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Experts Academy Foundation (Final)

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The key takeaways are about learning how to become highly paid speakers, seminar leaders, authors, coaches, and online marketers. It also talks about tapping into one's potential and having a plan.

The main points about positioning are figuring out one's position in the marketplace through expertise, content, online presence and being known.

The main points about promotion are having a better promotion strategy, figuring out one's promotional campaign and putting the lessons into action.

Experts Academy – Foundation Notes
Experts Academy – Foundation Notes
We're all trying to figure out how to get our content out to the world. This course
is about helping you position yourself no matter where you are on your expert

* You’ll learn how to become highly paid speakers.

* You’ll learn how to become highly paid seminar leaders.

* You’ll learn how to become highly paid authors.

* You’ll learn how to become highly paid coaches.

* You’ll learn how to become highly paid online-marketers.

We're going to tap into your potential. A lot of you will have new ideas of what‟s
possible in your business. Big ideas you never imagined to try because now
you have a plan.

My assumption is that you're already incredibly intelligent people, passionate

and ready to go you just need a plan to figure out how to promote yourself.

1. This weekend is about teaching you about positioning.

Then you must figure out what your position is in the marketplace.
What is your expertise?
What is it you're going to be known for?
What is your content?
What do you look like?
What is your online presence?

That‟s positioning who you are, so when people look you up or look at
whatever marketing materials you're putting out there, they know who you
are, why you're different and what value you can add to them. We‟ll go
through this in detail.

2. The second thing we‟ll talk about is promotion. Everybody in this room
needs to learn a better promotion strategy.

Why is it that I get paid more than other experts? It‟s because I‟ve learned to
position my expertise and promote it in a way that serves more people and
ultimately leads to more income for me.

Experts Academy – Foundation Notes
Therefore, we have to figure out what your positioning secret is, but also what
your promotional campaign is going to look like.

This will probably be the only seminar you need to go to in this industry this
year if you just put it into play. Your job is to put it in play. Will you do that?

Get clear about what you want to say. The expert journey always begins
with you believing that you have the potential to share your voice in a bigger
way. You need to have a deep belief inside you that your message is
extremely important and that it must be shared. When you have that belief and
its deep inside you, and you have a deep desire to share your message - when
you have those pieces in place and you believe that fully, magic happens.

When you do share your voice you're not scared anymore because people will
support and celebrate you, then you have true power. You just have to believe.
Can you believe? Say I believe.

You’ve got to believe in yourself at a level that’s so strong and powerful

that it will shake this place, that it will shake the world when you leave here
today. It‟s a different level of commitment and desire.

At the fundamental core of it, if you don‟t believe in yourself fully there is
nothing I can do for you in terms of tactics. It must be a deep desire that says
my voice is important and I believe in it. I have something to share and
it’s so within me that I just have to get this out there.

It‟s got to be your time now. If you're not going to share your voice now you
won‟t share it in five years.

Everyone thinks I need to go to more seminars, I need to master this

technique, this and this and everything in this industry and everyone thinks I
need to master these 50 things. If I can do that, then whoosh, I‟ll go. No, you
must jump in. You must start and try things. You must jump in and trust
that it will work out.

You‟ve got to be so present, so committed and deeply desirous of your journey

to get it out there. You‟ve got to be compelled and have so much interest in
doing this. I want you to start right off the bat. Throughout this weekend I‟ll have
you talk to people because at the end of the day, the only way you get paid
in this industry is by talking with lots of people whether it‟s one-on-one or
online. You don‟t have to be there physically with them but you must express
your passion. The more passion and purpose you can put behind your
message the more people will want to do something with you.

Experts Academy – Foundation Notes
Why is it now in your life? Not five years ago, five years from now and definitely
not two weeks from now, like now. Why are you so committed to making
this happen? What is it for you? Why are you committed to doing it now?
When I say doing it, I mean developing your expert positioning and promoting.

Here‟s what I found about why people want to do this industry.

Why do you want to do it?

What‟s compelling to you?
Why do people jump into this so enthusiastically?
Why have you spent thousands of dollars to learn how to do this?

It’s all about lifestyle. They see a different vision for their life, a different
lifestyle. I see me having more influence, impact, and income.

But before you can get this lifestyle you must be committed, I mean truly
committed to achieving that lifestyle. You must take action and do the things
that you need to do.

So how committed are you to this?

If you don’t give, you can’t get

I‟m also going to teach you to give away a lot of your content for free to create
rapport and relationships with your audiences. If you're so protective, you need
to start hanging out with creators again instead of lawyers, because those
lawyers are costing you relationships and reality.

Experts Academy – Foundation Notes
The Expert Lifestyle
 Your work is based on your Passion and Knowledge
 Your work is in “Creating and Relating”
 You work anywhere and anytime, Starting Now
 You work with Who You Want
 Promotions are based on Promotions
 Your pay equals the Value you deliver,
not the hours you work.
 You don‟t need a Large Team
 The tools for success are simple and Cheap
 Financial Income is Disproportionate to any other industry.
(a very good thing!)

Here‟s the lifestyle. Your work is completely based on your passion and
knowledge. There are few other industries that match that. What‟s the
economy we're in? The knowledge economy. Drucker told us, we're in the
knowledge economy, the information age.

You‟ve got all of these people out there in corporate America and some other
organizations that are getting paid based on their knowledge. But have you
ever noticed that they're not always paid for their passion? In this industry
you are paid for both pieces, your passion and knowledge, which is very
cool. If you take one piece away you’ll fail.

You have to have passion.

Next, your work is based on two things and your income is completely dictated
by these two things:

 Creating, and
 Relating

What you are creating is powerful and how you are relating with others dictates
your success. When I say relating you must relate with an audience if you're a
speaker but you also must relate to an audience if you're a book writer. You
have to relate to…

 What are their needs?

 What are their ambitions?
 What do they think would improve their business?

Experts Academy – Foundation Notes
You must know all of these things about them to relate.

The more you relate to them the more they say I want to be like that or I
understand that or this person understands me. The more understanding you
have of your clients and customers the more they‟ll pay you over and over
again. You must create and relate.

So if you go home and you're not earning enough money it’s one of
these two pieces you're not doing right. You're not creating enough high
value stuff (or campaigns). Or you’re not relating with them, and they're
saying I don’t need this.

In this industry your promotions are based on your promotions, meaning you
want to get paid more. All a promotion is, in any organization or job means that
you now have more influence, more income, more impact and that‟s what
we all want.

We want more influence with others, more impact and more income. I‟ve asked
people around the world, what do you really want? You can bust it down to
other levels but that‟s what they usually tell you, in one way or another.

What‟s interesting about a promotion is that it‟s more income, influence and
impact. In this industry it‟s based on how many promotions are you doing and
how effective they are. How are you promoting what you're doing? The better
you get at promoting the more income that comes in.

Some people get hooked on selling. In other industries you truly are selling. In
this industry you‟re just activating your voice. You're sharing your message
with more people that is all a promotion is. It‟s not selling, it‟s saying look, I
have this thing for you that can change your life or business.

It‟s more compelling and easier.

Your pay equals the value that you deliver not the hours that you work.

You may not know what you're an expert in which is okay you don‟t have to
know what you're an expert in. However, you must know what your customers
need you to be an expert in. It‟s more important to figure out who you're
going to serve than what you're going to be an expert in.

Isn‟t it true that we find ways to serve people when we know what their needs

Experts Academy – Foundation Notes
When your information can change somebody’s life or business for
good it’s valued higher. Think about that. People ask how can you charge
thousands of dollars for a seminar? It‟s because I know the information will
change their life for good.

At the end of the day none of this works if you don‟t believe in your voice but
you also don‟t do it. Will you do it, yes? You‟ve got to do it.

Experts Academy – Foundation Notes

Here is how it typically works. There are four traditional ways to bring people
into your business. I‟ll teach you how to work through these.

1. There’s the press, meaning the media.

You can get tons of media attention and people come into your
business. Have you ever met someone who got lots of media and made
no money?

I have a couple of clients who have been on Oprah and have made no
money because they had no back-end, so we‟ll teach you about the
back-end of your business and what you can offer.

2. There are promotions which I‟ll call a different word as you learn the
techniques I use for promoting.

3. There are presentations, you presenting one-on-one, live or on the

phone whatever it is.

4. Then there’s personal contact, referrals, one-on-one conversation

whatever it is.

Experts Academy – Foundation Notes
These are the typical ways people come into your business.

I can go into any person‟s business in the world and ask, what are you doing to
bring people in? What‟s happening there and we‟ll digest each piece.

We start from the beginning doing simple things like newsletters, eBooks or
free reports, which all of you should do at some point. You should all have a
newsletter that goes out regularly to your customers. It‟s base one, that way
you're creating rapport and information with them.

You should be offering value added things, if not a book, then an eBook
that they can just download. You should have an eBook or report, something
you're touching people with, that they can download or look at. Therefore, what
happens is the value you're providing them builds. There might be a free
eBook, but then there‟s a book, something physical and tangible. Then there‟s
an audio or video program that they can buy, like a home study course.

Then there‟s a membership program that your customers can sign up for to get
information. These are your basics. What I‟m showing you is the more you
move down the funnel the more expensive things get.

At the top, newsletters, eBooks or reports you're giving those away for free
that‟s the entrance into your funnel or business – just give away free valued
content. Your customers will like this content and say; show, tell and
teach me more, then as you teach more they start paying more, so you
move down funnel.

The point of this slide is to bring people in by giving such good quality
information so they love you and then start packaging and positioning things
so that they pay you more for it.

People should pay more one-on-one to work with me than they should in a
group setting. Agreed? Same thing for you guys. You should charge more for
someone one-on-one than you ever would for a big group because you're
giving them more personal attention that‟s why that is at the bottom.

Then it‟s like wait a second, I can do a $50,000 seminar? Here‟s the challenge,
many people don‟t believe they can do a $50,000 seminar so they never do a
seminar. Follow me. How many people do you need to get into a room paying
$500 to make $50,000 on the front end?

How many people do you need in a room buying a ticket if the price is $500 to
make $50,000? One hundred times 500 is $50,000. Is your information,
life’s work and research worth $500? If you don’t believe it, there’s your
answer. If you believe it, there’s your answer. When you decide, you just
decide what you're worth.

Experts Academy – Foundation Notes
Once they come to your seminar, there is always more value that you can add.

My seminar is only four days long… There is only an amount of information I

can give in four days. You should have back-end products too that will further
add to your customers‟ education.

That‟s where people say I do want to continue the journey, I still want to learn,
develop and master these things. So they get interested and come further in
the funnel of the business.

Experts Academy – Foundation Notes
1 2 3
Right Positioning Right Packaging Right Promotions

* Focused Audience * Easily Consumable and * Fresh Content-Driven

Implementable Solution Campaigns
* Story of Struggle * High Quality * Strategic Sequencing
* Story of Finding * High $$ Margins * Promo Partners
the Solution
* Solution Framework * Awesome Fulfilment * Shopping Cart & CMS
* Proven Results

Let me tell you what you need to win in this industry. If you get these three
pieces right you‟ll be great.

1. The first thing is right positioning.

You need to position yourself intelligently. What does that mean? There are a
few core components you need to have to succeed at that.

You need a focused audience.

Most people never succeed because they think they're talking to everybody
and that‟s why they can‟t make any money. I want to teach you to focus your
audience and understand them, relate with them in a way where you can
deliver high value content.

Then you must have a story of struggle that relates with that audience.

Story of Struggle
Your story of struggle is the most valuable thing you have with an audience. It‟s
opposite than what most seminars will teach you in this industry. Most
seminars will teach you, don‟t expose your faults or your weaknesses, brag
about how awesome, intelligent and amazing you are.

Do you ever want to go to dinner with someone who‟s bragging about how
awesome they are? It sucks.

Your story of struggle is what‟s valuable. Your story of struggle is the

challenges you face in your life that brought you to where you are. It makes you
real, relatable and shows that not only have you struggled but that you‟ve
figured your way out which is this next piece.

Experts Academy – Foundation Notes
The story of finding a solution
It‟s relating to people and saying I‟m like you, I‟ve had a struggle too. It doesn't
have to be the exact same struggle, but if you don‟t relate the challenges
you‟ve had and just say you're great, amazing, awesome, buy my stuff - they'll
say no. You must show your path. Your expert path is saying I‟ve struggle here
just like you, you're probably struggling in the same areas that I did. You‟ve
been trying to figure out all of these things and it‟s been challenging you. I
happened to figure out the answer.

In other words you‟re basically saying to your customers, “I was struggling with
that too, it was hard and boom I had a breakthrough, insight or I got this
research. I found the solution. I found it guys. I figured it out for you and now I
have the answer and because I have the answer, now I can give it to you. And,
I’ve figured out a way to give it to you that you can immediately apply - a
solution framework.”

A Solution Framework
They need to say that you're like me and on the same struggle. You had the
same problems and pain. You‟ve figured out the answer, I don‟t want the pain
anymore. I want the answer too. You‟ve organized it in a way that I can apply
and you‟ve gotten proven results with that? Other people are saying this

Do you see the psychology here? It‟s positioning. It‟s having that audience,
and positioning yourself in a way that they understand, you're sharing the
same problems but you figured out the answer.

Then you put that answer in a compelling way that they can understand and
do, and ultimately, that other people have done it too and then they look for
their credit card - that‟s positioning. We‟ll be walking through each of these
areas further in the course.

2. The second thing you need is the right packaging.

If you're offering advice, expertise and knowledge to people it’s got to be

easily consumable. You may say that you're just a speaker. Then it needs to
be packaged in a way that you can explain it and show your whole thing on
stage in 45 minutes, for example.

More importantly, if you're doing stuff online, you also have to make it easy for
them to access, buy and download. And also it has to be high quality. I want
you to provide high value. Don‟t do stuff that‟s cheap. Why? It‟s unnecessary.
The value is not there. If the value is not there the trust can‟t be there either.
When it‟s high quality, it makes it possible for word of mouth to spread. If cheap
stuff shows up will people tell the story about you? Oh they will. What kind of
story do you think they will share about you and your products?

Experts Academy – Foundation Notes
I’m going to teach you that you must give stuff away for free to create
rapport with any audience. I don‟t care if you're trying to reach a dental
audience, give them some stuff for free.

Once you start charging people for something make sure you're getting a
high margin. It takes just as much effort. Why do I say that? Because a lot of
people in this industry don‟t charge anything, they don‟t make any money, they
have a very important message to share, but that message never gets out to
the world, because they never made any money so they had to go back and
get a job.

Can you relate to this?

So I‟d rather have you create a coaching program that you're charging $1,000
a month for, and maybe only have three people in it, than charging only $100
and you must spread yourself thin talking to 20 people.

I want you to be able to create a lifestyle so you can do this and get your
message out. The challenge is if your message has no money attached to
it then your lifestyle can’t sustain itself. We have to get you in the high
margin play, that‟s why we call it highly paid experts, I‟m not teaching chintzy

You need to deliver on what you promised in your packaging. And also
your fulfilment must be fast, quick and awesome. We‟ll talk about this.

3. Then finally, you need the right promotions.

This weekend will be a lot about that. One of the first components of right
promotions is very fresh content driven campaigns. It‟s why many of you are

You saw an awesome campaign that I did, a webinar or a series of teachings,

and did you say - that‟s so good. If he‟s giving those away for free, what will be
at the event? I gave you something new, fresh and content driven.

You need to give fresh and content driven campaigns. A campaign is a

sequence of promotions. I‟ll teach you the sequencing that‟s important for
you to succeed in what you're doing, that‟s why I say strategic sequencing.

There‟s a way to give people information in a way that enrols them into your
business further. Most people haven‟t figured this out. People don‟t sequence
their materials or offers in the right way, so they lose tons of sales because
they never figured out that there is a way that people need to digest this

Experts Academy – Foundation Notes
They don‟t understand that there is a sequencing that needs to happen at that
event as much as there is a sequence of things that need to happen when
you're promoting something. There‟s a sequence that enrols people and I‟ll
teach you that.

You need people saying that your a great guy. He delivers; the value is there
its awesome so you're going to get what you wanted plus more. You need
people sending out emails for you saying this person is amazing buy their stuff,
go to their website, sign up for their newsletter, or watch their webinar.

Ultimately, the only piece of technology you need is a shopping cart or a

content management system. I’m going to show you how to do this.

Experts Academy – Foundation Notes
Expert Myths
Myth Myth Uncovered
Start Rich or “Get Lucky” → Wealth From Struggle
Fame = Success → Positioning = Success
Knowledge = Power → Marketing = Power
Years = Credibility → Results = Credibility
Media Makes You Rich → Campaigns Make You Rich
I Must Be A Brand → I Must Be A Solution

Let me break down some myths and part of this morning is making you
understand the industry you‟re getting into.

What ends up happening is there are all these myths in this industry that is
preventing more people from trying it. There are so few people who are trying
to be at the top level, really committed to it and trying. Many of the reasons
they‟re not trying is because of these myths.

Start Rich or “Get Lucky”

One of the myths is simple. The myth that we have as we begin, it‟s so easy to
say oh well, look at them they started rich already. They were so lucky when
they began they had all these breaks and I can‟t have that. You‟ve heard that
crap before, but the truth of it is, your wealth is going to come from your
struggle. Wealth comes from struggle it doesn‟t fall out of trees.

Unfortunately, people think it will and they think wealth is just going to happen
for people, but it doesn‟t work that way. Look at any of those top experts, they
all get up and the first thing they do is talk about their story of struggle.

One is because it’s a rapport point.

Two is because that’s a reality.

I mean it‟s easy to get beat up and attach your self-worth to your net-worth -
that‟s easy to do. It‟s easy to say I don‟t have any money so I must not be an
expert. But that‟s absolutely not true. Your expertise isn’t based on your
financial income right now, your expertise is based on what the value is
you’re going to deliver for some people.

Experts Academy – Foundation Notes
Fame = Success
Here‟s another myth that sucks. Fame equals success. This is what they were
teaching in the 80s and 90s in marketing. Get a bunch of media, get on Oprah
and you‟ll be rich. I know so many people who were on Oprah and never made
any money.

Another one of my clients, Paula Abdul, she‟s part of the American Idol TV
show which I‟m sure most of you are aware of. Her whole frustration, not only
in her business but in her life is that all these kids come on the show and they
knock it out. They‟re the front runners, the top 10 kids, so guess what happens
to those kids after? They‟re famous so they think they‟re going to be wealthy.
They think the world is going to change. They think something magical is going
to happen and then what ends up happening?

They go home. They may be more famous in their high school, but nothing
happens. It‟s the same thing for the person that gets on Oprah and isn‟t ready.
Fame does not equal success, positioning equals success.

We talked about this earlier, having a focused audience, understanding

their problems, delivering a solution and a framework – that’s what
positioning is.

There‟s nothing worse than getting the fame, then going home and having
nothing behind it. That‟s empty and you don‟t feel like you‟ve served your

Knowledge = Power
Knowledge is power! So, what ends up happening in our industry is they go I‟m
not an expert on anything so I have no power so I can‟t start and therefore,
can‟t make any money. The reality is marketing is power.

There are a lot of people who are way more intelligent than me, in this industry,
yet they can‟t even get 300 people in a room if they were to come for free.

I have colleagues in the industry that can‟t fill a room and they‟ve been here for
20 years. They can‟t charge $1000 and get people in the room why? Is it
because I‟m more intelligent? Hell no. Do they have more knowledge base
then me? Yes. However, the campaigns I‟m using are so fresh and innovative
that it works so it‟s not a challenge for me.

Years = Credibility
This is where many of you in the room are getting stung. I see many young
faces in the crowd. This is where we think years equals credibility. I have to
wait until I‟ve gone through 10 years of this and then I can say I‟m an expert, or
the new lie - you have to have 10,000 hours of expertise in something before
you‟re an expert. Are you kidding me? Do you know what that is, it‟s the

Experts Academy – Foundation Notes
perpetuation of this myth that we have to wait to live our lives? You have to wait
young man or young woman until you graduate high school and then you can
do what you want to do.

…Wait until you go to college young man or young woman and then you‟ll have
your degree so you can do what you want to do. Wait until you get out into the
working world to get a little experience under your belt then you can do what
you want to do. Wait until you make manager then you can do what you want to
do. Wait until you‟re a VP or a CEO, wait until you own your own company then
you can do what you want to do. Then the ultimate lie in our society is wait until
you retire and then holy cow you can finally live your life!

It’s all part of the same myth that we have to wait. No! What you need to
do is get focused, you don’t have to wait anymore you need to get
focused and you have to figure out a way to add value to people that
they’re not currently being served in.

Boom! Waiting years no, because ultimately, results is credibility. It‟s where
that phrase came from that tons of people use, „I don‟t have a PhD in
academics but I have a PhD in results.‟

Media Makes You Rich

This is so wrong because here‟s what ends up happening in our industry and
you‟ve probably bought a product like this... “Come to my thousands of dollars
program, I’ll teach you how to get media and you’ll be rich”. That‟s just attention
and attention is not wealth or impact, it‟s not income or influence, it‟s just
attention, because what they need to be teaching is that campaigning makes
you rich.

A one-time hit does not make anyone wealthy. You have to figure out what I
call a customer or buyer trail, a way for bringing people into your business and
walking them through the value you have so that they continue the relationship
with you.

Most people believe in this myth, so they get the attention and then no money.
We need to make sure you have both.

I Must Be A Brand
Here‟s another big lie…I must be a brand. It‟s prevented so many people from
succeeding it‟s unbelievable in this industry. Let me explain what I mean. The
answer is I must be a solution.

What is a brand? It‟s an image, association or experience. It‟s a promise, a

perception and a reputation. Here‟s what is happens in our industry and why
most people don‟t make money at it; they go, you must be a singular brand.

Experts Academy – Foundation Notes
They say you‟re a motivation guy so you must do motivation, don‟t do these
other things because everyone needs to understand you are the motivator. So
what happens is we think I have to be this narrow thing.

If you can only be the brand then what ends up happening is that people aren‟t
able to build their business out beyond themselves and a lot of people in this
industry who have a brand, hate their life because they don‟t really have a
business, because if they disappear the company is finished.

But you don’t have to be the total brand. You just have to provide
solutions to people whether it‟s you or somebody else providing it. I know
people at the top of the industry that can‟t sell their companies and their legacy
can‟t continue except maybe on audio or video because they never really built
anything behind it.

Experts Academy – Foundation Notes
8 Things Highly-Paid Experts Do

1. Choose Mastery.
2. Study their subjects and Interview other experts, intensely
looking for Patterns and Best-Practices.
3. Create Arguments on what to pay attention to, what things
mean, how things work, and how things might turn out.
4. Simplify complex ideas by building Frameworks.
5. Write, speak, record Package their knowledge.
6. Campaign (not promote) their expertise.
7. Charge expert fees (MORE than you would think).
8. Focus on Distinction, Excellence and Service.

I want to make sure you‟re focused on what it is you need to continually do in

this industry. I‟ve broken it down into 8 things that highly paid experts do, which
they do repeatedly and they do it so well that their business perpetuates itself.

1. First and foremost, this is really important - They choose mastery.

As experts we‟re taught we have to be an expert at everything. Therefore, we

think we have to master everything to get our businesses going. So we say I
need to be good at this, this and this, when in reality, even one or two things, if
done very well in this industry will make you a millionaire.

The challenge in this industry is this whole idea that you‟ve got to master all
these things. What I want to help you do is master one thing first and then go.
Because what we end up doing is we go over here and invest a little in this, we
put some money in there, we pay attention to it a little bit, but then we get
sidetracked and go over here and do a webinar, have to do a sales letter and I
have to do this here too, so we start doing all these things where we‟re putting
money in all these different places and never watching to see if it grows.

Experts Academy – Foundation Notes
When I first started, I decided that I was going to do one thing and I was going
to do it really well. So I started digging down, was it enough when I first
started? It wasn‟t as much as I thought it would be, but I kept digging and
digging online, and in seminars with different tools but I kept digging until I
succeeded there.

Once I succeeded there, I sat down and thought, what else do my clients need
and what else they needed to learn. Many of them were asking about this or
that, so I mastered it.

The point is, I mastered one thing and then the other. So think about it, a
highly paid expert needs to master a specific area.

What I want you to master first and foremost, is a topic. Think about the topic
that you want to own this year?

For most creators, the reason we never figure out what we‟re going to do is
because you‟re going to all these seminars and events that are teaching you
tools, but the tools mean nothing unless you have the topic, so let‟s begin

a) What‟s the topic you want to master this year?

b) What would you love to teach people about?
c) What does your story say you should be teaching people about?
d) What are the strategies you love to teach that you should begin
teaching people about?

It all begins with a topic. You may find that this weekend or you may already
know it, but let‟s start there and really master it.

2. The second thing experts do… is study their subject and interview
other experts, intentionally looking for basically two things.

 Patterns, what works and what people are doing, and

 Best practices, what commonly works?

What‟s the leading edge, the cutting edge or what‟s most successful in this

Do you know what people pay for as experts? Do you want to know what
the most valuable thing you have is? Its perspective, to know what
works and what doesn’t, what’s important and what isn’t. What other
people are doing and what you’re doing, it’s the most valuable thing we

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What happens in this industry is we get used to teaching one thing one way
and we start losing perspective to what other people are doing.

That means if you‟re not reading six books on something in your topic area
each year then you can‟t possibly have perspective, you don‟t know what‟s
new out there. You don‟t know what other people are saying so if you don‟t
know what‟s new, you don‟t know what other people are saying, then you can‟t
possibly position yourself as the expert.

3. You also need to interview other experts.

How many people in the room have interviewed at least three experts in your
area of expertise or your topic area? An in-depth interview to understand who
they are, what they‟re doing, what their journey has been and what you can do

If I could give you a framework on how to nail every media interview, every
press interview for the rest of your life would you be happy?

How to nail an interview...

First tell them what to pay attention to, and then explain what that means. Then
show how things work and then you predict how things will turn out... And you
do it in that order.

I get asked to work with experts all the time that are on TV or on some big
stage, and I‟ll just listen. If they miss any of these four then they lost their expert
positioning. These four things prove that you‟re an expert, because they prove
that you have perspective.

They say hey guys all this crap is going on in the world so you need to pay
attention here. Here‟s what this thing means, here‟s how it works and here‟s
how it‟s going to be in the future. You must always communicate these four
things. The second you don‟t communicate them is the second you just lost
huge credibility and all of your positioning power

4. Simplify complex ideas by building frameworks.

There is so much information in the world that you need to offer people
strategies and ideas that compartmentalizes it, that helps them follow it
whether it‟s a system, a process or a way you‟re taking information and
breaking it down or chunking it down in a way that people can follow.

There‟s so much out there that you need to create a framework that really
works for people. We‟ll be spending a lot of time today right before lunch
helping you figure out what your framework is or what your possible
frameworks are going to be?

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5. Write, speak, record Package your knowledge.

If you‟re going to be a highly paid expert then you have to write, speak, record
and package your knowledge. Here‟s what‟s happening in this industry, people
know lots of stuff, but they never put it in a format people can buy.

Many of you know lots of stuff but you‟re not making any money because you
haven‟t put it in a way that people can buy. Hire you as a speaker, as a coach,
as somebody who‟s developing a product and if that‟s not happening then
guess what, you‟re not an expert.

If you’re not creating new information and putting it out there to the
world there’s no way you’ll ever be highly paid. You have to put
information together and put it out to the world, that’s how you become
highly paid.

6. Campaign Don’t Promote.

This is huge, campaign don't promote your expertise. This is why people aren‟t
making money in this industry. There are so many people who have such
powerful, important and wonderful content, yet they‟re broke.

It‟s all because they‟re following bad marketing advice which says just send
this one thing out. How many times does it take for you to see something
before you buy it? Everybody knows, marketing tells us that people need to
see or have a touch point of at least seven times before they really believe.
And yet, all these marketers are only saying one touch point.

If you want to get paid you must campaign your expertise. In other
words, touch them multiple times with more and more increasing value
and then ask for the sale. It’s all about campaigning.

7. Charge expert fees.

This is more than you think you should be getting paid.

We have to get you to get paid more, so you have to start charging expert fees.
You have to go outside your comfort range. I know you think that you‟re
charging more than you should, why is that? It‟s not usually the market telling
you that you‟re worth that much because you can find people in the market
who will say your worth lots more money.

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8. Finally, here are three keys…focus on three keys in your business
and your business will boom always.

The way to know you‟re distinct is to study and interview other people like we
talked about. You‟re constantly studying and interviewing other people, so you
have perspective on what‟s being offered to your current customers.

I‟ll teach you a technique for that this afternoon, so that you‟ll know exactly
what your customers are being offered and once you know that, then you can
position yourself. When people recognize that you‟re distinct and innovative
they come. It‟s like wow this guy is different because it‟s distinct, it‟s new and
innovative so boom they come.

This is when we talked about not doing chintzy stuff, but also making sure
everybody around you and everyone supporting you is excellent. It‟s about
being brave enough that when someone isn‟t performing to call them out on it
and expect something higher.

It‟s about setting the standard in your industry. It‟s about thinking what‟s wrong
with this industry and being brave about it.

And, also requiring of your customers that they become excellent, which has
been a huge distinction in my business. You require your customers to
become excellent. You set a standard that they have not seen set before.
What it helps tap into is not only their aspirations, but something higher then

As experts you always need to set a higher standard, a level of excellence that
they‟re not achieving yet and you need to let them know that.

The more you challenge your customers the more they‟ll say, you know what I
need to come along with you on a longer journey. I need to participate here
because I need to hold myself more accountable.

The more you set accountabilities and excellence for people, the more they
become attached to your work and the value you‟re providing because nobody
else is doing that for them.

Isn‟t it true most of your family and friends, would let us fail? They‟d feel bad,
but the slide could start happening and sometimes they won‟t step in and say,
you are so much more than this.

A magical thing happens in psychology when you start holding people to a

higher standard and you tell them that. It‟s like look people you could be more,

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you could be doing way more, and you could be making more with a higher
level of excellence. Help them tap back into that to say they are worth it and
think about the psychology of that.

If you could help more of your customer’s say I am worth it. I do believe.
Isn’t that providing the greatest service you can offer? That is to help
people feel like they are worth it and that they have potential.

Do everything with service

This whole expert thing isn‟t about you becoming some stodgy person who has
all the answers. It‟s about you serving other people with new value.

Are you excellent in what you‟re doing and what service you're providing?

With distinction, excellence and service, I can completely dissect a

company to see if they’re successful.

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More on Frameworks
One of the keys we talked about was frameworks. I want to walk you through a
couple of frameworks so you understand what frameworks are, because
they‟re very important to your business.

If you ask Stephen Covey, why his book was so successful? The first thing he‟ll
say is because its character based, which it is and that makes it very powerful.
He brought integrity back into the business conversation, which is powerful.
However, the reason this book is still there is the framework from the book.

The framework is why the book is so powerful. Here‟s what a framework is. A
framework is a way of organizing information that other people can
follow and it always answers a question. He heard his customers asking a
question, how do we make people more effective? So he decided to answer

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that. He did a ton of research which is in the beginning of the book. He also
interviewed a ton of people and it seems like there are these seven things that
effective people are doing or could do to become more effective.

He chunked all the things they could do, into seven little pieces called a
framework. Here‟s the magic of your framework, the framework in what you‟re
teaching ends up becoming the tool that other people teach your information
beyond you.

The reality is that people need conceptual frameworks to follow, and to

make things easier to understand.

Why did this book become huge? Why did Jim‟s company explode quadruple
with the release of his book? Two frameworks in this book. By the way,
sometimes naming your framework is powerful. He called this one „the
three circles of a hedgehog concept’. The business community was like what
the hell is that? He was teaching, you need a „hedgehog concept‟.

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When people asked what it was, he would explain his framework to them.
„Hedgehog concept‟ just means you ask these three questions about your
business and that was it. He created a nice little thing in it called „Level 5

Naming something creates power. So „Level 5 leadership‟ and all of a sudden

people are like we need that „Level 5 leadership‟ in our business. Imagine if he
just started talking about leadership in general.

People would leave the speech and would be like - leadership is important.
However, by having a framework they go - we need to be able to do that.

That‟s the power of a framework.

Another example, when you read Life’s Golden Ticket you don‟t even know
there‟s a psychological framework of the story that I‟m taking you on, which
essentially is asking three questions. It‟s the psychological arc that I put in
there myself as a writer.

Frameworks are great for you sometimes, as writers, if you know what
questions you‟re trying to answer it will give you the organizing principles you

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These are best practices that seemed to work with all these leaders and slowly
I started piecing them together noticing that there were common words
amongst them. I had all these notes strewn out in my college dorm room and I
was looking at them thinking wow, they‟re talking about vision and
empowerment. They‟re talking about making sure you‟re doing the right thing
and I started noticing some of the words started with (e) and then I was like
wow if I did this and then boom I came up with this framework called E-6.

To really lead, the first thing you have to do is envision a more compelling
future. The second thing you need to do is go enlist other people in supporting
you to help create that vision, shape that vision and get committed to that

Then you have to embody all the principles necessary to make that vision
come true. Then you have to empower people with decision making authority
and trust, so that they can go out and lead themselves. Then you have to make
sure you‟re constantly evaluating your ethics and progress.

Then you have to continually encourage other people to stay on the journey, to
have the heart and desire and the motivation. Does any of that sound like
whiz-bang most life transforming information ever, yes or no? Not really, it‟s
been out there.

However, this is now the bestselling student leadership text in the world,
simply because people were saying it before but I organized it. So schools
call and say we want to teach that E-6 to our students, so we created an
instructors guide.
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What makes people successful? How do I know if they‟re going to be


I started thinking about it and the first thing that makes a successful person…
is clarity. They‟ll have to have clarity on who they are and on what they want.
Clarity on what stands between them and that thing.

Then they have to have confidence in themselves and they have to believe.
You have to believe, so I have to get them to a higher confidence level.

Then I have to teach them competence. If they know what to do, they will have
more confidence, but most people don‟t know what to do. Then once they have
all that and they‟re starting to succeed they need coaching to help them get to
the next level. Whether it‟s coaching from friends, family or whatever it is and
finally they have to have a full deep desire, full commitment for this and if I can
put all these pieces together in my coaching clients, extraordinary things will

It‟s a framework, not just for them, this is by my phone when I‟m talking with
coaching clients. I‟m looking at it and listening for each of these pieces, so it‟s
organizing not only for me but sometimes for clients, because I show it to them.

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This person said, “There are lots of psychologists teaching stuff that people
don‟t understand, that are in theory and concepts that I can‟t understand.”

Therefore, this person says if all you do is learn what to focus on, focus on
what you want, if you learn to focus in a positive way and you focus on this
thing, you will learn how to attach different meaning and language to your
experience and then learn to master your state.

Learn how to control your emotions and energy, engaging it in a way that
supports you at accomplishing your dream, if you can just do that and finally
get your focus right then you can attach new meanings to things and once you
do, you can manage your state, and then success will come.

Who am I talking about? Tony Robbins. He‟s one of the best teachers of our
time and this was his framework at the beginning. He called it a „triad‟, but
that‟s what he did. Now think about it, that‟s not incredibly complex whiz bang
stuff of course, but still that‟s why thousands of people around the world come
to his events.

It‟s because he took all this perspective he had from his story and from his
research, intelligently positioned it, so he could teach it over a series of days.

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Here‟s the world‟s largest consulting company. When they brought us in for a
multi-billion dollar project to help them achieve higher performance - they
asked us what higher performance actually means.

Then the big question was how do you achieve higher performance? How do
you know if you have high performance?

The world‟s largest consulting company came with this picture, so when we go
to JC Penney, eBay or Best Buy and they say help us achieve higher
performance, boom the partners pull out this picture and walk the client
through it.

The picture basically says what we would have to do is measure and manage
these six things. Let‟s measure and manage your profitability, your longevity,
consistency in business, how you‟re positioning your business and your
growth platforms. Make sure you‟re competitive across the peers and boom
we‟ll make you a high performer.

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“...Think about this for a moment, how do you make a business a
high performer? How do you improve someone‟s business? What
I‟m trying to show you is that the world‟s number one person from a
Tony Robbins, to the world‟s largest consulting company is the
same thing.

It‟s a framework that they show to people which they break down to
teach. That‟s what highly paid experts do, which is why consultants
are the highest paid experts in the world, it‟s because they come in
with a piece of picture. They set it down and walk you through. They
manage to it and they succeed.”

We were trying to figure out how we should explain to Best Buy that we‟re
building a customer-centric business and you should have seen. They had
what they call in the consulting world „decks‟. A deck is a PowerPoint 1000
slides long and they were trying to explain to people how to explain it. Then I
came in and said you have to create a framework but they didn‟t know what I
was talking about.

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So I told them to create a picture and then walk them through it, so what is a
customer-centric organization? First, you take information from your
customers by finding out what they want and need. Then you turn that into
strategic priorities and all of your allocations.

That way you re-orient the business around strategically meeting those needs
and you make sure your budget and your allocations match those needs in
making that happen – that‟s your strategies. Then in operations we‟ll set up all
your projects and every employee‟s personal accountabilities to make sure it‟s
serving those strategies. Then we‟ll continually send that out through our
stores repeatedly.

It was a billion dollar re-organization that we explained with a slide, because

we created a framework for it by breaking it down and making it simple.

So, here’s a question what’s your framework?

 What are your seven habits in your area?
 What are your five people that you need to meet?
 What are the three keys to this?

“We‟re all talking about the same thing, and yet you all have
different shit. It‟s all perspective isn‟t it? Isn‟t it true we all have
different keys and different ordering of those keys? That‟s why
there‟s always enough money out there for us. That‟s why you can
always create something. Here‟s another question…could you
teach those 5 things in a 45 minute presentation yes or no?”

Brendon mentions these topics:

 Leadership, motivation, Grow Your Business, Harmony.

Now choose whatever topic you want to teach about. Maybe it‟s one of those
or something else, but whatever it is what are the 5 keys to someone
succeeding in your area? If you‟re teaching about dentistry, what are the 5
keys to succeeding in dentistry?

Absolutely, coming up with your content is a fun process. All you do with this
process now is to go home and think about your topic. Do your research, study
and interview your experts and then come across with your five or six things,
maybe a little picture of how you‟re going to explain this or your process.
Whatever it is, that framework is your book, your speech and your seminar and
your coaching program. Think about it, most people never take the time to just
sit down and create that or research it.

Five is just a random number I chose, there could be ten things, two
things, seven or whatever it is for you that you’ll come up with it.

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Here is the framework. I‟m going to teach you a couple of things here which are
very simple and very basic.

First, I taught you that you have got to relate and create. So I‟m going to teach
you to relate with your audience differently, by targeting your customer,
understanding their buyer behaviour, determining key value levers. That's the
first piece. The first piece is teaching you to relate, because the expert journey
is knowing your customer. It's, you having passion, you having the things you
love, but most importantly you have to have a passion to serve somebody.
Once you know who that somebody is, you can go and you say here's my
customer I understand their buying behaviour and what they buy. I understand
what I call their key value levers.

Once we relate it to them in a way we understand them and their needs and
their ambitions, now we know how to serve them. Once we understand how to
serve them, we have to create something for them. In this industry we have to
build a relevant brand, which I will re-define for most of you today, based on
our Woe to Win Story, which I will describe.

We have to create something for them to buy; a product or a program, like a

seminar or a workshop or a speech, or a coaching program. Then once we
have created that, we have got to create an infrastructure, something that is a
business, a way to operate and sell. Maybe you have done this process before

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in some way, but it was ad hoc, and you didn't know how it was to be

It's about, who we want to serve, and how we relate and understand them, and
what we create for them.

Once we have done that, we enter work stream two. Now we have to
campaign. If we have followed work stream one, than no doubt we have
created something awesome. We know it will serve, now we have got to get it
out to the world, we have to campaign.

So what do we do? We have got to build specific promotions. We have to get

some partners behind us. We have got to send out all of that, see how it works
and fine tune it. Then we have got to follow up to keep bringing them down into
the funnel, into the business. That's the whole piece about campaigning.

Then the last piece to all this is monetizing it and understanding how to build
the business with the money that comes in. So it's making sure that we are
doing specific things to help the industry understand your excellence points.

It's making sure that once they come into the funnel, we keep sailing deeper,
but at some point, I have sailed as deep as I can, so then I need to broaden my

So that's what we are going to do. We are going to teach you how to find
your customer, create something specific for them. Once you do that, we
are going to teach you how to campaign, get your message out to the
world, and we are going to show you how to monetize it over and over
and over again.

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How to Succeed This Weekend
“Level Up” to learn.
Know that statistically “Streaks” don‟t exist.
Be Patient.
Start Over.
Heed the Lion-Tamer’s secret
Love The One You’re With.

“Level Up” to learn.

First key to learning this weekend and throughout your life is, what I call
levelling up. Here's what ends up happening with levelling up. If you can ask
just several times throughout your day, what level am I? Something very
powerful happens.

When I say what level I am? What level of energy and presence and vibrancy
am I in right now? Something very compelling starts happening to you.

Here's what it is, guilt. Your brain, when you say, what level am I, and you are
not feeling good, and you are at level four or five, your brain, knowing that life is
a gift, and that we live in abundance, your brain goes, hey dummy, life is great,
if you want to live a good life, you should be seven, eight, nine or ten.

You are at a five, come on man, amp it up. Your brain does that, if you
consciously ask.

Know that statistically “Streaks” don’t exist.

Second key to success, is to know that statistically streaks don't exist.

Here's what a streak is, let me use a metaphor from sports. In sports, you've
heard this, “wow! He is on a roll”, “Get him the ball”.

We know that from sports. What ends up happening is we all think there's a
streak, that you are going to have a winning streak or a losing streak, but
statistically streaks don't happen. They have measured this in sports a million
times before.

They went back decades, and they listened to anytime an announcer said,
wow, that person has got hot hands, give them the ball, they are on a roll, they
are on a streak, right?

They went back and they measured, that person was not on anymore of a
streak, or didn't guarantee anymore of a streak, just because they said it, than
anybody else. What does this mean? Well, part of winning and part of losing is
random chance in the moment, right.

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It's a part of winning and losing, there's a random chance in the moment. The
universe is bigger than us, yes. So, there is random chance to it. Our
opportunity to win is solely usually dictated by meeting that opportunity with
presence. With presence, you can always see the guy who is going to win the
game. You saw when Jordon walked on to the court.

He had a positive expectation, but he was so present, it was going to happen.

So for us, yes its random chance, but with the more presence you show up
with, the more you win. Same thing here this weekend, you want to succeed,
it's not just levelling up for energy, it's you being so present that this stuff
comes in, it happens. All creative artists know this.

Why do I tell you this particular lesson, it's because some of you may have
arrived here this weekend on what you think is a losing streak. You have
associated that your last couple of years has been lost, or frustration or
challenge. That doesn't mean anything anymore, because as soon as you get
to a point where you are more present, and you have a better plan or a strategy
in place, the history of your wins and losses don't matter.

Statistically in life, there isn't a streak, just because you win today, doesn't
mean you will win tomorrow. It doesn't mean it. People want to believe that,
and it's easier to believe when you are winning, but it's not always true,
because haven't you ever seen winners go, boom!

It's almost random chance, but it's the level of presence too.

Be Patient.
There is so much to show you this weekend. I know everybody wants this right
now. But if I gave you this guide right now, you wouldn't understand what I‟m
doing in it. Here is what happens for this seminar by the way all the time. This
happens probably 70- 80 times I do a seminar.

Someone calls and they say Brendon, can I just buy your resource guide, I
heard about them. Just send me the resource guide, I'll take it, I'll do it, I'll pay
you full price, I just can't get to your seminar. That would be an easy way for
me to make some money, but it would be a lousy way to serve. Because I know
I could send them this, and they could never do it, because they didn't know
the stuff behind it, that is what I‟m going to teach you this weekend.

I require that you just be patient and trust that you will get everything you need
to get out a certain time, because you will notice one thing about me, I‟m pretty
strategic about my sequencing. I‟m very strategic about how I‟m giving you the
information throughout the day and especially tomorrow when we really start
getting into the fun stuff.

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Start Over.
Next, in order for you to succeed this weekend, you need to be willing to start
over with some of the knowledge you may have had from this industry or other
teachers or other gurus.

You need to be willing and open to learn. You have to be willing to start over.
You might find yourself in a situation where you leave here, and you are going
to start your whole career over, your whole topic over, your entire approach
over. Be open to that, because that's your second chance. When you feel that
calling, it's time to respond to that, and sometimes it's hard to respond to your
calling, because you are so attached to yesterday.

Sometimes I think a higher level of spirituality in life is being able to release

things that weren't quite right, because the reality is, there are lots of things
that can be good for you out there. You can be good at lots of things we all
know that, as creators. We could be good at lots of things. Most of you can go
in any job in the world and succeed at it. That's the just the type of people I
attract. We know that, but just because it's good don‟t mean its right.

Some of you might be doing something that's good, and you are getting good
income, but you might leave here and realize, it's not right for you though. I had
to reinvent myself, even though I was doing really well financially, it wasn't right
for me. It was good, but not right.

Many of you might have to start over, because you might realize, that what you
were doing was good, but it wasn't right for you.

Heed the Lion-Tamer’s secret

When you read Life's Golden Ticket, you might remember there is this chapter
in which this guy is being going through an extraordinary amount of life
change, and he's still unsure of his footing yet, and as he is visiting this
museum park, something happens that forces him to find something

What ends up happening is he is literally thrust into this lion cage. The guy has
no idea how to tame lions. He is thrown into this lion cage, and all these lions
start attacking him. He freaks out, then they start attacking him and he‟s like,
let me out of here.

He is trying to get out of the cage, and they are running at him, he doesn't know
what to do. He curls up in a ball, and they are coming towards him and the lions
are smacking, swatting, smacking him, and swatting him. They‟re just
attacking him, he is freaking out and screaming for help.

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He is looking up to the lion tamer but the lion tamer is not helping him, he is just
standing there. This guy is completely getting mauled by these lions and he is
screaming for help. They‟re running over him and mauling him like lions do.

All of a sudden they jumped off of him and he hears some roar in a different
direction. He picks up and he looks around, and all of a sudden they start
moving over towards the other corner of the cage, and as he looks up around,
he sees that they have just thrown his fiancée into the cage. This guy jumps up
and he runs between his fiancée and the lions. He starts screaming, “get back,
get back, get back”. These lines are literally coming out. They‟re budding into
his legs, they‟re swatting at him and he‟s screaming, “get back, you sons of
bitches, get back”.

He finds all this energy and all the strength and all this ferocity and boom. He
freaks them out and they turn, and they trot away like lions do when they are

He's freaking out. He looks at them, turns back and his fiancé is gone. He looks
around the cage. He doesn't know where she went. They pulled her out there,
the images disappeared, he looks up to the lion tamer, and the lion tamer just
standing there says, “something worth fighting for”.

It's funny how in our lives, that sometimes we're so fearful, and we're still
frozen that nothing changes until we finally realize there's something worth
fighting for, and we connect to that.

Find something worth fighting for, and you will find more strength, more
boldness, and more power in you than you ever had before.

This weekend I want you to be thinking about what is that something for me.
What is that something greater than myself I‟m going to connect to? What's
that thing I‟m going to fight for again or for the first time? That would be more
motivational than you ever need in your whole life when you reconnect to that.

Love the One You’re With.

I want you to love the one you're with. What do I mean by that? There are
people sitting in your row that may or may not be doing anything that's even
related to what you're doing. But trust me, the connections you create out of
this room, are really important.

You can help each other on your journey. You never know how the people you
meet can really make a difference in your life.

Experts Academy – Foundation Notes
Traits of Highly-Paid Experts

Let me share with you what I think a highly successful person is in terms of a
highly paid expert. These are just traits, because I always get asked the
question, am I one of these? Can I be one of these people? Here's my answer.
Here's the different categories. Here are traits that I have seen over and over
and over again, that really highly paid experts have. I know this because I
study them, most of them are now my friends and here are some of the things
they have.

1. First, is they are clarity-driven

What does that mean? It means they're extremely clear about who they are
and what they want to do in the world. There's a level of clarity that most highly
paid experts have that the general public does not have.

What does that mean? It means they're extremely clear about who they are
and what they want to do in the world. There's a level of clarity that most highly
paid experts have that the general public does not have. And that trait to be
clear on things really serves you when you have to figure out who your
customers are.

It's just something that's very basic you can see it all the time. They are clarity
driven. So you got to get clear.

“As we go down, on a scale of 1-10 I want you to write what level

you are in terms of these traits, just for your own development. So
when I say clarity driven, how clear are you, on who you are, and
what you're trying to do? What level of clarity are you? From a scale
of 1-10, 10 being super clear, 1 being not at all or somewhere in

Experts Academy – Foundation Notes
2. Second is competent.

Competent, highly-paid experts are really good at what they specifically do. I'm
not good at a lot of things. I'm good at this; there are plenty of other things I'm
not good at. Ask any of my friends, you ask my staff or my wife, there's plenty
I'm not good at, but what I‟m trying to succeed at, I'm competent at. I've
mastered it, I've studied it I've interviewed it.

On a scale of 1 to 10, in terms of the topic area you're trying to succeed in,
where are you? Are you really competent? Have you already built that
expertise or you are just beginning?

3. Next is confident.

I've noticed over and over again, there's a level of confidence, even if you're
speaking softly like I'm now, there's just a level of confidence that experts
have. They have a confidence in who they are and what they're doing.

Why? One is because they have clarity. Two, because they have competence,
it's easy. When you're clear on something and you have some competence in
it, it's much easier to be confident.

Let's just say in general, on a general life scale from 0-10, how confident would
you say you are generally, just generally. 0-10; 10 being super confident; when
I say confident I don't mean obnoxious, a titan or a dictator. I just mean
confident, like a level of assuredness about your level of ability and intelligence
in the world.

4. Creative.

You can be creative. I know this is going to be off the charts in this room. But
I've noticed that highly paid experts, they are so creative. The more they're
doing what they are creative at, the more their business grows. The less
they're doing what they're creative at, the less their business grows.

So creative, I want you to measure this way, not are you creative, I already
know you are creative. So on a scale of 1-10, I want to know how much are you
being creative, meaning how much are you doing creative.

I know you're creative, but I mean this is a part of your work. Meaning, on a
consistent level that you are being creative in what you are doing, which
means if you suck at technology, and you are focusing eight out of ten hours a
day doing technology, that's not really being creative. Yes, you are creative,
but you are not being creative, in other words, doing creative. On a scale of 1 to
10, 10 being doing lots of creative things. Where are you?

Experts Academy – Foundation Notes
5. Collaborative.

This is where lots of experts fall down, but the great ones really succeed.
Collaborative, how open are you to adjusting your content? How open are you
to working with other people? How open are you to asking for help? How open
are you to interviewing other experts and realizing that they might have more
expertise than you?

Collaborative, how willing are you to work with other people to develop
yourself, your business, or your content? How collaborative are you? 1 out of

6. Communicative.

Communicative, this is important, because I know lots of experts who are

incredibly, incredibly confident, incredibly competent, but they're not
communicative. In other words, they won't share their real thoughts, feelings,
and desires.

Out of curiosity, in your general life how often are you sharing your real
thoughts, real feelings and real desires, three separate things? What you're
thinking, what you are feeling, and what you want to do? That's feelings and

How often do you generally share that, like all the time? That's a 10. Or -1-
being, I don't do that I keep it in, because in this industry you can't keep it in.

Could you imagine if I got up here and tried to do today without being
communicative about my emotions? It wouldn't work and by day-3 you'd be
throwing stuff at me. You might be doing that anyway, but I don't know. You got
to be communicative. 1-10, where are you?

7. Courageous.

You have to be willing to set up tents and take risks some time. You have to be
courageous and in say nobody has tried this before, but I‟m going to go and do
it anyway. So on a level of courage, think about how courageous you generally
are, 1-10, 10 being extremely courageous, 1 being not much.

8. Conscientious.

I mean this in several different ways, but the way we're focused on today is
when I say conscientious, I want you to think about, how caring are you about
doing the right thing? In your general life, what shows up in the embodiment of
who you are, how conscientious are you about caring, about doing the right

Experts Academy – Foundation Notes
thing? Not just about caring, but it shows, like people would say, wow! This
might be a good way to do it.

If I polled all of the people who are around you, not just your friends and family,
but all the people who are around you in your daily life, and I said how caring is
this person, what would they give you? -- what would they give you on a 1-10,
Ten being totally caring, one being not attentive, not caring.

Where would you be?

Here's what I found. Really highly paid experts, they care more than almost
anybody, and it's extraordinary that their hearts are so big, they want people to
succeed so badly, and that comes into their journey, that comes into their
story, that comes in the way they serve, and everybody benefits from them.

9. Compassionate.

When I say compassionate, what I mean is also, how do you display

compassion? Do you display lots of compassion, like actually you display it?
Would someone say, wow, super-compassionate?

10. Consistent.

Zero to ten, how consistent are you in taking the actions you need to take to
develop your business? One to ten- how consistent are you in taking the
actions you need to take in order to develop your business?

Now tally up all your numbers. If you're not finding those numbers add up to
60-70 or above then it should be clear on that piece of paper what you need to
work on. Here's what I mean by this, if you're not at 60-70 or above, it's time for
you to reengage something within yourself.

Are any of those driven by the external world? Isn't that amazing? None of
those are driven by the external world. Those are all choices we make every
day. If you're like damn man, I'm just not courageous you can't blame that on
anybody else. It's time for you to be more courageous.

These are something to work on, because the more you get good at these, the
more this becomes easier.

Experts Academy – Foundation Notes
Where Experts Fail
Wrong Mindset.
Wrong Mentors.
Wrong Market.
Wrong Branding.
Wrong Business Model.
Wrong Staff and Structure.
Wrong Campaigns.
Wrong Cash Use.
Wrong Customer Service.
Wrong Partners and Peers.

So let me show you where experts fail, so that as we go through the process, I
can say, hey guys, watch out for this, remember I told you about that?

1. Wrong Mindset.

We have talked a lot about the myths this morning of where things get broken.
Here's one mindset that I think this industry really gets stuck on, and I've
shared that with you earlier, trying to hold in the baby, hold the content.

The number one mindset I need you to adopt is a very open mindset to sharing
your stuff, in a new way. The energy and the expectation of your customers
have changed in the last five years. They are used to getting more stuff for
free. They are used to it. So you have to deliver that and that is the best way to
create rapport.

The right mindset to have is a giving mindset. Here's the old mindset, ask and
you shall have and everyone operated off of that, right. That's ultimately one of
the flaws of the Law of Attraction, or some of these other programs where it's
just ask, ask, ask, and you shall receive. I think a more appropriate response to
this world that we live in now is give, and you shall -- totally different mindset.

It used to be ask and you shall receive, meaning ask them to buy your stuff
ask- ask- ask-. I believe you don't even have to ask. I'll just give you a bunch of
free stuff until you are like, wow! If this is what he is giving away, then the one
time I do ask, everyone says, yes.

Give and you shall receive is a whole different business model that works

Experts Academy – Foundation Notes
2. Wrong Mentors.

When experts start failing, it's because they stop getting mentors, or they hook
onto a mentor who is just about making a ton of money, but there is no spirit
behind it, because that spirit is gone, the sustainability isn't there.

3. Wrong Market.

Another piece where people mess up on is the wrong market. You think your
message and what you're trying to communicate would be best for youth. But
youth really don't want what you are offering. So they don't buy, so you go
broke. It happens all the time people have the wrong market.

4. Wrong Branding.

Are they identifying with who you are and what you are offering?

5. Wrong Business Model.

Maybe you ought to be doing 80% of your business online and only 20% live,
but you are trying to do 80% live and going broke at it. It's that 80% / 20% rule
that will come into play.

6. Wrong Staff and Structure.

We have got to teach you how to do your work intelligently with maybe one or
two contractors. Those of you with five or more employees, I think you‟re going
to learn some cool stuff here, too.

7. Wrong Campaigns.

Either 1) you‟re making a mistake of doing a promotion instead of a campaign,

or 2) you're not sequencing the campaign intelligently, or 3) you haven't
thought about where that campaign leads in terms of the next campaign.

8. Wrong Cash Use.

Most people are allocating their funds into the wrong areas of their business.
We needed to make sure that you are investing in the right things, and we
need to make sure you‟re paying very close attention to whether or not it's
growing for you. Most of us don't do that, especially in this industry.

We need to make sure that, if you're going to put your cash in to something that
you are going to get your cash back.

Experts Academy – Foundation Notes
9. Wrong Customer Service.

Wrong customer service, probably kills 70% of the people who start this
business. They create great stuff, because you are so passionate about what
you are doing, and you just create it, sell it, and leave it, and then they forget to
ask the customer hey, is that okay for you, is that working for you, how‟s it

Or you stop replying to emails, you get so busy and so self-involved or so

important or so successful, you stop answering emails, you stop taking up the
calls, and start doing all the things that always leads to failure. You have to be
attentive to your customers.

Your customers provide your lifestyle, love them and you'll love your lifestyle.
Make sense? One leads to the other.

10. Wrong Partners and Peers.

When you're starting out you don't have enough people promoting you, you
don't have the right partners, or the people you're hanging around are dragging
you to the lowest levels.

Experts Academy – Foundation Notes
The Ultimate Secret
Let me give you the ultimate secret and then I‟m going to teach you how to do
it, and I'll teach you it in story form.

Read the simple story and by reading the story, I hope we connect to
something that we all need to do in a profound way, and then we'll show you
how to do it with a process, as we go through today.

Experts Academy – Foundation Notes

Any of you ever felt like you're doing lots of activity,

but it wasn't leading anywhere?

Experts Academy – Foundation Notes

This is about the third year in most people's expert journey. All the buzzing, all
the fanatic excitement. It's not so exciting anymore, because they are not
getting their results.

Experts Academy – Foundation Notes
How many people get the lesson behind the story? Your business will explode
the day you understand that the more quality, awesome value-added content
that you develop, the more people will just come to you.

Now, you don't have to spend a ton of energy always marketing. In the
marketing world they like to say, always be marketing, always be marketing,
always be marketing.

The more that you create this high quality information, that markets itself, and
customers start coming to you in droves, and you will be like, where's all this
business coming from?

I had to shut down my coaching program, because I had so many people who
were trying to get in, and I couldn't serve it all. So I had to shut it down, and this
was a very lucrative program, it was $25,000. I couldn't serve it all so I had to
shut it down, because the word of mouth spread.

That's what we want to do for you. We want you to create such compelling
content that customers come to you, not the other way around.


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