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Business Ethics - 3rd Quarter

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SY: 2019 – 2020

Name:________________________________Strand:___________Yr.&Section: ____________Score:______

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I. Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of the best answer.

1. A system of moral principles or rules of conduct relating to human behavior.
a. Ethical dilemmas c. Reputation
b. Guilt d. Code of Ethics
2. Problems involving conflict between moral imperatives.
a. Ethical dilemmas c. Reputation
b. Honesty d. Scruples
3. A feeling of responsibility or remorse for committing a wrong.
a. Role Model c. Guilt
b. Honesty d. Trust
4. Truthfulness, sincerity, or frankness.
a. Values c. Honesty
b. Trust d. Code of Ethics
5. A person whose behavior, example, or success is emulated by others, especially by younger
a. Scruples c. Ethical Dilemmas
b. Role Model d. Reputation
6. Lacking moral principles.
a. Ethical Dilemmas c. Values
b. Unethical d. Reputation
7. The beliefs, qualities, or standards that you consider important or desirable.
a. Honesty c. Code of Ethics
b. Trust d. Values
8. Mark figured out his teacher's password to unlock her electronic grade-book. What is the
ethically correct thing for him to do?
a. Tell the teacher so she may change it.
b. Give the password to all the other students.
c. Use the password to change his grades.
d. Keep it to himself, if someone else figures out the password it is not his problem
9. ____ are principles of morality or rules of conduct.
a. Customs c. Cultures
b. Traditions d. Ethics
10. Which of the following refers to the duty of a business to contribute to the well-being of a
a. workplace diversity c. code of ethics
b. social responsibility d. laws and regulations
11. Employees need only obey written work rules.
a. True b. False
12. This image is best an example of
a. Ethical Decision Making c. Social Responsibility
b. Workplace Policy d. Code of Ethics
13. A manager hires his wife's young nephew instead of hiring a more qualified applicant. This is
a. Cronyism c. Nepotism
b. Conflict of Interest d. The way the world works
14. Which of the following is an advantage to a business for being socially responsible
a. Monetary costs of Being Socially c. Extra Time Spent on Program or
Responsible Event Organization
b. Enhanced Company Image. d. Negative Corporate Reputation
15. What is not something you ask yourself when faced with an ethical dilemma:
a. Is it legal? Will I go to jail? d. How will others be affected by my
b. What's in it for me? actions?
c. Is it against school/company policy?
16. A set of rules for guiding the actions of employees or members of an organization.
a. Code of Ethics c. Social Responsibility Policy
b. Mission Statement d. Corporate Ethics
17. What is not considered unethical business practice?
a. Treating employees unfairly.
b. Training employees right out of school.
c. Selling substandard product.
d. Lying about a price to make a bigger profit.
18. Conflict between self financial interest and professional obligation is called?
a. Being irresponsible c. Conflict of interest
b. Mixing business with pleasure d. Being unprofessional
19. What is a consequence of good business ethics?
a. Increase in demand c. Good word of mouth from
b. High employee turnover customers.
d. Low employee turnover
20. Treating employees fairly means the company is likely to show what turnover (employee
retention) results?
a. High c. Moderate
b. Low d. Concentrated
21. Which would describe the act of offering another money to agree to a business deal?
a. Ethical behavior c. Conduct unbecoming
b. Unlawful bribery d. Good business
22. What is a consequence of treating workers unfairly?
a. Low morale c. Low turnover rate
b. High production d. Creating more profits
23. All unethical business practices are covered by the law.
a. True b. False
24. Professional groups such as doctors, lawyers and teachers have their own code of ethics.
a. True b. False
25. Activities that individuals, groups, & organizations undertake to protect their rights as
a. Ethical Issue c. Consumerism
b. Plagiarism d. Whistleblowing
26. An act of an employee exposing an employer’s wrongdoing to outsiders.
a. Ethical Issue c. Consumerism
b. Plagiarism d. Whistleblowing
27. Plagiarism is an ethical issues that is only found in schools and academic institutions.
a. True b. False
28. If you work for an ethical, socially responsible company you will never be faced with an ethical
issue or dilemma.
a. True b. False
29. Companies do not have to be socially responsible to whom?
a. Customers c. Owners/Investors
b. Employees d. Competitors
30. If an action is legal it is by definition ethical.
a. True b. False

II. Enumeration
1 – 7 Seven Fairness Principle
9 – 10 Forms of Business Organization
11 – 18 Various Benefits from Business Organization in the Socioeconomic Development
19- 20 Two types of Partnership

FABM 1 SY:2019-2020 2nd Sem.

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