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Maths Teachers Guide

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The document discusses the content and structure of a mathematics textbook for senior one students including topics such as number bases, integers, fractions, decimals, percentages, and time.

The main topics covered include number bases, integers, fractions, decimals and percentages, and time and timetables.

Time is explained through different units of time such as minutes, hours, days, weeks and years. Timetables are also discussed in terms of extracting information about duration, arrival and departure times.








This material has been developed strictly for training purposes. Content and images
have been adapted from several sources which we might not fully acknowledge. This
document is therefore restricted from being reproduced for any commercial purposes

National Curriculum Development Centre

P.O. Box 7002,
Kampala- Uganda

Preface ................................................................................................................ vi
Acknowledgements............................................................................................ vii
Topic 1 .................................................................................................................. 1
NUMBER BASES.................................................................................................... 1
Sub-topic 1: Representing Numbers in Different Bases on the Abacus.......... 1
Sub-topic 1.2: Identifying Place Values Using the Abaci ................................. 3
Sub-topic 1.3: Converting Numbers from base ten to any other base ........... 4
Sub-topic 1.4: Operation on Numbers in Various Bases .................................. 5
Topic 2: ................................................................................................................. 9
WORKING WITH INTEGERS .................................................................................. 9
Sub-topic 2.1: Natural Numbers ...................................................................... 9
Sub-topic 2.2: Differentiate between Natural Numbers and Whole
Numbers/Integers .......................................................................................... 10
Sub-topic 2.3: Use Directed Numbers (limited to integers) in Real-life
Situations ....................................................................................................... 11
Sub-topic 2.4: Use the Hierarchy of Operations to Carry Out the Four
Mathematical Operations on Integers ........................................................... 12
Sub-topic 2.5: Identify Even, Odd, Prime and Composite Numbers .............. 12
Sub-topic 2.6: Finding the Prime Factors of any Number .............................. 12
Sub-topic 2.7: Relate Common Factors with HCF and Multiples with LCM ... 13
Sub-topic 2.8: Work out and Use Divisibility Tests of some Numbers .......... 13
Sub-topic 2.9: Least Common Multiple (LCM) ............................................... 13
Topic 3: ............................................................................................................... 14
FRACTIONS, PERCENTAGES AND DECIMALS ...................................................... 14
Sub-topic 3.1: Describe Different Types of Fractions .................................... 15
Sub-topic 3.2: Convert Improper Fractions to Mixed Numbers and Vice
Versa .............................................................................................................. 15



Sub-topic 3.3: Operations on Fractions and Decimals ................................... 16

Sub-topic 3.5: Convert Fractions to Decimals and Vice Versa ....................... 17
Sub-topic 3.6: Non-terminating and Recurring Decimals .............................. 17
Sub-topic 3.7: Converts Recurring Decimals into Fractions ........................... 17
Sub-topic 3.8: Convert Fractions and Decimals into Percentages and Vice
Versa .............................................................................................................. 17
Sub-topic 3.9: Calculates a Percentage of a Given Quantity ......................... 18
Sub-topic 3.10: Works out Real-life Problems Involving Percentages ........... 18
Sub-topic 3.11: Identifying and Classifying Decimals as Terminating, Non-
terminating and Recurring Decimals ............................................................. 19
Topic 4: ............................................................................................................... 21
Sub-topic 4.1: Plotting Polygons (shapes)...................................................... 22
Topic 5: ............................................................................................................... 26
GEOMETRIC CONSTRUCTION SKILLS .................................................................. 26
Sub-topic 5.1: Draw perpendicular and parallel lines .................................... 26
Sub-topic 5.2: Construction of Perpendicular lines ...................................... 27
Sub –topic 5.2: Using a Ruler, Pencil and Pair of Compasses, Construct
Special Angles ................................................................................................ 27
Sub-topic 5.3: Describing Locus Question...................................................... 28
Sub-topic 5.4: Construction of Geometric Figure .......................................... 28
Topic 6: ............................................................................................................... 32
SEQUENCE AND PATTERNS ................................................................................ 32
Sub-topic 6.1: Draw and identify the patterns .............................................. 32
Sub-topic 6.2: Describing the general rule..................................................... 33
Sub-topic 6.2: Generating Number Sequence ............................................... 34
Sub-topic 6.3: Formulae for General Terms .................................................. 34
Topic 7: ............................................................................................................... 39

BEARINGS ........................................................................................................... 39
Sub-topic 7.2: Bearings .................................................................................. 41
Topic 8: ............................................................................................................... 45
8.1: Identify Different Angles ........................................................................ 45
Sub- topic 8.2: Angles on a Line and Angles at a Point .................................. 45
Topic 9: ............................................................................................................... 46
DATA COLLECTION AND PRESENTATION ........................................................... 46
Sub-topic 9.1: Types of Data .......................................................................... 46
Sub-topic 9.2: Collecting Data ........................................................................ 47
Topic 10: ............................................................................................................. 51
REFLECTION........................................................................................................ 51
Sub-topic 10.1: Identify Lines of Symmetry for Different Figures ................. 51
Sub-topic 10.2: Reflection in the Cartesian Plane.......................................... 52
Topic 11: ............................................................................................................. 53
EQUATION OF LINES AND CURVES .................................................................... 53
Sub-topic 11.1 Function Machines ................................................................ 55
Sub-topic 11.2: Linear Equations ................................................................... 56
Topic 12: ............................................................................................................. 59
TIME AND TIME TABLES ..................................................................................... 59
Subtopic 12.1: Telling the Time ..................................................................... 59
Sub-topic 12.2: 12-hour and 24-hour Clocks ................................................. 61
Sub-topic 12.3: Units of time ......................................................................... 62
Sub-topic 12.4: Timetables ............................................................................ 63


This Teacher’s Guide has been designed to enable the teacher to interpret
the revised curriculum and use the accompanying learner textbook
effectively. The Teacher’s Guide provides guidance on what is required
before, during and after the teaching and learning experiences.

To ease the work of the teacher, all the activities and instructions in the
Learner’s Book have been incorporated in this Guide but with additional
information and possible responses to the activities. The guide has been
designed bearing in mind the major aim of the revised curriculum which is to
build in the learners the key competences that are required in the 21st
century while promoting values and attitudes and effective learning and
acquisition of skills, to prepare the learner for higher education and
eventually the world of work.

This book has been written in line with the Revised Lower Secondary School
Curriculum. The book has incorporated knowledge, skills partly required to
produce a learner who has the competences that are required in the 21st
century; promoting values and attitudes; effective learning and acquisition of
skills in order to reduce unemployment among school graduates.

Associate Professor Betty Ezati

Chairperson, NCDC Governing Council


National Curriculum Development Centre (NCDC) would like to express its
appreciation to all those who worked tirelessly towards the production of the
Teacher’s Guide.

Our gratitude goes to the various institutions which provided staff who
worked as a panel, the Subject Specialist who initiated the work and the
Production Unit at NCDC which ensured that the work produced meets the
required standards. Our thanks go to Enabel which provided technical
support in textbook development.

The Centre is indebted to the learners and teachers who worked with the
NCDC Specialist and consultants from Cambridge Education and Curriculum

Last but not least, NCDC would like to acknowledge all those behind
the scenes who formed part of the team that worked hard to finalise
the work on this Learner’s Book.

NCDC is committed to uphold the ethics and values of publishing. In

developing this material, several sources have been referred to which
we might not fully acknowledge.

We welcome any suggestions for improvement to continue making our

service delivery better. Please get to us through P. O. Box 7002
Kampala or email us through

Grace K. Baguma
Director, National Curriculum Development Centre




Topic 1
By the end of this topic, the learner should be able to:

i) use his/her knowledge of decimal place value to develop their

understanding of numbers written in other bases.
ii) identify numerals in any base up to base 16 using abacus (k).
iii) identify place values of different bases (u).
iv) convert numbers from one base to another (u).
v) manipulate numbers in different bases with respect to all four
operations (u, s).

Sub-topic 1: Representing Numbers in Different

Bases on the Abacus
Let the individual learner tell you what he/she knows about the number

Activity 1.1: In your groups, identify situations in which you have ever used
number bases in your life.

Real-life situation Base Reason for the base

Days of the week Base Seven Seven days in a week

Let the learners do this activity in groups.

Observe the learners as they do the activity. Look out for the individual
learner’s active participation, cooperation with members, and how he/she
communicates with members of the group.


Note down what you have observed and assist the learner where necessary.

Groups present to the whole class and members suggest improvement to

each presentation.

Guide the learners in the discussion of the presentations to harmonise or sort

out the real-life situations, corresponding bases and the reasons for their
choices of bases.

a) 234five b) 351six

c) 897ten d) 645nine

e) 120three

Activity 1.2: List the numerals for the following bases.

This activity should be done while the learners are in groups.

Let the learners write the responses in their exercise books.


Observe the learners as they do the activity. Look out for the individual
learner’s active participation, cooperation with members, and how he/she
communicates with members of the group.

Note down what you have observed and assist the learner accordingly.

Groups present their responses to the class by explaining which symbols

(numeral) they used after numeral nine.

Note: In (ix) there are spaces after numeral e, because each individual learner
can use different symbols to represent different numerals in base sixteen
after numeral e.

Sub-topic 1.2: Identifying Place Values Using the

Activity 1.3: Making abaci

Help the learners make different abaci in their groups .

Let the individual learner tell you what he/she knows about the place values
in various number bases.

Prepare the materials to be used in making the abaci by the learners prior to
the beginning of the Mathematics lesson in which the learners will make the

The learners can make their own abaci if the School does not have enough

Activity 1.4: Reading and stating the value of digits in bases

Let the learners do this activity in groups.

Observe the learners as they do the activity. Look out for the individual
learner’s active participation, cooperation with members, and how he/she
communicates with members of the group. Guide the groups if necessary.

Groups should present their work to the class.


Guide the learners to correctly read and state what each digit in the numbers

Let the learners write the responses in their exercise books.

Write down what you have observed in your Record Book.

For the exercises help the learners with collect answers.

Sub-topic 1.3: Converting Numbers from base ten

to any other base
Activity 1.5: Converting numbers from base ten to any other base
Observe the learners as they convert the numbers in their groups.
Demonstrate to learners how conversion is done by using an example.

Example: Convert 244five to base ten

Solution: 244five = (2x52) + (4 x 51) + (4x50)

= 2x 25 + 4x5 + 4x1

= 50 + 20 +4 = 74

Or 244five = 2 x 5 = 10, 10+4 =14, now 14 x5 = 70 then add on 4 which gives 74

base ten

(You should teach the learners the second approach of converting numbers
to base ten. (This is the repeated multiplication)

Activity 1.6: Converting numbers in a given base to another base

Let the learners do this activity individually.

Observe the learners as they do the activity. Look out for the individual
learner’s active participation, cooperation with members, and how he/she
communicates with members of the group. Try to find out what
mathematical skills the learners are using.


Let the learners write the responses in their exercise books. They can also
explain how they have worked out the answers. The explanation can be done
to you or the class.

Record each learner’s achievement.

Mark the learner’s work and make corrections.

The arrangement of the responses is that they start from the first box on the
right hand side then write the responses towards the left side. So, the
arrangement is 1110. We are using only two numerals which is the binary

The next step is to convert the responses to base ten.

Therefore, 1110two = 1x23 + 1x22 + 1x21 + 0x20 = 8+4+2+0 = 14. Hence, the
number the learners selected is 14.

Inform the learners that number bases can be used in coding, storage of
secret information, communication etc.

Guide the learners to generate answers for the practice.

Sub-topic 1.4: Operation on Numbers in Various

Observe the learners as they are taken through this sub-topic. Look out for
the individual learner’s active participation, cooperation with members, and
how he/she communicates with members of the group. Try to find out what
mathematical skills the learners are using.

Activity1.6: Operations on numbers with mixed bases

In their groups guide the learners work out the operations

Number Game:

Presentation of responses

“Yes” is represented by 1 and “No” is by 0


Example: If the responses are that the number is not in box 1 (this is
represented by 0), then the number is in box 2; it is represented by 1. The
number is in box 3, the response is 1 and the response is that number is in
box 4, this is represented by1.

Guide the learners where necessary and record their achievements.

Let the learners do the exercise in this sub-topic in their exercise books.

Situation of Integration
A community is hit by famine and the government decides to give each
member in the household a potato to solve their problem of hunger.

Support: Each package contains an equal number of potatoes of five.

There are 10 households in the community with 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 5,8,12, 13

members respectively.

Resources: Knowledge of bases, knowledge of mathematical operations

Task: Determine the number of packages of potatoes the government will

take to that community. In case there are remaining potatoes, discuss what
the government should do with them.

This should be done through group discussions. You should guide the
learners’ discussions.

You can give another scenario apart from that one in the Learner’s Textbook.

Evaluation Criteria for the Task in Learner’s Textbook on Page 9

Output 1: Food (potato) distribution plan

C1 = correct Interpretation of the problem
C2 = correct use of subject matter resources
C3 = coherent flow of ideas
C1 C2 C3 C4 (Excellent)

Output /3 /3 /3 /1


C1 -Correct C2-Correct Use of C3- Coherent C4 - Excellence

Interpretation Subject Matter Flow Ideas
of the Problem Resources

Indicators Indicators Indicators Indicators

• The situation • Reflects on • Formulation

is arousing knowledge of ideas
the use of about Bases, leading to the • Neatness
knowledge Mathematical development
from other operations, of the
situations and Counting/group procedure • organized
clearly ing. • Drawing a
defined. • Identifies the distribution
• Collects correct plan
correct Mathematical • Finished
information operations for acceptable
about the the task. distribution
community. • Selects the right plan
materials for
the task.
Total Mark = 10

Output 2: Number of households and number of members of each of the

C1 = correct Information collected
C2 = Correct presentation of Data
C3 = coherent flow of ideas
C4 = Good communication skills


C1 C2 C3 C4 (Excellent)

Output /3 /3 /3 /1

C1 - Correct C2-Correct use of C3 – Coherent C4 - Excellence

Interpretation Subject Matter Flow Ideas
of the Problem Resources

Indicators Indicators Indicators Indicators

• The situation • Reflects on • Formulatio • Logical

is arousing knowledge about n of ideas reasons for
the use of Bases, leading to the answer
knowledge Mathematical the
from other operations, developme • Recording
situations and Counting/groupin nt of the Members of
clearly g procedure the
defined • Identifies the • Drawing a household
• Collects correct distributio by sex
correct Mathematical n plan
information operations for the • Finished
about the task acceptable
number of • Selects the right distributio
households materials for the n plan
and members task
of each

Total Mark = 10


Topic 2:
By the end of this topic, the learner should be able to carry out calculations
with positive and negative integers by:

i) identifying reading and writing natural numbers as numerals and

words in million, billion and trillion (u, s).
ii) differentiating between natural numbers and whole numbers/integers
iii) identifying directed numbers (k).
iv) using directed numbers (limited to integers) in real-life situations (u,
v) using the hierarchy of operations to carry out the four mathematical
operations on integers (u).
vi) identifying even, odd, prime and composite numbers (k, u).
vii) finding the prime factorisation of any number (k, u, s).
viii) relating common factors with HCF and multiples with LCM (k, u, s, v).
ix) working out and use divisibility tests of some numbers. (k, u, s, v/a).

Sub-topic 2.1: Natural Numbers

Observe the learners as they go through this sub-topic. Look out for the
individual learner’s active participation, cooperation with members, and how
he/she communicates with members of the group. Try to find out what
mathematical skills the learners are using.

In groups, let the learners discuss what the natural numbers are. Record
individual learner’s and groups’ achievements

Let the learners do the exercise in this sub-topic in their exercise books.


Activity 2.1: Natural Numbers

Prepare the numbers, the board and the box prior to this activity. You may
use the learners to make the cards and write the numbers both in words and
in figure on the cards.

This activity should be done in groups.

Observe the learners as they go through this sub-topic. Look out for the
individual learner’s active participation, cooperation with members, and how
he/she communicates with members of the group. Try to find out what
mathematical skills the learners are using.

Activity 2.2: Writing and reading numbers

Provide two sets of cards: one set has cards with numbers in figures another
set has numbers in words. Observe the learners as they go through this sub-
topic. Look out for the individual learner’s active participation, cooperation
with members, and how he/she communicates with members of the group.
Try to find out what mathematical skills the learners are using.

Supervise the learners as they work out the exercise in pairs.

Answers to some numbers for the exercise

1. Three thousand eight hundred
2. Eight million, eight thousand eight
3. Six hundred six million, five hundred twenty thousand, sixty
4. Nine billion, nine hundred nine thousand, eight hundred
5. One trillion, six hundred twenty-nine billion, two hundred eighty-four
million, seven hundred twenty-nine thousand

Sub-topic 2.2: Differentiate between Natural

Numbers and Whole Numbers/Integers
Activity 2.3: Relating natural numbers and integers
Observe the learners as they go through this activity. Look out for the
individual learner’s active participation, cooperation with members, and how


he/she communicates with members of the group. Try to find out what
mathematical skills the learners are using.

Sub-topic 2.3: Use Directed Numbers (limited to

integers) in Real-life Situations
Let the learners identify real-life situations where these directed numbers can
be used.

Guide them in describing the directed numbers.

Activity 2.4: Integers in real-life situations

Observe the learners as they go through this activity in groups or pairs. Look
out for the individual learner’s active participation, cooperation with
members, and how he/she communicates with members of the group. Try to
find out what mathematical skills the learners are using.

Discuss the use of integers in real life situations with Individual learners.

In groups, the learners present their answers to questions 1 to 4 to the whole


You should wrap up/harmonise their answers.

Activity: 2.5 Real-life situations

Provide the learners with hot water and a thermometer.

Observe the learners as they go through this activity. Look out for the
individual learner’s active participation, cooperation with members, and how
he/she communicates with members of the group. Try to find out what
mathematical skills the learners are using.

In groups, the learners present their answers to questions 1 and 2 to the

whole class.

You should wrap up/harmonise their answers.



Sub-topic 2.4: Use the Hierarchy of Operations to

Carry Out the Four Mathematical Operations on
Activity 2.6: Operations on integers
Observe the learners as they workout the activity in pairs and guide them
with the exercise.
Let the learners be in groups and they work out the answers to the exercise.
Harmonize their answers. Let them exchange their books and mark each
other’s work.

Sub-topic 2.5: Identify Even, Odd, Prime and

Composite Numbers
Activity2.6. Identify even, odd, prime and composite numbers

Use the learners to make the number cards and let them write the numbers
on the cards. The numbers written are natural numbers.

Observe the learners as they go through this activity. Look out for the
individual learner’s active participation, cooperation with members, and how
he/she communicates with members of the group. Try to find out what
mathematical skills the learners are using.

In groups, the learners fill in the table provided in Learner’s Textbook.

Guide them in answering questions 1 and 2 in Learner’s Textbook

Sub-topic 2.6: Finding the Prime Factors of any

Let the learners be in groups as they work out the answers to the exercises.
Harmonize their answers. Let them exchange their books and mark each
other’s work.


Sub-topic 2.7: Relate Common Factors with HCF

and Multiples with LCM
Activity 2.7: Highest common factor

Let the learners be in groups as work out the answers Harmonize their
answers. Let them exchange their books and mark each other’s work.

Sub-topic 2.8: Work out and Use Divisibility Tests

of some Numbers
Activity 2.8: Identifying divisibility tests for some numbers
In groups, let the learners work out the answers to the activity .Harmonize
their answers. Let them discuss their findings.

In groups, let the learners work out the answers to the exercise. Harmonize
their answers. Let them exchange their books and mark each other’s work.

Sub-topic 2.9: Least Common Multiple (LCM)

Observe the learners as they go through this sub-topic. Look out for the
individual learner’s active participation, cooperation with members, and how
he/she communicates with members of the group. Try to find out what
mathematical skills the learners are using.

Guide the learners in carrying out the activities and answering questions in
Learner’s Book (p. 34).



Topic 3:
By the end of this topic, the learner should be able to understand and use
fractions, decimals and percentages by: describing different types of
fractions (k).

i) converting improper fractions to mixed numbers and vice versa (k, s).
ii) working out problems from real-life situations (u, s).
iii) adding, subtracting, dividing and multiplying decimals (u, s).
iv) converting fractions to decimals and vice versa (u, s).
v) identifying and classifying decimals as terminating, non-terminating
and recurring decimals (u).
vi) converting recurring decimals into fractions (u, s).
vii) converting fractions and decimals into percentages and vice versa (u,
viii) calculating a percentage of a given quantity (s).
ix) working out real-life problems involving percentages (u, s, v/a).

Observe the learners as they go through this topic. Look out for the individual
learner’s active participation, cooperation with members, and how he/she
communicates with members of the group. Try to find out what
mathematical skills the learners are using.

In groups, let the learners discuss what the natural numbers are.

Let the learners do the exercise in this sub-topic in their exercise books.


Sub-topic 3.1: Describe Different Types of

Activity 3.1

Let the learners create a park of different cards and label them with different
types of fractions, decimals and percentages.

Create different study play areas in class based on the numbers put on the

From the park of the cards, let the learners pick a card and place it in the
most appropriate play area.

Observe the learners as they go through this sub-topic. Look out for the
individual learner’s active participation, cooperation with members, and how
he/she communicates with members of the group. Try to find out what
mathematical skills the learners are using.

In groups, let the learners work out the answers to the exercise. Harmonize
their answers. Let them exchange their books and mark each other’s work.

Sub-topic 3.2: Convert Improper Fractions to

Mixed Numbers and Vice Versa

Mixed Numbers and improper Fractions

Observe the learners as they go through this sub-topic. Look out for the
individual learner’s active participation, cooperation with members, and how
he/she communicates with members of the group. Try to find out what
mathematical skills the learners are using.



In groups, let the learners work out the answers to the exercise. Harmonize
their answers. Let them exchange their books and mark each other’s work.

Sub-topic 3.3: Operations on Fractions and

Observe the learners as they go through this sub-topic. Look out for the
individual learner’s active participation, cooperation with members, and how
he/she communicates with members of the group. Try to find out what
mathematical skills the learners are using.

3.4: Work out problems from real-life situations

Use fractions in a practical way. Observe the learners as they go through this
sub-topic. Look out for the individual learner’s active participation,
cooperation with members, and how he/she communicates with members of
the group. Try to find out what mathematical skills the learners are using.

In groups, let the learners work out the answers to the exercise. Harmonize
their answers. Let them exchange their books and mark each other’s work.

Activity 3.3: Addition of fractions

1 3
In their groups, let the learners use a sheet of paper to work out + . Let
5 5
them fold the paper into five equal parts. Let them shade off one part of the
five equal parts.

They should shade the three parts of the five equal parts.

How many parts have been shaded?

Activity 3.4: Addition of fraction with the same denominators

Observe the learners as they go through the operations. Look out for the
individual learner’s active participation, cooperation with members, and how
he/she communicates with members of the group. Try to find out what
mathematical skills the learners are using.


Sub-topic 3.5: Convert Fractions to Decimals and

Vice Versa
Activity3.5: Fractions and decimals
In groups, let the learners copy and complete the table. Let them discuss how
they have obtained the answers. They should simplify the fractions if they

Observe the learners as they carry out the activity. Look out for the individual
learner’s active participation, cooperation with members, and how he/she
communicates with members of the group. Try to find out what
mathematical skills the learners are using.

Activity 3.6: In pairs, convert the following fractions into decimals

Observe the learners as they work out. Guide them through the answers.

Sub-topic 3.6: Non-terminating and Recurring

Activity 3.7: Fraction percentage game

In groups, let the learners work out the answers to the exercise. Harmonize
their answers. Let them exchange their books and mark each other’s work.

Sub-topic 3.7: Converts Recurring Decimals into

Observe the learners as they carry out the activity. Look out for the individual
learner’s active participation, cooperation with members, and how he/she
communicates with members of the group. Try to find out what
mathematical skills the learners are using.

Sub-topic 3.8: Convert Fractions and Decimals

into Percentages and Vice Versa
Activity 3.7: Fraction percentage game



Observe the learners as they play the game. Look out for the individual
learner’s active participation, cooperation with members, and how he/she
communicates with members of the group. Try to find out what
mathematical skills the learners are using.

Sub-topic 3.9: Calculates a Percentage of a Given

Activity 3.5
The table below shows students’ marks in two math tests. For each one,
calculate the percentage difference. Say if it is an increase or a decrease.

Student First test Second test

(a) Marion 50 45
(b) James 40 52
(c) Christina 20 35
(d) Sarah 60 50

Observe the learners as they carry out the above activity. Look out for the
individual learner’s active participation, cooperation with members, and how
he/she communicates with members of the group. Try to find out what
mathematical skills the learners are using. Let the learners discuss their

Sub-topic 3.10: Works out Real-life Problems

Involving Percentages
In groups, let the learners work out the answers to the exercise. Harmonize
their answers. Let them exchange their books and mark each other’s work.


Sub-topic 3.11: Identifying and Classifying

Decimals as Terminating, Non-terminating and
Recurring Decimals

3.11.1: Converting fractions and decimals into percentages and vice


Activity 3.6: Converting decimals as terminating, non-terminating and

recurring decimals

Guide the learners to work on their activities.

Situation of Integration
A primary school has two sections, that is, lower primary (P1-P4) and upper
primary (P5-P7). The head teacher needs to draw a timetable for both
sections. The two sections should start and end their morning lessons at the
same time before break, start and end their break time at the same time.
Then after break, lessons start at the same time. The lunch break for both
sections starts at the same time.

Support: The time for the two sections to start is 8.00am. The duration of the
lesson for the lower section is 30 minutes and that of the upper
section is 40 minutes.

Resources: Knowledge of natural numbers, factors, multiples, lowest

common multiples and of time.

Task: Help the Head teacher by drawing the timetable up to lunch break for
the two sections. How many lessons does each section have up to
lunch break?

Express the total number of lessons for the lower primary as a fraction of the
total number of lessons for the whole School. (Consider lessons up to lunch



This should be done in group discussions. You should guide the learners
during the discussions.

You can give a scenario apart from that one in the Learner’s Textbook.

Evaluation Criteria for the Task in learners’ Textbook on Page 57

Output 1: Time Table

C1 = correct Interpretation of the problem
C2 = correct use of subject matter resources
C3 = coherent flow of ideas

C1 C2 C3 C4 (Excellent)

Output /3 /3 /3 /1

C1 Correct C2 - Correct Use of C3 - Coherent C4- Excellence

Interpretation of Subject Matter Flow of Ideas
the Problem Resources

Indicators Indicators Indicators Indicators

• The situation • Reflects on • Formulation of • Learner

is arousing the knowledge about ideas leading identifying the
use of Time, Factors, to the condition that
knowledge Multiples, lowest development the teacher
from other common multiples. of the should not
situations and Mathematical procedure have two
clearly defined operations • Drawing a time lessons at the
• Collects Counting/grouping table same time
correct • Identifies the correct • Finished
information Mathematical acceptable • Organized
about time operations for the distribution
tabling task plan
• Selects the right
materials for the task

Total Mark = 10


Topic 4:
By the end of this topic, the learner should be able to plot and interpret
points in a range of contexts by:
i)identifying the y-axis and x-axis (k, s).
ii)drawing and labelling the Cartesian plane (k).
iii)reading and plotting points on the Cartesian plane (k, s).
iv) choosing and using appropriate scale for a given data set (k, u, s).
v) identifying places on a map using coordinates [apply coordinates in
real-life situations] (u s).
In this topic, you should make sure the learners have grid papers and
mathematical sets for better delivery.

Observe the learners as they go through this topic. Look out for the individual
learner’s active participation, cooperation with members, and how he/she
communicates with members of the group. Try to find out what
mathematical skills the learners are using.

In groups, let the learners discuss what the natural numbers are.

Let the learners do the exercise in this topic in their exercise books.

Activity 4.1: Plotting Points

Let the learners use the knowledge they acquired in their primary school
education to carry out the activity.

The learners should display their work graphs so that other class members
can give their comments.

In groups, let the learners work out the answers to the exercises. Harmonize
their answers. Let them exchange their books and mark each other’s
Allow the learners to comment on each other’s work.



Sub-topic 4.1: Plotting Polygons (shapes)

The learners need to practise drawing the various shapes of polygons. If the
learners can access hard cards, they can practise the making of these

Observe the learners as they go through drawing and making of the shapes.
Look out for the individual learner’s active participation, cooperation with
members, and how they communicate with members of the group. Try to
find out what mathematical skills the learners are using.

In groups, let the learners discuss what the natural numbers are.

Let the learners do the exercise in this sub-topic in their exercise books.

You can give an assignment to the learners to name more other polygons.

Activity 4.2: The line AB is one side of a square

This is a practical activity. The learners should use grid paper for better

In groups, let the learners work out the answers to the exercises. Harmonize
their answers. Let them exchange their books and mark each other’s
Allow the learners to comment on each other’s work. For number 2, the
learners should do it practically.

Activity 4.3

This is a practical activity, so the learners should have hands-on experience.

This exercise requires the learners to have the working materials such as grid
papers, mathematical sets, pencils etc. in order to do it practically.
In groups, let the learners work out the answers to the exercise. Harmonize
their answers. Let them exchange their books and mark each other’s
Allow the learners to comment on each other’s work.

Situation of Integration: A Senior One learner has reported in her class and
has settled at her desk.


Support: The classroom is arranged in rows and columns. It is a big class and
each learner has his/ her own desk.

Resources: Knowledge of horizontal and vertical lines i.e. rows and columns,
Knowledge: Counting numbers
Task: The mathematics teacher has asked her to explain in writing how she
can access her seat, starting from the entrance of the class. Discuss
whether there are other ways of reaching her seat.
This should be in a group discussion. You should guide the learners during
the discussions.

This scenario is practical, so each learner should have an opportunity to be

involved in the hands-on experience.

You can give a scenario apart from the one in the Learner’s Textbook.

Evaluation Criteria for the Task in Learners’ Book on Page 63

Output 1: A Sketch of the Classroom

C1 = correct Interpretation of the problem
C2 = correct use of subject matter resources
C3 = coherent flow of ideas
C1 C2 C3 C4 (Excellent)

Output /3 /3 /3 /1

C1 - Correct C2 - Correct use C3 - Coherent C4- Excellence

Interpretation of of Subject Flow Ideas
the Problem Matter

Indicators Indicators Indicators Indicators

• The situation is • Reflects on • Formulation of

arousing the knowledge ideas leading



use of about Rows, to the • Neatness

knowledge Columns development
from other • Identifies the of the
situations and starting procedure • Organized
clearly point. • Drawing a
defined. • Selects the sitting
• Collects right arrangement
correct materials for plan
information the task. • Finished sitting
about the plan

Total Mark = 10

Output 2: Written Explanation of the Classroom Sitting Plan

C1 = correct Information collected
C2 = correct presentation of Data
C3 = coherent flow of ideas
C4 = good communication skills

C1 C2 C3 C4 (Excellent)

Output /3 /3 /3 /1

C1- Correct C2 - Correct Use C3-Coherent C4-

Interpretation of of Subject Flow Ideas Excellence
the Problem Matter

Indicators Indicators Indicators Indicators

• The situation is • Reflects on • Formulation • Logical

arousing the knowledge of ideas reasons for
use of about leading to the answer


knowledge Counting the • Stating that

from other Numbers, developmen start with
situations and Coordinates, t of the rows and
clearly defined Counting/grou procedure then
• Collects ping • Using the columns
correct • Identifies the Starting from the
information correct point starting
about the Mathematical • Finished point when
number of operations for acceptable locating a
Rows, Columns the task. Explanation position/
and Starting • Selects the point
point. right materials
for the task.

Total Mark = 10



Topic 5:
By the end of this topic, the learners should be able to use the angle
properties of lines and shapes to solve problems by:
i) drawing perpendicular and parallel lines.
ii) constructing perpendiculars, angle bisectors, mediators and parallel
iii) using compass and a ruler to construct special angles (600, 450).
iv) describing a locus.
v) relating parallel lines, perpendicular bisector, angle bisector, straight
line and a circle as loci.
vi) drawing parallel lines and polygons.
vii) measuring lines and angles.
viii) constructing geometrical figures such as triangle, square, rectangle,
rhombus, parallelogram.

Sub-topic 5.1: Draw perpendicular and parallel

In this topic, you should make sure the learners have grid papers and
mathematical sets for better delivery.

Activity 5.1: Drawing perpendicular and parallel lines

Observe the learners as they carry out the activity. Look out for the individual
learner’s active participation, cooperation with members, and how he/she
communicates with members of the group. Try to find out what
mathematical skills the learners are using.

Observe the learners as they go through this topic. Look out for the individual
learner’s active participation, cooperation with members, and how he/she
communicates with members of the group. Try to find out what
mathematical skills the learners are using.


Activity 5.2: Identifying lines

Sub-topic 5.2: Construction of Perpendicular lines
Activity 5.3: Construction of perpendicular line from an external point to
a given line
Let the learners work in pairs and let them compare their answers ‘Observe
the learners as they go through this topic. Look out for the individual
learner’s active participation, cooperation with members, and how he/she
communicates with members of the group. Try to find out what
mathematical skills the learners are using.

Activity 5.4: Construction of a perpendicular line to a given point on a

given line segment
Let the learners work in pairs and let them compare their answers.
Observe the learners as they go through this topic. Look out for the individual
learner’s active participation, cooperation with members, and how he/she
communicates with members of the group. Try to find out what
mathematical skills the learners are using.

Activity 5.5: Construction of a Perpendicular Bisector

Let the learners work in pairs and let them compare their answers.
Observe the learners as they go through this topic. Look out for the individual
learner’s active participation, cooperation with members, and how he/she
communicates with members of the group. Try to find out what
mathematical skills the learners are using.

Activity 5.6: Construction of parallel lines

Let the learners work in pairs and let them compare their answers. Observe
the learners as they go through this topic. Look out for the individual
learner’s active participation, cooperation with members, and how he/she
communicates with members of the group. Try to find out what
mathematical skills the learners are using.

Sub –topic 5.2: Using a Ruler, Pencil and Pair of

Compasses, Construct Special Angles
Activity5.7: Construction of special angles



Observe the learners as they construct special angles.

Look out for the individual learner’s active participation, cooperation with
members, and how he/she communicates with members of the group. Try to
find out what mathematical skills the learners are using.

Sub-topic 5.3: Describing Locus Question

Activity 5.8: Discovering what Locus is
Observe the learners as they discover locus
Look out for the individual learner’s active participation, cooperation with
members, and how he/she communicates with members of the group. Try to
find out what mathematical skills the learners are using.

Activity5.8: Sketching and Describing Loci

Guide the learner go through the activity.
Look out for the individual learner’s active participation, cooperation with
members, and how he/she communicates with members of the group. Try to
find out what mathematical skills the learners are using.

Activity5.9: Demonstration of some simple Loci

Look out for the individual learner’s active participation, cooperation with
members, and how he/she communicates with members of the group. Try to
find out what mathematical skills the learners are using.

Sub-topic 5.4: Construction of Geometric Figure

Activity5.10: Construction of Geometrical figures
Let the learners work in pairs and let them compare their answers ‘Observe
the learners as they go through this topic. Look out for the individual
learner’s active participation, cooperation with members, and how he/she
communicates with members of the group. Try to find out what
mathematical skills the learners are using.

Situation of Integration

In a village, there is an old man who wants to construct a rectangular small

house of mud and wattle.


Task: The community asks you to accurately construct the foundation plan
for this old man’s house.

Explain to the class how you have accurately constructed the foundation
plan. Discuss whether there are other ways of constructing an accurate
foundation plan.

The learners need to have materials and resources such as strings, sticks,
machete, tape measure, knowledge of horizontal and vertical lines, and
knowledge of construction of geometric figures.

In this topic, group the learners and let them have discussions. You should
guide them during their discussion.

This scenario is practical, so each learner should have an opportunity to be

involved in the hands-on experience.

You can give a scenario apart from that one in the Learner’s Textbook.

Evaluation Criteria for the task in Learners’ Textbook on Page 70

Output 1: Foundation plan

C1 = correct Interpretation of the problem
C2 = Correct use of subject matter resources
C3 = coherent flow of ideas
C1 C2 C3 C4 (Excellent)

Output /3 /3 /3 /1



C1- Correct C2 - Correct Use C3-Coherent C4-Excellence

Interpretation of of Subject Matter Flow Ideas
the Problem Resources

Indicators Indicators Indicators Indicators

• The situation is • Reflects on • Formulation of • Neatness

arousing the knowledge ideas leading
use of about Figures, to the • Accuracy
knowledge Angles, development
from other properties of of the
situations and Geometric procedure
clearly defined. Figures, Parallel • Drawing a
• Collects lines. foundation
correct • Identifies the plan
information correct • Finished
about the Mathematical acceptable
foundation. operations for Foundation
the task. plan
• Selects the right
materials for
the task.

Total Mark = 10

Output 2: An Explanation of how to construct a foundation plan

C1 = correct Information collected
C2 = correct presentation of data
C3 = coherent flow of ideas
C4 = good communication skills
C1 C2 C3 C4 (Excellent)

Output /3 /3 /3 /1


C1- Correct C2 - Correct Use C3 - Coherent C4 - Excellence

Interpretation of Subject Flow Ideas
of the Problem Matter

Indicators Indicators Indicators Indicators

• The • Reflects on • Formulation

situation is knowledge of ideas
arousing the about 3Ds leading to • Logical
use of Figures, the procedural
knowledge Constructions development explanation
from other of 3Ds of the
situations • Identifies the procedure
and clearly correct • Drawing a • Stating
defined Mathematical Sketches of Instruments/
• Collects operations regular Materials
correct for the task. Rectangles used
information • Selects the • Written
about the right accurate and
Construction materials for acceptable
of 3Ds the task. explanation
figures. of the plan

Total Mark = 10



Topic 6:
By the end of this topic, the learners should be able to explore number
patterns and sequences by:
i) drawing and identify the patterns.
ii) describing a general rule of a given pattern.
iii) describing a sequence.
iv) determining a term in a sequence.
v) finding the missing numbers in a given sequence.

In this topic, you should make sure the learners discuss and explain how they
have formed and determined the patterns, and the sequences.

Sub-topic 6.1: Draw and identify the patterns

Activity 6.1: Identifying number patterns

Observe the learners as they go through this topic. Look out for the individual
learner’s active participation, cooperation with members, and how he/she
communicates with members of the group. Try to find out what
mathematical skills the learners are using.

In groups, let the learners discuss what the patterns and sequences are.

Let the learners do the exercise in this topic in their exercise books.

Multiples were well covered in primary school level, so allow them to revise
what they studied in primary. Let them be in groups and share their
experiences with their neighbours.

In groups, let the learners work out the answers to the exercise. Harmonize
their answers. Let them exchange their books and mark each other’s work.

The multiples of 3 from the table are: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36,
39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60, 63, 66, 69, 72, 75, 78, 81, 84, 87, 90, 93, 96, 99.
The number is 4


In groups, let the learners work out the answers to the exercise. Harmonize
their answers. Let them exchange their books and mark each other’s work.

Note: The learners require some materials such as grid paper, colour pencils

Sub-topic 6.2: Describing the general rule

Activity 6.2: Finding the Next Term

The learners need to practise finding the missing and next terms in a

Observe the learners as they go through finding and determining the missing

Look out for the individual learner’s active participation, cooperation with
members, and how he/she communicates with members of the group. Try to
find out what mathematical skills the learners are using.

In groups, let the learners discuss what the missing and next terms are.

Let the learners do the exercise in this sub-topic in their exercise books.

You can give assignments to the learners.

In groups, let the learners work out the answers to the exercise. Harmonize
their answers. Let them exchange their books and mark each other’s work.

a) 78, 90, 102. b) 7.1, 7.7, 8.3. c) 26, 38. d) 19, 43. E) 4.12, 4.26, 4.40.
f) 7, 6.5, 6.



Sub-topic 6.2: Generating Number Sequence

Activity 6.3: Generating a sequence

The learners need to practise generating number sequence. Observe the

learners as they go through generating sequences using number machines or
formulae. Look out for the individual learner’s active participation,
cooperation with members, and how he/she communicates with members of
the group. Try to find out what mathematical skills the learners are using.

In groups, let the learners discuss how they are generating terms.

In groups, let the learners work out the answers to the exercise. Harmonize
their answers. Let them exchange their books and mark each other’s work.

Let the learners relate what they have done in this exercise with generating
number sequence.

Sub-topic 6.3: Formulae for General Terms

Note: It is very helpful not only to be able to write down the next few terms
in a sequence, but also to be able to write down, for example, the
100th or even the 1000th.

Guide the learners in their groups to work out the exercises to harmonise
their answers.

Example: For the sequence 3, 7, 11, 15, …, …


a) the next three terms.

b) the 100th term.
c) the 1000th term.


a) You can see that 4 is added each time to get the next term.
So you obtain 19, 23, 27.
b) To find the 100th term, starting at 3, you add 3 to4 times ninety-nine
times giving 3 + 4 x 99 = 3 + 396 = 399


c) Similarly, the 1000th term is

3 + 4 x 999 = 3 + 3996 = 3999

I can go one step further and write down the formula for a general term i.e.
the nth term.

This is 3 + 4 x (n – 1) = 3 + 4n - 4

= 4n – 1.

Let the learners use the knowledge they acquired in primary school level to
carry out the activity.

Learners should display their work graphs so that other class members can
give their comments.

In groups, let the learners work out the answers to the exercise. Harmonize
their answers Let them exchange their books and mark each other’s work.

Situation of Integration

There is a family in the neighbourhood of your school. The family has a

rectangular compound on which they want to put up a hedge around. The
hedge shall be made up of plant seedlings of different colours.

Support: Physical instruments like hoes, machetes, tape measure

Resources: Knowledge of construction of figures like rectangles, patterns,


Task: The family requests you to plant the hedge around their rectangular
compound so that it looks beautiful.

Explain how you will plant the hedge, making sure that the plants at the
corners of the compound are the same in terms of colour.

Discuss whether there are other ways of planting the hedge.



The learners need to have materials and resources such as strings, sticks,
machete, tape measure, and knowledge of horizontal and vertical lines,
seedlings of different colours.

In this topic, group the learners and let them discuss. You should guide the
learners during the discussion.

This scenario is practical, so each learner should have an opportunity to be

involved in the hands-on experience.

You can give a scenario apart from the one in the Learner’s Textbook.

Evaluation Criteria for the Task in Learner’s Textbook on Page 85

Output 1: Plan for Planting a Hedge around the Compound

C1 = correct Interpretation of the problem
C2 = correct use of subject matter resources
C3 = coherent flow of ideas
C1 C2 C3 C4 (Excellent)

Output /3 /3 /3 /1


C1 - Correct C2 - Correct Use C3- Coherent C4 - Excellence

Interpretation of of Subject Flow Ideas
the Problem Matter

Indicators Indicators Indicators Indicators

• The situation is • Reflects on • Formulation

arousing the knowledge of ideas
use of about leading to the • Neatness
knowledge Measurements development
from other , Colours of of the • organized
situations and the plants and procedure
clearly defined Mathematical • Drawing a
• Collects operations, distribution
correct sequencing. plan for
information • Identifies the different
(measurement correct colours of
s) about the Mathematical plants
compound. operations for • Finished
the task. acceptable
• Selects the Sequencing
right materials plan
for the task.

Total Mark = 10

Output 2: Written Explanation how the Seedlings will be planted

C1 = correct Information collected
C2 = correct presentation of Data
C3 = coherent flow of ideas
C4 = good communication skills
C1 C2 C3 C4 (Excellent)

Output /3 /3 /3 /1



C1 - Correct C2 - Correct Use of C3 - Coherent C4 -

Interpretation Subject Matter Flow Ideas Excellence
of the Problem Resources

Indicators Indicators Indicators Indicators

• The situation • Reflects on • Formulation

is arousing knowledge of ideas
the use of about leading to • Logical
knowledge Sequences, the reasons
from other Measurements, developmen for the
situations Mathematical t of the answer
and clearly operations, procedure
defined Counting/groupi • Drawing a
• Collects ng. distribution • Recordin
correct • Identifies the plan g
information correct • Finished and Numbers
about the Mathematical acceptable of used
Dimensions operations for plan for seedlings
of the the task and planting the accordin
compound colours. seedlings g to their
and • Selects the right according to colour
materials to materials for the their colour
be used task.

Total Mark = 10


Topic 7:
By the end of this topic, the learners should be able to understand and use
compass points, bearings and scale drawings by:
i) reviewing the compass.
ii) describing the direction of a place from a given point using cardinal
iii) describing the bearing of a place from a given point.
iv) drawing suitable sketches from the given information.
v) choosing and use appropriate scale to draw an accurate diagram.
vii) differentiating
vi) drawing between a sketch and a scale.
viii) applying bearings in real-life situations.

In this topic, you should make sure the learners discuss and explain the
difference between direction and bearings.

Observe the learners as they go through this topic. Look out for the individual
learner’s active participation, cooperation with members, and how he/she
communicates with members of the group. Try to find out what
mathematical skills the learners are using.

In groups, let the learners discuss what bearing, sketch and scale drawing

Activity 7.1: Identifying the angles in relation to the compass direction

Make the following turnings and in each case state the size of the angle you
have turned through.

i) Turn from N to S clockwise or anticlockwise

ii) Turn from NE to SE clockwise
iii) Turning clockwise from NE to E



Let the learners use the knowledge they acquired in their primary school
level to carry out the activity.

Let every learner participate in this activity.

i) 1800 ii) 900 iii) 450


1. What angle do you turn through if you turn clockwise from:

(a) N to E? (b) W to NW? (c) SE to NW? (d) NE to N? (e) W to NE?

(f) S to SW? (g) S to SE? (h) SE to SW? (i) E to SW?

2. In what direction will you be facing if you turn:

(a) 180o clockwise from NE?

(b) 180o anticlockwise from SE?

(c) 90o clockwise from SW?

(d) 45o clockwise from N?

(e) 225o clockwise from SW?

(f) 135o anticlockwise from N?

(g) 315o clockwise from SW?

3. The sails of a windmill complete one full turn every 40 seconds.

(a) How long does it take the sails to turn through:

(I) 180o (ii) 90o (iii) 45o?

(b) What angle do the sails turn through in:

(i) 30 seconds? (ii) 15 seconds? (iii) 25 seconds?


In groups, let the learners work out the answers to the exercise. Harmonize
their answers. The learners should discuss how they obtained the answers.
Let them exchange their books and mark each other’s work.

Sub-topic 7.2: Bearings

The bearing of a point is the number of degrees in the angle measured in a
clockwise direction from North line to the line joining the centre of the
compass with the point. A bearing is used to present the direction of one-
point relative to another point.

In groups, let the learners work out the answers to the exercise. Harmonize
their answers. Let them exchange their books and mark each other’s work.

Activity7.2: Estimating bearings of some places within the school


From your school flag post, estimate the bearings of each building found in
the school.
Note: Three figures are used to give bearings. All bearings are measured in a
horizontal plane.
1. Find the bearing of each of the following directions:

(a) S (b) NE (c) N (d) NW

2. Find the bearing of each of the following directions:

(a) N600E (b) N350E (c) N900W (d) S400E

3. Draw a scale diagram to show the position of a ship which is 270 km away
from a port on a bearing of 110o.




1. a) 1800 b) 0450 c. 0000 d. 3150

2. a) 0600 b) 0350 c) 2700 d) 1400

Situation of Integration

Ajok is in Kampala City and has been told to use a car to move to Lira town.
She has never gone to Lira. She has been given the map of Uganda showing
routes through which she can access Lira town.

Support: Mathematical instruments, pencil, paper, pens, tracing paper and

map of Uganda

Resources: Knowledge of construction of figures like triangles, lengths of

sides of triangles, operations on numbers.

Task: Ajok wants to use a short distance from Kampala to Lira.

Explain how Ajok can determine the shortest distance. Using the Map given to
her, is it possible for Ajok to use the shortest distance she has determined?
Explain your answer.

The learners need to have materials and resources such as strings, sticks,
machete, tape measure, and knowledge of horizontal and vertical lines,
seedlings of different colours.

In this topic, group the learners and let them discuss. You should guide the
learners during the discussion.

This scenario is practical, so each learner should have an opportunity to be

involved in the hands-on experience.

You can give a scenario apart from the one in Learner’s Textbook.


Evaluation Criteria for the Task in Learner’s Textbook on Page 90

Output 1: A Sketch Showing Routes

C1 = correct Interpretation of the problem
C2 = correct use of subject matter resources
C3 = coherent flow of ideas
C1 C2 C3 C4 (Excellent)

Output /3 /3 /3 /1

C1 - Correct C2 - Correct C3 - C4 -
Interpretation of the Use of Subject Coherence Excellence
Problem Matter Flow Ideas

Indicators Indicators Indicators Indicators

• The situation is • Reflects on • Formulatio

arousing the use of knowledge n of ideas
knowledge from about leading to • Neatness
other situations Directions, the
and clearly Mathematica developme • Organized
defined. l operations. nt of the
• Collects correct • Identifies the procedure
information about correct • Drawing a
the directions and Mathematica Sketch
distances from a l operations • Finished
given point for the task. acceptable
(Kampala). • Selects the Sketch
materials for
the task.

Total Mark = 10



Output 2: A Written Procedure for Coming up with the Sketch

C1 = correct Information collected
C2 = correct presentation of Data
C3 = coherent flow of ideas
C4 = good communication skills
C1 C2 C3 C4 (Excellent)

Output /3 /3 /3 /1

C1 - Correct C2 - Correct Use of C3 - Coherence C4 -

Interpretation Subject Matter Flow of Ideas Excellence
of the Problem Resources

Indicators Indicators Indicators Indicators

• The situation • Reflects on • Formulation • Logical

is arousing knowledge of ideas reasons for
the use of about leading to the the answer
knowledge Measurements, development
from other Bearings of the
situations and Mathematical procedure • Giving
clearly operations, • Writing a reasons why
defined Angles. logical some routes
• Collects • Identifies the Explanation may not be
correct correct procedure used
information Mathematical • Finished
about the operations for acceptable
routes. the task. and can be
• Selects the right followed
materials for the procedure

Total Mark = 10


Topic 8:
By the end of this topic, learners should be able to use the angle properties of
lines and shapes to solve problems by:
i) identifying different angles.
ii) solving problems involving angles on a straight line, angles on
transversal and parallel lines.
iii) stating and using angle properties of polygons in solving problems.

In this topic, you should make sure the learners discuss and explain the angle
properties and use them to solve problems.

8.1: Identify Different Angles

Activity 8.1: Identifying objects that form angles

Learners should be encouraged to own their own mathematical set and all
activities in this topic should be practical.

Observe the learners as they go through this topic. Look out for the individual
learner’s active participation, cooperation with members, and how he/she
communicates with members of the group. Try to find out what
mathematical skills the learners are using.

Sub- topic 8.2: Angles on a Line and Angles at a

Activity 8.1: Identifying angles
In groups, let the learners discuss the properties of angles.

Activity 8.2: Identifying the polygons

Guide the learners as they identify different polygons. Let them work in pairs.



Topic 9:
By the end of this topic, the learners should be able to collect and present
different sorts of data by:

i) understanding the differences between types of data.

ii) collecting and representing simple data from local environment using
bar chart, pie chart and line graph.

Sub-topic 9.1: Types of Data

Qualitative data is data that is not given numerically e.g. favourite colour,
place of birth, favourite food and type of car.

Quantitative data is numerical. There are two types of quantitative data:

discrete and continuous data. Discrete data can only take specific numeric
values e. g. shoe size, number of brothers, number of cars in a car park.
Continuous data can take any numerical value e.g. height, mass, length.

Activity 9.1 Identifying types of data

Let the learners work in pairs .Observe them as they work. Observe the
learners as they go through this activity. Look out for the individual learner’s
active participation, cooperation with members, and how he/she
communicates with members of the group. Try to find out what
mathematical skills the learners are using.

Which of the following terms best describe each of the information listed (i)
to (vii)?

• Qualitative data
• Continuous quantitative data
• Discrete quantitative data
(i) Age
(ii) Birth place
(iii) Height
(iv) World ranking


(v) Aces
(vi) First serve the school
(vii) School life


i) Discrete quantitative, because it is given as a whole number

ii) Qualitative
iii) Continuous qualitative. It can take any value, although it is given here to
the nearest cm
iv) Discrete quantitative – it can only take positive whole numbers
v) Discrete quantitative
vi) Continuous quantitative – although it should be noted that it is given
here as a whole number
(vii) Qualitative

In groups, let the learners work out the answers to the exercise.

The groups should defend their answers. Harmonize their answers. Let them
exchange their books and mark each other’s work.

Sub-topic 9.2: Collecting Data

In this section, explain to the learners how data is collected, organized and
interpreted, using a tally chart and then displayed using:

i) Pictograms
ii) Bar charts
iii) Pie charts

Activity 9.1: Collecting data

Let the learners work in groups. Observe them as they work. Observe the
learners as they go through this activity. Look out for the individual learner’s
active participation, cooperation with members, and how he/she
communicates with members of the group. Try to find out what
mathematical skills the learners are using.

Note: A hypothesis is an idea that you want to investigate to see if it is true or

false. For example, you might think that most people in your school get there



by bus. You could investigate this using a survey. A tally chart can be used to
record your data.

In groups, let the learners work out the answers to the exercise.

The groups should defend their answers. Harmonize their answers. Let them
exchange their books and mark each other’s work.

Situation of Integration

The Games Master at your school wants to buy football boots for the three
teams in the school. The three teams are the under 18 years, under 16 years
and the under 1.

Support: Pens, paper, tape measure, team members

Resources: Knowledge of tabulation, of tallying, of approximation, of central

measures and of collection of suitable data. The Games Master does not
know the foot size for each of the players.

Task: The total number of players for the three teams is 54. The Games
Master wants to know the size of the boots for each player and the
number of pairs for each size.

Explain how the Games Master will get the required data and how to
determine the total cost for buying the football boots for the 54 players.

Is there another way of getting the required data other than what you have
explained above?


Evaluation Criteria for the Task in Learner’s Textbook on Page 104

Output 1: Data Collected

C1 = correct Interpretation of the problem
C2 = correct use of subject matter resources
C3 = coherent flow of ideas
C1 C2 C3 C4 (Excellent)

Output /3 /3 /3 /1

C1 - Correct C2-Correct Use of C3 - Coherent C4 -

Interpretation of Subject Matter Flow Ideas Excellence
the Problem Resources

Indicators Indicators Indicators Indicators

• The situation is • Reflects on • Formulation

arousing the knowledge about of ideas
use of Data collection, leading to the
knowledge Mathematical development
from other operations, of the
situations and Counting/grouping. procedure
clearly defined • Identifies the correct • Drawing a
• Collects Mathematical Table
appropriate operations for the • Finished
raw Data task. Tabulation
• Selects the right
s for the task.
Total Mark = 8

Output 2: Processed Data (information)

C1 = correct Information collected
C2 = correct presentation of data
C3 = coherent flow of ideas
C4 = good communication skills



C1 C2 C3 C4 (Excellent)

Output /3 /3 /3 /1

C1 - Correct C2 - Correct use of C3 - Coherent C4 - Excellence

Interpretatio Subject Matter Flow Ideas
n of the Resources

Indicators Indicators Indicators Indicators

• The • Reflects on • Formulation of

situation is knowledge about ideas leading
arousing Tabulation, to the • Recommen
the use of Mathematical development dation on
knowledge operations, of the quantities
from other Counting/groupi procedure and sizes of
situations ng. • Tabulating the the Boots to
and clearly • Identifies the data be bought
defined correct • Selecting the
• Collects Mathematical appropriate
correct operations for display of data • Writing up
informatio the task. the
n about the • Selects the right procedure
number of materials for the of how to
households task. collect the
and Data
of each

Total Mark = 10


Topic 10:
By the end of this topic, the learners should be able to reflect shapes in a
range of contexts and identify lines of symmetry by:

i) identifying lines and planes of symmetry for different figures.

ii) stating and using properties of reflection as a transformation.
iii) making geometrical deductions using reflection (distinguish between
direct and opposite congruence).
iv) applying reflection in the Cartesian plane.

In this topic, you should make sure the learners discuss and do reflection

Learners should have the following materials for the practicals for example
mirror, grid papers etc.

Observe the learners as they go through this topic. Look out for the individual
learner’s active participation, cooperation with members, and how he/she
communicates with members of the group. Try to find out what
mathematical skills the learners are using.

Sub-topic 10.1: Identify Lines of Symmetry for

Different Figures
Activity 10.1: Identifying lines of symmetry

Let the pairs display their work.

The learners should move around viewing their colleagues’ and give
Harmonise their comments and let the pairs exchange their work and mark.
In groups, let the learners work out the answers to the exercise.

The groups should defend their answers.

Harmonize their answers.



Let them exchange their books and mark each other’s work.

Sub-topic 10.2: Reflection in the Cartesian Plane

Activity 10.2: Reflecting in a Cartesian plane
Let the learners be in pairs. Guide them in forming the pairs.
Move around as the learners do the activity and correct them where they are
Let them display their work for the whole class discussion.
Harmonise their work.
Let the pairs exchange their work for marking.
In groups, let the learners work out the answers to the exercise.

The groups should defend their answers.

Harmonize their answers.
Let them exchange their books and mark each other’s work.


Topic 11:
By the end of this topic, the learners should be able to understand and use
linear equations and their graphs by:
i) forming linear equations with given points (k, s).
ii) drawing the graph of a line given its equation (u, s).
iii) differentiating between a line and a curve (u, s).

In this topic, you should make sure the learners discuss and explain the
difference between lines and curves.

The learners need to understand that when equations are being solved, it’s
like balancing a weighing machine when measuring masses.

Observe the learners as they go through this topic. Look out for the individual
learner’s active participation, cooperation with members, and how he/she
communicates with members of the group. Try to find out what
mathematical skills the learners are using.

In groups, let the learners discuss what a line and a curve are.

Fundamental Algebraic Skills

In this section, you should let the learners review some fundamental
algebraic skills they studied in their primary school level by examining codes
and how to use formulae.


If a = 4, b = 7 and c = 3, calculate:

(a) 6 + b (b) 2a + b (c) ab (d) a (b – c) (d) a (b – c)


(a) 6 + b = 6 + 7 = 13



(b) 2a + b = 2x4 + 7 = 8 + 7 = 15

(c) ab = 4x7 = 28

(d) a(b – c) = 4 x (7 – 3) = 4 x 4 = 16


Simplify where possible:

(a) 2x + 4x (b) 5p + 7q – 3p + 2q

(c) y + 8y – 5y (d) 3t + 4s


(a) 2x + 4x = 6x

(b) 5p + 7q – 3p + 2q = 5p -3p + 7q+2q = 2p – 9q

(c) y + 8y – 5y = 9y – 5y = 4y

(d) 3t + 4s = 3t + 4s.

Solution to the exercises in Learner’s Book (p.108)

In groups, let the learners work out the answers to the exercise.

The groups should defend their answers. Harmonize their answers. Let them
exchange their books and mark each other’s work.

Later on collect their exercise books to confirm whether the books have been
marked correctly.


Sub-topic 11.1 Function Machines

In this section, you will look at how to find the input and output of function


Activity 11.1: Function machine activity

Explain to the learners how function works.

The learners need to practise generating number sequences.

Observe the learners as they go through generating sequences using number

machines or formulae. Look out for the individual learner’s active
participation, cooperation with members, and how he/she communicates
with members of the group. Try to find out what mathematical skills the
learners are using.

In groups, let the learners discuss how they are generating terms.


Calculate the output of each of these function machines:

(a) 4 →x5 →?

(b) 5 →x2 →-1 →?

(c) -3 →+8→x7→?


(a) The input is simply multiplied by 5 to give 20:

4 → x5 → 20

(b) The input is multiplied by 2 to give 10, and then 1 is subtracted from this
to give 9:

5→ x2 →-1 →→9



(c) First, 8 is added to the input to give 5, and this is then multiplied by 7 to
give 35:

-3 →+8 →x7 → 3

In groups, let the learners work out the answers to the exercise.

The groups should present and defend their answers. Harmonize their
answers. Let them exchange their books and mark each other’s work.

Later on collect their exercise books to confirm whether the books have been
marked correctly.

Sub-topic 11.2: Linear Equations

An equation is a statement, such as 3x + 2 = 17, which contains an unknown
number. In this case, it is x. The aim of this section is to show how to find the
unknown number, x.

All equations contain an “equals” sign.

To solve the equation, you need to reorganize it so that the unknown value is
by itself on one side of the equation. This is done by performing operations
on the equation. When you do this, in order to keep the equality of the sides,
you must remember that “Whatever you do to one side of an equation, you
must also do the same to the other side”.

Observe the learners as they go through generating sequences using number

machines or formulae. Look out for the individual learner’s active
participation, cooperation with members, and how he/she communicates
with members of the group. Try to find out what mathematical skills the
learners are using.

In groups, let the learners discuss how they are generating terms.


Solve these equations:
a) (a) x + 2 = 8 (b) x- 4 = 3 (c ) 3x = 12
b) (d) 2x + 5 = 11 (e) 3 – 2x = 7

(a) To solve this equation, subtract 2 from each side of the equation:

X + 2 -2 = 8 – 2


(b) To solve this equation, add 4 to both sides of the equation:




(c) To solve this equation, divide both sides of the equation by3:

3x = 12

3x ÷ 3 = 12 ÷ 3


(d) This equation must be solved in 2 stages.

First, subtract 5 from both sides:

2x + 5 = 11

2x + 5 -5 = 11 – 5

2x = 6

Then, divide both sides of the equation by 2:

2x ÷ 2 = 6 ÷ 2



X = 3.

(e) First, subtract 3 from both sides:

3 – 2x = 7

3 – 3 – 2x = 7 – 3

-2x = 4

Then divide both sides by (-2);

-2x ÷ -2 = 4 ÷ -2

X = -2.

In groups, let the learners work out the answers to the exercise.

The groups should present and defend their answers. Harmonize their
answers. Let them exchange their books and mark each other’s work.

Later on collect their exercise books to confirm whether the books have been
marked correctly.


Topic 12:
By the end of this topic, the learner should be able to understand and use
time by:

i) identifying and using units of time (k, u, s).

ii) using and interpreting different representations of time (u, s).
iii) applying the understanding of time in a range of relevant real-life
contexts (u, s).

In this topic, you should make sure the learners discuss and explain the
difference between time and timetables and how time is measured.

Observe the learners as they go through this topic. Look out for the individual
learner’s active participation, cooperation with members, and how he/she
communicates with members of the group. Try to find out what
mathematical skills the learners are using.

In groups, let the learners discuss what a line and a curve are.

Subtopic 12.1: Telling the Time

In this section we look at different ways of writing times; for example, 7:45 is
the same time as quarter to eight.

On a clock face, this can be represented as shown below.

Also remember that



One hour = 60 minutes

So that
Half an hour = 30 minutes
Quarter of an hour = 15 minutes
Three quarters of an hour = 45 minutes

Observe the learners as they go through this subtopic. Look out for the
individual learner’s active participation, cooperation with members, and how
he/she communicates with members of the group. Try to find out what
mathematical skills the learners are using.

In groups, let the learners discuss how they are generating terms.

Write each time using digits and show the position of the hands on a clock
(a) twenty-five past eight.
(b) quarter to ten.

(a) Twenty-five past eight using digits is 8:25

(b) Quarter to ten can be thought of as:

15 minutes to 10 o’clock


45 minutes past 9 o’clock
So, using digits, quarter to ten is 9:45

Solution to the Exercises in Learner’s Textbook (p. 118)

In groups, let the learners work out the answers to the exercise.

The groups should present and defend their answers. Harmonize their
answers. Let them exchange their books and mark each other’s work.

Later on collect their exercise books to confirm whether the books have been
marked correctly.

Sub-topic 12.2: 12-hour and 24-hour Clocks

The 24-hour clock system can be used to tell if time is in the morning or
afternoon. Alternatively, time can be given as am or pm.

Write these times in 24-hour clock:
(a) 3:06 am (b) 8:14 pm
(a) As this is am the time remains the same except you add a zero in front of
3, so the time becomes 0306 in a 24-hour clock.
(b) As this is pm, you add 12 to the hours to give you 2014 in a 24-hour clock.

Activity 14.1: converting from 12 hour to 24 hour and vice versa

Observe the learners as they go through this sub-topic. Look out for the
individual learner’s active participation, cooperation with members, and how
he/she communicates with members of the group. Try to find out what
mathematical skills the learners are using.



In groups, let the learners work out the answers to the exercise.

The groups should present and defend their answers. Harmonize their
answers. Let them exchange their books and mark each other’s work.

Later on collect their exercise books to confirm whether the books have been
marked correctly.

Sub-topic 12.3: Units of time

Observe the learners as they go through this subtopic. Look out for the
individual learner’s active participation, cooperation with members, and how
he/she communicates with members of the group. Try to find out what
mathematical skills the learners are using.

Activity 14.2
Let the learners work in pairs as you observe them

Observe the learners as they go through this sub-topic. Look out for the
individual learner’s active participation, cooperation with members, and how
he/she communicates with members of the group. Try to find out what
mathematical skills the learners are using.

In this section we explore the different units of time.

1 minute = 60 seconds
1 hour = 60 minutes
1 day = 24 hours
1 week = 7 days
1 year = 365 0r 366 days

1. How many hours are there in May?

Number of hours in May = 31 x 24 = 744 hours
25 February is a Friday. What will be the date on the next Friday?
(a) If it is not a leap year?
(b) If it is a leap year?


(a) You could write out the 7 days like this:
Friday 25
Saturday 26
Sunday 27
Monday 28
Tuesday 1
Wednesday 2
Thursday 3
Friday 4
25 + 7 = 32
32 – 28 = 4
So the next Friday will be 4th March.

(b) Using the addition method:

25 + 7 = 32
32 – 29 = 3
So, in a leap year, the next Friday will be 3rd March.
In groups, let the learners work out the answers to the exercise.

The groups should present and defend their answers. Harmonize their
answers. Let them exchange their books and mark each other’s work.

Later on collect their exercise books to confirm whether the books have been
marked correctly.

Sub-topic 12.4: Timetables

In this section we consider how to extract information from timetables.
Observe the learners as they go through this subtopic. Look out for the
individual learner’s active participation, cooperation with members, and how
he/she communicates with members of the group. Try to find out what
mathematical skills the learners are using.

Explain to learners what the following words mean: Duration, Arrival and
Departure in relation to time and timetables.

In groups, let the learners work out the answers to the exercise.



The groups should present and defend their answers. Harmonize their

Let them exchange their books and mark each other’s work.

Later on collect their exercise books to confirm whether the books have been
marked correctly.


National Curriculum
Development Centre,
P.O. Box 7002, Kampala.

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