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Procedure For Submitting Proposals For New Graduate Masters Degree Programs

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This document summarizes the procedures that are available for the development of a new
degree program. Figure 1 summarizes the procedure, which is described in more detail

I. Feasibility Study:
The department requesting a new program should prepare a Feasibility Study to be (1)
approved by the departmental faculty, and (2) submitted to the College Dean. The College
Dean, in consultation with the Offices of the Provost, will decide whether the department
should proceed to the next stage of developing a full implementation proposal. The Dean
will also recommend whether the department should request that the proposal be considered
for the Fast-Track Process for new program proposals. Fast-Track programs may be
implemented within one year of their initial proposal.

The Feasibility Study should answer three major questions:

1. How does the new program advance the mission of the university?
2. What are the resource implications of the new program for the university?
3. What is the expected demand by potential students and employers for the proposed new

The Feasibility Study should address the following:

A. Justification for the Proposed Program

1. Identity the educational need addressed by the proposal and explain how the proposed
program meets this need.
2. Explain why this need cannot be addressed by existing campus programs or existing
campus programs in partnership with other educational institutions.
3. Demonstrate how the proposed program enhances SJSU's role as Silicon Valley's
Metropolitan University.

Note: Please refer to S93-14, "Curricular Priorities," for guidance in preparing this section.

B. Resources Required for the Proposed Program:

1. Identify number of faculty by rank, required to initiate and maintain program over the
next five years.

2. Identify number of staff positions by classification, required to initiate and maintain

program over the next five years.

3. List lecture and/or laboratory space required to initiate and maintain program over the
next five years. Show how this space is currently used and what alternate arrangements, if
any, will be made for the current occupants.

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4. List library resources required to initiate and maintain the program over the next five
years, specified by subject areas, book volume counts, periodical title subscriptions,
electronic resources, videos, and other relevant information resources.

5. List equipment or specialized materials required to initiate and maintain program over
the next five years.

6. Indicate source(s) of funding for new/additional resources required to support the

proposed program, including library resources. If additional resources are not
required to initiate and maintain proposed program, explain how this determination
was made.

Note: The department should consult with the Offices of the Dean, Graduate Studies,
Educational Planning and Resources, and the University Librarian to prepare this section.

II. Full Implementation Proposal:

Upon the Dean's approval, the department should prepare a full program implementation
proposal following the format below. The proposal must be approved by the college
curriculum committee before it is submitted to the Graduate Studies Committee for
review at the university level. After the proposal is reviewed and approved by the
Graduate Studies and Research Committee, it is forwarded to the University Curriculum
and Research Committee for review. The Provost and the President are the final stage of
approval before the proposal is submitted to the CSU's Office of the Chancellor for
review and approval in the academic year preceding the projected implementation of the
proposed program. Note: Fast track programs may be implemented within one year of
their initial proposal.

A. Definition of the Proposed Program

1. Name the department submitting the request, the full and exact designation (degree
terminology) for the proposed degree major program, and academic year of intended
2. Name the department that would offer the proposed program. Identify the unit that
would have primary responsibility.
3. Identify by name, title, and rank the individual(s) primarily responsible for drafting
the proposed program.
4. State objectives of the proposed program.

5. Submit a program curriculum. List all courses by catalog number, title, and units of
credit specifically required for the program. List all courses included as "in support
of the program," or "prerequisite to the program." Identify those new courses that are
1) needed to initiate the program, and 2) needed during the first two years after
implementation. Include proposed catalog descriptions of all new courses.

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List elective courses by catalog number, title, and units of credit, that could be used to
satisfy requirements for the program. Identify new courses that are 1) needed to
initiate the program, and 2) needed during the first two years after implementation.

Note: With regard to Section A.5, a proposed program should take advantage of
courses already offered in other departments when subject matter would otherwise
overlap or duplicate existing course content.
6. List library resources required to initiate and maintain the program over the next five
years, specified by subject areas, book volume counts, periodical title subscriptions,
electronic resources, videos, and other relevant information resources.

7. List equipment or specialized materials required to initiate and maintain program over
the next five years.

8. Indicate source(s) of funding for new/additional resources required to support the

proposed program, including library resources. If additional resources are not
required to initiate and maintain proposed program, explain how this determination
was made.

9. Determine the effect this program would have on existing courses and curricula?

a. When and how often will new courses and/or new sections be offered?
b. How will the content and/or frequency of offering other courses be affected?
c. What is the anticipated enrollment in proposed new course(s)? Explain how these
numbers were derived.
d. How will enrollment in other courses be affected? Explain how this conclusion
was determined.
e. If a course has been offered previously as an experimental or special topics
course, give details of experience including number of times taught, enrollment,
outcomes assessment, and course evaluation(s).
10. Consider whether students, if advised appropriately, would be able to graduate in a
timely manner given the scheduling of new and existing courses.

11. Explain in detail if any formal options, concentrations, or special emphases are
planned under the proposed major program,.

12. Identify criteria for admission and retention of students. Include course prerequisites.

13. Explain special characteristics of the proposed program, e.g., terminology, units of
credit required, types of course work, etc.

14. Make provisions for meeting accreditation requirements, where applicable; include an
anticipated date of accreditation request.

Note: Where applicable, establishment of a master's degree program should be

preceded by national professional accreditation of the corresponding bachelor's
degree program.

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B. Justification for the Proposed Program

Insert Justification Section from Feasibility Study here and answer the following:

1. List other CSU campuses currently offering or projecting the proposed program. List
of neighboring institutions, public and private, currently offering the proposed
program. List of public institutions currently offering distance learning or off- campus
versions of the proposed programs in the local region.

2. Identify differences between the proposed programs and those listed in Section B.1.

3. List other curricula currently offered by the campus that are closely related to the
proposed program.

4. Present results of a formal survey in the geographical area to be served indicating

demand for individuals who have earned the proposed degree and evidence of serious
student interest in majoring in the proposed program. Justify any discrepancies
between national/statewide/professional manpower surveys and local findings.

5. Provide information on the number of declared undergraduate majors and the degree
production over the preceding three years for the corresponding baccalaureate
program, if applicable.

6. State professional uses of the proposed program.

7. Estimate the expected number of majors in the year of initiation and three years and
five years thereafter. Include the expected number of graduates in the year of
initiation and three years and five years thereafter.

Note: Programs will be subject to program review evaluation within five years after

C. Existing Support Resources for the Proposed Program

1. Insert Resource Section from the Feasibility Study.

2. List faculty members, with rank, appointment status, highest degree earned, date and
field of highest degree, and professional experience (including publications if the
proposal is for a graduate degree), who would teach in the program.

D. Additional Support Resources Required

If additional support resources will be needed to implement and maintain the program, a
statement by the responsible administrator(s) should be attached to the proposal assuring
that such resources will be provided. The department should consult with the Offices of
the Dean, Curriculum and Assessment, Graduate Studies and Research, Educational
Planning and Resources, and the University Librarian during preparation of this section.
Insert relevant information listed in Resource Section in Feasibility Study, if applicable.

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1. Complete Table I. Enrollment and faculty positions should be shown for all discipline
categories that will increase and/or decrease because of the new program. If faculty
positions are to be transferred into the program from other areas, the reductions in
faculty positions should be shown in the appropriate discipline category or categories.

2. Identify special characteristics of the additional faculty or staff support positions

needed to implement the proposed program.

3. Estimate the amount of additional lecture and/or laboratory space required to initiate
and sustain the program over the next five years. Indicate additional special facilities
that will be required. If the space is under construction, provide the projected
occupancy date; if the space is planned, indicate campus-wide priority of the facility,
capital outlay program priority, and projected date of occupancy.

4. Indicate additional library resources needed and the commitment of the campus to
purchase or borrow these additional resources through interlibrary loan and other
document delivery methods.

5. Identify additional equipment or specialized materials that will be needed to

implement the program through the first two years after initiation. Indicate the source
of funds and priority to secure these resource needs.

E. Consultation with other departments or units

1. List departments, names of individuals, and dates consulted.

2. Summarize results of consultations.

F. Program Evaluation and Student Outcomes Assessment

Provide narrative of the department plan to evaluate program effectiveness at three and
five year periods. Include a unit plan for determining whether students are achieving
desired learning competencies of the program.

G. Abstract of the Proposal and Proposed Catalog Description

Attach an abstract of the foregoing proposal, not to exceed two pages, along with a
complete proposed catalog description, including admission and degree requirements.

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Preparation by Department of a Feasibility
Study for a New Degree Program

Obtain Approval of the

Feasibility Study from the
College Dean and Provost

Path Recommended Standard Path

by College Dean

Fast Justification Pilot

Track Resources Program

Prepare Full Implementation

Existing Support Resources
Additional Support Resources
Consultation with other Depts.
Program Evaluation/Outcomes Assessment
Abstract and Proposed Catalog Description

Submit Proposal for Review and

College Curriculum Committee
Graduate Studies & Research Committee
University Curriculum and Research Committee
CSU's Office of the Chancellor

Denied Approved

Revise Implement
Program Program

Figure 1. Flow Diagram of the Procedure for Development

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of a New Degree Program
Table 1. Enrollment and faculty positions for all discipline categories that will increase and/or decrease as a result of the new
degree program.

Year of Initiation Three Years Thereafter Five Years Thereafter

Without the With the Without the With the Without the With the
Program Program Program Program Program Program
Agriculture and Natural Resources
Architecture & Environmental Design
Area Studies
Biological Sciences
Business & Management
Computer & Information Sciences
Fine & Applied Arts
Foreign Languages
Health Professions
Home Economics
Military Science
Physical Sciences
Public Affairs & Services
Social Sciences
Interdisciplinary Studies

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