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Simple Present and Present Contiuous Exercise

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The Simple Present Tense

 NO ‘s’ for plural verbs, and add ‘s’ for singular verb
 Has (singular) / Have (plural)
 Auxiliary verbs

For example:

Singular Plural
He studies everyday They play everyday

An ostrich does not bury its head in the The children do not like to play
sand when it is afraid. badminton

She wishes she could go the Italy

Ali and Abu copy the note on the book.
When does the clinic open?
Do they study every day?

Activity 1

In the timeline below, students fill with their 3 habitual actions. The students
also will give 5 fun facts (general truth about anything). They should write
using present tense.





a. Eg : An ostrich runs away when it hears its enemies coming.


Exercise 1
Complete the short paragraphs on habitual actions and general truths below
with suitable forms of the verbs in brackets.

1. The bakery ________ (open) at 10.00 am and ________ (close) at 7.00 pm.
During lunchtime, many office workers ________ (buy) sandwiches and
during teatime, many customers _________ (come) to buy tarts.
2. Many tourists_____________ (not leave) this place until late evening. They
________ (wait) at the beach to watch the sunset and __________ (take)
photographs of the changing colours in the sky.
3. My neighbour __________(like) to borrow things. However, she ________ (not
return) the things until I _______(ask) her to. I _______ (not want) to lend her
my things anymore.
4. A doctor __________(treat) sick people. First, the doctor __________(examine)
the patient. After that, the doctor ______(provide) the best treatment to
cure the patient. Therefore, the doctor’s job is to help the patient
________(regain) his health.
5. There is a library in every school. It is a place where students _________
(borrow) books to read. It also _______(store) a lot of information and
knowledge that students _______(need) for their schoolwork. The
librarians _________(not help) students to do their homework.
6. Every month, we _______(wash) the classroom. We _________ (not like) to
study in a dusty room. Some students ________(wipe) the windows, others
(mop) the floor and a few ________(clean) the furniture. The headmaster
always __________(praise) us for having the cleanest classroom.

Exercise 2

The following paragraphs are about universal truths. Fill in the blanks with the
correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. The Arctic is also known as “The Land of The Midnight Sun”. This is
because in the arctic, the sun only ________(sink) lower in the sky. It
_________(not set)
2. The pitcher plants has special leaves, shaped like pitcher, that contain
honey. Insects _______(like) to drink this liquid. They often ________(fall)
into the pitcher-like leaves. Once they are inside, they cannot fly out
because the sides of the leaves are slippery so they ________(drown) in the
3. Earthworms are good for the soil. When earthworms burrow, they
________(bring) fresh soil to the surface. These burrows __________(allow) air
into the soil. The earthworms also _______(drag) leaves into their burrows
for food. Some of the leaves ________(decay) in the soil to form humus.
Thus, earthworms ________(make) the soil fertile, airy and suitable for
plants to grow.
4. The air that we ______(breathe) contain nitrogen, oxygen and rare gases.
Nitrogen gas _______(combine_ with other natural materials to form
substances that are essential to life. All living things ________(need)
oxygen to breathe.
5. A pair of powerful binoculars or a telescope _______(enable) one to look at
the stars and planets closely. There two instruments __________(magnify)
objects that are far away and ________(make) them appear much larger.

Exercise 3

Enjoy prefer progress watch notice

Do advise increase like screen

Be become widen be forget

I __________ (1) a 15 year-old student who _______ (2) to watch television.

However, I _________(3) that TVM and 6TV _________(4) not air enough
documentaries. They _________(5) to air action movies and sports programmes.

Once in a while, TVM ___________(6) some interesting documentaries, for

example, on Egypt. My family and I _________(7) such shows. My English teacher
often ___________(8) us to watch such programmes. But how can we watch them
when there ________(9) none aired?

Some people only _________(10) sport programmes. They _________(11)

angry when TVM and 6TV __________(12) the number of documentary shows.
Our TV stations often ________(13) their responsibilities to educate the public.
Watching television __________(14) one’s knowledge the nation ________(15) only
if people are well-informed about the world around them.

The Present Continuous Tense

 To show an action that is happening now.

 Am/ is/ are + present participle (verb-ing)
 Eg :
- I am writing a reply to my friend in Japan.
- He is cooking his own dinner.
- We are studying in the library

Exercise 1

Complete the sentences in the present continuous form.

1. The ducks_______________ (swim) in the pond. All the ducks ____________

(quack) noisily, as they are hungry.
2. The girls______________ (practise) hard for the tournament. They
__________(train) with experienced coach.
3. You cannot enter the library now. The librarians ___________(clean) up the
place. They _______(take) down the books from the shelves and some
librarians ___________(dust) the shelves. No, they _________ (not paint)the
4. The students ___________(prepare) for a concert at the end of the year.
They ________(do) everything necessary to make it successful.

Exercise 2

Fill in the blanks with simple present of the present continuous form of the
verbs given in the brackets.

1. My father ________(like) gardening. He _________(take) good care of his

plants. He often _________(exchange) plants with our neighbours. Now, he
____________(plant) some ferns.
2. Alice ________(walk) on the beach and looking at the sea. In the wide open
space, she _______(hear) the sound of the waves and the wind. She sees
many white crabs on the white sand. They _________(crawl) out from the
little holes on the sand.
3. Susan _________(read) a magazine while she _________(wait) for her turn to
see the dentist. There are a few patients in the clinic. A nurse
___________(register) the patients before she __________(give) them a
number for their turn.
4. Raja _______(like) reading comics. He always ___________(sit) in that corner
while reading his comic book. Look at him now. He __________(laugh) to
5. This chocolate cake is for you. I __________(know) you like chocolate cakes
very much. I also _________(remember) that today is your birthday. Many
Happy Returns!
6. The members of the school band _______(play) the music now. The other
participants of the march past _______(learn) how to march in time with
the tune. I ___________(understand) the participants __________(do) their
7. Leila, please ___________(tell) Lucy that I __________ (wait) for her in the
school canteen now. I have a surprise for her. I ___________ (hope) she
________(like) it.
8. “May I __________(use) your bathroom to take a shower? My father
________(paint) the bathroom in our house. He ________(say) we have to
wait until the paint _________ (dry).”

Exercise 3

Write a passage about vegetarians. Expand on the notes provided. Your passage
should be at least 120 words long.

 Vegetarians – everywhere – world

 Most – in – India – Hindu belief – wrong to kill or hurt animals
 Different kinds – vegetarians – some – not eat eggs and dairy products – strict
vegetarians – not – eat – garlics, carrots, potatoes – reasons : harms or kills plants
 Some vegetarians- not use products made from animals or insects – example:
wool, silk, honey
 First reason – do not want animals to suffer
 Second reason – health – look – feel better – stop eating meat
 Examples – famous vegetarians – Albert Einstein, Mahatma Ghandi, Paul
McCartney, Madonna

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