Robert Adams - Docx 20 Jan 2019
Robert Adams - Docx 20 Jan 2019
Robert Adams - Docx 20 Jan 2019
From Satsang
How do you know if you really want to awaken? You are sick and tired of the
world. You're a person who is no longer trying to change bad for good, for you realize
they're both impostors. You understand that the good lasts for so long, then there is bad.
The bad lasts for so long, then there is good. You get old, you leave your body, and the
game continues. You have to be disgusted with this first, I kid you not. As long as you
believe you're enjoying the world and enjoying your life as a human being, you cannot
It's like being in a dream and you're having a wonderful dream. You just don't
want to wake up. But all things in the dream must come to an end and change. If you
realize that the only thing permanent in life is change, then you will treat the good things
in your life the same way as the bad things in your life. You will not become emotional
over them, and you will not be attached to them. That's the only time you can go further.
As long as you still want to play the game of maya, and act out your part, there's no sense
in practicing self-inquiry, for your attachment will keep you back from reality. But for the
person who has gone through many lives and is ready to give it all up, that person can
practice self-inquiry.
So the sincere student does not worry about the results, or what might happen.
They're ready to go for it. When something in their heart opens and they're ready to go for
it 100%, they are led to the right teacher, who can show them the way, and they follow the
instructions of the teacher. That comes first in their life. Those are the beings who awaken
into bliss.
You begin to practice when you get up in the morning. You realize it takes a split
second for the I-thought to go back into the brain, so you keep inquiring, "What is the
source of the I?" and you keep silent. You can imagine in your mind, if you want to, the I
going back from the brain into your heart. You begin to cogitate. You begin to
focus on your spiritual heart. How do you do that? Through silence. You ask, "Who am I?"
and you keep still. You see how still you can become before thoughts begin to annoy you.
When the thoughts come, you inquire, "To whom do they come? They come to me. I think
them." There's I again. It's always the same I. You therefore follow the I back to the spiritual
center which is silence.
As you keep on practicing day after day, as you keep on doing your homework,
the day will come when something happens. Many people give up too easy. Never look
for results. This is why, even before you get to self-inquiry, another thing you have to develop
is humility. Total humility. You forget about what people say, what people do. You
observe the world, but do you not react to it, and you begin to practice every day. You
begin to understand that the I-thought doesn't exist. It never did.
This is why you do not concentrate on the I-thought. You concentrate on the
source, which is the Self, God, consciousness. If this becomes difficult for you, you practice
surrender. That's where the humility comes in. You surrender your body, your mind, your
ego, your affairs to God, or to the Self, or to your heart. You no longer need or want anything.
You give it all up to God.
The power of the Supreme is so great,
it allows you to be nothing.
There is no need to be somebody.
No need to prove anything.
And this is the greatest love.
Nisargadatta Maharaj
Q: Did the Maharshi give some guidelines on the kind of life one should lead?
Activities that would help spiritual quests? I mean mundane things such as eating,
sleeping, drinking, talking, family, marriage, sexuality, etc.
David: I think the key word here is 'moderation'. On several occasions he said that
moderation in eating, sleeping and speaking were the best aids to sadhana. He
didn't approve of or encourage excess of any kind. He didn't, for example,
encourage people to take vows of silence. He used to say, 'If you can't keep your
mind still, what is the point of keeping your tongue still?'
Though he encouraged devotees to live decent, upright lives, he never imposed
rigorous moral codes on them. He was happy if devotees took to brahmacharya
naturally, but he didn't see much point in suppressing sexual desires. Someone
once told him that in Sri Aurobindo Ashram, the men and the women slept
separately, even if they were married. His response was, 'What is the point of
sleeping separately if the desires are still there?' If people who had desires and
wanted to get rid of them came to him for advice, he would usually say that
meditation would make them lose their strength. According to Sri Ramana, you
don't get rid of desires by suppressing them, or by not indulging in them, you get
rid of them by putting your attention on the Self.
He didn't look down on people who were married as people who had succumbed to
their desires. He once told Rangan, one of his married devotees, that it was easier
to realize the Self as a householder than as a sannyasin.
Sri Ramana didn't think that renouncing habits or possessions was very beneficial.
Instead, he asked people to go to the root of the problem and renounce the idea that
they were individual people occupying bodies. He would sometimes say that even
if you give up your job, your family and all your responsibilities and go to a cave
and meditate, you still have to take your mind with you. While that mind is still
there, exercising its tyranny, you haven't really renounced anything that will do
you any good in the long term.
Another thing I do is this: Most ministers, teachers, whatever, philosophers, they always search
for new knowledge. They research, research, research, and then they share with their
congregations or students something profound, something new every Sunday. And of course,
you always forget the previous Sunday and you go into new words. It's a game of words.
You may learn about the astral planes, the causal planes, reincarnation. You may learn about
how to become positive in your life, how to attract the right mate, how to attract money, health,
and all kinds of stuff. How to channel, how to do this, and it's very exciting to the ego.
What we do here is we try for you to remove your ego so you do not get caught up in the world.
That's the only way to become happy, truly happy, and self-realized. This is why I reiterate, and
repeat again and again, the same principle. So it can soak deep into your subconscious mind, and
you can become a living embodiment of this truth.
- Robert Adams, Ts 5
_Tidur dgn posisi miring ke kanan merupakan posisi tidur yg benar & tepat._
_Ukuran paru2 sebelah kiri lebih kecil daripada paru2 sebelah kanan._
_Karena itu, jantung menahan beban yg lebih sedikit & lever pun berada dlm kondisi stabil &
tdk menggantung._
_Tidur dgn posisi miring ke kanan merupakan metode medis yg paling disarankan._
_Posisi ini juga memudahkan sekresi yg berupa cairan lendir pada bronkus (cabang paru2)
sebelah kiri._
_Seringnya terjadi pembengkakan paru2 sebelah kiri (dan bukan paru2 sebelah kanan)
disebabkan oleh posisi bronkus yg berbeda._
*_Bronkus sebelah kanan posisinya menyamping sehingga lendir mudah dikeluarkan, sedangkan
bronkus sebelah kiri posisinya vertikal sehingga lendir lebih sulit dikeluarkan, sebab harus di
dorong ke atas._*
_Jika dibiarkan, hal ini dpt mengakibatkan terjadinya penimbunan lendir di batang tenggorokan
yg mengakibatkan pula munculnya gangguan pada paru2 & organ pengeluaran misalnya ginjal._
_*Karena itu pengobatan paling mutakhir utk mengatasi masalah tersebut adalah tidur dgn posisi
miring ke kanan.*_
_Jangan pelit utk berbagi ke saudara, sanak famili, teman2, dan kerabat yg kita kasihi ..._
_Karena NIAT BAIK yg disampaikn dgn Cara Baik ... HASILnya pasti BAIK ..._