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DIASS Mastery Test

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Saligumba Street, Passi City, Iloilo

Government Recognition No. ER-098, s. 2014

Name:__________________________________________________ Date: ________, 2020

Grade: 12 Section: ________________________ Subject Teacher: Ms. JANE G. ALMANZOR
TEST I – IDENTIFICATION: Answer the following questions carefully. Write the correct answer on the
space provided.

______1. These people aim to protect the vulnerable ones from abuse neglect of self-harm to help enhance
their well-being and quality of life.
a. Guidance Counselor b. Social Worker c. Nurse d. Socio worker
______2. It promotes social change, problem solving in human relationship and the empowerment and
liberation of people to enhance their well-being.
a. Societal Worker b. Social Worker c. Social Work d. Socio Worker
______3. The following are principles of social work except one.
a. Upholding and promoting human dignity and well-being.
b. Respecting the right to self determination
c. Promoting the right to participation
d. Neglecting the needs of people
______4. The following are principles of social work EXCEPT one.
a. Creating each person as a whole c. Promoting abortion
b. Identifying and developing strengths d. Challenging discriminations
______5. The following are principles of social work EXCEPT one.
a. Recognizing Diversity c. Distributing Resources
b. Challenging unjust policies and practice d. Reforestation
______6. The following are the outcome goals of counselling EXCEPT;
a. established rapport between the counselor and the client
b. relief from emotional distress
c. make important life decisions
d. cope with the realities of life
______7. Which of the following practice principles recognize the client’s right to privacy?
a. individualization b. Secrecy c. acceptance d. Confidentiality
______8. Which social work principles recognize the uniqueness of each client?
a. Self-awareness b. Individualization c. Self-determination d. Acceptance
______9. Which principals state that a client must make his own decisions?
a. Participation b. Autonomy c. Self-determination d. maturation
______ 10. Which of the following is NOT a function of social work?
a. promote social injustice
b. provide individuals with livelihood
c. improve the operations of the social service delivery network
d. enhance social functions of individuals, groups, and communities
______11. Which social work principle means dealing with the client with genuine concern and respect?
a. Self-awareness b. Self-determination c. Individualizations d. acceptance
______12. Which of the following steps in the social work helping process coincides with the idea of getting a
a. Problem-solving b. Assessment c. Intervention d. Social Study
______13. This is the stage in the helping process wherein the social worker’s efforts are aimed to assess the
outcome of the actions taken vis-à-vis the goals set for the helping relationship.
a. Assessing client’s capacities and motivation
b. Evaluation of result of actions taken
c. Monitoring of plan implementation
d. Evaluation

______14. In social work, evaluation can mean the following:
a. Review of the accomplishments in the helping process
b. Regular or periodic evaluation which means ongoing evaluation of action taken during the periodic
of plan implementation
c. Terminal evaluation which follows implementation and is done primarily to assess the outcome of
the helping efforts
d. B and C
______15. This step or stage in the helping process involves information-gathering and analysis aimed at
gaining understanding and eventually defining the need or problem of the client.
a. Evaluation b. Assessment c. Planning d. Engagement
______16. A goal of counseling which helps the client avoid some undesired outcome.
a. Enhancement Goals c. Exploratory Goals
b. Preventive Goals d. Cognitive Goals
______17. Which of the following is NOT a field under applied social science?
a. Criminology b. Accounting c. Marketing d. Anthropology
______18. Which social work core value states that social workers must be informed of the profession’s
mission, values, and ethical principles?
a. Service b. Competence c. Integrity d. Social Justice
______19. refers to the efforts to establish an encouraging relationship with couple or family and appreciate
the complications in the family system.
a. Group Counseling c. Child and Adolescent Counseling
b. Marriage and Family Counseling d. Career Counseling
______20. It is a developing area of expertise in counseling profession. The counseling strategies focus on
helping children and adolescents acquire coping skills through promotion of resiliency, positive
attachment relationship, emotional and intellectual intelligence, and other qualities that promote
optional development.
a. Group Counseling c. Child and Adolescent Counseling
b. Marriage and Family Counseling d. Career Counseling
TEST II. True or False. Write TRUE if the statement is true and FALSE if otherwise.
_________1. Counselors give advice to clients to help them solve their problems.
_________2. Counseling can be an avenue for self-exploration and self-discovery wherein the clients can gain
more understanding about the self.
_________3. Counseling is a helping relationship between counselors and clients.
_________4. Counseling is for curing serious mental disorders.
_________5. Counseling means giving advice, recommendations, and suggestions.
_________6. A counselor reveals the results of a client’s personality test to a colleague without the client’s
_________7. A counselor regularly attends trainings for her professional development.
_________8. A counselor refuses to give counseling services to a homosexual because she is against
_________9. A counselor who is not trained in addictions counseling agrees to see a client who is undergoing
_________10. A counselor refuses a friend who requests that a counselor see and advise his daughter about
what course to take in college.
_________11. A counselor did not inform his client’s parents that his counselee is threatening to harm himself.
_________12. A counselor orients her client as to the process of counseling, its possible risks and effects,
and then ask the client to sign an informed consent form.
_________13. A counselor becomes romantically and sexually involved with a client. He refuses to terminate
counseling relationship because this might also end the intimate relationship.
_________14. A counselor refers a client to another professional because the client’s problem is beyond the
counselor’s competency.
_________15. A counselor reveals the proceedings of her counseling sessions with her client’s friend to help
mend their broken friendship.
_________16. Social workers only have ethical responsibilities to clients.
_________17. Providing professional services in times of public emergencies is one of the ethical
responsibilities of social workers.
_________18. Social workers mediate between conflicting parties to resolve disputes.
_________19. Social workers should always adhere to their employers and employing organizations.
_________20. As an advocate, social workers speak on behalf of clients to promote fair and equitable
treatment or gain access to resources.

TEST III. Fill in the diagram below, after that explain how communication process works. (10 pts.)

How Communication Process Works


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