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Wood Adhesives Made With Pyrolysis Oils 1

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Eleftheria Athanassiadou
Sophia Tsiantzi
Panagiotis Nakos

A.C.M. Wood Chemicals plc

c/o A.R.I. Ltd., Sofouli 88,
55131 Kalamaria, Thessaloniki,


Phenol-formaldehyde resins represent an important type of adhesives employed in the production of

wood-based panels of superior water resistance (exterior use products).

Phenol is a petrochemical product and the increased oil prices together with the need of reducing
the demand on fossil fuels and promoting environmentally friendly products have encouraged
developments in the use of alternative raw materials derived from renewable resources. Efforts in
this field have accelerated in the latest two decades.

The research group of A.C.M. Wood Chemicals plc in this respect has studied the potential use of
biomass derived pyrolysis oils (bio-oils), a portion of which comprises of phenolic compounds, for
replacing part of the phenol needed in the formulation of a phenol-formaldehyde resin.

Phenol-formaldehyde resins were produced by substituting up to 50% of the phenol needed in the
formulation with bio-oils and by modifying the synthesis procedure. The resins were successfully
used in the production of oriented strand board and plywood. This difference in the field of
application required an adaptation of the resin production sequence. The use of bio-oils provided in
both cases phenolic adhesives with reactivity and performance equal to the non-modified resins.

Further increase in the substitution level is envisaged, with the aim to further reduce the resin cost.
The lower toxicity of bio-oils as compared to pure phenol would facilitate resin manufacture. The
conformity with the EU directive for sustainable development makes them attractive for further

Wood Adhesives Made with Pyrolysis Oils, A.C.M. Wood Chemicals plc 1

In view of the environmental strain caused by fossil fuels and chemicals, and their inherent
vulnerable and limited supply, industry efforts were focused on identifying raw materials based on
renewable resources. To this direction, the oil obtained by the pyrolysis of renewable biomass was
seen as an attractive substitute for petroleum phenol in the production of phenolic type adhesives.

Phenol-Formaldehyde (PF) resins are extensively employed as bonding adhesives in the

manufacture of composite wood panels or wood-based panels, imparting the water resistance
required for exterior applications (e.g. external house walls, roofs). They are mainly the products of
the reaction between phenol and formaldehyde, which is catalyzed by alkali to provide a
thermosetting polymer called resole (Figure 1). Other phenolic compounds (e.g. resorcinol) can
also react with formaldehyde to provide polymers of the same type with differences in adhesive cost
and reactivity. Phenolic resins represent the second important type of wood adhesives following
amino resins in terms of consumption volume. In North America, they account for approx. 32% of
the total resin solids used compared to 59% for amino resins and the rest 9% for a variety of binders
like isocyanates [1]. In Europe, due to board production and application habits, the percentage of
PF resin solids applied is estimated to be lower with a higher use of amino resin types.

Figure 1: Resole structure.

Although much attention has been paid to biomass pyrolysis for the production of fuels, the
research on its use for the production of valuable chemicals like phenol for wood adhesives is
limited and relatively new. The oils obtained from fast pyrolysis processes consist of
depolymerized biomass and contain compounds, which are derived from both the carbohydrates and
the lignin [2, 3]. The chemical compounds in the pyrolysis oils include those of phenols, acids,
alcohols, hydroxyls, esters, aldehydes, and unsaturated hydrocarbons. Waste resources, such as
bark and sawdust from various kinds of wood, and kraft lignins (produced in papermills) represent
main biomass feedstocks investigated and pyrolysis temperatures are in the range of 450-600oC.
The phenolic compounds represent a fraction of about 12-17% w/w of the pyrolysis oils, hence it
has been found that they may account for up to one-third of the pyrolytic oil [4, 5].

Analysis of the phenolic fraction of the bio-oil revealed the presence of a number of phenolic
compounds apart from phenol: o,m,p-cresol, guaiacol, catechols, isomers of mono-, di- and tri-
substituted phenol with methyl and ethyl groups, isomers of substituted guaiacol with methyl, ethyl,
vinyl, allyl and propenyl groups [4-6]. In addition, a few carbohydrate-derived components are also
present in this fraction such as furfuryl alcohol and other furfural derivatives. Although the
phenolic fraction is a mixture, all compounds are derivatives of phenol and would have the same
type of chemical properties. Therefore, efforts have been made to utilize the pyrolytic oil or its

Wood Adhesives Made with Pyrolysis Oils, A.C.M. Wood Chemicals plc 2
phenolic fraction as a phenol source for thermosetting PF resins [2, 3, 6-14]. The potential for
partial replacement of the formaldehyde resin component by the aldehyde fraction of the oil was
also investigated.

In an attempt to better utilize pyrolysis oils for PF resin production, various pyrolysis routes were
investigated. The aim was to appropriately modulate pyrolysis process to obtain bio-oil suitable for
phenol replacement in the making of PF. Parameters such as source material, pyrolysis conditions,
reactor configuration and biomass moisture content influence the yield and composition of pyrolysis
oils [9]. Two trends are identified in recent pyrolysis procedures: a) increase of the phenolic
fraction yield by modifying pyrolysis conditions and/or feedstock (e.g. bark as a raw material for
pyrolysis, catalytic pyrolysis [10, 15, 16]) and b) production of phenol-rich but lower yield bio-oil
by carefully selected pyrolysis reaction conditions. The latter can be used directly in the synthesis
of PF resins without the need for fractionation [10-13].

The economics of producing PF resins with the use of bio-oils have been evaluated on a preliminary
basis and found to be very competitive with the current cost of petroleum derived phenol [2, 3, 6,
12]. Complex fractionation methods, unutilised by-products, low phenolic fraction yields may
affect process economics negatively.

In this framework, the A.C.M. Wood Chemicals research group has investigated the use of
pyrolysis oils as a phenol and/or formaldehyde replacement in the synthesis of phenol-
formaldehyde (PF) resins for the production of wood-based panels of superior water resistance with
the aims to:
• identify resin raw materials that are less toxic than petroleum-derived phenol
• reduce the demand on fossil fuels and promote sustainable development by using alternative
resin feedstocks derived from renewable resources
• reduce resin production cost by introducing raw materials of lower cost than phenol
• obtain resins with the same or enhanced quality than the ones conventionally synthesized.

The first three requirements are fulfilled by bio-oil. The scope of the present work was to evaluate,
whether the remaining last requirement can also be fulfilled by pyrolysis oil. For this, various bio-
oil samples were tested and a common problem encountered was bio-oil instability and
heterogeneity as compared with petrochemical phenol. Preliminary trials have proven the
feasibility of phenol replacement by bio-oil and the reality to achieve substitution levels above 15%
by weight using fractionated bio-oil (due to the low phenolic content of total bio-oil) and modifying
the resin synthetic route. These findings were considered promising and worthy of further
investigation, of which results are presented herebelow.


Phenol-formaldehyde resins were successfully produced by substituting up to 50% of the phenol

needed in the formulation with bio-oil and modifying the commercial synthesis Know How. The
resins were intended for use in two main applications: production of either Oriented Strand Board
(OSB) or plywood (PW) type panels. This difference in resin application requires a different
approach in resin production sequence.

PF resin synthesis & testing

By the application of bio-oil samples in PF resin synthesis, to partially substitute the phenol
required, modifications in the synthesis route were made necessary, e.g. increase of the sodium
hydroxide level used to catalyse the condensation, change of the order of raw materials loading,
Wood Adhesives Made with Pyrolysis Oils, A.C.M. Wood Chemicals plc 3
different number of polycondensation stages. PF resins were synthesised using various reaction
routes and depending on their application (OSB or plywood). The final resin specifications were
similarly different (Table 1).

Table 1: Specifications of PF resins according to their application.

PW resins OSB resins
Solids, % 42±1 50±1
Viscosity, cp 400-500 100-130
NaOH, % 6.0 2-3

Representative samples of the 40 and 50% substituted resins were subjected to GPC (Gel
Permeation Chromatography) measurements, to determine their molecular weight distribution. The
GPC graph of 40% substituted resin is very similar to the one of the control resin (Figure 1), while
in 50% substituted resin a broad pick appears towards higher molecular weights, which could be
due to the more complex composition of the bio-oils as compared to petroleum phenol, that
produces higher molecular weight products.


40% Substitution
50% Substitution
Detector Response






11 12 13 14 15
Retention time (min)

Figure 1: GPC graphs of control, 40 and 50% modified resins.

Furthermore, the DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimetry) scans of bio-oil modified versus control
phenolic resins are shown in Figure 2. Both of the modified- and the control-PF scans show a large
positive (exothermic) peak, which is due to the polymerisation reaction of the resins. The results of
the DSC analysis are given in Table 2.

Wood Adhesives Made with Pyrolysis Oils, A.C.M. Wood Chemicals plc 4
40% modified
50% modified


80 100 120 140 160 180 200

Temperature (°C)

Figure 2: DSC scans of control and bio-oil modified PF resins.

Table 2: Results of DSC analysis of control and bio-oil modified PF resins.

Resin Onset, °C Peak max, °C Endset, °C Reaction heat, J/g
Control 85 147 195 95.2
40% modified 79 146 206 110.0
50% modified 75 146 196 151.0

The DSC thermograms show that the modified PF resins cure faster than the control one, since all
peak characteristics (onset, maximum, endset) are shifted to lower temperatures. The higher heat of
reaction of the modified PF resins suggests that the polymer crosslinking density is higher
compared to the control PF resin.

OSB, plywood preparation & testing

Pilot scale production of OSB was carried out, by employing 50% bio-oil modified resin. Standard
aspen wood strands (populus tremuloides) with a nominal thickness of 0.7mm and a length of
142mm were mixed with the gluing mixture, including the resin and additives, and formed to mats,
which were subsequently hot-pressed to final panels at a temperature of 210oC and for 220s total
pressing time. The target panel density and dimensions were 640kg/m3 and 76 x 76 x 1.1cm
respectively. For comparison, panels were produced under equal conditions and using a
conventional phenolic resin.

The board properties were determined and main values are presented in Figure 3 in comparison
with the corresponding values of conventional phenolic resin and the standard requirements
(Canadian standard CSA 0437): the board tensile strength (IB, N/mm2), bending strength (MOR,
N/mm2), thickness swelling after immersion in water for 24h (TS, %) and bonding durability (BD,
MOR after 2h boiling of the board samples). In each case replicate boards were produced and the
results shown represent average values. It is obvious that the resin performance was not negatively
affected by the incorporation of bio-oil, since the modified resin has equivalent or even better
performance than the control resin.

Wood Adhesives Made with Pyrolysis Oils, A.C.M. Wood Chemicals plc 5
0,5 Standard
0,2 10

0,1 5
0 0

Figure 3: Tensile (IB) and bending (MOR) strength, 24h thickness swelling (TS) and bonding
durability (BD) of pilot scale OSB produced with bio-oil modified PF resin.

Industrial scale production of plywood was realized by employing phenolic resin modified with bio-
oil at 40% substitution level. Two different types of wood veneers were employed: poplar
(hardwood) and okoume (tropical) veneers. The gluing mixture was spread on the veneers and 9-
layer panels were formed with 18 or 20mm thickness. After 10-15 min assembling time, panels
were pressed at 120oC and press time corresponding to their thickness.

Representative results from testing of the board properties are given in Figure 4. The board samples
were tested according to the requirements of bond type WBP (Weather and Boil Proof) of British
Standard 6566, using the knife test for assessing the bond quality. The bond quality of the modified
resin was compared with that of the conventional resin (control) and the value of plant control. The
panel bond performance, however, is highly dependent not only on the resin type but also on the
type of wood veneers. The results show that the bond quality of the bio-oil modified resin is equal
or even better than that of the conventional resin and higher than the plant control value.


Bond Quality

6 Control

Poplar Okoume

Figure 4: Bond quality of industrial plywood produced with

bio-oil modified PF resin.


The pyrolysis oil can be used in the manufacture of phenolic resins for various panel types with
positive results. The reactivity and performance of the modified resins are equal to the ones of the
conventional resins. An up to 50% phenol substitution was realized already and further increase in
the substitution level is envisaged. To provide significant savings for the resin manufacturer the

Wood Adhesives Made with Pyrolysis Oils, A.C.M. Wood Chemicals plc 6
phenol substitution level should be above 40% and the price of the pyrolysis oil should be
maximum 50% of the phenol price. Its lower toxicity as compared to phenol and its conformity
with the EU directive for sustainable development (it is produced from renewable resources) make
it attractive for further investigation.

A.C.M. Wood Chemicals plc

The A.C.M. Wood Chemicals plc group is involved in the development and manufacturing of
formaldehyde-based resins and resin additives for the production of wood-based panels. The
Adhesives Research Institute (A.R.I.) Ltd., based in Thessaloniki, Hellas, is the research and
development centre of the group, specialised in the wood and adhesives chemistry and its aim is to

• develop new products and processes for the wood panel industry following trends and meeting
the most stringent international regulations
• test and verify the performance and effectiveness of products and technologies already in use
• reduce formaldehyde emissions from the whole production chain of wood panels
• identify and successfully incorporate environmentally friendly materials and production
processes (renewable raw materials, natural resins, panel recycling)
• offer training in a continually updated Know How.


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Wood Adhesives Made with Pyrolysis Oils, A.C.M. Wood Chemicals plc 7
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Picture 1: OSB and plywood panels

Wood Adhesives Made with Pyrolysis Oils, A.C.M. Wood Chemicals plc 8

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