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Words that are used to modify a noun or pronoun are called

adjectives. An adjective describes, identify or quantify noun or
Classification of Adjectives
1. Adjective of Quality: (Describes the quality). She has beautiful
2. Adjective Quantity: (how much?)_He ate a lot of chocolates.
3. Adjective Number:(how many?)_ In my class there are thirty
4. Demonstrative Adjective: (Specifies noun or pronoun) _This
man is a singer.
5. PossessiveAdjective: (It shows belongings.)_These are my
6. InterrogativeAdjective: (Used to ask questions.)_Which books
have you selected?

Degrees of Adjectives
1) By addition of '-er' and '-est' to the positive degree
2) By addition of '-r' and '-st' to the positive degree ending in
brave braver bravest
fine finer finest
nice nicer nicest
noble nobler noblest
pale paler palest
simple simpler simplest
white whiter whitest
3) When the positive ends in 'y' and has a consonant before it,
we change 'y' into 'i' and then add 'er' and 'est'.
By deleting the final ‘y’ and adding ‘ier’ and ‘iest’
costly costlier costliest
dry drier driest
easy easier easiest
heavy heavier heaviest
lazy lazier laziest
wealthy wealthier wealthiest
4) When the positive degree ends in a consonant with a vowel
before it, we double the consonant & then add '-er' and '-est'
big bigger biggest
dim dimmer dimmest
fat fatter fattest
hot hotter hottest
thin thinner thinnest
5) By addition of '-er' and '-est' to the positive degree when it
ends in '-y'
gay gayer gayest

grey greyer Greyest

6) By placing 'more' and 'most' before the positive form

active more active most active
attractive more attractive most attractive
beautiful more beautiful most beautiful
brilliant more brilliant most brilliant
careful more careful most careful
courageous more courageous most courageous
cunning more cunning most cunning
difficult more difficult most difficult
famous more famous most famous
faithful more faithful most faithful
important more important most important
proper more proper most proper
popular more popular most popular
splendid more splendid most splendid
suitable more suitable most suitable

Some adjectives do not follow any of the rules explained earlier.

They are compared irregularly. Here are the different forms of
such adjectives.
bad worse worst
evil worse worst
good better best
ill worse worst
far farther farthest
well better best
little less least
much more most
many more most
near nearer nearest
old older oldest
old elder Eldest

Interchange of the Degrees of Comparison

It is possible to change the degree of comparison without changing
the meaning of a sentence. Study the following examples.
· Positive: No other girl in the class is as tall as Alice.

· Comparative: Alice is taller than any other girl in the class.

· Superlative: Alice is the tallest girl in the class.

As you can see, all the sentences mean the same.

More examples:
· Positive: No other metal is as precious as gold.

· Comparative: Gold is more precious than any other metal.

· Superlative: Gold is the most precious of all metals.

· Superlative: Susie is one of the cleverest girls in the class.

· Comparative: Susie is cleverer than most other girls in the
· Positive: Few girls in the class are as clever as Susie.
Points to keep in mind:
· To change positive degree affirmative sentence to comparative
or vice versa it will change into negative form e.g.:
i. He is as tall as his brother.(Positive)
His brother is not taller than he.( Comparative)
ii. He is taller than his brother. (Comparative)
His brother is not as tall as he. (Positive)
iii. He works as well as his brother. (Positive)
His brother does not work better than he. (Comparative)

· To change a sentence with superlative degree to comparative

degree and positive degree ‘no other’ is added.

Superlative: He is the ablest boy in the class.

Comparative: No other boy in the class is abler than he.
Positive: No other boy in the class is as able as he.
· If in the sentence words ‘ one of the ....’ are used, while
i. to comparative degree following method is used:
Subject + Verb + Adjective in comparative degree + than +
most other + remaining part of the sentence as it is.
He is one of the ablest boys of the school. (superlative)
He is abler than most other boys of the school. (comparative)
ii. To change to Positive degree
Few + Remaining sentence after Superlative degree + Verb
+as +Positive Degree +as Subject.

He is one of the ablest boys of the school.

Few boys of the school are as able as he. (positive degree)
Exercise –Transform the sentences by changing degree of adjective without
changing the meaning:
1. Burj Khalifa is the tallest building in the world. (Change to Positive
2. Dogs are more faithful than cats. (Change to positive degree)
3. Dipali is the best girl in the class. (Change to comparative degree)
4. Jupiter is the biggest of all the planets.( Comparative degree)
5. No other monument is finer than the Taj Mahal in India. (Change to
superlative degree)
6. Few girls are as popular as her in the college. (Change to Superlative
7. Ashoka was one of the greatest kings. (Change to comparative degree)
8. Rose is prettier than most other flowers in the world. (Positive degree)
9. Ravi is one of the most courageous boys in the class.(Comparative degree)
10. No other member is as old as Mahesh in the family.(Superlative Degree)
1. No other building in the world is as tall as Burj Khalifa. (Positive degree)
2. Cats are not as faithful as dogs. (Positive degree)
3. No other girl is better than Dipali in the class. (Comparative degree)
4. No other planet is bigger than Jupiter.( Comparative degree)
5. The Taj Mahal is the finest monument in India. (Superlative degree)
6. She is one of the most popular girls in the college. (Change to Superlative
7. Ashoka was greater than most other kings. (Comparative degree)
8. Few other flowers in the world are as pretty as rose. (Positive degree)
9. Ravi is more courageous than most other boys in the class.
10. Mahesh is the eldest member in the family.(Superlative Degree)

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