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BTS Jan 2022

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How To Achieve
TO AC Q UI R E A $4 EPCs and Over
$300 ACV... On A
C U STO M E R W I N S “Free Plus Shipping”
Offer (Mind Blown Starting
On Page 3...)

How To Cut Through

Market Saturation
With An Offer That's
Makes Customers
Feel Silly If They
Don't Purchase
(Shown On Pages 15 to 22...)

Log In to the Members Area

to Access All of Your Bonuses
Go to
JAN 2022


Featuring Russell Brunson
CEO of ClickFunnels That Is Averaging Over $4 EPC And
$304.55 Average Cart Value!

Dear Funnel Hackers,

“WHOEVER CAN SPEND The last 12 months have been strange for me.
by Russell Brunson | Pg. 5 If you have followed my journey as an entrepreneur, you know that I like to move
fast. In the first 10 years of my business, I launched over 150 funnels. (Yes, that
means I was averaging MORE than one new funnel—along with upsells and down-
sells and all the products inside of each offer on every page and more—every
THE SCENES BONUS month for over a decade!) And that was BEFORE ClickFunnels, where we had to
“VIRTUAL REAL ESTATE hand-code every page, the shopping cart, members areas, etc. every time.
by Heath Wilcock | Pg. 15 After about the 150th funnel or so is where I found my true calling, which has
been To Free All Entrepreneurs So They Can Focus On Changing The Lives Of
The Customers That They’ve Been Called To Serve.
HOW TO GO “ALL IN” FOR The way we do this is through our software (, which frees them
THE BIGGEST PAYOFF from the technical hurdles of launching a business, and then through our
by Drew & Recia Davis | Pg. 23 education and events (inside of Marketing Secrets, which is our education brand).

The seven years since we launched ClickFunnels has been a crazy ride. We went
MAGNETIC MARKETING from serving a few thousand entrepreneurs to now having over 100,000 people
"E-X-P-A-N-S-I-O-N" using ClickFunnels, with thousands more joining every day.
pg 24
But in the last 12 months, everything has changed. If you were at Funnel Hacking
LIVE, you heard part of the story. We had thought about selling ClickFunnels, but
eventually turned down an offer that would have been my retirement. Instead, we
SECRETS OF SUCCESS decided to start building ClickFunnels 2.0!
by Russell Brunson | Pg. 25 This meant that things had to slow down…at least for me.

Todd was busy building the team and casting the vision for 2.0. And honestly, I
hadn’t seen him that happy and motivated since the days that we were building
the original ClickFunnels.
But for me…I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do note, many of the features and principles we built into
right then. the ClickFunnels platform came DIRECTLY from things
we learned from Dan.
I knew the plan for AFTER 2.0 was done. We’ll have a
launch, we’ll drive traffic, it will be like it was during the For me, having the chance to buy Dan’s company was
early days again for me. the equivalent of someone being a Michael Jordan fan
and having a chance to buy the Bulls!
But during this lull…I kind of lost myself.
Obviously my answer was a very fast YES, and within
Alex Charfen once said that entrepreneurs don’t get about a month, we had acquired Magnetic Marketing, as
happy or sad. Those words don’t make sense to us. well as about 40 years’ worth of Dan’s intellectual proper-
Instead we only feel either in momentum or out of ty (IP). As I started to dig through the literal treasure trove
momentum. And during this season of my life, I felt of content that I now owned, I decided to start re-binge
out of momentum. And if I’m honest, I didn’t really listening to everything that Dan had ever published. (As
know what to do. of today, I’m probably about 30+ years into the archives,
with only another decade left until I’m done…ha ha.)
So I think I panicked. I started to write a new book.
I started launching some side companies (many of As I’ve been relistening, I’ve been reminded of many
which you’ll have a chance to read about in this and things that I learned almost two decades ago when I
future issues of the newsletter). I started collecting was first starting out. I also heard so many things that
old books (LOTS of them)—so many that I’m actually I hadn’t really understood at the time or wasn’t ready
building a 20,000-square-foot library next to ClickFun- for until I heard them again.
nels HQ to store them all! (I’ll talk more about this
crazy idea in future issues.) I also decided to reopen And the results of all this binge-listening and reading is
my Inner Circle mastermind group, so I could start that I haven’t been able to sleep.
working more closely with entrepreneurs again.
It’s literally 2:00 AM right now as I’m writing this. Most
Anyway…each of those projects would give me a tem- mornings, I’m up at 5:00 AM, working on ideas that
porary sense of momentum while I was awaiting the have been reignited, as well as creating the new offers
launch of 2.0. to relaunch Magnetic Marketing and curating the best
content from 40 years of Dan into a new podcast,
But then I got the shot in the arm. updated courses, and more.

I wasn’t expecting it, but one day I got an email from a I feel like I’m back in momentum. And an entrepre-
friend, asking if I’d be interested in buying Dan Kennedy’s neur in motion is a very powerful thing.
As we are starting this new year, the word that I’m as-
I started learning from Dan almost 18 years ago, when signing to it is MOMENTUM.
my business had just barely broken the six-figure mark,
and I decided to write him a check for $18K (which It’s starting with our relaunch of Magnetic Marketing.
I didn’t have) to join his mastermind. What I learned Shortly behind that will be the launch of ClickFunnels 2.0.
from Dan helped me go from start-up entrepreneur to And after that… Well, I don’t want to ruin the surprise, but
building the company that I own today. And as a side I’ve been sitting in silence working on a plan that we’ll


be executing to get us from 100,000 active members to The first time I did this is when we hired Marcus
a million over the next few years. Someday, I’m hoping Lemonis (from the TV show The Profit) to speak at Fun-
that people will write stories in the business history books nel Hacking LIVE. We put in the contract that we needed
about what you’ll have a front row seat to witness. to meet with him for an hour before his keynote to “help
him understand our audience.” But our real motivation
Inside of this new newsletter, the Behind The Scenes was that we wanted to hang out with Marcus and get to
Marketing Secrets Letter, you will have a chance to know him. We thought that if he liked us, maybe some-
watch behind the scenes (BTS) of what we are doing how we could be on the show someday!
and why. I’ll share the results with you in real time as
we scale ClickFunnels. Sure enough, that hour was long enough to show him
ClickFunnels and build rapport. And within a few min-
On top of showing you BTS how we’re scaling our soft- utes of leaving our event, he texted me and asked if I’d
ware company, we’ll also be showing you how we’re be interested in being on the show!
growing our two information publishing companies:
Marketing Secrets with all of my IP and Magnetic Mar- I had something similar happen when I was negotiat-
keting with all of Dan’s IP. ing the contract with Dan Kennedy as we purchased
Magnetic Marketing. Before I faxed him my proposal, I
But wait…we won’t stop there. Remember I told you slipped in one sentence: “Coauthor a book with Russell.”
about my lull earlier this year? Well during that time, we AHHH!!! I was almost too scared to send it, but I clicked
launched four supplement companies, a t-shirt company, the Send button anyway. (If you don’t know Dan yet, he
a health newsletter, and a bunch of other fun side projects refuses to have an email account, so all correspondence
that I like to call “Virtual Real Estate” or VREs. In each issue, with him happens through fax! How cool is that?! Ha ha.)
we’ll show you BTS on what we’re doing in these compa-
nies as well. Honestly, it doesn’t matter whether you’re A few days later, I got a fax back from Dan agreeing to
selling software, supplements, information products, everything I had asked, including coauthoring a book
or pretty much anything—there will be something with me! This has honestly been something I have
powerful for you inside of each issue. dreamed about ever since Dan wrote the foreword for
my DotComSecrets book.
Sound like fun? Cool, then let’s jump right into the
newsletter! But the big questions were “What will the book be
about?” and “What should we call it?”

“WHOEVER CAN I thought about this long and hard, and then shortly
SPEND THE MOST after Funnel Hacking LIVE, I realized that I had shared
one quote from Dan about a dozen times during the
And what’s crazy is that I’ve done such a good
A CUSTOMER WINS!” job indoctrinating that concept into the minds of my
Funnel Hackers, six of the other speakers also quoted it!
I want to share with you a secret that will serve you for
the rest of your life. When you’re negotiating a contract As I thought more about this quote, I realized that it’s
with anyone, always throw in one crazy thing that you the foundation of ALL funnel marketing! It was the
REALLY want but assume that they won’t do, and just see reason funnels were developed and why they are so
what they say. essential to master.

Whoever can spend the most money
to acquire a customer wins.
When you start looking at any good company, you’ll notice there is an evolution over time that allows them to start
spending more money to acquire a customer. The phases look like this.

Most companies start with a product, and if it’s something that the market wants, then they will get some initial
traction and start making money. Over time, most products become commodities. If you’re the only chiropractor in
your town and your product is an adjustment, it’s likely that over time other chiropractors will move into town and
offer the same product. And then you are selling a commodity. Or if you’re selling supplements, or physical or informa-
tion products, as other people start selling similar products to yours, you start to become a commodity, meaning you’re
selling essentially the same thing as everyone else around you.

The biggest problem with commodities is that when an end consumer is looking for something to purchase, and all
of the products or services are the same, they will default to whoever has the cheapest one. Yes, that means the
way you win when you’re selling a commodity is to lower your prices and cut into your margins, giving you LESS
money to spend on acquiring a customer.

I once heard Dan Kennedy say, “There is no strategic advantage to being the second-lowest price leader in
town, but there is a huge strategic advantage to being the most expensive.” So if you can’t be Walmart, then
you want to increase your perceived value to become the most expensive.

How do you increase the perceived value so you can become the most expensive? You switch from just offering
a product or a commodity, which anyone can copy, to creating an actual offer that is unique to you. This will give
you the ability to charge more money for anything that you are selling.


As I started going through all of the Dan Kennedy archives, I
saw this evolution inside of their business over the
decades as well. When Dan first launched his newsletter
in 1992, he had one of the very few marketing
newsletters in the world. When Bill Glazer bought his
company 10+ years later, he relaunched the newsletter
not just as a newsletter, but as an irresistible offer, which
he called the “Most Incredible Free Gift Ever”or MIFGE. Moving from a product or service to an offer is the first
step that will allow you to spend more money to acquire
a customer. Bill ran this offer for over a decade, but most
of his traffic for the MIFGE offer came from affiliates who
emailed their lists to promote the offer. Bill wasn’t able to
spend a lot of money up front on advertising because he
wasn’t able to collect much money up front.

People would sign up for membership, and then he

gave them a free three-month trial. Because it took him
almost three months before he started to make any
money from his new customers, he wasn’t ever able to
1992: No B.S. Marketing began as just a newletter scale with paid ads. In fact, after Bill sold the company,
the new owners never fostered their relationships with
the affiliates, and over the last decade, the company
shrunk every month as people would unsubscribe from
the newsletter, but no new blood was being pushed to
get people to rejoin.

When I acquired the company, I knew that we needed

to relaunch it. I knew that if we created a really good
offer (a new version of the MIFGE) we could get affiliates
to promote it, but that would be a very short-term plan. I
wanted something that I could start spending $10K or more
on per day for paid ads to get a consistent stream of new
customers. To do that, I needed to evolve to the next phase
of business, from product => offer => sales funnel.

Bill Glazer's 1st "Most Incredible Free Gift Ever" offer

Bill used this irresistible offer of giving away $631.92

of products for free when people would test-drive the
newsletter, helping them to grow their membership to The goal for this launch was the same: “Whoever can
over 10,000 paying customers! spend the most money to acquire a customer wins.”

STEP #1: money-making information.” This irresistible offer is
converting at 5.7% (at the time of this writing), which
Create An Irresistible Offer isn’t too bad considering they are signing up for a $97
(Goal: To Get A High Conversion per month continuity program.

Rate On The Front End) While this is great, I don’t get that first $97 monthly
The first step was to create a NEW even MORE irresistible payment for 30 days. Plus, I’ve got to pay to ship out
offer to cut through the noise of the marketplace. a big kit in the mail and to print the books they get.
We created our new version of the MIFGE that you So right now, even though the offer is converting, I’m
probably saw at not able to actually spend a lot of money to acquire a
customer yet.

We did add a yearly option on the order form, which

5.46% of the people have taken, making our up-front
revenue (so far) $82.72 per member. So in theory, we
could spend up to $82.72 to acquire a member now
and still be at break-even (if you don’t count our
printing and shipping costs).

When people join the NO B.S. Magnetic Marketing

Letter, they also get the BTS newsletter (which you’re
holding in your hands now) as well as $19,997 of “pure


STEP #2:

Order Form Bump

The order form bump is literally the closest thing to free money that you’ll ever find in your life. If you don’t have
an order form bump, it’s time to stop EVERYTHING you’re doing right now and go and add one to your funnel. Often-
times, this little checkbox will completely cover my advertising costs!

I always think of the order form bump like the gum, Tic Tacs, and National Enquirer you see at the grocery store as
you are checking out. They are quick impulse purchases that dramatically increase the revenue per customer. Here is an
example of an order form bump, and the feedback from one Funnel Hacker (Dean Holland) after he implemented it.

For the new MIFGE offer, we decided to make Dan’s original Magnetic Marketing System the order form bump
at a HUGE discount of just $47.

STEP #3:

One-Time Offer #1

Currently we have a 55.04% conversion rate on this

order form bump!

At this point, we could spend up to $108.59 to

acquire a customer and still break even!


After the order form bump, the next easiest way to increase your average cart value or ACV is through an upsell, or
what we call a one-time offer. The first “yes” in any transaction is always the hardest. That is why we make the front-
end offer SO IRRESISTIBLE that people have to stop what they’re doing and go run to grab their credit cards. The next
yeses are a lot easier, because customers don’t have to go and make a new buying decision—they just have to
say “yes” to an upgrade.

For this first upsell, we decided to offer both a digital and physical version of Dan Kennedy’s Lifetime Of Work swipe
files. We priced the digital at $297 and the physical at $2,497. Notice how we structured the offer: the digital
version comes with five volumes, but the physical one comes with all seven! We structured it this way to try to push
people toward the more expensive offer.

If someone clicked on the “No Thanks” button for this, we had a pop-up that would offer them a downsell version
(without the bonuses) at $197.

Are you starting to see how this game is played
when you have a funnel that is converting? At this
point, after OTO #1, we have the ability to pay
$252.73 to acquire a customer!

But we’re not done yet. We have one more upsell

in this initial funnel.

STEP #4:

In this step, we created another irresistible offer,
giving people access to three of Dan’s Renegade
Millionaire courses for the price of one!


Once again, if they said no to the offer, we offered a payment plan on a pop-up.

Now I want to emphasize a few things.

Bill Glazer taught me the power and importance of

ascension inside of a business. Inside the DotCom
Secrets book is where I first shared a graphic of what I
call the “value ladder.”

Now I want to emphasize a few things. Now there is one more phase to this customer jour-
ney that I wanted to touch upon, but I don’t have the
First, this behind-the-scenes glimpse of these space to go deep into it here. It’s the step after the
numbers is within the first few days after launch. The initial point-of-sale funnel. It’s all of the other things
numbers will go down over time as we move more that your customers will buy over time to increase
of our traffic to paid ads. But as of today, we are able their lifetime value (LTV).
to spend OVER $300 to acquire a free newsletter sub-
scriber! Do you know any other newsletter company Bill Glazer taught me the power and importance of
that can do that? ascension inside of a business. Inside the DotCom
Secrets book is where I first shared a graphic of what
“Whoever can spend the most money to acquire a I call the “value ladder.”
customer wins.” Building a funnel like this is how you
can outspend all of your customers! It is the secret of Each tier of the value ladder requires one funnel. Now
how you actually implement what Dan has been that people have joined the newsletter membership
telling us for so many years! at the Gold level, my next goal over time is to pro-
vide enough value that people will want to ascend
Over the next 12 months, we will use this funnel to higher levels. You will see other funnels and
to scale the newsletter to the point where it has campaigns designed to move people from Gold to
10,000+ members again! Diamond to Insiders’ Circle.


RMS 2003 Bootcamp Seminar as part of his
"Renegade Millionaire’" series...

“New” helps YOUR offer stand out, create intrigue,

and establish a loyal fan base that trusts and con-
tinues to buy from you and only you ...WITHOUT
even thinking about trying a competitor’s offer.

And what better time to talk about “new” than in

Q1 when the world is gearing up for a fresh start?
Now I want you to look back at the phases of a business.
So strap in, hang tight, and roll up your windows,
PRODUCT => OFFER => FUNNEL => VALUE LADDER because in this month’s “Virtual Real Estate,” I’m
going to show you “behind the scenes” on what
Be honest about where your business currently
we did to make our ecomm offers “NEW” and
is. If you’ve got a product, then the next step is to
thrilling in a saturated market ...
create an offer. If you have an offer, you need to
create a funnel that will allow you to spend more
…while at the same time, moving our customers up
money to acquire a customer. If you’ve got a funnel,
the value ladder for high average order value (AOV),
it’s time to design the next funnels that will move
so we could scale, baby, scale!
your customers up your value ladder!
Plus, as you continue to read, earmark, and highlight

VIRTUAL REAL our freshly scented marketing newsletter each month,

you’ll be able to see how we grow our ecomm brands in


MAKE YOUR That way you can learn from our mistakes, apply
what’s working in our funnels to your own, and

OFFER NEW experience similar, awesome results.

(I make lots of mistakes. So please...learn from ol’

A Monthly Bonus Behind-The-Scenes Look Heathykins and save yourself time, money, and
At The Marketing Sorcery We’re Using In frustration.)
Our Ecomm Funnels That You Can Steal
And Profit From...Big-Time! Now, on with the show...

by HEATH WILCOCK The first two ecomm projects Russell and I worked on
together were for Zuma Juice and Au Bon bone broth.

As I sit duct-taped to an office chair being whipped STEP 1: We established our “big idea” above
by Mr. Brunson to finish this entry for you (he’s not the fold to grab our customers’ attention and to
always smiling), I can’t help but recall what Dan help us stand out and cut through the noise of
Kennedy said about opportunities in his 2003 a saturated market.

Whoever can spend the most money
to acquire a customer wins
When you start looking at any good company, you’ll
notice there is an evolution over time that allows them
to start spending more money to acquire a customer. The
phases look like this.
Most companies start with a product, and if it’s some-
thing that the market wants, then they will get some
initial traction and start making money. Over time, most
products become commodities. If you’re the only chiro-
practor in your town and your product is an adjustment,
it’s likely that over time other chiropractors will move
into town and offer the same product. And then you
are selling a commodity. Or if you’re selling supplements,
or physical or information products, as other people start
selling similar products to yours, you start to become a
commodity, meaning you’re selling essentially the same
thing as everyone else around you.

The biggest problem with commodities is that when an

end consumer is looking for something to purchase, and all
of the products or services are the same, they will default
to whoever has the cheapest one. Yes, that means the
way you win when you’re selling a commodity is to lower
your prices and cut into your margins, giving you LESS
money to spend on acquiring a customer.

I once heard Dan Kennedy say, “There is no strategic

advantage to being the second-lowest price leader in
town, but there is a huge strategic advantage to being
the most expensive.” So if you can’t be Walmart, then
you want to increase your perceived value to become the
most expensive.

How do you increase the perceived value so you can

become the most expensive? You switch from just offer-
ing a product or a commodity, which anyone can copy, to
creating an actual offer that is unique to you. This will give
you the ability to charge more money for anything that
you are selling.


You can see we are pushing people to sign up for We did the same thing as with Zuma, only this time
the subscription offer by “stacking it” with more we also added an electric frother and a classy mug.
goodies like the shaker bottle. Oh, and it comes in a cotton drawstring bag.

(By the way, if you haven’t set up subscriptions for

your ecomm offer yet, then make that a priority.
Subscriptions can help you get to “Scalesville” faster.
Plus, customers are better trained for subscriptions
today, so use them. If they like the product, they’ll
keep the subscription.)

Now, what isn’t seen in the image above but is

made clear on the sales page (which you can view
here: ) is that we are also giving
customers two free e-guides with their initial pur-
chase of Zuma Juice.

Valuable Side Note: Spend a couple hundred bucks

and get some e-books made for your e-comm offer.

While it may not “seem” like much, I’ve tested this

across TONS of brands and it works every time. They
act like little “nudges” to get the customer to Our audience for our Au Bon bone broth is more on the
purchase. older, affluent side, so we wanted to make the offer feel
more premium, something you’d find at one of those
It’s simple and affordable, and immediately high-end grocery stores where bow-tied employees
adds value to your offer. spritz their produce with Fiji water.

Okay, now it’s time to start adding more money...

STEP 3: Order Bump STEP 4: One-Time Offer #1

Our order bump for Zuma Juice is a Vitamin D3 + Vita-

min K supplement called Zuma Drops.

It’s a flavorless vitamin booster that helps strengthen

Zuma Juice’s health benefits—and it’s only 27 bucks.
Easy-peasy add. BOOM.
So here’s where things get different for ecomm offers
But we’re not done yet. compared to info product offers...

Now comes the backend... The most successful one-time offer for ecomm
products—specifically for upsell #1— is “more of the

For example, both the Zuma and Au Bon funnels

offer the same product on the back end as the front
end, but at a discount.


Take a look...
Conversion Tip: The secret to making your first
upsell work, and work really well, is to give your
customers a reason WHY they should add more
boxes, jars, or bottles.

If you were to just throw out more of the same,

people would automatically think, “But I just bought
this...why would I want more?”

So, give them a reason. It can be anything...

“There’s a worldwide shipping problem and our ingre-

dients have become even more difficult to obtain...”


“Our warehouse made an inventory ‘oopsie’

when ordering more Zuma...and now we have
TOO many boxes

and not enough space.”


“Because we’re being held hostage and things are

getting scary…”
You can see we’re offering an option to choose either
three more boxes of Zuma Juice and save $84, or It doesn’t matter. Just give them a reason.
they can add six more boxes and save $192.
When you give people a reason to buy more now, if
We found that offering our customers two high- the price is right, then you can have a very success-
package options instead of just one gives them a ful upsell #1.
little more “breathing room” to choose either/or
instead of a straight “no” to a single option. And when you have a successful upsell #1, then you’ll
have a much more successful upsell #2 (which we’ll
get to in just a sec).

STEP 5: Downsell #1
So you logically work your way out of buying an
entire shelf of cookies, and you start putting them
back...but you keep one box.

Because again, the deal is STILL too good to pass up,

and one box isn’t going to hurt anyone, right?

Same idea applies to your downsell.

STEP 6: One-Time Offer #2

Okay, next is upsell #2. Have a look...

Now, if someone says “no” to the upsell one, they’ll be

shown our downsell, where we offer “one more” of the
same product but at a 50% discount.

This is an “Oh, why not...go ahead and toss it into

the cart” kind of offer.

It's like when you go to your grocery store and see

that your favorite cookies are on sale. And this deal
is so crazy good you would be silly NOT to take ad-
vantage of it.

So you start loading up your cart with cookies.

But realize your'e simply hungry and that For your second upsell, you want to offer some-
you probably should have eaten before you went thing that helps strengthen the customer's initial
grocery shopping... purchase.


In other words, if you sell a supplement on the front end, don't sell flashlights on the back end hoping it will
convert. I think we can agree on that, right?

Again, back to the grocery store analogy. When you pick up eggs, oftentimes you’ll also pick up butter,
cheese, or milk too, right?

So for our Zuma Greens Juice funnel, we are offering Zuma Red Juice, which is a very logical step for the customer.

They have their veggies, now they need their fruits!

But keep in mind, because we're introducing an entirely new product that isn't shown on the front end,
we need to spend some time introducing a new problem and offer the new solution.

So don't rush it—really take your time and make it "new."

For the Zuma upsell #2, our new problem is "slow metabolism" and our new solution is Zuma Reds.

Same goes for Au Bon Bone Broth. We're introducing a new problem ("late-night food cravings") and we're
offering them a new solution we know they will love, which is chocolate or vanilla bone broth powder that
tastes amazing and works great to curb food cravings at night.

Take a look...

As you can see, we don't give them just one- or three-box options like we did with OTO #1.

Since we are introducing a new product to the customer—almost as if they are seeing a brand-new sales
page for the very first time—we wanted to have the same package deal layout as we did on the front end
(one, three, and six boxes).

STEP 7: Downsell #2

For our downsell #2, we simply did a rinse and repeat of downsell #1, where we offer “add one more to
your order” with a one-time 50% discount.

And there you have it!

I just took you on a journey through two of our funnels to show you how we’re stacking our offers to make
them “new” and increase our AOV.

Now it’s your turn. Take a look at your ecomm funnel(s) and see how you’re stacking your offers.

Are you offering free e-guides as “companion pieces” to your product? (It can be as simple as a “5-Day
Challenge Checklist” to get people to USE your offer.)

Are your upsells congruent and in-line with your initial front-end offer?

Remember: Don’t overthink it.

As long as you slap something together that follow our stack and upsell/downsell flow, you'll be making
more dough while at the same time increasing your customers' lifetime value.

Okay, this is getting too long and Russell is now pacing the office, shirtless and holding a potato gun,
asking for me to “come out and play...”

Until next month, sweetums,

Heath Wilcock


vision to become leaders and experts ourselves. Lucky for
us, during this time we were introduced to the One Funnel

Away Challenge. That led us to our first Funnel Hacking
LIVE event in early 2019.

DREW AND I attended solo because Recia was at home about to de-
liver baby #3 in a matter of days from my scheduled return

RECIA DAVIS home! Talk about an emotional time... And while it wasn’t
planned going into the event, the event was so power-
ful that we solidified our decision to shift and lean in to
Hi! My name is Drew Davis. My wife Recia and I have becoming experts with valuable information to serve the
been a part of the Two Comma Club X (2CCX) coaching world. So in 2019, we enrolled in the 2CCX coaching pro-
program for about three years now, and what a ride it has gram. We knew that it had the leadership and educational
been! But first, let me give you a little bit of backstory on training we needed to help us grow our business quickly.
who we are and how we found ourselves in this amazing
program. In the next two years, we were able to scale our software
services business significantly, find our voice, and replace
Recia and I are full-time real estate entrepreneurs today, our active real estate income. During this time, we grew
but it didn’t always look like this. You see, our entire ca- tremendously in terms of our knowledge of business and
reer has not been associated with real estate. Once upon our knowledge of ourselves, and we continue to grow as a
a time, both of us had “respectable, good-paying W-2 part of this tribe.
jobs,” and everything was going fine from the standpoint
of “working on a career.” Earlier this year, we had our fourth child. And through the
growth process, we decided to shift our business once again
However, in 2009, we were first introduced to the world to achieve greater impact and fulfillment. As a result,
of real estate investing, and we took a sip of the proverbial we’ve relaunched new offers in 2021 and recommit-
purple Kool-Aid that really began our educational ted to accessing the full breadth of value available in
process. While at first, it seemed slow, Recia left her first the 2CCX coaching program. We’ve also made good
job after our first child was born, which brought some big on a promise to align for better traction, momentum,
ahas into our world at that time. Once this leap of faith growth, joy, and fulfillment. We’ve had incredible sup-
led to additional successes, I was able to leave my job two port and developed great relationships while in this
short years later, after we had another child. program, and are super excited about the upcoming
year because we believe that the sky’s truly the limit.
Shortly after, we were both all-in, to the land of the
business. We realized that we were real estate investors We also hope that for anyone reading about this
and really needed to expand our business education to sample from our personal experience, you also
evolve into true entrepreneurs. realize what is possible for you when you lean in and
go to work and put yourself on the right track to run on.
We were introduced to this person named Russell That track is well laid out for us in this coaching program.
Brunson in 2016, through a real estate webinar (of all We wish you the best of success in tapping into your true
things!) with the one and only “Rich Dad.” This was potential and pursuing your dreams. Thanks!
one of our key introductions to internet marketing and
funnelology. After a short period of time, we developed a – DREW AND RECIA DAVIS

These people often never expand their busi-
nesses, continuing to do the same job they were

doing, behaving as workers—certainly not as
entrepreneurs. In short, self-employment is not
necessarily entrepreneurship.

WITH On the next level is the small business owner. They

DAN KENNEDY may enter business with bigger goals and are typi-
cally quicker and more eager to have employees
doing the ground-level work while they focus on
Republished from his “Renegade Millionaire Idea Of the marketing and management of the business.
The Month.” However, imagine you meet this person and ask
them what they do, and they say, “I own a jewelry

E-X-P-A-N-S-I-O-N store.” If you met up with them again 12, 24, or 36

months later, their business would still be a jewelry
store, largely unchanged. By their very definition of
In the September 2004 issue of the NO B.S. Magnetic their business, they rule out all sorts of expansive
Marketing Letter, I directed readers to this expansion of an opportunities. By their tunnel vision, they preclude
article there, about how entrepreneurs creatively expand many activities.
their businesses’ reach.
At the top of the financial pyramid is the entrepreneur.
In interviews I did for my book No B.S. Business Success Even though they too might own a jewelry store, they
around that same time, I repeatedly pointed out that we might say, “I’m in the jewelry business,” but then
are all sloppy in our use of language and, for the sake of three years later, they may also have…
casual convenience, use the terms business owner, small
Satellite mini-stores in three malls
business owner, and entrepreneur interchangeably, when
in actuality there are many important distinctions. A thriving website and mail-order business

Actually, the hierarchy of business ownership has three A high-end custom jewelry business
main tiers. A diamond brokerage

At the bottom—in terms of size, income, wealth, and They might even be selling a week-long trip to South
opportunity—are the be-your-own-boss business Africa for $25,000 per person, where they pick out
owners. These are people who start or buy businesses their own diamonds at the mines. Unlike the business
in order to give themselves a good job without an owner, this entrepreneur has a broad, wide-open
annoying boss. Often this is someone who has been vision, thinks bigger, and avoids defining themselves
working in an identical or similar business. too narrowly.

An employed restaurant manager buys a sub

shop franchise. Incidentally, I’ve used a real person as an example: one of
our members, Mike Jurado, who is in the jewelry business.
A car mechanic buys a muffler shop. Here are a few other examples.
A carpet cleaner prints up business cards and
starts their own one-person operation. Darin Garman went from a localized business, selling


Iowa apartment buildings to Iowa investors, to advertising imaginable. What things do you frequently think or
for and attracting investors from all over America using say that state limits on your business?
national media to investing in heartland properties.
For most, it is a difficult list to make. Honesty is vital. No
Paul Johnson of Shed Shop avoided doing full electrical editing. Build the biggest, most complete list you can.
installations in his sheds for years, due to requirements Maybe dedicate a legal pad to it, and keep adding to it
for contractor licenses. He finally got over his reluctance, over a month or so. Another way to get at this is to list all
wiped away that restriction, and now has an entire array the reasons your business isn’t ten times more profitable
of profitable upsells to offer. He is expanding into the sale than it is. Restrictions will emerge as reasons. If you
of turn-key, fully equipped home offices. That’s product- belong to a peer advisory group, make it a group
line expansion. activity. Once you have assembled all the “facts” you
believe to be true and in control of your business
Nightingale-Conant (or N/C, a personal development and have itemized all the restrictions, you are ready
company) was locked in to a $49/$59/$69 price model for to question and challenge them one by one.
many years, firm in their conviction that they could not
successfully sell higher-priced products to their customers. To live this mindset, make a point of catching yourself
In fact, my Magnetic Marketing System (MMS) was one of whenever you think, voice, or accept a restriction. Call
the first products N/C sold successfully outside their price yourself on this whenever it pops up. And direct your
model, and the only one not to add audio “bulk” to justify thoughts to expansion, not limitation.
price. MMS has only six cassettes but sold for $399
(and no less than $278). Now N/C frequently offers

higher-priced products. Price and margin restrictions

When I worked with U.S. Gold Corp./Gold By The Inch,

their lead-generation restriction, a reliance on the small
number of opportunity magazines, was lifted by a
successful infomercial I created. by R U S S E L L B R U N S O N

The Subway restaurant chain enjoyed such extraordi-

nary, rapid expansion by eliminating grills and stoves
so no venting was necessary, and their stores could be
put into places that other fast-food stores could not go, People often ask me how I’m able to live such a
faster and cheaper. “balanced life.” I always respond to this question with
a laugh, and then I look them straight in the eyes and
This is a characteristic and strategy of all the Renegade tell them bluntly, “Nothing great comes out of balance.
Millionaires: we reject the restrictions normally present in Everything amazing and worthwhile in my life came
a given industry, type of business, or market. In fact, from periods of RADICAL imbalance.”
we reject the idea of restrictions entirely.
When I decided I wanted to be a State Champion
To apply this as a strategy, take the time to build a list of wrestler, I didn't achieve that success by being balanced,
restrictions affecting your business—legal, government- I achieved it by being obsessed. I shifted 90% of my ef-
imposed, economic, lack of resources...every kind forts to this one goal. My grades in school suffered, my

relationships struggled—everything was put on the to continue to do the routines I had set up in the past,
back burner so I could achieve success with my #1 so those things that mattered to me wouldn’t be lost
priority at that time. during this season. I was still able to work out, I still had
time blocked in my calendar for my wife and kids, but
The same was true with my wife. When I met Collette, I all excess time, every other waking moment, went into
didn’t just spend a few hours a week with her. To create radical focus on this goal. When the goal was accom-
something lasting and great, I radically shifted what I plished, I could then leave behind the routines I needed
was doing to spend the majority of my time with her. to continue to grow ClickFunnels, but I was able to snap
We needed that focus to be able to build the founda- back and give time back to the other areas of my life so
tion for the relationship that we have today. When our that it felt more balanced.
kids came, we had to radically shift our focus from each
other, to our kids. Each season of our lives has caused One of my mentors, Keith Giddens, once told me that
us to radically shift where our focus goes. each of us is similar to a rubber band. I remember see-
ing him hold one up and then tell us, “By itself, this rub-
The same was true inside of my business. When ber band is useless, but if we stretch it to its capacity, it
we were launching ClickFunnels, my cofounder and can do amazing things. Stretched, it can bind things to-
partner Todd Dickerson and I were spending 18+ hours gether and help organize things. But, if you stretch it too
a day to get our vision off the ground and make it a far, it will snap and break. We need to make sure that
reality. I remember starting working each day around we’re stretching ourselves, but not to the point where
9:00 AM Mountain Time and going to bed at 3:00 AM. we break.” One of my favorite songs, "Turn! Turn! Turn!"
Todd, living on the East Coast, would be waking up at by The Byrds, was written from the scripture found in
5:00 AM, about the same time I was going to bed. We’d Ecclesiastes 3:1-8. It says:
talk for a few minutes, I’d pass the torch on to him, and
he’d start running while I passed out for a few hours. To every thing there is a season, and a time to every
Everything else in my life had to take a back seat for a purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time
season, so that we could create something great. to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is
planted; A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break
After ClickFunnels was live, I was able to shift back to down, and a time to build up; A time to weep, and a time
a more balanced state because it didn’t require 18+ to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; A time to
hours a day from me anymore. cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a
time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; A
The goal initially is not to find balance. Everything time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time
great in my life came from times of radical imbal- to cast away; A time to mend, and a time to sew; a time
ance. I want you to realize that you can’t actively to keep silence, and a time to speak; A time to love, and a
pursue all of your goals at once. You need to pick time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.
one, and focus all of your efforts on it, until you have
gained a certain level of mastery with it. Then it will What season of your life are you in right now? Many people
run on autopilot in the background as you shift to think they want to focus on their mission, and so they radi-
the next goal that you want to conquer. cally shift their focus to that. But they haven’t developed
When I was building ClickFunnels, although the major- any level of self-mastery, or relationship mastery needed
ity of my time was focused there, the habits and rou- to actually create a company, and so they fail. Not because
tines I had built in the past for myself, and my relation- they don’t have a good goal and and guide to get them
ships (my wife and kids) were still in place. I was able there, but because they aren’t worthy of it yet.


I want to challenge you to stop for a second, and as you I do believe there is a hierarchy to the areas of your life
look at this image to be brutally honest with yourself that you need to master. The first is self-mastery. Before
about which season you are actually in right now. you can really be successful in your relationships and
your mission, you have to master yourself. It’s similar to
the line we hear every time we get on an airplane when
they tell us “Should the cabin lose pressure, oxygen
masks will drop from the overhead area. Please place
the mask over your own mouth and nose before
assisting others.” If we don’t have the air we need to
survive, we can’t help anyone else.

So, what season of life are you in right now? I want you
to highlight that goal as the #1 focus of your life. It
won’t be forever, but it will be for a season. This
season may be a few weeks, it could be a few months,
or it could be a few years, depending on how hard you
work at it. Now attack that goal with radical imbalance
and achieve something great!


Disclaimer: Your level of success in attaining results through the methods and tactics described herein cannot be guaranteed by the authors or
publisher. Investing money in reliance on the statements made herein is not advisable and this publication is not intended to serve as an offer
of investment opportunity. All statements of income and success are unique examples and should not be considered the average result. There is
no guaranteed strategy that will remove risk from marketing, therefore all individuals should conduct independent research and not rely solely
on the methods and examples given here. You assume the full risk of your actions and understand that no person or entity has guaranteed you
success or promised that your marketing efforts will be profitable.

The contents of the publication are intended for the exclusive use of its subscribing audience. Any redistribution of the materials in whole or in
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