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Sellers Property Information Form PDF

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Property Information Form

Client Name: Foster

Case Reference: SP/JPH/1023981/Foster
Sale Property: 34 Longfield Road, Ely, Cambridgeshire, CB6 1LB


Please complete this form carefully. If you are unsure how to answer the questions, please give us a call to discuss.

We will send this form to the buyer’s solicitor and it will be seen by the buyer who is entitled to rely on the

For many of the questions you need only tick the correct answer. Where necessary, please give more detailed answers on
a separate sheet of paper. Then send all the replies back to us to forward to the buyer’s solicitor.

The answers should be those of the person whose name is on the deeds. If there is more than one of you, you should
prepare the answers together and both/all sign.

It is very important that your answers are correct because the buyer is entitled to rely on them in deciding whether to go
ahead. Incorrect or incomplete information given to the buyer direct through us or your selling agent or even mentioned to
the buyer in conversation between you may mean that the buyer can claim compensation from you or even refuse to
complete the purchase.

If you do not know the answer to any question it is OK to say so; this is not an exam!

The buyer takes the property in its present physical condition and should, if necessary, seek independent advice, e.g.
instruct a surveyor. You should not give the buyer your views on the condition of the property.

If anything changes after you fill in this questionnaire but before the sale is completed, tell us immediately. THIS IS AS

Please immediately pass to us any notices you have received which affect the property, including any notices which arrive
at any time before completion of your sale.

If you have a tenant, tell us immediately if there is any change in the arrangement but do nothing without asking us first.

You should let us have any letters, agreements or other documents which help answer the questions. If you know of any
which you are not supplying with these answers, please tell us about them.

Please complete and return the additional Fixtures, Fittings and Contents Form. It is an important document which will form
part of the contract between you and the buyer. Unless you mark clearly on it the items which you wish to remove, they will
be included in the sale and you will not be able to take them with you when you move.

This form needs to be completed for all properties.

If the property is Leasehold, you will also need to complete the Leasehold Information Form.
Information in the seller's possession or knowledge

Section 1: Boundaries

‘Boundaries’ mean any fence, wall, hedge or ditch which marks the edge of your property.

1.1 Looking towards the house from the road, who either owns or accepts responsibility for the boundary:

(a) on the left: Ö We do Next door

Shared Not known

(b) on the right: We do Next door

Shared Ö Not known

(c) across the back: Ö We do Next door

Shared Not known

1.2 If you have answered "not known", which boundaries have you actually repaired or maintained?

Boundary to the front right we trim the hedge on our side but at the same time cut the neighbours side as
a favour but not as a requirement

1.3 Do you know of any boundary being moved in the last 20 years? (please give details)


1.4 Have you purchased any additional parcels of land adjacent to the property or do you have use of any
additional piece of land not included in your title? (please give details)

We are a corner plot and the small strip of land that borders our property to the left looking from the front
is owned by Sanctuary Housing, however we have maintained this piece of land ourselves for the last 13
years, as did the owners prior to us.

1.5 Is the Property subject to a “Flying Freehold” i.e. does part of the Property extend under or over a neighbouring
property? (please give details)


Section 2: Disputes and Complaints

2.1 Do you know of any disputes or anything which might lead to a dispute Yes Ö No
about this or any neighbouring property? If yes, please give details:

2.2 Have you received any complaints about anything you have, or have not, Yes Ö No
done as owner? If yes, please give details:
2.3 Have you made any such complaints to any neighbour about what the Yes Ö No
neighbour has or has not done? If yes, please give details:

Section 3: Notices

3.1 Have you sent or received any letters or notices which affect your property Yes Ö No
or the neighbouring property in any way (e.g. from or to neighbours, the Enclosed To follow
council or a government department)? If yes, please give details:

3.2 Have you had any negotiations or discussions with any neighbour or any Yes Ö No
local or other authority which affect the property in any way?
If yes, please give details:

Section 4: Guarantees

4.1 Are there any guarantees or insurance policies of the following types:

(a) NHBC Foundation 15 or Newbuild: Yes Ö No

Enclosed With deeds

(b) Damp course: Yes Ö No

Enclosed With deeds

(c) Double glazing, roof lights, roof windows, glazed doors: Yes Ö No
Enclosed With deeds

(d) Electrical work: Yes Ö No

Enclosed With deeds

(e) Roofing: Yes Ö No

Enclosed With deeds

(f) Rot or infestation: Yes Ö No

Enclosed With deeds

(g) Central heating: Yes Ö No

Enclosed With deeds
(h) Anything similar, (e.g. cavity wall insulation, wall-ties, underpinning, Ö Yes No
indemnity policy): Ö Enclosed With deeds

(i) Do you have written details of the work done to obtain any of these Yes No
guarantees? (Please enclose COPIES of any reports and Ö Enclosed With deeds
estimates/invoices for the work)

(j) Please confirm that the originals of any guarantees and any Ö Confirmed
supporting documents have been forwarded to your solicitor: Do not have originals

4.2 Have you made, or considered making, claims under any of these? Yes Ö No
If yes, please give details:

Section 5: Central Heating

5.1 Does the property have central heating? If yes, please give details: Ö Yes No

Gas central heating

5.2 To your knowledge is the system in good working order? If yes, please give Ö Yes No

The system has been regularly maintained and serviced

5.3 When was the system last serviced and by whom:

Booked to be serviced again during August 2019 - R G Cole Plumbing & Heating

Section 6: Services

6.1 Please tick which services are connected to the property:

Ö Gas Ö Main Water Ö Telephone Septic Tank Cesspit
Ö Electricity Ö Main Drains Ö Cable TV

6.2 Please detail who supplies the following services:

Gas Company Name: Utility Warehouse
Address: Network HQ, 508 Edgeware Road, The Hyde, London NW9 5AB
Reference: G3226971
Telephone Number: 0333 777 0777

Electricity Company Name: Utility Warehouse

Address: Network HQ, 508 Edgeware Road, The Hyde, London NW9 5AB
Reference: E3226972
Telephone Number: 0333 777 0777
Water Board Company Name: Anglian Water
Address: PO Box 4994, Lancing BN11 9AQ
Reference: 104977574
Telephone Number: 03457 919 155

Rating Authority: East Cambridgeshire District Council

Address: The Grange, Nutholt Lane, Ely, Cambridgeshire CB7 4EE
Reference: 100893675
Telephone Number: 01353 665 555

Cable/Satellite Company Name: Sky

Address: 1 Grant Way, Isleworth, Brentford TW7 5QD
Reference: 621040385646
Telephone Number: 0333 7591 018

Phone/Broadband Company Name: Utility Warehouse

Address: Network HQ, 508 Edgeware Road, The Hyde, London NW9 5AB
Telephone Number: 0333 777 0777

6.3 Please supply a copy of the latest water charge account and the Ö Enclosed
sewerage account (if any):
To Follow

6.4 Is the water supply on a meter? Ö Yes No

6.5 Do any drains, pipes or wires for the service cross any neighbour’s Yes Ö Not known
property? If yes, please give details:

6.6 Do any drains, pipes or wires leading to any neighbour's property cross Yes Ö Not known
your property? If yes, please give details:

6.7 Are you aware of any agreement or arrangement about any of these Yes Ö Not known
services? If yes, please give details:

6.8 Have you ever experienced any problems with the drains at the property? Yes Ö No
If yes, please give details:
6.9 Is the drainage to a septic tank or cess pit? If yes, please state: Yes Ö No

(a) It's location and date of construction and type

(if known):

(b) Whether other properties drain into it:

(c) Details of the annual charge for emptying and

when this was last carried out:

(d) So far as you are aware, is it in good working


Section 7: Sharing with Neighbours

7.1 Are you aware of any responsibility to contribute to the cost of anything Yes Ö No
used jointly, such as the repair of shared drive, boundary or drain?
If yes, please give details:

7.2 Do you contribute to the cost of repair of anything used by the Yes Ö No
neighbourhood, such as the maintenance of a private road?
If yes, please give details:

7.3 If so, who is responsible for organising the work and collecting the contributions?

7.4 Please give details of all such sums paid or owing, and explain if they are paid on a regular basis or only as
and when work is required:

7.5 Do you need to go to any neighbouring property if you have to repair or Yes Ö No
decorate your building or maintain any of the boundaries or any of the
drains, pipes or wires?

7.6 If "yes", have you always been able to do so without objection by the Yes No
neighbours? (Please give details of any objection under Section 2 -
Disputes and Complaints)
7.7 Do any of your neighbours need to come onto your land to repair or Yes Ö No
decorate their building or maintain their boundaries or any drains, pipes or

7.8 If so, have you ever objected? (If yes, please give details of any objection Yes No
under Section 2 - Disputes and Complaints)

7.9 Does any part of your property project under or over any adjoining Yes Ö No
property? If yes, please give details:

7.10 Has any notice been received under The Party Wall Act 1996 in respect of Yes Ö No
any shared/party boundaries? If yes, please give details and provide a
copy of the notice:

Section 8: Arrangements and Rights

8.1 Is access obtained to any part of the property over private land, common Yes Ö No
land or a neighbour's land? If yes, please give details:

8.2 Has anyone taken steps to stop, complain about or demand payment for Yes Ö No
such access being exercised?

8.3 Are there any other formal or informal arrangements which you have over Yes Ö No
any of your neighbour's property (i.e. for access or shared use)?
If yes, please give details:

8.4 Are there any other formal or informal arrangements which someone else Yes Ö No
has over your property (i.e. for access or shared use)?
If yes, please give details:

Section 9: Occupiers

9.1 Does anyone other than you live in the property? If no, go to question 10. Ö Yes No
If yes, please give their full names and, if under 18, their ages:

Mr Terri Alan Stuart Foster

9.2 (ai) Do any of them have any right to stay on the property without your Ö Yes No
permission? (These rights may have arisen without you realising,
e.g. if they have paid towards the cost of buying the house, paid for
improvements or helped you make your mortgage payments) If yes,
please give details:

Paid towards house improvements and mortgage

9.2 (aii) Are any of them tenants or lodgers? If yes, please give details and a Yes Ö No
copy of any tenancy agreement:

9.2 (b) Have they all agreed to sign the contract for sale agreeing to leave Ö Yes No
with you (or earlier)? If yes, please give details:

Terri Foster is joint owner and seller of the property and has agreed to sign the contract for sale,
agreeing to vacate the property fully at the time of completion

Section 10: Changes to the Property

Are you aware of any of the following to have taken place to the whole or any part of the property since it
10.1 was built (including the garden) and if so, when?
Please leave blank if not applicable.

(a) Building works (including loft conversions, removal of In the year Ö Not known
internal walls/chimney breasts

(b) Change of use In the year Ö Not known

(c) Sub-division In the year Ö Not known

(d) Conversion In the year Ö Not known

(e) Business activities In the year Ö Not known

(f) Replacement windows, roof lights, roof windows, In the year Ö Not known
glazed doors

(g) Underpinning In the year Ö Not known

(h) Installation of central heating boiler In the year Ö Not known

(i) Installation of Solar Panels In the year Ö Not known

If “YES” what consents were obtained under any restrictions in your title deeds?

(Note: The title deeds of some properties include clauses which are called “restrictive covenants”. These
may, for example, forbid the owner of the property from carrying out any building work, from using it for
business purposes, or from parking a caravan or boat unless someone else (often the builder of the house)
gives consent.)

10.2 Has consent under those restrictions been obtained for anything else Yes Ö No
done at the property?
10.3 If any consent was needed but not obtained:

(a) Please explain why not:

(b) From whom should it have been obtained:

(Note: Improvements can affect council tax banding following a sale.)

10.4 Do you know if there is an indemnity policy for the property? Yes Ö No

(Note: If consent should have been obtained under the restrictions and there is no evidence that it was
obtained; or, there has been some problem with the title to the property or its rights or a missing planning
permission, building regulation approval or completion certificate, it is sometimes necessary to take out an
indemnity policy to protect the owner of the property and the lender against a future claim.)

Section 11: Conservatories

Is there a conservatory at the property? If no, go to question 12. Ö Yes No

11.1 Is your conservatory on any wall of the property such that it fronts the Yes Ö No
public highway or footpath?

11.2 Is the conservatory only on the ground level of the property? Ö Yes No

11.3 Is it used solely for domestic purposes? Ö Yes No

11.4 Is the volume of the conservatory less than 15% of the original volume of Ö Yes No
the property and less than 70 cubic metres in total? (or less than 10% if
the property is a terraced house or in a Conservation Area/Area of
Outstanding Beauty, the Broads or a National Park and less than 50
cubic metres)

11.5 Is the overall height of the conservatory less than 4 metres? Ö Yes No

11.6 Is any part of the conservatory within 2 metres of any boundary of your Ö Yes No

11.7 Is the floor area less than 30 metres square? Ö Yes No

11.8 Is the roof glazed with translucent or transparent materials? Ö Yes No

11.9 Is the conservatory glazed with safety glass at low level (i.e. from floor to Yes Ö No
800mm in any wall and up to 1500mm in any door)

11.10 Does the conservatory contain sleeping accommodation? Yes Ö No

11.11 Is the conservatory permanently separated from the rest of the property Ö Yes No
by means of external quality walls, doors or windows?

11.12 Is the conservatory permanently heated? Yes Ö No

11.13 If the answer to 11.12 is yes, please confirm that the heating is by an Yes No
independent heating system with separate temperature and on/off

11.14 Does the conservatory contain any drainage facilities (e.g. for a sink or Yes Ö No
washing machine?)

11.15 When was the conservatory built? Insert Date: Unknown

Section 12: Planning and Building Control

12.1 Is the property used only as a private home? If ‘no’, please give details: Ö Yes No

12.2 Has the property been designated as a Listed Building or the area Yes Ö No
designated as a Conservation Area? If so, when did this happen? Not known
In The Year:

12.3 Was planning permission, building regulation approval or listed building Yes No
consent obtained for each of the changes mentioned in 10? (Please list Enclosed To follow
separately and supply copies of the relevant permissions and, where
appropriate, certificates of completion.) Lost

12.4 If any of the changes mentioned in 10.1 (f) have taken place, and the work Yes No
completed after 1 April 2002, please supply either a FENSA certificate or
Enclosed To follow
a building regulation certificate.

12.5 Are you aware of any improvement grants or similar grants being given in Yes Ö No
respect of your property which will need to be repaid on completion? If
yes, please give details:

12.6 Have any electrical works been carried out at the property since 1st Yes Ö No
January 2005? If yes, please supply a Self-Certification from the
authorised installer or a copy of the Building Regulation approval:

12.7 Has any boiler installation or other gas installation been carried out at the Yes Ö No
property since 1st April 2002? If yes, please supply a copy of the relevant
Corgi Certificate or Building Regulation Approval:

12.8 Are you aware of any proposed development or building work for any Yes Ö No
neighbouring land or property? If yes, please give details:

12.9 Is the property affected by a Tree Preservation Order? Yes Ö No

12.10 If so have you chopped/lopped or topped any tree affected by the Order? Yes Ö No
If yes, please give details and forward copies of the Local Authority
permission for this work:

12.11 Please confirm whether or not planning or new connections have been Yes Ö No
made to any drainage stack or underground drain? In The Year:
Section 13: Expenses

13.1 Have you ever had to pay for the use of the property (Ignore Council Tax, Yes Ö No
water rates, gas, electricity and telephone bills. Disclose anything else:
examples are the clearance of a cesspool or septic tank, drainage rate,
rent charge)? If yes, please give details:

(Note: If you are selling a leasehold property details of the lease’s expenses should be included on the
Seller’s Leasehold Information Form and not on this form.)

Section 14: Mechanics of the Sale

14.1 Is this sale dependent on your buying another property? Yes Ö No

14.2 If 'YES' what stage have the negotiations reached?

14.3 Do you require a mortgage? Yes Ö No

14.4 If 'YES' has an offer been received and/or accepted or a mortgage Yes No
certificate obtained?

Section 15: Moving Date

15.1 Please detail any special requirement about a moving date (e.g. dates on which you cannot move):

22 August – 9 September 2019

(Note: This will not be fixed until contracts are exchanged i.e. have become binding. Until then you should
only make provisional removal arrangements)

Section 16: Overriding Interests

16.1 Is the property affected by any lease granted for a term of 7 years or less? Yes Ö No
Or an old lease having 7 years or less remaining? If yes, please give details:

16.2 Does anyone else exercise rights over the property which are not Yes Ö No
contained in your title documents? If yes, please give details:

• Rights of way (other than public rights of way)
• Rights to run pipes, wires or cables through the property (whether below, on the surface or at a high level)
• Rights to park
• Rights claimed by anyone in actual occupation of the property
• Rights of light
• Rights of support from adjoining properties This will not be fixed until contracts are exchanged i.e. have
become binding. Until then you should only make provisional removal arrangements)
16.3 Are you aware of the property being affected by any of the following? Yes Ö No
• The right of another party to take things from the land (e.g. timber, hay or fish)
• Customary rights (rights deriving from local traditions)
• Franchises (such as a right to hold a fair)
• A right to rent which was reserved to the Crown on the granting of a freehold estate
• Any rights relating to embankments or sea or river walls
• Rights to minerals
• Manorial rights
• Any rights to payments in lieu of tithe (usually known as corn rents)
• Chancel repair liability
If yes, please give details:

Section 17: Environmental Matters

17.1 To your knowledge has the property or its garden or land in the vicinity of Yes Ö No
the property ever suffered from flooding? If yes, please give details:

17.2 Are you aware of any contamination, landfill, or pollutants affecting the Yes Ö No
land on which your property is built or the surrounding area?
If yes, please give details:

17.3 Has the property ever suffered from: Yes Ö No

• Subsidence
• Defective Drains
• Damp Penetration
• Fungal or Insect Infestation
• Structural Defects
If yes, please give details:

17.4 Have protective measures against the build-up of Radon Gas been Yes No
incorporated in the construction of the property? Ö Not known

17.5 Has the level of Radon Gas been measured at the property? Yes No
Ö Not known

17.6 Were the results below the Action Level (as prescribed by the National Yes No
Radiological Protection Board)? If no, please give details:
17.7 Were any remedial measures installed at the property as a result of the Yes No
test detailed above? If yes, please give details:

17.8 Is the property affected by Japanese Knotweed? If yes, please give Yes Ö No

17.9 If Yes, please state whether there is a Japanese Knotweed management Yes No
plan and supply a copy.
Enclosed To Follow


Section 18: Mining

18.1 Are you aware of any current or past mines or mineral working in the Yes Ö No
vicinity of the property?

18.2 Are you aware of any damage caused to the property due to mining within Yes Ö No
the vicinity of the property? If yes, please give details:

18.3 Has the Seller made a claim in respect of any damage? Yes Ö No
If yes, please give details:

18.4 Is the Seller aware of any claim being made by any previous owner? Yes Ö No
If yes, please give details:

18.5 Please provide us with a copy of the schedule or correspondence of any Enclosed Ö N/A
work carried out by the coal board.

Section 19: General Questions

19.1 What Council Tax band is the property in? Please detail:

19.2 Will you be taking your telephone number with you? Yes Ö No

19.3 Has your property ever been burgled? Yes Ö No

19.4 Please confirm that on completion you will remove all rubbish and items not Ö Yes No
included from the sale from the property including garden, loft and any sheds
19.5 Has the property been the subject of a deed of gift or a transaction at Yes Ö No
undervalue within the last five years (i.e.: has the property been gifted/sold
for less than the full market value)? If yes, please give details:

19.6 Please confirm that all meters will be read upon completion and that the Ö Yes No
seller will not apply for any of the services to be disconnected up to or on
completion. If no, please give details:

19.7 Have there been difficulties regarding connection of any services and/or Yes Ö No
recurrent difficulties with the provision of services to the property?
If yes, please give details:

19.8 Where does the seller park any motor vehicles? If this is on this public highway are there any restrictions
relating to parking? If so, please give details:

Public highway – no restrictions

19.9 Please confirm that you are aware of the covenants affecting the property. Yes Ö No
If yes, please detail any breaches of covenants:

19.10 Please confirm all appliances and equipment which are to be transferred Ö Yes No
to the Buyer as part of the property (e.g. locks, windows, the lavatory, all
kitchen equipment, radiators, heating, hot water and gas appliances,
electrical circuitry, etc.) are working properly and will continue to be
working at the time of completion.
If no, please confirm which of these are not working:



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