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1920 Meng Aerospace Electronic Engineering With Industrial Studies 7012

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Programme Specification

MEng Aerospace Electronic Engineering with

Industrial Studies (2019-20)

This specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the programme and the learning
outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be expected to achieve and demonstrate if s/he takes full
advantage of the learning opportunities that are provided.

Awarding Institution University of Southampton

Teaching Institution University of Southampton

Mode of Study Full-time

Duration in years 5

Accreditation details

Final award Master of Engineering (MEng)

Name of award Aerospace Electronic Engineering with Industrial Studies

Interim Exit awards Bachelor of Engineering with Honours (BEng (Hons))

Bachelor of Engineering (BEng)

Certificate of Higher Education (CertHE)

Diploma of Higher Education (DipHE)

FHEQ level of final award Level 7

UCAS code N/A

Programme code 7012

QAA Subject Benchmark or other Engineering (Meng) 2010

external reference

Programme Lead Stephen Gabriel (sbg2)

Programme Overview

Brief outline of the programme

This programme will provide you with both breadth and depth in the electronics used in aircraft and spacecraft.
The first two years of the programme is based on core and compulsory modules including the fundamentals
common to all electronics degrees and supplemented by the fundamentals of aerospace engineering, including
design exercises and laboratories that are specific to aerospace electronics. In the third and fourth years,
compulsory modules and projects further develop the aerospace electronics specialization, while optional modules
can be selected to further specializations in electronics and aerospace. The aim is to give you sound understanding
and practical skills in aerospace electronics, while also offering a wide range of exciting, varied and
multidisciplinary options which nevertheless are directly related to present and future aerospace systems.

At Southampton, we will ensure that you have a thorough grounding in a wide range of technologies. Our project
work will enable you to acquire valuable skills in teamwork, project planning, time-management and presentation,
applying your learning to design and build problems, and working to a brief. All of these will stand you in good
stead as you move into your career. We offer outstanding facilities in our labs and teaching is based on the latest
research, ensuring that, at the end of your programme, your skills will be highly regarded by leading employers.
All of our programmes have a wide range of courses and modules to choose from, enabling you to specialise in
what really interests you and also to work in depth. Our “MEng Aerospace Electronic Engineering with Industrial
Studies” variant includes a year in industry, giving you additional experience and the opportunity to relate your
academic skills and knowledge to contemporary industrial practice.

Your contact hours will vary depending on your module/option choices. Full information about contact hours
is provided in individual module profiles.

Learning and teaching

A range of learning and teaching methods are used on this programme, including:

• Staff-led lectures, demonstrations, laboratories and seminars

• Directed reading
• Student-led seminars and presentations
• Specification, design, analysis, implementation and verification exercises
• Revision for written examinations
• Staff and post-graduate supervision of your research dissertation
• Industrial placements

A range of assessment methods are used on this programme to enable students to demonstrate their
achievement of the intended learning outcomes, including:

• Written examinations
• In-class tests
• Design exercises
• Programming exercises
• Oral presentations
• Written assessments, including technical reports, literature searches and surveys
• Assessed laboratories and logbook checks
• Group work exercises, presentations and reports


A range of feedback methods are used on this programme to enable students to gauge their progress in meeting
the intended learning outcomes, including:

• Feedback from personal tutor

• Written feedback for large courseworks
• Instant oral feedback on presentations, tutorials and practical laboratories
• Feedback on the overall class performance in particular modules
• Marked courseworks

Special Features of the programme

Transfer policy

Electronic Engineering (EL) and Electrical & Electronic Engineering (EEE) have higher entry requirements than
Electrical Engineering (EE), Mechatronic Engineering (EM) and Aerospace Electronic Engineering (AEE). Likewise,
MEng programmes have higher entry requirements than BEng programmes. Part 1 of the above-listed
programmes are identical, with some small exceptions. EL students take ELEC1204 Advanced Programming,
while EE, EM and AEE students take ELEC1203 Mechanics and while EEE students have the choice of either
ELEC1203 or ELEC1204. EL, EEE, EE and EM students take ELEC1206, while AEE students take ELEC1208 Parts 1
and 2 of BEng programmes are identical to those of the corresponding MEng programmes, but they diverge in
part 3. These issues impose complications upon transfers between these programmes, which are resolved as

Students who are thinking about transferring between EL, EEE, EE, EM and AEE are encouraged to discuss this
with their academic tutors at the earliest possible opportunity. Transfers between these programmes can be
arranged at any time, at the discretion of the programme leader of the destination programme. Additionally, the
programme leaders will guarantee transfers between BEng EL, EEE, EE, EM and AEE at the end of part 1, for
students that have passed that part with an overall average (before referral marks are capped) of at least 58%
(without rounding up). Likewise, the programme leaders will guarantee transfers between MEng EL, EEE, EE, EM
and AEE at the end of part 1, for students that have met the same criterion. However, students seeking transfer
to EM or AEE will also need to have taken ELEC1203, in order to meet this criterion. Students seeking transfer to
EE will not need to have taken ELEC1203, in order to meet this criterion, although in this case they are advised to
study the topics of ELEC1203 during the summer before beginning part 2. Likewise, students seeking transfer to
EL will not need to have taken ELEC1204, in order to meet this criterion, although in this case they are advised to
study the topics of ELEC1204 during the summer before beginning part 2. Students seeking transfer to EL, EEE,
EE and EM will not need to have taken ELEC1206, in order to meet this criterion, although in this case they are
advised to study the topics of ELEC1206 during the summer before beginning part 2. Likewise, students seeking
transfer to AEE will not need to have taken ELEC1208 in order to meet this criterion, although in this case they
are advised to study the topics of ELEC1208 during the summer before beginning part 2. These transfers are
summarized in the diagram below.

Similarly, students who are thinking about transferring between BEng and MEng programmes are encouraged to
discuss this with their academic tutors at the earliest possible opportunity. Transfers between BEng and MEng
programmes can be arranged at any time, at the discretion of the programme leader of the destination
programme. Additionally, the programme leaders will guarantee transfers between BEng and MEng programmes
at the end of part 2, for students that have passed that part with an overall average (before referral marks are
capped) of at least 58% (without rounding up).

Please note: As a research-led University, we undertake a continuous review of our programmes to ensure quality
enhancement and to manage our resources. As a result, this programme may be revised during a student's period
of registration; however, any revision will be balanced against the requirement that the student should receive the
educational service expected. Please read our Disclaimer to see why, when and how changes may be made to a
student's programme.

Programmes and major changes to programmes are approved through the University's programme validation
process which is described in the University's Quality handbook.

Educational Aims of the Programme

The aims of the programme are to:

• Provide you with a sound foundation and to develop the skills, knowledge, and application required for a
wide range of professional engineering careers as a high quality practitioner and leader in business, engineering,
research and development, and industry,
• Provide coherent and well balanced coverage of theory, design and practical subjects based on
mathematics, science and engineering, integrated with business and management,
• Have a flexible academic structure, which is relevant and attractive not only to you, but also to staff and
industry and which is responsive to progress and development in technology and the needs of the industrial and
academic communities,
• Be at the leading edge of scholarship in aerospace electronic engineering,
• Maximise the benefit of an environment in which staff are carrying out internationally competitive and
leading research across all aspects of electronics and computer science,
• Provide an environment which contributes towards your personal and professional development and
provides a foundation for a wide range of subsequent study and lifelong learning,
• Provide a well-found learning environment with sufficient laboratories containing appropriate equipment
and facilities, up-to date CAD tools, and a first class web-site, motivating you towards the practice of
• Provide a supportive pastoral environment with opportunities for you to participate in social and
recreational activities, and
• (For the "MEng Aerospace Electronic Engineering with Industrial Studies" variant) Provide you with
industrial experience, to enable you to relate your academic skills and knowledge to contemporary industrial

Programme Learning Outcomes

Knowledge and Understanding

On successful completion of this programme you will have knowledge and understanding of:

A1. Underpinning key mathematics and science skills appropriate to aerospace electronic engineering, both
as a method for communicating results, concepts and ideas and as a tool for solving complex problems,

A2. Underpinning principles, methodologies and concepts applicable to aerospace electronic engineering, as
well as their role in historical, current, and future developments and technologies,

A3. Practical, computational and programming skills relating to engineering, and compatible with current
industrial practice,

A4. The development and evaluation of possible solutions to engineering problems,

A5. Major issues at the frontiers of engineering research and development, and their possible exploitation to
enhance current practices,

A6. Financial, economic, and social factors of significance to engineering, including the broader obligations
of engineers to society.

A7. How established techniques of research and enquiry are used to create and interpret knowledge in
aerospace electronic engineering,

A8. How to make critical evaluations of current research and advanced scholarship in aerospace electronics,
to evaluate methodologies and to develop critiques of them.

A9. (For the "with Industrial Studies" variant) How to apply your academic skills and knowledge to solving
problems in industry.

A10. (For the "with Industrial Studies" variant) The relevance of the learning outcomes listed above to a
successful career in industry.

Teaching and Learning Methods

Programmes are taught mainly through Lectures and Directed Reading. Learning is reinforced through
tutorials (in the first two parts), design exercises (in the first two parts), coursework assignments, and
project work (both individual and in groups). Outcome A1 is largely taught by self-paced methods
(worksheets and in-class tests) in parts 1 and 2, and a satisfactory knowledge and understanding is
implicit in your ability to complete the second and third part modules. Outcomes A2, A5-A8 are largely
taught through lectured modules with understanding developed through coursework and Laboratories. A
substantial body of coursework in part 2 develops outcome A3, and outcome A4 is developed through
project supervisions in parts 3 and 4. Outcomes A9 and A10 are reached during the year in industry of
the "with Industrial Studies" variant.
Assessment Methods

Knowledge and understanding of each subject (outcomes A1-A3) are assessed mainly through written
examinations. Additional forms of assessment include technical reports (outcomes A4-A6), seminar
presentations (A7-A8), and project reports (A4-A8). Outcomes A9 and A10 are assessed by a report,
which is written during the year in industry of the "with Industrial Studies" variant.

Subject Specific Intellectual and Research Skills

On successful completion of this programme you will be able to:

B1. Integrate knowledge of mathematics, science, information technology, businesses context and wider
engineering practice, to develop analytical and innovative solutions to engineering problems,

B2. Apply mathematical and computer-based models to critically analyse and evaluate the extent to which
designs, products and systems meet the criteria defined for their current use and future developments,
taking account of the impact of new and advancing technology to enhance current practice,

B3. Apply in an appropriate manner computer-aided tools in the design process so as to aid understanding
of design trade-offs, and recognise capabilities and limitations of computer-based methods for
engineering problem solving,

B4. Recognise the professional, legal, moral, ethical, cost, aesthetic, environmental, sustainability, health
and safety issues involved in the exploitation of technology and science and be guided by the adoption
of appropriate professional, ethical and legal practices,

B5. Assess technical and commercial risks, and take appropriate steps to manage those risks in the context
of engineering design and solutions,

B6. Investigate, define, characterise and solve problems through use of literature, systematic analysis and
design methods and to tackle non-routine problems in creative and innovative ways,

B7. Exercise awareness of quality systems and management in engineering; (MEng only) requirements and
responsibilities of leadership; business and management practices relevant to aerospace electronic
engineering enterprises.

Teaching and Learning Methods

These intellectual skills are taught mainly through Course- and Project-work, and design exercises.
Relevant material is also covered in Lectures, Guest Lectures and (for part four MEng students) Seminars.
Skill B1 is developed through Group Project Work in parts 2 and 4. Skill B2 is a consistent theme in the
taught technical modules in part 3. Advanced CAD tools (skill B3) are used in laboratory and project
work in every part of the degree. Skills B4, B5 and B7 are covered through skills laboratories in part 1
and developed further in parts 3 and 4. Skill B6 is developed through the Individual and Group Project
work in parts 2-4.

Assessment Methods

In-class tests and Written Examinations (skill B1), Technical Reports (skills B2, B4 and B7), Design
Exercises (skill B3), Logbook Checks (skill B4), Design Project Reports and Presentations (skills B4-B7).

Transferable and Generic Skills

On successful completion of this programme you will be able to:

C1. Use IT facilities including word processing, spreadsheets, browsers and search engines to find technical

C2. Effectively present to audiences (orally, electronically or in writing) rational and reasoned arguments that
address a given engineering problem or opportunity, including assessment of the impact of new

C3. Work on a significant technical project both independently and as a member of a design team, managing
both the overall task and your contribution to that task, particularly in the MEng programmes,

C4. Understand the need for continuing professional development in recognition of lifelong learning,

C5. Competently manage projects, people, resources and time.

C6. (For the "with Industrial Studies" variant.) Apply the key skills listed above to industrial projects.

Teaching and Learning Methods

General proficiency with IT (skill C1) pervades the degree, and is not specifically taught. Presentations
and report-writing (skill C2) are covered in part 1 lectures and practiced throughout the programme.
Independent, and group working, and organisational skills (skills C3 and C5) are taught for, and
developed by, the Individual and Group Projects. Professional development (skill C4) is covered in
lectures. Outcome C6 is reached during the year in industry of the "with Industrial Studies" variant.

Assessment Methods

Design Exercises and Projects (both Individual and Group), Technical Reports, Project and Seminar

Subject Specific Practical Skills

On successful completion of this programme you will be able to:

D1. Specify, design, and construct aerospace electronic circuits, systems and computer software, taking
account of commercial and industrial constraints,

D2. Use CAD, simulation, design, and verification tools to aid in the design of systems, and to report and
comment on results,

D3. Use test and measurement instrumentation appropriate to the discipline including awareness of
measurements accuracy and coverage,

D4. Recognise any risks or safety aspects that may be involved in the operation of systems within a given

D5. Search for information related to a design solution and present it for discussion.

Teaching and Learning Methods

Skill D1 is taught and developed through Design Modules and Projects in parts 2-4. Advanced CAD tools
(skill D2) are used in laboratory and project work in every part of the degree. Skills D3-D4 are covered in
Lectures and Laboratory Sessions in parts 1 and 2. Skill D5 is taught through Lectures and Project

Assessment Methods

Design Exercises (skills D1,D2 and D5), Supervised Laboratories (skills D3-D4), Design Projects (skills
D4-D5), Technical Reports and Seminar Presentations (skill D5).

Programme Structure

The programme structure table is below:

Information about pre and co-requisites is included in individual module profiles.

Part I

Typical course content

You will study 60 European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) credit points, in parts 1, 2 and 3, and, if
an MEng student, 60 ECTS credits in part 4. These credits are at level 4 in the Framework for Higher Education
Qualifications (FHEQ) in part 1, mainly at level 5 in part 2, then at level 6 in part 3, and level 7 in part 4.

If you complete a year in industry, as part of the "with Industrial Studies" programme, you will complete a study worth
30 ECTS credit points at level 6. This will qualify you for the award of the enhanced degree.

The first two years of the programme is based on core and compulsory modules including the fundamentals common
to all electronics degrees and supplemented by the fundamentals of aerospace engineering, including design exercises
and laboratories that are specific to aerospace electronics. In the third and fourth years, compulsory modules and
projects further develop the aerospace electronics specialization, while optional modules can be selected to further
specializations in electronics and aerospace.

It should be noted that it may not be possible to run some optional modules if the number of students registered on
the module is very small. It should also be noted that optional module choice can be restricted by the University
Timetable, which varies from year to year: some optional modules may clash with other optional or compulsory
modules. Please be aware that many modules are shared between different cohorts; the class size depends on cohort
size, which varies from year to year.

Programme details

The programme includes four parts, as well as a year in industry for students in the “with Industrial Studies” variant.
Each part comprises two semesters, each containing twelve teaching weeks, followed by two or three examination

Part I: 60 ECTS credits, all at FHEQ level 4

All modules are core, as defined in the University Calendar.

Part I Core

Code Module Title ECTS Type

ELEC1202 Digital Systems and Microprocessors 7.5 Core

ELEC1200 Electronic Circuits 7.5 Core

ELEC1207 Electronic Systems 7.5 Core

ELEC1208 Flight Mechanics and Aerospace Systems Engineering 7.5 Core

MATH1055 Mathematics for Electronic and Electrical Engineering 7.5 Core

ELEC1203 Mechanics 7.5 Core

ELEC1201 Programming 7.5 Core

ELEC1205 Solid State Devices 7.5 Core

Part II

Part II: 60 ECTS credit points, all at FHEQ level 5

All modules are compulsory, as defined in the University Calendar.

Part II Compulsory
Code Module Title ECTS Type

ELEC2223 Aerospace Electronics Design 7.5 Compulsory

ELEC2220 Control and Communications 7.5 Compulsory

ELEC2221 Digital Systems and Signal Processing 7.5 Compulsory

ELEC2213 Electrical Machines 7.5 Compulsory

ELEC2211 Electromechanical Energy Conversion 7.5 Compulsory

MATH2047 Mathematics for Electronics & Electrical Engineering Part 7.5 Compulsory

ELEC2208 Power Electronics and Drives 7.5 Compulsory

ELEC2224 Radar Techniques and Applications 7.5 Compulsory

Part III

Part III: 60 ECTS credit points, all at FHEQ level 6 (except for some language and broadening modules)

All students must take the COMP3200 Individual Project (22.5 ECTS), which is core and is weighted 7.5 ECTS in
Semester I and 15 ECTS in semester II. In addition, students must take certain specified modules, as given in the tables

Finally, students should select optional modules to make up the total to 60 ECTS. The definition of optional modules is
provided in the University Calendar. Besides COMP3200, and COMP3219, a maximum of 2 other “externally taught”
modules (UOSMxxxx, COMPxxxx, SESGxxxx, SESMxxxx, ENTRxxxx, FRENxxxx, GERMxxxx, LANGxxxx, LAWSxxxx
MANGxxxx and MATHxxxx ) may be chosen. Students must select a 30:30 ECTS credit balance between semesters.

Further explanation on LANGxxxx and UOSMxxxx optional modules:

- LANGxxxx: A language module scheduled in the Broadening Horizons slot. The appropriate stage will be selected
after diagnostic testing by the language school
- UOSMxxxx: Any other module from the University’s Broadening Horizons programme

The programme has core, compulsory and optional modules as follows:

Part III Compulsory

Code Module Title ECTS Type

COMP3219 Engineering Management and Law 7.5 Compulsory

ELEC3224 Guidance, Navigation and Control 7.5 Compulsory

ELEC3225 Space Systems Engineering 7.5 Compulsory

Part III Core

Code Module Title ECTS Type

COMP3200 Part III Individual Project 22.5 Core

Part III Optional

Code Module Title ECTS Type

MATH3083 Advanced Partial Differential Equations 7.5 Optional

SESM3031 Automobile Systems 7.5 Optional

ELEC3205 Control System Design 7.5 Optional

ELEC3206 Digital Control System Design 7.5 Optional

MATH3084 Integral Transform Methods 7.5 Optional

SESG3024 Manufacturing and Materials 7.5 Optional

ELEC3216 Mechanical Power Transmission and Vibration 7.5 Optional

MATH3081 Operational Research 7.5 Optional

MATH3082 Optimisation 7.5 Optional

ELEC3213 Power Systems Engineering 7.5 Optional

ELEC3214 Power Systems Technology 7.5 Optional

COMP3215 Real-Time Computing and Embedded Systems 7.5 Optional

ELEC3201 Robotic Systems 7.5 Optional

COMP3217 Security of Cyber Physical Systems 7.5 Optional

ELEC3218 Signal and Image Processing 7.5 Optional

ELEC3204 Wireless and Optical Communications 7.5 Optional

Part IV

Year in Industry: 30 ECTS credit points, all at FHEQ level 6

Students on the "with Industrial Studies" variant will complete a placement year at a recognised partner company. This
year may be taken between years 2 and 3, or between years 3 and 4. During this year, students must complete one or
more projects, as agreed between the partner company and the School. The placement will be assessed by a report and
other activities, as described in the module specification (ELEC3200). This module is core, and must be passed for the
award of the "with Industrial Studies" degree title, but marks for this module will not contribute to the final degree

Part IV Core

Code Module Title ECTS Type

ELEC3200 Industrial Studies 30 Core

Part V

Part V: 60 ECTS credit points, all at FHEQ level 7

All students must take the ELEC6200 Group Design Project (22.5 ECTS credits), which is core and is weighted 15 ECTS
in Semester I and 7.5 ECTS in semester II. In addition, students must take certain specified modules, as given in the
tables below.

Students should note that there are a number of prerequisites for the optional modules which are listed in the module
specifications; decisions they made for Pt III may affect their choice.

It should also be noted that it may not be possible to run some modules if the number of students registered is very

Finally, students should select optional modules to make up the total to 60 ECTS. Besides COMP6228, a maximum of 2
other “externally taught” modules (COMPxxxx and MATHxxxx ) may be chosen. Students must select a 30:30 ECTS
credit balance between semesters.

Alternatively, semester II of Part V may be taken at a partner institution overseas, which has been approved by the
Erasmus coordinator. In this case, ELEC6247 Group Design Project (Overseas Placement) should be taken instead of
ELEC6200 Group Design Project during semester I. In this case, ELEC6247 is core and carries 15 ECTS credits. The
modules selected at the overseas institution must be approved by the programme leader. The module selection must
include at least 30 ECTS (or equivalent) at masters level, that is relevant to the degree title. The marks awarded by the
overseas institution will be converted
to equivalent UK marks by the Erasmus coordinator.

The programme has core, compulsory and optional modules as follows:

Part V Core

Code Module Title ECTS Type

ELEC6200 Group Design Project 22.5 Core

Part V Optional

Code Module Title ECTS Type

ELEC6214 Advanced Wireless Communications Networks and 7.5 Optional


ELEC6228 Applied Control Systems 7.5 Optional

ELEC6208 Bio/Micro/Nano Systems 7.5 Optional

ELEC6212 Biologically Inspired Robotics 7.5 Optional

ELEC6242 Cryptography 7.5 Optional

ELEC6248 Electronics for Spacecraft 7.5 Optional

ELEC6249 GPS and its Applications 7.5 Optional

ELEC6213 Image Processing 7.5 Optional

COMP6228 Individual Research Project 7.5 Optional

ELEC6203 Microsensor Technologies 7.5 Optional

MATH6149 Modelling with Differential Equations 7.5 Optional

MATH6141 Numerical Methods 7.5 Optional

ELEC6226 Power Electronics for DC Transmission 7.5 Optional

ELEC6217 Radio Communications Engineering 7.5 Optional

ELEC6250 Robotic (Autonomous) Aerospace Vehicles 7.5 Optional

ELEC6245 Wireless Networks 7.5 Optional

Progression Requirements
The programme will follow the University's regulations for Progression, Determination and
Classification of Results: Undergraduate and Integrated Masters Programmes or the University's
regulations for Progression, Determination and Classification of Results: Standalone Masters
Programmes as set out in the General Academic Regulations in the University Calendar:

Support for student learning

There are facilities and services to support your learning some of which are accessible to students across the
University and some of which will be geared more particularly to students in your particular Faculty or discipline

The University provides:

• library resources, including e-books, on-line journals and databases, which are comprehensive and up-to-
date; together with assistance from Library staff to enable you to make the best use of these resources
• high speed access to online electronic learning resources on the Internet from dedicated PC Workstations
onsite and from your own devices; laptops, smartphones and tablet PCs via the Eduroam wireless
network. There is a wide range of application software available from the Student Public Workstations.
• computer accounts which will connect you to a number of learning technologies for example, the
Blackboard virtual learning environment (which facilitates online learning and access to specific learning
• standard ICT tools such as Email, secure filestore and calendars.
• access to key information through the MySouthampton Student Mobile Portal which delivers timetables,
Module information, Locations, Tutor details, Library account, bus timetables etc. while you are on the
• IT support through a comprehensive website, telephone and online ticketed support and a dedicated
helpdesk in the Hartley Library.
• Enabling Services offering support services and resources via a triage model to access crisis management,
mental health support and counselling. Support includes daily Drop In at Highfield campus at 13.00 –
15.00 (Monday, Wednesday and Friday out of term-time) or via on-line chat on weekdays from 14.00 –
16.00. Arrangements can also be made for meetings via Skype.
• assessment and support (including specialist IT support) facilities if you have a disability, long term health
problem or Specific Learning Difficulty (e.g. dyslexia).
• the Student Services Centre (SSC) to assist you with a range of general enquiries including financial
matters, accommodation, exams, graduation, student visas, ID cards
• Career and Employability services, advising on job search, applications, interviews, paid work,
volunteering and internship opportunities and getting the most out of your extra-curricular activities
alongside your degree programme when writing your CV
• Other support that includes health services (GPs), chaplaincy (for all faiths) and 'out of hours' support for
students in Halls and in the local community, (18.00-08.00)
• A Centre for Language Study, providing assistance in the development of English language and study skills
for non-native speakers.

The Students' Union provides

• an academic student representation system, consisting of Course Representatives, Academic Presidents,
Faculty Officers and the Vice-President Education; SUSU provides training and support for all these
representatives, whose role is to represent students' views to the University.
• opportunities for extracurricular activities and volunteering
• an Advice Centre offering free and confidential advice including support if you need to make an
academic appeal
• Support for student peer-to-peer groups, such as Nightline.

Associated with your programme you will be able to access:

• Induction – You will have an induction programme at the start of your programme. Besides covering the
usual routine matters, it is especially important for you to be properly registered and to have your computer
account set up, since the modules you study are supported by on-line systems. Assessment is also managed on-
line, so any delay in registration could be detrimental to your studies. In addition, a diagnostic exercise helps us
to assess your strengths and offer advice on how best to focus your efforts in the early stages of your studies.
• Personal tutoring – At the start of your studies, you are allocated a Personal Tutor who you will see
regularly. Also there is Senior Tutoring team if your personal tutor is not available.
• Computer workstations, with a range of software, manuals and books, with early to late access through
a card-lock mechanism.
• Traditional and wireless local area networks.
• Helpdesk for computer support and programming advice.
• Postgraduate demonstrators, who support programming intensive modules.
• A website with notes for every module.
• The Student Handbook.

Methods for evaluating the quality of teaching and learning

You will have the opportunity to have your say on the quality of the programme in the following ways:

• Completing student evaluation questionnaires for each module of the programme

• Acting as a student representative on various committees, e.g. Staff: Student Liaison Committees,
Faculty Programmes Committee OR providing comments to your student representative to feed back on your
• Serving as a student representative on Faculty Scrutiny Groups for programme validation
• Taking part in programme validation meetings by joining a panel of students to meet with the Faculty
Scrutiny Group

The ways in which the quality of your programme is checked, both inside and outside the University, are:

• Regular module and programme reports which are monitored by the Faculty
• Programme validation, normally every five years.
• External examiners, who produce an annual report
• Accreditation by the Institution of Engineering and Technology
• The REF (our research activity contributes directly to the quality of your learning experience)
• Institutional Review by the Quality Assurance Agency

Your views matter to us. We have a high reputation for quality of delivery, and we aim to keep it that way. The
most important form of feedback comes through direct, personal contact, and we encourage you to talk to us if
anything becomes a concern at any stage. If you find it difficult to talk directly to the member of staff with whom
you have immediate contact, you are encouraged to talk to someone else in the teaching team, the Senior Tutor,
or the School’s Student Services Office, but we do encourage you to talk about it immediately. In addition, there
is always a formal evaluation of each module by questionnaire at the end of the semester. These questionnaires
are analysed and peer reviewed, and must be responded to formally, both to you and to the University. We also
hold Student-Staff Liaison Committee meetings at least twice a year. Anyone is welcome to these meetings, but
depending on the circumstances, it may be more effective to elect programme representatives who will make
your views known. This then enables you to have an element of anonymity should you be embarrassed in any
way about the idea of speaking up.

Further details on the University's quality assurance processes are given in the Quality Handbook.

Career Opportunities

Major employers worldwide are keen to employ our graduates in system development, information technology
and communications in the IT sector, in electronics and aerospace in the engineering sector, and in the finance,
service, communications and entertainment industries. We have strong relationships with employers, run our
own Careers Hub website ( and hold our own annual careers fair.
External Examiner(s) for the programme

Name: Professor Brian Stewart - University of Strathclyde

Students must not contact External Examiner(s) directly, and external examiners have been advised to refer any
such communications back to the University. Students should raise any general queries about the assessment
and examination process for the programme with their Course Representative, for consideration through Staff:
Student Liaison Committee in the first instance, and Student representatives on Staff: Student Liaison
Committees will have the opportunity to consider external examiners' reports as part of the University's quality
assurance process.
External examiners do not have a direct role in determining results for individual students, and students wishing
to discuss their own performance in assessment should contact their Personal Academic Tutor in the first

Please note: This specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the programme and the
learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be expected to achieve and demonstrate if s/he takes
full advantage of the learning opportunities that are provided. More detailed information can be found in the
programme handbook.
Appendix 1:

Students are responsible for meeting the cost of essential textbooks, and of producing such essays,
assignments, laboratory reports and dissertations as are required to fulfil the academic requirements for each
programme of study. In addition to this, students registered for this programme also have to pay for:

Additional Costs

Type Details

Stationery You will be expected to provide your own day- to-day stationary items, e.g.
pens, pencils, notebooks, etc). Any specialist stationery items will be
specified under the Additional Costs tab of the relevant module profile.

Textbooks Where a module specifies core texts these should generally be available on
the reserve list in the library. However due to demand, students may prefer to
buy their own copies. These can be purchased from any source.

Some modules suggest reading texts as optional background reading. The

library may hold copies of such texts, or alternatively you may wish to
purchase your own copies.
Although not essential reading, you may benefit from the additional reading
materials for the module.

Approved Calculators Candidates may use calculators in the examination room only as specified by
the University and as permitted by the rubric of individual examination
papers. The University approved models are Casio FX-570 and Casio FX-85GT
Plus. These may be purchased from any source and no longer need to carry
the University logo.

Printing and Photocopying In the majority of cases, coursework such as essays; projects; dissertations is
Costs likely to be submitted on line. However, there are some items where it is not
possible to submit on line and students will be asked to provide a printed

In some cases you'll be able to choose modules (which may have different costs associated with that module)
which will change the overall cost of a programme to you. Details of such costs will be listed in the Module
Profile. Please also ensure you read the section on additional costs in the University's Fees, Charges and
Expenses Regulations in the University Calendar available at

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