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Name Mechanism of Action Indication/Contraindication Side Effects Nursing Responsibility

Generic Name: Second-generation Indication: Body as a Whole:  Determine history

CEFUROXIME cephalosporin that Thrombophlebitis (IV site); of
inhibits cell-wall Pharyngitis, tonsillitis, pain,burning, cellulitis( IM hypersensitivity
Brand Name: synthesis, promoting infections of the urinary and site);superinfections,positive reactions to
VINOROXIMA osmotic instability; lower respiratory tracts, and Coombs'test. cephalosphorins,
usually bactericidal. skin and skin-structure penicillins and
Classification: infections caused by GI: history of
ANTIBIOTIC Streptococcus pneumoniae  Diarrhea, allergies
and S. pyogenes, nausea, antibiotic-associated particularly to
Frequency: Haemophillus influenzae, colitis. drugs before
TID Staphylococcus aureus, therapy is
Escherichia coli. Skin: initiated.
Dosage: Rash, pruritus, urticaria.
1 tab 500 mg  Report onselt of
Contraindicated: Urogenital: loose stools
Increased serum cretonne
* Contraindicated in patients and BUN, decreased creatinine  Absorption of
hypersensitive to drug. clearance cefuroxime is
* Use cautiously in patients enhanced by
hypersensitive to penicillin food.
because of possibility of
cross-sensitivity with other  Notify prescriber
beta-lactam antibiotics. about rashes or
* Use with caution in breast- superinfections
feeding women and in
patients with history of colitis
or renal sufficiency.

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