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CLS Aipmt 19 20 XII Phy Study Package 6 Level 2 Chapter 13

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Level - II

Chapter 13



Objective Type Questions
(Atomic Masses and Composition of Nucleus)
1. In nature, ratio of isotopes of Boron, 5B10 and 5B11, is (given that atomic weight of boron is 10.81)
(1) 81 : 19 (2) 21 : 44 (3) 19 : 81 (4) 44 : 21
Sol. Answer (3)
Atomic weight = 10.81
Weighted mean is hence = 10.81
10 × x + 11 × (100 − x )
10.81 =
1081 = 10x + 1100 – 11x
x = 19
Hence, B10 : B11 = 19 : 81

(Mass-Energy and Nuclear Binding Energy)

2. The average binding energy per nucleon in the nucleus of atom is approximately
(1) 8 J (2) 8 KeV (3) 8 eV (4) 8 MeV
Sol. Answer (4)

3. Which of the alternatives gives correct match of Column-I with Column-II?

Column-I Column-II

a. Binding energy per nucleon for 56Fe (i) 5.5 M eV

b. Energy of -particle in Geiger Marsden experiment (ii) 200 M eV

c. Energy of photon of visible light (iii) 8.75 M eV

d. Energy released in fission of a uranium nucleus (iv) 2 eV

(1) a(i), b(iii), c(iv), d(ii) (2) a(iii), b(i), c(ii), d(iv)

(3) a(iii), b(i), c(iv), d(ii) (4) a(i), b(iv), c(ii), d(iii)
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30 Nuclei Solutions of Assignment (Level-II)

Sol. Answer (3)


(Nuclear Force)
4. Choose the correct statement
(1) The nuclear force becomes strong if the nucleus contains too many protons compared to neutrons
(2) The nuclear force becomes strong if the nucleus contains too many neutrons compared to protons
(3) Nuclei with atomic number less than 82 shows a tendency to disintegrate
(4) The nuclear force becomes weak if the nucleus contains a large number of nucleons
Sol. Answer (4)
Nuclear force being a short range force becomes unstable with too many nucleons.

5. Which of these is incorrect about nuclear forces?

(1) They are independent of charge
(2) Nuclear forces are derived from quark-quark interaction
(3) Hadrons do not experience strong nuclear force
(4) Nuclear force is not a central force
Sol. Answer (3)

(Nuclear Stability)
6. If a heavy nucleus has N/Z ratio higher than that required for stability, then
(1) It emits – (2) It emits +
(3) It emits  particle (4) It will undergo K electron capture
Sol. Answer (1)

If ratio is higher it will try to increase number of protons by  decay.

7. After 3 hours, only 0.25 mg of a pure radioactive material is left. If initial mass was 2 mg then the half life of the
substance is
(1) 1.5 hr (2) 1 hr (3) 0.5 hr (4) 2 hr
Sol. Answer (2)
Initial mass = 2 mg
Final mass = 0.25 mg
N ⎛ 1⎞
 =⎜ ⎟
N0 ⎝ 2 ⎠
0.25 ⎛ 1 ⎞
=⎜ ⎟
2 ⎝2⎠
1 ⎛ 1⎞
=⎜ ⎟
8 ⎝2⎠
 n = 3 and time is 3 hours
Half life is therefore 1 hour
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Solutions of Assignment (Level-II) Nuclei 31
8. Pauli suggested the emission of nutrino during + decay to explain
(1) Continuous energy distribution of positrons (2) Conservation of linear momentum
(3) Conservation of mass-energy (4) All of these
Sol. Answer (4)

9. Half lives for  and  emission of a radioactive material are 16 years and 48 years respectively. When material
decays giving  and  emission simultaneously then time in which th of the material decays is
(1) 29 years (2) 24 years (3) 64 years (4) 12 years
Sol. Answer (2)
1 material is giving two products
Let initial number be = N0
Let time when N decay be t
4 0
Effective half life = T + T = 12 years
1 2

N ⎛ 1⎞
=⎜ ⎟
N0 ⎝ 2 ⎠
1 ⎛ 1⎞
=⎜ ⎟ n=2
4 ⎝2⎠
Hence, time will be 24 years

10. Two radioactive samples A and B have half lives T1 and T2 (T1 > T2) respectively. At t = 0, the activity of B was twice
the activity of A. Their activity will become equal after a time
T1T2 T1  T2 T1  T2 T1T2
(1) T  T (2) (3) (4) T  T
1 2 2 2 1 2

Sol. Answer (1)

2RA = RB
21N1 = 2N2 ....(i)
Radio-activity is same after say time t

λ1N1e −λ1t = λ 2N2e −λ2t ....(ii)

Dividing (i) by (ii)

2e λ1t = e λ2t

2 = e( λ2 −λ1 )t
Taking ln on both sides
0.693 = (2 – 1)t
⎛ 1 1⎞
1= ⎜ − ⎟t
⎝ T2 T1 ⎠
T1 − T2

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32 Nuclei Solutions of Assignment (Level-II)

11. N atoms of a radioactive element emit n number of -particles per second. Mean life of the element in seconds, is
n N N n
(1) (2) (3) 0.693 (4) 0.693
N n n N
Sol. Answer (2)
n is the rate of decay n  N
or n = N

1 N
Mean life is or
λ n

12. Ten percent of a radioactive sample has decayed in 1 day. After 2 days, the decayed percentage of nuclei will be
(1) 81% (2) 19% (3) 20% (4) 100%
Sol. Answer (2)
N1 = N0 – N0e–t
Since N1 =
N0 e −λt =
 e −λt =
Amount left =
N2 = N0 – N0e–2t
or N2 = N0 − N0
or N2 = 19% of N0

13. A sample of radioactive element has a mass of 10 gm at an instant t = 0. The approximate mass of this element in
the sample after two mean lives is
(1) 2.50 gm (2) 1.35 gm (3) 6.30 gm (4) 3.70 gm
Sol. Answer (2)
m = 10 g at t = 0
m = m0e–t
where t =

14. During mean life of a radioactive element, the fraction that disintegrates is
e 1 1 e
(1) e (2) (3) (4)
e e e 1
Sol. Answer (2)
In mean life t =
N  N0 e 
 1 e   1 e 
Fraction that disintegrates is 0   Or magnitude  e 
N0  e   
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Solutions of Assignment (Level-II) Nuclei 33
15. After five half lives percentage of original radioactive atoms left is
(1) 1% (2) 0.3% (3) 3.125% (4) 0.2%
Sol. Answer (3)
⎛ 1⎞
N = N0 ⎜ ⎟ where n = 5
 N=
N = 3.125% of N0

16. The radioactivity of a certain radioactive elements drops to of its initial value in 30 seconds. Its half life
(1) 8 seconds (2) 15 seconds (3) 7.5 seconds (4) 5 seconds
Sol. Answer (4)
N ⎛ 1⎞
=⎜ ⎟
N0 ⎝ 2 ⎠
1 ⎛ 1⎞
=⎜ ⎟
64 ⎝ 2 ⎠
Hence half life is 5 seconds

17. Find the decay rate of the substance having 4 × 1015 atoms. Half life of a radioactive substance in -decay
is 1.2 × 107 s
(1) 2.3 × 108 atom/s (2) 3.2 × 108 atom/s (3) 2.3 × 1011 atom/s (4) 3.2 × 1011 atom/s
Sol. Answer (1)
N0 = 4 × 1015 atoms

T1/2 = 1.2 × 107 s =
 λ=
1.2 × 107
− = λN0
dN 0.693
− = × 4 × 1015
dt 1.2 × 107
or = 2.3 × 108 atom/s

18. A nucleus 220X at rest decays emitting an -particle. If energy of daughter nucleus is 0.2 MeV, Q value of the
reaction is
(1) 10.8 MeV (2) 10.9 MeV (3) 11 MeV (4) 11.1 MeV
Sol. Answer (3)
Energy of daughter nucleus = 0.2 MeV

0.2 MeV = Q
mα + mD

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34 Nuclei Solutions of Assignment (Level-II)

0.2 MeV = Q
0.2 × 220
MeV = Q

2 × 55
Q = 11 MeV

19. Radioactive nuclei P and Q disintegrate into R with half lives 1 month and 2 months respectively. At time t =
0, number of nuclei of each P and Q is x. Time at which rate of disintegration of P and Q are equal, number
of nuclei of R is
(1) x (2) 1.25 x (3) 1.5 x (4) 1.75 x
Sol. Answer (2)
Let time be t

λ1 × e −λ1t = λ 2 × e −λ2t

λ1e −λ1t = λ 2e −λ2t

= e( λ1 −λ2 )t

ln = ( λ1 − λ 2 )t

ln 1 – ln 2 = (1 – 2)t
0.693 = (1 – 2)t

20. A radioactive element X emits six -particles and four -particles leading to end product 208
82 Pb . X is

238 230 232 239

(1) 92 U (2) 90 Th (3) 90 Th (4) 92 U

Sol. Answer (3)

Calculating Zx = 82 + 6 × 2 – 4
= 90
Ax = 208 + 6 × 4 = 232

21. Correct increasing order of penetrating powers of ,  particles and -rays, all moving with same kinetic energy

(1) , , 

(2) , , 

(3) , , 

(4) All have same penetrating power as all have same kinetic energy
Sol. Answer (1)
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Solutions of Assignment (Level-II) Nuclei 35
22. 37 Rutherford equals
(1) 1 milli bacquerel (2) 1 milli curie (3) 1 micro bacquerel (4) 1 micro curie
Sol. Answer (2)
23. A certain stable nucleide, after absorbing a neutron, emits -particle and the new nucleide splits spontaneously
into two -particles. The nucleide is
4 7 6 6
(1) 2 He (2) 3 Li (3) 4 Be (4) 3 Li

Sol. Answer (2)

After absorbing neutron it undergoes  decay. Also it decays into 2 alpha particles
Hence, net charge after  decay must have been 4
Before  decay it must have been 3
Since it was stable initially, it must be a common nucleus of Z = 3 which is 73 Li

24. An element A decays by a two step process into element C

A  B + 2He4
B  C + 2e–
(1) A and B are isobars (2) A and C are isobars (3) A and B are isotopes(4) A and C are isotopes
Sol. Answer (4)
First A loses two protons. Then by  minus decay it gains two protons.
Hence, atomic number Z is same for A and C and they are isotopes.

25. At time t = 0 some radioactive gas is injected into a sealed vessel. At time T some more of the gas is injected
into the vessel. Which one of the following graphs best represents the logarithm of the activity A of the gas
with time t?


(1) (2) (3) (4)

t t t t
Sol. Answer (3)
A = A0e–t
ln A = ln A0 – t
 Answer is (3) as it is a linear relation between ln A and t.

(Nuclear Energy)
26. For the nuclear fusion reaction 12 H 13 H 24 He 10 n temperature to which gases must be heated is 3.7 × 109 K.
Potential energy between two nuclei is closest to (Boltzmann’s constant k = 1.38 ×10–23 J/K)
(1) –10–10 J (2) –10–12 J (3) –10–14 J (4) –10–16 J
Sol. Answer (4)

KE of nuclei = kt = 7.659 × 10–14 (for fusion)
Potential energy between nuclei must be much less than the initiating KE so that the nuclei have enough
KE for reaction to take place.
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36 Nuclei Solutions of Assignment (Level-II)

22 22 
27. Q-value of the decay 11 Na  10 Ne  e   is
22 22
(1) [m (11 Na)  m(10 Ne)] c 2 22
(2) [m(11 22
Na)  m(10 Ne)  me ] c 2
22 22
(3) [m(11 Na)  m(10 Ne)  2me ] c 2 22
(4) [m(11 22
Na)  m(10 Ne)  3me ] c 2
Sol. Answer (3)

28. In proton-proton cycle, four hydrogen atoms combine to release energy

(1) 2.67 MeV (2) 2.67 KeV
(3) 26.7 MeV (4) 26.7 KeV
Sol. Answer (3)
In proton-proton cycle four hydrogen nuclei combine to form helium.

Previous Years Questions
1. The rate of radioactive disintegration at an instant for a radioactive sample of half life 2.2 × 109 s is 1010 s–1.
The number of radioactive atoms in that sample at that instant is [NEET-2019 (Odisha)]
(1) 3.17 × 1019 (2) 3.17 × 1020 (3) 3.17 × 1017 (4) 3.17 × 1018
Sol. Answer (1)

ln 2 0.693
T1/2  
 

2.2  109 

  3.15  1010
2.2  109
R =  N (R is activity)

R 1010
N   3.17  1019
 3.15  10 10

2. -particle consists of : [NEET-2019]

(1) 2 protons and 2 neutrons only (2) 2 electrons, 2 protons and 2 neutrons
(3) 2 electrons and 4 protons only (4) 2 protons only
Sol. Answer (1)
-particle is nucleus of Helium which has two protons and two neutrons.
3. For a radioactive material, half-life is 10 minutes. If initially there are 600 number of nuclei, the time taken (in
minutes) for the disintegration of 450 nuclei is [NEET - 2018]
(1) 20 (2) 10 (3) 15 (4) 30
Sol. Answer (1)
Number of nuclei remaining = 600 – 450 = 150
N  1
 
N0  2 

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Solutions of Assignment (Level-II) Nuclei 37
150  1  t1/2

600  2 
 1  1  t1/2
2  2
   
t = 2t1/2 = 2 × 10 = 20 minute
4. Radioactive material 'A' has decay constant '8' and material 'B' has decay constant ''. Initially they have same
number of nuclei. After what time, the ratio of number of nuclei of material 'B' to that 'A' will be ?
[NEET - 2017]

1 1 1 1
(1) (2) (3) (4)
 7 8 9
Sol. Answer (2)
NA 1
If we take 
NB e

N A e 8 t
Then,  t
NB e

 e 7 t
–1 = –7t
5. The half-life of a radioactive substance is 30 minutes. The time (in minutes) taken between 40% decay and
85% decay of the same radioactive substance is [NEET-(Phase-2)-2016]
(1) 15 (2) 30 (3) 45 (4) 60
Sol. Answer (4)
Number of active nuclei falls from 60% to 15%

1 1
So sample becomes th = 2 th
4 2
So number of half-lives = 2
Time t = 2 × 30 = 60 minute
6. A nucleus of uranium decays at rest into nuclei of thorium and helium. Then [Re-AIPMT-2015]
(1) The helium nucleus has less kinetic energy than the thorium nucleus
(2) The helium nucleus has more kinetic energy than the thorium nucleus
(3) The helium nucleus has less momentum than the thorium nucleus
(4) The helium nucleus has more momentum than the thorium nucleus
Sol. Answer (2)
 Th
U 
Linear momentum conservation
→ → →
PU = Pα + PTh
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38 Nuclei Solutions of Assignment (Level-II)

→ →
 0 = Pα + PTh
→ →
 | Pα | = | PTh | = P

P2 P2
KE of α = and KE of Th =
2Mα 2MTh

Mα < Mth
 KE of  > KE of Th.

27 125
7. If radius of the 13 Al nucleus is taken to be RAl, then the radius of 53 Te nucleus is nearly [AIPMT-2015]
1/3 1/3
 13   53  5 3
(1)   RAl (2)   RAl (3) RAl (4) RAl
 53   13  3 5
Sol. Answer (3)
R  R0 A1/3
27 RAl  R0 (27)1/3  3R0
For, 13 Al ...(i)
125 RTe  R0 (125)  5R0
For, 53Te ...(ii)
RTe 5R0 5
  RTe  RAl
RAl 3R0 3

8. The Binding energy per nucleon of 73 Li and 42 He nuclei are 5.60 MeV and 7.06 MeV, respectively. In the nuclear
reaction 73 Li + 11H  42 He + 42 He + Q, the value of energy Q released is [AIPMT-2014]

(1) 19.6 MeV (2) –2.4 MeV (3) 8.4 MeV (4) 17.3 MeV
Sol. Answer (4)
Q = 2 (4 × 7.06) – (7 × 5.60)
Q = 17.3 MeV

9. A radio isotope X with a half life 1.4 × 109 years decays to Y which is stable. A sample of the rock from a cave
was found to contain X and Y in the ratio 1 : 7. The age of the rock is [AIPMT-2014]
(1) 1.96 × 109 years (2) 3.92 × 109 years (3) 4.20 × 109 years (4) 8.40 × 109 years
Sol. Answer (3)
1 7
X : Y = 1 : 7 then X  , Y 
8 8
 1 1
2  8  n = 3
 
 3  t  3  t1/2 = 3 × 1.4 × 109
t = 4.2 × 109 years.

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Solutions of Assignment (Level-II) Nuclei 39
10. A certain mass of Hydrogen is changed to Helium by the process of fusion. The Mass defect in fusion reaction
is 0.02866 u. The energy liberated per u is:(Given 1 u = 931 MeV) [NEET-2013]
(1) 26.7 MeV (2) 6.675 MeV (3) 13.35 MeV (4) 2.67 MeV
Sol. Answer (2)

11. The half life of a radioactive isotope X is 20 years. It decays to another element Y which is stable. The two
elements X and Y were found to be in the ratio 1 : 7 in a sample of a given rock. The age of the rock is estimated
to be [NEET-2013]
(1) 60 years (2) 80 years (3) 100 years (4) 40 years
Sol. Answer (1)

12. If the nuclear radius of 27Al is 3.6 Fermi, the approximate nuclear radius of 64Cu in Fermi is
[AIPMT (Prelims)-2012]
(1) 4.8 (2) 3.6 (3) 2.4 (4) 1.2
Sol. Answer (1)
R  A1/3

13. A mixture consists of two radioactive materials A1 and A2 with half lives of 20 s and 10 s respectively. Initially
the mixture has 40 g of A1 and 160 g of A2. The amount of the two in the mixture will become equal after
[AIPMT (Prelims)-2012]
(1) 20 s (2) 40 s (3) 60 s (4) 80 s
Sol. Answer (2)
n2 n1
⎛ 1⎞ ⎛ 1⎞
m2f = m2 ⎜ ⎟ m1f = m1 ⎜ ⎟
⎝2⎠ ⎝2⎠

m2f = m1f and n2 = 2n1

n2 n1
⎛ 1⎞ ⎛ 1⎞
m2 ⎜ ⎟ = m1 ⎜ ⎟
⎝2⎠ ⎝2⎠
2n1 n1
⎛ 1⎞ ⎛ 1⎞
m2 ⎜ ⎟ = m1 ⎜ ⎟
⎝2⎠ ⎝2⎠

m2 2− n1 = m1

= 40
Hence, they will become equal after = 2 × 20 = 40 s

14. The half life of a radioactive nucleus is 50 days. The time interval (t2 – t1) between the time t2 when of it has
decayed and the time t1 when of it had decayed as: [AIPMT (Mains)-2012]
(1) 30 days (2) 50 days
(3) 60 days (4) 15 days
Sol. Answer (2)
= N0 e −λt1
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40 Nuclei Solutions of Assignment (Level-II)

at t2, = N 0 e − λt 2

2 = e λ ( t2 − t1 )
(t2 – t1) = ln 2
t2 – t1 = = T1/2 = 50 days

15. The power obtained in a reactor using U235 disintegration is 1000 kW. The mass decay of U235 per hour is
[AIPMT (Prelims)-2011]
(1) 1 microgram (2) 10 microgram (3) 20 microgram (4) 40 microgram
Sol. Answer (4)
Power obtained = 1000 kW
By the formula E = mc2
1000 × 103 = m × (3 × 108)2

= ∆m per second
9 × 1016

106 × 60 × 60 36
m per hour = 16
= × 10 −8 = 4 × 10–8
9 × 10 9

or 40 g

16. The half life of a radioactive isotope X is 50 years. It decays to another element , Y which is stable. The two
elements X and Y were found to be in the ratio of 1:15 in a sample of a given rock. The age of the rock was
estimated to be [AIPMT (Prelims)-2011]
(1) 100 years (2) 150 years (3) 200 years (4) 250 years
Sol. Answer (3)
Tx = 50 years
Amount of x left =
x0 ⎛ 1⎞
= x0 ⎜ ⎟
16 ⎝2⎠
Hence, age of the rock is 200 years

17. Fusion reaction takes place at high temperature because [AIPMT (Prelims)-2011]
(1) Molecules break up at high temperature
(2) Nuclei break up at high temperature
(3) Atoms get ionised at high temperature
(4) Kinetic energy is high enough to overcome the coulomb repulsion between nuclei
Sol. Answer (4)
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Solutions of Assignment (Level-II) Nuclei 41
18. A nucleus n X emits one -particle and two – particles. The resulting nucleus is [AIPMT (Prelims)-2011]

m4 m 6 m 6 m4
(1) n 2 Y (2) n 4 Z (3) nZ (4) n X

Sol. Answer (4)

Final number of nucleons = m – 4
Final number of protons = n – 2 + 2 = n
 Resulting nucleus = nZ

19. Two radioactive nuclei P and Q in a given sample decay into a stable nucleus R. At time t = 0, number of P
species are 4N0 and that of Q are N0. Half-life of P (for conversion to R) is 1 minute whereas that of Q is 2
minutes. Initially there are no nuclei of R present in the sample. When number of nuclei of P and Q are equal
the number of nuclei of R present in the sample would be : [AIPMT (Mains)-2011]
5N0 9N0
(1) (2) 2N0 (3) 3N (4)
2 2
Sol. Answer (4)
Number of nuclei of P = 4N0
Number of nuclei of Q = N0
4N0e–2t = N0e–t
4 = et
ln 2
2ln 2 = ⋅t
t = 4 minutes
⎛ N ⎞ ⎛ N ⎞ 9N0
P = ⎜ 4N0 − 0 ⎟ + ⎜ N0 − 0 ⎟ =
⎝ 4 ⎠ ⎝ 4 ⎠ 2

20. The mass of a 73 Li nucleus is 0.042 u less than the sum of the masses of all its nucleons. The binding energy

per nucleon of 73 Li nucleus is nearly: [AIPMT (Prelims)-2010]

(1) 46 MeV (2) 5.6 MeV (3) 3.9 MeV (4) 23 MeV
Sol. Answer (2)
Binding energy = mC2
1 amu = 931 MeV
mC2 = 0.042 × 931 MeV = 39.123
Binding energy per nucleon = 5.589

21. The activity of a radioactive sample is measured as N0 counts per minute at t = 0 and N0/e counts per minute
at t = 5 minutes. The time (in minutes) at which the activity reduces to half its value is:
[AIPMT (Prelims)-2010]
(1) loge2/5 (2) log 2 (3) 5 log102 (4) 5loge2
Sol. Answer (4)
R = R0e–t
= N0 e −λt
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42 Nuclei Solutions of Assignment (Level-II)

1 mean life has passed

t = 1
 5 minutes =
T1/2 = ln2
T1/2 = 5 ln2

22. The decay constant of a radio isotope is . If A1 and A2 are its activities at times t1 and t2 respectively, the
number of nuclei which have decayed during the time (t1 – t2) [AIPMT (Mains)-2010]
(1) A1t1 – A2t2 (2) A1 – A2 (3) (A1 – A2)/ (4) (A1 – A2)
Sol. Answer (3)
A = A0e–t

A1 = A0 e −λt1 A2 = A0 e −λt2

23. The binding energy per nucleon in deuterium and helium nuclei are 1.1 MeV and 7.0 MeV, respectively. When
two deuterium nuclei fuse to form a helium nucleus the energy released in the fusion is
[AIPMT (Mains)-2010]
(1) 23.6 MeV (2) 2.2 MeV (3) 28.0 MeV (4) 30.2 MeV
Sol. Answer (1)
E = (28 – 4.4) MeV
E = 23.6 MeV

24. In the nuclear decay given below:

ZX  Z A1Y  AZ –– 41B *  AZ –– 41B, the particles emitted in the sequence are: [AIPMT (Prelims)-2009]
(1) , ,  (2) , ,  (3) , ,  (4) , , 
Sol. Answer (4)
First  particle reduces atomic nucleus without changing mass.
Then alpha decay occurs but  is in an excited state.
 gets to lower energy state by emitting a photon.

25. The number of beta particles emitted by a radioactive substance is twice the number of alpha particles emitted
by it. The resulting daughter is an: [AIPMT (Prelims)-2009]
(1) Isomer of parent (2) Isotone of parent (3) Isotope of parent (4) Isobar of parent
Sol. Answer (3)
Atomic number of initial and final nuclei will be same.

26. In a Rutherford scattering experiment when a projectile of charge z1 and mass M1 approaches a target nucleus
of charge z2 and mass M2, the distance of closest approach is r0. The energy of the projectile is:
[AIPMT (Prelims)-2009]
(1) Directly proportional to z1z2 (2) Inversely proportional to z1
(3) Directly proportional to mass M1 (4) Directly proportional to M1 × M2
Sol. Answer (1)
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27. Two radioactive materials X1 and X2 have decay constants 5 and  respectively. If initially they have the same
number of nuclei, then the ratio of the number of nuclei of X1 to that of X2 will be after a time
[AIPMT (Prelims)-2008]
e 1 1
(1) (2)  (3)  (4)
 2 4
Sol. Answer (4)

28. Two nuclei have their mass numbers in the ratio of 1:3. The ratio of their nuclear densities would be
[AIPMT (Prelims)-2008]
(1) 1 : 1 (2) 1 : 3 (3) 3 : 1 (4) (3)1/3 : 1
Sol. Answer (1)
Nuclear densities are always roughly same.

29. If M(A; Z), Mp and Mn denote the masses of the nucleus Z X, proton and neutron respectively in units of
u (1u = 931.5 MeV / C2) and BE represents its bonding energy in MeV, then [AIPMT (Prelims)-2008]
(1) M(A, Z) = ZMp + (A – Z)Mn + BE/C2 (2) M(A, Z) = ZMp + (A – Z)Mn – BE/C2
(3) M(A, Z) = ZMp + (A – Z)Mn + BE (4) M(A, Z) = ZMp + (A – Z)Mn – BE
Sol. Answer (2)

27 125
13 Al 32Te
30. If the nucleus has a nuclear radius of about 3.6 fm, then would have its radius approximately as
[AIPMT (Prelims)-2007]
(1) 4.8 fm (2) 6.0 fm (3) 9.6 fm (4) 12.0 fm
Sol. Answer (2)
R  A1/3

RAL A1/3
= 1/3
RAL × = RTe

3.6fm × = RTe
3.6 × = RTe
RTe = 6 fm

31. In a radioactive decay process, the negatively charged emitted – particles are [AIPMT (Prelims)-2007]
(1) The electrons produced as a result of the decay of neutrons inside the nucleus
(2) The electrons produced as a result of collisions between atoms
(3) The electrons orbiting around the nucleus
(4) The electrons present inside the nucleus
Sol. Answer (1)
By definition.

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32. A nucleus ZX has mass represented by M(A, Z). If Mp and Mn denote the mass of proton and neutron respectively
and BE the binding energy in MeV, then [AIPMT (Prelims)-2007]
(1) BE = M(A, z) – ZMp – (A – Z)Mn (2) BE = [M(A, z) – ZMp – (A – Z)Mn]c2
(3) BE = [zMp + (A, z)Mn – M(A, Z)]c2 (4) BE = [zMp + AMn – M(A, Z)]c2
Sol. Answer (3)
Binding energy = Mass defect (m)C2
m = Mass of individual protons + Mass of individual neutrons – Mass of nucleus

33. Two radioactive substances A and B have decay constants 5 and  respectively. At t = 0 they have the same
number of nuclei. The ratio of number of nuclei of A to those of B will be (1/e)2 after a time interval
[AIPMT (Prelims)-2007]
1 1
(1) (2) (3) 4 (4) 2
2 4
Sol. Answer (1)
NA = N0e–5t NB = N0e–t
NA : NB = 1 : e2
N0 e −5 λt 1
N0 e −λt e2
e 4 λt =
4t = 2

34. The binding energy of deuteron is 2.2 MeV and that of 42 He is 28 MeV. If two deuterons are fused to form one
2 He then the energy released is [AIPMT (Prelims)-2006]
(1) 25.8 MeV (2) 23.6 MeV (3) 19.2 MeV (4) 30.2 MeV
Sol. Answer (2)

Binding energy = 2.2 MeV for 2H1 and = 28 MeV for 24 He

Energy released = Final BE – Initial BE = 28 – 2 × 2.2 MeV = 23.6 MeV

35. In a radioactive material the activity at time t1 is R1 and at a later time t2, it is R2. If the decay constant of the
material is , then [AIPMT (Prelims)-2006]

t 
(1) R1  R2e – (t1 t2 ) (2) R1  R2e(t1 t2 ) (3) R1  R2  2  (4) R1 = R2
 t1 
Sol. Answer (1)
Simply by formula of radioactive disintegration, R1 = R2e −λ( t1 −t2 )

36. The radius of germanium (Ge) nuclide is measured to be twice the radius of 94 Be . The number of nucleons in
Ge are [AIPMT (Prelims)-2006]
(1) 73 (2) 74 (3) 75 (4) 72
Sol. Answer (4)
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37. In the reaction 21H  31H  42 He  01n , if the binding energies of 21H , 31H and 42 He are respectively a, b and c (in
MeV), then the energy (in MeV) released in this reaction is [AIPMT (Prelims)-2005]
(1) c + a – b (2) c – a – b (3) a + b + c (4) a + b – c
Sol. Answer (2)
Binding energy of reactants = Binding energy of product + Energy released

38. The nuclei of which one of the following pairs of nuclei are isotones? [AIPMT (Prelims)-2005]
(1) 74 71 92 92 84, 86 40 32
34Se , 31Ga (2) 42Mo , 40Zr (3) 38Sr 38Sr (4) 20Ca , 16S
Sol. Answer (1)
Isotones have same nuclei numbers but different atomic number.

39. Fission of nuclei is possible because the binding energy per nucleon in them [AIPMT (Prelims)-2005]
(1) Increases with mass number at high mass numbers
(2) Decreases with mass number at high mass numbers
(3) Increases with mass number at low mass numbers
(4) Decreases with mass number at low mass numbers
Sol. Answer (2)
The mpre the binding energy the more stable the nucleus. Energy is released when fission occurs by going
from less stable to more stable configuration.

massof fission products

40. In any fission process the ratio massof parent nucleus is: [AIPMT (Prelims)-2005]

(1) Less than 1 (2) Greater than 1

(3) Equal to 1 (4) Depends on the mass of parent nucleus
Sol. Answer (1)
In fission process energy is released by converting same mass into energy.
Hence, mass of fission product < mass of parent nucleus.

41. The volume occupied by an atom is greater than the volume of the nucleus by a factor of about
(1) 101 (2) 105 (3) 1010 (4) 1015
Sol. Answer (4)

42. Alpha particles are

(1) Neutrally charged (2) Positron (3) Protons (4) Ionized helium atoms
Sol. Answer (4)

43. The mass number of a nucleus is

(1) Always less than its atomic number
(2) Always more than its atomic number
(3) Sometimes equal to its atomic number
(4) Sometimes less than and sometimes more than its atomic number
Sol. Answer (3)
It is sometimes equal to its atomic number.
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44. The radius of germanium (Ge) nuclide is measured to be twice the radius of 94 Be . The number of nucleons
in Ge are
(1) 72 (2) 73 (3) 74 (4) 75
Sol. Answer (1)
R  A1/3
RBe ABe 1 91/3
= 1/3 or = 1/3  A1/3 = 2 × 91/3
RGe AGe 2 AGe Ge

Taking cube on both sides, AGe = 8 × 9 = 72 nucleons

45. What is the respective number of  and -particles emitted in the following radioactive decay?
X90  168Y80
(1) 8 and 8 (2) 8 and 6 (3) 6 and 8 (4) 6 and 6
Sol. Answer (2)

200 − 168
Number of alpha particles : =8
After alpha decay number of protons left = 90 – 8 × 2 = 74
Number of particles = 80 – 74 = 6

46. A nucleus ruptures into two nuclear parts, which have their velocity ratio equal to 2 : 1. What will be the ratio
of their nuclear size (nuclear radius)?
(1) 31/2 : 1 (2) 1 : 31/2 (3) 21/3 : 1 (4) 1 : 21/3
Sol. Answer (4)
m1 v 2
m1v1 = m2v2 or =
m2 v1

r13 1 r1 1
or = or = 1/3
r23 2 r2 2

47. The most penetrating radiation out of the following are

(1) -rays (2) -rays (3) X-rays (4) -rays
Sol. Answer (2)
Gamma rays are most penetrating.

48. Complete the equation for the following fission process 92U235 + 0n1  38Sr90 + …
(1) X142 + 30n1
(2) X145 + 30n1
(3) X143 + 30n1
(4) X142 + 0n1

Sol. Answer (3)

U235 + 0n1  38Sr90
Conerving mass :
Initial mass  236
Final mass  90 + mx + Nn01
146 = mx + N01
Among option only (3) meets the criteria.

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49. After 1 and 2–emissions
(1) Mass number reduces by 6 (2) Mass number reduces by 4
(3) Mass number reduces by 2 (4) Atomic number reduces by 4
Sol. Answer (2)
In alpha emission mass number reduces by 4. In  decay no subsequent reduction of mass takes place.

50. For the given reaction, the particle X is 6C11  5B11 + + + X

(1) Neutron (2) Anti-neutrino (3) Neutrino (4) Proton
Sol. Answer (3)
Mass since this is a  positive decay x will be an neutrino.

51. X(n, ) 3 Li , then X will be

10 9 11 4
(1) 5 B (2) 5B (3) 4 Be (4) 2 He

Sol. Answer (1)

x + n01 ⎯⎯
→ 37Li + 24He

Conserving charge Zx = 5
Conserving mass = Mx = 7 + 4 – 1 = 10
x must be 5B

52. Mn and Mp represent the mass of neutron and proton respectively. An element having mass M has N-neutron
and Z-protons, then the correct relation will be
(1) M < {N . Mn+ Z . Mp} (2) M > {N . Mn + Z . Mp}
(3) M = {N . Mm + Z . Mp} (4) M = N {Mn + Mp}
Sol. Answer (1)
Mass M = N + Z
Due to mass defect M < NMn + ZMp

53. Which rays contain (positive) charged particle?

(1) -rays (2) -rays (3) -rays (4) X-rays
Sol. Answer (1)

54. A deutron is bombarded on 8O16 nucleus then -particle is emitted. The product nucleus is
(1) 7N13 (2) 5B10 (3) 4Be9 (4) 7N14
Sol. Answer (4)

O16 2
→ 24He + X 816+1+−22− 4
8 + 1 H ⎯⎯

X = N714

55. A nuclear reaction given by z X A  z 1Y

 1e 0   represents
(1) -decay (2) -decay (3) Fussion (4) Fission

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Sol. Answer (1)

It represents  decay as atomic number changes with a change in mass.

56. If in a nuclear fusion process the masses of the fusing nuclei be m1 and m2 and the mass of the resultant
nucleus be m3, then
(1) m3 = m1 + m2 (2) m3 = |m1 – m2|
(3) m3 < (m1 + m2) (4) m3 > (m1 + m2)
Sol. Answer (3)
Due to mass defect m3 < (m1 + m2)

57. Mp denotes the mass of a proton and Mn that of a neutron. A given nucleus, of binding energy B, contains Z
protons and N neutrons. The mass M(N, Z) of the nucleus is given by (c is the velocity of light)
(1) M(N, Z) = NMn + ZMp – Bc2 (2) M(N, Z) = NMn + ZMp + Bc2
(3) M(N, Z) = NMn + ZMp – B/c2 (4) M(N, Z) = NMn + ZMp + B/c2
Sol. Answer (3)
Mp  Denotes mass of proton
Mn  Neutron
Binding energy B
M(N, Z) = NMn + ZmD – 2 as is the mass defect
C C2

58. The mass of proton is 1.0073 u and that of neutron is 1.0087 u (u = atomic mass unit). The binding energy
of 2 He is (Given helium nucleus mass = 4.0015 u)

(1) 0.0305 J (2) 0.0305 erg

(3) 28.4 MeV (4) 0.061 n
Sol. Answer (3)
Mass of He  4.0015
Mass defect = 2 × 1.0073 + 2 × 1.0087 – 4.0015 = 2.0146 + 2.0174 – 4.0015 = 232 = 0.0305 amu
Binding energy = 0.0305 × 931.5 MeV = 28.4 MeV

59. A nucleus represented by the symbol ZX has

(1) Z neutrons and (A – Z) protons (2) Z protons and (A – Z) neutrons

(3) Z protons and A neutrons (4) A protons and (Z – A) neutrons
Sol. Answer (2)
Number of neutrons = (A – Z)
Atomic number = Z = Number of protons

14 14
60. How many elementary particles are emitted when 6C transforms to 7N?

(1) One (2) Two (3) Three (4) Four

Sol. Answer (2)

6C can be converted to nitrogen by a single  decay in which an electron and a neutrino get emitted.

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61. Q value of a nuclear reaction is positive. The reaction is
(1) Exothermic (2) Endothermic
(3) Elastic (4) Both exothermic and endothermic
Sol. Answer (1)

62. Choose the correct product of nuclear reaction, 7 N14  0 n1 

6 C14  .....
(1) Proton (2) Neutron (3) Deutron (4) Electron
Sol. Answer (1)
Conserving mass and charge in the reactants and products, answer will be proton.

63. When two nuclei (with A = 8) join to form a heavier nucleus, the binding energy (B.E.) per nucleon of the heavier
nuclei is
(1) More than the B.E. per nucleon of the lighter nuclei
(2) Same as the B.E. per nucleon of the lighter nuclei
(3) Less than the B.E. per nucleon of the lighter nuclei
(4) Double the B.E. per nucleon of the lighter nuclei
Sol. Answer (1)
The daughter nucleus is more stable hence binding energy per nucleon will be higher

64. When helium nuclei bombard beryllium nuclei, then

(1) Electrons are emitted (2) Protons are emitted
(3) Neutrons are emitted (4) Protons and neutrons are emitted
Sol. Answer (3)

65. The binding energies per nucleon for a deuteron and an -particle are x1 and x2 respectively. The energy Q
released in the reaction 2H1 + 2H1  4He2 + Q, is
(1) 4(x1 + x2) (2) 4(x2 – x1) (3) 2(x2 – x1) (4) 2(x1 + x2)
Sol. Answer (2)
Final Binding energy – Initial binding energy
= 4 × x2 – 4 × x1
= 4(x2 – x1)

66. The count rate of a Geiger Muller counter for the radiation of the a radioactive material of half-life of 30 minutes
decreases to 5 second–1 after 2 hours. The initial count rate was
(1) 80 second–1 (2) 625 second–1 (3) 20 second–1 (4) 25 second–1
Sol. Answer (1)
T1/2 = 30 minutes
Time = 2 hours
⎛ 1⎞ 2 × 60
R = R0 ⎜ ⎟ n= =4
⎝2⎠ 30
5 × 24 = R0
R0 = 80 second–1
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50 Nuclei Solutions of Assignment (Level-II)

67. Half-lives of two radioactive substances A and B are respectively 20 minutes and 40 minutes. Initially the
samples of A and B have equal number of nuclei. After 80 minutes the ratio of remaining numbers of A and
B nuclei is
(1) 1 : 4 (2) 4 : 1 (3) 1 : 16 (4) 1 : 1
Sol. Answer (1)
N0 is same
4 2
⎛ 1⎞ ⎛ 1⎞
N A = N0 ⎜ ⎟ NB = N0 ⎜ ⎟
⎝2⎠ ⎝2⎠
NA : NB = 1 : 4

68. The relation between  and T1/2 as (T1/2  half life)

ln 2 1
(1) T1/2  (2) T1/2 ln 2   (3) T1/ 2  (4) ( + T1/2) = In 2
 
Sol. Answer (1)
T1/2 =

69. Nuclear-Fission is best explained by

(1) Liquid drop model
(2) Yukawa -meson theory
(3) Independent particle model of the nucleus
(4) Proton-proton cycle
Sol. Answer (1)

70. Half life of a radioactive element is 12.5 hour and its quantity is 256 gm. After how much time its quantity
will remain 1 g?
(1) 50 hrs (2) 100 hrs (3) 150 hrs (4) 200 hrs
Sol. Answer (2)
N ⎛ 1⎞
=⎜ ⎟
N0 ⎝ 2 ⎠
1 ⎛ 1⎞
=⎜ ⎟
256 ⎝ 2 ⎠
Hence, time = T1/2 × 8 = 12.5 × 8 = 100 hours

71. Energy released in nuclear fission is due to

(1) Some mass is converted into charge
(2) Total binding energy of fragments is more than the binding energy of parental element
(3) Total binding energy of fragments is less than the binding energy of parental element
(4) Total binding energy of fragments is equals to the binding energy of parental element
Sol. Answer (2)
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72. A sample of radioactive element contains 4 x 1016 active nuclei. Half life of element is 10 days, then number
of decayed nuclei after 30 days
(1) 0.5 × 1016 (2) 2 × 1016 (3) 3.5 × 1016 (4) 1 x 1016
Sol. Answer (3)
N ⎛ 1⎞ 30
=⎜ ⎟ as n = T =3
N0 ⎝ 2 ⎠ 1/2

N = 4 × 1016 ×  N = 0.5 × 1016

73. A sample of radioactive element has a mass of 10 g at an instant t = 0. The approximate mass of this element
in the sample after two mean lives is
(1) 1.35 g (2) 2.50 g (3) 3.70 g (4) 6.30 g
Sol. Answer (1)
m = m0e–t

74. The half life of radium is about 1600 years. Of 100 g of radium existing now, 25 g will remain unchanged after
(1) 4800 years (2) 6400 years (3) 2400 years (4) 3200 years
Sol. Answer (4)
T1/2 = 1600
m ⎛ 1⎞
=⎜ ⎟
m0 ⎝ 2 ⎠
1 ⎛ 1⎞
=⎜ ⎟
4 ⎝2⎠
 n = 2. Hence, answer is 1600 × 2 = 3200

75. When 90Th288 gets converted into 83Bi272, then the number of  and -particle emitted will be respectively
(1) 4, 7 (2) 4, 1 (3) 8, 7 (4) 4, 4
Sol. Answer (2)
(288 − 272)
Number of alpha particles emitted = = 4 particles
Atomic number will reduce by = 4 × 2 = 8
Number of  decays = 1

76. A radioactive substance has 108 nuclei. Its half life is 30 s. The number of nuclei left after 15 s is nearly
(1) 2 × 105 (2) 3 × 106 (3) 7 × 107 (4) 5 × 108
Sol. Answer (2)
N = N0e–t
0.693 × t

N = 108 e T

N = 108e–0.693/2
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77. A certain stable nucleide, after absorbing a neutron, emits -particle and the new nucleide splits spontaneously
into two -particles. The nucleide is
4 7 6 6
(1) 2 He (2) 3 Li (3) 4 Be (4) 3 Li

Sol. Answer (2)

Let nucleus be PXA
It adds a neutron and a proton also due to  decay

XA + 1
Since it splits into 2 particles
 P
XA = 3Li7

78. Pauli suggested the emission of nutrino during + decay to explain

(1) Continuous energy distribution of positrons
(2) Conservation of linear momentum
(3) Conservation of mass-energy
(4) All of these
Sol. Answer (4)

79. In a nuclear reaction transforming a nucleus into another with the emission of a positron, the neutron proton
(1) Decreases (2) Increases
(3) Remains same (4) May decrease or increase
Sol. Answer (2)
+ decays occurs when proton reduces to neutron.
Hence, ratio will increase.

80. If a heavy nucleus has N/Z ratio higher than that required for stability, then
(1) It emits – (2) It emits +
(3) It emits  particle (4) It will undergo K electron capture
Sol. Answer (1)
– decay will reduce its ratio
81. The half-life of I131 is 8 days. Given a sample of I131 at time t = 0, we can assert that
(1) No nucleus will decay before t = 4 days (2) No nucleus will decay before t = 8 days
(3) All nuclei will decay before t = 16 days (4) A given nucleus may decay at t = 0
Sol. Answer (4)
Nuclear reactions are completely spontaneous and unpredictable.

82. Which of the following is used as a moderator in nuclear reactor?

(1) Cadmium (2) Plutonium (3) Uranium (4) Heavy water
Sol. Answer (4)

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83. Which of the following are suitable for the fusion process?
(1) Light nuclei
(2) Heavy nuclei
(3) Element must be lying in the middle of the periodic table
(4) Middle elements, which are lying on binding energy curve
Sol. Answer (1)

84. Solar energy is mainly caused due to

(1) Burning of hydrogen in the oxygen
(2) Fission of uranium present in the Sun
(3) Fusion of protons during synthesis of heavier elements
(4) Gravitational contraction
Sol. Answer (3)
Fusion reaction in the sun is the fusion of hydrogen nuclei.

Assertion-Reason Type Questions
1. A : Uncertainty principle demands that an electron confined to a nucleus must have very high energy so that
the electron cannot reside in a nucleus.
R : The electrostatic attraction between electron and proton is large at such a small distance but is not enough
to bind such a high-energy electron.
Sol. Answer (1)

2. A : A free proton is stable but inside a nucleus, a proton gets converted into a neutron, positron and neutrino
(p  n + e+ + ).

R : Inside a nucleus, neutron decay (n  p + e– +  ) as well as proton decay are possible, since other
nucleons can share energy and momentum to conserve energy as well as momentum and both the decays
are in dynamic equilibrium.
Sol. Answer (1)

3. A : Exothermic reactions are possible when two light nuclei fuse or when a heavy nucleus undergoes fission
into intermediate mass nuclei.
R : The nature of nuclear binding energy curve is such that it rises for lighter nuclei and slightly decreasing
for heavier nuclei.
Sol. Answer (1)

4. A : For fusion, the light nuclei must have sufficient initial energy to cross the Coulomb barrier. Hence, fusion
requires high temperature, however, the actual temperature required is somewhat less than expected
R : It is due to quantum mechanical tunneling of the potential barrier.
Sol. Answer (1)

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5. A : Only in low or medium energy nuclear reactions, the number of protons and number of neutrons are
separately conserved.
R : In high energy reactions, protons and neutrons can be converted into other particles and a new quantum
number, the Baryon number is however, always conserved.
Sol. Answer (2)

6. A : Nuclear density is almost same for all nuclei.

R : The radius (r) of a nucleus depends only on the mass number (A) as r  A1/3.
Sol. Answer (1)
Mass = A
4 3
v= πr r ∝ A1/3
v= KA
A 1
Density = = = constant
V 4

7. A : During radioactive disintegration an -particle and a-particle do not emit simultaneously from any nucleus.
R : An -particle emits from a nucleus when the N/Z ratio is less than the stability range (where N = number
of neutrons and Z = number of protons in a nucleus).
Sol. Answer (2)
The two common modes of radioactive decay are alpha and beta types. In both these decays the other
particle is not ejected.

8. A : In -decay an electron is emitted by the nucleus.

R : Electrons are not present inside the nucleus.
Sol. Answer (2)

9. A : A radioactive substance has half life of 1 hour. Therefore, if two nuclei of the substance are present initially,
after 1 hour only one will remain undissociated.
R : When a nucleus makes a transition from excited state to ground state, it emits a -particle.
Sol. Answer (4)
Both the statements are wrong. Nuclear reaction being spontaneous may occur at any time.

10. A : Fast moving neutrons do not cause fission of a uranium nucleus.

R : A fast moving neutron spends very little time inside the nucleus.
Sol. Answer (1)

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