P12702 (28%)
P12702 (28%)
P12702 (28%)
An Internship Report
Financial Performance Analysis of Prime Bank Limited
Submitted To
Sayed Farrukh Ahmed
Assistant Professor
Department of Business and administration
Faculty of Business & Entrepreneurship
Daffodil International University
Submitted By:
Md. Shamsul Alam
ID 172-14-2402
MBA (Major in Accounting)
Department of Business and administration
Faculty of Business & Entrepreneurship
Daffodil International University
I am Md. Shamsul Alam the student of Master of Business Administration (MBA) bearing ID:
172-14-2402 major in Accounting from Daffodil International University, Bangladesh would
like to solemnly declare here that an internship report on “Financial Performance Analysis of
Prime Bank Limited “has been authentically prepared by me. While preparing this internship
report, I did not intentionally violate any copyright laws. I also declare that I have not submitted
this report to any degree, diploma or certificate.
I am under his supervision to prepare his report. He made terrible and sincere efforts to write a
helpful report on the subject. I also prove that the best of my knowledge is that the report is not
originally submitted and elsewhere before publication of any form.
Sayed Faruukh Ahmed
Assistant Professor
Department of Business Administration
Daffodil International University
After all, I am very grateful to Almighty God who gave blessings, courage and skill to prepare
this report. To guide me to complete my internship program, I am very grateful to Daffodil
International University Bangladesh, Assistant Professor of Business Administration Sayed
Farrukh Ahmed. I am very grateful for his scholar and constructive advice to prepare this report
about "Financial Performance Analysis of Prime Bank Limited".
Internship is a joint program which involves business school and business house collaboration.
The main purpose of this program is to give a chance to translate knowledge of job and translate
into real life situations.
In addition, this internship is a very important requirement for the recruitment of Business
Master Administration (MBA) program. The Uttara branch of Uttara branch will have to work
on Primel Bank Limited and get a proper understanding in a report.
In the first part I will turn the subject. Then I'll talk about research, research, method,
opportunities and research source titles.
Next time I will try to discuss about Prime Bank Limited, Uttara Branch,. This section is mainly
focused on evaluating financial partnership analysis and results in a study of Uttara branch of
Prime Bank Limited.
In the last part I will present Prime Bank Limited, Uttara branch conclusion and
Cover Page i
Topic ii
Declaration iv
Certificate v
Acknowledgement vi
Introduction 1-4
1.1 Introduction 2
2.2Functional Structure 6
2.7 Treasury 9
2.10 HR Division 10
6.1 Findings 44
6.2 Recommendation 45
6.3 Conclusions 46
Bibliography 47
List of Figures
Economic history shows that development with banking system and its contribution to the
country's economic development is the highest in the initial stage. As an obligatory requirement
of the MBA program, I was given the responsibility of internship with Prime Bank for three
This report has been prepared to "Financial Performance Analysis of Prime Bank Limited" to
meet partial requirements of the MBA program as a means of international program. While
preparing this report, I had a great opportunity to gain a deeper knowledge of all banking
activities of Prime Bank Limited.
The report is mainly divided into five parts. In the first part, the report describes the background,
purpose, limitation. The second part describes a brief description of the bank with history
Vision, mission, backdrop, management, product and service bank. The part describes three
theoretical aspects. Part Four describes the performance of limited-primary banking banks. Part
five describes the major results, recommendations and conclusions.
To maintain the pace of development, banks now have to compete with the local organizations as
well as in the market with foreigners. It gives the opportunity of this report through the
investigation of the organizational structure and policy presentation and strategies of Prime Bank
Limited. The organization has shown an infrastructure detail and future. The scope of this report
is limited to the company's overall description, its services, the location of the industry, its
financial performance analysis, and the real progress of its operations. Research opportunities
include organizational setup, function and performance limited
To analyze the banks current financial flows performed by PBL.
To obtain practical experience in financial performance area
Build up to carrier in the banking sector
Monitoring and analyzing the bank's broad performance and its branches are not easy. Moreover,
due to the obvious reasons for transparency and privacy, bank staff generally do not want to
publish all information about their organization. However, when preparing this report, some of
my restrictions have been listed as follows:
Time limitation: The time was limited to three months. There was little time to know about the
institution like Prime Bank Limited.
Lack of Record: Large scale of the research was not possible due to organization restrictions and
Lack of experience: The lack of experience serves as an obstacle to the final search route. Being
a member of the organization;
My main responsibility and responsibility in the main bank was to deal with their
employees' daily work and banking environment. The whole environment was very helpful
and helpful to me, which encouraged me to get acquainted with the banking environment.
Everyone will try to understand what I need to do, what to do and how to manage it and
how to do this. My Executive Division is primarily accounting department and general
banking where customer service is being rounded through every day.
. Those are:
General banking department in the bank are the most important to their bank sector
Opening account
All branch sent to the income expenditure and other income to related the all income of prime
bank limited
To mange credit
Credit proposal from branch
Advanced provided in the bank loan
Set up the price all credit division
Statement submit in the Bangladesh bank
This division is the most important part of the prime bank limited
Making guidelines for foreign exchange activities and how to deal to bank sector from
Bangladesh bank
Installation of circulation from Bangladesh bank
Maintain the foreign exchange activities and deal to the other banking sector
Sending all activates of banking sector such as a foreign exchange actives from the
Bangladesh bank
Treasury is considered to be an important department for the main office income generation. The
Treasury of PBL is effectively operating the bank's cash flow. It optimizes the bank's extra
liquidity. Expected to meet the needs of Treasury customers and provide quality services and
products for increasing the bank's revenue.
Property Marketing: It refers to various types of debt and progress. This section encourages PBL
to maintain contact with the corporate clients and take PBL loans from PBL for the benefit of
profitable projects.
Liability Marketing: It refers to marketing to collect money by buying depository products from
large depositors. The Communicating with the Deposit, the people or organizations with extra
funds, informs them about the attractive features of their depository products and convinces them
to invest in PBL in their various deposit schemes.
Those are…
Top Level
Executive Level
Entry Level
In 1999, PBL received membership in MasterCard and a separate division was allocated for
credit card operations. There are four types of credit cards, local silver credit cards, international
silver credit cards, local gold credit cards, international gold credit cards.
3. Collection section
4. Clearing section
5. Deposit section
6. Deposit scheme
8. Local remittance
Bank is the largest mobilize of surplus domestic savings. For poverty alleviation, bank needs
self-employment, for self-employment bank need investment and for investment bank need
Savings. In other words, the formation of savings capital and advanced capitalization towards the
country's capital industry helps. And the resources eventually take the road on the path of
progress and prosperity. In this way, savings are regarded as the foundation of country's
FDR is one of the prime sources of collecting money from customers and give loan to other
customers. Through FDR prime bank collect a lot of money and invest it in different sector.
This type of deposit should be kept for a fixed term or period.
Account holder one copy photo.
Two Copies of latest passport size photo of account holder. ( Attested by the introducer)
One copy passport size photograph of nominee. ( Attested by the account holder )
These deposits primarily for small scale savers. So, there is a ban on a month's withdrawal.
Heavy lift is only allowed against pre-notification. Some important Points are as follows-
Minimum opening deposit of tk.1000.00 is required;
Minimum Tk.500 balance must always maintain all the time;
Two Copies of latest passport size photo of account holder. ( Attested by the introducer)
One copy passport size photograph of nominee. ( Attested by the account holder )
Prime Bank offers four types of accounts that can be showed under online account
Prime bank offers internet banking. Click to do bank transactions wherever customers are,
anytime customers want. It is safe and convenient to access customer account 24/7.
Procedure to Apply:
Download the application in the prime bank limited
Application form must be signed by accountholder.
Approve the respective branch
holders of
Prime Bank or
holding a Prime Bank Debit Card and Credit Card can get this service. To access this service
customer must fill up the Phone Banking Application to access this facility.
If any customer use PIN 1234 then for
Balance Enquiry
There are two kinds of debit card prime bank offering to customer:
Now customer can access to their money 24/7 more easily and conveniently through prime bank
widespread network of ATMs in Bangladesh. The ATM user friendly screen and easy-to-follow
instructions are available in both Bangla and English languages.
Prime Bank lays down payment of PBL's bills against their card numbers on the Master Card
credit card to the customers. Prime Bank offers MasterCard, Credit Card, which opens up new
possibilities for improved customer service and becoming an influential player in the market.
The PBL card enters the customer image and ensures high level security and gives 24 hours a
year and 365 days worldwide. The bank has received a policy membership from the international
visa. The main customers of four types of credit cards provide their customers. It describes the
Prime Bank Credit Cards and experience the infinite amusements of life. Customer can choose
wide range of card products of MasterCard brand as per customer requirements to enliven
Prime Bank also has visa gold credit card. Many customers are enjoying this facility of this card.
Local Card.
Local Card.
Local Card.
Prime Bank offer both MasterCard and VISA TQ Card with a bundle of value added services for
customer. Travel Quota Credit Card is issued against the entitlement of foreign Currency Quota
allotted as per Bangladesh Bank guidelines. It has been designed to give customer more liquidity
in terms of USD currency.
Vice President
Principal Officer
Excutive Officer
Permanant Peon
Temporary Peon
Security Guard
By financing, the ratio of two selected numeric values to a financial ratio or accounting
ratio is from an enterprise's financial statements. Many standard ratios are used to assess
the overall financial status of corporations or other organizations. Financial ratio can be
used by current and potential shareholders in a firm and by the directors of buyers of a
company. Security analysts use financial ratios to compare the strengths and weaknesses of
various organizations. If the shares of an organization are traded on the financial market,
the market value of the shares is used in fixed financial proportions.
Bankers and lenders: Use profits, liquidity and investments because they want to know
the power of loan business to pay regular interest and repay the principal loan amount.
Investors: Use profits and investments because they are more interested in the profitable
performance of business and security and the security of their investment and the security
of their investment potential.
Employee: Use profits, liquidity, and activity, because employees will be concerned
about job security, bonus and business continuity and wage door.
Customers: Use liquidity as customers can survive for a short time and will be assured
that the supply can continue.
Management: Use all the proportions because the management is interested in all aspects,
such as both the business's financial performance and financial status.
2. Current ratios:
One of the most general and frequently used of these liquidity ratios is the current ratio.
Organizations use current ratio to measure the firm’s ability to meet short-term obligations. It
shows the bank’s ability to cover its current liabilities with its current assets.
(Taka in millions)
Graphical Presentation:
2013 2014 2015 2016
Current Ratio
The current ratio shows reverse results for years. For these four years, the ratio of these ratios
was 1.20 to 1.24, which showed a small amount. These four years show the best performance
and the 2014 seratom exhibition since 2017 and 2016. Generally banks maintain current ratio 1:
1 and we have seen that PBL maintains the current ratio than the ratio 1: 1. It indicates that
PBL's fluidity position is not bad.
(Taka in millions)
Graphical Presentation:
The acid test ratio measures in the liquidity of a company by showing the ability to quickly pay
its current liabilities with the company. If an organization has a lot of resources under its total
current liabilities, then the company can repay its liability without selling long-term or capital
assets. The fastest ratio shows the results of growing up to 2016. During this four year period, the
proportion of these ratios was between 1.20 and 1.24, which was shown much more than 2014.
In these four years, the year 2013 shows the BEST performance anyear 2013 shows the worst
Net Working capital: Net working capital, although not actually a ratio is a common measure of
a firm’s overall Liquidity a measure of liquidity ratio calculated by
(Taka in millions)
Net working Capital Firm measures the liquidity position. Net working capital was 39901.36
million in 2014, which decreased to 61,395.27 million in 2017. The graph shows that the trend of
PBL's liquidity position indicates that PBL has increased its capacity to pay short-term liabilities
beyond its currents.
The conservative view of liquidity refers to such as when a company vows its list of its receipt
and list, or suspects the issue of intense liquidity with analyst inventory and receipt.
Graphical Presentation:
2014 2015
The cash ratio is determined by a percentage in total needs and time liabilities. Time liability to
that commercial banks are agreed to pay to customers after agreeing with each other and demand
liabilities are payable to customers' needs.
Cash ratio shows vertical results for years. During this four year period, the ratio of these ratios
was 7.90 to 8.75, which showed the upward trend compared to 2015. The best performance of
the year 2014 and the year 2014 shows the worst performance..
Earnings per share are the earnings returned on the initial investment amount. Earnings per share
ratio are calculated as follows:
1.92 2.75
EPS(Tk.) 1.42 1.65
Graphical Presentation:
1.00 1.42 1.65 1.92
2014 2015 2016 2017
Earnings per Share (EPS) are the same as the proportion in any profit or market potential.
Higher earnings than shares are always better than lower proportion, because this means the
company is more profitable and the company has more profits to be distributed to the
EPS shows reverse results for years. For these five years, the ratio of these ratios was between
1.42 and 2.75. These five years show the best performance and the best show in 2014 from 2017.
The main cause of this ratio is due to the reduction in the main reason for the reduction in 2014.
Returns to the assets, which often returns to the assets, the companies measure the overall
effectiveness of managing their profits with the property. High ratio is good.
Return on Asset
2017 1.88%
2016 1.48%
2015 1.13%
2014 1.01%
The amount of return made on the property ratio, how effective it is to earn money back on its
investment in assets of any company. In other words, ROA shows how efficiently any company
can use in converting the money used to purchase assets for total revenue or profit.
The main cause of this ratio is due to the reduction in the main reason for the reduction in 2014.
Tier One Capital + Tier Two Capital X 100
Risk Weighted Assets
Year Tier One Capital + Tier Two Risk Weighted Assets Ratio
13.00 12.39%
2017 2016 2015 2014
The capital adequacy regulations are how many capital cities that have been designated as the
capital, must have a bank with the size of the risks faced by them. These rules strengthen the
relationship between risky exposure and capital requirements in bank activities. 10% of Risk
Assets (RWA) Bangladesh's Minimum Rate Complicated Advisory Ratio (CR)
Over the years, it shows the opposite results. For these four years, the ratio of the ratio was
11.93. At 13.49 this is the best performance of 2014 and the worst show in 2017. This ratio has
decreased because of the main reasons for decreasing in 2017..
Equity Returns (ROE) Equity Returns Formula, sometimes summarized as a roll, the total
revenue of an organization divided by its average stockholder's equity. Equity formula, a
company's income statement can be found on net return.
Graphical Presentation:
Return on Equity
2017 16.27%
2016 12.95%
2015 10.65%
2014 9.85%
0.00% 2.00% 4.00% 6.00% 8.00% 10.00% 12.00% 14.00% 16.00% 18.00%
ROE shows reverse results for years. For four years, the ratio of these ratios ranged from 9.85%
to 16.27%. In these four years, the best performance since the year 2017 and the 2014 show
shows the worst performance.
External Liabilities
Formula:Proprietors Fund of Equity
Graphical Presentation:
Its debt position refers to the amount of money used by others in the effort of generate profit.
This greeting Prime Bank Limited 2015 date was high in equity ratio. But the worst performance
in 2016 was 7.35. So this organizations should emphasize more on equity capital than loan
Chapter Six
The current ratio of 2017 and 2016 (1.25: 1) was more than 2014-2015.
The fastest ratio of 2017 and 2016 (1.25: 1) was more than 2014 and 2015.
Cash ratio 2015 (8.75%) is less than the second year but in 2014 (7.90%) the cash
ratio is low.
2017 income per share (2.75 was higher than 2016, 2015 and 2014).
The return of wealth ratio to 2017 (1.88) is more than 2015, 2015 and 2014.
In 2017, equity return was higher than 2016 (12.95%) and 2014 (9.85%) more than
In 2014 the proportion of PBL debt equity ratio was higher. But the worst
performance in 2012 was (7.35).
The problem of Prime Bank Limited can be solved to certain extend. The following suggestion
may be made in order to solve the problem.
PBL should increase current assets and reduce current liabilities to run their business.
In 2014 the Prime Bank Limited Debit equity ratio was high. But the worst performance in
2016 was 7.35. So this organization should emphasize more on equity capital than loan capital.
This is a bank of the front lines due to special and sophisticated banking services supplied to
its customers. To be competitive in the market, it constantly seeks ways and means to
improve productivity. The use of information technology remains its prime. PBL has played
a significant role in the field of industry, agriculture, trade and commerce, transport and
many other areas. It plays an important role in creating human resources and creating new
employment opportunities. It is conducting various welfare programs for the development
of society.
According to the research, this bank's performance is satisfactory. In this study, various
financial parameters are considered for financial performance evaluation of this bank and
Prime Bank Limited is available as a fast growing bank and often performs well in all cases.
They should be aware of the speed of their growth and progress, what their customers
should be, and should be more careful to reduce their default rates during the loan period.
Annual Reports:
PBL Books:
Internship books
Collected some update information from PBL Bank