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NIFT General Aptitude Test (GAT) Mock Test 3

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Total Marks: 100 Total Time: 2 hrs.


Instructions (Qs No. 1 to 2): In each of the following questions, a number series is given with on term
missing. Choose the correct alternative that will continue the same pattern and replace the question
marks in the given series.
1. 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, _________?
a) 12 b) 15 c) 14 d) 16
2. 198, 202, 211, 227, _________?
a) 210 b) 212 c) 252 d) 27

Instructions (Qs No. 3 to 4): Two the following four are alike in a certain way and so form a group.
Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
3. a) Square b) Triangle c) Cube d) Rectangle
4. a) Branch b) Leaf c) Root d) Plant
5. If in a code language “SUDHA” is written as “UWFJC” then how “RAM” will be written in the
same code language?
a) AMR b) TCO c) SCN d) TCN

Instructions (Qs No. 6 to 10): Read the following information and answers the questions given below.
i. P, Q, R, S, T and U are six members in a family in which there are two married couple.
ii. T, a teacher is married to the doctor who is mother of R and U.
iii. Q the lawyer is married to P.
iv. P has one son and one grandson.
v. Of the two married ladies one is a housewife.
vi. There is also one student and one male engineer in the family.
6. How R is related to U?
a) Brother b) Sister c) Brother or Sister d) Data inadequate
7. How is P related to U?
a) Grandfather b) Mother c) Grandmother d) Data inadequate
8. Who is doctor?
a) P b) S c) R d) Data inadequate
9. Which of the following is true about the granddaughter in the family?
a) She is a student b) She is an engineer c) She is a lawyer d) Data inadequate
10. Who among the following is the housewife?
a) Q b) P c) T d) Data inadequate
11. From a point P, Samir started walking towards South and walked 40 m. He turned towards his
left and walked 30 m and reached a point Q. The point Q is at what minimum distance and at
what direction from the point P?
a) 50 m South-West b) 45 M South-East c) 50 M South-East d) 35 m South-East

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12. ‘Bank’ is related to ‘Money’ in the same way ‘Transport’ is related to
a) Goods b) Road c) Movement d) Traffic
13. In a cricket sessions, India defeated Australia twice, West Indies defeated India twice. Australia
defeated West Indies twice, India defeated New Zealand twice and West Indies defeated New
Zealand twice. Which country has lost most member of times?
a) India b) Australia c) New Zealand d) West Indies
14. If H = 8, HE = 13 , then “HEN” will be equal to
a) 22 b) 24 c) 25 d) 27

15. Instructions: In each question below are given two statements followed by two conclusions
numbered I and II. You have to take the two given statement to be true even if they seem to be
at variance from commonly logically follows from the two given statements, disregarding
commonly know facts.
Give answer
(a) If only conclusion I follows
(b) If only conclusion II follows
(c) If either I or II follows
(d) If neither I nor II follows
16. Statement
All poets are goats.
Some goats are trees
I. Some poets are trees. II. Some trees are goats


Instructions (Qs No. 16 to 17): In each of the following questions, out of the given alternatives, choose
the one which best express the meaning of the given word.
17. ZEAL
a) Slow b) Sober c) Enthusiasm d) Simplicity
a) Fold b) Cut c) Wrap d) Open

18. Instructions: Out of the given alternatives, choose the one which best express the meaning of
the given word.
a) Fact b) Theory c) Conjecture d) Suppressed
Instructions (Qs No. 19 to 21): Given below is few sentences along with some blank space. Read the
sentences carefully and fill in the blanks with the help of the words given below.
19. Child labour has become a ______________ burning issue for the ______________ few past.
a) subtle, past b) particularly, gone c) particularly, past d) dirty, next
20. We cannot ______________ our spiritual teachings from our learning, nor can we separate our
beliefs about who and what we are ______________ our values and our behaviours.
a) separate, from b) see, near c) upset, about d) distinguish, on
21. The Chief Minister ______________ the house that ______________action would be taken
against all those found involved corruption.
a) instructed, preventive b) called, strict c) assured, stringent d) reiterated, strictly

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(Qs No. 22 to 24) In each of the following questions, a word has been written in four different ways
out of which only one is correctly spelt. Find the correctly spelt word.
22. a) detergent b) datergent c) ditergent d) detargent
23. a) enterpreneur b) entrepreneur c) entrepreneuer d) entreprneur
24. a) intelligence b) intilligence c) intalligence d) intelligance

Instructions (Qs No. 25 to 28): In the questions some of the sentences have error and some have none.
Find out which of parts (a), (b), (c) and (d) has an error.
25. While going (a)/ through the report (b)/yesterday I find (c) /several factual mistakes. (d)
26. No sooner did (a)/ the chairman begin speaking, (b)/some participants started 9c)/ shouting
slogans. (d)
27. Although the patient (a)/was rude with the (b)/nurse, he behaved (c)/ nice with the doctor. (d)
28. After the humiliating exposure (a)/he hanged his head (b)/ in shame. (c) /No error (d)

Instructions (Qs No. 29 to 32): In the following questions the first and the last sentence of passage are 1
and 6. The rest of the passage is split into four parts and are named P, Q, R, and S. These four parts are
not given in their proper order. Read the passage and find out which of the four combinations is correct.
Then find the correct answer.
29. 1: There is fashion now-a-days
P: as an evil
Q : who is born with a silver spoon
R : to bewail poverty
S : and to pity the young man
6: in his mouth
30. 1: Yet so few of us have
P: walls of daily routine
Q: the time or the means
R: that enclose our lives
S: to break through the narrow
6: to yet so know this land
31. 1: India has been a land
P: but in the sense that learning has always been very highly valued
Q: not indeed in the sense that education has been universal
R: and the learned man has been held in higher esteem
S: of learning throughout the ages
6: then the warrior or the administrator
32. 1: It was obvious
P: made by him
Q: submitted at the meeting
R: from the comments
S: on the draft proposals
6: that he was not satisfied with them

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Instructions: In the (Qs 33 to 35) which of the phrases (a), (b), (c) and (d) given below each sentence
should replace the phrase printed in bold in each of the following sentences to make the sentence
grammatically correct?
33. He has been working off and on for several years to compile a dictionary
a) regularly b) on and off c) on or off d) on and of
34. He is not in the good books of his master
a) in the better books b) in the good book
c) in the best book d) No correction required
35. It is all and one to me whether he lives in Bombay or Kolkata
a) all but one b) all one c) one and all d) all or one

Instructions : In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These
numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits
the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate words.
The classics of the Western tradition, for all of their wisdom and relevance, have —36— deficiencies.
Written mostly by the White males, they —37— the vast majority of human experience. Moreover, the
classics have —38— to address certain problems either because they are of recent origin or because
they were regarded as.
36. a) certain b) needless c) little d) no
37. a) introduce b) include c) exclude d) encompass
38. a) trampled b) tried c) started d) failed

Instructions (Qs 39 – 40): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in it. The error, if
any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer (Ignore the errors of
punctuation, if any).
39. Several prominent figures (a) / involved in the scandal (b) / are required to appear (c) / for the
investigation committee (d)
40. When your father inquired (a) / about your marks (b) / you lied to him. (c) / Have you not ? (d)
41. If a sum of money doubles itself in 8 yr at simple interest, then the rate of interest per annum is
a) 11.5 b) 12.0 c) 12.5 d) 13.0
42. The ratio between the length and breadth of a rectangular field is 3:2. If the length is increased
by 5 m, the new area of the field will be 2600 sq m. What is the breadth of the rectangular field?
a) 40 m b) 60 m c) 65 m d) None of these
43. Ten years ago A was half of B in age. If the ratio of their present ages is 3:4 what will be the total
of their present ages?
a) 8 yr b) 20 yr c) 30 yr d) None of these
44. A retailer buys 30 pens from a wholesaler and pays equal to marked price of 27 pens. If he sells
the pens at the marked price, his profit per cent in the transaction is
 b) 10%  d) 20%
a) 9 % c) 11  %
45. If the diameter of a cylinder is 20 cm and its height is 20 cm, then the surface area (in cm2) is
a) 1256 b) 1884 c) 1570 d) 1804
46. 45%  √225 + 21 = ?
a) 80.25 b) 100.75 c) 60.50 d) 27.75
47. 40 ÷ 0.80 ÷ 0.25 = ?
a) 12.5 b) 200 c) 20 d) 250

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48. 6085 – 4017 + 1496 – 1124 = ?
a) 2890 b) 2350 c) 2980 d) None of these
49. A contractor agreeing to finish a work in 150 days employed 75 men, each working for 8 h daily.

After 90 days only  of the work was completed. How many more men would be put on now,
each working 10 h daily so as to finish the work in the stipulated time?
a) 225 b) 75 c) 150 d) 300
50. A horse worth Rs. 9000 is sold by A to B at a loss of 10% B cells the horse back to A at 10% gain.
The result is
a) A makes no profits or loss b) B gains Rs 900 c) A loses Rs 900 d) A loses Rs 810
51. The banks of a river are parallel. A swimmer starts from a point on one of the banks and swim in
a straight line inclined to the bank at 450 and reaches the opposite bank which is 20 m from the
starting point. The breadth of the river is
a) 20 m b) 20 √2  c)
m d) 40 
52. The prices of sugar increase by 32%. A family reduces its consumption so that the expenditure of
the sugar is up only by 10%. If the total consumption of the sugar before the price-rise was 10 kg
per month, then the consumption of sugar per month at present, in kg, is
   d) 9
a) 8 b) 8 c) 8
  
53. The ratio between the ages of A and B at present is 2:3. Five years hence the ratio their ages will
be 3:4. What is the present age of A in years?
a) 10 b) 15 c) 25 d) None of these
54. In a zoo, the rabbits and pigeons are kept together in a room. If heads are counted, then
number of heads is 100; but if all the legs are counted, then numbered of legs is 288. The
number of pigeons is
a) 56 b) 44 c) 50 d) 65
55. Two trains start simultaneously from A and B and travel towards each other at the rates of 85
km/h and 77.5 km/h respectively. When they meet, one train has travelled 60 km more than the
other. The distance between A and B is-
a) 1300 km b) 1350 km c) 650 km d) None of these
56. The rate of interest on a sum of money is 4 per cent per annum for the first two years 6 per cent
per annum for the next four years and 8 per cent per annum for the period beyond six years. If
the simple interest accrued by the sum for a total period of nine years is Rs. 1120, what is the
a) Rs. 2000 b) Rs. 4000 c) Rs. 1500 d) None of these
57. In college reunion, there are 48 students. The ratio of the number of boys to girls is 5 : 3. What is
the number of girls that need to be added such that ratio of the number of boys to girls
becomes 6 : 5?
a) 12 b) 11 c) 7 d) 6
58. 7563 – 3948 + 1054 = ?
a) 10457 b) 2561 c) 4669 d) None of these
2 2 2
59. 13 – 12 = (?)
a) 5 b) 6 c) 7 d) 8 e) None of these
60. 5656 ÷ 7 ÷ 4 = ?
(a) 202 (b) 22 (c) 98 (d) 110 (e) None of these

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Passage 1 - The Indian middle class consist of so many strata that it defies categorization under a single
term class, which would imply a considerable degree of homogeneity. Yet two paradoxical features
characterize its conduct fairly uniformly; extensive practice and intensive abhorrence of corruption.
In the several recent surveys of popular perceptions of corruptions, politicians of course invariably and
understandably top the list, closely followed by bureaucrats, policemen, lawyers, businessmen and
others like the quintessential middle class. If teachers do not figure high on this priority list, it is not for
lack of trying, but for lack of opportunities. Over the years, the sense of shock over acts of corruption in
the middle class has witnessed a steady decline, as its ambitions for a better material life have soared
but the resources for meeting such ambitions have not kept pace.
What is fascinating, however, is the intense yearning of this class for a clean corruptionless politics and
society, a yearning that has again and again surfaced with any figure public or obscure, focus on his
mission of eradicating corruption. Even the repeated failure of this promise on virtually every man's part
has not subjected it to the law of diminishing returns.
61. The Middle Class intensely yearns for
a) better material resources b) extensive practice of corruption
c) clean, honest society d) law of increasing returns
62. Teachers are not high on the list of corruption because they do not have
a) courage b) opportunities c) support d) ambition
63. The Indian Middle class is
a) defiant b) mysterious c) homogeneous d) stratified
64. Who figure on top of the list of corruption?
a) businessmen b) lawyers c) politicians d) policemen
65. This yearning, over the years, has
a) Persisted b) soared c) declined d) disappeared

Passage 2 - There was a marked difference of quality between the personages who haunted near bridge
of brick and the personages who haunted the far one of stone. Those of lowest character preferred the
former, adjoining the town; they did not mind the glare of the public eye. They had been of no account
during their successes; and though they might feel dispirited, they had no sense of shame in their ruin.
Instead of sighing at their adversaries they spat, and instead of saying the iron had entered into their
souls they said they were down in their luck. The miserables who would pause on the remoter bridge of
a politer stamp persons who did not know how to get rid of the weary time. The eyes of this species
were mostly directed over the parapet upon the running water below. While the one on the town ward
bridge did not mind who saw him and so kept his back to the parapet to survey the passer-by, the one
on this never faced the road, never turned his head at coming foot-steps, but, sensitive on his own
condition, watched the current whenever a stranger approached, as if some strange fish interested him,
though every finned thing had been poached out of the rivers years before.

66. In this passage the author is trying to

a) explain the difference between the construction of the two bridges
b) describe the way different sections of people like to dress
c) explain the variety of ways in which strangers can be treated
d) describe how people of different classes behaved when unhappy

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67. People belonging to lower strata in their moments of distress
a) remembered the days of glory
b) dressed shabbily to earn sympathy
c) visited the brick made bridge
d) felt ashamed of their failures
68. The attitude of lowly and genteel towards strangers was
a) virtually the same b) entirely different
c) completely indifferent d) virulently hostile
69. The bridge of stone was frequented by
a) all the sections of society b) those fond of fishing
c) the sophisticated but luckless d) none of the above
70. The two bridges were known
a) for their similar design b) for being equidistant from town
c) for being haunted places d) for attracting dejected people to them

Passage 3 - He saw nothing, he had no knife or sharp instrument, the grating of the window was of iron
and he had too often assured himself of its solidity. His furniture consisted of a bed, a chair, a table, a
pail, and a jug. The bed had iron clamps, but they were screwed to the wall and it would have required a
screwdriver to take them off.
Dantes had but one resource which was to break the jug and with one of the sharp fragments attack the
wall. He left the jug fall on the floor and it broke in pieces. He concealed two or three of the sharpest
fragments in his bed, leaving the rest on the floor. The breaking of the jug was too natural an accident to
excite suspicion, and next morning gaoler went grumblingly to fetch another, without giving himself the
trouble to remove the fragments. Dantes heard joyfully the key grate in the lock as guard departed.
71. Dantes was in
a) a hostel b) a dining room c) an army barracks d) a prison
72. Dantes heard the key grate in the lock when the
a) cell door was shut b) cell door was opened
c) storeroom was opened d) storeroom was shut
73. The guard left the fragments because he
a) didn't notice them b) wished to punish Dantes
c) was too lazy to bother d) wanted Dantes to clear up
74. Dantes probably broke the jug
a) in the morning b) during the night c) after breakfast d) at exactly 3pm
75. Dantes was planning to
a) carve his name b) make his escape c) tease the guard d) call for breakfast

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Passage 4 - The enjoyment of physical possession of things would seem to be one of the prerogatives of
wealth which has been little impaired. Presumably nothing has happened to keep the man who can
afford them from enjoying his Rembrandt and his homegrown orchids. But enjoyment of things has
always been associated with the third prerogative of wealth which is the distinction it confers. In a world
where nearly everyone was poor, the distinction was very great. It was the natural consequence of
rarity. In England it is widely agreed, the ducal families are not uniformly superior. There is a roughly
normal incidence of intelligence and stupidity, good taste and bad taste, morality and immorality. But
very few people are dukes and duchesses, although the later have become rather more frequent with
modern easing of divorce laws. As a result, even though they may be intrinsically unexceptional they are
regarded with some awe. So it has long been with the rich. Were dukes numerous, their position would
deteriorate. As the rich have become more numerous, they have inevitably becomes a debased
76. The distinction conferred by wealth
a) was unfair to the poor
b) was unlikely to spread throughout the world
c) was very great when there were many rich people
d) was very great when there were few rich people
77. The enjoyment of the physical possession of things
a) is one of the privileges of wealth which has not been changed
b) is one of the privileges of wealth which should be curtailed
c) has little to do with the prerogatives of wealth
d) is a prerogative of wealth which cannot be disputed
78. Ducal families in England
a) are generally agreed to be fairly common
b) are generally agreed to be fairly superior
c) are superior because they are rich
d) are generally agreed not to be always better than others
79. There are more duchesses now because
a) it is easier for dukes to divorce and remarry
b) dukes are more immoral than they used to be
c) there position has deteriorated
d) they are debased
80. Among the ducal families
a) there is great deal of immortality b) there is a fairly even spread of virtues and vices
c) there is a great deal of bad taste d) there is either great intelligence or great stupidity

Passage 5 - In the world today we make health an end in itself. We have forgotten that health is really
means to enable a person to do his work and do it well. A lot of modern medicine and this includes
many patients as well as many physicians pays very little attention to health but very much attention to
those who imagine that they are ill. Our great concern with health is shown by the medical columns in
newspapers, the health articles in popular magazines and the popularity of television programmes and
all those books on medicine. We talk about health all the time. Yet for the most part the only result is
more people with imaginary illness. The healthy man should not be wasting time talking about health;
he should be using health for work. The work makes good health possible.
81. Modern medicine is primarily concerned with
a) promotion of good health b) people suffering from imaginary illness
c) people suffering from real illness d) increased efficiency in work

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82. The passage suggests that
a) health is an end in itself b) health is blessing
c) health is only means to an end d) we should not talk about health
83. Talking about the health all the time makes people
a) always suffer from imaginary illness b) sometimes suffer from imaginary illness
c) rarely suffer from imaginary illness d) often suffer from imaginary illness
84. The passage tells us
a) how medicine should be manufactured b) what healthy man should or should not do
c) what television programmes should be about d) how best to imagine illness
85. A healthy man should be concerned with
a) his work which good health makes possible b) looking after his health
c) his health which makes work possible d) talking about health


86. India has largest deposits of ____ in the world.
a) gold b) copper c) mica d) None of the above
87. How many players are there on each side in the game of Basketball?
a) 4 b) 5 c) 6 d) 7
88. Hundred year war was fought between
a) France and England b) Greek and Persian forces
c) Civil war in England d) None of the above
89. Joule is the unit of
a) temperature b) pressure c) energy d) heat
90. Ms. Medha Patkar is associated with the
a) Tehri project b) Enron project
c) Sardar Sarovar project d) Dabhol project
91. Malfunctioning of which of the following organs causes jaundice?
a) Stomach b) Pancreas c) Liver d) Kidney
92. Name the instrument used to measure relative humidity
a) Hydrometer b) Hygrometer
c) Barometer d) Mercury Thermometer
93. Mina is the tribe of
a) Tripura b) Sikkim c) Rajasthan d) Nagaland, Assam
94. The chief constituent of gobar gas is
a) ethane b) methane c) hydrogen d) carbon dioxide
95. The only Indian to win the Nobel prize in physics is
a) Dr. J.C. Bose b) Dr. C. V. Raman
c) Dr. Vickram Sarabhai d) Dr. H. J. Bhabha
96. Carles Puidgemont with a recent ongoing separation movement of :
a) Germony b) Spain c) Russia d) Serbia

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97. Dr. V. Kurien is famous in the field of ?
a) Atomic Power b) poultry farms c) Dairy development d) Economic Reforms
98. Raja Ravi Verma, was famous in which of the fields?
a) Painting b) Politics c) Dance d) Music
99. The ratio of width of our National flag to its length is
a) 3:5 b) 2:3 c) 2:4 d) 3:4
100. Mohiniattam dance from developed originally in which state?
a) Tamil Nadu b) Orissa c) Kerala d) Karnataka

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NIFT GAT- BDes/MDes - Answer Key to Mock Tests
Q.No. Paper 3 Q.No. Paper 3
Ans. Ans.
1 C 51 C
2 C 52 A
3 C 53 A
4 D 54 A
5 D 55 A
6 C 56 A
7 C 57 C
8 B 58 C
9 A 59 A
10 B 60 A
11 C 61 C
12 A 62 B
13 C 63 D
14 D 64 C
15 B 65 B
16 C 66 D
17 C 67 A
18 C 68 C
19 B 69 C
20 A 70 D
21 C 71 D
22 A 72 A
23 B 73 C
24 A 74 B
25 C 75 B
26 C 76 D
27 C 77 A
28 D 78 D
29 B 79 A
30 C 80 B
31 D 81 D
32 C 82 B
33 B 83 B
34 D 84 B
35 B 85 A
36 A 86 C
37 C 87 B
38 D 88 A
39 B 89 C
40 C 90 C
41 C 91 C
42 D 92 B
43 D 93 C
44 C 94 B
45 B 95 B
46 D 96 A
47 B 97 C
48 B 98 A
49 A 99 B
50 D 100 C

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