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Speakout Pronunciation Extra Elementary Unit 12

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12.1 3A 12.4 SOUNDS and SPELLING: /ɔː/ Look at
some different spellings of the sound. Then listen
1A 12.1 WEAK AND STRONG FORMS: have/has and repeat the sound and words.
Listen and complete each conversation with two /ɔː/ corner, performance, sore, warm, quarter,
words. door, fourth, talk, water, bought, caught, saw
1 A: Have you ever worked in a restaurant?
B: Yes, I have. I’ve worked in a . B Look at the table. Start at ‘fortieth’ and go to
‘daughter’. Choose only words with an /ɔː/ sound.
2 A: Has he ever wanted to do a different job?
Go up, down, le or right.
B: No, he hasn’t. He loves being
. fortieth prawns before work
3 A: Has she ever driven a lorry?
cough wallet important journey
B: Yes, she has. She’s driven lorries and
. horror thought board cupboard
4 A: Have you used this machine before?
colour shorts doctor lawyer
B: No, I haven’t. Could you ?
motor normal order daughter
B Read the Pronunciation tip. Then write w (weak)
or s (strong) over each example of have or has in C 12.5 Listen and check. Then listen and repeat.
Exercise 1A.
4 A LINKING: prepositions Read the text and circle
PRONUNCIATION TIP eight prepositions of movement (towards, into,
away from, etc.)
In questions, have and has are usually weak.
Have /həv/ you met him? Has /həz/ he used it? My favourite stunt is in an Indiana Jones film when a
In negative sentences, haven’t and hasn’t are strong: stuntman goes under a truck. Another favourite is in
/hævənt/ /hæzənt/. a James Bond film where a stuntman runs across a
river on the back of crocodiles! Some actors do their
In short answers, have and has are always strong.
own stunts. In Bullitt Steve McQueen drove through
Yes, I have /hæv/. No, it hasn’t /hæzənt/.
San Francisco in a car chase. Jackie Chan has walked
over hot coals, fallen off a tower and run down a
C Listen again and check. Then listen and repeat. building. Tom Cruise has driven into walls and
climbed up one of the tallest buildings in Dubai.
2A 12.2 SOUNDS and SPELLING: /h/ Cross out the He’s a modern day action man!
‘h’ where it is not pronounced /h/. Then listen and
check. B 12.6 Draw any links between the prepositions
and the words coming before or aer them. Then
hour hotel elephant who theatre shoulder listen and check.
chat overweight hospital what behind
husband laugh hurt C 12.7 Listen and say the full text with the
B Complete the conversations with words beginning
with ‘h’. Then match sentences 1−4 with 12.3
responses a)−d).
1 H you ever h
5A 12.8 INTONATION: politeness in telephone
calls Listen to the conversation. Is speaker A
a romantic dinner on a boat?       friendly and polite or not?
2 Let me h you.      
A: Good morning. Blue Star Company. You’re
3 It’s very h in here, and noisy.       speaking to Abby. How can I help you?
4 I’m so h ! Is there anything B: Hello. Could I speak to customer services, please?
to eat?      
A: Just a moment. I’m really sorry, the line is busy.
a) H about an egg sandwich? Can I take a message?
b) Thanks, this case is very h . B: Yes, could you ask them to ring me back?
c) Sorry, I can’t h you. It’s too noisy. A: Of course. Could you give me your number?
d) Yes, I h . On h in Egypt. B: Yes it’s …
C 12.3 Listen and repeat. Copy the /h/ sounds.
B Listen again and repeat A’s part. Copy the intonation.

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