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Prob Questions

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S.No. Question Choice1 Choice 2 (Max.

(Maximum 1000 Characters) (Max. 1000 1000 Characters)

1 Fire insurance policies of the branch Insurance Register Misc Security
should be entered in Register

2 While on duty an armed guard should 15 10

hold …….. number of cartridges

3 The safe deposit receipt for the Branch document Safe Custody
deposit of box of duplicate keys register Register
received from the other branch should
entered in

4 Cash remittances exceeding Rs 50 1 assistant and 1 Two assistants and

lakhs and up to Rs 100 lakhs should armed guard 2 armed guards
be accompanied by

5 Who should obtain fire insurance Branch Regional Manager

policy of the branch Office

6 Small coins depot should be kept in Single custody of Single custody of

Cash Officer Service Manager

7 Electronic time Lock should be Strong Room Doors Main entrance of

installed on the the branch
8 Duplicates of all important keys Separate packets, One packet, which
entered in the Branch Key Register which will be sealed will be sealed with
must be greased and labeled, and all with personal seals personal seals of
keys held by each supervising official of the officials the officials
will be placed in: concerned concerned

9 --------------------------- as per the A clearance An authority letter

approved format should be obtained certificate from from Controller
from the Competent authority before Police authority
any strong room is put to use for the
first time.
10 The entrance(s) to the branch Only collapsible Collapsible gate
premises should be provided with gates not required
11 Disaster Management Plan is Yearly Half yearly
prepared / modified, if necessary, and
Controlling Authority's approval
obtained for the same once in
12 Banks Arm Guards are required to One Two
undergo training every -------- years
13 At the time of take over, if the branch 10 20
is a currency chest, count all the
packets of Rs.500/- and above -----%
of the rest of the cash with clip
14 Safe custody/security accounts are Yearly Monthly
balanced once in a
15 Strong room fitness certificate One Two
obtained from Govt. Engineer is valid
for ----year.
16 The seal affixed on the packet of the The personal seal of The personal seals
duplicate keys of the Branch is-------- B.M of all officials

17 LIC Policies/Life Insurance Policies Branch Document Safe Custody

accepted as security are recorded in Register Register

18 Scrips accepted under Safe Custody Safe Custody Safe Deposit

are entered in Ledger/Register Register Ledger

19 The BGL account 98593 relates to RTGS Rejected ATM

transaction Reconcilliation
20 The duplicate keys withdrawn for Within 3 days Next day
verification should be deposited
21 At the time of takeover the Service 5 3
Manager should ensure that the gun
license is valid. The validity of gun
license expires at the end of ----
22 The yearly entry relating to staff 28th / 29th Feb 31st March
welfare fund is passed on
23 M IC R cheques must be cleared 48 hours 24 hours
24 The Bank‘s position vis-a-vis the Principal Agent
customer in respect of collection of
bills is
25 Cut off limit for double signature in IOI Rs.l,50,000/- Rs.l,00,000/-
26 Minimum amount that can be Rs.25,000/- Rs.10,000/-
transferred in NEFT is
27 Under COPRA Act State commission Above Rs.50 lacs Above Rs.30 lacs
deals with claims > up to up to Rs.100 lac up to Rs.100 lac

28 Under RTI Act CIC (Central 500/- and 25,000/- 100/- and 10,000/-
Information Commission) can impose
penalty of Rs.___per day till the
information is provided subject to a
maximum of Rs.
29 Under RTI Act the CPIO has to 45 15
provide information or reject the same
within ___ days
30 Under COPRA Act District forum Rs.20 lacs Rs.25 lacs
deals with claims up to
31 Audit BGL Accounts Age Wise All debit entries All outstanding
Breakup report shows outstanding in office entries in
accounts Reconciliatory type
of Office Accounts

32 Which one is incorrect regarding Not applicable in Maximum award is

Banking Ombudsman Scheme 2006? Jammu and Rs 20 lacs

33 All tellers can create CIF, which 5 6

requires authorization by a checker
with a minimum capability level of :
34 cash difference can be traced same Screen No. 00665 Screen No. 00666
day by generating the report “Cash
Report Compare” by cash officer
35 How much should be the gap 3 feet 4 feet
between stationery and records and
the ceiling of the stationary and
record room
36 Vouchers to be moved to record T+1 T+2
room, on basis, after entering them in
Record register.
37 It will be …….. responsibility to Cash Officer Branch Manager
ensure that the official who receives
the security forms for use, initials the
relevant column of the register in
token of receiving the books /forms.

38 The security forms taken out of the Cash Officer Branch Manager
strong room for use at the branch will
be held in ………….the During the
39 After writing off the value, the Cash Officer Branch Manager
obsolete security forms should be
effectively destroyed in the presence
………..all of whom will record their
40 What Accounting entries will be Debit Charges A/c Debit Charges
passed at the branches as and when (Stationery ) A/c
stationery- is received from the CirSD

41 Min. withdrawal / deposits in SCD Rs 100/- and Rs 500/- and

multiples of Rs 50/- multiples of Rs 50/-

42 Person preparing the note packet is Rs 100/- Rs 50/-

responsible for both quality and
quantity upto ?
43 In Branch Cash Handling (IBCH) is Metro branches Non currency chest
applicable to ? branches
44 Balances in Currency Chest have to Once in two months Half year
be verified by an official other than
the joint Custodians once in ?
45 Strong Room fitness certificate has to Once in two months A quarter
be renewed once in ?
46 The deposit and withdrawal of Cash Cash Receipt / Cash officer's
Box in/from Vault under IBCH will be Delivery Register jotting book
entered in?
47 The certificate of chest balance as on 31st March 31st May
48 In a soiled note remittance to RBI if 10 5
more than ___% of notes is found to
be issuable notes, then entire
remittance will be returned by RBI at
sending bank's cost?
49 As per the latest instructions of the More than 5 More than 4
RBI, FIR has to be lodged in case of
Fake Currency notes, if the no. of
notes is ?
50 The coverage of cash-in transit The cash retention Upto 50,00,000/-
insurance will be limited to limit of the branch
51 Which of the following is true when Branch Cash Branch Cash
remittance is sent from one currency Balance is credited Balance is debited
chest to another currency chest? and RBI's Account and RBI's Account
is debited is credited
52 In respect of soiled notes bundles Person preparing Cash-in-charge
prepared for remittance to RBI, who the bundle
is/are responsible for Quality and
Quantity of notes in the bundle ?

53 The number of transactions allowed Any number of One withdrawal in

in a Currency Chest per day is withdrawals and the morning and
deposits one deposit in the
54 The correct sequence of stages of Placement; Integration;
money laundering is ? Layering; Integration Layering;
55 In terms of PML Amendment Act 10 5
2012, banks should maintain the
records for at least_____ years from
the date of transaction between bank
and client.
56 Banks /FIs may maintain records of Hard copy Soft copy
the identity of the clients, and records
in respect of transactions in
57 Details of registration of companies
should be verified through company
master data from Ministry of
Corporate Affairs, GOI website
58 Non-Bank Financial Institution are High Medium
categorized under_____ risk
59 Maximum penalty in addition to Rs 15 lacs Rs 20 lacs
punishment for committing a Money
Laundering Act is
60 For the purpose of verifying the Bank/FI Third party
identity of customers at the time of
commencement of an account-based
relationship, banks/ FIs may rely on a
third party. The ultimate responsibility
rest with
61 A Shell company is : A company in a A company in a
foreign country shell

62 Punishment for offence of money not less than 3 not less than 5
laundering is years but years but
extendable upto 7 extendable up to 9
years years
63 Bullion dealers / jewellers are High Very High
categorized under
64 The AML/CFT Department is headed AGM (AML/CFT) DGM (AML/CFT)
65 The stage of money laundering at Placement Integration
which illicit money becomes
indistinguishable from legitimate
funds and can be reinvested is called:

66 Cash Transaction Report to FIU-IND Fortnightly As when there is a

must be submitted transaction
67 Which of the following payments are Payment/Credit to Commission,
not subjected to TDS ? Contractors/sub brokerage etc.
68 For payment relating to professional 20000 10000
and technical services, beyond what
limit TDS is applicable ?

69 For Rent Payment, beyond what limit 150000 100000

TDS is applicable ?
70 Which of the following conditions are The depositor His income for the
mandatory for submission of 15G ? should have PAN concerned
Financial Year
should be less than
71 Which of the following quarterly 24Q 27Q
returns pertains to salary and pension
72 Notices relating to TDS for any period Branch Region Office
on or after 1st April, 2017, shall be
handled by-
73 Prescribed details of all the Form 15G Monthly Quarterly
and 15H received by the branches
are to uploaded ----.
74 What is the new BGL A/C for interest 4898047 4898048
on deposit ?
75 Which TAN no is to be used for TDS MUMS86151C MUMS86152D
relating to payment made outside the
four streams(CBS,VPS, HRMS and
76 Last date for submission of 26Q for 15th May 31st May
quarter ended March is
77 Last date for submission of 26Q for 15th July 31st July
quarter ended June is
78 In case TDS has been wrongly 7 10
deducted due to non-updation of
Form 15G/H, Concession/ Exemption
certificate, non-availability of PAN etc.
then the branches can make refund of
the TDS deducted in CBS/VPS
through the respective source system
only, to the customer(s)/ vendor(s)
even after payment of the tax has
been made to the government up to
----- days from the end of the quarter.

79 What is the TAN no for payment MUMS86151C MUMS86152D

relating to VPS?
80 BCP stands for Business Business and
Containment Plan Communication
81 FBR safe stands for Fire branded safe Fire burglary
resistant safe
82 Who all among the staff at the branch Branch Manager Branch Manager
should be familiar with the approved and Managers of and staff whose
Disaster Recovery Plan and Business Division if any names appear in
Continuity Plan? the plans
83 DRP stands for Deterrent and Deterrent and
Retaliation plan Resurrection plan
84 In CCTV security Night vision Infrared Passive light
cameras use _______ to record in
85 Which types of guns are provided to AK-47 Assault rifles
the guards at branches to properly
discharge their duties
86 All security related data of the branch Branch Documents Branch
is contained in register Miscellaneous
87 Locker rent will be recovered year on 2nd April Every 1st April every year
88 A locker is in the names of A and B to A can operate the For operations of
be operated as E or S. You receive locker with legal locker, permission
information of death of B. In this heirs of B of court is needed
89 A locker cannot be given on hire to Minor Illiterate person
the following:
90 What would be the course of action in If satisfied, the bank The contents would
case of loss of safe custody receipt can issue a be seized
by the customer? duplicate on written
request from the
91 The officer-in-charge should check Immediately after At the end of the
the locker room the locker hirer has day
used it.

92 Where the locker has remained 1 year 2 years

inoperative for more than __ years for
medium risk category, the branch
should immediately contact the locker
93 Where the locker has remained 1 year 2 years
inoperative for more than ___ years
for high risk category, the branch
should immediately contact the locker
94 Executors are appointed by Testator through a Court
95 Nomination for safe custody and safe Sec 45ZA of BR Act Sec 45ZB of BR
deposit articles is available under Act

96 Dispensation of counterfeit notes an attempt to a wilful attempt to

through the ATMs would be treated circulate the circulate the
as …........ counterfeit notes by counterfeit notes by
the bank concerned. the ATM vendor
97 In case where the Bank had issued The Bank would The Bank will pay
an ATM / Debit card without written reverse the charges, compensation to
consent of the customer, which has if levied. the customer
been disputed by the customer Rs.100/-.
without using the card, the said
ATM/Debit card will be taken back by
the Bank and got cancelled.

98 In case of disputed ATM transactions, 50/- and 15 100/- and 30

failure to re-credit the customer’s
account within 7 working days of
receipt of the complaint shall entail
payment of compensation to the
customer at the rate of Rs........ per
day by the issuing bank provided the
claim is lodged with the issuing bank
within ….... days of the date of
transactions and branch has failed to
establish the proof of
payment/disbursement by ATM.

99 Expand ËJ” Log in terms of ATM Electronic Journal Electrical Journal

100 Under Log Management : Event in 30 Days 90 Days
ATM shall be stored for a minimum
period of how many days:
101 Undelivered Cards, after how many 30 days 45 days
days are to be Hot-listed ?
102 A new e-mail id is created for issues
pertaining to “on-us” complaints.
Branches are also advised to send all
their queries and excess cash
confirmations at this mail-id, what is
that e-mail Id?
103 Any restrictions in customer account in BGL account in BGL account
may result credit In which BGL (98581) (98582)
account which branches need to
check on daily basis for any credit
entry posted and adjust it for Failed
ATM Transactions refund by
providing credit to customer account
as per narration given in BGL account
104 National Financial Switch(NFS) is Mumbai, NPCI Hyderabad, IDRBT
located at_____and is maintained
105 Claim raised by Card issuing Bank on Penalty Request
ATM Bank through NPCI for disputed
inter bank ATM Transaction known as
106 Claim raised by Card issuing Bank on Penalty Request
ATM Bank through NPCI for disputed
inter bank ATM Transaction known as
107 Contact Centre Helpline Nos: ### ###
108 Terminal Master Keys (TMK) and Branch Security Branch Safe
Admin cards must be entered in Register Custody Register
which register with their Serial
109 Joint Custodians' passwords (for the Branch Locker BM’s Cabin
combination lock) should be kept in
separate sealed covers in:
110 Ensure that BGL accounts 98581 and Monthly Basis Weekly Basis
98582 are reconciled on :
111 Card Issuer and Acquiring Bank are OFF-US and ON- ON-US and OFF-
same in _____ Transaction and Card US Transaction US Transactions
Issuer and Acquiring Banks are
different in ______ Transaction.
112 If joint custodians has wrongly Increase ,Decrease Decrease, Increase
increased admin more than the cash
replenished in ATM, they will have to
_____admin for the excess admin
increase. And If joint custodians has
wrongly increased admin less than
the cash replenished in ATM, they will
have to _______ admin balance for
the remaining amount.

113 Ensure that physical cash balance in Admin Balance BGL Balance.
the ATM tallies with the :

114 The minimum score to be obtained by 850 800

a RFIA . branch for Well Controlled
rating under
115 Maximum penalty for giving false 20 50
compliance certificates in the
rectification of irregularities in RFIA
116 Which of the following is not an Internal fraud External publicity
Operational Risk Event?
117 What is the maximum period within 6 months 8 months
which audit should be carried out of a
branch downgraded by 2 stages in
successive audits?
118 As part of Risk Based Supervision Risk Focussed Strengthen MIS
initiative, banks are required to put in Internal Audit
119 New branches are eligible for RFIA in 12 24
120 What is Management Letter? It indicates the staff It describes the
strength of a branch customer service of
the branch

121 Which of the following does not fall False Certification of Non-checking of
under high risk under “Zero substantive nature VVRs / BGL day
Tolerance”? in BMMC books by a person
other than whom
they relate to

122 One of the following is not covered Customer service Control system
under operational risk?
123 Credit Audit covers borrower Rs. 5 crore and Rs. 15 crore and
accounts with credit limits---? above above
124 Which of the following is not one of Credit Risk Market Risk
the risk parameters in RFIA? Management Management
125 Full form of IBTS? Inter Branch Trading Intra Branch
System Trading System
126 Full Form of VPS ? Vendor Vendor Purchase
Procurement System
127 Can Vendor ID created by one Yes No
Branch can be used by other
Branches for payments to same
vendor ?
128 Once the Responding Branch Originating or only Responding
declines the transaction, which Responding Branch Branch
branch can reverse the Transaction?
129 SC/DDP transactions shall be routed IBTS Through SC/DDP
through : automation process

130 The Responding Branch can either Accept and Decline Modify Only
‘Accept’ or ‘Decline’ a IBTS only
131 The originating entry details shall be 3 and above and 8 3 and above and 7
responded by a maker and checker of and above and above
minimum capability of __ and
approved by a checker of minimum
capability of ___ and above.
132 All IBTS reversals shall be input by a 3 and above and 3 3 and above and 5
user with Capability ___ and and above and above
authorized by an official with
Capability____ adopting maker
checker concept.
133 Where the IBTS transactions are To reverse the To reverse the
declined by the Responding Branch, entry in to or re- entry in to or re-
the Originating Branch shall initiate : originate it on the originate it on the
correct Branch same Branch
134 Full Form of GST ? Goods and Sales Gross Service Tax
135 GST replaced which Tax ……… Sales Tax VAT Tax
136 For Originating entry of Rs.1 Lac and of Rs.2 Lac and
___________put through by the above above
Originating Branch, an auto
generated email message will be sent
for information and necessary action
to the Responding Branch. The e-mail
message will contain full details of the
IBTS transaction and the contact
numbers as well as e-mail IDs of
dealing officials and Branch Manager
of the Originating Branch.
137 For Originating entry ________ put of Rs.10 Lac and of Rs.50 Lac and
through by the Originating Branch, in above above
addition to the e-mail message an
auto generated SMS will be sent to
the mobile number of the Branch
Manager of the Responding Branch
for their immediate action. The SMS
will contain brief particulars of the
IBTS transaction and the contact
numbers of dealing officials and
Branch Manager of the Originating

138 The purpose of IBTS is: To ensure control To ensure faster

on iter branch transaction of
transaction SC/DDP

139 Which of the following is a A document that A document that

characteristic of a negotiable guarantees payment guarantees
instrument of a specific amount payment of a
on demand specific amount on
at a set time.
140 Which of the following is an example I promise to pay B I promise to pay B
of a Promissory Note Rs. 500 seven days Rs. 500 seven
from today after days after D’s
deducting there out death, provided C
which he may owe leaves me enough
me. to pay that sum

141 A Negotiable Instrument is payable to Payable to order Payable to bearer

order of B. B endorses it to C and C
blank endorses the instrument. Is this
142 In the case of a cheque where an It is a banking It is a banking
amount is stated differently in words practice although as practice although
and figures it is the amount in figures per NI act it’s a as per NI act it’s an
that is paid. This is because material alteration ambiguous
143 A Promissory Note / bill of exchange 1st May 2018 5th May 2018
is not expressed to be payable on
Demand / at sight / on presentment
but it is made on 30th January 2018
and payable three months after date.
What is the maturity of this
144 A draws a cheque in favour of B. the Pay the amount by Pay the amount by
cheque is linked to account X of A. debiting account Y transferring the
account X does not have enough and treating the balance amount
money to honour the cheque, cheque as a from account Y to
however account Y of A (in the same withdrawal voucher account X
capacity) has enough money to
honour the cheque. What will you do
in this case?
145 A cheque is drawn and meant to be The payee The bank
paid to the account of the payee, but
the cheque is tampered and paid as a
bearer by the bank. Who is
responsible to the drawer of the
146 Under the new dispensation of The paying banker The bank which
Electronic clearing wherein the retains the original received the
cheque is paid on the basis of an cheque payment shall be
electronic image of a truncated entitled to retain
cheque. Which of the following is the truncated
true? cheque.
147 Which is the umbrella organisation for RBI (Reserve Bank IDRBT (Institute of
operating retail payments and of India) Development and
settlements in India under the Research in
Payment And Settlement Systems Act Banking
148 Banking Ombudsman Appointed RBI Act BR Act
under which Act ?
149 Maximum Limit on account of 5 Lac 10 Lac
Compensation awarded by Banking
Ombudsman ?
150 Which Banks are covered in the All Scheduled Regional Rural
Ombudsman Scheme: Commercial Banks Banks

151 One can file the appeal against the 7 Days 15 Days
award or decision of the Banking
Ombudsman rejecting the complaint
within ______ days of the date of
receipt of the Award,
152 Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum 10 Lac, 20 Lac, 20 Lac, 25 Lac,
at District, State, National level deals above 30 Lac above 50 Lac
with the cases valuing up to ______
153 Banking Codes and Standards Board Company Forum
of India is registered as :
154 CAPIOs is Central Accounts Central Accounts
Public Information Private Information
Officers Officers

155 Appellate Authority for The Branches DGM (BandO) GM (Network)

under RTI Act is :
156 Membership of BCSBI for Banks : Compulsory by RBI Compulsory by
Govt of India
157 Application received through a 15 Days 25 Days
CAPIO, the CPIO has a time limit of
….... days from the date of receipt of
the application by the CAPIO :

158 One can file a complaint before the 1 week 1 month

Banking Ombudsman if the reply is
not received from the bank within
….... after the bank concerned has
received representation/the bank
rejects the complaint/if the
complainant is not satisfied with the
reply given by the bank :
159 The apex appellate authority under National Forum Session court
the provisions of the Consumer
Protection Act is.....
160 Under RTI Act the supply of Within 12 hours of Within 24 hours of
information concerning the life or receipt of the receipt of the
liberty of a person should be application application
furnished in
161 Central Information Commission Rs.250/- per day Rs.500/- per day
(CIC), at the time of deciding any subject to a total of subject to a total of
complaint or appeal has the power to Rs.25,000/- Rs.50,000/-
impose a penalty of against the CPIO
in the following cases :
162 Which of the following is not a Make payment to Enable the bank to
purpose of nomination defined under the nominee of the return the articles
Banking Regulation Act 1949 deceased depositor in safe custody

163 Who among the following can Administrator Attorney

164 Who among the following cannot Married Women Illiterate person
165 Nomination in Safe Deposit Lockers Joint operation E or S type
can be made by holder having which
of the following type of operation
166 An Individual opened a PPF account Yes, because it is No, because as per
and filled up the nomination form in permitted in PPF rules nomination in
favour of 3 legal heirs with 30:30:40 account accounts can be
share. Is this nomination form made only in favour
acceptable? of single Nominee

167 A Hindu Male Sole hirer of a safe Mother Wife

deposit locker dies intestate and
without nomination and the legal heirs
need to be identified for disposal of
contents of the locker without legal
representation. Which of the following
does not fall under the category of
legal heirs of the deceased as per
Hindu Succession Act 1956?

168 An Indian Christian having and of Rs. Spouse Son (s)

1.00 lacs has died intestate and
without nomination. The legal heirs
have claimed the FD by way of
premature payment. The legal heirs
need to be identified. Who among the
following is not a legal heir in this
169 An Indian Muslim Female having a Husband Son
savings account has died intestate.
There is no Nomination in the
account. The legal heirs have to be
identified under the indemnity cum
affidavit method. Which of the
following is not a legal heir in this
170 How many sureties or guarantees One Two
required in case the total balance in
the deceased’s accounts is equal to
Rs. 5.00 lacs?
171 You are orally informed of the death Pay the cheque as Verify the
of the customer of a SB account and the information is information before
in the meantime a cheque that was oral paying / returning
issued by the customer some days the cheque.
earlier has been presented across the
cash counter for payment. What will
be the appropriate action?
172 Which of the following is not a primary Husband Mother
heir of a female Hindu dying intestate
in respect of her self-acquired assets:

173 A Succession certificate granted by a Within the district Throughout the

District Court is valid state

174 Who is responsible for checking the Cash Officer Accountant

genuineness and purity of gold
ornaments in the case of Agri gold
175 A notice as per SIM-GL 8 should be 15 days 30 days
given to borrower If he fails to repay
loan after demand notice within

176 SIM-GL/1 is Revised application Gold ornaments

cum appraisal form take delivery letter
177 Custody of gold ornaments [security] BM / Accountant BM / Accountant
is with with Cash Officer with Cash Officer
and FO
178 Purity of the gold can be assessed by Touch stone method Nitric acid method
179 Advance value of gold can be Borrower Local Goldsmith
ascertained from

180 You have recently joined a Branch as The reason for, and The box would be
Service Manager. Branch Manager the duration of opened in the
withdrew duplicate Keys from the withdrawal would be presence of Branch
nearby Branch, so that you can take recorded in Key Manager, Service
over the charge. How would you Register and Manager and the
proceed? informed to the concerned
controllers. supervising
181 You have recently joined a Branch. As safe deposit I would give the
While taking-over charge, you found a receipt is very safe deposit receipt
file containing safe deposit receipt of important item, I to the Branch
the duplicate keys of the Branch kept would keep it Manager, as it is to
in strong room. What should you do? securely in strong be kept in Branch
room. Manager’s safe
and not in strong

182 You have recently joined a branch I will discuss the I will inform the
where you find that staff of the branch inconvenience SWOs to report for
do not maintain punctuality. The caused to duty on time.
branch starts at 10-30 AM. However, customers with
SWO working in cash generally report SWOs.
for duty 15 minutes late. They take
another 15 to 20 minutes to receive
cash before they attend customers.
What would you do?

183 You have recently joined as Service Currency Chest is a All non-chest item
Manager in a Currency Chest property of RBI, would be
Branch.You found that safe deposit hence all other immediately put in
articles, Gold ornaments pledged to items except Chest a separate safe /
the Bank and few other items were items would be almirah and a
kept inside the Currency Chest. What immediately notice “Non-Chest
will you do? removed from items” would be
Chest. pasted on them.

184 You have recently joined a Branch as I will let the Guard I will ask the guard
Service Manager, while perusing the use them as to destroy these
documents you saw that Cartridges Cartridges do not unused Cartridges.
being used by the Guard were have any expiry
purchased 2 years back. What will date.
you do?
185 You have recently joined as Service I would advise them I would advise
Manager in a Branch. you notice that to shift their them to close their
many customer come to the Branch accounts to the account with our
on regular basis for doing the nearby Branch of Bank and open
mundane activities like deposit of SBI. their account in
money and withdrawal of money. some other Bank.
There is shortage of staff in the
Branch and it is becoming very
difficult for the employees to manage
the work. What will you do?

186 While taking over the charge, Mohan He should reshuffle In future he should
finds that some cash has been kept the cash in almirah reshuffle the cash
for last 6 months in one Almirah immediately. in almirah once in
inside the strong room.What are your three months.
suggestions to Mohan?

187 Mr S K Gupta has recently joined a He has to verify He has to verify

branch as Service Manager. While physical cash. The physical cash with
taking over the charge as Service physical cash has to BGL Cash only.
Manager he wants to verify cash. tally with BGL Cash
How can he verify cash ? balance and CGL
Cash Balance.

188 While taking over the charge as He will not take He will take over
Service Manager, Shri Ram Narayan over the charge of the charge and
finds that VVR checking is pending Service Manager if ignore VVR
for more than 15 days. What should VVR checking is pending for
he do? pending. checking before his
189 Mr Asif has joined a branch recently These account The matter should
and is taking over the charge as relates to audit and be reported to
Service Manager. While verifying the therefore, nothing is controller and his
Audit BGL accounts, he finds that six required to be done. guidance is to be
accounts are not showing zero sought.
balance. What should be done ?

190 A SWO prepared charges voucher for All debits to the The sanction for
Rs.35000/- and presented the same charges account the amounts
to Service Manager for authorisation. must be authorized involved must be
The Service Manage finds that the by the Branch obtained from the
amount falls beyond the discretionary Manager under his competent
powers of Branch Manager. What signature. authority
should he do ?
191 A branch incurred some expenses on All the expenses are Expenses incurred
account of remittances of treasure. to be borne by RBI. by the branches on
What would you do as a Service account of
Manager to pay for these expenses. remittances of
treasure except
freight and police
escort charges) will
be paid by debit to
Charges Account.

192 There was premature closure of an These transactions Voucher should be

account by a teller. The interest are excluded from there for all the
reversal (Debit Interest Adjustment) VVR and therefore, entries appearing
transactions entry was appearing in voucher is not in VVR.
online VVR checking. However, the required.
teller has not prepared any voucher.
The employee who has to check the
VVR has approached you for
guidance. What would you guide
him ?

193 In a branch a customer presented a Since the cheque I will refer the
cheque for collection. The cheque is has been realised matter to controller
drawn on a branch of Corporation within 2 weeks, and seek their
Bank located in state capital. The interest for delayed permission to pay
cheque got cleared within two weeks. collection is not interest to
The customer has demanded interest justified. customer.
for delayed collection. How would you
handle the situation ?

194 Amit has recently joined a branch. He All the users tellers) Before EOD the
received cash from deposit accounts have to ensure that account to be
which are being opened. He has been the credits parked in checked and
told by Senior Assistant to credit the this account during outstanding if any,
amount received to BGL account the day by them are should be Zeroed
98533. Amit has approached you to invariably reversed invariably daily.
know about BGL account 98533 as and the respective
he is not aware of this account. What credits are posted to
would you inform about BGL account appropriate
98533 to Amit. accounts.
195 HDFC Bank which is maintaining an I will inform HDFC Since there is not
account with your branch has Bank to enquire with credit entry in the
informed that they have received the remitting bank. account, I cannot
Rs.10 lac through RTGS. However, do anything about
there is no credit entry in their it.
account. What should you do in this

196 Mr Atul joined as a Service Manager Exception Reports- Transaction

in a branch. The Branch Manager told Exception reports Reports-These
him to go through the reports on a pertain to important reports are related
daily basis. As he did not have areas of Branch to transactions that
thorough knowledge about the functioning and take place at the
reports, Branch Manager explained to Customer Service Branch which
him about the reports to be seen. like VVR status, require mandatory
Which of the following is correct. Probable NPAs, checking.
Failed SI/Sweeps
etc. These are
necessary for
effective control and
mitigating risks at
the Branch. These
reports are in the
“Must See”

197 There was manual interest I will suggest him to I will suggest him
adjustment in one account. The go through to go through
Service Manager wants to see the “Exception Reports “Transactions
report pertaining to manual interest folder”. Reports folder”.
adjustment. What would you
198 In a branch, the obsolete security The obsolete The obsolete
forms were destroyed in the presence security forms security forms
of Cash Officer and Service Manager should be effectively should be
after writing off the value of obsolete destroyed only in effectively
security forms. Is it in order ? the presence of destroyed only in
joint custodians and the presence of the
the Branch Manager joint custodians.
/ Manager
199 There are a number of obsolete By burning By shredding into
security forms to be destroyed in a minute pieces
branch. What would be correct manually
method of destroying obsolete
security forms.
200 In a branch , BCP duly approved by It should be It is required to be
the Controlling Authority has been recorded in ORM entered only in
received. In which register it should Risk Register as Branch Document
be entered ? also in the Branch Register.

201 Due some accident near a branch, The branch should Branch should wait
the BSNL line got damaged leading to invoke BCP within for restoration of
disruption in connectivity. When the 30 minutes of connectivity as it
matter was taken up with BSNL, they disruption and will take only 5/6
informed that they would take 5/6 commence hours.
hours to restore the connectivity. functioning from the
What should be done ? designated alternate
location within one
hour of disruption.

202 Amit recently joined a branch as It should be It should include

Service Manager. He has been asked prepared in the the location of the
by the Branch Manager to prepare a format prescribed. important keys of
locking-up-arrangement to be sent to the branch.
Controlling Authority for approval.
What should be seen by Amit while
preparing locking-up-arrangement ?

203 A customer tenders some cash at the No. In no case, RBI guidelines say
counter. The cashier while checking counterfeit notes that, failure of the
the notes detects a counterfeit note. should be returned banks to impound
The customer is known to the cashier to the tenderer or counterfeit notes
and to avoid inconvenience to the destroyed. detected at their
customer, he returns the note to him end will be
and asks him to replace it. Is the construed as willful
action of the cashier in order? involvement of the
bank concerned in
counterfeit notes
and penalty will be
204 A person presents currency note in As both the pieces It should be treated
two pieces at the counter. Both the belong to the same as mutilated note
pieces belong to the same note. The note, it should be and 50% value can
cashier feels that the note should be treated as soiled be paid.
treated as mutilated note and refers note and full value
the note to Cash Officer. What would can be paid.
the Cash Officer advise to Cashier ?

205 Ramesh, a customer has approached Cash Officer is The notes should
the bank with two Rs.500 notes correct as be accepted and
inseparable stuck up together. Cash inseparably stuck up full value of both
Officer has refused to accept these notes cannot be the notes should be
notes. Customer has lodged a accepted. paid.
206 Sarita presented a note with a The SWO cannot Any note with a
political slogan written on it. The refuse to accept the political slogan on it
SWO has refused to accept the note. note. ceases to be a
Is the action of SWO in order. legal tender. The
action of SWO is in
207 Alok, who is working as SWO has Yes the forged note Alok could have
detected a forged note and informed should not be given given the forged
the customer about the same. The back to customer. note back to the
customer asked him to return the customer by writing
note. Alok refused to return the note ‘Duplicate’ on it.
and as the customer started
shouting, he destroyed the note and
put it in the dustbin. Is action of Alok
in order ?

208 The SWO has found six forged notes The notes should be The notes should
in a single transaction. He sent these impounded be impounded
notes to Cash Officer. What action immediately and a immediately and a
should be taken by the Cash Offier. consolidated report consolidated report
is to be sent at the is to be sent at the
end of the month. end of the fortnight.
209 30. Samir who is working as SWO, No.The notes Yes as Samir has
received some note packets of should be machine already counted
Rs.100 denomination from processed before said notes at the
customers. He used the same note issuing to the time of receiving
packets for payment. Is the action of customer. those.
SWO in order ?

210 A person presented a Rs.500 note The cash officer The cash officer
with one portion missing. However, should have paid 50 should have paid
the missing part is approximately 30 per cent of the value 75 per cent of the
per cent of the note. The Cash Officer of the note. value of the note.
has paid full value of the note. Is the
action of Cash Officer in order ?

211 A person presented a Rs.20 note with The cash officer The cash officer
more than half of the note missing. should have paid 50 should have paid
The Cash Officer has rejected claim. per cent of the value 25 per cent of the
Is the action of Cash Officer in order ? of the note. value of the note.

212 A person presented a Rs.500 note The cash officer The cash officer
with half of the note missing. The should have paid 50 should have paid
Cash Officer rejected claim. Is the per cent of the value 25 per cent of the
action of Cash Officer in order ? of the note. value of the note.

213 In one branch counterfeit notes All Counterfeit All Counterfeit

received back from police after Notes received back Notes received
investigation were kept inside from the police back from the
currency chest. As the Cash Officer authorities/courts police
was new to this role, he did not know may be carefully authorities/courts
what to do with these notes. What preserved in the are to be sent to
would you advise. safe custody of the RBI immediately.
bank for three years
and should be
verified on half
yearly basis.

214 Mr Kishan Singh came to a rural Only chest branch He will get half the
branch with mutilated currency notes can exchange the value as the notes
for exchange. He was having Rs mutilated notes. are in two pieces.
500/- and Rs 2000/- notes all in two
pieces. How much value will he get?
215 A customer wants open an account We cannot open the We can open the
but he does not have Aadhaar or account as aadhaar account, if the
PAN card. But he has driving license. and PAN is must. customer gives an
Can we open the account by undertaking that
obtaining driving license? aadhaar and PAN
will be submitted
within 6 months.

216 You received a request from a Account cannot be Account can be

person who has been convicted and opened. opened provided
is lodged in jail to open an account. such person has
What decision would you take ? not been punished
for predicate

217 Mr Sujan runs a retail shop in the As the amount was KYC documents
town. He has come to branch for Rs.20000/- for each are to be obtained
remitting money. He remitted money remittance, KYC only when there is
thrice during a day and each time the documents are not reason to believe
amount was Rs.20000/-. Are we required to be that these are
required to obtain KYC documents obtained. fraudulent
from Sujan. transactions.
218 Ratan is a low risk customer. He has Fresh proofs of A self-certification
been maintaining account with the identity and address by the customer to
branch for last 10 years. The account at the time of that effect should
of Ratan is due for KYC updation. periodic updation suffice in such
What guidelines are to be followed in need not be sought cases.
this case ? from those
customers who are
categorized as 'low
risk', in case there is
no change in status
with respect to their
identities and

219 You receieved a list of KYC non- Partial freezing can Partial freezing can
compliant accounts from RBO. You be imposed after be imposed any
were told to make those accounts giving due notice of time if the account
KYC compliant as early as possible. three months initially is KYC non-
You sent three notices to the to the customers to compliant.
customer during last one month comply with KYC
asking the customer to visit the requirements to be
branch along with KYC documents. followed by a
However, the customer did not reminder giving a
respond. You now feel that the further period of
account should be partially freezed. three months.
Can you freeze the account partially ?

220 Mr. Rameswar Verma wants to open   I will not allow Mr   I will allow Mr
a saving bank account in your branch. Verma to open an Verma to open an
He has PAN card with him, but he account because account because
does not have Aadhar card. Mr verma Aadhar is he is ready to give
is ready to give the proof of mandatory for the proof of
application for enrolment of Aadhar opening of account. application for
card. What will you do? enrolment of
Aadhar card and
he has PAN card.

221 Mr Lohia comes to your branch with   I will open the   I will refer Mr
his PAN card and Aadhar card to account of Mr Lohia Lohia to Branch
open a saving bank account in your as he is fulfilling the manager for taking
branch.During process of short KYC norms. decision.
interview with Mr Lohia you come to
know that current address of Mr Lohia
is different from the address on
Aadhar card of Mr Lohia.What will
you do?
222 Ramlal, a resident of nearby village At least Aadhar is At least PAN is
has come to open the account. He required to open the required to open
does not have Aadhar, PAN or any account. the account.
other OVD. Can we open the account
of Ramlal ?
223 Ramlal, a resident of nearby village Registration PAN of the Trust.
has come to open the account. He certificate and trust
does not have Aadhar, PAN or any deed.
other OVD. Can we open the account
of Ramlal ?

224 A dealer of FMCG products, is having No, STR is not A dealer is

cash credit account with the Bank required to be filed required to receive
with a limit of Rs. 5.00 lacs. Account and credit payments from
is receiving cash/cheque deposits summation is more sub-
from various centers as non-home than debit dealers/retailers
transactions. Multi city cheques are summation. within their area of
used to withdraw funds at various dealership normally
centres. The debit turnover in the and not from other
account is Rs. 27 crores and credit areas. As there are
turnover is Rs. 35 crores. Is there a so many non-home
need to file STR. Branch has not transactions STR
received any adverse reports about needs to be filed.
the dealer.

225 A branch has recently paid a bill of Yes, TDS is Yes, TDS is
Rs.40000/- to an individual contractor applicable for the applicable for the
for repair of SWO counters at the transaction and the transaction and the
branch. Whether TDS is applicable rate applicable is rate applicable is
for this transaction? What is the rate 1%. 2%.
of TDS required to be deducted?

226 A branch paid Rs.25000/- to an Yes, TDS is Yes, TDS is

advocate during a year for the applicable for the applicable for the
services rendered by him. Whether transaction. The transaction. The
TDS is applicable for the transaction? rate applicable is rate applicable is
What is the rate of TDS required to be 1% of the amount 2% of the amount
made less taxes. less taxes.
227 During the year 2017-18, a branch     No. TDS is not     Yes, TDS is
has paid Rs.90000/- towards AMC applicable to this applicable at the
charges for generator. The amount transaction. rate of 1%.
was paid in equal monthly
installments. Whether TDS is
applicable for the transaction? What
is the rate of TDS required to be
228 Mr Bhargav is maintaining two Term     Nil as interest     TDS will be
Deposits of Rs.1 lac each with two amount in case of applicable at 10%
different branches of SBI. The rate of both the deposit is on Rs.4000/-. The
interest in both the term deposits is less than amount of TDS will
7%. He has not submitted PAN or Rs.10000/- be Rs.400/-
15G. What will be amount of TDS ?
229 Mr Dinesh, who is a maintaining     Branch action is     Branch action is
deposits of Rs.5 lac has submitted not in order as Form in order as the
15H on 2nd April 2017. However, 15H can be depositor can
branch has refused to accept Form accepted from a submit Form 15H
15 H from him as he will turn 60 years resident Individual only after
on 15/01/2018. Is the branch action in of age 60 years or 15/01/2018.
order ? more at any time
during the financial

230 You have recently joined a new I will immediately As using electric
branch as Service Manager; while stop him and ask heater is a
going around the Branch, you noticed him to arrange a common practice in
that the canteen boy is using electric Gas cylinder at the Branches, I would
heater for making tea. What will you earliest. ignore it.

231 In one branch the Service Manager He should always He should keep his
has not been provided a separate carry his keys. keys in locker
FBR safe to keep strong room keys. reserved for this
Where should he keep his keys ? purpose.
232 Duplicates of all All packets will be
important keys kept in a strong
entered in the wooden or tin box,
Branch Key which must be
Register must be locked or otherwise
greased and secured, wrapped
Mr Mohan has recently joined as a labeled, and all keys in waterproof cloth
Service Manager. He does not know held by each and sealed with the
how to deal with duplicate keys. supervising official Branch Seal in the
Which one of the following statements placed in separate presence of the
is not correct about duplicate keys. packets, which will Branch Manager
be sealed with and the other
personal seals of officials concerned.
the officials

233 I would request the As the other joint

You are working as Service Manager Branch Manager to custodian has
in a Branch. Recently you had availed withdraw the already verified the
your LFC and visited Europe. During duplicate keys keys, there is no
your leave, the Branch was subjected again, so that I can need to verify it
to RFIA audit and duplicate keys were verify them. again.
Branch Manager withdrawn for
inspection by inspecting official. Now,
you have reported back for duty.
What should you do?

234 Stationery should Stationery should

rearranged to rearranged to
You have recently joined a new ensure that there is ensure that there is
branch as Service Manager. While a clear gap of three a clear gap of one
going around the Branch, you noticed ft. between the ft. between the
that in the stationery room there is no ceiling and top of ceiling and top of
gap between the ceiling and top of the stacks as well the stacks as well
the stacks. What should be done ? as on all sides. as on all sides.

235 Multiple lockers to We can allot

one customer another locker to
Mr Soni is a valued customer of the
cannot be allotted. him if he avails 2nd
branch. He has been maintaining
locker jointly.
account with us for last two years and
has already availed locker facility.
However, he has requested for
another locker. Can we consider the
request of Mr. Soni?
Mr. and Mrs Roy want to have safe For lockers, Their request can
deposit locker facility with the bank on nomination is not be considered.
‘E or S’ basis. They want their available in case of
individual nominee. Can we consider joint accounts with
their request ? ‘E or S’.
237 Visually impaired/ Visually impaired/
A customer who is visually impaired blind person may be blind person cannot
has requested for a locker facility. provided with a be provided with a
The Service Manager seeks your locker facility. locker facility.
guidance as to whether locker can be
allotted to visually impaired person.
What would you suggest ?

238 It should be kept in It should be kept in

the Branch the strong room.
A gold ornament was found lying on
Manager’s safe.
the floor of the locker room at the end
of the day. It was felt that the gold
ornament was inadvertently left by
hirer after operation of the locker.
What should be done to this gold

239 Locker can be Locker cannot be

allotted to the minor allotted to a minor
Mr Agarwal, a customer of the branch provided it is either singly or
has requested for a locker facility in operated by the jointly with others.
the name of his minor son. Can we guardian.
consider the request of Mr Agarwal?

240 Will advise the Will advise the

A customer of your branch visited the customer to meet customer to lodge
branch and complained that he tried Branch manager a complaint with
to withdraw Rs 5000/- from an ATM of and tell him the the nearby HDFC
HDFC Bank nearer to your branch. issue. Bank Branch since
He did not receive money but his the ATM machine
account is debited. He wants his belongs to the
money back. What will you do? HDFC Bank.
241    Will make good    Will make good
Rs 1000/- by Rs 1000/- by
contributing Rs contributing Rs
You as a Joint Custodian of the ATM 500/- each by both 500/- each by both
found that there is shortage of Rs the Joint custodians the Joint
1000/- while balancing the physical from their own custodians from
cash with the Admin Balance. What pocket. their own pocket
will you do? and will report it to
the branch

242 Will mark Excess    Will Deposit the

cash in ATM Excess cash Rs
machine using 10000/- in ATM
menu Cash Excess Cash
You as a Joint Custodian of the ATM Verification à Account (3199844)
found that there is excess cash of Rs Excess Cash and and will report it to
10000/- while balancing the physical will deposit the the Branch
cash with the Admin Balance. What amount in ATM Manager.
will you do with the excess cash? Excess Cash Found
Account (3199845).

243 Will reconcile the Will send a mail to

Your Branch Manager called you and pending entries with respective CIT
instructed to reconcile the five entries the balance Agency along with
which are pending for more than 30 available in ATM the transaction
days in BGL 98581 account. These Excess cash details for claiming
entries pertain to ATMs outsourced to account (BGL the amount.
CIT agency where they have not Account 3199844).
reported any excess cash while the
branch BGL 98581 is debited by
Switch Center since the transactions
were failed transactions.

244 Will report the Will request

You received a call from ATM matter to the Branch Alternate Channel
department, LHO that there is an Manager and Manager to
entry for Rs 10,00,000/- pending for request him to reconcile the
the last five days in your branch BGL reconcile. amount.
account no. 3199842 (ATM Cash
Intermediate with CIT Agency). They
instructed you to reconcile today
itself. How will you reconcile?
245 The Clearing house There was no job
Mr Somesh, the Senior Assistant related works rotation carried out
working in the branch was introduced should not be as stipulated for the
to RFIA Auditor by saying that he was handled by a Sr. employee.
handling the Non-MICR Clearing Assistant.
house at the branch since last two
years and has been rated best
employee. The Auditor seemed bit
uncomfortable with this. Why?

246 Branch should There can be only

Branch was sending all
utilise the services one person to
correspondence by courier agency
of INDIA POST only collect the covers
against the acknowledgement by the
for courier
person collecting the covers. The
RFIA Auditor observed that there
were different signatures in
acknowledgement. KYC documents
of one person only were available.
What can be the irregularity?
247 The review of the The review of the
While discussing with Mr Ajay, newly Risk categorisation Risk categorisation
promoted officer and has recently should be done as must be done
been posted as service manager, and when periodically (ZERO
RFIA auditor asked when was the last instructions are Tolerance Area).
review of Risk Categorisation of received from
customers was done. Mr Ajay told Controlling
that the branch was updating the Risk Authority.
category of the customer as and
when the KYC documents are being
submitted. What should be done by
the Branch?

248     It fails to enable     false certification

the organization to shall be treated as
Shri Chatur Sujan is Service Manager initiate necessary misconduct on the
of our Mojahidpur branch for last 2 measures to protect part of the officials
years. 5 days ago RFIA Inspector has it from all future and he may be
submitted his report. He has pointed hazards. It can penalized in terms
out several persisting irregularities of result into the of rule 50(4) of SBI
previous inspection for which false perpetration of fraud OSR
compliance has been submitted. and loss to the
Branch Manager calls Shri Sujan and organization.
shows the compliance remarks of last
RFIA compiled by Shri Sujan. What
may be the consequences of false
249         Action of the
Acknowledgement branch is in order.
of cash remittances
In one branch, the
is to be sent by post
acknowledgement of the
and should bear the
remittance received is sent by fax
signature of joint
to the remitting branch. The
custodians with their
auditor was not comfortable with
SS Number.
this practice. Is it in order.

250    Will credit the    Will credit the

customer’s account customer’s account
A vendor who supplied stationery to
by debiting charges by debiting charges
your branch visited the branch and
account of the account of the
told that his account is credited with
branch with the branch with the full
Rs 2732/- instead of bills submitted
difference amount. bill amount after
for Rs 7232/-. He requested to credit
reversing the
the difference amount. How will you
wrong entry
solve the issue?

251    Will accept the    Will reject the

entry and park the entry as you are
Your branch received a debit IBTS amount in Suspense not aware who
entry for Rs 5000/- originated by RBO BGL account. ordered /requested
for purchasing two biometric devices. to RBO for
A TR along with the bills is received purchase of
by you. What will you do with the biometric devices.

252 Will reject the entry Will accept the

with comment entry and park the
“Kindly pay through amount in branch
Your branch received a credit entry automation”. Sundry BGL
for Rs 8000/- which is for a SC credit. account.
How will you deal with it?

253 74.A cheque is presented at the SWO It should be Matter is to be

counter payable to bearer but is returned as it is a referred to the Law
written in multiple languages. What discrepant cheque department
should be done?
254 Pay the cheque as it Return the cheque
A cheque with Payee name is being collected by as it is specially
“Manish30096154215Allahabad PNB crossed to
Bank” is presented in clearing by Allahabad Bank but
PNB. What should be done? being collected by
255 The cheque should The drawer should
76.An order cheque is made payable be returned as it is be asked to cancel
to Manish Arora. The cheque is payable to Manish the order and make
endorsed by Manish Arora to Sarat Arora the cheque bearer.
Mishra. Sh. Mishra presents the
cheque to SWO for cash payment.
What should be done?

256 Yes. If the Yes. The salary /

information sought perquisites paid to
by the applicant an employee or the
concerns the life or amount of
liberty of a person, reimbursement /
the same has to be allowances made
Wife of Sh. Alok Srivastava (Chief disposed within 48 to an employee
Manager) in SBI has filed an RTI to hours of the receipt cannot be treated
provide salary / perquisites paid to of the request. as personal
Sh. Alok by the Bank, otherwise she information under
will commit suicide. Can this section 8(1)(j)
information be disclosed under RTI?

257 Yes. If the Yes. The salary /

information sought perquisites paid to
by the applicant an employee or the
concerns the life or amount of
liberty of a person, reimbursement /
the same has to be allowances made
Wife of Sh. Alok Srivastava (Chief disposed within 48 to an employee
Manager) in SBI has filed an RTI to hours of the receipt cannot be treated
provide information of the salary of the request. as personal
account maintained by Sh. Alok in the information under
Bank. Can this information be section 8(1)(j)
disclosed under RTI?
258 The account needs The account need
to be closed and not be closed as
balance Karta is the head of
A Co-parcener of a Hindu Undivided confirmation the HUF and death
Family, that has an HUF current obtained. A new of the co-parcener
account with the branch, has died account has to be does not affect the
intestate. In this case. opened to avoid operations.
application of
Clayton’s Rule.

259 FIR, Non-traceable FIR, Indemnity

In case the claims up to a threshold report issued by the from the claimant
limit of Rs 100000/- (Rs one Lac only) police authorities, (s).
in respect of missing persons, Indemnity from the
reported missing for a minimum claimant (s).
period of one year, shall be settled on
production of which of the documents:

260 From the date of From Date of

An individual having an FD dies. death to the date of Maturity to Date of
Claim is made by legal heirs and the payment at the rate Payment at SB
FD is yet to mature. What will be the of S.B. Rate as interest.
interest rate? applicable on Date
of Payment
261 The customer will Partial withdrawal
be given ornaments of gold ornaments
only at one go is not permitted
Mr Sohanlal, who has availed Gold
Loan for Rs. 2.00 lacs, has
approached the Bank for repayment
of Rs 1 lacs and has requested for
returning the few of the items pledged
for availing the loan. What should the
official do in this case?
262 Official can deliver Delivery of
the ornaments to Mr ornaments to a
Mr Ramesh has fully repaid the gold Ramesh as the third party can be
loan, availed by his uncle Mr. borrower has done in very
Sukhram, from his account and wants confirmed to him exceptional
delivery of the ornaments. Mr over phone circumstances and
Sukhram has also confirmed over based on the
phone to deliver the ornaments to Mr undoubted/specific
Ramesh. Branch Official has refused authority (on Bank
to delivery of the ornaments to Mr specific format) of
Ramesh. the borrower

263 Yes, the contract     No, from the

Bharat, who is the legal heir of becomes invalid date of the death
Dashrath, has approached the Bank after the death of interest as
after his father’s death to close the one of the person applicable to
gold loan account of his father. He Saving bank
has agreed to pay the loan, but account will be
arguing that he will not pay any applied
interest from the date of death of his
father. Is he right in his approach?

264 His request can be We cannot

considered as loan consider his
Shivam has 10 specially minted gold can be sanctioned request as we do
coins of SBI. Each coin is of 10 gm. against gold coins. not sanction loan
He wants a loan against these gold against gold coins.
coins. Can we consider his request ?

Raghu is a share cropper and does We cannot consider     We can consider
not own any land. He has some gold the request of his request only if
ornaments and has approached the Raghu as he does third party
bank for a loan against these not own any land. guarantee is
ornaments? Can we sanction a loan arranged.
to Raghu ?
266 No. A minor can Yes. Minors can
open an account open Savings Bank
only under accounts either
guardianship singly or jointly with
his/ her guardian.
A husband and Wife have come to
the branch to open a joint account
with Minor son as the third account
holder. Can it be opened?

267 The Bank may take The Bank may take

a declaration of the a declaration of the
local address on local address on
which all which all
correspondence will correspondence
be made by the will be made by the
Bank with the Bank with the
While undergoing periodic updating of customer. customer. This
the SB account, the proof of address address may be
furnished by the customer is not the verified by the bank
local address. How do we prove the through ‘positive
address? confirmation like
acknowledgment of
receipt of Locker

268 An adult wishes to open a joint     We can open the     We cannot open
account with a Minor in the name of account in F or S the account on F or
Former and Survivor. Which one of basis S basis
the following is correct?
269 The cheque should The cheque can be
be credited to the credited to the
account of individual account
proprietorship firm of the proprietor as
A proprietor has deposited an a/c only as crediting to legally they are
payee cheque in the name of the individual account inseparable so
proprietorship firm (having a current shall amount to there is no risk in
account) to be credited to the savings conversion. crediting the
account in the individual name of cheque.
proprietor. What should be done?

270 Power of Attorney in Board resolution of

The branch has a current account of
favour of the the firm in favour of
a partnership firm being operated by
Accountant to the accountant
any two partners together. The firm
operate the account
has submitted a request that now
besides OVD of the
onwards the account shall be
operated by the accountant of the firm
and not the partners. Which of the
following document has to be
obtained for permitting the operation
in the account?

A branch received a request from a     Advise the bank Reject the HUF’s
HUF to open a PPF account in the to open the account. request to open
name of HUF. Branch refused to PPF account in the
open the account saying HUF name of HUF.
account cannot be opened in the
name of HUF. The customer
approached Banking Ombudsman.
The Ombudsman should

Mr Haridas opened a PPF account on Yes a loan can be The loan can be
17-12-2017. During the month of April sanctioned to him sanctioned in fifth
2018 he needed money. Someone now. year of opening of
advised him to take a loan against his the account.
PPF account. Can we sanction a loan
to him.
273 We can consider his     We cannot
Mr. Ghanshyam Solanki is request. consider his
maintaining an account under Senior request as second
Citizens Savings Scheme, 2004. He account cannot be
has already deposited Rs.10 lac in opened.
the said account. He has requested
for opening another account under
same Scheme and wants to deposit
Rs.10 lac in the second account. Can
we consider his request ?

274 We can open We can open

Sukanya Samridhi Sukanya Samridhi
Ratanlal has got three girl children. Accounts upto two Account only for
He had twin girls in the second birth. girl children. one girl child.
He now wants to open Sukanya
Samridhi Accounts for all the children.
Can we consider his request.

Roshan opened a Sukanya Samridhi He can withdraw He can withdraw

Account in the name of his girl child. from Sukanya from Sukanya
His daughter is now 7 years old. He is Samridhi Account Samridhi Account
in need of money now. He wants to only after the girl only after the girl
withdraw from Sukanya Samridhi child attains 10 child attains 14
Account. Can he be permitted to years of age. years of age.
withdraw from Sukanya Samridhi
Account ?
276 Point of Sale State Bank Collect
A School has approached your
branch and seek help in collection of
school fee from the parents. We can
help them through which product/s?
277 There is no way out You will ask him to
When you go to ATM and CDM cabin use fund transfer
for cash replenishment work you see option through
a person withdrawing money from ATM machine
ATM and going to CDM. You ask him
why he is going to CDM now. He says
that he has to send this money to
someone’s account so he will deposit
it through CDM. How you can help
him out to avoid doing two cash
transactions from next time?
278 by using True caller using SWON
A person received a call from a
SWOFF facility
person seeking his OTP in order to
sanction him loan under Mudra
Yojana. He told the person OTP,
immediately he received a SMS
telling that his account has been
debited 15000/- for purchase online
using his debit card number. How
such fraud can be avoided by
Who has specified Know Your
Customer standards to be followed by
banks and measures to be taken in
regard to Anti Money Laundering and
Combating of Financing of Terrorism
(CFT) ?
Obligations cast on Recommendations
banks under the made by the
The guidelines on KYC/AML include
Prevention of Financial Action
which of the following ?
Money Laundering Task Force on AML
Act 2002 standards and CFT


To enable the Bank

To facilitate
to know/understand
monitoring of
the customers and
transactions in
Which of the following purposes is not their financial
proposed to be served by KYC, AML dealings better
and CFT Policy of the Bank ? which, in turn, would
(NPO) and file
help the Bank to
NPO Transactions
manage risks

Which of the following elements of
KYC/AML/CFT Policy states that no
account should be opened where the Customer
Bank is unable to apply appropriate Identification
Acceptance Policy
customer due Procedures
diligence measures.
A person committed bank fraud in the
past. As part of the punishment given
to him, he has already served three Yes, we can open No we cannot
years in prison. Now he has his account. open his account.
requested to open the account. Can
we open his account ?
284 By whom debits to charges account Manager/Deputy Any
may be authorised at divisionalised Manager of Manager/Deputy
branches? Divisions in respect Manager of
of transactions Divisions
pertaining to their
own divisions
285 What action is taken with the balance The unspent Handed over to
amount kept in the postage book on balance is refunded Cash Officer for
the last working day of the month to Charges Account meeting expenses
in the next month
286 The specific certificate regarding In the Branch In the monthly
genuineness, necessity and control Manager's Monthly Compliance
in respect of expenses incurred by Certificate (BMMC) Certificate of the
debit to ‘Charges Account' is of the Branch Branch
submitted by the Branches to their
287 CHEQUE TRUNCATION SYSTEM Data entry of Making sure that
(CTS) Inward Clearing Process Flow account number and the Pay or Reject
at CCPC broadly consists of payee’s name and decision has been
Technical taken for each
Verification cheque that has
been referred to
the home branch /

288 OLRR Disposal under Cheque Opening OLRR Checking and

Truncation System at the Branches enquiry prompt taking decision on
consists of screen and entering each item
branch code and
instrument type

289 The time line for collection/clearing of Branches having For 7 days
local cheques will be extended by non-Sunday weekly branches
extra day in case of off
290 What procedure is adopted in respect The printed number The details of the
of the cancelled security forms? of the cancelled printed security
forms, before being forms must be
destroyed, should entered in CBS
be cut and pasted in through proper
the register in menu
evidence of its
destruction under
authentication of the

291 What is prescribed procedure for the The identified The details of the
custody and destruction of the obsolete security withdrawn obsolete
obsolete security forms? forms should be security forms
segregated and should be recorded
retained in the in ‘Obsolete
custody of the two Security Forms
officers holding joint Register', with each
custody of the entry duly
security forms authenticated by
the joint custodians

292 The CirSD send /originate in the February, February April, April to March
month of ………. to all branches to January
Originating Debits and the relative
statement (in duplicate) incorporating
the details of stationery supplied by
them during the accounting
293 Individual photographs of the persons persons who will be persons whether
have to be obtained while opening the operating the operating or not
current account. Whose photos have account operating the
to be obtained? account

294 While opening the Current Account of Memorandum and Resolution of the
a Company, certain documents have Articles of managing body for
to be obtained. Which of the following Association opening of the
is the incorrect document? account
295 While opening the Current Account of A copy of Bye-laws Resolution of the
a Society, certain documents have to managing body for
be obtained. Which of the following is opening of the
the incorrect document? account
296 While opening the Current Account of Identity of all Declaration from
a Hindu Undivided Family, certain coparceners the Karta
documents have to be obtained.
Which of the following is the incorrect
297 The conduct of the Government RBI Treasury Rules of
Business is governed by many the State
departments and rules. Which of the Government
following is incorrect?
298 Taxes/ dues are also being collected 1 2
through electronic modes like Internet
Banking, Debit Cards/ Credit Cards
etc. These receipts need to be settled
on __T+?_ basis where T stands for
the day the money is received by the
accredited Bank branch. Which is the
correct answer?

299 In the case of State Government T+5 T+3

transactions, Outstation transactions
shall be completed in ______ working
days. Select the appropriate answer.

300 Which facility is not available on Account Transfer funds to

Mobile version of Retail internet Information, Mini other accounts
Banking .i.e” SBI Anywhere Statement, using account
Personal ? Statement of number and mobile
Account number or email
ID to any bank

301 . Mr Sharma is maintaining current NO Queue App SBI ANYWHERE

account in your Branch of his SARAL
partnership firm naming M/S Sharma
Enterprise. He wants a digital product
that he can use on his mobile and
enquire as well as do the transaction
in his firm account. You will suggest
him which product?

302 One of your customers is using your Will allow him to Will not allow him
POS machine. But he does not want surrender the POS to surrender the
to pay MDR, so he wants to surrender POS
the POS machine. What will you do?
(best suitable option you have to
303 Which one of the facility is not Balance Enquiry, Blocking of ATM
available on SBI QUICK App? Mini Statement Card

304 Which one is not a type of pre-paid Smart Payout Foreign Travel
card? Card
305 A current account can be opened with obtain an obtain an
a caveat. Which of the following is the undertaking from undertaking from
caveat? the applicant that it the applicant that it
has CC account is enjoying credit
with us facility with us

306 All Trust Accounts are to be assigned Low Risk Medium Risk
a risk category. Select the correct
307 While opening a Current Account for List of companies Defaulter list of
a Company an indicative guideline de-registered by CICs
states that certain databases have to MCA
be checked for customer
identification. Which of the following is
308 What was the government 24% 21%
commission as a % of standalone Net
Profit of SBI as on March 2017?

309 Government Cheques drawn on Negotiable Bill

Treasury are treated as ______ . Instrument
Pleasse select the correct answer
310 Which of the following is not an UPSC / SSC Passpoort Fee
example of Government Receipt? examination fee
311 Which of the following is not the role Floor manager for Joint custodian
of Service Manager the Branch

312 Which of the following is a Ensure timely Sanction / Control

responsibility of the Service Manager submission of of SME Loans

313 While taking over as Service CC account Lease Deeds of the

Manager, which of the following he balances branch
need not verify
314 While taking over as Service Manager Cash Retention Verify glcomp.txt
which of the following needs to be Limit for GLIF entries
verified by the Service Manager.
315 All debits to the charges account of Branch Manager Service Manager
the branch must be verified by which
official in the branch under his / her
316 The bank's latest cheque collection 2014 2015
policy is of which year
317 The obsolete security forms, after holding joint custody Service Manager
they are properly identified, should be of the security forms and Branch
segregated and retained in the Manager
custody of the two officers. Which are
the two officers?
318 The Business Continuity Guidelines Budgetary targets Fixing
provides a framework to the Accountability
organization to draw up an action
plan for meeting _________ ? Please
select the appropriate.
319 The BCP is divided into two parts - Readiness Prevention
The planning process and Suucessful
implementation & maintenance. The
Planning process further has
sections. Which of the following is not
a section of Planning process?

320 Service Manager needs to be Systems and Clean Note Policy

conversant in which of the following Procedures in the
areas cash department
321 The minimum transactions from/to Rs. 50/- Rs. 100/-
Small coin depot will be how much?
322 Mr Ramesh wants to open an account Aadhar address proof
which of the following documents are
required for opening the account for
the purpose of this question?

323 A proprietor of a proprietorship firm take the other OVDs Aadhar is a must
does not have aadhar number but and open the for opening the
wishes to open an account? What will account account
you do?
324 Branch Manager has asked whether preferably once a preferably once a
intelligent check of the contents of the blue moon month
chest for correction of balances. As a
service manager what should be the
periodicity for such check?
325 the two sets of strong room keys separate safes same safes
should be retained by the joint
custodians in ________?
326 A company wants to hire a Safe take a large deposit give the locker
Deposit Locker in the branch. What and give the locker
will you do?
327 Mr X and Mr Y have a locker in joint yes no
names. Mr X is visually impaired. Mr
Y wants to operate the locker alone.
Is it permitted?
328 Branch Maanger wishes to confirm Terminal Material Total Master Keys
that service manager is in posession Keys
of TMK of the ATM. What is TMK?

329 which is the email id for routing "on-

us"complaints of ATMs?
330 Operational Risk Management (ORM) Risk categorization Review of risk
is gaining more importance with the is done correctly categorization done
implementation of Basel guidelines. periodically
The same is being covered in Internal
Audit. Which of the following is
covered in ORM in Audit?

331 The Contorller wishes to know if the 8 weeks 9 weeks

compliance remarks of the Audit have
been submitted in time by your
branch which is a Group I branch.
What is the periodicity of submission?

332 In IBTS system BGL accounts have Inter Branch Inter Branch
been created for transactions at Transfer Credit Transfer Credit
originating branch. Which IBTS Account (NDTL) Account
account will be used at the originating (Suspense)
branch while originating a credit to a
non home branch?
333 IBT balances are classified under Inter Office Inter Bank
which head of Weekly Statement of Accounts accounts
Affairs and Balance sheet of the
334 The person on the SWO counter pay subject to can't pay an order
wishes to encash an order cheque. payment in due cheque
What will you do? course
335 The cheque presented for cash yes no
payment has been opened by
cancelling the account payee
crossing. The drawer and payee are
same person. Cant this cheque be
paid across counter?
336 The branch manager says that the Yes can't say
service manager is the CAPIO under
RTI. Is this correct?
337 as on officiating branch manager you RM (RBO) DGM (B&O)
have been called by the CPIO for
some clarification. Who is the CPIO

338 Mrs Seema wishes to change the SL3 SL3A

nomination in her single operated
account. Which form she should use?

339 X son of Y has submitted the death yes sarpanch is no it should be

certificate of Y issued by Local authorised to issue countersigned by
Sarpanch. IS this acceptable? death certificate the BDO or
Tehsildar in case of
340 Mr Y a farmer needs Agri Gold Loan yes no it is to meet the
for marriage purpose of his dauther. short term crop
Can we give the loan? production needs

341 Security officer during inspection First Banking Fire and Burglary
points out that the gold ornaments Reserve resistent
have not been kept in FBR safe.
What is FBR?
342 The customer submits the account yes no
opening form for opening of savings
bank account with C-KYC and needs
a welcome kit. Can it be given?

343 A cheque of Rs. 20 lacs is received yes no

for credit into the account singly held
by a minor. Can this cheque be
344 Municipal Corporation of your city Yes No only current
wishes to open a savings account account can be
with your branch. Can it be opened? opened
345 Mr X having a proprietorship account yes no
wishes to make nomination in the
current account. Can nomination be
346 The government business covers PPF Sukanya Samridhi
which of the following? Scheme
347 The pay order issued by Central 15th April up to 10 days or till
Government is dated 11th April 2018. the end of month
What is the validity of this pay order? whichever is earlier

348 Mr X wants an app which can reduce State Bank State Bank Mcash
waiting time in standing in the queue Anywhere
at the branch. Which product will you
349 Processing Fee for Agri Gold Loans 0.50% 1.00%
upto Rs.25000 is
350 On repayment of Agri Gold Loans by The Borrower The Guarantor
the borrower, the ornaments held as
security should be returned to
Choice 3 (Max. Choice 4 (Max. 1000
1000 Characters) Characters)

Security Register Branch Document


12 17

Misc Security Ex-custody Register


1 Officer and 2 1 assistant and 2 armed

armed guard guards

Corporate Centre Local Head Office

In the strong room Custody of Chief


Door of the BM’S Door of the Cash

Cabin Officer’s Cabin
Separate packets, Separate packets, which
which will be will be sealed with
sealed with personal seals of Joint
personal seals of Custodians
the Branch
A fitness An approval plan from
certificate municipal authority

Collapsible gates Collapsible gates only in

in addition to the sensitive areas
existing doors /
Quarterly Monthly

Three Half year

25 100

Quarterly Half Year

Three None of the above

Branch metallic Bank‘s Common Seal


Miscellaneous Sundry Register

Security Register

Safe Custody None of these


Branch Cash Fixed Assets

Same Day Immediately after
inspection is over

2 4

2nd April 30th September

12 hours 36 hours

Bailee Trustee

Rs.50,000/- Rs.2,00,000/-
Rs.1,000/- No minimum

Above Rs.20 lacs Above Rs.10 lacs up to

up to Rs.100 lac Rs.50 lac

250/- and 25,000/- 500/- and 50,000/-

30 60

Rs.5 lacs Rs.50 lacs

All outstanding All the above

entries of all office

Bank can appeal Mobile banking,

to Appellate electronic
authority bankingservices in India
also comes under the
purview of BOS 2006

7 9

Screen No. 00669 Screen No. 00679

2 feet 3 feet

T+3 T+4
Joint custodian None of the above

Joint custodian single custody of the

concerned official

Joint custodian joint custodians and the

Branch Manager /
Manager (Accounts)

Stationery ) A/c No entry is passed

Rs 1000/- and None of these

multiples of 100/-

Rs 10/- Rs 500/-

All branches Currency chest branches

Quarter Once in a year

Once in a year Six months

Cash box receipt None of these

Delivery Register

30th June 31st Dec

20 None of these
Less than 5 More than 6

Upto 49,00,000/- None of the above

No Entry is None of these


Accountant Joint Custodian

One withdrawal Unlimited withdrawals
and unlimited and one deposit in a day
deposits in a day

Layering; None of the above

7 unlimited

Hard copy and Hard copy or Soft copy

Soft copy
Low As per turn over

Rs 100 lacs No ceiling

Customer All a , b and c

A company that An offshore Company

exist on paper
only and has no
physical existence

not less than 5 not less than 3 years but

years but extendable up to 5 years
extendable up to7
Low Medium


Layering Structure

Quarterly Monthly

Rent None of the above

15000 30000

180000 200000

He should be less All of the above

than 60 years old

26Q None of the above

At LHO Corporate centre

Half-yearly Annually

4898049 4898050

MUMS86153E MUMS86154F

30th April Before end of next

31th August Before end of next
15 20

MUMS86153E MUMS86154F

Business Business Classification

Continuity Plan Plan

Fire by resident None of the above

All the staff Selected staff members
members by branch manager

Disaster Disaster Recovery Plan

Retribution plan
Scattered light Microwaves

Branch Security Branch Locking Register


As and when due Coming anniversary date

A can operate the None of these


Clubs, societies All the above

and Associations
The bank can Duplicate cannot be
issue a duplicate issued as it is not a
after obtaining negotiable instrument
indemnity bond

Randomly in As per new guidelines,

between checking is not required

3 years 5 years

3 years 5 years

Legal heirs of the HUF

Sec 45ZC of BR Sec 45ZD of BR act

negligence on the a routine error till three

part of the agency such incidences.
caretakers in
The Bank would a or b , whichever is
not only reverse higher
the charges, if
immediately but
also pay
compensation to
the customer
Rs.100/- .

100/- and 45 200/- and 60

Expelled Journal Evacuation Journal

6 Months 1 year

90 days Never

None of the above
either a or b both a and b
Mumbai, RBI Kochi, SBI

Chargeback Representment

Chargeback Representment

### ###
ATM Card Branch Document
Register Register

his personal safe Strong Room Safe

Daily basis Quarterly

ON and OFF OFF and ON

Transaction Transactions

No change is to It is not permitted to

be done. change the admin

Admin Balance Either Admin or BGL

and BGL Balance Balance

750 1000

60 70
Employment Damage to physical
practices assets
9 months 12 months

Training in Risk All of the above


15 18

It highlights It is the confidential

crucial issues of report on the various
concern functionaries at the

Maintenance of Proper custody and

password secrecy accounting of pre-printed
and prompt INB Kit, ATM Pin Mailers
reporting of loss and Welcome Kit.
of password of the
INB customer to
the Security
Manager, INB

General Branch Problem loan

Management Management
Rs. 10 crore and Rs. 3 crore and above
Operational Risk External Compliance
Inter Branch Intra Branch Transfer
Transfer System System
Vendor Payment Vendor Payment System

Sometimes Only BM Can approve

only Originating Reversal is not allowed.

Both a) and b) None of the Above

a and b both a only or b only

3 and above and 3 and above and 5 and

6 and above above

3 and above and 3 and above and 8 and

7 and above above

Either of the None of the Above


Gross Sales Tax Goods and Service Tax

Service Tax All of the Above

of Rs.5 Lac and of Rs.10 Lac and above
of Rs.1 Core and of Rs. 10 Crore and
above above

To Replace All of the above

Branch Clearing
Either of the None of the above

I acknowledge I promise to pay B Rs.

myself to be 500 and to deliver my
indebted to B in Black striped Cat on 1st
Rs. 500, to be December next.
paid on demand,
for value received.

Payable to C only Payable to B only

It is not a practice This is as per RBI

it is given in NI guidelines.

3rd May 2018 30th April 2018

Return the Refer the matter to
cheque since Branch Manager
account X does
not have sufficient

No one it is a The matter will be dealt

case of forgery by the Controlling Office
hence needs to
be investigated.

Either of the Neither of above


NPCI (National CPMI (Committee on

Payments Payments and Market
Corporation of Infrastructure)

SBI Act NI Act

20 Lac 25 Lac

Scheduled All of the above

Primary Co-
operative Banks
30 Days 90 Days

25 Lac, 50 Lac, 20 Lac,100 Lac, above

above 75 Lac 100 Lac

Trust Society
Central Assistant Central Assistant Public
Public Information Information Officers

CGM (Circle) DMD

Voluntary All are true

35 Days 45 Days

3 Months 1 Year

High Court Supreme Court

Within 48 hours of None of the Above

receipt of the

Rs.1000/- per day Rs.5000/- per day

subject to a total subject to a total of
of Rs.100,000/- Rs.500,000/-

Enable the bank Enable the bank to

to release the release the title deed of
contents of safe the deceased borrower
deposit locker
Adult Individual Agent

Minor Blind Person

F or S type L or S Type
Not sure. The Request the customer to
matter needs to change the nomination
be referred to the form in favour of single
controller. Nominee.

Father Son

Father Daughter (s)

Mother Daughter

None It all depends on the

Controlling offices

Refer the matter Return the cheque with

to the Branch request to refer to
Manager drawer.
Son (s) Daughter (s)

Throughout the Throughout the country if

country the amount does not
exceed Rs. 10,000
outside the state.

Field Officer Branch Manager

45 days 60 days

Witness letter None of the above

Cash Officer and Any one of the above


Specific gravity Any one of the above

National Dailies Precious Metal
Department, CC,
The duplicate All of the above.
keys would be
examined and
tested. They
would be taken
into use, unless
they are more
worn out than the
originals and
originals would be
deposited back.
As safe deposit As safe deposit receipt
receipt is very is very important item, I
important item, I would keep it securely in
would keep it a “Fire Resistant” safe
securely in my outside the strong room.
safe outside the
strong room.

    I will implement All of the above

In Branch Cash
Handling System.

There is no need    I would ask the

of removing the messenger to remove all
items now; they other items except the
can be removed Gold ornaments pledged
at the time of to the Bank and keep
Inspection by RBI them outside the Chest.

I will immediately   I will replace the old

replace the old cartridge with the new
cartridge with the ones and expired
new ones and Cartridges would be kept
expired Cartridges along with other new
would be kept cartridges.
separately in a
box wrapped in a
polythene bag.
I would encourage I would try to motivate
the Customers to may staff, as we have no
migrate to Any other option. We have to
Time Channel and serve the Customer.
issue ATM cards
to them.

In future he Both a) and b).

should reshuffle
the cash in
almirah once in
six months.

He has to verify He has to verify physical

physical cash and cash with CGL Cash
has to ensure that only.
there is no glif

He will take over He will write a letter to

charge and Controlling Authority
ensure checking informing him about the
of pending VVR position and seek his
immediately. guidance.

The accounts with He should take over

balance should be charge as Service
verified and Manager only after the
should be balance in these
zeroised accounts are zeroised.

The particulars of All of the above

sanction should
be entered on the
relative voucher
Expenses are to Only 25 per cent of the
be borne by RBI total expenses are to be
and Bank in the borne by Bank.
ratio of 50:50.

A duplicate Both b) and c) above.

voucher is to be
prepared and
should be entered
in the missing
vouchers register.

Since the Cheques drawn on

customer is branches of other banks
insisting on located at State Capitals
interest payment, will be collected within
I will pay interest 7days. Any delay in
to him. collection beyond this
period, interest shall be
paid without waiting for a
request from the

Reference no. has All of the above.

to be used while
reversing the
I will call for UTR I will verify BGL account
number and verify number 98593 and if
matter with any such entry is found, I
Payment Systems will reverse the same
Group. and credit the account of
HDFC Bank.

MIS Reports- All of the above.

These are the
reports, which are
miscellaneous in
nature. These are
required by
Branches to deal
customer queries
and monitoring
Branch activities.

I will suggest him I will suggest him to go

to go through through “Other Reports
“MIS Reports folder”.

The obsolete The obsolete security

security forms forms should be
should be effectively destroyed only
effectively in the presence of
destroyed only in Branch Manager.
the presence of
one of the joint
custodians and
the Branch
By shredding into All of the above
minute pieces
through a

It is required to be It is not required to be

entered only in entered in any register.
Risk Register. However, a copy is
required to be given to all
the employees.

Branch should Branch should only get

inform the emergency transactions
customers about carried out by a nearby
the incident and branch.
request them to
have patience.

It should include All of the above.

effective custody
of the keys of

The cashier All of the above.

should issue an
receipt to the
It should be It should be treated as
treated as soiled note and 50%
mutilated note but value can be paid.
full value can be

The notes should These types of notes

be accepted but should be accepted only
value of one note at notified currency
only should be chests.

    The customer     None of the above.

should be told to
approach nearby
currency chest

The note should     The matter should

have been have been referred to
impounded and Police.
therefore action of
Alok is not in

The notes should The notes should be

be impounded impounded immediately
and FIR should be and a consolidated report
filed immediately should be sent along with
and the forged the suspect counterfeit
notes should be notes to Police at the end
handed over to of the month.
Yes and customer Yes as note of
service will be denomination of Rs.500
faster by adopting and above are required
this approach. to be machine processed
before issuing to

The cash officer The action of the cash

should have paid officer is in order.
70 per cent of the
value of the note.

The cash officer The action of the cash

should have officer is in order.
asked the
tenderer to
approach RBI.
The cash officer The action of the cash
should have officer is in order.
asked the
tenderer to
approach RBI.
All Counterfeit All Counterfeit Notes
Notes received received back from the
back from the police authorities/courts
police may be destroyed after
authorities/courts entering in a register.
may be carefully
preserved in the
safe custody of
the bank for two
years and should
be verified on half
yearly basis.

He will get the full He will get 75% of the

value. value of notes.
We can open the We can open the
account, if account, if customer
customer submits submits Form 60 and
proof of one certified copy of
application of OVD
enrolment for
Aadhaar, Form 60
and one certified
copy of OVD

Account can be Both b) and c) above.

opened with
safeguards to be
decided jointly
with the
Superintendent of
the Jail.

The beneficiary in Where the amount

all these involved is equal to or
remittances is to exceeds Rs.50.000/-.
be verified and Whether conducted as a
then it will be single transaction or
decided whether several transactions that
to obtain KYC appear to be connected,
documents. KYC documents are
required to be obtained.
Physical presence All of the above
of such low risk
customer at the
time of periodic
updation should
also be not

Partial freezing Partial freezing is bank’s

can be imposed discretion.
only after a period
of one year from
date of giving 1st

  I will ask Mr I will send letter to

verma to submit controller for seeking
one OVD along guidance.
with PAN and
enrolment proof of

  I will ask Mr lohia   I will not allow to open

to submit an an account as there is
official valid difference in address.
document for
current address
along with PAN
and Aadhar card.
Account cannot We can open a ‘Small
be opened without Account’ in this case.
Aadhar or PAN.

Aadhar number All of the above

and Permanent
Account Number
or Form 60 issued
to the person
holding an
attorney to
transact on its

The dealer is Since the branch has not

enjoying credit received any adverse
limits with us and reports about the dealer,
therefore, there is STR is not required to be
no need to file filed.

Yes, TDS is No, TDS is not applicable

applicable for the for the transaction.
transaction and
the rate applicable
is 10%.

Yes, TDS is No, TDS is not applicable

applicable for the for the transaction.
transaction. The
rate applicable is
5% of the amount
less taxes.
    Yes, TDS is     Yes, TDS is applicable
applicable at the at the rate of 5%.
rate of 2%.

    TDS will be     TDS will be applicable

applicable at 20% at 20% on Rs.14000/-.
on Rs.4000/-. The The amount of TDS will
amount of TDS be Rs.2800/-
will be Rs.800/-

    Branch action     Branch action is in

is in order as the order as the depositor
depositor can can submit Form 15H
submit Form 15H only on or after
only from 01/01/2018.
01/04/2018 i.e
next Financial

I would As there is not much

immediately difference between
replace the electric heater and
electric heater Induction cook top; I
with Induction would let this practice
cook top of a continue but ask the
reputed make. canteen boy to be extra

He can keep the he should keep the

keys in the FBR above mentioned keys
safe, if any locked in one of the
provided to other drawers of the safe
joint custodian. provided to the Branch
Manager and retain the
key of that drawer in his
personal custody.
The box should None of the above.
be labeled as
under and signed
by the Branch
Manager and joint

I have full faith in I need not re-verify the

my Branch keys, as they were
Manager, as such withdrawn for inspection
there is no need purpose only.
to verify the
duplicate keys

Nothing is I will report this to

required to be Controlling Authority.
done at present.

2nd locker can be There is no restriction on

allotted to a allotment of multiple
customer if he has lockers; however this will
banking be subject to availability
relationship for at of lockers at a particular
least 3 years. branch.
Only one nominee Nomination facility is not
can be there. available in joint locker

They may be Visually impaired/ blind

provided with the person may be provided
locker facility with a locker facility only
jointly with if he is literate and can
another customer sign uniformly.
who is not visually

It should be It should be kept in the

retained as safe personal custody of
deposit article at Service Manager till the
the branch in a owner is foun
packet sealed
with the personal
seals of both the
joint custodians of

Locker can be Locker can be allotted to

allotted to a minor a minor jointly with
if he is more than guardian.
10 years old and
can sign

Will take an Will advise the customer

application from to meet with the
the customer and Alternate Channel
lodge a complaint Manager at RBO for
in CMS. refund of the amount.
   Will mark Short    The matter to be
cash in ATM reported to the
machine itself controlling authority.
using menu Cash
Verification à
Short Cash.

   Will Deposit the    The matter to be

Excess cash Rs reported to the
10000/- in ATM controlling authority.
Excess Cash
Found Account
(3199845) and will
report it to the
Branch Manager.

Cannot do Will mail to ATM Switch

anything about it. center to provide credit to
the branch BGL 98582
account no., since no
excess cash is reported
by the outsourcing

Will call the Joint    Will increase Admin of

custodians of the any ATM by Rs Ten lacs
CIT Agency to using the reference
deposit Rs Ten number.
lacs in the branch
which was not
replenished in
Services of Mr Somesh was praised
employee rated in front of the Auditor.
best should not
have utilised in
customer facing

Verified KYC Branch could can hire

documents of all services of many courier
representatives of agencies.
Authorised courier
agency should be
held on record.

The review of the There is no requirement

Risk of periodical review of
categorisation can Risk categorisation.
be done as and
when customer
approaches for
KYC updation.

    Both A and B    None of the above

        Acknowledgement of
Acknowledgement remittance should be
of remittance can handed over to the staff
be sent by any of the remitting branch
form. who accompanied the

   Will reverse the    Will reverse the above

above bill through bill through VPS and
VPS and post a credit the correct amount
fresh bill using to customer’s account by
VPS to credit the debiting charges account
amount to the of the branch.

   Will wait for the    Will accept the entry

orders from the and reverse the amount
BM about what to parked in Suspense BGL
do with the entry. account by debiting
FandF BGL account of
the branch using iFAMS.

Will accept the Will reject the entry and

entry and provide will inform to the
the credit to the Controller about the
customer’s reason for the rejection.
account after
marking off of the

Pay the cheque Can’t Say. I’m confuse

ensuring payment
in due course
Can’t Say. I’m Ask PNB to get
confused. confirmation from
Allahabad bank and then
pay the cheque.

Sh. Priyabrat The cheque can be paid

Mishra be asked to Sh. Sarat Mishra
to present the subject to payment being
cheque through in due course.

No. it relates to       Can’t Say. I’m

personal confuse
information, the
disclosure of
which has no
relationship to any
public activity or
interest or
disclosure of such
information would
invasion of the
privacy of any

No. it relates to No. The information in

personal respect of the customers
information, the of the Bank shall be kept
disclosure of outside the general rule
which has no of disclosure under the
relationship to any RTI Act, because the
public activity or Bank being a commercial
interest or organization is bound to
disclosure of such protect the right of
information would secrecy of its customers
invasion of the
privacy of any
The matter shall The matter shall be
be referred to the referred to the Controller.
lawyer in this

Non-traceable None of the above as a

report issued by person missing for 7
the police years or above only is
authorities, presumed to be dea
Indemnity from
the claimant (s).

As applicable to Contracted rate up to

the actual period DOM and simple TDR
up to payment, rate from DOM to Date of
without penalty. Payment

Some ornaments Part delivery of

can be given back ornaments may be given
to the customer against part repayment
as per desire of the loan, provided the
advance value of the
remaining ornaments
fully cover the
outstanding in the
account including
required margin.
Official can deliver Delivery of ornaments
the ornaments to cannot be made to a
Mr Ramesh as he third party
has repaid the

    No, Interest on     Bank cannot charge

the account of the any interest from the
deceased legal heir as the borrower
borrower will be has die
charged as per
the contracted
rate till the date of

Loan can be Loan can be considered

considered only if he produces
against gold coins evidence to the effect
weighing up to 50 that all these gold coins
grams per were purchased by him
customer only. only.

We can consider We can sanction the loan

the request of but rate of interest will be
Raghu. higher than the normal
gold loan.
No. Although     Can’t say I’ll refer the
minors can open matter to controller.
Savings Bank
accounts either
singly or jointly
with his/ her
guardian but
minor cannot
open jointly
operated account
as a third account

The Bank may Local address is a must

take a declaration otherwise account will be
of the local partially frozen.
address on which
will be made by
the Bank with the
customer. This
address may be
verified by the
bank through
confirmation like
of receipt of ATM

    We can open     We can open the

the account on E account only under
or S basis but not natural guardianship
F or S basis
The cheque can Can’t say. It’s a legal
be credited to the matter
individual account
of the proprietor
by taking an
undertaking as
legally they are
inseparable so
there is no risk in
crediting the

Resolution of the Cannot be done. One of

managing body of the partners has to
such association operate the account.
or body of

Ask for Ask the bank to pay

explanation in the compensation to HUF.
matter from Bank.

The loan can be The loan can be

sanctioned in third sanctioned in 7th year.
    Controlling    We can open second
Authority’s account subject to the
permission is condition that deposits in
required to open all accounts taken
second account. together shall not exceed
the maximum limit of
Rs.15 lakhs

There is no We can open Sukanya

restriction. SSA Samridhi Accounts upto
can be opened for two girl children or three
any number of girl in case of twin girls as
children. second birth or the first
birth itself

He can withdraw Withdrawal is permissible

from Sukanya only after the girl child
Samridhi Account attains 18 years of age or
only after the girl has passed 10th
child attains 16 standard, whichever is
years of age. earlier.

Bharat QR All of the above

You will ask him He can give cheque to

to come inside the that persons instead
branch to do
adding that switching off the mobile
number to block

Government of

Customer Due
Diligence for
banks as
stipulated by the All of the above
Basel Committee
on Banking

To put in place
controls for
detection and
reporting of To ensure proper
suspicious conduct of the employee
activities in at the workplace.
accordance with
laws/laid down

Monitoring of
Risk Management
Transactions and
We can open his account
We need to take
if he gives us an
permission from
undertaking that he will
RBI to open his
not commit any fraud in

Branch Manager Both 1 and 3

To leave it in the Stamps to be purchased

postage book

In the Charges No such certificate

Account certificate

Sending returns All the three

through CTS to
Clearing House

Checking for All the three

pending items
before cut-off time
to ensure
complete disposal

All Branches 1 and 2 above

situated in state
The information Both 1 and 2
should be sent to

The obsolete All the above

security forms
should be
destroyed on
receipt of the
sanction letter

January, January March, March to

to December February

persons who will persons who will be

operating and operating the account
mentioned on the and beneficial owners
Power of Attorney

Copy of PAN of Power of Attorney (POA)

Company granted to its managers

Personal CIN Number

Information sheet
of Chairman/ MD/
Chief Promoter
Proof of None of the Above
Identification of

Civil Accounts Banking Boards Bureau


3 0

T+2 T+1

Top up/Recharge All facility are available.

of Mobile and

SBI QUICK Retail Internet Banking

Refer him to Will offer him BHARAT

Branch manager QR
PM Social All of above
Security Schemes

Achiever Card Credit Card

obtain an obtain an undertaking

undertaking from from the applicant that it
the applicant that will arrange for NOC
it is not enjoying from the other Bank
any credit facility
with any other

High Risk Intermediate Risk

List of banned shareholders of listed

entitites circulated companies
by RBI

15% 16%

Bond None of the Above

School Fee VISA Fee

Coaching and Retainer of the Gun

Motivating the License
Custody of Authorise transactions
articles for Safe referred to BM in CBS
Deposit and Safe
RBI License Original Power of

Verify Gold All the above

retention Limit
All the above none of the above

2016 2017

Passing Officer none of the above

and Service

Meeting any crisis


Response none of the above

both 1 and 2 none of the above

Rs. 150/- Rs. 200/-

recent photograph All the above

Can't say none of the above

preferably once in preferably once a week

15 days
separate almirahs same almirah

locker cannot be seek instructions from

given to non- BM
Can't say depends on Mr. X

Terminal Master Why should the branch

Keys manager bother

Workflow software All the above

for LCPC is
regularly used by
the Branch

10 weeks none of the above

either of the can't say


Interpersoanl none of the above


refer the matter to none of the above

branch manager
Can't say none of the above

refer the matter to no

the controller

GM (NW) can't say


either of the none of the above


Can't say doesn't matter

First Bank by RBI none of the above

Can't say none of the above

Can't say none of the above

Can't say none of the above

Can't say none of the above

Pension Accounts All the above

19th April can't say

State Bank No can't say


Nil 2.00%

The spouse of the The Children of the

Borrower Borrower
Case Study Text (Maximum 2000 Characters) S.No.

Songadh is a semi-urban branch having business of Rs.95 crore. The staff strength of the 1
branch is 17 including three messengers. The branch is located near highway and workload is
heavy during most part of the year. The branch has a currency chest. Shri Pawan Sharma, a
young officer joined the branch six months ago and has been working as a Cash Officer.
Normally, the branch starts the day with three cash counters and after peak hours operates
with two cash counters. It was a Monday during 1st week of May. The work load was heavy 2
on that day. There were receipts of large amounts from different petrol pumps which were
maintaining accounts with Songadh Branch. There was also a long queue for cash payments.
Though the branch started with three cash counters, it was felt that an additional cash
counter is required to handle the heavy work load.
Raman, a newly recruited assistant who joined Songadh branch six months ago, was asked to
start 4th cash counter and handle cash payments. As the customers waiting for cash payment 3
were getting impatient, Raman was given Rs.50 lac by cash officer and was asked to make
payment immediately.
Raman started paying immediately from Rs.50 lac received from the cash officer. After one
hour, when Raman paid total amount of Rs.50 lac, he was asked to take receipts and use the 4
cash receipts for payment. Raman followed the instructions and used the note packets
received from customers for payments. In one of the receipts, Raman suspected that there
were 2 fake notes. Raman went to Cash Officer and informed his about the forged notes. The
customer was also informed that the 2 notes in the note packets tendered by him are forged
notes and these notes would be impounded. The customer opposed to his and insisted that 5
the notes said to forged ones should be given back to him. He also shouted at Raman and
Cash Officer.
Meanwhile, the customers waiting in front of Raman’s counter got impatient and asked him
to start working. Raman came back to his counter and started working. After the day’s work
was over, while tallying cash for his counter, Raman found that there was a shortage of
Rs.12000/-. He informed this to Cash Officer and every one in the cash section tried to locate
the shortage. All the cash vouchers were verified. However, no one was able to trace where
the shortage was and Raman was asked to make good for the shortage. Raman felt helpless.
He borrowed Rs.12000/- from his friend to make good for the shortage.

Ganganagar is a rural branch. It is a small village with population of around 15000. The Branch 1
has one clerk and one messenger. Total business of the branch is Rs.13 crore with deposit of
Rs.7 crore and advances of Rs.6 crore.The residents of the village are known to Bank staff.
They used to visit the branch for their normal banking business. Apart from Ganganagar, the
branch also cateres to nearby villages. The Branch has 725 KCC accounts and cotton is the 2
major crop in the area.

It was second week of May. The branch staff were busy with the renewal of KCC. Two villagers
namely Karsanbhai and Dineshbhai approached Branch Manager and requested him to open
saving account for them. The Branch Manager asked both of them to provide copies of 3
Aadhar and PAN. Both the villagers had Aadhar but PAN was not available with them.
However, they had Voter’s ID Card. Form 60 was taken in place of PAN and account was

The account opening forms were filled up with the help of the messenger and accounts were
opened. They were also issued ATM card within few days of opening of the account.During
last week of August, when the branch staff were discussing about KCC pending for renewal, a
phone call was received asking information about the accounts in the name of Karsanbhai and

The call was from KYC/AML Cell Jaipur who wanted to know the reason for withdrawal of
Aadhar and PAN. Both the villagers had Aadhar but PAN was not available with them.
However, they had Voter’s ID Card. Form 60 was taken in place of PAN and account was

The account opening forms were filled up with the help of the messenger and accounts were
opened. They were also issued ATM card within few days of opening of the account.During 4
last week of August, when the branch staff were discussing about KCC pending for renewal, a
phone call was received asking information about the accounts in the name of Karsanbhai and
The call was from KYC/AML Cell Jaipur who wanted to know the reason for withdrawal of
large amount through ATM in these accounts. The Branch was informed that during last three
months more than Rs.10 lac was withdrawn from each of these accounts. 6
Shocked to hear that the villagers withdrew more than Rs.10 lac during last three months, the 8
branch called both of them for discussion. Further investigation in the matter revealed that
the villagers were approached by two unknown persons, who promised to pay Rs.10000/- to 9
them if they opened account with the Bank and gave them their ATM Cards. 10
The villagers, unaware of the consequences, agreed to the proposal and opened accounts. 12
The ATM cards along with pins were also handed over to them. These accounts were used for 13
false lottery messages sent by the fraudster to various mobile users. 14
The fraudsters used to send messages to mobile users informing them that they have won 15
Amit of GBP
Negi was 5feeling
Million. However,
elated to receive
on having the lottery
been posted moneyManager
as Branch they haveinto deposit district 1
branch in the account
of Himachal mentioned
Pradesh. in theitmessage.
He had made as DeputyThe accounts
Manager of Karsanbhai
in his and
confirmation exam.
After were
all it was twoused forback
years this purpose. Theseasaccounts
he had joined were immediately
a Probationary closed
Officer in SBI. andconfident
He was the
and hadwas reported
worked hardtotoRBO.
get direct scale-2.
He had to relieve the previous branch manager the day he joined the branch. Although he had
asked for taking over from his RBO, the instructions were clear to relive his predecessor 2
immediately. Amit did not hesitate in following the instructions. The branch had 2 other
officers, who although elder than him were Assistant Managers. One of these officers was a
filed officer and other was posted as relief arrangement for other branches.
The first day of his BM ship passed in a jiffy with greetings from all corners. Second day, he
saw an old aged man Ratan lal waiting for him outside the branch in the morning. The guard
would not let anyone inside the branch, until public hours began. He escorted Ratan Lal to his
cabin and gave the guard his piece of mind.
Once inside his cabin, Ratan Lal fell on his feet and started crying. The gesture shook him. He
picked him up and made him sit on the chair and arranged for a glass of water. Ratan seem to
be inconsolable. He went outside his cabin and asked a young clerk about Ratan.
Ratan once had a whole family. He had a son Ram Lal, his daughter in law Renu, grandson
Rakesh and granddaughter Reema. His entire family, except his wife Rani and granddaughter
Reema had perished in a road mishap. While returning from Kangra valley, on a sharp turn the
vehicle rolled down the hill. Rani had become a paraplegic and Reema was the only one who
was looking after the old couple now.
Ratan owned a fruit orchard that was the source of income and was looked after his son. A
couple of months back, the sale proceeds of the entire orchard were deposited in the name of
Rakesh and Ram Lal. Whatever money they had was depleting and there was substantial sum
of money in both the accounts. The money was needed by Ratan for the treatment of his
wife, running his household and for paying the school fee of Reema.
He had submitted his application a couple of months back to the predecessor of Amit, which
was still pending. Upon getting the news of arrival of a new branch manager in the area, Ratan
had presented himself so that his matter could be taken up expeditiously.
Amit knew about nomination and settlement of deceased accounts. He extracted the
information of the account and found that
1. The overall deposits in the name of Rakesh were of the tune of Rs. 10 lacs with Ram Lal
father of Rakesh as nominee. Rakesh was 16 years old at the time of mishap in which Ram lal
had also perished.
2. The overall deposits in the name of Ram Lal were of the tune of 20 lacs with no nomination.
And the branch had received an outstation cheque of Bank of Baroda for Rs. 1 lac in the
name of Ram Lal that was being sent for collection.
3. Ram Lal had a will by a quirk of fate in which he had appointed his father Ratan as the
testamentary guardian.
4. Ratan Lal also had an unmarried autistic brother who was dependent on Ratan.
Amit knew the documents that were to be collected in the case where nomination was
available. But even this case baffled him. Amit tried some permutation and combination but
none seem to work. He even sought help from LHO, where he knew a nodal officer for
disposal of deceased assets was posted. But the nodal officer was on leave and Amit was
unable to garner courage to call anyone in RBO fearing backlash.
For that day Amit assured Ratan that his work will be done and requested him to provide
would not let anyone inside the branch, until public hours began. He escorted Ratan Lal to his
cabin and gave the guard his piece of mind.
Once inside his cabin, Ratan Lal fell on his feet and started crying. The gesture shook him. He
picked him up and made him sit on the chair and arranged for a glass of water. Ratan seem to
be inconsolable. He went outside his cabin and asked a young clerk about Ratan.
Ratan once had a whole family. He had a son Ram Lal, his daughter in law Renu, grandson 3
Rakesh and granddaughter Reema. His entire family, except his wife Rani and granddaughter
Reema had perished in a road mishap. While returning from Kangra valley, on a sharp turn the
vehicle rolled down the hill. Rani had become a paraplegic and Reema was the only one who
was looking after the old couple now.
Ratan owned a fruit orchard that was the source of income and was looked after his son. A
couple of months back, the sale proceeds of the entire orchard were deposited in the name of
Rakesh and Ram Lal. Whatever money they had was depleting and there was substantial sum
of money in both the accounts. The money was needed by Ratan for the treatment of his
wife, running his household and for paying the school fee of Reema.
He had submitted his application a couple of months back to the predecessor of Amit, which
was still pending. Upon getting the news of arrival of a new branch manager in the area, Ratan
had presented himself so that his matter could be taken up expeditiously.
Amit knew about nomination and settlement of deceased accounts. He extracted the
information of the account and found that
1. The overall deposits in the name of Rakesh were of the tune of Rs. 10 lacs with Ram Lal
father of Rakesh as nominee. Rakesh was 16 years old at the time of mishap in which Ram lal
had also perished.
2. The overall deposits in the name of Ram Lal were of the tune of 20 lacs with no nomination.
And the branch had received an outstation cheque of Bank of Baroda for Rs. 1 lac in the
name of Ram Lal that was being sent for collection.
3. Ram Lal had a will by a quirk of fate in which he had appointed his father Ratan as the
testamentary guardian.
4. Ratan Lal also had an unmarried autistic brother who was dependent on Ratan.
Amit knew the documents that were to be collected in the case where nomination was
available. But even this case baffled him. Amit tried some permutation and combination but
none seem to work. He even sought help from LHO, where he knew a nodal officer for
disposal of deceased assets was posted. But the nodal officer was on leave and Amit was
unable to garner courage to call anyone in RBO fearing backlash.
For that day Amit assured Ratan that his work will be done and requested him to provide
death certificates of the deceased and arrange for two sureties good for the amount. As soon
as Ratan left the branch, he called you, his batch mate and sought your help. 4
As the batch mate of Amit, please arrange to provide solution to Amit before Ratan returns
the next day with the said papers.

Question Choice1 Choice 2 (Max. 1000
(Maximum 1000 (Max. 1000 Characters) Characters)
What precautions should have He should have counted cash He should have acknowledged the
been taken by Raman before received from the Cash Officer. receipt of cash in the system.
making payment to customers ?

Raman went to cash officer The SWO working in cash The SWO can leave his cash
leaving his cash counter open counter should never leave the counter after ensuring the cash
after finding two forged notes in cash counter until the work is drawer is properly locked.
one receipt. Was this in order ? finished.

What should be done with the The notes can be given back to The notes should be impounded.
forged notes ? the customer.

How the cash shortage in the branch s When cash shortage is more than Cash shortage should not be
Rs.10000/- it should be reported reported as fraud if the amount is
as fraud. recovered from employee.

Can the note packets received Only the notes with denomination The note packets received from
from customers be utilised for of Rs.2000/- or more are to be customers cannot be used for
payment ? processed through the note making payments.
sorting machine before reissuing
to the customer.

Why the villagers wanted To receive subsidy from To avail the benefit of DBT.
open account ? Government

The villagers were not Branch should not have

2.What lapses were asked about the purpose of issued ATM card.
committed by the branch ? opening account.

3.Branch opened the Branch should not have Branch can open the
account even if the villagers opened the account. account by taking Form 60
did not have PAN. Was it and one Certified copy of
correct ? OVD in place of PAN.
How did the irregularity From KYC/AML Cell Jaipur By gathering information
came to light ? from other villagers.

In which mail ID branch

should report such cases?

According to Hindu Renu Rakesh

Succession Act 1956, who is
the legal heir of Ram Lal, in
the above situation?
The deposits in the name of Chief Manager in the RBO Regional Manager of the
Ram Lal were more than Rs. RBO
20 lacs. Under the Affidavit
cum Indemnity settlement
process which official has
the financial power to
sanction the settlement
The branch had received an In order to avoid hardship to Sent the cheque for
outstation cheque of Bank of the survivor(s) / nominee of collection and at the time of
Baroda for Rs. 1 lac in the a deposit account, The bank settling the claims of
name of Ram Lal that was may be authorized by the deceased depositors the
being sent for collection”. survivor(s) / nominee to Bank may obtain appropriate
What should the branch do return the pipeline flows authorization from the
now? (funds) to the remitter with survivor(s) / nominee in the
the remark "Account holder form of unstamped “Letter of
deceased" and to intimate Authority with regard to the
the survivor(s) / nominee treatment of Pipeline Flows
accordingly. The survivor(s) / (Funds) in the name of the
nominee / legal heir(s) could Deceased Account Holder”,
then approach the remitter to as per Bank’s format. The
effect the payment through a “Letter of Authority with
negotiable instrument or regard to the treatment of
through ECS transfer or any Pipeline Flows (Funds) in
other suitable mode in the the name of the Deceased
name of the appropriate Account Holder”, shall be
beneficiary”. signed by the survivor(s) /
nominee or the claimant(s)
of the deceased constituent.

Amit knew the documents Death certificate Passbook

that were to be collected in
the case where nomination
was available in the
deceased account”. Which
of the following is not the
necessary document to be
collected while making
payment to the nominee?

Who is a Testamentary A person who is grandfather A person who takes

Guardian? of the child continuous interest in the
welfare of the minor’s person
or in the management and
administration of his property
without any authority of law
Choice 3 (Max. 1000 Choice 4 (Max. 1000
Characters) Characters)

He should have processed the Both (a) and (b)

notes received from Cash Officer
in note sorting machine before
making payment.
He should have sent the forged He should have told the customer
notes to Cash Officer through a to get the forged note checked by
messenger the Cash Officer.

The word ‘Duplicate’ may be FIR is to be filed immediately.

written on the face of the forged
note and then the note can be
given back to the customer.
Branch should have waited till Raman should not have been
next day for any entry in asked to handle cash counter as
GLCOMP. he was only six months old in
Only the notes with denomination Notes with denomination of
of Rs.500/- or more are to be Rs.100/- or more are to be
processed through the note processed through the note
sorting machine before reissuing sorting machine before reissuing
to the customer. to the customer.

To earn Rs.10000/- each. To get the convenience of

withdrawing money at any
time through ATM Car
Branch should have opened All of the above
a small account for the

Branch should have opened Branch should have taken

a small account. an undertaking from the
villagers that PAN will be
submitted within 6 months.
By verifying the transactions By VVR checking
in the account at the branch

Reema Ratan Lal

DGM (B&O) GM (Network)

Either of the above Can’t Say.
whichever is convenient to
the family.

Cheque Book Will in the name of Nominee

A person who is named in a None of the above

will to act as a guardian

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