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pre-test-SET A

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Malolos Marine Fishery School and Laboratory

Balite, City of Malolos, Bulacan

English for Academic and Professional Purposes

Name: Section: Rating:

I. Directions: Choose the correct answer to complete each sentence.

1. Academic writing is a kind of writing that ______.

a. is a form of artistic expression, draws on the imagination to convey meaning through
the use of imagery, narrative, and drama.
b. includes essays, research papers, reports that has a specific purpose which is to
inform, to argue specific point, and to persuade.
c. is arguing for or against an issue
d. is a type of written communication used in the workplace.

2. Which of the following is “not true” in academic writing?

a. You cannot just write anything that comes to your mind.
b. You have to make sure that you can back up your statement with a strong and valid
c. You have to consider the knowledge and background of your audience.
d. You are free to write in any language that is appropriate and not formal but

3. Critical reading is a _________________________________________.

a. is a more active way of reading where we use our critical thinking skills to question
both the text and our own reading of it.
b. kind of reading that calls attention to grammatical forms, discourse markers, and
other surface structure details for the purpose of understanding literal meaning,
implications, rhetorical relationships, and the like.
c. is carried out to achieve a general understanding of a text.
d. is a quick reading to get to know the general meaning of a passage and the idea of the
intention of the writer

4. "We shouldn't even bother to interview that job applicant. He has a beard." This is an
example of fallacy that is ___________.
a. hasty generalization c. false analogy
b. false cause d. ad hominem

5. "Providing daycare for toddlers is like herding cats." This is an example of fallacy that is
a. hasty generalization c. false analogy
b. false cause d. ad hominem

6. Many people who eats meat are overweight. Eating meat causes obesity." This is an
example of fallacy that is ___________.
a. hasty generalization c. false analogy
b. false cause d. ad hominem
7. “Becoming a member of the Wildlife Foundation is the best way to show you care about
the environment." This is an example of fallacy that is ___________.
a. hasty generalization
b. false cause
c. false analogy
d. ad hominem

8-13 Direction: Choose the best answer for each item.

a. Yes, it is an act of plagiarism.

b. No, it is not an act of plagiarism

8. You find an article that is perfect for you research paper. You know you should not copy
entire sentences word-for-word. Instead, you rearrange the sentences and replace the
descriptive words with your own. You also add a complete footnote citing the page and
the source. Is this an act of plagiarism.

9. You find a web site at a university research center that features white papers on economic
policy issues. One document contains a chart that succinctly conveys one of your primary
arguments. You download the image and insert it into your paper. Is including this chart
an act of plagiarism?

10. You are reading a book that cites a very pertinent article on your research topic. You forget
to obtain a copy of the article. Despite this, you include a summary of the article’s finding
in your paper, written in your own words, and add a footnote to cite it. Is including this
information into your paper an act of plagiarism?

11. You are assigned to write a computer code for a sorting task. You’re almost finished, but
have one bug you cannot fix, You e-mail a fellow student and describe your problem. He
responds with a copy of his code for that specific area of the program. If you follow up on
your own friend’s suggestion and use his section of code, is this an act of plagiarism.

12. Copying a direct quotation into your paper, placing quotation marks around it, and crediting
the source. Is this an act of plagiarism?

13. You want to use a very distinctive phrase as the main theme in an essay. You find the
phrase while reading an academic article. The first time you use the phrase you add a
sentence about the author of the phrase and the title of the article. Is this an act of

14. Bridgette researches and takes notes in her own words. Later, when typing her essay, she
does not give credit to the author because they are not the author’s exact words. Bridgette
is plagiarizing her research.
a. True b. False

15. Ginger can copy from an encyclopedia without citing the source because this information
is considered a common knowledge.
a. True – everything in an encyclopedia is common knowledge
b. False – it depends on the information being used
16. Tara can use an article in an online database without citing it if:
a. It only contains information found in other articles
b. She only uses the abstract
c. She can never do this.
d. It was used in class discussion.

17. Paraphrasing is __________________________________.

a. the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's
b. the act or state of saying or making the sounds of incorrectly.
c. the state or condition of being wrong in conduct or judgment.
d. your own rendition of essential information and ideas expressed by someone else,
presented in a new form.

18. Which of the following is not effective way of paraphrasing?

a. Reread the original passage until you understand its full meaning.
b. Set the original aside, and write your paraphrase on a note card.
c. Reordering sentences or replacing adjectives.
d. Use quotation marks to identify any unique term or phraseology you have borrowed
exactly from the source.

19. A reaction paper is _____________________________________.

a. is the culmination and final product of an involved process of research, critical
thinking, source evaluation, organization, and composition.
b. a paper that requires a close reading of the text that goes beyond the surface meaning.
You must respond to implied ideas, and elaborate, evaluate, and analyze the author's
purpose and main points
c. a statement or theory that is put forward as a premise to be maintained or proved.
d. a long essay on a particular subject, especially one written as a requirement for the
Doctor of Philosophy degree.

20. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a diary entry.

a. Requires thoughtful reading, research, and writing.
b. Give a clear sense of the writer's personality and explain their feelings and changing
c. Focus on key moments or incidents in their world.
d. Provide a sense of time and sequence.

21. Context clues are _______________________________________.

a. words known and used by a person.
b. words that make up a language
c. words known and used by a person
d. hints that an author gives to help define a difficult or unusual word.

22-31. Direction: Using context clues, select the letter of the best meaning for each word in
bold type.
22. Rose is neither loud nor outgoing; instead she is introverted.
a. quiet and withdrawn c. strong willed
b. mean and aggregate d. intelligent
23. Many forms of cancer can remain latent for years before they develop active symptoms
that demand treatment.
a. dangerous c. inactive
b. harmless d. localized

24. Completing homework and project on time, attending class, and taking notes are all
conductive to academic success.
a. barriers c. helpful
b. unfavorable d. step

25. They have travelled to Hollywood to escape their mundane.

a. routine c. exciting
b. confused d. carefree

26. The lovers, whose parents had forbidden them to see each other, often passed furtive
notes hoping no one would discover them.
a. exciting c. secretive
b. personal d. public

27. Don’t be slothful or lazy, be diligent in your work habits.

a. hardworking c. respecful
b. self-paced d. idle

28. A fashion trend at the end of the twentieth century and beginning of the twenty-first
century is the use of cosmetic surgery to augment beauty.
a. distort c. improve
b. hide d. keep

29. Centuries of decay wore down the walls that kept the ancient city closed off from
enemies, now the city lay in gaping ruins.
a. watery c. repaired
b. wide-open d. disguised

30. By giving your essay a cursory or quick final read-through, you may catch some easy-to-
fix errors.
a. detailed c. small
b. interested d. rapid

31. Racing legend Dale Earnhardt earned the nickname “The Intimidator” because he was
known for bumping the cars of the other racers to frighten them out of the way during the
a. fool c. champion
b. bully d. father

32. Which of the following is a deifinition of fact?

a. something that truly exists or happens.
b. a view or judgment formed about something,
c. not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.
d. the beliefs or views of a large number or majority of people about a particular thing.
33. Which of the following is not a deifinition of opinion?
a. not necessarily based on fact or knowledge
b. a view or judgment formed about something,
c. the beliefs or views of a large number or majority of people about a particular thing.
d. a piece of information used as evidence or as part of a report or news article.

34-38. Directions: Read each statement and then circle whether it is a fact or opinion.
a. Fact
b. Opinion

34. George Washington was the first President of the United States under the Constitution.
35. Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time.
36. Prison is one of the worst places on the planet.
37. It is wrong for people under the age of 18 to drink alcohol.
38. Diamonds are the hardest substance on Earth.
39. A concept paper _____________________________________.
a. is any report of connected events, real or imaginary, presented in a sequence of
written or spoken words, and/or still or moving images.
b. defines an idea or concept and explains its essence in order to clarify the “whatness”
of that idea or concept.
c. defined as presenting reasons, explanations, or steps in a process.
d. a piece of writing that gives the author's own argument — but the definition is vague,
overlapping with those of an article, a pamphlet, and a short story.

40. A position paper is a written report outlining someone's attitude or intentions regarding a
particular matter. Which of the following is not a part of position paper?
a. introduction
b. body
c. evaluation
d. conclusion

Directions: In two paragraphs (five sentences each), choose one topic below, then
discuss your view or opinion about it. Write you own title.

1. How you and your best friend met

2. The bravest moment of your life
3. What makes your parent special
4. The proudest moment of your life
5. A difficult choice you have made

Prepared by:
Ms. Daisy Helen M. Alegre

Honesty is the best policy.

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