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Spells and Prayers

Gaining Spells
Wizards always know the signature spell from their lore. In addition, wizards start with a fixed number of spells that are randomly determined before each battle. Whenever a wizard gains a new skill he may up the number of spells that he knows by one instead.

Targeting Spells
The wizard may target any visible enemy that is not hidden. (Spells do not have to target the closest enemy like shooters do.) Spells may be cast into close combat involving friendly warriors. Spells will automatically hit their intended target. (Spells may be cast into close combat, even if they deal damage to friendly warriors.) Wizards cannot cast spells out of close combat: While a wizard is engaged in close combat, all his spells, gainful or hurtful, must target warriors that are engaged in that are within 1.

Gaining Power Dice

At the start of each of your turns, each wizard generates 1 power dice. Wizards can store as much power as they wish in this manner. Power dice are personal and cannot be shared amongst the wizards. Wizards do not generate power dice the same turn they are deployed.

Spells that Remain in Play

Remains in play-spells are immediately dispelled if the caster is taken out of action, or if caster attempts to cast the spell again. Once cast, you cannot change the target of a spell that remains in play unless you successfully cast the spell again. Once cast, remains in play-spells remain in effect, even if the target moves further away from the caster than the spells range.

Casting Spells
Spells are cast in the Shooting Phase. To cast a spell, the wizard must declare how many power dice he is using and roll equal to or greater than the spells Difficulty. If he fails, he cannot cast a spell that turn. If the wizard rolls two or more naturals 1s for his spellcasting roll, he has caused a miscast. If successfully cast, spells automatically hit their target. All spells require line-of-sight, except where otherwise noted. Spells can be cast while the Wizard is engaged in close combat. Wizards may cast spells the same turn they moved, made running moves or charged. Wizards cannot cast spells and fire missile weapons the same turn. Wizards cannot cast spells if they are wearing armour. (Shields are Armour.) Each Wizard may only attempt to cast one spell per turn. If a spell has both a normal version, as well as a more powerful version, you must declare which version you are attempting to cast before rolling any dice.

Spells, Armour Saves and Ward Saves

Take armour saves against hits from spells as normal unless the specific spell says otherwise. If an enemy makes a ward save against a spell, other warriors may still be affected.

Prayers are treated in exactly the same way as spells with the following exceptions: Priests may wear armour and cast prayers. Unlike wizards, priests do not automatically generate power dice. Instead, they must pass a leadership test in the recovery phase. (If passed: 1 power dice. If failed: No power this turn.) Prayers do not count as spells: Rules or modifiers that apply to spells do not apply to prayers and vice versa. Prayercasting never causes miscasts.

Prayers of Sigmar
Signature: Hammer of Sigmar D6+
The priest blesses the weapons of the faithful, making them glow with inner fire. Range: 6 or caster Effect: Targets attacks with great weapons have +1 Strength and are flaming. Vs. Undead and Daemons, these attacks have an additional +1 Strength. Remains in play

1 Sigmars Fury


2 Healing Hands


The power of Sigmar surges through the recipient. Range: 6 or caster Effect: Target gains +1 Attack on profile. Remains in play

Chanting the Deus Sigmar, the priests palms light up with a white light of holy healing. Range: 3 or caster Effect: Target regains 1 lost wound.

3 Hearts of Steel


4 Soulfire


The priest chants a psalm to Sigmars glory and his men are heartened for battle. Range: 6 radius Effect: Friendly warriors, including animals, are immune to fear and have +1 Ld when taking panic tests. (Leadership cannot be increased beyond 10.) Remains in play

The wrath of Sigmar comes to earth in the form of purifying flames. Range: 3 radius Effect: All warriors within 3 of caster take 1 flaming strength 3 hit. (Including friendly warriors but excluding caster.) Does not require line-of-sight. There is no armour save. Undead and Daemons take 1 flaming strength 5 hit instead.

5 Shield of Faith

D8+ / D11+

6 Armour of Righteousness

D7+ / D9+

A halo of light appears around the priest, shielding him and his men from fowl magic. Range: 3 radius Effect: Warriors, both friendly and hostile, are unaffected by spells and spells that remain in play and come within 3 of caster are automatically dispelled. Also affects friendly spells. Augment: Radius increased to 6 Remains in play

Armour covers the priest and the symbol of the twin-tailed comet hovers above his head. Range: 6 or caster Effect: Target gains a +1 bonus to his armour save and causes fear. This gives him armour save of 6+ if he has none. Wizards can still cast spells. Augment: Targets armour save cannot be negated beyond 6+. Remains in play

Prayers of Ulric
Signature: Bloodlust D5+
The fury of Ulric grips the warrior, impelling him to crush the weak. Range: 6 or caster Effect: Target is immune to fear and panic and causes fear when charging. Remains in play

1 Beasthide


2 Blizzard

D8+ / D11+

A great pelt grows forth around the target, making him tough as a beast. Range: 6 or caster Effect: Target gains +1 Toughness. Remains in play

A storm of ice and snow blasts the enemies of Ulric. Range: Flame Template Effect: All models under, or partially under, the template take 1 Strength 3 hit, including friendly warriors. Models successfully wounded are knocked D3 directly away from caster. (See knockback rules.) Augment: Hits have +1 Strength.

3 Winters Chill
Range: 6 or caster


4 Ulrics Hunting Spear


A protective cold surrounds the follower of Ulric.

A mighty hunting spear is hurled through the enemy ranks with all the force of a bolt thrower. Range: 18 long, 1 wide and 1 tall. Effect: The first model in the path takes 1 Strength 5 hit, the next 1 Strength 4 hit, the next 1 Strength 3 hit, and so on. Also affects friendly warriors in its path.

Effect: All close combat attacks against the target of this prayer suffer an additional -1 to hit and flaming hits against him suffer an additional -2 strength. Remains in play

5 The Wolf Howls


6 Wildheart


The priest lets out a mighty wolf howl that strikes fear into the hearts of his enemies. Effect: All fleeing enemies on the board immediately take 1 strength 3 hit with no armour saves allowed. If they survive they immediately flee their fleeing movement again. (Usually 2D6.) Does not require line-of-sight.

The priest lets a wild creature feel the call of the hunt. Range: 18 Effect: One target enemy animal that is not in close combat must take a leadership test. If failed, it will immediately attempt to charge and attack a member of its own warband, chosen by you. (This movement may be intercepted as normal.) The charged warrior will not strike back. Lasts Until: The end of this turn.

Lore of Gold
Signature: Brimstone Blast D5+ / D9+
The wizard hurls a grenade-like orb towards his target which explodes in a sulphurous blast. Range: 12 Effect: Target takes 1 flaming Strength 4 hit. If target is successfully wounded, it is knocked D3 directly away from caster. (See Knockback rules.) Augment: Causes D3 hits instead.

1 Fools Gold


2 Transmutation of Lead D4+ / D6+

The victims metallic possessions betray him. Range: 30 Effect: Target must re-roll successful rolls to hit with Blackpowder weapons. If the re-roll is a natural 1, apply misfire rules as normal. (Blunderbusses never roll to hit.) Augment: Targets armour save is also reduced by D6. (This may negate it entirely.) Remains in play

The victim is beset with visions of unbelievable riches. Range: Any enemy within 24 that is not engaged in close combat. Cannot target Animals, Undead or Daemons. Effect: Target must roll equal to or under his Ld on 2D6. If failed, you may immediately move target up to his twice its movement in inches, though target will not charge, climb up or down, or jump off buildings. (This movement may be intercepted by your warriors as normal.)

3 Glittering Robe


4 Gleaming Arrows

D6+ / D10+

A golden robe of glittering energy protects the Wizard from harm. Effect: Caster gains a +2 bonus to his armour save and his armour save cannot be negated beyond 5+. Glittering Robe give caster an armour save of 5+ if he has none. He can still cast spells. Remains in play

Glittering, golden arrows swirl around the wizard and fly to strike down his enemies. Range: 24 Effect: Target takes D3 Strength 3 hits. If target is successfully wounded, it is knocked D3 directly away from caster. (See knockback rules.) Augment: Causes 2D3 hits instead.

5 Gilded Cage


6 Squall of Molten Silver

D9+ / D14+

Golden bars erupt from the ground, freezing the target in its place. Range: 24 Effect: Target immediately takes 1 flaming Strength 4 hit and suffers another flaming Strength 4 hit if it moves or is moved, other than to pivot on the spot. Lasts Until: The beginning of your next turn.

A rippling wave of liquid, molten silver spews forth and torches the wizards enemies. Range: Flame Template Effect: All models under, or partially under, the template take 1 flaming Strength 3 hit, including friendly warriors. Models successfully wounded then take an additional flaming Strength 2 hit. Augment: All hits from this spell have +1 Strength.

Lore of Daemons
Signature: Timewarp D6+
The sorcerer bends the fabric of time. Effect: Caster may immediately move again. (He may climb, run or charge as opportunity permits, taking climb tests as normal.) If caster moves into close combat this turn, he strikes first, even if the enemy is wielding a spear or halberd.

1 Daemonic Aura


2 Glean Magic


The sorcerer exists partly in another dimension, which allows some blows to pass through him. Effect: Caster gains a 6+ ward save that stacks with other ward saves but is negated by attacks from artefacts, spells and prayers. Remains in play

The sorcerer makes a mockery of the powers of other wizards by mimicking their spells. Effect: Caster can cast the spells (not prayers) of enemy Wizards in play as if they were his own. Does not require line-of-sight to enemy Wizards. Remains in play

3 Dimensional Portal


4 Tendrils of Entrapment


The sorcerer opens a gate to another plane. Range: 6 or caster - cannot target enemies or warriors in close combat. Effect: Target is removed from the board. At the end of your opponents next turn, place target anywhere within 18 of where he was, though he cannot be placed in close combat.

Otherworldly daemonic tendrils erupt from the ground and bind the daemons enemy in his place. Range: 24 Effect: Target immediately takes 1 Strength 4 hit and suffers another Strength 4 hit if it moves or is moved, other than to pivot on the spot. Lasts Until: The beginning of your next turn.

5 Pink Firestorm

D7+ / D10+

6 Bolt of Change


Searing flames of pink magic spurt from the Chaos Sorcerer's outstretched fingers. Range: Flame Template Effect: All models under, or partially under, the template take 1 flaming Strength 3 hit, including friendly warriors. Models successfully wounded lose any stored power dice they have. Augment: Hits have +1 Strength.

The sorcerer hurls a bolt of raw, warping magical energy at his foes. Range: 18 Effect: Target must roll equal to or under his Toughness on a D6 or he suffers -D6 to a random characteristic for the rest of the battle. Which characteristic is determined by rolling another D6: (1) WS (2) BS (3) S (4) T (5) I (6) Ld. (Note that this is not a remains in play spell.) (Characteristics cannot be reduced below 1.)

Chaos Rituals
Signature: Wings of Darkness D6+
The sorcerer is lifted by two shadowy daemons and carried wherever he wants to go. Effect: Caster may immediately move to anywhere within 12. He may use this to move into close combat, in which case he counts as charging, but cannot use this spell to leave close combat.

1 Black Tongue


2 Eye of God


Using unholy incantations the sorcerer disrupts the power words spoken by other wizards. Effect: Whenever an enemy wizard rolls on the miscast table, roll an extra D6 and apply the lowest. Does not require line-of-sight to enemy Wizards. Remains in play

The chaos mage implores the darks gods to grant a boon to his champion. Effect: You may re-roll any one The Eye of Chaos or Random Happenings roll, even if it pertains to the enemy. Then this spell is dispelled. Remains in play

3 Daemonic Whispers


4 Mind Twist


Whispering daemons seep into an enemys mind. Range: 24 Effect: Whenever the target of this spell successfully suffers a wound, that warrior immediately takes 1 Strength 3 hit with no armour saves allowed. Wounds from this spell do not cause additional hits in this manner. Remains in play

The sorcerer uses the dark power of chaos to rend his foes mind asunder. Range: 6 Effect: D3 Strength 4 hits with no armour saves allowed. Each time a warrior is successfully wounded by this spell, he looses one random skill, spell or prayer for the rest of the battle. (Special Rules are not skills.)

5 Blood Bolts


6 Lure of Chaos


The mage cuts his palm open with a dagger and bolts of magical blood shoot forth. Range: 24 Effect: Target takes D3+1 Strength 3 hits and caster takes D3 Strength 1 hits. Hits from this spell ignore armour saves. Hits from this Spell cannot take caster out of action. (He is simply left with 1 Wound.) Caster must have at least 2 Wounds left to cast this spell.

The mage calls upon the taint of chaos that exists inside the soul of all living beings. Range: Any enemy within 18 that is not engaged in close combat. Cannot target Undead or Daemons. Effect: Target must roll equal to or under his Ld on 2D6. If failed, you may immediately move target up to its twice its movement in inches, though target will not charge, climb up or down, or jump off buildings. (This movement may be intercepted as normal.)

Dark Magic
Signature: Doombolt D8+ / D12+
A powerful blast of Dark energy rushes towards the target, causing severe wounding. Range: 18 Effect: Target takes 1 strength 5 hit. Augment: Everyone within 3 of target takes 1 strength 5 hit as well. Also affects friendly warriors.

1 Death Spasm


2 Witch Flight

D6+ / D9+

A bolt of Dark magic strikes a single target within a short distance. Weaker targets are killed outright. Range: 6 - cannot target Undead or Daemons. Effect: Target must take a Toughness test. If failed, warrior suffers 2 wounds with no armour saves allowed.

The mage uses the power of the void to transport him across the battlefield, to any point he desires. Effect: Caster may immediately move to anywhere within 12. He may use this to move into close combat, in which case he counts as charging, but cannot use this spell to leave close combat. Augment: Warrior may use this ability to leave close combat. (Enemies will get Free Hacks as normal.)

3 Arnizipals Black Horror

D9+ / D13+ 4 Transfixing Glare


The mage conjures a swirling cloud of darkness that moves across the field, annihilating everything. Range: 18 Effect: Target, and all models within 3 of target, must take a Strength test. If failed, they suffer 1 Strength 4 hit with no armour saves allowed. Also affects friendly warriors. Augment: Warriors successfully wounded by this spell must take a panic test. Also affects friendly models.

The sorcerers beguiling and otherworldly gaze lures a mere mortal astray. Range: Any enemy within 18 that is not engaged in close combat. Cannot target Undead or Daemons. Effect: Target must roll equal to or under his Ld on 2D6. If failed, you may immediately move target up to his twice its movement in inches, though target will not charge, climb up or down, or jump off buildings. (This movement may be intercepted as normal.)

5 Word of Pain


6 Power of Darkness


The sorcerer calls a curse down on his enemy, causing pain and reducing his willingness to fight. Range: 24 Effect: Target suffers -1 to hit, in both shooting and close combat. Remains in play

The wizard draws upon the power of raw, unmediated chaos energy. Effect: When cast, roll a D6: (1): caster suffers 1 wound with no saves of any kind allowed. (2-6): Caster gains D3+1 power dice.

Signature: Call of Vanhel D3+ / D9+
With an unholy whisper, the mage invigorates the machinations of undeath to fight with haste. Range: 6 Effect: One target zombie may immediately move again. It may run or charge as opportunity permits. Augment: Affects two zombies instead, or a single Dire Wolf.

1 Curse of Years

D8+ / 10+

2 Lifestealer


The mage accelerates the ageing process of his foe. Range: 24 Effect: Choose which: Target suffers -1 Toughness, or -3 Initiative. Augment: Target suffers both. Remains in play

Enemies feel the very life force sucked out of them. Range: 6 - cannot target Undead or Daemons. Effect: Target suffers a wound and caster gains a wound. This may take caster above his original number of wounds. Ignores Armour Saves.

3 Gaze of Nagash


4 Wraith Form


A beam of magic shoots from the mage's eyes, corroding and withering any target in its path. Range: 24 Effect: Target takes D3 Strength 3 hits with no armour saves allowed.

The mage takes the guise of a ghastly wraith. Effect: Caster causes fear and may move through walls and other terrain features. This has no effect on climbing up and down. While this spell is active, warrior cannot hide or capture scenario objectives. Remains in play

5 Re-Animation


6 Death Vision


The necromancer's raises the bodies of the dead. Effect: One of your Zombies that is out of action is immediately returned to anywhere within 3 of caster with D3 wounds on profile. The zombie cannot be placed into Close Combat. Caster can only animate one zombie at a time and if this spell is dispelled, the zombie immediately goes out of action. Remains in play

The necromancer floods an enemy with images of his coming death. Range: 18 Effect: Whenever target suffers a wound, he must take a panic test. No effect if target is immune to panic. Remains in play

Eshin Mysticks
Signature: Warp Lightning D8+ / D12+
The caster chants shrill incantations, thrusts its claw forward and casts a bolt of warp-lightning at its foe. Range: 12 Effect: Target, and everyone within 3 of target, takes 1 Strength 4 hit. Also affects friendly warriors. Targets that can fly take Strength 5 hits instead. Augment: Everyone within 6 of target of target take 1 Strength 4 hit instead.

1 Unseen Kismet


2 Skitterleap


A veil of darkness descends to conceal the advance of the Skaven. Range: 18 and/or caster Effect: Up to two target warriors that did not Shoot or attempt to cast spells/prayers in this Shooting Phase are immediately hidden. (They are still revealed at any time an opponent has a view of them that is completely free of cover.)

With a puff of sulphurous smoke, a Skaven disappears only to reappear near the mystic. Range: 30, does not require line-of-sight. Effect: Target friendly warrior is immediately moved to anywhere within 6" of caster. Target may be placed into close combat, in which case he counts as charging. Cannot target Monsters, or warriors currently engaged in Close Combat.

3 Jade Puzzle Box


4 Warpscorch

D9+ / D11+

A mysterious puzzle box hovers over the victims head, draining his mental attentions. Range: 24 Effect: Target must take an Ld test at the start of each of his own turns; if failed he suffers 1 Strength 3 hit with no armour saves allowed. Remains in play

A tide of violent green-sparkling flame leaps from the mystics paw and torches his enemies. Range: Flame Template Effect: All models under, or partially under, the template take 1 flaming Strength 3 hit, including friendly warriors. Models successfully wounded must take a panic test. Augment: Hits have +1 Strength.

5 Choke


6 Cracks Call


The victim clutches his throat and has great trouble A crack appears in the earth, and shoots outward breathing. Dark wisps of smoke seep from his mouth like lightning. and nostrils as his lungs fill with noxious fumes. Range: 18 long, 2 wide and 1 tall. Range: 6 - cannot target Undead or Daemons. Effect: All warriors in the path, both friendly and Effect: Target must take a Toughness test. If failed, hostile, must roll equal to or under their Initiative warrior suffers 2 wounds with no armour saves on a D6 or suffer 1 wound with no saves of any kind allowed. allowed.

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