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SEMESTER 10 / JAN 2015
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: 014-8982585

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The construction industry is one of the most important and giving industries
impact on the worldwide development process. This is because the industry is playing
a consistent role in the economic growth of each country. in the rush and
the enthusiasm of the various parties in making profit from this sector, there are several
aspects that are often overlooked during construction, including security and
employee health. The number of accidents at the construction site is increasingly alarming
an increase in the number of accidents and deaths involving workers at construction sites.
The statistics of workers' accidents and injuries at construction sites are high each year
compared to other sectors. But the parties involved are always working hard
continuously to reduce accidents and high mortality rates
among the workers at the construction site, but accidents in this sector still remain
issues that are frequently reported in the mass media to this day.
Accidents are defined as unplanned events, which
may result in personal injury or damage to property (King
& Hudson, 1985). According to Ivancevich (1995), it can be argued that safety hazards
are aspects of the work environment that can cause injury and even
lethal to the workers. The security hazard is that the equipment is not
maintenance, unsecured machinery, doubt on the strength of concrete and
exposure to harmful substances.
The task is to study workplace accidents using theory
the cause of the accident. It also covers the cause of the accident and the recommendations
to prevent and reduce workplace accidents. Study this assignment
is based on an excerpt in a local newspaper called Daily News
March 13, 2015 (Friday). Workplace accidents involve collapses
the roof of a cement factory under construction in southern Bangladesh. Over 150
Oarang was at a construction site in the port city of Mongla during the construction of the building
yesterday afternoon's collapse left many trapped under the rubble. Also
it was also reported that it involved four deaths and more than 100 people were trapped
at least 40 people survived. Soldiers and emergency members of the country
had to use two cranes and an iron cutter to clean the ruins inside
efforts to save dozens. The incident repeated a ruin

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a small premises on the outskirts of Dhaka in 2013 that were registered as a local accident
worst job in world history at the expense of 120 employees. He did
received global threats urging security issues to rise in the country.
Bangladesh is also acknowledged to have the worst record in the case of building collapse. Incident
this is closely related to the safety hazard described by Ivancevich
(1995). The impact of this incident is not only felt by the victims of the group
workers, even employers where it involves many aspects including economic costs as well
lawsuits are undoubtedly burdensome to both parties. He did
building public confidence and confidence in the construction industry in the country
Bangladesh is increasingly at risk while tarnishing the country's reputation. Here
included some pictures of the ruins.
Figure 1.1: A daily excerpt from the Daily News dated March 13, 2015.
Figures 1.2 & 1.3: Scenario of factory collapse in southern Bangladesh
Source: Daily News Online at .

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Accidents not only damage property but also cause damage
injuries to workers, and even worse deaths. In the event of an accident,
The employer can easily point the finger at the employee by saying that
it is caused by mistakes in the employees. But is it because
employee error only? What about other causes? This question has been around for a long time
attracted the attention of workers' safety and health practices, for their efforts
to address this issue, the main point must be taken into account. For years,
several existent theories of the cause of the accident have evolved to find the cause
actual accidents at work. Models based on these theories are used
to determine and prevent accidents. The broadest theory is Theory
Domino, in addition to other theories such as Human Factors Theory, Accident Theory /
Incident and Theory of Treatment.
Based on a press release on the collapse of the factory building
Bangladesh, the ideal theory used to describe the incident is Theory
Accident / Incident. This theory is an extension of the Theory of Human Factors. It is
was developed by Dan Petersen and is sometimes referred to as Theory
Petersen Accident / Incident. It is one of the theories that can represent the approach
industrial accident for agency approach. Agency approaches refer to weaknesses
in the management of an organization that causes accidents to occur
work. And Petersen (2003) introduced new elements such as ergonomic trap elements,
decisions that drive system failures and failures, while still maintaining
element of Human Factors Theory. The following is shown in a theory-based model
(Figure 2.1).
In this model, overload, ergonomic trap or decision to
Mistakes are driving towards human error. While system failures are
an important component of this theory. The system refers to the management system
implemented in terms of safety in a workplace or organization. It has to be
involves management where it is their responsibility to ensure
all regulations are in place and are in compliance with the employees. According to this theory,
The following are steps in which system failure can occur:

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No serious involvement from employers, management
and workers
Management does not have occupational safety and health policies
complete at work. It is through this foundation, commitment and commitment
employers can be seen.
Employers do not explain security responsibilities and enforcement
and good worker health.
Safety procedures such as workplace investigations, measurements,
auditing and correction are not done correctly.
Technical and leadership training programs are not adequately provided to
employees .
Figure 2.1: Theory of Accident / Incident Theory
Theory of Accident / Incident
load (Overload)
not suitable
Results for
Desire does not
aware of
a mistake
based on
Human error
An accident
System failure
Injury / Damage

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If you look at this article on newspaper clippings and this theory, it is an accident
further contributing to the failure of the system associated with the construction of the plant. But it's not
it is also denied that other elements of this theory play a role in the cause
the tragedy of this factory collapse. it is undeniable that something happened
what happened was unpredictable and predictable. But that's not the reason
to ignore all aspects of this theory related to opportunity opportunities
and the health of the workers at the factory.
An accident according to Laney (1982) is a situation or situation
uncontrollably resulting in injury and damage. In the construction industry,
accidents result in injuries, death, damage to machinery, building materials and
etc. related to this industry. Peyton and Rubio (1991), states
most experts define accidents as unforeseen events
causing physical injury to humans and damage to property. It can, too
is said to be an event that can and has led to a decline in efficiency
firms and business operations. Accidents in the construction industry are also frequent
is associated with negligence in the performance of work, neglect of security aspects,
abandonment of awareness and training programs, lack of discipline, lack of communication as well
other external disturbances that increase the impact of the case
an increasing number of accidents. Statistics released by the Department
Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) indicates the rate of accidents on site
construction is highest compared to other workplaces and outperforms the manufacturing sector
or production (Wan Rashid Mohammad, 2009).
At the construction site there are many hazards hidden, it is very different and
different from workshops or factories in the safe of construction workers often exposed to
various hazards or hazards surrounding the construction site. No accident
will occur if security measures are taken seriously
identify problems with the cause of accidents at construction sites.
According to Petersen's Theory of Accident / Incident, he proposes that factors
organizations are contributors to industrial accidents. It covers the police aspect
and loose accident procedures, no staff training, quality checks and no

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apply standards in the operation of equipment in the factory. These factors will
causing accidents and subsequent injuries and even death to workers.
3.1 Loose Crash Policies and Procedures
The problem of accidents that occur at the construction site is actually many
influenced by poor contractor management. Management or employer
lacking in terms of commitment to security aspects to
The facilities provided actually contribute to the potential for accidents.
The management also does not conduct any research to prevent the accident
has the potential to happen for every activity on the construction site. They didn't either
keep a record of accidents and not try to find a solution to the incident
the same accident did not repeat. In addition, management also failed to provide
a good basic safety system at the construction site. Failure they provide
security policies, security signs and the establishment of security committees
as has been suggested by the authorities causing the accident to be extremely easy
happened on the construction site.
All organizations must have more than five employees
has a written safety policy and procedures in writing
clearly within the organization. Security policy describes what the organization wants
achieve safety, how that goal will be achieved, and who
responsible for achieving it. But the issue that always arises is organizational failure
in providing clear security policies to employees. Despite the police
is distributed to each employee, but it is useless if the employee does not
clearly understand the purpose of the policy. Workers' inability to understand
these policies and procedures result in any accident and death due
unable to do anything in the event of an accident. This situation is possible
occurred to workers in the construction of the collapsed plant which resulted
over 100 people were trapped and recorded 4 deaths.

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3.2 No Employee Training
According to Rozhan (2002), training is all that the organization does
to improve one's ability to perform his or her tasks or play
the role that the organization has set. So safety training is a business
organization to improve the ability of a worker to perform his or her duties
taking into account the factors of personal safety and the environment. But now, the program
Safety training is often described by many organizations as one activity
does not bring any real benefits and results in the context of organizational profitability. It is
it is also considered a waste of time, cost and labor
which is supposed to be invested in something more profitable. Parties
management less briefs and adequate training for new employees and
Existing employees who have no training or lack of work experience.
The absence of this training program causes the workers to have less understanding
on safety procedures and procedures in the workplace.
3.3 Security Quality
The study of the quality control system and the quality of safety is very important
construction industry. Usually, the structure of the building will be designed to achieve that
its purpose is to work for a long period of time with no defects
maximum care. But the opposite is true with the construction of the plant as in
article collapsed while under construction. This may be due to a quality problem
construction and low quality of safety. Moreover, the use of labor is
Unprofessional is one way to reduce the cost of construction
usually increases over time. Indirectly, it will
resulting in reduced safety and construction quality. In this regard,
management has neglected to focus on such matters
construction work planning, poor site investigation, planning
poor safety and lack of training for workers who don't
imperfect and fail to identify and assess the risks involved

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Workplace safety is about accident prevention, injury
or illness among workers or others at work. In addition
rather than protecting the lives and health of workers who are the most important asset in
an organization or company, accident prevention can be
reduce the cost of treatment, compensation, loss of productivity, absence of employment,
damage to property, future health services, disabilities and more.
Employers or top management are the key pillars in ensuring success
a workplace accident prevention program. It is closely related to
employers' knowledge of workplace safety, health,
commitments, hopes and provisions that are willing to invest for security purposes and
health. Management at every level needs to understand the importance
accident prevention where it is part of the main task. Employer
need to be knowledgeable about occupational safety and health and affordability
monitor the activities carried out. There are three steps to
prevent / reduce accidents at work based on Accident / Incident Theory
Petersen is:
4.1 Security Policies and Procedures
If an organization does not have a security policy, it is human resources
responsible for providing it immediately. It is a mistake for a company
has no security policy. Like any other human resource documentation, you
no need to write a security policy from the beginning. Search the Internet and get a copy
from other companies, especially in the same industry as yours. Select
two or three examples to discuss in a meeting with all managers
right and prepare a final company policy. The security policy needs to be signed
by the chief executive and record the date. Once the policy is approved, all employees
must be informed. A copy of the policy should be given to each employee and they must
certify in writing, that they have received a copy, understand the policy
and agree to do it as well as possible. This certificate will
stored in the employee's personal record file. New employees work with organizations too
will be given a copy of the policy during the induction program. Security policy is not necessary
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is always updated or changed. As long as the organization is still doing business
the same, the police need not change.
4.2 Safety Training
There are several companies that provide safety training. Not all exercises are required
operated by an external company. Organizations can save costs by operating
part of the training itself. If there is an experienced and interested worker
train other workers, organize one training course for them. Committee member
security requires training in:
Laws relating to safety and health
Functions of the safety and health committee
How to hold effective meetings
How to recognize danger
How to conduct a security audit
How to investigate accidents
Part of the security training may be provided during the formal program
teaching workers how to do their job. For example, ways
the safe to use machinery and equipment will be taught as workers learn
how to use the facility. Other exercises may need to be conducted within
formal session. And over time, employees have been taught how to work with
Safe may need to be retrained, especially when new equipment or machinery
introduced at work. Other special exercises may be related to:
First aid
Electrical safety
Working in confined areas
Use of fire extinguishers
Fire, evacuation and emergency training

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4.3 Security inspection
The safety check is usually conducted once every three months, and the results are inspected
submitted to the Security Committee meeting. Security audit, as much as possible
involving a paid external auditor should be done annually if possible
organizations in the dangerous industry. The word audit comes from the Latin word
audits that are meant to be heard because they were first introduced to audit
oral presentation (Fuller and Vassie, 2004). Among the definitions of security audits and
health is that it is a structured process for gathering information
regarding the effectiveness, efficiency and reliability of a system
management of safety and health and then devised a plan for improvement
weaknesses (Health and Safety Executive, 2000). Audit is a direct confirmation
an activity using a systematic approach to identify strengths
and weaknesses by comparing what is and is to be done
standards, practices and laws.
However, the importance of a security audit is understood as a process
monitor aspects of occupational safety and health and evaluate any activity
regularly planned and implemented in the workplace. Security audit
implemented with the purpose of assessing the effectiveness of the security system created
in an organization, while looking for the strengths and weaknesses of the organization
identify the repair steps you can take. Perfect implementation
and continue to demonstrate high commitment and commitment from management
indirectly motivates the workforce how important it is to care
safety and health at work.

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Various types of accidents can occur at the construction site as found in
the newspaper clippings and various sources have been identified as contributing factors
accidents happen. According to Petersen's Theory of Accident / Incident, system failure
plays an important role in being the key factor in the accident
workplace. Failure of management to provide security policy and attitude
workers who are tired of this policy, insufficient safety training for
workers and low quality of safety are among the factors discussed in the assignment
Here. therefore, several steps have been proposed to improve prevention programs
the accident was to enforce and tighten the introduction to the policy
workplace safety, appropriate safety training programs and
security audit activities to ensure security. Proposal-
this proposal needs to be implemented based on comprehensive and more effective planning
so that the same accident doesn't happen again.

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