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Resident Evil 2 Versus Guide PDF

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The document provides information about the structure and gameplay of Resident Evil 2 including details about easy vs normal mode, the 1st and 2nd missions, and basic strategies for surviving the game.

The Basic Training section is intended to provide both new and experienced players with valuable gameplay strategies and information that will help them to successfully complete the game. It covers topics like game structure, modes, scenarios and basic tips.

Some strategies mentioned include permanently eliminating enemies, when to engage enemies in major rooms, and the importance of reviewing the weapons and monsters sections for in-depth data.

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Monsters Intto


Casey toe • Ryan Lockhart
Leon 1st Mission 14 Gerald Guess • Mateo Rojas
Lena Yoshikawa

Ciaire 1st Mission 4S IFC, IDC, BACK COVER,

NickDes Barres

Leon 2nd Mission 78 PUBLISHED BY

Ciaire 2nd Mission 38 Matt Taylor
Eastern News Distributors
One Media Way, 12406 RT. 250
Hot Secrets 118 Milan, OH 44846-9705 • 800/221-3148
PSCS, 603/924-4407


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thanks: Chris. Man. my mom. Mateo's thanks: To Rachel - "Always wanting
Resident Evil® 2 and Capcom® are registered trademarks of you know what": lason. Ben. DIAMES, Choi: Louis, tor kicking much ass with
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Welcome, fine gameplayer, to the Resident Evil 2 Perfect Guide Basic Training section! If you're a first time
Resident Evil player, this entire section is an absolute must-read and you should study up here before you
head into the walkthroughs. Even if you're a Resident Evil veteran, you may want to skim through these pages
as they contain invaluable information on the best of the best gameplay strategies you'll need to win. Granted,
some of this information is as basic as it gets, but there are a number of great tactics that you may not have
previously considered. Don't forget to carefully peruse the Weapons and Monsters sections, which offer in-
depth data you won't get anywhere else. And remember: don't just survive the Evil, conquer it!

lain. Dodging an enemy doesn't save you ammo if

you have
to kill him
• Easy Mode vs. Normal Mode later.
If you're a total beginner in the world of Resident
you may want to start with the easy mode. It Hp 1

gives you much more ammo, and is just plain, well, rooms and
easier than the normal game. But, we're assuming hallways,
you're not a wuss and you want to have a real chal- it's better
lenge. If that's the case, normal mode is the way to
go. All strategies in this book are specically custom these enemies. than sorry,
crafted for normal mode! (Besides, many of the and elimi-
game's coolest secrets are unavailable in easy mode.) nate your foes permanently.

• 1st Mission and 2nd Mission • Backing Up vs. Turning and Running
Resident Evil 2 offers you a total of four exciting You can't actually back up and shoot at the same
scenarios with the two main characters, Claire and time; every time you take a shot you stop moving.
Leon. Play through and beat one character's 1st sce- Generally, backing up while shooting is a terrible
nario, and you will then be prompted to attempt the proposition
other character's 2nd scenario. This means you must because
beat Claire's 1st scenario in order to reach Leon's
2nd, and vice versa. You will only see the game's
e v e r y
"true" ending when you beat the 2nd scenario. enemy in
• Zapping the game
Zapping refers to any action you take in one char- (even the
acter's 1st scenario which somehow affects the other slow, sham-
character's 2nd scenario. For example, if you take the bling zom-
RIGHT: Turning and running can get you into a better camera
submachine gun from the basement weapons locker bies) can
but leave the sidepack, it'll be there in the 2nd sce- walk, angle with more room to shoot enemies.

nario. Always be on the lookout for items and puzzles crawl, or slither faster than you can back up and
that might cross both scenarios. Zapping tricks can be shoot.
found throughout the walkthrough pages! So, if you've got one or more creatures breathing

• Rankings
down your neck, instead of backing and firing, turn
around and run for it to get some distance, then turn
The game ranks you on several factors: how quickly to face them again and start blastin'!
you beat the game, which weapons you use (the less
powerful weapons are considered better), and how
many times you save. More details are in the Secrets


WRONG: Backing up while trying to fire will give enemies time to gain on you!
• Running Away Oneof the dangers of turnings and running is that
It's often better to run than to fight in the world of
it you into a new camera angle where you
will force
Resident Evil. You can run away from almost any
can no longer see your enemy. When possible, try to
enemy in RE 2 other than bosses; there are very few keep moving until you're at least halfway across the
monsters that you absolutely must kill. The more ene-
mies you run away from, the more ammo you'll have
new camera angle (to avoid a possible ambush when
the enemy finally makes it to your camera angle),
to fight the tougher monsters down the road.
turn around, and fire off screen in the direction of the
The enemies that you'll want to run away from are
enemy. With auto-targeting on, this is a sure-fire way
enemies in areas that you'll never have to go through
to hit the enemy from a safe distance. If you're tar-

4 The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil 2 Perfect Guide I

geting manually, it's a bit trickier because the enemy togglebetween enemies by pressing LI or by turning
isnow out of sight, but it will work if you can remem- your character to face the target of your choice. Keep
ber where he was, and you can listen to the sounds of in mind that if you release the Aim button (Rl) and
his groaning and falling for clues as to whether you're then press it again, the game will switch back to
hitting or not. Either way, it's quite cool to kill an choosing the enemy it originally wanted instead of
enemy who you can't even see. If you don't like shoot- reverting to the one you forced it to! This can be a
ing blind, you can always wait to shoot -until they walk slight exercise in frustration, especially if the game
onto your camera angle. Just remember, never wait at chooses a far-away enemy when there's one breathing
the close edge of your angle or you'll get jumped! down your throat. And besides, real men (and women)
use manual targeting.
• Damage and Range Another key point about auto-targeting is that it only
While we've outlined all of the weapons for you, and works on a left-to-right basis, and not up and down.
included a monster section which tells you how many This means if an enemy is above or below you, you
hits it takes to kill any monster with any weapon, be still must hold up or down respectively to get your
forewarned that a combination of range and outright gun to lock onto them. And of course, if you have auto-
randomness makes damage in Resident Evil 2 invari- targeting off, you must manual-
ably unpredictable. Certain weapons, such as the ly aim at the enemy on both the
Shotgun, are highly range dependent; it takes multiple

horizontal and vertical axis.

blasts from a shotgun to fell a zombie at medium to Some guns can't be aimed up
far range, but only one at close and down, but usually the ones
range. Other weapons deal the that can't (such as the Spark
same damage at any range. Shot) cover such a wide range
Added to all this is just the that they'll actually hit ground-
fact that the hit points totals of
based enemies that require
zombies are not predictable or down-aiming with lesser

you don't have to aim down on

consistent in the world of weapons . low enemies with the Spark Shot.
Resident Evil, and while one Aiming down is especially
zombie might go down with four important against enemies such as Lickers and crawl-
Leon's shotgun is devastating
igtol ghots and gtay dowll) n
at close range.
i g
another zombie who looks Zombies
exactly the same as his brethren might take 8 bullets You can
to put to rest. Just keep that in mind, because if aim down
you're counting shots and hoping the next" one is going to hit
to do the trick.... our advice is, don't count on it. It's Zombies
better to assume the worst and adopt a move and you've
shot, move and shoot strategy, instead of standing knocked
your ground and hoping you can pump in enough lead
before they get you. Other enemies do have consistent you've got a zombie down on its back, don't show mercy. Aim
down and fire dead!
totals, but slightly missing an enemy with a range
'til it's
you the
dependent weapon like a shotgun or grenade launcher trouble of having to shoot them when they get back to
may give the impression that you've scored a direct their feet. Finally, be aware that aiming up and down
hit when you haven't. The point is, you'll need to be can have special results at point-blank range. Aiming
ready for anything. up at point-blank range with the Shotgun results in a
When deciding whether to shoot at enemies from far one-hit zombie decapitation.
or close, be aware that certain weapons have the abil-
ity to hit multiple targets. For instance, the bowgun • Zombie Tossing
shoots a spread of three bolts, which can fan out to One new aspect of Resident Evil 2 is that after being
hit three targets at once from a bitten by zombies, you automatically throw them off.
distance, or can bunch together But is it really automatic? By wiggling the control pad
to impact one large target at rapidly, you can shake off the zombies more quickly.
close range. Similarly, the Leon and Claire push away the zombies automatically
Shotgun can hit several ene- after their necks have been bitten twice. But those
mies at once if they're close with strong thumbs and fast reflexes can toss the
together, and explosives like
acid and fire grenades can hit ^ si --'321 away after
enemies for less damage on the being bit-
fringes of their explosions. Claire's bowgun hits multiple ten only
Composite (regular) grenades targets from a distance, once.
lean kill up to 5 zombies within Not only
their spread. does this
J cut the
• Targeting and Aiming Always, always, always shake out! Less damage, faster recov- amount of
If you enable the auto-targeting option, the game will ery time, and a new dance step. damage
automatically aim your gun at any enemy within the zom-
range. This makes the game easy for beginners. bies do to you by about one third, it also gets the zom-
However, be aware that auto-targeting will pick the bie off of you much faster. Your throw is faster and
enemy for you if there are several on-screen, and harder, allowing you to knock more oncoming zombies
sometimes it will pick an enemy that is not necessar- away, and do it sooner. It's a win-win situation; When
ily the greatest threat. If this happens, you can either the zombies grab you, always try to resist.
• Listen and Look Another example of smart terrain use is to stand
Resident Evil 2 gives you audio and visual clues behind a corner when faced with a Licker. This way it
about the enemies' whereabouts and well-being. can't do its far more damaging jumping attack, and
Always listen for these clues. Most monsters make will have to waddle up to you before it can use its
distinctive sounds (zombies groan and make a nasty weak
dragging sound, crows caw and flap their wings, lick-
ers breathe deeply, dogs tap their claws against the range
pavement). So if you listen carefully, you can often attacks
when evil is around the corner. On top of this, ene-
tell When
mies make different sounds when they are simply
running around, when they're hit, and when they're fl!
killed. Listen for and recognize the hit reaction thii
sounds (such as the dogs' yelps) as well as the death Sometimes, you can use the terrain and/or camera angle to e x a c
your advantage. Hit enemies from places where they can't
sounds (such as the dogs' final mournful scream) 1^ touch you! wjlere you
want them

you'll know if your shot simply connected or if it *

scored a kill. to be.

Similarly, you can often tell when a monster is dead
• Knife Fighting
if a pool of blood forms around their body. If you
Granted, the Knife is a weak weapon. In fact, it just
knock an enemy down but they don't start bleeding, completely
sucks. It's only there for two reasons: if
there's a you're facing an
enemy you must kill (i.e. can't you
run away from them) and you've run out of all other
forms of ammo, or, if you're a mad skills-based play-
they're er and you're just so damn good at Resident Evil that
going to
you can toss down enemies with only the knife (if
get back that's the case, why are you reading the training sec-
up for
tion?). But assuming you're knifing a must-kill enemy
more. Also,
J with no ammo to your name, here's your best bet. Try
No nasty pool of surrounding The red pool of thick, thick you can to take advantage of the room you're in by sticking
blood? Well he's just not blood tells you he's a dead often tell
and moving. Take 2 or so quick knife stabs from a
dead, Jim! zombie, not a doctor. when an medium distance, than back up, turn, run around, and
enemy dies reposition yourself for another 2 stabs.
by death animation. For instance,
its when a Plant
dies, rears up and spreads its limbs, looking as if
it's ready for an attack, but in reality it's about to fall
over dead.
Another great clue the game gives you is its fright-
ful music. If you hear some ominous tune start play-
ing, you know a fight is about to take place, so get
ready. If you're in the midst of a fevered battle and
Stab, stab, retreat. Stab, stab, retreat. In the rain or in the snow....
the music stops, then the encounter is probably over,
but be aware that occasionally one leg-grabber will be
If you try to duke it out without backing off in this
left among the pile of zombies. Always double check
manner, you're sure to fall to all but the weakest ene-
for their blood spills.
mies. Even zombies must be dealt with carefully in a
• Camera Angles and Terrain knife fight, because they can take 27 stabs to kill!
ability to fight (or run) effectively is vastly Always make sure you have some arm room to take
affected by the layout of the game screen. Some cam- your stabs; if you're in close quarters, your knife will
era angles are far more advantageous to your health bounce harmlessly off objects and make a frustrating
than others. Bad camera angles might present you in "cachink" sound.
a close, crammed environment, or make it hard to see • Rapid Reloading
yourself because of enemies moving around in front
You can reload automatically in the game just by hit-
of the camera. Good camera angles (usually the ones
ting the fire button when you're out of bullets, but
with an overhead view and smaller character images) this causes your character to get stuck in a reload
allow you lots of freedom of movement, and nothing animation, giving the monsters a precious few sec-
that obstructs your view of the action. If you find
onds to gain on you (or disembowel you). Horrors!
yourself fighting a horde of enemies in a bad camera
Instead, simply keep track of how many bullets you
angle, you can often run off the screen to a good cam-
have, and just before or just as you run out, enter the
era angle, wait for them to appear, then fight back. option
You always want to be cautious when changing cam- screen and
era angles, especially if you hear an enemy's distinc- Combine
tive sounds. Enemies are often placed to ambush you
the appro-
just as you change camera angles, so when you do, be
p r i a t e
ready to fight, run, or even retreat back to the previ- ammo into
ous camera angle to buy some distance. your gun.
Certain areas contain terrain which can be used to
your advantage. For instance, you can sneak behind
large objects such as desks which zombies can't pass Reloading during gameplay can cause you to get into some
, , ,
or walk over. While behind the desk, if you have a sticky, bloody, guts-spewing situations. As in, your guts. Use
the submenu's Combine command to reload instead.
with no
clear line of fire, you can shoot with impunity.

6 The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil Z Perfect Guide #

costly delays. This is especially important with the
shotgun, which doesn't hold much ammo and takes • Movable Objects
forever to You can tell if an object is movable if it has a low-
reload. res, slightly chunky look to it. That's because anything
A special movable is
note about construct-
Combining ed of tex
ammo into t u r e
a weapon: mapped 3D
while most polygons
weapons whereas IB
its ability to hold an infine amount of one type of ammo,

can only the back-

Grenade Launcher a superb inventory space saver! Oh
I the

lyeah, it's also a decent


hold a set grounds Low-detail objects are prime candidates for pushing!

amount of are pre-

ammo, Grenade Launcher is the lone excep-
Claire's rendered 2D scenes and therefore much more
tion and can hold an unlimited amount of ammo (but detailed. If you think an object is movable, walk into
of only one type). This enables you to free up a little it to see if you can push it. Keep walking into it for a

extra inventory by holding your entire stock of one few seconds; sometimes it takes a moment to get your
type of ammo right in the barrel. If you want to swap character to switch from walk mode to push mode.
to a different type, simply Combine it into the Grenade
Launcher and your previously selected rounds will
• Look Above, Below, Behind, and Inside
Sometimes goodies can be hidden in out-of-the-way
appear in your inventory. places. Well,you wouldn't just want the game to hand
you everything on a silver platter would you? Would
J1SS0N 3: SEARCHING ROOMS you?! Look above, behind, below, and inside objects in
your quest to find the goods. Leave no stone (or skull)
• Glittering Objects unturned. Frequent use of the action button is
you in Resident advised.
All that glitters is definitely gold f<jr
Evil 2.
you change •I
camera • Magic Boxes, Ink Ribbons, and Saving
angles in a
In scattered spots throughout the game, you'll
new area,
around for
encounter "safe rooms" containing a magic box and
typewriter. The box enables you

to offload excess inventory and

at least 5
When you enter a room, wait to see if stuff will start glitter- save it for later. Any item you
seconds to
ing. Glittering is a good sign. It means, you've found an item! place in a magic box can be
see if you j

retrieved from any other magic

can spot a glittering object. Without exception, any- I

box in the game. How do items

thing that glitters is an item you need!

warp from one box to another?

• Papers = Piles Magic, I tell you.

Okay, let's be honest here. You really don't need to The typewriter enables you to
Ink ribbons, typewriters, and
read the vast majority of the files in Resident Evil 2; p ga gave provided you
magic boxes, oh my!
they usually contain little more than amusing back- &n ink ribbon since .^j
story. However, a few contain important clues or even ribbons can be in short supply, you probably don't
numeric combinations that you'd never obtain other- want to save after every accomplishment. At the same
wise, so you might as well fill up your file book. Any time, nothing's more frustrating than losing 20+ min-
area in the game that contains piles of paper and utes of intense gameplay. The first time you play
looks like it has a file, probably does. through the game, your best bet is probably to save
the game every time you reach a new typewriter. Just
• Burn, Baby, Burn be careful not to save the game if you've used up so
if all else fails and you're really stuck,
Sometimes, much of the healing items and ammo in the game that
the answer is fire. If something looks like it can be lit,
you can't get through the later areas; this would con-
itprobably can. The lighter and the Grenade Launcher stitute a "dead game," where you've depleted so many
i (equipped with fire rounds) are your tools of ignition. of the game's resources that it's impossible to finish.
• Push the Action Button • Only the Basics
p It's the oldest and most boring trick in the book, but Try to keep your inventory slim and trim, and store I

it If you think there's an item you're just not

works. anything you don't currently need in the chest. Pick
finding, walk next to suspicious-looking areas and out only a few weapons (resist the temptation to imi-

push the action button repeatedly. Sometimes being a tate a walking tank), and stick to the items you know
step off can mean the difference between getting and or think you'll need to get through that particular
not getting an item, so don't be embarrassed to walk area. You usually don't need to bring ink ribbons with
across and rub up against that part of the game you, because there's a chest at almost every save
screen while jamming on the action button. It's a good point in the game (enabling you to simply grab the ink
way to find stuff, or eliminate that area from consid- ribbon when you need it). Also, keep your healing sup-

eration. Also, don't be afraid to "Use" items in places plies limited; in fact, you may not want to bring any I

you think they go.

with you as you'll probably find an herb or health |

The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil 2 Perfect Guide 7

spray along the way. run slower than usual,
The reason you need to keep your inventory slim is and weave while they run.
simple: there are so many items in the game, that When they reach the danger
you'll run out of spots quickly as you find more. In zone, they will limp severely,
fact, you may often want to pass up lesser items drag a limb, walk at a snail's
(such as herbs) to ensure you'll have slots open for pace, and be unable to run at
key items. You can always come back to them. In gen- all. The restrictions imposed
eral, you want to keep at least 3 slots open at all on movement might cause
times, especially early in the game when you're con- you to want to heal immedi-
stantly picking up key items. ately when you reach caution,
because full-speed running is
• Combining Items CAUTION! DANGER!
invaluable against many ene-
The seemingly mundane Combine command is actu-
mies such as the Alligator boss. (The "weaving" effect
ally a multi-faceted feature of happy good feelings. In
imposed by caution can be a killer.)
addition to being the key to fast reloading, Combine
The handicaps are useful visual clues to tell you
can also be used to upgrade your weapons. If you find
the Handgun parts, Shotgun parts, or Magnum parts
when to heal, but don't rely solely on them. If you are
attacked in rapid succession by a powerful enemy or
with Leon, you can Combine them into the Handgun,
a group of weak enemies, you can go from fine to dan-
Shotgun, or Magnum respectively to turn them into
ger to death before you even see a visual change in
Customized versions which are even leaner and
your character's status. Check the menu often, espe-
meaner than before. (Note: Whenever you customize
cially against bosses, and eye your status closely.
a weapon, the game automatically refills it with full
Sometimes, in the heat of battle it can be surprising-
ammo! Keep this in mind when you find parts.)
ly hard to hit the menu button, because it's disabled I
Combine can put items together to form a key item
you need to get through a certain area. If two things whenever you're taking a hit, so it's better to hit the
seem like they go together, give it a try. If you come menu button sooner rather than later.
up with peanut butter and chocolate, presto, Reese's! • Mixing Herbs
If you were wrong and it was oil and water, no harm, There are three types of herbs available: the blue
the game won't let you do it. herb, which cures the poison condition (if you're poi-
Finally, Combine is the key to mixing herbs. (See the soned, you'll quickly lose health until you hit danger,
Herb section). so it's advisable to counteract this, and you can't heal
health while poisoned); the green herb, which restores
a little health (approx. one third as much as a health
S6S0N 5: MEDICINAL THEORY spray); and the red herb, which is a mixing herb to
make other herbs stronger. Here's a list of all the pos-
sible herb combinations:
• Damage, Caution, and Danger
When you want to heal in combat is mainly deter- = restores a little health, cures poison
mined by the monster's damage-dealing capabilities.
With enemies that do light damage, you can probably = restores moderate health
wait until your status is in the danger zone to heal.
Against enemies who do medium to heavy damage, = restores full health
you probably don't want to take any chances and heal
after you reach the caution zone. Finally, against ene-
mies who do critical damage (which kills in 1 to 2
hits), if you survive the first hit, heal immediately.
When your character reaches the caution zone, they
will clutch a body part in pain, walk slower than
+M I = J^ftores moderate health, cures poison
+B5H =
+|ESj =
restores ful1 health

restores full health, cures poison

Throughout this book's walk- MID-DARK AREAS: Can explore, but not yet covered
throughs you'll find maps of
the various areas. The item DARK AREAS: Currently inaccesible
callouts should be fairly self
explanatory. When you look
at a map, be aware that each
one is customized to that part
of the walkthrough.
Therefore, light areas are the
parts covered on that page,
and you will need to go there;
slightly darkened areas can
be explored, but there's no
reason to do so at that point
of the walkthrough; and dark
areas are inaccesible at that
point of the walkthrough.

lie Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil 2 Perfect Guide

P P| WEAPONS: Each monster box contains data on how many

1—L.O L. M LJ hits it takes to kill it with every weapon in the game. The
Grenade Launcher has three numbers, which indicate its three ammo types:
While crows are surprisingly easy
grenades (green), fire (red), and acid Note that the numbers can great-
. (fun, too!) to hit with the
ly be affected by range and randomness. N/A means weapon not yet available. Handgun or Submachine gun,
ENEMY ATTACKS: The monster's attacks are catalogued by range (close, mid, especially with auto-targeting on,
and far). A light attack kills you in 9 or more hits; a medium attack kills you in the best strategy is to simply run
6 - 8 hits; a heavy attack kills you in 3 - 6 hits; a critical attack in only 1 - 2 hits.
past them. If you slow down they
NOISES: Monsters make distinctive sounds; listen so you'll know if they're near.
may be able to trap you with their CLOSE ATTACKS: peck

COLOR CODES: Normal monsters (blue); bosses (red); special enemie

— ;

rapid fire pecks, allowing the light (light)

damage to add up. Better to con- ACTIONS: flies around
serve ammo and run.
Knife llUndgun Shotgun llcst.Shotgun

Magnum Cst.Magmin [Spark Shot N/A 1'lfS/A IN/

Zombies come in a variety of flavors in Resident Evil 2. There are eight
zombie "types" in the game as depicted on the right. Zombies that start
out standing will grab you, lunge for your feet, or occasionally vomit.
Those that start out crawling can only lunge for your feet. When you're
in open spaces and you don't have to fight, their sluggish speed makes
them easy to evade. When you're in a confined space, try to use the
handgun to conserve more precious types of ammo, but in close quarters
you may need to pull out a Shotgun, Bow Gun or Magnum for a quick fin-
ish. Aim up with the shotgun for a decap, or mid to blow out their guts
(occasionally leaving the torso alive to pursue the attack.)
CLOSE ATTACKS: bite (medium)
27-33 "14-8 11-2 1-3 Y^l / /l MID ATTACKS: vomit (light), ankle lunge (medium)
APPEARS: both missions
NOISES: moaning, groaning, and dragging feet

to run past dogs, but I
These arachnids look nasty and
you'll need to be an expert at eva- act the part, but it's almost never
sion tactics. Single dogs are easy necessary to fight them. Evade
to get into
multiple dogs
locks, but
require more
^ when possible, but watch carefully
for the occasional acid spit if you
extreme measures, like the get within close range or they get
Shotgun. A well-aimed point-blank CLOSE ATTACKS: jumping above you. When you do need to CLOSE ATTACKS: fang bite
Bow Gun shot is good for a one- bites (light) fight, their large size makes them (medium)
shot kill. Learn to distinguish ACTIONS: scampers around | an easy hit with the Shotgun or MID ATTACKS: acid spit
between "hurt" and "dead" yelps. the room and targets you; Bow Gun. (medium) (poisonous)
extremely fast APPEARS: both missions
2 In/a Ii-3 V- APPEARS: both missions 8 •|6-7 la-3 |N/A 12 V NOISES: a low, rapid thrum-
NOISES: barking, scamper- T l"™"* " I1
-' 5"**-- ming bass sound
I*.-.' i'
n/a 'I' iUm In/a ing sound 4% '
li ' In/a twfA In/

If you're low on ammo or want to I Later in the game you'll meet a
conserve ammo, run. If not, use differently-colored version of the
[the Shotgun or a more powerful Licker. These special lickers are
I weapon, which can blow the almost exactly the same as the
Licker onto its back. This will give normal Licker, only they take
you the opportunity to land free more hits (in general) to kill. Note
hit(s) as they recover. CLOSE ATTACKS: ground that if you have the anti-B.O.W. CLOSE ATTACKS: ground
slice (light), tongue whip gas turned on, their power is sev- slice (light), tongue whip
(light) erly reduced. (light)
FAR ATTACKS: jumping PAR ATTACKS: jumping
slash (critical) slash (critical)
APPEARS: both missions APPEARS: both missions
NOISES: clattering (like NOISES: clattering (like
claws on a tile floor) claws on a tile floor)

The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil Z Perfect Guide

These guys have a lot of stamina, Maggots tend to hang around
but aren't as dangerous as you'd moths and are generally just a
think. Most of their attacks are distraction. You can kill them with
limited to close combat, so use one hit of any weapon. You can
your strongest weapon for a quick even smash them with your feet
dispatch from afar. For Leon, the for free.
Custom Shotgun is a top choice. CLOSE ATTACKS: head bite
For Claire, Incendiary Grenades. (medium), poison wing fog
(light) (poisonous)
FAR ATTACKS: moth charge
APPEARS: both missions
NOISES: none, you'll see it

before you hear it!

You'll encounter these pesky crea- The long range attack these guys
tures in the wind tunnel. If four have is fast, hits a wide area, and
or more can cling to you at once, is poisonous, making plants par-
you'll die instantly. Otherwise, ticularly dangerous. Luckily they
their biting attacks are harmless. have a serious weakness to fire,
You can kill them with any so have Leon rush 'em with the
weapon, step on them, or (safest CLOSE ATTACKS: cock- Flame Thrower (they usually
of all) simply run past them with- roach bite (no damage); seem too stunned to fight back
out fighting. swarm of four (instant kill) when you try this). For Claire,
APPEARS: both missions it's all about Incendiary Grenades.
NOISES: clattering 1 ....
ay 21

16% 1
4 '

As long as you have a gun and Use a
fairly powerful weapon on
you're fairly proficient at running, this beast. If encroached by his
this guy is a snap, but be aware children, wiggle the pad 'til they
that the third hit of his slow pole drop. Use Claire's Acid Rounds
strike combo can kill you in one with the Launcher for an easy
hit, so if he hits you once, get up kill, or normal rounds to hurt
and run quickly. Since he swings CLOSE ATTACKS: pole both him and the buggers. For CLOSE ATTACKS: slow
his pole wildly in his death strike (medium), downward Leon, it's gotta be the Magnum. wind-up punch (heavy),
throes, always make sure your pole smash (instant kill). ground gas (light)
final hit occurs at a distance. APPEARS: 2nd mission PAR ATTACKS: "my babies"

34 '133 19 in/A
I M (medium)
APPEARS: 1st mission
I m
30% '
le '
IN./ A !: If/A


Dodge and shoot him with your
I Your most imporant strategy is to
hit him while he turns the cor- best weapon until you get him
ners, and never stop when he's weak. Once he's weakened, you
within a straight charge of you. can go in at point blank range and
If you do get trapped, he can kill slaughter him. Note that in the
you in one chomp. No matter how weapons data boxes below, the
many times you hit him, the CLOSE ATTACKS: chomp first number indicates how many CLOSE ATTACKS: grab 'n'

Alligator only dies in the final (heavy, but critical in the hits it takes to weaken him, and slice (light), chest-lifter
screen, so save some ammo for corner) the number after the bullet (•) is (heavy).
when you draw him there. APPEARS: both missions how many hits it takes to kill. MID ATTACKS: double slice
so NOTE: There's a special (light)
15 19 17 In VJ / /10 way to kill him listed in the 32 -V

16 2'
JJl APPEARS: 1st mission
SECRETS section.

130% |8 IB/A UN/A IN/A I 20% •*>/» |9 • 1

p/A t Soii5% N/A 3

10 The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil Z Perfect Guide

I Dodge and shoot him. You must Basically a less aggressive version
avoid his combo at all costs, so of Mutation Three 1/2. Backup
keep an eye on his arms. If he while unloading into his abdomen.
[walks forward with all four arms This boss isn't too tough in this
up, he is going to try it. If you form. (Note: Leon's Flame
avoid the first hit of the combo, he I Thrower works well on this form,
will not follow through with the CLOSE ATTACKS: 4-hit as it stuns him between hits, giv- CLOSE ATTACKS: punch
rest of it. combo (critical), running ing him no opening to counter (light), 2-nit combo (medi-
slash (medium) attack!) Save your best ammo for urn)
APPEARS: 2nd mission I his more dangerous second form. APPEARS: 1st mission
'134 114 110

N/A '


MUTATION FOUR (2nd form)

Seek refuge in a corner of the
[When he first appears, turn
room and nail him as he runs around and run to the top right
around you. Or, just run around corner of the screen. Then turn
while firing in his direction. around and unload with your best
Targeting him from off-screen is weapon. When he dies, don't get walkthroughs)
very effective, if you're skilled at too close or his flailing could take
that trick. You often have to man- CLOSE ATTACKS: chew 'n' you with him. Then sit back and CLOSE ATTACKS: chomp
ually aim up to hit him when he's spit (heavy) get ready for an amazing ending! (heavy)
jumping around. Anticipate his PAR ATTACKS: charge MID ATTACKS: tentacle
jumps and don't get caught. (medium) whip (light)
APPEARS: 1st mission APPEARS: 2nd mission
136**' '125 111 39 14 SB n \ / /8

TYt "lU'O
Keep your distance and crank his The third time you meet the T-103
hide full of hot lead. Don't let him I
(assuming you follow the path in
get too close. Be sure to refer to ** our book's walkthroughs; this csee and mission
the weapon chart below! While might be the fourth time if you
you can run away from him, it's *
CLOSE ATT/ clothes-
take a different path), he's more
often better to kill him to pick up

line (medium), overhead powerful than usual. It will take line (medium), overhead
some hot ammo. (His 6th appear- smash (heavy), Balrog more shots than ever to fell him. smash (heavy), Balrog
ance is exclusive to Leon.)
punch (heavy)

punch (heavy)
4PPEAI 2nd mission
: 2nd mission

none until he's on 41**". '

9 none until he's on

your screen, but listen for Si- your screen, but listen for
music change N/A ii
EB N/A music change

TYRANT-103 (final form)

[Every time you shoot him, run Brad Vickers is a special, super-
iround to change the camera powered zombie for those with
[angle. Don't stay in one place or true skill. Your best strategy for
he'll charge and swipe you. Run an immediate kill is to trick him SECBETS
away, fire, run away, fire, and Csee
walkthroughs) into lunging for you so you can section)
eventually the key to defeating smash his head. If you want to
him will be yours. The numbers CLOSE ATTACKS: 2-nit use lead to kill him, go grab the : bite
below for all weapons but the slash combo (medium) Shotgun, come back, and aim at (medium)
Rocket Launcer indicate how FAR ATTACKS: charging his head for a 1-shot decap. ATTACKS: ankle lung
many hits 'til that "key" is yours. claw (medium) (medium)
APPEARS: 2nd mission APPEARS: both missions
116-132'l20-22 NOISES: moaning and

The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil 2 Perfect Guide 1

USER: who can use the weapon |
USER: Leon, Claire
Claire's weapons are color coded red, i AMMO: 9mm bullets

Leon's are colored dark blue, ; HOLDS: 18 (Leon)/ 13 (Claire)

and weapons for both are colored purple ! RATING: **
(Note: which weapons Ada, Hunk, and Tofu can PROPERTY: basic gun;
use are discussed in their walkthrough areas.) ] standard survival tool
AMMO: type of ammo the weapon uses Leon uses the Heckler & Kotch VP 70, while Claire is
HOLDS: max # of shots it can hold equipped with the Browning HP. While they have dif-
RATING: rated according to damage and ferent capacities (13 for Claire, 18 for Leon) they're
usefulness, from one (worst) to five stars identical in other respects. The Handgun is effective
PROPERTY: special functions and uses on solo or small groups of Zombies, but you'll have a
The description for each weapon hard time beating bigger enemies like bosses or
provides a general overview of plants. Due to its weak damage, you'll need to master
what the weapon does, when it's shooting and moving. The Handgun is especially
best used, and how it compares to important to Claire, as she has less powerful
other weapons. Pictures of the weapons to gain along the way and must take this
weapon and it being used during with her from start to finish.
I the game are shown.


USER: Leon, Claire I USER: Leon USER: Claire
AMMO: N/A ! AMMO: 9mm bullets AMMO: 9 mm bullets
(RATING: * 'RATING: **l/2 RATING: **l/2
PROPERTY: stab enemies PROPERTY: fires in 3- PROPERTY: rapid fire

in hand-to-hand combat J shot bursts

I The only time you'll want to use Add the Handgun parts to Leon's You'll only get this weapon if you
this basic weapon is against pistol and you'll gain the option of figure out how to change costumes
Zombies or lesser enemies, and firing manually or in up to 3-shot with Claire (see SECRETS section),
rarely at that. Practice taking one bursts in auto mode. (Tap lightly but it's a real doozy. Though it only
or two swipes from a safe distance, for 1 a moment for 2, and hold for
, holds six rounds (it uses regular
retreating, and y 3 shots.) Its handgun
repeating. l| speed makes it ammo), this old
Generally, even H very effective, west style pistol |
running is a y but be careful fires and
better option I not to fire more reloads with
than knife-fight- I than you need astonishing
ing. I speed.


USER: Leon USER: Leon USER: Claire
AMMO: shotgun shells AMMO: shotgun shells AMMO: bolts
RATING:*** RATING: **** RATING:** 1/2
PROPERTY: close range- PROPERTY: more ammo PROPERTY: 3-shot spread

. high damage, 1-hit decaps and power than Shotgun at an angle

Use monsters such as
this against Leon can upgrade his Shotgun by This weapon fires three arrows in a
spiders and the second boss. At adding the Shotgun parts. It packs spread, which can hit multiple zom-
point-blank range, the Shotgun's extra power (it does the same dam- bies at once. At close range all 3
murder on zombies. Aim up to blow age as the Magnum) and holds bolts can connect against large
off their head (1-hit kill), or mid to extra ammo, a valuable feature. opponents such as bosses, doing
shoot out their Use this as your| heavy damage.
chest (rarely, regular weapon Prom farther
but occasionally, once you get it. away, only 1
leaves their might connect,
torso to crawl doing less dam-
after you). age but hitting
more targets.

lie Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil Z Perfect Guide



USER: Leon, Claire
USER: Claire


AMMO: flame, acid, grenade |MM0: machine gun bullets

HOLDS: whatever you've HOLDS: %-based

PROPERTY: powerful BOPERTY: rapid fire
multi-use weapon capability

This is really a 3-in- 1 as it can hold three different

Though it's not a damage power- (H

types of rounds. You can jam an unlimited amount of house, the Sub's awesome rapid-fire
one type into the barrel, saving some inventory space. capability and ease of use makes
up for it. Lots of fun for mowing
Grenade Rounds: Travels a short range but explodes on |

down groups of zombies from a dis-

the ground.Its wide range can hit multiple targets
tance, and it's
Flame Rounds: Fires a flame ball for a short distance effective on lick
and leaves a flame trail on the ground. Toasts plants to a crisp. Can hit ers, but its lack
multiple targets to a limited extent. of damage • 9 *

Acid Rounds: Use these rounds against most bosses. Generally the most makes it less
effective on
powerful rounds, and especially good irs lickers!
later bosses.


I USER: Leon USER: Leon USER: Claire

AMMO: magnum bullets
RATING: ***l/2
PROPERTY: single zombie

i HOLDS: 8
AMMO: magnum

PROPERTY: multi zombie

deoaps in shot
bullets AMMO:electric power
HOLDS: %-based
PROPERTY: electrocutes
enemies with tazer beam
I decap in 1 shot 1

Use this weapon to kill most bosses. I Use the Magnum parts to create This weapon kind of sucks... It
This gun will get you through the most damaging weapon other takes two slots, fires slowly, and
almost any difficult, combat intense than the Rocket Launcher. You can does only moderate damage. It is
part of the game. The Magnum has use it to decapitate multiple zom- very forgiving with aim (it can hit
the skillful capability to blow off a bies (as long as they're bunched up ground based enemies from any
zombie's head or in a straight ^|^H|HHK§' range), but gen-
from any range j
line) in one erally not very
(unlike the shot, whereas effective against j

Shotgun, which the regular strong enemies.

must be fired Magnum can
close for a only hit one
decapitation). head per shot.


USER: Leon USER: Leon, Claire USER: Leon, Claire


HOLDS: 2 or °°
HOLDS: %-based
RATING: **l/2
PROPERTY: burns plants PROPERTY: Super crazed
to a crips ultimate rapid fire Weapon in the game!

I The Flame Thrower has severely This is possibly the most bitchin' This the penultimate weapon in

[limited range, and uses up ammo weapon ever in the world of RE Normally, you'll only pick
fast. But it does have some strong Resident Evil. Doom your enemies this up at the very end to fight the
points: It's very good against to a living hell as you pulverize last bosses in the Snd mission,
plants, normal zombies, and the their tender hides with round after when it only holds 2 rounds. But,
first form of the I round of there's a secret j

Fourth Mutation! screaming way you can get

boss. Use it metal. You only it with infinite

sparingly, it get this as a ammo from the

special reward start of the
won't last long.
(see SECRETS), game (see
so have fun! SECRETS).

The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil 2 Perfect Guide

Downtown Street
While there's a good deal of of ammo in Resident
you begin with only one clip, which is nowhere
Evil 2,
near enough to kill the six zombies wandering this
nip . Raccoon City Street. So you'll have to run for your life

i, i ,.

here (don't stop to kill even one, or they'll all cat ch

up). This is actually one
of the game's most dan-
gerous areas, as being hit by one zombie usually leads to
you being batted around by the whole pack!
Take a couple of steps from the starting screen to get
to the perspective shown to the right, then run up
through the pack, as shown, and to the left. There are
still a couple of zombies before you get to the door of the
gun shop, so be careful!

Kendo Gun Shop

This is where the fun begins!
Make sure you don't miss either of]
the two boxes of ammo here, but
be careful when you head for the
one on the crate. When you leave
. .

that camera angle, the zom-

bies will attack (if you go out-
side without picking the ammo
up, you'll only hear it hap-
pen). You have plenty of time
Make sure the zombies are all dead
to run, but if you kill them before you try to cross through here...
now, you can get the Shotgun a bit earlier, just in time to
use it in some of the tougher areas later on. It's not pos-
sible to save the gun shop owner, but I really doubt any-
one will lose any sleep over that.
Stand near the entrance to the counter i

and just start firing (it's actually a bit

safer to stand behind the counter and
shoot, but if you hit from the side, you run
the risk of simply blowing off their arms,
which is a waste of ammo). If you fire

, ..,, .. , Or the survivors try to take a11

steadily, the four zombies will hit the chunkoutofLeon

ground before they even get close to you.
But it won't be over yet- the zombies aren't dead 'til you see the
pools of blood, but when they're all piled up, it can be hard to tell.
The music will give you an important
clue: If the intense music is still going,
so are they. Fire low into their corpses
'til you hear their dying groans, and

1 don't step too close, lest they grab a

— leg.
Search the gun shop owner's corpse
for the Shotgun. You have only four
shells, so don't waste them!

14 The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil 2 Perfect!

The Gate
There are two
ways to do this
area. One is to
run to the van at
the back of the
alley, grab the
ammo, wait for
the zombies to
The efficient, cool way.
bust through the
gate, then knock them down with a couple of
shots each (no point finishing them, since
you'll never be back here). Ho-hum.
But if you prefer to walk on the wild side, go
for the two-for-one special and off both zom-
bies at the gate with a single shotgun shell.
Just wait for them to get together, aim up for
their heads,and paint the
court with some zombie
innards. Then use your The slow, stupid (but sorta cool) way.
Heckler &? Kotch to knock
down the other two (you
could just run past the one
staggering around the court,
too). Before you jump on the
dumpster, search the trash
cans on your right for bul-
You ?6an use a second
shotgun shell from on top of the dumpster (aim down) if a bunch of zombies are blocking you from running
past (then high tail it out of the alley). Or, if you're totally stingy and don't have any plans for the rest of
the week, you can use your knife to kill them from your safe perch before you jump down. Just stand away
from the edge of the dumpster so you'll be out of, er, vomit range.
Midtown Bus #33
Zip past the quartet of zombies outside the cafe,
and hop onto the bus. There are two zombies here,
but you won't be able to see either with the first cam-
era angle. The first is dragging her way towards you
on the floor, so when she appears you'll have to aim
down and fire fast to finish her. Just a few steps
behind her (and approaching fast) is a standard zom-
bie. Fire a few shots and wait 'til you hear him fall
before you walk forward, or you'll end up in his arms.

There are a ton of zombies on the other side of the bus, but evading
Police Station Area them is a snap. Just run in between the first two, then when it switches
camera angles, head up to the line of cars in the background. Keep your right side pressed up against the
cars and make a mad dash to the left. Keep a
steady course, and you can make it through 1
without a scratch. When you get through the
door, they all rise up and come for you, but the I

zombies won't be able to get past the fence.

Take the stairs (the northern route) to get to the door
of the police station, so you can avoid the zombies wan-
dering around in the courtyard. Before you enter, grab the herb.

The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil Z Perfect Guide^^T

Main Hall IF
When you enter the police station, head to the
West Office, as pictured on the map to the right.
You'll get the Blue Card 8 3 »«»«^
Key, but
able to
you won't be
come back to
i <! •

room for some

time. —-Til
Use the card key
in the computer in
the reception area
behind the statue. It will unlock the doors to
the southeast and southwest. We're only con-
cerned with the West Wing at this point. We'll
come back to the East Wing later.
The first typewriter and Ink Ribbon are
here, so don't forget to save your game!

Waiting Room W
There are a couple of things you can do here. First, V w

clear up a bit of space in your inventory by dropping off your knife. I know, . .

I I know, "what if I run out

of ammo?" If you run

| out of ammo, friend, the game's already over, The knife

is just there to mock you.
There's also a thrilling inter-office memo on the couch,
which contains the combination for a safe you'll find
later on. Near the door, you'll find a locked drawer,
which you'll need a Small Key to unlock. We'll come back
for that later.

16 The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil 2 Perf ect Guide

A little tip for those new to Resident Evil:
West Wing Hallway Silence is bad. Silence interrupted only by the
sound of dripping blood is worse. So you should be on your guard even in a seem-
ingly unthreatening hallway like this one.
The circuit breaker is not a concern at this point. You can fix it much later,
but it's optional, and doesn't do a whole lot for you. Be sure to search the body
of the fallen police officer here. Like many of the corpses in the station, he's got
a box of ammo he won't be needing.
When the licker drops, quickly lower your aim and hit him with two shotgun
blasts (this is what you've been saving them for). If you didn't get the shotgun
or wasted all of the shells already, you'll have to plug him with five to ten regu-
lar bullets, and he'll hit you a couple of times for sure. Stay close, as it's his
ranged attacks that hurt the most. And if he does hurt you, you can get a Green
Herb just a few steps ahead. Unlike the First Aid Spray, which completely heals
you, Green Herbs will raise you only one level, making them ideal for treating
minor injuries.

Briefing Room

'HP 1

#* ...

West Stairwell
Ouch! Zombies attack Grab your-
from all sides here, and self a frosty
you won't have a chance ChoCho Cola
stuck in the middle. You're as you
going to need to find a safe search for the
memo and box of
ammo contained
in this beautifully
rendered room.
Then head into
the adjoining stor-
spot to shoot from, so age room to solve
either knock down the your first, um,
female zombie or the "puzzle." Just
first guy with two close search the painting over the fireplace then
range shots, then run flickyour Bio™,
to the nearest corner and a Red Jewel
and start firing. Check is yours. You
your ammo first- hav- won't be able to
ing to reload could be use it for a while,
very dangerous. so drop it into an
To the right of the staircase is item box whenev-
a safe room where you can save er you get a
and use your box. This one's also chance.
got a darkroom.

The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil Z Perfect Guide 17

Statue Hallway (2F) S.T.A.R.S. Room
To make this statue drop This is the office of Raccoon City's elite
his Red Jewel, you'll need to S.T.A.R.S. unit. You can read about Chris and
push both of the busts onto Jill's whereabouts by searching the diary on
the marked squares to the Chris' desk. (Whoah! Bet Resident Evil III will
left and right of the large take place in Europe.)

Below that is the

statue, pushing each to the Unicorn Medal, a key item you'll need to have
mark furthest away from its in order to get the Spade Key that will let you
starting point, so that the progress further in the 2nd floor. Once you
_ busts are facing each other. pick that up, Claire will reappear, and then,
S? side
this rfr
and boarded up from the
^sh them too far so upset by
other side. You can never open
it. It
that they hit the back or Leon's dis-
doesn't lead anywhere, Don't lose front walls, or get stuck in a tinctly foppish
any sleep over corner, or you won't be able
to get behind them to move eagerly agree
them into place. If you do mess this up, just go in the that you
nearby door and come back out and the one that was should split up
stuck will be back where it started. This is a really again. Be sure
easy puzzle, but don't feel too ashamed if you mess to face the
up once or twice. My esteemed co-author, who's large poster
flunked out of community college four times, has and search for
really big problems with this "puzzle," too. So, actu- gun bullets.
ally, maybe you should feel ashamed.
The most exciting thing here is the
S.T.A.R.S. Room (cont.) Shotgun. If you already have one, then
use up whatever ammo you have left on the guards out-
side, then dump the old one in a box. This room also
contains the Unicorn Medal (under the diary) and a
First Aid Spray. That one's a bit hard to find- it's inside
the first aid kit in the corner, as shown in the shot
below and a bit to the left. Your inventory is probably
completely full by now, so drop all of the extra junk in
an item box before you get to any new areas, or you
Look! It's Chris' Jacket! Jill's

Beret! And, urn, Brad's Guitar. Maybe.

won't be able to pick up anything else. Keep the
Unicorn Medal with you
though... You'll be needing
that very soon.
You can't open the door at
the other end of the hallway
until you get the Spade Key,
which we're going to go do on
the following page.

Resident Evil 2 Wacky Fun Land jfe

Our Favorite Bizarre Raccoon City Consumer Products?^*
"Burger Kong" 'Taxago'
Clearly someonein the Police You've just got to love it. This
Station'sEast Office hit this gas station has a name that
popular fast food restaurant screams "pay your taxes and
for lunch. Home of the fill up on gas!" I guess even
"Whupper," perhaps. that drew more customers
than the more true-to-life "get
bit by a zombie and die" expe-
rience this customer had.

'Gleam' "Blue Coke'

Some sort of glow-in-the-dark This is everywhere! Other
watch, I suppose, that has a locations include a billboard
gecko or something as its sym- and hot dog stand in the City
bol. A sign below has a picture Area of the second mission. I
of a tiger and advertises "The guess it's even more popular
Most Dangerous Taste." The than Umbrella Cola, or whatev-
product appears to be a bottle er that was in the intro.
of alcohol. Tempting.

'Earthquake' "Cho Cho Cola"

Inspired by "Twister" and My personal favorite. Why
"Volcano," a distant movie have a bland, tasteless
poster offers up a bit of "Regular Cola," from the
escapist entertainment. If machine on the right, when
only earthquakes were all the you can have spicy, peppery,
pathetic denizens of Raccoon "Cho Cho Cola." Nasty!
City had to worry about...
Southwest Hallway
Our next destination is the police station's main entranceway. To get
there, you'll have to go back the way you came. All the enemies you've
killed are still dead, but the developers have
added a little surprise in this area- zombie
arms grab you as you dash on by! You can
avoid them by running further to the left, but
there's not a whole lot of point to it. They'll let
you go after just a little while, and they don't
actually do any damage. They're just there to
freak you out, I suppose.

Main Hall IF The East Wing

Set the Unicorn Medal into To progress in the game, we'll need to go
place at the base of this stat- back upstairs and unlock that door. But you're
ue, and you'll get the Spade probably getting a little curious about what's
Key. The Spade Key is the going on through the hall's other door. If you
first of a series of four keys, have ammo to spare you can give it a try now.
each named and shaped As you enter, you'll be rushed by no less than
after a card suit. This key six zombies. This
unlocks two doors: One right is what the
off the hallway to the west Shotgun was
(which leads to a simple file made for, so let
room), and the other at the 'em have it (two
end of the hallway upstairs, shells should do
past the S.T.A.R.S. room. If it),then pick off
you didn't do it already, you the survivors
might also want to save your with your
game at this point. sidearm.

20 The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil 2 Perfect

East Wing (continued)
You can do the
blue door now,
but for the sake
of this layout,
we'll head to the
Northeast exit
Don't rush
here, as there are
quite a few zom-
bies lurking
around. It's in
With the strict camera angles in this hall, you
this location more
never know when a zombie might be right in
than ever that front of you If you hear zombies coming but
the zombies try to can't see them yet, don't be afraid to fire a

trick you by hid- shot or two to see if you hit anything.

ing right behind camera angle changes. Take it

slow, listen for their footsteps, and don't be afraid
to turn and run if necessary to put more distance
between you and your foes. Make sure to shoot
their fallen bodies until the blood pools appear, so
this area will be clear for you the next time you
come through.
Two of the three doors of the U-shaped hallway
here are locked, so you'll need to come back when you get the
Diamond and Club Keys. The open door leads to the viewing
| side of an interrogation room, which contains a Small Key
(see below).
The hallway itself contains a Red
Herb, the first of many you'll find.
These herbs are completely ineffec-
tiveby themselves, but when
mixed with other herbs, drastically
increase their effectiveness. If you
have one, go ahead and combine it
with a green herb now to save space. You can also combine a green
with a red and a blue for a full heal, poison curing combo.

Thp ^m^ll
The Sma11 Key Leon finds in the interrogation room is the first
Q f a couple. Small Keys only open drawers, and you never need to

get any of the items inside them. Getting this first key is easy enough, and you can use it
to get some great stuff. I'm not referring to the box of ammo in the locked drawer in th&
waiting room just east of the main hall... While it may be tempting to use the key there,
you're better off waiting.
There's also a locked drawer
in the lounge just outside of
the S.T.A.R.S. room, which
contains the Handgun Parts,
a very cool item that turns
your Heckler 8e Kotch into an
automatic pistol that can fire
up to three-shot bursts!
The locked chest in the first floor The locked chest in the second floor A crappy box of ammo or automatic
waiting room. lounge. firing power? You decide!

The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil Z Perfect Guide 21

East Office
If you go through the double blue doors, you'll end
up in the East Office. There are a lot of zombies
roaming around here, and you'll be meat if you try to
kill them in the cramped, initial overhead view. Zip
between the zombies and run a step or two forward
until you can find a better camera angle, and then
run behind a desk for
cover and start shoot-
ing. Remember to fin-
I ish the fallen zombies Ink Ribbons are almost always locat-

It's much safer behind the desk, as the

while they're down so e d directly adjacent to typewriters,
they won't be able to
zombies will have to line up single-file
and come at you from one side. r come back (as I've
but there are a couple that are harder
to find, including the one on this desk,
already stated seven times).
The corpse lying face down near the entrance
to the small office looks dead, but it's a trick.
Kill him now (three bullets will do the trick) or
he'll take a chunk out of your leg when you
pass. Whenever you see corpses like that, it's
usually a good idea to look for small signs of
movement (they tend to twitch a bit) before you

6 5~ —

22 The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil 2 Perfect

Once you've cleared out the zombies,
East Office (continued) you're free to search the East Office for Stairs Outside
its many useful items. Don't miss the box of ammo on the guard's body, the You won't get far if you
aforementioned Ink Ribbon, the hidden Green Herb behind the desk in the small take the east door out of
office, and the map and box of shells in the office safe. If you don't know the the office here, since the
combination, check your file. You should have found a memo about it in the upstairs door is locked
reception room just west of the main hall... Or, hell, from the inside. But you
I might as well just save you the trouble. It's 2236. can still pick up three
The map you find covers the entire police station, Green Herbs, one upstairs
and will fill in most of the holes on your auto-map. and two downstairs.

Above: The open safe and its tasty trea-

Right: More spine-tingling shots of Leon

File Room
Search this room thoroughly
for a box of ammo, an Ink
Ribbon, and another note. There's
also one key item here, the Crank, a
beloved favorite from the original
Resident Evil. You'll need to push
the step stool over to the spot shown
here and climb up. Drop the Crank
The first of the two rooms locked with
in a box and then head upstairs for
the Spade Key, the File Room is locat-

ed in the hallway directly east of the the other Spade-locked door.

Main Hall on the first floor.

There's a pack of zombies here that have

Second Floor Lounge decided (perhaps wisely) to ignore the Blue
Coke-dispensing vending machine and nosh on a fallen brother instead. They
won't get up to attack you until you take a few steps forward and approach them,
but when they do start coming, they come fast (well, by zombie standards at
least). Let 'em get all bunched up, wait for them to get close, then blow 'em away
with your shotgun. This should knock down three of the five, and a second blast
will take down the other two. Switch to your handgun
to finish any survivors, and make sure to watch out for
Inside of the now unlockable lounge is
the drawer where you can get the Don't miss the box of
Handgun Parts mentioned earlier. ammo by the boarded-
up door, and definitely
don't miss the Handgun
Parts in the locked
drawer. Combine them
with your gun immedi- At close range, the shotgun some-
ately to save space in times blows zombie torsi straight off
your inventory, and of their leg parts. It's rare, but these
enjoy your quasi-auto- dismembered creatures sometimes
come rapidly crawling at you for
matic firing power.
revenge... Be prepared!

The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil Z Perfect Guide 83

Second Floor Lounge & Library
The library looks like it should contain a ton of items, and yet it doesn't. The only things you can pick
up here are another Red Herb, and the Bishop Plug, the first of a series of four chess-themed items that will
play an important part in Leon's quest later on.
To get the plug, you have to solve another small puzzle. Head on up the stairs, ignoring the door that
leads to the third floor hallway. Walk to the
end, and Leon will break through the floor,
tumbling into a previously unaccessable
area of the room. Examine the painting
(shown below) and then hit the red button to
move the bookshelf in such a way that you
can get back out. Now rearrange the book-
cases by pressing the red buttons on their
sides so that they match the pattern below
the painting. The painting will open up,
revealing the first
From here you
can exit out into
the third floor
from the upstairs
door, or into the
second floor of
the main hall via the door on the lower level

84 The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil 2 Perfect

There's really not a whole
Third Floor Hallway lot going on up here... yet.
Ifthe Crank's in your inventory, you can use it this area if you
want; it will lower a staircase that allows you access into an
even higher room (and also permanently removes the Crank
from your inventory). Unfortunately, you won't be able to do
anything at the higher level until
you can find the center gear that's
missing from the giant clock.

I Main Hall 2F
This area presents your first opportuni-
ty to try out your newly modified hand-
gun. It's handy and powerful, but it can
really waste bullets if you're not careful.
Remember that you can still fire single
bullets by gently tapping it, so
don't waste extra bullets shoot-
ing fallen zombies that only
need one shot.
In addition to the two zom-
bies that are immediately visi-
ble when you enter this area,
there are two more waiting across
the hall, hoping to ambush you as
you switch camera angles. Those
with auto-targetting can thwart their plans by killing them from across the screen
right now! You may not be able to see them, but auto-targeting knows that they're
Lowering the ladder here will create an incredibly convenient way of getting
from one floor to the other.

Second Floor Hallways

These inconspicuous hallways house a couple of nasty surprises. In
the first hallway, a flaming zombie lurks right behind the camera angle
change, eager to throw himself at you as you go eagerly zipping around
the corner. Ambush
him instead by fir-
ing a few shots
down the corridor to
draw him out.
The other hallway
features a pack of
zombie crows. With auto-targeting, killing
crows is fun and easy, But probably a waste
of ammo, since you
can easily dash right
past them.
Speaking of
ammo, the corpse
here has a box he
seems willing to part

The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil Z Perfect Gu

Roof and Back Alley
"I know! We'll take the helicopter to esca... Oh." Ignore the helicopter
for now, and run downstairs to briefly revisit the City Area. There are
- a lot of zombies wandering around here, but since you'll never return to
this area, you should save the ammo and simply juke
1 z
When you get to the shed at the end of the hall,
you'll find a couple of useful items and the Valve
Handle. There's also a door, which you may just ...

want to ignore. If you open it, you'll be rushed by a

pair of zombies, and the door

will be sealed from then on.
a bad idea.
So, basically,
Take your Valve Handle,
screw it into the valve or

whatever beneath
the water tower, and
Sploosh! Now you
can add extensive
water damage to the
helicopter's repair
bill. Right-o! Back
to that other hall-
way. . . But
search the
'copter's smolder-
ing ruins for a box
of ammo first.

26 The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil 2 Perfecl

Storage Room
Now that the helicopter has cooled,
down a bit, you can make your way to jP|
the room just past its wreckage (Leon /
can never get through the door just to
its cockpit, by the way).
the right of
First you'll want to stop by the near-
by quiet room and get your two Red
Jewels out of the box. Then head to the
art museu... er... um... I mean "Police
Station's" storage room.
Slide the jewels into place on the two
smaller statues, and the larger statue's chest
will open, revealing the King Plug. Pop that
in a magic box, pocket the shells that are hid-
den among the boxes, grab the Diamond Key,
and head back downstairs to open the
Weapons Room, the only room locked
with that particular precinct key.

y\ Weapons Room
wait right into the weapons room
If you think you can waltz
and kill this horde of zombies with anything less than the
Shotgun, then I really, truly pity you. This is what the
Shotgun's made for, so let 'em have it! Be careful when
you turn to explore behind the file cabinets, 'cause there
are zombies there too. You'll probably never come into
this room ever again, but
kill 'em all anyway. It's
good for the soul.
There's a box of ammo
in the lockers, as well as
the first roll of film. To
develop the film, just take
it to the darkroom next

door. When you're ready,

take the back entrance
from the Weapons Room
into the West Office.

West Office
Gadzooks! Your name-
less friend has contracted
the zombie virus! Cure
him by surgically remov-
ing his face with your
shotgun (wait 'til he gets
real close, tap up, then
fire). He'd have wanted it
that way. Well, probably.
On the desk is the Heart Key,
the last item you need out of
the station for now. It's time to Leon: "WHAT DO YOU MEAN
head underground. BEEN CANCELLED!?"

The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil 2 Perfect Guid

Interrogation Room & Hall
Before we run off to play in the basement, there

v are a couple more housekeeping duties to do in the
police station.
First, you can use the Diamond Key to get into the
other side of the Interrogation Room. In addition to
a First Aid Spray and the third plug (the Rook Plug),
there's an Electric Cord here. Its presence in this
room forces us to assume that Raccoon City's proud
boys in blue have been using such items to beat sus-
pects or something, 'cause
why else would it be here?
And I don't even want to
know what they do with
that Rook Plug...
Speaking of the Rook
Plug, I think it would be a really good idea to have a

shotgun equipped before you pick that item up. It's not
like anything is going to, um, happen, 'cause, uh...
'Cause what could happen here, ya know? It's just that
I got this feeling like maybe you should have a loaded shotgun equipped

before you pick up the Rook Plug...

Right! Now what's up with that electric cord? Well, it can be used to repair
either of the wrecked circuit boxes located in the station's two Southern hall-
ways (we haven't been to the second one yet, but we'll be going there soon).
Once the wire's in place, the station's emergency metal windows will come
slamming down, preventing zombies from crawling in through the windows,
something they'll figure out how to do, right about the time that you realize
that you'll never have to go back to the police station ever again. So why
bother? That's a really good question. I'll get back to you on that.

Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil 2 Perfec

There is only one door locked witn tne Heart Ke y>
nCIIIVV ay and it's the one just off of the East Office, across from
the dead corpse. It leads to a hall
containing a well-hidden box of
shells, a staircase, and a locked door
(it takes a Club Key, something you
won't be getting for a while). If for
some reason you don't have the
Shotgun, you'll probably want to go
back and get that before you head
down to the basement.

Basement Hallway & Safe Room

The "clack... clack... clack..." you hear here is the footsteps
of hungry dogs. You can't make friends with these three, so
put away the box of Snausages and grab your shotgun (if it's
not fully loaded, make it that way). The first dog is right ahead
of you... Two shotgun shells or five bullets will put him down
for good.
Two more await ahead, one on each side of the fork. Run up
there to get them to come after you, and then run back to
where you started once you've caught their attention, or
you'll be fighting dogs from both sides.
Unlike zombies, who take different amounts of damage
depending on how close you are when you hit them with the
shotgun, dogs take two hits whether they're in your face or
all the way across screen. At the farthest back angle (so you
can see them coming), wait for
the first dog to appear, fire, wait
for him to get up, then repeat. If
you're lucky, you'll hit both with
at least one shot and finish the
pair with only three shells.
Of course, it should be pointed
out that shooting them from afar
is a completely sissy way of doing things. For a real chal-
lenge, use the shotgun to hit them in midair when they
leap at you. Do it right, and on the second shot, the dogs
pop! Do it wrong, and... Uh... Well, just do it right, and then you won't have to
worry about any of that.
Leon doesn't have to go out the northeast exit at all, but if you can clear a
path, he'll have easy access to a typewriter and box later on (and also a Red
Herb and Ink Ribbon). Unfortunately, the manhole that leads to the Safe Room
is guarded by two
more dogs, so you'll
have to repeat your
tactic from the hall-
way. Proceed slowly
until they appear,
then jam back to the
entrance, turn, and
start firing. It'll be
close,but it's doable.
Above: The rational (ie, sissy) method.
Left: The manly (ie, stupid) method.

The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil Z Perfect Guide 29

Machine Room
Without a Club Key or the Red Card Key, you won't be able to get into the two
other rooms that lead off of this hallway. You can, however, get into the
Machine Room (right), which features a simple puzzle that we'll deal with
later, and has a Green Herb antf a map of the basement that might come in
kind of handy.

Parking Garage
It's here, at the west end of
the basement hallway, that you
first meet lovely Ada.
Help her push aside the
truck that's blocking
door to the prison block, and
then go inside. She'll run off,
leaving poor-reflexed Leon stand-
ing around and feebly
yelling at her to wait.
This will hap-
pen approxi-
mately 6,000 more times
before the end of the game.

him, grab
head off to the kennels.
You might also want to search the other
cells for"herbs" (apparently it's Raccoon Police Department policy to allow prisoners
to grow their own "medication"). It's here that you'll start seeing Blue Herbs, which
can cure poison. If you're not able to carry them all out, don't worry about it. There
are approximately 10,000 blue herbs for every one enemy capable of poisoning you.
There's a Red Herb at the end of the kennel that you're
probably better off ignoring. If you really, really want that
herb, then I'd suggest you kill the caged dogs first (while fc 1

they're still in their cages, I

mean). If they do break out
and attack you, make sure
you grab the Blue Herb in
one of the kennel blocks. Or
better yet, don't. 1 8 3
Use the Manhole Opener to
do what it is that it does so
well, and head on into the 4 5

30 The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil Z Perfei

Sewer Entrance
This area marks the first appearance of spi-
enemies that are fairly easy to kill, but
are capable of poisoning you. Although they
can be easily evaded, you don't want to risk
9fc getting poisoned, so it's better to just take 'em
•1 — out. Two shotgun blasts at close range will do
the trick, or you can finish them from any distance with
two three-shot blasts from your modified handgun.
At the end of the hallway you'll find a safe room
(with yet another precious Blue Herb) and a much larger
room that has a door rigged with that special chessboard
lock. But you're still one piece
As soon as you leave the
room, you'll run into Ada again.
Leon will attempt to flirt a bit, get
M shot down hard, and then end up
lifting her up into the next area.
Now you'll play as Ada for a bit.

Waste Processing Area

Playing as Ada is just like playing as Leon, with the
only difference being that Ada has a less feminine
hairstyle (ba- duni). There's not a whole lot for Ada
to do here, so just grab the Club Key and the box of
shells and you'll be back playing Leon in no time.
To get the Club Key, head north to the room with
the crates. Push
them SO that When she's reunited with Leon, Ada Might as well just kill these dogs... Get
they're all lined up won't give up any of the healing items yourself in a corner and hit each five
or re Sular ammo sne has, so there's times, just as they're about to charge.
6 the far wall no point
in being stingy with her Take them one at a time if you can.
Cas Shown here) ammo an d firs t aid spray. She will
then turn the water toss him the box of shotgun shells she
on, and you'll have finds here, though,

an instant bridge to the cabinet that contains

the Club Key. Grab it, head east to get Leon
—a a box of shells, then go back to the duct you
$17/ came in from in the first place. Ada will toss
(the treasures up to Leon, and then find her
own way out. Leon- you'll never believe J

this- then yells

her name and
asks her to wait.

I |

On the wall is a map of this area.

The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil 2 Perfect Guide

Machine Room, Morgue & Weapons Room
Now that Leon has
Key in his grubby little
can go finish off
the rest of the
basement area.
Don't be in such a
hurry that you
miss the strained
breathing sound in
the main hallway,
though- a pair of
lickers have found
their way to the
ceiling, so be ready
to aim low and hit
'em each with a
pair of shells when
they drop or
charge at you.
Your first stop is
The main power switch.
the Machine Room,
where you can
turn the power on
for the rest of the
basement. To get
the machine to max levels without shorting out,
you'll need to turn three switches on, and two
off. The first switch will need to be on, but other than
that, you can pretty much do whatever order you want.
On/On/Off/Off/On, or On/Off/On/Off/On, or whatever.
Then unlock the Morgue door with your Club Key, and
check the cabinet in the far corner of the room for
the Red Key Card. Be ready to run to a corner and
start shooting when the action starts!
When that's all over, take the card to the
weapons room at the end of the hall. After
restocking on ammo (30 rounds and a box of
shells), you can turn your attention to the lockers
at the end and help yourself to some nifty items...
But remember that whatever you take is some-
thing Claire won't be able to get in her 2nd mis-
One item
The fun begins! the
Sidepack, a very useful item that increases
the amdpt of items you can hold by two.
The other is the Submachine Gun, a nifty lit-
tle toy that comes with a lot of ammo. The
gun is a good call for Leon, since he has less
ammo. Save the Sidepack for Claire: She has
plenty of firepower, and can use the extra
space for all of her different flavors of
Grenade. The side pack is the perfect gift for a practi- Loud, abrasive, and surprisingly ineffective,
cal, resourceful young woman like Claire. the submachine gun fits Leon perfectly.

32 The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil Z Perfect.

Night Duty Room
Right off the top of the staircase that leads back to the police
station you'll find the second Club Key-locked
room. There's a note and a First Aid Spray
here, and best of all, there's the Magnum.
This insanely powerful gun can pop a
zombie's head in one shot (from any
range), but you should pocket it for
now and save it for the first boss.

Press Room
The Key loca-
final Club
tion is Press Room,
where you can find a second
roll of film and the Gear. To get the
gear loose, use your lighter on the
furnace and then light the torches in
" Queen-King-Jack" (12-13-11) order.

Clock Tower If you haven't already used the Crank in the third
floor clock room (off of the library) grab it now and
' head on up there. (It's during this event that the zom-
bies start crawling in through the first floor windows
that you didn't shut, by the way.) Go to the slot at the
far end of the clock room and turn your crank to Frank
to lower a staircase to the upper regions.
Insert your gear into the hole, and when it starts
turning, a hidden door will open. It's here that you'll
There's a licker hoping to ambush
you by the 2nd floor ladder. Grab find the Knight Plug, and a shortcut back down to the
your shotgun and return the favor. prison area.

The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil Z Perfect Guide 33

Prison Area & Sewer Entrance
After the dust chute drops you into the prison, run back to the last
cell to check on Ben. You remember Ben, right? He's one of those
reporter types, always looking for a scoop! (I'm sorry, that line just
really amuses me for some reason.)
Anyway, he found his, uh, scoop, and now
it's time to have yet another "Ada!"... "Hey,
Wait! " moment, and then radio Claire to tell
her the news.
On your way out of there, make sure you stop at the
quiet room to heal, save (definitely save), and juggle
your inventory. You'll want to bring all four chess
pieces, your Magnum, your Handgun, and a healing item
or two. If you don't have enough space in your invento- "I'm sorry, Ben, but I'm too busy hav-
ry for all the things you'd like to bring to fight the boss with, ing lurid fantasies about Ada to care

you can go back for your chess pieces after the fight an d just about your little problems."

load up on weapons and healing items before, but that

shouldn't be necessary if you
still have a fully loaded
As soon as you near the
chess board machine thingy, the
first boss confrontation begins.
And when that's over, you can
finally start emptying those
deadweight plugs on the sewer

The first boss is easy if Start firing from this position, until

you've got the right the orotch-huggers force you to move

or the boss gets too close. Then run
weapon- And the right
to the left, kill the huggers, and hit
definitely the
him with everything else you've got,
Magnum. It takes only six magnum bullets to
put this monstrosity down, which is way better
than the 10 shotgun shells or whopping 30+
handgun rounds you'd have to waste otherwise.
When he appears, hit him hard and fast... If
you're lucky and he gets a slow start, you can
finish him before he'll even get close enough to touch you. But if the little crotch-
hugging bugs he vomits out start to give you too much trouble (if there's only one,
you can ignore it, since they don't do much damage), run to a corner, then have
Leon gyrate wildly to
throw the little buggers
off. Then either run
over them or quickly
switch to your handgun
to blow them away.
In the time it'll take
him to make a few
more, you should be
able to finish him with-
Crotch-huggers restrict your move-
out too much trouble.
ment and offensive ability while
Your weapon of choice: The Magnum. Its sin- you're shaking them off. Shake them Run around a bit to smash the remaining hug-
gle clip will obliterate this boss with a couple quickly, then run over them or kill gers, and you're done!
of bullets to spare. them with a handgun bullet.

The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil Z Perfec

North Supervisor's Room
There's no need to go back and save after you kill
the boss, since you'll arrive at the North
Supervisor's Room after two straightfor-
ward and enemy-free sewer tunnels.
Save and use your box here, but
si ignore the elevator for now. This

room has a second level, and the door

toit is hidden by the large metal cab-

4 1
inet. Pushing it to either side will
reveal a ladder that leads to the room's
dark basement.
You can't do anything here until you
can get some light, so grope around for the
lanterns, and then use your cigarette
lighter to light them.
Between the two rooms, you should find a note, a
First Aid Spray, thirty rounds of H&K
ammo, an ink
ribbon, a box of shells, and best of all, a second mag-
num clip.
When you're done healing, saving, and
reloading, take the elevator out. But Leon
doesn't get far before he screws up yet
another pathetic attempt to impress Ada.
Ada shows her devotion by leaving
Leon to die, and runs off in pursuit of his
attacker. As long as you're playing as
Ada, you won't be able to get back into the
Supervisor's room.

Waste Treatment Control Room (2F)

Once again, Ada's quest is very short, and she has more than enough
ammo and healing items to deal with what awaits her. It's a good idea to
have her kill the spiders lurking in this area (they're to the right, so ignore
Annette for a minute or so), that way Leon won't have to waste ammo later.
When you go up the ladder to the Cockroach tun-
nel, get ready to run. The cockroaches don't seems
dangerous, but they can be, and killing them is as
futile in this game as it is in real life- There's
always a trillion more on the way. Just dashj
through the tunnel as fast as you can, so the cock-
roaches can't gang up on you. Individual cockroaches do no dam-
Spiders take about six shots each. They're age, but a group of them (four or more) can kill Ada instantly.
hard to hit, but Ada s got lots of ammo. After Ada goes down the ladder on the south side of the con-
trol room you'll revert
to control of Leon.
Waste Treatment Pool
Grab the map from the hallway, and
also grab the Valve Handle from the item
box in the Supervisor's room. Make sure
you have the Shotgun and plenty of shells, as

II - that's the weapon of choice against the com-

ing boss.
You'll have to take a different route
than Ada now that the fan's back on,
but make sure to search the corpses
she couldn't for the Wolf Medal and
When youijj
get to the
find a
an inexhaustible supply of blue herbs, just in
case you were poisoned by the spiders,
Use the Valve Handle in the area shown to
lower the path.
When you get to the
other side, use it
again to move the
path back to the sec-
ond floor, making a
handy escape route
for later. Don't for-
get to save at the

There are two ways to take out the alligator. The first is a somewhat
obvious but cool secret we won't ruin here; check the Secrets section in the
back of the book if you can't figure it out.
The other way is straight up fighting with a twist. Unlike other bosses,
which die instantly after taking a certain number of hits, this boss won't
go down until he gets to a certain area. Understanding this secret is the
key to a comfortable victory that doesn't waste too much ammo. The shot-
gun is really the only weapon to use here. It even does more damage than
the Magnum in this situation (since this boss counts as multiple targets,
apparently). When the alligator attacks, just hit him once, run, hit him
Like real alligators, this guy sucks at three times when he
corners. Even if he's this close, you rounds the corner, run,
can get three shots off him, easy, repeat. Make sure you
while he tries to reorient himself.
count your shots so you
know when you have to
reload (do in the item

screen). Ifyou've hit

him with as little as
nine shots by the time
you get to the final
You only need to hit the alligator a
screen (right), you'll be
total often times, so don't take unnec-
essary chances on straightaways (as
able to finish him here
No matter how often you hit the alligator, you
above). Your best bet is to run. with one final shot. won't get the final below until you get here.

36 The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil Z Perfect

EBH| iv

Dumping Area
If you do sustain wounds
on the alligator boss, don't
heal yourself unless you're
in the condition where you
can't run straight (and are
therefore prone to a killing
blow). After the boss dies,
ignore even major wounds, Ada, understandably nauseated at the
since Ada will heal you completely, for free, as soon as you talk to her. prospect of having to touch Leon's
Once that's done, search the dumping area for its lone item (a well-hid- clammy chest, uses the seldom-seen
den Ink Ribbon), then escape through the ladder Ada came medical technique of putting the ban-

down... that is, if you remembered to raise the pathway back dage on top o/Leon s clothing -

up before you fought the boss. If not, you'll have to take the long way around.
While on the second floor of the waste treatment room, search the corpse here for
|the Eagle Medal, and a note.
Then use your valve
handle, again, to turn
off the fan so that you
can cross back over.

Sky Tram
you run to the door that was blocked by the waterfall, A number of zombies wil
rise up and attack. Ada's
willing to do most of the
work, so you can put her
between them and you
(coward!) to minimize
your risk of damage and
save a bit of ammo. Next,
head back to the area with
the door that's blocked by the
waterfall,and use your two
medals on the machine
that's right outside.
Incidentally, you can now head
back into the sewers and get a closer
look at the bodies that had previously
been underwater. No items there, but
you will find a plot point or two.
Now run to the tram station, grab the
ammo, hit the power, and jump onto the
sky tram. (The ammo won't be there if

The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil 2 Perfect Guide 37

"' s e ™y toav° id
Vacant Factory
J the giant claw in the
sky tram (just keep running), but it's hardly-
worth the bother. For all the blood, it doesn't
seem to actually do
any damage. Let
Ada handle it.
Easily the least interesting location in the game, the
Vacant Factory's lack of anything except for zombies
and dull hallways makes one wonder what exactly is
produced in this so-called "factory." Anyway, there's
some sort of flare gun on the ropeway platform, which
Leon can activate with his lighter. It doesn't do any-
thing except indicate the location of a new Weapons
Locker Key. This key won't come into play for quite
some time, so stash it in a box whenever you get a
The zombies wandering the hall are easy to kill,
but they all like to surprise you by waiting around
corners, so get ready for lots of that old trick. Let
Ada cover your back and they won't be able to
cause too much trouble.
The Safe Room features a First Aid Spray and
the first of two Magnum Clips you'll be getting in
this area. Whenever you see a hint like that, it's
a sure bet that there's a boss around the corner...
Better grab your Magnum and save the game!

There's a lots of oomputery stuff in

the 2F quiet room, but none of it does
anything in Leon's regular mode.
There is lots of good ammo on the
desk and a First Aid Spray across the
way, though.

Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil Z Perfect.

Elevator Platform
This mysterious elevator leads to the Umbrella
Laboratory, the game's expansive final area. You
don't have to do much to start it up, just hop inside,
grab the key from the switchbox in the train's con-
trol room, and then use that key at the yellow con-
trol box outside. The elevator will begin automati-
cally, and there will be no going back, so make
absolutely sure that you have what you need to fight
the boss (and that you grabbed the Shotgun Parts Tn ere are two hidden items here: a box of ammo on the wherehouse side (left
from the dead guy in the corridor) before you get on plcture) and an nvisible second Magnum C lip in a corner of the traiIL

board. And, of course, make sure you've saved in the last few ¥ T
minutes as well.
Once the boss is defeated, however, you will be able to
use both this elevator and the sky tram to get back to
MB VHHHHHHH|f| earlier areas if you ever feel
a need to.

ing care to pass

his claw arm
side. He'll
have to
swing wide
to get you,
giving you enough time to dodge... some-
times. Then repeat. He may hit you once
or twice, but he doesn't do that much dam-
age, so one healing item should hold you.
The boss himself only takes ten shots,
from either the Magnum or your new
Custom Shotgun. Don't take any unneces- Both the Magnum and Custom Shotgun are
s chances or wait too long in any one Always zip past him on his arm side, so you'll Magnum produces a
equally powerful, but the
a and he'll be an easy kill. have more time to dodge his nasty claw swipe. finer quality of arterial spray. Just look at that!
Also try to keep yourself at the "Fine" level so The bullets go in and come right back out the
your running speed won't be affected. other side. So use the Magnum. It's just cooler.
Laboratory Security Room
This is the only safe room on this
floor,so make it your base of operations
B5 for the Laboratory. Start things off right
with a Green
Herb, a box of
shells, and a
Magnum Clip.
You should
have plenty of
• Magnum and
Shotgun ammo
now, so there's
no longer any
need tobe stingy with it. After
all, people will hate you, Steve,
if you're too stingy.
One great place to let loose
is the area directly outside of
the security room. There aren't
any zombies now, but the next
time you leave and come back to
it, it'll suddenly be full of those

weird, naked zombies. This is def-

initely what the Custom Shotgun was
made for... Let 'em all get
bunched up, then have at it!
mmd You
should be able to kill all
five of 'em with as little as
two shots!

Refrigerated Room
When you get to the fork in the lab's main hallway, take the left door (the
blue one). Follow until you get to the frozen double
doors at the end of the hallway, where you'll find
the refrigerated room.
The Main Fuse is being
in n 't'jj | guarded by the little
robotic arm in the cor-
g ner, and he'll be glad to give it to you if you can find a
Fuse Case. But wherever would you find such a thing?
How about... Right on the table four feet away?
Another fiendish puzzle from those sadistic game
Grab a First Aid Spray
from atop a cabinet there,
and then return to the cen-
tral fork. Plug the fuse into
the big metal thingy in the
middle of the room, and the
power is back on!

40 The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil Z Perfect (

This time, take the pink door from the central
Staff Quarters area, and enter the furthest right door of the
West Area. You'll find another blue herb box (useful for the plants you'll
soon encounter), a couple of notes... and a Flame Thrower! The flame thrower's cool,
but runs out of ammo fast, so save it for plant enemies,
who are particularly weak to fire.
Speaking of plant enemies, take your 'thrower over to
Wm 1 jPsj r-|j»' the corner of the room, point up, and tap it ever so
^^J^r 'iBl
sli £ ntly to set tne plant aflame. Now you can crawl
HI through the hole and get to the locked-from-the-inside |[\.
room next door.
Two lickers await here, but they're real close togeth-
er so you should be able to snuff the pair with just
three custom shotgun blasts right between 'em (Don't
even think about wasting the flame thrower on ft
such easy prey). In return, you'll get an Ink
Ribbon and two boxes of shells. Fourteen for the
price of three. What a deal!

What is up with the "Anti-B.O.W. Gas" that

Anti - B.O.W. Gas you can turn on in this room? Not much. This
gas slightly weakens most of the enemies in this side of the laboratory, but may
also make a few of them more powerful. The effects are pretty subtle...
Probably the only noticeable difference is that plants i

can now be killed with only one Custom Shotgun |

blast, instead of two.

Since you'll probably want I

to use the Flame Thrower |

on all the plant enemies,

the Anti-B.O.W. gas is actu-
ally pretty lame. Even
worse, it makes this entire
area look all green and
nasty Pass Now 1 oan ^ou with one slw tgun
shell! Whoop-de-friggin'-doo.

West Area Once you've conquered the staff quarters, head to

the other side of the West Area and hit the red but-
ton to open the shutter (something you can do now
that the power has returned). The gate will open to
reveal your first sight of two new plant enemies.
These guys look cool, but you don't have time to
gawk. Instead, rush the pair as soon as you can,
flame thrower in hand, and when you're nice and
close, open fire. You should be able to act fast
enough to beat them
to the punch, and 1

one sweep of your flame thrower will cut through

the plantslike, a flame thrower through
plants! Head past them to the outside staircase,
where a third plant awaits... Toast him, then head
back into the West Area, where there will be two
more plant enemies. Deal with them in the man-
ner their ilk deserves, and head downstairs. The
plants won't be giving you any more trouble.

The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil 2 Perfect Guide 41


Oh yeah! To hell with

Tamagotchis and Giga/Nano what-
evers. Capcom should start the
next virtual pet craze: Loveable,
huggable lickers.
With neat autumn colors, a
longer single claw on each hand,
a really nasty attitude, this new-
Control Room type licker is too cool for words. Of course, they do have a bad
habit of making you very, very dead, which is admittedly some-
There are a lot of com-
puters here, but they thing that happens with Tamagotchis and Nanopets only under
don't seem to do anything
very extraordinary circumstances.
except give you a map. Anyway, the trick here is to run past the first two and wait
'til you get to the room with the three herbs. Now, whack,
Head left at the fork to
get to the next location
whack, whack, you're dead! Wow! They sure look cool, don't they?
Or, um, if you wanted to
killthem, you should prob-
ably not do that. Instead,
shoot them one-by-one, two
close range shotgun blasts M
to the head. Make sure you J
hit them directly, since
these guys are a bit
tougher than their prede-
If you've only fought one licker by the
time you enter this door, you'd better
Weapon Locker & Birkin's Lab be ready for an ambush.

The first of the three rooms in Dr. Birkin's Laboratory contains a weapon lock-
er that's locked by the key you got way back in the vacant factory. Remember
that? Whip it out from the item box in the last room, and you'll find a box of
Magnum Parts. Give it a try on the zombie in
the next room... You can kill him instantly!
Okay, admittedly you could have done that
before. But now you can kill two or three
in a row... which happens very rarely.
Still, it makes a loud noise, and hurts
bosses a lot. Okay, now stop wasting
Magnum ammo and go use up
the rest of your regular
ammo. They're just zombies,
after all.
The only thing you can
5,^ v>«**> Lck up here is the Lab Card

42 The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil 2 Perfect Guide

Network Administrator's Room
Capcom has seen the future of horror: Large, wussy
moths. I really don't know what to tell you here. Use
your shotgun and shoot it a lot. It will die. Of course,
it might fly up and punch you with its little bug arms,
but, uh... so?
Afterwards you'll need to use your sidearm to snuff
the maggots on the com
puter, and then crack
71 Umbrella's brutal secu-
J rity system by logging
in as "GUEST." All of
this is optional, but it's
the first step to a two-
part trick that will give
Claire a boost in her
-< second mission.

Resident Evil 2 Wacky Fun Land

Four Truly Disturbing Buried Details
Some things are just plain wrong. Here are four of them
A legitimate texturing error? Or a If you look careful-;
conscious attempt to subvert jy here, you can see
American culture? In the names of the
colonial times, depictions first two dogs
of upside down flags locked in the kennels: Rocket
were burned and buried, (below) and JoJo (above). Rocket
and I expect you'll do the and JoJo. What adorable names
same with your copy of for police dogs. Why it makes
Resident Evil 2. And me think of all the times when
this book. the K-9 unit took their dogs to
the Raccoon City public schools,
The tendency of zombies not to use to tell the kids stories and let them pet those
weapons makes me wonder if this is beautiful dogs. And how the children would
really G-Virus related... Maybe he laugh and smile when those big friendly German
just complained about the service too Shephards would come up and nuzzle the excited
much or tipped school children... Well, I'll tell you one thing,
poorly. Either buddy, those kids aren't laughing anymore. You
way, death by but- know why? Because you slaughtered littk£
ter knife stabbings Rocket and JoJo! And you know what else? I bet
seems a tad exces- you enjoyed it! I can see you now, cradling the
sive. shotgun in your arms, grinning maniacally and
whispering "c'mere Jojo, c'mere
| Forget zombies; this is true horror. Rocket... yeah... that's right..."
I'm not suggesting that
Leon should shave his pits Then you'd yell "BLAM!" and
or anything (although he
laugh maniacally as your shot-
does seem to be the type
gun splattered little Rocket and
Jojo all over the walls of the ken-
m who naturally would), but nel they called home. You sick
BHflKT I certainly didn't pay $60
bastard. I really
to see Leon shove his
nasty, grimy arm hope you pay for
pits in
my face.
what you've done.

Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil Z Perfect 6i


G-Capsule Room V.A.M. Room

Once you're entered your There's a bunch of
fingerprints into the com- normal zombies in
puter in the moth room, the V.A.M. room,
come $o the doorway far to the other room
the right in the East Area to locked with the Lab
activate the first part of this Card Key, so once
two part lock. You'll never again you have the
be able to get inside, but opportunity to use
with your help, now Claire up the rest of your
can. handgun ammo.
Take a minute to bask in But since they're
the warm feeling of doing pretty close togeth-
something nice for someone er, it's much more
else. It's probably not some- fun to whip out the
thing that Leon's had a lot flame thrower
of experience with. f (unless you want to
save it for the boss,
you'llnever have to use it again) and fry some zom-
bies. The ammo'll go fast, but it's fun to watch their
bodies burn and blacken. Fun for me, at least.
Once they're dead, hit the light switch
and grab the MO Disk on the operating

Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil 2 Perfect

B4 Hallway & Control Room
A bunch of zombies have taken over the hallway that was once the domain
of the lickers. They're the last regular enemies you'll face, so go ahead and
use up anything except for your Magnum rounds.
There's only one door left to unlock, and it's right off of the control room
I that's full of computer monitors. Before you head there, of course, you'll want

I to save your game. Really, trust me this time.

When you get to the door, slide in your MO
Disc for verification (an MO
Disd? How much I

verification data does i

this lock need?}, and I

you're in the second-

to-final location in the game.
When you get to the large room at the end of the
hallway, the alarm will start, and you'll have five
minutes until the lab goes boom. Quickly run to the
elevator at the north side of the room, and push the
button on the right. Your final confrontation is
about to begin...
HMHMllMI This is your last
major encounter, so
use up
feel free to
all of your custom
magnum rounds and First Aid Sprays
here... you might need them.
This guy doesn't take a lot of shots, just
three in his first form and six in his sec-
ond. But he's brutal at close range (if he
gets you in his mouth when you're at the
"Caution" condition, you can pretty much
say goodbye), and no slouch at long range
either, with his vicious leaps and charges. This is about as close as you dare get to this
So you want to keep him at medium range guy-
as much as possible; too close for him to charge,
too far for him to swipe. If you have enough
ammo left, the Flame Thrower is great for his
first form, as its constant spray keeps him from
When he jumps on top of the walls, take as
many pot shots as you can get if he's nearby. If
4 r moving so he won't be
he's not, keep able to nail
In his first form, this guy's pretty easy... Three
you when you land,
shots should do the trick. But that doesn't
mean you can afford to be careless.
items, as a Caution
condition both puts
you at risk of being
eaten, and lowers
your ability to run.
You should have
more than enough
time to beat him, but
remember to leave
yourself at least a You can't always see the blood spurts,
minute or so to clear but when he jumps atop the furniture,
Now you should be worried the area afterwards. you can usually get a freebie or two. Or he'll start to charge!
Downtown Street
Sure, it's tempting to start the game firing at every-
thing that moves, but thanks to your limited rounds and
your beyond-useless knife, the first part of the game is the
perfect arena to practice a semi-useful Resident Evil 2 tac-
tic: running away (well, with the amount of ammo you'll
find later in the game, it's only really useful in these first
few parts). If you try to
run right through this pack, at least one will lunge at you,
and once you hurl him away, there will probably be another
waiting to grab your neck. Instead, avoid them by walking to
the left a bit to change the camera angle, sprint up between
the zombies as the picture shows, and run to the left. With
just a bit of creative zig-zagging (or "juking" as my dim-wit-
ted co-auther would say), making your way to the alleyway
should be a breeze. Just watch out for the two staggering
zombies on your way to the Gun Shop, and you're home free. ~

iflrak, IBM
Kendo Gun Shop
Just as in Leon's game, the Gun Shop is the first place in Resident Evil 2 where you'll meet
a non-zombie character, and the first chance you'll have at a more powerful weapon. But
unlike the advice we gave in Leon's area of the book,
we recommend you don't stick around to
add this new weapon to your arsenal.
Unfortunatly, the Bow Gun (normally
Claire's third weapon) isn't all that power-
ful, and isn't really valuable enough to
waste the twenty or so rounds it takes to
drop the advancing zombies. If you do
decide you want it, and kill every zombie in
the shop, the twelve bolts you're left with
(after retrieving the Bow Gun off the dead
Sure, damn fun to kill these shop-owner's body) will be enough to fire

why waste the ammo?

zombies, but
four shots, allowing you to potentialy finish
up to fourzombies later in the game.
So all you really need to do in this room is grab the ammo
box on
the right side of the screen first, and then go after the ammo on the
left side of the room before heading for the back door By the time
the zombies make their grand entrance, you'll practically be out the

The Gate
Claire's game once again differs
from Leon's, as there is only a single
way to complete this area. Just ignore the zombies behind the
gate, they can't get through yet. Even if you managed to grab
the Bow Gun, the bolts just bounce off the wire mesh, making it
totally useless here. Instead, run down the path and grab the 1
rounds out of the van, wait for the zombies to crash through, and
start firing. After you kill the first two, run forward
to get a better view of the third. You should be able to
run past the final guy wandering around on the bas-
ketball court.

46 The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil Z Perfect Guide

02/32 f
Ri in rVVVay.
A\a/ph/1 0nce you pass the bas "
l\UI) ketball court, there's no
reason to waste ammo here. Just before you
jump on the dumpster, search the trashcan to
your right for bullets. To easily bypass the
group of zombies in the alleyway past the
gate, just hop on top of the trash container
and fire a couple of bullets at the female zom-
bie. When she falls to the ground, hop off the
container and rush down the path against the
far wall. Most of the zombies should be
grouped against
the other wall, so
problem leaving this area with-

the bus, you'll encounter a group

of zombies enjoying their... um...
lunch. Ignore them and run along
the top of the screen towards the
bus doors. It should be noted that
if you don't
dash past
them fast enough, you'll end up taking
major damage as they pass you back and
forth for bite after bite.

Midtown Bus #33

The bus is most likely the first place you'll
encounter "crawling" zombies. When you first enter
the bus, aim down and wait for the female to make
her way towards you, and quickly open fire. Once
she dies, quickly aim forward, and fire at the
unseen assailant blundering in your direction.
Once you hear him fall, run forward to finish the
job. Don't forget to grab the ammo before exiting.

Although there are a number of zombies

Police Station Area covering the street between you and the Police
Station's front gates, getting past them without using any ammo
isn't half as hard
as it looks. All you have to do is dash upwards between the first two and run
along the top of the screen, pressed against the cars. As the picture sequence to
the left shows, most of the zombies are stumbling around the middle of the street,
enabling you to zip past them with hardly any trouble. Afterwards, all of the fall-
en zombies will arise once you enter the Police Station courtyard, and advance
towards you. Don't worry though, they can't get through the gate.
There are a couple of zombies in the courtyard, but if you use cunning and just
a dash of wit, they can all be
avoided. Simply walk
upwards towards the main
building and use the inge-
niously-hidden "secret" stair-
case to find a zombie-free
path to the front entrence.
Before you enter, grab the
herb in front of the stairs.

The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil Z Perfect Guide 47

Main Hall IF
Once you enter the Police Station's main doors, proceed northwards until you
reach the second door on the left, the West Office. Go into this door to receive
the Blue Card Key, and don't worry about the forced
withdrawal from the room, as you'll have the chance 1 8 3 »*»
to explore this area later on.
Use the Blue Card Key on the computer in the
main hall (pictured to the left) to unlock the
previously barred doors near the entrance, and £
your game on the nearby

3 Head to the door

leads to the western
of the station, and

y[ 1
forget to pick up the
of 30 bullets on your
We will come back
explore the east end
station later.

In the Resident Evil tradition of portraying all women

Waiting Room as blood-thirsty locksmiths, Claire comes equipped with
a lockpick as her "special" item (allowing her to open things that would require Leon to have a Small Key),
and this room gives you your first chance to try out this skill. First though, empty your pockets of need-
less things (cough, cough,
KNIFE!) into the magic box,
and then pick up the note
MHBE 0 1

(shown in the first picture) for i'

a handy safe combination. Use

your lockpick on the locked
drawer for your first First Aid
Spray, a very useful item that
refills your health completely.

48 The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil 2 Perfect Guide

04/32 £ *
i a i iii' II it Welcome to the first truly unsettling
VVGSt VVlDg n9llW3y part of the game. Sure, the music in
Resident Evil 2 isn't always comforting,
but when faced with an area entirely void of
any tunes, it makes the feeling of dread even
worse. Of course, the sound of dripping blood
doesn't help. When you first enter the West
Wing Hallway, search the guard for ammo, and
make sure your gun is ready.
Once the licker attacks, just aim down and
keep pelting it with bullets while staying close
(if you back away, it'll hit you for major dam-
age), 7-10 shots should knock it down for good.
If you did retrieve the Bow Gun earlier, just two close
range shots will kill it.
If the licker did substantially hurt you, don't
worry, the second green herb of the game is just a
'U few steps beyond the puddle. Herbs are ultra-useful
B in this game, not only are they great for healing
j| wounds too insignificant to waste a First Aid Spray
| on, they can also be combined with other herbs for
stronger effects (see the Training Section for more
much to do here.
Well, there's really not
Briefing Room In game you can use his pre-
equipped lighter to find the Red Jewel, but
J Claire will
* have to wait a bit until
she finds a lighter of her
Strangely enough, unlike
Leon's game, there's no
ammo here, just a note. So,
there'sno real reason to
even venture in here at
this time.

PI West Stairwell
1 N
Be careful for the zombies on either side of you as you enter this
area. Just dash past the female zombie on your right (wait for her to
lunge, then run), and stand against the far wall and fire away.
After you take out this small pack of zombies, head for the door just
right of the stairway, and you'll find yourself in the first "safe room,"
places in the game where you can
save and exchange items without
the fear
of being
the locked cabinet,
and check out the
"Secrets" section of
this book for more

The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil Z Perfect Guide 49

Statue Hallway (2F)
Get ready for the hardest puzzle you'll
face in the entire game. Well, maybe not, but
still- If this mind-bender is enough to keep
my talented co-author glued to his chair for
incredibly long periods of time (and he grad-
uated college!), it must be difficult. Urn,
Anyway, to collect your first Red Jewel,
all you have to do is move the two conspic-
uously placed statue busts in the room to their rightful locations. It's actually quite easy, just push
each bust to the marked tiles on the opposite sides of the room (so they
1 —
QP~^'^BT if end UP facin £ each other), and the jewel should fall. Be careful though,
y° u Push tne statues too far towards the top or bottom walls, it'll be
^| |^LJfcf!!j^jj|
impossible for you to stand behind them and move them back unless you
It r\
^"o^" CisjnH JBb^ leave the room and re-enter.

'OTA DC rVUUIII Resident we

O.l.rV.IA.O. Pnnm
YeaJtl >

Evil, but upon comple-

all loved the first

tion it left a single nagging question: Where the heck did Chris
and Jill fill out their paperwork after that horrible ordeal?
Thankfully, the talents behind Resident Evil 2 heard our
cries, and added the S.T.A.R.S. Room within the Police Station,
right where it belongs. Now you too can see where the heroes
of the origi-
nal game
drank their
filled out that paper-
work, and received
their faxes! There's a
cool poster hiding
handgun bullets; be
Sure to face, search, Unlike Leon, Claire has no zombies to Ignore this door for now. You can't
and collect. face here... yet. unlock it without the Spade Key.

tie Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil Z Perfect Guide

06/32 f
Of course, there is more to do in
S.T.A.R.S. Room
(cont.) the S.T.A.R.S. room than just gawk at
familiar clothing accessories and cool trophies; you've got a diary to read!
Once you learn of Chris and Jill's location, take the Unicorn Medal located on
the desk and canvass the rest of the room for other goodies.
In addition to the Medal and Diary, the only other item you'll find in the
S.T.A.R.S. room is a
new weapon, Claire's
Grenade Launcher.
This powerful weapon is extremely useful, as
it can kill just about anything in one shot, given
the right type of ammo. Unfortunately, there
isn't a lot of ammo for it right now, so you
should only use it in life-threatening situations.
Grab the fax as you leave the room, and return
to the magic box to drop off your excess items. Above: Red-hot faxing action!
Right: The Grenade Launcher.

Resident Evil 2 Wacky Fun Land

Choice Selections of Nonsensical Background Graffiti
This is an intriguing piece... The "Yo 4 It" Graffiti is pretty
The top part is clearly by itself. What vandal
baffling . .

"Memory," but the bottom is up would come up with a baffling

to interpretation. "Clarity" sentiment like that? But even
would make sense, but doesn't more interesting is "Team
fit. fits better, but
"Charity" Monkey Team Monkey

"Memory Charity"? My WHAT? A secret Capcom code?

guess? The apparent "C" is The last word is unintelligible,
the right side of a "P" and it's but I like to think that it's
actually "Memory Pharty." "Skat." That would be great.

Delinquent lovers Ray and Lots of stuff here. "Above the

Betsy, who have made their Rim?" Tch. Typical basketball
mark twice in this area, are graffiti. Not as bad as "Blood
the worst of Raccoon City's on the Dance Floor," though. 1
vandals. But far more alarm-
ing is the "Alex 'n Joel" graffi-
What, does Michael Jackson's
last remaining fan work at
ti just a few steps away? Alex

'n JoeF? Unless Alex is short

for Alexandria... maybe
Raccoon City is more "enlight-
ened" than you'd suspect.
It w Capcom
The coolest
of Japan?
graffiti of all is
right here, though!
Shall Pass."
"This Too
Clearly one of

their artists had enough

Here's hoping Alex 'n Joel's
love can survive the disaster
that has befallen their sleepy
Most of the where I
live, the LA. area, is gang
English skill to come up with a
suitably freaky sentiment.
m Golly gee!
spells MURDER backwards!


signs and threats. But in Okay, it's a cliche, but it's still I

Raccoon City, they're skillfully kinda cool to see it here, of all

crafted murals supporting places. Maybe they saw "The |

local athletes. Or that's what Shining?"

the highly Engrish "Heat Up
Fireboy" says to me, at least.

The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil Z Perfect Guidi

Southwest Hallway
Since there's nowhere else to go on the second
the Police Station is our next destination. On the
hallways, though, you might run into a little
surprise. Sure, the zombies we've already
killed are still gone, but they've left something
far deadlier in their wake. Just keep running
and get ready for a bit of good ol' fashioned
"nightmare fuel."
Actually, just get ready to be grabbed by
some hands that, aside from being a bit annoy-
ing, don't really hurt you at all. Scary eh?

Main Hall IF With the placing of the The East Wing When you first enter this
Unicorn Medal at the base of this statue, yet another East Wing hallway, get ready for a fight. A number
mind-wrenching puzzle is solved; and the Spade Key of zombies will make their way towards you as soon
is yours. This key can be used to unlock two doors, as you appear, so run forward to get a better view
one is at the end of the S.T.A.R.S. room hallway, and and start shooting immediately. Be sure to make
the other is in the hallway to the west, but we'll tend every shot count, and load manually whenever you
to those later. can, as the time it takes your character to reload
For now though, the East Wing awaits. Be sure to could mean your
record your progress before you go on! death.
If you didn't fire
fast enough and are
leapt upon, don't
worry, just grab the
green herb found
here to heal up
before moving on
down the hallway.

58 The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil 8 Perfect Guide

East Wing (continued)
Sure, that blue
door in this area is
certainly tempting,
but lets just ignore
it for now and go
through the little
one in the north-
east side of the
Once you enter
this next hallway,
be careful. Resident
Evil 2 has its share of
tricky camera angles,
and you've just run into
a perfect example.
Whatever you do, don't
just dash into the hall-
way, unless you want to
get eaten.
In situations like this, when it sounds like
unseen zombies are very close, try firing your
weapon "over" the camera. When you hear a
zombie moan and fall, run forward to give your-
East Office
self a better camera angle before shooting at the Once you head through the double blue
rest around the corner. doors, you'll be in the East Office. As
soon as you enter, dash a bit to the left
Once you clear all the zombies from this hall-
(dodging the zombie in your way) and
way, check out the only unlocked door in this
stand behind the desks to get a better
hallway (the others require the Diamond and
angle on the numerous zombies that are
Club Keys to open) for a box of ammo, as well wandering
as a peek into the interrogation room next door, around, and
which reveals at least open fire.
one major item. Don't forget
Before we head for to check for
that blue door, don't for- pools of blood
get to walk further once you
down the hallway and think your
grab the first Red Herb foes are dead.
of the game. As you There's noth-
may remember from ing like running back 2!^^!?5,S
floor is "dead."
the first Resident though an old room,
Evil, these plants believing it to be clear
are quite useless of zombies, and stum-
by themselves, but bling into the arms of

can greatly an old friend.

enhance the heal- Watch out the
corpse laying on the
ing properties of
ground, it's not as
other herbs to the
dead as it seems. You
extent of First Aid can just avoid it
Sprays. though, if you want to
save ammo.
The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil 2 Perfect Guide S3
East Office (continued)
After all the zombies are dead, be sure to nab all the items littered around the
One of the strangest-placed items here is the Ink Ribbon. While up until now,
these have been normally found next to typewriters, the
ribbon in this room is conveniently placed next to a
word processor machine. Also be sure to check behind
the desk in the smaller office for a very-hidden Green
Herb, and the dead policeman's body in the adjoining
hallway for some free ammo.
For some Grenade Launcher ammo Don't forget to open the safe in the small office for a
and a map of the floor, just enter the map and some ammo. Also, if you need more Green
combination for the safe (2236). Herbs, three can be found outside the door past the fall-
en policeman in the hallway.
The most hidden item of the game is
found here, and disappointingly
enough, it's only a Green Herb.

54 The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil Z Perfect Guide

Welcome to the first previously inac-
File Room cessible part of Resident Evil 2. After
using your Spade Key on the door in this hallway, search
the room thoroughly for a few
useful goodies, along with a very
important item first seen in the
original Resident Evil.
While there's no pool to drain
or underground hallways to
rotate in Resident Evil 2, the
Here's the first of two rooms you can
unlock using the Spade Key, located
Crank will play a part in helping
right where you first met a Licker. you advance later on in the
so don't miss it. To obtain the
Crank, just push the step stool
towards the cabinet and climb on
Once you grab the crank, don't
forget to search the cabinet on the opposite side of the
room for an elusive Ink Ribbon. There's also a note hid-
den near the cabinet that the Crank was on top of that
gives you a clue about an item you'll be soon needing.

Second Floor Lounge

The Second Floor Lounge is ah impor-
tant storyline area for Claire, as she final-
ly meets both Leon and a mysterious little
girl (who will end up playing a huge role
in Claire's scenario) for the first time in
the game.
When you first enter the S.T.A.R.S.
room hallway, you might notice a couple
small changes since the last time you've
been here, most noticeably a screaming
little kid, being chased by a zombie cop.
After killing the zombie, use your Spade Key on the
locked door on the end of the hall to enter the lounge. The
little girl (who apparently found her way in through a
small air grate near the floor) is no where to be seen, but
you will find someone else to talk to.
Leon will give you both a radio and some
useless information on where the girl might
be and how he's going to look for an escape
After engaging in some pleasant conver-
sation with Leon
for a while, scout
out the rest of the
room for a box of
ammo, and use your lockpick
on the drawer near the only
other usable door for some
Incendiary Rounds for your
Search this area for a hidden box of
Grenade Launcher. handgun ammo.

The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil Z Perfect Guide 55


5) _

' "

The Library
The Library is where you'll find
Claire's first animal stone. These
are incredibly important items which
are vital to proceeding in your quest.
To receive the Serpent Stone, you
must first solve a quick puzzle. Climb
the stairs to the second level, and travel along
the walkway until it gives way and you fall to
a new area of the room. Take a look at theh
painting for the answer to the puzzle,
and push the red button to move the
bookcase and
walk back into
the main room. Wow push the buttons on the book-
cases,moving them so they match the pattern
shown on the painting. Once you hear a clicking
sound, check out the painting again for the stone.

Third Floor Hallway

Once you your first Animal Stone, check out that door on the second level
of the library. leads to a pathway that overlooks the Police Station's Main Hall,
and contains a bit of a surprise. Unlike Leon's game, which allows you to cross this
path with ease, Claire has to overcome a licker who's
stalking the hallway. Use your Grenade Launcher for
a quick kill.
The Crank can be used
in this room to reveal a
staircase. This doesn't
really help you on your
quest now, but it's some-
thing you'll need to do
eventually, so you might as
well lose the Crank now.

56 The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil Z Perfect Guide

Main Hall 2F
You should, begin this area by immediately spinning
to your right, and opening fire on the zombie stum-
bling towards you.
There's a total of four zombies wandering around
on the second floor of the Main Hall, but
only two are presently viewable. Once you
take out the zombies to your right and left,
run down the walkway and fire at the two Be sure to activate this emergency
remaining zombies as they come into view. ladder for a shortcut downstairs.

Besides just linking the West

and East upper floors, this walk-
way also has an emergency ladder
you can activate for a shortcut to
the first floor.
Search the safe room at the
other end of this area for the
Lighter, and be sure to save your

Second Floor Hallways Second Red Gem

Be sure to have your Handgun ready as you enter Now that you
these hallways, as you're almost immediately attacked have the lighter, it's a
by a zombie advancing towards you on your left. perfect time to go back
Watch out for the second zombie in this hallway, he's downstairs to the Police
advancing towards you from Briefing Room and light
the burning helicopter around that fireplace in the
the corner. If he hasn't backroom.After you
appeared by the time you kill collect the Red Gem,
the first zombie, you should return to the safe room
run to the glowing corner, and toss it into the
back against the wall and fire. magic box. Remember that you can take the out-
You can't get past the burn- side staircase to get back, but even if you don't,
ing helicopter, so just go unlock it from your side so it can be used when-
through the door on the other ever you may need it in the future.
end of the hall for now.
Unlike the original
Resident Evil, the crows
are very easy to hit
using the normal hand-
gun, but seeing how
rare ammo is, you're
better off just running
right past them. If you
need healing items, the
first door in the hallway
leads to that outside
stairway that originally
had three herbs.
Don't forget to search
the dead cops body for a
box of ammo!

The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil Z Perfect Guide 57

Roof and Back Alley
"I know! We'll take the helicopter to esca...
Oh." True, my co-author already made that joke
in Leon's section, but damn it, it's funny. Anyway,
that helicopter isn't going anywhere for now, so
/lb -IfV *
§ just take the stairs down into the back alleyway
Dodge these zombies down here to conserve
ammo and enter the shed at the end of the alley-
There are quite a few important items in here,
including a new weapon for Claire, the Bow Gun.

This snazzy gun allows you to

fire three bolts at a time,
which could kill a zombie in
one shot if they all hit. Don't
forget to nab that abandoned
steering wheel (um, Valve Handle)
next to the desk.
Don't bother opening the door on
the other end of the shed, it just
allows two zombies to enter, and then
seals itself, preventing you from ever
using it again.
Use the Valve Handle in the pas-
s a g e w ay
next to the ~
on the roof, check the
cooled chopper for
ammo, and kiss this
area goodbye.

ie Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil 2 Perfect Guide


Storage Room
Take both Red Jewels from the magic
box before making your way past the
helicopter. Ignore the strange sound
you'll hear for now.
The Storage Room has two major
items to find: The Diamond Key and a
piece of the blue animal stone (you still
have one more complete stone and the
other half of this one to find).
Place the jewels in the two busts
entrenched into the wall on either side of the
main statue in the room, and its chest will
open, revealing the Jaguar Stone Piece.
The Diamond Key is resting on a box on
the left side of the statue, don't forget to grab
it before you leave the room.

The Weapons Room, with such

Weapons Room a large number of zombies in
such a small space, is one of the more dan-
gerous rooms in the Police Station. It's also
the perfect area to try out your more power-
ful weapons.
You should visit the safe room near here
before entering the Weapons Room and
record your progress, as well as retreive the
Bow Gun (or Grenade Launcher) if it's been
There are six zombies in this room, and
they advance on you quickly, so be sure to
make every shot count. You can clear this Be sure t0 stand with Tour back t0 the wal1
room with the Bow Gun or Grenade Launcher without getting hurt if you can and fire quiokly t0 take out the zombies wan "

aim fast enough, but it's extremly hard to escape unscathed with just the derme around back here -

regular handgun.
Watch out for the zombies on the other side of the cabinets, they will leap upon
you if you turn the last corner without firing a couple of shots with the handgun
first (see screenshot to the right).
Don't forget to search the cabinets around the room for a quiver of
bolts and some film, and pick the cabinet near the other door for a vital
item, the Plastic Explosives.

Pick the look (left) and take the plas-

tic explosives (above).

The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil Z Perfect Guide 59

West Office The Interrogation Room
Wow that you
have the Diamond
Key, you can finally
access the interro-
gation room. Be
sure to nab the
Eagle Stone, and
check out the table
for the Cord.

Wow, your once-pleasant acquaintance Um, be careful when you

has been turned into a zombie! Make pick up the stone, though...
most of his body vanish with a shot
from your Grenade Launcher, and then
search the office for a box of ammo, a
note, a Green Herb and the Detonator.
Go ahead and combine
both the Detonator and Fix the Security Box
Plastic Explosives now to
create the Bomb. With the Cord in
hand, run to the
hallway past the
first magic box.
Use this item on
the security box to
close the automatic
shutters and pre-
vent future zom-
He came apart when you told him he had bies from entering.
become a zombie! Get it? Came apart? Gah,
everybody's a critic...

ie Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil Z Perfect Guide

Police Chiefs Office
Now that you have your
assembled bomb, make your
way to that demolished door
next to the helicopter wreckage,
and use it to clear the way.
You're now in the first major
area exclusive to Claire in the
1st mission of the game.
The Police Chief's Office is one
of the more disturbing areas in
Resident Evil 2, primarily thanks to the dead woman on
the Chief's desk, and his freaky dialog "explaining" the sit-
After you talk to the Police Chief, take a bit
of time to wander around the rest of the office.
The main room is one of those areas that looks
like almost everything on a shelf should be an
item, but unfortunately there's nothing you can
Once you reach the darkened room, turn
on the light switch to reveal Sherry, who,
like always, will freak around the room a
bit. After you talk to her, search the rest of
the room for a First Aid Spray, and don't
forget to take the Secretary's Diary, then
make your way
back into the
_ main part of the
The Heart Key is now laying on the
Chief's desk, so go ahead and grab it. You
should also take the diary on the chair and
then check out the painting behind the desk
for a clue on what to do with the stones.

The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil 2 Perfect Guide

Basement Hallway
Ah, Resident Evil dogs. The beasts who were respon-
sible for freaking the crap out of us in the original game
are back, but now you can return the psychological and
if i>
physical pain they dealt you last year with the help of
your newest weapon. That's right, dogs don't like the
Bow Gun.
When you first hear the "clack-clacking" of their paws on concrete, slowly
walk forward from the staircase to the thin hallway around the corner. Stop
once you enter this walkway, lower your Bow Gun, and wait for the first beast
to advance. He'll still be walking, and won't run unless you make any sudden
moves. Once he's in range (very close), pull the trigger and watch him yelp. If
As long as this dog isn't angry, you can
wait patiently for him to advance, and
you nail him with all three bolts at a close enough range, you'll take him out
take him out in a single point-blank shot.
without having to fire a second shot.

63 The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil Z Perfect Guide

~ 18/32
Basement Hallway (continued)
The other two dogs stalking the main hallway won't be quite as easy to
beat as their brother, but they shouldn't cause you too much trouble. Walk
(do not run, or the dogs could start their attack) down the thin hallway
until you reach the main area, then quickly back up a step and
wait for
either of the dogs to slowly walk towards you. Once the
dog gets close enough, fire a well aimed shot into his body.
The last mutt should appear from the opposite side of the
hallway seconds after of you take out his buddy, so keep
your Bow Gun pointed down.
If the dogs do break out into a run, don't panic. Just
quickly withdraw to the stairs, and once you come down
again, the animals you left alive will have peacefully
"reset" into their original positions.

Outside Area &

Safe Room
Once you defeat the
Grab the Ink Ribbon
dogs, walk to the dou-
and dump any-
ble doors on the far excess items here
left side of the hallway before you go any
and exit to the outside further.

alleyway. Ignore the

dog sounds you hear for now, and pick up the
Red Herb on the ground before turning the cor-
ner. The dogs will leap down and attack short-
ly after you hear their growls, so dash to the manhole and
make your way down before they can reach you.. The only Basement Safe Room is just ahead

Sherry's Quest Now youget to play in one of the most dement-

ed video game scenarios ever devised... It's up to
you to guide Sherry, an innocent little girl, through
j a dog-infested area, alone and armed only with...
First Aid Spray! A single stinking First Aid Spray!
Sure, you might be able to annoy the vicious beasts
by spraying the healing liquid into their eyes, but
then you'll just have pissed-off mutts tearing you
to pieces. So your only option is to try to dodge the
dogs and heal whenever necessary. (Mysteriously
though, Sherry can take a lot more damage than any of the adults.)
Anyway, when you enter the main area via the elevator, quickly dash to
the door to the right. Once inside, leap into the
lower area of the room, and push the boxes so they
form a line (see shot above), then climb back up
and hit the switch. Grab the Club Key from the
bookcase on the other side of the water, and don't
forget to take the map on the wall.
Be sure to find the grenade ammo
behind the door on the other side of
Waste Processing Plant before you
run back to the elevator.
For such a little girl, Sherry sure
bleeds a lot!

The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil Z Perfect Guide 63

Be sure to stop back into the safe room to pick
Outside Alleyway up your Grenade Launcher and Acid Rounds
before climbing back out into the outside allyway.
This might also be a good time to
record your progress.
The two dogs will still be prowl-
ing around in the
alleyway, so get
ready to run.
Since there's no
reason to come
back here
(unless you want to save your game
again in the near future), it's just a
waste of ammo to finish
them off.

Fun with Acid Rounds

Sure, Lickers seem tough. They're fast, have a
great attack range, and can even leap at you for
major damage. But
they do have one weak-
ness, acid.
When you re-enter
the Basement Hallway, and hear the
two Lickers making their way towards
you, don't worry A single well aimed
shot of an acid round from Claire's
grenade launcher will kill a normal
Licker every time!
Machine Room
Before or after you
scour the Parking Parking Garage
Garage for all those You're now in the most important part of Claire's
vital items, you can quest. This is where you finally... Urn, this is that
visit the Machine place that you... Actually, there's absolutly nothing to
Room. do here, other than to collect a single herb. Cool huh?
area not only
This If you're fine for health, you can totally ignore this
has a Green Herb and area for now.
map to find, it also
allows return you to
the defunct to
card reader you might have noticed on the way to
the Parking Garage.
To restore power to the card reader, just activate
the backup generator by flipping the switches in
such an order that doesn't allow it to overload. It's
really much easier to keep the arrow below the red
than it looks, On/Off/On/Off/On or On/On/Off/Off/On
Don't worry about this truck, it can't Now aren't you glad you went into the
are just two of the possible answers. be moved. Parking Garage?

64 The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil 2 Perfect Guide

20/32 £
Morgue Weapons Room
Now that the power to the Card Reader The Weapons Room is
has been re-activated, all we need now is keen not only because it
a security card. And where else would allows you to pick up more
this handy piece of plastic be, precious ammo, but gives
other than in a morgue? you the choice of grabbing a
When you enter this area, powerful new weapon or a
ignore the bodies on the floor sidepack that allows you to
for now, and make your way carry more items. The catch
to the cabinet near the back is that if you decide to take both goodies, there will be
of the room. nothing left for Leon in his 2nd scenario. So it's best
Once you grab the card, to just take the Sidepack for now (as Claire has all
use your Bow Gun to clear those grenade types to carry), and leave the Sub-
out the zombies, and head for machine Gun for Leon to get later.
the Weapons Room. Don't forget to pick up all the 30 rounds of hand-
gun ammo and an extra
quiver of bolts.

Night Duty Room

Now that you have the Club key in hand, you can open that door
in the Northeast hallway behind the stairs.
There's not a lot to do in the Night Duty Room, other than grab-
bing some more Acid Rounds for your Grenade Launcher and
checking out the Night Watchman's diary.

Press Room /I
The Club Key also allows you entrance to the Press Room, which
is located at the end of the Interrogation Room hallway. Before you head over to
this area, be sure to stop by a safe room to gather both your Grenade Launcher
and Lighter. As with any ar ea occupied by a Licker, be sure to have your Grenade
~ Launcher loaded with Acid Rounds. Once you enter the room,
stand near the door and aim down to fire on
the single Licker advancing towards you.
Use your Lighter on the furnace, then acti-
vate the 3 torches on the wall in
the order of "Queen,
King, Jack" (12, 13,
1 1 ) to make the paint-
ing in the opposite side
of the room drop the
Grab the Gear and
second role of Film as
you leave the room.

The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil Z Perfect Gi

M n n ctp r c
rU As y°u make y°ur w&y
up t0 the clock Tower,
Clock Tower
Be sure to have the
you'll find a new licker in the Main Hall SF (right up
Gear in your inventory
the ladder). When you enter the Library, zombies will
as you make your way
flop into the station through unsealed windows, but
through the Library and
unless you backtrack, this shouldn't affect you. Now
up into the Clock Tower.
head to the Clock Tower (see right, "Clock Tower").
If you've already used
the Crank, go up the
Police Chiefs Office Stairs it lowered and
If you haven't already, combine the two pieces of the insert the Gear into the
Jaguar Stone on your way to the Police Chief's Office. Machine. The door that
Once inside, insert the Animal Stones into the slots holds the second piece of
behind the painting. the Jaguar Stone will
Ignore Sherry for now and grab the note on the floor open, meaning all three
in the secret passage before entering into the elevator. Animal Stones are now
After you talk to the Police Chief, search the yours.
Taxidermy Room for a box of Acid Grenades. This is Off to the Police
one of those areas, like Chief's Office!
the office above, where
it looks like everything

is an item, but nothing

can be taken.
Before going down j

the ladder, backtrack to

the last safe room and
record your progress.
Don't forget to save!

This first boss, like

many of the major foes
you'll face in the Resident
Evil 2, really isn't that
challenging. In fact, with the Grenade Launcher,
you can beat him
in a matter of seconds.
You'll find a surplus of powerful ammo right
before you fight him (this will happen before just
about every boss), Acid Grenades in this case.
Fortunately, with this guy, Acid Grenades are
definitely the way to go. You'll need to pump as little as five Acid Grenades into
this boss to knock him down, but Flame Rounds work almost as well (about eight
shots). Regular Grenades and the Bow Gun also work, but expect to waste a lot
of ammo.
For an easy kill, you
could just run in, wait
for him to advance
towards you, and fire
away. If you use Acid
Rounds, you should be
able to kill him before he gets near enough to be
a threat. If he does get too close though, just dash
past him as he "makes" more Huggers.
The little Huggers he drops can be annoying,
These little huggers are annoying, but but you can shake them off by tapping in one
If you want to save your Acid Rounds for can be easily killed with regular hand-
future Lickers, other Grenade
Just not as well...
Ammo works.
KSS^JSr? ^ '
direction re peatedly Once they fall off, shoot the
Huggers with your handgun, or just step on them!

Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil 2 Perfect Guide

Before you leave the boss
Sherry. Now that you're taking care of her,
you can't leave Sherry behind. As any respon-
sible guardian knows, you can't enter major
parts of a zombie-infested structure without
the child at your side. Isn't this great? RE2
lets you kill baddies and learn about child car-
ing responsibilities at the same time!

1 a Once again, thanks to

i Dust Chute uncontrollable circum-
stances (damn^ automatic-
opening water drains), you'll find yourself controlling an unarmed little girl.
Thankfully, this time you won't be forced to play hide-and-go-seek with a pack of
doberman pinchers. While Sherry's in this area she'll only have a single zombie
to worry about, and a bunch of icky bugs. .

When you first take control of Sherry, travel into the lower level of the Security
Office, watch out for the zombie wandering around here, and make
your way into
H the grate in the wall near the back of the room
(you can' t pick up any items here). Be careful for
the cockroaches, they
can't hurt you individu-

ally, but if more than

four land on you at
once, it could be game
Grab the Wolf Medal
and it's back to Claire.

South Control Room Now that you have Claire back under your control, head for the
South Control Room (picking up the two Blue Herbs on the way).
here where you'll find a nice supply of
ammo, a First Aid Spray and an opportunity to
The ammo is "hidden" in the bag on the
grab the nearby note),
table, (don't forget to
and you'll find the First Aid Spray in the
cabinet next to the typewriter (where the
Ink Ribbon is located) and magic box.
Before we head down the elevator, you should
firstcheck out the locked door to the right of it.
This is the area that Sherry found herself in
before venturing into
the Dust Chute, so be sure to grab the
items shown on the map above: Another
quiver of 36 bolts, and a case of regular grenade u Mi
Watch out for the single zombie down here while
gathering the items, and don't worry about the Dust
Chute itself, Claire can't fit through.
Once you've gathered everything, climb back up Don't miss the 'hidden" Bow Gun
ladder. ammo here!

The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil Z Perfect Guide 67

Waste Treatment Pool
Before you leave the South Control
Room, go into the magic box and stock up
on items. You'll need your Valve Handle,
along with your Grenade Launcher loaded
with Flame Rounds.
Don't forget to grab the map off the wall in
the first hallway, and search the bodies
in the northern part of the sewer for
some more Flame Rounds.
You should watch out for spiders in
the sewers, as they tend to attack from above
(which can poison you). Both of the areas
down here have two Spiders each, and
can be easily evaded by running if you
you are poisoned, don't worry.
The room at the end of the sewers has
a bushel of eternal blue herbs you can use
(but not take).
Use your Valve Handle on the area shown
the left, and
save your game at
the typewriter
across the bridge.
You should use the
Valve Handle again
on the other side to
raise the bridge back up, and grab the Flame
Rounds before you go on.

While there's a super secret special method to dispatch the Croc (covered
in the back of the book in the Secrets section), we'll concentrate here on the
normal, fight it out strategy. In a twist on normal boss fights, the final blow
against the Croc must be made from a specific camera angle (at the end of
the corridor). Of course, in order to make this work, you'll still need to hit
him a certain number of times while retreating. But as long as you under-
stand when to fire and when to run, this fight should be a breeze.
The secret to killing the Croc is running away on straight paths and hit-
ting it when it turns corners. The Grenade Launcher armed with flame
rounds is the weapon of choice against this beast, and you should have plen-
If you get far enough ahead of him,
ty of ammo thanks to
you could fire at the alligator in the
the stashes you've
straightaways (top), but your best bet
is to run for the corners (bottom).
recently found.
Fire up to three shots
whenever he turns a
corner, and then just
run to the next corner
and repeat. It will take
as little as eight shots to
gll him just make sure
Stick with
Flame Grenade ammo for
boss, both acid and regular to save tne last snot
^ ^ retreating, you can't
rounds suck against him, and the Bow until you re at the very you et t0 this area.
m htm until

Gun is just a joke... end of the corridor.

68 The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil Z Perfect Guide
Dumping Area Once you've defeated the Alligator boss, make your
way back down the corridor
and open the now-sealed door
on the end. After finding
Sherry don't forget to pick up
the Wolf Medal and search
the area shown to the right
for an elusive Ink Ribbon.
Climb up the ladder and
explore the upper floors of Don't miss this hidden ink ribbon!
the waste treatment center. If you find your
way barred by the lack of a walkway, you'll
have to run back down to the area with the
typewriter and raise the bridge back up with
your Valve Handle. Search the body on the
floor next to the control panels
for the Eagle Medal and check
out the nearby note.
Use your Valve Handle (for the
final time) on the control box
next to the ladder leading up to
the giant fan, which opens a "shortcut" back
to the sewers.

Tram Station
The two medals you've found can be used on the strange
control box next to the water-
fall at the end of the
sewer area.
On your way to this
area, be sure to watch
out for zombies that sud-
denly rise out of the water.
After all three are dead, your
way to the control box will be
When you use the medals
and the water recedes, don't
'waste your time by going back and
searching the bodies on the ground.
Although it seems like they should, none of
them carry any items.
Don't pass up the storage shelf in the
I tram station, it holds handgun bullets and
flame rounds (these items won't be there
if you killed the Croc boss with the secret
1-hit method). The tram itself can be activated by pressing the button
on the nearby control panel.

The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil 2 Perfect Guide 69

Vacant Factory
Upon exiting the tram, you'll find yourself
in one of the least exciting areas of Resident
Evil 2, the Vacant Factory,
Don't worry too _
much about that strange flare cannon in the factory's sky tram station, but if
you happen to have your lighter on you, go ahead and activate it. All it does
is brighten the room for a second, allowing you to see the Weapon Box Key on
the ground. If you don't have your lighter, no big deal, just search the area
shown to the lower left for the key.
There are quite a few zombies in the hallways down here, which means you
should take every corner slowly, and don't be afraid
to shoot down a hallway even if you can't see what's
on the other end. Both hallway areas have a dead
end with items; the first has a sorta cool new weapon,
and the second has two Green Herbs.
Although the Spark Shot looks similar to a Star
Trek phaser rifle, it certainly doesn't have the power.
While its abilities are kinda cool, being able to hit ene-
mies on the ground (without aiming down) and hav-
ing the ability to hit two baddies at once unfortunate-
ly doesn't make up for the gun's overall weakness
While that flare cannon looks damn and
limited range. The Spark Shot effect does look
cool (top), it really isn't needed to neat, though, and it certainly is a welcome addition to

find the key (above). Claire's arsenal.

Hold off on saving in the safe room for right now,
and just go ahead and collect the items found in this area.
Once you gather the Normal and Flame Grenades, Ink
Ribbon and slightly-hidden First Aid Spray, head out to the
Elevator Platform for more goodies.

70 The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil 2 Perfect Guide

Elevator Platform
When you enter the
hanger, search the ground
near the rear of it (shown
below) to find a box of reg-
ular handgun ammo. You
should also grab the map
found on the the wall on
the right hand side of the
The train itself holds
both Flame Rounds for
your Grenade Launcher
and the Down Key needed to get this elevator moving.
Before you do that, however, go back to the safe room and
save your game, as you're just about to face another boss.
Once the elevator starts moving, you can't come back until
the fight is over, so make sure your
Grenade Launcher is in
your inventory, along
with a healing item or
Once the elevator
reaches its destination,
you'll be in the
Laboratory, the final area
of the game.

Once again you have another Resident Evil 2 boss to

and once again you'll notice he's really not that hard.
Although this guy swings his clawed hand fast, it really
doesn't do that much damage if it connects. Your

best tactic is to just run away from him to give

yourself a safe space cushion, and fire a couple of
Flame Rounds from your Grenade Launcher. If
the boss gets too close and starts swiping at you,
wait for him to raise his clawed hand and run
past him on the non-clawed side.
After about seven flame rounds the boss I

will raise his hands into the air briefly,

then start stumbling towards you much

ore slowly than before. This indicates

he's almost dead, and one more shot will

finish him off. Wait until he lowers his

hands before firing off that last shot, as
the damage won't register any earlier.
No other weapon is really useful, but
you can expect similar (but not quite as


impressive) results with other types of

grenades. The Spark Shot is totally useless I


though (it takes 60% power to knock him You u quickly notioe that no weapon other than
down), as is *
your Bow Gun, handgun " SU11 !T^ ter - ^ l wlth
rounds) ^^V work
will really
( 0
against this guy.

arLQ - •
- •
- KniIe -
The spark shot does look cool though!

The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil 2 Perfect Guide 7

Laboratory Security Room
The first area you'll find in the
Laboratory is the Security Room. This is
B5 the only place
to save on this
floor, so you

might as well
record your
progress now.
0f this room for
a bunch of
items, includ-
more flame and acid
grenades, a Green Herb and an
Ink Ribbon.
Now that we have so much
grenade launcher ammo, you
might want to make it your pri-
mary weapon and dump the
Spark Shot and Bow Gun for
right now.
When you re-enter this area
later, be on the lookout for naked
(ooh la, la!) zombies prowling around.
They are slow and normally
bunch together, making them
easy targets for any weapon
you have equipped.

Refrigerated ROOm wb. en you hit the fork in the Lab's cen-
tral walkway, take the blue route and head for
the frozen doors at the end of hallway.
It's in this Refrigerated Room where you'll
find a useful First Aid Spray, and face another
one of Resident Evil 2's wacky puzzles.
Don't panic! Settle down, and we'll talk you through it.
First, grab the Fuse Case on the stand. Next, go to the
machine three feet away and put the case into it.
Done, the Main Fuse is
yours. Good job!
With the Main Fuse in
hand, go back to the fork in
the walkway and place your
new item into the machine
found here. The powe r is
now on, allowing you
access to the rest of the

72 The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil 2 Perfect Guide


wr- CLAIRE '

W '

28/32 #.
Staff Quarters Once the Main Fuse is in place, take the pink
walkway and keep going down the hallway to
the normal door at the end of it. Inside the Staff
Quarters you'll find more -
Bow Gun amm o ( in thejo cker next to the door), two notes (one of
which has impor-
I tant information), and another bushel of
blue herbs. There's also a computer here that
allows you
to turn on the "Anti-B.O.W. Gas" and a hole
in the far wall
with plant tentacles flailing about.
Kill the plant by firing a single flame
grenade at it,
and then climb through the hole. Watch out for the b}
two Lickers found inside this new area. They can both
be killed with a single well-aimed grenade (of any
kind) if you've turned on the Anti-B.O.W Gas (see sec-
tion below for more information). If the gas
on, stick with good 'ol acid.
The second Staff Quarters also holds two cases of
regular grenade ammo and an Ink Ribbon.

Anti - B.O.W. Gas °K

olr you've used the computer to turn on the

switch, and now everything's this ugly green color,

what gives? Welcome to the
world of Anti-B.O.W. Gas, one of the lamer aspects of
Resident Evil 2 While
turning it on is totally optional, the effects it produces are
strange, making most
of the enemi es a bit weaker (the new Lickers now
only take one Acid Grenade
and others apparently a
to kill), bit stronger. The
questionis, "why is this
even an option?" The
overall effects are hard-
ly noticeable beyond the
weaker Lickers...
What's with the drastic
visual change for such a
small effect?

Wow that you've gathered up the items from the

last area, it's time to open up that cool metal securi-
ty door you passed on the way to the Staff Quarters.
With these doors now active thanks to the replace-
ment of the Main Fuse, just hit the red button on the
wall, and get your grenade launcher ready armed
with flame rounds.
As soon as the door fully opens, rush inside and
fir e two sh ots into the center of the two plant
tures. If you aimed
correctly, they 1

should both burst into flames and fall (Anti-B.O.W.

Gas activated or not).
Go through the door on the other end and nail
the plant creature on the ladder walkway, then go
back inside. Two more of these creatures should
have re-appeared, so go ahead and take care of
them now. This area is now clear of enemies, so
go ahead and climb down the ladder.

The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil Z Perfect Guide 73

IMi v.-

B4 Hallway
While you've met these new
lickers once before (in the
second Staff Quarters Room),
it's not until
right now
how dangerous they are compared
with their cousins.
Not only do these monsters,
complete with their single menac-
ing claw on each hand and new
earth-tone colors, look scarier than
the originals, they tend to be a bit
more aggressive. Where the first
lickers would hiss at you a bit before

Room advancing, these guys leap at you with much less of a warning,
Control and are a whole lot faster. To make matters even worse, they
On your way down this
take more hits to kill. If you did turn on the gas in the Staff
corridor, don't forget to
Quarters, they'll be a bit easier to take down (about as tough at
grab the map off the con-
the first lickers), but with the gas off, expect to spend two acid
and take your
trol panel,
grenades on each of them.
Weapon Box Key out of
After fighting the one in the hallway, watch out
the magic box. |

for two more lurking in

the larger walkway
beyond it.

My co-author wanted
me to point out how
these new lickers are
like Tamagotchis, but I
have no idea what he's
talking about...

Dr. Birkin's Laboratory

Use your newly acquired Weapons Locker Key on the lit locker in the first room
of the Lab. Inside you'll find even more regular grenade ammo, perfect for clear-
ing out the baddies in the following two rooms.
Sure, the only enemies in this section of the
are zombies, but damn it, we're getting
close to the end of the game, and it's fun
to overkill these guys. So go ahead, use
up a case of regular grenades on these
you deserve it!
After you've had your fun, grab the
Lab Key Card you'll find on the table,
and note the vaccine machine. It'll

come into play very soon.

74 The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil 2 Perfect Guide

Network Administrator's Room
Sure, those cockroaches were a pain, not to men-
tion damn scary, but you haven't seen anything yet.
That's right, once you step into the Network
Administrator's Room, you've stepped into hell; oth-
erwise known as the lair of the Giant Moth!
Calm down! Everything's going to be fine, just stick
with these vital instruc-
tions: When you see the
Moth, shoot it a lot!
This beast is weak and
slow, not much of a
threat. .

After the Moth is dead,

clear off the computer
with a grenade (why not?)
and enter your name as

Resident Evil 2 Wacky Fun Land

Resident Evil 2*s Best Violent Death Scenes
w A few days ago, Connie Martinez from the local Channel 2 "Action I

News" came on TV and told me that I should not buy Resident Evil
A for my non-existent children this Christmas, because its scenes of
graphic violence will rot their minds. While the dogs and zombies
kill you in much the same way, I can't wait to see how Connie's
gonna freak when she sees these new additions in the sequel!

wife 'lm

law w
Plantswrap their petals around Leon, Angry llckers smash Leon's head into A very happy alligator tosses up and
and when they open, he's short a head. the pavement. (Jumping attack only) catches his new toy.

Mission 2's Tyrant knocks you down Mutation Pour, 2nd form. Leon goes in, Mutation Two: His rare uppercut finish-
and smashes your head with his boot a cascade of blood comes out. ing blow savagely skewers Leon.

The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil Z Perfect Guide 75

G-Capsule Room
After you've entered your finger-
prints into the computer, go back to
that locked door in the other main
hall to activate the first of a two part
lock. Claire will never be able to get
inside, but by doing this, you allow
Leon to enter in his 2nd mission.

V.A.M. Room V
you need to create a vaccine for
Sherry, but need a base substance,
where would you go? That's right, you
need a V.A.M. Room!
Luckily, you'll find one of these areas
next to the sealed door in the "blue"
hallway. Open this room using the card
key you just found in the Lab, and
get your
There's a bunch of zombies
in here, but if you take it
slow, you should be able to easi
ly take them all out.
Once the room is cleared of baddies,
look for the Vaccine Case on the mobile
bed next to the door, and
turn on the red switch
on the wall. When B4 Hallway
the V.A.M. machine With the Base Vaccine in hand, rush down to Dr.
come on, place the Birkin's Lab in the lower levels. Be careful though, as
case into it, and walk the trek down won't be quite as easy as you might
to the control panel think.
near the surgery Naked Zombies now stum-
tables. After you fin- ble around the hallways in pi

ish the process, take the lower level, so have your

the MO Disk on the weapon ready. There's a cou-
table next to the ple of zombies in the hallway,
V.A.M. control panel, and a small pack in the room j

then remove the fin- beyond. If you are hurt,

ished Base Vaccine don't forget about the two |

from the machine. Green Herbs found here.

You might as well use |

your Bow Gun against

these guys, because
frankly, you'll never really
need to use it again in the
game. Once they're dead,
your passage to the Lab |

S — 13 should be clear!

76 The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil Z Perfect Guide

Dr. Birkin's Laboratory
Place your Base Vaccine into the blue Vaccine
Elevator Room
The huge door in the hallway leading to the Lab can
Machine near the rear of Dr. Birkin's Laboratory, now be opened, thanks to that MO Disk in your pocket.
and. watch the magic begin. After you receive the Once inside, push the button near the large doors on
finished Vaccine, head back out to the Control the other side of the room, and get ready for a final
Room hallway, and save your game. Once you've boss encounter. Once he's defeated, the path for
recorded your progress, go to the magic box and Claire's escape should be self-explanatory, and there
grab your grenade launcher, plenty of flame are no more enemies to stop you.
rounds, the MO Disk
and a couple of heal-
ing items, as you are
about to face the final
You can also forget
about Sherry for the
rest of the game, as
the cinema here
explains, thank God!

Well, this is it,

Claire's final con-
frontation. You're
at the end of the 1st
so don't be afraid to use up
everything you've got.
The final boss' first form isn't really
that fast, and can be easily hit from a dis-
tance. It's when he hunches over, though,
that the trouble begins.
Use your flame rounds, and the first
form will fall within five shots, but be sure
not to be too close when he changes. His "dog"
form is quite a bit harder, and your best bet is to
stay a medium distance away at all times. If
you're too close, the dog will charge and "munch"
on you (causing huge damage), and if you're too
far he'll leap and nail you from the air. Watch
your health meter, and keep yourself above
"Caution" as many of his attacks could kill you
in this status. Keep firing at him with your
grenade launcher, and you'll finish him in under
Although his first form looks intimidating, the He'll sometimes jump on top of the
final boss isn't really a problem until its second
ten more shots.
canisters to get a better look at you.
form. Don't let the timer Shoot him before he can jump away!
be a distraction, you
should have more
than enough time to
beat this boss. But be
forewarned that you'll
need to finish him
with at least a forty-
- five second cushion to
If you when he charges,
re too close „
this boss will munch on you a bit, and
maKe a sate getaway.
take off major damage.. Keep an eye
This is the form to look out for... on your health! Nail him with flame grenades.

The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil 2 Perfect Guide 77

Leon's Second Mission of Claire's first mission
This scenario can only be played upon completion

When you first enter the Police Station's back

entrance, head right (towards the camera) and
dodge the two zombies on the way to the small
office found on the other side. Once inside, quick-
City Street ly grab the key, and head back out the way you
came. The zombies will
Just as with the begin-
be a bit closer than
ning of Claire's game, you
before, but there should
start Leon's second mission
still be enough space
on the city street. This time,
between them to run
however, you start on the
through. With your
opposite side of the flaming
new key in hand, avoid
the zombie near the
Like before, you must
shed entrance and
make your way to the Police I

make your way inside.

Station, but this time it'll be
just a bit easier. The street has no items to pick up, so
don't bother waiting around, just zig-zag through the Thp QhpH The Shed now contains a box of
zombies found here. The easiest way is to run along the regular handgun ammo, an Ink
bottom of the screen to pass Ribbon and a type-
the first, then run up past writer (but don't bother
the baddie near the hot-dog to save yet).
stand, then run in-between As in the mission
the final two. before, if you attempt
to open the door you
And, well, that's it!
just came through, two
You've made it to the Police
Station compound, easy eh?
zombies will spill in, so
don't try returning.

Resident Evil 2 Perfect Guide

Back Alleyway & Roof
On your way to the
actual Police Station
building, you'll have
to dodge a few zom-
bies that are stagger-
ing around the back
alleyway past the
Don't bother using
your weapon to clear
these guys out, since
you should have more
then enough room to
safely run through
them, and you'll
never be coming back
down here.
Ignore the burning
helicopter for now.

Hallway & Safe Room

The birds found in this hallway can once again be easi- m
ly avoided, so don't waste any ammo killing them. The first Green Herb of the scenario is near the begin-
ning of the hallway, and there's a box of handgun bullets on the downed police officer.
The door at the end of this area leads to the hallway with the burning helicopter, and an encounter with
two Lickers. To easily avoid these guys, just dash straight towards the other door, and you'll
be able to make it inside before they have the chance to reach you.
The first Safe Room holds an Ink Ribbon, a box of 30 bullets, the first Small Key and a diary
You can hold off saving for right now, as we'll be back here in a few minutes.

e Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil Z Perfect Guide

The second floor of
Main Halt 1st Floor the Police Station's Main
Hall right past the first safe room. There's nothing in
between you and. the emergency ladder, so don't worry
about running into a zombie on the way. After you
activate the ladder, you could travel to the other
side of the second floor to get the Unicorn Medal
(see text below), or you could just climb the ladder
The only real reason to go to the main hall right
now is to pick up your Shotgun. It's sitting on the
table near the typewriter and computer. You can
also grab the Ink Ribbon found here, but once
again, there's no reason to save at this time.
If you did pick up the
Unicorn Medal already,
ahead and place it into the stat-
ue like before. You'll get the
Spade Key, but you can't use it
just yet.
After grabbing the Shotgun,
make your way back upstairs to
the safe room.

Main Hall
2nd Floor
You'll find a bit of zom-
bie opposition past the
emergency ladder on the
second floor of the Main
Hall. There's five zombies
stumbling around on the
walkway between you and
the Unicorn Medal. Once
you take them all out,
remove the medal from the 3 East Office
crest at the end of the After you acquire the Shotgun, make your way
walkway. back into the crow-filled hallway past the first
Don't worry about any of safe room. The first door you'll see in the hall-
the doors in the Main Hall, way will lead you to that outside staircase, allow-
they're all locked, including ing you a path to the first floor. If you are

the Library. wounded, don't pass up the three Green Herbs

found in this area.
When you first
enter the East Office,
don't forget about the
box of ammo you can
find on the dead offi-
cer. The door on the
other side of this hall-
way is still locked, so
there's no reason to
even trv ^ow! ^ hese stairs finally prove to be
* it '

80 The Completely Unauthoriz Resident Evil Z Perfect Guide


After you clear Drjrjf You might want to

the room of zombies rVUUI save your game
and items, leave the before venturing out here...
same way you came. Use the Valve Handle as you
While the blue doors did in the previous game to
are unlocked, the extinguish the fire, and then
surprise behind them search the 'copter for more
isn't pleasant, and shotgun ammo. Find the shells
should be avoided for now, as you won't be able to
If you go through the blue doors,
right now... expect a painful surprise waiting... come back here later. Jm

TYRANT - 103
When you re-enter the hall-
way after putting out the heli-
copter, you'll notice the crows
are gone... But they've been
replaced by something much
The main difference you'll
see between a character's nor-
mal and second mission games is the addition of the
He hlts with a wide swing first Then follows with a hammer blow.
Tyrant- 103. This bad-ass new enemy roams certain areas of Raccoon City, giving you a challenge (and one hell
of a scare) whenever he appears.
Although you can run away or knock this guy down with enough shells (check out the monsters section for
more details), he never actually "dies," meaning there's no way to permanently stop him from coming back. The
good news is, he gives you ammo after falling, so you
rarely waste bullets. The only problem is the amount
of damage he can place on you before he falls. Be sure
to hit him with a strong weapon, and remember, if he
connects with a wide swing, you can run past him
when he raises his hands to perform a hammer blow.
Check out his body after each time you knock him
down, and these items could be yours (listed in the
order you should meet him): 30 bullets, 30 bullets,
Shotgun Shells, Magnum Bullets, Magnum Bullets,
Magnum Bullets. We won't ruin the experience by No matter how many times you kill

telling you exactly when to expect him. Good luck! him, this Tyrant keeps coming back.

The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil 2 Perfect Gu

Storage Room way
that the fire is out, you can make your
past the previously burning helicopter.
The Storage Room is just as sparse with items
as it was in the last game, but now it carries a
slightly different selec-
tion. There's a Blue )

Key Card on the boxes

now, and (when you I

get both Red Jewels) a

different major item |

will now be in the stat-

ue's chest. Oh yeah,
have your gun ready when you take the |

key card, um, just for the heck of it...

Unlock Doors You'll notice a change

Now that you have the Waiting Room when you first enter this
Blue Key Card, go back to previously-safe room, and find yourself confronted
the Main Hall and access by three zombies. They move slowly, and you should
the computer. have more than enough time to safely take them all
Three doors will unlock, out before they become a threat.
including the library. If Once the room is clear, take this time to dump
you enter, zombies will excess items off, and pick up a now-useless note (the
invade rooms in the lower one with the safe
West Wing that would oth- combo in it).
erwise have been free of Although we don't
enemies. recommend it, you
For now, let's just hit the could use your Small
door that leads to the Key on the drawer
lower West Wing. found here to get
more Shotgun Shells,
but you really should
save the key for later.

File Room If you bothered to get the

Spade Key, you can use it
for the first (and last) time on the door found
in this hallway. The File Room is as it was
before, sans a vital item. Although there's
some good stuff in here (like that semi-hidden
Ink Ribbon and a First Aid Spray), there's no
real need to enter.
Don't miss the ammo on the guard outside.

Resident Evil 2 Perfect Guide
Briefing Room
This time you have a
reason to enter the
Briefing Room right away.
Not only can you use your
Lighter to immediately get
the first Red Jewel, you
can alsofind a box of
ammo "hidden" among the z
junk in the back room.
You also shouldn't pass up
the note on the table.
On your way to the
Briefing Room, make sure
you have your weapon 6 " *ss
* ready "just in case" any-
thing might happen. Not
that anything could hap- you skipped the
pen in this nice safe hall- Safe Room If
library, you'll notice a lack
way, but you just never of zombies in the stairwell. Pick up the two
can tell... Green Herbs near the safe room before entering,
then go ahead and save your game.
Besides the Ink Ribbon, and the locked cabinet
(check out the Secrets section for more details
on how to open it), you can find handgun bullets
in the cabinets next to the magic box.

S.T.A.R.S. Room
number of zombies between you and your goal
on the way to the S.T.A.R.S. Room, where you
can pick up your Magnum (finally!) and that
"hidden" box of ammo (see picture below).
After you clear the room of goodies, go to the
now-unlocked door at the end of the hall.

After you have fun almost running after Sherry,

you'll find both the Diamond Key and a box of
Shotgun shells in the Lounge.
You should use your Small Key on the drawer here, and the Handgun
Parts will be yours. Once combined with your regular handgun, this modi-
fied weapon allows you to shoot up to 3-shot automatic bursts. Cool eh?
Even once you're done in here, do not go into the library!
Instead, backtrack the way you came. .

The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil Z Perfect <

C "r UII °
When you first enter the
Weapons Rooni) De sure to
have your gun ready for Huh... Nevermind.
Although there's no enemies in here anymore, the
Weapons Room still has items for you to collect. The
drawer in the back has a roll of film, and you can find
more shotgun Shells in the drawer facing the main
room. Unlike in Claire's scenario, you can't open the
drawer near the door to the West Office.

\A/pq4- The West office, unlike the

VVCoL Qffjpp
Vylll^C fi V st mission, is now populated
with zombies. After taking these guys out, check out
the desk in the smaller office for the Heart Key, and canvas
the rest of the room for other items.
There's another Small Key on the table on the other side
of the room (meaning you can
now grab that Shotgun ammo
in the Waiting Room next
door), a Green Herb on the
floor, and a box of regular
handgun bullets in the locker
near the exit to the main hall.
Once you finish up in here
it's time to hit the East side of
the Police Station.

East Wing!
When you first enter the
East Wing from the Main
Hall, have your magnum
ready. When you go
through the door you'll have a zombie on either side of
you. Quickly spin around and blow off the head of the bad-
die behind you, and run towards the wall he was against.
If you do this fast enough, you'll be able to dodge the zom-
bie who was quickly approaching you from behind. Once
you have your back against the wall, go ahead and bring
out the shotgun to take down the rest of the five zombies
left in the area.
The hallway beyond has no |

enemies in it, so your path to

the interrogation room is open.
You'll find a licker on the |

ceiling in the far interrogation


room, along with a box of

ammo. The "real" interrogation I

room holds a Rook Plug, a First j

Aid Spray, and a surprise.

Resident Evil 2 Perfect Guide

In the Nortneast Hallway, on the
Pis\ QPIDPnt
MCI L way t0 the basement, you'll notice
a small surprise. A dog is now guarding this area, but
he can be easily taken out. As soon as you enter this
room, dash forward a bit to change the cam-
era (see picture to left) and open fire with

your shotgun before the mutt gets to close.

The actual basement hallways,
however, are free of enemies.
There's still the two dogs guard-
ing the safe room outside (check
out the Secret section for a cool
trick that can be performed
here), but that's about it.
You can do the stuff in the
Machine room now if you wish,
but really won't mat-
ter until you get the
Club Key.
you're done down
to the parking
garage, and your way to the
Prison will be opened.

1 ^

When you first enter the Prison, be on the lookout for a roll of film on
Prison the table near the gate separating the cells from the hallway. After talk-
ing to Ben (one of those reporter types... oh, never mind), grab the Manhole Opener from
the shelf, and check out the cell next to his for a Green and Blue Herb.
When you first enter the kennel, you are presented with a couple of options. Sure,
you can just go down the manhole, but what of that barking? Oh! It's JoJo and Rocket,'
those loveable Police Dogs! Now, you can either shoot them
in their cages, or free them by picking up that Red Herb at
the end of the room. If you decide to free them, these
happy show their
appreciation by licking your
I face and jugular, but they
might accidently get rough,
so have your shotgun at the
After the dogs are
dead... er... gone, check out
the first cell for another blue

The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil Z Perfect

Sewer Tunnel
The main thing to worry- Similar to the brief
about when entering the quest with Sherry you
Sewer Tunnel area is Giant had during Claire's
Spiders. scenario, it's up to you |

These creatures need to be to guideAda through .

watched out for. Not only do the same area, this

they advance swiftly from time populated by I

areas you might not expect zombies. But unlike Sherry, Ada has a gun and
(ceilings and walls), their plenty of ammo, so don't hold back when drop-
attacks can leave you poi- ping these zombies. You'll only face
soned. about four baddies here, but keep an
1 r
There are only two doors extra eye out for one crawling around
in the hallway leaving this <^ on the ground.
small sewer. The first is a To get the Club Key, you must once
safe room, the other is a again go into the room with the boxes.
strange "I" shaped room As before, just push the boxes into
you'll be visiting again later. ^1 position, then slap the button on the
control panel to cause the water to
rise. Once the pool is filled, cross the
water on the boxes to the other side,
A and grab the key from the shelf on the

other end of the walkway.

m\ There's also a box of shells Ada can
grab for Leon if you travel straight
K down from the Club Key room. If you
go down the elevator, and into the
room you started as Sherry in Claire's
quest, you'll see the box.
Once you grab
these items, make
Parking Garage your way back to
When you regain control where you entered
of Leon, go back through the this area from, and
sewer area, and return to the your quest as Ada
basement. is at a close.
There will be a small
change when you hit the
Parking Garage, though, as
this once-clear room is now
being patrolled by two dogs.
They run at you quickly,
so have your gun ready!

Unlike the Parking Garage, the Basement hallways

Basement are still thankfully free of enemies. Since you now
have the Club Key, this would be the perfect time to enter the three rooms
down here and go after the "special" item left here after Claire's game.
If you were greedy during Claire's scenario and took both of the items, you
might be a bit disappointed, as the Weapons Room won't have much to offer
you this game besides some more ammo.

86 The Complete Resident Evil Z Perfect Guide

" J

i ft LEON
(2nd Mission)

1 0/20
Machine Room
Just as before, the Machine Room allows
you to turn on the backup power, enabling
you to use the card reader outside of the
Weapons Room door.
And just as before, turning on the power is
a cinch. Pretty much any combination of
switch flips works if exactly three of them
are "up." The easiest ones to remember are
"up/down/up/down/up" or "up/up/down/
down/up," but again, there are others as well.
Once the power is back on, don't forget to
grab both the map on the shelf, and the
Green Herb near the door.

Your venture
into the morgue
this time won't be |

quite as surprising

as before, but I

expect a bit more

of a challenge.
The two Lickers
now found in this
room will jump
and attack almost as soon as you enter, so
have a large weapon ready.
The Red Card Key can be found where it
was last game, in the cabinet near the back
Weapons Room of the room.
After you use the Red Card Key on
the door outside, your passage to the
Weapons Room will be open. Inside you'll find
an assortment of goodies, including a nice
Night Duty Room
supply of ammo, and if you were thoughtful Unlock the door in the
of Leon's feelings last game, at least one "spe- Northeast hallway with your
cial" item. newly acquired Club Key, and
For ammo you'll find two separate boxes of help yourself to even more
regular handgun ammo and a magnum clip. ammo. The Overnight Room
There can be up to two items waiting for you has both a case of Shotgun
in the lockers on the far side of the room. If shells in the lockers in the first
this is the first t ime you've ventured in here, room, and a magnum clip in the
you'll have both a bedroom past
Sidepack (giving the fallen
you more space in guard.
your inventory) You should
and a Submachine also pick up
Gun waiting. the note on the
After you've pil- bed on your
laged this room, go way out.
back upstairs.

e Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil Z Perfect Gv

Press Room The King Plug
The other door the Club Key opens is the way into the On the way to the Chief's
Press Room, an area that only holds a single item. Of course, office,stop by the safe room
it's an item you need to complete the game. To pry the Gear and pick up your two Red
off the painting, you'll need to solve another simplistic Jewels. Then bypass the open
Resident Evil 2 puzzle. door next to the copter for
As with Claire's game, just now and go back into the stor-
light the furnace on the far side age room. As before, place
of the room with your pre- the Jewels into their respec-
equipped Lighter (handy, eh?), and Shazam! The
tive places,
and turn the torches so they King Plug appears!
ignite in this order: 12, 13, 11. Take the plug and stick it
Once they are lit, you'll see the into your magic box, then
Gear fall. Pick it up and head for head back out to the door
the Chief's Office. next to the helicopter.

Now that Claire blew open the door, Leon can

enter the Chief's Office for the first time.
Chief's Office Unfortunately, there's no longer a crazy Police
Chief in here talking big about his
taxidermy, but I guess that would
be asking too much.
What you can find, however, is
the long-missing Crank and the
wacked-out chief's diary, along
with the Secretary's scribblings.
Both the Crank and secre-
tary's diary are in the back
room, where Claire found Sherry in the last game. Strangely
enough, although there are clues that Claire has been here (no
body on desk, along with no chief), the "secret" door behind the
Police Chief's workspace is still sealed, and |

the Stones haven't been put into place.

Anyway, before you leave this area,
don't forget to grab the Chief's diary on his
chair for some fun reading. With the Crank
in your possession, all you have to do now
to finish the Police Station is make your
way to the Library, where the last two
Plugs await! Be weary of the new Licker I

stalking the second floor of the Main Hall.

When you first enter the Library, you'll hear a

Library crash, and see zombies flopping in through windows.
What does that mean for you? Now, nothing. If you
went into the library ear-
lier though... Check out
the next section for
You solve this puzzle
the same way as before,
by making the book
shelves match the pat-
tern shown above the

88 The Complete Resident Evil Z Perfect Guide

After you finish this
[Library (cont) What if.
Sure, that library door has
puzzle and grab the been open most of the game, and
Bishop Plug, take the Red Herb near the door, then it's been damn tempting
to go in there and
climb up the stairs to the third floor. Once again do... well... library-type things. But why have we
unlike Claire's earlier quest, there's no opposition stopped you?
Remember that crash you heard when
waiting for you on the third floor walkway. first entering the library, and the zombies that
Use the Crank and Gear as normal, but when the in the windows? If we had caved
gone in there too early, all
door opens and you grab the Knight Plug, you'll now those nice and clean
hallways we skipped through
have the option to leap down into the Prison. Prom would have been littered
with zombies on our subse-
here go back into the sewer through the kennel. quent visits.
In fact, if you didn't use the Cord to close the shut-
ters in the last game, you would have an average of
eleven more zombies to blast your way through, and
K that amounts to quite a
bit of ammo. Even if
you did close those
z •

emergency shutters,
there would still be a sig-
nificant number of new
baddies wandering
around that wouldn't
have otherwise. Why
waste the ammo if you
don't have to?

The flrst boss of Leon s second mission is an


all-new encounter, and can be considered more

%# fe? flL-g difficult than most of the major foes you faced in
the original mission.
To get to this boss, go back to that "I" shaped
room we told you about earlier past the sewer
area. Record your progress in the safe room
first, then grab your strong weapons and all four
When this form of Sherry's father first Boss death sequence part
appears, he'll wrest away a pipe from the
handrail to use as a weapon. All of his attacks
are with this pipe, so keep an eye on it.
If he connects with you, expect to see your
character fall flat on his face, Slam on the controller in an attempt to
revive Leon
before this boss can hit again. There's a chance he'll hit you multiple
times before
you can rise and run out of range, and while this won't amount to a high degree
of visible damage, if Leon is hit enough times he "
just won't get up, no matter how healthy he might
Run past him on
the opposite side of
his pipe when possi-
ble, and keep hitting
him with your
Magnum. After
about six shots, he'll
totter back and
forth, swing wildly, This bossis relentless in swinging his pipe

and at you.Watch out, because if he knocks you

fall off the edge.
down, you might never get up again.

The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil Z Perfect (

North Supervisor's Room
The North Control Room is similar to the
firstsewer room you reached with Claire last
game (the South Control Room). They both
have a place to save and exchange items, as
well as offer ammo, healing items and a pas-
sage to a lower level (with its own goodies).
Check out the
small red chest for a
box of 30 bullets.
The cabinet holds a
First Aid Spray and
the Ink Ribbon is
next to the type-
writer. Sewer Fun with Ada
If you push the
Once you go downstairs, you will be put in
Icontrol of Ada. Use this opportunity to clear
cabinet out of the
Iout the two Giant Spiders that lurk in the only
way, a passage to
sewer area you can venture through. You should
the lower level will
have more than
enough bullets to
Down here you Itake care of them.
have to light the
Don't worry about grabbing any of
lamps using your lighter before -
the items, as the game won't even let
you can gather a Magnum Clip
you. Instead, follow the chick up the
and more shotgun shells.
ladder and through the fan. Be careful
of the cockroaches in here, they can't
really hurt you unless too many attach.
Um, then, just like in real life, you'd die.

S. Supervisor's Room
After you find yourself back in Leon's
body, bypass the way Ada went for now, and
check out the South Supervisor's Room on
the other end of the hall for tons o' goods.
The locked door in here contains lots of
ammo, and can be unlocked using the Small
Key found on the dead
guy to the northern end
of the sewer.

5 Q a

90 The Completely Unaut Resident Evil Z Perfect Guide

(2nd Mission)

Sewage Treatment Room the Sewer Boss
When youenter the Sewer as Leon, don't forget If you didn't "cheat" to kill the boss in one shot the
to check the dead bodies for both the Small Key and last time you made it down here (as Claire), you'll have
Wolf Medal. And as before, don't go into the Sewage to face him again.
Treatment Room without your Valve Handle. Now, if you want to be a wimp, you can still kill him
If the Giant Spiders did nail you, don't worry, as
in the "one shot" fashion our Secret section details, but
there is an ample supply of non-takeable blue herbs
come on! Be a man! Take him down! Ignore the screen
when you first enter the room. shot I have below!
Be sure to grab the Shotgun shells, two Green Ifyou've forgotten how to kill this, how should I say
Herbs and the ink ribbon on the other side of the it, only real "fun" boss in RES, check out his section in
bridge. Use the Valve Handle once more and save
Claire's walkthrough.
Unlike last time, he'll
slump over dead after
you hit him with the
final shot, allowing you
ample time to look over
his corpse.
Congrats! Now go see
f how Ada's doing, and
don't forget about that
— Ink Ribbon on the way.

Sewage Treatment
Room 2F
Once the boss is dead, talk to
Ada on the other side of the dump-
ing area. If you are hurt, don't
waste a First Aid Spray or herb,
she'll heal you back up to full
You'll find the Eagle Medal in
the same place as before on the
second floor of the Sewag
Treatment Plant. Don't miss
the note on the table next to
the body.
After you're done here, use
the Valve Handle on the fan con
trol panel to open up an easy pas
sage back to the main sewer.
When you find yourself back in the sewer, head
Sewer Fight! towards that door behind the waterfall- type-thing.
When the zombies rise out of the water,
you'll find yourself in the coolest part of
Leon's mission, and the main reason to play
him. That's right, it's time to sit back, and let
Ada kick ass! Walk to a corner, stand behind
Ada and grab a cold one, she'll protect you
with her life.
After she mercilessly kills every zombie in
sight, proceed to the blocked off door and get
your coins... er... Medals ready.
Sky Tram Platform
You'll notice two major changes in the Sky Tram
Platform, one is that there's no longer items on the shelf, and
the other is there's no tram in the station. While you can't
do much about the lack of items, making the tram appear is
as simple as hitting a button. After you flick the switch on
the control panel, and enter the tram, you'll
find yourself in another scenario where Ada
will end up saving your ass. Sure, that hand
is ugly, and the those claws are sharp, but
Leon's fay hair
will deflect every
blow, so don't
worry about tak-
ing damage...

Vacant Factory
get towatch Ada take out every baddie in the place. Once again, just lead the zombies towards your
female companion, and watch her drop them in their tracks. It's totally cool, not only because you're
cleaning out the zombies without lifting a fin-
ger, you're also saving tons of ammo.
After Ada has her way with the baddies inl
the hallway, grab the parts at the dead end in
the first hall and modify your Shotgun. Not only
an I does this allow your little boom-stick to fire aj
more powerful blast while at the same time giv-
ing it a higher shell capacity, this modification |

also gives the shotgun a really cool new Sound!

Really! Blast away, try it for yourself!

98 The Completely Unauthorized

(2nd Mission)

Elevator Platform
You might notice a slight change here...
Before you worry about the missing platform,
we might as well grab all the goodies from the
room. You should be able to find ammo for both
your shotgun and magnum, along with another
First Aid Spray and an Ink Ribbon.
To bring the elevator back up, you've got to go
down to the small platform and make your way
into the lower control room. The key is located on
the desk on the far side of the room. >
Don t forget about the two
After you grab the Up Key, backtrack to the main items in this area: a box of normal
control room, not forgetting to pick up the hidden reg- buUets ln the hanger, and a Magnum
ular handgun ammo at the end of the hang- Clip in the train.

er. Use the key in the safe room, then take

this time to grab your more powerful
weapons and record your progress, as
you're just about to face another boss.

B^SllPC ™
s guy is visually
IfZiZi m** m^ similar to the first form
of the last boss in the
normal game, but you'll notice a few differ-
ences. Mainly, he's not as easy to knock down.
The primary idea here is to run around and
nail him with your more powerful weapons,
but be careful for his special attacks. When
this boss raises his hands and advances
towards you, keep clear If he connects a sin-
gle blow while in this stance, expect to get hit p-
quite a few more times, and to take some major
damage. He also likes to mix up the fight a bit
by jumping on top of the train, and then leap-
ing down behind you a few seconds later.
As long as you keep running and fire quick- |

ly enough, you shouldn't have a problem. It'll

take 14 shots from the shotgun or 10 from the
magnum to knock him out of the fight.
Watch out when he's in this stance!

.pletely Unaut
When you exit the train, walk around to
Laboratory Level 1-3 it, and you'll see the exit from
the front of
this area. The ventilation shaft drops you off in a
hallway with an elevator, which is unfortunately not
working at this time. To advance to the lower levels
of the laboratory, you must first find the power
source for the elevator.
The first floor of the basement has a moveable box
we can ignore for now, and a Green Herb next to a
* *> * mm *. magic box. When you take the small elevator down,
you'll find both an Ink Ribbon and a box of Shotgun
shells next to a typewriter. There's nothing else you
can do on this floor for now, so take the other small
elevator down to the next level of the basement.
This is where the power switch is for the elevator, but it's guarded by two
Lickers, so have your Shotgun at the ready. Once you clear the room of the
Lickers, go to the end of the walkway and flip the switch.
Make your way back up to the first hallway and enter the elevator, after hit-
ting the "down" button, you'll find yourself in a familiar area.

Laboratory Platform
Yes, you're probably excited about re-visiting
that great Security Room, to fill up on ammo and
healing items, and to even perhaps save your
game. Well, don't even bother, as Claire apparent-
ly locked the door behind her. So for right now, you
might as well vent your anger on the naked zom-
bies wandering around this area, and then take off
to the central hallway. If you desperately need to
save your game, go back up the elevator.

Refrigerated Room
With the power out again, it's up to you
to find themain fuse and restore energy to
the heavy doors. Unfortunatley, that means
you must once again match wits with the
game's development fiends, and somehow
find out how to create the main fuse.
Now, once again, don't let the fact you
find the Fuse Case only feet away from the
machine that modifies it into the Main Fuse fool you
There must be a deeper, more profound answer some
where, there must!
The Staff Quarters could have one of two scenarios
Quarters waiting for you. If you killed the plant found here in
Claire's game, expect to get attacked by a group of
naked zombies. On the other hand, if you left the
plant alive, it'll still be writhing around alone in the
Along with the Lab key found here, you can also
grab an all-new weapon in the locker near the door,
the Flame Thrower. This baby is perfect for taking
out any kind of plant form, and will cause the tenta-
cles in this room (if they're still around) to burn to a
crisp in a matter of seconds. When your way is clear,
crawl through the hole, and
get ready for two lickers on
2 -- .«*«

the other side. They'll beg

grouped, so you could take Hf 3
them both out in just two Bit
blasts with your shotgun.
* if*
There are two boxes of
shotgun ammo here, along
with an Ink Ribbon.

Dr Rirlcin'Q Dr Bi]*in's Lab

\->\ .dii mi o i_au has the key ycm need

to open that locked door in the basement, which

is vital to explore if you wish to beat the game.
On your way down, remember to watch out for
the group of plants behind the heavy metal door
atth^otaT^ren^ofthe hallway. If you still have
'1 your Flame Thrower
equipped, just run in

there as soon as the
door opens, and spray liquid fire death over the
plant dudes. The one right outside on the stairwell The three "new" lickers down here fight
will fall just as fast. fastand hard. Be sure to have your shot-
Once inside the Lab, grab the "Mugnum Parts" in ^
at the ready!

the weapons box, and try out your new toy on the naked zombies littered around
the main room. The Power Room Key is on the table where the Lab Key Card was
found in Claire's mission.

Moth ROOm The Moth's room is just as dangerous as it was

during Claire's game, but at least now you can see
the fruit of your labors. After you have your life and death struggle
with the mighty Giant Moth, sign into the computer once again as
"Guest" without a password, and enter your fingerprint.
If you did this during the last mis-
sion, and logged
into the door to
the G-Capsule
room on the
other side of the
Labatory, you
have a surprise

e Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil 2 Perfect

r^_Par\C[j|p Room guarded,
Wow, you're now able enter the most heavily
and most secret area in the game. Sadly
though, besides looking nice, it really wasn't worth all
the time and energy you spent on gaining access.
I mean, it looks cool and all, and supplies you with the
Submachine Gun, or ammo if you already have the gun,
but that's it! Why would a room that requires you to do
certain actions in both of the characters' games to enter
give you this lame of a prize? Sure the gun is keen,
but you're in the last ten minutes of the game, who
cares? It seems as if this room was originally going
to be where the Tyrant stalking you originated
from, but as the cinema near the beginning of
Leon's second mission portrays, this is apparently
no longer the case.
You might as well enter this room if you can; at
least you'll have a cool rendered room to look at,
and some nice naked zombies to kill. Oh, speaking
of naked zombies, that one on the floor isn't dead,
in case you haven't fallen for that trick enough
times yet...

A M Room'items
Vv.rv.ivi. As ^ has no maJ° r
or storyline
aspects, entering the V.A.M. Room is
totally optional in this mission.
There are two plants waiting for you
inside the room, giving you perfect target prac-
tive if you just got Leon his Submachine gun
for the first time. But ultimately, there's noth-
ing else in here other than a single Magnum
Clip found near the surgery tables (where the
MO Disk was).

^KnK?itnK\/ P\/Pl Now that you have the Power Room Key,
CJLUl y Lt.
V tJI 1~0
an(j have finished up everything you'd need
to do in the rest of the lab (if not, do it now!), we can begin the final steps to open
up that locked door in the basement. On your way to the power room, you might
want to equip a good, loaded weapon, because you look studly holding it. Uh, yeah.
To reach the door, you'll have to push the large box on the top level to the small
elevator. When the elevator has been lowered, shove the box downwards a bit,
then get on the left side of it. Push it towards the right until you hit the metal
rod, then get behind the box. Now shove it upwards until you hit the railing, and
get on the left side of it once more. It will only take a small push for it to hit the
bar on the right side, lining it up perfectly for the path shown in the shot on
the lower left hand corner.
After you push the box to
the end of the corridor,
climb up it and go into the
power room. After the
events in here occur, grab
the Master Key on the
floor and go back to the
Security Room for Sherry.

Resident Evil 2 Perfect Guide

(2nd Mission)

Wel1 this is it y°u re in tne last area of Resident Evil 2, Congrats!

Tr3ID There's ' '

not much you can do here without first finding the Platform
Key in the back of the train. Once you have it, open the gate to the rest of the
terminal, take a look at the strange area that has a magic box and not much else,
then take the stairs over the train.
Your goal here is to restore power (again?) to the train and main gate, so grab
those plugs found in the secure locker, and make your way into the final room.
Before you go on though, make sure you save in the train.

When you face the

Tyrant's final form,
expect a slightly more
opponent than
you've faced
Old tactics
won't amount
to much with this
Tyrant. He certainly
moves a
bit quicker than before, with
lightning fast rush attacks and multiple
body blows. Normal weapons won't even
faze him, but a shotgun or magnum blast
could cause him to pause for a second or two.
Your best bet is to keep moving, dodging his bum
rushes while always looking for a clean shot. Of
course, as with the final Tyrant in the original
Resident Evil, your current weapons are nowhere
near powerful enough to stop him for good.
When a mysterious woman (Lara Croft?) throws
down your final weapon, one shot is all it will take.
Aim well, because you'll only have two chances. You're an amazon Leon!

TYriin Platform Now the Tyrant nas been finished and

power is restored, go back to the train platform and
open the main gates.
Watch out for the multiple naked zombies now
lurking around here, and hit the switch on the end
of the platform. If the timer is running out, don't
worry, the game is just about over.
Now, we could be lame and tell you what's next,
but what the hell, let it be a surprise. Just make
sure you have some ammo left...
Good luck!

The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil 2 Perfect (

This scenario can only be played
completion of Leon's first mission.

City Street & Rear Entrance

Separated from Leon by a burning Oil Tanker, Claire begins just northeast of the Police Station's rear
entrance. The 2nd Mission City Area is very brief.
As before, you'll want to run past all of the zom-
bies staggering around both the city street and
police station parking lot. The rear door is locked,
but you can find the Cabin Key in the little office
at the far west of the lot. Just grab the shiny
thing on the desk and get out fast, or the zombies
will have time to line up and ambush you as you
try to run back to the shed door on the east.

Police Station Back Alley

The parking garage connects to this familiar location, just beneath the police
station's roof. Unfortunately, neither the Bow Gun nor Valve Handle are here this
time, just a box of ammo and an Ink Ribbon. Pocket the ribbon- no point wasting
it so early in the game!
Once again, your best option is to simply run from
the zombies hanging l~

around the alleyway, and

make your way up to the
roof, where the helicopter
is still burning away, just
like it was at the beginning of Leon's quest. You'll
get the Valve Handle out of the East Office in just a
few minutes, but first you'll want to take a little trip
to get Claire some firepower.
(2nd Mission)
f {

02/20 £
g (Second Floor)
The insanely powerful
Grenade Launcher is Claire's
next weapon, and. it's only a
few doors away Weave
through the hallways lead-
ing from the roof to the sec-
ond floor's safe room, stop-
ping only to grab the box of
ammo that the corpse in the
crow hallway possesses.
Try to run in a zig-zag pat-
tern in this area to confuse
the crows, and you should
be able to get through
The hallway beyond that,
with the burning helicopter's cabin, is
now being guarded by two lickers.
Luckily, this pair of lickers seems to be
heavily sedated, and won't do much I
more than stare if you just dash through the first door
that leads to the second floor's save room. Pick up the
double pack of handgun ammo and ribbon, but don't
save quite yet, since you'll be coming back through here
in just a few minutes.
Head out the other door to the main hall. You'll hear
zombies, but they're all bunched up at the other end
and won't offer any opposition if you head
straight for the ladder. Grab the Grenade
Launcher on the desk and head back the
way you came. Save your
game, and take that sel-
dom-used outside stairway
down to the first floor.

You can start mowing these guys down now

if you want, but we won't be needing the

treasure they're guarding until a bit later.

East Office & Hallway
There's a ton of stuff in the East
Office, so make sure you have plenty of
space in your inventory to hold two boxes of
ammo, a Green Herb, Acid. Grenades, an Ink
Ribbon and the all important Valve Handle. Take
the side stairs down (plenty of Green Herbs there
if you need 'em) and, as in the first mission, just
find a safe spot behind a desk and start shooting.
Before you run back up stairs to put out the
helicopter fire, let's have a bit of fun. If this is
your first time playing as Claire, you probably
don't know the joys of composite grenades.
Commonly referred to as "Regular Rounds," this type
of grenade launcher ammo tends to be ignored
because it's weak on bosses. But what people fre-
quently miss is that it's the best mass-killing weapon
in the game. Yep, more powerful than the Custom
Shotgun and twice as much fun, composite grenades
can wipe out any zombies stupid enough to stand
together in a large group. The hallway outside of the
East Office is a wonderful place to test this weapon.
Even a Shotgun-toting Leon would have to wet his
The combination? Still 2-2-3-6. sus-
pants and run as soon as he opened those blue dou-
pect that I'll remember that 'til the
day I die...
ble doors and saw a six-pack of zombies ready to
pounce. But with the composite
grenades, it's just turn right, shoot,
turn left, shoot, then cack-
le madly as raging flames
reduce your foes' bodies to
cinders. Oh, but make
sure to pick off any sur-
vivors with your handgun before
si "J. m ,
^ that last step.

8 rt

100 The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil 2 Perfect Guide

Interrogation Room
As long as we're in the neighborhood, let's
stop by the unlocked side of the Interrogation Room.
Take about two steps, and a deep-breathing licker will
drop from the ceiling and attack. Quickly change to
Acid Rounds (to swap ammo types, select the new type
and "Combine" it with the Launcher), and pop the lick-
er a good one. Lickers, as a species, don't take well to
acid, so use Acid Rounds against them whenever pos-
sible. Your prize? Fifteen whole handgun bullets! Golly-gee-whiz! Maybe we
shouldn't have bothered.

know what to do up here: Turn

Pof)f theYouhandle, out comes water. Make sure
you search the helicopter for the hidden Acid
Rounds now, because you'll never be able to come
back here once you go back into the second floor
When you do go back inside, something will be
waiting. Use those Acid Rounds for a quick kill.

As soon as you re-enter the once crow-

TYRANT-103 infested hallway, you'll be face to face with
your new nemesis: Tyrant- 103. This relent-
beast likes to appear at the least opportune moments to com-
less, unkillable
pletely scare the crap out of you and give you a good beating to boot.
The strategy to defeating him is simple: Grenades. Use Acid Rounds if you
have them (only 4 shots to drop him), and Flame Rounds (6 shots) if you
don't. If you're very accurate, you could finish him with 7 Bow Gun shots,
but if you can't afford to expend even that, your best bet is just to run. You
can get past him easily by letting him hit you
once (the swing does about as much damage as a
single zombie bite) and dashing past. But if you can knock him down, you can
search him for ammo (30 handgun bullets this time, but the prizes get better
in later fights), which frequently makes killing him a profitable endeavor.
Tyrant will appear again, but we're not going to
tell you when he does. Not here, and not on the page
where he appears. Why? Because we love you*, and
spoiling his surprise entrances would deprive you of
some of the finest video gaming moments you'll ever
experience. You may not appreciate this at the time,
If you don't mind taking a hit, you can get
but you'll thank us one day. These strategies hold
behind Tyrant fairly easily. After his wide
true for all of his appearances, by the way.
swing connects, he'll start an overhead
blow that's super easy to dodge, so you
can escape or shoot him from behind.
Once he's dead, search Tyrant for a
box of thirty bullets. On subsequent
Tyrant fights, searching him will get
f * you another box
Bow Gun bolts,
ofammo, a quiver of
a case of Regular
Rounds and a case of Acid Rounds.
Note that the order in which you fight
ft ,
P him may vary depending on which
x \ routes you take through the police
station, but the above item list should

takes 19-27 handgun rounds to

be accurate if you follow this walk-
It kill Fortunately,you should have more
Tyrant... Not a good idea. than enough Acid Grenades left!

*(but not like that)

Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil 2 Perfect Guide 101
™^ ?|Ufl Storage R oom & Main Hall 2F
Now that the fire is out, the
route to the Storage Room is
clear. On the box where you
once foun d the Diamond Key
you'll find the Blue
Card Key, finally
allowing you access
to the West Wing.
Bring your Acid
Grenades, you may
have to fight a licker
on your way out.
Head out to the
Main Hall and go pick
a fight with the five
zombies meandering
around by the
entrance to the
library. Pump a couple of boxes of handgun bullets into their chests, and the
item they were guarding will become clear: The Unicorn Medal. Stick this into
the statue on the first floor and, as in the first mission, you'll receive the
Spade Key. Grab it and head west.

West Wing (South Side) There are a couple of zombies in

the waiting room, so tread carefully.
You can see the first one and finish him easily, but be ready for an ambush if
you dash past the wooden partition too quickly. Don't worry if you take a bit
of damage, as there's a First Aid Spray in the lock-pickable drawer and an herb
further down the hall.
Whether there are zombies in the hall or not depends on what Leon did back
in the first mission. If he got the Cord and used it on the circuit box near the
shutters, this hallway should be free and clear... for now. If not, expect to fight
a number of zombies in the passages ahead.
The file room The oirouit
box ig gtm going? 0h] now r
now contains remember why I you do that whole
the Lighter cord thing back in Leon's walkthrough,

instead of the
Crank, but the Ink Ribbon is still where it

used to be.

102 The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil 2 Perfect Guide

West Wing (North Side)
Not much has changed in this region. The Briefing Room still has the mas-
terfully hidden Red Jewel, and a lovely box of ammo hidden in a corner. The safe room still has a type-
writer, box, and Ink Ribbon, and the Dark Room is still, er, dark. The only real surprise is in the
long hall-
way that connects them all... It may seem quiet when you first enter the area, but you'd better believe me
when I say it won't stay that way.
If you did the whole shutter thing, the hallway
with the staircase should be pleasantly empty (and
stay that way). If you didn't, you should be ready 2F Hallways &
with some heavy artillery when you open the door
that leads there. S.T.A.R.S. Room
Oh boy! Another opportunity to
enjoy the thrilling statue-pushing
puzzle. Take the second Red Jewel
and head to the S.T.A.R.S. room.
You'll find the hallway eerily
quiet. There are no zombies there now, but one will appear
in an event as soon as you
The Unicorn Medal, for obvious reasons, is now
gone, and has been replaced by the Diamond Key.
Beyond that, you'll also find the Bow Gun, a moder-
ately useful Claire weapon. Although far weaker
than the Grenade Launcher, the Bow Gun can still
kill a zombie or dog in one shot, provided your aim
is good and your foe is at very close range. Other
than that, there's not much going on here.

The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil 2 Perfect Guide 103

Second Floor Lounge
The five (!) zombies here may have
missed little Sherry running through
their midst, but they're not going to miss
But hey, that's certainly fine with me!
Load your launcher with composite
grenades, wait 'til just the
right minute, and BAM! I got
all five with one shot. That's the biggest single shot mass kill I've ever seen, all thanks
to those beautiful composite grenades. God I love 'em. Let's take a minute to admire
the carnage, shall we? Look at that blood splat! The flames! Yeah, it's good to be
Claire. No foppish hair, no hideously concave cheek bones, no bad attitude, just a
lot of good old-fashioned bloodlust. Mmmm.
Right. Anyway, grab the box of ammo out of the locked drawer and then turn
right back around and march downstairs. Do not go to the Library! As soon as you
set foot in there, the shutters will short out, and the zombies will begin flooding the lower
West Wing. Since you don't need any of the items in there yet, you should definitely ignore
it for now.

The Weapons
West Office Room is com-
pletely free of zombies, but there are
still a bunch wandering around in the
West Office. They come at you pretty
quickly, so this might be a good time to
test the the Bow Gun's zombie killing
In addition to the box of ammo and
Green Herb, you'll find a Detonator on
the desk in the office. Stick that onto the Plastic
Explosives you discovered in the locker in the weapons
room (the one that Leon couldn't open in his quest), and
you'll have a bomb that you can use to blow open a path
to a new location.

But before we go rush-
ing off to set that bomb,
let's use up the Diamond
Key in the far side of the interrogation room. In addi-
tion to an always useful First Aid Spray, this room con-
tains the Eagle Stone, the fi rst of a series of animal-
themed stones that Claire T
collects instead of those plug
things that Leon collected.
Once you've collected the
other three, located in the
Storage Room, Library, and
Clock Tower, you'll have the
key to the Sewer system.

104 The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil 2 Perfect Guide

(2nd Mission) mv
08/20 f
Police Chiefs Office Storage Room
Now that you have the bomb, you can Remember to pop back
get into the first of a handful of areas that into the Storage Room to
Leon was unable use your two Red Jewels.
to get into during As Claire, you'll get the
his first mission. first half of the Blue
Go to the hall- Jaguar Stone.
way on the sec-
ond floor where
the helicopter
crashed, and set
your bomb near
the smashed door. It will
blow open, allowing you
entrance to the Chief's
The Chief is a very bad
man who does very bad things. Leave him be for
now, and go look for Sherry in the rooms beyond his
office. Once you've found her (and a box of ammo!
Whoopie!) head on back and you'll find the Heart Key
on the Chief's desk, and his diary on that comfort-
able-looking leather chair.

This once peaceful hallway is now crawling with dogs...

Well, one dog anyway. If you want to practice shooting
dogs with your Bow Gun, now would be a lovely opportu-
nity. The trick is to aim down, wait 'til he's as close to you
as he can be without having his fangs around your throat,
and FIRE! If you're lucky, you'll hit him with all three
arrows, but you probably won't. Now that I think about it,
there is absolutely no reason to use your Bow Gun here,
except for the fact that it makes a cool Ka-CHUNK noise
when fired. You'd probably be able to take him a lot easi-
er with just your sidearm. Afterwards, check the spot indi-
cated on the photograph for another wonderful case of
Acid Grenades.
The basement hallway contains absolutely nothing in
the way of enemies, making it surprisingly easy to get to
the next safe room, and begin Sherry's little solo quest.

The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil 2 Perfect Guide 10S



Outside Alley and Safe Room

While there are
no dogs -
longer *

prowling the base- 1

ment hallway, the 6 OTBS 8
pair that guard the T'
outside alleyway are i

still around. These

two nasty creatures
work together so
effectively that
you'll probably get nailed a couple of
times if you try to fight them with any-
thing less than Composite Grenades.
Which is actually a pretty good option,
now that I think about it. But personally,
I just ran.
Wait to save your
game at the safe room
until after Sherry's
completed her quest.
She's incredibly tough
and with only a handful
of zombies to evade,
there's no chance that
she's going to fail at her

e Sherry's Quest

The Sewage Treatment Area is a lot like it

was when you were playing as Ada. The only
difference this time is that instead of having to
worry about being killed by dogs, all you have
to worry about is being vomitted upon by slow-moving, dim-witted zom-
bies. jH
Just dash on through here, push the boxes in the northernmost room
on the water. Cross over and grab the Club
until they line up, then turn
Key, then go back to the small room in the Southwest for a
case of regular grenades that you can throw to Claire after-

"Have you seen my Daddy?

106 The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil Z Perfect Guide

(2nd Mission)

Basement Area
Before you go running
off to play in the parking
garage, don't forget to
clear out all of the base-
ment rooms. You know
the drill: Turn on the
power, go to the morgue
(which contains no zom-
bies but has two lickers, this
time), snag the Red Card Leon was greedy during his first mis-
sion, you won't even be able to get
Key, open up the door to the
in here.
Weapons Room, and gorge
yourself on ammo.

5 7

Prison Area
Mow that Leon and Ada have pushed away
the truck, Claire can get into the Prison area,
something she was unable to do in her own
There are a bunch of mediocre items down

Sew VoTof*
new SLMnJ
roil 01 Iiim
Cana a ton Of
1 nd
eXf But thet hP
Only real reason to come down here is to get the
^ are two dogs ta the
^ <*>»> tw ° ™" <*™^
dead body in the prison area, and still two more in the kennels. I thought I'd
out with the handgun here, but their tenacity inspired me to look for
tough it
more extreme
Crank, which apparently Leon dropped by the metn °ds. So i whipped out the composite grenades...
manhole, after he shut it firmly behind him (and released the dogs on
Claire, that jerk!). Grab the Crank and head back to the station.
The route
to your final Animal Stone is now clear.

A waste of ammo? Yeah, probably. But

composite grenades can pop canine heads
while leaving the rest of the body intact!

The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil 2 Perfect Gui<

Night Duty Room & Press Room
As before, your Club Key allows you
access to these final rooms of the Police
Station. There's a free case of Acid
Grenades in the Night Duty Room, and
you can solve the Queen-King-Jack puz-
zle in the Press Room to get the Gear.
The licker in the Press Room is gone
now, but that doesn't mean you should-
n't bring Acid Grenades anyway.

Library & Clock Tower

Make your wayto the
Library in the west wing of
the station's second floor,
being careful not to be surprised by the licker who's wait-
ing for you in the upper level of the Main Hall.
Cross the library (it's at this point that the circuit box
shorts out, filling the lower story of the west wing with
zombies), solve the simple bookcase-pushing puzzle, and
pick up the Serpent Stone.
You have only one stone left to go, and that's in the
Clock Tower. Stick your gear into the clock's workings,
press the button, and you'll find the second piece of the Jaguar
Stone. Put them
together to save
space in your
inventory, grab
the Eagle Stone
from your box
(unless you've
used it) and head
to the Chief's Office.

Police Chiefs Secret Area v

Plunk all three of your stones into the paint-
I ing behind the Chief's chair, and the route to his
secret lair will open. Damn! Don't you just love
the actor who plays the Chief? I love hearing
him deliver basically nonsensical lines like: "and
to think that taxadermy used to be my hobby"
in his cooler than cool Shakespeare-In-
T h e - P a r k
accent. I truly
am sorry to see
him go.
grab the Acid
Rounds, and
follow the Chief

108 The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil Z Perfect Guide

This 2nd Mission
H -JJw
At? ^»
only boss isn>t t0 ° dif -
but his ability t0
kill you instantly forces you to take him
Load the Acid Grenades you just got, and hit
him as many times as you can before he gets
within pole range. When he does, wait for him
to swing, then charge past to the other side to
finish him. Never let him corner you. If he
does hit you, get up and get out of there as
fast as you can, or he'll launch into an overhead
swing that will kill you
instantly no matter what your health is.
Six Acid Grenades should put him into his death throes,
so count them off
or you might accidentally shoot him when he's already
dead. When he's
about to die, he'll start swinging wildly, so make sure he
doesn't have you
stuck in a corner when he does.

Willy B. goes for the killing blow. There's nothing quite so thrilling as a cool death sequence.
See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya!

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The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil Z Perfect Guide 109
North & South Supervisors' Rooms
After Claire fin 1
ishes raiding her
own safe room,
she can run
across the T-
shaped hallway
J and into Leon's!

The developers have placed this zom- You'll have to find and light two torch- v.ofnr'e hut
SlDie Deiore, out,
bie, in the basement of Claire's safe es in the basement of Leon's safe
room, in a really nasty spot. Be very room to get the items. since he already
careful. And hey- No Smoking! lowered his elevator 4
during his 1st mission, Claire can now get in
and clean that out too have to push aside
a cabinet to get into the underground area). T
Enjoy your shopping spree, I assure you
that you'll never get another opportunity
to stock up on items as great as this one.
All told, you should end up with three
green herbs, 45 1
Z ^ 13 rounds of regular
ammo, 36 bow gun

bolts, 18 grenades,
two Ink Ribbons, and a First Aid Spray
You'll never run out of resources again!
i B

Sewer Area Map

when yOU began the

Sewer Area Entrance sewer area, Sherry was
sucked away while Claire was
apparently busy scrutinizing
the mildew on the sewer wall.
So, what happened to Sherry?
You'll have to play Claire's 1st
mission to find out, Sherry's
2nd quest doesn't happen in the
2nd mission. Don't worry about
looking for her- she'll find you.

110 The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil Z Perfect Guide

Sewer Tunnels
Once you've looted the supervisors' rooms, the
Sewers become very simple. Provided you
remember to bring your multi-use Valve Handle,
all you need to do to get out of here is grab the
Wolf and Eagle Medals, plug them in the door,
and make your way to the sky tram station. The
Wolf Medal is easy to find; it's among the corpses
First grab the Wolf Medal here. To piled just to the left of the first sewer tunnel.
save space in your inventory, drop it
The spiders are easy enough to dodge, but
The Eagle Medal requires you to go all the way
into the two-medal lock when you pass
by it in the next tunnel. you should have a ton of extra ammo by this around to the second floor, however. Since the
point. So why not indulge yourself and have fan is on, you can't take the
direct route, and will
some fun? have to head west, then south through the area
where you fought the Crocodile, to get up to the garbage pile where Leon and
Ada were reunited. From there, you can head to the second floor, provided you
remembered to turn the Valve Handle a second time to move the panel back
up so you can cross.

Croc's Tunnel
Unless you killed the
Alligator boss for good
Lower the bridge so you can cross, during the first mission,
and then raise it again when you get
you're going to have to
to the other side.
face him here. To recap
about this guy, you can
beat him by shooting
him ten or so times
with a shotgun or flame grenades and making
him run away, or you can beat him in a single shot by tricking him into eat-
ing a gas canister and then popping it with any weapon you have, blowing
head off and killing him for good.
The downside to the one shot kill was that
it doesn't give you any ammo in the Sky|
Once you've fought the Croc (if applic- Tram Station afterwards. Well guess what?
able),cross through the garbage pile,
It's not going to give you any this time no
and grab the Unicorn Medal here.
Then use your Valve Handle to turn
matter what you do. So if Croc's still alive, L
off the giant fan and cross the cock- run away from him until you get to the flashing light on the
roach-infested tunnel. side of this tunnel. Press the button, watch him happily chew
on the canister a bit, then split his head in two with one
well-placed handgun shot. If you do fight him with regular
tactics, you'll still kill him, but not as dramatically.

As you make your way to the door-locking

machine to insert the final medal, a number
of zombies will rise up and attack you from
all sides. Knock one down and run past it so

you're no longer cornered, then fire away. Sewer 2F Map

i i

Sky Tram Platform
Plunk your Medals into their clearly marked slots,
then head north for the Sky Tram Platform. After you
reunite with Sherry, hit the button to make the train come
(there are no items in the platform this time), and you're off
to the basically unchanged Vacant Factory.
When you disembark, you can light the
flare gun with your lighter, or just search
the area shown in the picture for the
Weapons Box Key. Grab a somewhat pow
erful weapon
(the Bow Gun's
nice) and head

VaCant FaCtOry There's a corpse at the end of the left fork of the first tunnel. You can't
see anything, but he's actually holding the Spark Shot, an experimental new weapon designed by
friends at the Umbrella corporation. Unfortunately, the mechanical weapons division of Umbrella seems
to be lagging a bit behind their chemical
weapons division, as they've basically invented
a gigantic taser that doesn't do much of any-
thing well. It can hit ground based enemies eas-
ily, which is good, but the Spark Shot fires slow-
ly, has poor range, and doesn't do a whole lot of
damage. It's pretty to look at, but in areas like
the Vacant Factory, where there's an enemy
7 tr
around every corner, you need to be able to kill
enemies far more quickly than the Spark Shot
is capable of doing.

112 The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil Z Perfect Guide j^griflflj

(2nd Mission)

Elevator Platform
Uhhh... something's definitely missing here.
Well, I guess Leon took the only lift, so Claire's
going to have to explore the area beneath the plat-
form to look for a way to bring it back up.
Fortunately, the Up Key is right down there,
stuck in a control panel. Swipe the key, but take
a minute to check out the monitor with the flash-
ing light before you head back up. Apparently this
isn't going to be as easy as it seemed.
Return to the safe room to meet back with Sherry

and plug that Up Key into the control panel there, items in this area: A case of Flame
Leon's elevator (claw hole and all) rises back to the Rounds here and a box of normal
surface. He left the Down Key in the slot out- ammo at the far end of the PIatform -

side, so just give it a twist and hop on

board. After you save your game, of
T~l W^^.


3 rr 14 r-

BOSS This guy is pretty

much just a variation of
the first form of the last
boss that you fought in the First Mission. Sure
looks cool, though.
Basic hit and run tactics are the key here.
The main threat from him is his nasty four
arm, four-hit combo. He can only do this when

at you, so when he's When he gets close, fire. He'll raise

in this state, stay far his arms to retaliate, allowing you to

1 just dash past him.

• away. But if he's not
in that state, you have
an opportunity to
_ A » . 'if* dash past him. Shoot
him 'til he starts to
raise his arms, then
run. You should be
able to get past him
unharmed easily.
I'll level with you: The Spark Shot sueks. It's all about Flame Rounds!

The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil 2 Perfect Guide 1 IS

Claire's lift stops fully three levels
Laboratory Level 1-3 higher than Leon's did in his first mis-
sion. Your first priority is to get back to that familiar territory, and fortu-
nately it's a fairly easy mission to accomplish.
Crawl through the ventilation shaft shown to the left, and you'll be in a
room with an item box and an elevator. Take the elevator down a level, and
you'll find a typewriter, Ink Ribbon, and a case of Flame Rounds. Keep going
until you find another down elevator, and take that to Level 3.
An unfriendly pair of lickers may cause some problems, especially con-
sidering the default camera angles here make it difficult to aim. Try to lure
them out into the angle shown here, so at least you'll know when you're hitting them. As usual, Acid
Rounds are your best bet.
When they're dead, run to the end of the hall and turn on the main elevator's power. Now you can
take the elevator at the end of Level l's main shaft all the way down to Laboratory Level 4, where
Leon's lift stopped.

Security Office j

The naked zombies army

with them quickly

I'm recommending... Heh heh heh.

The security office has a few nice items and a much-
needed typewriter and item box. If you're running low
on Ink Ribbons, wait to save until after you've restored the power, since
there are no enemies that will get in your way of that simple quest.

Refrigerated Room
You probably remember how all of this goes. Run
down and take the blue path to the refrigerated room, |
grab the Fuse Case, trade that in for the Main Fuse,
and plug the Main Fuse into the generator at the cen-
^52 ter of the three-way fork. Now the power will be
back on, allowing you access to the
rooms at the end of either area.

14 The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil Z Perfect Guide
(2nd Mission)
1 8/20
Staff Quarters
If Leon managed to kill the plant in the
corner of this room, then it will be dead in
Claire's 2nd mission, but the room will be
filled with three zombies. If he didn't, the
plant will still be there (Claire can kill it with
Flame Rounds) and the zombies will be absent.
You get the Lab Key Card here, which is much
sooner than you did in mission one, but it only
gives you access to a couple of optional rooms you
don't ever really need to go to anymore, like the room i
with moths and the VAM room.
Hit the shutter back in the hallway, then shoot two
incendiary grenades right between the plants to kill
both. Go outside and kill that straggler, then come
back and kill the new ones. Now you won't have to
worry about plants anymore... For a while, at least.
Dr. Birkin's Lab & Moth Room
Bring a lot of Acid
Grenades with you when
you head downstairs, as
there's a pack of hungry
lickers in the hallway out-
v *„
side the control room that
can cause serious trouble
if they're not dealt with
quickly and decisively.
Compared to them, the zombies and moth that
guard these two rooms are complete pushovers.
Spend some of your new regular grenades to kill
the zombies in overly dramatic ways, and pop the
moth with a couple of Flame Rounds. You should
be able to fry it before it even gets off its perch.
The only item in the Lab is the Power Room Key,
which is used way up in Laboratory Level B2. And
I the only thing to do in the Moth Room is, of course,
sign in with the "GUEST" password.
When all of that is taken care of, head out to
the control room to watch an event unfold on
the monitors. It looks as though Sherry has
only minutes to live... Well, there's no way
we can make it in time, so let's mess
around a bit more.

i Geez! You're practically drowning in reg-

ular grenades now, so have some fun with
'era. Pretend your launcher is a Shotgun,
3 _rr
and aim upwards on nearby enemies and
1 fire. Whooopie! Takes their head and half

their torso straight off.

lompletely Unauthorized Resident Evil Z Perfect Guide lis

G-Capsule Room
It's not that I don't care about Sherry. It's just
that, well, she'sa tough little kid, and she'll fig-
ure something out. Besides, haven't you just
been dying to find out what's behind this double
identity lock door? Yeah, let's take a look inside
the mysteriously named G-Capsule Room...
Hmmm... Really cool scenery, new Devo-ish BGM,
and a bunch of naked zombies. Whatever.
The only prize here is the Submachine Gun, or, if
you already have a Submachine Gun, a Submachine
Gun clip. Wow, a mod-
erately powerful gun
ten minutes before the
end of the game. Be
still my beating heart.
But hey, at least it's a
damn cool looking

V.A.M. Room Laboratory B1-B2

Uh, now what? Let's see, we've done all the
major rooms, everything seems to be settled... Oh,
right! We left Sherry on the brink of death 45
minutes ago. Silly me, forgetting that.
Well, we certainly don't want to miss that, so
hop back in your elevator and head down to
Laboratory Bl. Your Power Room Key can open
the door to the last unseen room of the Lab, but
only if you can get there. To get up to the lock,
you'll have to make a little staircase for yourself
The once proud V.A.M. by pushing that big black block from level Bl onto
ow of
is now just a shad-
its formal self... It
J^MHHBHH ^ e e l evator ancl then from there over to where the

3 other blocks are, as in the sequence below. Don't

contains nothing but a I worry too much about getting it right, as the route
box of regular grenades,
I is designed in such a way that it
i! J-JnE^J would be really
and a bunch of plants hard to get stuck. Then hop onto your makeshift
who did not seem partic- stairway and go watch the fun.
ularly terrified Afterwards, head back up level B5, and make
by my new your way to the room where you placed the fuse in
uzi. the generator. Bring the Master Key back to your
elevator, and you'll be just about done.

116 The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil 2 Perfect Guide

ElTIPr^PnrV Tf^in» Hop onto the train and run all the way to the
&^"K7 ' '
back you'll find a typewriter, Item Box, and

the Platform Key. Grab a powerful weapon from your box (Acid Grenades if
you got 'em) and make sure you leave at least two slots open. Head back out
of the train, and the countdown begins. Take the catwalk over the train, grab
the two Plugs, and run over to the Southwest corner to slide them into place.
As soon as you do, you'll get an unexpected and particularly unwelcome,
extremely nasty, and unwholesome visitor...

This area doesn't really have any-

thing to do with anything... It's just in
case you need to unload a couple of
items to hold the two plugs.

You only have

to hit
Tyrant a few times (as
little as twice with the
Acid Grenades) before
you'll receive the
Rocket Launcher,
the weapon needed
to defeat him. But
even that can be
_ difficult. If it's
only one or two shots, just take whatever hits he
dishes out and hit him fast. If it's more, try to run
around a bit, but always stay fairly close to him, or
he'll break into his charge and potentially hurt you
badly. When the Rocket Launcher appears, lure him Running away from Tyrant is a losing
proposition, since he's much faster
away (or he'll keep hitting you when you try to pick than you are. The only time you want
it up) and then just point and shoot. You have only to risk it is when you need to lure him
two rockets, so make sure your aim is good. away from your Rocket Launcher.

T r3 D P 3 tf 0 Tin
Before y°u get on the train and ride away into the
annals of gaming history, you have to run around
the front of it and open the gate. A pack of zombies has appeared to make
the task a bit more complicated, but you should have the spare ammo to deal
with them without having to expend too much effort. If you s till have a
Rocket left over, P
resist the temptation
to obliterate one of
the zombies and
save it for a bit later.
You never know when might come in handy...
When the gates are open, get back on board,
run to the front of the train, and throw the
Goodbye, Raccoon City...

The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil Z Perfect Guide 1 17

HUNK I If you've played RE 2
TOFU Tofu is the strangest
extensively, you've seen the ^ To secret in the game by far.
bitchin ' FMV midway The He's literally a giant block
through the game that of tofu (in case you don't

rvivor I
Umbrella S.W.A.T.
troopers to Surviy know, tofu is fermented
bean curd, a staple of food
retrieve the G Virus from in Japan) who squeaks

<;AM^ siaki
William Birkin. Remember when he walks, sweats pro-
at the end of the sequence
fusely when he runs, and
how it appears that all of
turns pink when he's dam-
the troopers died? Well, one of them escaped the fury of aged. He also spouts out amusing Japanese expressions.
good ol' Billy B. His name is Hunk, and you can play as In order to play as Tofu, you must beat six scenarios
him if you're an awesome gamer. (three complete games) in a row, and obtain Hunk along
Your mission is simple but quite challenging: Achieve the way. This means: You must beat a 1st scenario, then
an A ranking on either 2nd scenario (see below for the 2nd scenario, then the I

details on how to get an A ranking). After you beat the 1st scenario again, then the
game and the A ranking screen appears, you'll be given 2nd scenario again, then the
the option to save a game with a normal character (pos- 1 st scenario again, and
sibly with infinite weapons). finally, the 2nd scenario
But then, the real fun again. (At the end of the
begins: you'll also be able to first or second 2nd sce-
save a game featuring nario, you must get Hunk.)
another scenario, " which Be sure to save the game at
means HUNK! the end of each scenario, so I

Hunk starts out in the you're continuing the same game you originally started.
sewers, and his task is to Tofu is given the virtually impossible task of surviv-
escape the R.RD. with the G ing Hunk's scenario with the knife as his only weapon.
Virus. He must get to the WHAT?! Why?! Our theory is Capcom included this
roof, where he 11 be able to
' bizarre character to challenge (more like torture) all the
call an Umbrella helicopter to get him the hell out of Japanese gamers who beat RE 1 in under 2 hours with
there. Turn the page for some tactics to help you sur- just the knife. (It's true; dozens of them sent in tapes to
vive, thrive, and conquer. Japanese game mags to prove it. It became a crazy fad!)

game you beat the on
Infinite weapons are a
special reward i

either scenario with Leon on* for skilled RE 2

players. If you beat the
you are given a ranking
Claire, 1 st scenario with a& A or B Ranking in

from A to E. The game bases under 2 1/2 hours, you get an Infinite
the ranking on several factors, Rocket Launcher. In the 2nd scenario,
including how long you took to there are two possibilities. If you simply |

finish, whether or not you beat the 2nd mission with an A or B

used any special weapons (a ranking in under 3 hours, you get the
special weapon is defined as Infinite Submachine Gun. If you beat the 2nd mission
any one of the three Infinite with an A or B ranking in under 2 1/2 hours, you get
Weapons described to the right), and how many times an Infinite Rocket Launcher, Submachine Gun, AND the
you saved your game. To get an A ranking, you must awesome Gatling Gun! Let 'er rip!
beat the game in under 3
hours; a B ranking is 3 - 5
hours; a C ranking is 5 7 - 1-HIT GATOR KILL
hours, and a D ranking is over Here's a secret trick to kill the
7 hours. However, your rank- Gator boss. (Why is this here? Just
ing is lowered by one if you because!) When he starts advancing
use any special weapons or if on you, you'll notice a yellow light on
you save more than 12 times. the left wall. Search it and a canister
E is the lowest ranking possi- will fall to the ground. When the
ble. gator chomps down on the gas canister, shoot the can-
ister and the Gator will explode into bloody chunks!

1 18 The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil Z Perfect Guide

Begin the game on normal difficulty on
BRAD VICKERS the 1st scenario. Play through from the
beginning without picking up any items.
When you reach the gate before the R.P.D., take the lower stairs around the Police
Department's front yard. Assuming you haven't picked up a single item, in the
lower section you will encounter a special zombie wearing camouflage pants and
an orange vest. Say "hi" to Brad Vickers, who you might recall as the pilot of the
chopper that airlifted Chris & Jill out of Resident Evil 1. Time has not treated
him kindly, but at least he's no ordinary zombie. He's super powered and takes
far more hits to kill than any other zombie. Which, of course, is a pain in the -

tuckus when you haven't been picking up any items. You can try to kill him now
with a combination of your limited Handgun ammo (not nearly enough shots to
kiU him) and your Knife (uhh, good luck), but a better idea is to pass him and
Use the ghot int andJ Look

at the
head into the R.P.D., brataonBra|r
grab a Shotgun, and
come back for him. (Once you've made Brad appear, you
can feel free to grab any items you want, and when you
return he'll still be waiting for you.) Like any zombie,
Brad's susceptible to a close, one-hit shotgun decap if you
aim up at his head.
Get Brad to lunge at your feet and he's an easy kill. Now take the key
However, if you're feeling REALLY saucy, the coolest
Brad is to get him so he s facing you, then
to dispatch '

walk slowly back so that he'll lunge at your feet, and you can kill him with a single boot smash. It costs you no
ammo, you only take 1/8 of your health in damage, and you don't have to waste time searching for weapons and
returning. This method requires a bit of practice and patience but it's sooo worth it. Dispatch Brad with any of
these techniques, search his corpse, and you'll be rewarded with the Special Key, which can be used to unlock the
secret costumes (see below). (Note: To fight Brad Vickers in the 2nd scenario, you must have encountered him in
the 1st scenario. He'll still be hanging in the same area. Don't worry, you can pick up items along the way!)

Once you've obtained the Special from Brad
Vickers as described above, take the key to the
R.P.D. 's first floor west wing save point, located
below the stairs. Inside that room (which is known as the
"darkroom" if you save there), you will find a locker. Use
HMHk the Special Keyand Voila! You are SO money! With Leon,
you'll get a choice of two new costumes. No matter which
0 costume you choose, you'll look like a total badass, plus
you'll gain the new and awesome ability to fire the
Handgun one-handed. Your one-handed gun action is twice
as fast as usual! Claire gets only one new costume, but she
also gains the Colt S.A.A. gun. This weapon will give you a
taste of the wild west, as Claire fires it gunslinger style,
holding the pistol from the hip and fanning the hammer
with the palm of her hand. Not only does this look awe-
some, but she pumps out bullets at more than twice the
rate of the normal Handgun. The Colt's only drawback: it
only holds six shots (but reloads ULTRA fast!). Now she's
just like Susannah from the Gunslinger, except not crip-
pled, not black, and not schizophrenic! This reference in
honor of Mateo. Thank you. (Note: If you change clothes in
the 1st scenario, that character will still be wearing the
new outfit in the other's Snd scenario. Also, if you
encounter Brad in both scenarios, you'll get the key twice.)

east exit out

m of the base-
ment, and
go to the
area with
M hole
and a man-
in it.

Stand with your back to the manhole, walk forward

from the manhole until the camera changes angles, then
face the camera and fire with the Shotgun. You might
have to tweak the aim a bit, but. .check it out!

The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil Z Perfect Guide 1 19

The 4th Survivor and The Tofu Survivor
Welcome to the 4th Survivor and The Tofu Survivor, two fun mini-games in RE 2 (see Secrets for details on accessing these missions). The 4th
Survivor stars Hunk, and the The Tofu Survivor stars the infamous Tofu-X, er... Imean Tofu. In fact, let's call him Tofu-X just for fun, because - think
about it - do you REALLY know who this guy is? While these characters start with different items in their inventory (Hunk's decked out with a Handgun,
Shotgun, Magnum, lots of ammo, and two blue/green herb combos, while Tofu has a knife, 2 green herbs, a blue herb, and.. .karma), the mission is the
same. Therefore, we've combined the walkthrough. If a strategy doesn't specify one character or the other, then it applies to both of them.
Ifyou thought all the regular scenarios were easy, then these scenarios should pose quite a challenge. Which is the understatement of the millenni-
um. Not only is there a ridiculous (the definition of the word ridiculous) amount of enemies in some of the rooms, but the enemies you fight take more
hits to kill. If you have a bad temper, I suggest you find something to keep next to you to throw instead of the controller. Breaking your controller would
be TRAGIC wouldn't it? Of course, breaking the controller's about the extent your rage will reach in Hunk's scenario. If you're playing Tofu, I suggest
you bolt every single piece of gaming equipment in your house to the floor. Tofu's only saving grace is he has way more hit points than Hunk and he
always is able to run even when in danger mode or when poisoned, but overall his mission is 10000% harder than Hunk's.
The only items and weapons you'll ever get in this scenario are the ones you start with, and you aren't allowed to access magic boxes or save mid-
way through. This game is purely based on survival; exploration is not an issue as the game places you on a completely straight path (doors leading to
other areas of the game are locked off). Your goal is to simply get to the roof alive.
Your most important strategy points to remember are as follows: run from most enemies with Hunk and almost everything with Tofu, learn how to
take juking (faking enemies out) to the next level, and always reload weapons from the inventory screen. The farther you survive without using your
herbs, the better. Good luck! (Note: Red tips apply to both characters, dark muddy brown tips apply only to Hunk, and purple tips apply only to Tofu.)

r\UUl II

Tnere s nothing here; simply walk up the stairs

character, you'll notice a 4 etched in stone.

and leave. If you look closely at the wall next to your

Room 2: Chess Piece Room

HUNK: The safest way to pass this room is to ( 1 ) use the
handgun to kill the female zombie and the zombie in the

middle of the walkway. Then go and (2) stand in the cor-
'of the walkway opposite the door and lure the zom-
bies toward you. Wait for them to reach the walkway, then
(3) zigzag around them. Exit through the door.
TOFU: (1) Walk up and use Tofu's especially long range to
stab the female zombie in the back. She 11 turn and come '

after you. Wait a brief moment to see which way she is

turning, then when she starts moving, (2) run the other way around her. Stop at the edge of the bridge on the left side and (3)
wait for the next zombie to close in. At the last moment, (4) run behind and around it on the right side. Run to the end of the
bridge and (5) wait on the left side for the last two zombies to approach. When they come close enough to you, (6) run around
and behind them to the left, and then hug the wall all the way to the door! (Note: At the two points where you must wait, always
keep looking out for the zombies approaching on the rear. You can advance a step or two to keep 'em off your back.)

I | -

Rnnm Mallui^w TWs room is

rVUUlll O. ncillVVCly forward along the left wall past
simple; CD just run Rnnm
rNUUIII A' Qrvrlorc
Slnce s P lders poison you, it is a
good idea to get past this room as
the first zombie. Don't go to the fast as possible. The best way is
hallway on your left because there is nothing but a dead end. to (1) walk along until you see the first spider creep his head
After you pass the first zombie, (2) zigzag past the zombie next around the corner. Usually the spider is on the inside wall when
to the door and start walking to see which way the remaining turning the corner, (2) so run along the outside wall. The sec-
zombie is going ond spider will also be on the inside wall, so (3) continue run-
to go. After ning along the outside wall past him and climb the ladder.
that is estab-
lished, dash
past him and
walk down the

Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil 2 Perfect Guide


Room 5: Kennel
It's incredibly easy to run here.
Just have your (1) finger on the
£• Racflmnnt You must (1) run past tons of
O. DdOCMIItnil crows. Running from the
run button and be pressing for- crows can be difficult as there
ward (straight up on the pad) as the game loads the room. You is one bad camera angle in this area. It's when you are trying
will (g) run perfectly straight; the dogs will charge but miss. (3) to make a left turn heading towards the stairs. Try to avoid run-
Turn left and run out the door. ning into the side of the wall or a crow at that point, you must
1 z 3 (8) master the angle of the turn. When running in straight-
aways, try to run in a (3) zigzag pattern so the birds won't be
able to get a bead on you. Run where they aren't.

Room 6: Prison Area ^TLT^

ground zombies lying in
you enter

front of you. Immediately ( 1 ) blast the pair with your shotgun.

Then turn left, and (2) zip past the other 2 zombies in this hall
Room 9: K9 Hail
HUNK: This hall holds 3 sweet, lov-
section. Hit the door for the next room. able, bloodthirsty hellhounds. Upon |

entrance, turn to Hunk's right,

arm your trusty handgun, and
turn the volume up. When you J

shoot these dogs, you need to lis-

ten for their loving cries of affec-
tion for you. Start by firing 3
rounds down the hallway. Now, lis-
ten for their growls, which means
a dog just got to his feet and is
coming to give you a big, juicy I

kiss. Instead, (1) (2) shoot him

TOFU: In this room you will see two zombies; one will be crawl- once. Keep this up 'til you hear
ing at you. ( 1 ) Wait in the upper right corner of the room and their death yelps, and it's clear]
get ready to run, then when the first crawler you saw is near sailing.
the right wall, (2) dash around them to their left. After the TOFU: When you first enter, (1)1
camera change, (3) run and hug the right wall to pass the two turn to the angle shown in the 1st picture and wait. When the
zombies and escape. first dog reaches the point shown, immediately (2) run straight,
and when you hit the wall, (3) turn to the right and run and
hug the wall. If you did this right, the first dog will have not
jumped when you initially ran, but he will chase behind you,

S re s

Room 7: Garage to
your left,
one in front of you, and a third farther and he will jump from behind you and
away, but you

miss. If this happens, you know that the

can avoid other two dogs will miss when they jump.
them all. Run Just continue (4) running and hugging the
forward, turn wall to pass the next two dogs, turn to the
left to (1) right, and hit the exit. However, if the first
dodge the first dog jumped as you ran by him, the other
two dogs, then dogs will meet you earlier in the hall and
circle around you'll have to juke them. Walk slowly for
to your right a moment straight down the hallway after you pass the first
to circumvent dog, run straight, then break right, causing the second dog to
the third dog's miss. You can make the third dog miss with similar juking tac-
charge. Run to tics.
the exit.
(1) Run through the
Room 10: East Office doorway on your right.
Walk forward 'til the
camera angle changes (2) so you can get a good look at the zom-
bies around you. Wait for them to start to close in, then (3) zig
through the middle and go around the desks to the door. Bingo!
(Note: We show maps in three places throughout this walkthrough. Red dots on
maps indicate the initial placement of the enemies when you first enter the
room, i.e. BEFORE
they attack you. The yellow line shows your recommended
movement/running path to avoid getting hit!)

The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil 2 Perfect Guide 121

KilMM & TQFU 3/3
HUNK: Make sure to have your shotgun equipped before you enter here! (1)
Room 11: East Wing Hallway Decap the zombie directly in front of you, then (2) head shot the two to
Hunk's right. Run to the right, seeking solace next to the chalkboard, and wait
to lure the zombies to that part of the hall. When they get there, (3) evade them and (4) head back to the hall where you start-
ed. The last zombie will chill by the exit door at the end of the hall, but you can run (5) right past him and t hen adios!
m^^m n

TOFU: (1) First just take a step towards the two zombies on Tofu's right and wait at the point shown. When the zombie on the
right moves out from the wall, (2) use that space to run in-between him and the other two zombies into the open area. Lure out
the zombies, then (3) move to the cola machine to get three of them bunched into the center. Run around and behind them, but
slow down to a walk before the camera change. (4) Check out where the next two zombies are positioned; there should be just
enough room to (5) run and hug the wall on either side of them. Finally, run past the last zombie if there s a space between him

and the door, or juke him if necessary.

Ah, a brief stop in the main hall of the R.P.D. Remember that computer? You can go over there
Room 12: Main Hall and get on the internet! Ha, gotcha, just kidding. Nothing here, move on!

Room 13: West Wing Lobby 1

Two friendly, neighborhood spiders inhabit this room. The key

to running around spiders is evading their heads when they are
raising their legs. The best way to trick them is to (1) wait
behind the pillar and (2) run to the opposite side the spider
decides to take. After you have run past the first spider, just
(3) weave your way around the second.

Room 14: West Wing Hall

This room
mm contains 3
lickers, as
indicated by
the red dots
on the map.
The first
one is hang-
ing on the
ceiling but
will not drop until you take a step. (1) Run carefully along the outside wall almost the
whole length of the hall, and then (2) get to the inside wall before the corner. After that,
you need to (3) break to the outside wall, moving forward and then (4) back into the
inside wall to avoid the 2 lickers around the corner. If you have done this successfully,
you will be home free.

Room 15: Boarded Up Hallway

HUNK: In this room there are two nasty plants. Although plants are fairly powerful, you only need the handgun here. For the 1st
plant, wait until LOF (Line Of Fire) is attained, then auto aim and fire the handgun. If you have the volume up you can hear when
the plant dies. For the 2nd plant, (2) stand on the 1st plant's putrid corpse, auto aim, and fire another barrage. After it is (3)
dead, (4) continue on to the next room.

The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil 2 Perfect Guide

mm a ropy «/s
Room 15: Boarded Up Hallway (Cont.)
8 5 TOFU: Wait (it'll take a looong
time) for the first plant to get all
the way to you at the beginning of
the hall. As he comes closer, he


II will try to spit acid at you. (1)
Just dodge back and forth until he
i § f
gets to his farthest point forward,
which is the beginning of the hall-
way after the table. (2) Push up
against the table and face the

plant and start stabbing. Even
5 though he tries to hit, both of his
tentacles will miss, letting you kill
him very easily. After every stab
or two you might want to reposi-

| tion yourself perfectly to ensure

du won't be hit. (3) Lure the sec-
ond plant to the wide space in the
hallway while standing against the
left wall (he should be on the left
side), then just (4) dodge his poi-
son spit by running to the right and push up against the right wall. (S) Move toward him and he will raise his tentacles to hit
you long range. When he does, (6) pass him on the right side and you're out.

Room 16: Stairwell Area

HUNK: (1) Run to your right
immediately after entering to
avoid the plant's poison. Run to
the hall's end, (2) turn around,
auto aim (they're not visible, but |

trust me they're there), and (3)

shoot these plants with your mag-
num until they are dead. Note that I

these brightly colored plants are

heartier than regular plants and |

are exclusive to this bonus game.

TOFU: When you first enter, (1) hold up and run to run straight into the wall, dodging the plant's spit. As soon as you're there,
turn Tofu so that he is ready to run down the hall away from the plants. After a couple of seconds, (2) run down the hall and
wait in the right corner. (If you do this sequence correctly, both plants will spit at you as you are trying to run away.) Then, the
plant that was on the right will (3) spit and miss left. The other plant will spit; you'll have to (4) run to the left corner to avoid

Once in the left corner, get ready and when the spit flies (5) run back to the right corner (in the process you'll dodge two spits
at once; the second comes a bit after the first but it will still miss).
Now you must wait for a split second and (6) run diagonally toward the left plant, but do not get too close or else it will grab
you. When it raises its tentacles move a little closer so that the plant on the right does not spit at you. (7) Let Tofu get hit and
then (8) make a mad dash towards the stairs. The second plant will not grab you because now it thinks that it can hit you so it
will raise its tentacles, but too late to connect.

Room 17: Upstairs Hall

(1) Go to the corner to your right, out of the hallway.
Wait for Tyrant- 103, lure him, then (2) circle him wide
and then run down the hallway. It's a clear run from
there. (Don't you always wonder. just . what is under
that green coat?!)

The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil 8 Perfect Guide 123

KUNK ei 10FU 5 S
Room 18: S.TAR.S. Room Hallway
(1) Dodge the first two crawling zombies, (8) walk
your way through the little path of inert (but not dead) zombies, lure the last
legs of the last 2 inert zombies.
crawling zombie while in the (3) middle of inert zombies, then escape by (4) running over the
Inert' s a pretty cool word, huh? If you're low on health, just kill all the ones in
your path with the handgun (you should have
plenty of rounds).

Room 19: Licker-B Room

hallway (you
This room is rough" OK listen up. When you enter the room, DON'T MOVE! <1) Have your character face the long
can't see it but you should know where it is by now). Wait for the Licker to get sort of close
and then (8) walk forward and then
Licker come from the hall. When
behind the' 1st Licker. Continue walking (3) up and to the right hallway. You will see a second
you see enough room, (4) run past him and you're home free.

A free room for you. While Claire and Leon were busy escaping on the train, the Repo Man came
Room 20: Library and took the bookshelves. Now poor old Hunk will never learn to read.

mi Room 21: 2nd Floor Hall

HUNK: Once again you must face plants, but these plants are a cinch. Equip your handgun and auto aim and fire. Keep
firing until

the plant's dead and then do the same thing for the second.
TOFU- When you first enter this room, you will see one plant in the distance. Run toward the plant, changing the camera angle
All three will miss because it
twice and (1) wait by the railing as shown. Wait for the plant to spit at you at least three times.
can't' connect at this angle. After he spits for the third time you need to run straight up to
the back wall. At the same time you're
wall behind the
running to the back wall, the plant will (2) spit at you and miss. You must quickly turn right and (3) follow the
plant as it will be delayed from the spit long enough for you to run by without being grabbed.
screen to miss
Continue running down the hall past the ladder and (4) wait at the corner of the railing for the plant that is off
Tofu the the corner but
with its spit twice. After the plant misses the second time, you must move up and (5) position to left of
wall. When the plant spits at you,
face the corner, ready to run. This will lure that annoying plant to the left and away from the
of the corner. Repeat this one more time and on the third
(6) run into the corner and then quickly go back to the original spot left
time just run into the corner and then (7) walk towards the plant but don't get too close or you will be grabbed.
The plant will
then' raise its tentacles. At this point, you want to run by the plant, pushing against the wall and (8) you
are home free... until
the next insane room.
Room 22: Waiting Room (The Nastiest Room in the Game!)
HUNK: This is the hardest room
and if you want to finish Hunk's
scenario you are going to have to
get through it. Before you enter
here, ready your shotgun. Mote
that it's hard to see your charac-
ter because of the terrible initial
camera angle. Upon entering this
room, (1) run forward for a
moment between the zombies,
stop in front of the three in front
of you, and IMMEDIATELY (2) shoot the shotgun upward which will decapitate three at once.
(One of the zombies behind you might grab you, but you still have 2 mixed herbs, right?) Run
forward to your right or left to avoid running into the headless corpse and make your way to
the door. There should be one zombie in front of the door. Either (3) dodge around him, or fire
an upward shot at the zombie and then leave.
TOFU: Before you enter the room, push up to walk forward. You will evade the two zombies at
the door. After a split second you'll (1) have clearly passed the two zombies; hold Run and
start running (with Up) and slightly turn Left, at a gentle curve, so you loop around in between
the next two zombies. You (2) should end up pointing in the direction of the right shoulder of
the far right most zombie (the one who's really large in the camera angle). If you make it this
far, you'll switch camera angles. (3) Run and hug the right wall to (4) pass that far-right zom-
bie (if you do this right he won't be able to grab you at all even if it looks like he can in the
screenshot), and then (5) pass behind another zombie who is guarding the door. As soon as
you reach the door, leave immediately!

Room 23: Helicopter Hallway

HUNK: Immediately give the zombie directly in front of you a nice big head shot with your trusty shotgun, then turn and do the
same with the zombies on your right, so they won't get jealous. No sweat!
TOFU: This room is easy, if you know what to do. Turn to Tofu's left upon entering the room and (1) run by the zombie nearest
Tofu. There is another zombie but you can get by him easily. Now you must run to the chopper and wait behind the cockpit in the
corner for all the zombies to line
up in front of you. They can't fit
behind the chopper! Now, get in
the safe spot where they are the
closest to you, but can't hit you,
and you can (2) knife them all to
death without fear of getting hit.
It takes a while, and it's weird,
because when you stand at the
right angle, it makes the cachink
sound because you are surround- |

ed by metal... but the knife still hits! Slowly but surely, you will (3) win this race.

Room 24: Tyrant? s Final Ambush

I HUNK: Once again the Tyrant- 103
has dared to show his ugly face. If
you re healthy, you can run up to

him, take a hit, then run past to

the door. If you re not healthy, run

straight down the first hallway,

turn to your and wait to get
into your line Then (1)
of fire.
plink at him with whatever
weapons you have left. If you want
to go through this without getting

hityou're going to have to shoot him down.

TOFU: Unless you wanna stab this guy to death (not likely), you have to run up to him, (1) take the hit, then (2) run by as he
overhead smash.
tries his

CONGRATULATIONS! You are now The 4th Survivor

(or The Tofu Survivor), You are a Resident Evil 2 Master!
The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil 2 Perfect Guide 185
to the section for only the most hardcore RE fans the GameShark section. Nick "Rox" Des Barres, will act as your most skilled
guide through this area of mania and madness. Back before RE2 came out,

spent long hours crafting these insane codes for the original RES

demo that came with Director's Cut. At the time, they allowed for an enticing look at more of the game, but now, after we've seen everything
the final game has to offer, they reveal exciting glimpses at how the game was made, what was changed in the development process, and even some
ultra-cool stuff that had to be cut for whatever reason. Apparently, when it came time to ship the RE2 demo, the wizards at Shinji Mikami's RE

opment team just dumped everything they had completed on the CD, and simply restricted access to areas they didn't want you to see. The
GameShark allows us to break down these barriers, however, and I'll explain how in the following three pages. (If you have the Bio Hazard 2 demo,
don't worry, I've got the equivalent codes for that version.) At the end of this section is an entire page of comparisons between the final game and
the same areas in the demo for those who don't have a GameShark or the RE2 preview. Also, we're sorry we couldn't offer GS codes for the final
game, but, naturally, it hasn't been released yet as I write this. The DAY the game is out we'll have codes up on our website at, and
we'll 'continue to update regularly afterwards, so please, in the words of the scribe who adorned a Raccoon City wall with this very phrase, yo 4


Since the majority of these codes take Items Section
you into areas you're not "meant" to be Among the cool goods hidden in the RE2 demo are a number of supermysterious items that never
in, very little of the text is been trans- made it into the final game. Note: Many of these items do not have an English name. If this is the case

lated. Therefore, the general rule is I'vesimply translated the Japanese name. Items boxed in blue are present in the final, items boxed in
"look but don't touch." Don't do any- orange are in the final but are changed, and the items-that-never-were (in red) are NOT in the final.
thing that would produce a text THE CODES:
response. This is usually confined to
Note that "RE2" denotes the Resident Evil 2 Preview, while BH2" means the Bio Hazard 2 Trial Edition.
general searching you can still perform
BH2: Item Slot #1: 800A502C xxyy
item-based puzzles and pick items up.
RE2; Item Slot #1: 800A4BE4 xxyy HOW TO USE:
RE2: Item Slot #2: 800A4BE8 xxyy Enter the codes for the item slots BH2: Item Slot #2: 800A5030 xxyy
Just don't "look" at anything. If you do, Item Slot #3: 800A4BEC xxyy you wish to add items to. Replace BH2: Item Slot #3: 800A5034 xxyy
the game will crash hard. There is the Slot #4: 800A4BF0 xxyy "xx" with the number of the item BH2: Item Slot #4: 800A5038 xxyy
RE2: Item
odd occasional area which HAD been BH2: Item Slot #5: 800A503C xxyy
RE2: Item Slot #5: 800A4BF4 xxyy you wish to have. "FF" will give
translated, but it's really not worth the BH2: Item Slot #6: 800A5040 xxyy
RE2: Item Slot #6: 800A4BF8 xxyy you 255 of that item. Replace
risk. Of course, if you're playing the Bio BH2: Item Slot #7: 800A5044 xxyy
RE2: Item Slot #7: 800A4BPC xxyy "yy" with the item number that
Hazard 2 demo (You'll find the equiva- BH2: Item Slot #8: 800A5048 xxyy
RE2: Item Slot #8: 800A4C00 xxyy you want; see below. The icons
lent codes for it here, too; you can look
RE2: Item Slot #0: 800A4COC xxyy will not change in the item menu, BH2: Item Slot #0: 800A5054 xxyy
at anything, and if you can read
but rest assured they are there... (Item Slot 0 the slot Leon's
Japanese you'll get a kick out of seeing (Item Slot 0 is the slot Leon's is

what text changed from demo to final. you can use/equip them normally. lighter normally appears in)
lighter normally appears in)

01 Combat Knife 02 Hani 03 Ha Custo m Hani OS Magnum 06 Custo m Magnum Shot Custom Shotgun
The H&K The The D.E The Rem- The Rem-
The now-

Leon's Claire's
H&K VP- Brown- VP-70 Desert 50 A.E. ington ington
Combat 70. No ing.Don'tl Burst. Eagle 50 10-inch. Bulldog Bulldog
Knife. Love it. Live real changes. Holds equip it; the game You can't select A.E. No changes, Much shorter bar- M870. No changes. Ml 100. No
less ammo, though. will crash. Auto/Manual. really. rel than the final. changes.

Grenade Launcher Grenade Launcher OB Grena de Launcher OC Bowg OD Calico 9S0 OE Spark Shot OF Submac hine Gun Flamethrower^
Grenade Grenade Grenade It's the A huge The The The
Launcher Launcher Launcher Bowgun. mystery. Japanese I Ingram flame-
with with Fire with Acid Don't Where says "Air I MAC- II thrower
Grenades. Don't Grenades. Don't Grenades. Don't equip it; the game did this go? Don't Tazer (Temp.)" You can actually It can't be
equip, it'll crash equip, it'll crash will crash. equip it, it'll crash. Don't equip it. equip it. equipped.
equip, it'll crash
1 1 Rocket Launcher 18 Handgun Ammo 13 Shotgun Ammo 14 Magnum Ammo IS Fuel Grenade Rounds 17 Fire Rounds 18 Acid Rounds
Look at RMB It's the I It'sgen-
The same.
Um, rock
Er... it's
the same.
The same,
but you
crazy fire|
that ^^BM same, but erally the!
same. on again. Um... um,|

can do rounds. and

dated Tony's
Rocket Launcher! Arms" is upside Rock on. rock... uh... rock some crazy stuff They demand supafresh acid
down. on. with 'em. See notes. respect. rounds.
Don't equip it. Allright.
ID Parts A IE Parts B IF Parts C 20 Health Spray
19 S.M.G. Ammo ~ Ammo Bowgun
1A Spark Shot IB Bowgun Arrows 1C Ink Ribbon
The Ink The Magnum Shotgun "Spray,
Submach- The text
Arrows. Ribbon. Handgun Parts. Parts. spray,
ine Gun says "Air
bullets. Tazer Oh yes. Because Parts. Text says I You bet- spray

For love & courage. Battery (Temp.)" Don't let anyone nobody uses PCs in Text says "Parts A "Parts C (Temp.)" ter believe it. those mortal
Or something. tell you otherwise Raccoon City. (Temp.)" despite being B. wounds away!™"
26 Lockpick 27 Watch 18 Valve Handle
21 Anti dote Spray 22 Chemical A 23 Chemical B 4 Recove ry Chemical 25 Li ghter
Replaced Read Read It was Looks dif- Claire's My theo- You can
Special supposed ferent in trusty ry is that I -use this
by blue Special
herbs... it| Item Item to heal the final lockpick. this was in the
would have been Notes; not enough Notes. you, but wasn't and isn't engraved Perhaps she's also a Ada's item before demo to extinguish

neater this way. room here! implemented yet. with "L.K." Master of Unlocking. she got that photo. the fire, too.

29 Red Jewel 2A Gree n Keycard 2BRedKej

1 Keycard 2C Blues Keycard 2D Yellow Keycard 2E Serp ent Stone 2F Jaguar Stone 30 Blue Stone
Can be Mystery. The key- Keycard Another Serpent Jaguar Half of
used in Says it's card for for the huge Stone for Stone for |
the demo to unlock the Hall IF mystery. the 2nd the 2nd Jaguar
weapon room. See doors. See item See item notes quests. Can't be quests. Can't be Stone. Cannot be
the same as in the a "meeting room."
See item notes. item notes. notes. used in the demo. used in the demo. combined!

31 Blue Stone 32 Eagle Stone 33 Wood Es 34 Lock Bolt A 3£ Lock Bolt B 36 Lock Bolt C 37 Bolt Plug 38 Bolt Handle
The other] Eagle Mystery. I'm sure ...Be- ...the Strange I
Maybe it these cause chess that this Shinji
half. Stone for I
These the 2nd was to be I became "lock plugs are] one has a| Mikami
can't be combined quests. Can't be used like the Wood the Chess Plugs... bolts" were too nor- kind of cooler, in a different name, not knows what this

at all yet. used in the demo. Emblem of RE1. mal, I guess... wacky sort of way. "Lock Bolt D." was for.
39 Detonator Plastic Explosive 3B Plastic Explosive 3C Crank 3D Cabin Ke; 3E P (Private) Key 3F S (Strict) Key 40 L (Limited) Key
The See "CAP1 The You know Cabin This Looks These
Detonator on the explosive what to key: the series kind of were
can't be wrapper? and deto- turn it to,| key of was like the changed _
Capcom starts mak nator. Can't be right? Of course champions replaced by the Special Key, don't because everyone
combined with the
explosive yet. tag bombs in 1998. used in the demo you do. card-themed keys it? knows cops...

186 The Completely Unauthorized Resident Evil 2 Perfect Guide

41 D Key
use nor- H^jH
Small (Desk) Key SPECIAL
ITEM NOTES}|rst off, how about the crazy Calico 950?! (Item OD) By looking at the files on
the disc, it appears to have been a weapon for ADA! Strange but true. Items 22 and 23, Chemical A and B,
mal-look- KSHH
They use
ing keys.
desk key. KIM could be combined with the Grenade Rounds to create either Fire Rounds or Acid Rounds. Apparently, you
It's weren't going to be able to pick up anything other than regular grenades at one point. Stranger still:
secret function:
wacky themed ones.
It unlocks desks.
Combine Chemicals A and B to create a Recovery Chemical! The logic is obvious: "Hmm. This chemical
makes explosives fiery. And this one makes them acidic. Acid and fire... yes! THIS will heal my wounds!!" Items 2A-2D, the Card Keys, can be
used on the computer in the main hall, but don't seem to do anything. If you look at the computer afterwards, messages are displayed in
Japanese that say "One Electronic Door Unlocked," "Two Unlocked," etc. Use all four and you get the satisfying "All Electronic Doors Unlocked."

Location Section-
THE CODES: The item codes are easy... now we get into difficult territory. Obviously, these codes THE CODES:
RESIDENT EVIL 2 allow you to enter locations you're not normally able to access in the demo... almost
Main Location: 300A49D6 OOOx 30 of them. Unfortunately, they aren't easy to use and require plenty of trial-and- Main Location: 300A4E1E OOOx
error. I've tried to explain them thoroughly here, but undoubtedly your results will
Sub Location: 300A49D8 OOyy Sub Location: 300A4E20 OOyy
vary For those who don't want to waste time with trial and error, I've provided
Walk Through Walls Code: three "tours" (on the following page) that include MOST areas seen here, but there Walk Through Walls Code:
D00A02BC 1001 are some that can't be entered without this technique. Wow, here's what you have to D00A0704 1001
800A1C42 OCOF do: First, select a location from the bottom list. Then input the Main Location and 800A208A OCOF
D00A02BC 1002 Sub Location codes, replacing "x" with the first number in the upper-left-hand of D00A0704 1002
800A1C42 1100 the screenshot, and "yy" with the next two numbers. Input the entire Walk Through 800A208A 1100

Walls Code under its own header in the GameShark menu. Now, begin a new game. You'll start in the location you selected, but Leon will not be
on screen. Here's where it gets tricky. Leon is stuck in a wall somewhere, because the game doesn't "want" him to be where you are, it "wants"
him to be standing on the fiery street corner. At this point, press L2 + Up. This will activate the Walk Through Walls. Now you have to run
around wildly, hoping Leon will pop through a wall and into the scene you're looking at. Yeah, I know, it's lame, but there's no other way. If just
his shadow appears, reset with Ll+Rl+Select+Start and try again. Once you do get Leon on screen, press R2 + Up to turn OFF Walk Through
Walls. Now you can explore to your hearts' content! VSTIP: I've found that the following method will get Leon on screen for most rooms:
Holding the Run button, run totally straight for four to seven seconds (it varies from room to room,) counting slowly: One-one-thousand, two-
one-thousand, etc. Then, stop, press left twice to turn Leon 90°, and run straight again. After a few seconds Leon should pop up. It'll take a
while, but eventually you'll get good at this method! Note that when Walk Through Walls is ON, Leon's left arm will disappear. This is just to
give visual confirmation that the code is on. Turning it off with R2 + Up will get you Leon's arm back. If you'd prefer a whole and complete
Leon at all times, replace the last four digits in the second line of the Walk Through Walls Code with "HOP" but I like knowing at a glance
when it's on and when it isn't. Now, without further ado, the locations. Locations boxed in blue are present in the final with little or no changes,
locations have moderate changes to graphics or camera angles, and red locations have underwent major changes.

Meeting Room

The Library cannot be entered in RES demo; the game will crash. It can be entered in BH3. Locations Continued On next p
Photograph^\oonJ|j ^^Rk^Jj^^ Ha^^^^^a^^^^^^^J^^a^^n^H^^^^HPress^^^TCn^^^mJ

^^Jfeapon^ache^ ^^utog^^oom^ ^I^hjay^o^eUbtockJ

™"i2 oT5| ^=Sn
Yellow Hallway I Dank Basement
l l
LIB 13.00 I

First Tour (East Wing)

These sections explain how to explore REQUIRED CODES:
fairly large areas of the demo without
dealing with trial-and-error. The first
tour is by far the easiest to get working,
Unlock All: 8O0A4BDE PPPP Chief Irons' Office Torture Chamber Cellblock

though. Here's how to do it. Enter your BIO HAZARD 2

Main Location as 0, and your Sub
Location as OC. Turn on the Walk

er with carrying keys around?) codes,

and don't forget to bring along a krazy
Unlock All: 800A5026 FFFF

Through Walls and Unlock All (Why both- You will also need the Walk
Through Walls, Main Location
and Sub Location codes found
— Second Tour (Scenario
This Tour, unfortunately, is less straightforward than the first one. Enter all
the codes required for Tour 1 but make your Main Location 0 and your Sub
weapon or two. Now start a new game. on the previous page. Location 04. Also bring the following items: the Valve Handle (Item 28) and
two Red Jewels (Item 29.) Begin a new game. You'll start on the corner
Mm ^^^BB where Scenario 2 begins. Turn Walk Through Walls on. To get Leon on
screen, run straight forward for about 4-5 seconds, until you can hear his
footsteps clearly. Then press left twice
to turn 90°. Now run forward. Leon
should appear in one of the two areas
The first thing you'll see is the shot on the left. Turn on Walk Through
shown at right. If not, reset and try
Walls with L2+Up, then run straight forward. Leon will pop through the again. Once he does appear, turn off
wall as shown. Now just walk over to the stairs platform, turn off WTW WTW, then turn off the GameShark. _
with R2+Up, and descend the stairs. You'll now be in the brown hallway If you're playing RE2, do NOT try

in the east wing. Leon will be just barely visible, far off to the left. and go back out of the Cabin. It'll
Turn him 180°, then run towards the camera. You will pop out of the crash at the zombie screen. If
wall, ready to start exploring. At this point, turn the GameShark off you're playing BH2, you're fine.
and keep it off. You're pretty much on your own now, but there are When you get to the helicopter, use
some points you should be aware of; see below for the goods the Valve Handle as normal. Notice
the different-looking water! At the Art Storage Room, use the two Red
Jewels as normal. There's even the statue FMV! You REALLY have to won-

There's an invisible door where Leon's standing on the shot on the left.
take you to the crow hallway, just as in the final, but there's no

door you won't be able to go back! Don't enter the door at the back of
der why they left that on the demo disc. After you pick up your mysterious
Bolt Plug and try to leave the Art Room, however... the game will crash.

Third Tour (Basement)
is the positively insane one. It requires a ridiculously long code that
the game "every event has happened, every item picked up, every door

the big office (crash,) and don't exit to the main hall from the blue hall- unlocked, and every enemy killed." This is because some of the areas in this
way. You won't be able to return. When you are ready to leave, take tour crash if you try to enter them normally. Why? My theory is that the
advantage of the Unlock All code and check out those once-locked rooms. game is trying to load an enemy or event that isn't present on the disc, so it
says "Um, no" (well... you get the idea.) Here's the code: (Con't next page)
REQUIRED CODE: RESIDENT EVIL 8 "everything's Happened" Code: REQUIRED CODE: BIO HAZARD 2 "Everything's Happened" Code:
This code will take several code slots, by the way! The four digits following each code This code will take several code slots, by the way! The four digits following each code are
are not printed here; they should he "FFFF" for every single code in the sequence. not printed here. They should be "FFFF" for every single code in the sequence.
800A49E6 800A48EE 800A49FO 800A49F2 800A49F4 800A49F6 800A49F8 800A4E34 800A4E36 800A4E38 800A4E3A 800A4E3C 800A4E3E 800A4E40
800A4AOO 800A4A02 800A4A04 800A4A06 800A4A08 800A4A0A 800A4AOC 800A4E42 800A4E44 800A4E46 800A4E48 800A4E4A 800A4E4C 800A4E4E
800A4AOE 800A4A10 800A4A12 800A4A14 800A4A16 800A4A18 800A4A1A 800A4E50 800A4E52 800A4E54 800A4E56 800A4E58 800A4E5A 800A4E5C
800A4A1C 800A4A1E 800A4A80 800A4A22 800A4A24 800A4A26 800A4A28 800A4E5E 800A4E60 800A4E62 800A4E64 800A4E66 800A4E68 800A4E6A
800A4A2A 800A4A2C 800A4A2E 800A4A30 800A4A32 800A4A34 800A4A36 800A4E6C 800A4E6E 800A4E70 800A4E72 800A4E74 800A4E76 800A4E78
800A4A38 800A4A3A 800A4A3C 800A4A3E 800A4A40 800A4A42 800A4A44 800A4E7A 800A4E7C 800A4E7E 800A4E80 800A4E82 800A4E84 800A4E86
800A4A46 800A4A48 800A4A4A 800A4A4C 800A4A4E 800A4A50 800A4A52 800A4E88 800A4E8A 800A4E8C 800A4E8E 800A4E90 800A4E92 800A4E94
800A4AS4 800A4A56 800A4A58 800A4A5A 800A4A5C 800A4A5E 800A4A60 800A4E96 800A4E98 800A4E9A 800A4E9C 800A4E9E 800A4EA0 800A4EA2
800A4A62 800A4A64 800A4A66 800A4A68 800A4A6A 800A4A6C 800A4A6E 800A4EA4 800A4EA6 800A4EA8 800A4EAA 800A4EAC 800A4EAE 800A4EB0
B00A4A70 800A4A72 800A4A74 800A4A76 800A4A78 800A4A7A 800A4A7C 800A4EB2 800A4EB4 800A4EB6 800A4EB8 800A4EBA 800A4EBC 800A4EBE
800A4A7E 800A4A80 800A4A82 800A4A84 800A4A86 800A4A88 800A4A8A 800A4ECO 800A4EC2 800A4EC4 800A4EC6 800A4EC8 800A4ECA 800A4ECC
800A4A8C 800A4A8E 800A4A90 800A4A92 800A4A94 800A4A96 800A4A98 800A4ECE 800A4ED0 800A4ED2 800A4ED4 800A4ED6 800A4ED8 800A4EDA
800A4A9A 800A4A9C 800A4A9E 800A4AA0 800A4AA2 800A4AA4 800A4AA6 800A4EDC 800A4EDE 80OA4EF0 800A4EF2 800A4EF4 800A4EF6 800A4EF8
800A4AA8 800A4AAA 800A4AAC 800A4AAE 800A4AB0 800A4AB2 800A4AB4 800A4EFA 800A4EFC 800A4EFE 800A4F00 800A4F02 800A4F04 800A4F06
800A4AB6 800A4AB8 800A4ABA 800A4ABC 800A4ABE 800A4AC0 800A4AC2 800A4F08 800A4F0A 8O0A4F0C 800A4F0E 800A4F10 800A4F12 800A4F14
800A4AC4 800A4AC6 800A4AC8 800A4ACA 800A4ACC 800A4ACE 800A4BD0 800A4F16 800A4F18 800A5018 800A501A 800A501C 800AS01E 800AS020
800A4BD2 800A4BD4 800A4BD6 800A4BD8 800A4BDA 800A4BDC 800A4BDE 800A5022 800A5024 800A5026 800A5028 800A502A
800A4BE0 800A4BE2 If you're crazed enough to enter these codes, you are the RE2 masterfreak!
mm iP RE2 [
THIRD TOUR CONT. Start a new game with the Everything's Happened Code as well as all previous
Tour codes on (Walk Through Walls, Unlock All) and make your Main Location 1 while your Sub Location is

OF. You'll begin at the screen shown below, in the yellow hallway. Activate WTW, then run forward for exact-
ly five seconds, counting slowly. Tap left twice to turn 90°. Now run forward for a few seconds. Leon should
appear as shown. Turn off WTW, and turn off the GameShark. You can now check out all the basement Check out these
rooms and the officers' quarters room. Just don't try to enter the parking lot; the game will crash. eccentric stairs!

Graphic Display Section

THE CODE: There are certain graphics and locations inaccessible in the RE2 demo by any way other than the Graphics View
RESIDENT EVIL 2 code. This code will allow you to see the four locations below which can't normally be entered (two of them can, BIO HAZARD 2
but only if you embark on the Third Tour as shown on the previous page) as well as view a number of extremely
Graphic View: Graphic View:
D00A02BC 0010 mysterious graphics in locations you know well. Many of these are also shown below. These close-ups and what- D00A0704 0010
300A49D8 0O0C not were rendered for purposes unknown; perhaps puzzles that were cut and the like. There are also renders of 300A4E20 000C
D00A02BC 0020 cool unfinished angles 'n' stuff. To use this code, replace "xx" with the number of the location that you'd like to D00A0704 0020
300A49D8 OOxx view the graphics of. Keep in mind that this code is limited only to graphics in Main Location 1. You can't view 300A4E20 OOxx
graphics from locations 0 or 2. Turn on the Walk Through Walls code as well, and start the game. At the title
screen, hold down Triangle and begin a new game. Continue to hold Triangle until the game begins. You'll find yourself at the
beginning of Tour 1 Proceed
as normal. Before you descend the stairs, hold Triangle down again. While still holding it, descend. Now go to the the first screen of the brown hallway
and press Circle. This activates the code. As you walk along the hallway, the graphics corresponding to the location number you placed in the "xx" will be
displayed. As well as the four locations below, try all of the locations in Main Location 1 You'll get super-wacky stuff like the examples
shown below'

RANDOMANIA Here's the krazy zone where I'm putting codes that I don't really have room for but want to show anyway RANDOM CODES:
First, the Have All Files code... it's self-explanatory. Only the first four can be read, though - the rest crash. HAZARD 2
One of them, FAX BIO
is in English but hard to read. The others have Japanese titles - if you can read Japanese, some of
them will freak you out as Have All Files:
they don't appear in the final game - "Mansion Recovery Report," etc. Next is Pseudo Weapons. Replace "xx" with the number
of any weapon from the item list, and the gun you have equipped will fire bullets of the weapon you select-
800A5018 FFFF
ed. You can check out the weapons that crash the game this way. However, most do no damage, and are only
graphical effects. Some (like the Rocket Launcher) will crash if you fire them at an enemy, and some do RESIDENT EVIL 2 Pseudo Weapons:
nothing whatsoever. I recommend the Fire Grenades. They're fun - any walls you fire them at start burning. Have All Files: 300A2092 OOxx
Wheel Next are two codes that only work in BH2 - I couldn't find equivalents in RE2. The first makes the 800A4BDO FFFF 60fps Mode:
game run at 60 frames when there are less than four zombies on screen. The second will freeze the game 800A4BD2 FFFF 8007E66C 0000
when you flick the GS switch up. Flick the switch up when the speech begins in the gun shop to hear voice Pseudo Weapons: Game Freeze:
-""i didn't make it into the final game! When the voice ends, flick it back 300A1C4A OOxx 80085 12C 0001

Comparisons That Rock the House Down

PINAL . | i

Now that's redecoration. You've got t the placeholder characters. What happened to the bodybags?

Just plain wgirgk

- It was I ? One has to wonder where that was going to lead. Makes the demo look like Li'l Jimmy's legos!

X* an I mm
Why'd they strip this locker ent a few modifications.








Iff ERIK « '

V" "
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1 'wUf^ ' **** B

Resident Euil 2 is a registered trademark of Capcom Co. Ltd.. This booh is published without the license, official seal, or authorization of Capcom Co. Ltd.

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