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Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) Notes

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The key takeaways are that Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) aims to ensure consistency of messaging across different promotional tools and media to maximize impact on consumers. IMC integrates all marketing activities like advertising, sales promotion, public relations etc. within an organization.

The different elements of IMC discussed are advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, direct marketing, public relations and internet marketing. These elements work together in a complementary manner to attract customers towards products and services.

The different types of advertisements discussed are consumer advertising, industrial advertising, trade advertising and non-profit advertising.


MBA Marketing

Compiled by:
Concept and Process of Integrated Marketing
Integrated Marketing Communications is a term used to
ensure consistency of message and the complementary
use of media.

Integrated marketing communication is integration of all

marketing tools, approaches, and resources within a
company which maximizes impact on consumer mind
and which results into maximum profit at minimum cost.

A company develops its integrated marketing

communication programme using all the elements of
the marketing mix (product, price, place, and
Concept and Process of Integrated
Marketing Communications
Generally marketing starts from "Marketing Mix".
Promotion is one element of Marketing Mix.

Promotional activities include Advertising(by using

different medium), sales promotion (sales and trades
promotion), and personal selling activities. It also
includes internet marketing, sponsorship marketing,
direct marketing, database marketing and public
relations. Integration of all these promotional tools
along with other components of marketing mix to
gain edge over competitor is called Integrated
Marketing Communication
Elements of IMC

IMC helps to create awareness, persuade the

customer to use a push or pull strategy
towards products and services. Most of the
tools used in IMC are complimentary in nature
i.e. mutually help each other in attracting the
customers towards products and services
Types of Advertisements

Consumer Advertising

Industrial Advertising

Trade Advertising

Non Profit Advertising

Consumer Advertising

Most of the consumer products company

encourage product advertising. Marketers of
Cosmetics, detergents, soaps are included
here. Sponsors in this area compete with one
another to establish an advantage for their
particular brand
Consumer Advertising
Service Advertising
Service sector encompasses such services as
medical services, financial services, education
services etc. In service advertising the
service provider to sell his expertise it is very
difficult because Services are intangible,
there is no transfer of ownership, difficult to
differentiate, production/consumption are
Industrial Advertisement

Industrial Advertising helps to motivate

distributors to build company image. The
advertisement copy is usually filled with
figures and facts.

E.g. Trade journals act as media for Industrial

Hidden Agenda
Isuzu advertises for its engine. These engines
are bought by car/truck manufacturers.
Customers dont buy engines, they buy cars.
Therefore why should the company
manufacturing engines advertise? This is
because the future customers may prefer cars
fitted only with Isuzu engines. That may be
the key selling issue
Trade Advertising
It consist of two parts. They are
Retail Advertising
Wholesale Advertising

Retail Advertising: This covers items sold directly to the

consumer by retail shop. This includes advertisements
released by establishments that sell services such as petrol
pump, banks and apparels.

One important aspect of retail advertising is known as co-

operative advertising. Here the advertising costs are
shared between the retailer and the manufacturer
Wholesale Advertising

Wholesale advertising is unfortunately not

well organized. This is because the
wholesalers are seldom keen on advertising
either for themselves or for their dealers.
Non profit Advertising
Here idea selling is done instead of product or
service. This is generally done for fund raising

E.g. (Send us a cheque for prime ministers flood

relief fund) Persuasion to act (get a physical
check up for malaria) Antismoking ads,
Drinking and Driving ads
Benefits of Advertisements
Advertisements create awareness, interest and
desire in the customers to buy them

Cost Efficient as reaches vast number of

audiences simultaneously
The message can be repeated several times
thereby creating an impact on the mind of the
Benefits of Advertisements
In a certain way add value to the product
Helps in boosting the sales of the company
Reassures the customer for the purchase decision
Helps in changing the perception towards the product
Makes the sales force job easier by creating awareness
Helps in offsetting the competitors advertisements
Expressive as there is a drama
Helps in building a strong image of the company
Approaches to create advertising
Comparative Advertising
Explicit Advertising
Inoculative advertising
Refutation Advertising
Creating Emotions
Using Endorsers
Comparative Advertising
Two or more brands of the same category are
compared with each other on the basis of one or
more product attributes. The comparison can be
implicit or explicit
E.g. the ad campaign of Tata indica shows a small boy
playing with a toy car (a look like Maruti 800)who
then want a bigger toy car (a look alike Tata Indica
)of another boy.
The ad ends by saying that it is human to ask for
more (in this case a bigger car)
In this ad Tata motors compare Indica with Maruti on
the attribute of its size but does not mention the
name brand Maruti
Comparative Advertising

Advertisements can show the competitive

brands packaging color, shape for implicit

E.g. Pepsi and Coke ads normally try to show

each other packaging, color and shape
Explicit Advertising
In this type of advertisements the names of the
competing brands are openly used in the

It is not legal in some countries to indulge in explicit

advertising. The drawback is the company
indirectly and unintentionally promotes the
product of its competitors. This form of
advertisement is harmful if the market leader
indulges itself in comparing itself with other
Inoculative Advertising
Companies aims at retaining their customers
by enhancing their resistance to withstand
competitors appeals.

A company can highlight the weakness of a

competitors product to convince the
customers that the product is superior to that
of the competitor
Refutation Advertising
Companies try to stimulate the buying behavior
by motivating customers. The advertising
message refutes the claims of the competitors
and contains information or argument in support
of the company product
Complan health drink advertisement claim not just
any health drink but a complete planned food
approved by ICMR (Indian council for Medical
Creating Emotions
This type of ads try to create an emotional bond
with the brand. They try to establish an effective
response for the brand using emotions, moods
and feelings of the customers.

When an advertisement evokes positive feelings

or emotions customer makes faster decisions.
Therefore advertisements use humour, fear to
evoke strong emotions
Creating Emotions
Fevicol ads are good example for humorous ads
In one of the ad a man tries to commit suicide by
hanging himself and the whole village comes to
see this man committing suicide. But the chair
on which this man stands breaks and he falls
down. An old man peeping through the window
says Fevicol nahi lagayo tharo kam nahi hoyo
(You did not apply fevicol so you could not finish
your task)
Creating Emotions
Suddenly a log of wood from the ceiling falls
on the mans head. The old man again says
Fevicol nai lagayo tharo to kaam hogoyo
(Didnt apply fevicol so you are finished.
Fear Ads
Income tax returns, Service tax creates fear in
the minds (if not paid they may be arrested
and sent behind the bars)
Using Endorsers
In the words of Phil Knight (The CEO of Nike) You
cant explain much in 60 seconds, but when you
show Celebrities, You dont have to

Endorsers are the people who create a positive

impact in the mindset of the customers and
motivate them to buy the product. Companies
(profit making as well as non profit organizations)
use film stars, sports personalities, beauty queens
and public figures like politicians to endorse their
Advertising Appropriation
Part of an advertiser's income that is allocated for
advertising purposes for a specific period of time.

The advertising appropriation is generally established

after administrative costs, manufacturing costs, direct-
selling costs, and acceptable levels of profits have been
calculated. The amount of the allocation may be based
on any of the following: (1) percentage of estimated
sales, (2) task to be accomplished, (3) assessment of the
number of units sold in the previous budget period, (4)
competitors' expenditures etc. The allocation is applied
to a program over a specific time period (3 months, 6
months, 12 months, or longer-term)
7 Main stages
Identifying the Schedule the Measure
target advertising advertising
audience campaign effectiveness

advertisement Select media

Set the Develop

advertising advertisement
budget message
Target Audience

The target audience is a market segment to which

marketer wants to communicate a product or a
brand message. Advertising can be targeted
towards mass markets or towards niche markets.

E.g. Advertisement of Amrutanjan pain balm is

targeted at the mass market, while the
advertisement of Mercedes Benz is targeted
towards niche market of status conscious and
high group customers
Specifying advertisement objectives
Advertising campaigns require clear objectives.
Determine the communications objective and
how it contributes to the wider marketing
To insure a cost-effective campaign that delivers
results, advertising objectives should be
translated into precise, measurable targets.

The objectives can be :

Persuade and

A company can use advertising to inform the

customer about the new product launch,
communicate the benefits of the existing
products, inform the services provided by the

E.g. MUL tv Ads advertise on their wide network of

service stations across India shows that two Guys
are searching for a food outlet in Ladakh. They
cant find one but come across a Maruti service
station even at such abandoned and deserted
Persuade customer by announcing special discounts
and offers
Persuade to take a sales call
Encourage customers to switch from other brands

E.G Eureka forbes shows a sales executive giving a demo

at customers residence and giving a dial free number.
E.g. Enos antacid advertisement makes a comparison
between company product and digestion aiding tablets
like Dabur Pudin hara to highlight the effectiveness of
the product
Remind customers that a product will yield
benefits in the future

E.g. Insurance companies repeat advertisements to

remind and convince customers that the product
will yield benefits in the future

Retain a product in the customers mind during off

Remind where to find a product
Set the advertising budget
Marketer believes that advertising helps in increasing
the demand for a product in the market. The amount
of the money spent on the advertising campaign
should be in accordance to the sales it generates. The
budget would vary as per the product life cycle.

Some common methods used by the firms are

Objective and task method
Percentage of sales method
Affordability method
Competitive parity method
Objective and Task method
This method calls for the advertisers to develop
their advertising budget by
Defining their specific advertising objective
Determining the tasks that need to be performed to
achieve those objectives
Estimating the cost of performing those task

The sum total of these cost determines the advertising

budget. The major disadvantage of using this method
is that marketers cannot accurately estimate and
quantify the efforts required to achieve an objective
Percent of Sales method
Can be expressed by means of a formula as
(Spending on advertisement in rupees/sales in
rupees) * 100
The percent of sales method can be developed by
studying the past sales figures and relative
budget allocations and understanding the
pattern. The projections can also be made by
observing the past sales record and assessing all
the controllable (product development, sales )
and uncontrollable variables (government
policies, economic status of the country,
consumer tastes and preferences)
Affordability Method
Marketer after allocating all other expenses in his
budget, allocates the remaining funds to advertising
Although this is the method of choice for many small
companies the results are neither predictable nor
There is nothing wrong with this method but the
results might not be usually be as productive as
desired by the firm because the decision to advertise
is dependent on the financial capability
Competitive Parity Method
Companies sometimes determine their advertising
budget by comparing with competitors advertising
The companies need to be careful in this method as
the resources and the objectives of the company may
be totally different
Advertisement budget is allocated on the basis of what
competitors have spent in the past, however it is not
ascertained that the competitors will follow the same
strategy in the future. By the time the company comes
to know about the expenditure that competitor have
made on their advertising, there will always be a delay
and the competitors have already reaped the benefits
Develop the advertising message
The clarity in the advertising message is more
important than the amount spent on it.

The following characteristics are expected

Meaningful : relevant and meaningful
Distinctive : to capture the attention of the customer
E.g. Liril soap ads (the girl in the waterfall) with a unique
sound track
Believable : Convince about the features of the product
E.g. Vim bar ads, ORS (oral re-hydration)
Making the customers believe is a difficult task because in
general most customers doubt the claims made by
marketer in an advertisement
Approaches to creating Advertisements

Comparative Advertising
Explicit Advertising
Inoculative Advertising
Refutation Advertising
Creating emotions
Using endorsers

And the message structure

Selecting the Right Media
Who should be reached? (target segment /
Where are they located ? (urban area, Semi
urban area, Rural area)
Which medium is appropriate? (Newspaper,
TV, radio, Magazines etc. )
When do we run the advertisement? (season,
month, time slot, days, weeks)
Evaluation of Advertising Effectiveness
Advertisers use different methods like intermediate
measures. They are called intermediate measures
because target audiences are tested after they are
exposed to the ad and before they take an
In this method the researcher questions the
respondent to analyze their receptiveness,
comprehension and the response
Receptiveness : whether the audiences have clearly
received the message
Comprehension : Whether the audiences have
understood the message
Response : whether the audiences have accepted the
Sales Promotion
AMA defines : Sales promotion include activities that
supplement both personal selling and advertising and co-
ordinate them and make them effective such as displays,
shows, demonstrations and other non-recurrent selling efforts
not in the ordinary routine

In simple words Sales promotion as an activity is taken up to

boost the sales of the product. It can include a host of
activities like running advertising campaigns, handling public
relation activities, distribution of free samples, offering free
gifts, conducting trade fairs, exhibitions and competitions,
offering temporary price discounts, launching door to door
selling and telemarketing etc.

Compared to any other element Sales promotion is more

action oriented
Different types of Sales Promotion

There are two types

Consumer Sales Promotion Methods

Trade Sales Promotion Methods

Consumer Sales Promotion Methods
Marketers use sales promotion to introduce new
product or brand, or promote the existing brand
Price Promotions : Price discounts
Coupons : certificate that offers price discount for
some specified items to the holder (pasted on package,
placed in the package, newspaper, offered with a
purchase, cut out in advertisement, printed on back of
Free gifts / samples (subscription based products-
magazines, consumer luxuries perfumes, vehicles etc)

Banks and other businesses offer free gifts like calendars,

diaries, penholders etc.
Consumer Sales Promotion Methods
Money refunds and rebates : on multiple purchases
Frequent user incentives : rewarding loyal customers
(E.g. Frequent flier schemes offered by airlines)

POP-point of purchase displays : (window displays, wall

displays, display racks, danglers, balloons, outside
signs, counter pieces, and innovations such as sniff
teasers that spread a products aroma in the store etc.
Installment offers : paying remaining amount on an
installment basis
Consumer Sales Promotion Methods

Consumer Contest : Competition to attract

customers attention
Consumer Sweepstakes : submit the names in
a draw for prizes
Trade Shows : Exhibitions and trade shows
Trade Sales Promotion Methods
Manufacturers use special trade promotion methods to
encourage reseller like retailers to promote their products

Buying Allowance : Temporary prize reduction offered to the

retailer for purchasing specific quantity of product
Buyback Allowance : Offered to the channel member for each
additional unit purchased after initial deal
Merchandise Allowance : Manufacturer agrees to pay certain
amount of money for promoting companies product through
advertising or displays
Free Merchandise : Additional amount of product is offered
without any additional cost as an incentive to purchase a
minimum quantity
Trade Sales Promotion Methods
Dealer Loader : Reward or gift given to retailer to
encourage display of merchandise

Dealer Listing : Technique in which advertisement

of company identifies & acknowledges its retailer

Scan back Allowance : Retailers are rewarded on

the basis of number of units that moved through
their scanners
Sales promotion v/s Advertising
A decade ago advertising to sales ratio was 60:40,
Today in consumer packaged goods it is 75% of
the combined budget. (roughly 50% is for trade
promotion and 25% is consumer promotion
More qualified managers are to use sales
promotion tools
The number of brands have increased as a reason
competitors use promotions frequently
Advertising builds brand loyalty whereas sales
promotion might devaluate the product offerings
in the customers mind
Sales promotion v/s Advertising
Promotions do not build permanent total
category volume

Heavy use of sales promotion can decrease

brand loyalty, increase price sensitivity , brand
quality image dilution and a focus on short
run marketing planning
Publicity refers to generation of news about a
person, product or service. Publicity can be
done through print or broadcast media.

Publicity is a form of non personal, unpaid,

mass communication. Its a subset of Public
relations. Publicity can build awareness of the
consumer. One major advantage of publicity
is when information is positive credibility
increases substantially
Goals of Publicity
Merchandising Orientation : to increase sales.
When some celebrity is called to give an
autograph in a sports wear shop the purpose is to
draw more customers to buy sportswear

Entertainment Orientation : Goodwill. E.g.

Musical Nights to get media coverage

Educational Orientation : Holding a program the

proceeds of which to be given to a developmental
Advantages and Disadvantages of Publicity
Credibility : Believable
News Value
Significant WOM
Perception being endorsed by media
Negative publicity
Timing of publicity not under control
Relationship between Advertising and publicity
Publicity is not perceived as being sponsored by
the company
Consumers perceive information as objective and
Publicity is more powerful than advertising due to
its credibility
E.g. pepsi and coke both have adverse publicity with
respect to the water they use for preparing soft
Worm being found in Cadbury Chocolates and Amul
Milk powder
Personal Selling

Personal Selling involves selling through a

person to person communication process.
There is a face to face communication and any
effort made to advertise for a product/service
is tailor made i.e. the message is intended to
meet specific needs and wants of a particular
Nature of Personal Selling
There are five distinct stages of personal Selling
Provider Stage : Accepting the order
Persuader Stage : Persuade the market. There is
a competition. All new model cars
Prospector Stage : locating the prospective
buyers who have authority and resources to buy.
E.g. Insurance, Credit Card
Problem Solving stage : Identify the problem,
translate into needs and present with alternatives
which could solve buyers problem
Procreator Stage : Tailor-made solutions
Advantages and Disadvantages of
Personal Selling
Allows Two way communication : Direct feedback
Tailoring of the message : to suit the buyer
Lack of distraction : one to one presentation
Involvement in the decision process : buyer and
seller get involved to solve a problem
High Cost : Expensive
Poor Reach : cannot reach many members of target
Sales force/ Management Conflict
Role of Personal Selling
Market Analysis : Competitor analysis, overall
demand for the product, consumer attitudes
New product : unfulfilled needs of the customer
Customer Service : Training people, signing
annual maintenance contract, providing spare
parts and installation
Buyer Behavior Analysis : to formulate strategies
Customer Relationship Management : Acts as
partner to provide necessary inputs
Sales Forecasting : estimates of future sales
(short term and long term)
Steps in Personal Selling
Prospecting and qualifying : Generating Leads
Pre-Approach : learning about prospect company
Approach : Needs to be positive
Presentation and Demonstration : AIDA, FABV
Features, advantages, benefits and value approach,
Canned Approach : Memorized sales talk, Need
satisfaction Approach, formulated approach
Overcoming Objections : Psychological reluctance
Closing : Indicating he will lose if he does not order
Follow up : To make sure that proper installation and
servicing is done
Negotiation : Routinized exchange and Negotiated
Integration with Promotion Mix

Personal Selling with Advertising:

Advertising , public relations supplement the
efforts of personal selling
Advertising helps in creating awareness in case of
new product launch
Personal Selling helps to communicate the
In most cases good advertising helps the
salesman to approach the potential customer
very confidently
Integration with Promotion Mix
Personal Selling and Public relations
The company salesman is the best person for the PR
E.g. A Salesperson may donate blood in a blood
donation camp, or might collect subscription to fight a
cause such as to help
Personal Selling with Direct Marketing
Sometimes companies are found to integrate direct
marketing specifically telemarketing into personal
selling operation thus making sales more effective.
Functions like generating leads, short listing potential
buyers which result on higher sales closing
E.g. Housing loan and personal loan offered by most
banks follow this integration
Integration with Promotion Mix
Personal Selling and Sales promotion
Sales promotion and personal selling always
support each other. The salesman himself
requests the company to conduct sales
promotion in order to achieve targeted sales.
Sales promotion leads to higher sales which in
turn acts as a motivator for the sales force
Thus sales promotion and personal selling are
closely related to each other E.g. Most FMCG
products follow this procedure
Direct Marketing and Direct Response
Direct Marketing is any advertising activity that
creates a direct relationship between the prospect or
customers as an individual.

Direct marketing is also called by other names such

as Dialogue marketing, personal marketing,
Relationship marketing & Database marketing.

In direct marketing a database is built and this

database is used to build relationship with the
Examples Direct Marketing
Brooke Bonds new Rich cafe instant coffee Granules was
launched in a competitive market. In order to increase the trial
and simultaneously establish a direct link with coffee drinkers
Brooke bond began an interesting experiment to conduct product
sampling by mail.

The mailers list was provided by advertising agency and this list
was bought by Brooke bond. The list consisted only the coffee
drinkers in the city of Chennai. The target sample customers of
4000 were home delivered the small jar of coffee granules. The
delivery was done by courier and registered post.

This direct delivery of rich caf granules saved cost and

conventional door to door sampling
Example Direct Marketing
While a car cannot be sold through mail, direct
mailers could be used to get prospectors to go to
the car dealer and test drive a car before deciding
to buy it.

Hyundai the Korean car maker did this for their

Sonata car. The list of mailers possessing a similar
class of older model car was got from the ad-
agency. A test drive along with a financial tie up
and a free gift was offered to those who visited
the dealers.
Event Management
Event management is about generating ideas and
concepts and translate the same into reality. Event
Management can simply be described as turning
dream projects into plain reality. Creativity,
imagination and an eye for detail makes sure that the
end product is as wonderful as the concept or
sometimes even better.
An event management company specializes in
planning, staffing organizing conferences, trade fairs,
tours, live shows, fashion shows and similar events.
Event management companies render special services
starting from publicity to running the event
These are highly targeted brand associate
activities. These are planned to engage the
prospects. Events are customer oriented
promotion activities. Most of the events are
sponsored. Sponsorship increases the awareness
of the brand. The events are customized. The
idea is to reach out the target audience who have
come to witness the event.

E.g. Concerts, Competition etc.

E.g. SKF bearings invites its dealers for the meet
throughout the country. This is an event to
exchange the vital ideas regarding various
marketing information
Various types of events
Live show : Celebrities, endorsers

Staging Conference : Corporate meetings, training


Exhibition : showroom, temporary in nature

where buyers and sellers meet

Retail Merchandising : increase visibility at the

retail outlet

Event shows : Most popularly the fashion shows

Advantages and Disadvantages

Enhances brand visibility
Excellent platform for appropriate relationship
Bond between customer and the company

Involvement of small percentage of brands
target audience
Public Relations
A Systematic act of building an image of the
product/service/idea/company among the
target group / general public/stakeholders
though a well designed promotion on a
regular basis

The public is any group with potential interest

and can impact the companys ability to
achieve its objective. Main motto of the PR
department is company to be in the limelight
E.g. Public relations

Crisis Management :

E.g. Brand Ambassador Aamir khan was hired

by Coke to explain that the soft drink was safe

Scare about Tylenol after it was involved in

cyanide murders in 1982
Objectives of Public Relations
Promoting goodwill

Promoting a product or a service

To give information to the internal employees

Helps to overcome negative publicity

Give advice and counsel

Tools of PR

Press release

Exclusive stories

Company newsletter

Interviews and press conference

Sponsored event
Advantages of PR
Avoidance of Clutter : News item
Ability to reach specific groups
Lead generation
Image building

If PR does not co-ordinate with marketing department
there can be inconsistency in the communication
Media Relations
Cabbage patch dolls became a toy craze in the 1985
after being featured in a Newsweek cover story,
appearing in network and local TV and radio broadcasts
and after first lady Nancy Reagan was show worldwide
giving them to two Korean children hospitalized for
heart treatment

New products of various kinds from Ford cars like the

Tauras to fat substitutes like Simplesse achieved high
level of brand awareness even before the advertising
for them broke because of favorable news coverage.
To convey an image of industry leadership many
industrial marketers try hard to have trade magazines
carry articles by lined up by their top executives
Media Relations
PR professionals work with the media to place
stories about products, companies and company
spokespeople. This is done by developing
interesting and relevant story angles that are
pitched to the media. It is important to
remember that media placements come with
good stories and no payment is made to the
media for placements.
In fact, in order to maintain the highest level of
credibility, many news organizations bar reporters
from accepting even the smallest gifts (e.g., free
pencils with product logo) from companies.
Key tools of PR
Key tools used in media relations include:
Press Kits - Include written information such as a news release,
organization background, key spokesperson biographies and other
supporting materials that provide information useful to reporters.
Audio or Video News Releases - These are pre-recorded features
distributed to news media that may be included within media
programming. For instance, a local news report about amusement
parks may include portions of a video news release from a national
amusement park company.
Matte Release - Some media, especially small local newspapers,
may accept articles written by companies often as filler material
when their publication lacks sufficient content. PR professionals
submit matte releases through syndicated services (i.e., services
that supply content to many media outlets) or directly to targeted
media via email or fax mail
Community Relations
Ed Bernays father of modern public relations
pulled off huge publicity coup for general electric
by orchestrating the celebrations for the fiftieth
anniversary of Edisons invention of the light bulb
in which then president Herbert Hoover and
million of others switched on their electric lights
after an NBC announcer gave the signal
Budweiser sponsored the concert tour of the
Rolling stones
Pepsi that of Michael Jackson gaining tremendous
Community Relations
Fast food and other companies often run their tie
in promotions with movies
Cigarettes companies sponsor events like Virginia
Slims tennis and Winston Cup, NASCAR racing
Most athletes at most major sports events are
paid to wear the logos of sponsoring companies

The key issue here is fit between the event being

sponsored and the desired positioning and image
of the sponsoring brand or company
Community Relations
For many companies fostering good relations with key
audiences includes building strong relationships with their
regional community. Companies implement programs
supportive of the community ranging from supporting local
organizations and institutions (e.g., arts organizations,
community activities, parks) to conducting educational
workshops (e.g., for teachers, parents) to donating product
for community events and charitable fundraisers.
The goal is generally to develop a positive relationship with
members of the community (i.e., be known as a good
neighbour). Effective community relations can help a
company weather bad publicity or a crisis situation that can
unexpectedly arise due to a problem with a product,
unethical behaviour by management, or even by false
rumours. Some companies also make an effort to
contribute to charitable organizations, often organizations
that have some relationship to the companys mission or to
a key principal of the company.
The company has to decide which form of Internet
Advertising will be most cost effective in achieving
advertising objectives
Banner Ads Small rectangular boxes containing
information and perhaps a picture
Sponsorships best placed in well targeted sites where
they can offer relevant information or service
Microsite Limited area on web managed and paid by
external advertiser / company. Relevant for companies
selling low interest products such as insurance. People
rarely use insurance websites. However a company
can create a microsite on used car sites that offers
advice to buyers of used cars and good insurance deal
Interstitials ads with video or animation that pop up
between changes on the website
Search Related ads - search terms used as a
proxy for the consumers consumption interests
and relevant links to the products or services

E.G. Microsoft spent approximately $70 million a

year on paper driven campaigns. Now it sends
out 20 million pieces of email every month at
significant savings over the cost of paper based
campaigns. As compared to others forms of
communication email is hands down winner.
Personalization/customization is attractive
benefit through this form of communication
Corporate Communication
Corporate communication is the act of businesses
giving over information about their company. This
can be done through talking in person, talking on
the phone, billboards, websites, product
brochures, television advertisements and more.

Types of Corporate communication

Internal Corporate Communication
Internal communication is the aspect of
corporate communication where employees
exchange information to each other. It includes all
aspects of company personnel exchanging
information. Internal corporate communication
includes managers handing over information to
employees, employees communicating to each
other on as equals, communication between
different divisions within the same company, and
other such tasks. Internal corporate
communication is the backbone of strong
company communication as without being able
to communicate within the company, you will not
be able to build or grow the company.
External Corporate Communication
External communication is how businesses and
corporations send their message outward. It is
how companies define themselves to the outside
world and how they give over this message.
Included in external corporate communications is
creating websites, attending tradeshows,
distributing product brochures, calling customers
on the phone, and more.
Other terms related to external communication
include PR, marketing, advertising, branding, etc.
Employee Relations
For many companies communicating regularly with
employees is important in keeping employees
informed of corporate programs, sales incentives,
personnel issues, as well as keeping them updated
on new products and programs. Companies use a
variety of means to communicate with employees,
including Intranet, email, online and print
In larger firms an in-house PR department often
works in conjunction with the Human Resources
Department to develop employee communications.
IMC Message Design
The cat sat on the mat is not a story but the
Cat sat on the Dogs mat now thats the story
(Gerry Miller , Director , Dentsu

Advertising is both art and science. The

science of advertising is the analytical part
that we have been looking up to this point.
Some people call this as convergent thinking
because the process is to distill a lot of
information into the core advertising strategy
The creative process Coming up with
an idea
The creative process is concerned with talking the
baldly stated marketing proposition usually
derived from and couched in terms of marketing
research and manufacturing specifications and
turning it into one or more creative ideas that
clearly, powerfully, persuasively convey to the
consumer that the brand does for them and why
it should matter to them.
Such creative process comes to play when
research leaves off.
Creative process
Fact Finding
A) Problem definition : picking and pointing the
B) Preparation : gathering and analyzing the
pertinent data
Idea finding
A) Idea production : thinking up tentative ideas as
possible leads
B) Idea development : selecting from resultant
ideas, adding others, and reprocessing by means
of modifications, combination and so on.
Creative idea
We took a great idea, and made it fly - Samsonite

Introducing Total track. Its like getting live

broadcasts from the scene of your package
(united parcel service ) UPS
55,000 drivers carry hand held computers, state
of the art cellular technology. Finding out the
status of the air or designated ground package at
any time
AIDA Model consideration for
creative idea visualization
Advertising creativity is a disciplined one and aims at
achieving the clients objective of increased sales.
Certain checks are placed on the free expression of
creativity communication checks, audience checks,
media checks etc.
There are following steps before actually putting on paper
the words for the ad or commercial.
The study of the market segment
Study of the product and searching the main attraction
- advantages and benefits that are built in the product
and services that are to be advertised
Analysis of the selling points
AIDA Model consideration for creative
idea visualization
As a result of this analysis he comes out with unique selling
preposition presented by him in his ad message. The USP matches
a selling point with a consumer benefit and does so in a unique
E.g. A USP for detergent would be ingredient X as a selling point and
brighter clothes as a benefit.
Advertising has been called as salesmanship in print or broadcasting
media. The hierarchy of effects model of Levidge and Steiner is
relevant. The six stages of the model are awareness, knowledge,
liking, preference, conviction and purchase sometimes referred as
awareness, interest, desire and action
The information and the facts about the product and the service in
the first two stages followed by effective dimensions of liking,
preference, conviction and purchase stages respectively.
Case : Taj group of hotels
In the beginning 90s Taj undertook a formal marketing
research activity to understand the current lifestyles.
Formerly it relied on the inputs of the airline and travel
industry. The research attempted to understand what
would appeal to the future customer. The top ranking
was received by exclusivity.
The findings also revealed that the existing customer
base of the traditionalists who liked the classy
understated Taj was shrinking. Taj is a powerful brand
name with high degree of unaided recall. The recent
corporate campaign strengthens this strong identity of
the Taj. The Taj is symbolized with the erigmatic
women who is known for hospitality and efficiency
Case : Taj group of hotels
This is the new identity developed after customer
attitude towards the study of Taj. In-depth
interviews were conducted. The research was
qualitative. The parameter examined were doing
the right things, the quality of check in, the smile,
the greetings, or the welcome drink.
The Taj has been given the distinct personality of
caring, efficient and erigmatic. It is an emotional
slot. The lines goes on She is the Taj. The
baseline is No body cares so much
Relationship between Advertising
and PLC
Introduction : Informative Advertising builds
initial demand

Growth : Persuasive advertising competitive

type of promotion

Maturity and Decline: Reminder oriented

advertising strengthening the previous
promotional activity by keeping the brand name
before the eye of the public
Copywriting, illustrating and layout are the
different activities associated with the creative
stage of advertising development.
Copywriting in print is the activity of actually
putting words to paper, particularly those
contained in the main body of the text (main
arguments and appeals used) but also including
the attendant bylines and headlines.
In broadcast the copywriter is in effect a script
writer who develops the scenario or script to be
used in a radio or television medium, writing a
jingle or lyrics for music may be involved.

Illustrating is usually the work of an artist in case of


Layout generally refers to activity of bringing all the

pieces together and as will be seen, differs in case
of print and broadcast.
John Caples in his book develops a checklist for important
guidelines of copywriting
Cash in on your personal experience
Organize your experience
Write from the heart
Learn from the experience of others
Talk to the manufacturer
Study the product
Review previous advertising for the product
Study competitors ads
Solve the prospects problem
Put your subconscious mind to work
Ring the changes on a successful idea
Direct mail advertisement of John Caples

They Laughed When I Sat Down

At the Piano
But When I Started to Play!-

Then I started to play

A complete triumph !
How I learned to play without a teacher
Play any instrument
Send for our free booklet and demonstration lesson
The art of Copywriting
Do You Make These
Six Common Mistakes
On Your Taxes?
The arithmetic error
The transcription error
The Omitted form
The misinterpreted instruction
The overlooked deduction
The exceeded guideline
The curiosity headline of TurboTax. Americas No. 1 tax
The art of Copywriting
Story Appeal

I love you
Little Jenny Katherine.

I want to tell you something

Very, very important.
Daddy got a raise.

Bill heater is feeling more at ease about his family

future since he invested his raise at John Hancock
Financial Services.
Real life real answers
Model of Creation Process

Creative Process

Copywriting Illustrating


Client Approval
Media Management

The budget to set the brand is $5 million for the

upcoming year. Now the decisions which need to be
faced are :
Should we spend more money on Television or
Should a two page advertisement be used or would a
single page advertisement be better
Time decisions : prime time or during day time
Duration : Fifteen seconds or thirty seconds
Media Factors
Media Class : Television, radio, newspaper and
direct mail
Media Vehicles : The environment for the
NBC News, Time, Football, cricket matches
Media Option : Description of the advertisement
like size(full page or half page), length (fifteen
seconds or thirty seconds) colour (black and
white or four colour) etc
Scheduling and timing
Media Management
Allocating the budget on quantitative and
qualitative criteria
Quantitatively, data are collected on how many
people in the target market can be reached
through the media class
Qualitatively, the most important consideration
have to do with the fit between the medium and
creative execution
A good media plan integrates the media used.
Initially TV could be the medium to generate
awareness and interest in a new product while a
follow up radio campaign can be used
Media Management
Media Vehicle Decisions: The number of exposures
that could be obtained and for what cost.

Reach and Frequency : reach refers to number of

people or households that will be exposed to an
advertising schedule at least once over the specified
period of time

Qualifying reach : The first refinement of the counting

exposures approach to media vehicle selection is to
consider the types of people being exposed
Media Management
Qualifying frequency : The exposure counting
approach to media decisions implicitly assumes
that all exposures to an individual will have an
equal impact
In addition to estimate of the viewership,
readership and listenership of individual media
vehicles, various other sources of media
information also become useful in developing a
media plan. These include estimates about
competitive brands are spending by major
medium and by geographical areas obtained
through services such as Competitive Media
Reporting / Leading national advertisers
Media Buying strategies and execution

Once the final media schedule is determined the actual

negotiation and buying of the media units (Television,
radio time, Magazine and newspaper space etc.) have
to occur. The media buying service consolidates buys
from multiple clients when it negotiates with the
media and can often save the client between 15% to
25% on the rates they pay for television and radio ad

The rates for media are rarely fixed in stone, though

they may appear to be when described on the rate card
Media Buying strategies and execution
The negotiations are complex and media buys are
made at different rates depending on the
conditions involved. Network television time can
be bought several months ahead by high volume
buyer wanting a deal covering an entire season
(called an upfront buy) or bought in the quarter
of the year when the ad will air ( a scatter buy )

If the network fails to deliver the promise

audience or if airing of the ad is somehow
botched, the network is typically obliged to make
good by offering extra time free of charge to
make up for the shortfall
Media Buying strategies and execution

If the buy is made in the scatter market the

price paid depends on the supply and demand
situation at that time

The prices charged are higher if the advertiser

wants his spot to run at a fixed time of the day
(ROT Run of time), or fixed page location
(ROP run of paper) rather than anywhere
Media Buying strategies and execution
Unbiasedness : If advertising concerned with political or
social issues is considered, the position of the vehicle
may indeed affect the communication. Many
advertisers would be interested to see their ads that
are respected for their objectivity, hoping that it will
rub off as some kind of endorsement of their ads.
Expertness : Ads can be expected to reflect the degree of
expertise associated with the area of interest of the
vehicle in which they appear. E.g. the magazine tennis
is seen as a reliable source of information regarding
new product development in tennis
Media Buying strategies and execution
Editorial Fit : A similar argument is made that an ads are
more effective when they appear near editorial matter that
deals with relevant and support material.

When editorial matter discusses some attribute it makes it

more likely that an ambiguous ad close by will be
interpreted with that same attribute in mind because the
editorial matter makes that attribute more accessible in
memory and more likely to be used in subsequent
information evaluation.

E.g. an ad that says certain car is bigger sized if the nearby

editorial matter talks about safety in automobiles the
reader is more likely to think that the advertised bigger car
is safer instead of thinking that a big car must be less
economical on fuel
Media Buying strategies and execution
Prestige : Prestige is another attribute commonly
considered to be important and exclusive for
some products.
Mood Created : The overall liking transfer effect is
stronger if the viewer is highly involved in the ad
itself so the viewer forms an attitude towards the
brand. The effect is weaker for ads that are run at
the end of commercial break
Audience involvement: According to several
researchers vehicle should generate a superior
commercial exposure than a vehicle that is not
very interesting to the audience
Media Management Add inputs
How long does the ad stay on the screen?
minimum 15 seconds
For a fee of $20 graphic fee you can change the
ad as you would like by giving 7 days notice.
Then if you decide to go back to your original ad
there will be no charge. You own the original
slide for the entire year
How long does its takes before my ad starts
running? from the time we make an agreement,
7 to 10 days
Payment methods cheque or credit card
Media management horrifying facts
Only 8% of internet users account for 85% of clicks on
display ads

The average person is served 1700 banner ads per month.

Do you remember any?

The average click through rate of display ads is 0.1%

About 50% of clicks on mobile ads are accidental

Popups that block the article for 15, 14, 13, 12 ... Seconds
are extremely annoying
Times of India
In 2008 - The worlds largest selling daily, ranked
3rd largest selling newspaper in any language in
the world

It is owned and published by Bennett, Coleman &

Co. Ltd. which is owned by the Sahu Jain family

Times music, planet M, Radio Mirchi, 360

degrees, times classified, times jobs, Zoom, times
Matri Simply Marry, times Now, Pune Mirror, ET
Major brands include
The Times of India, World's largest English-language broadsheet
daily in terms of circulation
The Economic Times, India's largest financial daily, and the world's
second largest in terms of circulation after The Wall Street Journal
Maharashtra Times, Marathi daily
Navbharat Times, Hindi Daily in Delhi and Mumbai
Sandhya Times, Hindi Daily Evening Tabloid in Delhi
Mumbai Mirror India's largest circulated compact newspaper
Kolkata Mirror
Ahmedabad Mirror
Pune Mirror
Bangalore Mirror, Bangalore's first morning compact daily
Vijaya Karnataka, Kannada daily.
ZigWheels, India's largest Automobile magazine.
ET Wealth, India's largest Personal Finance compact weekly.
Hoarding contractors /Printers
The outdoor is the potent media and is
considerable use worldwide. The outdoor may
be stationery as in case of hoardings or mobile as
on panel for advertising in buses and trains. The
exposure is likely to be short and therefore the
message carried by most of the outdoor media
has to be brief. The visibility of the total
advertisement say on a hoarding or a exterior of
a moving train or a bus to passers by will be
constrained by the limited duration of exposure.
The content of the message and the layout has to
be accordingly designed
Hoarding contractors /Printers
Outdoor advertisements may serve the limited
purpose of creating awareness of the brand name
of just one or two prominent features of the
product. Merely outdoor advertising can be used
as reminder advertising.

Advantages of outdoor advertising

Less expensive than mass media
Cost varies according to the location
Hoarding contractors /Printers
Hoarding printing has been revolutionized by
Chitralekha group of publications which has imported
machinery (worth more than 3.5 crore ) It is technically
known as Single pass poster machine and is totally
computerized. From single colour transparency or
even a print, posters of any size can be printed as per
the specifications
There is no upper limit on the length of the picture but
the width is restricted to 8 feet. However any size can
be made possible by digitalizing the picture to be
enlarged. Tiling refers to breakup of huge poster into
several panels and then pasting them together
Hoarding contractors /Printers
Colour processing of high degree

Normally offset press print posters in the tile


With Chitralekha equipment printing a single

poster is possible

The printing surface can be from the ordinary

paper to vinyl. It improves the life of the hoarding
New Trends - Hoarding contractors /Printers
Some marketers use only hoardings as the only
medium during launch of a product. E.g. Polo mint

Telecom sector companies use hoardings to create

public awareness

A 40 feet x 2o feet hoarding in a prime spot in Mumbai

would cost around Rs. 2 lakhs to 5 lakhs a month. It is
no longer a medium for the small players

Hand painted hoardings can be changed frequently.

They are cost effective
Ad - Agency
Clients usually begin an agency search by putting
up their account for review in which both the
incumbent agency and invited new agencies
could be asked to make presentations to retain or
obtain the account
Such a review could be regular periodic one, or
be precipitated by some unhappiness with the
quality of the creative work the client thinks it
has been receiving from the incumbent agency
Sometimes the source of friction could be a
change in marketing strategy at the client with
the perception that the current agency is unable
or unwilling to implement the new strategy
Ad - Agency

The dissatisfaction can be caused by poor market

share performance or heightened competitive
activity or

Dispute over compensation or

Appointment of new marketing or advertising

chief or

Change in ownership of the client such as merger

or acquisition
Client Servicing

Need for global account servicing

Need for specialty advertiser services

Wider agency involvement to move towards

creating more integrated communications

E.g. Reebok shifted from small Chiat/Day to Leo

Burnett because Burnett could serve Reebok
grow internationally
Client Agency Relationship
The most crucial aspect that can pull apart is
perception of the client that the agency is not
contributing to the clients business growth

Client should not hire an agency to support what

he/she thinks

Client who does not expect and reward an agency

for fresh thinking is usually going to get terrible
Client Agency Relationship
Good clients create sense of partnership
sharing information, research and sales data,
being honest with the agency, respecting the
expertise, asking agency to provide best thinking
Good clients ask the agency to get immersed in
the clients business (such as sales and factory
visits) and make it easy for the agency personnel
Regular performance reviews in which sources of
dissatisfaction can be aired, hoped and resolved
Client Agency Relationship
A good client treats the agency as a partner
Desire and willingness of the client to support the
creative work
Agency and the client should be open minded
Budget details and deadlines must be respected
Good communication client hates unpleasant
When agency makes presentations the criticism
needs to be honest but not brutal, constructive,
tactful and depersonalized
Account Planning
Client perception is agency charges too much
money on the clients account. Agency
compensation should match its workload

An agency that creates several campaigns or has

to modify the ads frequently deserves to
negotiate additional fees

Client are usually accustomed to tight cost

controls. Many agency people on the other hand
treat clients money as if someone elses money
that can be freely spent
Memorable taglines
Brand Theme Ad Tagline

Our car is more spacious More Car Per Car (Tata Indica)

It is prestigious to own our brand of TV Neighbors envy, Owners pride (Onida TV

Our butter is tasty and fun to eat Utterly Butterly delicious (AMUL)

Our motorbike is fuel efficient Fill it, Shut it , Forget it (Hero Honda

Our mobile service helps you to stay in Express yourself (Airtel mobile telephone
touch with anyone services )
Ethics and social responsibility in
IMC campaigns
Advertising and their agencies must be sure
advertising does not overstep social and legal
norms. Public policy makers have developed a
substantial body of laws and regulations to
govern advertising

According to the law in India, advertisements for

alcoholic beverages and cigarettes cannot be
screened on television. However indirect
advertising is permitted in print and outdoor
advertisements for these products
Ethics and social responsibility in IMC
Infant food advertising is not acceptable in
Restrictions are on advertising targeting
Advertisements of pharmaceuticals products
that promise cure, diagnosis and treatment
are governed by Drugs and Cosmetic Rules
and Magic remedies. As per the law no
advertisement should promise magical cure
for any ailments or disease
Ethics and social responsibility in IMC
Rules prohibit any advertisement that offend
the morality, decency and religious
susceptibility of the audience
As per the ASCI (Advertising Standard Council
of India) women cannot be portrayed in a
manner that emphasizes passive and
submissive qualities which may encourage
them to play a subordinate, secondary role in
the family and society
Ethics and social responsibility in IMC
According to the MRTP Act (Monopolies
and Restrictive trade practices act 1969)
specifies that any misleading, false and
wrong representation either in writing or
oral that causes injury or loss to the
consumers is considered as unfair trade
Similarly business promotions where free
gifts and contests where any element of
deception is involved is also treated as
unfair trade practice
Ethics and social responsibility in IMC
The ASCI a self regulatory organization
formed by the advertising industry provides
basic guidelines for fairness in advertising
industry for ensuring fairness in advertising
and has mechanisms to safeguard against
misleading messages
Consumer protection organizations also play
a significant role in ensuring that the
advertisements do not make false claims. In
addition the Act of 1986 recognizes the
rights of the consumers and provides
remedial action when consumers are
Evaluating the Marketing
Communication Programs
Good planning and control of advertising
depends on the measures of the advertising
effectiveness. Most advertisers try to
measure the communication effect of an ad
that is its potential effect on awareness,
knowledge or preference
Communication effect research : seeks to
determine whether the ad is communicating
effectively. It can be done before the ad is
put into media and after it is printed or
Evaluating the Marketing
Communication Programs
Three methods of pretesting

The consumer feedback method asks consumers

for their reactions to the proposed ad like
What is the message you get from this ad?
What do you think they want you to know?
How does the ad make you feel?
How likely is that this ad will influence you to
undertake the action
Evaluating the Marketing Communication
Portfolio test : Asks consumers to view or
listen to a portfolio of advertisements.
Consumers are asked to recall these ads and
their content. Recall level indicates an ads
ability to stand out and have its message
understood and remembered
Laboratory test : use equipment to measure
physiological reactions heartbeat, blood
pressure, pupil dilation, galvanic skin
response, perspiration to an ad or
consumers may be asked to turn a knob to
indicate their moment to moment liking or
interest while viewing sequenced material
Evaluating the Marketing
Communication Programs
For print Ads - Test Ads are placed in
magazines which are then circulated to
the consumers. These consumers are
contacted later and interviewed. Recall
and recognition tests are used to
determine advertising effectiveness
For broadcast Ads : A video tape is taken
or downloaded in the homes of target
consumers who then view the
Evaluating the Marketing
Communication Programs
Trailer tests : In a shopping center, shoppers are
shown the products and given an opportunity to
select a series of brands. They then view the
commercials and are given coupons to be used in
the shopping center. Redemption rates indicate
the commercials influence on purchase behavior
Theater test : Consumers are invited to a theater
to view a potential new television series along
with some commercials. Before the show begins
consumers indicate preferred brands in different
categories after the viewing, consumers again
chose preferred brands. Preference changes
measure the commercials persuasive power
Evaluating the Marketing
Communication Programs
On air test : Respondents are recruited to
watch a program on a regular TV channel
during the test commercial or are selected
based on their having viewed the program.
They are asked questions about commercial
Media Jargons
1+ Cover : is the number of people who have seen at least
one spot (occurrence of an ad airing) in an advertising
3+ Cover is the number of people who have seen at least
three spots in the advertising campaign
AB Deadlines Advance Booking Deadline - deadline for
booking TV media 6-8 weeks prior to the airtime month
Daypart - Each day is cut into viewing periods, e.g.
breakfast, early peak, late peak etc.
Frequency the total number of times an individual sees or
hears an ad
Gross Ratings
Media Jargons
HDTV - High Definition Television
Multi Channel Home (MCH)
Position in break - The slot an ad airs in during
programming, such as the opening break before a
program commences, in a centre break, or in the end
break after a program
TGI (Target Group Index)
TVR's (Television Viewer Ratings) - Television Rating.
Measures the popularity of a program or advert by
comparing the number of target audience viewers who
watched against the total available as a whole.
Strike weights- The weekly target/total of cumulative
TVRs delivered.
Media Jargons
ABC Audit: An independent auditing service that
verifies circulation counts for newspapers and
Audience: Individuals who read a newspaper or
magazine, or listen to a radio broadcast, or view a
television broadcast.
Circulation: The number of households to which a
newspaper is delivered plus the single-copy sales
(street sales.) It is a measure of the number of
physical units sold on a single day not the number
of adults reading the publication.
AQH/Average Quarter Hour: A typical 15-minute
period on radio.
Media Jargons
Frequency: The total number of times an individual sees or hears an ad

Gross Impressions: The total number of times an advertising message is seen

or heard. People who see or hear an ad multiple times are counted multiple

GRPs: Gross rating points reflect the accumulated audience exposed.

Reach: Net reach is the unduplicated number of people or households

exposed to a medium, not to a specific advertisement.

Rating: The percentage of the targeted population that is tuned to a station

or program.

Readership: The number of adults (18+) in a specified geographic area who

"read or looked into" into the publication yesterday.

ROP or Run of Press: An ad that runs in all editions or zones of the

Media Jargons
Blog (weblogs): A simple content management system
designed to make content publication simple for non technical
people for the initial purpose of maintaining online diaries.
Communities: Websites that internet users can join to
network, find information and interact with other members.
They are often formed around particular areas of interest or to
provide an online area where people can socialize "virtually".
Consumer Generated Media / Consumer Generated Content
(CGM / CGC): Online content created and distributed by the
web community via the new generation of online publishing
platforms such as blogs, wikis or social networks.
Digital channels: Modern electronic mediums used for
communication such as blogs, podcasts, social networks,
webcasts communities etc.
Media Jargons
Glocalisation: The combination of globalization
and localization. Provision of local services on a
global scale via the internet.
Mash Up: Application, media or tool created by
combining data, content or other services to
provide a single integrated experience.
Podcast: An audio file made available online for
users to download and provided via feeds and
syndication. Podcast content can vary from
traditional music to news, reviews, presentations
and audio diaries.
Rich Interactive Applications (RIA): Web
applications that provide the features and
functionality of desktop applications.
Media Jargons
User Generated Content (UGC): Refers to content
that is created by internet users. It is yet another
term for Consumer Generated Media
Vlog or video blog: Is simply a blog where the
content is
Wiki: Community publishing tool or website that
allows users to edit and control content. Wikis are
collaborative projects that can be used to create
extensive databases with the resource developed
and expanded by its users. are
XML (Extensible Markup Language): A system for
sharing complex data structures and documents
across multiple platforms. provided in the form of
video rather than text or audio.
Some punch lines of companies
L&T - We Make the Things that Make India Proud
LG - Digitally Yours
Voltas - ACs with IQ
Cathy Pacific Airlines - The Heart of Asia
MS Office 97 - Work Less, Do More
Hyundai - Drive Your Way
Canon - Delighting You Always
Philips - Sense & Simplicity
The Economic Times - The Power of Knowledge
Cell One - The One for Everyone
SBI - With You all the Way
Amway - Better Ideas-Better Life
Jaguar Dont Dream it, Drive it
Honda - The Power of Dreams
Some punch lines of companies
ABN AMRO - Making More Possible
Business Today - For managing Tomorrow
Nokia - Connecting People
Wipro - Applying Thought
Air France - Making the Sky the best place on
Air Lufthansa - There's no Better Way to Fly
Toyota - Touch the Perfection
Jet Airways - The Joy of Flying
ITC - Enduring Value
Microsoft - Your Potential, Your Passion
Epson - Exceed Your Vision
Park Avenue - Play the Lead
British Airways - The World is Waiting
Some punch lines of companies
Sun Microsystems - The Network is the Computer
TATA Indicom - Business Without Limits
Dell - Easy to Buy, Easy to Own
Motorola - Intelligence Everywhere
ICICI Bank - - Hum Hai Na
Compaq - Ban jaaye baat
Hyundai Santro - The complete family car
IBM ThinkPad----- " I think, therefore IBM"----
Adidas ------ " Forever Sport"-----
Birla Mutual Fund ----- "The name inspires Trust" -----
kingfisher - king of good times
TCS --- Beyond the obvious
Wipro----Applying thought
Infosys---Driven by intellect, powered by values
Some punch lines of companies
FORD Built for the Road Ahead
GM Only GM.
DAIMLER CHRYSLER The Future of Automobile
BMW The Ultimate Driving Machine
TOYOTA - Touch The Perfection
HYUNDAI - Drive Your Way
HONDA - The Power of Dreams
SKODA Obsessed with Quality since 1897.
VOLKSWAGEN - Drivers wanted
FIAT - Driven by Passion. FIAT
JAGUAR - Born to Perform
LEXUS The Pursuit of Perfection
TATA MOTORS Even More Car per Car
Microsoft - Where Do You Want to Go Today ; Your Potential Our passion
Windows XP - Do More with Less
HP - Invent ; Everything is Possible
Computer Associates - The software that powers the E Business
Some Examples
In the year 1975 this brand was introduced in India for
the first time. Close up wanted to compete with Colgate.
Initially the market share was only 4.5% because the
paste came in a gel form. The ad showed Salman khan
and a young girl. In those times such intimacy was not
acceptable. Result the product did not succeed. Later,
during the 1988 the company decided to try again. This
time the appeal was toothpaste will not only kill harmful
bacteria but also provide fresh breath when the user
needed it most i.e. in a group of friends.

When pepsi came to India they introduced cheese

crackers. This taste was not acceptable to Indians. Then
pepsi realized that it would be more profitable to sell
bhujias and namkeens. So they have now lehar
Some Examples Consumer decision
Concept of iced tea is still not accepted in India as
tea is associated with something warm.

Chyawanprash has not succeeded among younger

generation because it seems like a product for older

Kinetic Honda scooter came with a push button

start. Research showed that the potential buyers
did not approve of the same as they associated kick
with manliness and found push buttons lady like.!
Examples Marketing communication

Reliance makers of Vimal Fabrics also own a

petroleum factory and many others

Aditya Birla Group makes Grasim suitings and

also manufactures cement

Manikchand manufactures Atta and purified

Examples - Buyers readiness stages
Awareness : In rural India people cant read
they call it EVEREADY - laal wali battery.

Knowledge : Do we know Nirma sells match

boxes also

Liking : Quality is better (captain cook salt)

Nirma price is lower or performance
Godrej refrigerator
Dabur found out that most of the
housewife's knew about their home made
brand of curry related pastes
(Garlic/Ginger garlic etc. ) they are
reluctant to try it. Now the company is
introducing a trial pack for Rs. 5/- as
against a regular bottle of Rs. 22/-
Zen reduced its prices to boost sales
when it started facing competition from
Santro and Indica
USP Unique Selling Preposition

Colgate : gives Suraksha chakra

Complan : complete planned food

Maggi : 2 minutes preparation time

Promise : claims it contains clove oil

External Influences Cultural barriers
Kellogg suggested that all our breakfast
items (puris, samosas, idli, poha etc.. ) were
unhealthy and replaced with kelloggs
cereals with cold milk.
Choice of appropriate appeal: Pepsodent
and Close up both are HUL brands.
Pepsodent talks about dental health of
children while close up talks about fulfilling
belongingness needs i.e. an emotional
Personal Selling Examples
Surf Excel and Ariel power Compact
SURF Excel : Salesman obtains feedback from
the housewife and indicates he will be back
with a formulation that is even better than the
previous one (Main phir aaonga) but before
he could have been shown returned.
Ariel launched a counter ad (Main phir nahi
Whom would you believe?
Some ad agencies in India
Category Company & Brand Advertising Agency

Food AMUL Da Cunha

Media NDTV 24 X7 St. Lukes

Automotive Mitsubishi Mudra

Textile and Apparel Colorplus Rubecon

Automotive Carmy Dentsu

Textile and Apparel Park Avenue Ambience Publicis

When southwest airlines started new flight, five
weeks before the first flight they staged a public
relations event. The chairman Mr. kelleher
handed the governor a flotation device calling it
as a lifesaver from high fares. The company
sent a direct mail to the short haul travelers
offering special promotion to join the frequent
flier program. In addition to this employed
handed out fliers and peanuts at the baltimore
street corners. This combination of public
relations, direct mail, sales promotion and
advertisement led to company record for
advance booking 90,000 passengers bought
tickets even before the service began
Example- Coupons
General motors car may feature a coupon
inviting the reader to write for a free copy of a
book that will help him to make a better
automobile buying decision. The coupon not
only collects the readers name, address and
telephone number but also information on his
present car and how soon he expects to buy a
new car.
Liptons new tea asks consumers to write in for
the trial tea bag
James Bonds choice The Omega

Chalte Chalte movie Shahrukh khan acting as a truck

driver endorsed castrol

Rasna a soft drink concentrate pioneered the concept of

dual format a bottle containing a liquid flavor and a
pouch containing a powder concentrate. Available in
eleven flavors. Psychological satisfaction to the
housewife to prepare the drink. Affordable and
effective campaign that said I love you Rasna
Only Sony TV has a Trinitron picture tubes and only dove
claims to have moisturizer in the soap

Dettol soap (75 gms) is available at Rs. 13.50 per piece. To

compete with it Savlon soaps are being introduced by
Hindustan lever in the market at the same price.

Eureka Forbes shows a sales executive giving a demo at

customers residence and giving a dial free number

Enos antacid advertisement makes a comparison

between company product and digestion aiding tablets
like Dabur Pudin hara to highlight the effectiveness of the

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