiritually refined persons (sadhakas) who used to
perform these rituals.

Several rituals of the above kinds are still practiced as parts of religious tradition in
some parts of the Indian society. The special preparations of yagnacara,
pancamratas, etc. are distributed as devaprasada blessed food among all the people
participating in specific religious functions or auspicious celebrations accompanied
by yagya.

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

If prepared by true saints and spiritually elevated sadhakas, the devprasada of

satoguni substances can prove to be an excellent brain tonic and mental healer. The
subtle power of this devprasada can inspire virtuous thoughts and divine sentiments
and sublimate the internal power of the brains of those who want in with sincere
feelings of respect and faith. This unique type of psychotherapy based on use of
sataguna eatables was very popular in ancient India. The yogis and sages of that
time had successfully used it to elevate the physical, mental and spiritual potentials
of people from all walks of society and had they offered enormous benefits of global

The artificial life-style of the modern times has given rise to excessive use of
chemicals of mental stimulation in one from or the other. The use of brahmi,
samorasa, and asavas of the olden days is now replaced by consumption of tea,
coffee tobacco etc. even intoxication by wine, liquor, Cannabis, L.S.D., heroin, and
whole lot of other narcotics, etc. has found place in human society. Production and
consumption of several types of tranquilizers has also increased because more and
more people nowadays need them for relief, though temporarily, from mental stress
and tension.

According to some physiologists, among other causes, excess of uric acid also
induces the feelings of anger, excitation, irritation, anguish and depression. Drs.
Segamiller, Tizena, Blum and Kelly have shown that deficiencies of an enzyme
called Hypogenthine Guanine Phosphorous Transferase gives rise to excessive
production of uric acid. Deficiency of this enzyme is more common in men than in
women. This is the reason why men are often found to be more short-tempered then
women. If an appropriate quantity of this transferase is injected into his
bloodstream, a short-tempered or vexed man could be cheered up to enjoy a joyous

They physiochemical imbalances might affect certain hormones and hence give rise
to mental perturbations or perplexities of different kinds; it may therefore be
possible to cure the associated diseases or abnormalities by chemical, electrical or
other external modes of treatments. However, such attempts should be limited to
specific applications only. These types of treatments should be used only if a
thorough checkup shows the cause of sickness is physicochemical and not
psychological, care should also be taken to ensure that the treatment would not have
any side-effect on the functioning of brain. Otherwise, some power hungry selfish
people could misuse such treatments and applications.

No amount of physical energy could ever control the internal power of human
consciousness. Even if one thinks that the advancement of science and technology
could one day be able to control the so far known functions of human brain, he
should also envisage the dangers associated with such achievements. By attaining
such potentials, a handful of scientists would be able to dictate the minds of all

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

humans on the earth! The human race would then reproduce the generations of
mentally slave. These kinds of advanced developments would invite disastrous
bathos of human civilization and culture. The safest way therefore, would be to learn
to balance one’s mind by one’s own determination and follow the path shown by the
great personalities to rouse and refine the mental faculties and talents in natural
way. Experiments of further sublimation and culmination of the internal
(unconscious) and subtler power of brain should be conducted – under the adept
guidance of experienced psychologists and mentors of spirituality – within the
norms set by the ancient sages towards the noble purposes of welfare of all.

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

Brainwashing – Usurpation of the Freedom of Life

It is quite natural for the conscious and intelligent beings to make use of materialist
resources and means, such attempts are justified if this use does not perturb the social
harmony and ecosystem. Excess of consumption and luxuries are harmful for both -- the
balance of cycle of nature and the evolution of consciousness. Obsessed possession of
luxuries and excessive dependence on materialistic means leads to dominance latter
over the individual’s consciousness. This is like a horse riding on his master or the boats
crossing the rivers with the support of heads of the passengers.. Except for peculiar
instances emergency, or magical demonstrations such phenomena would be only
indicative of disastrous disorder, dominance of matter over consciousness – in whatever
form would results in serious consequences and disgrace.

When the attraction of materialistic comforts allures the human mind and overcomes its
conscious faculties, the latter lose their freedom in a state of disguise. This is why the
knowledgeable seers have criticized greed and attachments. The materialistic help is fine
till it is used only for essential purposes and bare needs of healthy sustentation. The
righteous way of life consists, among other things of – earning one’s own living by
honest and industrious efforts making use of material gains to meet the basic need of
one’s own life and channelizing the rest of these resources for the altruist objective.

Avarice and possessive attitude engage one’s life in excessive collections of comforts and
luxuries and thus obstruct the ideas of humanity. These tendencies are therefore
described as the roots of sins. Attachment with gains makes one possessive and selfish.
Greed for such gains blocks the reasoning and debauches one’s life in general. Because, a
greedy fellow wants to have more and more by all possible means – even if they are
dishonest and antisocial. Such tendencies are obnoxious for the individual and the
society both. They also give rise to mutual distrust, jealousy and strife and malign the
environment of life.

Excessive affections and involvement with living beings also falls in the category of
worldly attachments and is regarded as an obstacle in free development of life. Co-
operating and friendly relationships among the people are necessary for the existence of
social system. However, if someone’s feelings of love and care remain confined to only a
few near and dear ones they would prove to be nothing better than materialistic
attachment. Moreover, if such a thralldom of sentiments is strong and persists for long,
one might even forget his duties as a civilian and as a responsible member of the human
society. Narrow-mindedness and selfish and possessive attitude come as natural

Driven by his attachment with a particular group of individuals, a capable person tends
to give extra importance to the interests of the latter and tries to collect more and more
wealth and comforts for them. In this process the narrows down his attitude and also
tends to ignore the norms of fair earnings. Those who receive his over-attention and
affection also suffer in the same way. Because, the unnecessary comforts – earned
without work, and the ‘pseudo’ aplomb make them acidic and extravagant in general:

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

such persons – especially the adolescents, often get addicted to wretched habits and
sensual pleasures. Thus, the ‘gifts’ of excessive affection become the curse of their lives.
The thralldom of attachments is therefore considered as a major obstacle in the elevation
and progress of human life.

Feelings of sacred love and revered devotion for high ideals are described as virtues of
human life, as these sentiments are rooted deeply in the inner core of consciousness.
They inspire compassion and feelings of oneness with every living being. Pure love
originates in one’s heart (emotional center) because of the internal respect for other’s
prosperity and serene sentiments and the feelings of caring and sharing. These feelings
give rise to friendship and intimacy on account of compatibility of thoughts and deeds.
True lovers always wants to become more virtuous in the eyes of the beloved ones and
also cares for the elevation of the latter’s personality too. True love inspires sharing and
sacrificing instead of selfishness and possession. The above discussion is not included
here in the context of social ethics, rather it is aimed to emphasize the superiority of
consciousness. Thee physical body and the entire material existence are there for being
actively used manifestation of consciousness. However, when the comforts and luxuries
of the body, the sensual pleasures and materialistic possessions become so important
that all activities of life get confined to them then the individual’s mind also gets trapped
into their bonds. This vicious cycle diverts the individual soul from it original divine
path. The attraction and joy of materialistic possession proves to be a disastrous bargain
as it costs the freedom of individual consciousness.

The expression of bliss and internal satisfaction disappears from the life of a person
whose inner self is enslaved under the thralldom of avarice, ego and attachment. The
material power of the world begins to dominate the original superiority of the cetan in
such a person. The latter’s life moves within the peripheries of sorrow, dissatisfaction,
fear, jealousy uncertainty and instability.

It is important for the aspirants of awakening the internal power of brain that they
prevent themselves from the attractions of selfish joys and possessions and rather
practice stability of emotions and concentration of thoughts in the domains of righteous
intellect and pure instincts of the inner self.

The original power of the soul should be kept alive to brighten the glow of intellect so
that the latter could sharply discriminate between the ideal and the avoidable thoughts
and emotions and acquire foresightedness and discerning wisdom. One who is not
affected by the worldly possessions, whose mind is not pulled by the worldly and
sensual desires, enjoys the freedom of the cetan. His soul is liberated in true sense. The
ascetic disciplines of morality and altruist service in his life are self-imposed as per the
inspirations of his enlightened inner self.

It is like a curse on the dignity of humanity that almost the entire human race, in the
modern times, is living as a slave under the attractions and attachments of worldly
means luxuries. Except for a few great personalities – the winners of life, a vast majority
of people live a dormant life without using any of the original powers of their brains.

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

The craze for fame and wealth is a new addition – a gift of modern social trends in the
series of adversities created by the human society for its own decline and fall. Excess of
comforts and material based potentials provided by science and technology have fueled
the devastating fire of computerization. The situation has now reached an alarming
state. If this danger is allowed to persist and grow, the immense power of consciousness
would vanish from human life one day. Independent thinking and creativity would lose
its existence under the dominance of the unchecked materialist developments. Every
aspect of human life would then become artificial and exist as a parasite or slave of the
scientific and technological giants.

If the attempts on developing scientific devices and methods to completely control the
human mind reach success without realizing the deeper levels of consciousness in it,
there will be a risk of letting masses be ‘humanized ‘ permanently and survive like
instruments functioning under the control of high-tech products. One’s original
thinking, aspirations, natural tendencies, convictions, idealism, faith and emotions
would then have no roles to play in his life. One would think, feel and perform what a
machine or chemical reaction would force it to do. This way, a few scientists and
technocrats would make use of others like puppets.

Experiments on animal brains have been successful in bringing long-term and ex

permanent changes in some cases. While Dr. James Oldus was able to partially control
some rats by removing the natural fear of cats from their minds, Dr. D. Albert had gone
a step ahead, he had been able to produce a new class of rats in his lab. These ‘brain
washed’ rats were physically the same as the other members of their race, but, were
remarkable different in all their tendencies and activities. Dr. Robert Thomson’s
experiments on controlling a tiny sea animal by random signals add to this series.

Ongoing research on external stimulation and control of the brain has so fare been
successful in awakening some parts of long-term memory. Dr. Karl Lesslie has studied
what intensity and types of electrical charges should be applied on what portion of the
brain in order to awaken the memories of specific time-periods of the distant past. Dr.
Wielder Penfield’s experimental studies as discussed earlier are significant in this
regard. Prof. Delgado of France has demonstrated how electrical signals could be used
to temporarily remove the impressions of inherited habits. He believes that the future
developments of this kind would be useful in eliminating loose habits and evil
tendencies as easily as the acne and boils are removed by minor surgeries. The
experiments of Dr. Roger Sperry of the California Institute of Technology and Dr.
Holder Hyden of Sweden all add to the success of attempts of temporary brain washing
by electrical and chemical means. Notably, all these scientists have also cautioned that
such techniques should be used only to treat the diseased state of mind (brain).

Neurological research has now provided substantial knowledge of the external

structure, anatomy and functioning of the brain. There was a time when the nerves and
marrow cells ‘fat cells’ of brain were considered to be the basic units of mental functions,
it was believed that one who has bigger and heavier brain would also be more

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

intelligent. Because of this belief, the diets, tonics and medicines – for mental health
were also prescribed so as to increase the fat and strengthen the physique of this
particular organ. Things are obviously quite different now. It is now clearly examined
that the bioelectrical currents in the neuronal network play the principal role in the
information processing and thought propagation through the brain.
Multifaceted research in neuroscience has shown that the size and weight of the brain do
not have direct relation with the power and creativity of the brain. The brain of whale
weighs about 7000 grams. That of an elephant has average of weight of 5200 grams. The
brain of a dolphin is about 1800 grams, of a horse about 650 grams a rhinoceros 600
grams, gorilla 500 grams dog 180 grams and cat 30 grams. But this order of scale cannot
be used to compare their mental potentials.

The human-brain weight around 1350 grams in an average adult. However, this does
not have any relation with the wisdom, mental capability or maturity of a person.
Human intelligence ha evolved significantly since several thousands years. But, there
has not been any noticeable change in its size or weight. If there were any such
possibility, the brains of the intellectually advanced persons of the present times would
have become the bulkiest organs in their bodies.

Sublimity activity and connectivity of the neurons in ones brain are found to be directly
associated with the development of mental potentials. The timer the neurons, the greater
the likelihood of finer responses of the brain. Our brain has a galaxy of over 10th
neurons, which could be classified into enormous types according to their functional
varieties. The intellectual potential of human-brain is found to depend on the number of
neurons and the strength of their active connections with each other.

The nucleic acid of the nerve cells works like a chemical battery to generate different
types of electrical impulses, excitations and currents. It also controls the bioelectrical
flows across the neuronal network. Neurochemists are engaged in experimenting to
increase the [production of this acid. A combination of magnesium and penicillin is
found to be useful for this purpose. Some scientists of Kansas have also worked on
specific protein-atoms for its synthesis.

Different neurons in the brain get linked to each other in a small fraction of millisecond
with the help of the bioelectrical currents flowing through them in a excited state. The
type and strength of this flow depends upon the specific signal of perception sent from a
sense organ or the mental or emotional impulse of the inner self. The electrical activity
allows almost instantaneous retrieval of memory and or extraction and processing of
biochemical information the brain. The harmonious and systematic processing,
efficiency, alacrity and sensitivity of these (bio)electrical activities in the brain account
for the talents and intelligence of a person. If the (bio)electrical flow in one’s brain were
slow and irregular then be would become unsystematic, forgetful and dull in general.

Electrical charges, radioactive radiation and chemical affect the physical and mental
activities because they influence the activities of specific functional centers and hence the
bioelectrical flows in the brain. The effect of intoxication is a well-known example of the

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

chemical reactions of this sort. A variety of chemical compounds have now been
identified which can temporarily trigger mental excitations and feelings of specific

Prof Anokhove of Russia had investigated the formula of preparation of aminazyne. The
molecules of this chemical bind with some pain-sensing sites of the reticular formation
and inhabit the feelings of pain by preventing the secretion of certain hormones. Owing
to his effect, a patient treated by this drug does not feel pain in any part of his body.
Even if there is a wound in the body, its presence would not be felt by a person if he is
under the effect aminazyne, no anesthetic condition or forced sleep is required to
suppress the pain in this case. This is a medicine a adrenal group. With the help of such
a medicine, one would not feel any pains even if one were in the painful state of
delivering a baby or suffering from stomachache, headache and sciatica etc. surgical
operations also become virtually painless for the patients treated by the medicines of the
adrenal group.

Modern medical technology has advanced significantly in many areas in including

plastic surgery, organ transplants, radiotherapy etc. simultaneous research on brain and
psychosomatic diseases has also gained momentum in the recent times. Efforts are also
on some laboratories to investigate techniques of controlling the mind in a desired
manner. Research on brain-control is welcome so long as it aims at regulating the
deficient functioning of the brain and nervous system with the help of medications and
external devices. However, over ambitious and unchecked developments in this area of
research would be risky. As stated earlier, such progress might be misused by a few
experts and might prevent the creativity and other natural potentials of brain and
destroy the independence of mind.

Present era has witnessed the worst misuse of religion, philosophy, art, literature, audio-
visual tools, press, radio television and other modes of influencing the public mind.
Technological developments have been by and large misused in the efforts of creating
false impressions and virtually mesmerizing the masses in favor of specific cults,
political parties, products of particular groups of companies etc. independent thinking
of the common man has already been captured in such illusions. Attempts of ‘brain-
washing’ or ‘orienting’ the minds of people by altering or controlling the functions of
their brains would cause irreparable damage to the normal progress of human society.
Such attempts ought to be restricted well in advance in order to prevent the extinctive
consequences. Ti should be again noted that the natural potentials of human brain, if
allowed grow freely and saved from wastage and misuse, could bring a glorious future
of human dignity.

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

The Amazing Chemistry of the Human Brain

Elucidation of the complexity of the structure and enormous functions of the human
body is like revealing the secrets of a mysterious world. Most astonishing part of this
marvelous creation is the brain. It is the conductor of the conscious and unconscious,
known and unknown functions of human being. The multiple decision making and
regulatory, functions performed continuously by this organ can be compared with
the activities of administrative problem-solving. Supervision, and management etc,
carried out by the director of a gigantic industrial system.

It is said that sitting beneath the kalpvrksa (a heavenly boon-tree described in the
rhetoric representations used in the Puranas) fulfils all desires. The existence of such
tree might be doubtful. However, the brain is an apparent manifestation of the
kalpvrksa naturally bestowed on every human being. The worship (by due
recognition, respect and creative use of its potentials) of this ‘heavenly gift’ can
certainly endow an individual with all virtues and powers which the endeavors to
acquire in life.

The physical body and existence of a human being is born from the mother’s womb.
But the birth of a wicked, dullard or a wretched character or an eminent, ascetic or
dignified personality etc, originates from the layers of unconscious and subconscious
mind in the deeper depths of his/her own brain. The key of character development
lies in these arcane layers of human brain. The talents of spiritual masters, erudite
scholars, eminent philosophers, scientists, artists etc. are all sprouted from the subtle
cores of the brain. Imbalance or disorderly function of this center can turn one into a
fool, cranky or an insane person. A healthy brain is the source of enormous
potentials. Arousing of its super-conscious activities can culminate an individual’s
talents up to the highest realms of physical, mental and spiritual strength and

Every activity – including that at the cellular and molecular level of the human body
is controlled by the brain. Besides the supernatural attainments of spirituality in its
sublime state, the ordinary, even the routine functions of the human mind are also
majestic. The power of thinking, variety of feelings – of sorrow, cheerfulness,
satisfaction etc. the potentials of contemplation and resolution of unlimited types of
problems are indeed remarkable. The results of further scientific research are now
opening many more facets of the making capabilities of the human brain.

It has been found that there are specific centers in the brain. These, of stimulated can
eliminate all the pains of severe bodily injuries and mental agonies. These centers
could be awaken by introspective search, realizations and spiritual sadhanas Several
centuries ago, the use of intoxicating substances like morphine as pain killer was
common like that of the analgesic medicines today. However, it has now become
clear that the use of such external means causes more harm in the long run as

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

compared to their instant, though sho9rtlive positive effects. Experts pine that the
occurrence of pain in any portion of the body indicates that there is something
abnormal in the physiological or biochemical state of this portion. Which is why it
lies in disharmony with the nervous system. There are two types of pain – short-
term, prickling and chronic or long-term. Both trouble the body. The long lasting
pains disturb the mental state too. This situation induces mental tension and often
gives rise to the psychosomatic disorders such as – schizophrenia, illusions paranoia

Slight disordering in the functional regions of the brain disturbs the entire body and
mental system. Often, one uses instant remedies of analgesic medicines against the
complaints of headache etc. Removal of mental stresses of higher intensity is sought
with the help of intoxication. People of weak inner strength tend to use Morphine,
Methadone, heroin, Melsadine, I.S.D. and several types narcotics in order to get
relief from despair and depressive and stressful agonies of life. These drugs virtually
paralyze the normal perceptibility of different organs and suppress the sensitivity of
the nervous system towards pain. People get addicted to such ‘remedies’ and
eventually lose their physical and mental health forever.

Medical experts consider that the limbic system in human brain can secrete specific
neuro chemicals, which alleviate the sensation of pain or counter the tension caused
by mental stress. Emotions are supposed to trigger the activities of the limbic
system. As the sensory nerves carry the sensation of pain to the spinal cord, the
efferent reception of the limbic region in a healthy brain are activated and they
secrete two praline peptides that serve as natural ‘pain killers’ Betalpotramine (LPH)
is sound to be the forerunner of encephalin.

Experiments in immunohistochemistry have shown that a large number of neurons

– filled with encephalon are clustered at different levels of the cerebrospinal axis,
these clusters are denser near specific pain-sensing center on the gelatinosa of the
spinal column. The neurons are also present near the nerves connected to the
digestive system. The techniques like acupuncture invoke the secretion of
encephalon at specific centers as and when required and thereby offer healing and
remedy from pain without any medicine or other treatments. Many surgical
operations are performed successfully by suppressing the sensation with the help of
acupuncture without using any anesthesia.

Frontline researchers in Parapsychology consider that the secretion and

concentration of different hormones like encephalon, endogens painkillers can be
regulated by harmonizing the activities of brain with the help of dhyan (deep
mediation). Dhyan is risk-less spiritual exercise, which offers enormous benefits.
Experts of this science prescribe meditation as an effective remedy against pain and
mental stress and strain instead of the killer medicines, steroids and intoxicating

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

Collaborative research in neurochemistry, neurophysiology, psychology and other

areas of neurosciences has unraveled only a fraction of the unlimited potentiality of
human mind. The unknown aspects of human consciousness are enormous as
compared to what have been deciphered by the modern sciences so far. The real
power of human mind (brain) is beyond imagination. One would be amazed to find
what an astonishing system exists in the tiny ‘pocket’ of the skull.

It is unfortunate that only a small fraction of this colossal source of conscious energy
is used in the physical, mental and intellectual activities of most humans. Maximum
of its creative power remains waned in a dormant state throughout one’s life.
Authentic examples of the observation of strong willpower, clairvoyance,
exceptional intuitive intellect, etc. present only a glimpse of the super conscious
levels of the human brain. Activating the unused hidden layers of consciousness in
human brain could attain supernatural potentials and talents. The simile of
kalpvraksa there fore appears to be quite appropriate here.

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

The Arcane World of the Inner Mind

Eminence of scholars, writers, scientists, philosophers and other intellectuals and the
extraordinary talents of artists, successful businessmen, industrialists, politicians,
etc. reflect the multiple dimensions of creativity of the conscious mind. The
importance of brilliance, alertness and the above types of glorious faculties of the
conscious mind is well known. However, few people realize the existence of the
unconscious, subconscious and super-conscious levels of human mind. These subtle
layers of mind are more mysterious and astonishing. Through research in deeper
aspects of psychology also indicates that the micro levels of mind are extremely
powerful. However, owing to their subtle nature their existence remains latent and
unknown to most people. Because of this the experimental analysis of these faculties
of mind has not been possible by external means and the attempts of arousing the
latent potential of mind remain confined to spiritual practices only.

As stated earlier, the researchers in Gnostics Psychology have analyzed only about
7% of the active domain of the unconscious mind. It is argued based on these
research findings that the natural tendencies, hobbies, inherited habits and
adaptability to acquired nature – all originate from the unconscious mind.
Parapsychologist consider the latter as the most wonderful, powerful and
sophisticated creation, they state that if its immense potentials were realized,
sublimated and used like the conscious mind then the human society would have
made thousand times better progress than the most advanced developments of
today. They believe that by rousing the latent energy of mind, we can perform all the
arduous tasks, which at present are carried out only with the help of sophisticated
instruments and advanced technology. The scientific area of research in these
aspects of human mind is known as “Psycho cybernetics”.

The experts of the spiritual science of supernatural faculties have mentioned that the
agility of the conscious mind prevents the _expression and realization of the
unconscious and subtler levels of human mind. The ever-active tides of an ocean can
be seen anybody. However, the version and acquisition of the enormous property
lying as its bottoms becomes possible only for those adventurous divers who go
deep beneath and search for this hidden treasure. The same is the case with the
gigantic, ocean of consciousness existing in human brain. Whatever has been
elucidated about the activities of the human brain with the help of modern
techniques like EEG pertains only to the bio-electrical impulses of its conscious part.
This at the most, corresponds to about 13% of the total sense organs. bio-electrical
activity of the brain in a human being.

Routine functions of hearing and vision are normally performed by our conscious
mind. However, there are instances when the conscious mind is not able to perceive
any sound or light. The perception of sound and visual cognition then takes place in
the domain of unconscious mind. Such situations often arise when the type of sound

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

or scene produced encountered is beyond the audile or visible range of the conscious
faculties of mind. The instances of this kind are not available to recognize and
process the signals received from the sense organs. The unconscious mind is never
asleep. The sonic or visual signals perceived by the unconscious mind create intense
impressions on the inner self. The assimilated effects are sometimes manifested n
drastic changes in one’s behavior and attitude. The examples stated below illustrate
the impact of the subconscious and the unconscious minds which could be
potentially used in psychotherapies.

In the supper of 1997, a team of researchers had arranged for transmission of vague
message – “eat parched rice and drink Coca-Cola “after every five minutes during a
film show for customers arranged in Photoplay, New Jersey. The message was of no
importance to the conscious mind but its repeated reflections induced in the
unconscious mind were seen in surprising outcomes of the experiment. The records
in that market soon after showed an increase of about 5.75% in the sales of parched
rice and over 38% in that of Coca-Cola.

Dr. Hall Bracker of the medical electronics department of the Louisiana University
has developed a tachistoscopic projection device for experimenting on the
unconscious mind. In one such experiment he repeatedly conveyed the recorded
message. “In one such experiment he repeatedly conveyed the recorded message ‘I
am honest, I will not steal. It is wrong to steal. If I steal, I will be caught” to a group
of his patients. As a result, significant positive effects were recorded in terms of the
change in the lathers behavior, even those who had criminal mentality were found
to have become sincere and sober. Whether it is hypnotism or some kind of
conditioning of the unconscious mind by audiovisual signals, the experiments of this
kind resemble, to some extent, the elementary training phase of spiritual practices.

Dr. Harvard Chevron of Michigan University has analyzed (with the help of EEGs)
the signals received in the unconscious state of body, on the brain waves. Mattew
Irdaily, expert psychologist of the Brooklyne College has also experimented on
repeated reflections of such signals/messages on many human subjects during
conversational and (day) dreaming states. Both kinds of experiments have illustrated
significant potential of the unconscious mind. Newer kinds of experiments involve
inducing positive effects or ‘advice’ by biofeedback techniques adjusted according to
the on-line EEG records of the DC potentials. The success of such experiments on
unconscious mind also shows that the yoga-sadhana aimed at awakening and
controlling the unconscious mind are derived from logical and scientifically justified

During the experimental studies in psychology, Lioyd Silverman of the New York
University had conducted a specific experiment several times on some chronic cases
of mental instability and addictions. In each sitting per day, the teenager patients
were sent a motto – “Mummy (mother) and I are one.” vocally for five minutes. The

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

message was repeated at such a rapid pace that the conscious mind was hardly able
to concentrate on it. The results of this experiment – conducted for 10 successive
years – were quite remarkable, many of the subjects were able to get rid of their
mental evils and addictions, many others, who were averse to studies and hard
work started making progress in their schools and colleges. In a similar experiment
on the autosuggestions to inspire the unconscious mind conducted in 1975, mental
tensions and obesity of over 30 women patients were alleviated in record times.
Some counselors (psychologists) in the Montana University had also used
Silverman’s technique, in a single year – 1979 itself, they had helped many people in
getting relief from the addictions of smoking.

In view of the creative effects of his auto-suggestive and biofeedback methods,

Silverman challenged those who considered Freud’s Principle – of the influence of
unconscious mind on one’s personality – as being an imaginary hypothesis only. Dr.
Nathan of Washington University had presented an independent but supporting
opinion in the 1980 issue of the Annual Reviews of Psychology. He considers
unconscious mind as major factor to be focused in a through psychological analysis
of human beings. He argues that – “Freud’s theory emphasized only a narrow
domain of the impact of the unconscious mind, namely, that related with sexual
desires. This is an incomplete and erroneous conclusion, which has created
misconceptions about the real potentials of the unconscious mind. Deeper research
in this field should focus on the analysis and use of the power of unconscious mind
to help development of positive and creative faculties and elevation of personality
rather than the negative aspects which trigger animal instincts and suppressive
complexes”. In the ancient Indian systems, music was developed as powerful
medium for psychotherapy. The Samveda emphasizes the majestic role of divine
music in conditioning and sublimating the mental potentials. The rishis had
composed and compiled classical music through afflatus. They had sincerely used
this music for controlling their mind and rousing its immense qualities at the subtler
levels of consciousness. They had attained supernatural talents and knowledge by
such experiments on adept use of music in their disciplined and aseptic life.

As long ago as 600 BC, the renowned geometrician and philosopher, Pythagoras had
also propagated the importance of music in psychotherapy. Lambolycus of Syria too
had supported the use of music as remedy against complications caused by mental
tensions and stresses of over ambitious life style. Positive effects of clam music on
mental health have received substantial recognition in the modern age as well.
Experimental studies of the impact of music on unconscious mind add to the series
of the above mentioned observations on the assimilation of audio-signals in the
unconscious mind.

Kampbell had studied the reflections in the subject’s mind when the latter is
engrossed in watching the glow of a flame. His analysis suggests that waves of
immense bliss are generated and the person feels intense peace in this state of

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

meditation. Experimental research of Dr. Lasslie M Lecron of America has also

proved that the flame of a lamp or a candle has significant applications in
psychological and psychiatric cure. The practice of tratak in the bindu yoga sadhana
is refined experiment of this sort.

The practice trataka significantly helps restraining the agility of mind, streaming the
thoughts and supports mental concentration—which is a great achievement in view
of the immense power of the controlled mind. The customs of igniting lamps in the
temples, candles in the churches and worshiping fire in the agarics at the time of
prayers are indicative of the above mentioned psychological importance.

The eminent experts of the Indian yoga sadhana have been since the time of yore,
successful in a awakening the unconscious, subconscious and the super-conscious
layers of mind with the help of dedicated practices of pratyahar, dhyan, dharna etc.
this is how the great yogis attain supernatural faculties of hearing or seeing beyond
the limits of space and time. Telepathy, clairvoyance, prophecy, knowledge of latent
objects, thoughts or emotions, etc, are usual offshoots of such attainments. The rishis
were regarded as perfect beings because of their absolute success in the external
physical as well as internal – pertaining to thoughts, emotions and spirituality-
domains of life.

Today’s man has lost his inner strength and is living in a pathetic state of mental and
emotional weakness, disorder and dormancy. The situation will certainly improve if
the yoga practices as guided by our ancestors are experimented in modern scientific
light and brought back in the mainstream of human life. Everybody would then be
able to realize and make best use of the internal power of his own mind to live with
divine dignity.

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

The Wonders of Neuro-chemicals

The anatomy of body, the weight and size of brain are almost the same in all
humans. God has been uniformly kin to everybody in this respect. The whites and
the blacks, the tall and the shorts, the illiterates and the savants – all have brains of
similar size and shape with same anatomical structure. In spite of that, we find
significant diversity of the intellectual and mental faculties, talents and sills in the
human population.

Some people are wise and exceptionally brilliant, while others, despite living under
same socioeconomic, conditions and having similar physical health and appearance,
find it difficult to efficiently perform even the ordinary tasks and essential duties of
life. Some are altruist, generous, affectionate and kin, while some are apathetic,
selfish and cruel. Some have cheerful temperament and enthusiastic endeavor to
perform all duties including the daily chores, some enjoy playing and have special
talents in sports, still there are many who are not interested in any game, they live a
lethargic, dull and aimless life, and life is a burden for them. Why this contract?
How the mental, emotional and intellectual levels of people vary so drastically?
These questions have always motivated research in the areas of behavioral
psychology and neurochemistry. The quest for elucidation of the magical world of
human-brain has been existing since the time of the existence of humans.

The scientists of yore had pressed the approach of subtle science of spirituality to
gain absolute knowledge about human mind and to creatively control the
functioning of the brain. Modern scientists have adopted an approach beginning
from the gross analysis of the physicochemical reactions and study of their effects
manifested in behavioral changes. Progress of this research is now opening newer
dimensions of the subtle aspects of human brain.

The study hormones has offered amazing information to the researchers who
consider physiological and biochemical processing to be the basic cause of different
functions of brain. The front-line researchers now believe that the root cause of
secretion of the enormous varieties of hormones are yet unknown because of the
subtle nature of different levels of consciousness affecting the mind.

Even a single drop of some hormones secreted within the brain is found to bring
drastic changes in the body-functions. The temperament and the emotional
manifestations too are found to vary because of the fluctuations in specific hormonal
levels. Many hormones and neurochemicals – contained in the tiny neurons, have
now been identified and analyzed in the laboratories. These include, those found to
be associated with the fatigue or energetic state of the body and the alacrity of mind
and those which can stimulate or suppress the expressions of love, compassion,
cheerfulness etc. the hormone secreting glands seem to offer event newer wonders

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

before the endocrinolists to further accelerate research in the related areas of


It is surprising coincidence that the existence of the mysterious neuro-chemicals

came into light through the study of some diseases like aboulia and amnesia in
which the mind goes into depression or becomes dull and dormant by losing
memory and intellectual sharpness. Some scientists at the American National
Institute of Mental health had found that the activity or inhibition of an enzyme
called MAO (Mono Amine Oxidase) is largely responsible for the changes in
people’s temperaments. The normal as well as the unusual emotional expressions of
different persons, cheerfulness and irritation, alacrity and accede etc are found to
depend on the inhibition or activation – by other enzymes and chemicals – of the
neurohormonal secretions of MAO.

According to Dr. Andrew Baptist, a behavioral psychologist by profession, there are

two major classes of neuro-chemicals, one, the group of MAO-enzymes and the
other, that of different neurotransmitters such as, spinephrine, dopamine, serotonin
etc. the MAOs suppress the functions of the neurotransmitters. A third group
of neurotransmitters is also discovered which preserves the activity and blood-level
of the neurotransmitters. This helper group mainly consists of the enzymes of
endorphin category. The research findings of Dr. Andrew and other indicate that
excessive secretion of MAO often triggers lethargy, dullness, mental restlessness and
tension. The activation of the second group can suppress the effects of MAO and
induce alacrity, enthusiasm, relaxation and cheerfulness. The enzymes like
encephalon etc of the endorphin group further enhance the activity of the
neurotransmitters and accelerate positive effects on mental and emotional
conditions. People are found to show greater mental concentration and efficiency in
their tasks-in-hand when the secretion and activities of the neurotransmitters and
hormones of the latter groups are on.

Dr. Krsftsman and John Crookschank of Baltimore University have carried out
intensive research on human psychology and psychosomatic disease. The results of
their studies suggest that whenever the activity of a MAO increases, it inhibits the
normal secretion of the neurotransmitters in the brain. This gives rise to mental
restlessness, gloom and distress. Similar effects are induced by the rising toxicity in
the environment. In view of the analysis of positive effects of some anti-depression
drugs, these scientists prescribe the hormones of endorphin family as the inhibitors
of the negative effects of MAO. Persons having substantial levels of active
endorphins enjoy on open, happy and healthy mentality – free from emotional
complexes and stresses. Such temperaments can trigger to some extent by balanced
doses of anti-depressant medicines and steroids, which stimulate the secretion of
different neurotransmitters.

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

Apart from the medications, some behavioral psychologist also found use of
autosuggestion, hypnotism and biofeedback techniques as effective. They opine that
the steroids, through useful in inducing positive effects by activating the secretion of
the corresponding hormones, are not harmless. The side effects of steroids are often
so severe that they create other physiological and mental problems that are more
serious and require further medication. In order to avoid this vicious cycle, these
and many other researchers are now investigating the alternative techniques – of
auto suggestive biofeedback based counseling etc to maintain healthy activities of
neurotransmitters in natural manner. Considering the increasing pollution at
physical, mental and emotional spheres of life and the associated rise in the
occurrence of mental stresses, hypertension, depression and other psychosomatic
disorders, attempts of this kind appear all the more important and necessary.

Stanford Research Center in USA has a separate department for studies on oriental
meditation-based psychotherapies. The scientists of this centre have found that the
above mentioned three major types of hormones/neuro-chemicals –responsible for
inducing gloom and despair or energy and joy etc, express the reactions of internal
emotions through the medium of the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus in brain.
Their experiments show that these neurohormonal secretions can be regulated by
the practices of dhyan, dharna, yoganidra and other sadhansas of mental and
emotional control.

The results of initial research on a few hormones – whose secretion in the bold
manifests remarkable reactions and effects – had excited the scientific community
towards further research on these astonishing biomolecules. Hormonal effects on
physical structure of the body, complexion and beauty, youthfulness and aging,
puberty, concupiscence etc, and the ‘fight or fight’ type reactions against mental
stress and strain, etc, have been the focus of research in neurochemistry and

Growing research in the fields of brain-chemistry or neurohormonal secretions has

offered deeper insight into many aspects of behavioral psychology and personality-
development, which were unknown to the modern scientists until recently.
Although, the science of spirituality and associated yoga-sadhana had detailed
mentions of the subtle aspects of human mind-body relationships, the modern
scientists were not attracted to study them owing to the lack of visible evidences.
The laboratory research on the ‘micro world’ of the hormones and recognition of the
tremendous effects of mental and emotional levels on neurohormonal secretions has
now opened up new frontiers of collaborative research in associated fields of the
ancient and modern sciences.

According to the experts of neurochemistry and neurothistopathology, the chemistry

of brain is quite peculiar and arcane. Several hormones that were believed as
secreted by the glands in the digestive system and were found present in the

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

corresponding portions of the body have now been discovered to be present in the
brain as well. The group of such hormones includes ACTH (acetylcholine) and
spinephtine. Significant amount of cholestiqunine – responsible for controlling
acidic secretions in the stomach and glucoverticoides secreted by the adrenal gland
is detected in the brain too. Scientific studies suggest the possibilities that these
hormones might also be reacting as neuro-spinal transmitters whose excess in the
brain may cause different psychosomatic disorders.

The psychosomatic diseases manifested in peptic ulcer, cardiac arrest, mental

instability, irritation, Bowels’s syndrome, ulcerative colitis, etc are believed to be
caused by the imbalance in the concentration of above hormones. It should be noted
that the occurrences of these types of diseases are increasing at a rapid rate and at
present almost three fourth of the world population – especially in the developed
and developing countries is suffering from such abnormalities.

Little perturbation in the normal secretion pattern of the hormones such as the
dopamine, gawa, serotonine etc, causes deformation in very sensitive centers of the
brain and the nervous system and gives rise to amnesia, mental instability,
Parkinsons’s disease etc. A healthy, well educated multi-talented scholar might also
lose his memory and intelligence during the transition period of aging when such
hormonal disorders are more likely to occur. Those, who remain cheerful and keep
themselves active in creative tasks – and thus naturally restrain the secretion and
negative effects of the MAOs and inhibitors, do not risk the hormonal problems in
the old age.

Neurochemists have found that the hormones secreted by the pineal and pituitary
glands not only control the sex related activities, but, more importantly, they also
affect and regulate one’s decision making capabilities, thinking and sense of time
and space etc. Thus, the hormonal secretions associated with puberty serve multiple
purposes. Scientific studies have shown that the level of androgen – sex-hormone in
males which is responsible for manhood and body-characteristics including the
shape of testicle etc – and the ability of time and space recognition and grasping
power of men are interrelated. Lesser the level of androgen, more would be the
possibility of impotency and mental dullness. Similar interrelationships – between
mental sharpness, sex related functions of the body and mind, and specific hormonal
secretions – are found to exist in the females too.

The complexity of neurohormonal chemistry is so high that only a small fraction of

the related reactions and functions has so far been analyzed in the laboratories.
Collaborative research in psychology, endocrinology and neurology has become
essential for identifying some of the latent activity and sensory centers in the human
brain. The collective efforts of researchers at the Michael Riz Hospital. Chicago,
Massachusetts General Hospital and Stanford Research Centre are progressing well
in this direction. Let us hope that deeper investigations in this regard would one day

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

provide the knowledge of the subtle centers like – sahastrara, brahmrandhras,

anandmayakosha, agya chakra, etc. described in the ancient science of yoga’s, in a
manner comprehensible to the modern scientists.

Findings of the above kinds of research would explain, in new scientific light, the
mechanisms of rousing or suppressing the development of personality and
transforming human behavior with the help of activation or inhibition of these
subtle centers of consciousness in human brain. Elucidation of psychosomatic
disorders and knowledge of controlling related mental complexities would be the
other benefits of these developments.

The now available knowledge of the sensitivity and multiplicity of neurochemical

reactions gives us glimpse of how the disciplined experiments of different sadhana
could awaken the internal powers of the brain. Practicing of many spiritual
sadhanas is easy, harmless and inexpensive. Everybody can benefit form them in a
natural way. Adopting them in a day to day life can bestow manifold benefits pm
human society as compared to the present accomplishments. The sincere practices of
specific sadhana can transmute an ailing human life into a source of immense peace
and creative bliss.

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

Supernatural Potentials Of the Endocrine Glands

The hormone secreting glands – the endocrine glands are described as stars of the
interior universe of human body in a book entitled ‘Astrological Correlation with the
Ductless Glands’. The book further states that – as the mutual dependence and
cooperation’s of different planets in the solar system maintains the balanced
existences of the entire system, so do the collective efforts of the ductless glands in
regulating harmonious functioning of the mind and body. Under this analogy, the
book compares the agya cakra (pineal gland) with Sun, pituitary gland with Moon,
adrenal with Jupiter and thyroid with Mercury. Simile of mars is given to
parathyroid and Venus to thymus.

The movements of the planets and the radiation emitted from their surface effect the
matter on the earth at molecular and atomic level and also influence the conscious
elements – the psychological factors. The activities of the interiors stars the
endocrine glands in the solar system inside our body more intensely affect the
functioning and conditioning of the latter at physical, mental and emotional levels

The author of ‘Occult Anatomy” describes these glands as etherized centers and
correlates their stimulation with the interplanetary conscious activities – expressions
of cosmic consciousness. The material elements and bio molecules in the living
beings on the earth all receive the effects of cosmic activities through their own inter
atomic movements. The hormonal glands are also considered to be associated with
the latent centers (cakras) of supernormal energy. Their stimulation is associated not
only with the activities at the physical level in the body but also at the mental and
emotional levels. Thus in view of the author of the above book, these glands must be
having some linkage with the subtler centers of a superior consciousness, which
bestows a variety of boons on human beings through the hormonal activities of these

As per the research-results of Dr.Charles R. Stoquard, the expression of love,

affection, compassion and other soft sentiments is manifested through some
endocrine hormonal secretions. If the latter are obstructed, one would develop an
insipid, apathetic and eventually a cruel personality.

In his book entitled’ Anatomy of Emotions’ Dr. Hyzel throws light on the hormonal
secretion mechanism and effects on protoplasm. In his view, the existence of cetan in
a human being is not there simply to maintain the vital energy, rather, it seems to
serve the great purpose of sublime expression of the eternal Self (the soul). It has
absolute power of automating the enormous activities of the body and elevating the
thoughts and intellect to the high realms of divine humanity. The mutual
dependence of hormonal secretion on emotional status and vice-versa is amazing.
This implies that the origin and manifestation of the elements of life – expressed in

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

the hormonal functions have as much spiritual basis as the more obvious physical
one. The source of their existence therefore appears to be in cetan instead of jada.

Dr Ivo has emphasized the predominant role of hormonal glands on one’s

psychology and personality development in his book entitled – ‘Glands of Destiny”.
He cites the example of Napoleon Bonapart – starting that, Napoleon lost the battle
of Waterloo because his pituitary gland had become defective; he was therefore
unable to take any decision, in the mangled state of mind he lost the opportunity of
turning the strategic planning into his favor. The inferences of Dr. Ivies are based on
the postmortem report of the little corporal in which the deformation of pituitary
gland was a significant findings.

In terms of occult anatomy, the visible or perceptible components of the body and
their activities do not from the system of life. The conscious energy working in even
the tiniest form of these elements is the real source of life. The subtle aspects of vital
functions in the living beings are still beyond the reach of the knowledge attained in
the fields of physiology, anatomy and other biomedical sciences. In the other words,
or contemporary knowledge of our own body is yet incomplete.

Consider the endocrine glands for instance. Very minute, almost negligible – as
compared to the amount of blood in our body, quantities of hormones are secreted
by these glands. The secreted amounts get dissolved in the blood and produce
tremendous effects that are the source of normal functioning of human body and
mind in many respects. How are these glands developed – what is the source of their
existence? Why and what types of transformations take place in their activities? Why
do the biochemical’s secreted by these glands vary so much in nature? What is the
mechanism of their significant effects on body-functions? These questions yet remain
answered. So far, only the manifestation – in terms of normal and abnormal growth
and functions of the body and behavioral aspects – and chemistry of some of the
hormones secreted by these glands have been elucidated. However, the research
studies are silent on – why, from where these effects?

Early research in neural chemistry had found the presence of some hormones which
are secreted by the endocrine gland and which relate temporary or permanent
effects on specific organs or physico-chemical functions of the body advanced results
have found newer secrets in terms of the association of these hormones with the
nature and inherent characters of humans. In view of their tremendous effects on
regulating the physical, mental and emotional states of a person, the hormone-
secreting glands appear like the fingers of a hidden juggler who makes the humans
dance like puppets under the control of the hormonal threads.

The internal hormonal and other neurochemical secreting system – the endocrine
system has long been challenging puzzle for the anatomists and physiologists.
Whatever hypotheses and inferences are drawn in one point of time, they are often

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

required to be modified or changed after some time because of the newer or

contradictory observations the secrets of this system seem to be hidden behind such
a curtain, which gets more entangled into a mesh of unknown facets whenever
opened up a bit.

As early as during the times of Luis XV in France, an anatomist named Thufie had
conjectured the presence of somewhat supernormal in terms of physical existence
system in the body which secrets special juices chemicals that can significantly vary
the functions of different components of the body. An Italian physiologist Dr.
Iustathiyas had reported a well-structured hypothesis on hormonal glands sometime
in 1563. Later on, some researchers of the Vodax Institute of Science had thrown
light on the muzeneal glands. Around 1850 Dr. Kralinge of Braitain and Dr. Yeri of
Paris had given experimental evidence to illustrate the remarkable effects of some
hormonal secretions inside the body on the physiological and biochemical functions.
Research in the fields of hormones/neuro-chemicals geared up gradually in the
latter years.

At present the research on neurohormonal secretions and allied topics in one of the
most active areas of advanced sciences Dr. Luis War man of Columbia university
had recently published and article entitled ‘Glands Regulating Personality’ to
highlight the predominant role of hormonal glands in the psychological makeup of a
person. The author states that there are some special glands in the body, which are
tiny in size but colossal in effects. Besides their apparent role in controlling the organ
development, metabolism and other activities of the living body, they also have
significant influence on the mental functions. Disharmony of some secretions may
lead to the decline of one’s personality in many respects; one can even go whimsical
or insane because of such imbalances. An orderly controlled, refined state of such
secretions, on the other hand might endows one with a courageous, foresighted,
cheerful charming and talented personality.

Chorine Helen’s “Occult Anantomy” throws more light on the activities of these
ductless glands. He has analyzed their effects on human psychology and shown the
possibility of their connection with the spiritual powers. While discussing the
questions of ‘What are the relations of these glands with the sensory nerves? or,
What are their anatomical positions? etc, “the drastic variations caused by certain
chemicals hormones in the state and function space of the body and mind cannot be
based on some physicochemical reactions only. These astonishing activities are
subtle in nature and appear to be governed by the latent effects of super
consciousness. The existence and wonderful functions of these glands thus seem to
be direct manifestations of a divine power.”

The anatomical details on the size, location and the (hormonal) secreting functions of
the principal glands. Pituitary, Pineal, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Thymus, Adrenal,
Gonads and Spleen can be found in any comprehensive book on anatomy and

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

physiology. Findings of new effects of the earlier studied glands and the discoveries
of new glands/hormones are frequently reported in the corresponding research
journals. Research on neurohoromonal chemistry is also growing at a rapid pace and
newer results are being obtained and reported almost every month. Detailed
discussions of these are neither feasible nor desirable here. It would be sufficient for
us to note that these glands accrete some special kinds of biochemical’s (hormones)
directly into the blood stream. The secrete hormones reach specific points in the
body and the brain along with the blood and create wonderful effects. This in
normal conditions results to efficient maintenance of orderly functions of the body
and mind. Little imbalance or disharmony in the level, stimulation or activities of
these ‘regulator chemicals’ often causes irreparable damage or deformation in the
normal growth or health of the physical and mental system of life.

Some people are dwarf, some grow high up to exceptional and inconvenient limits
some suffer obsession and some are bony, some youths become impotent while
some wander under the thralldom of excessive concupiscence in the old age too,
come bear the ‘curses’ of dull mind and some are ‘gifted’ by extraordinary brilliance
and intellectual power, some over-eat, some hardly eat anything, some people can
work round-the-clock every day having almost no sleep as natural requirement for
creativity in the awaken state…etc…all these diversities and abnormalities are
caused by hormonal variations in general.

These disorders are also found as responsible for sudden attacks of certain maladies,
disability of specific motor or sensory activity, excitation or numbness of some parts
of the body or some mental faculties etc. despite this knowledge and
multidimensional research on hormones, no specific method or mechanism has yet
been discovered to harmonize the secretions or to retired the imbalance of normal
hormonal levels.

Oral or intravenous medicines have hardly any effect on the hormone secreting and
related activities, in-vivo. A surgeon’s sophisticated tools also have no reach there.
Attempts of controlling a hormonal activity or regularizing its normal concentration
by medication or surgical operations are extremely risky as they often perturb the
fine turned natural functions of the tiny glands and or disrupt the efficacy of
hormonal effects and thereby give rise to more severe abnormalities and disabilities.

Transplantation of different organs of human body has now become possible

because of the advancement of medical sciences and technology. However, no
progress has yet been made on surgical operations of the hormonal glands. In case of
kidney or lung failure, the damaged or diseased organ is replaced and the
transplanted organ gives almost new and healthy life to the patients, legs, hands or
ribs etc lost or damaged due to an accident or a disease can be replaced or given
mechanical support to run the chores of the body. But, trying a surgical operation or
medical treatment on the hormone secreting (endocrine) glands is dangerous like

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

putting hands in fire. In pure anatomical terms, these glands do not seem to play any
role and appear as unnecessary ‘abscess’, which could be cut and removed without
any apparent trouble however, as stated earlier, doing so could invite abnormalities
that might prove to be worse than death.

Deeper research into the effects of hormones has revealed that not only the bodily
functions but the complex mental reflections and emotions are also associated with
the endocrine system. The endocrine glands play a major role in shaping the overall
personality of an individual. Graham Hazscrines has indicated these aspects in his
work on ‘Endocrine Glands and Body Adjustments”
He writes that until the recent past, the effects of hormonal secretions were
considered to be more intense on the body and only partially associated with mental
conditions. However now these convictions have changed and we have to accept
their dominance over the mental activities too.

In his book entitled “Machinery of the Body”, J Carlson has highlighted, besides the
gross effects on sexual desire and reproductive potency, the effects of hormones on
the psychological compatibility of married couples. He further writes that the
inherent mentality of child is also based on his hormones. Heredity and genetically
connections are actively being researched these days at molecular levels. A natural
question arises here as.. ‘What is the original source of exhilaration or suppression of
the specificity of gene or a pool of genes?”. In-depth investigations on such issues
would show that it is the regulatory machinery of the hormones, which controls the
transmission of inherent biological characteristics and behavioral tendencies from
one generation to the other and also gives originality to an individual.

Occurrences of phenotypes and tendencies that are different from immediate

ancestors are often attributed by the geneticists to the manifestations of the
genotypes inherited from hundreds of generations ago. They tend to neglect the fact
that the stimulation of specific hormone driven activity can bring drastic changes in
any generation.

Professor Dorsap of the Endocrinology Department of the Chicago University has

found the juicy secretions from the spleen as of utmost importance for proper
functioning of the digestive system and the metabolic activities. He describes these
secretions as regulators of the health functioning of the stomach and the intestine
too. According to him, one likes or dislikes for different types of foods also depends
on the spleen secretions.

The ‘magic’ of the ductless glands has attracted researchers from all disciplines
biomedical and allied sciences. Major findings of the recent past are now well
reported and some of these have also appeared in the textbooks. There are seven
principal glands in the endocrine system, namely, Pituitary, Pineal, Thyroid,

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

Parathyroid, Thymus, Spleen and Adrenal. Pancreas and Gonads are also included
in this group of important hormone secreting glands.

The pineal gland – tiny like the tip of a pin is located in the brain. This is associated
with mental and spiritual development. This gland is considered to be the junction
between the external (gross) and the internal subtle domains of life. This center is
also identified as the third eye or the sixth sense. Expert yogis connect their
consciousness with the activities of the visible as well as the subtle world through
the medium of this important center. This center is also regarded as the origin of
rousing afflatus and as the source of receiving divine light and knowledge. Contact
with extraterrestrial bodies, ghosts and divine spirits is believed to take place
through this subtle communication center.

The pituitary gland is present inside the throat. It plays major role in maintaining
mental stability and development of one’s nature emotional level and development
of character also largely depend on the functioning of this gland. The state of this
center is responsible for inducing ascidia or alacrity and enthusiasm. Slight over-
stimulation of this gland makes one impatient, anxious, agitated or excited prattler
etc. one almost loses his senses in this conditions. Harmonious activity of the thyroid
gland supports development of talents and overall elevation of personality.

The parathyroid – a gland of the size of a grain of wheat – is closely associated with
the neuronal system. In terms of mental and emotional effects, this gland contains
the reservoir of courage to fight against injustice and immorality. It also arranges for
the repair of damaged or sick cells, organization of ligaments and nerve fibers. It is a
rich source of power for immunity and vitality.

They thymus gland lies in the upper central part of the chest. This gland contains the
power required for the growth and developments of the embryo. If this gland is
underdeveloped or functionally disordered then the fetus will not receive proper
nourishment even from a healthy mother. This is the principal gland that governs
the normal development of an infant through the successive stages from childhood
up to teenage and youth. In short, this is a regulator of the growth and healthy
development of the body.

The spleen is the largest gland in the endocrine system, metabolic activities, power
of the digestive system and the purity of blood mainly depend on this gland –
located in back side of the spleen. It also plays a major role in the activities of the
nervous system. This gland has special connection with the solar plexus and the
subtle body and is therefore considered to be responsible for transmitting the effects
of cosmic activity to the body and mind.

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

The adrenal gland located right above the kidneys is also called supra-renal gland.
Its shape and size resemble that of a large seed of a kidney been. Many of the natural
tendencies and biological characteristics of male and female genders are developed
through the specific secretive activities of these sources. This center is also called the
second brain. It triggers inspirations for taking courageous steps and appropriate
actions in the situations of severe difficulties and crisis, valor or cowardice are the
results of different types of functions of this gland. The occurrences of change of sex
are often triggered by some disorderly variations in the hormonal secretions from
this gland.

Gonads – the reproductive glands regulate the activities of the gentile organs and
reproductive potentials. The sexual strength and related youthfulness and the
reproductive capacity of an individual depend upon the secretion from these glands.
It is a common observation that in the old age, all the sense organs are gradually
weakened and the body loses physical strength. However, sometimes people
nearing hundred or more years in age are found producing children like the young
ones. Such unnatural and surprising events result because of the strong and healthy
functioning of the gonads in those old persons.

The progress of research on the endocrine glands is still in its infancy. The
knowledge obtained by modern scientists on hormonal secretions is far from being
complete. Still, whatever has been observed and analyzed so fare is quite
encouraging. Physiologists are surprised to find that the negligible amounts of
hormones secreted by these glands are indeed the principal regulators of enormous
functions of the body and the mind.

The physical health of brain, heart, spinal cord, kidneys, liver, stomach, intestines
and other organs is commonly regarded as the basis of total health, causes of
diseases(if any) are also searched in connection with the possibly sick states of these
organs. Hematological tests are performed to identify the presence of germs and
viral infections. Pathological tests of stools, unripe, saliva etc are also used as
indicators of the internal state of the body and treatments are offered to rectify or
remove the disorders or infections found through such investigations. However,
ever since the remarkable role of hormonal secretion has come into light, it has
become clear that the states and functions of different organs and the cellular and
molecular systems are only the ‘leafs’ and ‘branches’ of the ‘tree’ of human body. Its
‘root lies deep in the core of the endocrine system.

There are many examples where poor people who hardly eat any fatty substances
are found to be very bulky, the fat or overweight of many people does not reduce
despite leaving the use of potato, rice, sugar and fatty eatables. Such observations
indicate that obesity or weight of the body does not directly depend on the type of
food. Similar facts are seen in case of the condition of individual organs and
substems of the body. Even when the structure and physical health of the brain is

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

normal one’s mind might become sick of overexcited or his power of thinking might
turn illusive, unreasonable or insane in such situations, treatment of the gross
components of brain would not serve any purpose. Because, the organs functions
like ‘puppets’ under the regulatory control of the endocrine system. The latter is
mainly responsible for efficient or defective functioning of the otherwise healthy
faculties of the body and mind.

In spite of significant progress in the medical sciences, diagnosis and care of disease
is largely found to involve some guesswork on part of the physicians. Even in the
case of minor disease or complaints, sometime the patients have to step the doors of
several doctors, one after the other, throughout the life. They do not get much relief
even, after using all medicines ever recommended against that particular problem
and thus spending lot of time and money in several hospitals and dispensaries. Very
often it is seen that because of wrong diagnosis or incomplete treatment many
patients do not get cured by any therapy, they try Allopath, Homeopathy,
Ayurveda, Naturopathy etc but in vain although, all these ‘pathies’ have their own
scientific basis and their experts feel confident about curing these patients. Many a
times the patient’s troubles are found to remain more or less same even if they
undergo best available and recognized modes of treatment. Those who get cured by
fluke after long phase astray and misleading diagnosis and varied treatments seem
to have received most of the positive effects from the internal struggle and latent
activities of their subtle body too.

The stoutness, alacrity, beauty, extraordinary potentials of different sense organs,

resistively and vitality etc, are no longer attributed to the physical strength and
functions of the body. Instead, the specific hormonal secretions are given most of the
credit for such manifestations. The same is true in case of mental faculties too. If the
dormant state of intellect, hasty or illusive mentality, etc do not change in spite of
best psychological and medical treatments and sincere efforts of the persons
concerned, the imbalance of associated hormonal secretions is identified as the major
cause of such deficiencies. On the other extreme, sharp memory, bright intellect,
sound reasoning, foresightedness etc are also considered as the gifts of perfect order
and efficiency of specific hormonal activities.
Moving a step ahead from the level of body and mind, we find the deeper and
altogether different aspects of personality reflected in the nature and character of a
human being. These belong to the domain of convictions and emotions and thus
bear upon spirituality too. The latent power of hormonal secretions seems to be
associated even with the status of the inner self, expressed in internal tendencies and
deep emotions. A natural question arises here as-“could morality and high ideals of
life also be governed by hormonal reactions?” then what is the use of swadhyaya
and satsang etc. in the development of personality? If the endocrine glands in some
way are the principal regulators of the integrity of character and emotional purity
then we sought to review the present understanding of the methods of refinement

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

and sublimation of internal character and research deeper on the subtle activities of

In this context, it would be appropriate to consider the ancient. Indian science of the
sat cakras. These six subtle centers of etheric energy, located in different plexuses
along the spinal column, are junctions which link the human consciousness with the
latent currents of conscious power existing in the cosmos and thereby affect the
activities of their functional counterparts – the endocrine glands. The Sadhanas of
Kundalini Jagarana involve penetration and stimulation of the sat cakras in an
orderly pace. The effects of associated processing within the body may be
understood in gross scientific terminology if we consider the eternal connection of
the sat cakras with endocrine glands. This approach would explain how the spiritual
sadhanas are useful in regulating all aspects of personality development and opening
the paths of all round progress and elevation in a natural way. Most of us may want
to understand how the awakening of the sat cakras and corresponding control and
refinement of the functions of the endocrine glands could be accomplished by
spiritual sadhanas? We will have to search deeper into the scriptures of yoga and
study the subliminal effects of practicing the sat cakra sadhana.

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

Control and Refinement of Hormones

At a superficial level, it appears that some chemical processing of the food intakes
generates blood, and that the flow of blood is the sources of heat and energy in the
body. However, deeper analysis has shown that there is a separate mechanism at the
root of all functions inside the body, which gives rise to the formation of blood and
maintenance of body-energy. The auto regulatory system of the neurons and the
influence of the conscious and unconscious mind on it are also now regarded as a
manifestation of some subtler processes. The hormone secreting endocrine glands
constitute this subtle system which is now found to be the basic controller of all
functions, qualities, abilities or disabilities of the bodily and mental functions.

The thyroid gland secrets a hormone called thyroxin, which enters the blood steam
and reaches different parts of the body. Deficiency of this hormone reduces the
absorption rate of oxygen, which often results in disruption of metabolic functions,
excessive fatigue, loss of memory and bluntness of mind. Also, the skin and hair
become dry, lips and eyelids become lose and appear as pulled downwards. The
body fattens and its plumpness is such that pressing a finger makes a groove
(depression) in the swollen part. One is unable to bear chill and feels tired because of
the reduced level of this hormone. Growth of thyroid gland results in a swollen,
protuberant throat and gives rise to diseases like goiter. The reasons of abnormal
shrinkage or growth of this gland are not fully understood. It may also maintained
at a level, which is normally prescribed for a healthy person.

So far, the deficiency of iodine in food is found to be a major cause of disturb in the
normal functioning of the thyroid gland. The doctors recommend that the daily
meals should contain at leas 20 micrograms of iodine. Seawater, natural salt, sea
grass and fishes are rich in iodine contents. However, in many cases even the
desired intake of iodine and iodine based medicines do not help control the
abnormal functioning of this red colored, butterfly shaped tiny gland whose two
‘wings’ in leaf structures cover the upper end of the respiratory canal. The discovery
of yellow protein colloid in the deep core of this gland had raised hopes that this
colloid might the source of thyroxin secretion. Further research annulled this

Experiments of controlling the deficiencies of thyroxin by injecting the extract of

thyroid of other animals have not been successful because of lack of bio-
compatibility. Drs. E.C Kendall, Harrington and Berger of Britain had synthesized
thyroxin the laboratory by taking appropriate combination of carbon, hydrogen,
oxygen, nitrogen and iodine. Although this artificial substance resembles thyroxin in
chemical structure, its injection in the patient body could not substitute for the
deficiency of the latter. Use of iodized salt is regarded as preventive measure,
however it has not been successful in permanent prevention of the thyroid related

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

Excessive secretion of this hormone also causes a variety of problems the ‘engine’ –
source of energy of the body gets’ over-charged’ and as a result, different metabolic
and biochemical reactions and physiological functions are accelerated untimely. This
often gives raises to increase in pulse rate, professed perspiration, high blood
pressure, excitation, hypersensitivity, mental restlessness and irritation etc. throat
swallows due to which the neck also fattens. At present, radium based X-ray therapy
and radioactive iodine, calcium etc are being experimented as the possible remedies
against an over-active thyroid gland.

From the medical experts like Dr. Eimley to the chemical scientists like Dr. Collins of
Canada, efforts of many researchers have been dedicated since long time to finding
methods of controlling the thyroid gland. Role of the tiny parathyroid glands in
influencing the thyroid functions has been investigated in several laboratories.
However, the secrets of these glands still remain unfolded – hidden behind iron

The chemical processing of extraction of energy from the food constituents begins as
soon as it reaches in the stomach. Starch and sugar are converted into glucose. Part
of this glucose goes in the blood steam and helps energize the body and maintain
temperature… the remaining quantity of glucose is stored in the liver in the form of
glycogen, making a stock for future energy-requirements. In diabetic patients, the
sugar level in the blood increases and corresponding shortage of energy supplied by
the glucose gradually weakens the body. This disorder in blood sugar arises due to
the deficiency of insulin – a hormone secreted by the pancreases. Dr. Fredrick
Vytating had done remarkable work on this hormone, which was earlier known as
‘igelitine’. He and Dr. Mac Lloyd had received the Nobel Prize for their research
work on insulin.

In healthy blood, the normal level of sugar is about one sixtieth ounce per liter. This
small amount is the fuel (source of energy) that keeps the cellular and muscular
machinery warm and active. Insulin along with another hormone adrenaline helps
regulate this function.

Growth of the body is maintained by the pineal gland in the brain. Drastic changes
in one’s growth – especially of height, are caused by the disorderly functioning of
this small ‘dot’ sized endocrine gland. Dr. Harve Cusching, a surgeon at the Harvard
University medical school had removed the pineal gland of a puppy in a
experiment. The growth of this dog had stopped after this operation and it remained
a puppy there after.. in some other experiments of this kind, the growth of some
young rats was arrested since their pineal glands were cut out. In spite of being fed
with idea nutritious diet in controlled conditions, these rats neither grew in size nor
gained any weight. They appeared like baby rats throughout their lives. In another
case, surgeon Philip Smith had fixed the pineal gland of one rat into the brain of

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

another normal rat. The latter, because of two such glands, grew at exceptionally fast
rate and became a giant – almost three times bigger than the normal rats, ever found
in that family of rats.

Imbalance of the endocrine glands creates amazing disorders in natural living

system. The pair of a 25 inches ‘tall’ man, Tom Thumb and a 24-inched lady, Lebonia
is counted among the great wonders of nature in the human society. However, the
experts know that such wonders are results of slight disorders in the endocrine
system. Tom Thumb weighed 9 pounds 2 ounces at the time of birth, but due to
deficiency in hormonal secretions, his body-weight remained the same. His body
had become a source of earning for him through jugglery. He had married a
matching dwarf woman and enhanced his business through their joint shows. The
other extreme of hormonal imbalance leads to uncontrolled growth of height and or
weight. Robert Widelio’s height of 8ft 11 inches was a live example of this effect. He
used to look like a moving Palm Tree. A 7 ft tall man Tilwar lives like a ‘show piece’
for the people of Palamou in Bihar (India)

Czar Peter of Russia was very tall. He used to like tall people. When one of his
favorite, exceptionally tall Sergeant died, the Czar had ordered to preserve his
skeleton in the Kuntzkare museum. This specimen was about 200 years old when
some scientists tried to investigate the cause of its abnormal height with the help of
X-rays. The analysis carried out by them identified excessive secretions thought the
pituitary gland as the cause of this exceptional growth.

Alipus of Alexandria was a dwarf. His height was only 17 inches. Amira Jembilakas
had kept him in his house to entertain the visitors. He used to carry Alipus in a small
cage while traveling. Fanny Miles a girl born in 1880 in Cincinnati, Ohio USA, had
exceptionally long feet in her otherwise normal body. Her 2-ft long used to frighten
people. Nobody married her because of this abnormality.

Alfred Lenzvan of Detramat, Michigan 9USA) had peculiar ability to breath thought
the eyes instead of the nostrils. During test experiments he used to quench candles
by staring at them while his nose and mouth were covered. Fed Patgel’s voice was
so loud that it could be heard from a distance of over 3 miles whenever he spoke at
high pitch with force.

The above examples present a small sample of the varieties of abnormalities in the
body-functions that could be caused by the imbalance in the endocrine secretions.

Renowned psychoanalyst, Dr. Edgar has conducted research on effects of hormones

on behavior and attitude. His results indicate that many individuals, despite having
excellent physique and charming appearance, do not have the natural masculine (or
feminine) tendencies because of the abnormal levels of certain hormones. Impotence
is also attributed to hormonal disorders in general.

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

Many physically weak persons have gained repute in diverse fields of sports, arts,
literature, sciences, etc. dwarf men and women have become popular actors… the
jugglery of hormones can also be seen making some poor ones – who might have
never eaten a full meal, as hefty and stout. On the contrary, in some other cases, in
spite of having lavish and nutritionally rich and healthy diet and best efforts in
terms of physical exercises, the weak and bony bodies of many people show no signs
of improvement due to persistent hormonal deficiencies.

The importance of hormones in regulating the defense mechanism of the immune

system in the body is well known. Whenever, the germs and viruses or any
substance, which is ‘foreign’ or ‘toxic’ to its normal functioning, invades the body,
some of the hormones secreted by the endocrine glands react instantaneously. These
stimulate the B-cells in the blood to recognize the antigens and harmful microphages
and produce specific antibodies to eliminate the invaders. The hormones also
participate in the struggle, of the body to fight the infections/diseases during this
defensive activity. This struggle of hormones induces psychological effects that are
manifested as – restlessness, irritation, anger and anguish in the diseased persons.

As stated earlier, the endocrine glands are affected by internal state of the mind and
emotions and accordingly generate the feelings of joy, enthusiasm, courage and
alacrity, or that of dole, dullness, despair and apprehension etc. modern scientists
are actively engaged in finding hormone-based therapies to control one’s physical
and mental health. Partial success has been gained in the cases where major cause of
hormonal imbalance is identified as deficiency of certain chemicals as a result of
some disease or know physiological disorder.

Scientific investigations have revealed that hormonal secretions do not have any
direct relationship with the quantity and quality of the food intakes and physical
activities in general. Neither the geneticists have been able to establish any
correlation between driven functions and hormonal regulation, nor has any
psychological study yet confirmed any correlation model between specific functions
of the endocrine system and state of the conscious mind, which could be regarded as
a universal mode. Possibilities of some inherent tendencies of the subconscious and
unconscious mind influencing the hormonal secretions do not find ground because
of the lack coherence. Then natural question arises – what is the reason variation in
the levels and types of hormonal secretions from the endocrine glands? We will have
to look into deeper depths of the subtle levels of human consciousness in order to
find possible answers.

A human being is ensemble of three systems: one is physical – made of panca tatvas,
which is known as physical or the gross body. Food, atmosphere and physical
activities affect this system. Disorder or malfunctioning of this system is treated with
the help of medicines and external devices.

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

Scientific investigations have revealed that hormonal secretions do not have any
direct relationship with the quantity and quality of the food intakes and physical
activities in general. Neither the geneticists have been able to establish any
correlation between driven functions and hormonal regulation, nor has any
psychological study yet confirmed any correlation model between specific functions
of the endocrine system and the state of the conscious mind, which could be
regarded as universal mode. Possibilities of some inherent tendencies of the
subconscious and unconscious mind influencing the hormonal secretions do not find
ground because of the lack of coherence. Then natural question arises – what is the
reason of variation in the levels and types of hormonal secretions from the endocrine
glands? We will have to look into deeper depths of the subtle levels of human
consciousness in order to find possible answers.

A human being in an ensemble of three systems: one is physical – made up of panca

tatvas, which is known as the physical or the gross body. Food, atmosphere and
physical activities affect this system. Disorder or malfunctioning of this system is
treated with the help of medicines and eternal devices.

There are other components of a human in the subtle body consisting of the
conscious and the unconscious faculties of mind. Thoughts and intellectual levels of
environment influence this system. Logical analysis thought provoking discussions
and studies, training of discreet planning and decision making, etc are used as the
means of healthy development of this body. Intoxication and steroids affect the brain
functions and thereby exert an effect on the system of the subtle body also to some
extent. Ambiance of life, quality of work, mental tasks, habits and deeds affect by the
status of this system. Epistemology, psychology, parapsychology and allied
branches neuroscience and philosophy of mind deal with orderly maintenance and
refinement of this subtle component of a human being.

The third and the innermost component of human consciousness is the astral body
which is also known as – the causal body, the eternal emotional core of the heart, the
inner self, the abode of soul, etc. the natural beliefs, faith, inner emotions, intrinsic
instincts and desires, and ascetic appetence etc emanate from this center. The feeling
of ego, haecceity and afflatus also have their roots in this inner most core of human
consciousness. The inherent characteristics – the reflections of the sins (papa) and the
virtuous, pious, altruist deeds (punya) of an individual are manifested in these
expressions of the inner self. The intrinsic state, purity and spiritual level of these
reflections are found to affect the activities of the endocrine system. Thus the
hormonal secretions appear to be subtly controlled by the praprabdha – destiny
formed according to the collection of the papa punya of the previous births.
Reactions of the papa and punya of the present birth also get accumulated in the
stock of prarabdha and play an important role in respectively deteriorating and
ameliorating the order and efficiency of the endocrine system and thereby
influencing the physical and subtle bodies too.

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

The treatment of the disorder or abnormalities in hormonal secretions would be

most affective if it is focused at refining and arousing the subliminal causal body.
One can regulate the hormonal levels in a desired manner by purifying the intrinsic
characteristics (sanskars) of the inner self and controlling the emotions, faiths and
aspirations assimilated in its core. This cannot be achieved by gross level treatments
based on nutritious diets, physical exercises and medicines etc. intellectual activities
and creative methods of mental elevation are also ineffective in reaching the causal
body. The endeavors (sadhana) of spiritual refinement appear to be the only
solutions. Ascetic practices of these sadhanas offer multiple benefits of regulating
the endocrine system and thus helping – harmonious functioning of the physical
body, avoiding hormone driven disturbances in mental fluctuations and creating
enchanting effects on the subtle and causal bodies. These sadhanas have the
potential to culminate the individual self up to the divine heights.

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

Esoteric Role of the Pineal Gland

The mystic functions of the unconscious mind, aura of one’s vital energy and inner
strength do not depend on the condition and activities of the gross body. The same is
true of the functioning on the endocrine systems and hence of the transmission of
the hereditary (genetic) information, the development of an embryo and the
enormous potentials of the cells too. Through research in anatomy and physiology of
human body has been able to provide only partial information about some of these
aspects. Such specificity, which can not be associated with the subtle and astral

Elucidation of the vast field of this deep knowledge and realization of the associated
intrinsic properties and functions has been the focus of spiritual experiments
(sadhana) since the time of yore. Modern science too has begun to search for the
subtle aspects of the above mentioned characteristics of human life.

Experts of neurochemistry consider the pineal and the pituitary glands to be the
most important glands in the endocrine system. The hormones like androgen
secreted by the pituitary gland are found to control not only the sex related activities
but also the capability of decision making, soundness of thinking and space-time
based perceptions of an individual. The savants of yoga-vidya associate the pituitary
gland with the topmost extrasensory center (cakra) of eheric energy – namely, the
sahastrara cakra. The consciousness of an individual is described to be linked with
the omnipresent supreme consciousness through the medium of sahastrar.

The pineal gland is considered to be the linkage between the body and the mind.
Renowned French philosopher, Rene Descartes describes this gland as the
connection between the jada (material) components of the body and the cetana
(conscious) powers of the mind. Divine consciousness inspires one’s mind through
this center.

Anatomically, the pineal gland happens to be the smallest functional component of

human body. This tiny gland is conical in shape like a granule of gram, it is about
0.25 inch long and weighs around 100 mg. This gland is located between the
cerebellum and thalamus and is connected with the upper layer of the third
ventricle. Interestingly, this gland, which was until recently considered by the
modern scientists as an unnecessary component in the human body and was
attributed as a remnant of the early phase of evolution of the human body, has now
become the major focus of front-line research on human brain.

Melatonin – a hormone secreted by the pineal gland is supposed to react with

darkness and thereby maintain the circadian biorhythms which are associated with
the cyclic transitions of day and night. It is also found that this hormone affects the
activities of the neurons, which participate in controlling the process of sleeping.

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

Sensitivity to light appears to be its main property is remarkable consonant with the
linkage between the pineal gland and the agya cakra (third eye) as described in the
scriptures on yoga sadhana. A Greek Physiologist, Herophibas has described (some
time in 400 BC) this gland as the center of restraining power which controls the flow
of thoughts. Seers of esoteric knowledge have also found it as the center of origin
and source of orderly expression of discerning intelligence. Modern scholars too
consider it as center of divine potentials.

The size of the pineal gland is bigger in children as compared to that in the adults.
Among adults, women – who are in general, emotionally more sensitive than men,
are found to have bigger pineal glands than that of man. Sir Alaxender Kennan had
presented the essence of his research in the dissertation entitled. ‘The Power
Within”. He writes that the pineal gland of compassionate and spiritually elevated
personalities is usually more developed and bigger.

Every human is free from the entangling thralldoms of ego, selfishness and worldly
affairs in the childhood. Very few people enjoy the same purity of inner self, fairness
and truth of mind in the later phases of life. This the reason why in most people the
pineal gland shrinks gradually as they cross he edges of childhood. One’s emotional
level has great impact on the development and activities of this gland.

Dr. Crookshak’s research work has made significant contribution in identifying the
effects of the endocrine glands on physiology and psychology. He calls these as
‘magical glands’. In his view, the physical and mental health of an individual and his
inherent tendencies could be assessed in terms of the level and pattern of hormonal
secretions in his endocrine system.

The pineal and pituitary glands are termed as the master glands because of their
predominant- role in the endocrine system. The functions of pineal gland were
partly recognized by the medical scientists as long ago as 400 BC. The Greek thinker
Herophibas, who was known at that time for his analysis of some physiological
functions, had also expressed views on the role of this gland…, however, in the
absence of visible identification of this gland, his views had raised controversies. He
had described this gland as the regulator of the thought process. For him, this gland
was like a link between the physiological and mental functions.

Dr. H.W. Graft and Dr. E. Waldvene Spensor – both micro anatomists, had carried
out research on the pineal gland in the late 19th century. Their results showed that
this gland responds to the optical signals (light) received directly from the
surroundings or transmitted through the nerves system as perceived by the eyes.
This finding resemble with the interpretations of the third eye described in the yoga
scriptures. Major results of the modern research on the pineal gland concern the
extraction and analysis of the hormones, melatonin and serotonin secreted by this

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

gland. These have elucidated some latent features of the gross body, which were
unknown until recently.

Around the middle of this century, in 1958 Dr. Morton B. Learner of the Yale
medical school had extracted melatonin from the secretions of the pineal gland. This
hormone is found to be responsible for photo-reactive effects of change in the skin
color of frogs and fishes. In humans, it is considered to regulate emotional changes
and excitations generated by fear and anger. The secretions of this hormone plays
very important role in puberty during the commencement of teenage. As the child
passes through this transition period, the size of the pineal reduces gradually and
the charge of controlling the sex related hormonal secretions is transferred to the
pituitary gland.

As stated earlier, the master gland – pineal is considered to be directly connected

with the agya cakra (third eye). Awakening of agya cakra results in rousing viveka –
prudence, discreet intelligence, righteous thinking and divine insight. If a person
canalizes his creative talents and various potentials with the support of viveka then
he can reach up to the diamonds and pearls of the hidden treasures of the
unconscious mind.

Awakened agayacakra purifies and illuminates the mana, buddhi, citta and
ahamkar. This is a fundamental step in the sadhana of manomaya kosa. The mention
in Puranas – “the burning of Kamadeva because of the opening of the third eye of
Lord Siva” – is an allegoric representation. It implies that opening (activation) of the
subtle center of the pineal gland controls the erogenous secretions from the pituitary
and thus restrains stimulation of the genitals. It also implies that the agile giant of
mind can be restrained and refined by the sadhanas of opening of the agyacakra and
the consequent spark of viveka.

Refinement of the power of this center and the inter-linked functional units of the
master glands of the endocrine system opens up the ways of sublime
transformation.. The vast difference between the wretched (vile) and the elevated
(elite) levels of personalities arise respectively from the underdeveloped or waned
and the actively refined states of this center. This is because the activities of this
center shape the mental status, attitude and flow of thoughts of a person, which in
turn govern his deeds.

Renowned psychiatrist Dr. Daniel Kreman has separated another hormone from the
brain tissues. This hormone named serotonin is densely present in the pineal gland
and the junction cells. The pineal gland is a reservoir of serotonin, which is
distributed by the junction cells to the other parts of the body. Further research work
has shown that serotonin is an elementary form of melatonin and that its richness
activates reasoned thought process another significant result was that the atomic

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

structure of serotonin matches with that of LSD 25 (Lisurgic Acid Diethylamide) – a

narcotic drug, which is prepared by the extractions from a grass called rai.

Small amount of LSD induces intense intoxicating effects on the conscious mind. The
hippies consume it for what they consider a ‘spiritual joy’. The medical experts on
the other hand, advice against its use because this drug can neutralize the activation
of serotonin. The so-called feeling of attainment of higher levels of consciousness by
consuming LSD is an artificial and illusive state of mind, because the suppression by
LSD of the activities of serotonin blocks the natural flow of thoughts and one feels
‘thoughtless’ as if one is in a state of trance. This chemically induced suppression of
brain-functions is risky as it prevents the natural hormonal processing of brain-
functions is risky as it prevents the natural hormonal processing and thereby
destroys the harmony between the brain (mind) and the body.

The pineal gland is considered to be the gross center for the manifestation of
consciousness that regulates the cycle of the biochemical activities in an individual.
The spiritual level of one’s consciousness has direct impact on the regulatory
activities of pineal and pituitary glands – especially on their roles in inducing and
controlling the emotional and physical functions associated with sex. The greater the
natural control of pineal on pituitary and the collective control of both on the
genitals, the more becomes possibility of – awakening of the otherwise dormant
centers of consciousness inside the body and the corresponding rise in one’s
spiritual potentials to attain sublime levels of cetana.

Appropriation of the serotonin concentration and naturally harmonious control over

its activity is challenging task, which is essential for spiritual achievements. The
excessive level of serotonin triggered by erogenous thoughts in the individuals
transpires the vicious cycle of mutually supporting activities driven by
concupiscence and related endocrine secretions and leads to fast decline the
possibilities of spiritual evolution. The yoga is a systematic method for focused
awakening of the pineal gland followed by natural control over the entire endocrine

Every human being is bound within the world created by his own emotions,
thoughts and deeds. His character is the creation of his internal world too. It is in his
own hands to come out of this barrier, which block the empowerment and
sublimation of his consciousness – reflected in the functions of his brain and body.
The sadhana of opening of the agyacakra have direct positive impact on the pineal
gland and hence on the endocrine system too. The success of these sadhanas arouses
one’s viveka and induces elevated flow of his prana. The life histories of great
personalities across the world show that they were empowered by the internal
energy of the cetan and they had used their talents for higher ideals with the help of
their radiant viveka. As a result, their lives were endowed with such
accomplishments that can be compared with divine boons.

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

The Subtle Effects of the Pituitary Gland

The external appearance or physique of the people varies from one geographical
region to another because of the climatic changes. However, the anatomy,
physiology, and internal chemistry of the body is the same in all human beings.

The chemistry of human body is so systematic and competent that it can maintain
the healthy functioning of the body in natural atmosphere just with the help of the
regular intakes of air, water and food. The harmonious functioning of the
biochemical reactions within the body can easily defend it against the attack of
germs, viruses and primary diseases. It automatically maintains the health of the
body in case of minor injuries, pains and distress etc. this perfect system is
distributed because of external imbalances – caused by pollution, uncontrolled diet,
artificial and stressful mode of living.

Brain is considered to be the reservoir of conscious powers and the source of all
intellectual faculties. Its neuronal network regulates all the physical, biochemical
and mental functions in the body. According to the modern medical sciences, the
endocrine system appears to be the principal linkage for manifestation of the
‘cosmic’ conscious energy in various brain-regulated activities.

Recent research has shown that the psychology of an individual has an intimate two
folded relationship with the hormone secreting functions of the endocrine glands.
Adept investigations in neurochemistry and psychology carried out in the pas few
decades have shown that the root cause of large number of diseases lies in the
emotional complexities. Healthy development of mind and soothing conditions of
thoughts and emotions upkeep the healthy functioning of the endocrine system and
eventually a balanced secretion of neurotransmitters hormones supports happy and
creative conditioning of the mind and healthy functioning of the body.

In view of the predominant role of the endocrine system, the latter has been the
focus of some important and active areas brain research. The pituitary and pineal
glands are said to be the conductor glands or the master glands as their secretions
directly or indirectly affect the functioning of the other glands in the endocrine

The pituitary plays a fundamental role in the reproductive potentials of individuals.

The hormones, androgen and estrogen secreted from here give rise to the masculine
and feminine characteristics respectively Dr. N. Shale’s medical research has shown
that this gland is also prominent in protecting the health and orderly functioning of
the body. Its regulatory mechanism weakness at the times of emotional perplexity or
severe mental disturbance. Persistence of such stressful conditions often results in
the occurrence of muscular spasm, skin aberrations, indigestion, constipation, colitis,
hypertension, cardiac disorders, etc. Any violation in emotional or mental peace

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

perturbs the harmony of the brain-functions – including the endocrine secretions

which in turn disturb the healthy functioning at the physiological, bio-electrical and
biochemical levels and results in the above kinds of diseases and disorders.

It is said that the root all diseases lies in the malice of one’s thoughts and emotions –
including the negative feelings and tendencies of jealousy, fury, fraudulence,
unchaste, hypocrisy, excessive ambitions etc, are like slow poisons which weaken
one’s mental and physical strength day by day.

The early trends of modern psychology had propagated amorous sentiments and
fulfillment of concupiscence as an inductive force, which is responsible for inspiring
the development of cheerful, adventurous, brave and courageous character. It was
also affirmed that the suppression of emotions and sensual desires might result in
the objections of personality into a coward, confused, apathetic, disgraceful criminal
and sarcastic one. They psychologists like Freud also attributed improper
development or complexities of one’s character, to the abnormalities in his sexual
life. However, new principles of human psychology base on deeper understanding
of the neural and mental sciences now convey that – it is mainly the state of the
doctrine system which governs different functions at the physiological and
psychological levels.

The hormonal secretions of the pituitary gland are found to govern the sexual
characteristics and activities of an individual. Impotency and fertility are not
associated so much with the gentles, as with the secretions of specific hormones
from this gland. The manifestation of masculine characters in female and feminine
signs in male and eventual change in one’s sex are found to be caused by
transformation or disorder in the hormonal functions of this gland.

Neurohormonal research has identified about nine principal hormones secreted by

the pituitary gland. Mother’s natural affection towards her child is also attributed to
the effects of such hormones. Stability and decisiveness of mind is could to depend
on the secretions of these hormones. The endocrinologists attributed the steady
inactivation of the pituitary gland as the major cause of drastic transformation of
Napoleon Bonaparte’s personality.

Physiologists describe two part of this master gland. Augmentation of the alpha cells
of the first part – anterior pituitary is found to inspire manly characteristics of
courage and firmness. A person having excess of these cells will also have excellent
power of self restrain and self-discipline. Such and individual is usually endowed
with impressive personality, industriousness, self-confidence and determination.
Such people often become successful leaders. Glorious personality of Abraham
Lincoln is renowned example of marvelous effects of the growth of alpha cells in the
anterior part of the pituitary.

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

Increase in the basophilic cells of the anterior pituitary gives rise to feminine
characteristics like emotional sensitivity and compassion. People having excess of
these cells are generally short and have unstable nature, they show symptoms of
psychlothemia – fluctuating temperaments, sometimes they are over-enthusiastic
but soon become different or too depressed without any apparent reason.

Such persons are often inclined towards art, poesy and music, Fredrick Chopin is
reported as having these characteristics in the ‘Encyclopedia of Esoteric Men’ –
unique treatise on peculiarities of human character complied by Benjamin Walker.

Some hormones secreted from the frontal part of the pituitary govern the reactions
of thyroxin which is the principal hormone secreted by the thyroid gland and which
is essential for metabolic activities and processing of cardiac functions at a normal
pace. A hormone called oxytosine is secreted from the back (posterior) side of the
pituitary gland in the mothers of newborns. This hormone stimulates the production
and secretion of milk from the mother’s breasts.

Dr. Altschule, an eminent biochemist at the Harvard University observes that – if

there is any biochemical basis of bliss, it must be through the pituitary and pineal
glands. It is at these sources where all the biochemical’s (hormones) are produced,
which induce the soothing feelings of cheerfulness and enthusiasm.

In normal cases, complete development of sexual organs and activation of erogenous

sensations takes place during the age of 14 to 16 years. The desires and potentials of
indulgence in sexual activities usually diminish by the age of 60 years. Men loose the
desire of carnal pleasure and their organs weaken for each activity by this age.
Women reach this state even earlier around the age of 50 years, after menopause.
However, the perturbations of the normal activities of pituitary sometimes results in
amazing abnormalities of both kinds. For instance, Dr. Guilline has mentioned of the
case of a seven years old boy whose sexual development was equivalent to that of
normal young man. Hypocrites had also cited some such abnormalities and
attempted analyzing their causes ages ago. The following examples reported during
past hundred years or so add to this series.

Charles Worth, born in England on 14 March 1829 has become a complete young
man at the age of just years. He also grew old fast and passed away at the age of
seven. Sudan’s 9 year old mother was in news some years ago. Her husband too was
a child of age 10 only when they got their first baby. On 8th January 1910, an 8 years
Old Chinese girl gave birth to a child. There lived another peculiar couple in the
Kalawar region of Africa where the custom of child marriages is still popular, the
couple was blessed by a baby girl when the husband was 17 years old and the wife
was only 8. Surprisingly, their daughter too got married in the childhood and
became a mother at the age of 9 years.

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

Other extremity of sex related abnormalities are manifested in people possessing

concupiscence and reproductive abilities like those of the youths. Jora Aaga of
Turkey was 153 years old in 1927 when be married his eleventh wife. Before that he
had witnessed the deaths of his ten wives and twenty seven children. He had over
seventy children from his eleven wives. John Mickey of Agaster-Mize survived a
healthy life of 124 years. Few years before his death, john’s gray year had begun to
turn black. He was married last at the age of 80 to a young woman of 18 years. He
had ten children from this wife all of whom were healthy and lived longer than an
average inhabitant in that area.

Hormonal secretions in women are found to be very compatible and conspicuous to

provide extra energy and strength during and after the menstrual cycles, pregnancy
and delivery. Their hormones seem to be more supportive in increasing their
resistance and vitality as compared to the men. This is the reason why despite
working for the entire day, every day – all her life, a woman, on an average, lives
longer than a man. According to a census of China about 86 person of age 100 years
of more were living in Dumei region on the banks of Yantse several years ago, of
these 69 where women and 17 men. Seventy-eight of these ‘long-lived’ people had
been residing in small villages and only eight had spend most of their life in densely
populate town. The oldest in this group was a 116 years old lady who was still living
independently in her own cottage in a farm at the outskirts of the village.

The relation of hormones with longevity is another major topic of active research
concerning the pituitary and other endocrine glands. Experiments are also on the
counter the hormonal deficiencies by injecting the corresponding hormones from
certain animals into the patient’s blood. However, bio-compatibility and non-
sustainability of the positive effects if any has been the major bottleneck in their
success. Similar problems are sometimes faced with the use of tranquilizers and
other medicines. The negative reaction of a drug and chemicals occurs because of
their recognition as foreign or incompatible bodies during the ‘scrutiny’ by the

The neuroreceptors, neurotransmitters and hormones play the principal role in

regulating the biochemical information processing within the body. Recent
investigations of these include experiments on the synaptic connectivity and activity
of the neurons by electrochemical stimulants to influences the auto regulatory
activation at biochemical levels. However, thorough understanding of the endocrine
system and possibilities of controlling hormonal secretions and functions are still far
from the reach of current developments.

Discoveries of different hormones and desperations of the structure and chemical

functions of the hormone and neurochemicals like encephalin and endorphins are
remarkable achievements of brain-research. These findings would contribute to the

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

fields of research on healthy development of brain and to the medical treatment of

neurological and psychological disorders.

More significantly advancement of research has helped understanding the internal

structure of brain and the chemistry of the endocrine system and it has shown that
the complexities of neurochemical and endocrine reactions have connection with the
subtle aspects of personality. It has become clear that as for as the transformation of
one’s mentality, nature, emotional character, intrinsic values etc, is concerned,
nothing viable could be achieved by external treatments – be those electrical
impulses or medicines. Because, it is the mental and emotional state of an individual
which is dominant in affecting the normal functions of the endocrine system and
hence of the neuronal network.

In view of the subtle effects, many researchers have now focused their studies on
applications of meditation (dhyana), contemplation (manana) and other spiritual
yoga-sadhanas to improve the heath of body and mind. These practices are expected
to help refine the inner potentials of one’s consciousness so that the neuro-hormonal
secretion would be naturally maintained in harmonious order.

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

Growth Hormones and Changes of Sex

The modes of living, nutrition, climatic conditions etc do have significant effects of
health. People who adopt a balanced diet, disciplined and creative life-style with
appropriate physical exercises and mental activities enjoy good health in general.
Those living an under nourished or stressful life and those used to over-eating and
luxuries without work, on the other hand, have to encounter a variety of diseases.

In the modern medical system, the diagnosis of a disease is mad with respect to –
identification of possible invasion of germs and viruses, effects of seasonal variation,
metabolic and physiological disorders or malfunctioning at the organ and molecular
levels etc. ant the remedies are prescribed accordingly. However, many a times, a
situation arises – for instance, in case of abrupt growth or reduction of an organ;
change in some part of the body; change in voice; rapid loss or gain in weight; severe
headaches , etc – where none of the symptoms, signs and diagnostic tests help
proper inference. In such circumstances, the treatments are given almost on trial and
error basis, which hardly eliminate the patient’s trouble. The ‘diseases’ or disorders
of this kind often arise due to perturbation in hormonal secretions and reactions.

Despite significant development, in the present century, in the detailed

understanding of the anatomy, physiology and biochemistry of human body, the
brain functions – in general and the activities of the endocrine system – in particular,
largely remain unknown till today. The complexities manifested by slight
fluctuations in the hormonal secretions pose challenging problems before the
doctors and biomedical scientists.

Despite significant developments, in the present century in the detailed

understanding of the anatomy, physiology and biochemistry of human body, the
brain functions – in general and the activities of the endocrine system – in particular,
largely remain unknown till today. The complexities manifested by slight
fluctuations in the hormonal secretion pose challenging problems before the doctors
and biomedical scientists.

Unlike the other components of the body, the tiny glands of the endocrine system do
not seem to have any visible role or direct application in the activities of body. They
just secrete minute quantities of some chemical (hormones) in the blood stream and
otherwise remain quiet, inactive and unnoticed. But as stated earlier, this
‘apparently negligible’ work of the endocrine system creates medical effects on the
micro as well as the organ level functioning of the body. Even the psychological
conditions and efficacy of mental faculties are significantly affected by these wonder

Hormones have variety of effects on the body and mind,. Most well known are those
associated with puberty. Boys and girls look alike in the early childhood but for the

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

difference in their appearance owing to different styles of hair-cuts and dressing.

Major diversities in their physical and mental makeup being to manifest by the age
of eleven-twelve years in general.

Voice of a teenage boy becomes heavy, his delicate body starts hardening along with
the growth in its physique, growth of hairs begins above the upper lip—signaling
the appearance of mustaches. Girls of this age usually feel shy of facing opposite sex;
some portions of their body protrude; their sentiments and desires begin to take new
dimensions.. Certain hormones secreted by the pineal and pituitary glands trigger
these signs of puberty and associated biological and psychological developments.

Occurrence of specific hormonal secretions and consequent reactions are so perfectly

scheduled in the bio-cycle as if an alarm of a clock or moment of explosion of a time-
bomb is well se in advance, particular hormones are secreted in specific amounts at
the right moment in a healthy body. Little deviation in these activities may
correspond to severe abnormalities. For instance, deficiency in the (sex) growth
hormones would either lead to the underdevelopment of the sex organs or to
impotency; no reproduction would then be possible.

Disorder in the proportion of the sex hormones in the body can result in abrupt
manifestations in the gender-characteristics; there would be no hair on man’s chin
and mustache while a woman subject to such hormonal disorder may have to shave
her beard every day..! Hormonal imbalance also affects the specific tendencies of
each sex – a woman could become harsh and adventurous like almost men while
man could be seen showing womanly delicacy and shy behavior; the sexual desires
of either sex might also transform accordingly.

Sometimes the imbalance of sex hormones is so significant that it even gives rise to
change in the structure and function of the genitals. At times, we hear about the
surgical operations of transforming a male into a female or conversely. Such
operations become necessary in case of severe abnormalities in sexual tendencies
and genital organs caused by certain hormonal disorders. Surgical treatment enables
the completion of this transformation at a rapid pace so that the patient could live a
normal life with his/her new sex. There have been reports of people who have
found compatible matches – from the other sex, opposite to their new sex – and lived
happy married life after such operations.

A goldsmith named Jiyalal was living in Solan district in western India when his
third daughter Sunita was born. He and his wife were worried because they did not
have any son. When they noticed that Sunita’s body had some masculine signs, they
took her to a local hospital. The doctors found that Sunita’s genitals were partly
developed as that of a male where it could be made functional by surgical
operations. Jiyalal agreed for this experiment on his four years old daughter. A team

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

six doctors conducted this operation successfully. Sunita (now having a different
name) in now a healthy and grownup son of his parents.

Seventeen years old Ranjana, a resident of village Hupari – located in the Hatkala
Nagale town around 18 kilometers from Kolhapur had undergone an operation of
sex transformation in the civil hospital of Kolhapur some time in April 1979. As she
did not have any signs of menstrual cycle till the age of seventeen, her parents
brought her to the specialists in this hospital. The doctors found abnormal signs of
male sex and the presence of some masculine sex hormones in her body, so they
advised surgical treatments by which Ranjana could be converted into a complete
boy. Considering the risk to her healthy life in continuation of the present
abnormalities. Her parents, though unwillingly, gave consent. Thus, Ranjana
became Ranjeet and is now living a normal life like any other man; there is no sign of
feminine characters in her (his) mental tendencies either.

Ms Jackson Kaubkowa of Czechoslavakia used to feel severe pain in the abdomen

and stomach during her puberty period. Her breasts began to shrink instead of
expanding – as in case of the other teenage girls. Medical examination showed that
her sex was gradually changing into that of a male. She then became a boy after a

According to a report published on March 12, 1797 issue of Nai Dunia – a newspaper
published from Indore (India), the doctors of the civil hospital in Shahadol were
shocked to see a fully developed uterus in the body of Ramdin – a forty years old
man who was undergoing a hernia-operation. The uterus was brought out by
surgery and kept as specimen in the museum of the medical college in Riva district,

Internal desires and inclinations shape up one’s mentality and character. These
effects are sooner or later reflected in his/her behavior too. Psychological analysis
shows that excessive attraction towards the opposite sex sometimes brings about
corresponding changes in one’s natural sentiments and tendencies. For example, if a
woman is so fond of her lover that her mind all the time remains engrossed in his
affection, his thought, the memories of his various activities; her heart is totally
devoted to his love, then there would be a likelihood that after living with him in
this state for substantially long time, the effects of his habits, characteristic behavior,
sentiments, etc, would assimilate deeply in her subconscious mind to such an extent
that she would even begin to behave like him; in the long run, this might also affect
her hormonal secretions so much that even her sexual functions would tend to
become like those of her partner.

Similarly, excessive involvement of man in a woman’s company and amorous

affection would orient his tendencies to resemble those of hers and gradually lead to
the manifestations of induced feminine characteristics in his sexual functions too..

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

Many a times one is not satisfied with the present life and strongly feels that
circumstances and fortunes would have been better if he/she were born as a woman
(man). Prolonged effects of such earnest desires of the inner mind accumulate in the
citta and are carried, forward after death along with the soul. If one has a strong will
power and he/she endeavors to like someone of the opposite sex in similar
circumstances, then, because of the influence of the inner emotions on the endocrine
glands, the transformation of one’s sex could also materialize in the present body

The assimilate affects of previous births are carried cover up to the next birth. The
above kinds of men and women – even if saved from a transformation of sex in the
present body, would be most likely born as women and men respectively in the next
birth. The state of the eunuchs lies somewhat in between. Unless fully transmitted
into the inner brain, the influence of opposite sex might induce such abnormalities in
person. It should be noted again that it is not the anatomical structure or
physiological functions but the inner instincts that govern the basis of hormonal
secretions and hence the consequent effects of the mind and body of an individual.

Unnatural attractions towards similar sex instead of the opposite sex is also said to
have its roots in the transformation of one’s internal sexual tendencies into that of
the opposite sex. If the sexual character of two women is slowly changing – at the
mental and emotional level, into that of men that they would both enjoy each others
company more because of the mutual attraction between the complementary
characters of the dual sexes present in both. The partly manly tendency of one
would attract the woman in the other and the woman existing in the former will be
sexually inclined towards the masculine features sprouting in the other. In the
extreme case, indulgence in sexual activities with each other would give them more
satisfaction than having sex with men in general.

Similar relationship exists between two men – both of whom are latently tending
towards a sexual transformation. The partial transmutation into the opposite sex and
associated abnormalities of unfulfilled concupiscence in natural copulation give rise
to homosexuality. The samskars of previous lives may also incite such instincts in
the individuals.

Until past few decades, lesbians or homosexuals used to have abnormal sexual
relations secretly – fearing abhorrence from the society; but now, they have secured
the validation of identity or grounds of human rights in several parts of world.
Recently, homosexual marriages have also received judicial recognition in some of
the European countries.

Impotency is another kind of sexual abnormality often induced by psychological

complexities. Treatment of impotency was earlier based on stimulating the patient’s
nerves by certain medicines. However, these effects used to be temporary like

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

intoxication. Every since the pertinent role of some hormones in governing the
sexual developments has come in light, treatments by injecting the desired
hormones into the blood stream through external means are frequently tried out.
But, these too, do not ensure long-lasting effects; moreover, externally induced
hormonal reactions risk other complexities of disrupting the natural endocrine
activities of the patient. Surgical operations are also being tried out to replace the
pineal or pituitary glands in the patient’s brain.

As long ago as in 1879, seventy two years old Dr. Brown Sequard had declared the
he has regained youth by inducing the secretions of the testicles of a dog into his
own body. This has attracted many medical experts of that time; Dr. Brown’s body
responded positively to their tests; however, he could not sustain this induced youth
for long and sexual functions of his body returned to the old form in a matter of few

Dr. Murry of England had experimented on the effects of thyroxin externally

injected into the patient’s blood. Positive effects were recovered but could not be
sustained. Thyroxin extracted from over 870 sheep was required to be injected in the
blood of a women almost every second day because she was suffering from severe
deficiency of this hormone due to the malfunctioning of her thyroid gland. In spite
of best efforts, this technique could not prolong her life for more than few weeks,
experiments on transplanting the ductless glands in some animals – including
monkeys and dogs, have not been successful up to the expectations. Possibilities of
those on the humans are still far from sight.

In case of major surgical operations, in general someone else’s blood or compatible

group is infused into the anemic patients. This blood suffices only for a limited
period of few days and patient sustains a healthy life provided the production and
supply of his own blood regains at normal pace in the mean time. Transplantation of
a gland also works successfully only if it is bio-compatible and beings to secrete
hormones in complete harmony with the endocrine system. If the stimulation
triggered by these hormones activates the natural functioning of the patient’s own
gland, he or she could enjoy a healthy life, otherwise, the effects of the transplanted
gland would last only for few days and fail without any net positive effect. The
endocrine gland transplantation operations have not been successful in this regard.
So far, the maximum duration for which the transplanted gland remains functional
has not been recorded more than a few weeks.

Concupiscence originates in mind and the body stimulated thereby participates in

the sexual activities. But, the subtle hormonal secretions which is at the root of
normal functioning of the body is not affected wither by the state or activities of bye
body or that of the conscious mind. The functioning of the endocrine system – in
general, and the pineal or pituitary gland – in particular, directly, though latently,
depends upon the intrinsic character, the inner self and the spiritual level of an

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

individual. The sexual potential and inclination of one’s body and mind develops
according to the covering of samskars – accumulated in the cyclic journey of the
individual soul (jivatma) from one life to another – on the kamabija. The associated
hormonal activities too depend upon the refined state of the latter.

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

Sex Commutation in order Creatures

Golden fishes of the cleaner family are found in the Great Barrier Reef Sea of
Australia. In a special variety of these fishes named Levroice, the male fishes are
about 5 meters long and females are only up to 3 meters in length. The tendencies of
the males in this family are quite quarrelsome but the females are gentle in general.
The above species of fishes has a unique reproductive character because of which
these fishes are considered as hermaphrodites. All the fishes of this family are born
as females. They remain so for about two-third of their lives and then naturally
transmute into males for the remaining period.

A male Levroice keeps about ten females in his harem. He keeps strict vigil on these
fishes in his possession against possible attack by other males because the latter’s
carry along as many females as captures by them during an attack. Sometimes, the
members of the harem get bored and leave out in search of new ‘home’… The
male—the owner of the harem also keep strict eye on the females to prevent such
escapes. If a male finds it difficult to bear this dual responsibility, the queen fish
helps him from time to time in his guarding or defensive operations.

When the females lay eggs, their male partner and the queen help in hatching. There
is no election or selection of the queen. The oldest of all the females in their
population naturally takes over this responsibility because of her strength and
experience. As she grows older and reaches the transition period, she begins to
allure other females of frightens them and competes with their male partners. This
change in her nature indicates that soon she will be transformed into a male. Her
female organs shrink and disappear at this stage and masculine genitals begin to
develop in her body at rapid pace.

It is said that the nature of male is outright different from that of a female; whatever
types of genitals and sexual tendencies a creature is born with they define its gender,
which cannot change in normal course. The above species of fishes is indeed an
exception in this regard. It not only undergoes change of sex in terms of the genitals
and physique, its tendencies and overall life-style also changes accordingly.

Earthworms are most commonly found examples of hermaphrodites. Many inspects

are equipped with the mechanism to change their sex at will. They do so several
times in a single life span. A male oyster becomes a female two years after birth.
Zoological analysis of the experimental results of Dr. Orton has shown that the
converted female oyster lays eggs as normally as the originally born females in this
family. Most surprising is the fact that the converted female regains its male form
just about a month after laying eggs.

There are many varieties of hermaphrodites found in the animal kingdom. But the
above kind of natural transformation is exceptional. Only the fishes of in

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

aldendrious family have similar tendencies. None of these is complete male or a

complete female. Their bodies grow in size and weight along with the age. The
oldest and the strongest one becomes the head that rules over the others the weaker
ones. Among humans, the eunuchs have the incomplete characteristics of both the
sexes but they don’t have any reproductive capability and are therefore assigned a
neutral gender.

The peculiarities of mutual dependence and the phenomena of interchange between

the two sexes found in variety of creature suggest that the division between the two
sexes is not permanent. Variations in the mental tendencies, environment and
circumstances can induce transformation of one into the other. The latter kinds of
effects are seen in the human population too. The aptitudes, internal stature and
makeup of mind and tendencies of an individual in the current life influence what
type of gender he/she would be born-with in the successive lives.

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

Demarcation of the Two Sexes is not Perpetual

God is prayed as “Twameva Mata Ca Pita Twameva.” You are my mother and my
father too. HE is worshiped in the form of men and women both. The manifestation
of God Shiva as Ardha Narsishwara is represented as having half portion of the
body resembling that of a woman and the remaining half as that of a man. This
symbolizes that there is no distinction as male and female in the incarnations of the
Para Brahma. The Supreme Consciousness presents itself in either form as per the
needs of the time to manifest specific spiritual emotions.

The soul also exists in subtle form of consciousness for beyond the discrimination of
sexes. It can be ‘born’ (manifested) as a male or a female in individual lives
depending upon its previous sanskars. A dress wore by someone need not always
remain in the same form. For example, a sari can be cut in the form of a shirt;
handkerchief’s can be made from a slip. The jivatma can also change its dress (body)
in different forms.

An individual soul is born as male or a female, according to the emotional impact

and tendencies inherited in the mana, buddhi, citta and ahankar from its previous
manifestation as a living being. Even during a single life, a person’s or any creature’s
sex could be transformed into the opposite one if he/she has intense desire, intrinsic
urge and inclination towards it. The Puranas cite many stories where a person born
as a man in one birth became a woman in the next life; or, where an individual had
successfully changed his/her sex by practicing specific sadhana. These stories also
illustrate the fact that sex of an individual is not eternal like his/her prana and soul.

It is a common observation in human society that some men have feminine delicacy
of the body and sentiments while some women possess physical strength, loud
voice, sturdiness, valor, ego and other natural characteristics of men, many women
have also made history by defeating the armed men in the battle fields.

The existence of eunuchs, homosexuals and the occurrence of sexual transformations

indicate that there is no permanent barrier of separation between the two sexes.

The distinction between man and woman exists only at the level of gross body. The
soul existing in an individual is neither masculine nor feminine. The Upanishads

Naiva Stri Na Pumanesu Na Cutvadyam Napusakah

Badatmacchari Madante Ten-Ten Sa Yujyate
Meaning: The jivatama is neither a female nor a male. It is not a eunuch either. Its
manifestations can be compatibly attached to either of them, as per the ‘type’ of the
body in any form of life.

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

Microogranisms and insects often manifest both the sexes. The separate
development of both the sexes becomes dominant in higher on evolutionary scale
organisms. This becomes most prominent in the humans. Thus, it appears that the
distinction between the two sexes becomes most significant at the mental and
emotional level as a result of which the gross body too develops in two different

The peculiarities of nature observed in the cases of sexual transformations or co-

existence of both the sexes remind us of the infinite possibilities of the manifestations
of consciousness. Be that hormone driven psychological, physiological or anatomical
changes of sex or any other characteristics, at the root of every such effect lies the
power of cetana which can manifest it self in infinitely many forms beyond the
barriers of the laws of the physical world.

The difference between man and woman are significant only at the level of gross
body. The subtle and astral forms being closer to the soul, in both are indeed unified.
Neither of the two sexes should consider itself superior to the other. Even the
difference in their physical bodies, sex hormones and associated mental tendencies
does not set a rigid barrier between the two sexes.

The sex of an individual is not permanently assigned to his/her soul. Existence of

the soul is eternal, its manifestation is not. Someone born as female may become a
male in the present life by transformation in hormonal activities or could be born as
a male in the next birth or vice-versa.

Talents, qualities, fortunes and social status of any one sex cannot be regarded as
better than the other. Each has its own specialty and importance. None is inferior in
any way. Both man and woman should realize that they are complementary
manifestations of a common source of consciousness and should work for the overall
development of the society with the feelings of mutual respect, trust and co-

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

Intrinsic Source of Hormonal Secretions

Adept investigations of brain-functions and control of (Electro) physiological and
biochemical activities at micro-subtler level have brought the existence of endocrine
system in focus of scientific research. Ever since their discovery, the six principal and
other glands of this system and their hormonal secretion activities have posed
challenging research problems in biomedical and allied sciences.

Although the chemistry of different hormones secreted by these tiny glands has been
deciphered to a great extent, no peculiarity of stereo-chemical structures or binding
reactions etc has been confirmed. The origin and mechanism of the marvelous
regulatory functions triggered by small amounts of these hormones is yet to be
unveiled in detail. Surprisingly, if the same hormones are injected into the blood
externally, they lack the natural effects. Moreover, the partial supports (if any)
provided by them are only temporary. As stated earlier, the effective success of
transplantation of endocrine glands is far from sight at present.

The general principles of health, theories of biomedical sciences fail to explain why
sometimes, despite no aberration at the anatomical (organ-level) physiological or
biochemical levels, the harmonious balance of hormonal secretions in the body is
perturbed and results in a variety of disorders in other wise healthy individuals…
Experiments of stimulating or suppressing the disorderly functions of the endocrine
glands have also proved to be futile. If one tries to block a naturally blown stream at
some point then it would blow out with extreme force from some other point. A
somewhat similar uncontrollability is observed in case of deficient glands.

Recent research findings show that the micro-level hormonal secretions generate
electrochemical currents in the cells and thereby give rise to specific activities. This
joint activity of the hormones and the cell-surface proteins is micro-subtle and
creative in terms of effects like – the reaction of commingling of the sperm and

Long term dedicated research conducted by Dr. Julian McGuillen of Cornell

University has shown how the deformation and disorder at the level cellular
functions results in a variety of diseases. Until past two decades, viral attack,
infections, injury, alteration in mode of living etc where attributed to the
manifestation of sickness. However, the instances of severe maladies in the absence
of such gross level causes, provoked the scientific search for the possible causes at
cellular and molecular levels. It was found that imbalance in the inter-cellular
processing or inter-cellular biochemical transmissions sometimes leads to the serious
abnormalities like malignancy.

Effects of hormones were significantly noticed first in the case of extraordinary

physique, growth and appearances etc. The example of Maxis, a weight lifter of

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

Germany adds to the series of many instances adduced earlier in this context. The
wrestler’s body-weight was 147 pounds. He had exceptional power of weight lifting.
During a show, he had lifted a 187 pounds man on one hand. He moved this man up
and down about 16 times continuously while holding a glass full of water in his
other hand. Surprisingly, not a single drop of water fell down during this show…
The unshaken level of water demonstrated his extraordinary stability and balance in
weight lifting.

The examples of supernatural effects of sex hormones cited in earlier sections also
correspond to the manifestation of hormonal activities at the level of physical body.
More remarkable are the subtle effects at the mental and emotional level. The
neurohormones secreted from the galaxies of neurons in the brain play the principal
role in generating these effects. The neuro-transmitters hormones secreted at the
synaptic connections between the neuron, as the name suggests, make possible the
communication between the neurons and the information processing between the
brain and the neurons and information processing between the brain and nervous
system. The type and mode of secretion these hormones is found to affect one’s
mental potential and feelings too.

The discovery of encephalin – a hormone of endorphin group had opened up new

dimension of brain-research. This hormone is naturally generated in the brain as and
when required to neutralize the bio-electrical flow triggered by excessive emotional
excitations or mental stress. When some scientists were working on the chemical
reactions by which heroin and other intoxicating substances suppress the feelings of
pain, they found the presence of some chemicals in the central core of the brain. The
structure of these chemicals was so compatible to combine and react with the
molecules of the intoxicating substances as if these were generated for this purpose
only. This raised a natural question why nature had arranged for such reactions?
Investigations motivated by this quest led the scientists duo-John Hughes and
Trascoster Lyx of Scotland discover encephalin – the hormone whose chemical
structure was quite similar to that of the heroin molecules.

Dr. Solomen Sneeder of John Hopkins medical school says that research on
encephalon has been a milestone in the progress on treatment of many diseases
which occur due to psychological disorders or mental pressure and strain.
According to him, encephalon plays important role in relaxing the mind and
maintaining mental strength. Those who make harmonious use of the internal
secretions of the neurohormones – by maintaining mental balance, enjoy peace and

The encephalin and other endorphin hormones are found in those regions of brain
and the core of spinal column which are connected with the centers which transmit
the neuronal signals associated with the feelings of pain, sorrow and happiness,
these centers are identified as emotional centers. Scientific views suggest that the

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

ancient technique of acupuncture originated in China, the mechanism of yoganidra,

the methods of hypnosis, etc aim at activating specific centers in the brain to arouse
the secretion of specific neurotransmitters like encephalon. The modern techniques
of mental stimulation by transducers and psychotherapies by biofeedback, etc are
also devised on this idea.

The unconscious activities of the human body are supposed to be regulated from the
hypothalamus in the central core of the brain. Emotional currents, sentimental
variations, etc, affect the functioning of this center and hence affect the regulatory
activities of the unconscious mind which are essential for the healthy survival of the
body. Modern scientists have made remarkable progress in identifying the key roles
of hormones in regulating the physiological and psychological functions. However,
they have not been able to infer much about the origin of hormonal secreting
abilities of the ductless glands and neuronal connections.
Ancient Indian scientists had described the astral and subtle bodies as the basic
source of all micro and macro level functions in the gross body. The hormonal
secretions, under this consideration, correspond to the manifestations of the intrinsic
activities of one’s consciousness. Hormones are the carriers of the potentials
bestowed by the subtle source of cetana on the brain and gross body.

If the malice of evil tendencies covers the purity of the soul, the associated wretched
thoughts and emotions would trigger the corresponding unhealthy effects on
neurohormonal secretions. For instance, the master endocrine glands would emit
excess of the hormones, which stimulate concupiscence in the individuals who have
unchaste character and who enjoy erogenous thoughts and carnal pleasure. Such
people remain sensuous event in the old age. The inherited erotic tendencies of these
people, if assimilated in the inner core of the mind, would be carried over – through
the subtle and astral bodies in the next birth too; it would then be reflected in an
untimely (early) commencement of puberty. On the contrary, in an ordinary person,
the source of pleasures, amorous sentiments and joy might be blocked completely
because of sudden stoppage in associated hormonal supply due to the shocking
blow caused by a tragedy, betrayal, assault, insult of emotional blackmailing etc…

Those who are born with serene samskars – inculcated tendencies of pious virtues
and eminent endeavors – are naturally gifted with the associated positive effects on
the endocrine system. Others may attempt cultivating these by sincere adoption of
disciplined life. The lives of accomplished yogis and great personalities illustrate
that – the arousal of pure intellect, prudence and discernment of mind, and matured
understanding about the futility and adversities of sensual pleasures and selfish
passions and attachments helps ideal functioning of the endocrine glands. This
supports maintaining healthy hormonal secretions to facilitate culmination of one’s
physical, intellectual and emotional potentials in the direction compatible with his or
her intrinsic character and paves the way for spiritual elevation too.

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

The panca tatvas are – Prathvi (solid matter on or inside the earth), Jala (water and
fluids), vayu (air), Agni (Fire or any source of body-energy), and Akasha (the
subliminal expansion of ether).
“A divine tree described in the Puranas as the source of fulfillment of all desires.

“Swadhyaya refers to – acquiring knowledge about noble ideal and duties of life by
intense reading of enlightening books and inspiring thoughts of great personalities
or by focused discussions either saintly scholars or spiritually elevated persons. It
also includes contemplating and analyzing one’s own character to adopt realistic
ideals in day to day life.


The panca tatvas are – Prathvi (solid matter on or inside the earth), Jala (water and
fluids), vayu (air), Agni (Fire or any source of body-energy), and Akasha (the
subliminal expansion of ether).

A divine tree described in the Puranas as the source of fulfillment of all desires.

“Swadhyaya refers to – acquiring knowledge about noble ideals and duties of life by
intense reading of enlightening books and inspiring thoughts of great personalities
or by focused discussions either saintly scholars or spiritually elevated persons. It
also includes contemplating and analyzing one’s own character to adopt realistic
ideals in day to day life.

The subtle center above the sat cakras (extra sensory centers in the endocrine) and
symbolized as a lotus with thousands of palates – representing a majestic source of
thousands of streams of the inner force of consciousness.

The six extrasensory energy centers in different plexuses along the interior spinal
column and the endocrine channel.

Inlets in the upper layer of the cerebrum, for the reception of cosmic energy through
dedicated spiritual experiments of Yoga Sadhanas.

Place of worship of the Parasis

The eternal source of prana in the sex-element.

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

About the Author:

Shriram Sharma Acharya: A seer-sage and a visionary of the New Golden Era.

His personality was a harmonious blend of a saint,

spiritual scientist, yogi, philosopher, psychologist, writer,
reformer, freedom fighter, researcher, eminent scholar and
visionary. He pioneered the revival of spirituality and
creative integration of the modern and ancient sciences
and religion relevant in the challenging circumstances of
the present times. In 1979, he founded the Brahmavarchas
Research Institute, the research center in Haridwar (India)
dedicated to the integration of the modern and ancient
sciences in a practical way motivated by the noble goal of
health and happiness for all. This center houses well
equipped laboratories of Haemetology, Biochemistry,
Neurophysiology, Cardiology, Phytochemistry, Psychometry, Yagyopathy etc.

At the age of 15, (Jan 18th, 1926) a great Himalayan yogi, Swami
Sarveshvaranandji appeared before him in astral body from the flame of the
Dipaka (lamp) and guided him throughout his entire life. The next 24 years of his
life were devoted to 24 Mahapurashcharanas –each consisting of the rhythmic
recitation (japa) of 2.4 million Gayatri Mantra with strictest of disciplines. In
1943, he married Bhagwati Devi, and ever since, the saintly couple dedicatedly
pursued the noble mission of spiritual upliftment of humankind.
Realizing the potential of inspiring literature and its relevance in the present era
of intellectual evolution, he had chosen writing as the principal mode towards
uprooting the evil tendencies and blind faith from people’s minds and arousing
the indwelling wisdom, strength and spiritual bliss. He wrote about 3000
enlightening books in Hindi on almost all topics concerning human life. He
translated the entire Vedic Vangmaya (4 Vedas, 108 Upanishads, 18 Puranas etc.)
in Hindi elucidating the tradition, style, universality and history of Vedic
Literature. He also practiced higher-level Sadhana on the arduous heights of the
Himalayas and established enliven contact with the Rishis of the Himalayas.
During 1984-1986, he carried out the unique spiritual experiment of
Sukshmikarana, meaning sublimation of vital force and physical, mental and
spiritual energies. He authored a special set of 20 books highlighting the future
of the world and conveying the message of the dawn of the New Era of Truth
during the 21st Century. On 2nd June 1990, he voluntarily shed his physical

The Human Brain – Apparent Boon of the Omnipotent

For more information:

To find out more about Shriram Sharma Acharya and his spiritual establishment
Dev Sanskriti Viswa Vidyalaya is a university envisioned by Shriram Sharma
Acharya to meet the pressing need to impart global education on scientific
spirituality and life style with new thought of ethical, moral and spiritual
transformation. Visit for more information.
English edition of Akhand Jyoti magazine is available online at www.akhand-

CA Chandan Mundhra


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