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MARY GRACE (CHN) Final Presentation For FNCP

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Title: Good Personal Hygiene Practices Towards Healthy Lifestyle

1. The family will be able to gain knowledge in maintaining good personal hygiene.

2. For the family to practice proper hygiene care due to lack of resources and knowledge for maintaining
cleanliness, in terms of hygiene care and failure to see the benefits with regards on having proper hygiene
Methods/ Resear Structured
Time/Ven Evaluatio
Goal Content/Program Materials ch Learning
ue n
Used Person Experience
Knowledge I. Invocation Prayer 1:00- Demonstrati The
Adapt and apply 1:10am on Program
health teaching to II. Opening Remarks MCU regarding was
maintain proper the demonstr
personal hygiene. III. Discussions: Lecture/Discussi Mary importance, ated
Determine the Definition of on Grace cause and systemati
problems that are personal hygiene. Viray (10 effects of cally and
presented. How to take care Visual Aids minutes) having a accurately
To prevent the of yourself or MCU good .
occurrence maintaining good Pamphlets / hygiene.
hygiene. Demonstration (30
Skills The effects of minutes) The family
Cooperate with the poor personal MCU will benefit
hygiene. and will
programs given by
The benefits of have
the nursing student
regarding good having a good
personal hygiene. hygiene.
of proper
Actual hand
Presentation washing.
Ability to adapt in Presentation of:
different changes in How to maintain proper
the cleanliness , benefits ,
Family. risk factors ,
Communicate in a importance of having a
well manner good hygiene.
cooperation of each
member of the
family during health


College of Nursing
EDSA.Caloocan City

Certificate of Participation
Is awarded to

For her active participation in the program
Held on October 2015 at Manila Central University.

Mary Grace Viray Rosario Senorin

BSN3-1 Clinical
Melvin D. Miranda RN, MAN
College of Nursing
How to take care of yourself? Effects of Poor Personal
Keep your body clean and free of
infection by bathing or showering Body odor. One of the most
daily. common results of poor
Wash your hands frequently hygiene practices.
throughout the day. Perform hand
washing before and after eating, Bad Breath. The basic
after sneezing, coughing or cause of developing bad
blowing your nose, after touching breath is being irregular with
animals, after using the bathroom, brushing and flossing of
after touching trash or putting out teeth.
the garbage and before and after
treating a wound. General Illnesses. Hygiene
Wash your hair at least once or practices, like regular hand
twice a week with shampoo wash, are the best ways to
appropriate for your hair type. avoid diseases of different
Apply deodorant or antiperspirant diseases.
What is personal hygiene ?
to your underarms after bathing.
Antiperspirants contain aluminum Urinary Tract Infection.
to keep you from sweating, while Generally, infections in
Having good personal hygiene practices
deodorants do not inhibit sweat urinary tract are a result of
means taking care of yourself and leading but fight odor-causing bacteria. bacteria called Escherichia
a healthy lifestyle. Personal hygiene Depending on how active you are coli which resides usually in
habits and techniques should be instilled and how much you sweat, you the intestines.
by parents to their children at a very may find that you need to carry
young age. Personal hygiene includes deodorant with you and reapply it Boils. It can be explained as
during the day. skin infections resulting due
cleaning all areas of your body on a daily
Brush your teeth at least twice to bacteria called
or regular basis to prevent odor and
daily. Change your toothbrush Staphylococcus aureus. This
keeping up with your appearance. when it shows signs of wear, such bacterium resides on the
Personal hygiene is more than just as the bristles beginning to flatten skin.
staying clean. It can affect your self or fan out. Ringworm. As suggested by
esteem and how others view and the name, ringworm is not
approach you. the disease of any worm. It is
rather an infection resulting
from mold-like fungi
organisms which cause
infection to the skin layers.
Body lice. It refer to insects
which thrive and produce
eggs in clothing and
Inlfluenza. Poor hygiene practices Benefits of having a good hygiene: bedding. These insects crawl
can be an important cause of on the skin many times a
various influenza types. Catching Having a clean and refreshing day to feed themselves
germs by breathing the air of an appearance shows others that you really through your blood.
infected person or coming into take care of yourself. This can be
contact with a sick person can lead observed by how clean you appear, how

to instant influenza. you smell and how your clothes look.
Visiting your doctor regularly and
Depression. It is one of the getting a health checkup will prevent
indirect consequences of poor
personal hygiene. It begins
and treat disease. The Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention advises
from a common feeling of low self-
esteem plus low self worth brought
that controlling your weight will help
you feel better and combat obesity. Hygiene
about by poor hygiene. Obesity can affect hygiene by causing
you to sweat more and altering your Practices
Social Problems.The society appearance
expects you to maintain personal
hygiene to a specific extent. When
a person ignores the cleanliness
and care of the body, he may find Healthy
himself ostracized by family,
friends, and society as well. Lifestyle

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