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Bacoco (Choco Banana Cookies): Innovation of Rimpi Bananas

Nutritious Snacks

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Guided By:
Muhammad Mustofa Yusuf, S.Pd

Proposed By:

1. M.RIZALDI (NISN-0013224234)
2. BAGAS DANA DIPA (NISN-0022280115)
3. HANA NUR ISHMAH (NISN-0011281170)



Bacoco (Choco Banana Cookies): Innovation of Rimpi Bananas Nutritious Snacks
M.Rizaldi, Bagas Dana Dipa, Hana Nur Ishmah
SMA Global Islamic Boarding School


Bananas are fruits that are rich in nutrients. However, the high water content
in bananas makes it more rotten. Based on this fact, the people in South Kalimantan
are looking for traditional methods of preservation, which are dried the banana that
we call it the rimpi banana.
This study aims to make the innovation of rimpi banana into Bacoco food
as an effort to overcome the problem of malnutrition in children in South
Kalimantan. The research method in this study uses organoleptic tests. From the
data it can be seen that Fcount <Ftable, means that there is no significant difference
between the three hedonic indicators in Bacoco, namely color, aroma, and taste. So
it can be concluded that there is no significant difference in color, scent, and taste
in Bacoco to the attractiveness of panelists.

Keywords: Child Nutrition, Organoleptic, Rimpi

Table of Contents

COVER ....................................................................................................................i
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................... ii
TABLE OF CONTENT ....................................................................................... iii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION...........................................................................1
A. Background .................................................................................................1
B. Research Problem .......................................................................................2
C. Research Objective .....................................................................................2
D. Significant of The Research........................................................................2
CHAPTER II THEORITICAL REVIEW ...........................................................3
A. Nutritional Status ........................................................................................3
B. Causes of Malnutrition ...............................................................................3
C. Nutrition Snacks .........................................................................................4
D. Nutritional Need During Grow ...................................................................5
E. Nutritional Content of Banana Rimpi .........................................................6
F. Previous Research .......................................................................................7
G. Framework of Thinking ..............................................................................8
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODS ............................................................9
A. Time and Place ...........................................................................................9
B. Tools and Materials ....................................................................................9
C. Research Procedure ....................................................................................9
CHAPTER IV RESULT AND DISCUSSION...................................................12
A. Bacoco Snacks Innovation ........................................................................12
B. Test of Amylum and Protein ....................................................................13
C. Organoleptic Test on Bacoco....................................................................14
CHAPTER V CLOSING .....................................................................................16
A. Conclusion ................................................................................................ 16
B. Suggestion ................................................................................................ 16
BIOGRAPHY .......................................................................................................25


A. Background
Children need a variety of foods which can provide adequate and complete
nutrition, such as protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals. Complete
nutritional content is needed for child growth and development. Nutrition is the
content of substances in food that will be processed in the body to be used for
growth and development of the body, as well as maintaining the normal function of
organs. However, if you eat food with insufficient amounts of nutrients, then you
are vulnerable to risk causing the child to be malnourished.1
The Global Nutrition Report (GNR) 2017 produces several
recommendations and findings of nutritional quality and nutrition in world
countries. In its recommendations, GNR said that Indonesia is one of those which
has severe nutritional problems. Indonesia is one of the 17 countries in the world
that has three nutritional problems at the same time, such as stunting (short-born
children), wasting (thin, inappropriate height) and obesity or being overweight.2
In Indonesia, cases of malnutrition are often found, one of them in the
province of South Kalimantan, which are still facing nutrition problems. Based on
the health ministry's research, the percentage of malnourished people in children in
South Kalimantan was 4.6 percent and included in the category of quite high.
According to Nur Ali Purnama, Head of the Health Service Division of the South
Kalimantan Health Office, the factors causing malnutrition in children in South
Kalimantan nowadays are the lack of quality food production aspects and
consumption aspects.3
One aspect of the problem of food production in South Kalimantan is the
lack of quality and diverse innovations in healthy food. This affects food
consumption factors so that the risk of causing malnutrition in children in South
Kalimantan. Most of the foods that chosen by children are unhealthy foods. These
unhealthy foods are the main factors causing malnutrition in South Kalimantan.
The amount of malnutrition found in South Kalimantan must get more
attention from the government and the community. Therefore, to reduce
malnutrition experienced by children in South Kalimantan is by improving child
nutrition in South Kalimantan. Responding to that, we need to make an interesting
innovation so that children are more interested in eating healthy foods. The
innovation to make food production in order to improve nutrition is by making local
food in South Kalimantan healthy but with different innovations.
Children generally love cookies made from chocolate and they tend to avoid
vegetables and fruits. South Kalimantan itself has a healthy local food made from
bananas called "rimpi", but until now the food is less attractive to local people,
especially children due to the less attractive form B6, and natural antacids which
are very beneficial for enhancing immunity. That the rimpi is very good for

children. However, lack of innovation in local food Rimpi makes people think the
content contained in the rimpi is not much. Even though the bananas that have been
made into a rimpi contain a lot of vitamins. Therefore, innovating rimpi into Choco
cookies to be liked by children and not only contains chocolate but also contains
fruit like bananas which we then call Bacoco (Banana Choco Cookies).4

B. Research Problem
Based on the background above, some problems can be formulated as
1. How is the innovation process for Bacoco snacks made from "rimpi" banana?
2. What is the nutritional content of the Bacoco snack innovation made from
"rimpi" banana ingredients?
3. What is the response of children in South Kalimantan to the innovation of
Bacoco snacks made from "rimpi" bananas?

C. Research Objectives
The objectives of this study are as follows:
1. Knowing the process of making innovative Choco cookies made from banana
"rimpi" ingredients.
2. Knowing the nutritional content of the innovation of Bacoco snacks made from
"rimpi" banana ingredients.
3. Knowing the response of children in South Kalimantan to variations of choco
cookies made from banana "rimpi".

D. Significance of the research

This research can provide several benefits, including:
1. From the innovation of choco cookie snacks made from banana "rimpi"
ingredients, it can be used as a nutritional ingredient for local food and able to
overcome the problem of malnutrition of children in South Kalimantan.
2. With the effort to utilize the local food of banana "rimpi" is able to introduce
Rimpi out of South Kalimantan and favor Banana Rimpi as a typical local food
in South Kalimantan which is almost scarce in the local market.
3. Efforts to innovate in Bacoco snack are able to optimize banana rimpi so that it
is not underestimated by the community because rimpi has a less attractive
form. By optimizing packaging and innovation, this rimpi can make the
community and children interested in local food.

A. Nutritional Status
Nutrition is defined as the process of organisms using food consumed
normally through the process of digestion, absorption, transportation, storage,
metabolism, and release of nutrients to maintain life, growth and normal
functioning of the body's organs and to produce energy.5
Currently, the problem of nutrition is still a problem that has not been
resolved by the government. Indonesia is one of 17 countries that have nutritional
problems such as stunting, wasting, and obesity. The problem of malnutrition is still
not getting a bright spot, especially in South Kalimantan. Bad nutrition is still
widely experienced by children.

Diagram 2.1 Percentage of Malnutrition

The percentage of lack of nutrition and malnutrition in South Kalimantan is
still relatively high, namely 4.6% of lack of nutrition and 16.4% of malnutrition.
For this reason, this problem really needs special treatment from various parties.3

B. Causes of Malnutrition
Bad nutrition is influenced by many interrelated factors. Directly and indirectly,
malnutrition is affected:
a) Children do not get enough balanced nutrition
Balanced nutritious food is food that consists of a variety of foods in the
appropriate number and proportion, so as to meet a person's nutritional
needs for maintenance, repair of body cells, growth and development.
b) Infection in toddlers

Infectious diseases interfere with metabolism, disrupt hormonal balance and
interfere with immune function. An infectious disease that often occurs in
children is respiratory tract infection.
c) Food security in the family
Efforts to achieve good or optimal community nutritional status begin with
the adequate food supply.
d) Childcare patterns
Children who are cared for by their mothers patiently and lovingly,
especially their mothers are educated, understand ASI problems, posyandu
benefits, and hygiene, although poor will be able to care for and feed
children well so that their children remain healthy.
e) Health services
Regular health care, not only if the child is sick, but health checks and
weighing children regularly every month, will support the child's growth
and development. Therefore, the utilization of health care facilities is
recommended to be carried out comprehensively, which includes aspects
of promotive, preventive, curative, and rehabilitative.
f) Environmental Health
The environment has a dominant role in providing an environment that
supports children's health and growth. The factors of poverty and low
parental education and lack of knowledge about nutrition and health are
the main causes of high rates of malnutrition.
g) Poverty
Adequate family income will support the child's growth and development
because parents can provide all the needs of children both primary and
h) Education
Parent education is one of the important factors in child development.
Because with a good education, parents can receive all information from
outside, especially about good child care, how to maintain the health of
their children, education and so on.
i) Knowledge
Knowledge of nutrition is needed by mothers or caregivers of toddlers
because the needs and adequacy of nutrition of children depend on the
consumption of food given. Lack of knowledge makes babies and toddlers
not get nutritious food, babies themselves need the best food, namely
breast milk for 6 months, after 6 months the baby needs appropriate
complementary foods (MP-ASI).6

C. Nutritious Snacks
Children are still experiencing a period of growth and development so that
they need adequate and balanced nutrition. One component of balanced nutrition

for children that must be fulfilled is a variety of food consumption, which contains
carbohydrates, proteins, fats, water, vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
The government has determined the nutritional adequacy in the form of
nutritional adequacy numbers (RDA). RDA is the number of nutritional adequacies
every day according to age group, sex, body size, and physical activity to prevent
the occurrence of deficiency or excess nutrition. The 2012 AKG value for children
as stated in. AKG for Indonesians consists of: energy; protein; fat, carbohydrates,
water; fiber; 14 types of vitamins include vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin
K, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, niacin, vitamin B6, folic acid, vitamin B12, pantothenic
acid, biotin, choline and vitamin C; and 13 types of minerals including calcium,
phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, iron, iodine, zinc, copper, chromium,
selenium, manganese and fluorine.7
Statistical data states that over the past several decades the consumption
patterns of the Indonesian people have experienced inequality, due to several factors
as follows: the main consumption of Indonesian people is still fixated on rice (world
average: 55 kg / cap / year, Japan 45 kg / cap / year, Malaysia 80 kg / cap / year,
while Indonesia is 105 kg/ cap/yr), besides that with the increasingly mushrooming
fast food and bread, the consumption of flour is increasing. so that the subsidies are
very large and foreign exchange for wheat imports is very large. Other parts are still
lacking / low consumption of animal foods, tubers, vegetables and fruits, and nuts.
The data shows that the dependence on consumption of grains, especially rice as
the staple food is still very high, while the utilization of local food sources is still
Because it is a diverse, nutritious and balanced and safe food it is time to be
developed in the community. Because nutritional intake is the smallest unit forming
the next generation of the nation, informing quality human resources.8

D. Nutritional Needs During Growth

Childhood is very important for physical and mental development. The diet
and nutrition provided must meet to ensure children's health. Childhood (1-13
years) is a period of life that is very important for physical and mental development.
In this phase, high nutritional intake is needed.
At school age (6-13 years), children will do many physical and mental
activities, such as: playing, learning, exercising, and others. Nutrients given to
children will help in improving the health of the body so that the body's defense
system develops well or is not easily attacked by disease. It is not easy to monitor
the type of food or snacks of children, both in school and in their environment
because at this time the child has begun to interact with other people.
School-age children need more energy and more nutrients than toddlers.
Also needed additional energy, protein, calcium, fluorine, iron because growth in
this age range is rapidly growing and children's activities are increasing. To meet
energy and nutrient needs, children sometimes eat up to 5 times a day. But the child

should still be taught to eat 3 times a day with a high nutritional menu, namely:
breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Children also need to be taught breakfast so they can
think well in school. Types of Nutrition Needed by Children are as follows7:

Table 2.1
Table of Adequacy of Child Proteins
Age (Years) Protein sufficiency (g/Kg BB)
0-1 2,5
1-5 1,5
6-18 1

E. Nutritional Content of Banana Rimpi

Fruits are a food source that contains complete and healthy nutrition so it is
good for growth. Fruits have many types that are rich in nutrients. One of them is
easy to get and has lots of vitamins and nutrients which are bananas.
Bananas are fruits that are relatively cheap and delicious and rich in various
nutrients. The banana fruit (Musa paradisiaca) has an interesting shape and many
people know because there are so many in the village and in the city. Bananas
contain a source of nutrition almost perfectly because eating a banana can replace
meals for two hours. Not surprisingly, bananas are considered as an important food
to improve children's health.
Bananas also contain abundant vitamins and minerals, bananas contain
vitamin A, multivitamin B, with 7 mg of thiamin, 15 riboflavin, 82 mg of niacin,
88 mg of vitamin B6, and 29 mg of folic acid. Even in it contained 13.8 mg of
vitamin C. On a mineral scale there was 9.2 mg of magnesium 44.1 mg, also found
a number of iron and zinc. The collection of all types of nutrients clearly shows that
bananas are one of the most healthy fruits.8
In the Binuang area, South Kalimantan, many banana plantations are found.
Although bananas contain lots of nutrients, 68% of the water contained in bananas
causes them to decompose quickly. The abundance of bananas in Binuang makes
people look for natural and easy preservation methods. The way that people take is
by drying bananas or rimpi.9
Rimpi comes from Rantau language which means "dried" in another
language called sale, rimpi of making the process by drying bananas in direct
sunlight for five days until it is completely dry. With the drying process, the quality
of the rimpi becomes long lasting for months, which is why the people of South
Kalimantan get used to dry bananas. The goal is that the kepok bananas they have
can last a long time without preservatives. Therefore, dried bananas are often known
by the people of South Kalimantan as rimpi.
Bananas rimpi has a sweeter taste than ordinary bananas. This is due to the
water content of bananas evaporating during the drying process. However, the
results of drying make the banana shape shrink, brown, and less attractive.

The nutritional content of rimpi is more than bananas in general. Vitamins
A, C, B6, carbohydrates and lower water content so that bananas can last longer.
Banana processing becomes a rimpi only by drying the kepok banana in the
morning sun for five days until the banana water content decreases. When the water
content decreases, the texture of the banana shrinks and changes color to brown, the
banana has become a rimpi.10
Rimpi currently has not been received special attention by the community,
especially by children. Because in terms of packaging is still less attractive and lack
of innovation in creating it. Rimpi products circulating in the market are only
original rimpi without any touch so that the views of the community, especially
children, on rimpi are only considered foods that are less popular and do not have a
delicious taste. Therefore, people, especially children, are more interested in snack
foods that have a more attractive shape, color and packaging. Therefore, innovation
emerged to present the rimpi with a different and more interesting taste and
Most people, especially children, prefer sweet foods like choco cookies.
That came to the innovation to develop rimpi into choco cookies named Bacoco
(Banana Choco Cookies). If choco cookies are usually made from chocolate, then
Bacoco innovation is made from rimpi. Bacoco made from rimpi has a more
complex nutritional content because it contains banana juice which is very good for
growth, especially for children so parents do not have to worry about children
lacking nutrients from fruits, especially bananas.

F. Previous Research
Previous research on rimpi has not been done so far. Dream making
innovation has been done by the community but mostly only by frying as in the
study entitled Comparative Study of Fried Banana and Banana Chips Sale in
Grobogan by Denok Setia Pratiwi, Sugiharti Mulya Handayani, and Emi Widiyanti
Agribusiness Study Program Faculty of Agriculture Sebelas Maret University.
Fried rimpi causes the nutrient content in rimpi to decrease and increase
the level of saturated fat that comes from the frying process. Therefore, the
innovation of making rimpi into Bacoco by baking is the right choice for innovating

G. Framework of Thinking

Level Nutrition of
Children in South


Potential of
Children's interest

Rimpi’s Banana Production Cookies


Nutrient Content
Organoleptic Test


A. Time and Place
Place: SMA Global Islamic Boarding School
Time: September 2018
B. Tools and Materials
Tools and materials that must be prepared in this study include:

Table 3.1 Research Materials and Tools

Name of goods Amount
Blender 1 piece
Oven 1 piece
Baking pan 2 pieces
Mixer 1 piece
Vanilla powder milk 1 1/2
Rimpi Banana 20 pieces
Wheat flour 200 gr
Vanilla powder 1 tsp
Cake developer 1 sdt
Butter 150 gr
Fine granulated sugar 100 gr
Egg 3 pcs
Choco chips 1 drop
Biuret 5 drops
Amylum 5 drops
Benerict 5 drops
Test tube 6 pieces

C. Research Procedure
This research was carried out through several stages that can be described through
the research diagram below:

Bacoco manufacture of banana The amylum and protein test on

Rimpi banana and Bacoco.

Questionnaire distribution Panelists numbered 40 children

aged 6-12 years in South
Organoleptic test Includes: color, aroma, and taste.

Diagram 3.1 Research diagram

Bacoco Manufacture of Banana Rimpi
The steps for making Bacoco are as follows:
a. Drying kepok bananas underneath sunlight until the bananas dry;
b. Cutting rimpi bananas into small by using a knife;
c. Smooth the rimpi banana by using a blender;
d. Preparing the ingredients needed to make Bacoco;
e. Add butter and sugar, the mixer changes color. Add the eggs, mix again until
well blended;
f. Prepare ingredients and prints, and prepare a baking sheet;
g. Mix flour, cake developer and banana rimpi which has been blended into one.
Then after mixing, put it in the mixture. Stir with a spatula until smooth;
h. The dough is ready for printing. Print the dough one at a time and put it in a
dish that has been smeared with butter;
i. Add choco chips on top of the molded mixture;
j. Bake the molded mixture in an oven at 160 ° for 13 minutes;
k. Remove the cake from the oven, and let it sit for a while until it hardens.
After processed rimpi into Bacoco, the product will be continued with a test of
starch and protein to find out the nutritional content of the innovation of Bacoco
snacks made from banana "rimpi" ingredients.

Data Collection Technique

After the making of Bacoco is complete, the next process is carried out by
collecting questionnaires. Questionnaires were distributed to panelists, namely
children aged 6-12 years in South Kalimantan. The panelist will test Bacoco's
hedonic indicators, namely the color, aroma, taste, and response written on the
form as shown.

Picture 3.1 Questionnaire

Analysis of Organoleptic Test Results

The results of questionnaires that have been given to panelists will be collected and
tested organoleptically. This test aims to determine the comparison between the three
hedonic indicators on Bacoco, namely color, scent, and taste.


A. Bacoco Snack Innovation

To produce highly nutritious Bacoco, Kepok bananas are used with high
nutritional content compared with some other bananas. Besides being abundant in
South Kalimantan, the selection of kepok bananas as a rimpi for this Bacoco
ingredient is because kepok bananas have more vitamins, carbohydrates, and sweet
than some other bananas, and this kepok banana has a denser texture so it is very
good to be made a rimpi.

Table 4.1 Nutritional content of nutritional value of several banana varieties

(100 g)
Nutrition Ambon Nangka Kepok
Energy (Kal) 92 121 115
Protein (g) 1,0 1,0 1,2
Fat (g) 0,3 0,1 0,4
Carbohydrates (g) 24,0 28,9 26,8
Calcium (mg) 20 9 11
Phosporus (mg) 42 37 43
Iron (mg) 0,5 0,9 1,2
Vitamin A (RE) 0 0 0
Vitamin B (mg) 0,05 0,13 0,10
Vitamin C (mg) 3,0 3,4 2,0
Water (g) 73,8 68,9 70,7
Edible parts (%) 70 72 62
Source: DepkesRI

In the process of making Bacoco, kepok bananas are dried beforehand to

eliminate the water content in them to be able to last longer. Undried kepok bananas
will rot faster because the water content reaches 68% of the total mass. In the drying
process, kepok bananas must be underneath sunlight for five days or until dry so as
to get maximum results. In addition, the process of drying Kepok bananas should
not use the oven. Because it can reduce levels of vitamins and natural sweetness in
kepok bananas. The factor that causes kepok bananas to be dried under the sun is to
get complex carbohydrates, namely natural starch and sweet in the kepok banana.
After the bananas are dried and become rimpi, the rimpi will be smoothed.
First, the rimpi will be cut into smaller pieces using a knife. The rimpi that has been
cut will be smoothed again using a blender for a few minutes until the rimpi
becomes very smooth. Refinement of banana rimpi very influential on Bacoco
texture. Smoothing is done so that bananas can easily blend with flour so that the

Bacoco texture is softer and crispy. However, it does not eliminate the feeling of
rimpi. It should also be noted, if there is still water content contained in kepok
bananas will produce poor quality. This is because the water that is still in the kepok
banana can accelerate decay and cause unpleasant odors. Therefore, in the process
of making Bacoco, as much as possible, the dried banana should be completely
possible. After the banana becomes very smooth, then it is processed into a cake
mixture. With a mixture of butter, sugar, eggs, wheat flour and cake developers, it
is flattened using a mixer. Until it is completely flat and ready to be printed, then
the dough is printed and oven until cooked.
One of the most important processes and the final stage of making
Bacoco is clean and attractive packaging. The lack of product packaging can
eliminate the attractiveness of the community, especially children in South
Kalimantan, with the nutrition found in the rimpi. With the clean and attractive
packaging process Bacoco was able to get the attention of the community,
especially the children so that the nutrition contained in the rimpi was no longer

B. Test Of Amylum And Protein

After the process of making Bacoco made from banana rimpi, the
next process is to find out the content of starch and protein in the rimpi and Bacoco.
Ways of working:

1. Amylum Test
a. Placing food ingredients in proselin hulls;
b. The food ingredients are 3 drops of Lugol reagent;
c. Observing the color changes that occur;
d. Enter data in the observation table.

2. Protein Test
a. Smooth the tested material;
b. Place ± 2mL of impact on the test tube;
c. The test tube drops with 4 drops of biuret reagent;
d. Shaking the test tube until the color changes to purple, the food ingredients
contain protein;
e. Enter data into the observation table.

Table 4.2 Nutritional Content Test Results

Test Result
No. Food Carbohid Protein
(Amylum) (Biuret)
1. Rimpi + -
2. Bacoco + +

+ : Contains
- : Does not contain

From the results of amylum test and protein test, it show that banana rimpi
and Bacoco contain positive amylum. In this starch test, rimpi banana which was
dripped with Lugol reagent changed its color, which was brown to purple, which
means that banana rimpi contains positive carbohydrates. As with the starch test on
Bacoco, Bacoco which is dripped with Lugol reagent changes its color, which is
brown to blue-black which means that Bacoco also contains carbohydrates.
The second test is the protein test. Rimpi banana which is dripped with a
biuret solution and after being shaken its color remains unchanged, namely brown.
This shows that banana rimpi is negative in protein. While the protein test on
Bacoco shows a color change to purple. Bacoco is positive for protein, while banana
rimpi contains negative protein. The protein obtained in Bacoco comes from eggs
mixed in the mixture.

C. Organoleptic Test on Bacoco

Organoleptic testing is carried out to determine the quality of the products
produced, and also to determine consumer acceptance of the resulting Bacoco. The
organoleptic test uses the panelist's favorite level in terms of color, taste, and scent.
The Bacoco organoleptic test panel was conducted for 40 children in Barito Kuala,
South Kalimantan with a 6-12 year age range.

Number of Children (6-12

Very Excelent
10 Excelent
8 Good

6 Fair
Very Poor
Color Scent Taste

Diagram 4.1 Organoleptic Test Data

The diagram above shows the average value given by the panelists on each
indicator. In the color indicator, the highest number of panelists is in number 4
which means that they like 17 panelists. On the aroma indicator, the highest panelist

score is in number 3 which means like 15 panelists. Whereas the most sense rating
indicator is in number 4 which means that they like 16 panelists very much.
From the results of the data above, analysis of variance is performed to
process data quantitatively. Analysis of variance is the most commonly used
analysis to process data quantitatively. The results of the organoleptic test data are
presented in the appendix. The analysis data from the organoleptic test are as

Table 4.3 List of variance test indicators

Source of
diversity F Table
5% 1%
Example 2 5,85 2,9 2 3,32 5,18
Panelist 39 54,6 1,4
Standard of error 78 34,75
Total 119 95,2

Conclusion :
FCal. < F Table 5% → There is no real difference between indicators at the 5%
FCal. < F Table 1% → there is no real difference between indicators at the 1%

From the data above it can be seen that Fcount <Ftable, means that there is
no significant difference between the three hedonic indicators in Bacoco, namely
color, aroma, and taste. So it can be concluded that there is no significant difference
in color, scent, and taste in Bacoco to the attractiveness of panelists.


A. Conclusion
Based on the results and discussion of rimpi banana which is processed
into innovation Bacoco nutritious snacks can be concluded that :
1. In making Bacoco, the use of kepok bananas that had been extracted is very
appropriate. Firstly, due to the abundance of Kepok bananas in the Binuang
area, South Kalimantan. Secondly, because the content of kepok bananas is
quite high compared to some other types of bananas;
2. Based on starch and protein tests. Rimpi banana only contains starch, while
Bacoco contains carbohydrates and protein. The protein obtained by Bacoco
comes from eggs found in the cake mixture. So that the nutritional content of
Bacoco is complete and fulfilled; and
3. Based on the organoleptic test to determine the response of children (6-12
years) in South Kalimantan, the data showed that in Bacoco the color, aroma,
and taste did not have a significant difference that made the color, aroma, and
taste of Bacoco attractive to children.

B. Suggestion
After doing this research and innovation, there are some suggestions as
1. In future research, it is expected that rimpi can be innovated again and
processed into nutritious snacks that are attractive to children.
2. There is a need for local food, socialization for innovation in improving
nutrition in South Kalimantan.


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Irwan, W. Sutari. Utilization Kind Of Local west Java Bananas (Banana
And Plantain)Based Figs And Flour Product. 2015. Padjajaran
University. Bandung.

Attachment 1
Table 1. Raw data on organoleptic test results
Panelist Color Scent Taste Total
P1 6 5 5 16
P2 4 3 4 11
P3 6 6 5 17
P4 5 5 6 16
P5 5 6 4 15
P6 2 5 4 11
P7 5 5 6 16
P8 5 6 4 15
P9 5 6 6 17
P10 5 4 5 14
P11 5 6 6 17
P12 4 4 5 13
P13 4 5 4 13
P14 4 5 5 14
P15 5 5 6 16
P16 4 5 5 14
P17 3 4 5 12
P18 4 4 5 13
P19 5 6 6 17
P20 5 6 6 17
P21 4 5 4 13
P22 3 4 5 12
P23 5 4 4 13
P24 5 4 5 14
P25 4 4 3 11
P26 5 5 6 16
P27 5 4 6 15
P28 4 4 5 13
P29 6 6 6 18
P30 4 4 4 12
P31 3 4 4 11
P32 5 4 6 15
P33 4 5 5 14
P34 5 4 6 15
P35 4 3 4 11
P36 6 5 5 16
P37 4 4 5 13
P38 4 5 5 14

P39 4 3 5 12
P40 4 3 5 12
Total 179 185 200 564

5642 318.096
CF = 120 = 120

= 2650,8
1792 + 1852 +2002
SS of examples = – 2650,8
= 5,85
162 + 112 + 172 + ...+ 122
SS of panelist = – 2650,8
= 54,6
Total of SS = 6 + 4 + 6 + ... + 52 – 2650,8
2 2 2

= 95,2

Table 1.2 The smallest number to express significant differences in Pair

Test, Trio Trio Test, Multiple Comparative Test and Single
Stimulation Test.
The smallest amount for real The smallest amount for real
difference difference
Number Amount
error rate rate
Tester Tester
5% 1% 0,1% 5% 1% 0,1%
6 6 36 25 27 29
7 7 37 25 27 29
8 8 8 38 26 28 30
9 8 9 39 27 28 31
10 9 10 40 27 29 31
11 10 11 11 41 28 30 32
12 10 11 12 42 28 30 32
13 11 12 13 43 29 31 33
14 12 13 14 44 29 31 34
15 12 13 14 45 30 32 34
16 13 14 15 46 30 33 35
17 13 15 16 47 31 33 36

18 14 15 17 48 3 34 36
19 15 16 17 49 32 34 37
20 15 17 18 50 33 35 37
21 16 17 19 52 34 36 39
22 17 18 19 54 35 37 40
23 17 19 20 56 36 39 41
24 18 19 21 58 37 40 42
25 18 20 21 60 39 41 44
26 19 20 22 62 40 42 45
27 20 21 23 64 41 43 46
28 20 22 23 66 42 44 47
29 21 22 24 68 43 46 48
30 21 23 25 70 44 47 50
31 22 24 25 92 56 59 63
32 23 24 26 94 57 60 64

The smallest amount for real The smallest amount for real
difference difference

Amount Amount
Eror rate rate
Tester Tester
5% 1% 0,1% 5% 1% 0,1%
33 23 25 27 96 59 62 65
34 24 25 27 98 60 63 66
35 24 26 28 100 61 64 67

The smallest amount for The smallest amount for real difference
real difference
Amount Amount
Tester rate rate
5 Tester
% 1% 0,1% 5% 1% 0,1%
1 33 17 18 21
2 34 17 19 21

3 3 35 17 19 22
4 4 36 18 20 22
5 4 5 37 18 20 22
6 5 6 38 19 21 23
7 5 6 7 39 19 21 23
8 6 7 8 40 19 21 24
9 6 7 8 41 20 22 24
10 7 8 9 42 20 22 25
11 7 8 10 43 21 23 25
12 8 9 10 44 21 23 26
13 8 9 11 45 21 24 26
14 9 10 11 46 22 24 27
15 9 10 12 47 22 24 27
16 9 11 12 48 22 25 27
17 10 11 13 49 23 25 28
18 10 12 13 50 23 26 28
19 11 13 14 52 24 26 29
20 11 13 14 54 25 27 30
21 12 13 15 56 26 28 31
22 12 14 15 58 26 29 32
23 12 14 16 60 27 30 33
24 13 15 16 62 28 30 33
25 13 15 17 64 29 31 34
26 14 15 17 66 29 32 35
27 14 16 18 68 30 33 36
28 15 16 18 72 32 34 38

Attachment 2

Picture 1. Rimpi Picture 2. Egg mixture

Picture 3. Flour mixed with the dough Picture 4. Rimpi mixed dough

Picture 5. Dough is ready to be colored Picture 6. Print ready

Picture 7. Dough is ready to bake Picture 8. Bacoco

Picture 9. Bacoco smoothed Picture 10. Test solution

Picture 11. Rimpi smoothed Picture 12. Test results

Picture 13, 14, 15, 16 Questionnare


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