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New Course Fall: See Upper and Lower Division Undergraduate Course Definitions

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New Course

Fall 2018

1. College and Academic Unit: CEFNS/SICCS

2. Course subject and number: EE 502 Units: 3

See upper and lower division undergraduate course definitions.

3. Course Title: Advanced Wind Power Conversion

(max 100 characters including spaces)

4. Catalog course description (max.200 words, excluding requisites):

Advanced coverage of wind energy systems, power converters for wind turbines, wind energy system
fundamentals, wind generators, power converters, fixed- and variable-speed induction generator
based wind energy systems, doubly fed induction generator based wind turbines, synchronous
generator based wind generation systems, control schemes, and transient and steady-state analysis.

Section I
Attach the proposed syllabus (approved university format). Use the Syllabus Guidelines to
ensure you have addressed syllabus aspects that will be reviewed by the College Curriculum
and Assessment Committees.

5. Justification for new course:

Describe how the course is related to short- and long-term plans of the academic unit. Ensure your
description addresses at least one of the following:
 Improvements to the program (aligning curriculum to new or current curriculum standards or
expectations, improving degree program progression, integration of learning from one course to
 Requirements or recommendations set forth by the program’s periodic review, or in preparation for
its next review (addressing improvements based on input from external reviewers, industry trends,
new or changing governmental regulations or external accreditation requirements),
 Academic unit goals identified in a unit’s Annual Report on Curriculum & Assessment,
 Evidence and assessment findings (assessments of student learning, needs assessments,
student or employer surveys, comparisons to other programs in the field),
 Other important aspects of the academic unit and student learning not identified above.
(As a course related to the MSEE, and INF PhD programs, the following justification provides
the broader context for this course change:

INF PHD: The proposed changes to the INF PHD program address a refinement and expansion
of our curriculum driven by the addition of faculty to our School and the identification of
curricular issues after initial experiences. First, we are launching our own INF-prefixed
To all faculty submitters and committee members: please be sure to proofread and edit all response submissions.
Effective Fall 2017
statistics courses, namely INF511 and INF512. This addresses the need for our students to
gain statistical expertise in a more computing- and programming-intensive manner with a
particular emphasis on informatics applications—these courses replace the more general-
purpose statistics coursework (STA570 and STA571) offered by the Department of
Mathematics and Statistics in the curriculum. Additionally, we are introducing regularized
versions of successful and increasingly central courses, previously offered under our topics-
line courses, into the curriculum to expand our offerings for INF PhD, MSCS, and MSEE
electives: More specifically, INF626 and INF626L is a regularized course on Bayesian statistics
that provides a pathway for students interested in mastering statistical techniques alongside
their informatics applications. In addition, INF529 is a regularization of our Remote Sensing
course with a numbering that brings it into alignment with its cross-listed sections in
collaborating units (EES529 and GSP529). The introduction of INF638 and INF639 marks the
launch of a full year cybersecurity course sequence, with both courses reflecting
regularizations of courses previously taught under the INF633 topics line. Finally, given the
significant emphasis on topics from computer science and electrical engineering in the Cyber
and Software Systems emphasis, we are introducing a series of regularized courses with CS
and EE prefixes that are co-convened with undergraduate sections to ensure minimum
enrollment; these include CS451/551, CS570, EE402/502, EE403/503, and EE436/536. In
addition to providing electives options for INF PHD students, these CS and EE prefixed
courses also provide options for the MSCS and MSEE programs.

MS EE: The current Master of Science in Engineering (MSE) program provides an umbrella
structure for multiple emphases each devoted to an engineering discipline. Since the
inception of this program, national degree program trends for the computer science and
engineering disciplines have moved toward structures that reflect standalone degrees rather
than emphases for each engineering discipline. From a curricular perspective, these two types
of programs are almost identical. While instances of this trend abound, University of
California Irvine and Berkeley and Arizona State University are three regional examples.
Lacking this now prevailing degree program structure and associated clear branding puts
NAU at a competitive disadvantage when recruiting students nationally and internationally.
We currently communicate with prospective students to disambiguate and resolve this
mismatch between national trends and our own degree programs. This is particularly
problematic in international student recruitment, for whom branding is particularly important
and the disambiguation conversation more challenging to have. This change from an MSE and
MEng in Electrical Engineering to an M.S. in Electrical Engineering will enable our degree
programs to be maximally appealing and beneficial to prospective students and prospective
employers of our graduates.)

This course is a regularization of a course previously offered as EE599, with a co-convened

EE499 section as an undergraduate version. The course was highly successful and popular
with students and supports our research activities in power systems. This course is the
graduate accompaniment to EE402 and is a graduate-level treatment of power converters for
wind turbines, wind energy system fundamentals, wind generators, power converters, fixed-

To all faculty submitters and committee members: please be sure to proofread and edit all response submissions.
Effective Fall 2017
and variable-speed induction generator based wind energy systems, doubly fed induction
generator based wind turbines, synchronous generator based wind generation systems,
control schemes, and transient and steady-state analysis. It is appropriate as an elective
course to students in the MSEE and PHD INF programs.

6. Is this course in any plan (major, minor, or certificate) or sub plan (emphasis)? Yes No
If yes, list and include the appropriate plan proposal.

7. Is this course in any CAEP Accredited plan? Yes No

If yes, list and include the appropriate plan proposal.

8. Proposed Co-convene with: EE 402

9. Proposed Cross-list with:

Graduate status in
10. Proposed Prerequisites: electrical or mechanical
If prerequisites, list each pre-requisite and provide a clear description of how each pre-requisite
supports the learning in the course.
This course is intended for graduate students in electrical or mechanical engineering.

11. Proposed Co requisites:

If co requisites, list each co-requisite and provide a clear description of how each co-requisite
supports the learning in the course.

Questions 12-13 for Undergraduate Courses only:

12. Is this course being proposed for Liberal Studies designation? Yes No
If yes, which designation:
Aesthetic and Humanistic Inquiry Cultural Understanding Science
Social and Political Worlds Senior Capstone Junior Level Writing Course

If yes, which Essential Skill:

(For Senior Capstone courses, please select 2 skills; For Junior Level Writing Courses, please select
“Effective Writing”):
Critical Thinking Effective Writing Oral Communication
Scientific Inquiry Quantitative Reasoning Creative or Aesthetic Thinking

13. Is this course being proposed for Diversity designation? Yes No

If yes, which designation:
US Ethnic Diversity Global Diversity

To all faculty submitters and committee members: please be sure to proofread and edit all response submissions.
Effective Fall 2017
Section II

14. Resource Implications

14a. Will the new course result in:
 an increase in library holdings and electronic or research resources for this course? Yes No
If yes, list:

 the need for equipment or technology, particularly in the classroom? Yes No

If yes, list:

 changes in the classroom space needed for the course? Yes No

If yes, list:

14b. Projected frequency of offering the new course

 Complete the following table identifying the number of sections and expected enrollment for this
new course over the next two academic years.
AY 2018-2019 AY 2019-2020
Enrollment Enrollment
Sections Capacity Sections Capacity
Fall 1 15 Fall 1 15
Winter Winter
Spring Spring
Summer Summer

 How many of your current faculty can teach this course? 1

 Based on enrollment and course offering projection, will additional resources be needed to offer
the course? Yes No
If so, what resources are requested to offer this course?

15. Impacts to Other Academic Units or Programs

15a. Projected impacts to enrollments and courses in other academic units or programs: Based on
the frequency of offering this course, what is the expected impact on enrollments and offerings
within other academic units or programs?

15b. If other academic units or programs are impacted by this proposal, what discussions and
actions have been taken for notification and/or resolution? Please attach correspondence.

16. Duplication or Perceived Duplication of Course; does there appear to be greater than 20%
duplication with any other courses offered at Northern Arizona University? Yes No
If so, which courses?
To all faculty submitters and committee members: please be sure to proofread and edit all response submissions.
Effective Fall 2017
Section III
Yes No
17. May course be repeated for additional units?
17a. If yes, maximum units allowed?
17b. If yes, may course be repeated for additional units in the same term? Yes No

18. Grading option: Letter grade Pass/Fail Both

19. Does this course include combined lecture and lab components? Yes No
If yes, include the hours of meeting time specific to each component in the course description above.

20. Does this course include an experiential learning component? Yes No

21. Class Instruction Mode: In-person Online Blended

If In-person or Blended, where will the course be offered? FLGMTN Other

22. Do you anticipate this course will be scheduled outside the regular term? Yes No
If yes, please refer to:

23. Will there be a new request for a course fee? Yes No

If yes, please refer to:

Scott Galland 1/19/2018

Reviewed by Curriculum Process Associate Date


Paul G. Flikkema 1/18/2018

Department Chair/Unit Head (if appropriate) Date

Dean of College Date

From: Paul G Flikkema

Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2018 3:52 PM
To: Stuart S Galland <>
Cc: John Georgas <>; James D Palmer - Google <>

To all faculty submitters and committee members: please be sure to proofread and edit all response submissions.
Effective Fall 2017
Subject: Re: Approval Request: SICCS 2018 Curriculum: CS451/551, 470/570, CSMS, EE402/502, 403/503, 436/536 EEMS, INF
504/511/512/529/626/626L/638/639, INF PhD

Hi Scott, I approve. Many thanks, Paul

Paul G. Flikkema, PhD
Real-Time Intelligent Systems and Networks Lab Director, School of Informatics, Computing & Cyber Systems
Professor, Electrical Engineering
Northern Arizona University


EE 502 Advanced Wind Power Conversion

College of Engineering, Forestry and Natural Sciences

School of Informatics, Computing, and Cyber Systems (SICCS)

Department/ Academic Unit: School of Informatics, Computing, and Cyber Systems (SICCS)

Course prefix, Section number and Title: EE 502 Advanced Wind Power Conversion

Term/ Year: Spring 2018

Total Units of Course Credit: 3

Course Pre-requisite(s), Co-requisite(s), Co-convened, and/or Cross-Listed Courses:

Graduate status in Electrical or Mechanical Engineering

Mode of Instruction: Face-to-face.

Instructor’s Name: Dr. Venkata Yaramasu

Instructor’s Contact Information:

Office Phone: 928-523-6092; E-mail:

Instructor’s Availability:
Office: SICCS Building #90, Room 112
Office hours: MoWe 12.30 p.m. to 1.30 p.m. in EGR Building #69, Room 210 or by appointment in #90-112.
Reachable by phone during office hours.
24 X 7 consultation by email. Will reply to emails within 24 hours.

Course Purpose:
This graduate course provides coverage of topics in wind energy systems and is particularly appropriate as an elective course
for students in the MSEE program. Building on existing expertise in programming, electronics, and circuit and mathematical
analysis, the course uses lectures, homework assignments, hands-on programming assignments, exams, and scholarly

To all faculty submitters and committee members: please be sure to proofread and edit all response submissions.
Effective Fall 2017
literature review and analysis to reinforce and build expertise in power converters for wind turbines, wind energy system
fundamentals, wind generators, power converters, fixed- and variable-speed induction generator based wind energy systems,
doubly fed induction generator based wind turbines, synchronous generator based wind generation systems, control schemes,
and transient and steady-state analysis. This expertise enables students to expand their general electrical engineering
background and be prepared to succeed in the design, analysis, and implementation of specialized wind power systems as well
as engage in wind power conversion research activities.

Course Student Learning Outcomes:

Upon completing this course, students will be able to:
 Demonstrate proficient knowledge in the state-of-the-art wind energy systems; wind turbine electrical and mechanical
technologies; grid code requirements such as fault ride-through and reactive power generation for the large-scale wind
turbines and wind farms; and power factor compensation.
 Obtain deep understanding of the major electrical and mechanical components of wind turbines, turbine aerodynamic
characteristics, and turbine modeling using computer simulations.
 Analyze the difference between wind turbine aerodynamic power regulation methods such as stall, pitch, and active
stall control methods with respect to implementation, control complexity, and wind energy conversion efficiency.
 Analyze tip speed ratio and implement various practical and promising maximum power point tracking techniques for
wind turbines with the help of computer simulation softwares.
 Understand and implement the reference frame transformation between natural, stationary and synchronous reference
 Perform modeling of induction generator (IG) and synchronous generator (IG) and develop simulation models using the
dynamic generator models. Analyze dynamic and steady-state models of IG and SG with the help of simulation
 Understand and apply various power converters for WECS including AC voltage regulators (soft-starters), multi-channel
interleaved boost converters, voltage source converters, and current source converters. Develop control schemes for
grid-tied converters, and for reactive power generation.
 Explore practical IG based fixed-speed WECS with respect to system configurations, operating principle, soft starter, and
reactive power compensation. Investigate fixed-speed IG based commercial wind turbines.
 Demonstrate proficient knowledge in squirrel-cage IG based variable-speed WECS with respect to system
configurations, operating principle, direct field oriented control (FOC), rotor flux identification, system dynamic
analysis, and steady state calculations. Investigate variable-speed IG based commercial wind turbines.
 Apply zero d-axis current (ZDC) control, maximum torque per ampere (MTPA) control, and transient and steady state
analysis to variable-speed SG WECS. Investigate variable-speed SG based commercial wind turbines.
 Demonstrate proficiency in system configurations, super- and sub-synchronous modes of operation, stator voltage
oriented control (SVOC) dynamic and steady state models, and system dynamic and steady state analysis of doubly-fed
IG based semi-variable-speed WECS.
 Develop MATLAB Simulink models for wind turbines, wind generators, controllers for fixed-speed and variable-speed
wind turbines.
 Demonstrate proficiency in state-of-the-art power electronics and digital control for high-power wind turbines through
IEEE journal papers.
 Demonstrate deep understanding in advanced modulation and control schemes for wind turbines and wind farms.
 Develop simulation models for permanent magnet synchronous generator, induction generator, and multi-channel
boost converters.
 Simulate advanced control schemes such as zero d-axis current control and maximum torque per ampere control for SG
based variable-speed WECS.
 Simulate advanced control schemes such as field-oriented control and direct torque control for IG based variable-speed

Assignments/ Assessments of Course Student Learning Outcomes:

The advanced wind power conversion laboratory activities represent the core of this course, with lectures and homework
assignments being designed to provide students with the theoretical background and conceptual understanding needed to
analyze the wind energy systems and to design, model, implement, and test control systems. Students will also develop
proficiency with MATLAB/Simulink software.

To all faculty submitters and committee members: please be sure to proofread and edit all response submissions.
Effective Fall 2017
The graduate students will also perform literature survey on wind energy industry and power converters used in various
practical wind turbines. The students design and simulate advanced control schemes such as zero d-axis current control,
maximum torque per ampere control, field-oriented control and direct torque control filed-oriented control and direct torque
control, and verify them through MATLAB simulation studies. Graduate students will also be required to write an in-depth,
journal-quality research paper on a selected topic to be decided on in collaboration with the instructor, which will require
significant additional writing and reading effort. This will be accompanied by an in-class presentation. For all course-related
work, graduate students will be held to a higher standard of professionalism and quality of work than one would expect to find
in the equivalent undergraduate course, as befits a graduate level experience.

The graduate level works are as follows:

Grad Work 1 Literature Survey on High-Power Wind Turbines
Grad Work 2 Literature Survey on High-Power Converters for Wind Turbines
Grad Work 3 MATLAB simulation of permanent magnet synchronous generator
Grad Work 4 MATLAB simulation of interleaved boost converters
Grad Work 5 MATLAB simulation of variable-speed SG WECS
Grad Work 6 MATLAB simulation of variable-speed IG WECS

Grading System:
Final letter grade for this course is assigned as follows:
A: ≥ 90%
B: ≥ 80% and < 90%
C: ≥ 70% and < 80%
D: ≥ 60% and < 70%
F: < 60%

Course grades will be calculated as follows for 130 points and converted to 100% base value:
Graduate level activities: 30 Points
Homeworks (assigned on weekly basis): 15 Points
In-class quizzes (conducted during each class): 15 Points
Simulation Labs: 20 Points
Midterm Exam 1: 15 Points
Midterm Exam 2: 15 Points
Final Exam: 20 Points

Readings and Materials:

 B.Wu, K.Lang, N.Zargari and S.Kouro, "Power Conversion and Control of Wind Energy Systems," Wiley- IEEE Press, 2011
(ISBN 978-0-470-59365-3).
 V. Yaramasu and B.Wu, "Model Predictive Control of Wind Energy Conversion Systems – Chapter 1," Wiley- IEEE Press,
2016 (ISBN 978-1-118-98858-9). First chapter is available for free download from Wiley website:
 Additional materials will be posted on BbLearn and/or distributed in class.
 Graduate students are required to read significant outside research literature in journal papers, technical reports, and
books. Some sample readings are given below:
 V. Yaramasu, B. Wu, P. C. Sen, S. Kouro and M. Narimani, "High-power wind energy conversion systems: State-of-the-
art and emerging technologies," Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 103, no. 5, pp. 740-788, May 2015.
 V. Yaramasu, and B. Wu, “Model Predictive Control of Wind Energy Conversion Systems,” 1st Edition, ser. IEEE Press
Series on Power Engineering, ISBN: 9781118988589, 459 pages, Hoboken, NJ: Wiley–IEEE Press, Dec. 2016.
 V. Yaramasu and B. Wu, "Predictive Control of a Three-Level Boost Converter and an NPC Inverter for High-Power
PMSG-Based Medium Voltage Wind Energy Conversion Systems," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 29,
no. 10, pp. 5308-5322, Oct. 2014.
 Marco Liserre, Frede Blaabjerg, and Antonio Dell’Aquila, “Step-by-step design procedure for a grid-connected three-
phase PWM voltage source converter,” International Journal of Electronics, vol. 91, no. 8, pp. 445-460, 2004.

To all faculty submitters and committee members: please be sure to proofread and edit all response submissions.
Effective Fall 2017
 I. Dincer, ‘‘Renewable energy and sustainable development: A crucial review,’’ J. Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., vol. 4,
no. 2, pp. 157–175, 2000.
 Renewables Global Status Report, Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21), 2013 [Online].
 Wind Report, Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC), 2012 [Online]. Available:
 A BTM Wind Report: World Market Updates, Navigant Research, 2013 [Online]. Available:
 R. Richardson and G. McNerney, ‘‘Wind energy systems,’’ Proc. IEEE, vol. 81, no. 3, pp. 378–389, Mar. 1993.
 L. Y. Pao and K. Johnson, ‘‘Control of wind turbines,’’ IEEE Control Syst. Mag., vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 44–62, Apr. 2011.
 T. Ackermann and L. Soder, ‘‘Wind energy technology and current status: A review,’’ J. Renew. Sustain. Energy rev.,
vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 315–374, 2000.
 J. K. Kaldellis and D. Zafirakis, ‘‘The wind energy (r)evolution: A short review of a long history,’’ Int. J. Renew. Energy,
vol. 36, no. 7, pp. 1887–1901, 2011.
 T. Bookman, ‘‘Wind energy’s promise, offshore,’’ IEEE Technol. Soc. Mag., vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 9–15, Jun. 2005.
 F. Blaabjerg, Z. Chen, and S. Kjaer, ‘‘Power electronics as efficient interface in dispersed power generation systems,’’
IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 1184–1194, Sep. 2004.
 Z. Chen, J. Guerrero, and F. Blaabjerg, ‘‘A review of the state of the art of power electronics for wind turbines,’’ IEEE
Trans. Power Electron., vol. 24, no. 8, pp. 1859–1875, Aug. 2009.
 X. Sun, D. Huang, and G. Wu, ‘‘The current state of offshore wind energy technology development,’’ Int. J. Energy, vol.
41, no. 1, pp. 298–312, 2012.
 S. Lundberg, ‘‘Evaluation of wind farm layouts,’’ Eur. Power Electron. Drives Assoc. J., vol. 16, no. 1, p. 14, 2006.
 N. Flourentzou, V. Agelidis, and G. Demetriades, ‘‘VSC-based HVDC power transmission systems: An overview,’’ IEEE
Trans. Power Electron., vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 592–602, Mar. 2009.
 M. Tsili and S. Papathanassiou, ‘‘A review of grid code technical requirements for wind farms,’’ IET Renew. Power
Gener., vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 308–332, Sep. 2009.
 A. D. H. F. Iov, P. Sorensen, and N. A. Cutululis, ‘‘Mapping of Grid Faults and Grid Codes,’’ Riso Nat. Lab., Tech. Univ.
Denmark, Tech. Rep. Riso-R-1617(EN), Jul. 2007.
 M. Mohseni and S. M. Islam, ‘‘Review of international grid codes for wind power integration: Diversity, technology
and a case for global standard,’’ J. Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., vol. 16, no. 6, pp. 3876–3890, 2012.
 O. Anaya-Lara, D. Campos-Gaona, E. Moreno-Goytia, and G. Adam, Offshore Wind Energy Generation: Control,
Protection, and Integration to Electrical Systems, 1st ed. New York, NY, USA: Wiley, May 2014.
 F. Blaabjerg and Z. Chen, Power Electronics for Modern Wind Turbines. London, U.K.: Morgan & Claypool, 2006, ser.
Synthesis Lectures on Power Electronics.
 R. Teodorescu, M. Liserre, and P. Rodriguez, Grid Converters for Photovoltaic and Wind Power Systems. Chichester,
U.K.: Wiley-IEEE Press, Jan. 2011.
 S. Heier, Grid Integration of Wind Energy Conversion Systems, 2nd ed. Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley, 2006.
 T. Orlowska-Kowalska, F. Blaabjerg, and J. Rodrguez, Advanced and Intelligent Control in Power Electronics and
Drives. New York, NJ, USA: Springer, 2014.
 O. Anaya-Lara, N. Jenkins, J. Ekanayake, and P. Cartwright, Wind Energy Generation: Modelling and Control, 1st ed.
Hoboken, NY, USA: Wiley, 2009.
 G. Abad, J. Lopez, M. Rodriguez, L. Marroyo, and G. Iwanski, Doubly Fed Induction Machine: Modeling and Control for
Wind Energy Generation Applications. Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley-IEEE, 2011, ser. IEEE Press Series on Power
 L. H. Hansen et al., Conceptual Survey of Generators and Power Electronics for Wind Turbines. Roskilde, Denmark:
DenmarkRiso National Lab., Dec. 2001, Riso-R-1205(EN). [Online]. Available:
 European Commision, 2013 JRC Wind Status Report: Technology, Market and Economic Aspects of Wind Energy in
Europe, Aug. 2014. [Online]. Available:
 H. Li and Z. Chen, ‘‘Overview of different wind generator systems and their comparisons,’’ IET Renew. Power Gener.,
vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 123–138, Jun. 2008.
 H. Polinder, F. van der Pijl, G.-J. de Vilder, and P. Tavner, ‘‘Comparison of direct-drive and geared generator concepts
for wind turbines,’’ IEEE Trans. Energy Convers., vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 725–733, Sep. 2006.
 A. D. Hansen, F. Iov, F. Blaabjerg, and L. H. Hansen, ‘‘Review of contemporary wind turbine concepts and their market
penetration,’’ Wind Eng., vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 247–263, 2004.
 F. Blaabjerg and K. Ma, ‘‘Future on power electronics for wind turbine systems,’’ IEEE J. Emerg. Sel. Topics Power
Electron., vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 139–152, Sep. 2013.
 J. Carrasco et al., ‘‘Power-electronic systems for the grid integration of renewable energy sources: A survey,’’ IEEE
Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 1002–1016, Jun. 2006.

To all faculty submitters and committee members: please be sure to proofread and edit all response submissions.
Effective Fall 2017
 M. Liserre, R. Cardenas, M. Molinas, and J. Rodrı´guez, ‘‘Overview of multi-MW wind turbines and wind parks,’’ IEEE
Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 58, no. 4, pp. 1081–1095, Apr. 2011.
 M. Liserre, T. Sauter, and J. Hung, ‘‘Future energy systems: Integrating renewable energy sources into the smart
power grid through industrial electronics,’’ IEEE Ind. Electron. Mag., vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 18–37, Mar. 2010.
 F. Blaabjerg, M. Liserre, and K. Ma, ‘‘Power electronics converters for wind turbine systems,’’ IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl.,
vol. 48, no. 2, pp. 708–719, Mar. 2012.
 R. Cardenas, R. Pena, S. Alepuz, and G. Asher, ‘‘Overview of control systems for the operation of DFIGs in wind energy
applications,’’ IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 60, no. 7, pp. 2776–2798, Jul. 2013.
 J. A. Baroudi, V. Dinavahi, and A. M. Knight, ‘‘A review of power converter topologies for wind generators,’’ Int. J.
Renew. Energy, vol. 32, no. 14, pp. 2369–2385, 2007.
 R. L. Iglesias, R. L. Arantegui, and M. A. Alonso, ‘‘Power electronics evolution in wind turbinesVA market-based
analysis,’’ J. Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., vol. 15, no. 9, pp. 4982–4993, 2011.
 A. Chakraborty, ‘‘Advancements in power electronics and drives in interface with growing renewable energy
resources,’’ J. Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 1816–1827, 2011.
 G. J. Herbert, S. Iniyan, E. Sreevalsan, and S. Rajapandian, ‘‘A review of wind energy technologies,’’ J. Renew. Sustain.
Energy Rev., vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 1117–1145, 2007.
 H. Polinder et al., ‘‘Trends in wind turbine generator systems,’’ IEEE J. Emerg. Sel. Topics Power Electron., vol. 1, no. 3,
pp. 174–185, Sep. 2013.
 Z. Zhu and J. Hu, ‘‘Electrical machines and power-electronic systems for high-power wind energy generation
applications: Part I Market penetration, current technology and advanced machine systems,’’ COMPEL: Int. J.
Computat. Math. Elect. Electron. Eng., vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 7–33, 2013.
 Z. Zhu and J. Hu, ‘‘Electrical machines and power-electronic systems for high-power wind energy generation
applications: Part II Power electronics and control systems,’’ COMPEL: Int. J. Computat. Math. Elect. Electron. Eng.,
vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 34–71, 2013.
 S. Eriksson, H. Bernhoff, and M. Leijon, ‘‘Evaluation of different turbine concepts for wind power,’’ J. Renew. Sustain.
Energy Rev., vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 1419–1434, 2008.
 P. S. Veers et al., ‘‘Trends in the design, manufacture and evaluation of wind turbine blades,’’ Wind Energy, vol. 6, no.
3, pp. 245–259, 2003.
 E. Muljadi and C. Butterfield, ‘‘Pitch-controlled variable-speed wind turbine generation,’’ IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol.
37, no. 1, pp. 240–246, Jan. 2001.
 H. Li, Z. Chen, and H. Polinder, ‘‘Optimization of multibrid permanent-magnet wind generator systems,’’ IEEE Trans.
Energy Convers., vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 82–92, Mar. 2009.
 A. Rockhill, M. Liserre, R. Teodorescu, and P. Rodrı´guez, ‘‘Grid-filter design for a multi-megawatt medium-voltage
voltage-source inverter,’’ IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 58, no. 4, pp. 1205–1217, Apr. 2011.
 F. Blaabjerg, R. Teodorescu, M. Liserre, and A. Timbus, ‘‘Overview of control and grid synchronization for distributed
power generation systems,’’ IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 53, no. 5, pp. 1398–1409, Oct. 2006.
 A. Miller, E. Muljadi, and D. Zinger, ‘‘A variable speed wind turbine power control,’’ IEEE Trans. Energy Convers., vol.
12, no. 2, pp. 181–186, Jun. 1997.
 C. Buccella, C. Cecati, and H. Latafat, ‘‘Digital control of power converters - survey,’’ IEEE Trans. Ind. Inf., vol. 8, no. 3,
pp. 437–447, Aug. 2012.
 R. Pena, J. Clare, and G. Asher, ‘‘Doubly fed induction generator using back-to-back PWM converters and its
application to variable-speed wind-energy generation,’’ IEE Proc. Electr. Power Appl., vol. 143, no. 3, pp. 231–241,
May 1996.
 S. Muller, M. Deicke, and R. De Doncker, ‘‘Doubly fed induction generator systems for wind turbines,’’ IEEE Ind. Appl.
Mag., vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 26–33, May 2002.
 M. Chinchilla, S. Arnaltes, and J. Burgos, ‘‘Control of permanent-magnet generators applied to variable-speed wind-
energy systems connected to the grid,’’ IEEE Trans. Energy Convers., vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 130–135, Mar. 2006.
 E. Bueno, S. Cobreces, F. Rodriguez, A. Hernandez, and F. Espinosa, ‘‘Design of a back-to-back NPC converter interface
for wind turbines with squirrel-cage induction generator,’’ IEEE Trans. Energy Convers., vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 932–945,
Sep. 2008.
 E. Koutroulis and K. Kalaitzakis, ‘‘Design of a maximum power tracking system for wind-energy-conversion
applications,’’ IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 53, no. 2, pp. 486–494, Apr. 2006.
 K. Tan and S. Islam, ‘‘Optimum control strategies in energy conversion of PMSG wind turbine system without
mechanical sensors,’’ IEEE Trans. Energy Convers., vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 392–399, Jun. 2004.

Class Outline or Tentative Schedule:

Lecture Topics
Topic 1 Introduction (Chapter 1 of book (Wu) and Chapter 1 of book (Yaramasu))
To all faculty submitters and committee members: please be sure to proofread and edit all response submissions.
Effective Fall 2017
State-of-the-art wind energy systems, wind turbine technology, wind energy conversion, wind turbine components, stall and
pitch controls, fixed-speed and variable-speed wind energy systems, grid codes, power factor compensation.

Topic 2 Fundamentals of Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECS) (Chapter 2 of book (Wu) and Chapter 1 of book
Wind turbine components, turbine power characteristics, turbine modeling, passive and active stall controls, pitch control, tip
speed ratio, maximum power point tracking schemes.

Topic 3 Wind Generators and Modeling (Chapter 3)

Reference frame transformation, induction generators (IG), IG dynamic and steady state models, synchronous generators (SG),
SG dynamic and steady state models, transient and steady state analysis of wind generators.

Topic 4 Power Converters in WECS (Chapter 4)

AC voltage controllers, multi-channel interleaved boost converters, voltage source converters, control of grid-tied converters,
reactive power control.

Topic 5 Fixed-speed Induction Generator WECS (Chapter 6)

System configurations, operating principle of fixed-speed IG WECS, soft starter, reactive power compensation.

Topic 6 Variable-Speed Induction Generator WECS (Chapter 7)

System configuration, direct field oriented control (FOC), rotor flux identification, system dynamic analysis, steady state

Topic 7 Synchronous Generator Based Wind Energy Systems (Chapter 9)

System configuration, zero d-axis current (ZDC) control, maximum torque per ampere (MTPA) control, transient and steady
state analysis.

Topic 8 Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) WECS (Chapter 8)

System configurations, super- and sub-synchronous modes of operation, stator voltage oriented control (SVOC) dynamic and
steady state models, system dynamic and steady state analysis.

Simulation Laboratories
Lab 1 Modeling and Simulation of Wind Turbines
Lab 2 Modeling and Simulation of Induction Generators
Lab 3 Decoupled Voltage Oriented Control of Grid-tied Inverter
Lab 4 Fixed-Speed Induction Generator Based WECS
Lab 5 ZDC Control of Variable-Speed PMSG Based WECS

Tentative Schedule
Week Date Lecture/Lab Topic Notes
Jan. 16 (Monday) Holiday --- ---
Jan. 18 (Wednesday) Introduction to Course --- ---
Wu Chapter 1
Week 1
Jan. 20 (Friday) #1 Introduction Lecture in Rm 234
Chapter 1
Wu Chapter 2
Week 2 Jan. 23 (Monday) #2 WECS Fundamentals Homework 1 Assigned
To all faculty submitters and committee members: please be sure to proofread and edit all response submissions.
Effective Fall 2017
Chapter 1
Wu Chapter 2
Jan. 25 (Wednesday) #2 WECS Fundamentals
Chapter 1
Jan. 27 (Friday) Lab 1, Session 1 Based on PPT #2
Wu Chapter 2
and Homework 2 Assigned
Jan. 30 (Monday) #2 WECS Fundamentals
Yaramasu Homework 1 Due Date
Week 3
Chapter 1
Feb. 01 (Wednesday) #3 Wind Generators Wu Chapter 3
Feb. 03 (Friday) Lab 1, Session 2 Based on PPT #2
Homework 3 Assigned
Feb. 06 (Monday) #3 Wind Generators Wu Chapter 3 Grad Study 1 Due Date
Week 4 Homework 2 Due Date
Feb. 08 (Wednesday) #3 Wind Generators Wu Chapter 3
Feb. 10 (Friday) Lab 2, Session 1 Based on PPT #3 Lab 1 Report Due Date
Homework 4 Assigned
Feb. 13 (Monday) #3 Wind Generators Wu Chapter 3
Homework 3 Due Date
Week 5
Feb. 15 (Wednesday) #3 Wind Generators Wu Chapter 3
Feb. 17 (Friday) Lab 2, Session 2 Based on PPT #3
Homework 5 Assigned
Feb. 20 (Monday) #4 Power Converters Wu Chapter 4 Grad Study 2 Due Date
Homework 4 Due Date
Week 6
Feb. 22 (Wednesday) #4 Power Converters Wu Chapter 4
Lecture in Rm 234
Feb. 24 (Friday) #4 Power Converters Wu Chapter 4
Lab 2 Report Due Date
Feb. 27 (Monday) #4 Power Converters Wu Chapter 4 Homework 5 Due Date
Mar. 01
Week 7 Review Lecture for Midterm Exam 1
Mar. 03 (Friday) Midterm Exam 1 Based on PPT #1 to #4 Exam in Rm 234
Homework 6 Assigned
Mar. 06 (Monday) #5 Fixed-Speed IG WECS Wu Chapter 6
Grad Study 3 Due Date
Week 8 Mar. 08
#5 Fixed-Speed IG WECS Wu Chapter 6
Mar. 10 (Friday) Lab 3, Session 1 Based on PPT #4
Mar. 13 (Monday)
Mar. 15
Week 9 Spring Break (No Lecture/Lab)
Mar. 17 (Friday)
Homework 7 Assigned
Week 10 Mar. 20 (Monday) #5 Fixed-Speed IG WECS Wu Chapter 6
Grad Study 4 Due Date

To all faculty submitters and committee members: please be sure to proofread and edit all response submissions.
Effective Fall 2017
Homework 6 Due Date
Mar. 22
#6 Variable-Speed IG WECS Wu Chapter 7
Mar. 24 (Friday) Lab 3, Session 2 Based on PPT #4
Homework 8 Assigned
Mar. 27 (Monday) #6 Variable-Speed IG WECS Wu Chapter 7
Homework 7 Due Date
Week 11 Mar. 29
#6 Variable-Speed IG WECS Wu Chapter 7
Mar. 31 (Friday) Lab 4, Session 1 Based on PPT #5 Lab 3 Report Due Date
Homework 9 Assigned
Apr. 03 (Monday) #6 Variable-Speed IG WECS Wu Chapter 7
Homework 8 Due Date
Week 12
Apr. 05 (Wednesday) #6 Variable-Speed IG WECS Wu Chapter 7
Apr. 07 (Friday) Lab 4, Session 2 Based on PPT #5
Homework 10 Assigned
Apr. 10 (Monday) #7 Variable-Speed SG WECS Wu Chapter 9 Grad Study 5 Due Date
Homework 9 Due Date
Week 13
Apr. 12 (Wednesday) #7 Variable-Speed SG WECS Wu Chapter 9
Lecture in Rm 234
Apr. 14 (Friday) #7 Variable-Speed SG WECS Wu Chapter 9
Lab 4 Report Due Date
Apr. 17 (Monday) #7 Variable-Speed SG WECS Wu Chapter 9 Homework 10 Due Date
Week 14 Apr. 19 (Wednesday) Review Lecture for Midterm Exam 2
Apr. 21 (Friday) Midterm Exam 2 Based on PPT #5 to #7 Exam in Rm 234
Apr. 24 (Monday) #8 DFIG WECS Wu Chapter 8 Homework 11 Assigned
Week 15 Apr. 26 (Wednesday) #8 DFIG WECS Wu Chapter 8
Apr. 28 (Friday) Lab 5, Session 1 Based on PPT #7
May 01 (Monday) #8 DFIG WECS Wu Chapter 8 Grad Study 6 Due Date
May 03 (Wednesday) #8 DFIG WECS Wu Chapter 8
Week 16
Homework 11 Due Date
May 05 (Friday) Lab 5, Session 2 Based on PPT #7
End of term
Week 17 May 10 (Wednesday) Final Exam from 10 am to 12 pm in EGR room 224 Lab 5 Report Due Date

Class Policies:
Grading Policy
Grades will be calculated based not only upon technical content, but also on presenting your work in a well-organized, clear,
and professional manner using standard technical terms and symbols. Individual assignments should be completed
individually. You are encouraged to discuss assignments with others but you may not submit another’s work as your own. On
all assignments, any sources of information that are not the original creation of the author must be cited in sufficient detail
that the instructor can locate and verify the sources. Plagiarism and cheating are subject to the Arizona Board of Regents Code
of Conduct procedures as outlined in the NAU Student Handbook.

Students should inform the instructor of any significant, scheduled “life events” – such as religious ceremonies, away games for
NAU athletes, weddings, etc. – as soon as possible, at least 2 weeks ahead of time. Given these conditions, exams will not be
scheduled on those days, and make-up work will be assigned and due before the student leaves for the event.

Graduate Level Activities

To all faculty submitters and committee members: please be sure to proofread and edit all response submissions.
Effective Fall 2017
Graduate level activities include: 1) literature survey on recent trends in wind energy sysems, power converters, modulation
schemes, and digital control techniques; and 2) simulation of modulation schemes and advanced digital control schemes. All
the graduate level activities are independent and no team members are allowed in literature survey or simulation studies.
Students must meet with the course instructor every week and discuss about the progress of literature survey and
simulations. All the simulation studies are unsupervised, and students must solve the problem on their own by referring to
IEEE journal papers and books.

Homeworks will be assigned approximately on a weekly basis, completed outside of class and submitted through BbLearn
before the due date. Homeworks submitted by email will not be graded. Each homework will be graded for 10 marks and final
average score will be posted for 15%. Late homework submissions are not allowed even by a minute. Two lowest homework
marks will be excluded in average score calculation.

In-Class Quizzes
In-class quizzes are given during each lecture to increase student participation in classes and enhance student learning. Each
in-class quiz will be graded for 10 marks and final average score will be posted for 15%. Negative marks apply for late entry to
class, use of cell phone/laptop, and communication with other students. Two least quiz marks will be excluded in average
score calculation. There will be no make-up quizzes.

Simulation Labs
Simulations are conducted during the scheduled lab time. Laboratory activities will typically last 2 sessions, and the lab report
for each team of students (with at most 2 students per team) will be due approximately one week after a lab’s last session. Any
student who is absent for more than 10 minutes of a laboratory activity will receive a lower grade than his/her teammates,
proportional to the time missed.

Midterm and Final Exams

There will be two midterm exams and a comprehensive final exam. No other grading accommodations will be made, except
for extreme cases where the university administration becomes involved, such as extended hospitalization.

Attendance and Participation

Your attendance and participation in classroom discussions is required. However, there will be no attendance recording. You
are encouraged to ask relevant questions and actively participate in the class. Students should make every effort to be in their
seats and ready when class begins. In the rare cases where being tardy is unavoidable, the student should enter the class as
quietly as possible so that other students are not disturbed.

Cell Phone and Laptop Policies

 In Class: If you have a cell phone or beeper, please turn it to silent mode. You should not make calls during class. You
should not speak or text message in the classroom. If you do receive an emergency call, ask to be excused so that you can
take it outside the classroom. In addition, laptop computers are also not allowed during class time. Please bring
textbook and hard copy of PPT slides to classroom.
 During an Exam or Quiz: Cell phones, pagers and other electronic devices MUST be turned off. Their use is prohibited
during an exam or quiz. You may use a calculator during the exams (must be a calculator only). No bathroom breaks
during an exam are allowed.



To all faculty submitters and committee members: please be sure to proofread and edit all response submissions.
Effective Fall 2017
To all faculty submitters and committee members: please be sure to proofread and edit all response submissions.
Effective Fall 2017

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