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Present Tense Rephrasing

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Use 1-3 words to fill the gap in the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the

Example: I normally get to work at 8:00. I normally ___________ work at 8:00.

Answer: I normally arrive at work at 8:00.

Present tenses:

1. What do you like doing in your free time?

What ___________ on doing in your free time?

2. It is easy to get up early in the morning.

I ___________ easy to get up in the morning.

3. I hate reading the newspaper on the bus.

I ___________ reading the newspaper on the bus.

4. He hardly ever travels by train to work.

He almost ____________ on the train to work.

5. She always eats eggs and bacon for breakfast.

She _________ eggs and bacon for breakfast every day.

2. Fill in the gaps with the present tenses:

1. I _____ (PLAY) the piano at the moment.

2. You _____ (SWIM) in the pool right now.

3. I _____ (WORK) in a language school and I _____ (LOVE) it so far.

4. He _____ (NOT SPEAK) to his friend on the phone.

5. Jacobs always _____ (PLAY) with his elder brother Alejandro.

6. She _____ fun at the party this evening.

7. They _____ (NOT LEARN) French, they _____ (LEARN) English.

8. We _____ (SURF) the internet now.

9. Right now I ______ (WORK) a part time job while I am at university.

10. You always _____ (SPEND)a lot of time with your family.

11. How often ____ you _____ (VISIT) your parents in your hometown?

12. I _____ (LISTEN) to music at the moment.

13. I _____ (LIVE) in a great city close to the beach and I want to stay.

14. I _____ (LEARN) English because it is useful for my future.

15. I normally get up early in the morning so that I can _____ (TAKE) advantage of the day.

16. He _____ (LAUGH) a lot when he hangs out with his friends.

17. We _____ (STUDY) online in order to get better grades in the Linguaskill exam.

18. She _____ (DO) a lot of studying to improve her speaking skills.

19. My cousin _____ (LIVE) in a small flat in the city centre.

20. We _____ (MISS) the bus home because we were gossiping.

21. I _____ (BE) interested in relocating in order to be closer to my girlfriend.

22. I _____ already _____ (DO) lots of stuff today so now I just want to relax and put my feet

23. I am used to being really busy so I really _____ (NOT MIND) what we get up to.

24. I ________ (LEARN) English in my free time since I was a child.

25. ____ you usually ______ (SPEND)a lot of time reading books as a kid?

26. At the moment I ______ (LIVE) with my parents while I save up to buy a house.

27. _____ you ever _____ (LIVE) in a foreign country?

28. You _____ always ______ (SHOUT) in the house. It is so annoying!

3. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the present continuous:

1. I __________ (STUDY) at a language school at the moment.

2. I __________ (LEARN) English right now.

3. You __________ (WATCH) films in English to practice your skills.

4. They __________ (READ) books in English now.

5. At the moment, we __________ (PRACTICE) our English grammar.

6. You __________ (NOT DO) enough studying to pass the exam.

7. I __________ (NOT SLEEP) enough at the moment.

8. Currently, we __________ (LEARN) English and German.

9. They __________ (NOT SPEAK) French, they __________ (SPEAK) Catalan.

10. He __________ (NOT LISTEN) to English music right now.

11. __________ you __________ (GO) to class right now?

12. ________ he __________ (REVISE) for the exam?

13. ________ we __________ (DO) an exam in class today?

14. ________ you currently __________ (WRITE) the essay for the coursework?

15. ________ she __________ (LISTEN) to Muse on the lyricstraining website?

16. I __________ (MOVE) to the USA soon.

17. We __________ (NOT THINK) about what might happen.

18. Why ________ you always __________ (SHOUT) at me? It is so annoying!

19. You ________ always __________ (ARRIVE) late to class. I hate it!

20. You __________ (MAKE) mistakes all the time.

21. We ________ currently __________ (WATCH) End Game at the cinema.

22. My boss __________ (TAKE) a break right now.

23. James __________ (HAVE) a baby next week.

24. Hugo and his fiance __________ (GET) married on the 22nd.

25. They __________ (TAKE) their time before making a decision

4. Fill in the gaps with the conjugation of the verb to be so that the sentence makes sense in
the present tense.

1. We __________ really busy at work this week so we will not come to the party.

2. I __________ very pleased to meet you.

3. We __________ going to arrive on time because you have missed the bus.

4. They __________ very friendly people.

5. He __________ always late for meeting.

6. It __________ the right thing to do and you know it.

7. My sister __________ trying to get a new job closer to her home.

8. She __________ a qualified psychologist.

9. I __________ in a good mood today, but I want to try to cheer up.

10. You __________ allowed to make mistakes as long as you learn from them.

5. Fill in the gaps with the correct adverb of frequency or time expression (A or B):

1. I __________ wash up because I don´t like it.

2. She __________ does plenty of work so we are very happy with her.

3. We __________ watch TV because they say it makes you stupid.

4. We ___________ do the ironing because it is a waste of time.

5. He __________ surfs the internet at night.

6. She prepares the meals for her family _________.

7. I am __________ on time for work.

8. I eat chocolate for pudding ______________.

9. You __________ make the bed because it is boring.

10. He ___________ does his homework in the living room.

Choose the best option (A or B):

1. A. hardly ever B. usually

2. A. usually B. sometimes

3. A. sometimes B. almost never

4. A. always B. never

5. A. every day B. always

6. A. always B. every day

7. A. usually B. don´t often

8. A. usually B. once a week

9. A. never B. sometimes

10. A. twice a week B. usually


Use 1-3 words to fill the gap in the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the

Example: I normally get to work at 8:00. I normally ___________ work at 8:00.

Answer: I normally arrive at work at 8:00.


1. Bread can be bought from the bakery.

You _______ buy bread from the bakery.

2. The man was killed at the theme park.

Someone __________ the man at the theme park.

3. The wine is produced in Spain by a local winery.

A local winery ___________ the wine in Spain.

4. It has been made by local people.

Local people ____________ it.

5. The clients are making a complaint about the quality of the product.

A complaint ______________ by the clients about the product.

2. Learn how to change the passive into the active. Fill in the gaps with the correct
form of the passive:

1. The Germans manufacture more cars than anyone else in the world in the world.

More cars ______________________

2. I bought these shoes on a great discount in the shopping mall.

These shoes ________________________________

3. My friends listen to a wide range of music at school.

A wide range of music ___________________________________

4. My brother might have passed the exam if he had studied more.

The exam _______________________________________________

5. They will prepare the meal in the blink of an eye.

The meal ________________________________________________

6. My wife would get me a great gift is she had the spare money.

A great gift ________________________________

7. I will send the document to you ASAP.

The document _______________________________________________

8. My boss may give us a raise this year.

A raise _______________________________________________

9. You could win the lottery if you entered every week.

The lottery __________________________________________

10. We will pay the bills as soon as we have the chance.

The bills ____________________________________________

3. Fill in the gaps with the gerund (ing) or infinitive (to + verb). Remember that

we use preposition + gerund and adjective + infinitive:

1. It is easy _____ (LEARN) English in your free time.

2. _____ (LIE) to your teacher is never a good plan.

3. It was a piece of cake _____ (PASS) the exam.

4. I am crazy about _____ (LEARN) languages.

5. I am learning English to be able _____ (GET) a good job.

6. Is it easy _____ (GET) by in a foreign language?

7. What are you good at _____ (STUDY)?

8. Do you usually pass exams or do you tend _____ (FAIL)?

9. I am into _____ (CRAM) the night before exams.

10. You should take your time _____ (DECIDE) on a degree.

11. If you think _____ (STUDY) at university is hard, you ought to try getting a job.

12. I am interested in ______ (WATCH) TV at the weekend.

13. Are you keen on _____ (GO) to the cinema with friends.

14. Is it fun _____ (DO) sport with friends in the park?

15. I am fond of _____ (READ) books at night.

16. I want _____ (GET) fit and that is why I go to the gym.

17. I fancy _____ (GO) out with my friends this evening.

18. Did you manage _____ (FINISH) the book that I lent you?

19. I enjoy _____ (DRAW) pictures with my kids.

20. He needs _____ (SPEND) more time with his friends.

21. My friend has asked me _____ (GIVE) him a hand to get to grips with the Cambridge exam

22. The washing up needs _____ (DO) when you get chance.

23. I regret ______ (LEND) you all of my exam notes because now they think we cheated.

24. I forgot _____ (PREPARE) for the grammar unit on the exam and now I am going to fail.

25. I regret _____ (INFORM) you that your coursework has not met the required level.

5. Fill in the gaps with the gerund (, infinitive (to + verb) or bare infinitive (verb):

1. Do you mind _______ sport outside when there is cold weather?

2. What would you do if you couldn´t stand _______ out on your own?

3. Have you ever been prevented from _______ up for a sport by your parents?

4. Is there anything that you can´t help _______ even though you shouldn´t.

5. Would you rather _______ a tracksuit or shorts when you go running?

6. Do you ever spend money even when you can´t afford _______ anything?
7. Have you ever lost a sports competitions despite _______ the better team/player?

8. What can´t you be bothered _______ about?

9. Would you prefer _______ up a ball sport or do another type?

10. Would you be willing _______ up a new hobby in the near future?

11. Are you keen on _______ water sports?

12. Would you rather _______ around or be active?

13. Do you prefer _______ sports by yourself or with others?

14. Are you just about _______ doing a new sport or physical activity?

15. If you could afford _______ skiing, would you like to give it a go?

16. Would you sooner _______ new friends in a team or stick with the ones you have?

17. Have you ever been a natural at a sport in spite of never _______ tried it before?

18. Is it time _______ after yourself more?

19. Would you prefer _______ a gym or work out in the park?

20. Would you be reluctant _______ up going to the gym even if it

were too expensive?

6. Fill in the gaps with the gerund, full infinitive or bare infinitive:

1. Is it worth _____ (FIND) out a lot about healthy eating before _____ (GO) on a diet?

2. Are you just about _____ (TAKE) up a new diet?

3. Do you let your friends _____ (GET) away with murder?

4. Did you mean _____ (FALL) into the lifestyle that you did?

5. What sports can’t you stand _____ (DO) when it comes to staying in shape?

6. Would you hesitate _____ (FOLLOW) someone’s health advice if they weren’t a qualified
health professional?

7. Would you dare _____ (TAKE) up a strict diet like Atkins or fasting?

8. Would you mind _____ (BECOME) a vegetarian?

9. Are you willing _____ (CHANGE) your lifestyle radically for the sake of your health?

10. Do you remember ever _____ (HAVE) to cut out a certain food (group) for health reasons?

11. Why do so many people strive _____ (LOSE) weight before going away for the summer?

12. Are you currently trying _____ (CHANGE) anything about your health situation?

13. Do you regret not _____ (HAVE) started any type of physical activity as a youngster?

14. Why are so many people reluctant _____ (GIVE) up drinking or smoking?

15. When it comes to _____ (EAT) healthily, are you strict with yourself or not?

16. Have you ever come across an excellent health time while _____ (SURF) the internet?

17. How influential is your upbringing on _____ (BE) healthy?

18. How far do you claim _____ (LEAD) a healthy lifestyle?

7. Fill in the gaps with the gerund (ing) or the infinitive (to + verb):

1. I would say that you need _____ (practise) the Use of English part of the exam.

2. I normally spend most of my time _____ (watch) TV in the evenings.

3. I can´t stand wasting time _____ ((read) useless articles on the internet.

4. He deserves _____ (enjoy) a long break from work after all the long hours he has done this

5. You should encourage your students _____ (practise) their language skills every day.

6. They are going to arrange _____ (meet) the CEOs next month.

7. I ought to quit _____ (smoke) ASAP.

8. I don´t remember _____ (have) seen you last night.

8. Fill in the gaps with the gerund (ing) or the infinitive (to + verb):

1. Are you thinking about _____ (relocate) in the near future?

2. He has somewhat taken to _____ (learn) foreign languages.

3. It might be beneficial _____ (take) a closer look at the gerund and infinitive grammar

4. I am partial to _____ (have) a drink every now and again.

5. I would be glad _____ (help) you with anything that you may require.

6. I am seriously looking _____ (accept) the job in the USA for the next academic year.

7. It can be annoying _____ (repeat) the same mistakes over and over again.

8. I would be over the moon if someone would let me know if it is required _____ (book) in

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