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Ultrafiltration Membrane Dry Degumming

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N. Aryanti et al., Ultrafiltration Membrane for Degumming…, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q.

, 32 (3) 325–334 (2018) 325

Ultrafiltration Membrane
for Degumming of Crude This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0

Palm Oil-Isopropanol Mixture

International License

doi: 10.15255/CABEQ.2017.1244
N. Aryanti, D. Hesti Wardhani, and A. Nafiunisa
a,b,* a a
Original scientific paper
Department of Chemical Engineering, Diponegoro University Received: October 24, 2017
Membrane Research Centre (MeR-C), Diponegoro University Accepted: August 1, 2018

Ultrafiltration (UF) is a membrane technology that has been applied for crude palm
oil (CPO) degumming. It is considered as an alternative for the conventional CPO de-
gumming technology because of its lower energy consumption, no need for the addition
of chemicals, and almost no loss of natural oil. In this research, we separated a CPO-iso-
propanol mixture via laboratory-made flat-sheet polyethersulfone (PES) UF. Flux pro-
files confirmed that the increase in the CPO concentration resulted in lower fluxes. How-
ever, increasing the temperature from 30 °C to 45 °C initially raised the flux, but it was
further decreased when the feed temperature was raised from 40 °C to 45 °C. Using UF
of the CPO-isopropanol mixture at crude oil concentrations of 30 % and 40 %, we were
able to reject more than 99 % phospholipids and nearly 93 % phospholipids, respectively.
However, the separation of free fatty acids using this process was ineffective due to the
small size of free fatty acids. Through the evaluation of the blocking mechanism in the
Hermia model, it was proposed that the standard and intermediate blocking were the
dominant mechanisms of filtration of CPO at a concentration of 30 and 40 %, and 50 and
60 %, respectively.
crude palm oil, ultrafiltration, degumming

Introduction phospholipids, free fatty acids (FFA), pigments, and

proteins5–6. CPO is composed of a vast number of
Crude vegetable oil is a raw material used in triglycerides (TAGs) and 6 % diglycerides (DAGs)
the production of edible vegetable oil. Some exam- that naturally consist of FFA7. Industrial regulations
ples of crude vegetable oils include crude palm oil expect that high-quality oil must contain more than
(CPO), crude soybean oil, crude corn oil, crude co- 95 % neutral TAGs and 0.5 % or less FFA; for some
conut oil, crude sunflower oil, and crude castor oil1. reason, the limit also decreases to less than 0.1 %2,8.
Indonesia is one of the largest producers of CPO, Complex refining processes including degum-
followed by Malaysia, Thailand, Colombia, and Ni- ming, neutralization, bleaching, and deodorization
geria. Compared to other oilseed crops, palm oil are performed to meet the desired requirement. The
produces more oil products2. Compared to other first step in the refining process is degumming, the
vegetable oils, it is preferable in many applications function of which is to remove phospholipids and
as it is substantially cost-effective3. CPO is widely mucilaginous gums. Conventional degumming
used in various food and industrial products’ manu- methods using water and acids possess numerous
facturing processes, such as ice cream, frying oils, drawbacks due to the high energy consumption, oil
shortening, cosmetics, toothpastes, and biodiesel4. loss, loss of nutrients, and requirement for large wa-
CPO is extracted from the ripe mesocarp of the fruit ter quantities9–10. The membrane-based filtration
of oil palm trees (Elaeis guineensis) through vari- process is a promising method for refining palm oil.
ous methods, such as mechanical pressing followed Membrane filtration provides low energy consump-
by solid–liquid extraction2. tion, without the addition of chemicals and with al-
The crude oil extracted from palm oil fruits is most no loss of natural oil11–12. Previous studies on
also rich in palmitic acid, β-carotene, and vitamin CPO refining using membrane filtration have been
E, along with some undesirable compounds, such as evaluated3,13–17. Arora et al.3 evaluated the degum-
ming of CPO and crude palm olein with a hexane
solvent to remove phospholipids, Lovibond color
Corresponding author: email:
value, carotenoids, major tocopherols and tocotrien-

N. Aryanti et al., Ultrafiltration Membrane for Degumming…

326 N. Aryanti et al., Ultrafiltration Membrane for Degumming…, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 32 (3) 325–334 (2018)

ols, and major fatty acids. Ong et al.13 studied ultra- Materials and methods
filtration (UF) of CPO degumming for the removal
of phospholipids, carotenes, Lovibond color, FFAs, Materials
and volatile matter. Lai et al.14 performed research
on the deacidification of a model fatty system of The main raw materials used in this experiment
CPO using various solvents and nanofiltration. On were CPO (Kalimantan, Indonesia) and isopropanol
the other hand, polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) has (Merck) as a solvent. The UF membrane was a lab-
been modified with polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) cross- oratory-made polyethersulfone (PES) flat-sheet
linked as a UF membrane in the deacidification of membrane. The PES material was Veradel PESU
CPO15. Deacidification of CPO using an aqueous 3100P (Solvay, Singapore). The membrane was pre-
NaOH solution in a hollow fiber membrane contac- pared via a non-solvent-induced phase separation
tor was carried out by Purwasasmita et al.16 Further- method with PEG as the additive and N-meth-
more, a hexane solvent combined with a UF mem- yl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) as the solvent28.
brane has been applied to remove phospholipids
from residual palm oil fibers17. Membrane characterization
Similar molecular weights of TAGs and phos- The membrane was characterized for its molec-
pholipids (about 900 and 700 Da, respectively) can ular weight cut-off (MWCO), contact angle, perme-
interfere with their separation process using mem- ability, surface structure, and specific functional
brane technology. Phospholipids tend to form re- groups. The MWCO of the membrane represents
verse micelles in nonpolar media like hexane or the lowest molecular weight of solute (in Daltons),
crude oil because of their amphiphilic properties18,19. in which 90 % of the solute is rejected by the mem-
This unique feature of phospholipid micelles in- brane. The MWCO value is evaluated to describe
creases their average molecular weight from 700 Da the pore size distribution and retention capabilities
to around 20 kDa or even more12, which is signifi- of membranes. In this work, solute rejection exper-
cantly different from TAGs. As a result, the UF iments were performed using PEG (from Sigma-­
membrane is able to separate the micelles from the Aldrich) as polymer solute with various molecular
solvent–oil mixture, and the phospholipids are re- weights (MWs) of 2, 6, 12, 20 and 35 kDa. The
tained by the UF membrane20. However, the prima-
PEG solution was prepared in 1 wt.% concentration
ry challenge in the use of membranes, especially
and then filtrated in a dead-end filtration cell. The
UF, is the existence of a phenomenon called foul-
permeate samples were analyzed using a digital
ing. Fouling is an irreversible membrane change
handheld refractometer (PAL-91S, ATAGO, Japan).
that is caused by specific physical and chemical in-
Plots of MW versus solute rejection were created,
teractions between the membrane and the various
and then the MW corresponding to 90 % rejection
components present in the process flow. Membrane
was estimated as MWCO of the membrane. The
fouling is represented by a decrease in the permeate
flux due to the effect of blocking on the surface as ­hydrophobic/hydrophilic character of the membrane
well as inside the membrane pores21,22. As it is es- was determined by measuring the water-membrane
sential to have a detailed investigation on fouling contact angle (θ). The water-membrane contact
and there is no research investigating membrane ­angle values of the prepared membrane were mea-
fouling in the degumming of crude palm oil, this sured using water contact angle meter (RACE con-
research is focused primarily on studying the flux tact angle meter, Japan) using deionized water as a
decline as well as the fouling mechanism in the de- probe liquid.
gumming of CPO by UF. Membrane permeability was evaluated by de-
Fundamental studies on fouling mechanisms on termining the membrane flux of distilled water or
UF membranes have been performed for coconut isopropanol in the membrane module at various op-
cream23, organic compounds24, whey models25, and erating pressures (1–3 bar). The fluxes were calcu-
polyethylene glycol (PEG)26. In more detail, the lated according to the sample volume (V), the sam-
fundamental studies focusing on the fouling mecha- pling time (t), and the membrane surface area (A).
nism in UF for oil degumming or separation of oil The volumetric permeate flow rate (Q) was calcu-
components are limited only for degumming corn lated by
oil18–27, crude sunflower oil, and soybean oil14. This V
study placed emphasis on the fundamental and Q= (1)
comprehensive analysis of the influence of oil sol-
vents and micelles on fouling mechanism models. Further, the flux (J) was determined by:
Specifically, this study addressed a novelty finding
in the analysis of the fouling model and fouling 1
J = ·Q (2)
mechanism in UF for degumming CPO. A
N. Aryanti et al., Ultrafiltration Membrane for Degumming…, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 32 (3) 325–334 (2018) 327

The membrane’s surface and the cross-section- permeate flux and phospholipid/FFA rejection. Per-
al structure were characterized using scanning elec- meate fluxes (J) were determined by weighing the
tron microscopy (SEM, FEI Type Inspect-S50). The volume of the permeate collected at 5-min intervals
specific functional groups of the membrane were for 120 min and calculated using
determined using FTIR Spectroscopy (Prestige-21,
Shimadzu, Japan). W
J= (3)
A ·t
Evaluation of UF membrane performance for
degumming of the CPO-isopropanol mixture Where W represents the total weight of the per-
meate, A is the membrane area, and t is the time
The UF performance was examined using labo- interval.
ratory-made cell filtration based on the total recycle Rejection of phospholipids and FFAs was de-
model as illustrated in Fig. 1. termined on the basis of the concentration of phos-
The cell filtration was equipped with a centrif- pholipids/FFAs in the feed (Cf) and in the permeate
ugal pump (Kemflow, with nominal flow rate 1.0 (Cp). Rejection is calculated according to
LPM, maximum pump output of 7.58 bar, maxi-
mum inlet pressure of 4.14 bar) as the feed pump, C f − Cp
R= (4)
gate valves, pressure gauge (JAKO, with maximum Cf
pressure of 10.34 bar) and a stainless steel ultrafil-
tration housing. The total recycle model involved Characterization of CPO and permeate
returning the permeate and retentate flow back to
the feed tank to maintain equivalent concentration The specific characteristics of CPO and perme-
during the process. All experimental runs were con- ate included the phospholipid and FFA content.
ducted at room temperature (29 ± 2 °C). Before Phospholipids were expressed as total phosphorus
starting the experiments, membranes were first and analyzed according to the AOAC Ca 12–55
compacted by filtering water through the membrane method. Determination of FFA was performed via
at a pressure of 1 bar for 60 min. For each run, a the acid-base titration method14.
new circular membrane sheet with an effective area
of 13.85 cm2 was used. Blocking mechanism
A micellar solution was prepared by mixing The blocking mechanism of CPO-isopropanol
CPO with isopropanol with ratios of CPO of 30 %, UF was studied according to Hermia’s model. This
40 %, 50 %, and 60 % weight of the solution. The model has been previously applied for the evalua-
filtration cell was operated at 1 bar for 120 min, and tion of the fouling mechanism of dye solution UF28,
before returning it back to the feed tank, the perme- konjac glucomannan separation29, and UF of model
ate was collected every 5 min to determine the flux dye wastewater30. Hermia’s model describes the
and concentration of phospholipids/fatty acids. The mechanism of membrane fouling on the basis of the
feed temperature was varied –30 °C, 35 °C, 40 °C, blocking filtration law, consisting of complete pore
and 45 °C – in order to investigate the effect of tem- blocking, standard pore blocking, and intermediate
perature on UF performance. The feed tank was pore blocking and cake filtration. The blocking law
equipped with a temperature regulator and a mag- filtration is expressed in terms of permeation time
netic stirrer for homogenization of oil micelles. and filtration time, and was developed for dead-end
Membrane performance was evaluated in terms of filtration as shown in31:
d 2t  dt 
= k  (5)
dV  dV 
where t is the filtration time, V is the permeate vol-
ume, k is a constant, and n is a value illustrating the
different fouling mechanisms.
The values of n are described as follows: com-
plete blocking with n = 2, intermediate blocking
with n = 1, standard blocking with n = 1.5, and cake
layer formation with n = 0. In the complete block-
ing model, it is assumed that each solute participat-
ed in blocking the entrance of the membrane pores
F i g . 1 – Schematic of ultrafiltration cell with total recycle completely. In intermediate blocking, it is assumed
operation that every solute stays on the previously deposited
328 N. Aryanti et al., Ultrafiltration Membrane for Degumming…, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 32 (3) 325–334 (2018)

solutes. Standard blocking considers the deposition

of each solute on the internal pore wall. The cake
layer formation occurs due to the accumulation of
the solute on the membrane surface in a cake form32.
Hermia’s model was then linearized on the basis of
the n value for each model by fitting equations (6)
to (9) regarding the permeate flux versus time, as
presented in the following.
For Complete Blocking (n = 2):
= J ln J 0 − kc t (6)
For Intermediate Blocking (n = 1):
1 1
= + ki t (7) F i g . 2 – Flux profile of isopropanol and water at pressure of
J J0 1–3 bar

For Standard Blocking (n = 1.5):

The figure shows an increase in water and
1 1 i­sopropanol flux with the rise of pressure from 1 to
= + k s t (8)
J J0 3 bar. According to the linearization regression­
(y = mx) of water and isopropanol flux in the figure,
For Cake/Layer Formation (n = 0): it was found that the water permeability and iso­
propanol permeability were 42.77 L m–2 h–1 and
1 1 63.58 L m–2 h–1, respectively. This is surprising,
= 2
+ kcf t (9) since water is predicted to have permeability higher
J J 02
than that of ethanol which is why water is the most
Here, kc, ki, ks, and kcf are constants for com- polar solvent. This result is in contrast with de Melo
plete blocking, intermediate blocking, standard et al.33, confirming that lower solvent polarity re-
blocking, and cake layer formation, respectively. sults in a decrease in permeation. In addition, the
prepared PES membrane had the characteristics of
hydrophilic membranes represented by the contact
Results and discussion angle value as listed in Table 1, especially because
of the addition of polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) and
Membrane characteristics PEG34. With the hydrophilic characteristic of the
PES membrane, water permeation is expected to be
Table 1 shows the characterization results of higher than that of isopropanol. Solvent characteris-
the synthesized membranes confirming PEG rejec- tics, such as viscosity, surface tension, and polarity,
tions, MWCO, contact angle, and permeabilities. as well as the molar volume of the solvent, have an
Details of the water and isopropanol flux pro- effect on the transport of the solvent by the mem-
files at various pressures for the UF membrane are brane35–36. According to the physicochemical char-
presented in Fig. 2. acteristics of the solvent (viscosity and interfacial
tension), the isopropanol flux should be below the
water flux. However, this phenomenon was not ob-
Ta b l e 1 – Characteristics of the synthesized PES membrane served in this research, presumably because there
Parameter wasa specific interaction between the membrane
and the solvent. A similar result was observed by
Rejection of 2 kDa PEG (R) 9.83 %
Araki et al.37 The high permeability of isopropanol
Rejection of 6 kDa PEG (R) 13.11 % indicates that the conditioning process (immersing
Rejection of 12 kDa PEG (R) 68.85 % in isopropanol) created a less hydrophilic PES
membrane. The alteration of the hydrophobic char-
Rejection of 20 kDa PEG (R) 88.52 % acteristic is caused by the transformation of the hy-
Rejection of 35 kDa PEG (R) 96.72 % drophilic and hydrophobic sites of the membrane,
MWCO 25 kDa
resulting in the higher permeability of isopropanol.
Water permeation is correlated to the hydrophilic
Contact angle (θ) 63.63° characteristic (hydrogen bond formation) of the
Water permeability (Lh,w) 42.77 L m–2 h–1 membrane. When an alcohol such as isopropanol is
permeated, the hydrogen bond formation becomes
Isopropanol permeability (Lh,Isp) 63.58 L m–2 h–1
less, contributing to a low water flux.
N. Aryanti et al., Ultrafiltration Membrane for Degumming…, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 32 (3) 325–334 (2018) 329

F i g . 3 – FT-IR spectra of the membrane confirming specific functional groups

Specific functional groups

Specific functional groups of the membrane are
shown in Fig. 3.
According to the figure, characteristics of the
PES membrane are determined by peaks at 1492.9
and 1589.3 cm–1. Moreover, the peaks of 1161.15
and 1172.7 cm–1 show a symmetric stretching sulfur
SO2. In more detail, Table 2 lists other specific
functional groups of the membrane.
Based on the table, the specific functional
groups were matched with the chemical structure of
main membrane materials. Beside the PES charac-
teristic, the O-H bonding vibration, C-H asymmet-
ric, C-C stretching in benzene ring and -C-O-C-
bonding are representation of bonds in the polymer F i g . 4 – Permeate flux profile in the UF of the CPO-isopro-
of PEG. panol mixture at various concentrations of CPO (feed tempera-
ture: 29 °C, transmembrane pressure: 1 bar)
Permeate flux

The profile of the permeate flux showing flux

Ta b l e 2 – Specific functional groups as shown in FT-IR
versus time is presented in Fig. 4. spectra
The figure shows that there is a flux decline
during the filtration of the solvent and CPO mix- Absorbance peaks (cm–1) Specific functional groups
tures. A significant flux fall-off was observed during Aromatic compounds
1473.41 and 1560.62
the first 5 min of filtration, followed by a flux re- (C-C stretching)
duction deceleration rate, and then finally the flux
1219.01 and 1261.4 Aromatic ether compounds
became steady. A three-step behavior was also per-
ceived by Penha et al.38 during the filtration of ma- 849.2 and 862.2 Para substituted benzene
racuja oil/n-hexane mixture. The initial flux decline
1074.3, 1093.6 and 1114.8 -C-O-C- bonding
is caused by a phenomenon called polarization con-
centration, whereas the following flux reduction is a 2872.01 and 2926.01 C-H asymmetric bonding
result of membrane fouling. Comparable perfor-
3375.43 and 3475.73 O-H alcohol bonding
mances were reported for oil/hexane mixture per-
330 N. Aryanti et al., Ultrafiltration Membrane for Degumming…, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 32 (3) 325–334 (2018)

(1a) (2a)

(1b) (2b)
F i g . 5 – SEM images at magnification of 10,000x: Clean membranes (1a- Surface), (2a- Cross-sectional structure) and fouled
membrane after ultrafiltration of 30 % CPO-solvent mixture (1b-Surface), (2b-Cross-sectional structure)

meation through the UF membrane using sunflower obtained since the permeability is influenced by the
oil39 as well as coconut oil, groundnut oil, mustard viscosity35. In addition, a lower flux is obtained as a
oil, sunflower oil, and rice bran oil 36–40. In addition, result of polarized/gel layer formation. When the oil
it was reported that the flux reduction at the begin- concentration is higher, the layer becomes larger
ning of the sunflower oil–n-hexane filtration was and generates larger resistance to the flux perme-
type of concentration polarization phenomenon and ation33,36,41. As elucidated by Kim et al.41, convective
gel layer formation on the membrane surface39. solute transport to the membrane produces a sharp
Moreover, the flux drop at the end of the filtration gradient of concentration inside the boundary layer.
was due to the deposition of a gel on the membrane Because of diffusion, solute back-transport into the
surface38,41,42. The deposited layer is formed because bulk takes place, and a close-packed arrangement of
of the phospholipids retained on the membrane sur- the solute is formed. As a consequence, no more
face and pores plugging14,43. solute can be accommodated, and the mobility of
Fig. 4 also confirms that the increase in oil con- solutes is restricted.
centration leads to a higher reduction in flux. This Scanning electron microscopy images of the
decrease takes place due to an increase in oil con- fouled membrane, as displayed in Fig. 5, confirm
centration, resulting in the increase insolution vis- that a foulant layer on the membrane’s surface is
cosity. With the rise of viscosity, a smaller flux is present.
N. Aryanti et al., Ultrafiltration Membrane for Degumming…, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 32 (3) 325–334 (2018) 331
Ta b l e 3 – Rejection of phospholipid and fatty acids at vari-
ous CPO concentrations at a pressure of 1 bar and feed tem-
perature of 30 oC
Phospholipid Free fatty acid
CPO concentration
rejection (%) rejection (%)
30 % >99.21 16.13
40 % 92.93 12.93
50 % 37.52 9.09

Ta b l e 4 – Rejection of phospholipid and fatty acids at vari-

ous feed temperatures at a pressure of 1 bar and CPO concen-
tration of 30 %
Phospholipid Free fatty acid
F i g . 6 – Effect of feed temperature on the initial and final rejection (%) rejection (%)
flux at a pressure of 1 bar and CPO concentration of 30 % 30 oC >99.21 16.13
Fig. 6 displays the effect of feed temperature 35 oC 86.60 7.17
on the initial and final permeate flux. 40 oC 73.94 10.24
The figure suggests that the increase in the mix-
ture temperature from 29 to 35 °C had an effect on
the higher flux permeate. This was expected due to The table shows that rejection of phospholipids
the decrease in viscosity or the increase in phospho- is significantly higher than that of fatty acids. This
lipid diffusion on the membrane pores. However, a is noticeable since the molecular weight of micelle
further temperature increase (from 40 to 45 °C) led- phospholipids is considerably greater than that of
to a decrease in flux, but the reduction in viscosity
FFAs. The phospholipids’ rejection is found to be
had no effect on the flux. This result is close to that
greater than 99 % at a CPO concentration of 30 %,
of Kim et al.41, confirming that the operating tem-
and slightly reduced to nearly 93 % with the in-
perature of 40 °C was suitable for the degumming
crease in CPO concentration to 40 %. The reduction
of soybean extract; above the temperature of 40 °C,
of phospholipid rejection becomes more obvious
the flux decreased. A decline in flux is predicted be-
with the increase in CPO concentration to 50 %. In
cause of the fouling on the membrane surface as a
result of solid denaturation or gelatinization, as well addition, a similar trend is shown when the feed
as insoluble salts precipitation at a high temperature44. temperature is raised. The rejection of both phos-
pholipids and FFAs declines at higher temperatures
Phospholipid and FFA rejection from 30 °C to 40 °C, as presented in Table 4.

Membrane selectivity is represented as rejec- Blocking mechanism by Hermia’s model

tion, indicating the membrane’s ability to reject or
remove a feed compound. Micelles are formed In this research, Hermia’s model was applied in
when phospholipids are dispersed in water. The order to evaluate the blocking mechanism during
mixture of phospholipids in a nonpolar solvent such UF of the CPO-isopropanol mixture at various feed
as isopropanol formed reverse micelles having an CPO concentrations. The fouling mechanism repre-
average molecular weight of 20,000 Daltons (10– sented by the blocking mechanism is identified by
200 nm)44. Based on the pore size, UF rejects com- fitting the experimental data into Hermia’s linear-
pounds having a molecular weight in the range of ized equation (equations (4) to (7)). The fitting of
300–500,000 Daltons. Hence, in the phospholip- experimental data to the four-type Hermia model is
ids-isopropanol system, phospholipids are expected shown in Fig. 7, and the corresponding correlation
to be retained in the retentate, and the permeate coefficients (R2) are listed in Table 5.
comprises the oil and isopropanol. In contrast to According to the table, two dominant blocking
phospholipids, the MWs of FFAs and TAGs are mechanisms are found: standard blocking and inter-
similar. TAGs and FFAs have a molecular weight of mediate blocking. At low concentrations of CPO
800 Da and 300 Da, respectively9. Compared to the (30 % and 40 %), the blocking mechanism is domi-
UF pore size, the separation of FFAs is challenging nated by standard blocking. In contrast, at higher
due to the low selectivity, and it results in a low concentrations of CPO (50 % and 60 %), the inter-
rejection value. Rejection of phospholipids and mediate blocking is the dominant mechanism. Stan-
FFAs at various CPO concentrations is displayed in dard blocking assumes that each solute is deposited
Table 3. into the internal pore wall. In intermediate blocking,
332 N. Aryanti et al., Ultrafiltration Membrane for Degumming…, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 32 (3) 325–334 (2018)

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
F i g . 7 – Fitting of experimental data (feed temperature: 30 °C, pressure: 1 bar) to Hermia’s model: (a) complete blocking, (b)
standard blocking, (c) intermediate blocking, and (d) cake/gel layer formation

Ta b l e 5 – R2 values of the blocking mechanism based on first presumed to be phospholipid-isopropanol mi-

Hermia’s model celles because of their large size and potential to
R2 block the pores. However, this assumption is in
Feed contradiction with phospholipid rejection. If the
concentration Complete Intermediate Standard Cake/Gel
large particles were an agglomeration of phospho-
blocking blocking blocking formation
lipid micelles, then rejection at high CPO concen-
CPO 30 % 0.9186 0.9512 0.9971 0.7755 trations should be greater. Hence, it can be assumed
CPO 40 % 0.9022 0.9618 0.9953 0.8053 that, at high concentrations of CPO, not all phos-
CPO 50 % 0.8354 0.9811 0.9737 0.8769 pholipids generate micelles with isopropanol. This
confirms why phospholipid rejection at high con-
CPO 60 % 0.7797 0.9432 0.9394 0.8052 centrations of CPO was lower. Hence, the larger
particles that accumulated on the membrane surface
were predicted to be other oil compounds such as
it is proposed that every solute remains on the pre- TAGs.
viously deposited solutes. In addition, Fig. 8(b) shows that, at low con-
The proposed standard blocking and intermedi- centrations of CPO, the dominant fouling mecha-
ate blocking mechanisms in UF of CPO-isopropa- nism was standard blocking, representing small par-
nol are illustrated in Fig. 8. ticles attached inside the membrane pore, and
According to Fig. 8(a), the large particles that causing pore constriction (reduction in pore size).
accumulated on the membrane surface and blocked The compound that was possibly blocking the mem-
the membrane pores were TAGs. The large particles brane pores was fatty acid, since fatty acids are
that formed at a high concentration of CPO were smaller than phospholipid-isopropanol micelles. At
N. Aryanti et al., Ultrafiltration Membrane for Degumming…, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 32 (3) 325–334 (2018) 333
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