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CLS Aipmt-19-20 XIII Phy Study-Package-2 Level-1 Chapter-9 PDF

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Chapter 9

Mechanical Properties of Solids


Objective Type Questions
1. If P longitudinal strain is produced in a wire of Young’s modulus Q, then energy stored in the material of the
wire per unit volume is

1 1 2
(1) PQ2 (2) PQ 2 (3) P Q (4) PQ
2 2

Sol. Answer (3)

E  Stress  Strain
 Q  P2

2. When a load of 10 N is hanged from a wire, the elongation produced is x mm. If the wire goes over a pulley and two
weights 10 N each are hung at the two ends, the elongation of the wire will be (in mm)

(1) Zero (2) 2x (3) x (4)

Sol. Answer (3)


3. Which of the following is the most suitable as shock absorbed?

stress stress stress


(1) (2) (3) (4)

strain strain strain strain

Sol. Answer (3)

Fact. (Area of hysteresis loop is large)

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34 Mechanical Properties of Solids Solutions of Assignment

4. A metal bar of length l and area of cross-section A is clamped between two rigid vertical supports. The Young’s
modulus of rod is Y and coefficient of linear expansion is . Find the force exerted by the rod on the support if
temperature of rod is increased by t °C.

YAtl YA
(1) (2) YlAt (3) (4) YAt
 t

Sol. Answer (4)

Y  A
Y  A
F = YAt

5. A steel ring of radius 10 cm and cross-section area 1 cm2 is fitted to a wooden disc of radius 10.5 cm. If Young’s
modulus of steel is 2 × 1011 Nm–2, then the force with which the steel ring is expanded is (in N)
(1) 104 (2) 105 (3) 106 (4) 107

Sol. Answer (3)

Y  A
F r
Y  
A R – r 

R – r 
F  YA  
 r 

6. The only elastic modulus that is possessed by all fluids, is

(1) Young’s modulus (2) Shear modulus (3) Modulus of rigidity (4) Bulk modulus

Sol. Answer (4)

Fact. (Because volume is measured in all the three states)

7. The strain-stress curves of three wires of different material is shown in the figure



(1) Young’s modulus of wire A is maximum (2) Young’s modulus of wire B is maximum
(3) Young’s modulus of wire C is maximum (4) Young’s modulus of all wires are same
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Sol. Answer (3)

Strain 1

Stress Y

8. If a wire is stretched by 2%, then find the energy stored in the wire per unit volume (in J/m 3 )
(Y = 4 × 108 N/m2)
(1) 4 × 104
(2) 8 × 104
(3) 12 × 104
(4) 16 × 104

Sol. Answer (2)

 Y   Strain 
1  2 
E  4  108   
2  100 
= 8 × 104 J/m3

9. The length of a wire is increased by 0.3%. Find the percentage increase in its volume, if Poisson’s ratio of
wire material is 0.5.
(1) 0.3% (2) 0.9% (3) 0.27% (4) Zero%

Sol. Answer (4)

Volume remains constant

10. A mass of 3 kg is placed on the massless piston of area 10 cm2 of a cylindrical vessel containing a gas.
Find the fractional change in surface area of sphere if its bulk modulus is 2 × 104 N/m2 and placed in the
given vessel
(1) 0.5 (2) 1.5 (3) 1 (4) Zero

Sol. Answer (3)

P ...(i)
r V
3  ...(ii)
r V

 A 2 r
 ...(iii)
A r
By equations (i), (ii) & (iii)

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36 Mechanical Properties of Solids Solutions of Assignment

11. The thermal stress developed in the rod if it is held by rigid supports as shown,


(1) Directly proportional to its length

(2) Inversely proportional to its area of cross-section
(3) Directly proportional to its area of cross-section

(4) None of these

Sol. Answer (4)

 Y  T

12. The bulk modulus of a material is 4.9 × 107 N/m2. It is taken to a depth h of a lake and its volume is decreased
by 0.2%, the depth h is

(1) 10 m (2) 14 m (3) 15 m (4) 20 m

Sol. Answer (1)

P  hpg
B  hpg
h = 10 m

13. Find the elastic potential energy in a system shown below if the material of wires is same (Y = Young’s


4W 2L 15 W 2L 19 W 2L 17 W 2L
(1) (2) (3) (4)
R 2Y 4 R 2Y 5 R 2Y 4 R 2Y

Sol. Answer (4)

l1  2 W
R2  Y k1

W  2L W
l2  2

R k2
 Y

1 1
k1  l1   k2  l 2 
2 2
2 2
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1W2 1W2
U 
2 k1 2 k2

1 2 1 1
= W   
2  k1 k2 

1 2 L 8L 
W  
2  2R 2Y R 2Y 

1 2  L  16L 
W 
2  2R 2Y 

17 W 2L
U =
4 R 2Y

14. A rod of length 4 m is suspended from two wires as shown in figure. One of them
is made of steel and other of copper of cross-sectional area 10–2m2 and 4 × 10–2 Steel Copper
m2. Find distance x if equal stress is experienced by both the wires (YSteel = 2 × 1011 x
N/m2 and YCopper = 1.1 × 1011 N/m2)
(1) 2 m (2) 3.5 m
(3) 3.2 m (4) 3m

Sol. Answer (3)

TS A 1
 S 
TCu ACu 4

TSx = TCU(4 – x)

x  4x

 4x
x  3.2m
15. How much should the pressure on a litre of water be changed to compress it by 0.10%. Elasticity of water
is 2.2 × 109 Nm–2

(1) 2.2 × 106 Pa (2) 4.4 × 106 Pa (3) 3.2 × 106 Pa (4) 5.1 × 106 Pa

Sol. Answer (1)

V P
 100   100
16. In automobile tyre which type of elasticity is used?

(1) Bulk (2) Shear (3) Young’s (4) All of these

Sol. Answer (1)

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38 Mechanical Properties of Solids Solutions of Assignment

17. A uniform heavy rope of weight W and cross-sectional area A is hanging from rigid support. If Young’s modulus
of material is Y then strain is

(1) (2) (3) (4)
4 AY AY 2 AY 3 AY

Sol. Answer (3)

W .l
l 
2 AY

18. A uniform cylindrical rod of length L, cross-section A and Young’s modulus Y is acted upon by the forces as shown
in figure. The elongation of the rod is


3F F 2F

2 F 3 F 3 F 8 F
(1) (2) (3) (4)
5 AY 5 AY 8 AY 3 AY

Sol. Answer (4)

3F 2l 2F .l
l  
AY 3 3 AY

l 8 F

l 3 AY

19. A beam of metal supported at two ends is loaded at the centre. The depression in the rod is proportional to

1 1
(1) Y 2 (2) Y (3) (4)
Y Y2

Sol. Answer (3)


20. One end of horizontal thick wire of length 2L and radius 2R is connected to one end of another horizontal wire
of length L and radius R made up of same material. If equal forces are applied across two ends then ratio of
elongation in the two wires is

1 1 1 2
(1) (2) (3) (4)
2 4 3 1

Sol. Answer (1)

Y 

F .L  L1 L1 A2
or,  L = AY   L  L  A
2 2 1

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Solutions of Assignment Mechanical Properties of Solids 39
21. Two wires are made of the same material and have the same volume. Area of cross-section of one wire is A
and other wire is 3A. If wire of cross-section area A is stretched by force F then force on another wire for same
extension is
(1) F (2) 4F (3) 6F (4) 9F

Sol. Answer (4)

F .L A L  A L ,  L1  L1  A2
L = , 1 1 2 2
 L2 L2 A1

22. A wire of length , area of cross-section A and weight w is subjected to external force 2w. If Y is Young’s
modulus, then total extension in wire is

5w  5w 
(1) (2)

w 5w 
(3) (4)
2 AY 4 AY

Sol. Answer (2)

    1   2

w 2w 
  

Previous Years Questions
1. The stress-strain curves are drawn for two different materials X and Y. It is observed that the ultimate strength
point and the fracture point are close to each other for material X but are far apart for material Y.
We can say that materials X and Y are likely to be (respectively), [NEET-2019 (Odisha)]
(1) Plastic and ductile (2) Ductile and brittle
(3) Brittle and ductile (4) Brittle and plastic
Sol. Answer (3)
As given that fracture point and ultimate strength point is close for material X, hence X is brittle in nature and
both points are far apart for material Y hence it is ductile.
i.e X is brittle and Y is ductile in nature.


2. When a block of mass M is suspended by a long wire of length L, the length of the wire becomes
(L + l). The elastic potential energy stored in the extended wire is : [NEET-2019]

1 1
(1) Mgl (2) MgL (3) Mgl (4) MgL
2 2

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40 Mechanical Properties of Solids Solutions of Assignment

Sol. Answer (3)


U (work done by gravity)
U Mgl

3. Two wires are made of the same material and have the same volume. The first wire has cross-sectional area
A and the second wire has cross-sectional area 3A. If the length of the first wire is increased by l on applying
a force F, how much force is needed to stretch the socond wire by the same amount? [NEET-2018]
(1) 9F (2) 6F (3) F (4) 4F
Sol. Answer (1)
Wire 1 :
A, 3l
Wire 2 :
3A, l

 F 
For wire 1, l    3l …(i)
 AY 
F l
For wire 2, Y
3A l

 F 
 l   l …(ii)
 3 AY 
From equation (i) & (ii),

 F   F 
l    3l   3AY  l  F   9F
 AY   

4. The bulk modulus of a spherical object is B. If it is subjected to uniform pressure p, the fractional decrease
in radius is [NEET-2017]

p B 3p p
(1) (2) (3) (4)
B 3p B 3B

Sol. Answer (4)

 V 
 V 
 

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Solutions of Assignment Mechanical Properties of Solids 41

V p


r p
3 
r B
r p

r 3B

5. The Young's modulus of steel is twice that of brass. Two wires of same length and of same area of cross
section, one of steel and another of brass are suspended from the same roof. If we want the lower ends of
the wires to be at the same level, then the weights added to the steel and brass wires must be in the ratio
of [Re-AIPMT-2015]
(1) 1 : 1 (2) 1:2 (3) 2:1 (4) 4:1
Sol. Answer (3)

6. The approximate depth of an ocean is 2700 m. The compressibility of water is 45.4 × 10–11 Pa–1 and density
of water is 103 kg/m3. What fractional compression of water will be obtained at the bottom of the ocean?
(1) 1.4 × 10–2 (2) 0.8 × 10–2 (3) 1.0 × 10–2 (4) 1.2 × 10–2
Sol. Answer (4)

P V P
B  
V / V V B
V hdg

2700  103  10

45.4  1011
= 1.2 × 10–2

7. Copper of fixed volume V is drawn into wire of length l. When this wire is subjected to a constant force F, the extension
produced in the wire is l . Which of the following graphs is a straight line? [AIPMT-2014]

1 1
(1) l versus (2) l versus l 2 (3) l versus (4) l versus l
l l2

Sol. Answer (2)


Y   L 

L 

 L  L2
Thus, L versus L2 is straight line.

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42 Mechanical Properties of Solids Solutions of Assignment

8. The following four wires of length L and radius r are made of the same material. Which of these will have the
largest extension, when the same tension is applied? [NEET-2013]
(1) L = 400 cm, r = 0.8 mm (2) L = 300 cm, r = 0.6 mm
(3) L = 200 cm, r = 0.4 mm (4) L = 100 cm, r = 0.2 mm
Sol. Answer (4)
We know, x   2
AY r Y

 x 
x directly proportional to L
And x inversely proportional to r2
L 400  10
For option (1), 2
  6250
r (0.8)2
L 300  10
For option (2), 2
  8333.33
r (0.6)2

L 200  10
For option (3),   12,500
r2 (0.4)2

L 100  10
For option (4),   25,000
r2 (0.2)2

For option (4) we are getting maximum value of
 x also maximum for L = 100 cm and r = 0.2 mm

9. A rope 1 cm in diameter breaks, if the tension in it exceeds 500 N. The maximum tension that may be given
to similar rope of diameter 3 cm is
(1) 500 N (2) 3000 N (3) 4500 N (4) 2000 N
Sol. Answer (3)
 FL 
Tension  (radius)2  x  2 
 r Y 
T1  r1 
  So T  r2
T2  r2 
Substituting values T1  500 N
 
Let T2 = x r1  1 cm  given
r  3 cm 
500 12 2 
 2
x 3
x = 4500 N
 T2 = 4500 N

10. A wire of length L and radius r fixed at one end and a force F applied to the other end produces an extension
l. The extension produced in another wire of the same material of length 2L and radius 2r by a force 2F, is
(1) l (2) 2l (3) 4l (4)
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Sol. Answer (1)

FL  FL 
L ...(1)  x  AY 
r Y 2  
Now, new parameters
F = 2F
L = 2L
r = 2r
Substituting new parameters in eq. (1)

2F  2L
L 
(2r )2Y

FL  FL 
 2 ∵ 2
 l from equation 1
r Y  r Y 

L' = L

11. The increase in pressure required to decrease the 200 L volume of a liquid by 0.008% in kPa is (Bulk modulus
of the liquid = 2100 MPa is)
(1) 8.4 (2) 84 (3) 92.4 (4) 168
Sol. Answer (4)
V = 200 L
V = –0.008% of 200 L (Decrease in volume so we use (–)ive sign)

  200  0.016 L

B = 2100 MPa = 21 × 108 Pa

We know
V P


0.016 P

200 21 108

168 × 103 Pa = P
168 kPa = P

12. Which of the following relations is true?

(1) Y = 2G(1 – 2ν) (2) Y = 2G(1 + 2ν)
(3) Y = 2G(1 – ν) (4) (1 + ν)2G = Y
Sol. Answer (4)
Y = 2G(1 + )
 Where,
Y  Young's modulus

G  Shear modulus
  Poisson's ratio

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44 Mechanical Properties of Solids Solutions of Assignment

13. A 5 m long aluminium wire (Y = 7 × 1010 N m–2) of diameter 3 mm supports a 40 kg mass. In order to have
the same elongation in the copper wire (Y = 12 × 1010 N m–2) of the same length under the same weight,
the diameter should now be (in mm)
(1) 1.75 (2) 1.5 (3) 2.3 (4) 5.0
Sol. Answer (3)
For aluminium wire

x1  
AY d 2Y

For copper wire

x2 
d 2Y
Since x1 = x2 [given condition]

4  400  5 4  400  5
2 10

  (3)  7  10 d 2  12  1010

Solving this we get

d  2.3 mm

14. Two wires of same material and radius have their lengths in ratio 1 : 2. If these wires are stretched by the
same force, the strain produced in the two wires will be in the ratio
(1) 2 : 1 (2) 1:1 (3) 1:2 (4) 1:4
Sol. Answer (2)

Strain 
We know
l 
l F F
 
l AY r 2Y
For wire 1

l1 F
S1  strain   2 ...(1)
L r Y

For wire 2

l 2 F
S2  strain   ...(2)
2L r 2Y

S1 F  r 2Y 1
Ratio of strains   
S2 r 2Y  F 1

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Solutions of Assignment Mechanical Properties of Solids 45
15. A steel wire of cross-sectional area 3  10–6 m2 can withstand a maximum strain of 10–3. Young’s modulus
of steel is 2 × 1011 N m–2. The maximum mass the wire can hold is (take g = 10 m s–2)
(1) 40 kg (2) 60 kg (3) 80 kg (4) 100 kg
Sol. Answer (2)
l F Given,
Strain    l
l AY
  103
Substituting values  l
F  A  3  106 m2
103  
3  10 6
 2  1011 Y  2  1011 Nm2
600 N = F
F 600
Therefore maximum mass    60 kg
g 10

16. The hollow shaft is ...... than a solid shaft of same mass, material and length.
(1) Less stiff (2) More stiff (3) Equally stiff (4) None of these
Sol. Answer (2)
Let C' = restoring couple per unit twist for hollow cylinder

G(r24  r14 )  Where, 

So C    
2L r2 and r1 are outer and inner radii
C = restoring couple per unit twist for solid cylinder

G r 4
If mass of both cylinder same than
C  r24  r14 (r22  r12 )(r22  r12 )  2 2 2
   r L  (r2  r1 )L
C r4 r4  2 2 2
or r  r2  r1
C  r22  r12
  1 Hence hollow cylinder more stronger than solid one.
C r22  r12

17. The Bulk modulus for an incompressible liquid is

(1) Zero (2) Unity (3) Infinity (4) Between 0 and 1
Sol. Answer (3)
We know

V P


P  V
For incompressible liquid
V (Change in volume) = 0
For every value of pressure applied
Put V = 0
 B =  (Infinity)
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46 Mechanical Properties of Solids Solutions of Assignment

18. A copper rod length L and radius r is suspended from the ceilling by one of its ends. What will be elongation
of the rod due to its own weight when ρ and Y are the density and Young’s modulus of the copper respectively?

2 gL2 gL2
(1) (2)
2Y 2Y

2 g 2 L2 gL
(3) (4)
2Y 2Y
Sol. Answer (2)
Let W be the total weight acting downwards
Let the centre of mass
which is at the distance of for the top
So it can be assumed that a mass W is hung by a massless W

wire of length , Young's modulus Y,
 = density of wire, W = Mg =  × r2L × g L/2, Y

FL r 2Lg L 1 gL2 W

Using L     
AY r 2 2 Y 2Y

19. Which of the following substances has the highest elasticity?

(1) Steel (2) Copper
(3) Rubber (4) Sponge
Sol. Answer (1)
Substance which requires more force for per unit elongation have more elasticity
Less stretchable means more elastic
So, steel is least stretchable
 Most elastic.

20. When a wire of length 10 m is subjected to a force of 100 N along its length, the lateral strain produced is
0.01  10–3 m. The Poisson’s ratio was found to be 0.4. If the area of cross-section of wire is 0.025 m2, its
Young’s modulus is
(1) 1.6 × 108 N m–2 (2) 2.5 × 1010 N m–2
(3) 1.25 × 1011 N m–2 (4) 16 × 109 N m–2
Sol. Answer (1)
Lateral strain
Poisson's ratio 
Longitudinal strain

l F


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Lateral strain Given,

So  
F / AY F  100 N

 3
Therefore Lateral strain  0.01 10 m
  0.4
F 
Y   A  0.025 m2
Lateral strain  A

Substituting values

0.4  100
Y   1.6  108 N m2
0.01 103  0.025

21. Two wires of length l, radius r and length 2l, radius 2r respectively having same Young’s modulus are hung
with a weight mg. Net elongation is

3 mgl 2 mgl 3 mgl 3 mgl

(1) (2) (3) (4)
r 2Y 3r 2Y 2r 2Y 4 r 2Y
Sol. Answer (3)
Tension in both wires will be same
Let elongation in wire 1 be = l1

mgl  FL 
l1   x  AY 
r 2Y  
Let elongation in wire 2 be = l 2

mg  2l Wire 1
l 2 
(2r 2 )Y

Net elongation = l1 + l2

Wire 2
mgl mgl
 2
 Mg
r Y 2r 2Y


2r 2Y

22. A cube of side 40 mm has its upper face displaced by 0.1 mm by a tangential force of 8 kN. The shearing
modulus of cube is
(1) 2  109 N m–2 (2) 4  109 N m–2
(3) 8  109 N m–2 (4) 16  109 N m–2
Sol. Answer (1)
F h
Shear modulus 
Substituting values

8000  40  10 3

1600  10 6  0.1 10 3
= 2 × 109 Nm–2
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48 Mechanical Properties of Solids Solutions of Assignment

l r
23. A rod of length l and radius r is joined to a rod of length and radius of same material. The free end of
2 2
small rod is fixed to a rigid base and the free end of larger rod is given a twist of θ°, the twist angle at the
joint will be

  5 8
(1) (2) (3) (4)
4 2 6 9

Sol. Answer (4)

Torque will be same
  × Restoring couple per unit twist will be same for both the rods

Gr 4
  

We can use

Gr14 Gr24
1  2
2L1 2L2

r14 r4
 1  2 2
L1 L2

Substituting values

r4 (r / 2)4
 1   2
L l /2

1 

Also 1 + 2 =  (given)

 2  

2 

24. The Young’s modulus of the material of a wire is 2 × 1010 N m–2. If the elongation strain is 1%, then the energy
stored in the wire per unit volume (in Jm–3) is
(1) 106 (2) 108 (3) 2 × 106 (4) 2 × 108
Sol. Answer (1)

u  Y (strain)2
Substituting values
1  1 
u  2  1010   
2  100 
u = 106
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Solutions of Assignment Mechanical Properties of Solids 49
25. A wire of natural length l, Young’s modulus Y and area of cross-section A is extended by x. Then the energy
stored in the wires is given by

1 YA 2 1 YA 2 1 YI 2 1 YA 2
(1) x (2) x (3) x (4) x
2 l 3 l 2 A 2 l2
Sol. Answer (1)

Energy density per unit volume   (strain)2  Y
Volume = length × area of cross-section
 Energy (total)   (strain)2  Y  L  A
1 x2
 Y LA
2 L2

1 YA 2
E x
2 L

26. When a force is applied on a wire of uniform cross-sectional area 3 × 10–6 m2 and length 4 m, the increase
in length is 1 mm. Energy stored in it will be (Y = 2 × 1011 N/m2)
(1) 6250 J (2) 0.177 J (3) 0.075 J (4) 0.150 J
Sol. Answer (3)

Energy stored = × work done

= × F × x

1 YA
=  x  x
2 L
Substituting values

1 2  1011  3  106  1 103  103

E 
2 4
E = 0.075 J

27. If in a wire of Young’s modulus Y, longitudinal strain X is produced then the potential energy stored in its unit
volume will be
(1) 0.5 YX2 (2) 0.5 Y2X
(3) 2 YX2 (4) YX2
Sol. Answer (1)
Potential energy per unit volume  × (strain)2 × Young's modulus
Substituting data from question
1 2
We get, U  X Y
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50 Mechanical Properties of Solids Solutions of Assignment

28. A material has Poisson’s ratio 0.50. If a uniform rod of it suffers a longitudinal strain of 2 × 10–3, then the
percentage change in volume is
(1) 0.6 (2) 0.4 (3) 0.2 (4) Zero
Sol. Answer (4)
Poisson's ratio = 0.50
 Lateral strain
 0.50
Longitudinal strain

r / r 1
 
L / L 2

2r L
 ...(1)
r L
Volume = area × length
V A L
  
A  r 2 
V 2r L  
   A  2r 
V r L
 A r 
Using equation (1)
We get
So  100  0%

29. There is no change in the volume of a wire due to the change in its length on stretching. The Poisson’s ratio
of the material of the wire is

1 1 1 1
(1)  (2)  (3)  (4) –
2 2 4 4
Sol. Answer (1)
V = r2L
V 2r L
 
V r L
0 [given]

2r L
 ...(1)
r L

r L
Poisson's ratio  ...(2)
r L
Using equation (1) in (2)

r  r  1
 2   
r  r  2
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Solutions of Assignment Mechanical Properties of Solids 51
30. If Young’s modulus of elasticity Y for a material is one and half times its rigidity coefficient G, the Poisson’s
ratio ν will be

2 1
(1)  (2) 
3 4

1 2
(3)  (4) 
4 3
Sol. Answer (2)
Y  G [given]
And we know, Y = 2G(1 + )

 2G (1   )
Solving we get,   

Assertion - Reason Type Questions

1. A : Hooke’s law is obeyed only for small values of strain.

R : The deformation beyond elastic limit is called plasticity.
Sol. Answer (2)
Statement (A) is true
Statement (R) is also true
But (R) is not the correct explaination of (A)
Because correct reason is Hooke's law is obeyed in elastic limit only.

2. A : Strain is a dimensionless quantity.

R : Strain is internal force per unit area of a body.
Sol. Answer (3)
(A) Is true
Strain =
(R) Is false because strain is change in dimension by original dimension.

3. A : Diamond is more elastic than rubber.

R : When same deforming force is applied diamond deforms less than rubber.
Sol. Answer (1)
(A) Is true because modulus of elasticity is more for diamond so less deformation in diamond than rubber
when same deforming force applied
(R) Is true and correct explanation.
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52 Mechanical Properties of Solids Solutions of Assignment

4. A : Bulk modulus for a perfectly plastic body is zero.

R : For perfect plastic material, there is no restoring force.

Sol. Answer (1)

(A) Is true because a perfectly plastic body cannot regain its shape even when the deforming forces are
removed because restoring forces are absent

(R) Is true and correct explanation for (A)

5. A : The railway bridges are declared unfit after their use for a long period.

R : Due to repeated strain the elasticity of material decreases.

Sol. Answer (1)

(A) Is true because after a long use the material weakens and shows dangerous deformation when load is
applied because its elasticity has decreased gradually over the time.

(R) Is true and correct explanation for (A)

6. A : Spring balances show wrong readings after they have been used for a long time.

R : Spring in spring balance temporary losses elasticity due to repeated alternating deforming force.

Sol. Answer (1)

(A) Is true because after a long use elasticity decreases and small temporary deformation remains these
which in turn tend to be the reason of wrong readings.

(R) Is true and correct explanation for (A)

7. A : Modulus of elasticity is independent of dimensions of the body.

R : Modulus of elasticity depends on the material of the body.

Sol. Answer (2)

(A) True because modulus of elasticity is a material property

(R) True

But (R) is not the correct explanation because no where it reasons why modulus of elasticity is
independent of dimensions of the body.

8. A : Adiabatic elasticity of a gas is greater than isothermal elasticity.

R: .
Sol. Answer (1)

(A) True

Because   and  always greater than 1
So Eadiabatic is always greater than Eisothermal
(R) True and also correct explanation.
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Solutions of Assignment Mechanical Properties of Solids 53
9. A : When a beam is bent only tensile strain is produced.

R : The depression produced in a rectangular beam is directly proportional to its width.

Sol. Answer (4)

(A) Is false because strain is there so stress will also be present

∵ Stress  strain

(R) False depression 

10. A : To minimise the depression in a beam, it is designed as ‘I’ shape girder.

R : The ‘I’ shape girders have large load bearing surface, which decreases the stress.

Sol. Answer (1)

(A) Is true because having more surface area means less force per unit area i.e. less stress

(R) Is true and correct explanation of (A)

11. A : Iron is more elastic than copper.

R : Under a given deforming force, Iron is deformed less than copper.

Sol. Answer (1)

(A) Is true because less deformation under a similar deforming force means more elasticity

(R) Is true and correct explanation of (A)

12. A : Lateral strain is directly proportional to the longitudinal strain within the elastic limit.

R : Poisson’s ratio for a given material at a constant temperature is constant.

Sol. Answer (1)

(A) Is true because,

Lateral strain
Longitudinal strain

 Lateral strain  longitudinal strain

As  is constant

(R) Is true and correct explanation of (A)

13. A : Equal amount of work is done when two identical springs of steel and copper are equally stretched.

R : Both springs have same spring constant.

Sol. Answer (4)

(A) Is wrong because amount of work done is not same because the spring constants are different.

(R) Is wrong.

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54 Mechanical Properties of Solids Solutions of Assignment

14. A : Increase in temperature of a substance decreases the modulus of elasticity.

R : With increase in temperature, interatomic separation increases..

Sol. Answer (1)

(A) Is true because when we increase the temperature the average distance between the molecules tend to
increase hence decreasing the modulus of elasticity.

(R) Is true and correct explanation.

15. A : It is the breaking stress and not the breaking strength which depends on the material.

Breaking stress
R : Breaking strength = .
Sol. Answer (4)
(A) Is wrong both depend on the material because breaking strength is maximum stress a body can take
(R) Is wrong
Breaking strength = breaking stress × area

‰ ‰ ‰

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