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1. The best employers share all of the following characteristics EXCEPT:

A. They have high performance expectations.
B. They provide employees with both valued rewards and respect for work-life balance.
C. They are extremely good at attracting and retaining talented employees.
D. They excel at fully utilizing employees’ talents and valuing their contributions.
E. They excel at exploiting the natural environment.

2. Which statement does NOT accurately describe the nature of the new economy?
A. It is an economy rich with challenging opportunities.
B. It is a networked economy in which the Internet increasingly influences people, institutions, and
C. It is a networked economy where people and institutions but not nations are influenced by continuing
developments in information technology.
D. It is an economy full of dramatic uncertainties.
E. It is the economy in which people now live and work.

3. Which of the following concepts does NOT accurately describe organizational practices in the new
A. Respect.
B. Empowerment.
C. Teamwork.
D. Management by objectives
E. Self-management.

4. All of the following concepts accurately describe factors impacting careers in the new economy
A. Free agency.
B. Flexibility.
C. Entrepreneurship.
D. Guaranteed employment.
E. Skill portfolios.

5. The ultimate foundation of organizational performance is __________.

A. The availability and amount of financial capital.
B. The production of quality goods or the provision of quality services.
C. What people know, what people learn, and what people do with what they know and learn.
D. Generating a good return on capital investments.
E. Encouraging teamwork and employee involvement

6. __________ is defined as the collective brainpower or shared knowledge of a workforce that can be used
to create value.
A. Managerial expertise
B. Intellectual capital
C. A learning organization
D. Knowledge management
E. Managerial competency

7. Someone whose mind is a critical asset to employers and who contributes to the intellectual capital of the
organization is referred to as a __________.
A. leader
B. executive
C. functional manager
D. entrepreneur
E. knowledge worker
8. Having a successful career in the new economy requires a person to __________.
A. Be willing to achieve greater personal competency and accomplishment
B. Have a variety of personal experiences working in foreign countries
C. Be a self-starter who is continuously learning new things
D. Take risks
E. A and C

9. __________ is the worldwide interdependence of resource flows, product markets, and business
competition that characterizes the new economy.
A. International entrepreneurship
B. International management
C. Globalization
D. Supply chain management
E. Cross-cultural business

10. All of the following statements accurately describe the impact of the global economy EXCEPT:
A. The world is increasingly arranged in regional economic blocks.
B. Government leaders in our global economy are concerned about the competitiveness of nations.
C. The national boundaries of business are disappearing.
D. The world is increasingly arranged in regional economic blocks.
E. There is less economic interdependence between nations.

11. __________ and __________ help organizations of all types and sizes, locally and internationally, to
speed transactions and improve decision making.
A. Knowledge workers  computers
B. NAFTA the World Trade Organization
C. The Internet  information technology
D. Information technology  human capital
E. Globalization  workforce diversity

12. Which of the following statements does NOT describe an implication of technology for the new
A. Technology is an indispensable part of everyday operations in all types of businesses.
B. Computer literacy must be mastered and continuously updated as a foundation for career success.
C. In virtual space, people in remote locations can hold meetings, share information and files, make
plans, and solve problems together.
D. The demand is increasing for knowledge workers with the skills to effectively utilize technology.
E. Work in most organizations will not change significantly as a result of computers and high

13. Which of the following is NOT one of the technological trends occurring in the new economy?
A. The Internet, World Wide Web, computers, and information technology have transformed and
continue to transform the modern workplace.
B. The demand for knowledge workers with the skills to utilize technology to full advantage is
C. Computer competency must be mastered and continuously developed as a foundation for career
D. Low-skill workers who are displaced from declining industries will not need to learn new skills to
find adequate alternative employment.
E. The rate of technological change will continue to accelerate.

14. When a company’s managerial accountability includes supporting employment opportunities and upward
mobility for women, minorities, handicapped persons and people between the ages of 50 and 70, the
company is __________.
A. providing good working conditions for employees
B. demonstrating corporate social responsibility
C. valuing workforce diversity
D. complying with the Fair Labor Standards and Civil Equities Act
E. promoting discrimination

15. Differences among members of the workforce –– such as age, gender, religion, national origin, sexual
orientation, and able-bodiedness –– are characteristics of __________.
A. racial discrimination
B. workforce diversity
C. workforce demographics
D. workforce planning and development
E. human resource management
16. Holding negative, irrational opinions and attitudes toward members of diverse populations is considered
to be __________.
A. discrimination
B. unethical
C. illegal
D. prejudice
E. immoral

17. Treating minority members unfairly and denying them the full benefits of organizational membership is
called __________.
A. prejudice
B. discrimination
C. the glass ceiling effect
D. stereotyping
E. bias

18. The existence of an invisible barrier that prevents women and minorities from rising above a certain level
of organizational responsibility is called __________.
A. prejudice
B. the glass ceiling effect
C. gender bias.
D. he Good Old Boy network
E. stereotyping

19. __________ consists of a code of moral principles that sets standards of what is “good” or “right” as
opposed to being “bad” or “wrong.”
A. A set of norms
B. Personal values
C. Morality
D. Ethics
E. Social responsibility

20. A well-known business executive goes to jail for not revealing a personal financial interest in a project
that will significantly benefit company profits. This executive’s action is an example of __________.
A. corporate social responsibility
B. opportunistic behavior
C. violating managerial ethics
D. adhering to company policies
E. dishonesty

21. Which of the following are appropriate targets for ethical and social responsibility issues?
A. Concerns for the natural environment.
B. Protection of consumers.
C. Protection of human rights.
D. Product Safety.
E. All of the above.

22. In the 21st century, organizations and their members will encounter all of the following ethical
expectations EXCEPT:
A. The expectation of treating customer’s right and acting in ways consistent with society’s values.
B. The expectation of sustainable development and protection of the natural environment.
C. The expectation of protecting consumers through product safety and fair practices.
D. The expectation of protecting human rights, including employment policies and practices.
E. The expectation that stockholders’ interests and profitability are the primary considerations when
organizations make decisions affecting the environment.

23. __________ refers to a board of directors actively overseeing management decisions and company
A. The Executive Committee
B. Corporate governance
C. Corporate Management Committee
D. Management Audit
E. Social Responsibility Committee

24. _____________ is defined as a set of standards that describes what is good and right in terms of one’s
A. Morality
B. Norms and values
C. Corporate governance
D. Ethics
E. Social responsibility

25. According to Charles Handy, the Irish shamrock can be used to describe the changing employment
patterns in organizations of ____________.
A. Full-time workers, part-time workers, and temporary workers
B. Contract workers, full-time workers, and core employees
C. Core workers, contract workers, and part-time workers
D. Skilled workers, unskilled laborers, and contract workers
E. Technical employees, unskilled laborers, and skilled workers

26. According to Charles Handy, a __________ is a person who pursues a traditional career path.
A. temporary skilled worker
B. contract worker
C. part-time worker
D. core worker
E. manager

27. In Charles Handy’s description of changing careers, a person who performs specific tasks as needed and
is compensated on a fee-for-services basis is a __________.
A. contingent worker
B. core worker
C. contract worker
D. temporary worker
E. part-time worker

28. In Charles Handy’s use of the Irish shamrock to describe changing careers, a person who is hired as
needed and for only the number of hours needed is known as a __________.
A. Contingent worker.
B. Core worker.
C. Contract worker.
D. Temporary worker.
E. Part-time worker.

29. The typical career in the 21st century __________.

A. Won’t be uniformly full-time and limited to a single organization.
B. Will require skills to be portable and of value to more than one employer.
C. Will require skills to be carefully maintained and upgraded over time.
D. Will require workers to develop a broad portfolio for skills.
E. All of the above.

30. Which of the following is not one of the critical survival skills for the new workplace that is identified in
the text?
A. Entrepreneurship.
B. Love of technology.
C. Marketing.
D. Teamwork.
E. Mastery.

31. To survive in the new workplace, people must do all of the following EXCEPT:
A. Be able to contribute something of value to their employers
B. Have links with peers and others inside and outside the organization in order to get things done
C. Be able to communicate personal and work group successes and progress
D. Act as if they are running their own businesses
E. Have an extensive knowledge of information technology

32. An organization is a __________.

A. collection of people working on the same projects
B. collection of people working together to achieve a common purpose
C. collection of people reporting to the same manager
D. collection of people working in different departments
E. collection of people working together in a business

33. Providing useful __________ and/or __________ is a broad purpose that all organizations share.
A. information  resources.
B. skills  knowledge.
C. goods  services.
D. structures  technology.
E. information technology  training.

34. __________ is increasingly viewed as a source of organizational strength and performance advantage.
A. Making a profit and providing a high return to stockholders
B. Producing quality products and providing customer satisfaction
C. Producing goods and services for worldwide consumption
D. Making the highest return on investment and having the greatest profitability
E. Diversification through mergers and acquisitions

35. Organizations are complex systems composed of __________.

A. various subsystems, each of which works for separate goals
B. sets of organizational policies and processes
C. many interdependent parts that function together to achieve a common purpose
D. different groups or units working for the same organization
E. completely independent subsystems that interact with their environments

36. Which of the following accurately describes an open system?

A. An open system is used to share and exchange information across organizational boundaries.
B. An open system is a collection of subsystems that are not connected to the external environment.
C. An open system is one of many systems that have a positive impact on employee satisfaction.
D. An open system interacts with the external environment in a continual process of transforming
resource inputs into product outputs in the form of finished goods and/or services.
E. An open system treats its employees as an important asset.

37. Which of the following statements accurately describes the open systems model of organizations?
A. The environment provides resource inputs including finished goods and/or services.
B. The organization creates a transformation process for turning resource inputs into outputs.
C. The environment consumes product outputs including people, money, materials, technology, and
D. Resource inputs affect product outputs through a feedback loop.
E. Workflows are part of the resource inputs.

38. __________ refers to the operation through which a business or nonprofit organization can add value to
the original cost of resource inputs while the business organization earns a profit or the nonprofit
organization adds wealth to society.
A. Production
B. Resource management
C. Value creation
D. Operations management
E. Resource utilization

39. If an operation adds value to the original cost of resource inputs, nonprofit organizations __________ and
business organizations __________.
A. earn a profit  increase shareholder value
B. benefit society  earn a profit
C. earn a profit . promote corporate social responsibility
D. increase shareholder value  promote corporate governance
E. promote corporate social responsibility  increase market share

40. __________ refers to the quantity and quality of work performance, with resource utilization taken into
A. Effectiveness.
B. Efficiency.
C. Profitability.
D. Productivity.
E. Organizational performance.

Prepared by:


Subject Teacher


1. E- Easy 21. E- Moderate

2. C- Hard 22. E- Moderate
3. D- Moderate 23. B- Moderate
4. D- Moderate 24. D- Easy
5. C- Moderate 25. C- Moderate
6. B- Easy 26. D- Moderate
7. E- Easy 27. C- Moderate
8. E- Moderate 28. E- Moderate
9. C- Moderate 29. E- Moderate
10. E- Moderate 30. D- Hard
11. C- Moderate 31. E- Moderate
12. E- Moderate 32. B- Moderate
13. D- Moderate 33. C- Moderate
14. C- Moderate 34. B- Moderate
15. B- Moderate 35. C- Moderate
16. D- Moderate 36. D- Hard
17. B- Moderate 37. B- Moderate
18. B- Moderate 38. C- Moderate
19. D- Moderate 39. B- Hard
20. C- Moderate 40. D- Moderate

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