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Samson and Goliath: the stone of bullied student



Background study

Bullying commonly happens in school where some victims are that students that

decimating what he/she as person. Also, bullying is the bad thing that can hurt not only

physically but in the emotionally that can hurt There many ways the student to be bullied

through the physical appearance, verbal, social, and also cyberbullying that continues not

in community but in the school.

Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that

involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the

potential to be repeated, over time. Bullying includes actions such as making threats,

spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from

a group on purpose ( Brookshire, 2014 ).

In Indonesia, Roland and Idsøe (2001) have investigated how reactive aggressiveness

and two aspects of proactive aggressiveness, power-related aggressiveness and

affiliation-related aggressiveness, are related to being bullied and bullying others. In

addition they have also attempted to differentiate between different kinds of

aggressiveness in bullying among boys and girls in different grades. Overall, they have

found that there was a good correlation between both proactive power-related

aggressiveness and proactive affiliation-related aggressiveness, and being involved in

bullying. However, reactive aggressiveness was not a good predictor for bullying

behavior. Fandrem et al. (2009) have also conducted a bullying study in Norwegian

schools using the same scales developed by Roland and Idsøe. The result showed that

proactive power-related aggressiveness and affiliation- related aggressiveness are

related to bullying behavior, but somehow different in strength in gender relation. Thus,

although there might be different results in other studies, Roland and Idsøe and Fandrem

et al. in their studies have somehow shown associations between bullying cultural

patterns and aggressiveness as well as between gender and degree of aggressiveness.

Local and international studies have affirmed the alarming situation of bullying and school

violence involving Filipino children. The intensity of violence has reached a disturbing rate

that has pushed policy-makers to formulate bullying prevention schemes. Despite

organized attempts to make schools a safe environment, this dilemma poses critical risks

that call for aggressive and determined actions to fight violence in schools (Ancho, 2013).

Purpose of the study

The main purpose of this study is to determine the sufferings of the bullied students

Research Questions:

1. what are the stories of bullied students? do students cope up to bullying?

C. Theoretical Lens

This study anchored on strain theory by Robert Merton who claimed the

operation of society actually encourages crime and other types of deviance, especially by

people in certain situation. This theory states that states deviant behavior occurs when

people experience strain or tension when culture imposes goals that individuals should

achieve, but the social environment makes it hard or challenging for individuals to as such

goals through a legitimate manner. Cyberbullying has slowly infiltrated the psyches of

young individuals as a means of gaining social and emotional gratification at the expense

of others, which can have detrimental effects. What may appear innocent and

undetectable based on law enforcement principles is cause for concern as it is only a

matter of time before physical violence becomes tied in to cyberbullying in an already

violent society.

Importance of the study

This study intends to depict experiences of the students who always bullying and

the reason why these bullying studies hard. This study is helpful to open their to all people

always bullying in every class. This will provide a cause and effect in every bullying stop

public school teachers of Maa National High School. This study is helpful to the

administrators because it will give them background of the experiences of the teacher

who are not technologically savvy. This will provide avenues for them to conduct

programs that could help mitigate the undesirable experiences of teachers when it comes

to adapting to the new trends in technology. This study Bullying cases is rampant;
however, it remains under reported prior to the anti-bullying act. This is understandable,

since no parents or even school administration would like his/her family or school to be

famous because of bullying.

Delimitation and Limitation of the study

The study was delimited to the live experience of all students of Maa National High

School, Maa Davao City. This study is conducted at Maa National High School Maa,

Davao City on school year 2019-2020).

Meanwhile, I admitted the fact that this study had some weaknesses. Time

constraints are one of the major weaknesses of the study. The researcher had only limited

time in observing the participants of the study. This paper lacks generality due to small in

the study.

Definition of Terms

For reason of clarity, the following important terms were defined conceptually and

operationally to provide common understanding of the concepts being discussed.

A. Teacher. A person who teacher, especially in a school (merriam webster) dictionary.

In this study it refers to individuals with teaching degree that provide educational services

to High School students.

B. Bullying. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time.

Both kids who are bullied and who bully others may have serious, lasting problems.

C. Students. One who attends a school (merriam webster dictionary). In this study it

refers who do the bullying

Review of Related Literature

Bullying and Harassment at Schools

Bullying and harassment are not new issues that students and schools face. In fact, over

the years, it has been viewed as being so commonplace in schools that it has been

overlooked as a threat to students and reduced to a belief that bullying is a development

stage that most youth will experience then get over (Ross, 2002, p. 107). But not everyone gets

over the personal trauma that can come with bullying both for the victim and the bully. This is why

it is seen happening by adults in work places, in homes, and in the community. Therefore, this

harassment is not isolated to schools alone. But schools are the best place to actively intervene.

Reacting to School Violence versus Bullying

In the 1970s Dan Olweus began extensive research on the causes and effects of bullying

in Scandinavian schools and has since been a leading voice on this topic. But it is only in

the last ten to fifteen years that researchers in North America have been actively studying

the causes that lead to bullying, the long- and short-term effects it has on students, and

how schools and communities can effectively reduce incidents from occurring as well as

intervening and supporting students when it does. This research is a result of the increase

of school violence and the media coverage it has received.

Workplace Bullying in the Healthcare Industry

Halverson (2010) discussed the myths surrounding workplace bullying which include that

the prevalence of bullying in health care is low, smart people are not targets, employers

effectively deal with bullies, there are legal protections against bullying in the U.S, bullies

are needed as part of maintain quality patient care and there is nothing to be done against

bullying. Murray (2009) indicates that there is nurse to nurse bullying because one feels

threatened by the other professionally. It continues to be a major issue because there are

not enough policies in place to protect employees against bullying. It can be financially

costly to a healthcare organization because bullied nurses often feel frustrated from lack

of support and quit. It has become a reason for work dissatisfaction, increased absences

and lost productivity.

Organization of the study

Chapter 1 of my study present a substantial body o evidence to support the Bullying

can happen anywhere – at home, with friends, in a group, at school, on the bus or at

school. Chapter 2 demonstrated the method utilized in this study which include the

Research Design, Research Participants, Data Source, Data Collection, Data Analysis,

Trustworthiness of the Study ,Role of the Research, Ethical Consideration Chapter 3

check the paper after this present the result of the study Chapter 4 gives the discussion,

conclusions, implications for practice and recommendation for future research.

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