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Speakout Pre-Intermediate pp67-76 PDF

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UNIT 7 7

Talk about a life change
Tell the story of a man’s life
Learn to find out

Listen to a radio programme
about two women who
changed their lives
Understand short,
predictable conversations

Watch an extract from
the beginning of a BBC
film My Family and Other

Read and predict
information in a story

Use paragraphs to write
about a change
Write a blog/diary

Video podcast: How has
your life changed in the
last ten years?
DVD: My Family And
Other Animals


Stuck in a rut p68 The great impostor p70 Can you tell me …? p72 My Family & Other Animals p74
7.1 STUCK IN A RUT 7.1
GRAMMAR | used to VOCABULARY | verbs + prepositions HOW TO | talk about a life change
7A Find and correct the mistakes. There are mistakes in four
of the sentences.
VOCABULARY verbs + prepositions
1 When I was a child I used to cycle to school yesterday.
1A Work in pairs. Discuss. Would you like to change anything 2 My brother always used listen to heavy metal music.
in your life? What would you change. Why? 3 My family used to live in a different city.
B Read the text and circle the correct answer to complete 4 I used to stay up all night dancing. Now I get tired at 10p.m.
sentences 1–3 below. 5 We didn’t used to have any pets.
6 We used to go skiing in the holidays last year.
Radio Highlights: Life Change Saturday 7p.m.
Are you bored with your life or your job? Do you do the B 7.2 Listen to check. Repeat the sentences.
same thing every day? Perhaps you’re stuck in a rut, C Change the sentences so they are true for you. Compare your
and it’s time to look for something new. sentences with other students.
Every year thousands of people dream about changing
their lives. Many want to give up their jobs and start a
new career, or move house or learn a new skill. Lots of SPEAKING
people say they’d like to do something different, like travel 8A Make a note of three things that have changed in your life
around the world, or move to a new country. But only a in the last ten years. Think about your appearance/home/work/
few people actually follow their dreams. Around holiday studies/free time.
times a quarter of the people in the UK think about
changing jobs, but when the holiday finishes, they just go B Work in pairs. Discuss. How have your lives changed?
back to work as normal. Others wait for an opportunity
their whole lives but it never comes. We talked to two WRITING paragraphs
women who were not afraid of changing their lives. Listen
to their stories on Life Change. 9A Read about Ryan’s life-changing decision. Put the sentences
in the correct order to complete the paragraphs.
Anita Paragraph 1
1 To be stuck in a rut means:
LISTENING One of the best decisions I ever made was to go back to school. 1
a) to work/live in a boring situation which never changes.
I've always thought that being a teacher would be interesting __
b) to work/live in the same place for many years. 3A Look at the photos. What life changes do you
GRAMMAR used to So I went back to college and did a teacher training course. __
think these women have made?
2 Most people who think about changing their lives: Before that, I was working for a company, but I didn't enjoy my
B 7.1 Listen and check. 6A Read sentences a)–c) and answer the questions.
a) change one thing. job. __
a) Anita used to work in advertising.
b) don’t change anything. 4A Read sentences 1–10 below. Are the sentences
b) Jasmin didn’t use to have time for anything else.
Paragraph 2
3 When twenty-five percent of people in the UK go on holiday: true (T) or false (F)? Doing the course wasn’t easy. 1
c) Did you use to play the piano?
a) they have ideas about changing their jobs. Anita Now, I have a teaching qualification, and I’m doing the job I’ve always
1 Anita worked long hours in an advertising job. 1 Did Anita work in advertising in the past? wanted to do. __
b) they want to move to another country.
2 She was nearly thirty years old when she decided to 2 Does she work in advertising now? So I used to study in the evenings. __
2A Complete the sentences with the phrases in bold from the change her life. 3 Did Jasmin have time for leisure activities in the past? For example, I had to work to earn money, and find time to do
text in Exercise 1. 3 She wanted to travel around the world. 4 Does she have more time for these activities now? coursework. __
1 I sometimes think about doing a different job. 4 She gave up her job to follow her dream. 5 Does question c) ask about the past or present?
B In each paragraph find sentences which:
2 I really enjoy travelling, but I wouldn’t _______ another country 5 She worked on a farm in South America.
to live. B Look at your answers to questions 1–5 above and 1 contain the main idea
Jasmin underline the correct alternatives to complete the 2 support the idea
3 I want to _______ my job, and _______ to studying.
6 Jasmin worked more than a hundred hours a week. rules. 3 finish or conclude the paragraph
4 I need to speak English because I want to ________ a better
job. I ________ working as a famous journalist. 7 She looked after children in a hospital.
8 She played the piano well when she was a child. Rules: C Write about a decision which changed your life. Write your
5 I should ________ a pay rise before I buy a new car. story in paragraphs. Use sentences to introduce and support the
9 She started piano lessons and learnt to write songs. 1 Used to describes a habit or situation which was
6 I would love to ________ different countries. idea and conclude the paragraph.
10 Now she plays her own music. true in the past but it is not the same now. You
B Tick the sentences you agree with. Work in pairs and can also use the present/past simple with the same
meaning. One of the best decisions I ever made was .
compare your ideas. B Listen again to check.
I wanted to . So I .
5 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. 2 If something used to happen, it happened once/
speakout TIP more than once. wasn’t easy because .
1 Do you think it was a good idea for the women to
make these life changes? Why/Why not? But . Now, I .
There are many phrases with prepositions in English. ➠ page 140 LANGUAGEBANK
Keep a page for phrases with prepositions in your 2 Would you make any changes like this yourself ?
notebook. Write the examples of verbs + prepositions in
your notebook. Can you think of any other examples?

68 69
GRAMMAR | purpose, cause and result VOCABULARY | collocations HOW TO | use phrases to connect ideas
VOCABULARY collocations 7 Work in pairs and take turns. Student A:
make sentences with phrases from A. Use the
4A Match 1–7 with a)–g) to make collocations (words that go past simple. Student B: complete Student A’s
READING together). sentence with phrases from B and so, to or
1 cure a) successful/famous because.
1 Read the definition of impostor. Do you know any
2 make a b) a role/a part in a film A: I went to the cinema …
stories about people who ‘pretend to be someone else’?
3 save c) film/documentary B: … to watch a film.
4 become d) a crime/a murder A: I studied my notes …
5 be arrested for e) a man’s life/money B: … because I had an exam.
6 spend f ) illnesses/people
From Longman Wordwise Dictionary. A B
7 play g) six months in prison/time abroad
2A Look at the film poster. Who do you think this man go to the cin have an ex
pretended to be? B Work in pairs. Retell the story of Demara’s life using the ema am
collocations above.
B Read the story. As you read, stop at each question and,
with a partner, guess the answer. Then read to find out.
study my notes become a nurse
speakout TIP
can’t drive
Work in pairs and discuss the questions. Many words come in pairs, e.g. cure illnesses, become famous. When want to help people
1 Why do you think Demara did these things? you hear or read collocations, write them in your notebook. Think
2 Do you think he was a good man? of other words that go with play and make. go to the doctor get a Master’s de
3 Do you think people like Demara should be punished?
GRAMMAR purpose, cause and result like travellin
g invite her to a party

1 Ferdinand Waldo Demara was probably the greatest 4 Demara didn’t go to prison because people thought he was 5A Complete sentences 1–3 with so, to or because.
go to university
impostor in history. He was born in the USA in a hero. Instead the police released him and gave him extra Purpose (the reason for an action) feel sick
1921. As a young man he pretended to be a doctor, money to say ‘thank you’ for his great work! But later the 1 He appeared in a 1960 film ______ make some money.
phone my friend
an engineer, a lawyer, a university professor, a police arrested him for a different crime.
Cause (it makes something happen) love listening to music
soldier, and a sailor. Demara’s greatest adventure was
during the Korean War. What did he do? 2 Demara didn’t go to prison _______ people thought he was a hero. cycle to work
watch a film
a) He robbed a bank. Result (the consequence of something)
What did he do? buy an iPo
b) He pretended to be a policeman. 3 She knew this was not her son, _____ she told the police. d become a pil
a) He pretended to be a doctor on a ship. ot
c) He pretended to be a teacher. B Check your answers in the text in Exercise 2B.
b) He worked for the Korean government.
Read 2 to find out →
c) He pretended to be a politician. C Look again at the text in Exercise 2B and find more examples of
so, to or because.
Read 6 to find out → 5 Demara became famous because of his great work as the
ship’s doctor and his photo appeared in some newspapers ➠ page 140 LANGUAGEBANK 8A Discuss the questions below.
in Canada. The mother of the real Dr Cyr saw the photo. 1 Why do people tell lies about their life?
2 Demara pretended to be a teacher and the police She knew this was not her son, so she told the police and PRACTICE 2 When might you tell a lie?
caught him. He spent six months in prison. After
this, he played one more role. He appeared in a
they arrested him. 6A Underline the correct alternative. B Work in pairs. Read the situations below and
1960 film (called The Hypnotic Eye) to make some 1 I’m doing an English course so/to/because improve my speaking. discuss. Would you tell a lie in these situations?
What happened next?
money, acting as a doctor. But real fame arrived in 2 I’ll do many jobs in the future so/to/because I like to try different Why/Why not?
1961 when Hollywood made a film of Demara’s life. a) He went to prison. things. 1 An employee at your company is bad at her job.
b) He didn’t go to prison. 3 I’d like to become famous so/to/because I’m going to study acting. She tells you a secret: she used false documents
c) He escaped to Europe. 4 You need to communicate well so/to/because become successful in (CV and references) to get her job. The boss
3 The bullet was very close to the soldier’s heart. my job. asks you about her.
Read 4 to find out →
Demara studied from a book so that he could save 5 I’d like to make a film about my life so/to/because I’ve had many 2 Your best friend introduces her new boyfriend
the man’s life. He removed the bullet and the soldier 6 In 1951 Demara pretended to be Dr Joseph Cyr (a real great experiences. to you. You don’t like him because he doesn’t
lived. In fact, while Demara’s worked as a doctor, doctor) so that he could work on a ship. The soldiers loved 6 I’d love to spend time abroad so/to/because experience another listen or care about anyone else. Your friend
none of his patients died. But in the end he became him! He cured their illnesses, he pulled out bad teeth and culture. asks for your opinion of him.
too successful. he performed difficult operations. He had his greatest 3 A friend buys a designer bag for $50 from a man
7 I’m going to take an exam so/to/because I have to study a lot.
moment after a soldier was shot. 8 It’s difficult to be an impostor so/to/because you can never relax. on the street. She says the bag usually costs
What happened? $300 so she bought it. You know the bag isn’t a
a) He appeared on TV and his friends recognised him. What did he do? B Are any of the sentences true for you? Work in pairs and real designer bag. She asks if you want one.
b) His photo and false name appeared in a newspaper. a) He jumped into the sea and helped the soldier. compare your ideas.
c) He became a film star. b) He pretended to be the dead soldier.
Read 5 to find out → c) He performed an operation that saved the soldier’s life.
Read 3 to find out →

70 71
7.3 CAN YOU TELL M E … ? 7.3
FUNCTION | finding out information VOCABULARY | facilities LEARN TO | check information
5 Listen again. Are the statements true (T) or false LEARN TO check information
1 The registration desk is in the main reception. 9A 7.4 Read and listen to the different ways of checking
READING information in bold below.
2 The study centre is next to the cafeteria.
1 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. 3 There is internet in the library. Extract 1
1 Is there a university in your town? What can 4 The library is open from ten until five every day. B: Do you know where the main reception is?
you study there? 5 You can get a new student card from the main A: Sorry?
2 Would you like to study in another country? reception. B: The main reception.
Why/Why not? 6 Room 301 is on the third floor on the right. A: Oh, yes.
2 Read the text and answer the questions. 7 The stationery shop is upstairs. Extract 2
1 What do Chinese students think about 8 The welfare office is next to the stationery shop. C: It’s next to the cafeteria.
studying abroad? A: The cafeteria? Where’s that?
6A Complete the phrases with the words in the box.
2 How many Chinese students are there at UK
Extract 3
can excuse have need help time kind A: Do I have to pay?
D: No.
It’s a different world
Getting attention
1 A: So it’s free for students.
me, …
cation D: Yes, that’s right.
There is a Chinese saying about edu Could you 2 me?
boo ks and walk 1,000
which says, ‘Read 1,000 Can you tell me where/what … ? Extract 4
exac tly wha t stud ents from
miles.’ And this is E: It’s open every day, from 9a.m. until 6p.m.
Rep ubli c of Chin a are doin g. There Asking for information
the People’s
ese stud ents at
are now more than 66,000 Chin Where 3 I get/find/buy … ? A: Did you say ‘every day’?
do stud ents feel abou t
UK universities. So, how When can I use/start … ? E: Yes, that’s right. Every day, from nine in the morning until six in
‘It’s diffi cult at first ,’ says Yi
coming to the UK? the evening.
ty. ‘Everything What 4
Lina, a student at Bristol Universi is the library open?
le. But step
is very different: the food, the peop What time do the lessons start? Extract 5
open a bank account,
by step, it gets easier. You Can I … ? A: I need to find out about my accommodation. Can you tell me
ne cont ract , and star t talk ing to
get a mobile pho where to go?
people. It has been a great experien
ce.’ Do I 5 to … ?
I: Accommodation? I think you have to go to the welfare office.
Is it free/open/near?
I6 to find out about/speak to … B What are the speakers doing in each conversation?
Thanking someone a) Repeating the key words/phrases as a question
VOCABULARY facilities Thank you so much. b) Asking a checking question/asking for repetition
3A Match 1–5 with the places in the box. That’s very 7 . c) Rephrasing

B Read audio script 7.3 on page 173 to check your C 7.5 Listen and repeat the phrases in bold in Exercise 9A.
study centre book shop cafeteria
answers. How does the intonation change?
stationery shop main reception
classroom photocopying room library ➠ page 140 LANGUAGEBANK 10 Work in pairs. Role-play the situation below. Student A:
accommodation/welfare office you are a student. You have lost your bag. Student B: you work
lecture theatre registration desk
7 Find and correct the mistakes. There are two
mistakes in each conversation. at the reception desk.
1 A: Excuse to me, where’s the book shop? Student Receptionist
1 borrow a book FUNCTION finding out information
2 buy pens, paper and notebooks B: There’s one around corner. Explain the situation.
3 register for a new course 4A Make questions with the prompts below. 2 A: What time do the swimming pool open? Find out exactly what happened.
4 buy a snack a) where / register for my course 1 B: During the week it opens on eight o’clock. At the
weekend it opens at nine. Ask what you need to do.
5 find information about where you are staying Where do I register for my course?
b) where / the study centre __ 3 A: Can tell me where to get a student card, please? Explain that he/she needs to
B Work in pairs and take turns. Student A: c) what time / the library open __ B: You need going to reception. go to the welfare office and
say a place. Student B: say what you can do 4 A: Where I can get a coffee? complete a form.
d) can / help / find my classroom __
A: What can you do in a photocopying room? e) where / use the internet __ B: There’s a cafeteria over there, next the library. Ask where the welfare office is.
B: You can make photocopies. f) where / buy a notebook __ 8 Work in pairs. Student A: turn to page 165. Give directions.
g) where / get a new student card __ Student B: turn to page 166.
C Discuss. Which of these facilities can you Check that you understand
find in your language school/university? h) can / tell me / where / go (for information about …) __ what you have to do/ask
Where are they? Which of them do you often/ B 7.3 Listen to the situations. Number the questions above for repetition.
never use? in the order you hear them. Repeat any information.
Thank the receptionist.

72 73

DVD PREVIEW DVD VIEW speakout a new experience writeback a blog/diary

1 Work in pairs. Discuss. Have you ever tried to 3 Watch the DVD. Then number the scenes in the
6A 7.6 Listen to Agata talking about when she 8A Read part of a web diary about Sadie’s first year at
moved to the USA. Answer the questions. university and answer the questions.
communicate with people who can’t speak your correct order.
1 What was the problem? 1 Is she enjoying university life?
language? Where were you? What happened? a) The family are at home in London. It’s August, but they
2 How did she feel? 2 Did she have any problems? What were they?
2A Read the programme information. Where do do not feel well. 1

3 What happened in the end?

the family move to? Why? b) The family look for a house to live in, but they cannot find
one with a bathroom. So far … so good
B Listen again and tick the key phrases you hear.
c) They meet Spiro and he finds them a beautiful house I moved to Leeds in July to go to Leeds University and
My Family And (villa).
I am really enjoying the experience so far. It’s been a
Other Animals d) They decide to look by themselves, so they try to get a
taxi. It was my first day at …
fantastic year. I’ve really enjoyed living somewhere new.
Although I miss my family and friends at home. I’ve met
e) They arrive on a boat and the customs officer checks their The biggest problem was …
lots of people and I love living in the big city. There is
suitcases. I felt very nervous/shy/excited when …
always so much to see and do. It’s very different to living
I couldn’t …
at home. When I first arrived, I used to get lost all the
4A Match the people in the box with sentences 1–9 I didn’t know …
below. time. Now, I’ve bought a bicycle, and I cycle everywhere.
I wasn’t …
Mother Lawrence Spiro Gerry Leslie Luckily, I met/made friends …
In the end … B Write a blog/diary about your new experience.
1 ‘It’s August. We need sunshine … Why don’t we pack up Use the questions in Exercise 7A and the structure
and go?’ Lawrence 7A Talk about a new experience (e.g. when below to help you.
2 ‘I’m a writer. That one’s very good.’ you moved to a new place/started a new One thing that has really changed in my life is
3 ‘It’s our bed linen. You silly man.’ course/job). Before you speak, think . I decided to so that/to
about the questions below. Make . Before that, I used to .

4 ‘You’ve shown us ten houses, and none of them has a
y Family And Other Animals is a some notes. At first, , because , but
BBC film based on Gerald Durrell’s 1 Where were you? . In the end .
5 ‘They must have bathrooms. We’ll find a place ourselves.’
book. It tells the story of the Durrells, a 2 How did you feel?
rather unusual family: Gerry – a twelve- 6 ‘We don’t actually speak Greek.
3 Did you have any problems?
year old who loves animals, his sister 7 ‘You need someone who talks your language?’
4 What did you do about them?
Margot, his brother Leslie, his eldest 8 ‘All the English tourists, they ask for me when they come
to the island … There. Villa with bathrooms.’ 5 Did you meet anyone who helped you?
brother, the intellectual Lawrence and their
mother. One wet grey day in the 1930s 9 ‘We’ll take it.’ 6 What happened in the end?
the family decide to escape the English B Work in groups and take turns. Tell each other
B Watch the DVD again to check.
weather. They sell their house and move to about your experiences.
the sunny island of Corfu in Greece. Here 5 Work in pairs and discuss the questions.
they experience a new life of freedom and 1 Which character do you like best? Why?
adventure. But the beginning isn’t easy, so 2 Where do tourists like to go when they visit your country?
they are delighted when they make a new What problems do they have?
friend, Spiro.

B Look at the photo and read the programme

information again. Who are the people in the photo?

74 75


1A Complete the phrases with a 3A Underline the correct INFORMATION
suitable preposition. alternative in sentences 1–8 below. 5A Put the sentences in the correct
1 What do you dream _____ doing 1 The doctor cured/cared me. order to complete the conversations.
in the future? 2 Thish ero rescued/saved my life! Conservation 1
2 Would you like to travel _____ the 3 Sometimesb usinessesc an become/
world? Which countries would you a) Excuse me, could you help me? 1
develop very successful.
like to visit? b) Thank you. And what’s your
4 My friend Jack spends/goes most of
3 Have you ever given _____ a surname? __
his time watching TV.
hobby? Why? c) Do you have a registration form? __
5 She lost her job after being arrested
4 Would you ever move _____ a by/for a crime. d) Your course? OK. Do you have a
different town? Why/Why not? registration form? __
6 Thec riminal spent/passed ten
5 Are you thinking _____ making months in prison. e) I need to find out about my
any changes to your life at the course. __
moment? What are they? 7 I played/was the role of Hamlet.
f ) Sorry? __
6 Would you like to go _____ to 8 I would like to build/make a film.
g) Oh, yes. In my bag. Here it is. __
your last school for a day?
B Work in pairs. Add another h) It’s Gorski. __
B Work in pairs and take turns. sentence to sentences 1–8 above. i) Yes, of course. What can I do for
Ask and answer the questions. The doctor cured me. Then I married you? __
Conversation 2
a) To the reception? __
2A Make questions with the PURPOSE, CAUSE AND
b) The swimming pool opens at eight
prompts. Begin with Did you use RESULT o’clock. __
to … ? 4A Match 1–8 with a)–h) to make c) OK, thanks. Is it free for students? __
When you were a child: sentences. d) Yes, that’s right. __
1 you / work / hard / school? 1 I went to the library last week e) Thanks very much. __
2 you / eat / fast food? 2 I helped my friend f ) No, it’s not free, but it’s cheaper if
3 you / spend / time / 3 I wanted to eat out you have a student card. __
grandparents? g) Yes, show your card to the reception
4 I studied
4 you / get / ill / often? when you come in. __
5 I put my feet up and watched TV so
5 you / have / special friend? h) Eight. OK. So, do I have to bring my
6 I called some old friends to
6 you / play any sport? student card? __
7 I went to bed late because
7 you / travel to school / public i) Excuse me, could you tell me what
8 I went to a meeting time the swimming pool opens? __
8 you / live / different place? a) to improve my English.
B Work in pairs and practise the
b) I was at a party.
B Choose two or three of the conversations.
c) to discuss business.
questions above and write two
d) hear their news.
more related questions.
e) I could relax.
C Work in pairs and take turns. f) to find a book.
Ask and answer the questions.
g) because she had a problem.
A: Did you use to work hard at
school? h) so I went to a restaurant.
B: Yes, I did. B Work in pairs. Choose four Download the video
A: What subjects did you use to phrases from 1–8 above. Make podcast and view
enjoy? questions to ask what your partner people describing
B: I used to enjoy art and drama. did last week. their lives and how
A: Really? Did you use to get good A: Did you go to the library? they have changed
exam results? B: Yes, I did. over time.
B: Well, most of the time … A: Why?
B: To find a book. ic BB C interv


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