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Robert Adams

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There are a few people on Facebook and elsewhere, that claim Robert Adams was a fraud, that
he never met Ramana because there is no record of him ever being there, and no one present
during the late 40s can remember him.

My response is that there is very little proof that Robert ever existed in life at all until he
suddenly broke on the scene in Los Angeles in 1989. But this is the Robert I knew. He was very
humble. Very quiet and self-effacing. He rarely spoke. If you entered a room with a dozen
people, you may not even have noticed him.

Robert shunned attention in the spotlight. He was constantly deliberately losing students. He did
things that ruffled their feathers and they left. His stated goal was to have 10 students in his life
that got his message and could spread his message. 10 students who got enlightened and became
teachers themselves. He was not interested in large numbers of people. He did not want to have
an ashram. He told stories about leaving behind an ashram he created in New Mexico. He
shunned Muktananda's invitation to become a swami.

He was shy and retiring. And I'll bet even in 1948 he was not an extrovert. He was not a people
person. He did not live in the ashram, but around it. And when he told stories about his time in
Ramana's ashram and with Ramana they were told with such detail and conviction I felt no doubt
that he was telling the truth, especially about the time when he met Ramana on apath, took off all
of his clothes. and prostrated himself before Romana. When he told that story, his eyes were
filled with tears. He ended it by saying this is how you have to be with your teacher: humble,
devoted, surrender,and he saidit almost shouting it as an essential truth.

Some even doubt Robert's stated awakening experience, saying it was only a mystical
experience. That same person claimed that enlightened beings stop searching when they become
enlightened, forgetting classically that there are many stages after awakening before approaching
'final enlightenment'.

Classically the Zen oxherding figures come to mind, 10 stages post awakening before your
training is complete. The great Zen Master Joshu stated he had 17 great Satori and thousands of
small ones. His Zen training took place over a period of 60 years before he finally settled as a

If I were asked if I remembered the many people that had came and gone at the international
Buddhist meditation center in the early 1970s where I was a monK for three years, I can't say
that I remember any but a small number of people. People looking for evidence that Robert was
at Ramana ashram in 1948 or 1949 50 years later would be hard to prove or find acceptible proof
of his presence. This is more or less what I would expect.

Remember, Robert was like a ghost in his entire life. He left no footprint, and less than a dozen

Nisargadatta Maharaj
Excerpt from: I AM THAT

In the mirror of your mind images appear and disappear. The mirror remains. Learn to
distinguish the immovable in the movable, the unchanging in the changing, till you realise that
all differences are in appearance only and oneness is a fact. This basic identity -- you may call
God, or Brahman, or the matrix (Prakriti), the words matters little -- is only the realisation that all
is one.

Nothing is necessary, nothing is inevitable. Habit and passion blind and mislead. Compassionate
awareness heals and redeems. There is nothing we can do, we can only let things happen
according to their nature.

To meet all the vicissitudes of life is penance enough! You need not invent trouble. To meet
cheerfully whatever life brings is all the austerity you need.

Share willingly and gladly all you have with whoever needs -- don't invent self-inflicted

Accept what comes.

It depends on your temperament. You may work with others and for others, alert and friendly,
and grow more fully than in solitude, which may make you dull or leave you at the mercy of
your mind's endless chatter. Do not imagine that you can change through effort. Violence, even
turned against yourself, as in austerities and penance, will remain fruitless.

It is all due to your complete misunderstanding of reality. Your mind is steeped in the habits of
evaluation and acquisition and will not admit that the incomparable and unobtainable are waiting
timelessly within your own heart for recognition. All you have to do is to abandon all memories
and expectations. Just keep yourself ready in utter nakedness and nothingness.

God will do it. Just see the need of being abandoned. Don't resist, don't hold on to the person you
take yourself to be.

By all means do feel lost! As long as you feel competent and confident, reality is beyond your
reach. Unless you accept inner adventure as a way of life, discovery will not come to you.

Of the centre of your being, which is free of all directions, all means and ends.

Be nothing, know nothing, have nothing. This is the only life worth living, the only happiness
worth having.

You must find your own way. Unless you find it yourself it will not be your own way and will
take you nowhere. Earnestly live your truth as you have found it -- act on the little you have
understood. It is earnestness that will take you through, not cleverness -- your own or another's.

When you have a disturbance like the dog seems to disturb some of you when he’s playing,
you’re looking about it the wrong way. I know some of you are saying to yourselves, “It should
be quiet because we’re meditating.” But this is an erroneous concept because the fact is we’re
not meditating. We’re simply sitting in the silence. And the silence and the quietness you’re
looking for is within yourself. It has absolutely nothing to do with the external world.

Always remember this; every disturbance in this world is Maya, an illusion.

The perfect silence is within yourself. Do not believe that you can go to an ashram or to a
monastery or move away from your place of business because there’s too much noise. Wherever
you go you will find the same noise. For the noise is something happening to you. Your true
nature is silence, quietness, peace and nothing can ever disturb that. The world can do nothing to
your true silence. Only if you identify with the world and to identify with the world you must to
identify with the body-mind then there’s a disturbance. But if you have an inkling of what I’m
talking about what can actually disturb you? There’ no disturbance for you are not the world.
There are not two worlds. One of silence and one of disturbance. There’s only one world. It’s
like mesmerism. Like the water in the mirage. You somehow have come to believe that there’s
an outside world and in that world there’s disturbance.

So when you hear noises, when something does appear to disturb you that’s your teacher. Look
at that disturbance as your teacher and investigate. You can only investigate within yourself.
Therefore you must ask yourself, “To whom comes this disturbance? Whose feathers have been
ruffled? Who believes there’s something wrong?” And of course the answer will come, “I do!”
Because I’m, trying to keep still, I’m trying to keep quiet and there are noises. This is going on
and that’s going on. “But to whom is this happening?” you ask yourself. Again, “It’s happening
to me. I feel it. who is the I that feels it? Where did it come from what is its source?” The source
is the Self, it’s consciousness. The source is absolute beautiful. Total beauty. Total joy. Pure
awareness. The I appears to come out of the source when you go backwards and you inquire “For
whom is the I?” The I goes back into the source. You can call the source the gap, the fourth
dimension. When the I goes back into the gap there is a prevailing peace no matter what is going
on in the world.

Sri Robert Adams


Before a thought arises, do you know it is going to

come? You cannot decide, ‘Oh, I’m only going to have
Jesus-thoughts today,’ or, ‘I dedicate this space for
only Buddha’s words and contemplations this week.’

Thoughts arise arbitrarily and unannounced, but this

by itself is not thinking. Thinking begins when the
arising thought connects with the thinker-thought,
the thinker-identity. Out of this communion, thinking
is produced. Know that both the thoughts and the
thinker of thoughts are one: mind. When it is seen that
even the thinker is a thought believed into existence,
the power or force of the psychological mind dissipates,
and peace prevails.

~ Mooji

There is nothing to seek and find, for there is nothing lost.

Relax and watch the ‘I am’.
Reality is just behind it.
Keep quiet, keep silent, it will emerge or rather,
it will take you in.

~Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

When you are quiet it is Beauty,

Joy and Stillness.
It is effortless.

Robert Adams
Excerpt from: Satsang
The choice is yours.

Now this may seem strange to you, especially to some people here who don't know me too well.
It appears as if I have no compassion. It appears as if I don't care. On the contrary, I care more
than you can ever know. I also realize that nothing can happen to anyone. Nothing ever happens
to anyone.

We go to the example again of looking through a keyhole. When you look through a keyhole you
only see a part of the picture. So you look through a keyhole and you see a guy in Bangladesh
getting hit by a cyclone, drowning, and you say, "Poor soul." But then you are allowed to open
the door, and now you see the complete picture. You see the previous life. The same fellow was
part of the inquisition in Spain, and it was his job to torture people by drowning them. And you
move to the other end of the picture and you see that the person that he drowned and himself are
both laughing now. The whole thing was a lie. It never happened. Nothing ever happened.

It's like you're watching a movie. In the movie there is a war going on. Everybody is being killed,
torn to pieces. But then the movie is over. Nothing happened. They were just images on the
screen. When you are aware of body-mind , and you think you are the body-mind , then your life
is simply a superimposition on the screen of life, on consciousness. It appears to be happening to
you. But in reality no thing is happening. You are free. You are whole. You are complete. And
there’s only one of you. There never was you and me. There is only the one, and that one is
absolute reality. You are that one. You are the body of bliss.

Wake up. Get rid of all those feelings that are beseeching you to do all these stupid things.
Awaken. Be free. Simplify your life. Have no fear. Fear is another thing that you become
attached to and it keeps you back.

Look at the world. The world is a cosmic joke. It appears to be real, the good things, the
beautiful things, the horrible things. They are all imposters. This world is a world of duality. For
every good there has to be a bad. It has to balance. For every bad there has to be a good. For
every up there’s a down. For every forwards there’s a backward.

We can never understand this world. It's too complex. Get out of it, not by committing suicide,
but by transcending the mind and body, and awakening to your real self. That's how you get out
of it. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Stop paying so much attention to your thoughts, to the
world, to your body. Let come what may. Surrender totally to yourself. Yourself is God,
consciousness. Begin to identify with the I am, not with conditions. Leave conditions alone.

As I told you before, you are not responsible for anything. Get rid of your guilt feelings. Turn
within. See the truth. Become the truth. Do not look to others for advice, what to do, how to live.
Be a lamp unto yourself, as the Buddha said. All the answers are within you.

Some of you are saying, "Well, what about you Robert? Can't we come to you for advice?" I am
a guide, a mirror, for you to see yourself, and to guide you within yourself. I can only see you as
one way, perfection, consciousness. I see you as myself. When you look at me, you're looking
into the mirror. What do you see? You're seeing yourself. How are you seeing yourself? As
depraved, homely, sickly, as an ego maniac? Drop it. Awaken.

There is no thing that wants to hurt you. It is all in your imagination. It is your imagination that
causes your problems. Now do not let what I tell you make you cynical or sarcastic. While you
are on the path of self discovery, you help others. You do what has to be done. It will happen by
itself. If you're supposed to feed the homeless, then feed the homeless. It will happen by itself. If
you're supposed to go live on top of a mountain, and never see civilization again, it will happen
by itself.

The main thing to understand is that you have absolutely nothing to do with it. You may think
you're taking action, and you may say to yourself, "If I don't do it, no one will. If I don't take care
of this thing, everything will fall in on me." What can fall in on you? No thing is ever that bad.
What you're really talking about is change. You are attached to a certain condition and you're
afraid of the change. That's what you really mean. But if you've been working on yourself, and
you have taught your mind to rest in the heart center, you have trained your mind not to go out,

by going out I mean leaving your heart center and going into the world and becoming the world,
then if your mind is subdued, only joy can come to you, due to the fact that what we call the
substratum of life is total bliss. When you turn within, you merge with the bliss and you become
a body of bliss. The choice is yours.

If holidays are so important to you, Easter. Look what fools we make of ourselves during Easter.
We think we're doing something great. Jesus never knew anything about Easter or Christmas.
We make up these holidays. There's nothing wrong with enjoying yourself, but don't make it into
a fetish.

I remember when I was a young kid about twelve or thirteen, my family always wanted me to
spend the holiday with them. And at that time I even felt in my heart, "What good would that do?
External things do not matter," and I used to go downtown to listen to Joel Goldsmith. Where
your heart is, that's where God is.

Today, think, "What is this thing I am attached to? What is so meaningful for me in this world?"
and realize it’s that which is keeping you back. Let go of it mentally, by turning within, and
realizing that, "I feel this. I feel I need this." Where does the I come from? Follow the I thread to
the source and become liberated.

What is the definition of something being real? Something that exists the same way forever.
Does your body exist the same way forever? You're are not the same person you were ten years
ago or twenty years ago or thirty years ago. When you were first conceived you were no bigger
than the size of a pinhead and look what came out of the pinhead. So when somebody calls you a
pinhead don't feel insulted. Your arms, your legs, your arms, your hair all came out of this
pinhead. You were born in order to die. For as soon as you're born you begin to die. You begin to
grow older and older and older and your reason for being born is to die. Sounds strange but true.

Therefore your body cannot be real. For it was born to die and it changes constantly. It's never
the same. How can you therefore hold on to your body as if it were real? And abide in your body
and think of your body night and day and be concerned with your body and waste your time
dressing the body continuously in fine clothes, bathing it three times a day, feeding it all kinds of
exquisite foods. Doing all of these things to your body is like beating a dead horse. Whatever
you do you're going to become weak in the end and die, whatever you do there is no escape from

Arnold Schwarzenegger likes his body. What will he think about his body fifty years from now?
When he's weak and decrepit and he can't walk, these people become very delusioned, very upset
with themselves. Somebody was telling me that Jack Lalanne refuses to come out of his house.
He takes tranquilizers and he can't believe that he can't pull boats anymore and do all of those
feats he used to do. In other words he's running away.

Isn't this the truth about all of us? So what are you doing with your life? What are you chasing?
What are you trying to acquire? What are you trying to do for yourself to improve your life as a
body? It's all a waste of time. You should devote about 5% of your life to your body. That's all
it's worth.

The wise person somehow begins to understand this and they ask themselves the question, "Then
what is reality? It is true my body is not real because it changes, changes, changes. The world is
not real because it also changes, changes, changes. Everything changes constantly. Therefore
what is real?" Asking yourself this question is the beginning of wisdom. For it leads to other
questions. "Who am I then? If I am not the body then who am I?"

One day you begin to catch on and you say to yourself, "I asked myself who am I?" emphasizing
the I, "What is this I that tells me I am human, that I am the body, that I am alive?" You begin to
feel the I in your chest and in your brain. Something happens within yourself, where you begin to
see that you are conscious. You are conscious during the dream state, during the deep sleep state,
during the waking state.

Therefore you begin to understand that you are consciousness. Consciousness is absolute reality,
pure awareness, or you can call it God. When I refer to God I am not speaking of
anthropomorphic deity, I am referring to absolute reality, to Brahman, pure intelligence.

You begin to feel an inkling of this truth inside of you. When this happens to you, you will be
attracted to the right book or to the right teacher or to the right environment. Where you can go
further on the path.

Transcript 88-Do Not Meditate on the I-Thought!

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