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Cell and Molecular Biology

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College of Science
Biology Department

CELLBIO – Cell Biology


Instructor: ________________________________ Contact Details: ________________________

Consultation Hours: ________________________ Class Schedule and Room: _______________

Course Description
Cell Biology is a 3-unit lecture course that discusses the relationship of structure and functions of the
different components of the cell at the molecular level. It also takes up the complex interactions among
cells and the different techniques used in the study of the cell.

Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, the student is expected to present the following learning outcomes in line with the
Expected Lasallian Graduate Attributes (ELGA)
ELGA Learning Outcome
Critical and Creative Thinker At the end of the course, the student should be able to
Effective Communicator differentiate among the prokaryotes, eukaryotes and
Lifelong Learner acellular infectious entities, identify and characterize
Service-Driven Citizen the different chemical components of the cells,
describe the structural organization and functions of
the cellular constituents, relate structure to functions,
understand the cellular processes, understand the
different interactions among cells, and describe the
working principle of the different techniques used in
the study of the cell.

Rubric for Assessment

Team Players Laid Back Spacemen

CRITERIA Experts! (3.5-4.0)
(2.5-3.4) (1.5-2.4) (1.0-1.4)
Set Objectives Objectives were set from Objectives were set Objectives were No objectives
(30%) the start of the from the start of the set from the were set from
presentation, and were presentation, and start of the the start of the
reviewed at the end if it were reviewed at the presentation, presentation.
were achieved. end if it were but were not
Moreover, the group achieved. reviewed at the
highlighted the end if it were
significance of the report achieved.
to their course.
Content of New information was New information New No new
Presentation learned from the was learned from information information
(30%) presentation, and was the presentation, and were learned was learned
easy to understand. was easy to from the from the
Moreover, the understand. presentation, but presentation.
presentation was concise. was hard to

2ND Term AY 2018-2019

Overall The presenters did not The presenters did The presenters The presenters
Performance read from the slides, and not read from the did not read read from the
of the Group made sure everyone in slides, and made from the slides, slides, and made
(20%) class understood the sure everyone in and made no no attempt to
information they were class understood the attempt to assess assess if
sharing. information they if everyone in everyone in class
Moreover, they were very were sharing. class understood understood
enthusiastic and the information the information
knowledgeable of their they were they were
report. sharing. sharing.

Multimedia The report was creatively The report was The report was The report was
(20%) and uniquely presented, creatively and ordinary and dull and boring.
with the aid of the uniquely presented very standard,
computer. with the aid of the but was aided by
Moreover, it kept computer. the computer.
everyone attentive.

Grading System
Quizzes and Long Exams (2) 60% 92-100% 4.0
Finals (comprehensive) 30% 86-91% 3.5
Journal Reporting 10% 80-85% 3.0
TOTAL 100% 75-79% 2.5
70-74% 2.0
Passing Grade 60% 65-69% 1.5
60-64% 1.0
<60% 0.0

Learning Plan


At the end of the course, the I. Introduction
student should be able to Cell Theory, Evolution of the Cell, Prokaryotic and
differentiate among the Eukaryotic, Three Domains of Life
prokaryotes, eukaryotes and II. Biochemistry of the Cell: Biomolecules ( will be
acellular infectious entities, incorporated into the different topics)
identify and characterize the III. Cell Membranes- Structure and Function,
different chemical components Permeability, Transport Across Membranes
of the cells, describe the IV. Endomembrane System and Vesicular Traffic,
structural organization and Intracellular Compartmentalization, Vesicular Traffic
functions of the cellular FIRST LONG EXAM
constituents, relate structure to V. Regulation of Cell Cycle and Cancer
functions, understand the VI. Cell Signaling and Cancer
cellular processes, understand Signal transduction, chemical signal mechanisms;
the different interactions cell signaling involved in regulating cell growth,
among cells and describe the division, apoptosis
working principle of the SECOND LONG EXAM
different techniques used in VII. Extra Cellular Structures
the study of the cell. Extra cellular matrix, cell adhesion, cell junctions
VIII. Journal Article Reporting



Hardin, J.U., Bertoni, G., Kleinsmith, L. 2012. Becker’s World of the Cell. Benjamin Cummings
Publishing Co., USA.

2ND Term AY 2018-2019

Other References

Karp, G. 2008. Cell and Molecular Biology: Concepts and Experiments. 5th edition. John Wiley and
Sons, Inc.

Malacinski, G.M. 2006. Essentials of Molecular Biology. 4th edition. Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

Alberts, B., Bray, D., Lewis, J., Raff, M. Roberts, K. & Watson, JD. 2002. Molecular Biology of the Cell.
4th edition, Gardland Publishing, Inc., NY, London.

Examples of Online Resources

Approved by:


Chair, Biology Department

2ND Term AY 2018-2019

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