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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02-Cagayan Valley
Cabeseria 27 Abuan, City of Ilagan, Isabela

NAME: _____________________________ SCORE: _____________ PARENT’S SIGNATURE


“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will
make your paths straight” - Proverbs 3:5-6

Direction: Read each sentence carefully. Choose and encircle the correct answer.

1. What do we call the words that appear in sentences to help understand the meanings of difficult words?
a. context clues b. clue words c. synonym d. antonym
2. Which is not a type of context clues?
a. by antonym b. by clue c. by definition d. by example
3. It is common for Filipinos to feel compassion or pity for the suffering of their fellowmen. What type of context
clues are the underlined words?
a. by comparison b. by explanation c. by inference d. by synonyms

4. What type of context clues is a similar word with the same meaning of the unfamiliar word is placed with an object
to be compared?
a. by comparison b. by explanation c. by inference d. by synonyms

Item 5 – 8 Choose the meaning of the underlined words using context clues.

5. All medical practitioners, including the army and police forces, are our frontliners in this pandemic; thus, they lead
in fighting against the COVID-19 disease.
a. followers b. leaders c. observers d. participants
6. The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic can be seen worldwide.
a. circumstance b. widespread c. predicament d. situation
7. We should keep ourselves healthy by always washing our hands, eating nutritious foods, taking vitamins,
exercising regularly, and drinking plenty of water.
a. clean b. fresh c. safe d. strong
8. Snakes, sharks, and crocodiles are common predators of smaller animals.
a. carnivores b. herbivores c. hunters d. victims
9. How context clues applied in a sentence?
a. Look at the unfamiliar word - then read the sentence before and after the word.
b. Connect what you know with the text.
c. Predict a meaning.
d. All of the above
10. Why context clues important?
a. It gives hints of information that help us figure out the meaning of unfamiliar words.
b. Their comprehension and effective usage lead to academic success
c. They can increase the child's vocabulary, reading comprehension, and make children’s better reader
d. All of the above
11. Which of the following print materials refers to a scholarly published periodical containing articles written by
researchers, professors, and other experts?
a. books b. journals c. magazines d. newspapers
12. Which of the following refers to any materials or information taken from the internet?
a. Instagram b. online c. social media d. YouTube
13. What does the Latin phrase et al. mean?
a. among others b. and others c. for example d. with others

14. Which of the following statements is TRUE about bibliography? It is a ________.

a. sample of books to read later c. place to go and check out books
b. B. list of sources used in a research d. list of books students need to buy
15. One of the reasons why a learner needs to cite sources of information used in his/her research is to show his/her
credibility as a writer. This means that the learner_______.
a. made his/her own research
b. B. used reliable information in his/her research
c. copied his/her work from his/her classmates
d. read a lot of books to include in his/her research
16. Which should NOT be a purpose for creating an annotated bibliography? It should not be created to _________.
a. avoid plagiarism c. burden writers in doing their research
b. B. help other researchers d. show respect to the author of the source used
17. Why is it important to cite the sources of information that you used in your research? It is important because it
a. gives credit to the author c. is generally a part of an essay
b. is required by the teacher d. shows you made an effort in doing your assignment
18. When a learner is required to do research on his/her assignment, which of the following should be the
most appropriate action? A learner…
a. posts his/her question on and waits for someone to answer it.
b. does the research on the internet and directly copies what is immediately posted on Google.
c. gets information from various websites and acknowledges the author by writing the sources found.
d. waits for his/her classmates to do their assignment first so he/she could copy it.
19. What are the two sources of information?
a. Gossip and Entertainment c. Offline and online
b. News and Sports d. Print and online

20. What are the three main citation styles?


Item 21 – 25. Determine the function of the underlined modals as used in the sentence.

21. May I go now?

a. decision b. offer c. permission d. request
22. You must follow the doctor’s advice.
a. no obligation b. permission c. strong obligation d. weak obligation

23. Anna danced in a skillful or competent manner.

a. certainly b. possibly c. obligately d. ably
24. A heavy rain is something that is possible to happen today.
a. possibly b. necessarily c. decidedly d. willingly
25. My father has given me the permission to go picnic with my friends.
a. willingly b. likely c. permissively d. necessarily
26. Which sentence has the correct usage of modals?
a. He might be the love of my life. c. I will must to study Norwegian.
b. I will be able to go out tonight. d. He might be the love of my life.
27. Which do not belong to modal nouns?
a. capacity, responsibility, and obligation c. request, address, and necessity
b. chance, possibility, and request d. request, obligation and requirements
28. How modals use in a sentence?
a. It add meaning to the main verb in a sentence by expressing possibility, ability, permission, or obligation.
b. It doesn’t change anything in the sentence
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
29. Why is it important to use the correct modal?
a. It show a certain mood- they express necessity or possibility
b. It is use them when we believe something is certain, probable, or possible.
c. c. It is used when asking permission to do something.
d. All of the above
30. What condition that something is needed or must be done?
a. requirement b. obligation c. necessity d. request
31. Which statement is not true about transition signal?
a. Are words and phrases that indicate building up new idea or thought or compare ideas or draw conclusions.
b. Are words and phrases that connect ideas of sentences and paragraphs for coherence.
c. Are words and phrases that helps to make certain connections.
d. Are words and phrases that give vague meaning to an idea.
32. Which of the following transition signals points out alternatives or differences.
a. accordingly b. however c. simultaneously d. since
33. Mateo loves vegetables. Truly, he is happy to eat those every day - specifically, ‘pinakbet’, ‘chopsuey’, and
vegetable salads. What type of transitional signal are the underlined words?
a. Addition b. illustration c. example d. qualification
34. Which sentence has a transition signal that shows contrast?
a. My mom loves pasta, but she dislikes spaghetti.
b. Before you go to the stadium to watch your favorite basketball game, make sure that you have your snacks
and video camera that you will use during the game.
c. Threat and trials are tough.
d. In the long run, the nation and its people will benefit from this change.
35. Why transition signals are important in creating sentences and paragraphs?
a. They act like bridges between parts of your writing.
b. They link your sentences and paragraphs together smoothly so that they flow and there are no abrupt jumps
or breaks between ideas.
c. They act like signposts making it easier for the reader to follow your ideas.
d. They change the meaning of a certain idea in a sentence and a paragraph .
Item 36 – 40 Fill in the blanks with the appropriate transition signals

36. _____ most people are concerned about COVID-19, they hope for a vaccine.
a. because b. still c. as a result d. even though
37. Residents complain bitterly about the trash thrown anywhere, _____ these same people are the ones doing it.
a. although b. and c. moreover d. yet
38. A lot of people ignored the reminder of the government to stay at home to avoid exposure to the disease. _____,
the number of cases increased.
a. in fact b. such as c. as a result d. in addition
39. Grocery stores and wet markets require a quarantine pass to control the number of shoppers. _____, wearing of
a face mask is enforced.
a. because b. in fact c. in addition d. for example
40. The month of June marks the enrolment for the school year. It was speculated that only a few would enroll due to
fear of the virus. _____, it turned out to be the other way around.
a. frequently b. furthermore c. in addition d. on the contrary
41. Which of the following verbs expresses a strong obligation?
a. am b. must c. dislike d. ought to

42. The doctor ought to recommend eating the right kind and amount of food as an effective way to stay healthy. In
the sentence, the word ought to is an example of a/an _______ verb.
a. action b. linking c. auxiliary d. modal
43. The words below are adjectives that express a positive feeling, except ______.
a. anxious b. inspired c. carefree d. objective
44. This is a type of adverbs that emphasizes the intensity of your stand about an issue.
a. Adverbs of Manner c. Adverbs of Place
b. Adverbs of Opinion d. Adverbs of Time
45. Which of the following sentences expresses the feeling of being contented?
a. I am satisfied with my grades for this quarter.
b. I am happy with my high score in the quiz.
c. I am looking forward for the next lesson.
d. I am thankful for my parent’s support.
46. Which of the following is the correct definition of an adjective?
a. It is a word that expresses a state of being.
b. It is a word that expresses a strong obligation.
c. It is a word that describes nouns and pronouns.
d. It is a word that describes verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.
47. What modal verb is in the strongest in terms of expressing a suggestion or recommendation?
a. could c. ought to
b. had better d. must
48. Which among the adverbs below expresses unhappiness because of failing to meet expectations?
a. disappointingly c. unfortunately
b. disapprovingly d. unluckily
49. Why do appropriate verbs, adjectives, and adverbs were used in conveying emotions and opinions for
a. They help express the tone, feelings and emotions of words by accentuating the point.
b. They help distinguish between the SOURCE of the emotion and the EXPERIENCER of the emotion.
c. They help to add emotional depths, clarity, and motives.
d. They bring rhythm and texture to any sentence, making it far better.
50. Which of the following is the function of linking verb in expressing emotions?
a. give a suggestion which a person may or may not follow.
b. links or connects the subject to its predicate.
c. used to give a recommendation by presenting the possible negative consequence if the advice is not
d. show a strong obligation that needs to be followed.

Prepared by: Checked by:


Teacher I Head Teacher I

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