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One Word Substitution

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(Memorizing Items)


GB kxUwU wkÿv_x©‡`i e¨w³MZ e¨env‡ii Rb¨|

evwYwR¨Kfv‡e weµq / d‡UvKwc wbwl×!

Raihan Sir
Teachers’ Trainer & Senior Faculty
Former Visi�ng Faculty, NSU
IELTS Band Score 8.5 out of 9.0 IBA (DU); LAW (DU) Dhaka University
01713 20 40 56


01. The word 'sibling' means- [40th BCS]
A. a brother B. a sister C. a brother or sister D. an infant .Ans: C.
Note: Sibling kãwUi evsjv A_© GKB wcZvgvZvi mšÍvb; fvB ev †evb| myZivs siblingA_© a brother or sister.
02. Someone who is capricious is –– [40th BCS]
A. easily irritated B. wise and willing to cooperate
C. exceedingly conceited and arrogant
D. known for sudden changes in attitude or behaviour .Ans: D.
Note: ‡h e¨w³ capricious ( †Lqvwj; Aw¯’igwZ) †m cwiwPZ Zvi AvPiY Ges `„wófw½ nVvZr cwiwPwZ Zvi AvPiY Ges `„wófw½ nVvr
cwieZ©‡bi Rb¨ A_©vr k~b¨¯’v‡bi Rb¨ h_vh_ option n‡jv known for sudden changes in attitude or behaviour.
03. The saying 'enough is enough' is used when want ––– [40th BCS]
A. something to continue B. something to stop
C. something to continue until it's enough D. to tell instructions are clear .Ans: B.
Note: Enough is enough †jvKK_AwU e¨eüZ nq hLb cwiw¯’wZ Ggb †h Zzwg hv Pj‡Q Zv MÖnY Ki‡Z cviQ bv Ges Zzwg Pv”Q
†hb welqwU GLbB †_‡g hvK| myZivs mwVK option n‡jv something to stop.
04. An extra message added at the end of a letter after it is signed is called ––– [40th BCS]
A. corrignedum B. postscript C. NB D. RSVP .Ans: B.
Note: wPwV‡Z ¯^vÿ‡ii c‡i hy³ AwZwi³ evZ©v ev evK¨vewj‡K ejv nq postscript (cybð)| Ab¨w`‡K corrigendum A_© ïw×cÎ,
ms‡kvabxq welq| NB (nota bene) A_© mZKZ©vi mv‡_ jÿ Kiæb, jÿYxq Avi RSVP A_© `qv K‡i Reve w`b please reply) hv
Avgš¿Y Kv‡W©i wbP cÖv‡šÍ †jLv nq|
05. Love for the whole world is called –– [39th BCS]
A. philanthropy B. misogyny C. benevolence D. misanthropy .Ans: A.
Note: GKRb Philanthropist n‡jb †mB e¨w³ whwb gvbeZvev`x, me gvby‡li Rb¨ hvi fv‡jvevmv Av‡Q| Misogyny- woman-
hater; bvixwe‡Ølx| benevolence- kindness; generosity; e`vb¨Zv, `qv, Rbwn‰ZwlZv| Misanthropy - Dislike or
hatred or other people, hatred of mankind gvbewe‡Øl|
06. 'Panacea' means- [39th BCS]
A. cure-all B. pancreatic C. widespread disease D. gland .Ans: A.
Note: Panacea kãwU mKj †iv‡Mi Jla/Av‡ivM¨ wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq| A_©vr Cure of all diseases.
07. 'Geriatrics' is the branch of medicine concerned with the diseases and care of ––– [39th BCS]
A. newly-weds B. old women C. newborn babies D. old people .Ans: D.
Note: Pediatrics n‡jv wkï‡`i wPwKrmv e¨e¯’v| Aciw`‡K Geriatricsn‡jv e„ׇ`i (old people) wPwKrmv c×wZ/e¨e¯’v|
08. A speech of too many words is called––– [38th BCS]
A. A big speech B. Maiden speech
C. An unimportant speech D. A verbose speech .Ans: D.
Note: A‡bK kãeûj speech ‡K ejv nq 'a verbose speech' (kão¤^ic~Y© e³…Zv)|
09. The word 'omnivorous' means: [37th BCS]
A. eating all types of food B. eating only fruits
C. eating only meat D. eating grass and plants only .Ans: A.
Note: Omnivorous - me©fzK, mewKQz Lvq Ggb ev eating all types of food.
10. 'It is time to review the protocol on testing nuclear weapons'. Here the underlined word means-
[35th BCS]
A. Record of rules B. Summary of rules C. Procedures D. Problems .Ans: A.
Note: Protocol k‡ãi GKwU A_© n‡”Q- A set of rules/plans for performing a scientific experiment | Avevi
Protocol Gi c~‡e© review word wU _vKvq Zv †Kv‡bv recorded/written rules- †KB †evSv‡”Q| G A_©vbymv‡i (A) Record of
rules B mwVK|
11. Let us begin by looking at the minutes of the meeting. Here the underlined word means- [35th BCS]
2 ||

A. time record B. time frame C. written record D. written analysis .Ans: C.

Note: ‡Kv‡bv Meeting G hv Av‡jvPbv Kiv nq Ges †h wm×všÍ M„nxZ nq Zv wjwLZ AvKv‡i msiÿY Kiv‡K Bs‡iwR‡Z minutes
e‡j| myZivs (C) Written record B mwVK DËi|
12. If a person cannot stop taking drugs, he or she is --- [33rd BCS]
A. attached to them B. committed to them
C. addicted to them D. devoted to them .Ans: C.
Note: Lvivc Kv‡R Avm³ n‡j addicted to nq|
13. The word 'officiles' means ––– [33th BCS]
A. plural number of official B. language used in offices
C. plural number of office D. vague expressions .Ans: B.
Note: Officialese kãwUi A_© Avgjv‡`i †jLvq e¨eüZ fvlv|
14. 'Such claim needs to be tested empirically' suggests that ––– [33rd BCS]
A. The test shoud be based on assumption B. The test should be based on idea
C. The test should be based on experience D. The test should be based on calculation .Ans: C.
Note: Empirically A_© based on experience
15. 'Not once has our neighbout invited us into his house.' [32nd BCS]
A. Our neighbour has invited into his house not once but many times
B. Our neighbour has never invited us into his house
C. Occcasionally our neighbour has invited us into his house
D. Our neighbour has not always invited us into his house .Ans: B.
16. To 'raise ones brows' indicates––– [32nd BCS]
A. annoyance B. dispprovad C. indifference D. surprise .Ans: B+D.
Note: To 'raise one's brows' indicates both disapproval and surprise according to Oxford Dictionary:
page- 1245.
17. The word 'Shrug' indicating doubt or eindifference is associated with –––– [31st BCS]
A. Shoulders B. Head C. Forehead D. Eybrows .Ans: A.
Note: Shrug A_©- Kvu` SvuKv‡bv|
18. Tiem after twilight and before night––– [31st BCS]
A. Evening B. Dawn C. Dusk D. Eclipse .Ans: C.
Note: Twilight (†Mva~wj)- Gi cieZ©x wKš‘ night (ivwÎ) -Gi c~e©eZ©x mgq ev time †K Dusk ev mܨvi cÖv°vj e‡j|
19. The people who carry a cofficn at a funeral are called –––– [31st BCS]
A. undertakers B. supporters C. pallbearers D. mounrners .Ans: C.
Note: hviv coffin ev kevavi enb (carry) K‡i Zv‡`i‡K ejv nq pallbearer
20. The word 'electorate' means ––– [29th BCS]
A. election office B. a body of voters C. many elections D. candidates .Ans: B.
Note: Electorate A_© wbe©vPKgÐjx| A body of voters ej‡Z †evSvq wbe©vPKgÐjx|
21. 'Paediatric' relates to the treatment of: [26th BCS]
A. Adults B. Children C. Women D. Old people .Ans: B.
Note: Paediatric wkï wbe©vPKgÐjx| Kv‡RB GwU Children Gi mv‡_ m¤úwK©Z|
22. The word 'ecological' is related to ––––: [26th & 16th BCS ]
A. Demography B. Pollution C. Atmosphere D. Evironmet .Ans: D.
Note: Ecological A_© ev¯‘we`¨v msµvšÍ/cwi‡ek msµvšÍ|
23. A 'pilgrim' is a person who undertakes a journey to a –––– [26th & 16th BCS]
A. Mosque B. A new country C. Holy place D. Bazar .Ans: C.
Note: Pilgrim A_© Zx_©hvÎx, hviv mvaviY_ †Kv‡bv cweÎ ¯’v‡bi D‡Ï‡k¨ hvÎv K‡i|
24. A person who writers about his own life wirtes ––––. [26th & 27th BCS]
A. A biograpy B. A diary
C. A chronicle D. An autobiography .Ans: D.
Note: A biography wewfbœ e¨w³i RxebK_vwelqK mvwn‡Z¨i we‡kl kvLv, A diary wbbcwÄ, chronicle
KvjvbµwgK/NUbvcwÂ| An autobiography- AvZ¥Rxebx (wb‡Ri Rxe‡bwZnvm)|
25. Stockings are ––––– socks. [25th BCS]
A. long B. small C. big D. short .Ans: A.
3 ||

Note: Stockings A_© n‡jv nvUz ch©šÍ ev Zvi Ici ch©šÍ j¤^v †gvRv|
26. Misantropist means –––– [25th BCS]
A. One who flirts with ladies B. A person of narrow views
C. A hater of mankind D. One hwo believe that God is in everyting .Ans: C.
Note: A hater of mankind - gvbewe‡Ølx| Misanthropist A_© n‡jv †h gvbe RvwZ‡K N„Yv K‡i|
27. First language means the ––––– language. [25th BCS]
A. important B. main C. natural D. officcial .Ans: C.
Note: First Language ej‡Z gvbe wkï R‡b¥i ci †h fvlv Zvi cwi‡ek I cvwicvwk¦©KZv †_‡K wk‡L ZvB -B eySvq|
28. The expression 'Lingua franca' means ––––. [24th BCS]
A. The common lanugage B. The first language
C. International language D. The French language .Ans: A.
Note: Lingua franca n‡jv Ggb fvlv hv GKwU †`‡ki wewfbœ fvlvfvwl gvbyl Zv‡`i mvaviY fvlv wn‡m‡e e¨envi K‡i|
29. Choose the correct meaning: He raised his eyebrow at my explanation. [24th BCS]
A. show surprise or disapproval. B. show agreement
C. show happiness. D. show indifference. .Ans: A.
Note: Raising one's yeybrow A_© n‡jv †PvL Kcv‡j †Zvjv; hvi Ab¨ A_© n‡jv Avðh© nIqv ev weivM cÖKvk Kiv|
30. 'Razzmatazz' means––– [24th & 17th BCS]
A. A musical instrument B. A well-planned programme
C. A noisy activity D. A musical activity .Ans: C.
Note: A musical instrument - GKwU ev`¨hš¿| A well planned programme- GKwU mycwiKwíZ Kg©m~wP| Razmatazz
A_© A noisy activity ‡Kvjvnjc~Y© Kvh©| A musical activity- m½xZwelqK Kvh©|
31. Cul-de-sac [22nd BCS]
A. selection B. dead end C. error D. bubble .Ans: B.
Note: Cul-de-sac GKwU divwm kã, hvi A_© KvbvMwj| Selection- wbe©vPb, dead end - KvbvMwj; Error - fzj; Bubble
ey`ey` , Aev¯Íe|
32. Parcel [22nd BCS]
A. quarrel B. piece of land
C. postage D. unobstracted view .Ans: B.
Note: Parcel A_© n‡jv †gvoK, Gi Av‡iK A_© n‡jv GK LÐ Rwg| Quarrel SMov, weev`, Piece of land - Rwgi UzK‡iv,
Postage- WvKgvïj| Unobstructed view - evavnxb `„wó|
33. Ruminant [22nd BCS]
A. Cud-chewing animal B. Soup
C. Gossip D. Noise-maker .Ans: A.
Note: Rumminat- A_© n‡jv Rvei KvUv cÖvYx| Cud-chewing animal- Rvei KvUv cÖvYx; Soup- ‡Svj;, Gossip - ‡LvkMí
Ges Noise- maker- ‡kvi‡MvjKvix|
34. 'Equivocation' means- [17th BCS]
A. A true statement B. Equal opporunity to get a job
C. Free expression of opinions D. Two contrary things in the same statement .Ans: D.
Note: Equivocation- Gi A_©- `ywU A_© cÖKvk K‡i Ggb|
35. 'Blockbuster' means- [17th BCS]
A. A large solid piece of stone
B. A device to cut off a person's head as apunishment
C. Something that makes movement difficult
D. A powerful explosive to demolish buildings .Ans: D.
Note: Blockbuster kw³kvjx we‡ùviK ev †evgv hv GK‡Î A‡bK evwo-Ni aŸsm Ki‡Z cv‡i| we‡ùviK Bs‡iwR Explosive.
36. Three score is ––– [16th BCS]
A. thirty times B. three hundred times
C. three times twenty D. more than trhee .Ans: C.
Note: Three score ---- three times twenlty (203)= 60
37. An ordinance is ––– [16th BCS]
A. a book B. an arms factory
C. a news paper journal D. a law .Ans: D.
4 ||

Note: Ordinace- Aa¨v‡`k, we‡kl ÿgZv e‡j cÖYxZ AvBb|

38. Something that is ' fresh' is something ––– [16th BCS]
A. recently printed or published B. in fairly good condition
C. disrespectfull D. pleasant .Ans: B.
Note: Fresh- UvUKv, ZvRv| In fairly good condition ej‡ZI †ek fv‡jv Ae¯’v‡KB †evSvq|
39. The word 'plurality' means–– [15th BCS]
A. The letter 'S' B. Men and women
C. Chaos and confusion D. The holding of more than one office at a time .Ans: D.
Note: Plurality - eûZ¡, G‡Ki AwaK| evwYwR¨K cwifvlvq GKvwaK e¨emvq cÖwZôvb/Awdm|
40. 'Plebiscite' is a term related to ––––? [15th BCS]
A. Medicine B. Technlogy C. Law D. Politics .Ans: D.
Note: Plebiscite- Gi A_© ÔMY‡fvUÕ hv ivRbxwZi mv‡_ m¤úwK©Z|
41. Many islands make up ––– [15th BCS]
A. an isles B. an archipelago C. a peninsula D. a continent .Ans: B.
Note: Archipelago - MwVZ nq A‡bK¸‡jv Øxc wg‡j|
42. People who assume that no evil can befall them are foolishly- [14th BCS]
A. ardent B. complacent C. confident D. apprehensive .Ans: B.
Note: H mKj †jvK, hviv g‡b K‡i †Kv‡bv cvcB Zv‡`i cZb NUv‡Z cvi‡e bv, †evKvi g‡Zv-| Ardent AwZkq AvKzj, AwZ-
Drmvnx| Complacent - AvZ¥Zzó, cwiZ…ß| Confident- AvZ¥wek¦vmx| Apprehensive- DwØMœ, kswKZ|
43. One who unduly forwards in renderng services for others is not generally liked in society. Which of
the following words represents truely the character of the person mentioned above?
[14th BCS]
A. benevolent B. official C. officious D. bureaucratic .Ans: C.
Note: ‡h e¨w³ Am½Zfv‡e Ac‡ii Rb¨ GwM‡q Av‡m Zv‡K mvaviYfv‡e mevB AcQ›` K‡i| Benevolent- `qvjy, m`vkq,
Official - ixwZgvwdK, AvbyôvwbK, Officious Mv‡q c‡o mvnvh¨ K‡i Ggb Ges Bureaucratic - AvgjZvwš¿K|
44. Select the answer of the word 'stagflation'. [13rd BCS]
A. controlld prices B. economic slowdown
C. a disintegrating government D. cultrural dullness .Ans: B.
Note: Stagflation- A_©‰bwZK g›`v, Stagnation (wbw®Œq Ae¯’v, APjve¯’v) I Inflation- (gy`ªvùxwZ)- GB `ywU k‡ãi wgj‡b
Stagflation- kãwU MwVZ| Controlled price- wbqwš¿Z g~j¨| Economic slowdown A_©‰bwZK g›`v| A disingegrationg
government GKwU AmvgÄm¨c~Y© miKvi| Cultural dullness- mvs¯‹…wZK g›`v|
45. 'Syntax' means----- [11st BCS ]
A. Manner of speech B. Sentence building
C. Supplementary tax D. Synchrounizing act .Ans: B.
Note: Syntax n‡jv grammar Gi GKwU Ask, hv sentence Gi MVb wb‡q Av‡jvPbv K‡i|
01. The word 'Anthropology' is related to- [`y`K- 2020]
A. study of minrals B. study of mankind
C. study of discases D. study of evolution .Ans: B.
02. The word 'Somanambulist' means- [`y`K- 2020]
A. a daydreamer B. a sleep walker C. an optimist D. a night dreamer .Ans: B.
03. Philanthropist means- [moK cwieo I †mZz gš¿Yvj‡qi Dc-mnKvix cÖ‡KŠkjx (hvwš¿K) 2019]
A. A person of charity B. A person of wiede views
C. an expert D. a man of wisdom .Ans: A.
Note: Philanthropist (Rb wn‰Zlx e¨w³) Gi A_© cÖKvk cvq a person of charity.
04. 'Capital punishment' means- [ms¯‹…wZ welqK gš¿Yvj‡qi Dc-mnKvix cÖ‡KŠkjx (wmwfj) 2019]
A. imprisonment B. freedom C. death penalty D. misery .Ans: C.
Note: Capital punishment (g„Zz¨`Ð) A_© death penalty (g„Z¨`Ð)|
05. The doctor who treats diseases of the brain is known as a/an- [ms¯‹…wZ welqK gš¿Yvj‡qi Dc-mnKvix cÖ‡KŠkjx
(wmwfj) 2019]
A. pathologist B. cardiologist C. nephrologist D. neurologist .Ans: D.
5 ||

Note: ‡h Wv³vi gw¯Í‡®‹i †iv‡Mi wPwKrmv K‡i Zv‡K ejv nq neurologist (¯œvqwe`; ¯œvqyweÁvbx)|
06. A pilgrim is a person who undertakes a journey to a ––– [evsjv‡`k cvwb Dbœqb †evW© Gi WvUv Gw›Uª Accv‡iUi 2019]
A. mosque B. forest C. desert D. holy place .Ans: D.
Note: Pilgrim (Zx_©hvÎx) n‡jv Ggb e¨w³ whwb cweÎ ¯’v‡b (holy place) ågY K‡ib|
07. Give one word for science of the sructure of animal bodies –––– [evsjv‡`k cvwb Dbœqb †evW© Gi WvUv Gw›Uª Accv‡iUi 2019]
A. Physiology B. Anatomy C. Biology D. Psychology .Ans: B.
Note: Rxe‡`‡ni MVbmsµvšÍ weÁvb‡K GK K_q e‡j anatomy
08. A gril who is going to be married –––– [evsjv‡`k cvwb Dbœqb †evW© Gi WvUv Gw›Uª Accv‡iUi 2019]
A. beloved B. bridegroom C. wife D. bride .Ans: D.
Note: ‡h †g‡qi we‡q n‡Z hv‡”Q ev we‡q †`qv n‡”Q Zv‡K bride (we‡qi K‡b; beea~) e‡j| Ab¨w`‡K wife A_©- ¯¿x; bridegroom
A_© we‡qi ei; beweevwnZ cyiæl Avi beloved A_© AZ¨šÍ wcÖq|
09. A person unable to pay his debts –––– [evsjv‡`k cvwb Dbœqb †evW© Gi WvUv Gw›Uª Accv‡iUi 2019]
A. solvent B. miser C. poor D. insolvent .Ans: D.
Note: FY cwi‡kv‡a Aÿg e¨w³‡K ejv nq insolvent (FY cwi‡kv‡a Amg©_; †`Dwjqv)|
10. What do you mean by the word 'Syllable'? [Z_¨ gš¿Yvj‡qi Aaxb Pjw”PÎ I cÖKvkbv Awa`߇ii K¨v‡givg¨vb 2019]
A. Parts of a syllabus B. Synonym of a syllabbus
C. Parts of a word D. None of the above .Ans: C.
Note: Syllable kãwUi A_© wjwLZ fvlvi Abyiƒc GKK; word Gi †h AskUzKz GKev‡i D”PvwiZ nq| Syllable kãwU Øviv parts
of word ‡K wb‡`©k K‡i|
11. A person who knows many language is called –––– [Z_¨ gš¿Yvj‡qi Aaxb Pjw”PÎ I cÖKvkbv Awa`߇ii K¨v‡givg¨vb 2019]
A. a multi-lingual B. bilingual C. polyglot D. monolingual .Ans: C.
Note: ‡h e¨w³ A‡bK fvlv Rv‡bb Zv‡K GKK_vq e‡j polyglot (eûfvwlK)|
12. Write down the minutes of the meeting. Here the word 'minutes' means––– [Z_¨ gš¿Yvj‡qi Aaxb Pjw”PÎ I cÖKvkbv
Awa`߇ii K¨v‡givg¨vb 2019]
A. time limit B. written records
C. details of the meeting D. summary of the meeting .Ans: B.
Note: Minutes A_©vr Kvh©weeiYx; gšÍe¨ I gZvg‡Zi `vßwiK †jL¨cÖgvY A_©vr written records.
13. 'A person in a family who lived a long time ago is called. [Z_¨ gš¿Yvj‡qi Aaxb Pjw”PÎ I cÖKvkbv Awa`߇ii K¨v‡givg¨vb 2019]
A. Ancestor B. Follower C. Past D. Successor .Ans: A.
Note: cwiev‡ii m`m¨ whwb A‡bK c~‡e© RxweZ wQ‡jb Zv‡K ejv nq ancestor (c~e©cyiæl)
14. The act of doing deliberate damage to something is called. [Z_¨ gš¿Yvj‡qi Aaxb Pjw”PÎ I cÖKvkbv Awa`߇ii K¨v‡givg¨vb
A. sabbath B. sabotage C. saboteur D. subpar .Ans: B.
Note: Kjn ev hy‡×i mgq hš¿cvwZ, gvjvgvj cÖf…wZi B”QvK…Z ÿwZmvaY‡K e‡j sabotage(AšÍN©vZ)|
15. Pay careful attention to something is meant by word. [Z_¨ gš¿Yvj‡qi Aaxb Pjw”PÎ I cÖKvkbv Awa`߇ii K¨v‡givg¨vb 2019]
A. look B. see C. attend D. heed .Ans: D.
Note: 'Pay careful attention to something'- Gi A_© cÖKvk cvq heed (g‡bv‡hvM †`qv) Øviv|
16. If it is a genuine picture, it is ––––. [Z_¨ gš¿Yvj‡qi Aaxb Pjw”PÎ I cÖKvkbv Awa`߇ii K¨v‡givg¨vb 2019]
A. fake B. false C. real D. copied .Ans: C.
Note: hw` GUv genuine wcKPvi nq Zvn‡j GUv---| myZivs †evSv hv‡”Q k~b¨¯’v‡b realem‡e hvi A_© cÖK…Z, LvuwU, wb‡f©Rvj|
17. A person who is accused of a crime is entilled to a –––– trial. [Z_¨ gš¿Yvj‡qi Aaxb Pjw”PÎ I cÖKvkbv Awa`߇ii K¨v‡givg¨vb
A. fain B. tair C. fare D. fame .Ans: B.
Note: k~b¨¯’v‡b fair em‡e| KviY fair trial A_© b¨vqwePvi| Fairewm‡q evK¨wUi evsjv: †h e¨w³ Aciv‡ai Kvi‡Y Awfhy³ Zvi
b¨vqwePvi cvIqvi AwaKvi i‡q‡Q|
18. A person who performs tricks with hands in called –––– [cÖv_wgK I MYwkÿv gš¿Yvj‡qi cÖv_wgK wkÿv Awa`ßi wcwUAvB BÝUªv·i
(mvaviY) 2019]
A. conspirator B. magician C. conjurer D. juggler .Ans: C.
Note: †h e¨w³ nvZ e¨envi K‡i †fjwKevwR †`Lvq Zv‡K e‡j Conjurer (hv`yKi)| Ab¨w`‡K conspirator A_© lohš¿Kvix,
magician A_© Rv`yKi Avi juggler A_© evwRKi; ej, _vjv BZ¨vw`i mvnv‡h¨ †KŠk‡ji †Ljv †`Lvq Ggb e¨w³|
19. A specialist in eye disease in called a /an ––– [cÖv_wgK I MYwkÿv gš¿Yvj‡qi cÖv_wgK wkÿv Awa`ßi wcwUAvB BÝUªv·i (mvaviY) 2019]
6 ||

A. Optician B. Neurologist
C. Cardiologist D. Ophthalmologist .Ans: D.
Note: Pÿz‡iv‡Mi we‡klÁ e¨w³‡K ejv nq Ophthalmologist (Pÿzwe‡klÁ)
20. The word 'homogeneous' means –––– [15Zg wkÿK wbeÜb I cÖZ¨b cixÿv (¯‹zj/mgch©vq) 2019]
A. dissimilar B. of the same place
C. of the same denisty D. of the same kind .Ans: D.
Note: Homogeneous A_© mgcÖK…wZi Ask wb‡q MwVZ; mgRvZxq| kãwUi A_© cÖKvk cvq of the same kind Øviv|
21. A speech full of too many words is –––– [15Zg wkÿK wbeÜb I cÖZ¨b cixÿv (¯‹zj/mgch©vq) 2019]
A. A big speech B. Maiden speech
C. An unimportant speech D. A verbose speech .Ans: D.
Note: A‡bK K_vc~Y© e³e¨‡K e‡j a verbose speech (kãvo¤^ic~Y© e³…Zv)|
22. A person whose head is in the clouds is –––– [15Zg wkÿK wbeÜb I cÖZ¨b cixÿv (¯‹zj/mgch©vq) 2019]
A. proud B. a day dreamer C. an aviator D. useless .Ans: B.
Note: A person whose head is in the clouds n‡jv a day dreamer (AvKvkKzmyg KíbvKvix e¨w³ ev w`ev¯^cœ †`Lv e¨w³)|
23. Select the meaning of the word 'stagflation'. [15Zg wkÿK wbeÜb I cÖZ¨b cixÿv (K‡jR/mgch©vq) 2019]
A. controlled prices B. economic slow down
C. a disintegrating government D. cultural dullness .Ans: B.
Note: Stagflation ( †h we‡kl mgqmxgvi g‡a¨ gy`ªvùxwZ †`Lv †`q, wKš‘ Drcv`b e„w× cvq bv) kãwU Øviv economic slow
down (A_©‰bwZK g›`v Ae¯’v)- Gi A_© cÖKvk K‡i|
24. 'Deciduous' trees are trees those ––– [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (cÖ_g avc) 2019]
A. have fleshy leaves B. are extremely big
C. have delicious leaves D. lose the leaves annually .Ans: D.
Note: Deciduous tree n‡jv †hme MvQ †h¸‡jvi cÖwZeQi (we‡klZ †ngvšÍKv‡j) cvZv S‡i hvq A_©vr lose he leaves
25. Having two possible meanings and not very clear is called ––– [wewfbœ gš¿Yvj‡qi e¨w³MZ Kg©KZ©v 2019]
A. amphibious B. anonymous C. confiscate D. ambiguous .Ans: D.
Note: ywU m¤¢ve¨ A_© _vKv Ges AwbwðZ A_© ev AwfcÖvqwewkó‡K ejv nq ambiguous (ب_©K)| Amphibious A_© DfPi,
anonymous A_© bvgnxb ev AcÖKvwkZ bvg Avi confiscate A_© ev‡Rqvß Kiv|
26. The science of teaching is called ––– [wewfbœ gš¿Yvj‡qi e¨w³MZ Kg©KZ©v 2019]
A. Phonetics B. Pedagogy C. Ethics D. Biology .Ans: B.
Note: wkÿv weÁvb‡K ejv nqPedagogy (†cWvMwR)| Phonetics A_©- evP‡bi aŸwbwe`¨v, Ethics A_© bxwZwe`¨v Avi Biology
A_© RxeweÁvb|
27. A 'sceptic' is one who –––– [R¡vjvwb I LwbR m¤ú` gš¿Yvj‡qi wbivcËv Kg©K_©v 2019]
A. is considered to be strange our unusual
B. a lways expects bad things to happen
C. believes that people are motivated purely by self-interest
D. had doubts about things that other people believe .Ans: D.
Note: Sceptic n‡jv Ggb e¨w³ whwb Ab¨iv wek¦vm K‡i Ggb `vwe, ZË¡ BZ¨vw`i m¤^‡Ü mskq †cvlY K‡i| A_©vr a sceptic is one
who has doubts about things that other people believe.
28. 'The English' refers to ––– [R¡vjvwb I LwbR m¤ú` gš¿Yvj‡qi wbivcËv Kg©K_©v 2019]
A. the English language B. the English society
C. the English territory D. the people of England .Ans: D.
Note: English kãwU Bs‡iwR fvlv wb‡`©k K‡i wKš‘ Gi c~‡e© article 'the' e¨eüZ n‡j Bs‡iR RvwZ ev the people of
England ‡K wb‡`k© K‡i|
29. The word 'parent' means ––– [miKvwi gva¨wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK 2019]
A. father B. mother C. father and mother D. father or mother .Ans: D.
Note: Parent A_© evev ev gv; RbK ev Rbbx (father or mother)
30. The word 'lunar' is related to ––––. [miKvwi gva¨wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK 2019]
A. sun B. planet C. moon D. air .Ans: C.
Note: Lunar (P›`ªmsµvšÍ) kãwU moon (Pvu`) - Gi mv‡_ m¤úwK©Z|
31. 'Tertiary' means –––– [miKvwi gva¨wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK 2019]

7 ||

A. primary B. territorial C. terrible D. third in order .Ans: D.

Note: Tertiary A_© third in order (Z…Zxq ch©vqf‚³)| Primary A_© cÖv_wgK, territorial A_© GjvKv ev f‚LÛm¤úwK©Z Avi
terrible A_© fqven|
32. The word 'ecological' is related to –––––. [miKvwi gva¨wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK 2019]
A. atmosphere B. environment C. pollution D. demography .Ans: B.
Note: Ecological (ev¯Íe¨we`¨v msµvšÍ; cwi‡ek msKvšÍ) kãwU environment Gi mv‡_ m¤úwK©Z| Atmosphere A_© evqygÛj
pollution A_© `~lY Avi demography A_© RbmsL¨v ZË¡|
33. 'Nota bene' means –––––. [miKvwi gva¨wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK 2019]
A. for example B. not sure C. next page D. mark well .Ans: D.
Note: Nota bene A_© mZK©Zvi m‡½ jÿ¨ Kiæb| Nota bene Øviv mark well (g‡bv‡hvM w`‡q jÿ Kiæb)- Gi A_©
34. A person who sells fruits and vegetables is called –––––. [miKvwi gva¨wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK 2019]
A. a vegetable man B. a vegetarian
C. a greeen-grocer D. a hawker .Ans: C.
Note: ‡h e¨w³ dj I mewR wewµ K‡i Zv‡K ejv nq greengrocer (ZwiZiKvwi I dj we‡µZv)|
35. One who is a specialist in heart and its diseases is called ––––. [miKvwi gva¨wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK 2019]
A. a pharmacologist B. an ophthalmologist C. a cardiologist D. a neurologist .Ans: C.
Note: nvU© Ges Gi †ivM¸‡jv‡Z weÁ e¨w³‡K ejv nq cardiologist (ü`‡ivM we‡klÁ)|
36. The doctor who treats kidney patients is called a/an: [WvK Awa`߇ii Gw÷‡gUi 2018]
A. pathologist B. neurologist C. nephrologists D. cardiologist .Ans: C.
Note: Kidney †ivMx‡K wPwKrmv cÖ`vbKvix Wv³vi‡K ejv nq nephrologists | ZvQvov pathologist A_© †ivMweÁvbx;
neurologist A_© ¯œvqy‡ivM we‡klÁ; ¯œvqyweÁvbx Avi cardiologist A_© ü`‡ivM we‡klÁ|
37. Which of the following is close to 'archipelago' in meaning [WvK Awa`߇ii Gw÷‡gUi 2018]
A. A group of archieves B. Archeological sites
C. A group of islands D. Archo of a building .Ans: C.
Note: Archipelago (ØxccyÄ) - Gi mv‡_ Nwbô m¤úwK©Z kãwU n‡jv a group of islands (Øx‡ci `j ev ØxccyÄ)|
38. One who treats cancer patients is called a/an –––– [WvK Awa`߇ii Gw÷‡gUi 2018]
A. pathologist B. nephrologist C. oncologist D. neurologist .Ans: C.
Note: †h e¨w³ K¨vÝvi †ivMxi wPwKrmv K‡i Zv‡K oncologist (K¨vÝvi we‡klÁ) e‡j| ZvQvov pathologist A_© †ivMweÁvbx,
nephrologist A_© wKWwb we‡klÁ Avi neurologistA_© ¯œvqy‡ivM we‡klÁ|
39. The abbreviation BC stands for –––– [WvK Awa`߇ii Gw÷‡gUi 2018]
A. Before Call B. Before coronation C. Before Christ D. British Church .Ans: C.
Note: BC n‡jv Before Christ Gi mswÿß iƒc| †MÖMwiqvb el©cwćZ hxï wLª‡ói R‡b¥i c~‡e©i wbw`©ó mvj wb‡`©k Ki‡Z BC
e¨eüZ nq|
40. 'Sedative' means –––– [wewfbœ gš¿Yvjq/wefvM/Awa`ßi e¨w³i Kg©KZ©v (mvaviY) 2018]
A. to criticize
B. a drug used to calm a person or animal to make them sleep.
C. very energetic behaviour of people
D. in a frightenigh, violent and powerful way. .Ans: B.
41. A person who is able to do many different things is called –––– [wewfbœ gš¿Yvjq/wefvM/Awa`ßi e¨w³i Kg©KZ©v (mvaviY)
A. exceptional B. talented C. brilliant D. versatile .Ans: D.
Note: wewfbœ ai‡bi KvR Ki‡Z mÿg e¨w³‡K ejv nqversatile (bvbv wel‡q AvMÖnx I Kzkjx)| ZvQvov eceptional A_© AmvaviY;
e¨wZµgx, talented A_© cÖwZfvevbv; ¸Yx Avi brilliant A_© cÖwZfvevb; †gavex; my`ÿ|
42. A disease that cannot be cured is called a/an –––– [wewfbœ gš¿Yvjq/wefvM/Awa`ßi e¨w³i Kg©KZ©v (mvaviY) 2018]
A. incurable disease B. uncurable disease
C. incorrigible disease D. discurable disease .Ans: A.
Note: †h †iv‡Mi wPwKrmv Kiv hvq bv, †m †ivM‡K ejv nq incurable disease (Abv‡ivM¨ †ivM)
43. A person who thinks and talks too much about himself is called a/an ––– [wewfbœ gš¿Yvjq/wefvM/Awa`ßi e¨w³i
Kg©KZ©v (mvaviY) 2018]
A. selfish B. egocentric C. egotism D. egoist .Ans: D.

8 ||

Note: ‡h e¨w³ wbR m¤ú‡K© D”P aviYv ev gvbwmKZv †cvlY K‡i A_©vr wb‡R‡K wb‡q hvi wPšÍv Zv‡K egoist (AnsKvix, AvZ¥ev`x)
e‡j| Ab¨w`‡K selfishA_© ¯^v_©ci, egocentric A_© AvZ¥‡Kw›`ªK Avi egotism A_© AvZ¥cÖPvi|
44. A mayor is an elected person who runs a –––– [bvwm©s I wgWIqvBdvwi Awa`ßi wmwbqi ÷vd bvm© 2018]
A.City B. State C. County D. Country .Ans: A.
Note: City (bMi) cwiPvjbvi Rb¨ wbe©vwPZ e¨w³ n‡jv mayor ( bM‡ii †cŠims¯’vi cÖavb)|
45. What is the meaning of the word 'post-mortem'? [bvwm©s I wgWIqvBdvwi Awa`ßi wmwbqi ÷vd bvm© 2018]
A. Before death B. Autopsy C. Surgical operation D. Declare dead .Ans: B.
Note: Post mortem k‡ãi A_© g„Zy¨i c‡i ke‡`n cixÿv; gqbvZ`šÍ A_©vr autopsy
46. The scientific study of and treatment of tumors in the body is –––– [bvwm©s I wgWIqvBdvwi Awa`ßi wmwbqi ÷vd bvm©
A.Oncology B. Cardiology C. Ophthalmology D. Neurology .Ans: A.
Note: kix‡ii tumor I cancer Gi wPwKrmv Ges ˆeÁvwbK Aa¨qb I Abykxjb n‡jv Oncology | Ab¨w`‡K Cardiology n‡jv
ü`weÁvb, Optithalmology n‡jv PÿzweÁvb Avi Neurology n‡jv ¯œvqyweÁvb|
47. Time after twilight and before night–––– [evsjv‡`k cjøx Dbœqb mnKvix †Rbv‡ij g¨v‡bRvi (A_© wnmve/A_©-ivR¯^ 2018)]
A. Evening B. Dawn C. Dusk D. Eclipse .Ans: C.
Note: iv‡Zi c~‡e© Ges mܨvi ci gyûZ©‡K Dusk( †Mvjva~wj) e‡m|
48. Cul-de-sac- [evsjv‡`k cjøx Dbœqb mnKvix †Rbv‡ij g¨v‡bRvi (A_© wnmve/A_©-ivR¯^ 2018)]
A. selection B. dead end C. error D. bubble .Ans: B.
Note: Cul-de-sac- KvbvMwj A_©vr dead end.
49. Longing for something past is ––––– [wewfbœ gš¿Yvjq/wefvM/Awa`ßi e¨w³i Kg©KZ©v 2018]
A. Heuristic B. Nostalgia C. Outdated D. Radical .Ans: B.
50. The expression 'Voir Dire' means- [12Zg mnKvix RR 2018]
A. telling the truth B. lying in the court
C. evidence of the witness D. speaking lies .Ans: C.
Note: Voir Dire kãmgwói A_© cÖZ¨ÿ`k©xi mvÿ¨cÖgvY A_©vr evidence of the witness
51. A person who writes about his own life writes––– [cÖv_wmg mnKvwi wkÿK 2018 (¯’wMZ 2014) 14 †Rjv 2017]
A. A biography B. A diary
C. A chronicle D. An autobiography .Ans: D.
Note: e¨w³i wbR Rxeb m¤úwK©Z wjwLZ Rxebx‡K e‡j Autobiography (AvZ¥Rxebx)| Ab¨w`‡K biography A_© Rxebx hv Ab¨
e¨w³ KZ…©K wjwLZ, diary A_© w`bwjwc Avi chronicle A_© KvjvbyµwgK NUbvcwÄ|
52. The meaning of the word 'precedence' is: [cÖv_wmg mnKvwi wkÿK 2018 (¯’wMZ 2014) 12 †Rjv 2017]
A. a case of reference B. event that never happened
C. tenure of the President D. a matter to deal with .Ans: A.
Note: Precedence A_© AMÖc` ev AMÖewZ©Zvi AwaKvi; AMÖvwaKvi; AMÖMY¨Zv A_©vr a case of reference.
53. The word 'paranoid' is connected with –––– [bvwm©s I wgWIqvBdvwi Awa`ßi wmwbqi ÷vd bvm© 2017]
A. philosophy B. psycology C. anthropology D. theology .Ans: B.
Note: Paranoid (ågMÖ¯’; weåvšÍ) kãwU Psychology (g‡bvweÁvb) Gi mv‡_ m¤úwK©Z| Ab¨w`‡K Philosophy kãwUi A_©
`k©b;Antropology kãwUi A_© b„weÁvb Ges Theology k‡ãi A_© ag©ZË¡|
54. The word 'solar' is related to –––– [cÖevmx Kj¨vY I ˆe‡`wkK Kg©ms¯’vb gš¿Yvj‡qi DcmnKvix cwiPvjK 2017]
A. earth B. moon C. star D. sun .Ans: D.
Note: Solar ( †mŠi ev m~h©msµvšÍ) kãwU Sun (m~h©) Gi mv‡_ m¤úwK©Z|
55. Oncology means a doctor who treats –––– [cÖevmx Kj¨vY I ˆe‡`wkK Kg©ms¯’vb gš¿Yvj‡qi DcmnKvix cwiPvjK 2017]
A. kidney diseases B. stomach diseases C. cancer D. brain diseases .Ans: C.
Note: Oncology n‡jv cancer Gestumors †iv‡Mi wPwKrmvweÁvb| Cancer Ges tumor †iv‡Mi wPwKrmv whwb K‡ib Zv‡K
Oncologist e‡j|
56. In the sense of 'lack of rainfall', which of the following words is right. [¯^v¯’¨ I cwiPvi Kj¨vY gš¿Yvj‡qi wmwbqi ÷vd
bvm© (evwZjK…Z) 2017]
A. draught B. drought C. draft D. drauft .Ans: B.
Note: e„wócv‡Zi Afv‡e †h cÖwZK‚j Ae¯’vi m„wó nq Zv n‡jv drought (Liv)| Avi draughtA_© bKkv; draft A_© Lmov Avi
drauft e‡j †Kv‡bv kã dictionary ‡Z †bB|
9 ||

57. One who mends shoes is a –––– [¯^v¯’¨ I cwiPvi Kj¨vY gš¿Yvj‡qi wmwbqi ÷vd bvm© (evwZjK…Z) 2017]
A. carpenter B. butcher C. cobbler D. potter .Ans: C.
Note: †h e¨w³ RyZv †givgZ K‡i Zv‡K cobber (gywP) e‡j| Option Gi evwK wbwU kã carpenter ( Kv‡Vi wg¯¿x); butcher
(KmvB) Ges potter (Kzwj)|
58. The price of all commodities in the market is 'exorbitant' . Which is the correct word to replacethe
underlined word? [Z_¨ gš¿Yvj‡qi Aaxb wewUwfi mnKvix cÖ‡KŠkjx (wmwfj) 2017]
A. exaggerated B. preposterous C. sumptures D. excessive .Ans: D.
Note: Exorbitant A_© AZ¨waK, exaggerated - AwZiwÄZ, preposterous- A‡hŠw³K, excessive - AZwi³| Exorbitant
Ges replaced word n‡e excessive.
59. Animals that can live on land and water are [Z_¨ gš¿Yvj‡qi Aaxb wewUwfi mnKvix cÖ‡KŠkjx (wmwfj) 2017]
A. insectivorous B. dinosaurs C. amphibians D. reptiles .Ans: C.
e¨vL¨v:‡h cÖvYxiv R‡ Ges ¯’‡j evm Ki‡Z cv‡i Zv‡`i‡K Amphibain (DfPi cÖvYx) e‡j|
60. The abbreviation 'a.m.' stands for ––– [MYc~_© Awa`߇ii DcmnKvix cÖ‡KkŠjx (wmwjf) 2017]
A. anti meridian B. ante meridiem
C. ante meridium D. anti meridium .Ans: B.
Note: Abbreviation 'a.m..' ej‡Z †evSvq ante meridiem 9before noon).
61. he abbreviation 'e.g.' means- [11Zg we‡RGm (mnKvix RR) 2017]
A. very important B. for example C. please note D. namely .Ans: B.
Note: ms‡ÿc iƒc e.g. Gi A_© for example (D`vniY¯^iƒc)|
62. 'Excuse me, gentlement!'- 'Excuse me' is used to ––– [11Zg we‡RGm (mnKvix RR) 2017]
A. apologise B. draw attention C. beg pardon D. express disgust .Ans: B.
Note: Excuse me GKwU idiom, hvi A_© gvd Ki‡eb| web‡gqi mv‡_ Kv‡iv g‡bh‡hvM AvKl©Y Ki‡Z GB idiom wU e¨eüZ
nq| AZGe, mwVK DËi (B) draw attention.
63. How do you do? is –––– [11Zg we‡RGm (mnKvix RR) 2017]
A. an enquiry about somebody's health
B. merely a formal greeting
C. a formal question when one meets one's friend
D. used to know the profession of a person .Ans: B.
Note: ‡Kv‡bv e¨w³i cÖ_g mvÿv‡Z AvbyôvwbK Awfbb›`b (formal greeting) Rvbv‡bv A‡_© How do you do?' e¨eüZ nq|
Merely a formal greeting Gi mv‡_ A_©MZ wgj _vKvq mwVK DËi (B)
64. Maiden Speech means –––– [evsjv‡`k †iI‡qj DcmnKvix cÖ‡KŠkjx (wmwf) 2016]
A.first speech B. last speech C. female speech D. early speech .Ans: A.
Note: Maiden speech Gi A_© n‡jv cÖ_g e³…Zv| (B) last speech A_© †kl e³…Zv, (C) female speech A_© bvix e³…Zv
Ges (D) early speech A_© cÖv_wgK e³…Zv| myZivs mwVK DËi (A)
65. What is the suitable word for 'A hater of makind'? [RbcÖkvmb gš¿Yvj‡qi e¨w³MZ Kg©KZ©v 2016]
A. Foe B. Hatred C. Condemner D. Misanthrope .Ans: D.
Note: A hater of mankind- gvbeZvwe‡Ølx Foe A_© -kÎæ Hatred - N„Yv, Condemnerwb›`yK, Misanthrope A_©-
66. 'Lingua france' refers to –––– [ †cv÷ gv÷vi †Rbv‡ij (c~e©vÂj, PÆMÖvg), Gi Kvh©vj‡qi †cv÷vj Acv‡iUi 2018]
A. second language B. first language
C. foreign language D. common language .Ans: D.
Note: Lingua France e‡j †Kv‡bv phrase cvIqv hvq bv| Z‡e †mwU Lingua Franca n‡j Zvi A_© mvaviY fvlv ev common
67. Rain sounds is called –––– [esjv‡`k cjøx we`y¨Zvqb †ev‡W©i mnKvix mwPe/mnKvix cwiPviL (cÖkvmb) 2016]
A. Jingle B. ticks C. Rustle D. Patters .Ans: D.
Note: Jingle SbSb aŸwb ev avZe c`v‡_©i kã; Ticks - Nwoi wUKwUK kã; Rutlse- gg©iaŸwb ev ïK‡bv cvZvi kã; Patters -
PoPo aŸwb ev e„wó covi kã| myZivs The name of the sounds of Rain is patters mwVK DËi (D)
68. 'Procession' is a –––term. [RbcÖkvmb gš¿Yvj‡qi cÖkvmwbK Kg©KZ©v 2016]
A. mythological B. religious C. political D. banking .Ans: D.
Note: Procession A_©- wgwQj/‡kvfvhvÎv| GwU GKwU religious term | myZivs mwVK DËi (B)
10 ||

69. 'Quorum' fits best with the meaning. [RbcÖkvmb gš¿Yvj‡qi cÖkvmwbK Kg©KZ©v 2016]
A. required number B. allowed number
C. number D. additional number .Ans: A.
Note: Quorum GKwU we‡klvwqZ Term | †Kv‡bv meeting ev Ab¨ wKQz AbywôZ nIqvi Rb¨ me©wb¤œ †h msL¨K †jvK cÖ‡qvRb nq
Zv‡K Quorum e‡j| D`vniY¯^iƒc, evsjv‡`‡ki RvZxq msm` Awa‡ekb AbywôZ nIqvi Quorum mL¨v 60 A_©vr Kgc‡ÿ 60
Rb msm` m`m¨ Dcw¯’Z bv n‡j Aw`‡ekb ïiæ n‡e bv| mwVK DËi (A)
70. 'A mental illness in which somebody has a strong desire, which they cannot contrl to steal things'
is expressed by --- [RbcÖkvmb gš¿Yvj‡qi cÖkvmwbK Kg©KZ©v 2016]
A. insomnia B. kleptomania C. anemia D. amnesia .Ans: B.
Note: Insomnia - wakefulness (wb`ªvnxbZv),, Kleptomania - Habit of stealing things (Pzwii Af¨vm), Anemia -
Deficiency of blood (i³¯^íZv), Amnesia- Loss of memory (¯§„wZ nviv‡bv), mwVK DËi (B)
71. The word 'misogynist' means––– [mvaviY cy‡ji AvIZvq wewfbœ gš¿Yvj‡qi mnKvix ‡cÖvMÖv‡gi, DcmnKvix cÖ‡KŠkjx, cÖgvmwbK Kg©KZ©v I e¨w³MZ
Kg©KZ©v 2016]
A. one who hates women B. one who loves women
C. one who kills owmen D. one who praises women .Ans: A.
Note: Misogynist n‡jv †mB e¨w³ †h bvix we‡Ølx, one who women.
72. The word 'blasphemy' is related to ––– [¯^v¯’¨ gš¿Yvj‡qi DcmnKvix cÖ‡KŠkjx (wmwfj) 2016]
A. appreciation of God and religion B. Islam
C. Buddhism D. lack of respect to God and religion .Ans: D.
Note: Blasphemy kãwU Ck¦i wb›`v m¤ú‡K© m¤ú„³| cÖ`Ë PviwU alternatives Gi g‡a¨ (A) appreciation of God and
religion A_© Ck¦i Ges a‡g©i cÖksmv, (B) Bmjvg m¤úwK©Z (C) ‡eŠ×ag© m¤úwK©Z Ges (D) lack of respect to God and
religion A_© &Ck¦i Ges a‡g©i cÖwZ kÖ×vi Afve| myZivs mwVK DËi (D)
73. A person in charge of a museum is a –––– [mvaviY cy‡ji AvIZvq wewfbœ gš¿Yvj‡qi mnKvix ‡cÖvMÖv‡gi, DcmnKvix cÖ‡KŠkjx, cÖgvmwbK Kg©KZ©v
I e¨w³MZ Kg©KZ©v 2016]
A. Librarian B. Janitor C. Palmist D. Curator .Ans: D.
Note: cÖ`Ë PviwU k‡ãi g‡a¨ (A) Librarian A_© MÖš’vMvwiK, hvi KvR MÖš’vMvi iÿYv‡eÿY Kiv; (B) Janitor A_© `v‡ivqvb, hvi
KvR †Kv‡bv feb ev Kvh©vj‡qi wbivcËv weavb Kiv; (C) Palmist A_© n¯Í‡iLvwe`, hvi KvR gvby‡li nvZ †`‡L fwel¨r e‡j †`qv Ges
(D) Curator A_© Rv`yNi iÿK| myZivs mwVK DËi (D)
74. 'Kindred' means ––––– [mvaviY cy‡ji AvIZvq wewfbœ gš¿Yvj‡qi mnKvix ‡cÖvMÖv‡gi, DcmnKvix cÖ‡KŠkjx, cÖgvmwbK Kg©KZ©v I e¨w³MZ Kg©KZ©v 2016]
A. relationship by birth or descent B. social relationship
C. distant relationship D. unaffilianted relationship .Ans: A.
Note: cÖ`Ë PviwU Ack‡bi g‡a¨ (B) social relationship A_© mvgvwRK m¤úK© (C) distant relationship A_© `~ieZ©x m¤úK©;
Ges (D) unfaffiliated relationship A_© m¤^Ünxb m¤úK©| Kindred k‡ãi A_© cwievi I i³¤ú‡K©i AvZ¥xqZv| myZivs (A)
relationship by birth or descent - B mwVK DËi|
75. 'Paediatric' relates to the treatment of –––– [¯^v¯’¨ gš¿Yvj‡qi Aaxb †mev cwi`߇ii wmwbqi ÷vd bvm© 2016]
A. Adults B. Children C. Women D. Old people .Ans: B.
Note: 'Paediatric' n‡”Q (B) wkï msµvšÍ wPwKrmvkv¯¿| cÖ`Ë PviwU options Gi g‡a¨ Ab¨ wZbwU (A) Adults A_© e‡qv‡R¨ô,
(C) Women A_© gwnjv Ges (D) Old people e„× †jvKRb| myZivs mwVK DËi (B)
76. 'Panacea' means –––– [¯^v¯’¨ gš¿Yvj‡qi Aaxb †mev cwi`߇ii wmwbqi ÷vd bvm© 2016]
A. widespread disease B. gland
C. fresh D. cure all .Ans: D.
Note: Panacea k‡ãi A_© me Amy‡Li Ilya| cÖ`Ë PviwU options Gi g‡a¨ (A) widespread disease A_© mywe¯Í…Z AmyL, (B)
gland A_© jvjvMÖwš’ (c) fresh A_© m‡ZR/mRxe Ges (D) cure all A_© mewKQz my¯’ Kiv| ZvB Panacea k‡ãi mwVK DËi (D) |
77. A doctor who studies and treats the medical conditions and diseases of women is –––– [¯^v¯’¨ gš¿Yvj‡qi Aaxb
†mev cwi`߇ii wmwbqi ÷vd bvm© 2016]
A. a gynaecologist B. a neurologist
C. an oncologist D. an orthopaedic surgeon .Ans: A.

11 ||

Note: Gynaecologist A_© ¯¿x‡ivM we‡klÁ, Neurologist A_© ¯œvqywe`, Oncologist A_© whwb kix‡ii tumour Gi wPwKrmv
K‡ib, Ges Surgeon A_© n‡”Q whwb A‡¯¿vcPvi K‡ib| myZivs mwVK DËi (A)
78. One who walks on foot? [evsjv‡`k WvK wefvM ( †g‡ÆvcwjUb mv‡K©) cwi`k©K 2016]
A. traveler B. pedestrian C. rider D. omnipotent .Ans: B.
Note: Travel/ågY K‡i †h- Traveller, walk on foot/ cv‡q †nu‡U P‡j †h- Pedestrian, ride P‡o †h- rider, me©kw³gvb †h-
omnipotent | myZivs mwVK DËi (B)
79. 'Flora' means- [mnKvix cwievi cwiKíbv Kg©KZ©v 2016]
A. elaborate decoration with flowrs B. all the flowrs of an area
C. a garland of flowers D. the plants of a particular area .Ans: D.
Note: Flora ej‡Z †Kv‡bv we‡kl GjvKvi e„ÿvw` ev Dw™¢`Kzj †evSvq| myZivs mwVK DËi (D) The plants of a particular
80. An ordinance is ––– [¯^v¯’¨ gš¿Yvj‡qi mnKvix cÖ‡KŠkjx 2016]
A. a book B. a law C. a newspaper D. a manuscript .Ans: B.
Note: Ordinance k‡ãi A_© ûKzg, AvBb ev Aa¨v‡`k hv law wn‡m‡e cwiMwYZ nq| Manuscript n‡jv †Kv‡bv wKQzi Lmov|
81. The word 'nuptial' is related to - [¯^v¯’¨ gš¿Yvj‡qi mnKvix cÖ‡KŠkjx 2016]
A.marriage B. might C. sleep D. love .Ans: A.
Note: Nuptial A_© cwiYq msµvšÍ| Marriage Gi g‡a¨ cwiYq nq|
82. The word 'paranoia' is connected with ––– [cÖwZiÿv gš¿Yvj‡qi Dc-mnKvix cwiPvjK 2016]
A. philosophy B. anthropology C. theology D. psychology .Ans: D.
Note: Paranoia GKwU gw¯Í®‹ †ivMwe‡kl hv psychologyev gb¯ÍZ¡ wel‡qi mv‡_ RwoZ|
83. Drizzling means- [¯^v¯’¨ gš¿Yvj‡qi mnKvix cÖ‡KŠkjx 2016]
A. Raining heavily B. Snowing lightly
C. Raining lightly D. Snowing heavily .Ans: C.
Note: Drizzling k‡ãi A_© ¸uwo ¸uwo e„wó nIqv| ZvB Gi mwVK DËi (C) raining lightly | Ab¨ options (A) Raining
heavily fvwi el©Y nIqv, (B) Snowing lightly nvjKvfv‡e ZzlvicvZ nIqv Ges (D) fvwi ZzlvicvZ nIqv|
84. What is the meaning of 'diehard'? [Rb cÖkvmb gš¿Yvj‡qi Aax‡b wcGmwmÕi mnKvix cwiPvjK 2016]
A. A dead soul B. A dead cow
C. A strong supporter D. A weak supporter .Ans: C.
Note: Diehard A_© †Kv‡bv wKQzi cÖwZ cÖMvp wek¦vm ev mg_©b A_©vr Strong support. Option ¸‡jvi g‡a¨ (A) a dead soul,
(B) a dead cow w`‡q APj, AšÍtmvik~b¨ eySvq| Avi (D) a weak supporter `ye©j mg_©K| myZivs mwVK DËi (C)
85. What is the sould made made by a goat? [Rb cÖkvmb gš¿Yvj‡qi Aax‡b wcGmwmÕi mnKvix cwiPvjK 2016]
A. Hooting B. Cooing C. Squeaking D. Bleating .Ans: D.
Note: QvM‡ji WvK ev sound made by a goat ‡K Bs‡iwR‡Z Bleating e‡j| Ab¨vb¨ option¸‡jvig g‡a¨ Hooting -
c¨vuPvi WvK, Cooing - cvwLj hvK/K‚Rb Squeaking - wPu wPu K‡i WvK| mwVK DËi (D)
86. A person who reads and thinks a lot is called ––– [Rb cÖkvmb gš¿Yvj‡qi Aax‡b wcGmwmÕi mnKvix cwiPvjK 2016]
A. Spiritual B. Intellectual C. Witty D. Angry .Ans: B.
Note: whwb A‡bK c‡ob/PP©v K‡ib Ges wPšÍv K‡ib- Intellectual, Ava¨vwZ¥K ÿgZvm¤úbœ- Spiritual, eyw×gvb- Witty ivMx-
Angry myZivs mwVK DËi (B)
87. The word 'genocide' means - [Rb cÖkvmb gš¿Yvj‡qi Aax‡b wcGmwmÕi mnKvix cwiPvjK 2016]
A. mass grave B. mass gathering C. mass killing D. mass attendance .Ans: C.
Note: Genocide ev mass killing ej‡Z MYnZ¨v †evSvq| Ab¨vb¨ option ¸‡jv Mass grave MY Kei, mass gathering MY
Rgv‡qZ, mass attendance MY Dcw¯’wZ| myZivs mVK DËi (C)
88. A cliche is a ––– [13Zg cÖfvlK wbeÜb (K‡jR /mgch©vq) 2016]
A. a witty statment B. a worm out statement
C. a false evidence D. Irish humour .Ans: B.
Note: Cliche ej‡Z eûjfv‡e e¨eüZ †Kv‡bv kã‡K eySvq hv GK‡N‡qwgc~Y©| AZGe evK¨wUi mwVK DËi (B) a worm out
89. Substitution for a cardiologist will be–– [mnKvix Dc‡Rjv/_vbv wkÿv Awdmvi 2016]
A. nerve specialist B. eye specialist C. heart specialist D. bone specialist .Ans: C.

12 ||

Note: Nerve specialist n‡jb whwb ¯œvqy we‡klÁ, cardiologist I ejv nq Ges (D) bone specialist A_© Aw¯’ ev nvo
we‡klÁ| myZivs mwVK DËi (C)
90. What does 'CV' stand for? [ †cv÷ gv÷vi †Rbv‡ij (c~e©vÂj, PÆMÖvg) Gi Kvh©vjq †cv÷vj Acv‡iUi 2016]
A. Curriculum Vital B. Curriculum Vitae C. Curriculum Value D. Curriculum Voyage
Note: CV n‡”Q Curriculum Vitae Gi acronym A_© Rxeb e„ËvšÍ| .Ans: B.
91. The Latin expression 'i.e' stands for ––– [Rb cÖkvmb gš¿Yvj‡qi cÖkvmwbK Kg©KZ©v 2016]
A.idest B. ideal energy C. inner edition D. in Europe .Ans: A.
Note: i.e GKwU Latin Phrase, hvi c~Y©iƒc- idest Bs‡iwR‡Z that is | mwVK DËi (A).
92. De jure k‡ãi A_© Kx? [10g we‡RGm (mnKvix RR) cÖv_wgK cixÿv 2016]
A. in fact B. in law C. indeed D. in action .Ans: B.
Note: De Jure GKwU Latin Phrase hvi A_© Something that exists legally ev hv AvBbMZfv‡e we`¨gvb| GUvi wecixZ
De facto ev in fact ev in action.
93. In Re K_vwUi Øviv Kx eySv? [10g we‡RGm (mnKvix RR) cÖv_wgK cixÿv 2016]
A. In reference to B. In the matter of C. In the whole D. It is begun .Ans: B.
Note: In Re kãwU j¨vwUb kã| Bs‡iwR‡Z Gi A_© `vuovq- In the matter of.
94. Nate Litem Motanm- Gi A_© Kx? [10g we‡RGm (mnKvix RR) cÖv_wgK cixÿv 2016]
A. Before litigation commenced B. On a suit or action
C. From the bond of matrimony D. From Ancient times .Ans: A.
Note: Ante Litem Motam n‡jv wePvi ïiæ nIqvi c~‡e©i mgq ev Ae¯’v A_©vr The Time or Condition before
Litigation Commenced.
95. Stare Decisis - Gi A_© Kx? [10g we‡RGm (mnKvix RR) cÖv_wgK cixÿv 2016]
A. Indefinitely B. An indispensible requisite
C. To stand by thing decided D. Without issue. .Ans: C.
Note: Stare Decisis n‡jv †Kv‡bv c~e© wba©vwiZ wel‡qi Dci AUj _vKv ev †m Abyhvqx Pjv| A_©vr- To stand by thing
01. The expression 'true to their salt' means- [Sadharana Bima Corporation Assistan Manager - 2019]
A. very religious B. Very honest
C. faithful to their employers D. none of these .Ans: C.
Note: True to their salt- expression wUi A_© wb‡qvMKZ©vi cÖwZ wek¦¯Í _vKv (faithful to their employers).
02. A person in a family who lived a long time ago is called - [ICB Capital Managerment Ltd. Asst. Programmer 2019]
A.Ancestor B. Follower C. Past Member D. Successor .Ans: A.
Note: cwiev‡ii GKRb e¨w³ †h A‡bK c~‡e© RxweZ wQj ev cwiev‡i evm KiZ Zv‡K ejv nq ancestor (c~e© cyiæl)|
03. A way of making a group of people all think about something at the same time to solve a problem is
known as: [ICB Capital Managerment Ltd. Asst. Programmer 2019]
A.cooperation B. instruction C. collaborating D. brainstorming .Ans: A.
Note: mgm¨v mgvav‡bi j‡ÿ¨ †Kv‡bv wKQz wbqg fvevi D‡Ï‡k¨ A‡bK †jv‡Ki `j MV‡bi cš’v n‡jv cooperation (mn‡hvwMZv)|
04. Yearly celebration of a date or an event- [Pubali Bank Ltd. Junior Officer - 2019]
A.anniversary B. birthday C. jubilee D. centenary .Ans: A.
Note: †Kv‡bv NUbvi m‡½ mswkøó Zvwi‡Li evwl©K AveZ©b; G Dcj‡ÿ Av‡qvwRZ Abyôvb‡K ejv nq anniversary (evwl©Kx)|
Birthday A_© Rb¥w`b, Jubilee A_© RqšÍx; weevnevwl©Kx BZ¨vw`i Avi centenary A_© kZevwl©Kx|
05. A person interested in reading books and nothing else. [Pubali Bank Ltd. Junior Officer 2019]
A. book-keeper B. bookworm C. scholar D. student .Ans: B.
Note: eB co‡Z AvMÖnx e¨w³ A_©vr eB cov Qvov †Kv‡bv wKQz †ev‡S bv Ggb e¨w³‡K e‡j bookworm (eB cvMj; AZ¨šÍ cVbkxj
06. A person who studies the formation of the earth. [Pubali Bank Ltd. Junior Officer 2019]
A.geologist B. anthropologist C. meteorologist D. seismologist .Ans: A.
Note: f~¯Íi, wkjv BZ¨vw` wfwËK c„w_exi BwZnvm m¤úwK©Z Aa¨qbkxj e¨w³‡K e‡j Geologist(f‚ZË¡we`)| GQvov
Anthropologist A_© b„ZË¡we` ev b„weÁvbx, Meteorologist A_© AvenvIqvwe` Avi Seismologist A_© f‚K¤úwe`|
07. A tank in which fish are kept is called an ––––– [Pubali Bank Ltd Junior Offocer 2019]
13 ||

A. aquacade B. aquarium C. aquatint D. aquatone .Ans: B.

Note: RxešÍ gvQ I RjR Dw™¢` msiÿY I cÖ`k©‡bi K…wÎg Rjvavi n‡jv aquarium (grm¨vavi)|
08. One who sacrifices his life ofr a case--- [Pubali Bank Ltd. Junior Officer 2019]
A. patriot B. revolutionary C. soldier D. martyr .Ans: D.
e¨vL¨v:ag©hy× ev †Kv‡bv gnr Kv‡R Av‡Z¥vrmM©Kvix e¨w³‡K e‡j martyr (knx`)| evwK OptionGi patriot A_© †`k‡cÖwgK,
revolutionary A_© ˆecøweK Avi soldier A_© ˆmwbK|
09. 'The state of having contradictory or conflicting emotional attitudes'----- [BB Asst. Director 2018]
A.ambivalence B. exigency C. reprisals D. constraint .Ans: A.
Note: ci¯úi we‡ivax Ges weiæ‡× Av‡eMc~Y© AvPi‡Yj Ae¯’v/cwiw¯’wZ‡K e‡j ambivalence (AvKl©Y I weKl©‡bi g‡bvfve)| Aciw`‡K
exigency A_© Riæwi Ae¯’v, reprisals A_© GK †`‡ki cÖwZ Ab¨ †`‡ki hy×KvjxY Ab¨v‡qi mgywPZ Reve|
10. 'A feeling of anticipation over a future event'- [BB Asst. Director 2018]
A. disparate B. magnanimous C. presentiment D. incongruent .Ans: C.
Note: fwel¨r NUbv NU‡Z hv‡”Q Ggb Abyf‚wZ‡K e‡j presentiment (c~e©‡eva, c~e©vbyf‚wZ)| Aci w`‡K disparate A_© Am`„k¨,
Amg, ci¯ú‡ii g‡a¨ Zzjbvnxbfv‡e c„_K, magnanimous A_© gnvbyfe Avi incongruent A_© Am`„k|
11. 'Deciduous' tree are trees that-- [BB Officer 2018]
A. lose the leaves annually B. are extremely big
C. have small leaves D. have fleshy leaves .Ans: A.
Note: 'Decidous' trees(cÎSiv ev cY©‡gvPx Dw™¢`) n‡jv Hme MvQ †h¸‡jvi cÖwZeQi we‡kl mg‡q (mvaviYZ †ngšÍKv‡j) cvZv
S‡i hvq| myZivs mwVK DËi lose the leave annually.
12. A ––––– makes no difference between amn and in spreading his love. [BB Officer 2018]
A. philander B. Philistine C. philospher D. philanthropist .Ans: D.
Note: Philanthropist (Rbwn‰Zlx e¨w³, gvbe‡cÖwgK e¨w³) n‡jv Ggb e¨w³ whwb RbKj¨v‡Y ev gvbe‡cÖg we¯Ív‡i gvby‡li gvby‡l
†f`v‡f` K‡ib bv| Ab¨w`‡K philander A_© nvjKvfv‡e †cÖgm¤úK© ¯’vcb Kiv, †cÖ‡gi fvb Kiv; philosopher A_© `vk©wbK, †h
e¨w³i ü`q Av‡eM ev Kó Øviv cwiPvwjZ nq bv; philistine A_© ms¯‹…wZewR©Z Amf¨ e¨w³, `wÿY-cwðg c¨v‡j÷vB‡bi ewnivMZ
cÖvPxb Awaevmx|
13. Substitute in one word: 'The study and treatment of mental illness'.––– [BB Officer 2018]
A. Psychology B. Psycholiguistics C. Psychiatry D. Psychosis .Ans: C.
e¨vL¨v:gvbwmK ‡iv‡Mi M‡elYv I wPwKrmv‡K GKK_vq e‡j psychiatry (g‡bvwPwKrmv)| Ab¨w`‡K psycholgoy A_© g‡bvwe`¨v;
g‡bvweÁvb, psycholinguistics A_© g‡bvexÿwYK we`¨v Avi psychosis A_© A¯^vfvweK ev iæM&Y gvbwmK Ae¯’v; g‡bv‰eKj¨|
14. 'Panacea' means ––– [BSC Offficer (5 Banks) 2018]
A. fressh B. cure-all C. disease D. problem .Ans: B.
Note: 'Panacea' A_© me ai‡bi wbivgqKvix Ilya; me ai‡bi msKU †gvP‡bi Dcvq A_©vr cure-all.
15. Choose the word closest to the meaning of the underlined word: The patient meeded an anodyne
for his strained nerves. [Sonali Bank Ltd. Senior Officer 2018]
A. Alcohol B. Opium
C. Medicine D. Pain-killing balm .Ans: D.
Note: Anodyne A_© †e`bv DckgKvix Jla hv Pain-killing balm Øviv cÖKvk cvq|
16. The man who follows his nose actually follows his –––– [Sonali Bank Ltd. Senior Officer 2018]
A. passion B. rationality C. instinct D. memory .Ans: C.
Note: To following one's nose A_© mnRvZ cÖe„wËi Øviv cwiPvwiZ nIqv Avi instinct A_© mnRvZ cÖe„wË myZivs k~b¨¯’A‡b
17. 'Lachrymose nature' means ––––. [Sonali Bank Ltd. Senior Officer 2018]
A. Lethargic B. Prone to anger C. Prone to tear D. Energetic .Ans: C.
Note: Lachrymose A_© AkÖæc~Y©; µ›`iZ; wQPKvu`y‡bi A_©vr prone (cÖeY) to tear (Kvu`v)|
18. A lame duck organization is one which needs ––––– [Sonali Bank Ltd. Senior Officer 2018]
A. authority B. staff C. power D. support .Ans: D.
Note: A lame duck organization A_© n‡jv Ggb GKwU e¨emv ev evwYwR¨K cÖwZôvb †hwU A_©‰bwZK Amyweavq c‡o‡Q Ges hvi
support(mnvqZv) cÖ‡qvRb|
14 ||

19. The concluding part of a literary works is called –––– [Sonali Bank Ltd. Senior Officer 2018]
A. Epigraph B. Epitaph C. Conclusion D. Epilogue .Ans: D.
Note: mvwnZ¨K‡g©i mgvwß Aks ev bvU‡Ki †k‡l `k©‡Ki D‡Ï‡k¨ Awf‡bZvi msjvc n‡jv epilogue | Ab¨w`‡K epigraphA_©
m~Îwjwc, epitaph A_© mgvwawjwc Avi conclusion A_© mgvwß|
20. People who believe anything told to them are called –––– [Sonali Bank Ltd Senior Officer 2018]
A. Faithful B. Credible C. All-believing D. Credulous .Ans: D.
Note: hviv Ab¨‡`i ejv K_v mn‡RB wek¦vm K‡i Zv‡`i ejv nqCredulous (mij wek¦vm/wek¦vm cÖeY)| Ab¨w`‡K Faithful A_©
wek¦¯Í, Credible A_© wek¦vm‡hvM¨ Avi All believing A_© me wek¦vmx|
21. The word 'trade-off' implies [Sonali Bank Ltd. Officer 2018]
A. deception B. fraudulence C. duplicity D. mutuality .Ans: D.
Note: Trade -off kãwU Øiv †evSvq Ggb GKwU Ae¯’v †hLv‡b †Kv‡bv e¨w³‡K `ywU wel‡qi g‡a¨ balance Ki‡Z nq, hv
mutuality Øviv cÖKvk cvq| Ab¨w`‡K deception, fraudulence Ges duplicity k㸇jvi A_© KcUZv|
22. The expression' penny wise pound foolsh' indicates a situation where someone is - [Sonali Bank Ltd
Officer 2018]
A. very meticulous in discharging his duties.
B. thirfty with small amounts but profligate with large amounts.
C. very prudent is spedning. D. financially insolvent. .Ans: B.
Note: 'Penny wise pound foolsih' kãmgwó Øviv Ggb GK cwiw¯’wZ‡K †evSvq †hLv‡b †Kv‡bv e¨w³ †QvULv‡Uv wel‡q AZ¨šÍ
hZœkxj, wKš‘ eo wem‡q Ag‡bv‡hvMx| A_©vr e¨w³ mgvb¨ LiP Kivi mgq mvkÖqx wKš‘ eo Li‡Pi †ejvq D`vi| myZivs mwVK DËi
thirfty with small accounts but but profligate with large amounts.
23. The art of cultivating and managing gardens is called –––– [Rupali Bank Ltd Officer (Cash) 2018]
A.Horticulture B. Gardening C. Trimming D. Beautification .Ans: A.
Note: evMvb ‰Zwi Ges evMvb e¨e¯’vcbv Kjv‡K/wkí‡K/wwe`¨v‡K ejv nq horticulture(D`¨vbwe`¨v)|
24. A disease affecting many persons at the same time and place is called –––– [Rupali Bank Ltd Officer (Cash)
A.epidemic B. infection C. sickness D. injury .Ans: A.
Note: GKB mg‡q Ges GKB RvqMvq A‡bK gvbyl‡K we¯ÍviKvix †ivM‡K ejv nq epidemic (gnvgvwi)|
25. The expression 'stock market plunged' is synonymous with the expression ––– [Southest Bank Ltd.
Trainee Officer 2018]
A. stock market soared B. stock market plummeted
C. stock market skyrocketed D. stock market closed .Ans: B.
Note: Stock market ( †kqvievRvi) plunged A_©vr †kqvievRv‡ii cZb n‡jv ev †kqvievRvi FYMÖ¯’ n‡jv| cÖ`ËGi mgv_©K
phrase n‡jv stock market plummeted A_© †kqvi evRv‡ii cZb n‡jv| Ab¨w`‡K soar A_© Dc‡i DVv skyrocket `ªæZ
MwZ‡Z e„w× cvIqv Avi close A_© eÜ nIqv|
26. 'Itinerarcy' means ––– [IFIC Bank Ltd. Trainee Asst Offcier (TAO) 2018]
A. plan of Journey B. list of itmes to be discussed
C. record of events occurend in a day D. list of events of a fixed time .Ans: A.
Note: Itinerary (åg‡Yi cwiKíbv, c_cwÄ)- Gi A_© Plan of Journey (ågY cwiKíbv)|
27. One who mends shoes? [Exim Bank Ltd Trainee Assistant Taller 2018]
A. Draper B. Barber C. Collier D. Cobbler .Ans: D.
Note: ‡h e¨w³ RyZv †givgZ K‡i Zv‡K cobber (gywP) e‡j| Ab¨w`‡K draper A_© Svji, c`©v BZ¨vw`i e¨emv; barber A_© bvwcZ
Avi collier A_© KqjvLwbi kÖwgK|
28. A place where a wild animal lives. [Exiam Bank Ltd Trainee Assistant Teller 2018]
A. Forest B. Stable C. Lair D. Snactuary .Ans: C.
Note: eb¨cÖvYx †hLv‡b evm K‡i †m ¯’vb‡K e‡j lair (eb¨cÖvYxi Avevm¯’j, ¸nv)| Avi Forest A_© AiY¨, eb, Kvbb; stable A_©
Av¯Ívej, †Nvov ivLvi RvqMv Avi sanctuary A_© AfqivY¨, AvkÖq¯’j|
15 ||

29. A remedy for all diseases. [Exim Bank Ltd. Trainee Assistant Teller 2018]
A. Drug B. Antiseptic C. Panacea D. Cure .Ans: C.
Note: me ai‡bi †ivM wbivgqKvix Ilya, me ai‡bi msKU †gvP‡bi Dcvq n‡jv pannacea | Ab¨w`‡K drug A_© Ilya ˆZwi Kivi
Kv‡R e¨eüZ Dcv`vb, Asstiseptic A_© cPb †iva Ki‡Z cv‡i Ggb ivmvqwbK c`v_© Avi cure A_© wPwKrmv, Dckg|
30. A sudden rush of wind ––––– [Exim Bank Ltd Trainee Asststant Teller 2018]
A.Gust B. Weather C. Storm D. Clould .Ans: A.
e¨vL¨v:A sudden rush of wind (AvKw¯§K `gKv evZvm) †K ejv nq gust
31. Place where currency notes and coins are kept in a bnak. [Exim Bank Ltd. Trainee Asstst Teller 2018]
A. Small Room B. Vault C. Floor D. Locker .Ans: B.
Note: e¨vs‡K UvKv I gy`ªv ev Ab¨vb¨ g~j¨evb wRwbm ivLvi RvqMv‡K ejv nq vault (g~j¨evb mvgMÖxi fvÐvi)|
32. A place for keeping bees. [Exima Bank Ltd. Trainee Assistatn Teller 2018]
A.Apiary B. Apiculture C. Aerie D. Den .Ans: A.
Note: †gŠgvwQ jvj‡bi ¯Ívb ev gaygwÿKvkvjv n‡jv apiary | Ab¨w`‡K apiculture A_© †gŠgvwQi Pvl| Aerie _© CMj cvwLi evmv
Avi den A_© ((Rš‘i ¸ß Avevm) ¸nv|
33. Teh original inhabitants of a country. [Exiam Bank Ltd. Trainee Assistant Teller 2018]
A. Citizens B. Aborigines C. Natives D. Primitives .Ans: B.
Note: †Kv‡bv †`‡ki Avw` emevmKvix‡K ev †Kv‡bv GjvKvq cÖvPxb Kvj †_‡K emevmKvix e¨w³‡`i e‡j aborigines (Avw`evmx)|
Ab¨w`‡K citizenA_© bMievmx, naives A_© †Kv‡bv †`k ev ¯’v‡bi RvZ Avi primitives A_© Avw`wkíx, †i‡bmvu c~e©eZ©x wPÎKi ev
34. Study of mankind. [Exim Bank Ltd. Trainee Asststant Teller 2018]
A. Pathology B. Etiology C. Anthropology D. Biology .Ans: C.
Note: gvbyl ev bi (mankind) m¤úwK©Z we`¨v‡K e‡j anthropology (b„weÁvb, biwe`¨v)| Ab¨w`‡K Pathology A_© †ivMwe`¨v,
Etiology n‡”Q KviYZË¡, †iv‡Mi KviY wb‡q M‡elYv Avi BiologyA_© RxeweÁvb|
35. A person who cannot be changed is called in a word: [Janata Bank Ltd. Asst. Executive Officer 2017]
A. Indelible B. Enduring C. Obscure D. Incorrigible .Ans: D.
36. A den for small animals is called –––– [Bangladesh Development Bank Ltd Senior Officer 2017]
A. Expressed love B. Fell in love C. Expressed anguish D. Trusted him .Ans: C.
37. A den for small animals is callded ––– [Bangladesh Development Bank Ltd Senior Officer 2017]
A. Dyke B. Shed C. Cave D. Hutch .Ans: D.
38. The expression 'browbeating' means––– [Bangladesh Development Bank Ltd Senior Officer 2017]
A. Raising eyebrows B. Showing indifference
C. Showing Surprise D. Frightenting somebody .Ans: D.
Note: Browbeating A_© åæKzwU K‡i fq †`Lv‡bv; kvmv‡bv; †PvL ivOv‡bv A_©vr frightening(fxZ Kiv) somebody.
39. If a man is 'worth his salt', here he is ––– [Bangladesh Development Bank Ltd Senior Officer 2017]
A. a soldier B. a thirsty man
C. a valuable employee D. a highly paid worker .Ans: C.
Note: hw` GKRb e¨w³ worth his salt nq Zvn‡j †m †Kv‡bv cÖwZôv‡b respectful Ges valuableKg©Pvix wn‡m‡e MY¨ A_©vr
worth one's salt phrase wUi A_© a valuable eimplyee.
40. He believes in on God. He is a –––––. [Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd. Asst. Trainee Officer (Genral/Cash) 2017]
A. Theist B. Theologist C. Pantheist D. Monotheist .Ans: D.
Note: ‡h GK Ck¦‡i wek¦vm K‡i Zv‡K monotheist (GK‡k¦iev`x) e‡j|
41. Choose the one that can be substituted for the given words/phrase. Officical misocnduct [Bangladesh
Bank Asst. Direct (General Side) 2016]
A. malefactor B. maltreatment
C. malfreasance D. maladministration .Ans: C.
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Note: Officical misconduct- `ßwiK `yb©vwZ| Option ¸‡jvi g‡a¨ malefactor- ÿwZKi| malfeasance- `yb©xwZ (miKvwi
Kg©KZ©v KZ…©K); maladministation- Kzkvmb| mwVK DËi (C)
42. Choose the one which can be substituted for the given words or expression. A person who is
indifferent to both pleasure and pain –––– [Bank Asia Ltd. Trainee Officer 2016]
A.Horizon B. Zenith
C. Fringe D. Plinth .Ans: A.
e¨vL¨v:Horizon ev w`M‡šÍ g‡b nq †hb c„w_ex ev mgy`ª AvKv‡kj mv‡_ wg‡k‡Q| OptionsGi g‡a¨ Zenith m‡e©v”P P‚pv, Fringe-
cÖvšÍ/wKbviv Plinth - ¯Í¤¢g~j|
43. Choose the one which can be substituted for the given words or expression. A person who
indifferent to both pleasure and pain –––– [Bank Asia Ltd. Trainee Officer 2016]
A. Saint B. Ascetic
C. Stoic D. Hermit .Ans: C.
44. Choose the one which can be substituted for the given words or expression. A person who ahs no
money to pay off his debts–––– [Bank Asia Ltd. Trainee Officer 2016]
A. Debtor B. Pauper
C. Beggar D. Insolvent .Ans: D.
45. Choose the one which cab be substituted for the given words or expression. The study of ancient
societies––––– [Bank Asia Ltd. Trainee Officer 2016]
A. History B. Anthorpology
C. Ethnology D. Archeology .Ans: D.
46. Choose the one which cab be substituted for the given words or expression. A person pretending to
be somebody he is not ––– [Bank Asia Ltd. Trainee Officer 2016]
A.Imposter B. Liar
C. Rogue D. Magician .Ans: A.
47. Choose the one which cab be substituted for the given words or expression. A funny imitation of a
poem. [Standard Bank Ltd. Recr. Test for TAO 2016]
A. Counterfeit B. Sonnet
C. Caricature D. Parody .Ans: D.
48. Choose the one which cab be substituted for the given words or expression. The break off
proceedings of a meeting for a time. [Standard Bank Ltd. Recr. Test for TAO 2016]
A. Convene B. Terminate
C. Adjourn D. Procrastinate .Ans: C.

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