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You want to study the opinion of students of Gujarat regarding introduction of ‘choice based credit system’ in
higher education. The most appropriate sampling technique for the purpose is:
(A) Multistage Random Sampling
(B) Cluster Sampling
(C) Quota Sampling
(D) Snowball Sampling
Answer: (A)
2. A characteristic to be ascertained initially in a good research is:
(A) Well formulated hypothesis
(B) A good research supervisor
(C) Adequate library work
(D) A well formulated problem
Answer: (D)

3.Which of the following ensures greater participation of students in classroom?

(A) Lecture by the teacher
(B) Discussion organized by the teacher
(C) Field trip organized by the teacher
(D) Class notes given by the teacher
Answer: (B)
4. A teacher uses local language to raise the effectiveness in class. This refers to:
(A) Effective encoding
(B) Effective decoding
(C) Effective encoding and decoding
(D) Effective media interlink
Answer: (C)
5. Which of the following does not justify teaching as a profession?
(A) Specialized knowledge
(B) Specialized skills
(C) Marked Training Institution
(D) Market oriented effort
Answer: (D)
6. Learning takes place when:
(A) There is a match between ‘what’ and ‘how’ students learn
(B) The teacher presents the content accurately
(C) The learning experience is organized within a stipulated time
(D) Teacher’s focus is on completion of syllabus
Answer: (A)
7. Minimum number of bits required to store any 3 digit decimal number is equal to
(A) 3
(B) 5
(C) 8
(D) 10
Answer: (D)
8. If Ram knows that y is an integer greater than 2 and less than 7 and Hari knows that y is an integer greater
than 5 and less than 10, then they may correctly conclude that
(A) y can be exactly determined
(B) y may be either of two values
(C) y may be any of three values
(D) there is no value of y satisfying these conditions
Answer: (A)
9. The price of petrol increases by 25%. By what percentage must a customer reduce the consumption so that
the earlier bill on the petrol does not alter ?
(A) 20%
(B) 25%
(C) 30%
(D) 33.33%
Answer: (A)
10. Six persons A, B, C, D, E and F are standing in a circle. B is between F and C, A is between E and D, F is to
the left of D. Who is between A and F ?
(A) B
(B) C
(C) D
(D) E
Answer: (C)
11. Which of the following statements are false ? Choose from the code given below :
1. Inductive arguments always proceed from the particular to the general.
2. A cogent argument must be inductively strong.
3. A valid argument may have a false premise and a false conclusion.
4. An argument may legitimately be spoken of as ‘true’ or ‘false’.
Code :
(A) 2, 3 and 4
(B) 1 and 3
(C) 2 and 4
(D) 1 and 2
Answer: (C)
12. Reasoning by analogy leads to
(A) certainty
(B) definite conclusion
(C) predictive conjecture
(D) surety
Answer: (C)
13. Venn diagram is a kind of diagram to
(A) represent and assess the validity of elementary inferences of syllogistic form.
(B) represent but not assess the validity of elementary inferences of syllogistic form.
(C) represent and assess the truth of elementary inferences of syllogistic form.
(D) assess but not represent the truth of elementary inferences of syllogistic form
Answer: (A)

14. Which one of the following is not an argument ?

(A) Devadutt does not eat in the day so he must be eating at night.
(B) If Devadutt is growing fat and if he does not eat during the day, he will be eating at night.
(C) Devadutt eats in the night so he does not eat during the day.
(D) Since Devadutt does not eat in the day, he must be eating in the night.
Answer: (B)
15. Determine the nature of the following definition :
“Abortion” means the ruthless murdering of innocent beings.
(A) Lexical
(B) Persuasive
(C) Stipulative
(D) Theoretical
Answer: (B)
16. If the proposition “All men are not mortal” is true then which of the following inferences is correct ? Choose
from the code given below :
1. “All men are mortal” is true.
2. “Some men are mortal” is false.
3. “No men are mortal” is doubtful.
4. “All men are mortal” is false.
Code :
(A) 1, 2 and 3
(B) 2, 3 and 4
(C) 1, 3 and 4
(D) 1 and 3
Answer: (B)
17. In the expression ‘Nothing is larger than itself’ the relation ‘is larger than’ is
(A) antisymmetric
(B) asymmetrical
(C) intransitive
(D) irreflexive
Answer: (D)
18. The basis of the following classification is :
‘first President of India’ ‘author of Godan’ ‘books in my library’, ‘blue things’ and ‘students who work hard’
(A) Common names
(B) Proper names
(C) Descriptive phrases
(D) Indefinite description
Answer: (C)
19. Given that in a code language, ‘645’ means ‘day is warm’; ‘42’ means ‘warm spring’ and ‘634’ means ‘spring
is sunny’; which digit represents ‘sunny’ ?
(A) 3
(B) 2
(C) 4
(D) 5
Answer: (A)
20. Find the next letter for the series YVSP ………
(A) N
(B) M
(C) O
(D) L
Answer: (B)
21. The term “TRP” is associated with TV shows stands for
(A) Total Rating Points
(B) Time Rating Points
(C) Thematic Rating Points
(D) Television Rating Points
Answer: (D)
22. The term ‘DAVP’ stands for
(A) Directorate of Advertising & Vocal Publicity
(B) Division of Audio-Visual Publicity
(C) Department of Audio-Visual Publicity
(D) Directorate of Advertising & Visual Publicity
Answer: (D)
23. In India for broadcasting TV programmes which system is followed ?
Answer: (B)
24. All India Radio (A.I.R.) for broadcasting was named in the year
(A) 1926
(B) 1936
(C) 1946
(D) 1956
Answer: (B)
25. MC National University of Journalism and Communication is located at
(A) Lucknow
(B) Bhopal
(C) Chennai
(D) Mumbai
Answer: (B)
26. Video-Conferencing can be classified as one of the following types of communication :
(A) Visual one way
(B) Audio-Visual one way
(C) Audio-Visual two way
(D) Visual two way
Answer: (C)
27. Which activity contributes to water pollution more than any other throughout world ?
(A) Agriculture
(B) Hydroelectric power generation
(C) Industry
(D) Urbanisation
Answer: (A)

28. Which one of the following biosphere reserves has UNESCO recognition ?
(A) Manas
(B) Kanchenjunga
(C) Seshachalam Hills
(D) Greater Nicobar
Answer: (D)
29. By the year 2022, the Climate Change Action Plan of Government of India aims at installing
(A) 20,000 MW of wind power
(B) 25,000 MW of wind power
(C) 20,000 MW of solar power
(D) 10,000 MW of solar power
Answer: (C)
30. Which one of the following is a nonprobability sampling method ?
(A) Simple Random Sampling
(B) Stratified Sampling
(C) Cluster Sampling
(D) Quota Sampling
Answer: (D)
31. The variable which impacts the relationship between an independent variable and a dependent variable is
known as
(A) antecedent variable
(B) precedent variable
(C) predictor variable
(D) control variable
Answer: (D)
32. With which one of the following techniques communality is associated ?
(A) Univariate analysis
(B) Factor analysis
(C) Case studies
(D) SWOT analysis
Answer: (B)
33. Deconstruction is a popular method of research in
(A) Basic Science
(B) Applied Science
(C) Social Science
(D) Literature
Answer: (D)
34. Identify the correct sequence of research steps :
(A) Selection of topic, review of literature, data collection, interpretation of findings
(B) Review of literature, selection of topic, data collection, interpretation of findings
(C) Selection of topic, data collection, review of literature, interpretation of findings
(D) Selection of topic, review of literature, interpretation of findings, data collection
Answer: (A)
35. Which one of the following is not a non-parametric test ?
(A) t-test
(B) Sign test
(C) Chi-square test
(D) Run test
Answer: (A)
36. In a classroom, a communicator’s trust level is determined by:
(A) The use of hyperbole
(B) The change of voice level
(C) The use of abstract concepts
(D) Eye contact
Answer: (D)
37. Most often, the teacher - student communication is:
(A) Spurious
(B) Critical
(C) Utilitarian
(D) Confrontational
Answer: (C)
38. Attitudes, actions and appearances in the context of classroom communication are considered as:
(A) Verbal
(B) Non-verbal
(C) Impersonal
(D) Irrational
Answer: (B)
39. Every type of communication is affected by its:
(A) Reception
(B) Transmission
(C) Non-regulation
(D) Context
Answer: (D)
40. Aspects of the voice, other than the speech are known as:
(A) Physical language
(B) Personal language
(C) Para language
(D) Delivery language
Answer: (C)
41. Using the central point of the classroom communication as the beginning of a dynamic pattern of ideas is
referred to as:
(A) Systemisation
(B) Problem - orientation
(C) Idea protocol
(D) Mind mapping
Answer: (D)
42. Ethical norms in research do not involve guidelines for:
(A) Thesis format
(B) Copyright
(C) Patenting policy
(D) Data sharing policies
Answer: (A)
43. Ajay is a friend of Rakesh, Pointing to an old man Ajay asked Rakesh who is he? Rakesh said “His son is my
son’s uncle”. The old man is related to Rakesh as:
(a) Father-in law
(b) Father
(c) Uncle
(d) Grandfather
Answer: (2)
44. Which of the following material has the highest hydraulic conductivity?
(A) Clay
(B) Sandstone
(C) Limestone
(D) Quartzite
Answer: (B)
45. confined aquifer of thickness 25 m has two wells 200 m apart along the direction of flow of water. The
difference in their hydraulic heads is 1 m. If hydraulic conductivity is 50 m/day, the rate of flow of water per day
per metre of distance perpendicular to the flow of water is
(A) 25 m3/day per metre
(B) 50 m3/day per metre
(C) 5 m3/day per metre
(D) 1 m3/day per metre
Answer: (C)
46. In disaster management which steps are followed in post-disaster recovery phase?
(A) Relief, rehabilitation, reconstruction, learning – review
(B) Risk Assessment, mitigation, preparedness, emergency plans.
(C) Relief, mitigation, emergency plans.
(D) Learning – review, emergency plans, preparedness.
Answer: (A)
47. The volume of ejecta and the column height for a volcano are 108.5 m3 and 24 km, respectively. What is its
volcanic explosivity index value?
(A) 2
(B) 8
(C) 7
(D) 4
Answer: (D)
48. During remote sensing of the vegetation cover, the spectral reflection of vegetation over electromagnetic
radiation spectrum depends upon
(A) Pigmentation in the leaf
(B) Structure of the leaf
(C) Moisture content of the leaf
(D) All the above characters
Answer: (D)
49. Limnetic zone in freshwater ecosystem is characterised by
(A) Presence of rooted vegetation
(B) Absence of rooted vegetation
(C) Presence of large proportion of lime
(D) Absence of phytoplankton
Answer: (B)
50. Which of the following is not a class of aquatic ecosystems based on salinity levels?
(A) Stagnant water ecosystem
(B) Freshwater ecosystem
(C) Brackish ecosystem
(D) Marine ecosystem
Answer: (A
51. If individuals of a species remain alive only in captivity or other human controlled conditions, the species is
said to be
(A) Ecologically extinct
(B) Mass extinct
(C) Wild extinct
(D) Anthropogenic extinct
Answer: (C)
52. The rate of replacement of species along a gradient of habitats pertains to
(A) Alpha diversity
(B) Beta diversity
(C) Gamma diversity
(D) Species diversity
Answer: (B)
53. “Double digging” is a method of
(A) Bio-intensive agriculture
(B) Deforestation
(C) Aforestation
(D) Water conservation
Answer: (A)
54. C14 has a half-life of 5700 years. The fraction of the C14 atoms that decays per year is
(A) 1.216 × 10–4
(B) 0.52 × 10–3
(C) 0.78 × 10–4
(D) 2.81 × 10–4
Answer: (A)
55. Cells grown in a medium containing phosphorous –32 will show radio labelling in
(A) Starch
(B) Glycogen
(C) Proteins
(D) Nucleic acids
Answer: (A)
56. Assume that a river having dissolved oxygen 0.5 g/m3, BOD 0.3 g/m3 flowing at 80 m3/sec. converge with
another river having Dissolved Oxygen 0.7 g/m3. BOD 0.6 g/m3 flowing at a rate of 60 m3/sec. If after the
confluence the Dissolved Oxygen is 0.59 g/m3, then the BOD is
(A) 0.83 g/m3
(B) 0.43 g/m3
(C) 0.73 g/m3
(D) 0.92 g/m3
Answer: (A)
57. Using the following equations, which can be determined correctly?
Ca(HCO3)2 –––→ Δ CaCO3 + H2O + CO2 (by heating) or Ca(HCO3)2 + Ca(OH)2 –––→ 2 CaCO3 + 2H2O (by
addition of lime)
(A) Carbon dioxide
(B) Carbonates
(C) Bicarbonates
(D) Carbonates and Bicarbonates
Answer: (D)
58. In a gas chromatography experiment, the retention factor (Rf) values for pollutant ‘A’ and pollutant ‘B’ in a
mixture of pollutants were 0.5 and 0.125, respectively. If the distance travelled by solvent front is 12 cms, the
distance (in cms) travelled by pollutant ‘A’ and pollutant ‘B’ will be
(A) 6 and 1.5
(B) 3 and 1.5
(C) 0.5 and 0.125
(D) 1.5 and 3
Answer: (A)
59. The wavelength range of UV–C radiations is
(A) 200 – 280 nm
(B) 180 – 240 nm
(C) 320 – 400 nm
(D) 240 – 300 nm
Answer: (A)
60. The environmental lapse rate during day time is governed by
(i) Wind speed
(ii) Sunlight
(iii) Topographical features
(iv) Cloud cover
The correct answer is
(A) (i) and (ii) only
(B) (ii) and (iii) only
(C) (i), (ii) and (iii) only
(D) (i) and (iv) only
Answer: (C)
61. Assertion (A): The energy flow in an ecosystem follows the law of thermodynamics.
Reason (R): The energy flow in an ecosystem is unidirectional and during the transformation of energy from one
trophic level to the other, 80 – 90% of energy is lost.
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
Answer: (A)
62. For an overcast day or night, the atmosphere is
(A) Stable
(B) Neutral
(C) Slightly stable
(D) Unstable
Answer: (B)
63. Men and woman may have different reproductive strategies but neither can be considered inferior or superior
to the other, any more than a bird's wings can be considered superior or inferior to a fish's fins. What type of
argument it is ?
(1) Biological
(2) Physiological
(3) Analogical
(4) Hypothetical
Answer: (3)
64. In which country, the recent international agreement on phasing out Hydro Fluoro Carbons (HFCs) was
(1) Rwanda
(2) Morocco
(3) South Africa
(4) Algeria
Answer: (1)
65. Which of the following is not a water-brone disease?
(1) Typhoid
(2) Hepatitis
(3) Cholera
(4) Dengue
Answer: (4)
66. With regard to a word processing software, the process of combining static information in a publication
together with variable information in a data source to create one merged publication is called
(1) Electronic mail
(2) Data sourcing
(3) Mail merge
(4) Spam mail
Answer: (3)
67. If the statement 'None but the brave wins the race' is false which of the following statements can be claimed
to be true?
Select the correct code:
(1) All brave persons win the race.
(2) Some persons who win the race are not brave.
(3) Some persons who win the race are brave.
(4) No person who wins the race is brave.
Answer: (2)
68. The missing term in the series 1, 4, 27, 16, ?, 36, 343, ... is
(1) 30
(2) 49
(3) 125
(4) 81
Answer: (3)
69. Out of four cities given below three are alike in some manner while the fourth one is different. Identify the
odd one
(1) Lucknow
(2) Rishikesh
(3) Allahabad
(4) Patna
Answer: (1)
70. Among the following, identify the continuous type of data:
(1) Number of languages a person speaks
(2) Number of children in a household
(3) Population of cities
(4) Weight of students in a class
Answer: (4)
71. The next term in the following series YEB, WFD, UHG, SKI, ? will be
(1) TLO
(2) QOL
(3) QLO
(4) GQP
Answer: (2)
72. Classroom communication is the basis of
(1) Social identity
(2) External inanities
(3) Biased passivity
(4) Group aggression
Answer: (1)
73. Expressive communication is driven by
(1) Passive aggression
(2) Encoder's personality characteristics
(3) External clues
(4) Encoder-decoder contract
Answer: (2)
74. The typical feature of an information-rich classroom lecture is in the nature of being
(1) Sedentary
(2) Staggered
(3) Factual
(4) Sectoral
Answer: (3)
75. When verbal and non-verbal messages are contradictory, it is said that most people believe in
(1) Indeterminate messages
(2) Verbal messages
(3) Non-verbal messages
(4) Aggressive messages
Answer: (3)
76. Which one of the following states of mercury is volatile?
(A) Organic
(B) Ionic
(C) Atomic
(D) All of the above
Answer: (C)
77. The sequence of fossil fuels in the order of higher to lower heating value is as follows:
(A) Coal, Petroleum, Natural Gas, Hydrogen.
(B) Hydrogen, Natural Gas, Petroleum, Coal.
(C) Hydrogen, Coal, Natural Gas, Petroleum.
(D) Natural Gas, Petroleum, Coal, Hydrogen.
Answer: (B)
78. Consider an air shed over a city in the form of a rectangular box. The wind velocity is 5 m/sec normal to left
face of the box. The length of the box along the direction of wind is 10 km and mixing height is 1 km. assuming
rapid mixing of the pollutants which are conservative in nature, the concentration of the pollutants in the city
would reach 63% of its final value in
(A) 2,000 sec
(B) 5,000 sec
(C) 10,000 sec
(D) 1,000 sec
Answer: (A)

79. Baba Amte was the leader of

(A) Appiko Movement
(B) Chipko Movement
(C) Narmada Bachao Andolan
(D) Tehri Dam Movement
Answer: (C)

80. What is common feature among the following?

Aconitum diennorrhzum
(A) All have been extinct.
(B) All are gymnosperms.
(C) All are identified as endangered species.
(D) All are angiosperms.
Answer: (C)
81. Natural ore of radioactive materials does not contain which one of the following isotope?
(A) U235
(B) Pu239
(C) U238
(D) Th232
Answer: (B)

82. f the mean of a sample is 20, the standard error of mean is 1 and the t-statistic for 95% level of confidence is
2.5, the population mean will be in the range
(A) 17.5 to 22.5
(B) 15 to 25
(C) 20 to 25
(D) 15 to 20
Answer: (A)
83. In a multiple regression model, the f-ratio is used to test the
(A) Variance of the data
(B) Standard error of mean
(C) R2 value
(D) Overall goodness of fit of the model.
Answer: (D)
84. The following statistical test is used to ascertain whether there is significant difference between the variances
of two sets of observations:
(A) t-test
(B) F-test
(C) Chi square test
(D) Regression
Answer: (B)
85. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R).
Assertion (A): Indirect impacts are more difficult to measure, but can ultimately be more important.
Reason (R): In areas where wildlife is plentiful, such as Africa, new roads often lead to the rapid depletion of animals.
Choose the correct answer.
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation.
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation.
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
Answer: (B)
86. Which one of the following radionuclides has the lowest half life period?
(A) C14
(B) Sr90
(C) I131
(D) Cs137
Answer: (C)
87. The sequence of ease of decomposition of organic compounds in soil is
(A) Lignin – Hemicellulose – Starch – Crude protein – Fat
(B) Crude protein – Starch – Fat – Lignin – Hemicellulose
(C) Starch – Crude protein – Hemicellulose – Fat – Lignin
(D) Fat – Starch – Lignin – Hemicellulose – Crude protein
Answer: (C
88. Click here -
Which one of the following is a complex in organic fertilizer?
(A) Urea
(B) Super phosphate
(C) Potash
Answer: (D)
89. Which one of the following is a methyl isocyanate (MIC) based pesticide?
(A) Sevin (Carbaryl)
(B) Temix (Aldicarb)
(C) Furadon (Carbofuran)
(D) All the above
Answer: (D)
90. Which one of the following is an Exsitu method of biodiversity conservation?
(A) Seed storage
(B) DNA Bank
(C) Tissue culture
(D) All the above
Answer: (D)

91. How many mega-bio-diverse countries have been identified in the world?
(A) 2
(B) 12
(C) 17
(D) 35
Answer: (C)
92. One of the following categories of earthworms is most suitable for wasteland reclamation.
(A) Epigeic
(B) Anecic
(C) Endogeic
(D) None of the above
Answer: (C)
93. Raunkiaer’s normal biological spectrum for phanerogamic flora of the world exhibits one of the following
sequences of occurrence (%) of different life forms.
(A) Phanerophytes, Hemicryptophytes, Therophytes, Cryptophytes, Chaemophytes.
(B) Phanerophytes, Hemicryptophytes, Therophytes, Chaemophytes, Cryptophytes.
(C) Phanerophytes, Hemicryptophytes, Cryptophytes, Chaemophytes, Therophytes.
(D) Phanerophytes, Chaemophytes, Hemicryptophytes, Cryptophytes, Therophytes.
Answer: (B)
94. Variety of different species, genetic variability among individuals within each species and variety of
ecosystems constitute the so called
(A) Species diversity
(B) Genetic diversity
(C) Biological diversity
(D) Ecological diversity
Answer: (C)
95. In which part of India, the tropical Western Ghats are situated?
(A) Punjab
(B) Rajasthan
(C) Gujarat
(D) Kerala
Answer: (D)
96. United Nations Conference on Environment, also termed as Earth Summit, was held in 1992 in which city?
(A) Rio de Janeiro
(B) Kyoto
(C) Stockholm
(D) Copenhagen
Answer: (A)
97. The Motor Vehicles Act 1938 was amended in which year?
(A) 1972
(B) 1980
(C) 1988
(D) 1986
Answer: (C)
98. Public hearing is conducted
(A) Prior to site selection
(B) Prior to approval of Terms of Reference
(C) After preparation of EIA
(D) After environmental clearance
Answer: (C)
99. Natural source of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) is
(A) Root exudates
(B) Anaerobic bacteria
(C) Aerobic bacteria
(D) Grass fires
Answer: (D)
100. Soil fulvic acids are strong chelators of
(A) Iron (II)
(B) Iron (III)
(C) Both Iron (II) and Iron (III)
(D) Fe(OH)3
Answer: (A)
101. In the series AYD, BVF, DRH, GMJ, ? the next term is
Answer: (D)
102. Random Access Memory (RAM), a form of computer storage, is a ______ memory.
(A) Non-volatile
(B) Volatile
(C) Permanent
(D) Secondary
Answer: (B)
103. The software used to navigate through the web is known as
(A) Website
(B) Web Browser
(C) Internet
(D) World Wide Web
Answer: (B)
104. Select the code which is not correct:
An analogical argument is strengthened by
(A) Increasing the number of entities.
(B) Increasing the number of similar respects.
(C) Reducing the claim made earlier stronger.
(D) Making the conclusion stronger when premises remain unchanged.
Answer: (D)
105. In the series 1, 5, 13, 25, 41, ……. the next term is
(A) 59
(B) 63
(C) 61
(D) 68
Answer: (C)
106. Which of the following are the basic factors of effective listening?
(A) Opinionation, stare and glare and interruptions
(B) Aggressive questioning, continuous cues and frequent movement
(C) Me-too-ism, glancing sideways, and offering advice
(D) Acknowledgement of thoughts, reflection, and asking open-ended questions
Answer: (D)
107. As a good classroom communicator, you are supposed to know your
(A) Audience emotions
(B) Silent cues
(C) Artful pauses
(D) Counter arguments
Answer: (C)
108. A teacher in a classroom has immediate control over
(A) The self, selected methods of communication and the message.
(B) The audience, the noise and the reception.
(C) The feedback, the technology and the audience experience.
(D) The communication channel, other communicators, and external factors.
Answer: (A)
109. internal and external factors that affect message reception by the students in the classroom are referred to
(A) Feedback
(B) Fragmentation
(C) Channelization
(D) Noise
Answer: (D)
110. A detailed description of methodology of research is required in
(A) Thesis/Dissertation
(B) Symposium/Workshop
(C) Seminar paper/Articles
(D) Conference and Seminar Papers
Answer: (A)
111. Which of the following is not the critical feature of qualitative research?
(A) Actual settings are the direct source of data.
(B) Data take the forms of words or pictures.
(C) Seeking to establish relationships among measured social facts.
(D) Researcher becomes immersed in the situation, present or past related to the phenomena.
Answer: (C)

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