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RPH Reviewer-1

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Section 6.

Tenancy Relationship toward the tenant or any member of his

 Tenancy relationship is a juridical tie which immediate farm household.
arises between a landholder and a tenant d. Commission of a crime by the landholder or
once they agree, expressly or impliedly, to his representative against the tenant or any
undertake jointly the cultivation of land member of his immediate farm household.
belonging to the former, either under the Section 25. Rights of the Landholder
share tenancy or leasehold tenancy system, 2.The landholder shall have the right to
as a result of which relationship the tenant require the use of fertilizer of the kind or kinds
requires the right to continue working on and shown by proven farm practices to be
cultivating the land, until and unless he is adopted to the requirements of the land.
dispossessed of his holdings for any of the 3. The landholder shall have the right to inspect
just causes enumerated in Section fifty or the and observe the extent of compliance on the
relationship is terminated in accordance with part of the tenant
Section nine. with the terms and conditions of their contract
Section 9. Severance of Relationship and the provisions of this Act.
 The tenancy relationship is extinguished by Section 26. Obligations of the Landholder
the voluntary surrender of the land by, or the a. The landholder shall furnish the tenant an
death or incapacity of, the tenant, but his area of not less than one thousand square
heirs or the members of his immediate farm meters where the latter may construct his
household may continue to work the land dwelling, raise vegetables, poultry, pigs and
until the close of the agricultural year. The other animals and engage in minor
expiration of the period of the contact as fixed industries, the products of which shall accrue
by the parties, and the sale or alienation of to the tenant exclusively.
the land do not of themselves extinguish the b. The landholder shall keep the tenant in the
relationship. In the latter case, the purchaser peaceful possession and cultivation of his
or transferee shall assume the rights and landholdings which are the subject matter of
obligations of the former landholder in the contract.
relation to the tenant. In case of death of the Section 27. Prohibitions to the Landholder
landholder, his heir or heirs shall likewise 2.The landholder shall be responsible for the
assume his rights and obligations. payment of taxes levied by the Government
Section 11. Freedom to Contract in General upon the land which is the subject-matter of
 The landholder and the tenant shall be free the contract and it shall be unlawful to make
to enter into any or all kinds of tenancy the tenant bear in part of all of the same,
contract, as long as they are not contrary to either directly or indirectly.
law, morals or public policy. Except in case 3. The landholder shall not require the tenant
of fraud, error, force, intimidation or undue to bear, directly or indirectly, any part of the
influence, when such contract is reduced to rent, “canon” or other consideration which
writing and registered as hereinafter he, the former, may be under obligation to
provided, the latter shall be conclusive pay to a third person for the use of the land.
evidence of what has been agreed upon Section 28. Expenses for Seeds; Fertilizer; Pest
between the contracting parties, if not and Weed Control Expenses
denounced or impugned within thirty days 1. The same amount of seed or seedlings used
after its registration. in the production of any crop shall be
Section 22. Rights of the Tenant deducted from the gross harvest and
1. The tenant shall be free to work elsewhere returned to the party who furnished the
the nature of his farm obligation warrants his same.
temporary absence from his holdings. 2. The cost fertilizer and expenses for pest and
3. The tenant’s dwelling shall not, without his weed control as evidenced by sales invoices
consent, be removed from the lot assigned to shall be paid out of the gross harvest and
him by the landholder, unless there is a returned to the party who advanced the cost
severance of the tenancy relationship and expenses.
between them as provided under Section Section 29. Irrigation system
nine, or unless the tenant is ejected for  The cost of the construction of an irrigation
cause, and only after the expiration of forty- system, including the distributory canals,
five days following such severance of shall be borne exclusively by the landholder.
relationship or dismissal for cause. The cost of maintenance and operation of the
Section 23. Obligations for the tenant system shall, however, be borne by the
2. To inform the landholder at once of any landholder and the tenant in proportion to
trespass committed by a third person upon their respective shares in the harvest.
the farm. Section 30. Auxiliary Crop
 In case the land is planted to an auxiliary
Any of the following shall be considered just crop, the tenant shall receive eighty per
and reasonable cause for the tenant to terminate centum and the landholder twenty per
the tenancy relationship; centum of the net produce, provided all
a. Cruel, inhuman or offensive treatment on the expenses of production are borne by the
part of the landholder of his representative tenant.

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