Felicitous: Yardage. Knitting A Swatch Is Recommended
Felicitous: Yardage. Knitting A Swatch Is Recommended
Felicitous: Yardage. Knitting A Swatch Is Recommended
Note: At the beginning of Patter Block B, Color B (Blue) is introduced. With Color A:
From this point forward, the second strand of yarn will be carried up the Row 1 (RS): sl1wyif, k to last 2 sts, kfb, sl1wyif (+1)
Wrong Side of your work. See Page 2 for the method I used. Row 2 (WS): kfb, p to last 2 sts, k2tog
Row 3 (RS): sl1wyif, k4, *MB [kfbf, turn work, purl 3, turn
Narrow Stripes & Eyelets - Pattern Block B: work, sl1, ssk, psso], k7* repeat from * until 3 sts
With Color B: remain, k1, kfb, sl1wyif (+1)
Row 1 (RS): sl1wyif, k to last 2 sts, kfb, sl1wyif (+1) Row 4: as Row 2
Row 2 (WS): kfb, k to last 2 sts, k2tog Rows 5 and 6: as Rows 1 and 2 (+1)
Row 7 (RS): sl1wyif, k6, *MB, k7* repeat from * until 3 sts
With Color A: remain, k1, kfb, sl1wyif (+1)
Row 3 (RS): sl1wyif, k to last 2 sts, kfb, sl1wyif (+1) Row 8 (WS): as Row 2
Row 4 (WS): kfb, k to last 2 sts, k2tog Rows 9 and 10: as Rows 1 and 2 (+1)
Row 5 (RS): sl1wyif, k2, *yo, k2tog, k2* repeat from * until Row 11 (RS): sl1wyif, k8, *MB, k7* repeat from * until 3
5 sts remain; yo, k2tog, k1, kfb, sl1wyif (+1) sts remain, k1, kfb, sl1wyif (+1)
Row 6 (WS): kfb, k to last 2 sts, k2tog Row 12 (WS): as Row 2
Row 7 (RS): sl1wyif, k to last 2 sts, kfb, sl1wyif (+1) 77 stitches.
Row 8 (WS): kfb, k to last 2 sts, k2tog.
34 stitches. With Color B:
Row 1 (RS): sl1wyif, k to last 2 sts, kfb, sl1wyif (+1)
Repeat Rows 1-8 nine (9) additional times. Row 2 (WS): kfb, p to last 2 sts, k2tog
70 stitches. Row 3 (RS): sl1wyif, k2, *yo, k2tog, k6* repeat from * until
3 sts remain, k1, kfb, sl1wyif (+1)
Row 4: as Row 2
Staggered Bobbles & Eyelets - Pattern Block C: Rows 5 and 6: as Rows 1 and 2 (+1)
Pattern Block C has written instructions that may seem tedious. Many Row 7 (RS): sl1wyif, k4, *yo k2tog, k6* repeat from * until
knitters will be able to intuit the pattern after a few rows. 3 sts remain, k1, kfb, sl1wyif (+1)
Row 8 (WS): as Row 2
With Color B: 81 stitches.
Row 1 (RS): sl1wyif, k to last 2 sts, kfb, sl1wyif (+1)
Row 2 (WS): kfb, p to last 2 sts, k2tog
71 stitches.
With Color B:
Row 1 (RS): sl1wyif, k to last 2 sts, kfb, sl1 wyif (+1)
Row 2 (WS): kfb, p to last 2 sts, k2tog
Row 3 (RS): sl1 wyif, k6, *yo, k2tog, k6* repeat from * until 3
sts remain, k1, kfb, sl1wyif (+1)
Row 4: as Row 2
Rows 5 and 6: as Rows 1 and 2 (+1)
Row 7 (RS): sl1wyif, k8, *yo k2tog, k6* repeat from * until 3 sts
remain, k1, kfb, sl1wyif (+1)
Row 8 (WS): as Row 2
93 stitches.
With Color B:
Row 1 (RS): sl1wyif, k to last 2 sts, kfb, sl1wyif (+1)
Row 2 (WS): kfb, p to last 2 sts, k2tog
Row 3 (RS): sl1wyif, k6, *MB, k7* repeat from * until 9 sts
remain, MB, k6, kfb, sl1wyif (+1)
Row 4: as Row 2
Row 5 and 6: as Rows 1 and 2 (+1)
Row 7 (RS): sl1wyif, k8, *MB, k7* repeat from * until 9 sts
remain, MB, k6, kfb, sl1wyif (+1)
Row 8: as Row 2
Rows 9 and 10: as Rows 1 and 2 (+1)
Row 11 (RS): sl1wyif, k2, *MB, k7* repeat from * until 9 sts
remain, MB, k6, kfb, sl1wyif (+1)
Row 12: as Row 2
Rows 13 and 14: as Rows 1 and 2 (+1)
Row 15 (RS): sl1wyif, k4, *MB, k7* repeat from * until 9 sts Pattern Block E
remain, MB, k6, kfb, sl1wyif (+1) With Color B:
Row 16 (WS): as Row 2 Row 1 (RS): sl1wyif, k to last 2 sts, kfb, sl1wyif (+1)
159 stitches. Row 2 (WS): kfb, p to last 2 sts, k2tog
Row 3 (RS): sl1wyif, k2, *MB, k7* repeat from * until 9 sts
With Color A: remain, MB, k6, kfb, sl1wyif (+1)
Row 1 (RS): sl1wyif, k to last 2 sts, kfb, sl1wyif (+1) Row 4: as Row 2
Row 2 (WS): kfb, p to last 2 sts, k2tog Rows 5 and 6: as Rows 1 and 2 (+1)
Row 3 (RS): sl1wyif, k6, *yo, k2tog, k6* repeat from * until 9 sts Row 7 (RS): sl1wyif, k4, *MB, k7* repeat from * until 9 sts
remain, yo, k2tog, k5, kfb, sl1wyif (+1) remain, MB, k6, kfb, sl1wyif (+1)
Row 4: as Row 2 Row 8: as Row 2
Rows 5 and 6: as Rows 1 and 2 (+1) Rows 9 and 10: as Rows 1 and 2 (+1)
Row 7 (RS): sl1wyif, k8, *yo k2tog, k6* repeat from * until 9 sts Row 11 (RS): sl1wyif, k6, *MB, k7* repeat from * until 9 sts
remain, yo, k2tog, k5, kfb, sl1wyif (+1) remain, MB, k6, kfb, sl1wyif (+1)
Row 8 (WS): as Row 2 Row 12 (WS): as Row 2
163 stitches. 169 stitches.
Narrow Stripes & Eyelets: Pattern Block F: With a tapestry needle, weave in all loose ends.
The sample used nearly all of Color B. It’s okay to bind-off early! To
enlarge the shawl, knit additional rows of garter stitch in Color B. Block as desired. Enjoy your new shawl!
With Color B:
Row 1 (RS): sl1wyif, k to last 2 sts, kfb, sl1wyif (+1)
Row 2 (WS): kfb, k to last 2 sts, k2tog
Rows 3 and 4 (RS): as Rows 1 and 2
Row 5 (RS): sl1wyif, k2, *yo, k2tog, k2* repeat from * until 5
sts remain; yo, k2tog, k1, kfb, sl1wyif (+1).
Row 6 (WS): as Row 2
With Color A:
Row 7 (RS): sl1wyif, k to last 2 sts, kfb, sl1wyif (+1)
Row 8 (WS): kfb, k to last 2 sts, k2tog
Note: To make a larger shawl, you may either work additional repeats of
Pattern Block F (Rows 1-8), and/or add rows of garter stitch in Color B.
Either choice will add both depth and length.