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Futsal Test Manual Rev Tis 4

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FIFA Quality Programme for Futsal Surfaces

Handbook of Test Methods and

July 2019 Edition

1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 4

2. Normative references ..................................................................................................................... 4

3. Surface Certification....................................................................................................................... 5
3.1. Step 1: Laboratory test of Futsal surfaces ................................................................................. 6
3.2. Step 2: Installation of Futsal surfaces ........................................................................................ 6
3.3. Step 3: Initial Futsal surface Test............................................................................................... 6
3.4. Step 4: Futsal surface certification ............................................................................................. 6
3.5. Period of Futsal surfaces certification ........................................................................................ 6
3.6. Futsal surface Re-Test .............................................................................................................. 6
3.7. Period of Futsal surfaces certification following re-tests ............................................................. 7
3.8. Eligibility .................................................................................................................................... 7

4. Terms and definitions ................................................................................................................... 7

5. Laboratory testing .......................................................................................................................... 8

5.1. Test specimens ......................................................................................................................... 8
5.2. Determination of Shock Absorption (FIFA Test Method Futsal01) ............................................. 8
5.3. Determination of Vertical Deformation (FIFA Test Method Futsal02) ....................................... 13
5.4. Slip Resistance ........................................................................................................................ 15
5.5. Resistance to rolling load ......................................................................................................... 15
5.6. Resistance to wear .................................................................................................................. 15
5.7. Resistance to indentation......................................................................................................... 16
5.8. Reaction to fire......................................................................................................................... 16
5.9. Formaldehyde Emissions ........................................................................................................ 16
5.10. Pentachlorophenol (PCP) content............................................................................................ 17
5.11. Table of laboratory requirements ............................................................................................. 17

6. Field testing .................................................................................................................................. 19

6.1. Shock Absorption (FIFA Test Method Futsal01) ........................................................................ 19
6.2. Vertical Deformation (FIFA Test Method Futsal02) .................................................................. 19
6.3. Slip Resistance ........................................................................................................................ 20
Test according to EN 16837:2018 Surfaces for sports areas. Determination of linear shoe/surface
friction...................................................................................................................................... 20
6.4. Evenness ................................................................................................................................ 20
6.5. Table of field testing requirements ........................................................................................... 21

7. Field Dimensions and Line Markings ...................................................................................... 21

8. Further research and development ............................................................................................. 22

9. List of International and European Standard test methods adopted by FIFA .......................... 23
Surfaces for sports areas. Determination of linear shoe/surface friction ............................................. 23

FIFA Quality Programme for Futsal Surfaces -Handbook of Test Methods and Requirements
July 2019 Edition Page 2
Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this
Handbook any party who makes use of any part of this Handbook in the development of a futsal
field (a "User") does so at its own risk and shall indemnify FIFA their officers, directors, servants,
consultants and agents against all claims, proceedings, actions, damages, costs, expenses and any
other liabilities for loss or damage to any property, or injury or death to any person that may be made
against or incurred by FIFA arising out of or in connection with such User's use of this Handbook.

Compliance with the requirements detailed in this Handbook by a User does not of itself confer on
that User immunity from legal obligations.

Compliance with the requirements detailed in this Handbook by a User constitutes acceptance of
the terms of this disclaimer by that User.

FIFA reserve the right to amend, update or delete sections of this manual at any time as they deem

FIFA Quality Programme for Futsal Surfaces -Handbook of Test Methods and Requirements
July 2019 Edition Page 3
1. Introduction
Besides 11-a-side football, FIFA is also the governing body for various other formats of the game
including Futsal. As part of a strategy to develop the game and provide guidelines for Member
Associations, the FIFA Quality Programme has put in place a testing protocol for Futsal surfaces. As
with the other Quality Programmes, the aim is neither to promote specific products nor to interfere in the
market and block innovation, but to describe surfaces in a technical way that are best suited for use in
At this stage of the development, FIFA is very aware of the multi-purpose use of indoor halls that Futsal
is played in alongside other sports such as Volleyball or Basketball. The standard “FIFA Quality” level
reflects this by having tolerances that other sports are able to meet while at the same time narrowing the
requirements of the EN14904 standard to better suit the game of Futsal, including some refined
methods and methods used in the testing of Football Turf.
A “FIFA Quality Pro” level will be developed over the next years by gaining further player insights and
through more research.

2. Normative references
This Handbook incorporates by dated or undated reference provisions from other publications. For
dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications will apply to
this Handbook only when incorporated into it by amendment or revision. For undated references,
the latest edition of the publication referred to applies.

FIFA Quality Programme for Futsal Surfaces -Handbook of Test Methods and Requirements
July 2019 Edition Page 4
3. Surface Certification
The FIFA Quality Programme is the certification of a particular field that has been found to fully meet
the requirements of the Quality Programme. It is not the approval of Futsal surfaces. In order to be
certified, Futsal Surfaces must reach the performance and quality criteria established to provide the
best possible playing conditions. To this end, each field must undergo four steps as outlined below:

FIFA Quality Programme for Futsal Surfaces -Handbook of Test Methods and Requirements
July 2019 Edition Page 5
3.1. Step 1: Laboratory test of Futsal surfaces
A thorough test of the Futsal surface is required.
The manufacturer (as existing or potential licensee) submits the appropriate test specimens to a
FIFA accredited laboratory test institute. A list of accredited test institutes is available on
The FIFA accredited laboratory will undertake all the statutory tests laid out in this document. If the
test specimen submitted has fulfilled all the requirements a Test Report is submitted to FIFA
confirming that the manufacturer’s Futsal surface has met the requirements of the FQP Laboratory
Test Procedure. Note: this document is not a Futsal surface certificate.
The licensee will be informed that the Futsal surface is available for installation and eligible for the
next steps of testing (subject to completion of the license contract between FIFA and the

3.2. Step 2: Installation of Futsal surfaces

The installation of the Futsal surface as declared, applying the outlined procedures.
The Futsal surface must be installed with similar composition of materials within the required
tolerances as was tested in the laboratory in the previous step.
Further documentation (method statement and Futsal surface declaration) shall be filled out by the
licensee to document the installation procedure.

3.3. Step 3: Initial Futsal surface Test

Test procedure and technical assessment of the playing surface.
Following the installation of the field, the Licensee must request the field test by means of the FIFA
online database (access is granted to each licensee upon signature of the agreement).
The licensee shall appoint one of the FIFA accredited field test institutes (list available on ).
The test request must contain the details of the Futsal surface as well as the method statement and
Futsal surface declaration. In addition the licensee shall indicate which FIFA accredited test institute
it has appointed for the test of the field.
FIFA approves the complete request and allocates a test number to the surface.
The surface shall be fully tested in accordance with the test procedures specified in this document.

The results of the field and quality control tests will be entered onto a FIFA Field Test Report by the
Test Laboratory which shall be sent to FIFA (via the online database) for review.

Note – if the field fails the initial field test the test institute is still required to prepare and submit a
FIFA Field Test Report informing FIFA of the failure. If a second initial test is required a new Field
Test Report Number should be requested from FIFA.

3.4. Step 4: Futsal surface certification

If the field satisfies all the aspects of the above steps within the FIFA Quality programme, FIFA will
grant the appropriate certification to the field.

3.5. Period of Futsal surfaces certification

FIFA QUALITY certification is valid for three years unless the field is subsequently found to no longer
satisfy all the aspects of the FIFA Quality Programme following a scheduled or random spot check
field test or the Football Turf is removed or replaced.

3.6. Futsal surface Re-Test

A retest can be requested on any field that has previously been tested and not been modified. Where

FIFA Quality Programme for Futsal Surfaces -Handbook of Test Methods and Requirements
July 2019 Edition Page 6
a field has been resurfaced, an initial test shall be performed.
A field shall be re-tested according to the standard that is was first tested to but can, on request, be
tested to the newest standard.
Retesting of a field may be requested by the licensee or the field owner/operator or a FIFA accredited
test institute that was contacted by a field’s stakeholder or a national association/confederation or
FIFA. The licensee shall request the field test through the online database. All other requestors shall
do so by email to the FIFA Quality Programme (
Testing shall be undertaken by a FIFA accredited Field Test Institute in accordance with the above-
noted procedure.
Retesting may be undertaken up to three months in advance of a field’s renewal date without the
subsequent renewal date changing. Fields may only be tested more than three months before the
expiration of the certification in exceptional cases such as requirements by national competition
rules to test at more frequent intervals.

3.7. Period of Futsal surfaces certification following re-tests

If a Futsal surface is found to fully comply with the re-test requirements, then it is recertified for a
further 3 years.
If a Futsal surface fails to satisfy the FIFA Quality category, it loses its FIFA certification.
There is no limit to the number of re-tests on any given Futsal surface provided it continues to meet
the re-test requirements.

3.8. Eligibility
FIFA QUALITY surfaces are designed to meet the criteria for international competitions they may
have varying dimensions or markings. In order for competitive matches to be carried out, the
compliance with the Laws of the Game as well as national or local regulations must be ensured.
While the FIFA Quality Programme certificate is essential to this eligibility, the compatibility of field
markings and dimensions need to be verified.

4. Terms and definitions

Area-elastic sports floor
Sports floor, to which the application of a point force causes deflection over a relatively large area
around the point of application of the force.

Point-elastic sports floor

Sports floor, to which the application of a point force causes deflection only at or close to the point
of application of the force.

Combined-elastic sports floor

Area-elastic sports floor with a point-elastic top layer, to which the application of a point force causes
both localized deflection and deflection over a wider area.

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July 2019 Edition Page 7
5. Laboratory testing

5.1. Test specimens

For area-elastic and combined-elastic sports surfaces, the test specimen shall be a complete
surfacing system measuring 3,5 m by 3,5 m, assembled and installed in accordance with the
manufacturer’s stated method, on a substrate complying with the manufacturer’s requirements.
For point-elastic sports surfaces, the test specimen shall be a complete surfacing system of
minimum size 1,0 m by 1,0 m, using the recommended method of installation in accordance with
the manufacturer’s instructions.
Laboratory tests shall be made at an ambient laboratory temperature of 23 2º C.
Test specimens shall be conditioned for a minimum of 3 hours at the laboratory temperature
prior to test.

5.2. Determination of Shock Absorption (FIFA Test Method Futsal01)

5.2.1. Principle
A mass with a spring attached to it is allowed to fall onto the test specimen.
The acceleration of the mass is recorded, from the moment of its release until after its impact on the
test specimen. The Shock Absorption is calculated by comparing the maximum force on the test
specimen with the reference force of impact on concrete. The Shock Absorption is calculated as a
reduction of the impact force on the test specimen compared to the impact force on concrete and
as such is referred to as Force Reduction.

5.2.2. Test Apparatus

The apparatus used to measure the Shock Absorption is called the Advanced Artificial Athlete, AAA.
The schematic design of the AAA apparatus is depicted in the Figure 1 below, together with a list of
its main components. These essential components are then further specified below.

1- Guide for the falling mass

2- Electromagnet
3- Falling mass
4- Accelerometer
5- Spring
6- Test foot

Figure 1: AAA test apparatus

5.2.3. Electromagnet (2)

The Electromagnet holds the mass (3) at the specified height which can be set to an accuracy of ±
0.25 mm.

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July 2019 Edition Page 8
5.2.4. Falling mass (3)
The falling mass incorporates an accelerometer, a spiral metal spring (5) and a steel test foot (6).
The total mass of (3) + (4) + (5) + (6) shall be 20,000 g ± 100 g.

5.2.5. Piezo-resistive accelerometer (4)

The accelerometer has a 50g full scale capacity (= 50 x 9.80665 m.s-2), with the following
Minimum cut-off frequency of 1000Hz (attenuation of -3db)
Linearity: 2% over the operating range.
The g-sensor should be positioned on the vertical line of gravity of the falling mass over the spiral
steel spring. The g-sensor should be firmly attached to the mass to avoid natural filtering or
extraneous vibrations of the accelerometer.

5.2.6. Spiral steel spring (5),

The spring rate is 2000 ± 100 N/mm and is linear over the range 0.1 to 7.5 kN.
The linear characteristic of the spring is controlled with maximum increment of 1000 N.
The spring shall be positioned centrally below the point of gravity of the falling mass.
The spring shall have three coaxial coils rigidly fixed together at their ends.
The mass of the spring shall be 800 g ± 50 g.

5.2.7. Test foot (6)

The test foot has a diameter 70 ± 1 mm and a minimum thickness of 10 mm.
The lower side part of the test foot is rounded with a radius of 500 mm ±50 mm and has an edge
radius of 1 mm.
The mass of the test foot shall be 400g ± 50g.

5.2.8. Test apparatus frame

The frame consists of three adjustable supporting feet.
The feet are at a distance of not less than 250 mm from the point of impact of the falling mass on
the test specimen. The frame is designed to ensure that the mass of the apparatus is equally
distributed on its three feet. For the apparatus with the mass, the pressure resulting on each foot
must be less than 0.020 N/mm². For the apparatus without the mass, the pressure resulting on each
foot must be more than 0.003 N/mm².

5.2.9. Signal recording

A means of filtering and recording the signal from the accelerometer and a means of displaying the
recorded signal (see the figure 6).
Sampling rate: minimum 9600 Hz
Electronic A/D converter with a minimum resolution of 16 bits
Signal filtration with a 2nd order low-pass, Butterworth filter with a cut-off frequency of 600 Hz.

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July 2019 Edition Page 9
Figure 2: Example of curve representing falling mass acceleration versus

T0: time when the mass starts to fall
T1: time when the test foot makes the initial contact with the surface (it corresponds with the
maximum absolute velocity of the falling mass Vmax*, see figure 3)
T2: time at the maximum absolute velocity of the mass after it rebounds from the impact on the test
specimen (determined by Vmin*, see figure 3)

* Vmax and Vmin could be positive or negative values, depending on the accelerometer set-up.

A means of calculating the velocity and the displacement of the falling mass during its travel by
integration and double integration of the accelerometer signal (see figure 2).

Free Drop Contact

Phase Phase



Figure 3: Example of curve representing velocity of the falling mass versus time

5.2.10. Verification of the apparatus: falling mass impact velocity and lift height
This verification is essential to ensure the correct functioning of the apparatus and is compulsory:
For lab tests: at regular intervals, in accordance with the intensity of usage of the apparatus. The
recommendation is one verification for every day of testing.
For field tests: before any on-site field testing.
The verification procedure consists of four steps and must be carried out on a stable and rigid floor
(this is defined as a floor with no significant deflection under a pressure of 5 kg/cm²).

Step 1
Set up the apparatus for a vertical free drop. Verticality tolerance: maximum 1°
FIFA Quality Programme for Futsal Surfaces -Handbook of Test Methods and Requirements
July 2019 Edition Page 10
Set the height of the lower face of the test foot at 55.00 ± 0.25 mm above the rigid floor.
Drop the mass on the concrete floor and record the acceleration of the falling mass

Step 2
Repeat Step 1 two more times, creating a total of three impacts.

Step 3
For each impact, integrate the acceleration signal from T0 to T1 and calculate the initial impact
velocity. Calculate the mean impact velocity of the 3 impacts.
The mean impact velocity shall be in the range of 1.02 m/s to 1.04 m/s.

Step 4
After verification of the impact velocity, place the falling mass on the rigid floor.
Measure the height between a static reference point on the apparatus (for example the underside
of the magnet) and the top of the falling mass.
This height will be a reference and shall be used for all subsequent measurements; it is designated
as the “lift height”.

5.2.11. Test procedure

Set up the apparatus vertically (90° ± 1 degree) on the test specimen.
Lower the test foot smoothly onto the surface of the test specimen.
Within 10 seconds, set the reference “lift height” described in Step 4 of the verification of the
apparatus above and attach the falling mass to the electromagnet.

First impact:
After 60 (± 5) seconds (to allow the test specimen to relax after removal of the test mass) release
the mass and record the acceleration signal.
Within 10 seconds after the impact, check the lift height and re-attach the mass to the electromagnet.

Second impact:
After 60 (± 5) seconds, release the mass and record the acceleration signal.
Within 10 seconds after the impact, check the lift height and re-attach the mass to the electromagnet.

Third impact:
After 60 (± 5) seconds, drop the mass and record the acceleration signal.

5.2.12. Shock absorption calculation

Calculate the peak force (Fmax) at the impact with the following formula,

Fmax = m x g x Gmax + m xg
Fmax , is the peak force, expressed in Newton (N)
Gmax , is the peak acceleration during the impact, expressed in g (1 g = 9.81 m/s²)
m, is the falling mass including spring, test foot and accelerometer, expressed in kg
g, is the acceleration by gravity (9.81 m/s²)

Calculate the Shock absorption, SA, using the following formula:

SA= [1 − ] × 100
SA, is the Shock Absorption in %
Fmax, is the Force max measured on the sport surface, in N
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July 2019 Edition Page 11
Fref , is the reference force fixed to 6760 N (theoretical value calculated for a concrete floor)

5.2.13. Expression of the results:

Report the Shock Absorption value to the nearest 0.1%.

5.2.14. Concrete floor specifications

The laboratory test floor must be a concrete floor with the following requirements:
A minimum thickness of 100mm
Concrete hardness of minimum 40 MPa, verified according to EN 12504-2 “Testing concrete in
structures – Part 2: Non-destructive testing – Determination of rebound number”.

5.2.15. Laboratory tests

Make three impacts on the same spot of the test specimen according to Test Procedure 5.2.11
Repeat the procedure in three positions.
Calculate the mean value of Shock Absorption of the second and third impacts for each test position.
Calculate the mean value of the second and third impacts of Shock Absorption of the three test
Undertake tests under dry conditions.

The number of measurements and the test locations for this testing depends on the type of
construction of the surface. The testing must cover all constructive elements and both a technical
construction drawing of the surface outlying the test locations and a written description of these
locations must be included in the test report. The following elements must be included for each type
of surface:

Area-elastic sports floor

- Joints in the load distribution plate
- Between sleepers
- On sleepers
- Between pads
- On pads
- Any other constructive elements that influence the sports performance or biomechanical
response of the surface.

Point-elastic sports floor

- The joint free positions
- On the length of joints
- On the T-joints
- Any other constructive elements that influence the sports performance or biomechanical
response of the surface.

Combined-elastic sports floor

- Joints in the load distribution plate
- Between sleepers
- On sleepers
- Between pads
- On pads
- The joint free positions
- On the length of joints
- On the T-joints
- Any other constructive elements that influence the sports performance or biomechanical
response of the surface.

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July 2019 Edition Page 12
5.2.16. Requirements
Each test location must meet the requirements.

Surface Construction Type Requirements

Point Elastic ≥ 18.0 % ≤ 75.0 %

Area Elastic ≥ 40.0 % ≤ 75.0 %

Combined Elastic ≥ 40.0 % ≤ 75.0 %

5.3. Determination of Vertical Deformation (FIFA Test Method Futsal02)

5.3.1. Principle
A mass with a spring attached to it is allowed to fall onto the test specimen.
The acceleration of the mass is recorded, from the moment of its release until after its impact on the
test specimen. The vertical deformation of the test specimen is calculated by the displacement of
the falling mass into the test specimen after its impact on it.

5.3.2. Test Apparatus

See description in 5.2.2

5.3.3. Verification of the apparatus

See description in 5.2.10

5.3.4. Test procedure

See description in 5.2.11

5.3.5. Calculation and expression of Vertical Deformation

The displacement of the falling mass Dmass (t) is calculated by integration of V(t) on the interval [T1,
T2]). Integration starts at (T1), the moment when the mass has reached its highest velocity.

On the time interval [T1 - T2], the vertical deformation (VD) of the test specimen is defined as:

𝐕𝐃 = 𝐃𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐬 − 𝐃𝐬𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠

Dmass = ∬T1 g G dt, with Dmass = 0 mm at T1

(m × g × Gmax )
Dspring =

Fmax is the peak force, expressed in Newton, N

Gmax is the peak acceleration during the impact, expressed in g (1 g = 9.81 m/s²)
m is the falling mass, including spring, base plate and accelerometer expressed in kg
g is the acceleration by gravity (9.81 m/s²)
Cspring is the spring constant (given by the certificate of calibration)

5.3.6. Expression of the results:

Vertical Deformation is reported to the nearest 0.1mm
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July 2019 Edition Page 13
5.3.7. Concrete floor specifications
The laboratory test floor must be a concrete floor with the following requirements:
A minimum thickness of 100mm
Concrete hardness of minimum 40 MPa, verified according to EN 12504-2 “Testing concrete in
structures – Part 2: Non-destructive testing – Determination of rebound number”.

5.3.8. Laboratory tests

The Vertical Deformation is calculated for the three positions tested for the Shock Absorption (see
Calculate the mean value of Vertical Deformation of the second and third impacts for each test
Calculate the mean value of the second and third impacts of Vertical Deformation of the three test

The number of measurements and the test locations for this testing depends on the type of
construction of the surface. The testing must cover all constructive elements and both a technical
construction drawing of the surface outlying the test locations and a written description of these
locations must be included in the test report. The following elements must be included for each type
of surface:

Area-elastic sports floor

- Joints in the load distribution plate
- Between sleepers
- On sleepers
- Between pads
- On pads
- Any other constructive elements that influence the sports performance or biomechanical
response of the surface.

Point-elastic sports floor

- The joint free positions
- On the length of joints
- On the T-joints
- Any other constructive elements that influence the sports performance or biomechanical
response of the surface.

Combined-elastic sports floor

- Joints in the load distribution plate
- Between sleepers
- On sleepers
- Between pads
- On pads
- The joint free positions
- On the length of joints
- On the T-joints
- Any other constructive elements that influence the sports performance or biomechanical
response of the surface.

5.3.9. Requirements
Each test location must meet the requirements.

Surface Construction Type Requirements

FIFA Quality Programme for Futsal Surfaces -Handbook of Test Methods and Requirements
July 2019 Edition Page 14
Point Elastic ≤ 6.0 mm

Area Elastic ≥ 3.0 mm ≤ 10.0 mm

Combined Elastic ≥ 3.0 mm ≤ 10.0 mm

5.4. Slip Resistance

Test according to EN16837:2018 Surfaces for sports areas. Determination of linear shoe/surface
friction with the following additional requirements:

- Test Equipment and slider preparation (2mm) in accordance with EN 16837

- Test using the full-size plate below the skid tester
- Clean the test surface with cross 10 wipes using a micro-fibre cloth
- Leave 30 seconds between each pendulum swing to allow slider and test surface to return to
starting temperature
- Where possible release lever with one hand and catch pendulum with the other hand. When
pressing release button do not remove hand until swing has completed
- Report the Pendulum Test Value to the nearest 1 unit
- Rubber slider should be replaced on an annual basis
- 2 locations should be tested on the test specimen

5.4.1. Expression of the results:

Report the Slip Resistance value to the nearest unit.

5.4.2. Requirements:
Each test location must meet the requirements.

Surface Construction Type Requirements

Point Elastic

Area Elastic 80 -115

Combined Elastic

5.5. Resistance to rolling load

Test according to EN 1569:1999 Surfaces for sports areas. Determination of the behavior under a
rolling load.

5.5.1. Requirements:

Surface Construction Type Requirements

Point Elastic
No damage found post-test greater than 0.5mm
Area Elastic
under 300mm straightedge
Combined Elastic

5.6. Resistance to wear

Test according to ISO 5470-1:2016 Rubber- or plastics-coated fabrics - Determination of abrasion
FIFA Quality Programme for Futsal Surfaces -Handbook of Test Methods and Requirements
July 2019 Edition Page 15
resistance - Part 1: Taber abrader

5.6.1. Requirements:

Top Surface Type Requirements

80mg weight loss per 1000 cycles
(CS10 wheel with a mass of 500 g)
1000mg weight loss per 1000 cycles
(H18 wheel with a mass of 1000g)

5.7. Resistance to indentation

Test according to EN1516: 1999 Surfaces for sports areas. Determination of resistance to
For the area-elastic sport floor system only its covering, supported on a rigid structure, shall be
For the combined elastic sport floor system only its point elastic component, supported on a rigid
structure, shall be tested.

5.7.1. Requirements:

Surface Construction Type Requirements

Point Elastic The mean residual indentation of the sport floor

system, measured 5 min after removal of the load,
Area Elastic shall be reported and the mean residual indentation
measured 24 h after removal of the load shall be ≤
Combined Elastic 0,5 mm.

5.8. Reaction to fire

Test according to EN 14904:2006 – part 5.4 Reaction to fire.

5.8.1. Requirements:

Surface Construction Type Requirements

Point Elastic

Area Elastic EN 14904:2006 – part 5.4 Reaction to fire.

Combined Elastic

5.9. Formaldehyde Emissions

Test according to EN 14904:2006 – part 5.5 Formaldehyde emissions.

5.9.1. Requirements:

Surface Construction Type Requirements

Point Elastic

Area Elastic EN 14904:2006 – part 5.5 Formaldehyde emissions.

Combined Elastic

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July 2019 Edition Page 16
5.10. Pentachlorophenol (PCP) content
Test according to EN 14904:2006 – Annex C - Pentachlorophenol (PCP) content analysis in sport
floor surfaces.

5.10.1. .Requirements:

Surface Construction Type Requirements

Point Elastic No Pentachlorophenol or derivative in the

production process of the system or in the raw
Area Elastic materials of the system.
The result of the analysis should be below 0.1% of
Combined Elastic Pentachlorophenol or (derivative) content.

5.11. Table of laboratory requirements

5.11.1. Point Elastic products

Property Test Method
FIFA Test Method
Shock Absorption ≥ 18.0 % ≤ 75.0 %
FIFA Test Method
Vertical Deformation ≤ 6.0 mm
Slip resistance EN 16837:2018 80 -115
No damage found post-test greater than
Resistance to rolling load EN 1569:1999
0.5mm under 300mm straightedge
1000mg weight loss per 1000 cycles
Resistance to wear ISO 5470-1:2016
(H18 wheel with a mass of 1000g)
The mean residual indentation of the sport
floor system, measured 5 min after removal
Resistance to indentation EN1516: 1999 of the load, shall be reported and the mean
residual indentation measured 24 h after
removal of the load shall be ≤ 0,5 mm.
Reaction to fire EN 14904:2006 – part 5.4 EN 14904:2006 – part 5.4 Reaction to fire.
EN 14904:2006 – part 5.5 Formaldehyde
Formaldehyde emissions EN 14904:2006 – part 5.5
No Pentachlorophenol or derivative in the
production process of the system or in the
Pentachlorophenol (PCP) raw materials of the system.
EN 14904:2006 – Annex C
content The result of the analysis should be below
0.1% of Pentachlorophenol or (derivative)

5.11.2. Area Elastic products

Property Test Method
FIFA Test Method
Shock Absorption ≥ 40.0 % ≤ 75.0 %
FIFA Test Method
Vertical Deformation ≥ 3.0 mm ≤ 10.0 mm
Slip resistance EN 16837:2018 80 -115
No damage found post-test greater than
Resistance to rolling load EN 1569:1999
0.5mm under 300mm straightedge

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July 2019 Edition Page 17
Wood: 80mg weight loss per 1000 cycles
(CS10 wheel with a mass of 500 g)
Resistance to wear ISO 5470-1:2016 Synthetic: 1000mg weight loss per 1000
(H18 wheel with a mass of 1000g)
The mean residual indentation of the sport
floor system, measured 5 min after removal
Resistance to indentation EN1516: 1999 of the load, shall be reported and the mean
residual indentation measured 24 h after
removal of the load shall be ≤ 0,5 mm.
Reaction to fire EN 14904:2006 – part 5.4 EN 14904:2006 – part 5.4 Reaction to fire.
EN 14904:2006 – part 5.5 Formaldehyde
Formaldehyde emissions EN 14904:2006 – part 5.5
No Pentachlorophenol or derivative in the
production process of the system or in the
Pentachlorophenol (PCP) raw materials of the system.
EN 14904:2006 – Annex C
content The result of the analysis should be below
0.1% of Pentachlorophenol or (derivative)

5.11.3. Combined Elastic products

Property Test Method
FIFA Test Method
Shock Absorption ≥ 40.0 % ≤ 75.0 %
FIFA Test Method
Vertical Deformation ≥ 3.0 mm ≤ 10.0 mm
Slip resistance EN 16837:2018 80 -115
No damage found post-test greater than
Resistance to rolling load EN 1569:1999
0.5mm under 300mm straightedge
Wood: 80mg weight loss per 1000 cycles
(CS10 wheel with a mass of 500 g)
Resistance to wear ISO 5470-1:2016 Synthetic: 1000mg weight loss per 1000
(H18 wheel with a mass of 1000g)
The mean residual indentation of the sport
floor system, measured 5 min after removal
Resistance to indentation EN1516: 1999 of the load, shall be reported and the mean
residual indentation measured 24 h after
removal of the load shall be ≤ 0,5 mm.
Reaction to fire EN 14904:2006 – part 5.4 EN 14904:2006 – part 5.4 Reaction to fire.
EN 14904:2006 – part 5.5 Formaldehyde
Formaldehyde emissions EN 14904:2006 – part 5.5
No Pentachlorophenol or derivative in the
production process of the system or in the
Pentachlorophenol (PCP) raw materials of the system.
EN 14904:2006 – Annex C
content The result of the analysis should be below
0.1% of Pentachlorophenol or (derivative)

FIFA Quality Programme for Futsal Surfaces -Handbook of Test Methods and Requirements
July 2019 Edition Page 18
6. Field testing
All field tests, when not otherwise specified, shall be undertaken in positions 1 – 4 (+2 additional
positions on the safety areas outside the court lines).The orientation of test positions shall be
determined by the test institute.

2 4

Figure 4: Field test locations (field of play)

6.1. Shock Absorption (FIFA Test Method Futsal01)

6.1.1. Procedure
See description in 5.2.11.

6.1.2. Calculation of results

Calculate the mean values (second and third impacts) of Shock Absorption for each test location.

6.1.3. Requirements
Each test location must meet the requirements.

Surface Construction Type Requirements

Point Elastic ≥ 18.0 % ≤ 75.0 %

Area Elastic ≥ 40.0 % ≤ 75.0 %

Combined Elastic ≥ 40.0 % ≤ 75.0 %

6.2. Vertical Deformation (FIFA Test Method Futsal02)

6.2.1. Procedure
The Vertical Deformation is calculated for the position tested for the Shock Absorption (see 6.1.2).

FIFA Quality Programme for Futsal Surfaces -Handbook of Test Methods and Requirements
July 2019 Edition Page 19
6.2.2. Calculation of results
Calculate the mean values (second and third impacts) of Vertical Deformation for each test location.

6.2.3. Requirements
Each test location must meet the requirements.

Surface Construction Type Requirements

Point Elastic ≤ 6.0 mm

Area Elastic ≥ 3.0 mm ≤ 10.0 mm

Combined Elastic ≥ 3.0 mm ≤ 10.0 mm

6.3. Slip Resistance

6.3.1. Procedure
Test according to EN 16837:2018 Surfaces for sports areas. Determination of linear shoe/surface friction.
With the following additional requirements:
- Test Equipment and slider preparation (2mm) in accordance with EN 13036-4:2011
- Test using the full-size plate below the skid tester
- Clean the test surface with cross 10 wipes using a micro-fibre cloth
- Micro-fibre cloth should be replaced regularly when dirty
- Leave 30 seconds between each pendulum swing
- Where possible release lever with one hand and catch pendulum with other hand. When
pressing release button do not remove hand until swing has completed
- Report the Pendulum Test Value to the nearest 1 unit
- Rubber slider should be replaced on an annual basis
- In addition to the outlined test locations, 1 additional tests per line colour must be conducted.

6.3.2. Requirements
Each test location must meet the requirements.

System Type Requirements

Point Elastic

Area Elastic 80 - 115

Combined Elastic

6.4. Evenness

6.4.1. Procedure
Test according to EN13036-7:2003 Road and airfield surface characteristics. Test methods.
Irregularity measurement of pavement courses. The straightedge test.

6.4.2. Requirements

System Type Requirements

Point Elastic Deformations ≤6mm under 3m straightedge

FIFA Quality Programme for Futsal Surfaces -Handbook of Test Methods and Requirements
July 2019 Edition Page 20
Area Elastic Deformations ≤2mm under 300mm on joints
In addition to this, report any safety issues found on
Combined Elastic site in the test report

6.5. Table of field testing requirements

6.5.1. Point Elastic products

Property Test Method
Shock Absorption FIFA Test Method Futsal01 ≥ 18.0 % ≤ 75.0 %
Vertical Deformation FIFA Test Method Futsal02 ≤ 6.0 mm
Slip resistance EN 16837:2018 80 -115
Deformations ≤6mm under 3m
Deformations ≤2mm under
Evenness EN13036-7:2003 300mm on joints
In addition to this, report any
safety issues found on site in the
test report

6.5.2. Area Elastic products

Property Test Method
Shock Absorption FIFA Test Method Futsal01 ≥ 40.0 % ≤ 75.0 %
Vertical Deformation FIFA Test Method Futsal02 ≥ 3.0 mm ≤ 10.0 mm
Slip resistance EN 16837:2018 80 -115
Deformations ≤6mm under 3m
Deformations ≤2mm under
Evenness EN13036-7:2003 300mm on joints
In addition to this, report any
safety issues found on site in the
test report

6.5.3. Combined Elastic products

Property Test Method
Shock Absorption FIFA Test Method Futsal01 ≥ 40.0 % ≤ 75.0 %
Vertical Deformation FIFA Test Method Futsal02 ≥ 3.0 mm ≤ 10.0 mm
Slip resistance EN 16837:2018 80 -115
Deformations ≤6mm under 3m
Deformations ≤2mm under
Evenness EN13036-7:2003 300mm on joints
In addition to this, report any
safety issues found on site in the
test report

7. Field Dimensions and Line Markings

The length of the touch line must be greater than the length of the goal line.

FIFA Quality Programme for Futsal Surfaces -Handbook of Test Methods and Requirements
July 2019 Edition Page 21
For non-international matches, the dimensions are as follows:

Minimum Maximum

Length (touch line): 25.00 m 42.00 m

Width (goal line): 16.00 m 25.00 m

For international matches, the dimensions are as follows:

Minimum Maximum

Length (touch line): 38.00 m 42.00 m

Width (goal line): 20.00 m 25.00 m

8. Further research and development

A FIFA QUALITY PRO standard is to be developed, which better reflects the needs of the players
at the highest level and allows tournament organizers to better specify the surface they would like to play

FIFA Quality Programme for Futsal Surfaces -Handbook of Test Methods and Requirements
July 2019 Edition Page 22
9. List of International and European Standard test methods adopted by
Determination of Shock
Shock Absorption FIFA Test Method Futsal01
Determination of Vertical
Vertical Deformation FIFA Test Method Futsal02
Surfaces for sports areas.
Slip resistance EN 16837:2018 Determination of linear
shoe/surface friction
Surfaces for sports areas.
Resistance to rolling load EN 1569:1999 Determination of the behavior
under a rolling load
Rubber- or plastics-coated
fabrics - Determination of
Resistance to wear ISO 5470-1:2016
abrasion resistance - Part 1:
Taber abrader
Surfaces for sports areas.
Resistance to indentation EN1516: 1999 Determination of resistance to
Reaction to fire EN 14904:2006 – part 5.4 Reaction to fire

Formaldehyde emissions EN 14904:2006 – part 5.5 Formaldehyde emissions

Pentachlorophenol (PCP)
Pentachlorophenol (PCP)
EN 14904:2006 – Annex C content analysis in sport floor
Road and airfield surface
characteristics. Test methods.
Evenness EN13036-7:2003 Irregularity measurement of
pavement courses. The
straightedge test.

FIFA Quality Programme for Futsal Surfaces -Handbook of Test Methods and Requirements
July 2019 Edition Page 23

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