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Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3

Unit title Unit objectives Key aspects of pupil achievement Key assessment opportunity

Unit 1: What is a In this unit, pupils will learn about: Contextual world knowledge Unit provides transitional
geographer? • being a geographer • Locate and name the world’s continents and oceans assessment from Key Stage 2
• asking geographical questions • Locate and name countries in Europe, North and South America Geography
• conducting geographical enquiries • Begin to identify human and physical features of localities – Holderness, Southampton,
• key aspects of studying people and places Helvellyn, Seaford, Scarborough 1.10 What is a geographer?
• how to use geographical data, including Review
maps. Understanding of the conditions, processes and interactions that explain features,
distribution patterns, and changes over time and space
• Understand and appreciate how our understanding of the planet has evolved through time
through exploration and a series of discoveries

Competence in geographical enquiry and skills

• Locate and describe places using latitude and longitude
• Demonstrate ability to use Ordnance Survey mapskills, scale, grid references, height, direction,
with aerial photos

Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Overview of content Teaching time Textbook
number pages

1.1 What is a • To be introduced to the course Pupils look at the vision statement on the cover flap A. They use the information to 1 hour 2–3
geographer? • To consider what a geographer is think about what a geographer is, before creating a poster to show what a
• To learn about the three aspects of the geographer knows, understands, values and can do.
world Pupils will be taught about the different aspects of the world – the physical world.
• To be introduced to enquiry questions The human world and the environmental world. They will consider what aspects of
that can be used to investigate places the world are shown in the image on the front cover of the textbook.
• To name the continents and oceans of
the world The geographical enquiry questions are introduced, and pupils use these to
describe a photo.
Pupils are asked to recall what they have learnt at primary school by naming the
continents and oceans of the world.
For homework, pupils can find a news story, and explain how it is geographical.

1.2 How has our • To understand that our knowledge of the This lesson introduces the concept of cartography, including a brief history of how 1 hour 4–5
knowledge of the world has progressed over time. maps were developed over time.
world progressed
Pupils are asked to investigate two maps produced at different times in history,
over time? considering what is missing and how they represent the world.
Pupils then look at a satellite image to consider how this changed how people
thought of the planet.
Taking what they have learnt in the lesson into consideration, pupils explain how
mapping the world today is different to how maps were created in the past.

Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3 © Hodder & Stoughton 2018

Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3

Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Overview of content Teaching time Textbook
number pages

1.3 What locational • To compare the size of the world’s Pupils are provided with geographical data in the form of a pie chart and two tables 1 hour 6–7
knowledge do you continents and oceans. which provide information about the world’s continents and oceans. They use the
have of the world? • To know about the geography of North data in the tables to draw a bar chart and write a paragraph to describe what this
and South America, and Europe. tells them about the world’s continents.
Pupils are asked to recall what they have learnt at primary school about North and
South America, and the countries and seas found in Europe.

1.4 How can we locate • To understand the difference between This lesson introduces the concept of lines of latitude and longitude including the 1 hour 8–9
places around the latitude and longitude. major lines of latitude and the Prime Meridian.
world? • To be able to locate places on a world Pupils are asked to use co-ordinates to find places on a world map.
map using co-ordinates.
Global Positioning Systems (GPS) are explained.
An article introduces the Degree Confluence Project, and what it is trying to
achieve. Pupils then go on to explore the website and use co-ordinates and enquiry
questions to investigate two locations.
Pupils consider how the volunteers of the Degree Confluence Project are excellent
geographers and, using the vision statement, consider what aspects they are
showing in action.

1.5 Why do we use OS • To understand the idea of scale. This lesson introduces the concept of scale in relation to Ordnance Survey maps, 1 hour 10–11
maps to investigate • To understand that different scales of and three maps at different scales are provided.
places? map can be used for different purposes. Pupils look at the different ways of showing the scale of a map and identify the
scales of four map extracts. They consider how maps of different scales can be
used differently.

1.6 How do we locate • To understand why and how OS use This lesson introduces OS map symbols, with examples of symbols from an OS 1 hour 12–13
features on OS symbols on maps. Landranger map. Pupils use map extracts to identify these symbols.
maps? • To be able to locate places on an OS Four- and six-figure grid references are introduced, and pupils are asked to provide
map using four- and six-figure grid these for various locations on map extracts.
Information about the OS website Mapzone is provided, and pupils are asked to
visit the website and download OS map symbols for both Explorer and Landranger
maps, to print and use for future lessons and units.

1.7 How do OS maps • To understand how height is shown on This lesson looks at height, direction and contour patterns. Pupils recap the main 1 hour 14–15
show height, OS maps. points of the compass. They use a map extract to describe directions using the
direction and • To identify contour patterns. compass points.
slopes? • To recap the points of a compass and Pupils look at the three ways that height is shown on an OS map: spot height;
direction. triangulation pillars and contour lines. Contour lines are explored in depth.
Pupils are asked to consider what contour lines on OS map extracts show about
the shape of the land. They are expected to use four- and six-figure grid references.

Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3 © Hodder & Stoughton 2018

Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3

Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Overview of content Teaching time Textbook
number pages

1.8 How can we use • To compare a vertical aerial photo with This lesson introduces how to compare OS maps with aerial photographs. 1 hour 16–17
aerial photos with an OS map of the same scale. Urban areas and rural areas are introduced, with reference to examples of these Additional time
OS maps? • To identify features and land uses on an areas on the photograph of Southampton. required for
aerial photograph. investigating other
• To research and analyse a vertical aerial Pupils use an aerial photograph of Southampton alongside an OS map extract to
locations (optional)
photo of your local area. identify physical and human geography features.
• To draw a sketch map to show different Pupils are asked to draw a sketch map to show different land uses of the area of
land uses. Southampton shown, using what they have learnt from the photograph and OS map
OS Digimap for Schools and Google Earth can be used for pupils investigating
different locations using aerial photographs and OS map extracts.

1.9 How do you • To locate photographs on an OS map. This lesson introduces the concept of fieldwork through an example of a fieldwork 1 hour 18–19
investigate a locality • To compare ground level photos with an trip to Seaford. An OS map extract and photographs show how the fieldwork was
1 additional hour
by conducting OS map. carried out.
for fieldwork
fieldwork? • To follow a route on an OS map. Pupils are asked to describe the route taken, using the OS map extract, six-figure around the
grid references and compass directions. school’s locality
Pupils also use photographs alongside the map extract to identify and describe
Fieldwork could be conducted around the locality of the secondary school where
the pupils attend. They would use an OS map extract to plan a route, describe it,
take photographs and draw a field-sketch to record key features.

1.10 What is a Pupils will answer questions that assess what Pupils answer a series of questions to help them and their teachers assess their 1 hour 20–21
geographer? Review they have learnt in this unit: understanding of what they have learnt in the unit.
• what it means to be a geographer They will answer questions on an OS map extract to show their skills in using map
• to ask geographical questions symbols, grid references, contour patterns, enquiry questions and comparing
• to conduct geographical enquiries photographs with OS map extracts.
• key aspects of studying people and
places Pupils look again at the vision statement and consider which elements of this
• how to use geographical data, including statement they have learnt about in this unit.

Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3 © Hodder & Stoughton 2018

Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3

Unit name Unit objectives Key aspects of pupil achievement Key assessment opportunity

Unit 2: How do we In this unit, pupils will learn about: Contextual world knowledge 2.10 How do we use our planet as a
use our planet as a • the different elements that make up our planet and how • Identify human and physical features of a locality - Teesside natural resource? Review
natural resource? they interact
• how rocks and soils form and their importance to life Understanding of the conditions, processes and interactions that explain
• what a biome is and how the rainforest biome works features, distribution patterns, and changes over time and space
• how people use the Earth’s natural resources such as • Identify the Earth’s spheres and how they are interconnected
water, oil and energy supplies • Understand the concept of geological time
• the difference between renewable and non-renewable • Understand the three categories of rocks
• Understand how rocks are weathered
• Understand the composition and formation of soils
• Understand how biomes are formed by the interaction of the Earth’s spheres -
• Identify how people use the Earth’s natural resources – rocks, soil, biomes,
water, oil
• Classify and evaluate sources of renewable and non-renewable forms of
• Define a big idea in geography – sustainability

Competence in geographical enquiry and skills

• Compare an OS map with an aerial photo to analyse the location of an oil
• Communicate views about the need to use natural resources sustainably
• Use new geographical terminology

Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Overview of content Teaching time Textbook
number pages

2.1 How do we use our • To learn about what natural resources This lesson introduces natural resources. Pupils learn about what natural resources 1 hour 22–23
planet as a natural are, and how humans use them are, with examples. They learn how humans use natural resources to meet their
resource? • To learn about the Earth’s four spheres basic needs.
• To be introduced to the concepts of The four spheres of the Earth are introduced, and pupils are asked to consider how
renewable and non-renewable resources they are interconnected.
Pupils look at a diagram that shows the different natural resources that can be
found in each of the Earth’s spheres. They create a mind map to show how the
resources are interconnected.
Pupils define what renewable and non-renewable natural resources are and look at
how to decide whether a resource is renewable or non-renewable.

Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3 © Hodder & Stoughton 2018

Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3

Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Overview of content Teaching time Textbook
number pages

2.2 What are rocks and • To understand the concept of geological In this double lesson, pupils investigate the Earth’s history, its rocks, and how we 2 hours 24–27
how are they a time. can use them as natural resources.
2.3 natural resource? • To understand the qualities of the three Pupils look at the work of a geologist and how rocks tell us about the Earth’s
rock types. history.
• To understand how rocks are weathered.
• To understand how we use rocks as a The concept of geological timescales is introduced, with a visual presenting the
natural resource. timescale as a 24-hour clock.
Pupils learn about three main different types of rock, with examples for each. They
look at how different types of rocks are used as natural resources including how
they are used to provide shelter.
The concept of weathering is introduced, and pupils define the three types of
weathering, considering how it changes rock.
Pupils draw sketches of two photos and annotate them to show how rocks and
other natural resources are used.
Coal is introduced as a natural resource that humans use for energy production.
Pupils learn a brief overview about the history of coal production, including the role
of cola in the Industrial Revolution.
Pupils develop their map skills by comparing a photograph with an OS map extract
to investigate what a quarry looks like on a map.
Pupils decide whether coal is a renewable or non-renewable natural resource and
justify their answer.

2.4 Why are soils the • To know what soil is. This lesson introduces soil, what it consists of, and how it plays an important part in 1 hour 28–29
root of life? • To understand why soils are an important how the Earth functions.
natural resource. A diagram of a typical soil profile is given. Pupils complete an activity to draw their
• To identify different views people have own soil profile and use the information given to label and annotate their diagram.
about using soil.
A range of views about soil are given for pupils to look at and match to a range of
people, including conflicting views about the use of chemical fertilisers to grow
Pupils explain why soil is a natural resource and why it is important for life.
Pupils decide whether soil is a renewable or non-renewable natural resource and
justify their answer.

Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3 © Hodder & Stoughton 2018

Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3

Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Overview of content Teaching time Textbook
number pages

2.5 How does the • To know what a biome is. This lesson introduces the concept of a biome through the rainforest biome. Pupils 1 hour 30–31
biosphere provide • To understand how the Earth’s spheres, use their map skills to look at and describe the locations of the major rainforests in
natural resources? interact to create biomes. the world.
• To understand how biomes provide Pupils look at the different elements within the rainforest biome. They look at the
natural resources. structure of the rainforest and how vegetation has adapted to the conditions within
the biome.
Pupils study an article which shows how different natural resources within the
rainforest are used by humans, and how rainforests are important for the Earth’s
Pupils decide whether the rainforest is a renewable or non-renewable source of
natural resources and justify their answer.

2.6 How does the • To understand the importance of water to This lesson introduces water as a natural resource which is important to humans for 1 hour 32–33
hydrosphere provide our Earth and to life on Earth. life.
natural resources? • To identify which water can be used and Pupils recap the water cycle looking at the three states of water, and where water is
where it is found. found in the Earth’s system.
• To appreciate the consequences of water
insecurity. A diagram showing where Earth’s water is found, and pupils consider why only a
small amount of this water is easily accessible freshwater.
Pupils think about how they use water and compare it to other ways that water can
be used.
The concept of water scarcity is introduced and how in many countries, water
demand exceeds supply. Pupils look at how this affects people, including having to
travel to find clean water.
Pupils decide whether water is a renewable or non-renewable natural resource and
justify their answer.
As an extension, pupils are asked to find out how much their family pays a year for
water, and whether they think the services provided are worth the cost.

2.7 Why is the world so • To understand what oil is and how it This lesson introduces oil as a natural resource, used to fuel transport, generate 1 hour 34–35
dependent on oil forms. electricity and produce goods. Explanations of crude oil and natural gas are given.
resources? • To understand how oil is refined. Pupils look at how oil and gas are formed and extracted. They learn about the
• To understand the varied uses of oil in our different ways oil can be used for different products.
daily lives.
Map skills are progressed as pupils investigate an aerial photograph of an oil
refinery, comparing it to an OS map extract, to help describe why oil refineries are
located where they are.

Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3 © Hodder & Stoughton 2018

Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3

Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Overview of content Teaching time Textbook
number pages

2.8 What natural • To identify sources of generating Pupils consider how they use electricity and how electricity gets to their home from 1 hour 36–37
resources can be electricity. a power station.
used to generate • To classify these sources into renewable Different ways of producing electricity are shown in photographs and descriptions.
electricity? and non-renewable groups. Pupils compare eight natural resources that can be used to generate electricity,
• To evaluate the advantages and including looking at their advantages and disadvantages.
disadvantages of each source.
Pupils consider what they would recommend for the UK’s future electrical energy

2.9 How can we use • To understand the idea of sustainability. This lesson introduces the concept of sustainability, and how resources can be 1 hour 38–39
natural resources • To consider the UK Government’s energy managed in a way that they will be available in the future.
sustainably? policy. Pupils consider the actions that can be taken to use resources sustainably at a
• To identify a global challenge to the local, national and international level. They look at how the UK Government is
Earth’s future. acting to improve sustainability, and how the UK’s energy mix is changing.
Pupils look at the challenges to the Earth’s systems and spheres due to natural
resources being used.
A political cartoon is presented, and pupils consider the point being made by the

2.10 How do we use our • Pupils will answer questions that assess Pupils answer a series of questions to help them and their teachers assess their 1 hour 40–41
planet as a natural what they have learnt in this unit: understanding of what they have learnt in the unit.
resource? Review • the different elements that make up our They will identify the natural resources that allow humans to survive and consider
planet and how they interact which are the most important and which are least important, using a Diamond Nine
• how rocks and soils form and their diagram. They will justify their choices.
importance to life
• what a biome is and how the rainforest Pupils draw and annotate a diagram to show how the Earth’s spheres are
biome works interconnected and how they interact. They look at which spheres and natural
• how people use the Earth’s natural resources are shown in the image on the front cover of the textbook. They produce
resources such as water, oil and energy a poster to explain how the Earth’s system works.
• the difference between renewable and
non-renewable resources.

Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3 © Hodder & Stoughton 2018

Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3

Unit name Unit objectives Key aspects of pupil achievement Key assessment opportunity

Unit 3: What is an In this unit, pupils will learn about: Contextual world knowledge 3.10 What is an economy from local to
economy, from local • about economic activities and what they are like at different • Identify human and physical features of a locality – Scarborough global? Review: Layers of inference –
to global? scales, from local to global • Understand the growth of manufacturing in China from a political cartoon
• the ways in which jobs can be arranged into groups or
sectors Understanding of the conditions, processes and interactions that explain
• the range of jobs people do and how jobs have changed features, distribution patterns, and changes over time and space
over time • Define big ideas in geography – economy, trade, ports, globalisation,
• what trade is and how it has become global containerisation, and economic sectors
• how the UK economy has developed and how our links with • Classify jobs into economic sectors
the world have grown. • Understand economic systems at a variety of scales
• Understand how economies change and evolve through time
• Understand how places are interconnected and interdependent through
• Consider the impact of economic activities on the environment

Competence in geographical enquiry and skills

• Use statistical data to draw a graph to show how the UK economy has
• Decision making – locating a factory
• Comparing an OS map with an aerial photo to identify location factors for a
car plant
• Use new geographical terminology – economy

Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Overview of content Teaching time Textbook
number pages

3.1 What is an economy, • To understand the concepts of economy, Pupils define each of the following: the economy; the employment structure of a 1 hour 42–43
from local to global? employment sectors and employment country; primary sector; secondary sector; tertiary sector; quaternary sector.
structure of a country. Using a set of engaging photographs, pupils discuss what types of jobs people do
in the UK. They classify jobs into primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary and
consider the different types of jobs shown on the image on the cover of the
Pupils conduct a survey in the class to find out the jobs done by family members,
and sort them into the four sectors, presenting the data as a bar chart.
Pupils locate where jobs in primary and tertiary sectors are found.
Data about how the economic sectors in the UK have changed from 1791 to 2011
is used to draw a line graph, and then pupils describe how the percentage share of
each sector has changed.

Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3 © Hodder & Stoughton 2018

Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3

Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Overview of content Teaching time Textbook
number pages
3.2 What’s happening • To understand what a farm is. Pupils define what is meant by a farm and explain why it is classed as a primary 1 hour 44–45
down on the farm? • To understand a farm as an economic industry. They investigate how different farmers make decisions about how they
system. farm the land.
OS map skills are practiced including grid references, scale, distance and contour
Pupils look at the farm as an economic system.
A number of primary sector jobs are given, and pupils list the natural resources
used in each type of job.

3.3 Why is manufacturing • To know the location factors for a factory. This lesson looks at the decision industrialists need to make about where to locate 1 hour 46–47
all about choosing • To make decisions about locating a a factory. Pupils study a business strategy guidance leaflet which provides advice
the right site? factory. on how to locate factories. They look at a location scoring system to consider
which factors are most important.
Pupils are then given a decision-making activity where they consider which is the
best location for a new factory, given what they have learnt in the lesson so far,
and a map with five possible factory sites.

3.4 Why did Nissan • To apply the location factors for an This lesson provides an overview of the history of manufacturing in the UK, 1 hour 48–49
locate in the UK? industry. including how the government attracts new foreign industries such as Nissan
• To understand how manufacturing in the locating a factory near Sunderland.
UK has changed. Information about why Nissan located their factory near Sunderland is given.
• To investigate a location using an OS
map and an aerial photograph. OS map skills are practiced including grid references, comparing an aerial
photograph with an OS map extract, and drawing a sketch map.
Pupils consider how Nissan is connected to other countries in the world. They
describe how successful Nissan in Sunderland has been.

3.5 Why is the tertiary • Understand why the tertiary sector of the This lesson focuses on jobs that are linked to tourism, and why jobs in the tertiary 1 hour 50–51
sector increasing? UK economy is growing. sector have grown.
• Understand how tourism creates tertiary Pupils investigate evidence that shows that Scarborough is a popular area for
jobs. tourism, and how this has led to the development of jobs in the tertiary sector.
• Understand how tourism has changed.
Pupils use their OS map skills to identify tourist attractions in Scarborough.
Pupils consider what types of tertiary jobs will be created by tourists on different
types of holidays.

Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3 © Hodder & Stoughton 2018

Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3

Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Overview of content Teaching time Textbook
number pages

3.6 How does a • To understand how primary, secondary This lesson looks at the development of trade between countries through the 1 hour 52–53
chocolate bar and tertiary sectors work together to make example of cocoa.
connect the sectors an economy. Pupils look at how cocoa is grown and harvested.
of the economy? • To consider how a natural resource is
used in manufacturing. Pupils use their map skills to look at and describe where the producers of cocoa
• To identify ways in which places around are located around the world, and where the consumers of chocolate are located
the world are interconnected. around the world.
The stages of the chocolate production process are given, from cocoa pod to
chocolate bar. Pupils draw a flow chart to put these stages in order, and list
whether the jobs involved are primary, secondary or tertiary.

3.7 How does the UK • To understand what ‘trade’ is and how it Pupils define what is meant by trade, imports, exports and balance of trade. 1 hour 54–55
trade with other works. Using data about UK trade, pupils consider the top five products imported and
countries? • To know the main UK imports and exported to and from the UK. They calculate the balance of trade.
• To understand how the UK is linked to the Pupils create a map to show the location of the top ten countries the UK trades
rest of the world. with for imports and the top ten countries the UK trades with for exports. They
• To understand what a port is and how it consider who are the UK’s most important trading partners.
functions The definition of a port is provided, including what a port must have. They look at
the ten largest ports in the UK and explain their distribution.
OS map skills are practiced comparing a photo of a port with an OS map extract.

3.8 What is • To understand the idea of globalisation. This lesson introduces transnational and multinational companies. Globalisation as 1 hour 56–57
globalisation? • To identify the impact of globalisation on a concept is introduced.
China. Pupils think about how their daily lives are interconnected with other countries,
• To understand the impact of mobile looking at where their clothes were made and where the food in their house comes
phones on globalisation. from.
A list of some transnational companies is given. Pupils research the country of
origin of five of these. They consider why transnational companies are located
where they are.
Pupils look at China, and how it has benefited from globalisation. Information about
how iPhones are produced is given, and pupils consider why iPhones are made in
Pupils consider which elements of globalisation affects their lives. They think about
how mobile phones help them to interact in globalisation.

Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3 © Hodder & Stoughton 2018

Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3

Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Overview of content Teaching time Textbook
number pages

3.9 How has • To consider how an invention transformed This lesson introduces containerization and how the use of container ships has 1 hour 58–59
containerisation global trade. made global trade between countries easier.
accelerated • To understand the advantages of Pupils look at how containers are used to transport goods and consider the
globalisation? containers for transporting goods. advantages of containers.
• To appreciate how containerisation has
accelerated globalisation. A graph is provided that shows the levels of world merchandise trade. Pupils use
the graph to consider the effect of containers on globalisation.
Pupils investigate OOCL Hong Kong, the world’s largest container ship. They plot
the route of the ship on a map. Pupils can use the MarineTraffic website to find the
currently location of OOCL Hond Kong and plot the route for a week to look at
which ports it is travelling to.

3.10 What is an economy, • Pupils will answer questions that assess Pupils answer a series of questions to help them and their teachers assess their 1 hour 60–61
from local to global? what they have learnt in this unit: understanding of what they have learnt in the unit.
Review • about economic activities and what they Pupils explain the changes to the UK economy that have taken place between
are like at different scales, from local to 1791 and 2011.
• the ways in which jobs can be arranged Pupils analyse a political cartoon to consider how the cartoonist represents
into groups (or sectors) globalisation, what the key factors are, and how each of the Earth’s spheres are
• the range of jobs people do and how jobs affected by globalisation.
have changed over time Using the front cover image, pupils create a version of a world which is damaged
• what trade is and how it has become by globalisation.
• how the UK economy has developed and
how our links with the world have grown.

Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3 © Hodder & Stoughton 2018

Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3

Unit name Unit objectives Key aspects of pupil achievement Key assessment opportunity

Unit 4: What is In this unit, pupils will learn about: Contextual world knowledge 4.10 What is weather and climate?
weather and climate • the concepts of weather and climate • Weather and climate of the UK Review: Geographical terminology
• the elements that make up the weather and climate Synoptic chart – interpretation
• how the weather is measured Understanding of the conditions, processes and interactions that explain Climate data interpretation
• how to read weather maps using the synoptic code features, distribution patterns, and changes over time and space 4.7 fieldwork enquiry
• how to distinguish between weather and climate. • Define big ideas in geography – weather and climate
• Understand the basic principles, process and patterns of weather and
• Understand how weather effects our daily lives
• Understand how weather is measured, recorded, and forecast – role of the
Met Office

Competence in geographical enquiry and skills

• Use the synoptic code, weather charts and satellites to analyse weather
• Interpret and draw climate graphs for the UK
• Interpret climate maps for the UK and world
• Use new geographical terminology – weather and climate

Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Overview of content Teaching time Textbook
number pages

4.1 What is weather and • To look at the key elements of the Pupils consider the key elements of the weather and look for definitions in the 1 hour 62–63
climate? weather glossary.
• To consider how the elements of the Pupils consider what the weather has been like over the last week and consider
weather affect people how the weather has affected them.
A montage of photographs showing different types of weather is presented. For
each photo, pupils identify the different types of weather shown, and how it affects
people, positively or negatively.
Pupils consider which ways people use weather for energy.
Looking at the photos, pupils identify ways in which the weather can be dangerous.

Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3 © Hodder & Stoughton 2018

Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3

Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Overview of content Teaching time Textbook
number pages

4.2 How do we measure • To identify how elements of the weather Information about a range of weather instruments is given, supported with images 1 hour 64–65
weather? are measured. and graphs.
Pupils are asked how the weather instruments are used. They analyse the graphs
A map of a school site showing three possible sites is provided. Pupils should give
reasons why the site chosen was a good choice or not.
Pupils should keep a record of the weather for a week.

4.3 How can weather • To consider the methods Meteorology and the Meteorological Office are introduced. 1 hour 66–67
data be recorded and of recording vast amounts of Pupils consider what a weather forecast is, and how they have used weather
presented? weather data. forecasts in the past. They explain the importance for farmers or aircraft pilots.
• To know and use the synoptic code. Using the flowchart, pupils create a version to show how weather data is collected,
• To know the various ways the Met Office processed and transformed into weather forecasts. They think about the different
presents weather data to the public. ways weather forecasts are communicated to the public, including their own family.
• To understand the different groups of Looking at standard symbols used on weather charts, pupils describe the weather
people who need to use weather data. conditions for four weather stations.
For homework, pupils can get a weather map for the local area and draw synoptic
weather code to show the weather for that day.

4.4 What are clouds and • To understand how clouds form. Precipitation is introduced in its various forms. The classification of clouds is 1 hour 68–69
why does it rain? • To classify the main types of clouds. shown, and pupils use this to write a list of different cloud shapes.
• To identify types of rainfall. Pupils draw and label a diagram to explain how water forms.
The three types of rainfall are shown. Pupils copy and annotate diagrams to
explain what happens at each point.
Pupils study three maps of the UK which show rainfall patterns for three different
days. They describe the maps and identify which type of rainfall is responsible for
the rain on each day.
Pupils consider how studying different types of clouds help to predict the weather.

4.5 What are air pressure • To recognise the characteristics of This lesson looks at air pressure and how it influences the weather. Anticyclones 1 hour 70–71
and anticyclones? anticyclones. are introduced, and how to identify them on weather charts.
• To understand the contrast between Pupils draw and annotate a diagram to explain how high and low pressure air
summer and winter anticyclones. moves in the atmosphere.
• To interpret a weather chart using the
synoptic code. The different air masses around the UK are explained, with details of how they
affect the weather.
The characteristics of summer and winter anticyclones are described, and how
they affect the weather. Pupils consider what hazards for people are created.
Pupils write a weather forecast using a satellite image and a weather chart.

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4.6 What are • To understand the influence of air This lesson introduces depressions and their characteristics. A depression is 1 hour 72–73
depressions and how pressure on weather. shown on weather charts and a satellite image, and the different types of weather
do they affect our • To understand the key features of fronts are described and shown.
weather? depressions. Pupils use a weather chart to describe a depression and its location. They consider
• To investigate how the passage of a what type of weather system is over the UK at the time of the lesson.
depression changes the weather.
• To interpret weather patterns using Pupils look at a satellite image of a depression, draw a sketch map and then label
satellite images, weather charts and the the different fronts shown. They write about the different features of a typical
synoptic code. depression including cloud type, rainfall, temperature, wind and air pressure.

4.7 How do I conduct a • To identify the type of weather system This lesson introduces a weather enquiry. This introduces them to the enquiry This weather 74–75
weather enquiry? passing over the school for seven days. process. enquiry should be
• To undertake fieldwork to Ideally, pupils would collect weather data from their school’s data logging or introduced in the
• investigate weather events for a week. traditional weather station, or from the weather section of the local newspaper, or week prior to this
from information online about their local weather station. However, if this is not lesson, to give
possible, weather data is provided for pupils to use. pupils time to
collect the data
Each day, for seven days, pupils should collect the weather data, a weather over seven days.
satellite image, and a weather chart, and they should take photographs from the
same point to show the weather and cloud types. They should draw graphs to The data collected
present the data. can then be
Pupils should then write up results by describing and comparing the weather presented and
shown and look for patterns in order to reach a conclusion about what type of analysed in this 1
weather system formed the weather over that week. hour lesson.
The final step is for pupils to evaluate their work to consider how they could have
improved their investigation.

4.8 What is the climate of • To understand the difference The difference between weather and climate is explained. The concept of climate 1 hour 76–77
the UK? between weather and climate. is introduced, including how geographers investigate climate, and how climate
• To know the climate of the UK. graphs are presented.
• To be able to draw climate graphs. Pupils describe what is shown in a climate graph for London. They then draw a
climate graph for Ambleside and describe it.
The UK’s climate is described. Pupils describe maps showing average
temperatures for the UK in July and January, and annual rainfall across the UK.
They consider how the rainfall map compares with a physical map of the UK.
Pupils look at the climate zones across the UK and describe their distribution.

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4.9 How does climate • To know climate distribution around the Climate zones across the world are introduced. Their distribution is explained 1 hour 78–79
vary across the world. including an overview of the circulation of air in the atmosphere and comparison
world? • To identify reasons for variation in with a physical map of the world. Pupils consider why different places in the world
climate. are colder than others.
Factors affecting climate are introduced, including latitude, distance from the sea,
altitude, prevailing winds. Pupils describe and explain the climate of Britain using
what they have learnt in lesson 4.8 and 4.9.

4.10 What is weather and Pupils will answer questions that assess what Pupils answer a series of questions to help them and their teachers assess their 1 hour 80–81
climate? Review they have learnt in this unit: understanding of what they have learnt in the unit.
• the concepts of weather and climate Pupils look at key words from the unit and consider their meaning. They explain the
• the elements that make up the weather difference between weather and climate.
and climate
• how the weather is measured Pupils compare a weather chart of Europe with an atlas map of Europe, and
• how to read weather maps using the describe the weather, the air pressure systems, rainfall and temperature.
synoptic code Pupils describe and compare climate graphs and use their knowledge to explain
• how to distinguish between weather and how temperature varies across the UK.

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Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3

Unit name Unit objectives Key aspects of pupil achievement Key assessment opportunity

Unit 5: Is the • In this unit, pupils will learn about: Contextual world knowledge 5.10 Is the geography of Russia a
geography of Russia • • Locate Russia and its surrounding countries curse or benefit? Review
a curse or a benefit? • where Russia is located • Identify key features of Russia’s physical landscape, climate, environments, 5.8 5.9 Why did Russia plant their
• what Russia is like population distribution, economy, flag on the seabed of the North
• the physical landscape, climate and natural environment of Pole: Geographical enquiry to
Russia Understanding of the conditions, processes and interactions that explain consider different points of view
• how Russia’s physical geography has influenced its human features, distribution patterns, and changes over time and space about the future of the Arctic
geography • Understand the features and causes of a continental climate
• how important Russia is to the world. • Understand how biomes are formed by the interaction of the Earth’s spheres
– taiga, tundra
• Define big ideas in geography – population distribution
• Understand the distribution of natural resources and economic activities
across Russia
• Appreciate how cold temperatures impacts on people’s lives
• Understand how size and physical geography affects economic growth of
• Consider different points of view about the future of the Arctic

Competence in geographical enquiry and skills

• Interpret and draw climate graphs for Russia
• Interpret climate maps for Russia
• Use atlas maps and photos to investigate Russia
• Use GiS/GoogleEarth to investigate Russia
• Geographical enquiry – using range of geographical data

Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Overview of content Teaching time Textbook
number pages
5.1 Is the geography of • To know where Russia is located and This lesson provides an overview of what Russia is like. 1 hour 82–83
Russia a curse or a what countries, seas and oceans Pupils look at a map of Russia and use an atlas to identify the countries and
benefit? surround it oceans that border it. They describe the location of Russia.
• To gain an overview of what Russia is
like. Pupils look at a range of photographs showing what Russia is like and use the
enquiry questions from Lesson 1.1 to describe two of the photographs.
Using a fact file about Russia, pupils consider the physical features of Russia and
compare the size and population of Russia and the UK.
Pupils analyse a table of data to consider how the area of Russia compares to
other countries.
Pupils write about why it is important to investigate and learn about Russia and
consider how they will make progress in this unit.

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5.2 What is the physical • To know the distribution of physical This lesson introduces the physical landscape of Russia including mountains and 1 hour 84–85
landscape of landforms across Russia. plains, coastlines and volcanoes.
Pupils write down key points about the physical landscape and discuss as a group,
before sharing ideas with the rest of the class. They consider which are the most
important key points.
Pupils investigate the physical landforms of Russia in more depth using an atlas or
website and use their information to draw and label the main features on an outline
map. They write a paragraph to describe the physical landscape of Russia.

5.3 What is the climate • To draw a climate graph. This lesson introduces the climate of Russia. 1 hour 86–87
of Russia? • To interpret climate graphs and isotherm Pupils describe a climate graph of Moscow. They draw a climate graph from a table
maps of Russia. of data and look at the climate graphs of three other locations in Russia. They use
• To describe and explain the climate of what they have learnt to match the climate data to locations in Russia shown on
Russia. isotherm maps.
Pupils compare the climate of Russia to the climate of the UK.
The concept of permafrost is introduced. Pupils consider how a very cold climate
affects people’s lives.

5.4 What biomes exist in • To understand the distribution of biomes This lesson introduces the biomes of Russia, including the distribution and 1 hour 88–89
Russia? in Russia. characteristics.
• To understand how tundra and taiga Pupils compare what they have learnt about the climate of Russia with how the
biomes have evolved across Russia biomes are distributed and consider how climate has influenced the development of
biomes across Russia.
Pupils study the taiga biome, including the vegetation of the taiga, and why it is
important to the planet.
Using an annotated photograph, pupils draw a diagram to show how the taiga
forest and soils have adapted to the cold climate.
Pupils study the tundra biome and compare it to the taiga.
Using the Degree Confluence website, pupils write descriptions of each of the main
biomes in Russia.

5.5 Where do people • To know what population density is, and This lesson introduces the human geography of Russia. 1 hour 90–91
live in Russia? how it is calculated. The concepts of population distribution and density are introduced, including how to
• To identify parts of Russia that are calculate population density.
densely and sparsely populated.
• To describe the distribution of population A choropleth map is introduced, which shows the population density of Russia.
across Russia. Pupils use the map to describe the distribution of population in Russia.
• To identify reasons for the distribution of Using what they have learnt, pupils use a series of photographs to consider the
population in Russia. reasons for uneven population distribution.
Pupils explain the reasons why Russia is sparsely populated and identify reasons
for the more densely populated areas of Russia.

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5.6 Does geography • To classify economic activity. This lesson introduces Russia’s economic activity. 1 hour 92–93
help or hinder the • To understand Russia’s economic Using a map, pupils describe the distribution of Russia’s natural resources and the
Russian economy? structure. main types of farming. They compare the distribution of farming with what they’ve
• To understand how the size and physical learnt about the biomes and climate of Russia.
geography of Russia affects economic
growth. Pupils draw a pie chart to show the economic sectors of Russia and compare this
with economic sectors of the UK, studied in Unit 3.
Using a table of data, pupils draw a bar chart to show the size of production of the
top ten oil producers in the world and describe how important Russia is a leading
world source of natural resources.
Pupils use an article, a map showing Russian railway lines, and the knowledge they
have learnt from the unit so far to explain why the size of Russia and its physical
geography creates problems for the growth of the economy.

5.7 What is GIS and • To know what a Geographical Geographical Information Systems (GIS) are introduced and described. 1 hour 94–95
how can I use it to Information System is. Pupils learn how to use Google Earth, and Google Street View, and are asked to Due to the nature
investigate Russia? • To investigate a region of Russia using use it to investigate different places in Russia. of the content of
GIS. this lesson, you
In groups, pupils collect data for a specific location in Russia from Google Earth to
may want to
show what it is like, and present it to the rest of the class, and/or produce a
classroom display of their findings. allocate more time
for investigation,
presentations and
creating displays.

5.8 Why did Russia • To locate the Arctic. This is a double lesson to be taught over two hours. Using the geographical data on 2 hours 96–99
5.9 plant their flag on • To consider different points of view about the two spreads, pupils conduct a geographical enquiry to answer the question
the seabed of the the future of the Arctic. ‘Why did Russia plant their flag on the seabed of the North Pole?’
North Pole?
Pupils use the data and what they have learnt in the unit to describe what the Arctic
is like and why it is so cold.
Using the maps, articles and diagrams on the pages, pupils
• consider how countries claim right of ownership in the Arctic, and why they
want to claim increased rights of ownership
• consider the economic advantages of increased ownership of the Arctic,
including mineral resources and natural gas resources
• consider the environmental risks of developments in the Arctic and the views
of different people on these developments, including the indigenous
Pupils then answer the enquiry question.
At the end of this double lesson, pupils look back to the vision statement on the
cover flap A and consider what progress they have made towards becoming a

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5.10 Is the geography of Pupils will answer questions that assess what Pupils answer a series of questions to help them and their teachers assess their 1 hour 100–101
Russia a curse or a they have learnt in this unit: understanding of what they have learnt in the unit.
benefit? Review • where Russia is located Pupils create a list of the ten most important facts they have learnt about Russia in Some of the
• what Russia is like this unit. activities in this
• the physical landscape, climate and lesson may need
natural environment of Russia Using an outline map, pupils plot the locations of the different places in Russia they to be completed
• how Russia’s physical geography has have studied. for homework
influenced its human geography Using four views from Russians, pupils identify what aspects the views are about
• how important Russia is to the world. and whether it is positive or negative view of the country.
Pupils study an article and use their own knowledge to consider what continent
Russia is officially in.
Pupils design a postcard to present their image of Russia using the knowledge they
have learnt in this unit.
Pupils complete a table to consider the benefits and drawbacks of the geography of
Russia, and use this as a plan to answer the enquiry question ‘Is the geography of
Russia a curse or a benefit?’

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Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3

Unit name Unit objectives Key aspects of pupil achievement Key assessment opportunity

Unit 6: Why are In this unit, pupils will learn about: Contextual world knowledge 6.10 Why are rivers important? Review:
rivers important? • what rivers are and how water flows into • Identify human and physical features of a locality – River Tees Identify the characteristic river features
them • Locate the world’s major river basins 6.6 How do I conduct a river fieldwork
• how weathering, erosion and transportation enquiry?
create river landforms Understanding of the conditions, processes and interactions that explain features,
• to identify river landforms on OS maps distribution patterns, and changes over time and space
• why rivers are important to people. • Understand the water cycle and drainage basin processes
• Understand river processes – erosion, transportation, deposition to create
• Identify river landscape features
• Identify how people use rivers
• Understand why people investigate drainage basin processes
• Know how human and physical factors cause rivers to flood
• Identify ways people respond to river flooding
• Identify how river flooding can be managed

Competence in geographical enquiry and skills

• Comparing an OS map with an aerial photo to identify river features, and how
people use rivers
• Use an OS map to draw a cross-section of a river valley
• Use ArcGIS to investigate the long profile of the River Tees

Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Overview of content Teaching time Textbook
number pages
6.1 Why are rivers • To understand what a river is This lesson introduces what a river is and how they are important. It introduces the 1 hour 102–103
important? • To begin to understand why rivers are River Tees, which is an example that is used throughout this unit.
important to people Pupils learn about the source and the mouth of a river.
• To be introduced to the course of the
River Tees Using the photos and an OS map extract, pupils use map skills to investigate the
• To know what rivers look like on an OS satellite image of the River Tees and describe the location and landscape of the
map source and the mouth of the river.
Pupils list different ways that people use the source and mouth of the River Tees
and consider how important rivers are to people.
Using a map that shows a course of their local river, pupils draw a sketch map of
the river from its source to its mouth.

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6.2 How does water flow • To understand what the water cycle is. This lesson introduces the water cycle and how water flows into rivers. 1 hour 104–105
into rivers? • To understand how water flows into Pupils draw and add labels to a simple water cycle diagram to show evaporation, Additional time
rivers. condensation, precipitation and rivers. may be required if
If possible, pupils should go out of your classroom and pour water on different you take pupils
surfaces to consider what happens when water reaches the ground.
Pupils explain how the water cycle works and draw a water cycle systems diagram.
Pupils draw and label a diagram of a drainage basin.
Using the glossary, pupils write definitions of the key terms for this lesson.
Pupils consider the work of a hydrologist and why it is important that we understand
how water gets into rivers. They use the vision statement on cover flap A to explain
why hydrologists are excellent geographers.

6.3 What work do rivers • To know the terms erosion, This lesson covers how rivers erode, transport and deposit materials. 1 hour 106–107
do? transportation, deposition. Using the information on the pages, pupils explain how rivers erode landscapes,
• To understand how rivers erode, using diagrams if helpful.
transport and deposit material.
Pupils match processes of erosion to statements.
Using the rivers transportation diagram, pupils draw a cartoon strip or mind map to
show how a river transports bedload.
Pupils explain why and where a river deposits material.
Pupils explain the different processes happening in two photos of a river.

6.4 How do rivers • To understand how a river This lesson looks at the long profile and cross profile of a river and some of the 1 hour 108–109
change from source changes from source to mouth. landforms in the upper course of a river.
to mouth? • To know what the long profile Pupils use ArcGis to help them draw a long profile of the River Tees. They describe
of a river is. how the gradient of the river changes from source to mouth.
• To be able to draw a cross-section from Different landforms are described. Pupils draw and label a fieldsketch of the upper
an OS map. course of a river and explain how the features are formed.
Pupils are given instructions about how to draw a cross-section and use this to
draw cross-sections from OS map extracts. They compare their cross-sections to
describe how the River Tees change.

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6.5 How do rivers shape • To identify and explain the formation of This lesson investigates more river landforms – waterfalls, meanders and ox-bow 1 hour 110–111
the land? river landforms – waterfall, meanders, lakes.
ox-bow lakes. Pupils use their OS map skills to look at river landforms on an OS map extract. They
• To identify river landforms on OS maps draw a sketch map of a waterfall and gorge.
and photographs.
Using a diagram and photograph of a waterfall, pupils name the features and draw a
cartoon strip or flipbook to show how a waterfall forms and develops. They explain
the processes involved.
Using a diagram and photograph, pupils draw and annotate a cross-section of a
meander to show where and why erosion and deposition are happening.
Pupils use the information on this page to create a flipbook or cartoon to show how
an ox-bow lake is formed.

6.6 How do I conduct a • To understand and apply the Bradshaw This lesson can be used in two ways: 1 hour if using 112–113
river fieldwork rivers model. data from the book
• To plan and structure a fieldwork enquiry to investigate a local river
enquiry? • To conduct fieldwork to measure the If pupils will be
width, depth and speed of a river. • To use the information on the pages to investigate a river
doing fieldwork,
• To present and analyse data to The Bradshaw model is explained, and pupils write enquiry questions that they will timing depends on
compare a real river to elements of the investigate, relating to the Bradshaw model. the location of
Bradshaw model. your nearest river.
• To draw conclusions from the data. Pupils select where they will conduct their fieldwork, using an OS map of their local
river. You will need one
• To evaluate fieldwork methods and lesson to prepare
findings. Once pupils have planned their enquiry questions, and chosen their fieldwork data, and one lesson to
they should go out and collect their data on a fieldtrip. present and
Once pupils are back from the fieldtrip, they can present and analyse the data they analyse the data.
have collected. They should reach a conclusion about their enquiry questions and
finally evaluate their results.
If pupils are not able to go out on a fieldtrip to a local river, they can use the data
from the textbook.

6.7 How are rivers • To identify and describe how people This lesson looks at the importance of rivers to people, which has already been 1 hour 114–115
important to people? use rivers. introduced in Unit 2, when looking at how people use water, and in Unit 3, when
looking at ports located at river mouths.
Pupils use their OS map skills to compare photographs with OS map extracts. They
consider where a reservoir is located and how it is used by people. They look at
features of a settlement on the River Tees and explain why it is located there. They
explain why heavy industry and port facilities have located at the mouth of the River
Tees and draw and label a sketch map to show the different land uses.
Pupils answer the enquiry question ‘How are rivers important to people?’

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6.8 How do river floods • To know some human and This lesson uses an article and a diagram to investigate why the city of York floods 1 hour 116–117
create problems? • physical causes of river floods. on a regular basis.
• To know some ways in which people Pupils explain why flooding occurs. They read the article to understand why York
respond to flood risk. flooded. They create a table to show the physical and human causes of the 2015
York flood.
Pupils explain how and why the flow of river water was not slowed down by river
processes. They consider what problems the flood caused and explain what they
think the main cause of the flood was.

6.9 How can flooding be • To identify different ways This lesson looks at how the Environment Agency responded to the York floods. 1 hour 118–119
managed? • floods can be managed Pupils read the views from the Environment Agency about their five-year plan and
explain why the River Ouse is a friend and foe to the people of York.
After studying the Environment Agency’s five-year plan for flood protection in York,
pupils write a paragraph to explain how existing flood defenses will be improved to
protect York in the future.
Pupils discuss a range of views about the flood plan and consider which view they
agree with most.
Using an extract, pupils explain why long-term plans for flood protection are

6.10 Why are rivers Pupils will answer questions that assess Pupils answer a series of questions to help them and their teachers assess their 1 hour 120–121
important? Review what they have learnt in this unit: understanding of what they have learnt in the unit.
• what rivers are and how water flows Pupils name river features on a diagram, and name ways in which people are using
into them the river. They name the processes that slow the flow of water.
• how weathering, erosion and
transportation create river landforms In groups, pupils discuss how the river changes from the upland area to the sea.
• to identify river landforms on OS maps Pupils copy and complete a table to show what they have learnt in this unit. They
• why rivers are important to people. explain how river characteristics are interlinked.
Using an atlas map, pupils name the world’s largest river basins.
Pupils explain why rivers are important.

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Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3

Unit name Unit objectives Key aspects of pupil achievement Key assessment opportunity

Unit 7: What is In this unit, pupils will learn: Contextual world knowledge 7.10 What is development – Review:
development? • to define development • Understand global patterns of development, locating countries in different states Apply understanding, using a range of
• to compare development around the world of development geographical data for Bolivia to write a
• to understand where and why inequality • Identify development priorities for Bolivia report about development priorities
occurs • Consider the state of development in Nepal
• to understand the actions taken by • Identify regional inequality in the UK
individuals, governments and communities to
aid development. Understanding of the conditions, processes and interactions that explain
features, distribution patterns, and changes over time and space
• Define big ideas in geography – development
• Consider different definitions of development
• Understand that development occurs at different rates and times in different
• Understand that there are regional disparities of development within countries
• Identify reasons for poverty, including gender inequality
• Understand how organizations work to support development
• Understand the purpose of sustainable development goals

Competence in geographical enquiry and skills

• Use Development Compass Rose to classify indicators of development
• Interpret statistics, Dollar Street website and choropleth maps to investigate
patterns of development at different scales
• Communicate understanding of development and use new terminology

Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Overview of content Teaching time Textbook
number pages
7.1 What is • To understand different definitions of This lesson introduces the concept of development. Multiple definitions of 1 hour 122–123
development? development development are given. Pupils discuss the different views.
• To understand every country is at a The concept of poverty is introduced, with an explanation of how the World Bank
different stage of development define world poverty.
• To know how to use the Development
Compass Rose to support thinking The Dollar Street website is introduced: An
extract from Anna Rosling’s TedTalk explains the concept. Pupils analyse the
screenshots from Dollar Street and explain how they help better understanding of
The Development Compass Rose (DCR) is introduced, a tool which Geographers
use to interpret data. Pupils ask questions about the photographs using the DCR.
Pupils rework their definitions of development and explain why it is a complex
concept to understand.

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7.2 How is money • To understand how to This lesson introduces Gross National Income (GNI) per capita as a way to 1 hour 124–125
spread around the measure development using measure development.
world? one economic indicator. Pupils discuss how the World Bank uses GNI to define countries. This monitory
• To interpret different ways of indicator links to the definition of poverty from the World Bank in Lesson 7.1.
presenting development data.
Pupils map and describe the countries at either end of the spectrum (the top ten
• To investigate the patterns of wealth countries for GNI per capita and bottom ten). Middle income countries are
across the world. introduced. Pupils will be able to rank all 10 countries using the table and the
categories provided. They then discuss the benefits of the choropleth map and
discuss the usefulness of GNI per capita as an indicator.
Using an Oxfam poster, pupils consider the message, and where most of the 3.5
billion poorest people are located.
Pupils identify what they have discovered about the global distribution of
development, using GNI per capita as the indicator.
7.3 What other ways can • To identify different measures of This lesson introduces the Human Development Index and the ecological footprint 1 hour 126–127
be used to measure development. as different ways of measuring development.
development? • To understand the benefits of using The indicators for HDI are introduced: life expectancy, schooling and GNI per
different measures of development. capita. Pupils use the data in the table to sort the countries out into a rank order for
each indicator. They discuss the benefits of using other indicators of development.
Pupils study the map to describe the global spread of HDI. They compare this with
the map of GNI per capita from Lesson 7.2.
The ecological footprint is introduced as an indicator to compare development.
Pupils discuss which indicators are relevant to each point from the Development
Compass Rose.
Pupils compare the expert view of Kuznet on development from Lesson 7.1 to what
they have learnt in this lesson.
7.4 How can • To understand that development is a This lesson looks at how development can change over time. 1 hour 128–129
development change process of change. Pupils compare the UK in 1791 and 2011 (pre and post-industrial Britain) and
over time? • To understand that development occurs identify five ways the UK has changed.
at different rates and times in different
countries. After reading through the key inventions, pupils consider why these were important
for the development of countries and consider other inventions that are important
for development. The class then decide the top five inventions for the development
of the UK.
Pupils explain why the UK’s development was gradual over the last 200 years.
BRICS are introduced. Pupils consider why these BRIC countries are able to
develop rapidly.
Pupils compare two pie charts to consider how China’s economy has changed.
An extension activity is to visit the Gapminder website to consider the different
rates of development in UK and China.

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7.5 What is the global • To understand that inequality occurs This lesson looks at inequalities within countries. 1 hour 130–131
development map within countries at different scales. Pupils describe maps of development in the UK, comparing life expectancy, GCSE
grades and income.
Pupils to select words to describe the inequality in a photograph.
Pupils discuss the ‘350 million people missing from the map’. Take pupils back to
the GNI per capita map on spread 7.2 and ask pupils to identify what is missing,
demonstrating their learning from the unit.
7.6 Why do people live in • To understand the causes of poverty. This lesson looks at the causes of poverty. 1 hour 132–133
poverty? Pupils analyse the photos of poverty in different locations to construct questions
around a Development Compass Rose. Pupils can use their questions created
around the Development Compass Rose to describe development in the photos.
Using a diagram, pupils write a list of the causes of poverty and identify these in
the photos of poverty.
Pupils look at the information about Nepal and use it to draw a spider diagram to
show the causes of poverty in Nepal. They then describe the causes of poverty in
7.7 How can gender • To understand gender inequality. This lesson looks at the issue of gender inequality, and how this affects 1 hour 134–135
equality increase • To understand how gender equality can development.
development? lead to higher levels of development. Pupils discuss gender inequality and the fact provided. They think about how
people may experience gender inequality in the UK or around their home.
Pupils look at the effects of gender inequality, and why it exists in some countries.
Using a poster about gender inequality, pupils discuss reasons why a country
should invest in girls, ranking them in order of importance. Pupils explain why girls
and women can be at the heart of development. Pupils consider how a young girl’s
life may have been different if she had stayed in education.
7.8 How do countries • To understand how bilateral and non- This lesson introduces the idea of aid, covering bilateral aid and non-governmental 1 hour 136–137
and organisations governmental aid supports development. aid.
support • To understand how development aid Pupils use data to map the top ten countries that the UK provides aid to. They
development? may change over time. identify the GNI for each country and explain why the UK donates aid to these
Using data provided, pupils draw a bar graph and describe different types of
projects that aid is spent on. They consider the problem of spending the most
money on disaster relief.
Pupils study a poster to identify the development challenges for Pakistan, and how
the UK has supported development in Pakistan.
Pupils look at ActionAid, and their approaches to development aid.

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Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3

Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Overview of content Teaching time Textbook
number pages
7.9 What are Sustainable • To understand Sustainable Development This lesson introduces the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 1 hour 138–139
Development Goals? Goals. Pupils look at the SDGs and explain why sustainable development is so important,
• To understand the purpose of these and why the goals apply to all countries.
goals in reducing world poverty.
Using a poster, pupils explain why poverty is the first goal and how the UN aims to
stop poverty.
Pupils consider how what they have learnt in this unit relates to the SDGs. They
consider which three goals are most important.
Pupils explain why some governments might find it difficult to implement the SDGs.
7.10 What is Pupils will answer questions that assess what Pupils answer a series of questions to help them and their teachers assess their 1 hour 140–141
development? they have learnt in this unit: understanding of what they have learnt in the unit.
Review • to define development A range of resources about Bolivia are provided.
• to compare development around the
world Pupils investigate the resources using the enquiry questions from Lesson 1.1.
• to understand where and why inequality Pupils describe Bolivia’s level of development.
Using the resources and their knowledge, pupils explain the challenges to
• to understand the actions taken by
development that Bolivia needs to overcome.
individuals, governments and
communities to aid development. Pupils describe how SDGs have been implemented in Bolivia.
Pupils write a report on the priorities for future development of Bolivia identifying
problems, types of aid available, and SDGs to prioritise.
Using the DCR from Lesson 7.1, pupils develop their ideas and understanding to
add new questions.

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Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3

Unit name Unit objectives Key aspects of pupil achievement Key assessment opportunity

Unit 8: One planet, Pupils are introduced to the unit objectives. In this Contextual world knowledge 8.10 One planet, many people: how
many people: how unit, pupils will learn: • Understand the global distribution of population, and location of the world’s are populations changing? Review
are populations • about world population distribution and change major cities Create a concept map to show
changing? • how countries attempt to control population • Impact of population change in Southampton 1801 to present understanding of the interconnections
change • Population control strategies in Russia and China between key concepts
• about types of migration Reflect on how the world’s population
• to understand urbanisation and how cities Understanding of the conditions, processes and interactions that explain changes effects development
evolve. features, distribution patterns, and changes over time and space
• Define big ideas in geography – population distribution change, growth,
migration, urbanization
• Identify and explain the world pattern of population distribution
• Understand that population change occurs at different rates and times in
different countries
• Understand and apply the Demographic Transition Model, and a migration
• Understand how countries attempt to control population change
• Understand the decisions that people make to migrate
• Understand how migration changes settlements
• Identify the interconnections between, population change, use of natural
resources and development

Competence in geographical enquiry and skills

• Interpret statistics, graphs models population density map, population pyramids
to investigate population
• Consider decisions people make to change
• Identify the latitude and longitude of cities
• Compare OS maps of different scales
• Use a range of historical data
• Identify change comparing 1890 OS maps with current OS map

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Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3

Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Overview of content Teaching time Textbook
number pages
8.1 One planet, many • To understand what is meant by This lesson introduces the concept of population and population growth, and how 1 hour 142–143
people: how are population and how it is measured the world’s population is changing.
populations • To look at how the world’s population is Using the Worldometers website, pupils consider how the world’s population is
changing? changing changing.
Pupils use a graph to describe how the world’s population has changed. They draw
a line graph to show population growth in detail since 1800.
After watching a video, pupils think about the population explosion and explain why
it has happened.
Pupils write a paragraph to explain why governments need to conduct a census.
Using what they have read in an article, pupils describe the forecasted distribution
of population growth around the world.
Pupils find out how many people were alive when they were born.
8.2 Where does • To understand what is meant by This lesson introduces what is meant by population distribution. 1 hour 144–145
everyone live, and population distribution. The terms population density, sparsely populated and densely populated are
why? • To identify where the world’s biggest recapped and defined.
populations are found.
• To analyse population patterns. Pupils use the map showing population distribution to name and describe the
distribution of areas with different levels of population.
Using data, pupils draw a bar graph and use it to describe the numbers of people in
the top ten most populated countries.
Pupils group a set of photos into whether they are positive or negative factors for
Pupils explain the distribution of world population.
8.3 How can we describe • To understand how the population of a This lesson introduces the Demographic Transition Model and population 1 hour 146–147
the structure of a country changes as it develops. pyramids.
population? • To use a model to investigate population Pupils define key terms from the spread.
• To draw and interpret population data Using the diagram of the Demographic Transition Model, pupils consider why
using population pyramids to predict developed countries usually have a set of characteristics.
change. Pupils look at two population pyramids and describe them, and what how they can
become more developed, before matching them to real countries.
8.4 Can we control • To understand how countries attempt This lesson looks at how countries attempt to control population size. 1 hour 148–149
population size? population control. Pupils analyse resources including photos, articles and population pyramids for
• To consider the success of population Russia and China. They describe the problems the countries face, and what the
control. governments are doing to overcome these problems.
Pupils consider where Russia and China are on the Demographic Transition Model

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Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3

Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Overview of content Teaching time Textbook
number pages
8.5 Why do people • To understand what is meant by This lesson looks at the reasons why people migrate. 1 hour 150–151
migrate? migration, and the different forms of Pupils read two migration stories. They identify the push and pull factors that made
migration. the migrants move to a new destination.
• To be able to explain push and pull
factors. Pupils conduct a survey of the class to see if anyone has migrated to the area, and
• To consider social, economic, political why. They locate on a map where members of the class have previously lived.
and environmental reasons for migration. Using what they have learnt in the lesson, pupils group push and pull factors into
social, economic, environmental and political.
Pupils explain why people migrate.
8.6 Where do people • To know the major destinations and This lesson looks at the major destinations and routes for international migrants. 1 hour 152–153
migrate to? routes for international migrants. Pupils consider the case of Enrique Canchola and why he might have wanted to
• To identify the push and pull factors for migrate.
migration between Mexico and the USA.
Using a graph, pupils plot the top ten destination countries for migrants on an
outline map of the world and label the total number of migrants for each country.
Pupils then consider what this shows them.
Pupils identify patterns between the GNI per capita and a map showing the main
international migration routes.
Pupils look at migration from Mexico to the USA and identify the push and pull
factors for this migration.
As an extension activity, pupils can investigate the International Organisation for
Migration website to look at migration flows.
8.7 What is • To understand the process of rural to This lesson introduces the concept of urbanisation. 1 hour 154–155
urbanisation? urban migration. Definitions for rural to urban migration and urbanisation are given.
• To understand how global patterns of
urbanisation are changing. For a series of tables showing the ten most populated cities from 1900 to 2030,
• To consider the problems of pupils identify the name of the country the city is in and mark each city on a map,
urbanisation. using different colours for different years. Pupils use this to describe how the
distribution of the world’s cities has changed since 1900.
Pupils use push and pull factors to explain why a family might migrate.
In small groups, pupils discuss some of the problems that rapid urbanisation might
create. They share their ideas with the class.
Pupils explain why sustainable cities and communities is one of the UN’s SDGs.
As an extension activity, pupils can use GIS to compare data and describe
population growth in different cities.

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Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Overview of content Teaching time Textbook
number pages
8.8 How did urbanisation • To understand how urbanisation This double lesson looks at a case study of Southampton to consider how it has 2 hours 156–159
change changed a UK city. been changed by urbanisation.
8.9 Southampton? • To use a variety of historical data to A range of resources are given, including text, fact file, a graph of population
analyse change. growth, a map of Southampton from 1890 and a diagram showing Burgess’ land-
• To compare OS maps of different scales. use model applied to Southampton.
• To compare Southampton to a land-use
model. Pupils describe the location of Southampton. They look at the pull factors that
encouraged migration from the countryside to Southampton. Using the graph, they
describe how the population of Southampton has changed. Pupils then write a list
of the problems caused by rapid increase in rural to urban migration in the
eighteenth century.
Using the map of Southampton from 1890, pupils consider how Southampton has
grown. They compare this map with the OS map extract of Southampton today,
and describe how Southampton has changed.
Pupils describe the four land use zones shown in the Burgess Model and look at
these on the OS map of Southampton.
Pupils write about how Southampton has been changed by urbanisation.
8.10 One planet, many Pupils will answer questions that assess what Pupils answer a series of questions to help them and their teachers assess their 1 hour 160–161
people: how are they have learnt in this unit: understanding of what they have learnt in the unit.
populations • about world population distribution and Pupils create a concept map to show the big ideas in this unit.
changing? Review change
• how countries attempt to control Pupils describe what life is like at four levels of development.
population change Using the migration stories from Lesson 8.5, pupils consider which income level
• about types of migration each family are in, and how that has affected their decisions to migrate.
• to understand urbanisation and how
Pupils consider which stage of the DTM each level shown is likely to be in.
cities evolve.
Pupils use what they have learnt in this unit to progress their understanding of
development, and how it links to population.

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Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3

Unit name Unit objectives Key aspects of pupil achievement Key assessment opportunity

Unit 9: What Pupils are introduced to the unit objectives. In this unit, Contextual world knowledge 9.10 What happens where the
happens where the pupils will learn: • Identify human and physical features of a locality – Holderness coast land meets the sea? Review
land meets the sea? • to understand how erosion, deposition and Create a mind map to identify
transportation create and change coastal landforms the interconnections in this unit
over time Understanding of the conditions, processes and interactions that explain Compete a sketch map of the
• to consider how the coast is used by people features, distribution patterns, and changes over time and space Holderness coast to summarise
• to understand the need for, and impact of, different • Understand how erosion, deposition and transportation create and change the factors that have shaped the
coastal management strategies coastal landforms Holderness coast.
• to identify coastal landforms on OS maps and • Understand the importance of geology in shaping the coast Photo interpretation
photos • Understand how cliffs are weathered
• Understand the need for, and impact of, coastal management strategies

Competence in geographical enquiry & skills

• Comparing an OS map with aerial and ground level photos to identify coastal
features, and how people try to manage the coast
• Consider different viewpoints and justify decisions about coastal management

Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Overview of content Teaching time Textbook
number pages
9.1 What happens where • To know what is meant by the coast and This lesson introduces coasts as a unit. 1 hour 162–163
the land meets the the coastline Pupils learn what a coastline is. They write about a coastline they have visited,
sea? • To look at how humans use the coast describing what it was like.
• To understand that the coast is changing
A photograph of the old stairway at Happisburgh, Norfolk, is shown. Pupils
describe it using the enquiry questions from Lesson 1.1. They read an article about
the retreating coastline and suggest how this area of coast is at risk. They look at
the government’s decision not to rebuild sea defenses, and the views of local
Using an OS map extract, pupils look at a photograph and investigate how people
are using the coastline. Pupils look back at the OS map and photograph of
Scarborough from Lesson 1.1 and describe how people are using it.
Pupils explain why coastlines are important to people, particularly in the UK. They
create a table to compare the positives and negatives of living by the sea and
discuss their ideas with a partner.

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Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3

Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Overview of content Teaching time Textbook
number pages
9.2 What shapes our • To understand how cliffs are weathered. The concept of geomorphology is introduced, and weathering is discussed in 1 hour 164–165
coastal landscape? • To understand the importance of relation to cliffs and coastlines.
geology in shaping coasts. Pupils recap what weathering is, and how plants and animals can cause
weathering. They create a cartoon strip or diagram to remind them of each
weathering process.
Using a photo, pupils draw and annotate a sketch of a cliff to explain how sub-
aerial erosion changes the cliffs.
Using a map, pupils describe the rock types of a coast, what the rocks are like and
how this might influence the shape of the coastline. They draw a sketch map of the
Holderness coast including the different geology.
Using the OS map extracts of the Holderness coast, pupils consider how geology
has influenced the different shapes of the coastland.
9.3 What forms of • To understand the different types of This lesson looks at the different types of coastal erosion and how these erosion 1 hour 166–167
erosion take place on coastal erosion. processes change coastlines.
the coast? • To understand how these erosion The four different types of coastal erosion are introduced. Pupils draw a labelled
processes change coastlines diagram or cartoon for each erosion.
Pupils describe what is happening at the cliff face in a photograph, and how
weathering and erosion is having an impact.
Pupils look at the erosion process of hydraulic action. Using a photograph, they
make some predictions about what might happen to the landscape shown in the
future, with reference to specific erosion types.
Pupils describe which erosion processes are occurring in a photograph of a
coastline and how they have changed the cliff.
9.4 What landforms are • To identify different erosional coastal This lesson looks at how coastal landforms are formed by erosion. 1 hour 168–169
created by forces of landforms. Headlands and bays are introduced. Pupils use a photograph of a plasticine model
erosion? • To understand how these landforms are of a coast to explain why headlands and bays are formed on coastlines. If pupils More time may be
formed and explain how they change have access to plasticine, they can create their own models of coastal landforms. required if pupils
over time. create models of
• To identify coastal landforms on OS Pupils draw a diagram to show how a headland erodes to leave a stump. coastal landforms
maps and photos. Pupils write definitions of a wave-cut notch and a wave-cut platform and describe using plasticine
how a cliff is eroded.
Using an OS map extract and a photograph, pupils identify and investigate coastal
landforms, drawing and labelling a sketch map to show how it is likely to be eroded
in the future.

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Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3

Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Overview of content Teaching time Textbook
number pages
9.5 How does • To identify different types of waves. This lesson introduces how transportation erodes coastlines and creates 1 hour 170–171
transportation • To understand how transportation occurs landforms.
change the through the process of longshore drift Pupils look at the difference between a destructive and constructive wave, and how
coastline? a strong backwash leads to eroded beaches. They identify a wave in a photograph.
Pupils define transportation and longshore drift. They draw an annotated step-by-
step diagram to explain how longshore drift occurs.
Using an OS map extract and a photograph, pupils investigate wave direction and
longshore drift at Mappleton.
Pupils consider what problems longshore drift could cause for beaches and for
9.6 How does deposition • To define what is meant by deposition. This lesson looks at deposition and how it creates coastal landforms. 1 hour 172–173
change the • To understand how landforms are Pupils explain how longshore drift helps to create a spit. They explain the
coastline? created by deposition. difference between a bar and a tombolo.
Pupils draw a diagram to explain how a spit is formed.
Using what they have learnt so far in this unit, pupils write a story about a pebble’s
journey from being part of a headland to ending on a spit.
Pupils compare a photograph with an OS map extract to identify features formed
by deposition.
Pupils draw a table to show the different ways humans can use landforms created
by deposition, categorizing them into social, economic and environmental uses.
9.7 How has life on the • To understand how the Holderness This lesson focusses on the Holderness coast and how it has changed over time. 1 hour 174–175
Holderness coast coastline has changed over time and the Using what they have learnt in the unit, pupils consider the factors that have
changed? threats it faces. contributed to Holderness coast being the fastest eroding coastline in England.
• To appreciate how people are affected
by coastal processes. Pupils look at evidence that shows coastal erosion has been an issue for a long
time and explain how Skipsea is under threat.
Pupils describe the Holderness area and how it is used by people. They look at
which locations are valuable enough to be protected by sea defenses.
Using photographs, pupils consider how Mappleton has changed. They write a
news report to summarise the issue at Holderness.
9.8 What defences can • To understand what is meant by ‘coastal This lesson introduces coastal defenses. 1 hour 176–177
be used to protect management’ and identify types of sea Pupils study different coastal management strategies. They look at the difference
the coast? defences. between hard and soft engineering.
• To evaluate different types of sea
defences. Using the information on the pages, pupils create a table for each coastal
management strategy and compare the advantages and disadvantages of each

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Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3

Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Overview of content Teaching time Textbook
number pages
9.9 Weighing it up: are • To apply knowledge of coastal This lesson applies what pupils have learnt to a case study and presents a 1 hour 178–179
the benefits worth the management to a real location. decision-making activity.
cost? • To evaluate the best course of action for The context of the case study of Mappleton is provided, along with the problem, the
Mappleton. solution and the impact of these.
• To consider views and justify a decision
about coastal management. Pupils use a photograph and OS map extract to identify how a groynes is currently
protecting Mappleton, and why. Using a photograph, pupils explain why there is an
increase in erosion south of Mappleton.
Pupils write a letter to the Environment Agency about the impact of the groynes on
farmland. Pupils consider which coastal management strategy is best for the future
of Mappleton, and justify their decision.
9.10 What happens where Pupils will answer questions that assess what Pupils answer a series of questions to help them and their teachers assess their 1 hour 180–181
the land meets the they have learnt in this unit: understanding of what they have learnt in the unit.
sea? Review • to understand how erosion, deposition Pupils consider the effect of coastal processes on landforms and people.
and transportation create and change
coastal landforms over time Pupils draw a mind map to show what they have learnt in this unit.
• to consider how the coast is used by Pupils compete a sketch map of the Holderness coast, identifying the key factors
people that determine its changing shape.
• to understand the need for, and impact
Using a photograph, pupils drawn and annotate a field sketch to show how
of, different coastal management
erosional processes are shaping the base of the cliff.
• to identify coastal landforms on OS Using a photograph, pupils name types of hard engineering coastal defenses, and
maps and photos explain how they work. They explain why the government might spend money on
sea defenses at Withernsea.
Pupils look at the vision statement and consider which aspects they think they have
made progress with in this unit.

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Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3

Unit name Unit objectives Key aspects of pupil achievement Key assessment opportunity

Unit 10: Diverse and Pupils are introduced to the unit objectives. In Contextual world knowledge 10.6 How is urbanization
dynamic: how is Asia this unit, pupils will learn: • Locate Asia and its countries changing lives in Karnataka,
being transformed • Asia’s diverse physical and human • Identify key features of Asia ’s physical landscape, climate, environments, population India?
geography distribution, economy Applying understanding of
• how Asia is a continent of dynamic • Understand aspects of the human geography of India and China, Nepal urbanization developed in unit 8,
change pupils can use a wide variety of
• the changing relationship between Asia Understanding of the conditions, processes and interactions that explain features, geographical data to consider
and the rest of the world. distribution patterns, and changes over time and space impact of migration
• Understand the features and reasons for a monsoon climate 10.10 Diverse and dynamic:
• Understand the cause of flooding in Asia how is Asia being transformed?
• Understand how biomes are formed by the interaction of the Earth’s spheres – mountain Review
• Understand population distribution and change in Asia Create concept map to
demonstrate understanding of
• Compare the population structure of two Asian countries
the interconnections between
• Understand how urbanization is changing a region Karnataka, India
geographical concepts studied
• Identify reasons for economic growth in China in this unit
• Understanding the growing economic importance of Asia Appreciate the world economic
• Understand the impact of climate and flooding on people in Asia shift towards Asia
• Compare the causes and impact of flooding in Asia and York
• Understand how deforestation in Nepal is affected the biome

Competence in geographical enquiry and skills

• Interpret climate maps for Asia
• Use atlas maps and photos to investigate Asia
• Interpret statistics, graphs, population density map, population pyramids to investigate
population change
• Consider different points of view and decisions people make to change
• Apply understanding of migration and urbanization to analyse a range of geographical
information about Karnataka

Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Overview of content Teaching time Textbook
number pages
10.1 Diverse and • To understand about the physical and This lesson introduces Asia and looks at the physical and political geography. 1 hour 182–183
dynamic: how is Asia political geography of Asia Pupils recap what they have already learnt from previous units about Asia. They
being transformed? • To understand how Asia is a diverse use the resources on the pages to show the diversity of Asia.
Using the screenshot of Dollar Street, pupils consider how four families differ from
different incomes. In groups of four, pupils research families in Asia on Dollar
Using the atlas maps, pupils answer questions about the physical and political
geography of Asia.
Pupils use the DCR to write questions about Asia.

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Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3

Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Overview of content Teaching time Textbook
number pages
10.2 How does India rely • To understand the diversity of climate in This lesson looks at the climate of Asia, and the monsoon climate of India. 1 hour 184–185
on the monsoon Asia. Using atlas maps, pupils describe patterns in temperature across Asia and use
climate? • To understand the formation of a their own knowledge to explain the reasons behind the patterns. They describe the
monsoon climate. distribution of rainfall across Asia.
Pupils explain how temperature changes lead to monsoons, and use the atlas
maps to show evidence that Southern Asia has a monsoon climate.
Pupils explain why the monsoon season is so important to the population of
countries such as India.
10.3 How do floods • To understand the impacts of flooding in This lesson looks at flooding in Asia. 1 hour 186–187
threaten lives in Southern Asia. Pupils use an article to help them list the effects of floods in South Asia.
Asia? • To understand the causes and
responses of flooding in Bangladesh. Using a diagram, pupils outline the main causes of flooding in Bangladesh, and
then rank the causes from most to least important. They explain why the actions of
other countries contribute to the flooding of Bangladesh.
Pupils compare the floods in York in 2015 from Lesson 6.8 with the floods in South
10.4 How does life adapt • To understand the distribution of biomes This lesson looks at biomes in Asia. 1 hour 188–189
to the mountain in Asia. Pupils use atlas maps to consider the reasons of the distribution of biomes in Asia.
biome? • To understand the adaptations of They use the atlas maps from Lesson 10.2 to suggest what they would expect the
vegetation, animals and people in the climate to be like in the desert and tundra biomes.
mountain biome.
• To understand how people can change a Pupils consider how people have worked in balance with the environment in the
biome. mountain biome and how this is now being threatened. They consider how Nepal’s
stage of development has an impact on the mountain biome of the Himalayas, and
the flooding of India and Bangladesh.
10.5 Why is the population • To understand the population distribution This lesson looks at the population distribution across Asia. 1 hour 190–191
of Asia diverse and of Asia. Using a graph, pupils describe how the population in Asia has changed since 1750.
dynamic? • To understand the reasons for the They use the DTM to explain why this increase in population may have taken
population changes across Asia. place.
• To compare the population structure of
two countries in Asia. Pupils use an atlas maps to identify reasons for the population distribution across
Pupils analyse population pyramids to match them with two contrasting countries in
Asia – Japan and Afghanistan. Using what they have read in the articles provided,
pupils consider what the governments are doing to overcome challenges faced by
their populations.
As an extension, pupils can explore the populations of other countries in Asia,

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Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3

Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Overview of content Teaching time Textbook
number pages
10.6 How is urbanisation • To understand why people move from This double lesson looks at why people are moving to Bangalore. The pages 2 hours 192–195
changing lives in rural areas to Bangalore. include a range of geographical data, including a map, viewpoints, news articles,
10.7 Karnataka, India? • To understand the opportunities and tables of data and photographs. Pupils use these to consider:
challenges of life in Bangalore. • what Karnataka is like
• the push and pull factors which lead people to migrate to Karnataka
• how and why the population of Bangalore has changed
• what the slums areas of Bangalore are like
• what projects have been developed to improve the quality of live of people in
10.8 Is China helping to • To identify the reasons for China’s This lesson looks at China, and how and why its economy is growing rapidly. 1 hour 196–197
create an economic growth. Pupils use a Diamond Nine exercise to consider how important the given reasons
interdependent • To consider the purpose of China’s new are for the growth of China’s economy.
world? Belt and Road project.
Pupils explain why there has been an increase in energy consumption in China.
Using an article, pupils consider the advantages and disadvantages of the Belt and
Road Initiative.
Pupils consider if China is helping to create an interdependent wealth, or is aiming
to stimulate its own economy.
10.9 How is Asia • To understand the growing world This lesson looks at the impact of growth in Asia on world trade. 1 hour 198–199
developing into the importance of Asia. Pupils look at how manufacturing output and world trade has changed globally
most important global • To appreciate the shift in world trade. since 1990.
economic region?
10.10 Diverse and Pupils will answer questions that assess what Pupils answer a series of questions to help them and their teachers assess their 1 hour 200–201
dynamic: how is Asia they have learnt in this unit: understanding of what they have learnt in the unit.
being transformed? • that Asia has a diverse physical and Pupils plot the different places in Asia they have studied on a world map. They
Review human geography identify key things about the diversity of the continent.
• how Asia is a continent of dynamic
change Pupils draw a concept map to show how aspects of Asia are interconnected and
• the changing relationship between Asia how it is changing.
and the rest of the world. Pupils consider a range of views about the economy of Asia and specifically of
Using the vision statement, pupils consider how they have progressed their
understanding of the world in this unit.

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Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3

Unit name Unit objectives Key aspects of pupil achievement Key assessment opportunity

Unit 11: Can we ever Pupils are introduced to the unit objectives. Pupils will Contextual world knowledge 11.10 Will we ever know enough
know enough about learn: • Locate the global distribution of volcanoes, earthquakes, mountain belts and about earthquakes and
earthquakes and • the theory of plate tectonics plate boundaries volcanoes to live safely? Review
volcanoes to live • how volcanoes and earthquakes are linked to plate • Locate and investigate natural disasters in Guatemala, Turkey, Nepal Use of geographical terminology
safely? tectonics Summarise scientific
• the hazards for people associated with these events discoveries
• how scientists attempt to predict, manage and Understanding of the conditions, processes and interactions that explain
prevent these hazards. features, distribution patterns, and changes over time and space
• Understand the theory of continental drift, recognize the patterns of earthquake,
volcano and mountain belts as plate boundaries
• Understand the theory of plate tectonics, and scientists evolving understanding
of how plates move
• Understand the types of plate boundary
• Understand and appreciate how scientific theories and understanding about
plate tectonics have evolved through time through a series of discoveries
• Understand how people respond to an earthquake
• Appreciate how people manage risk in areas prone to earthquakes and

Competence in geographical enquiry and skills

• Interpret atlas maps, eye witness accounts, scientific evidence, public
information material to investigate plate tectonics

Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Overview of content Teaching time Textbook
number pages
11.1 Can we ever know • To recap knowledge about earthquakes This lesson provides an introduction to earthquakes and volcanoes. 1 hour 202–203
enough about and volcanoes Pupils use enquiry questions to investigate photographs of a volcano and an
earthquakes and • To understand why it is important to earthquake. They imagine what they would feel when witnessing an eruption or
volcanoes to live study natural hazards earthquake. They study fact files for an eruption and an earthquake event.
In pairs, pupils discuss what they already know about earthquakes and volcanoes.
They explain why it is important that we study natural hazard events.
Pupils look at the vision statement and consider which statements this unit will
focus on.
As an extension activity, pupils can start to keep a record of all the volcanoes and
earthquakes mentioned in this unit.

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Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3

Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Overview of content Teaching time Textbook
number pages
11.2 Do continents fit • To understand how maps helped us see This lesson introduces the theory of continental drift. Wegener’s theory is 1 hour 204–205
together like jigsaw the world differently. explained, including the evidence to support this theory, and then reactions to this
pieces? • To understand the theory of continental theory are explored.
drift. Pupils consider the evidence for Wegener’s theory of continental drift by analysing
• To observe and analyse evidence of a maps through a series of activities. They explain why most scientists disagreed
scientific theory. with Wegener’s theory.
11.3 Where are the • To recognise and describe the pattern of This lesson looks at the global distribution of earthquakes, volcanoes and mountain 1 hour 206–207
world’s earthquakes, earthquakes, volcanoes and mountain belts.
volcanoes and belts. Pupils describe what mid-ocean ridges and ocean trenches are and how they were
mountain belts? discovered.
Using maps showing distribution of earthquakes and volcanoes, pupils describe the
distribution, and consider the patterns shown. They look at the distribution of
mountain belts and ocean floor features, and consider the patterns shown.
Pupils consider the link between Wegener’s theory of continental drift and what
they have learnt in this lesson.
11.4 What is happening • To identify the structure of the Earth. This lesson looks at the theory of plate tectonics – how the movement of continents 1 hour 208–209
beneath our feet? • To understand the composition of the and the location of earthquakes and volcanoes are linked.
lithosphere. Pupils study the layers of the Earth and label a diagram to look at the difference
• To understand the theory of plate between continental and oceanic crust.
Pupil compare a map of Earth’s tectonic plates with the distribution of earthquakes,
volcanoes and fold mountains.
Using the map of Earth’s tectonic plates, pupils name each main plate and answer
a series of questions. They look back at Lesson 11.1 and identify which plate or
location between plates, these events were located.
Pupils write a summary about how the Earth is structured and what processes are
taking place.
11.5 What happens at • To understand the three different types This lesson introduces the three types of plate boundary. 1 hour 210–211
plate boundaries? of plate boundary and the events that Pupils draw and annotate each type of plate boundary to show what is happening
occur there. and what features can be found there. They look back at Lesson 11.4 to find
• To understand the forces that drive plate examples of the plate types.
Using the information explaining plate movement, pupils explain why the
explanation for how plates move has recently been changed. They explain this
more recent theory.
Pupils draw and label a cross-section to show how plates move and the forces that
cause the movement. They consider if it is likely that new theories to explain the
movement of plates will emerge in the future.

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Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3

Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Overview of content Teaching time Textbook
number pages
11.6 What do we know • To understand what an earthquake is This lesson looks at what an earthquake is, what damage it can cause, why they 1 hour 212–213
about earthquakes? and what damage they may cause. occur and how they are measured.
• To understand what causes them to Using a diagram, pupils explain what an earthquake is, and give definitions for key
occur and how they are measured. terms relating to earthquakes.
Using text and resources about the earthquake in Nepal, 2015, pupils explain the
tectonic processes at work. They write a letter from an aid worker in Nepal to their
family at home to describe what the earthquake was like and what help the people
of Nepal need.
11.7 Can people manage • To understand how people manage risk. This lesson looks at how people prepare for earthquakes. 1 hour 214–215
risk living in • To understand how people can prepare Using image from the page, pupils imagine what they should do if they are in their
earthquake zones? for earthquakes. house when an earthquake occurs. They think about what they would need to
• To understand that the stage of survive for up to two weeks after an earthquake has hit their home.
development of a country can affect the
way the risk of living in an earthquake Using a poster showing how to prepare a house for an earthquake, pupils discuss
zone is managed. the guidance, and consider what the most important safety measures would be.
They look at how buildings can be made earthquake proof.
Pupils look at the west coast of the USA to consider why it is prone to earthquakes,
and consider why people still live there.
After reading an article about Nepal, 30 months after the 2015 earthquake, pupils
use what they have learnt about Nepal in previous units to compare how the
government in Nepal prepares people for an earthquake compared to the
government in USA. They look at building standards and reconstructions in Nepal
after the earthquake.
Pupils answer the enquiry question ‘Can people manage risk living in earthquake
11.8 What do we know • To understand what a volcano is and This lesson looks at what a volcano is and how different types of volcano form. 1 hour 216–217
about volcanoes? how a volcano forms. Pupils describe the three categories of volcanoes. They locate two volcanoes to
• To understand that there are different see what type of plate boundary each is on. They create a table to show the You may need
types of volcano depending on location. differences between shield and composite volcano. more time if you
want to discuss a
Using a diagram, pupils complete a matching exercise about the features of a recent volcanic
volcano. eruption
Pupils revisit their fact files from Lesson 11.1 to identify the type of volcano shown.
If any volcanoes erupt during this unit, pupils should gather information about it and
write up a geographical report.

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Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3

Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Overview of content Teaching time Textbook
number pages
11.9 Can people manage • To understand the advantages and This lesson looks at why people live in a volcanic area and how eruptions can be 1 hour 218–219
risk living near disadvantages of living in a volcanic monitored and predicted.
volcanoes? area. Pupils use the information on the pages to explain why people live near volcanoes.
• To understand how volcanic eruptions They identify the main dangers people face from living near a volcano. They design
can be monitored and predicted. a poster to help people who live near volcanoes understand the significance of
prediction, planning and preparation.
Pupils look at a variety of equipment used to monitor a volcano.
Guidance from the Tokyo city authority is provided. Pupils use this to describe what
people in Tokyo should do if there is a volcanic eruption.
11.10 Can we ever know Pupils will answer questions that assess Pupils answer a series of questions to help them and their teachers assess their 1 hour 220–221
enough about what they have learnt in this unit: understanding of what they have learnt in the unit.
earthquakes and • the theory of plate tectonics Pupils complete an activity about the key terms they have learnt in this unit.
volcanoes to live • how volcanoes and earthquakes are
safely? Review linked to plate tectonics On a map of the world, pupils mark a list of all the places studied in this unit.
• the hazards for people associated with Pupils create a timeline to summarise the discoveries and ideas that led to the
volcanoes and earthquakes theory of plate tectonics.
• how scientists attempt to predict,
For two photographs of volcanoes, pupils identify which type of volcano is shown
manage and prevent these hazards.
• Pupils consider to what extent they agree with a view that ‘Earthquakes don’t kill
people, collapsed buildings do’.
Pupils explain whether we can ever know enough about earthquakes and
volcanoes to live safely.

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Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3

Unit name Unit objectives Key aspects of pupil achievement Key assessment opportunity

Unit 12: What are the Pupils are introduced to the unit objectives. In Contextual world knowledge 12.10 What are the challenges
challenges and this unit, pupils will learn about: • Locate Africa and its countries and opportunities facing Africa?
opportunities facing • the physical and human geography of • Identify key features of Africa ’s physical landscape, climate, environments, population Review
Africa? Africa distribution, economy Challenging stereotypes
• Africa’s colonial history about some of the • Understand geographical similarities, differences and links between places through the Identify he challenges and
challenges facing the continent study of human and physical geography of a region within Africa, and of a region within opportunities facing Africa
• some of the opportunities to develop and Asia Identify the most important
change. Sustainable Development Goals
Understanding of the conditions, processes and interactions that explain features, to benefit the continent.
distribution patterns, and changes over time and space
• Know the physical landscape of Africa
• Understand the pattern of climate zones and biomes across Africa
• Identify the causes and consequences of desertification in the Sahel
• Understand how biomes are formed by the interaction of the Earth’s spheres – savanna
• Challenge stereotypical views about the continent of Africa
• Appreciate the effects of colonialism on present day Africa
• Understand the changing state of development across African countries
• Understand population distribution and change in Africa
• Understand how urbanisation is changing Africa
• Compare urbanization in a region of India and Africa
• Identify reasons for economic growth in Africa
• Understanding and consider the reasons for China investing and trading with countries
in Africa
• Identify solutions to desertification in the Sahel

Competence in geographical enquiry & skills

• Interpret climate maps and graphs for Africa
• Use atlas maps and photos to investigate Africa
• Interpret statistics, graphs, population density map, population pyramids to investigate
population change
• Consider different points of view and decisions people make to change
• Apply understanding of migration and urbanization to analyse a range of geographical
information about Ethiopia
• Apply understanding of development and Sustainable Development Goals to Africa

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Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3

Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Overview of content Teaching time Textbook
number pages
12.1 What are the • To understand that there are This lesson introduces some of the challenges facing Africa. 1 hour 222–223
challenges and stereotypical views about Africa which Pupils recall what they already know about Africa. They read a quote from
opportunities facing should be challenged Chimamanga Ngozi Adichie about stereotypical views of Africa and consider if their Pupils may need
Africa? views have been influenced by stereotyping. They look at the vision statement to more time to
see what aspects of being a geographer challenge stereotypes. investigate
After reading an article, pupils think about what many people view Africa as a families from
country rather than a continent and why this is a problem. Dollar Street
Using an atlas map, pupils answer a series of questions about African countries
and the seas and oceans that surround Africa.
Using the Dollar Street website, pupils investigate and compare two families from
contrasting economic backgrounds within Africa.
Pupils consider how what they have learnt in the lesson challenges stereotypical
views of Africa.
12.2 What is the physical • To know the physical landscape of This lesson introduces the physical geography of Africa. 1 hour 224–225
landscape of Africa? Africa. Using what they learnt in Lesson 11.2, pupils describe how Africa formed over the
• To understand the importance of the last 200 million years. They look at the distribution of volcanoes and earthquakes
natural resources of Africa. Pupils may need
across Africa and what places are formed as a result of plate movements. more time to
On an outline map of Africa, pupils draw and locate landforms and landscapes, and investigate
name the river basins, seas and oceans. locations on the
Pupils match three photographs to their locations, and use enquiry questions to Confluence
investigate what one of the photographs shows. website
Using facts from a mining company, pupils consider how important natural
resources are in Africa.
As an extension activity, pupils can use the Degree Confluence website to
investigate two locations in Africa.
12.3 How has Africa’s • To identify the effects of European This lesson looks at the damaging impact of the slave trade from the 1600s, and 1 hour 226–227
past shaped its colonialism in Africa from the fifteenth to the colonisation of Africa by European nations.
present? the twentieth centuries. Using the information given, pupils create a timeline to show the events affecting
• To consider how those effects have Africa from 1600 to the 1970s. They look at what Africa was like before European
shaped Africa’s present. nations began to colonise Africa.
Using their knowledge of the slave trade, which they may have covered in History
lessons, pupils write a paragraph to explain how the slave triangle of trade works.
Pupils consider why European nations began the Scramble for Africa. They explain
the purpose of the Berlin conference, and describe how Africa changed after the
Berlin conference.
Pupils consider the actions of Leopold II in the Congo to explain the main reason
for the Scramble for Africa. They analyse a political cartoon about the legacy of
colonial rule today for Africa.

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Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3

Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Overview of content Teaching time Textbook
number pages
12.4 How developed are • To understand the differences in levels This lesson looks at poverty and development for countries across Africa. 1 hour 228–229
African countries? of development across African countries. Pupils use information provided on pages 124–127 to show the income groups of
• To consider different points of view countries in Africa.
about development in African countries.
Using data from the Gapminder website, pupils write a paragraph to explain what
the graph on the website shows about poverty and development for countries in
Pupils read a series of views about Africa and categorise them into positive and
negative. They place them in the relevant place on the Development Compass
Using what they have learnt so far in the unit, pupils match the views with the
causes of poverty from Lesson 7.6, and provide examples specific to Africa.
Pupils consider how far the world view of Africa is a single-story view, or reality.
12.5 What is the pattern of • To understand the pattern of climate This lesson looks at the climate and biomes of Africa. 1 hour 230–231
climate and biomes zones and biomes across Africa. Using a diagram showing the climate and biomes of Africa, alongside four climate
in Africa?
graphs, pupils explain why the biomes occur where they do. Pupils may need
more time to
Pupils use the climate graphs and a photograph to describe the savanna
landscape and its climate.
locations on the
Pupils explain what happens to climate and biomes in Africa, north and south of the Degree
Equator. Confluence
As an extension activity, pupils can explore different biomes in Africa using the website or Google
Degree Confluence website or Google Earth, and present their findings to the Earth
12.6 Is there a future for • To identify the causes and This lesson looks at desertification in the Sahel and the steps being taken to 1 hour 232–233
the Sahel? consequences of desertification in the prevent it.
Sahel. The concepts of desertification and drought are introduced.
• To explore solutions to desertification in
the Sahel. Pupils identify the countries that are part of the Sahel and look at the climate. They
analyse a graph to describe the rainfall in the Sahel and then explain why the
rainfall pattern makes life difficult for people in the Sahel.
Pupils read an article and use the information to explain approaches to farming to
stop desertification.
Pupils explain how the Great Green Wall offers hope for the future in the Sahel.

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Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3

Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Overview of content Teaching time Textbook
number pages
12.7 What are the • To understand the population distribution This lesson Looks at the population distribution in Africa and how and why it has 1 hour 234–235
challenges and of Africa. changed.
opportunities of • To understand the reasons for Pupils use the map from pages 144-145 to identify population distribution in Africa,
population change in population change in Africa. giving positive and negative reasons for this distribution.
Africa? • To appreciate the challenges and
opportunities of this change Pupils describe how the population of Africa has changed since 1750, and suggest
why the population increase is now taking place.
Using an atlas map showing population change in Africa, pupils identify the
distribution patterns.
Pupils use a population pyramid to describe the structure of Nigeria’s population
and consider which stage of the DTM it is in.
A range of different viewpoints about population change are given for pupils to
analyse and consider which see population change as a challenge, and which see
it as an opportunity.
Pupils answer the enquiry question ‘What are the challenges and opportunities of
population change in Africa?’
12.8 What are the • To understand the scale of urbanisation This lesson looks at the opportunities and challenges of rapid urbanisation in 1 hour 236–237
challenges and in Africa. Africa.
opportunities of • To understand the opportunities and Pupils use the information on the pages and their knowledge to write a list about
urbanisation in challenges of life in a growing city. the push and pull factors that are leading to the rapid growth of cities in Africa.
Pupils analyse a map to look at slums Africa, and in Ethiopia in particular. They
consider why Addis Ababa is the fastest growing city in Ethiopia, and use a
photograph to consider what live is like in a slum in Addis Ababa.
Using Google Earth, pupils explore Addis Ababa and consider what it is like, and
what opportunities there are for people.
Pupils work in groups to consider government projects to solve problems in Addis
Ababa and suggest other things that the government could do to improve the city.
Pupils compare what they have learnt about urbanisation in Africa with what they
learnt about India in Lessons 10.6 and 10.7.
12.9 Does China want to • To understand the trading links between This lesson looks at the trading links between Africa and China. 1 hour 238–239
help develop Africa? Africa and China. Pupils look at trade routes in Africa. They analyse a graph to show how trade has
• To consider different viewpoints to increased between Africa and China, and what products are being traded. They
identify reasons for this trade. consider Chinese investment in Africa and why it is important. A range of views
about China’s trade with Africa are given, and pupils categorise them as negative
and positive.
Pupils answer the enquiry question ‘Does China want to help develop Africa?’

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Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Overview of content Teaching time Textbook
number pages
12.10 What are the Pupils will answer questions that assess Pupils answer a series of questions to help them and their teachers assess their 1 hour 240–241
challenges and what they have learnt in this unit: understanding of what they have learnt in the unit.
opportunities facing • the physical and human geography of Pupils investigate the way of life of one family from Malawi.
Africa? Review Africa
• Africa’s colonial history Pupils draw a table to show what they have learnt about the challenges and
• about some of the challenges facing the opportunities facing Africa.
continent Pupils look at the Sustainable Development Goals and how they are important for
• about some of the opportunities to the future of Africa.
develop and change.
After re-reading Chimamanda Ngozi Adichi’s comments from Lesson 12.1, pupils
write about what they have learnt about Africa in this unit.

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Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3

Unit name Unit objectives Key aspects of pupil achievement Key assessment opportunity

Unit 13: How does Pupils are introduced to the unit objectives. Pupils will Contextual world knowledge 13.10 How does ice change the world? Review
ice change the learn: • Locate the changing global distribution of ice sheets and glaciers Geographical terminology
world? • how ice changes the world • Identify human and physical features of a locality – Helvellyn, Identify glacial landforms
• how erosion and transportation create glacial Snowdon, Dinorwig, North Wales, Geiranger, Norway Create a tourist information board to show
landforms glacial landforms
• identifying glacial landforms on OS maps Understanding of the conditions, processes and interactions that
• how the distribution of ice around the world explain features, distribution patterns, and changes over time and
changes through time. space
• Understand that the world’s distribution of glaciers varies through
• Understand how erosion, deposition and transportation create
and change landforms
• Identify and understand how people use glacial landforms
• Understand how scientists investigate how glaciers are changing

Competence in geographical enquiry & skills

• Comparing OS maps with aerial and ground level photos to
identify glacial landforms
• Use OS maps to draw cross sections to show glacial features

Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Overview of content Teaching time Textbook
number pages
13.1 How does ice change • To understand what a glacier is This lesson introduces different types of glaciers and where they are found in the 1 hour 242–243
the world? • To identify the location of glaciers world.
around the world Pupils explain what a glacier is and where they form. They describe what a
• To understand what the two different glaciologist is and identify the two main types of glacier.
types of glacier are
Pupils use enquiry questions to describe two photographs showing different types
of glaciers. They locate each glacier and consider what information they can see
that tells them whether each glacier is popular with tourists.
Using the map showing the world distribution of ice sheets and glaciers, pupils
mark these areas on an outline map of the world and describe the distribution of
glaciers. They explain the distribution of the world’s glaciers.

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Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3

Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Overview of content Teaching time Textbook
number pages
13.2 How and why do • To understand that the world’s This lesson introduces Ice Ages, and looks at how glaciers form and move. 1 hour 244–245
glaciers form and distribution of glaciers varies through Pupils analyse a graph to look at interglacial and ice ages.
move? time
• To understand how glaciers form and Using a map, pupils describe the distribution of ice and glaciers during the last ice
move age. They compare this map with the one from Lesson 13.1 and identify changes.
• To understand what the differences are Pupils define key words for the lesson.
between advancing and retreating
Pupils copy and label a diagram that shows a glacier as a system, and explain why
glaciers advance or retreat.
Using a photograph, pupils draw a sketch of a glacier and label the different zones
and glacial features.
Pupils explain how and why glaciers form and move.
13.3 How do glaciers • To understand how glaciers erode, This lesson looks at glacial processes and how glaciers erode landscapes. 1 hour 246–247
change landscapes? transport and deposit material, and Pupils explain the process of freeze-thaw weathering, why it occurs in glacial areas
change landscapes. and how it helps glaciers erode landscapes.
• To analyse a topological map and
photographs of a glacier. Pupils study a photograph to identify the type of glacier, look at the glacial
processes and draw a diagram to explain how a glacier erodes a landscape.
Pupils explain how a glacier transports material. They explain why and how a
glacier deposit materials.
Using a topological map, pupils locate and describe a glacier, then draw a sketch
map and annotate it.
As an extension activity, pupils can draw a cross-section of a glacier.
13.4 How are landforms • To identify and describe glacial erosion This lesson looks at the landforms created by glacial erosion. 1 hour 248–249
shaped by glacial landforms: corries, tarns, arȇtes and Pupils describe how a landscape can change during and after glaciation. They
erosion? Part 1 pyramidal peaks. draw and label a sketch of a photograph of a corrie to explain how corries are
Pupils draw a sketch to show a variety of features and explain how they are
Using an OS map extract, pupils identify glacial features.
Pupils create a storyboard to show the formation of glacial features.
13.5 How are landforms • To identify and describe glacial erosion This lesson continues to look at landforms created by glacial erosion. 1 hour 250–251
shaped by glacial landforms: U-shaped valley, hanging Pupils identify and compare different landforms. They explain how glaciers change
erosion? Part 2 valley, truncated spurs, ribbon lakes, V-shaped valleys to create U-shaped valleys.
Pupils draw a field sketch of a valley, label it to identify the features, and annotating
it to explain how the valley was formed.
Pupils describe and explain how hanging valleys, truncated spurs, ribbon lakes and
fjords are formed.
Working with a partner, pupils create key term cards for the unit and use them to
explain how glaciers change from source to mouth.

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Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3

Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Overview of content Teaching time Textbook
number pages
13.6 How do we know the • To identify glacial landforms on OS This lesson investigates the landforms left behind by glaciers in an area of the 1 hour 252–253
Lake District was maps and photos. Helvellyn area of the Lake District.
glaciated? • To consider how an area in the Lake Pupils identify glacial features on an OS map and satellite image. They use Google
District was eroded by ice. Earth to explore the features further.
Pupils draw and label a cross-section of a corrie. They explain how it was formed
by ice.
Pupils draw an annotated sketch map to show how the Helvellyn area was formed.
13.7 How are landforms • To identify and describe glacial This lesson looks at the landforms created by glacial deposition. 1 hour 254–255
shaped by glacial depositional landforms: moraines, glacial Pupils consider when and why glaciers deposit materials. They identify where the
deposition? till, erratics, outwash plains, drumlins. glacier melts and explain what glacial till is.
Pupils investigate a variety of landforms created by glacial deposition and consider
the power of meltwater streams.
Using a photograph and diagram, pupils consider different types of moraine and
where they are found.
Pupils identify which landforms are created by melting ice and which are formed
from meltwater.
13.8 How do people use • To identify and describe how people use This lesson looks at how glacial landforms are used for tourism, water transference 1 hour 256–257
glacial landforms? glacial landforms. and hydro-electric power.
Pupils consider why people began to visit the Lake District from the late eighteenth
century. Using a poster, they describe how the Lake District can attract tourists.
Pupils use evidence to explain why people created Thirlmere in the Lake District.
Pupils identify glacial landforms on an OS map, drawing and labelling a sketch
map. They draw and label key elements of the Dinowig Power Station.
Using an OS map and a diagram, pupils explain how the Dinowig Power Station
uses glacial features to generate electricity.
Pupils identify and locate evidence on a map to show tourism. They use enquiry
questions to describe a photograph and consider why it is a popular tourist
Pupils explain how people use glacial landforms.
13.9 How do we • To understand how glaciologists This lesson explores the work of a glaciologist, and how they look at how glaciers 1 hour 258–259
investigate how investigate glaciers. change.
glaciers are • To understand how glaciers are Pupils consider how glaciologists investigate glaciers. They look at repeat
changing? changing. photography and use of satellite images, and use resources to describe how
• To interpret satellite images and repeat glaciers have changed over time.
photography of glaciers.
Pupils use the vision statement to explain why glaciologists are excellent

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Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Overview of content Teaching time Textbook
number pages
13.10 How does ice change Pupils will answer questions that assess Pupils answer a series of questions to help them and their teachers assess their 1 hour 260–261
the world? Review what they have learnt in this unit: understanding of what they have learnt in the unit.
• how ice changes the world Pupils complete an activity to show their understanding of key terms from the unit.
• how erosion and deposition create
glacial landforms. Pupils list the locations they have studied in the unit.
• how to identify glacial landforms on OS Pupils identify glacial processes on a photograph of a glacier and explain how each
maps process works.
• how the distribution of ice around the
Pupils name glacial landforms on a diagram and on an OS map extract.
world changes through time.
Pupils consider the point a cartoonist is making in a political cartoon about how
glaciers are changing.
Pupils explain how glaciers are changing.
Pupils create an information board to show a feature in the Lake District and how it
was formed.

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Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3

Unit name Unit objectives Key aspects of pupil achievement Key assessment opportunity

Unit 14: Why is the Pupils are introduced to the unit objectives. In Contextual world knowledge 14.10 Why is the Middle East an important
Middle East an this unit, pupils will learn: • Identify the meaning of a region world region? Review: Applying
important region? • where the Middle East region is located • Locate the Middle East and its countries understanding of migration developed in
• what countries make up the region • Identify key features of the Middle East ’s physical landscape, climate, unit 8 and 10 pupils can use a wide variety
• the physical landscape of the Middle East environments, population distribution, economy of geographical data to consider impact of
• the human geography of the region • Consider the importance of the region to the world forced migration from Syria
• examples of conflict and controversy in the 14.6 and 14.7: Apply understanding of big
Middle East ideas of geography, and using varied
• how important the region is to the world. Understanding of the conditions, processes and interactions that explain geographical data progressed through the
features, distribution patterns, and changes over time and space book – development, economy and
population change by comparing UAE and
• Know the physical landscape of the Middle East Yemen
• Identify the impact of plate tectonics on the Middle East
• Understand the pattern of climate zones
• Compare a desert and Mediterranean climate
• Understand the distribution of population and ethnic groups across the Middle
• Understand the importance of oil to the economies of the Middle East and the
• Understand the changing state of development across the countries of the
Middle East
• Compare and understand the reasons for different levels of development and
population change for UAE and Yemen
• Understand the reasons for conflict in the Middle East
• Identify issues of water scarcity created by the climate of the region

Competence in geographical enquiry and skills

• Draw climate graphs
• Use atlas maps and photos to investigate Middle East
• Interpret statistics, graphs, population density map, population pyramids to
investigate population change
• Consider different points of view and decisions people make to change
• Apply understanding of development, population and economy to investigate
UAE and Yemen
• Apply understanding of the Middle East, and migration to investigate the causes
and consequences of war in Syria

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Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3

Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Overview of content Teaching time Textbook
number pages
14.1 Why is the Middle • To understand what countries make up This lesson introduces the history and make-up of the Middle East region. 1 hour 262–263
East an important the Middle East Pupils explain what a region is and why it is difficult to define a region. They explain
world region? • To look at different areas in the Middle what the term ‘Middle East’ means.
Pupils list the countries and one state of the Middle East, and the seas that border
the region. They name the continents that meet in the region and why this is
important in the development of the region.
In groups, pupils discuss their knowledge of the Middle East, using the
photographs to help them. They share their knowledge with the class.
Pupils red the information from the Degree Confluence website and describe what
an area of the Middle East is like. They use the website to investigate five other
places in the Middle East.
14.2 How does physical • To understand the influence of physical This looks at how the physical geography influences he Middle East. 1 hour 264–265
geography influence geography on the Middle East. Pupils use a map to name the mountain and rivers of the Middle East and describe
the region?
the distribution of physical regions.
Pupils match three photographs to their locations, and use them to explain how
they challenge views of the Middle East.
Using a map from the US Geological Survey, pupils describe and explain
earthquake activity in the Middle East.
14.3 What problems does • To know the climate zones of the Middle This lesson looks at the climate of the Middle East. 1 hour 266–267
the climate of the East. With reference to a map, pupils name and describe the distribution of climate
Middle East create • To draw and interpret climate graphs. zones in the Middle East.
for the region? • To be aware of the issues climate
creates for the region. Pupils draw climate graphs and describe the climate for the two main climates of
the Middle East. They use this to explain why rainfall patters are so important.
After reading an article, pupils explain why there is a water crisis in the Middle
East. They consider ways of improving water supply including a water transfer
scheme, a desalination plant and an aquifer.
14.4 Why is the population • To identify parts of the Middle East that This lesson looks at the population distribution of the Middle East. 1 hour 268–269
of the Middle East so are densely and sparsely populated. Pupils use a map to describe the population distribution across the Middle East.
diverse? • To describe the distribution of population They explain the pattern of population density of the Middle East by comparing it to
across the Middle East. a physical geography map.
• To identify reasons for the distribution of
population of the region. Using data provided, pupils draw a bar graph to show the population of countries in
the Middle east and summarise what the graphs show.
Pupils analyse a map to look at the ethnic groups that live in the Middle East and
why the population is so diverse in terms of ethnic groups.
Pupils consider how the population of Israel is different to other countries in the
Middle East.

Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3 © Hodder & Stoughton 2018

Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3

Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Overview of content Teaching time Textbook
number pages
14.5 Why is the Middle • To understand the importance of oil to This lesson looks at the economy of the Middle East and the importance of oil. 1 hour 270–271
East a major the economies of the Middle East and Pupils look back to Unit 2 to recap why oil is so important to economy.
economic region of the world.
the world? Pupils explain the causes of the formation of oil and natural gas in the Middle East.
They look at when oil was first discovered in the region.
Using a variety of data, pupils consider the importance of oil and gas reserves in
the Middle East for the economies of countries in the region.
Pupils look at data about global consumption and production of oil. They consider
what problems could be created by having an economy that relies on money from
exporting oil.
Pupils answer the enquiry question ‘Why is the Middle East a major economic
region of the world?’
14.6 How has the United • To know the levels of development This lesson looks at levels of development across the Middle East. 1 hour 272–273
Arab Emirates across the region. Pupils look at a map showing HDI per capita to look at which income group each
developed? • To identify reasons for the development Middle East country is in. They write a list of challenges that countries in the Middle
of the UAE. East need to overcome in order to develop.
Pupils consider how the UAE is governed. They look at the distribution of oil, the
importance of oil to its economy, and how the country needs to become less reliant
on oil revenue.
Using a graph, pupils explain how successful the UAE has been in developing
since 1970. Pupils analyse a population pyramid to consider the patterns shown.
They explain why the UAE uses so many migrant workers.
14.7 Why is Yemen the • To understand factors that hinder This lesson looks at Yemen as a country with barriers to development. 1 hour 274–275
poorest country in development. Pupils read and analyse an economic report about Yemen. They summarise the
the Middle East? • To compare the levels of development reasons for lack of development in Yemen. Pupils consider the impact of the latest
for two countries. war in Yemen.
Pupils analyse a population pyramid and consider which stage of the DTM Yemen
is in. They compare the population pyramids of Yemen and the UAE.
Pupils identify the Sustainable Development Goals which would benefit Yemen.
They draw Development Compass Roses for UAE and Yemen and use them to
compare levels of development, and explain why there is such a difference in
development. They consider the three most important reasons.
14.8 Why is there ongoing • To understand some of the reasons for This lesson looks at the reasons for conflict in the Middle East. 1 hour 276–277
conflict in the Middle conflict in the Middle East Pupils create a spider diagram to summarise the reasons for conflict in the Middle
East. They create a timeline to summarise the major conflicts that have occurred in
the region.
Pupils describe the distribution of Sunni and Shia Muslims across the Middle East.
They consider the impact of the overthrow of Saddam Hussein In the Iraq War on
growing tensions between Sunni and Shia Muslims.
Pupils look at evidence about countries offering military support in Yemen.

Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3 © Hodder & Stoughton 2018

Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3

Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Overview of content Teaching time Textbook
number pages
14.9 Why is the Middle Pupils will answer questions that assess what Pupils answer a series of questions to help them and their teachers assess their 1 hour 278–281
14.10 East an important they have learnt in this unit: understanding of what they have learnt in the unit.
world region? • where the Middle East region is located A variety of resources are provided include an image about the effect of war in
Part 1 Review • what countries make up the region Syria, views from people who left Syria, a map showing the countries accepting
• the physical landscape of the Middle Syrian refugees, a political cartoon on the Syrian refugee crisis and views from
East people about the Syrian refugee crisis.
• the human geography of the region
• examples of conflict and controversy in Pupils use the resources to consider:
the Middle East - why Syria is at war
- what the significant impacts of the war are
• how important the region is to the world.
- why people left or stayed in Syria
- what the problems of the Syrian refugee crisis are
- why the Middle East is important to the rest of the world

Pupils consider how the unit has progressed their understanding, and use the
vision statement to think about the progress they have made towards the vision.

Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3 © Hodder & Stoughton 2018

Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3

Unit name Unit objectives Key aspects of pupil achievement Key assessment opportunity

Unit 15: What is the Pupils are introduced to the unit Contextual world knowledge Each lesson in this unit is an
future for the planet? objectives. In this unit, pupils will • Global patterns of climate change and greenhouse gas emissions assessment of pupil’s ability to think
A geographer’s view learn: • Antarctica the frozen continent like geographers demonstrating a
• that climate change is a • Consequences of climate change in the UK synoptic understanding of the
controversial issue affecting the course.
future of the planet Understanding of the conditions, processes and interactions that explain features, 15.4 and 15.5: What are the
• about the evidence of climate distribution patterns, and changes over time and space consequences of climate change on
change • Understand the concept of climate change our planet? Use a variety of
• the causes and consequences of • Understand the role of greenhouse gases geographical data all through the
climate change • Understand the interaction and interconnection of the Earth’s spheres, principles of weather and book to apply understanding of
• about the options for the planet’s climate and changing glaciers geographical concepts
future. • Understand the contribution of using natural resources, energy development, economic growth, 15.7 Independent geographical
population change on the world’s changing climate enquiry of Antarctica
15.9 What is the future for the
• Identify and classify the causes of climate change
planet? A geographer’s view Review
• Apply understanding of the big ideas of geography progressed through the book to investigate
the causes and consequences of climate change
• Understand that action to face climate change requires international agreement and

Competence in geographical enquiry and skills

• Investigate controversial issues
• Consider a range of evidence of climate change
• Consider and critically reflect on different viewpoints detecting bias
• Use a wide range of geographical data in this unit and those throughout the book marked with
cc symbol to identify and classify the causes and consequences of climate change
• Use of GiS to identify flood risk in the UK
• Class debate presenting three options for the future
• Consider future actions as a geographer

Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3 © Hodder & Stoughton 2018

Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3

Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Overview of content Teaching time Textbook
number pages
15.1 What is the future for • To consider the range of views about This lesson introduces climate change, and range of views about what it is and its 1 hour 282–283
the planet? A climate change, what it is and its possible causes and consequences.
geographer’s view possible causes and consequences. Pupils discuss what they already know about climate change and/or global
warming. They explain why it is a controversial issue.
Working with a partner, pupils read a variety of views about climate change and
group them into those who see climate change as an issue caused by humans,
and those who don’t.
Pupils summarise the views of those who see climate change as an issue, and
those who don’t. They consider which view makes the strongest case and explain
their answer.
15.2 What is the evidence • To identify evidence of climate change. This lesson looks at the evidence for climate change. 1 hour 284–285
for climate change? • To apply understanding of ideas in Pupils analyse a graph showing changes in annual global temperatures. They
earlier units. explain why this is the most important evidence of climate change, and how it
suggests that the climate is warming more quickly.
Using a diagram, pupils consider indicators of climate change. They recap from
Unit 13 how glaciologists have collected data on glaciers and ice sheets
decreasing in size, and what this shows us about climate change.
Pupils explain the reasons for rising sea levels and how increases in global
temperatures leads to an increase in rainfall around the world. They look at the use
of satellite images in understanding how Arctic sea ice is changing. Using what
they have learnt from Unit 5, they consider how climate change is leading to
economic advantages for Russia.
Using the evidence from the lesson, pupils say whether they think climate change
is happening and justify their answer.
15.3 What are the causes • To know the natural and human causes This lesson introduces the causes of climate change. 1 hour 286–287
of climate change? of climate change. Pupils explain how glaciologists have found out about changes in climate, ice ages
• To understand how changes to and interglacials in Earth’s history, and what this evidence proofs about changes in
greenhouse gases can lead to climate climate.
Pupils explain what greenhouse gases are and how they keep the planet warm.
They consider why the natural occurrence of these gases strengthens the case of
people who think climate change is occurring naturally and is not caused in the
main by humans.
Pupils analyse changes in carbon dioxide levels since 1950. They identify how
humans add greenhouse gases to the atmosphere and the effects of this. Pupils
look at which countries are emitting the most greenhouse gases.

Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3 © Hodder & Stoughton 2018

Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3

Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Overview of content Teaching time Textbook
number pages
15.4 What are the • To consider the future consequences of This double lesson presents a range of geographical data about the consequences 2 hours 288–291
15.5 consequences of climate change on the physical and of climate change including maps showing global temperature patterns, global
climate change on human geography of the planet. precipitation patterns, extreme global weather events, newspaper articles about the
our planet? consequences of climate change, information about climate change from Oxfam.
Pupils look back through the textbook to find a ‘CC’ symbol which highlights which
data in the book shows evidence of the consequences of climate change. They
consider what conclusions they can make from the data and what they’d like to
investigate further.
Pupils use the maps and articles to consider how climate change has
consequences on global temperatures and precipitation, and extreme weather
events. They look at the key messages of Oxfam’s climate change campaign.
As an extension, pupils can investigate climate change campaigns from Oxfam or
another aid agency, using the internet for their research.
15.6 What are the • To consider the consequences of climate This lesson looks at consequences of climate change for the UK. 1 hour 292–293
consequences of change for the UK. Pupils analyse the UK Government’s climate change risk assessment. They
climate change for • To consider how climate change will consider the view from the Environment Agency about climate change.
the UK? affect different people.
Pupils consider the negative and positive changes that climate change has on the
UK, and whether the UK should be worried about climate change. They think about
the views of different people.
Using an Environment Agency website, pupils consider the risk of flooding in their
local area, then Southampton and Teesside.
15.7 Antarctica – the • To understand the importance of This lesson presents the data for a geographical enquiry about how Antarctica is 1 hour 294–295
frozen continent? A Antarctica. changing as a result of climate change.
geographical enquiry • To investigate how the continent is Pupils use the information on the pages as well as a range of websites given to
changing due to climate change. investigate how Antarctica is changing as a result of climate change. They use
• To conduct your own geographical what they have researched to write an article for a newspaper or magazine or
enquiry webpage. They can then present their work to the rest of the class.
Pupils look at the vision statement to consider what progress they have made in
being a geographer through conducting this enquiry.
15.8 What can we do • To understand the interconnected This lesson considers what can be done about climate change. 1 hour 296–297
about climate human causes of climate change. Pupils compare a range of maps to consider patterns about how climate change is
change? • To understand that action to face climate affecting our world. They consider how increasing world population has led to
change requires international agreement climate change.
and collaboration.
Pupils analyse a graph about the global emissions of carbon dioxide.
Pupils consider how the Sustainable Development Goals link to protecting the
Pupils read about the key points of the Paris Climate Agreement and consider how
it is tackling issues investigated in the textbook. They consider the attitude of
President Trump to the Paris Agreement and what this means for the rest of the

Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3 © Hodder & Stoughton 2018

Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3

Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Overview of content Teaching time Textbook
number pages
15.9 What is the future for Pupils will answer questions that assess what Pupils answer a series of questions to help them and their teachers assess their 1 hour 298–299
the planet? A they have learnt in this unit: understanding of what they have learnt in the unit.
geographer’s view. • that climate change is a controversial Pupils draw a concept map to make interconnections between the big ideas of
Review issue affecting the future of the planet geography which affect climate change. They discuss which are the most important
• about the evidence of climate change causes of climate change.
• the causes and consequences of climate
change Pupils prepare a case for what they think should be done in terms of climate
• about the options for the planet’s future. change for the future of the planet. They present this to the rest of the class as a
poster or presentation, before debating which option is best.
Pupils use the WWF footprint calculator to consider their own global footprint and
the factors that affect it.
Using information from a poster, pupils consider the personal choices they can
make to reduce the impact of climate change.
15.10 What is a Pupils consider what they have learnt in their Pupils consider what they have learnt over the Progress in Geography: Key Stage 1 hour 300–301
geographer? Review course: 3 course. This lesson is most appropriate for those going on to study Geography at
• about being a geographer GCSE.
• how to ask geographical questions Pupils revisit and answer the question ‘What is a geographer?’
• how to conduct geographical enquiries Pupils identify the five most important things they have learnt from the course.
• key aspects of studying people and They design an image to show what they have learnt. They look at the vision
places statement and consider the progress they have made.
• how to use geographical data, including Using the aims of GCSE Geography, pupils consider how what they will study in
maps the future will progress what they have learnt over the Progress in Geography: Key
Stage 3 course. They summarise how they think their progress in the course has
prepared them for GCSE Geography.

Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3 © Hodder & Stoughton 2018


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