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Test Final Super Minds 4

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Final test

Super minds 4 Variant I

Name/Surname: ___________________________________

Nr. Points
1. Read the following text. 20 p.
Dream Homes
People have very different ideas for their dream home-their perfect house or apartment. Some
people dream of a simple house in a special place. Others want a large house with every
Is your dream home similar to any of the dream homes below?
Mukesh Ambani, a businessman in India, is the owner of the most expensive house in the world.
Ambani's dream house is 27 stories high, so it has room for everything his family needs and wants.
Mr. Ambani owns a lot of cars, so the first six floors of 10 his house are just for cars. Another floor
of the house has a movie theater with seats for 50 people. Two floors of the house are for a health
center with a gym and a swimming pool. Another floor is for guests of the Ambani family. The
four floors at the top of the building are just for the Ambani family. From there, they have a view
of the Arabian Sea.
Henry David Thoreau, an American writer, lived from 1817 to 1862. At the age of 28, he built his
perfect house. It was a very small house-just 10 feet by 15 feet (3 m by 4.5 m). Inside there were
just three chairs, a bed, a table, and a small desk. The location of his house was very important to
Thoreau. He built his house in the woods close to a beautiful lake.
Dikembe Mutombo, a professional basketball player, built a very different type of dream home.
Mutombo grew up in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, but he moved to the United States to
study. He wanted to be a doctor, but instead he became a famous basketball player. Mutombo's
dream home is in the Congo, and it has beds for 150 people. It also has an emergency room, many
exam rooms, and some beautiful gardens. Mutombo didn't build his dream home for himself.
Instead, he built it for the people in his native country. Mutombo's dream home is a hospital.
What do you think? Answer the questions.
What do you like about Mukesh Ambani dream home? What do you dislike?
Which dream home do you like best? Why?
Describe your dream house in 5-6 sentences.
Ask 4 questions, according to the text.

2. Write the correct form of the verbs using Past Simple or Past Progressive
We _____________________(sit) at the breakfast table when the 10 p.
doorbell __________________(ring).
1. He __________________(meet) a lot of friendly people while
he ___________________________(work) in California.
2. When they ____________________(leave) the museum, the
sun _______________________(shine).
3. The students___________________________(play) hide and seek when the
teacher ___________________________(call) them in the classroom.
4. While the children __________________________(sleep), their
parents ___________________________(watch) TV.
5. It___________________________(start) to rain while
she ___________________________(water) the flowers in her garden.
6. When I___________________________(open) the door,
7. While Henry ___________________________(have) a drink at the bar, his
wife ___________________________(swim) in the sea.
8. He ___________________________(hear) a loud bang while
he___________________________(talk) to his friend.
9. While he_______________________(take) a shower, his
dogs ___________________________(eat) his steaks.

3. Make 1st Conditional sentences; put the verbs in brackets in correct form. 7 p.
1. John_______________________(buy ) a new monitor if his
mother _______________________( give) him 100 pounds.
2. I __________________ (come) early if you __________________ (want).
3. They __________________ (go) to the party if they __________________ (be) invited.
4. He __________________ (not / get) a better job if he __________________ (not / pass)
that exam.
5. I __________________ (buy) a new dress if I __________________ (have) enough
6. Mother __________________ (cook) dinner if Molly__________________ (go) to the
7. She __________________ (be) late if she __________________ (not / hurry).
4. Complete the sentences with the verb in brackets in past simple or present perfect. 10 p.
1. I ______________________________(never / go) to Vienna.
2. My great great grandfather ______________________________ (have) five sisters.
3. He ______________________________ (live) in Manila for a year when he was a student.
4. Oh no! I ___________________ (lose) my wallet!
5. ______________________________ (you / see) Julie today?
6. At the weekend, they______________________________ (play) football, then they
______________________________ (go) to a restaurant.
7. I______________________________ (read) six books this week.
8. Amy ______________________________ (live) in Portugal when she was young.
9. She ______________________________ (visit) her grandmother last month.
10. The Vandals ___________________ (invade) Rome in the year 455.
5. Change the sentences into negative, interrogative and affirmative. 8 p.

1. Aunt always comes to visit us on holidays.


2. They were playing different instruments when the conductor suddenly stopped the
3. Has Chris visited London recently?
4. He isn’t singing a Christmas carol.

6. Complete the sentences with at, in or on where is necessary. 10 p.

1. I have a meeting ____________________9 am.

2. The shop closes ______________________midnight.
3. Jane went home __________________________ lunchtime.
4. In England, it often snows _____________ December.
5. Do you think we will go to Jupiter _________________ the future?
6. There should be a lot of progress ______________________the next century.
7. Do you work ________________________ Mondays?
8. Her birthday is ____________________20 November.
9. Where will you be ___________________New Year's Day?
10. I don't usually work ___________________ the weekend.
Write the adjectives in the correct form (comparative, superlative) 7 p.
7. 1. We were ______________________(busy) last week than this week.
2. That was ________________________(easy) exam I’ve ever taken.
3. This new bed is ______________________(narrow) than the old one.
4. The guest bedroom is ____________(quiet) room in the house because it overlooks the garden.
5. This dictionary is________________________(useful) than the one we had before.
6. The morning flight is______________________(good) than the afternoon one.
7. This book is ______________________________(thin) than I have bought recently.

Open the brackets using the correct tense of the verbs.

8. 1. Suddenly she______________________________(notice ) a bottle that 28 p.
__________________(stand) near the mirror.
2. He _______________(feel) ill last Sunday.
3. Amy always _________________ (study) well at all subjects.
4. When you__________________________(come) in I ________________(talk) on the phone.
5. The family _______________________(watch) TV when the earthquake
6. What _____________________________ (Robin /do) at this time yesterday.
7. When the guests_______________________(arrive) all was ready.

8. Tom often _________________ (ride) horses when he was young.

9. Debbie ____________________(sing) in the school choir many years ago.
10. The tourists ______________________(travel) all around the world this year.
11. Berry _____________(run) in the morning every day.
12. The girls ______________________(clean) the house tomorrow.
13. She ___________________(stay) at the hotel now.
14. They ____________________________(fly ) tomorrow.

Total: 100 p Accumulated:

Final test
Super minds 4 Variant II
Name/Surname: ___________________________________

Nr. Points
1. Read the following text. 20 p.
A City Without Oil

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a country with a lot of oil. Oil brings the country billions of
dollars each year. So why is the UAE building a city that uses very little or no oil? The answer is
simple: oil will not last forever. But there is another resource people can use instead of oil-the sun.
In fact, engineers are now building a new city that uses mostly solar energy for its power. The city
is called Masdar, and it is about 20 miles (32 km) from Abu Dhabi, one of the largest cities in the
UAE. If it is a success, Masdar will be the first city in the world that uses little or no oil. Masdar is
a small city-only 2.3 square miles (6 sq. km). In the future, it will hold 50,000 people, more than
1,000 companies, and a university. Its streets are very narrow. The houses are dose to each other.
The shade from the houses helps keep the streets cool. There are no cars on the streets of Masdar.
Because the city is so small, people can walk to most places.
If they get tired, they can use the PRT: Personal Rapid Transit. These small, solar-powered cars
move underground, like a subway. The cars have no drivers. People just tell the car where they
want to go, and it takes them there.
Masdar will reuse as many resources as possible. It will reuse about 80 percent of its water and
change most of its waste into more energy. People in Masdar are even using building materials that
they can reuse in the future.
Can this city really be successful? No one knows. But if it is, there could be other low-energy
cities around the world in the future.
What do you think? Answer the questions.
What is the most interesting thing you learned about Masdar?
Would you like to live in Masdar? Why or why not?
Describe your dream city in 5-6 sentences.

Ask 4 questions, according to the text.

2. Write the correct form of the verbs using Past Simple or Past Progressive 10 p.
1. What ______________________________(you, do) when the accident occurred?

2. After I ______________________________(find) the wallet full of money, I

______________________________(go, immediately) to the police and
______________________________(turn) it in.

3. Sebastian ______________________________(arrive) at Susan's house a little before 9:00 PM,

but she ______________________________(be, not) there.

4. Sandy is in the living room watching television. At this time yesterday, she
______________________________(watch, also) television.

5. I _____________________________(call) you last night after dinner, but you

______________________________(be, not) there. Where were you?

6. When I ______________________________(walk) into the busy office, the secretary

______________________________(talk) on the phone with a customer, several clerks
_____________________________(work, busily) at their desks, and two managers
______________________________(discuss, quietly) methods to improve customer service.

7. I ____________________________(watch) a mystery movie on TV when the electricity went

out. Now I am never going to find out how the movie ends.

8. Sharon _____________________________(be) in the room when John told me what happened,

but she didn't hear anything because she __________________________(listen, not).

9. The Titanic ______________________________(cross) the Atlantic when it

______________________________(hit) an iceberg.

10. Samantha ______________________________(live) in Berlin for more than two years ago.

3. Make 1st Conditional sentences; put the verbs in brackets in correct form. 7 p.

1. If she _______________________( listen) to classical music,

she ________________________(write) good poems.
2. If Lisa ________________________( look) after her baby brother her
father________________________( go) jogging.
3. If you________________________( take) the train,
you ________________________(arrive) in Sheffield before 8 pm.
4. If the girls ________________________(hurry ) they ________________________(buy)
the tickets.
5. If Phil ___________________(do ) that, Sophia _________________( scream).
6. If they _______________________(be) careful with the spelling of the new words,
they _______________________( get ) a good mark.
7. If she _______________________( find ) my dictionary, she _______________________(
give ) it back to me.
4. Complete the sentences with the verb in brackets in past simple or present perfect. 10 p.

1. We _________________________ (go) to the theatre last week.

2. Yesterday I _________________ (have) dinner with a friend.
3. I_________________________ (never / taste) this dish.
4. When I_________________________ (be) a child, I _________________ (love) ice skating.
5. I _________________________ (not/ have) any coffee today – I feel very sleepy!
6. I_________________________ (not / drink) any coffee yesterday.
7. I _________________________ (read) all his books – I think he’s a wonderful writer.
8. What_________________________ (do) at the weekend?
9. I_________________________ (always / love) tea – I drink it every day.
10. What subject _________________________ (she / study) at university?

5. Change the sentences into negative, interrogative and affirmative. 8 p.

1. This time yesterday she was cooking a delicious cake for her granny?

2. Does he always try to make all these things perfect?
3. Has Nick driven to their cousin on Monday?
4. They often arrives on time.

6. Complete the sentences with at, in or on where is necessary. 10 p.

1. He played basketball ______________________ March 5th.
2. I have a meeting ____________________9 am.
3. I wake up early ______________________the morning.
4. I was born ______________________April.
5. Peter sometimes plays softball ______________________the evening.
6. She goes to school ______________________the afternoon.
7. The company is located ______________________ Canada.
8. The shop closes ______________________midnight.
9. The sleep ______________________ night.
10. We'll meet ______________________ Friday.
7. Write the adjectives in the correct form (comparative, superlative): 7 p.
1. He wakes up __________________________________(early) than me.
2. Learning Japanese is ___________________________(difficult) than learning Italian.
3. Mount Everest is______________________________(high) mountain in the world.
4. Sam is _____________________________________(handsome) boy in the whole school.
5. The Pacific Ocean is __________________________(deep) than the Arctic Ocean.
6. You are ___________________________________(polite) than Joey.
7. Your mark is________________________________(bad) than mine.
8. Open the brackets using the correct tense of the verbs. 28 p.
1. He usually ___________________________(speak) so quickly that I
_____________________(not understand) him.
2. Please don’t make any noise. I _____________________________(study).
3. He _____________________________(come) to London in 2009.
4. She __________________________ (never seen) snow before.
5. I _________________ (lose) the bus and now I will be late for school.
6. They _______________________(buy) it today.
7. Mark and his son_______________________(drink) juice at the café yesterday at 6 pm.
8. Granny always _____________________ (make) pancakes for Thanksgiving Day.
9. The forester ______________________(drop) his axe in the lake last week.
10. We _____________________________(already/ do) all housework duties. Now we can go
for a walk.
11. The team _________________ (play) basketball when one of the players
___________(broke) his arm.
12. Suddenly a white rabbit with pink eyes ____________________(run) past Alice.
13. She ______________________(look for) information at the library tomorrow.
14. What __________________________________ (you/ do) yesterday at 8 o’ clock?

Total: 100 p Accumulated:

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